00:02:09 | bluebrother | hfsplus: you can install a rockbox build instead of the bootloader (i.e. directly to the bootloader partition). But that makes updating much harder |
00:02:34 | hfsplus | bluebrother: so its a better idea to just keep it for ease of updates and such? |
00:02:58 | bluebrother | or, to be more precise: it's a bit more work as you can't use rbutil for that anymore and need to install the main binary to the firmware partition each time using ipodpatcher |
00:03:25 | hfsplus | ahhh |
00:03:30 | | Quit DerDome ("Leaving.") |
00:03:54 | bluebrother | you could also build yourself a custom bootloader and remove the OF loading stuff |
00:04:11 | hfsplus | hmmm yeah |
00:04:20 | bluebrother | might be the nicer way as you still use the standard installation procedure for the build itself |
00:04:33 | | Part LinusN |
00:04:48 | bluebrother | disabling OF booting check should be a one liner. Or at least similar to one ;-) |
00:04:54 | hfsplus | yeah, I shall look into that, it should be easy :) |
00:05:25 | hfsplus | bluebrother: thanks |
00:05:43 | | Join ipodnano1stgen [0] (n=ipodnano@ |
00:05:50 | ipodnano1stgen | hey |
00:06:07 | ipodnano1stgen | ive got a problem |
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00:06:52 | bluebrother | problem but no patience it seems ... |
00:07:03 | saratoga | on the upside we no longer have a problem |
00:07:20 | bluebrother | we never had one. Only ipodnano1stgen ;-) |
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00:27:49 | amiconn | bluebrother: It's also possible to install the rockbox bootloader instead of the OF |
00:28:07 | amiconn | This can be done with ipodpatcher and no other changes |
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00:38:58 | bluebrother | amiconn: you're right −− I even think I did that some time back |
00:39:47 | | Quit bluebrother ("sleep") |
00:43:00 | | Quit ender` (" Connection Reset by Gypsies with Wire Cutters") |
00:43:31 | | Nick hfsplus|away is now known as hfsplus (n=hfsplus@unaffiliated/hfsplus) |
00:46:40 | hfsplus | amiconn: would that make it so I could still easily update rockbox as well as not have the original firmware? |
00:48:08 | | Join TheInfamousTim [0] (n=48c845d3@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-eb47c977cae57e94) |
00:49:18 | hfsplus | hmm I found a rockbox ipod 5g bootloader with custom image that won't load the original firmware. It's a bug. lol but that could work for me :D |
00:49:39 | | Quit dabujo_ (Connection timed out) |
00:50:11 | | Quit dabujo (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
00:52:43 | TheInfamousTim | Can anyone help me with my iPod with color display (iPod Photo). It's the 40GB version and I have the latest firmware (1.2.1). It's formatted in Fat32 via windows as normal. The program functions fine, but the colors are all "low resolution" and distored looking. |
00:53:00 | TheInfamousTim | *distorted |
00:53:57 | saratoga | TheInfamousTim: there was some discussion about this problem a few hours ago, check the logs |
00:55:17 | TheInfamousTim | Will do. Thank you. :) |
00:55:24 | hfsplus | would using a bootloader compiled in 2006 be bad, or has it not changed significantly? |
00:55:58 | saratoga | it wouldn't work |
00:56:14 | hfsplus | ah okay |
00:56:29 | | Quit joeblob ("leaving") |
00:56:49 | hfsplus | basically, I'd like to replace the bootloader with just the rockbox firmware and never be able to use the original firmware again |
00:57:06 | hfsplus | but I'm unsure how to specifically do that |
00:57:16 | hfsplus | I found one bootload that'll do that, but its from 2006 |
00:58:17 | saratoga | you'll probably have to edit the bootloader source code in /bootloader to disable the branch into the OF |
00:59:00 | saratoga | or at least change it to only activate when you've done some specific thing you know you won't do by accident |
00:59:35 | hfsplus | yeah that was suggested earlier, but it was also suggested it was possible to just install only the rockbox loader. hm. I'll probably just wind up editing the source |
01:00 |
01:00:06 | hfsplus | its just if I have the lock on and connect my ipod, the OF boots, and I *know* that'll drive me crazy. |
01:02:38 | | Part leox ("Leaving") |
01:04:41 | | Nick Seedy is now known as Seed (i=ben@bzq-84-108-237-178.cablep.bezeqint.net) |
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01:08:37 | | Nick linuxstb__ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
01:09:01 | saratoga | finally managed to build cegcc |
01:09:06 | saratoga | what a pain in the ass |
01:09:10 | linuxstb | hfsplus: The alternative is worse - booting an ipod into Rockbox with the hold switch on will reset your settings. |
01:09:21 | hfsplus | o_O |
01:09:28 | hfsplus | ahh.... yeah thatd suck |
01:11:48 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
01:13:49 | linuxstb | But to do it, download ipodpatcher and the bootloader for your ipod from here - http://download.rockbox.org/bootloader/ipod/ - and type "ipodpatcher -wf bootloader-ipodxxx.ipod". That replaces the Apple firmware with the Rockbox bootloader. |
01:16:30 | hfsplus | allright. thanks for the info. I just need to decide if I want to risk wiping my settings, I suppose. hehe |
01:16:54 | TheInfamousTim | Alright, so, I'm a little confused. I found this comment. "Speaking of which, r17696 works." I tried to download that file, but I apologize, I don't understand what I'm supposed to do with it. |
01:17:44 | | Quit tvelocity ("Αποχώρησε") |
01:19:30 | | Quit linuxstb_ (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
01:19:52 | linuxstb | TheInfamousTim: Exactly what file did you download? |
01:20:40 | TheInfamousTim | When it was downloaded it appeared as "list.c" |
01:21:09 | saratoga | you want rockbox revision 17696 |
01:21:33 | saratoga | it sounds like you went and downloaded a piece of the source code, not the actual binary |
01:22:29 | TheInfamousTim | Whoops. Sorry. Lemme try that again. |
01:23:07 | hfsplus | Why does everyone treat me like I'm insane for removing OS X and installing Linux? gah |
01:23:31 | hfsplus | ack wrong chan. |
01:27:19 | | Quit nuonguy ("This computer has gone to sleep") |
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01:52:20 | TheInfamousTim | I installed Rockbox v.17696 and windows is telling me I need to format the ipod to work with windows. Is this normal? I'd hate to format and have to put all the music back on, but I'll do it if it's the only way. |
01:53:14 | | Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
01:54:46 | | Join ali_as_ [0] (n=ali_as@ambix.plus.com) |
01:58:14 | krazykit | TheInfamousTim, you need to reboot to the OF or disk mode, instructions for which are in the manual |
01:58:49 | | Join MethoS- [0] (n=clemens@ |
01:59:04 | | Part pixelma |
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02:00:58 | LambdaCalculus37 | amiconn: Are you still here? |
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02:05:20 | tinto098 | i need help |
02:05:24 | TheInfamousTim | Phew. Thank you, krazykit. I had it in disk mode and it kept disconnecting/reconnecting. I turned it all the way off this time and rebooted and put it into disk mode and it worked. |
02:05:41 | LambdaCalculus37 | amiconn: For the record, I just found where the color issues start on my 4G iPod... right at r17715, when you committed the LCD code from iPL. |
02:06:02 | | Quit ali_as (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
02:06:27 | NHeal | zelazny.freenode.net irc.freenode.net |
02:06:27 | NJoin | nplus [0] (n=nplus@141.25.globcom.net) |
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02:06:31 | tinto098 | my rock box wont play music |
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02:07:16 | * | LambdaCalculus37 will catch amiconn later to speak to him |
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02:07:24 | | Join nplus [0] (n=nplus@ |
02:07:25 | NJoin | HEx [0] (i=HEx@83-231-209-76.dsl.prodigynet.co.uk) |
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02:14:04 | | Quit MethoS_ (No route to host) |
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02:16:27 | NJoin | z35 [0] (n=z35@ |
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02:17:40 | darkslategrey | hey i have a bunch of roms and wads and stuff i added to rockbox |
02:18:07 | darkslategrey | and my question is, when i update will it overwrite those files and if so how can i prevent this |
02:18:13 | darkslategrey | short of offloading the files and reloading them |
02:18:42 | krazykit | rockbox only overwrites its own files, nothing else |
02:19:47 | NJoin | z35 [0] (n=z35@ |
02:19:47 | NJoin | nplus [0] (n=nplus@ |
02:19:47 | NJoin | miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=miepchen@p54BF6C77.dip.t-dialin.net) |
02:19:47 | NJoin | jhMikeS [50] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) |
02:21:22 | darkslategrey | okay thanks |
02:21:28 | | Part darkslategrey |
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02:23:37 | NJoin | z35 [0] (n=z35@ |
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02:23:37 | NJoin | miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=miepchen@p54BF6C77.dip.t-dialin.net) |
02:23:37 | NJoin | jhMikeS [50] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) |
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02:28:46 | | Join tapiocapudding [0] (n=chatzill@pool-151-197-111-39.phil.east.verizon.net) |
02:28:57 | tapiocapudding | okay i had a quick afterthought after i left |
02:29:33 | tapiocapudding | by "it's own files" do you mean any default system files, like the actual firmware, plugins, codecs and so on, or everything in the .rockbox directory |
02:29:49 | tapiocapudding | if the person who previously answered my question left |
02:30:04 | tapiocapudding | my original question was whether or not updating with the rockbox utility |
02:30:18 | tapiocapudding | would overwrite any roms and wads i had on the ipod |
02:31:02 | tapiocapudding | nvm i gotta go, i'll find out the hard way |
02:31:05 | | Quit tapiocapudding ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") |
02:34:22 | | Part hfsplus |
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02:42:20 | JdGordon | arg, stupid sim crashed last night, I used xkill to close it but it apparently didnt get the whole process, didnt realise why the cpu fan was so noisy untill I opened top and rockboxui is there at 100% cpu for the last 12 hours :( |
02:43:09 | JdGordon | 7815 jonno 20 0 185m 14m 3220 S 100 0.7 736:04.07 rockboxui |
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02:43:20 | NJoin | jhMikeS [50] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) |
02:44:40 | toffe82 | saratoga: I don't know if this can help but you can have a look at this for the windows CE build : http://www.christian-heffner.de/index.php?page=news&lang=en |
02:53:05 | | Join grndslm [0] (n=grndslm@24-116-87-97.cpe.cableone.net) |
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03:16:39 | jhMikeS | toffe82: I saw your message about the board. Thanks. |
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03:30:55 | JdGordon | scorche: HAVE_VOICE? |
03:33:24 | scorche | JdGordon: well, it would essentially replace the PLAYBACK_VOICE tests and just be all voice code |
03:33:48 | JdGordon | whats the point? cut down bin size? |
03:33:54 | NHeal | zelazny.freenode.net irc.freenode.net |
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03:33:54 | NJoin | Egil [0] (i=egil@nygaard.ping.uio.no) |
03:33:54 | NJoin | FOAD [0] (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) |
03:33:54 | NJoin | scorche|sh [50] (n=scorche@rockbox/administrator/scorche) |
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03:33:54 | NJoin | daywalker [0] (n=daywalke@ip-77-87-189-6.dnspower.de) |
03:34:52 | scorche | that could be one such use...some people like removing certain things as well....i think it may have been pondlife's idea originally and he did PLAYBACK_VOICE before too |
03:35:00 | scorche | like i siad...it would just be an extension of that |
03:35:06 | scorche | 09:35:34pondlifeI added PLAYBACK_VOICE to try and help modularise playback.c.... |
03:35:34 | JdGordon | ah, if its to try and get more sense into playback.c then I'm all for it :) |
03:35:57 | scorche | i wont use it for that, but others might |
03:36:11 | scorche | HAVE_TAGCACHE is used for lots of other reasons as well now |
03:36:40 | JdGordon | alot? |
03:36:49 | JdGordon | bah... lots? |
03:36:58 | scorche | apparently |
03:37:19 | JdGordon | I can tihnk of 2 reasons... hardly lots :p |
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07:26:30 | | Nick linuxstb__ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
07:28:30 | linuxstb | amiconn: I think I've found the ipod Photo issue - looking at the "hotdog" library in IPL, the data is byte-swapped for lcd_type==0 when updating the LCD. The kernel driver doesn't do that. |
07:29:15 | linuxstb | And your commit of the IPL code made all type 0 LCDs behave that way... |
07:41:53 | | Join DerDome [0] (n=DerDome@dslb-082-083-222-054.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
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07:51:35 | amiconn | linuxstb: Hmm. Then it would probably make sense to try and decipher what these bytes do. |
07:51:48 | amiconn | Perhaps we can find out how to set the opposite byte order |
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07:52:27 | | Join Seed [0] (i=ben@bzq-84-108-237-178.cablep.bezeqint.net) |
07:52:54 | * | amiconn doesn't understand why ipl doesn't just have one, proper lcd driver in the kernel |
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08:07:57 | * | amiconn would really like to have access to such an ipod photo |
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08:21:02 | amiconn | Hmm. My conclusion is that ipl is backward |
08:21:30 | amiconn | The colour issue in ipl occured with the apple firmware update 1.1 |
08:22:17 | amiconn | ...and the driver in ipl byte-swaps for lcd type 0. The code they added for fixing the colour issue on type 0 with firmware 1.1 restores the old behaviour that requires byte swapping |
08:22:43 | amiconn | Iiuc that means apple switched byte order for type 0 in 1.1 to bring it in line with lcd type 1 |
08:23:04 | amiconn | Hence, 1.1 should have the correct lcd type 0 init sequence for us |
08:23:15 | linuxstb | I'm wondering if it's just simple byte-swapping, or if the LCD is being set to BGR mode (in which case the IPL hotdog driver will be wrong, but maybe no-one has noticed...) |
08:24:50 | amiconn | Hence my wish to have access to such a thing... |
08:25:20 | | Quit BigBambi (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
08:27:56 | amiconn | I would expect that the forum user could fix his issue with 2 steps. (1) We need to revert that fix from ipl. (2) He needs to upgrade his OF to 1.1, then reinstall rockbox |
08:29:46 | | Quit Seed (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
08:31:38 | amiconn | It would be good to have a ROM dump from both before and the OF upgrade |
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08:52:55 | linuxstb | amiconn: At least for now, I hope the user doesn't upgrade his OF... Although v1.0 should be available somewhere on the web for other users to install if we need testers. |
08:54:03 | amiconn | A ROM dump from before and after the upgrade should be enough to track down the inits imho |
08:54:29 | linuxstb | We can extract the bootloader from a firmware upgrade image if we can find one. |
08:55:00 | amiconn | For v 1.0 ? |
08:55:26 | linuxstb | Yes, if we can find that image... |
08:58:18 | linuxstb | Hmm, seems ipodwizard.net is unavailable - they have an archive of old ipod firmware updaters... |
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10:15:43 | wpyh | I think the database needs a serious reworking |
10:15:48 | wpyh | sometimes it can't find songs |
10:15:52 | JdGordon | go for it :D |
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10:16:06 | wpyh | too much on my todo list and I'm still having exams :p |
10:16:15 | wpyh | tomorrow −− reaction engineering |
10:16:26 | wpyh | yeah, and sometimes it will find only old files |
10:16:45 | wpyh | I added some files and updated the database, but none of the new files appear |
10:16:47 | | Join DerDome [0] (n=DerDome@dslb-082-083-222-054.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
10:17:21 | linuxstb | Even after a (clean) reboot? |
10:17:51 | wpyh | I think so... I'm not sure actually, what is a clean reboot? |
10:18:00 | wpyh | is it holding play to shut down and then boot again? |
10:18:03 | GodEater | yes |
10:18:04 | wpyh | or is it the emergency reboot? |
10:18:12 | GodEater | no, not the emergency reboot |
10:18:20 | wpyh | ok, I always do that (shut down, then reboot) |
10:18:34 | * | GodEater is glad he doesn't use the database |
10:18:41 | wpyh | and sometimes I re-initialize the database, then shut down, then reboot |
10:18:57 | wpyh | I watch the database being committed, then in the end I only see some of the files, not all |
10:19:18 | | Join homielowe [0] (n=eric_j_l@d205-250-153-18.bchsia.telus.net) |
10:21:32 | linuxstb | Is it always the same files? Do you get some files shown as "untagged" ? |
10:21:58 | wpyh | seems like it only affects new files |
10:22:17 | wpyh | sometimes after initializing, rebooting, initializing again, then reboot again, the songs show up |
10:22:24 | wpyh | and yes, I do get some <untagged> files |
10:23:09 | GodEater | what do you use to tag them with ? And what sort of files are they ? |
10:23:26 | linuxstb | And what sort of tags? |
10:23:32 | wpyh | mp3 files, and please don't ask me how I tagged them ') |
10:23:33 | wpyh | ;) |
10:23:41 | wpyh | (I don't mind the tags being gone) |
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10:24:05 | GodEater | well if you don't tell us how you tagged them, we can't possibly know what might have gone wrong... |
10:24:28 | linuxstb | Or at least what kind of tags you're using... |
10:24:40 | linuxstb | (id3v1, id3v2, APE, ...) |
10:25:05 | wpyh | are you thinking that the tag parser might have choked on the tags and then skipped the rest of the tags? |
10:26:01 | * | linuxstb doesn't have enough information to think yet |
10:26:57 | GodEater | gist of info in PM from wpyh : He hasn't tagged the files at all, and hasn't investigated what tags they might have already. So this is a pointless discussion. |
10:27:26 | wpyh | not so pointless, I think |
10:27:39 | petur | database uses tags... |
10:27:39 | GodEater | of course it's pointless - we have no info from you to go on |
10:27:40 | wpyh | because now what I've done is |
10:28:18 | wpyh | 1) put some new files 2) reinitialize db 3) reboot, see only 22 songs 4) reinitialize db 5) reboot, see 28 songs |
10:28:40 | wpyh | previously I have 22 songs, before I put the new files, and I put 8 more |
10:29:04 | GodEater | and? How does this help us track down the problem ? |
10:29:15 | wpyh | I don't mind the <untagged> entries, but the problem is, after I initialize the db a second time, it finds all the files |
10:29:18 | wpyh | uh.. |
10:29:26 | wpyh | I'll try de-tagging the files and see ;) |
10:29:35 | linuxstb | 22 + 8 is 30... |
10:29:37 | GodEater | 22 + 8 does not = 28 |
10:29:49 | wpyh | uh, I mean 6 |
10:29:50 | wpyh | :p |
10:30:01 | * | wpyh is stupid today because of the exam tomorrow |
10:30:34 | linuxstb | wpyh: More useful would be to keep your files as they are, and track down the bug... |
10:31:04 | wpyh | linuxstb: I keep an archive of those files, so it should be ok |
10:31:18 | linuxstb | People often report these kinds of problems, but then "fix" it by removing/changing tags, rather than finding the real cause. |
10:31:37 | wpyh | hm... may be a problem with tags, then |
10:31:41 | wpyh | I'll do a control experiment |
10:31:43 | wpyh | :D |
10:32:09 | linuxstb | Another possible cause is a corrupt filesystem... |
10:32:41 | wpyh | um... maybe, because fsck.vfat tells me I have a wrong free cluster count |
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10:38:22 | wpyh | ok, now I've removed all the music from the ipod |
10:38:31 | wpyh | then I reinitialized the db |
10:38:56 | wpyh | when I checked it (by pressing SELECT on Database in the main menu), it says "Building database ... 402 found" |
10:39:05 | wpyh | that was 5 minutes ago |
10:39:10 | wpyh | now it still says the same thing |
10:39:16 | wpyh | any ideas? |
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10:41:47 | pixelma | yes, the database doesn't cope with no music files at all |
10:41:59 | wpyh | uh... I didn't know this |
10:42:07 | wpyh | is this a known bug or a known WONTFIX? |
10:43:02 | pixelma | IMO that's a bug but only some know that, I really need to get around opening a bug report for it (or in case you want to do that... ;) ) |
10:43:16 | wpyh | well, let's open one |
10:43:23 | | Quit Addicted ("Server does not respond.") |
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10:43:37 | pixelma | at least I checked last week and didn't find a related task |
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10:45:34 | pixelma | the "xxx" found was a bit higher than what the "stats" plugin told me about the files (altogether) currently present on the target I tested with |
10:45:44 | pixelma | when I tested last week |
10:47:33 | wpyh | well, the db found 402 tracks, but the stats plugin says 363 files and 38 dirs (363+38=401, so maybe the other one added was the root?) |
10:48:19 | wpyh | sorry, it didn't say tracks but just "402 found" |
10:49:33 | | Quit Zom (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
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10:53:10 | pixelma | that calculation works for me too (628 files, 38 directories = "666", database says "667 found" - got a few text files, additional WPSs, stuff like that) |
10:54:03 | wpyh | so maybe the database is counting files and dirs in total? |
10:58:27 | wpyh | OK, I've added task 9093 for that |
10:58:38 | wpyh | (the database hangs if no music file found) |
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11:01:22 | pixelma | I don't think it's important what it counts, and thanks :) |
11:01:53 | wpyh | you're welcome :) |
11:02:15 | wpyh | maybe we can enhance it by saying "xxx files and yyy directories found" |
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11:15:02 | pixelma | I'd want it to say "No music files found, aborting" or some such and then abort the process alone |
11:18:14 | | Quit GodEater ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
11:18:18 | Slasheri | pixelma: hmm, i really need to fix that :) and maybe change it to count music files only (counting files and directories was initially used because if dircache is enabled, we could display some sort of progress information in percents) |
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11:18:51 | wpyh | pixelma: yes, that's what should happen if the database initialization doesn't find any music files in the end |
11:19:18 | wpyh | well, we can do it like "xxx files (zzz music files) and yyy directories found" |
11:19:24 | pixelma | Slasheri: ah good, now there's a bug report for it... ;) |
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11:33:30 | wpyh | Also, when we initialize the database, it would be better if it's done in the foreground |
11:36:37 | Slasheri | wpyh: it is done in background (you can close the info screen), and doing init from db submenu, it always goes into background |
11:36:59 | wpyh | yes, it's currently done in the background |
11:37:11 | wpyh | what I'm suggesting is, move it to the foreground |
11:37:27 | wpyh | And add a progress bar :) |
11:37:52 | Slasheri | ups |
11:38:21 | Slasheri | hmm, going to the db browser doesn't bring it to foreground? |
11:38:32 | wpyh | well, it does |
11:38:45 | wpyh | only the info box part though |
11:38:53 | wpyh | I mean the message box part |
11:39:04 | wpyh | what I'd like is a full screen progress bar |
11:39:20 | wpyh | so the user waits until it finishes |
11:40:32 | Slasheri | a real progress bar counting only music files is practically impossible to do because of technical limitations |
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11:41:20 | wpyh | um... technical limitations? |
11:41:38 | JdGordon | maybe just use the "working" progress bar from the delete/copy folder screens? |
11:42:09 | Slasheri | wpyh: you would have to probe and scan all files on the disk before displaying the progress bar, and that would just slowdown the progress |
11:42:31 | BigBambi | If it doesn't find any music files, it should just say, "No music files found" or something like that IMO. |
11:42:31 | Slasheri | but if dircache is initialized, it is possible to display the progress somewhat accurately (debug screen does that atm) |
11:42:47 | pixelma | JdGordon: wasn't that the one you disabled? |
11:43:03 | wpyh | we can get the total size of files on disk, then as we read each file, we mark that size as "scanned" |
11:43:06 | wpyh | how about that? |
11:43:17 | BigBambi | wpyh: And an enforced foreground scan would be very annoying |
11:43:18 | pixelma | and btw. I don't want a forced foreground scan |
11:43:30 | JdGordon | pixelma: I dont remember disabling it... |
11:43:43 | wpyh | we can make the foreground scan optional :) |
11:43:53 | pixelma | hooray |
11:43:53 | BigBambi | not another pojntless option |
11:44:03 | wpyh | not pointless... |
11:44:12 | BigBambi | Just do it as now - background, try to go into database menu and it shows you progress |
11:44:38 | BigBambi | wpyh: pretty pointless as it can be done another, better way (IMO) |
11:44:43 | Slasheri | wpyh: and you shouldn't have to reinitialize the db normally, ever |
11:44:52 | Slasheri | wpyh: just enable load to ram and autoupdate |
11:45:00 | wpyh | I think we can make this an option in the database, so it wont clutter up the settings |
11:45:10 | BigBambi | It wouls still clutter settings |
11:45:21 | BigBambi | No matter where you put it |
11:45:38 | pixelma | JdGordon: http://svn.rockbox.org/viewvc.cgi?view=rev;revision=17654 ? |
11:45:39 | wpyh | is there a better way to do this, without setting an option? |
11:45:48 | BigBambi | BigBambiJust do it as now - background, try to go into database menu and it shows you progress |
11:45:55 | wpyh | BigBambi: it would be localized to the database I think |
11:45:58 | JdGordon | wpyh: reading the filesize isnt quick... |
11:46:40 | BigBambi | wpyh: It would still appear in the menu system, just under the database sub menu |
11:46:40 | wpyh | Slasheri: that didn't work in my case, but maybe that's a separate bug |
11:47:14 | Slasheri | wpyh: what was the issue? that has never in a long time failed for me on my H140 |
11:47:18 | wpyh | BigBambi: yeah, found it now... at least it won't clutter up the rest of the system |
11:47:22 | wpyh | :p |
11:47:30 | wpyh | Slasheri: it doesn't find new music files I added |
11:47:36 | Slasheri | wpyh: the correct way is not the re-initialize the db |
11:48:03 | Slasheri | wpyh: and you tried the update or had autoupdate enabled, and rebooted once/twice after adding files? |
11:48:11 | JdGordon | Slasheri: any chance you'll have some time to maybe split tagcache.c up into smaller managable parts sometime? |
11:48:24 | Slasheri | JdGordon: maybe, sometime :) |
11:48:27 | wpyh | Slasheri: after adding files the ipod automatically reboots |
11:48:33 | BigBambi | wpyh: I still don't get what you mean - it is in the menu, it cannot help but be in the menu? |
11:48:49 | Slasheri | wpyh: ok, then you have to wait until disk shuts of and reboot again |
11:49:08 | wpyh | BigBambi: I mean, I found the database settings menu now −− I didn't realize it's inside the main settings menu |
11:49:15 | Slasheri | wpyh: then the files should appear (unless you had dircache and/or db in ram enabled, a reboot might not be needed at all) |
11:49:31 | wpyh | Slasheri: that's not intuitive |
11:49:41 | * | BigBambi suggests looking how it is currently done before suggesting changes |
11:49:42 | Slasheri | what do you mean? |
11:50:23 | wpyh | Slasheri: I mean that if I have to reboot again after adding files, that's not intuitive... |
11:50:54 | BigBambi | It is if it tells you to |
11:50:55 | wpyh | BigBambi: are you talking about the database foreground progress option, or the other one? we have a few threads here.. :P |
11:50:58 | Slasheri | wpyh: well, there isn't much to do for that because of the rockbox design of not doing dynamic memory allocations |
11:51:05 | BigBambi | wpyh: In general |
11:51:14 | Slasheri | wpyh: just enabled dircache and db in ram and please try again |
11:51:19 | wpyh | thanks for the advice though |
11:51:40 | wpyh | ok |
11:52:23 | Slasheri | if you are mainly using the db, you should have at least db loaded in ram and autoupdate enabled |
11:52:52 | Slasheri | and dircache would be prefered too |
11:53:29 | wpyh | ok.. |
11:58:46 | Zbuben | Hi, I'm looking for a method/tool/anything that can perform the usb-boot mode (like tcctool does for windows) for linux... I didn't find anything like this in manuals and faqs (maybe I'm not good for docs :$). Any Idea ? |
11:59:48 | gevaerts_ | tcctool ? |
11:59:54 | B4gder | tcctool is for linux (too) |
12:00 |
12:00:20 | Zbuben | B4gder: oh ? I did'nt find any binary or source for it ? |
12:00:31 | B4gder | the source is in the rockbox svn |
12:00:57 | B4gder | http://svn.rockbox.org/viewvc.cgi/trunk/utils/tcctool/ |
12:01:10 | Zbuben | ok, I gonna download this ! thanks a lot ! |
12:01:29 | Zbuben | ( wonderful ! ) |
12:03:55 | | Quit SirFunk (Connection timed out) |
12:07:47 | Zbuben | cool, I can boot in usb mode :) that works. thanks. |
12:11:13 | | Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
12:11:35 | linuxstb | Zbuben: Out of curiousity, where did you find a Windows binary, but no source? That's infringing tcctool's license. |
12:13:36 | Zbuben | linuxstb: on the rockbox's web server, I think that's not a problem ;) |
12:14:16 | linuxstb | Whereabouts? |
12:14:26 | Zbuben | in utils directory |
12:14:34 | Zbuben | http://download.rockbox.org/utils/tcctool/ |
12:15:10 | * | linuxstb downloads the zip and realises he's infringing the GPL... |
12:15:18 | linuxstb | How did you find that file? |
12:15:20 | wpyh | linuxstb: why? |
12:15:36 | linuxstb | wpyh: I'm not offering the source code, or including a copy of the GPL |
12:15:59 | wpyh | linuxstb: google gives me this: http://haxx.rockbox.org/utils/tcctool/ |
12:16:12 | * | gevaerts_ points out that the source is also on http://download.rockbox.org/ somewhere, so it comes down to 'how near should the source be' |
12:16:26 | Zbuben | hmm I don't remember where I found this link :$ |
12:16:32 | gevaerts_ | The copy of the GPL is different of course |
12:16:43 | wpyh | ah, I always forgot the "offer a copy of the GPL part" |
12:16:45 | gevaerts_ | s/is different/is a different issue/ |
12:16:47 | * | Zbuben seeks in his browser's history |
12:16:47 | * | linuxstb writes himself a stern email and promises to fix it |
12:18:24 | Zbuben | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/CowonIaudio7Info <−− I have found the tcctool's name here and then .. google I think. |
12:19:37 | | Nick fxb__ is now known as fxb (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) |
12:19:40 | linuxstb | Zbuben: OK, thanks. |
12:20:21 | linuxstb | Zbuben: Are you planning on working on a Rockbox port, or do you need tcctool to try and recover a device? |
12:21:39 | Zbuben | My device works perfectly (maybe not for a long time :$) |
12:21:52 | Zbuben | I plan to watch if I can understand something .. |
12:22:03 | Zbuben | and if I can, maybe work on a port |
12:22:07 | linuxstb | Which device? |
12:22:13 | Zbuben | cowon iaudio7 |
12:23:12 | | Join SUSaiyan [0] (n=SUSaiyan@cc84863-b.zwoll1.ov.home.nl) |
12:23:32 | linuxstb | OK. There is some very early work on an iaudio 6/7 port in SVN, but it doesn't do anything interesting. What's needed is someone to continue disassembling the original firmware and write an LCD driver... |
12:24:17 | Zbuben | I think I'am not skilled for this type of work :$, I'll give a try |
12:24:43 | Zbuben | (If you find my english strange, maybe this is because I'm french :$) |
12:25:10 | linuxstb | Your English is less strange than many native English speakers that come here... |
12:25:37 | Zbuben | O_o, amazing. |
12:25:40 | * | Zbuben is proud ! |
12:26:01 | * | gevaerts_ points out that 'speakers' might be overestimating some of them |
12:26:24 | | Nick gevaerts_ is now known as gevaerts (n=fg@195-144-092-143.dyn.adsl.xs4all.be) |
12:26:33 | * | BigBambi is saddened by the English of a lot of native speakers |
12:33:24 | | Quit SUSaiyan` (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
12:33:54 | * | JdGordon fail english? thats unpossiple |
12:34:12 | JdGordon | is the h300/h100 and the x5/m5 the only targets with a lcd remote? |
12:34:58 | | Quit faemir ("quit.") |
12:35:34 | JdGordon | hmm... how is the m3 remote handled? does its remote have buttons? |
12:38:02 | pixelma | sure - all Iaudio targets have the same remote but IIRC it's handled as main display on the M3 |
12:38:24 | | Join faemir [0] (n=daniel@88-106-142-213.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) |
12:38:43 | JdGordon | does the remote buttons flip correctly if the display is flipped? |
12:39:09 | * | JdGordon for some reason got the urge to fix a 2 year old request :p |
12:39:18 | * | Zbuben disassembled the 1.17 firmware... what a big mess O_o |
12:39:22 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) |
12:40:02 | pixelma | JdGordon: no idea |
13:00 |
13:03:53 | | Join Hidden [0] (i=piglet@centaur.sch.bme.hu) |
13:08:50 | | Quit J (Remote closed the connection) |
13:11:05 | | Quit petur ("work->home") |
13:11:31 | B4gder | http://daniel.haxx.se/rockbox/dce.html |
13:12:06 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
13:13:41 | linuxstb | B4gder: Now a rockbox plugin... |
13:15:57 | B4gder | it needs to be in the wps! |
13:16:28 | linuxstb | A chance for you to display plugin output in the wps then ;) |
13:16:43 | B4gder | finally I got the chance! |
13:16:54 | linuxstb | You have 11 days, 4hrs left... |
13:19:39 | | Join Schmogel [0] (n=Miranda@p3EE21855.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
13:22:52 | | Quit Mathiasdm ("Invisible Internet Project: http://www.i2p.de") |
13:33:48 | | Join MethoS- [0] (n=clemens@host-091-096-211-056.ewe-ip-backbone.de) |
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13:41:30 | | Join SirFunk [0] (n=Sir@206-159-155-246.netsync.net) |
13:42:50 | | Join Zagor [242] (n=bjst@ |
13:47:47 | * | linuxstb notices the flyspray admin and politely points Zagor to this nice blank page - http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/ |
13:48:18 | Zagor | yikes. has it been like that for long? |
13:48:28 | linuxstb | A while I think... |
13:48:39 | B4gder | Zagor: since linux updated php I think |
13:49:25 | * | wpyh wonders why no one responded when he asked about it a few days ago |
13:49:56 | * | wpyh thinks it must be because he didn't know the right person to talk to |
13:50:11 | B4gder | s/linux/linus/ |
13:52:21 | Zagor | wpyh: or simply noone was around that knew |
13:53:03 | wpyh | yeah, maybe |
13:53:18 | wpyh | and I thought it was not a bug so no one responded... |
13:58:47 | | Quit Miles (Remote closed the connection) |
13:58:50 | | Join Miles_ [0] (i=[U2FsdGV@ |
14:00 |
14:00:41 | | Quit mrkiko_ ("leaving") |
14:03:49 | | Join dabujo [0] (i=xx@p4FDB275B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
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14:23:52 | | Join BlakeJohnson86 [0] (n=bjohnson@70-13-156-84.area2.spcsdns.net) |
14:26:04 | wpyh | I've got a small suggestion here |
14:26:17 | wpyh | How about we add "reboot" and "shutdown" to the System menu? |
14:26:40 | * | gevaerts hands wpyh a flame-proof suit |
14:29:06 | linuxstb | wpyh: There's a patch on flyspray that does exactly that... |
14:30:13 | wpyh | thanks, gevaerts |
14:30:25 | * | wpyh now has two flame-proof suit from gevaerts! |
14:31:15 | wpyh | hm... |
14:31:32 | | Join dabujo_ [0] (i=xx@p4FDB3580.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
14:31:52 | wpyh | linuxstb: so the reason it's not included is because it doesn't compile cleanly? |
14:32:19 | GodEater | and a lot of people don't want it |
14:33:00 | linuxstb | wpyh: The argument against it is that it clutters up the menu with things you can already do. |
14:34:03 | * | wpyh thinks holding down the menu button gives another menu which options can be achieved / set through the main menu |
14:34:26 | wpyh | actually my argument for it is that I don't like holding down a button for so long |
14:34:46 | | Join PaulJam_ [0] (i=PaulJam_@vpn-3178.gwdg.de) |
14:37:03 | pixelma | but you would like pressing a button to get to the menu, then pressing another one a few times and then another one again better to achieve the same thing? |
14:37:15 | wpyh | yes |
14:37:30 | wpyh | that's the effect I want to achieve |
14:37:47 | wpyh | I don't like holding buttons down |
14:38:09 | gevaerts | You could also just set the auto poweroff to something short, and just pause and wait |
14:38:17 | | Join MethoS_ [0] (n=clemens@ |
14:38:43 | wpyh | I guess I don't like the waiting time |
14:38:59 | wpyh | even if it's just a few seconds, as in the case of holding down the play button on the ipod |
14:39:31 | wpyh | for the auto poweroff, well sometimes I just leave it on the table and expect it to be on, so.. that's not an option for me :p |
14:40:52 | GodEater | you're free to to customise your own build then |
14:41:09 | GodEater | but it's a pretty unpopular feature here, so unlikely to go into svn |
14:42:53 | | Join petur [50] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
14:43:07 | wpyh | btw, here's another thread for Buschel, saratoga, et. al. who wants to optimize codecs and algorithms: I've tested the ipod video with the CF card, and RB gets 21:30 while the OF gets somewhere between 22:00 and 23:00 (missed the shutdown time) |
14:43:35 | wpyh | so there's at most 10% difference between RB and the OF, which most likely is due to the codec |
14:43:48 | gevaerts | Same music ? |
14:44:10 | wpyh | GodEater: yes, I can do that but I also want it in the official build if possible |
14:44:28 | wpyh | GodEater: is there some kind of a compromise that can be achieved? |
14:44:33 | wpyh | gevaerts: yes, same music |
14:44:53 | wpyh | not necessarily same order though, but it shouldn't matter much because it's just over an hour IIRC |
14:45:30 | | Join stooo [0] (n=sto@y066163.dynamic.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp) |
14:46:32 | GodEater | wpyh: I don't see how there can be a compromise, it's either in Rockbox or it's not |
14:46:51 | GodEater | I certainly don't want to see it on any of my DAPS |
14:47:51 | wpyh | GodEater: what I mean about the compromise is that we get this feature somewhere, but not in the current shape |
14:48:16 | GodEater | it can't be put anywhere but somewhere in the menus, which are already over crowded with features |
14:48:35 | | Quit dabujo (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
14:48:36 | gevaerts | A plugin ? |
14:48:48 | pixelma | yes, another option to turn the feature on? ;o |
14:48:48 | * | gevaerts hides |
14:48:52 | linuxstb | In the System menu? |
14:48:54 | GodEater | the only way I can see round *that* is to have customisable menus, which is another NODO as far as most devs / support people are |
14:48:58 | GodEater | +concerned |
14:49:03 | wpyh | IMO we can try to unclutter the menus, and then add this somewhere in the menu |
14:49:28 | wpyh | gevaerts: come out ;) I think a plugin is OK (if technically feasible) but would be better in the menu |
14:49:32 | * | GodEater votes firmly for "no thanks" |
14:49:37 | wpyh | I like it n the system menu |
14:49:47 | | Quit dabujo_ (Connection timed out) |
14:49:50 | wpyh | s/ n / in |
14:50:05 | | Join dabujo [0] (i=xx@p4FDB35BD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
14:50:31 | | Join Horscht [0] (n=Horscht@xbmc/user/horscht) |
14:50:36 | pixelma | it already is in one of the target's menu (the Archos Player) because you can't shut it down gracefully in another way but I don't want it in a menu |
14:50:58 | pixelma | on other targets, of course |
14:51:45 | wpyh | well, for example we can move the sleep timer from the System menu to the Settings menu, then put Shutdown in its place |
14:51:59 | GodEater | No thanks |
14:52:11 | pixelma | and I also prefer holding a button for a bit longer than having to navigate through the menus and/or button combos (which aren't even possible everywhere) |
14:52:23 | | Quit PaulJam (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
14:52:24 | | Join psychoic [0] (n=chatzill@d60-65-115-234.col.wideopenwest.com) |
14:52:29 | | Quit Horscht (Client Quit) |
14:52:49 | wpyh | pixelma: navigating through the menus is always possible everywhere, I think |
14:52:54 | GodEater | wpyh: you're far from the first person to want this, I suspect you also won't be the last - but you're not going to change our minds. |
14:53:06 | pixelma | wpyh: I meant button combos (in general) |
14:53:38 | wpyh | GodEater: that's why I'm looking for a compromise ;) |
14:53:47 | * | gevaerts hopes that wpyh appreciates his new flame-proof suit ;) |
14:53:48 | wpyh | pixelma: oh, ok.. |
14:54:00 | * | wpyh doesn't feel hot right now |
14:54:05 | | Join zarraza_is_back [0] (i=zarraza_@78-62-11-221.static.zebra.lt) |
14:54:08 | | Quit MethoS- (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
14:54:36 | GodEater | there *isn't* a compromise - we don't want it in the menus anywhere |
14:55:11 | wpyh | because it's cluttered enough? |
14:56:05 | GodEater | not just that, it's a pain in the arse to have to navigate the menus to turn off your system |
14:56:37 | wpyh | I do understand the cluttered argument |
14:56:43 | zarraza_is_back | can someone learn me how to get paypal acc and paswords? |
14:57:01 | * | GodEater sits down to watch the kick |
14:57:08 | | Join LambdaCalculus37 [0] (i=44a0430f@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-f78ae0a9882a8b0f) |
14:57:27 | wpyh | But if you say it's a pain in the arse to have to navigate the menus to turn off the system, then you can ignore that menu item |
14:58:08 | GodEater | wpyh: you're wasting your time, I'm not going to be convinced |
14:58:11 | wpyh | It just won't bother you |
14:58:38 | wpyh | Well, I do understand that some people have opinions |
14:59:03 | | Quit faemir (Remote closed the connection) |
14:59:26 | wpyh | And sometimes it can be hard to change one's opinion, even with a compromise |
14:59:32 | | Join faemir [0] (n=daniel@88-106-142-213.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) |
14:59:48 | wpyh | But I'm also seeking others' opinions here :) |
14:59:50 | linuxstb | GodEater: What harm would those option do in the "system" menu? |
15:00 |
15:00:41 | GodEater | option creep for something that we don't need, more changes to the manual, more queries from users getting confused about what they do that's different to the current way of powering off |
15:01:01 | GodEater | binsize creep |
15:01:20 | GodEater | I'm sure I can think of more |
15:01:43 | wpyh | GodEater: I see that some of your concerns are valid, though some can be addressed |
15:02:35 | pixelma | linuxstb: and the Player would have it twice then? Or moved into a submenu which is harder to reach? |
15:03:02 | wpyh | The option creep: Yes, I can understand that, seeing how the Sound Settings menu is littered with Channel Configuration, Stereo width, Crossfeed... |
15:03:26 | wpyh | The changes to the manual: I will volunteer to implement the changes so you guys can just sit back and relax :) |
15:03:38 | linuxstb | pixelma: We could leave it where it is for the Player... I don't really care about this feature, but wouldn't object to it going in the system menu. |
15:03:59 | wpyh | Queries from users getting confused: if they ask it, then the manual is not written well enough, let me edit it some more |
15:04:11 | GodEater | wpyh: you assume that users have read the manual |
15:04:15 | GodEater | they often haven't |
15:04:34 | * | wpyh hasn't read the manual in its entirety either |
15:04:41 | GodEater | I rest my case then |
15:04:55 | * | gevaerts only tries to read the manual on days that it's actually broken |
15:05:05 | wpyh | I guess it's similar to Windows |
15:05:07 | linuxstb | GodEater: Which is an argument for features being accessible via both the menus and button combinations though |
15:05:20 | wpyh | although I almost don't use windows |
15:05:55 | wpyh | two ways to turn off the computer: 1. Start Menu -> Shutdown 2. Press the power button on the casing |
15:06:03 | GodEater | in which case shouldn't dual booting also be an option ? |
15:07:00 | LambdaCalculus37 | I think that it should be. |
15:07:41 | pixelma | why? Do you also want a boot menu? |
15:07:44 | * | GodEater gapes at LambdaCalculus37 |
15:08:06 | wpyh | On the topic of dual booting: for us passionate RB users, a dual boot option is not necessary. But for most users trying out RB, it's needed −− they are still attached to the OF |
15:08:08 | | Quit faemir (Remote closed the connection) |
15:08:23 | * | LambdaCalculus37 just realized that what he mentioned was for another channel... :P |
15:08:36 | | Join faemir [0] (n=daniel@88-106-142-213.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) |
15:08:37 | wpyh | In case I offend anyone −− I'm trying to be pragmatic, not idealist |
15:08:44 | LambdaCalculus37 | GodEater: Sorry. Gotta stop flicking back and forth between channels so much. ;) |
15:09:27 | linuxstb | GodEater: "Start original firmware" could be an option under System... |
15:10:08 | * | pixelma can hear the creeping |
15:10:25 | wpyh | linuxstb: do you mean that menu item would reboot the device and boot into the OF? |
15:10:44 | linuxstb | Yes |
15:10:49 | * | linuxstb requests a suit from gevaerts |
15:10:57 | LambdaCalculus37 | Can't RoLo on the Archos devices already boot an OF, or am I mistaken? |
15:11:18 | linuxstb | Yes, but not many devices can rolo the OF. |
15:11:21 | amiconn | "Start original firmware" shouldn't be an option in a rockbox menu |
15:11:25 | pixelma | it can but it's not in a menu |
15:11:27 | | Part stooo |
15:11:30 | wpyh | linuxstb: that would be a good idea |
15:11:49 | * | gevaerts thinks that linuxstb has been here long enough to know in advance when he will need a suit ;) |
15:11:53 | * | LambdaCalculus37 can hear the sound of feature creep drumming up beside him |
15:12:07 | * | JdGordon doubts that |
15:12:08 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
15:12:25 | JdGordon | no new features have been added in *ages* |
15:12:35 | gevaerts | LambdaCalculus37: do you use DSP on that sound ? |
15:12:52 | wpyh | JdGordon: so you mean all the different options were added long ago? |
15:12:58 | linuxstb | JdGordon: That's not true - we now have an md5 checker ;) |
15:12:58 | LambdaCalculus37 | gevaerts: I use a wide stereo width on that sound. :) |
15:13:06 | LambdaCalculus37 | And pegbox. :) |
15:13:20 | JdGordon | linuxstb: and before that? |
15:13:31 | * | JdGordon for one likes feature "creep" |
15:13:54 | * | gevaerts thinks that plugins don't count, or at least count differently |
15:13:58 | * | amiconn thinks that 'start OF' would be a particularly bad feature |
15:14:12 | * | JdGordon agrees with both the above 2 statements |
15:14:23 | amiconn | Besides that it's not reliably doable |
15:14:30 | | Part LinusN |
15:14:42 | JdGordon | why isnt it doable? |
15:14:49 | | Quit faemir (Remote closed the connection) |
15:14:52 | wpyh | Well I guess there are two problems here: 1. menu cluttering, which needs to be addressed, and 2. feature creep |
15:15:00 | wpyh | and I think they are different problems |
15:15:06 | wpyh | amiconn: yeah, why not? |
15:15:09 | linuxstb | JdGordon: You would have to confirm the OF is available in whatever location the bootloader looks for it. |
15:15:16 | | Join faemir [0] (n=daniel@88-106-142-213.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) |
15:15:23 | amiconn | JdGordon: Not *reliably* doable. One reason is e.g. if there is no OF (user removed it) |
15:15:38 | JdGordon | arg, misread reliably as really |
15:15:43 | * | JdGordon is tipsy |
15:15:50 | LambdaCalculus37 | Also the devices that don't dual boot to begin with (e.g. X5, Gigabeat F) |
15:16:03 | linuxstb | LambdaCalculus37: Then they would obviously not have that option... |
15:16:08 | wpyh | amiconn: if the user removes the OF then tries to start the OF from within RB, then he/she is stupid IMO |
15:16:25 | JdGordon | I wouldnt object to the shutdown in menu going in, but can see it being a bitpointess.. |
15:16:26 | pixelma | JdGordon: do you also like booting times like the sansa OF (assuming it's as bad on the e200 as it is on the c200? |
15:16:40 | gevaerts | Another reason is that we leave the hardware in a state that the OF may not expect |
15:16:53 | JdGordon | pixelma: ? |
15:17:10 | wpyh | gevarets: you mean by jumping to the start of the OF? |
15:17:42 | wpyh | I think we may be able to get with resetting all registers and then jumping to that code |
15:17:45 | pixelma | JdGordon: more and more features could add up (though I don't know how Sandisk managed this long booting times) |
15:17:57 | wpyh | or just set a bit in the BL that gets reset upon the next boot |
15:18:43 | LambdaCalculus37 | pixelma: I agree. The Sansa OF boot times are too damn long. |
15:19:03 | * | gevaerts also doesn't see why we should make it that easy to get to the OF. The goal is to be as good or better than the OF for all features... |
15:19:20 | JdGordon | pixelma: bot time depends on the init seqence... you can have a million features with no init time and it will be just as fast as 3 features with big init times... |
15:19:32 | pixelma | JdGordon: and another thing - are you going to document features you add? :\ |
15:19:40 | wpyh | gevaerts: being better than the OF doesn't necessarily mean the user won't like the OF more. especially new users |
15:19:41 | JdGordon | dircache and tagcache are the big ones.. and both are done in the background.. so no, start times is not an issue |
15:19:49 | JdGordon | pixelma: would you really like me to? :D |
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15:21:11 | gevaerts | wpyh: does that mean that we should encourage them to stay in the OF ? |
15:21:33 | pixelma | JdGordon: well better than nothing and the wiki pages you wrote if found some time weren't that bad... |
15:21:47 | wpyh | No. rather, that means we give them an easy way to use the OF in case they don't like RB |
15:21:55 | wpyh | Not everyone likes RB, you know |
15:22:01 | | Join BlakeJohnson86 [0] (n=bjohnson@70-13-156-84.area2.spcsdns.net) |
15:22:15 | JdGordon | wpyh: well they should! |
15:22:35 | wpyh | JdGordon: ideally, they should. in reality, they don't always |
15:22:48 | * | LambdaCalculus37 shows wpyh the cricket bat we like to use on Rockbox haters :) |
15:23:25 | pixelma | wpyh: I think uninstalling is easy, or? ;) |
15:23:25 | * | wpyh likes it but thinks it should be used sparingly ;) |
15:23:39 | wpyh | let me be a bit theoretical here... |
15:24:12 | wpyh | the current situation: some users would say "you can install RB, but if you don't like it you have to uninstall it first to easily boot the OF" |
15:24:37 | wpyh | well, they can certainly also say "if you install RB and don't like it, it's easy to uninstall it and get the OF back" |
15:24:46 | wpyh | so there are two likely responses from users |
15:25:07 | LambdaCalculus37 | wpyh: And in certain cases, it's dead easy to remove. For example, on the iPods, simply uninstalling the bootloader will prevent Rockbox from booting. |
15:25:17 | wpyh | but if we add that option, then the users would say "you can install RB, and if you want to switch back to the OF you can always do so from a menu item" |
15:25:34 | | Join faemir [0] (n=daniel@88-106-142-213.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) |
15:25:41 | LambdaCalculus37 | And most devices already have a dual boot feature. |
15:26:00 | amiconn | wpyh: Really, rockbox should be graceful when a user tries stupid things. It should definitely not crash. Besides The user trying to boot the OF might not be the same one who removed the OF from the device |
15:26:48 | * | wpyh thinks amiconn has a point |
15:27:07 | | Join stooo [0] (n=sto@y066163.dynamic.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp) |
15:27:21 | | Part stooo |
15:36:35 | linuxstb | amiconn: Why would Rockbox crash? |
15:37:15 | wpyh | linuxstb: because it jumps to a nonexistent location, or because we left the hardware in a weird state (to the OF)? |
15:37:57 | | Join MethoS- [0] (n=clemens@dyndsl-085-016-161-174.ewe-ip-backbone.de) |
15:38:17 | linuxstb | wpyh: If the OF fails to start, then the feature is buggy and wouldn't be enabled on that target. But all dual-booting targets can start the OF. |
15:38:29 | linuxstb | Either with "rolo", or via the bootloader. |
15:38:48 | linuxstb | And both do sanity checks and fail cleanly. |
15:39:44 | * | linuxstb isn't interested in this feature enough to actually implement it though... |
15:40:09 | wpyh | linuxstb: sorry, I mean a nonexistent OF, rather than a nonexisten location... |
15:40:28 | wpyh | I didn't know the BL fails gracefully though |
15:40:30 | linuxstb | If it doesn't exist, Rockbox wouldn't try to use it. |
15:41:17 | wpyh | well, if we can address these possibilities, then I think that menu item is good to have |
15:41:25 | wpyh | even if it's just from a PR point of view |
15:42:07 | gevaerts | I'd rather have a more user-friendly bootloader |
15:42:41 | linuxstb | gevaerts: That's another reason I would like a menu option to start the OF - so we can keep the bootloader as it is... |
15:42:49 | wpyh | well, I don't oppose that suggestion as well |
15:43:07 | wpyh | although it seems pretty clear that my vote either doesn't count −− or doesn't get counted |
15:43:08 | wpyh | :p |
15:43:28 | gevaerts | linuxstb: my reasoning is that adding things to the bootloader doesn't bloat the main binary. Of course there are other issues as well then |
15:43:45 | linuxstb | gevaerts: How would you make the bootloader friendlier, without slowing it down? |
15:44:12 | gevaerts | linuxstb: that's "other issues" ;) |
15:45:12 | JdGordon | speaking of which.... does anyone think it would be good if the bootloader could pass its version to rockbox? and if so... can somsone do it at the devcon to coincide with the fresh round of bootloader builds? |
15:45:38 | * | amiconn deems the rockbox bootloader a ton more user friendly than stuff like loader 2 |
15:46:14 | amiconn | Why bother the user with a menu? Quick boot has absolute priority imo. Booting something else than rockbox is a rare condition. |
15:46:39 | linuxstb | amiconn: Personally, I agree. But many users request a boot menu... |
15:46:46 | | Join Kaboose [0] (n=c1bc69e6@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-f678e615f11b9505) |
15:47:12 | wpyh | and that boot menu or any other ability to easily boot the OF will be good for PR |
15:47:13 | gevaerts | I agree as well. I must admit that I didn't think of boot time when I proposed this |
15:47:21 | linuxstb | And it's not nice to say to people "use loader2 but don't dare ask us how". |
15:47:30 | | Join Toast [0] (n=c1bc69e6@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-7f20377d78c914b4) |
15:47:48 | Toast | haiya |
15:48:05 | gevaerts | wpyh: usability should win over PR any time |
15:48:33 | Toast | how do i make my album art show with themes? |
15:48:36 | wpyh | I think it won't hurt usability if we implement it correctly |
15:48:36 | LambdaCalculus37 | wpyh: PR is the least of it. |
15:48:49 | Toast | im using Slant theme, and may art is all named ''folder'' |
15:49:05 | LambdaCalculus37 | Toast: This page has album art information: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/AlbumArt |
15:49:35 | Toast | thanks |
15:49:45 | * | LambdaCalculus37 does his Public Service Announcment |
15:49:55 | LambdaCalculus37 | Remember kids, reading is fundamental! |
15:50:09 | LambdaCalculus37 | :) |
15:50:20 | * | LambdaCalculus37 is done |
15:50:47 | | Quit zarraza_is_back () |
15:51:12 | Toast | too bad jpeg album art isnt supported, converting them isnt worth it |
15:51:56 | wpyh | Toast: jpeg is lossless, IMO |
15:52:16 | LambdaCalculus37 | wpyh: Wrong. JPEG is lossy. |
15:52:28 | LambdaCalculus37 | Toast: Well, that's your choice, of course. |
15:52:29 | wpyh | uhhhhhhhhhhhh |
15:52:35 | wpyh | sorry, I mean jpeg is lossy |
15:52:37 | Toast | doesnt matter, i just like it eyecandy anyway, can live without it |
15:52:42 | wpyh | I'm off-form today |
15:54:17 | | Quit Toast ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
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16:24:59 | pikkoyoul | hi... i have a problem |
16:25:06 | pikkoyoul | i am using rockbox on an ipod nano |
16:25:11 | pikkoyoul | it works quite well |
16:25:31 | pikkoyoul | but i have a problem that whenever i delete files, they are not deleted from the database |
16:25:39 | pikkoyoul | i tried initialise now and update now |
16:25:47 | pikkoyoul | nothing happens |
16:27:46 | markun | pikkoyoul: you could try to delete the database files from the .rockbox folder and then rebuild it |
16:28:57 | pikkoyoul | i don?t see any rockbox folder (using macosx) |
16:29:26 | linuxstb | It's ".rockbox" (with a leading dot), meaning Mac OS X will treat it as hidden and not show it by default. |
16:30:54 | pikkoyoul | how can i make it visible |
16:30:57 | linuxstb | But shouldn't "initialise now" delete the existing database and build a new one? |
16:31:12 | linuxstb | i.e. it should do what you want. |
16:31:31 | markun | linuxstb: yes, sounds like a bug if it doesn't work anyway |
16:32:03 | pikkoyoul | it says updating in background |
16:32:07 | pikkoyoul | how long does it take |
16:32:29 | GodEater | enter : "defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE" in a terminal window in OSX |
16:32:44 | GodEater | and then "killall Finder" |
16:32:52 | GodEater | this will make all files starting with a "." visible |
16:34:21 | linuxstb | pikkoyoul: Depends on how many files you have, but maybe a couple of minutes. |
16:34:41 | pikkoyoul | ah ok |
16:34:44 | pikkoyoul | it is working |
16:34:52 | | Quit maddler (Remote closed the connection) |
16:34:53 | pikkoyoul | next time first wait then ask |
16:34:57 | markun | :) |
16:34:57 | pikkoyoul | thx alot :) |
16:35:03 | markun | no problem |
16:35:17 | pikkoyoul | everythings a bit crowded... |
16:35:36 | pikkoyoul | i deleted all itunes files and am now filling the player manually |
16:36:20 | PaulJam_ | pikkoyoul: what version of rockbox do you use? the bug that required to delete the databasefiles manually should have been fixed a few days ago. |
16:38:05 | pikkoyoul | mhm i dunno |
16:38:08 | pikkoyoul | i used the installer |
16:38:13 | pikkoyoul | but i had to use it with windows |
16:38:31 | pikkoyoul | because there seems to be a bug in the macosx version because of the build in unzipper |
16:38:32 | | Join MethoS_ [0] (n=clemens@host-091-096-215-107.ewe-ip-backbone.de) |
16:38:35 | GodEater | you mean you've not updated it recently ? |
16:38:40 | pikkoyoul | today |
16:39:00 | pikkoyoul | i could install the bootloader via mac |
16:39:13 | pikkoyoul | but for rockbox itself i had to use windows |
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16:55:53 | linuxstb | pikkoyoul: Have you tried Rockbox Utility? That should make upgrading very simple. |
16:56:00 | | Quit MethoS- (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
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18:14:18 | | Join domonoky [0] (n=Domonoky@rockbox/developer/domonoky) |
18:14:55 | jac0b|w | how do I set the peak meter height in my wps |
18:15:14 | jac0b|w | it is thinner than the rb default one |
18:17:43 | linuxstb | The CustomWPS wiki page should describe it. |
18:17:52 | | Quit scorche|sh (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
18:18:00 | pixelma | the peakmeter? I believe it's dependent on the font size, or do you mean the progress bar? |
18:18:41 | * | linuxstb reads the CustomWPS and sees that the peakmeter height isn't adjustable |
18:20:17 | | Join pondlife [50] (n=Steve@rockbox/developer/pondlife) |
18:20:59 | jac0b|w | how dos the size change. does it automatically change on how big the screen is? |
18:21:33 | linuxstb | No, as pixelma said, it takes the equivalent of one line of text |
18:22:33 | | Join scorche|sh [50] (n=scorche@rockbox/administrator/scorche) |
18:22:37 | linuxstb | You can change the width by using a viewport to display it, but the height is the current font height. |
18:23:17 | jac0b|w | okay thanks linuxstb |
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18:40:21 | scorche|sh | domonoky: how is your student doing? |
18:41:03 | domonoky | scorche: its going forward, but i am not fully satisfied.. |
18:41:15 | scorche|sh | domonoky: ...yes? |
18:41:27 | scorche|sh | and could you get him to put a wiki page up about his progress? |
18:41:39 | scorche|sh | (with periodical updates) |
18:41:39 | | Quit fleischwunde ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
18:41:41 | domonoky | he has 3 weeks to prove that he is worth the money :-) |
18:41:58 | domonoky | i will prod him again with the wiki.. |
18:42:21 | scorche|sh | what is going on? |
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18:42:48 | tapiocapudding | hey is there a way to change the rockbox boot logo? |
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18:42:59 | domonoky | he is working on extracting rockboxs WPS code into a lib, but he hasnt done too much work... |
18:43:49 | domonoky | tapiocapudding: only by changing code and recompiling rockbox.. |
18:44:10 | tapiocapudding | okay thanks |
18:44:15 | * | tapiocapudding needs to learn c |
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18:45:49 | scorche|sh | domonoky: oh..nevermind about the wiki page thing...i got him confused with LinusN's student |
18:46:02 | | Part tapiocapudding ("bye, thanks for the help") |
18:46:51 | scorche|sh | although i would like to get a general template down for all students so we can more easily see progress |
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18:47:43 | domonoky | jeah a template for our students would be nice.. |
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18:51:06 | linuxstb | domonoky: You should also encourage him to come here and ask for help, or simply talk about what he's doing... |
18:51:56 | | Quit ender` (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
18:52:09 | domonoky | will do.. |
18:52:13 | * | scorche|sh thinks students make it much harder on themselves by not being in here |
18:53:25 | linuxstb | domonoky: Does your student still have upcoming exams, or have they finished now? |
18:53:46 | domonoky | i am not sure, will have to ask again.. |
18:55:02 | | Quit csc` ("As a precautionary measure for the preservation of hamsters, do NOT put them in the microwave...*poof*") |
18:55:03 | scorche|sh | how have you guys been communicating?...and often? |
18:56:26 | domonoky | i talk to him once or twice a week via icq or mail.. i would like contac more often, but it seems not possible for him.. |
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19:12:11 | fml | Just for the log (I know that my opinion doesn't matter though): I'm in favour of adding the entry for "Shut down" to the system menu and against adding the entry to start the OF (no matter where). |
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19:13:28 | fml | My reasoning: the user shoul never get to a "dead end", i.e. a situation where she can't do further via GUI. This is like web pages: there should always be at least one link to go further. |
19:16:42 | linuxstb | fml: I don't understand... Are you saying that starting the OF is a dead end? |
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19:19:27 | fml | linuxstb: no, the dead end is when there is no entry for shut down. "Start OF" shouldn't be there IMHO since it's another world, it's not rockbox anymore. |
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19:27:40 | pondlife | Just had a hard lockup when the last track in a playlist ran out of buffered data :/ |
19:28:37 | pondlife | To clarify, the disk was spinning, and the backliight thread was running (i.e. keys would bring it back on), but the UI was not responding to keypresses. |
19:28:47 | Llorean | fml: How is not having a shut down option a dead end? |
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19:31:23 | Llorean | pondlife: I think I've seen a recent report of this in the forum too. |
19:31:34 | pondlife | Yes, there's a Flyspray report somewhere |
19:32:03 | pondlife | Seems to be a problem when buffering has to kick in right at the end of a playlist. |
19:32:20 | Llorean | How "right at the end"? |
19:32:22 | pondlife | Probably a deadlock between buffering and audio threads? |
19:32:41 | pondlife | About 1 minute to go |
19:32:46 | pondlife | MP3, nothing fancy |
19:33:08 | pondlife | I assume it was buffering purely because the disk had spun up when I checked. |
19:34:52 | | Quit nuonguy ("This computer has gone to sleep") |
19:37:38 | dionoea | hola |
19:38:25 | pixelma | pondlife: I've seen the issue too a few times (on my c200 as well as M5) but nothing to find a recipe to reproduce |
19:39:56 | fml | Llorean: I mean, once you're in rockbox, you should be able to do everything via menu. The exception is turning the device on (there's no menu at that point) but once it's there... Of course there can also be a shortcut (long press or such) but IMHO it should also be doable via menu. |
19:40:21 | | Quit Anakin (Connection timed out) |
19:40:23 | fml | I think the MS Windows designer put the shutdown option into the menu not without a reason. |
19:41:40 | | Join merbanan [0] (n=banan@ |
19:42:20 | Llorean | fml: Who says it isn't doable by a menu? I know *I* can turn my player off by pressing the right button while on a menu entry. It just happens to be *any* menu entry, rather than just one.. |
19:42:32 | | Quit nplus (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
19:42:34 | Llorean | The shutdown option in windows is VERY different. |
19:43:10 | | Join mib_pbs2yuh5 [0] (i=d8ef4980@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-438c1fa7012557d6) |
19:43:21 | Llorean | In windows you have many different programs running, and it more or less wants to have them terminate "nicely" rather than simply cutting power. |
19:43:54 | | Join Seed [0] (i=ben@bzq-84-108-237-178.cablep.bezeqint.net) |
19:44:00 | fml | Llorean: what you describe is not the normal menu operating. |
19:44:56 | fml | Llorean: in windows, it would also be possible to initiate the shut down process by pressing a button (and not via menu). But they decided to make it available via menu as well. |
19:45:08 | fml | I.e. via normal menu operating |
19:45:46 | mib_pbs2yuh5 | Hi all. I'm getting errors in lcd-16bit.c when trying to compile the Sansa c100 bootloader as a ccolour target. Specifically: "implicit declaration of the function LCD_RGBPACK". Any leads? |
19:46:21 | LambdaCalculus37 | MarcGuay, is that you? |
19:46:24 | fml | Llorean: what you describe is shutting down *while in* menu but not *via* menu |
19:46:28 | | Nick mib_pbs2yuh5 is now known as MarcGuay (i=d8ef4980@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-438c1fa7012557d6) |
19:46:34 | MarcGuay | LambdaCalculus37: thanks. |
19:46:37 | LambdaCalculus37 | How'd I guess? :) |
19:46:38 | MarcGuay | LambdaCalculus37: :) |
19:47:47 | | Join GodEater_ [0] (n=ge@rockbox/staff/GodEater) |
19:47:52 | LambdaCalculus37 | MarcGuay: I figure that the c100 may need its own LCD driver to be written before it can do anything. But linuxstb or shotofadds would be the guys to ask on that. |
19:49:28 | MarcGuay | LambdaCalculus37: Yeah it's in the works. I'm just trying to get it compile as a colour target now, I think I previously made a bad assumption about mono/colour differences. |
19:50:45 | LambdaCalculus37 | Ahh. |
19:51:08 | LambdaCalculus37 | Better get that camera ready for the teaser shots of the bootloader running on the c100. :) |
19:51:49 | MarcGuay | LambdaCalculus37: What's that expression about simple addition and chickens again? |
19:52:31 | LambdaCalculus37 | MarcGuay: Oh damn, I forgot. :P |
19:52:48 | Llorean | fml: In normal windows it was not always possible to shut down via a button. It depended on the hardware of your PC for a long time. |
19:52:55 | LambdaCalculus37 | By the way, have you been able to run any custom code on the c100 yet? |
19:53:15 | Llorean | fml: And what is the real difference between "Via a menu" and "while in a menu"? Just that you have to have your cursor in a different place, and press a different button? It's _slower_ and clutters the screen. |
19:53:47 | MarcGuay | LambdaCalculus37: If "custom" means a bunch of weird colours and corrupted fonts displaying the GPIOs, then yes. |
19:53:59 | | Join shotofadds [0] (n=rob@80-44-101-7.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) |
19:54:13 | shotofadds | MarcGuay: what's LCD_PIXELFORMAT set to in your config-c100.h? |
19:55:23 | MarcGuay | shotofadds: RGB565 |
19:55:38 | fml | Llorean: I agree that it's slower and I personally would use the old way. But having a menu entry for this makes the UI complete IMHO. The UI should be able to "guide" the user till the dap is shut off (with visible means). |
19:55:41 | MarcGuay | shotofadds: Though I must say I just copied it from another file. |
19:56:01 | Llorean | fml: There are many functions that don't have menu buttons. |
19:56:09 | Llorean | Play/Pause, Stop, FF/RW, etc. |
19:56:15 | MarcGuay | shotofadds: I just removed the #define LCD_PIXELFORMAT VERTICAL_PACKING line left-over from the m200 file and it compiled. |
19:56:44 | fml | Iuuc, iPod also has it (I don't own an iPod myself, so I'm not sure) And I'm sure the fols at Apple have put much time and energy into UI design. |
19:56:45 | shotofadds | well, RGB565 should work. lcd.h defines the LCD_RGBPACK macro based on the pixel format. maybe you just needed to do a clean build or something? |
19:56:57 | shotofadds | ..and HAVE_LCD_COLOR is defined? |
19:57:55 | BigBambi | passing no comment on whether it should be there or not, Apple has it is not itself a reason IMO |
19:58:13 | MarcGuay | shotofadds: Yessir. And now I've got the same screen as before but what was "mono" (blue/black) before is now much more colourful. :) |
19:58:40 | fml | Llorean: I knew you would say that :-) I also asked myself and came up with the answer that those are special cases for a dap since those actions usually have dedicated buttons. But I understand that this reasoning isn't as strict as a mathematical proof. |
19:58:43 | shotofadds | which screen is that? junk pixels? |
19:59:11 | Llorean | fml: Power usually has a dedicated button too. |
19:59:26 | Llorean | In fact on some of our players there's a hard-power off that circumvents Rockbox. |
19:59:55 | MarcGuay | shotofadds: Yep. The top third is rainbow-junk-pixels, the middle third is green "text" on black background, and I can see the "this is a long line to test scrolling" string moving (but it's illegible), along with some |
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20:00:35 | MarcGuay | shotofadds: other stuff that must be the GPIO dusplays... And the bottom third is a sort of 4x4 colour corruption thing. Helpful? |
20:00:43 | MarcGuay | *displays |
20:00:46 | | Join Seed [0] (i=ben@bzq-84-108-237-178.cablep.bezeqint.net) |
20:00:46 | shotofadds | not really :p |
20:01:17 | MarcGuay | shotofadds: didn't think so. at least it's making it to the LCD, now it's just a matter of fine tuning it. |
20:01:50 | shotofadds | I'm not sure what that tells us, really. I'm not that well-versed in these things, unfortunately. |
20:01:50 | fml | Llorean: I know (to both of your sentences). But since switching off is not used that much (compared to play/stop/ff/rew) it's only need to turn the device on and can be used for other purposes afterwards. That it can also switch the dap off could be just a convenience. |
20:02:31 | Bagder | MarcGuay: maybe you should just try careful poking different combinations to figure out exactly what output/color each written combo shows |
20:02:58 | Llorean | fml: I think a menu option is just a convenience. I don't see how a lack of it is a "dead end" at all. |
20:03:32 | Llorean | You could very easily think of the power button as enabling/disabling the hardware, and Rockbox is just always running when the hardware is. |
20:04:17 | MarcGuay | Bagder: Good idea. Although the real problem seems to lie with the LCD driver/init, no? |
20:04:44 | fml | Llorean: because otherwise you have to know that there is that button press. You have to know about the menu entry as well but you have at least a chance to find it. It's harder to find out that there's the button press (unless you've read the manual of course). |
20:04:57 | Bagder | quite possibly, but if you ie try filling the frame buffer with a fixed value, how that shows might offer some clues |
20:05:40 | Llorean | fml: How did you turn it on without knowing about the power button? |
20:05:59 | shotofadds | LambdaCalculus37: you have a m200 v1 with NAND hardware, right? could you try a quick test for me? |
20:06:22 | shotofadds | this patch _might_ display the NAND chip id in the bootloader: http://pastebin.ca/1048650 |
20:06:30 | shotofadds | I get zeros here on my v3 |
20:06:43 | fml | Llorean: my point is that the button is (strictly speaking) needed for turning on only. |
20:06:52 | | Join nplus [0] (n=nplus@141.25.Globcom.Net) |
20:07:39 | fml | But I see that not many are interested in this feature. I'd probably not use it much as well but (as I said above) it would make the UI complete. |
20:08:02 | shotofadds | MarcGuay: post your config-c100.h and lcd driver and I'll have a quick look for anything obvious later |
20:09:13 | shotofadds | linuxstb, BigBambi: that bootloader patch is worth trying on the DAX/ATMT jobbies, too |
20:09:19 | * | shotofadds is off for some food |
20:09:43 | BigBambi | shotofadds: OK, but for the moment I can't boot from USB with the nand attached |
20:09:55 | BigBambi | It needs to wait until I get a new soldering iron :) |
20:12:09 | | Quit fml ("CGI:IRC") |
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20:25:51 | LambdaCalculus37 | shotofadds: I can get the patch but have to wait till tonight. I accidentally left my m200 in my sister's car. |
20:28:15 | | Part MarcGuay |
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20:33:01 | | Join ender` [0] (i=krneki@foo.eternallybored.org) |
20:33:27 | LambdaCalculus37 | MarcGuay: Dunno if shotofadds' patch will work on the c100, but do you want to give it a go? |
20:33:34 | | Quit nplus ("Leaving") |
20:33:53 | LambdaCalculus37 | May be useful to determine the NAND chip ID on the c100 (if any). |
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20:53:22 | LambdaCalculus37 | Ugh... damn patch screwed up... |
20:53:34 | * | LambdaCalculus37 reverts bootloader/telechips.c and decides to try again |
20:54:55 | | Join Llorean [0] (n=DarkkOne@ppp-70-255-141-241.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net) |
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20:58:03 | LambdaCalculus37 | shotofadds: I keep attempting to patch bootloader/telechips.c, but the patch fails with "patch unexpectedly ends in middle of line". |
21:00 |
21:01:23 | shotofadds | LambdaCalculus37: weird. it looks ok to me... could just try cut'n'paste I suppose - there's not much to it. |
21:01:42 | | Join delorean90 [0] (n=Delorean@70-101-164-164.dsl2.mon.ny.frontiernet.net) |
21:02:11 | delorean90 | hello could somebody help me with a problem? |
21:03:09 | BigBambi | delorean90: If you tell us what it is |
21:04:25 | delorean90 | well a day ago i was listening to music and i paused it, the alotted idle time passed so it turned off like normal. but when i went to turn it on, it said that the bootloder and .rockbox folder was missing, i also tried the original firmware and that too was missing |
21:04:37 | BigBambi | which player? |
21:04:46 | delorean90 | iriver h10 20gb |
21:04:55 | BigBambi | and what was the actual message? |
21:04:55 | delorean90 | computer says there are no files |
21:05:10 | BigBambi | what happens when you try to turn it on? |
21:06:29 | delorean90 | what happens is there is a black screen and it says rockbox cannot find .mi4 file or.h10 file |
21:07:00 | BigBambi | So the bootloader is still there then |
21:07:21 | BigBambi | Could you try connecting it to a PC and running a disk check? |
21:07:27 | BigBambi | chkdsk if you are on windows |
21:07:58 | delorean90 | yes, but strangely the computer dosent show any files it says the h10 has no storage space. could it be that the hard drive is finished? or a loose connector? |
21:07:59 | | Quit axionix (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
21:08:20 | delorean90 | i tried a disk check, the computer wont even do anything |
21:08:41 | delorean90 | the device manager says there are noo errors |
21:08:45 | delorean90 | *no |
21:09:45 | BigBambi | that does sound odd |
21:10:17 | BigBambi | you could try opening it and checking the connections |
21:10:29 | delorean90 | also if it has any signifigance, i did do a battery change about 6 months ago, it now has a 1700mah |
21:12:10 | | Join jeffdamet1 [0] (n=jeff@dyndsl-085-016-233-031.ewe-ip-backbone.de) |
21:12:15 | delorean90 | the wierdest thing is that the rockbox bootloader seems to still be on the player, im thinking that the player took a hard fall, messed up the harddrive and it worked after only because it was playing the music left on ram |
21:12:16 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
21:12:24 | BigBambi | Could be |
21:12:39 | BigBambi | Or the replacement battery could have swelled and pressed on the hard drive |
21:12:44 | BigBambi | That is not unknown |
21:12:53 | delorean90 | yes i have heard of that happening too |
21:13:08 | delorean90 | ive also been noticing low battery life, even tho the battery is farily new |
21:13:33 | | Join bluebrother [0] (n=dom@rockbox/staff/bluebrother) |
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21:14:07 | LambdaCalculus37 | shotofadds: That's what I did. |
21:14:09 | BigBambi | I'd open it up and have a look |
21:14:09 | | Quit linuxstb (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
21:14:19 | LambdaCalculus37 | For some odd reason the patch just fails. |
21:14:45 | delorean90 | ok thankyou for the help, im opening it up now ill let you know what i find |
21:16:10 | shotofadds | LambdaCalculus37: it's weird, people have had trouble with my patches before. I'm not sure why - it's literally just 'svn diff bootloader/telechips.c > m200-nand.diff' |
21:21:06 | LambdaCalculus37 | shotofadds: Want to post it to Flyspray, and I'll go fetch it from there? |
21:22:21 | LambdaCalculus37 | Perhaps copying from pastebin to Notepad2 on my end is screwing something up, and I don't get why. I *know* I'm setting the line endings to Unix (CF) in Notepad2 before I save the patch. |
21:24:07 | shotofadds | Maybe you could try just pasting the lines into telechips.c? It's quite simple |
21:24:23 | LambdaCalculus37 | I could try. :) |
21:24:38 | Llorean | shotofadds: Are you using Cygwin? |
21:24:58 | shotofadds | Llorean: no, VMware |
21:30:39 | LambdaCalculus37 | amiconn: Looks like we have another user with the same LCD driver problems that I had: http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=17257.0 |
21:30:56 | LambdaCalculus37 | r17714 was the last SVN build I found to not have that problem. |
21:32:12 | delorean90 | ok bigbambi its apart, is there anything specific i should look for? |
21:33:01 | BigBambi | I've not looked in a H10 myself, but I'd check for hard disk and battery connections, and for battery swelling etc |
21:33:28 | BigBambi | H10 peeps - does it use an on-disk bootloader? |
21:33:30 | delorean90 | im stumped on what it could be all connections were fine battery dosent look swelled at all |
21:33:37 | BigBambi | hmmmm |
21:34:35 | delorean90 | i know that the iriver bootloader is on flash, and that is never removed, and the rockbox bootloader is on disk because on the h10 the instalation dosent touch the flash |
21:36:02 | LambdaCalculus37 | delorean90: The best guy to ask about the H10 would be barrywardell, but he isn't around right now. |
21:36:26 | BigBambi | delorean90: I'm even more confused that the disk seems gone but the bootloader remains then |
21:36:55 | delorean90 | maybe its just certain corrupt sectors? |
21:36:55 | | Join mf0102 [0] (n=michi@ |
21:37:11 | delorean90 | but that wouldnt explain why nothing at all shows up |
21:38:35 | BigBambi | delorean90: Yeah, seems odd |
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21:42:33 | preglow | shotofadds: around? |
21:42:51 | shotofadds | preglow: sure |
21:43:17 | preglow | shotofadds: have you found the interrupt handler in of? |
21:44:08 | delorean90 | would it help if i put a quick vid on youtube of what happens? |
21:44:35 | shotofadds | yeah, wait a sec and I'll get you some directions... |
21:48:12 | shotofadds | preglow: ok, from the start... follow the last BL in the sequence of 4/5 at 0x200000d4. That routine sets up some memory regions - the third(?) block has a destination to address of 0x0 in R1. That block is for the ARM926 vectors, including IRQ/FIQ handlers |
21:49:24 | preglow | shotofadds: stellar, thanks |
21:49:38 | shotofadds | glad to be of service :) |
21:49:46 | pixelma | LambdaCalculus37: there was a thought on the Ipod Color issue by linuxstb_ in the other thread - did you read that? |
21:50:13 | LambdaCalculus37 | pixelma: Let me go see. |
21:50:16 | pixelma | maybe you could help testing |
21:50:20 | | Join Nico_P [50] (n=nicolas@rockbox/developer/NicoP) |
21:51:52 | LambdaCalculus37 | pixelma: This? http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=17158.msg127519#msg127519 |
21:52:48 | LambdaCalculus37 | I shall do so when I get home. |
21:53:07 | LambdaCalculus37 | If it successfully works, I'll post a patch to Flyspray. |
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21:56:21 | LambdaCalculus37 | shotofadds: Can you post your patch to FS? |
21:57:27 | | Quit merbanan ("Leaving") |
21:57:29 | pixelma | LambdaCalculus37: yes, meant exactly that |
21:58:07 | LambdaCalculus37 | pixelma: And so shall it be done! :) |
21:58:55 | * | LambdaCalculus37 goes home |
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21:58:58 | shotofadds | LambdaCalculus37: I didn't really want to as I thought FS was meant for patches that have some intention of getting into the main build. give me 2 minutes and I'll sort you out with something... |
21:59:07 | shotofadds | ah. |
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22:38:50 | Zbuben | outch, when I perform a make clean in svn imported tree, it wipes out some directories like rockbox/firmware :) |
22:39:07 | Llorean | Well, you shouldn't be doing "make clean" in the root source directory |
22:39:16 | Llorean | You should only be doing it in the separate build folder you've made |
22:39:42 | Zbuben | ok, I tried to buid in the root directory, fast and dirty fashion :$ |
22:39:54 | Llorean | You should read the directions on the wiki. |
22:40:14 | Zbuben | I read it, I also read that it was possibe to build in the root directory |
22:40:56 | Zbuben | I gonna build my on tar.gz archive to prevent re-downloads :$ |
22:41:00 | Zbuben | own* |
22:41:11 | Bagder | Zbuben: use svn! |
22:41:23 | Zbuben | that's what I do actually :) |
22:41:32 | Bagder | and mkdir a build dir to build in... |
22:41:39 | Zbuben | yes |
22:41:52 | | Quit EspeonEefi ("さよなら") |
22:43:32 | Zbuben | I'm using debian-flat.vmdk image with qemu... It works good, but the driver "vmware" in XF86Config-4.. If you're interressed in, for qemu, the correct driver is "cirrus" |
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22:47:53 | preglow | shotofadds: weird, it seems to handle all cases of exception the same, apart from fiq and irq |
22:48:04 | preglow | shotofadds: ever seen what retailos does when it gets exceptioned? :> |
22:50:47 | shotofadds | preglow: I did wonder about that. that code eventually jumps to PC & 0xF0000000, which will be a reset to 0x20000000. |
22:51:27 | preglow | so it just starts again |
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22:52:53 | shotofadds | looks like it - although I've seen forum reports of poeple seeing a register-dump screen. who knows :/ |
22:53:47 | bluebrother | Zbuben: feel free to add the information to the wiki :) |
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23:01:06 | Zbuben | I go to put this in additional tips |
23:02:06 | pixelma | bluebrother: I'm currently reviewing and completing plugin button tables in the manual. Now I saw a small problem in the one for the Ipods in Rockboy where the touch wheel is used as touch pad... |
23:02:27 | pixelma | I'd like to describe the different controls somewhere (but where?) and also mention the "area" one has to press (but how to call it and should I add new button defines in the platform files or just write it down in the rockboy.tex?). Do you have an idea? |
23:03:40 | pixelma | also start and the calling the menu are still usual button presses |
23:04:36 | pixelma | because it's "select" |
23:06:33 | bluebrother | pixelma: I think it's sufficient to opt the pad for Ipods |
23:08:27 | | Quit KevinClift ("CGI:IRC") |
23:08:30 | | Quit Reinhart_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
23:10:52 | | Quit delorean90 () |
23:12:20 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
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23:15:07 | Zbuben | bluebrother: I registered myself on rockbox' twiki, but I have'nt access for modifications.. I must pass some tests or rituals ? :$ |
23:17:13 | bluebrother | only the ritual of telling your wiki name and promising not to spam :) |
23:17:50 | Zbuben | My wikiname is ZbuBen and I promise not to spam. |
23:17:51 | pixelma | yes, the register page should tell you, also something about the name you register under... |
23:18:20 | | Quit ompaul (Client Quit) |
23:18:34 | bluebrother | well, I assume this is your real name? |
23:19:09 | Zbuben | my real name is Christophe NINUCCI :$ |
23:19:29 | bluebrother | errr ... you read that we accept real names only as wiki names? |
23:19:34 | Zbuben | :$ |
23:19:38 | Zbuben | ok, I destroy my account. |
23:20:30 | bluebrother | just create a new one with your real name. I'll add you to the people allowed editing afterwards. |
23:20:39 | Zbuben | ok |
23:20:52 | | Quit pondlife ("Leaving.") |
23:25:04 | | Quit dabujo (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
23:25:18 | Zbuben | registration done with ChristopheNINUCCI as wikiname |
23:26:23 | | Quit PaulJam_ (".") |
23:27:03 | * | bluebrother wonders why french guys always scream their last names and goes fixing the edit list once more |
23:27:16 | bluebrother | Zbuben: ok, you should now be able to edit wiki pages. |
23:27:51 | bluebrother | welcome to the wonderful world of Rockbox :) |
23:28:09 | * | gevaerts goes to sleep |
23:28:12 | gevaerts | Good night @! |
23:29:12 | Zbuben | thanks :) |
23:29:59 | | Quit Llorean ("Leaving.") |
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