00:00:34 | Llorean | That just means a .deb file though. |
00:01:32 | obo | nice, it seems to shell exec a "bootloader" executable... |
00:02:24 | scorche|sh | hrm...i wonder how it calls things with it being GPLv3 |
00:02:25 | obo | and gives a selection of 3rd party builds to install |
00:02:31 | scorche|sh | ug |
00:02:33 | scorche|sh | ugh |
00:02:33 | bluebrother | Llorean: well, they plan to include quite a bunch of stuff. |
00:03:14 | bluebrother | but as far as I can see they don't have too much working yet. Just read a forum threads where they discussed rbutil not having a player detection ... in march! |
00:03:22 | Llorean | Hah |
00:03:23 | | Quit ender` (" Man created gods. The opposite remains to be proved. -- Serge Gainsbourg") |
00:03:34 | bluebrother | seems they haven't looked at rbutil in a serious way :/ |
00:03:47 | scorche|sh | and are they calling our gplv2 binarys? |
00:04:03 | scorche|sh | well...GPLv2 or later now i guess =P |
00:04:31 | bluebrother | well, for sansapatcher I guess so ;-) But that isn't an issue ... they are just calling them |
00:04:35 | scorche|sh | and actually those....erm...nevermind |
00:04:43 | Llorean | Yeah, but they're claiming the tool is distributed as GPLv3 |
00:04:56 | Llorean | If they're distributing our binaries, they need to include the proper license with them. |
00:05:10 | scorche|sh | that is what i was getting at |
00:05:32 | * | bluebrother downloads the source package |
00:05:56 | scorche|sh | Llorean: perhaps they made a gplv3 fork? ;) |
00:07:08 | bluebrother | seems they distribute a binary "bootloader" within their "source" tarball :/ |
00:07:30 | bluebrother | and that tarball is in fact a tarbomb :( |
00:08:33 | bluebrother | ok, there is an issue: the distributed sansapatcher isn't GPLv3, but the tarball doesn't contain a notice about that. |
00:09:41 | | Quit Horscht ("We don't make mistakes, we just have happy little accidents") |
00:10:11 | Llorean | If it's v2 or later, they can distribute it *as* V3 though. |
00:11:00 | bluebrother | hmm. But they don't distribute the sources. Is this in line with v2 too? |
00:11:26 | Llorean | Hm |
00:11:27 | Llorean | I'm not sure |
00:11:41 | Llorean | They do need to provide the sources, but with v2 if they compiled it from our clean sources, they could just link people to us. |
00:12:36 | bluebrother | I'm wondering if, as they distribute "sources", it's ok to not include a pointer to the sources of the binary they put into their tarball. |
00:17:36 | | Quit obo ("bye") |
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00:24:16 | cyc0 | Hi there |
00:24:51 | jac0b|w | okay I think I figured out the flac thing it has to do with flac 1.2.1 |
00:25:18 | cyc0 | Anyone with experience on LCD drivers of rockbox project ? |
00:25:41 | | Join fdinel [0] (n=Miranda@modemcable204.232-203-24.mc.videotron.ca) |
00:28:51 | scorche|sh | cyc0: it might be better to ask your more specific question instead |
00:31:00 | | Quit shotofadds (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
00:32:13 | | Join einhirn_ [0] (n=Miranda@p5B033260.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
00:33:00 | cyc0 | scorche|sh : any project supported by rockbox using a solomon lcd ctrl with spi interface ? |
00:35:01 | | Join Horscht [0] (n=Horscht@xbmc/user/horscht) |
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00:57:35 | preglow | woah |
00:57:38 | preglow | that's a ton of red |
00:58:41 | scorche|sh | i see another person who happened to look at the delta table... |
01:00 |
01:09:32 | | Join gnujin [0] (n=user@ |
01:09:37 | gnujin | Hello. |
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01:17:08 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) |
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01:28:48 | | Quit Horscht ("User was distributing pornography on server; system seized by FBI") |
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02:03:03 | | Part pixelma |
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02:25:47 | | Join sitwon [0] (n=adam@pool-71-178-11-192.washdc.fios.verizon.net) |
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02:40:54 | | Part simonrvn ("Thanks, and Take Care") |
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02:46:30 | | Quit PaulJam_ (".") |
02:51:31 | | Join xqtftqx [0] (i=40e9e3d2@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-2d6acae36b050555) |
02:52:09 | xqtftqx | Hello Everybody |
02:52:44 | | Join gnujin [0] (n=user@ |
02:53:21 | gnujin | Hello again, where can I find a information about iPod 5.5G 80GiB firmware? |
02:53:36 | gnujin | I have a problem with bootloader installation. |
02:54:02 | xqtftqx | whats your problem? (and for future refrence, dont just say "i have a problem") |
02:57:01 | | Join BHSPitLappy [0] (n=BHSPitLa@unaffiliated/bhspitmonkey) |
02:57:08 | gnujin | xqtftqx: Sorry, I have Gentoo GNU/Linux and I trying install something linux-based on my iPod. |
02:57:26 | Llorean | gnujin: Rockbox isn't Linux-based. |
02:57:40 | Llorean | Why not tell how far you've gotten in the process, and what error you're encountering? |
02:57:55 | gnujin | Llorean: On the begining. |
02:58:23 | scorche | gnujin: that isnt really an error or problem...have you had a look at the manual? |
02:58:42 | advcomp2019 | are you sure it is not a classic if you cant install rockbox? |
02:58:59 | gnujin | Llorean: I created a VFAT on iPod. Then I tried to install bootloader in MBR. |
02:59:20 | scorche | gnujin: have you had a look at the ManualRestore wiki page? |
02:59:24 | gnujin | scorche: Yes, I'm sitting at it almost a week. |
02:59:28 | Llorean | gnujin: Did you follow the instructions in the wiki for converting it to FAT32? |
02:59:55 | scorche | gnujin: so at what point in that page are you encountering error/issues? |
03:00 |
03:00:02 | gnujin | Llorean: You mean mkdosfs -F 32 -S 2048 /device/? |
03:00:28 | Llorean | gnujin: No, it's not that simple |
03:00:34 | Llorean | If that's all you did, you did not follow the instructions in the wiki. |
03:00:49 | gnujin | Llorean: Excuse me? |
03:01:02 | Llorean | gnujin: "Excuse me" doesn't tell me which part of my statement you didn't understand. |
03:01:10 | Llorean | There are directions in the wiki for properly converting an iPod to FAT32. |
03:01:15 | Llorean | It is not as simple as reformatting the device. |
03:02:04 | gnujin | Llorean: Ok, ipodpatcher complaining that the logical sector size is too big −− is 4096B. |
03:02:26 | Llorean | gnujin: You should not be running iPodpatcher until after you've done the conversion the way the wiki says. |
03:03:37 | gnujin | Llorean: So, what do you recommended? |
03:04:26 | scorche | gnujin: follow the wikipage's directions |
03:04:27 | Llorean | gnujin: Follow the instructions on the IpodManualRestore page. |
03:06:07 | gnujin | Llorean: http://download.rockbox.org/manual/rockbox-ipodvideo/rockbox-buildch1.html#x3-20001 −− this you mean? |
03:07:11 | scorche | gnujin: wikipage...click wiki, type the name of the page there as we have typed it, hit enter |
03:07:31 | scorche | i thought you said you had been sitting on it for almost a week |
03:08:06 | | Join IntrepiD [0] (n=abel408@cpe-74-70-181-36.nycap.res.rr.com) |
03:08:15 | IntrepiD | Hello everyone! |
03:08:21 | gnujin | scorche: ... |
03:08:22 | | Join aidy [0] (n=AidyMole@mail.rty.ca) |
03:08:24 | aidy | hi |
03:08:33 | aidy | i'm trying to unbrick my D2 |
03:08:59 | aidy | but i always get [ 283.096918] sdb: unknown partition table |
03:09:02 | scorche | gnujin: yes? |
03:09:10 | IntrepiD | I'm new to rockbox... All I'm trying to do is change the wps. I can change the theme fine, but when I try to change the wps it will just show the default wps. I have tried this with several themes |
03:09:13 | aidy | it seems to work after i reboot though |
03:09:28 | scorche | IntrepiD: you are likely dealing with broken themes |
03:09:50 | gnujin | scorche: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view −− This is not a wiki? |
03:09:55 | IntrepiD | are the acotil themes broken? |
03:10:03 | Llorean | gnujin: That is the wiki, yes. |
03:10:06 | scorche | gnujin: it is |
03:10:14 | Llorean | gnujin: And we gave you the exact name of the page in it you need: IpodManualRestore |
03:10:26 | Llorean | aidy: What exactly did you do to your D2? |
03:10:32 | advcomp2019 | IntrepiD, yes there is a lot of the themes that are broken |
03:10:39 | scorche | IntrepiD: if you get the old default theme while trying to load it, then likely yes |
03:10:50 | IntrepiD | I have a sansa e270... could you tell me a theme that is not broken so I can test it? |
03:10:51 | aidy | Llorean: i was trying to upgrade to 4.58 |
03:11:16 | aidy | Llorean: together with the rockbox bootloader |
03:11:32 | scorche | IntrepiD: the ones that come with rockbox shouldnt be |
03:11:33 | advcomp2019 | IntrepiD, there is themes on anythingbutipod that is not broken.. just look for VP |
03:11:47 | | Quit EspeonEefi ("ăăăȘă") |
03:12:43 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
03:12:56 | gnujin | Llorean: Yes, I downloaded the image for 80GB but... ipodpatcher gave me an error message something about a copyright of the firmware... |
03:14:23 | Llorean | gnujin: What "image" are you referring to? |
03:14:41 | Llorean | The ManualRestore page doesn't mention the word "image" at all, so please use the exact same terms it does so I can be sure to know what you're talking about |
03:15:10 | gnujin | Llorean: mbr-video80gb-2048.bin |
03:15:17 | Llorean | You do not use that file with iPodPatcher |
03:16:01 | gnujin | Llorean: So what kind of program I should use? |
03:16:57 | advcomp2019 | read the wiki |
03:18:02 | gnujin | advcomp2019: Ok, nevermind... thank you for help, expecially your's... |
03:18:09 | xqtftqx | gnujin: Are you running windosw or linux? |
03:18:39 | xqtftqx | sorry nvm |
03:19:47 | Llorean | gnujin: The page tells you *exactly* what program to use at each step if you'd read it instead of trying to guess. |
03:20:30 | Llorean | xqtftqx: "nvm" is not a real word. |
03:20:35 | Llorean | I shouldn't have to remind you of this, by this point. |
03:21:18 | gnujin | xqtftqx: Wonderful community, isn't it? :D |
03:21:37 | Llorean | gnujin: The channel has guidelines. Nobody would get chastised if you guys would actually have the decency to follow them in the first place. |
03:22:18 | Llorean | gnujin: So far you've not asked any question specific enough to receive help with, and when directed to the documentation you've refused to actually follow it, and just apparently made random guesses as to what to do judging from your responses. |
03:22:27 | Llorean | Why should the community support you in doing stupid things rather than simply reading the docs? |
03:27:00 | gnujin | Llorean: Actually you have right. My apologise. |
03:27:04 | | Quit tvelocity_ (Remote closed the connection) |
03:27:31 | xqtftqx | ANybody know how to install sdl? for building the simulator? |
03:28:01 | Llorean | xqtftqx: See the SDL docs or your OS's package manager if you're running an appropriate linux variant |
03:29:11 | xqtftqx | i only see sdlm |
03:29:16 | xqtftqx | a arcade emulator |
03:30:06 | | Quit neddy ("Leaving.") |
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03:30:49 | scorche | xqtftqx: you might want to try #sdl or #yourlinuxdistrohere |
03:31:21 | xqtftqx | ... ok... |
03:32:08 | | Quit cool_walking_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
03:32:58 | | Join MethoS- [0] (n=clemens@dyndsl-085-016-166-254.ewe-ip-backbone.de) |
03:35:29 | | Join EspeonEefi [0] (i=espeonee@CERULEANCITY.MIT.EDU) |
03:41:39 | swears | Anyone know if there is a "Brightness (plugged in)" options in rockbox? |
03:42:46 | IntrepiD | Could someone please give me a link to a non-broken wps I could try. Ive tried supposively fixed ones and they don't work either |
03:42:58 | Llorean | IntrepiD: Just try the default included one. |
03:43:07 | scorche | IntrepiD: as i told you before, there are a few that come with rockbox...they should work fine |
03:43:25 | Llorean | swears: I don't believe such a feature is mentioned in the manual, no. |
03:43:34 | swears | Yeah, i couldn't find it |
03:43:43 | swears | I only see the backlight timer (plugged in) |
03:43:53 | swears | would be nice to have different brightness setting as well. |
03:44:14 | scorche | feel free to implement such a feature |
03:44:22 | swears | I'll get right on it |
03:44:44 | IntrepiD | scorche: I can't get any of the default ones to work. They all show the default wps |
03:45:04 | scorche | IntrepiD: try with the newest build |
03:45:44 | IntrepiD | I am on the newest build |
03:45:53 | IntrepiD | i just installed 2 hours ago |
03:46:04 | advcomp2019 | IntrepiD, cabbiev2 does not work? |
03:46:30 | | Quit Addicted (Remote closed the connection) |
03:47:32 | IntrepiD | no |
03:48:00 | advcomp2019 | it works here on my e280R |
03:48:10 | gnujin | Llorean: When I'm doing a backup of MBR I need unmount the device first isn't it? |
03:48:14 | Llorean | IntrepiD: Are you sure you didn't re-download another copy of CabbieV2 when you were downloading themes? |
03:48:35 | | Part aidy |
03:49:24 | Llorean | gnujin: None of the instructions describe making a backup of your MBR. Since I have no idea what you're doing, I can't really offer you help with it. |
03:51:27 | gnujin | Llorean: I'm trying to insure myself I mean I try to backup MBR and Firmware. |
03:51:40 | gnujin | Llorean: It's not a good idea? |
03:52:26 | Llorean | All I said is that because I don't know what you're doing, I can't help. |
03:52:59 | | Quit DerDome (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
03:53:01 | Llorean | It shouldn't be necessary to unmount for making a backup, but since I don't know what method you've come up with to do it, I don't know if maybe you need to because you're doing something I hadn't thought of. |
03:54:13 | gnujin | Llorean: I'm using dd tool −− "dd if=/dev/sdX of=backup_file count=1" |
03:55:11 | Llorean | It should not be necessary |
03:55:58 | gnujin | Llorean: Ok, thank you but how to backup the firmware? |
03:58:24 | Llorean | There's no reason to. |
03:58:44 | Llorean | The entire point of the manual restore page is for recovering damaged firmware. It just happens to be the same process as converting an iPod properly to FAT32 |
03:58:55 | xqtftqx | gnujin: Do you want to backup the rockbox install or the bootloader? |
03:59:11 | Llorean | xqtftqx: he hasn't got Rockbox installed. |
03:59:18 | xqtftqx | oh sorry, my window didnt scroll dowl |
04:00 |
04:01:46 | gnujin | Llorean: I didn't ask about the reason. Please, answer me. |
04:02:03 | | Nick fxb is now known as fxb__ (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) |
04:02:25 | gnujin | xqtftqx: Do you have in mind a Apple bootloader? |
04:02:55 | Llorean | gnujin: If you read the page, it links where to download good firmware from. There's no reason to back it up because your backup is actually more likely to be useless for recovery than the known good download. |
04:04:15 | | Quit jhulst (Remote closed the connection) |
04:07:05 | gnujin | Llorean: Can I ask what this firmware containing? |
04:07:22 | Llorean | It's the official Apple firmware... |
04:07:49 | Llorean | The page's purpose is to restore an iPod to working status as a normal Apple FAT32 iPod. |
04:07:55 | Llorean | After which Rockbox install can be performed as normal. |
04:08:24 | gnujin | Llorean: But nothing other then Rockbox? |
04:08:49 | Llorean | I don't know what you mean. |
04:08:51 | scorche | gnujin: those links do not contain rockbox |
04:08:57 | Llorean | The page makes it a working Apple iPod |
04:09:04 | Llorean | After which you can do to it anything you could do to a working Apple iPod. |
04:09:32 | Llorean | Why do you ask? |
04:10:46 | | Quit MethoS- (Remote closed the connection) |
04:24:53 | gnujin | Llorean: Ok, now I have a problem. |
04:25:20 | Llorean | What is the problem |
04:26:13 | gnujin | Llorean: When I've copied the firmware and then run the fdisk he tell me that I have only one partition /dev/sda1. |
04:27:27 | | Join miepchen^schlaf_ [0] (n=miepchen@p54BF7B25.dip.t-dialin.net) |
04:27:40 | Llorean | Then you probably did not properly put the MBR on and make Linux reread it |
04:29:17 | gnujin | Llorean: dd if=file of=/dev/sda1 is not proper? |
04:29:40 | gnujin | *properly? |
04:29:44 | | Quit sarixe (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
04:30:27 | Llorean | No, it's not. |
04:30:48 | Llorean | dd if=file of=/dev/sda would be proper, since you don't want to just write it within a specific partition. |
04:31:05 | Llorean | That's why it says "sdX" unlike the later "sdX1" and "sdX2" |
04:31:09 | | Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) |
04:33:48 | gnujin | Llorean: dd if=Firmware-X.Y.Z of=/dev/sdX1 −− step 6. |
04:33:59 | Llorean | The MBR |
04:34:25 | Llorean | I said you probably did not properly put the *MBR* on, not the firmware. |
04:34:32 | | Quit miepchen^schlaf (Connection timed out) |
04:35:24 | gnujin | Llorean: I am sorry, I'm sleepy right now. |
04:35:25 | | Join sarixe [0] (n=sarixe@ool-43540968.dyn.optonline.net) |
04:36:12 | Llorean | You should probably stop and get some rest then. |
04:36:19 | Llorean | Small typos and confusions are only going to make this harder. |
04:37:12 | gnujin | Llorean: I'm going to work today. ;) |
04:38:05 | gnujin | Llorean: Ok, but I should use MBR from rockbox or my own? |
04:38:27 | Llorean | The page tells you to use the one from there. It'd be pointless to reuse the one you just copied off... |
04:39:28 | | Quit jhulst (Remote closed the connection) |
04:39:58 | gnujin | Llorean: Ok. |
04:40:25 | | Join saratoga [0] (n=9803c6dd@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-ac29dfaaca9a9cc7) |
04:41:32 | | Quit avis ("if you could step inside me...") |
04:42:22 | | Join avis [0] (n=ident@pdpc/supporter/student/avis) |
04:47:41 | wpyh | doesn't RB use fixed point calculations? |
04:48:04 | Llorean | Usually |
04:48:07 | | Join midgey [0] (n=tjross@c-71-205-31-207.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) |
04:48:29 | wpyh | I thought not all targets support floating point |
04:49:30 | Llorean | In the sense that floating point ops are very, very slow generally |
04:49:42 | wpyh | ah.. |
04:49:52 | wpyh | I thought some targets don't support FP at all |
04:50:08 | Llorean | I'm not sure on the specifics myself. |
04:50:23 | wpyh | I'll try to stick to fixed point then |
04:50:25 | wpyh | thanks :) |
04:52:37 | | Join n9xvt [0] (n=187be7e0@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-360798bfc84937b1) |
04:54:41 | safetydan | wpyh: if you use double/float then they will be emulated on the target and thus be very slow |
04:54:58 | safetydan | however they're not totally unusable, but will almost never be accepted for core functions |
04:55:01 | safetydan | plugins should be okay |
04:56:19 | wpyh | safetydan: I'm trying to optimize a plugin, so it would be counterproductive to use floating point.. :p |
04:56:30 | wpyh | thanks anyway ;) |
04:57:05 | | Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) |
04:58:45 | wpyh | I need to calculate the reciprocal of a square root, and found the infamous InvSqrt() from quake 3 |
04:58:49 | wpyh | but it uses floating point |
04:59:00 | * | wpyh will try convert it into fixed point |
04:59:07 | wpyh | although that might not be possible.. |
04:59:37 | Llorean | You might see if Quake 1 has a similar function. Since I have no clue what it was used for, I couldn't guess, but IIRC Quake 1 was still fixed point. |
05:00 |
05:00:32 | wpyh | Llorean: OK, I will search for that |
05:03:10 | saratoga | wpyh: there are fixed point sqrt functions in most codecs |
05:03:14 | n9xvt | mi clock keeps changing time? sansa c240? |
05:03:41 | saratoga | libwma has on in wmafixed.h |
05:04:17 | saratoga | sorry wmafixed.c |
05:04:42 | wpyh | hey, thanks :) |
05:04:58 | wpyh | it seems like an unrolled loop to me |
05:08:15 | | Join d-k-t-2 [0] (n=dt@ |
05:08:43 | n9xvt | also,,doesent connect to rock box utility wen has a sd card in it? |
05:11:07 | gnujin | Llorean: FAT: logical sector size too small for device (logical sector size = 2048) |
05:12:05 | Llorean | gnujin: Have you tried the mformat method? |
05:12:09 | gnujin | Llorean: I used mformat -t 2428 -h 255 -s 63 -S 4 -M 2048 -F a: |
05:12:46 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
05:13:05 | gnujin | Llorean: In mformat config file I uncommented line with drive a: file="dev/sda2" |
05:13:22 | gnujin | *file="/dev/sda2" |
05:13:40 | gnujin | Llorean: No error message occured. |
05:13:54 | Llorean | What's giving the error message then? |
05:14:12 | gnujin | Llorean: dmesg | tail |
05:15:01 | Llorean | Is some specific step failing? |
05:15:16 | gnujin | Llorean: No. |
05:15:50 | gnujin | Llorean: I did those steps several times to be sure. |
05:16:01 | Llorean | Then what, exactly, are you asking? |
05:16:24 | safetydan | wpyh: there's a few fixed point functions floating around in the codecs and plugins. I think there might even be a fixedpoint.c in the plugin lib |
05:16:29 | gnujin | Llorean: How to solve this problem. |
05:16:32 | Llorean | I don't know if that message is normal or not, but I do know the formatting on these iPods is a little unusual so I wouldn't be entirely surprised if it kicked up warnings of some sort. |
05:16:42 | Llorean | gnujin: What *is* the problem. You said no step is failing. |
05:17:07 | gnujin | Llorean: I can't mount /dev/sda2 |
05:17:54 | wpyh | gnujin: do you have a 5.5g ipod? |
05:18:03 | wpyh | safetydan: thanks, I'll take a look |
05:18:14 | Llorean | gnujin: And you're 100% sure you have a 5.5G and not a 6G? |
05:18:45 | gnujin | Llorean: Yes, frontside is black and backside chrome. |
05:19:07 | wpyh | gnujin: the 6G also has those colours |
05:19:46 | wpyh | is the front side plastic or metal? |
05:20:51 | wpyh | hm... no algorithm/function for inverse square root in the codecs (I looked for inv.*sqrt) |
05:20:58 | saratoga | i don't understand this error: "io.c:148: error: storage class specified for parameter 'sim_root_dir' " |
05:21:07 | saratoga | where that line is "extern const char *sim_root_dir; " |
05:21:08 | gnujin | wpyh: Plastic. |
05:21:21 | wpyh | gnujin: then it's a 5.5g |
05:21:29 | wpyh | try the mkfs.vfat method |
05:21:45 | gnujin | wpyh: I also tried. |
05:21:50 | wpyh | and? |
05:22:02 | gnujin | wpyh: Same result. |
05:22:02 | Llorean | gnujin: Just to verify, what are the first three characters of its serial number? |
05:22:06 | * | wpyh really thinks the mformat method should go away |
05:22:26 | Llorean | wpyh: The mformat method is generally more reliable than the mkfs.vfat one for the 2048 disks. |
05:22:45 | saratoga | wpyh: you can use 1/fixsqrt() |
05:22:47 | wpyh | Llorean: I haven't had trouble with mkfs.vfat... |
05:22:57 | wpyh | saratoga: yeah, I was trying to avoid that :p |
05:23:20 | wpyh | if we can easily convert between fixed-point and floating point, we can use quake3's function... |
05:23:23 | gnujin | Llorean: 8M7 |
05:23:31 | Llorean | wpyh: Well, we had many, many people have problems with it in the early days of supporting the 80gig ones. It's possible they've fixed some bugs in their own code? |
05:23:54 | Llorean | gnujin: Those are the LEFTMOST three? |
05:23:57 | saratoga | wpyh: are you actually limited by sqrt performance? |
05:24:09 | wpyh | Llorean: I suspect that they didn't use the correct parameters to mkfs.vfat |
05:24:09 | Llorean | gnujin: I made a mistake, I need the rightmost three, sorry. |
05:24:23 | gnujin | Llorean: First are first. I'm not a arabian. |
05:24:37 | | Quit d-k-t (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
05:24:42 | wpyh | saratoga: not sure yet, but we'll find out |
05:24:46 | wpyh | ;) |
05:24:59 | Llorean | gnujin: Again, I already said it was my mistake, and that I need the rightmost three... |
05:25:31 | gnujin | Llorean: YMV |
05:25:33 | Llorean | wpyh: The command on the page now is what was used then. |
05:25:41 | wpyh | since I'm trying to use this algorithm (http://geometryalgorithms.com/Archive/algorithm_0102/algorithm_0102.htm) to calculate the distance of a point to a line, I need the inverse of the square root |
05:25:46 | Llorean | gnujin: That's a classic serial number. 6G. |
05:26:03 | Llorean | gnujin: You are 100% certainly using an "iPod Classic" rather than an "iPod Video" and Rockbox cannot be run on your device. |
05:26:24 | * | wpyh wonders how the classic can have a plastic front |
05:26:47 | wpyh | Llorean: do we have a log of people who had problems with the mkfs.vfat command? |
05:26:55 | * | wpyh wants to round'em up |
05:27:10 | Llorean | wpyh: Nothing specific. You'd have to dig through old IRC logs I imagine |
05:27:16 | saratoga | wpyh: I would make sure sqrt performance is actually a problem before trying to optimize it ... |
05:27:20 | gnujin | Llorean: Are you sure? |
05:27:43 | wpyh | Llorean: ok, we'll see |
05:27:45 | Llorean | gnujin: There is no doubt. you can verify at apple.com yourself: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1353 |
05:28:01 | wpyh | saratoga: uh, yeah.. let me implement the algorithm first, and then optimize |
05:28:15 | * | wpyh remembers now that premature optimization is the root of all .* |
05:28:43 | gnujin | Llorean: ... So there's no hope. |
05:29:31 | gnujin | Llorean: Anyway thank you for helping me. |
05:31:03 | | Quit gnujin ("ERC Version 5.3 (IRC client for Emacs)") |
05:38:09 | n9xvt | any info? |
05:42:35 | | Quit fdinel ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
05:44:35 | | Quit n9xvt ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
05:47:41 | | Quit IntrepiD (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
05:49:50 | unpaidbill | is there any easy way to download album art for my ipod 30g? something that will search through all the mp3s on the ipod and attempt to download it automatically? |
05:50:45 | saratoga | unpaidbill: I've seen various programs for doing that over the years, i'm sure you can find one on google |
05:51:06 | Llorean | unpaidbill: Media preparation really isn't on-topic here though. This is for questions and development work of Rockbox and it's official tools. |
05:54:21 | unpaidbill | just wondering if anyone knew something n particular, i'll fish on google some more |
06:00 |
06:05:36 | | Quit saratoga ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
06:14:57 | | Join Level2Tech [0] (n=ask@ip68-226-249-165.lf.br.cox.net) |
06:15:27 | Level2Tech | Yeah yeah, check out my website and take a look at my code. Also you may want to join my channel |
06:16:55 | scorche | Level2Tech: i certainly hope this is not you spamming our channel |
06:17:44 | Level2Tech | do what |
06:17:54 | Level2Tech | its not |
06:18:08 | Level2Tech | I just slapped by bot...its his fault |
06:18:18 | scorche | ...huh? |
06:18:26 | Level2Tech | Exactly |
06:20:02 | scorche | this is an on-topic channel for dicussing rockbox matters only...please dont fill our logs with...well...whatever this is... |
06:21:32 | | Nick Level2Tech is now known as ball_licker (n=ask@ip68-226-249-165.lf.br.cox.net) |
06:21:48 | Mode | "#rockbox +o scorche " by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) |
06:21:51 | Kick | (#rockbox ball_licker :Kick!) by scorche!i=Blah@rockbox/administrator/scorche |
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06:40:49 | Mode | "#rockbox -o scorche " by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) |
06:51:33 | swears | I am trying to get album art to show |
06:51:40 | swears | I've read I need to modify the .wps file |
06:51:51 | swears | does it matter where I insert the album art command? |
06:57:53 | | Join AndyIL [0] (n=pasha_in@ |
06:59:52 | swears | and should there really be a space before and after albumtitle |
06:59:53 | swears | ./ albumtitle .bmp - name of the album, found in metadata of the music file |
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07:26:24 | fml | FS #8965 can be closed now IMHO since there is no study mode anymore |
07:26:28 | | Quit fml (Client Quit) |
07:43:36 | | Join Brendan03 [0] (n=Brendan0@203-219-209-187.static.tpgi.com.au) |
07:43:58 | Brendan03 | hi |
07:44:57 | Brendan03 | I have an issue regarding iPod photo and a wps, Is it acceptable to ask for help here? |
07:47:19 | advcomp2019 | Brendan03, some wps are broken |
07:47:43 | advcomp2019 | if that is what you was going to ask |
07:47:59 | Brendan03 | Ah, I'm trying to install The DGT1.4 −− I'm getting the wallpaper/background image working okay |
07:49:07 | Brendan03 | I'm using an ipod photo and I'm lead to believe it is possible, but I've had issues with the rockbox firmware interfacing properly with the LCD in the ipod |
07:49:54 | Brendan03 | as such, I went forum trawling and found some software which has got the screen working okay but the wps doesn't seem to be activating/installing |
07:50:40 | | Join maffe [0] (n=Miranda@p5B041AE3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
07:56:03 | advcomp2019 | yes then.. you have to update the WPS or wait for an update to that WPS.. that theme might broken because it does not use VP |
07:56:51 | Brendan03 | VP? |
07:57:31 | advcomp2019 | viewports |
07:57:58 | Brendan03 | oh, okay |
07:58:45 | advcomp2019 | look at r17759 and r17763 |
08:00 |
08:00:03 | Brendan03 | Okay, How do you search for release numbers? |
08:00:10 | | Join K4rP4D [0] (n=KrPD@unaffiliated/krpd) |
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08:00:53 | Brendan03 | Disregard, Found it |
08:06:13 | Brendan03 | Actually, I can't seem to find either of those |
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08:08:54 | advcomp2019 | you can not find the revision numbers or what? |
08:09:48 | Brendan03 | Well, I've put the revision numbers in and can't find the releases |
08:10:45 | advcomp2019 | http://svn.rockbox.org/viewvc.cgi?view=rev;revision=17759 and http://svn.rockbox.org/viewvc.cgi?view=rev;revision=17763 |
08:11:30 | Brendan03 | Thanks, What do I do with those? Download the files and put them in the subdirectorys on the device? |
08:12:27 | advcomp2019 | it says how to fix the themes when you edit the theme |
08:13:26 | Brendan03 | Oh, Okay |
08:15:37 | GodEater_ | Llorean? |
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08:44:05 | | Join GodEater [0] (i=c2cbc962@rockbox/staff/GodEater) |
08:45:38 | | Quit swears ("( www.nnscript.com :: NoNameScript 4.21 :: www.esnation.com )") |
08:45:57 | | Join ender` [0] (i=krneki@foo.eternallybored.org) |
08:46:31 | Llorean | GodEater: Present |
08:47:48 | GodEater | did you see the note I left on the *first* of Zardoz's posts I deleted this morning ? |
08:48:08 | Llorean | No, I usually don't read the trash unless someone calls attention to it. |
08:48:21 | Llorean | Checking now |
08:48:25 | GodEater | I'm just getting fed up of us having to clean up after him |
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09:53:05 | | Join Quan-Time [0] (n=792d0010@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-d8e38bf28ac1196a) |
09:53:14 | Quan-Time | wow, few more ppl than i expected |
09:53:17 | | Quit Nibbl (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
09:55:22 | markun | Quan-Time: but not many active right now :) |
09:55:35 | Quan-Time | gotcha ;) |
09:56:38 | markun | which player do you have? |
09:57:41 | Quan-Time | iriver H10-20gb |
09:57:50 | Quan-Time | playin around with rbox now... |
09:57:54 | Quan-Time | been a while since i updated it.. |
09:57:59 | markun | I hope you like it |
09:58:00 | Quan-Time | the themes seem to be a bit screwy.. |
09:58:24 | markun | some themes requirer special rockbox builds |
09:58:33 | Quan-Time | go to change theme, and it goes to some generic screen, and WONT put the full theme on for some reason. ohh.. gotcha |
09:58:40 | markun | and the formwat of the file changes from time to time |
09:58:56 | markun | (damn typos) |
09:59:26 | Quan-Time | its bascially only changing the font,, blue background, nothing really changes cept the font.. sorta annoying really |
09:59:32 | Quan-Time | best way to fix it ? |
09:59:36 | Quan-Time | wipe, start again ? |
10:00 |
10:00:27 | advcomp2019 | look at r17759 and r17763 to see how to fix the WPS that are broken |
10:00:57 | Quan-Time | cheers |
10:01:30 | Quan-Time | as in build ? |
10:01:38 | Quan-Time | or help / FAQ / wiki ? |
10:02:53 | linuxstb | Isn't there also a forum thread discussing the changes? |
10:03:17 | advcomp2019 | that revision numbers.. there is a wiki, but the revision numbers are the easiest.. linuxstb, there is? |
10:05:54 | advcomp2019 | linuxstb, you are right.. i did not know that |
10:09:15 | | Join bertrik [0] (n=bertrik@245-013-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl) |
10:09:15 | Quan-Time | bah, ill make my own theme.. Well, up date my old one i had / re-do it |
10:11:09 | Llorean | Unless they're using tags from patches, it's only the %m and %pb tags you need to be concerned with. |
10:11:21 | Llorean | %m needs to be replaced with viewports, and %pb uses different parameters now. |
10:11:34 | Quan-Time | oh.. ok |
10:11:37 | Quan-Time | ill look into it |
10:12:19 | | Quit floatsaka () |
10:14:24 | | Join pixelma [50] (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) |
10:15:09 | Quan-Time | wasnt there an easy theme editor ? not a viewer, but one you could drag things around ? |
10:15:13 | Quan-Time | or am i thinking of something else ? |
10:17:01 | Llorean | Something else. |
10:17:21 | Llorean | There was a tool that claimed to be an easy theme creator, but it more or less simply translated more mnemonic tags into our tags, and it fell out of date long, long ago. |
10:18:40 | | Join Horschti [0] (n=Horscht@p4FD4E2E1.dip.t-dialin.net) |
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10:23:56 | | Quit petur ("away to help some idiots") |
10:29:03 | preglow | seems my fondling with study mode wasn't entirely popular |
10:29:58 | Llorean | Someone complaining somewhere? |
10:31:33 | | Quit Vorador ("Ex-Chat") |
10:32:08 | | Quit Quan-Time ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
10:35:39 | | Join culture [0] (n=none@ |
10:39:39 | preglow | only stephane, but he commited it, so go figure :) |
10:39:53 | preglow | apparently, the second intervals where very nice |
10:39:57 | preglow | so i'll probably stuff in some of them |
10:40:06 | preglow | where/were |
10:41:42 | | Join ap0 [0] (i=kvirc@nfb68-1-88-169-81-101.fbx.proxad.net) |
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11:46:16 | | Part locutox |
11:53:50 | bertrik | I see the ipod 3g does not have HAVE_LCD_ENABLE defined but it uses lcd-gray.c which does have an lcd_enable function. |
11:55:21 | amiconn | That's correct |
11:55:51 | amiconn | The enable function shouldn't normally be used on greyscale. It exists solely in preparation for suspend mode (on G1 + G2) |
11:58:46 | bertrik | amiconn, so we can disable that function for now to save some binsize, or am I being too pedantic? :) |
12:00 |
12:02:03 | bertrik | binsize is only really important for the archoses, right? |
12:06:43 | | Join MethoS_ [0] (n=clemens@dyndsl-085-016-165-253.ewe-ip-backbone.de) |
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12:10:28 | JdGordon | bertrik: depends who you ask... but yes |
12:11:09 | pixelma | I'd say it also depends on whether other low mem target ports take off |
12:12:31 | Genre9mp3 | ports like ifp7xx perhaps? |
12:13:20 | preglow | i don' think we should hold our breaths for that one... |
12:13:23 | Llorean | That one's more or less abandoned. |
12:13:43 | Llorean | But the Sansa Clip, for example, has a ridiculously small amount of RAM. |
12:13:56 | Llorean | And it's not unbelievable to think other future flash players might at least be limited to fairly small amounts. |
12:14:07 | bertrik | oh, how much does it have? |
12:14:16 | Llorean | 384 Kb IIRC. |
12:14:26 | Llorean | Er KB |
12:14:28 | JdGordon | does the clip have a colour screen? |
12:14:36 | k4y | no, it's 2-bit or something |
12:14:56 | bertrik | IIRC 1 line yellow and 2 lines blue |
12:15:02 | preglow | what kind of core does it have? |
12:15:02 | Llorean | Yeah, it's a strange screen. |
12:15:10 | Llorean | preglow: One of the Sansa V2 AMS ones. |
12:15:16 | preglow | weird |
12:15:37 | preglow | i don't know how much i'd put into porting to one of those targets, really |
12:15:43 | preglow | rockbox would have to be pretty well modified |
12:15:58 | preglow | they're a minority, and will be even more so in the future |
12:16:00 | Llorean | I'm expecting flash targets in the 1MB-2MB RAM range to be not uncommon though |
12:16:36 | preglow | even the audio buffer takes up much of that |
12:16:46 | Llorean | No need for an audio buffer on flash though |
12:17:01 | preglow | perhaps we could slice it down thoroughly if mike stuff preemption in the kernel, though... |
12:17:06 | preglow | Llorean: pcm buffer, i meant |
12:17:07 | Llorean | Or at least, not beyond what the codec's working on. |
12:17:25 | preglow | Llorean: plus, buffering would have to be modified a good deal to read directly from flash |
12:17:38 | Llorean | preglow: Yeah. |
12:17:42 | Llorean | It's not an immediate concern anyway. |
12:17:59 | Llorean | But it's a reason why we shouldn't just assume we can let the core binary explode for swcodec. |
12:18:12 | preglow | oh, i don't think we should anyway |
12:18:15 | Llorean | Easier to be reasonable and careful now than try to crowbar it into a lowRAM target later. |
12:18:17 | | Quit K4rP4D (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
12:18:34 | JdGordon | i disagree.... those targets will need slimming down anyway so why hold back other targets? |
12:18:54 | preglow | hold back how? |
12:18:59 | Llorean | JdGordon: There's no guarantee they'd need slimming down. |
12:18:59 | preglow | how are we currently holding anything back? |
12:19:11 | Llorean | And I'm talking about an upper bound that's probably 1MB for the core binary. That's not exactly small. |
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12:52:23 | JUSTWJX | M6,my god |
12:52:32 | webmind | yes? |
12:53:24 | JUSTWJX | It stoped so long time |
12:55:22 | JUSTWJX | the project of M^ |
12:55:25 | JUSTWJX | M6 |
12:58:29 | markun | JUSTWJX: work harder then |
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13:03:35 | | Join stdz [0] (n=std~den@ |
13:06:24 | JUSTWJX | hope come into being soon~~! |
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13:30:14 | Nico_P | preglow, Llorean: I think the buffering code could be adapted for direct access to flash while keeping the same API |
13:30:37 | Nico_P | it wouls be much simpler of course |
13:30:47 | Nico_P | s/wouls/would |
13:34:25 | | Quit MethoS_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
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13:56:07 | bertrik | pcm_play_dma_stopped_callback is not a callback :/ |
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14:01:21 | JdGordon | bertrik: it probably was once... feel free to rename it to make sense |
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15:00:44 | preglow | Nico_P: sounds sweet |
15:02:26 | bertrik | JdGordon, I still don't quite understand what the F_TEMPVAR settings attribute is for |
15:02:49 | JdGordon | its for settings which cannot be changed "live" |
15:03:40 | | Quit GodEater ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
15:05:05 | bertrik | ah ok, but then I still don't see why the status bar setting has it, while the scroll bar setting has not |
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15:36:32 | Nico_P | preglow: I haven't thought about it for very long, but it would probably just need a 32K buffer for data chunks and a bit of space for ID3 data |
15:36:52 | Nico_P | I'm assuming we wouldn't want/need to support album art |
15:38:12 | Nico_P | (I'm thinking about a lowmem target, not a regular flash target like the c200/e200) |
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15:57:02 | Llorean | Nico_P: Even if we supported album art, you'd just store it in the WPS buffer, right? |
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16:09:18 | Nico_P | Llorean: hehe, I had forgotten about that. yes :) |
16:12:25 | kushal_12_27_200 | Is the album art a part of the song data itself for mp3 files? |
16:12:42 | kushal_12_27_200 | or is it a separate file? |
16:12:44 | Nico_P | kushal_12_27_200: no, it's a separate file |
16:13:16 | LambdaCalculus37 | kushal_12_27_200: Rockbox doesn't support embedded album art. |
16:13:17 | kushal_12_27_200 | so we cannot have album art as a part of the tags, right |
16:13:59 | kushal_12_27_200 | any plans to include support in the future? seems like a cool thing to have |
16:15:10 | Nico_P | kushal_12_27_200: it's something we'd like to implement, but so far noone has started the work |
16:17:06 | Llorean | Nico_P: I thought there was still some opposition to jpeg-in-the-core? |
16:21:45 | Nico_P | Llorean: there is? I thought the general opinion was that it was desirable |
16:22:07 | * | linuxstb thought the same |
16:22:20 | * | GodEater thought so too |
16:22:50 | * | LambdaCalculus37 thought so as well |
16:22:56 | * | linuxstb waits for the naysayers |
16:24:08 | rasher | Would it be possible/useful to implement as a sort of codec, perhaps? |
16:24:10 | | Join MethoS- [0] (n=clemens@dyndsl-085-016-161-066.ewe-ip-backbone.de) |
16:24:56 | rasher | Vastly more complex, of course... |
16:25:00 | | Join PaulJam_ [0] (i=PaulJam_@vpn-3009.gwdg.de) |
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16:27:37 | GodEater | is it just mp3s (and therefore I suppose just id3 tags) which allow for embedded AA, or can it be done with vorbis comments, ape tags etc. too ? |
16:27:40 | | Join Arathis [0] (n=doerk@p508A3AA7.dip.t-dialin.net) |
16:27:55 | GodEater | also, is it *always* a jpeg, or are there pngs these days too ? |
16:28:04 | GodEater | in which case, rasher's idea makes a lot of sense |
16:28:13 | LambdaCalculus37 | GodEater: Besides MP3s, I belive AAC and WMA also allow for embedded AA. |
16:28:31 | * | GodEater has no idea what sort of tags those use |
16:28:32 | linuxstb | I would expect all formats allow it... |
16:28:45 | Nico_P | it can also be PNG or BMP AFAIK |
16:28:53 | Nico_P | or any other stuff |
16:28:56 | GodEater | so the "codec" idea isn't entirely insane anyway then |
16:29:10 | Nico_P | indeed it is not |
16:29:23 | * | GodEater applauds rasher's great insight |
16:29:50 | | Quit AndyI () |
16:30:39 | linuxstb | We already have a bmp loader though, so is it worth building a codec infrastructure for 2 image formats? |
16:31:33 | GodEater | well presumably it would allow for other formats in future? |
16:31:50 | linuxstb | such as? |
16:31:59 | GodEater | unknown at this time? :) |
16:32:06 | linuxstb | ;) |
16:32:20 | GodEater | <insert next 'big thing' image format here> |
16:32:29 | GodEater | gif ? :) |
16:32:29 | linuxstb | svg... |
16:32:30 | | Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=miepchen@p54BF7B25.dip.t-dialin.net) |
16:32:39 | rasher | PNG, I suppose. But the complexity might not be worth it |
16:32:51 | GodEater | PNG was already mentioned |
16:33:25 | linuxstb | But IMO, I think someone just needs to implement it in the core first, and then we decide if it's worthwhile splitting it out... |
16:33:55 | rasher | Using PNG for album art is bizarre anyway |
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16:34:01 | linuxstb | I don't see anyone showing interest in it though. |
16:34:23 | rasher | Interest in having it done, or doing it? |
16:34:42 | linuxstb | in doing it - that's all that matters... |
16:35:19 | rasher | Ah, I thought you might have been saying that it wasn't something people wanted anyway |
16:35:30 | GodEater | I think it's pretty clear people do want it |
16:35:35 | linuxstb | No, I know it's often requested. |
16:35:37 | GodEater | it's just not on anyone's todo list right now |
16:36:22 | JdGordon | jpeg in the core + bmp resizing to handle it is going to be a pretty big bin hit... |
16:37:39 | JdGordon | umm.. wouldnt embedded AA be a massive ram waste? if your playing an album, the same image will be loaded a dozen times? |
16:37:39 | | Join omerta [0] (n=omerta@nat67.mia.three.co.uk) |
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16:39:05 | Nico_P | JdGordon: that's already the case actually |
16:39:10 | rasher | JdGordon: I don't know your definition of massive, but a 100x100 truecolor bitmap isn't *that* huge compared to a couple minutes compressed music |
16:39:41 | JdGordon | Nico_P: oh ok then... that should be changed also :p |
16:39:49 | Nico_P | I agree |
16:42:10 | | Quit PaulJam (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
16:42:55 | Nico_P | I have plans of doing it by allowing multiple bufopens and bufcloses on a handle by keeping a ref count |
16:43:04 | | Join saratoga [0] (n=9803c6dd@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-7924a93c3f0492cf) |
16:44:19 | Nico_P | the problem I saw with that was with a single track playlist... the buffer filled up with ID3 data |
16:44:44 | | Quit omerta ("used jmIrc") |
16:44:44 | Nico_P | (repeat was on) |
16:46:46 | JdGordon | thats not really a problem though, assuming it worked and that was the only side effect |
16:48:16 | JdGordon | what happens though when you have a track multiple times in the playlist (with some tracks between them), couldnt that cause fragmentation if the file stays in the buffer? |
16:50:22 | Nico_P | yeah that's another potential issue I haven't spent much time investigating yet |
16:51:15 | Nico_P | there could be some fragmentation, but it would be avoidable with a bit of moving |
16:51:50 | | Quit kushal_12_27_200 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
16:52:04 | Nico_P | I decided it was better not to rush it because the waste isn't very significant |
16:55:13 | JdGordon | gnite |
16:55:16 | | Nick JdGordon is now known as JdGordon|zzz (n=jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) |
16:58:36 | | Quit DaCapn () |
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17:04:38 | saratoga | could someone have a look at this compilation error I'm getting with wince-arm: http://pastebin.com/m37d4b1cf |
17:05:09 | xqtftqx | Did you use any patches? |
17:05:52 | saratoga | it seems to choke on things like "extern void ata_spindown(int seconds);" |
17:06:01 | xqtftqx | can you answer my question? |
17:06:27 | linuxstb | xqtftqx: Yes, he's using lots of (his own) patches... |
17:06:55 | xqtftqx | what changes? and why is it in current? shouldn't it be trunk? |
17:07:14 | xqtftqx | or did you just rename it? |
17:07:34 | saratoga | i'm guessing I haven't setup something right in the makefile or compiler since the lines it has trouble with are valid c |
17:07:46 | saratoga | xqtftqx: "current" is a folder on my hard drive |
17:07:47 | xqtftqx | ok... |
17:07:51 | saratoga | its not related to rockbox |
17:08:12 | linuxstb | saratoga: I remember someone else having a similar problem, but can't remember the details... (the first error - ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF) |
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17:13:32 | linuxstb | saratoga: I found it in the IRC logs on 12th May and 18th May - people get that error trying to compile checkwps in cygwin. I don't think anyone fixed it, but it seems to be related to missing include files. |
17:15:37 | | Nick Bensawsome is now known as MacOSX (n=Bensawso@c-71-235-222-135.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) |
17:15:45 | | Nick MacOSX is now known as Bensawsome (n=Bensawso@c-71-235-222-135.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) |
17:16:49 | | Quit MethoS- (Remote closed the connection) |
17:16:50 | Nico_P | where is ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF defined? |
17:18:38 | saratoga | Nico_P: its in /firmware/include/_ansi.h |
17:18:49 | saratoga | i think its a standard macro |
17:22:05 | Nico_P | saratoga: is GNUC defined in your environment? |
17:22:47 | saratoga | Nico_P: that would be a makefile option? |
17:23:08 | Nico_P | I guess... have you looked at the result from the preprocessor? |
17:23:39 | saratoga | how would I do that? |
17:23:44 | saratoga | i'm not familar with gcc |
17:24:31 | linuxstb | Nico_P: Do you mean __GNUC__ ? |
17:24:53 | Nico_P | linuxstb: yes, that's what I meant |
17:25:38 | | Join maffe [0] (n=Miranda@p5B041AE3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
17:25:44 | linuxstb | saratoga: I would add a "#warning" line anywhere in _ansi.h - to make sure it's being included. And then, as Nico_P suggested, check __GNUC__ is defined, by moving your #warning into the #ifdef __GNUC__ section |
17:25:57 | saratoga | oh ok |
17:26:26 | Nico_P | linuxstb: isn't there a compiler switch to keep preprocessed files around? |
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17:27:15 | linuxstb | Nico_P: Probably, but that gets messy. I prefer to use use #warning, if I'm checking for something specific. |
17:27:41 | | Quit maffe (Client Quit) |
17:28:36 | saratoga | linuxstb, Nico_P: yes _ansi is being included, and __GNUC__ is defined |
17:29:15 | n9xvt | any sansa users? |
17:29:26 | n9xvt | c series |
17:29:31 | linuxstb | n9xvt: You will be better off just asking your question. |
17:29:47 | linuxstb | saratoga: Then I'm stuck... |
17:29:48 | n9xvt | inacurate clock issues |
17:30:19 | saratoga | i should probably go check out the cegcc mailing list and see if they have any idea |
17:30:46 | Nico_P | saratoga: could you check wheter ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF is defined? |
17:32:24 | GodEater | n9xvt: that's still not a question... |
17:33:01 | linuxstb | n9xvt: And "c series" covers a variety of devices... |
17:33:07 | saratoga | is there a # command to abort compiling ? it would make digging through this easier |
17:33:14 | linuxstb | #error |
17:33:20 | saratoga | i think I saw him ask in the logs before about the clock on his sansa losing time |
17:33:23 | saratoga | thanks |
17:34:54 | LambdaCalculus37 | n9xvt: c200 series, or c100 series? |
17:35:59 | | Quit xqtftqx ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
17:39:34 | saratoga | Nico_P: ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF is defined by the end of _ansi.h, but its not defined in io.c, which is odd since io.c includes debug.h which includes _ansi.h |
17:40:27 | n9xvt | c240 |
17:41:05 | | Quit Nico_P ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
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17:41:45 | * | bertrik has a c240 for a week now and did not notice any clock anomalies |
17:41:48 | Nico_P | saratoga: what about in debug.h? |
17:42:06 | bertrik | n9xvt, how bad is it? |
17:42:19 | n9xvt | is a six month old rig,,loses time and date over night/ thru the day,,tommorow brings about an 8 hr run to check run time and will keep eye on clock,, |
17:42:39 | n9xvt | loses days and years,, |
17:43:06 | linuxstb | Do you use the Sansa firmware, or just Rockbox? |
17:43:16 | bertrik | n9xvt, does it drift excessively or does time become corrupted? |
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17:44:29 | n9xvt | i guessing corrupted,,becouse it comes up random time and date,, |
17:45:49 | markun | n9xvt: this only happens with rockbox? |
17:46:18 | n9xvt | clock wasnt an option with sansa,,? |
17:46:27 | * | LambdaCalculus37 has made some updates to the Spanish language file; see FS #9199 |
17:47:52 | | Quit Nico_P ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
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17:52:33 | n9xvt | dont use sansa firmware,,(only when connects and charges) |
17:54:10 | bertrik | n9xvt, the e200 series has a clock both in the original firmware and in rockbox. The c200 does not show time in the original firmware (I couldn't find it) but the real-time-clock chip is nearly identical to the e200 one. So the clock should work. |
17:54:16 | wpyh | mcuelenaere: you here? |
17:55:02 | | Nick DaCapn_ is now known as DaCapn (n=dacapn@nemo.csn.tu-chemnitz.de) |
17:55:21 | saratoga | Nico_P: ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF gets defined in the previous c file's compilation, then imported into io.c. however, because its already defined, the macro protecting that file prevents it from being redefined when imported in io.c |
17:55:40 | saratoga | it is defined in debug.h the first time, but does not end up defined in io.c |
17:56:09 | saratoga | i'm sort of puzzled why, since I would expect that if it fails the #ifndef DEBUG_H #define DEBUG_H block, then it should already bve defined |
17:56:30 | n9xvt | i have had to reset mine daily,yesterday the date was in november 2028 and this morning it was dec of 03 and time off by 12+hrs? |
17:56:49 | saratoga | wpyh: i meant to tell you last night that you probably should precompute a look up table of sqrt values rather then compute them inline if they're actually a bottleneck for your code |
17:57:27 | wpyh | saratoga: like, look it up then approximate using the newton method? |
17:57:30 | wpyh | I'll try that |
17:57:37 | * | wpyh has to test the code first |
17:57:39 | wpyh | thanks :) |
17:57:56 | bertrik | n9xvt, there is a small battery in my sansa c240, I think this powers the RTC. Maybe if it gets low, the time starts acting weird. |
17:58:54 | saratoga | wpyh: unless you need a lot of values, you can probably compute them all or enough that nearest neighbor interpolation is enough |
17:59:06 | saratoga | otherwise i would use linear interpolation between values |
17:59:35 | saratoga | this is going to be an order of magnitude faster then trying to compute the exact value |
18:00 |
18:00:04 | wpyh | I don't think I need the exact values |
18:00:18 | wpyh | since the original implementation is inaccurate anyway |
18:00:39 | markun | wpyh: what are you working on? |
18:00:53 | | Join Nico_P [50] (n=nicolas@rockbox/developer/NicoP) |
18:02:02 | wpyh | markun: I'm working on the bubbles plugin |
18:02:05 | wpyh | it's dead slow |
18:02:16 | scorche|sh | it isnt that bad... |
18:02:18 | n9xvt | i wouldnt think it was low, (only 3 months old),,i'll havta keep an eye on it,,doesn't appear to be a big issue,,(searching turns up nothing),,maybe i should update the firmware? |
18:02:27 | wpyh | scorche: on the ipod video, it is... |
18:02:34 | scorche|sh | everything is |
18:03:16 | bertrik | n9xvt, I think it's a hardware problem, so updating the firmware probably won't help |
18:03:37 | n9xvt | aright,, |
18:04:01 | wpyh | scorche: well, maze isn't... |
18:04:19 | bertrik | wpyh, if you're comparing distances or something, you can also do that with squared values and you might not need a sqrt |
18:05:03 | wpyh | bertrik: thanks |
18:05:05 | * | wpyh is stupid |
18:05:16 | * | wpyh should try to think out of the box next time |
18:05:33 | bertrik | for example sqrt(x*x + y*y) > d is equivalent to x*x+y*y > d*d |
18:05:40 | wpyh | yeah |
18:06:12 | wpyh | it's this equation: http://geometryalgorithms.com/Archive/algorithm_0102/Eqn_dcross2.gif |
18:06:45 | mcuelenaere | wpyh: yes |
18:06:46 | wpyh | I can avoid the square root, but I have to do an extra multiplication |
18:06:50 | | Join EspeonEefi [0] (i=espeonee@30-7-18.wireless.csail.mit.edu) |
18:06:58 | wpyh | mcuelenaere: I want to ask some things about the vx747 |
18:07:04 | wpyh | let's chat on -community, shall we? |
18:07:22 | mcuelenaere | go ahead |
18:08:47 | wpyh | bertrik: however, I think it's better to multiply more than to use the square root :p |
18:08:52 | wpyh | (inverse square root) |
18:09:36 | | Join Guest3960 [0] (n=mail@host217-42-244-151.range217-42.btcentralplus.com) |
18:09:42 | Guest3960 | hey any one help me |
18:09:44 | Guest3960 | ? |
18:09:48 | | Nick Guest3960 is now known as sufian (n=mail@host217-42-244-151.range217-42.btcentralplus.com) |
18:09:56 | LambdaCalculus37 | Ask your question. |
18:10:13 | bertrik | that equation doesn't really ring a bell, are you interested in the absolute value too, or just the sign? |
18:10:46 | bertrik | wpyh, this is perhaps more appropriate for -community |
18:11:21 | wpyh | bertrik: it's for the bubbles plugin... |
18:11:53 | wpyh | I just need to check whether the trajectory of the bubble comes close to another bubble (of radius R) |
18:12:05 | wpyh | if it does, then I can say that they collide |
18:12:27 | | Join [CBR]Unspoken|w [0] (n=cbr@ |
18:12:33 | Nico_P | wpyh: that's juste the distance between a point at (x,y) and a line passing through (x0,y0) and (x1,y1), isn't it? |
18:12:45 | Nico_P | (the formula you lined to) |
18:13:07 | wpyh | Nico_P: yes |
18:13:24 | | Quit CyBergRind|w (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
18:13:27 | wpyh | one point would be the wall, the other point would be the pointer/aimer or another wall |
18:14:31 | Nico_P | polar coordinates mught be better suited |
18:14:46 | Nico_P | you know the trajectory vector, don't you? |
18:14:58 | wpyh | Nico_P: yes, I do |
18:15:50 | wpyh | but with polar coordinates, we still have to get the distance (from the target bubble to the starting point of the moving bubble) |
18:18:09 | Nico_P | yeah, maybe not very useful |
18:18:17 | wpyh | yeah |
18:18:27 | Nico_P | wpyh: have you looked at the current implementation? |
18:18:34 | wpyh | Nico_P: yes |
18:18:38 | wpyh | skimmed through it |
18:18:45 | Nico_P | how does it work? |
18:18:53 | wpyh | basically it checks for a collission in every step |
18:18:55 | wpyh | which is slow |
18:18:59 | | Quit sufian () |
18:19:29 | wpyh | move the bubble one step, check for collission, move the bubble one step, and so on... |
18:19:30 | Nico_P | alright |
18:24:02 | Nico_P | you could also use angles, but that would require trig computations, so proably slower |
18:24:17 | wpyh | yeah, it would probably slower |
18:24:35 | wpyh | Nico_P: with the angles, wouldn't we also need the distance? |
18:24:40 | wpyh | what I'm trying to do now is: |
18:24:47 | wpyh | 1. divide the board into hexagonal cells |
18:24:57 | wpyh | this is because a bubble can only stay in one cell |
18:25:08 | Nico_P | wpyh: all you'd need is the distance between the origin and the center of the bubble you want to check |
18:25:33 | wpyh | then when a bubble is shot, or bounces off a wall, find all the cells that it will pass though, plus neighbouring cells |
18:25:47 | wpyh | then for each such occupied cell, check the distance |
18:26:01 | wpyh | which means check for collisions |
18:26:10 | wpyh | then after we have determined that, just display |
18:26:15 | Nico_P | how big would the cells be? |
18:26:17 | wpyh | so we don't mix up display and computation |
18:26:26 | wpyh | I haven't decided yet |
18:26:43 | wpyh | one thing is, that the cell size is independent of display size |
18:26:55 | wpyh | computation done in the background, foreground only does displaying |
18:27:02 | wpyh | this should smooth out the movements |
18:27:21 | Nico_P | separate threads? |
18:28:06 | wpyh | no |
18:28:10 | wpyh | and this is the problem |
18:28:19 | wpyh | it will be calculated at each bounce |
18:28:38 | wpyh | so the real worry is at the starting point of each path |
18:28:47 | wpyh | when the fate of the bubble is being calculated |
18:29:01 | Nico_P | if there are no separate threads, I don't see why you're making a distinction between fg and bg |
18:29:46 | wpyh | Nico_P: yeah, shouldn't differ |
18:29:59 | wpyh | so the line is drawn not between fg and bg |
18:30:06 | wpyh | but between computation and display |
18:31:03 | Nico_P | yes. the "issue" here might be responsiveness while the computation is done |
18:31:19 | wpyh | yes |
18:31:31 | | Quit Genre9mp3 (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
18:31:40 | Nico_P | btw, are you sure it's the iterative collision checking that is slow? |
18:31:50 | wpyh | Nico_P: no... I'm not sure |
18:31:50 | Nico_P | i.e. not just a bad animation? |
18:32:03 | wpyh | I think it's the combination of collision checking and slow lcd rendering |
18:32:21 | | Join Mathiasdm [0] (n=Mathias@vpnf201.ugent.be) |
18:32:29 | Nico_P | I'd try to confirm this before making changes |
18:33:11 | Nico_P | always find the bottleneck (scientifically) before starting to optimise |
18:33:37 | | Join gregzx [0] (n=chatzill@dtp67.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) |
18:33:41 | wpyh | I've commented out the if block surrounding sleep() and yield() (for framerate limiting) and the result is the game runs faster |
18:33:47 | wpyh | Nico_P: I'll do that |
18:34:41 | pixelma | seems, I remember correctly that bubbles has a MAX_FPS define for each screen... tried playing around with that? |
18:35:42 | wpyh | pixelma: yes, it has one, but I completely bypassed it by commenting out the if block (around line 1620) |
18:35:58 | wpyh | the game runs faster now, but not much |
18:38:46 | | Quit mf0102 ("Ex-Chat") |
18:39:54 | | Quit linuxstb (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
18:41:19 | | Join rotator [0] (n=c058d42c@rockbox/developer/rotator) |
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18:53:59 | | Join bluebrother [0] (n=Dom@f053152240.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
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19:03:56 | | Join domonoky [0] (n=Domonoky@rockbox/developer/domonoky) |
19:03:59 | | Join swears [0] (n=nnscript@ool-4356d08b.dyn.optonline.net) |
19:06:51 | swears | Is their a way to remove the "delay" when changing tracks using rockbox? |
19:07:43 | n9xvt | turn on crossfade,, |
19:07:54 | swears | I think it is on |
19:08:02 | swears | on mix mode |
19:08:21 | swears | but I've tried both |
19:08:34 | n9xvt | that improved mine anyway,,it isint quite instant,, |
19:08:44 | swears | yeah |
19:08:57 | swears | I see the next track displayed, before I hear it |
19:09:35 | n9xvt | yeah,,like theres a slight gap until it feeds it into the crossfader,, |
19:10:32 | swears | Best I can get is 3 seconds |
19:10:39 | swears | to get to the next track |
19:10:55 | | Join neddy [0] (n=john@nat/sun/x-6e8a22240b7825a4) |
19:11:28 | n9xvt | about that,,yeah its beyond me now,, |
19:13:06 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
19:13:19 | swears | Is their a difference between "mix" and "crossfade" |
19:13:21 | swears | I can't tell. |
19:13:51 | n9xvt | hmmm |
19:15:23 | swears | I'd like to know the settings MediaMonkey uses, since they have a pretty good crossfade system. |
19:15:35 | n9xvt | i dont find the mix mode in mi sansa?,, |
19:15:44 | swears | oh.. |
19:15:49 | swears | I'm using gigabeat S |
19:16:05 | n9xvt | this clock makes kno sense,,ramdomly messin up,, |
19:16:10 | swears | lol |
19:16:22 | swears | Mine, gets reset too |
19:17:06 | swears | Mix option is in "playback settings" => "Crossfade" => "Fade-Out Mode" |
19:17:11 | n9xvt | yeah,,just seems to be random wen it does it and to random times |
19:17:31 | | Join MethoS_ [0] (n=clemens@ |
19:18:22 | n9xvt | at least i'm not only one having time issues! lol |
19:20:57 | n9xvt | doesnt apper on the sansa,,only seems to allow on and off |
19:21:36 | swears | hmm |
19:21:46 | swears | have you been able to get you album art to display properly? |
19:22:38 | pixelma | n9xvt: the option is there on the c200s as well |
19:23:10 | | Quit neddy (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
19:24:21 | pixelma | swears: what problem did you have with album art and what did you read ? |
19:24:50 | swears | Well, I've adjusted my .wps files with the %C1 and %C commands at the ends |
19:25:21 | swears | I've transferred all my album art in .bmp format 160*120 |
19:25:34 | swears | into the album folder with the album name |
19:25:47 | swears | [albumname].bmp |
19:26:11 | swears | my screen size is 320*240 |
19:26:26 | swears | and I just ran the Demo "pictureflow" |
19:26:30 | swears | and it loaded all my album art fine |
19:27:14 | | Quit GodEater ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
19:27:53 | pixelma | not sure if that is just a typo now but it should be %Cl (lower case L, not a 1) |
19:28:09 | swears | yeah it is actually |
19:28:14 | swears | i copied and pasted from the wiki |
19:28:20 | swears | when I edited them |
19:28:54 | | Quit MethoS_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
19:29:51 | pixelma | and did you try with the default theme (cabbiev2)? Trying to figure out whether the WPS is the problem or something else. |
19:30:26 | swears | oh crap |
19:30:30 | swears | it just worked when I rebooted |
19:30:31 | swears | =) |
19:30:54 | | Quit MethoS- (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
19:31:05 | | Join ompaul [0] (n=ompaul@gnewsense/friend/ompaul) |
19:31:36 | swears | Seems that is the only theme though |
19:31:44 | swears | will need to investigate .wps files further |
19:32:19 | mcuelenaere | LambdaCalculus37: around? |
19:33:24 | | Quit Mathiasdm ("Invisible Internet Project: http://www.i2p2.de") |
19:34:44 | LambdaCalculus37 | mcuelenaere: Yo! |
19:35:03 | | Join GodEater [0] (n=uwish@rockbox/staff/GodEater) |
19:36:06 | mcuelenaere | LambdaCalculus37: had a chance to test FS #9006? |
19:36:30 | LambdaCalculus37 | mcuelenaere: Yes, last night. |
19:37:01 | mcuelenaere | did it work? |
19:37:02 | LambdaCalculus37 | I'm still getting "upgrade to GNU make 3.81+" messages, but the elf errors aren't occuring anymore. |
19:37:13 | mcuelenaere | good, then I'll commit it |
19:37:54 | mcuelenaere | can you close that FS? Because I don't have the power to do so.. |
19:38:00 | | Join Mathiasdm [0] (n=Mathias@vpne218.ugent.be) |
19:38:13 | LambdaCalculus37 | mcuelenaere: I can't. I haven't even got commit access. |
19:38:46 | mcuelenaere | ok then, can anybody close FS #9006? |
19:38:49 | * | LambdaCalculus37 looks to see who can close FS entries |
19:38:53 | bluebrother | mcuelenaere: will do. |
19:39:01 | mcuelenaere | bluebrother: thanks |
19:43:07 | | Join shotofadds [0] (n=rob@rockbox/developer/shotofadds) |
19:45:40 | | Join massiveH [0] (n=massiveH@pool-71-187-1-26.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) |
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19:50:33 | | Quit n9xvt ("CGI:IRC") |
19:50:51 | | Nick borges is now known as borges|afk (n=bruges@brln-4d0c36c6.pool.mediaWays.net) |
19:52:40 | | Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
19:54:43 | | Quit GodEater () |
19:59:08 | | Nick borges|afk is now known as borges (n=bruges@brln-4d0c36c6.pool.mediaWays.net) |
20:00 |
20:02:25 | | Join borges_ [0] (n=bruges@e178007238.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
20:02:48 | | Quit massiveH ("Leaving") |
20:02:49 | shotofadds | mcuelenaere: I'm not exactly in a position to preach, but your commit messages could be a little more descriptive.. "Fix the LCD bug" could at least be "Fix the _Onda_ LCD bug" :p |
20:03:04 | shotofadds | and don't forget svn propset... |
20:04:39 | mcuelenaere | shotofadds: ok, you're right; I could've been a bit too enthousiastic :) |
20:04:59 | mcuelenaere | svn propset what? |
20:05:40 | linuxstb | mcuelenaere: See the "UsingSVN" wiki page |
20:06:03 | linuxstb | (adding new files) |
20:06:03 | mcuelenaere | I meant: what properties need to be set on what files? What files are you referring to? |
20:06:45 | mcuelenaere | hmm I suppose you're talking about the svn:keywords? |
20:07:18 | shotofadds | yeah, the keywords property replaces the $Id$ comment with something readable :) |
20:07:31 | * | linuxstb can read $Id$ just fine |
20:07:55 | mcuelenaere | shotofadds: ok, it'll be included in my next commit |
20:10:10 | * | bluebrother thinks it's a good idea to simply consider commit messages as "the window to the public", i.e. users will read it ... and other devs ;-) |
20:10:43 | * | shotofadds impressed with the speed things are going on the Onda. Hopefuly some touchscreen goodness will come out of all this, too... |
20:10:49 | mcuelenaere | well if you look more closely, you'll see that only mips/onda-specific files are touched |
20:11:15 | bluebrother | now if someone can tell me why my m200 doesn't appear as unknown usb device when in usb boot mode ... |
20:12:00 | | Join d-k-t-2 [0] (n=dt@vpn21.witopia.net) |
20:13:13 | bluebrother | linuxstb: was it you who wrote sansapatcher? |
20:13:38 | bluebrother | I'm looking for a way to figure if the bootloader is already installed (for rbutil) |
20:14:55 | mcuelenaere | (for the logs): some possibly on-topic chat in #rockbox-community: http://pastebin.com/f22c38770 |
20:18:33 | | Join mib_ewsv9t [0] (i=5315a470@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-9f3d1719b8b16860) |
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20:23:22 | | Part saratoga |
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20:23:36 | | Quit Lambduh (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
20:24:03 | swears | pixelma, looks like none of the themes found here: http://www.rockbox-themes.org/index.php?res=240x320x16 |
20:24:06 | swears | Are working correctly |
20:24:16 | | Quit DJF5 () |
20:24:23 | | Join Plouj [0] (n=Plouj@red.cs.yorku.ca) |
20:24:24 | Plouj | hi |
20:24:32 | bluebrother | swears: that is expected. This theme site hasn't been updated since the wps syntax changed. |
20:24:36 | swears | They show the backdrop correctly, but when in "now playing" mode it's totally different |
20:24:40 | swears | oh =( |
20:24:49 | Plouj | what new (2008-2006) players does rockbox support? |
20:25:05 | Plouj | I'm looking for something that might still be available in big box stores and not refurbished |
20:25:05 | LambdaCalculus37 | No players currently on the market. |
20:25:40 | Plouj | :( |
20:25:45 | swears | bluebrother: are you familiar with any other theme site that had the updated syntax? |
20:25:52 | swears | or is their any way of converting? |
20:25:57 | Plouj | are there any free/opensource firmwares that support any of the currently on the market players? |
20:26:02 | LambdaCalculus37 | Nope. |
20:26:06 | bluebrother | Plouj: check the BuyersGuide wiki page |
20:26:10 | bluebrother | swears: nope. |
20:26:20 | swears | hmm, so I'm outta luck |
20:27:09 | | Join Nibbl [0] (n=Nibbler@91-67-150-33-dynip.superkabel.de) |
20:27:24 | scorche|sh | ebay... |
20:28:02 | Plouj | :( |
20:28:14 | pixelma | swears: search the forums a bit, there are threads about the syntax change |
20:28:23 | swears | ok |
20:28:43 | bluebrother | swears: there was a script around to fix themes, at least some stuff that was changed recently. See FS #9027 |
20:29:05 | | Join Lambduh [0] (n=Lambda@ |
20:29:39 | swears | fs = forum search? |
20:30:04 | GodEater | no, FS = the flyspray task |
20:30:07 | | Quit Nibbl (Remote closed the connection) |
20:30:11 | pixelma | no, the flyspray patch tracker |
20:30:55 | swears | err |
20:31:04 | swears | ok i'll just google that |
20:31:20 | GodEater | we have a link on the right hand side of all rockbox.org pages called "patches" |
20:31:27 | bluebrother | just enter the number in that "Flyspray #" box on the left side menu ... |
20:31:46 | | Join herrwaldo [0] (n=waldo@ip-81-11-223-193.dsl.scarlet.be) |
20:31:56 | | Join Nibbl [0] (n=Nibbler@91-67-150-33-dynip.superkabel.de) |
20:32:05 | swears | ok will do |
20:33:06 | | Quit d-k-t (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
20:34:04 | swears | So, It's showing me some code there. |
20:34:09 | swears | Am I supposed to compile that? |
20:37:36 | bluebrother | no, it's a perl script. You need a perl interpreter to run that. |
20:38:49 | bluebrother | (referring to convertpb.pl) |
20:46:00 | | Join massiveH [0] (n=massiveH@pool-71-187-1-26.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) |
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21:00:20 | | Part Plouj ("dang it") |
21:02:25 | mcuelenaere | http://img34.picoodle.com/img/img34/4/7/16/f_Afbeelding0m_e0c26a3.jpg |
21:03:13 | webmind | hm? |
21:03:48 | shotofadds | mcuelenaere: beautiful.. is that drawn with the touchscreen? |
21:03:57 | mcuelenaere | yes :) |
21:04:20 | mcuelenaere | video is coming.. |
21:04:20 | shotofadds | what's the junk at the bottom? |
21:04:24 | mcuelenaere | it's some text |
21:04:31 | mcuelenaere | BUTTON_POWER to be more specifc |
21:04:34 | mcuelenaere | specific* |
21:04:55 | | Quit ompaul (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
21:05:25 | | Join ompaul [0] (n=ompaul@gnewsense/friend/ompaul) |
21:05:30 | mcuelenaere | colors change depending on the location where you draw.. |
21:05:44 | | Quit gromit`` (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
21:06:05 | Nico_P | "<swears> Is their a way to remove the "delay" when changing tracks using rockbox?" => buffered track changes should be instantaneous. are you thinking of unbuffered track changes? |
21:06:21 | | Join petur [50] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
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21:07:12 | k4y | mcuelenaere: is that the Onda? |
21:07:19 | mcuelenaere | yep :) |
21:07:26 | k4y | nice :) |
21:09:30 | Nico_P | mcuelenaere: make it into a plugin :) |
21:09:49 | mcuelenaere | Nico_P: :P isn't the paint plugin something similar? |
21:10:04 | Nico_P | true, but is it touch enabled? |
21:10:13 | * | Nico_P needs one of those touch targets |
21:10:14 | mcuelenaere | I think so? |
21:10:31 | mcuelenaere | video is online! http://img34.picoodle.com/img/img34/4/7/16/f_Afbeelding0m_e0c26a3.jpg |
21:10:34 | mcuelenaere | woops |
21:10:39 | mcuelenaere | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chOxNykvM24 |
21:13:08 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
21:14:07 | | Quit DaCapn (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
21:18:11 | shotofadds | mcuelenaere: that's a mini-usb plug, right? |
21:19:17 | amiconn | mcuelenaere: So... what was the actual lcd bug on the Onda? |
21:20:28 | * | LambdaCalculus37 watches |
21:20:37 | LambdaCalculus37 | mcuelenaere: Excellent! Great job! :) |
21:22:46 | | Quit SirFunk (No route to host) |
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21:24:48 | | Quit maddlah (Remote closed the connection) |
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21:30:37 | | Join ChristopherW [0] (n=christop@ip70-162-55-91.ph.ph.cox.net) |
21:32:16 | mcuelenaere | shotofadds: right |
21:32:59 | mcuelenaere | amiconn: I did a Instruction Cache-flush while it had to be a Data Cache-flush... |
21:33:08 | shotofadds | I imagined the Onda being much bigger for some reason. is it QVGA, or higher? |
21:33:19 | mcuelenaere | 400x240, QVGA-sort of |
21:33:31 | mcuelenaere | yes, it appears to be much bigger on the internet than in RL :) |
21:33:49 | ChristopherW | the internet makes everything look bigger |
21:34:28 | shotofadds | sort-of widescreen QVGA, then.. |
21:34:46 | mcuelenaere | yep, the LCD IC Driver states it's so |
21:34:52 | mcuelenaere | s/it's so/so |
21:36:34 | amiconn | mcuelenaere: Ah, that sort of problem... |
21:37:03 | mcuelenaere | amiconn: yes, and even weirder is that the OF does an flush_icache().. |
21:37:19 | mcuelenaere | well at least, the "sort-of"-bootloader version of it |
21:37:33 | mcuelenaere | so I suspect it's a typo on their side.. |
21:37:55 | ChristopherW | in Rockbox speak, what is a "quickscreen"? |
21:41:09 | ChristopherW | I'm wondering if it would be a good idea to call lcd_stop_scroll() from lcd_clear_display(). does anyone here have experience with these functions? |
21:41:49 | | Join Genre9mp3 [0] (n=yngwiejo@rockbox/contributor/Genre9mp3) |
21:42:19 | ChristopherW | I would think that you would want to stop scrolling lines when you clear the display, but I'm not sure this is the general case |
21:43:28 | ChristopherW | for reference, I submitted a patch to my own bug (FS #9200) |
21:45:27 | LambdaCalculus37 | Can someone have a look at FS #9199? |
21:46:11 | | Join maffe [0] (n=Miranda@p5B041AE3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
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21:50:25 | | Nick Bensawsome is now known as WaffleBoy (n=Bensawso@c-71-235-222-135.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) |
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21:52:32 | | Nick root is now known as Bensawsome (n=Bensawso@c-71-235-222-135.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) |
21:54:49 | ChristopherW | I'm sorry in advance if I don't respond to anyone here about FS #9200. I have to go to work now! (it's my mistake for starting a discussion at this time) :-[ |
21:56:41 | shotofadds | Hmm.. shouldn't panicf() clear the backdrop? it's quite hard to read tiny white writing on top of CabbieV2... |
21:57:07 | | Nick Bensawsome is now known as WAFFLELORD (n=Bensawso@c-71-235-222-135.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) |
21:57:14 | maffe | I find the balance setting ambiguous - it should be clear which channel is muted when setting it to +/- 100 % so I don't have to use headphones to verify my loudspeaker setup |
21:57:21 | | Nick WAFFLELORD is now known as Bensawsome (n=Bensawso@c-71-235-222-135.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) |
21:58:10 | mcuelenaere | I suppose currently there isn't any generic touchscreen calibrating screen and every target handles this in it's own code? |
21:58:57 | | Quit LambdaCalculus37 ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
21:59:06 | shotofadds | mcuelenaere: "calibration" is a couple of constants in the D2's case.. |
21:59:42 | mcuelenaere | shotofadds: currently the same in the vx747, but I'm sure this could be improved.. |
21:59:59 | mcuelenaere | doesn't the m:robe have some kind of calibration screen then? |
22:00 |
22:00:07 | mcuelenaere | I recall *some* target having it.. |
22:00:20 | | Quit maffe ("IRC ist obsolet!") |
22:00:57 | shotofadds | the m:robe might have had some kind of calibration screen at some point, don't think it does now. |
22:01:06 | | Join PaulJam__ [0] (i=PaulJam_@vpn-3006.gwdg.de) |
22:01:07 | shotofadds | the D2 doesn't seem to need it in any case |
22:01:38 | shotofadds | ..but it has far more serious issues than that (jitter, and the occasional unexpected movement) |
22:02:01 | mcuelenaere | I'm not sure whether the vx747 needs it, but isn't it possible that these constants differ across the same target? |
22:02:51 | shotofadds | maybe, but in that case the OF would need a calibration screen... |
22:03:07 | mcuelenaere | the OF has one (in the vx* at least) |
22:04:02 | shotofadds | ah, didn't realise that. there's certainly nothing in the D2 OF (but it does have a pretty neat touchscreen drawing app...) |
22:05:38 | * | shotofadds wonders why the m200 pretends it's connected in MTP mode if you corrupt the FAT filesystem... |
22:05:54 | shotofadds | ..only to re-format the partition when USB is disconnected |
22:12:13 | | Quit GodEater () |
22:14:33 | | Join bertrik [0] (n=bertrik@245-013-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl) |
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22:29:53 | | Quit Vorador ("Ex-Chat") |
22:33:02 | linuxstb | bluebrother: Yes, it should be easy to detect a Rockbox bootloader on a Sansa - a Rockbox bootloader .mi4 file has extra magic (the RBBL string) in it. See the code at the end of the is_sansa() function. |
22:37:03 | bluebrother | linuxstb: thanks, will do. Will leave now due to rather annoying headache :/ |
22:37:15 | | Quit bluebrother ("back tomorrow") |
22:37:38 | | Join midgey [0] (n=tjross@c-71-205-31-207.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) |
22:42:03 | | Quit Arathis ("Bye, bye") |
22:43:40 | Genre9mp3 | markun: around? |
22:43:49 | markun | yes |
22:44:48 | Genre9mp3 | Do you know why there isn't Backlight Fade In/out settings on Gigabeat F like on other targets? (iRiver H100/iPod Mini/Nano/5G) |
22:45:03 | Genre9mp3 | is it because we can't control the duration of the fade? |
22:45:17 | amiconn | It's because of the craoppy implementation of the fade |
22:45:27 | markun | yes, what amiconn says |
22:45:43 | Genre9mp3 | ah... so hardware supports it, right? |
22:46:15 | markun | yes, there is a LED driver which can set the brightness in 64 steps (I think) |
22:46:26 | Genre9mp3 | I see... thanks |
22:46:27 | markun | not PWM |
22:47:21 | amiconn | I'd think it's hardware pwm |
22:48:09 | markun | perhaps it's implemented that way. You can set the current for each LED. |
22:50:33 | | Join saratoga [0] (i=9803c6dd@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-c96acb3cd7a6e609) |
22:51:01 | saratoga | anyone mind if i commit the wma IMDCT optimizations? |
22:51:17 | saratoga | i haven't found any more bugs and I don't think anyone who reads the tracker actually uses WMA |
22:52:12 | | Join einhirn_ [0] (n=Miranda@p5B03384F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
22:55:08 | Genre9mp3 | markun: you are right. Comment found on backlight-meg-fx.c : "/* The SC606 LED driver can set the brightness in 64 steps */ |
22:55:32 | | Quit Bensawsome ("The awsome is gone :(") |
22:56:37 | amiconn | Genre9mp3: Since it has so many steps, it makes sense to use these steps for fade in/out as well. The driver does this, but only in a simple, non-configurable way |
22:58:29 | markun | If you make the steps too long it looks really bad when it gets to the lower settings |
22:58:33 | | Quit mirak ("Quitte") |
22:59:20 | amiconn | I wouldn't expect it to look much different from the software pwm fade (which uses 100 steps) |
22:59:55 | markun | amiconn: but I don't think many people have their screen on maximal brightness |
23:00 |
23:00:10 | markun | so it's less than 64 |
23:00:10 | amiconn | What would be a typical brightness? |
23:00:26 | markun | let me check the default |
23:02:00 | amiconn | I also have much lower brightness than max. set on my colour targets (even lower than the defaults, which are often 50%) |
23:03:41 | Genre9mp3 | the brightness settings on the Gigabeat has 12 steps, I have it on 10 but I'm not sure if that's the default |
23:03:46 | markun | amiconn: 31 is the default |
23:04:13 | markun | Genre9mp3: yes, it's translated in backlight-meg-fx.c |
23:04:55 | amiconn | markun: Would it be possible to do software pwm then? |
23:05:19 | markun | amiconn: the enable of the sc606 is connected to a timer pin even |
23:05:34 | markun | but after switching it of and on again the LED's stayed off |
23:05:37 | amiconn | The ipod Video/Nano would be similar. It does its brightness setting using hardware pwm, and the fading is done using software pwm |
23:05:39 | | Quit Mathiasdm ("Yuuw!") |
23:05:50 | markun | maybe if you do it for a very short time it remembers the settings |
23:05:53 | amiconn | Works nicely, except at the lowest hardware brightness |
23:06:15 | markun | pwm for fading would be ideal |
23:07:33 | markun | pin B2 |
23:07:44 | markun | GPIO B2 I mean |
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23:36:05 | saratoga | what does the svn:executable property refer to ? |
23:36:35 | linuxstb | That the file is an executable program/script |
23:38:54 | | Join massiveH [0] (n=massiveH@pool-71-187-1-26.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) |
23:41:42 | saratoga | is 'svn propdel' the correct way to remove them? |
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23:46:43 | linuxstb | saratoga: Yes (the UsingSVN page says so...) |
23:48:08 | swears | Nico_P: How do I know if I am using unbuffered track changes? |
23:48:26 | | Join MethoS- [0] (n=clemens@ |
23:49:02 | Nico_P | swears: "using"? unbuffered track changes are the ones that are slow, and there is a good reason |
23:49:29 | swears | ... |
23:50:25 | | Join MarcGuay [0] (n=chatzill@ip216-239-77-30.vif.net) |
23:50:58 | Nico_P | the disk has to spin, so a delay is expected... dircache can help |
23:51:32 | | Quit sitwon ("Leaving") |
23:52:40 | Nico_P | swears: have I confused you? |
23:53:12 | pixelma | Nico_P: which disk on flash targets ;) |
23:53:30 | pixelma | +spins |
23:53:55 | Nico_P | pixelma: hehe, true, but IIRC swears has a gigabeat S :) |
23:54:09 | swears | No, just looking for dircache setting |
23:54:24 | Nico_P | btw, I've started writing an implementation of the buffering API that reads data directly from flash |
23:54:36 | swears | I've found a "Load to RAM" setting |
23:54:41 | swears | will that help? |
23:56:52 | swears | Ok, Nevermind |
23:57:00 | swears | I've found the dircache setting |
23:57:09 | swears | but it doesn't seem to do anything, even after reboot |
23:57:15 | swears | still take 3 seconds to hear new track |
23:57:53 | | Join shot0fadds [0] (n=rob@rockbox/developer/shotofadds) |
23:58:11 | swears | even if I hit next while the disk is spinning, there is a delay |
23:58:21 | | Quit domonoky (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
23:58:30 | Nico_P | swears: some buffering has to take place |
23:58:34 | amiconn | Dircache can't speed up skipping, as skipping to an unbuffered track needs to read the actual file data |
23:58:35 | Nico_P | the RAM isn't unlimited |
23:58:56 | Nico_P | amiconn: it does speed it up a bit I think |