00:02:18 | | Join CyBergRind|w [0] (n=cbr@ |
00:02:35 | * | petur posts a request for testing in the forum and calls it a night |
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00:14:21 | * | Dhraakellian uses the patch from FS #8070 |
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01:04:09 | | Join Bensawsome [0] (i=Bensawso@c-71-235-222-135.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) |
01:14:46 | Dhraakellian | yippee! battery bench actually gave me some output! |
01:15:07 | * | Dhraakellian plugs the e200 in to charge up to full now |
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01:22:18 | dogdayafternoon | herro? |
01:22:26 | dogdayafternoon | f |
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01:26:30 | krazykit` | dogdayafternoon, if you have a question, just ask. |
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01:30:53 | | Nick Seedy is now known as Seed (n=ben@bzq-84-108-237-178.cablep.bezeqint.net) |
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01:35:47 | | Join J-_ [0] (n=justin@dsl-207-112-89-181.tor.primus.ca) |
01:36:11 | J-_ | How has the ZVM 30gb firmware been going? |
01:36:38 | | Join cbr|w [0] (n=cbr@ |
01:36:52 | krazykit` | J-_, read the thread on the relevant forum thread |
01:37:05 | krazykit` | er, read the relevant forum thread in the New Ports forum |
01:37:31 | | Join Zarggg [0] (n=z@65-78-69-194.c3-0.eas-ubr6.atw-eas.pa.cable.rcn.com) |
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01:44:40 | J-_ | Nice, looks like something was installing rockbox onto the player, but, I could be wrong. |
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01:48:08 | J-_ | someone* |
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02:20:46 | Llorean | JdGordon: I was slightly unclear. I meant he should resume playback rather than re-clicking on the playlist (which is what I consider re-starting it, different from resuming) |
02:21:04 | JdGordon | ah, then ok |
02:21:58 | Llorean | But yeah, my sentence was unclear |
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04:02:34 | Keripo | Well, in the end, even finding an 8GB Sansa e200 V1 on eBay is pretty hard, so I suppose I'll give that up |
04:02:50 | MarcGuay | Anyone who cares : Interesting, I can find an entire set of routines pointing to the SD Controller (0x90000100) in the Sansa c100 v2 firmware but none in the v1. Now to understand them and reverse them is another thing... |
04:03:57 | Keripo | I'm seriously looking for a new, hackable MP3 player to replace my current 2GB iPod nano. Any recommendations among the newer MP3 player models (even if ports are experimental at this point)? |
04:03:58 | | Quit jhulst (No route to host) |
04:06:29 | toffe82 | Keripo: try here, http://www.froobi.com/SanDisk-Sansa-e270-6GB-MP3-Media-Player-w-FMVoice-Recorder-Factory-Recertified-Rockbox-Ready_p_0-32282.html |
04:07:13 | toffe82 | it seems to be a good deal , I order one and wait for it at the end of the week, hoping it is really rockbox ready :) |
04:08:34 | | Join miepchen^schlaf_ [0] (n=miepchen@p54BF5C91.dip.t-dialin.net) |
04:08:43 | * | Keripo hugs toffe82 ; ) |
04:08:58 | MU{lappy} | i like my S60, but you need to boot the OF to charge it, and the OF never "really" shuts off, so you need to then do a hard reset by disconnecting the battery to get it back to rockbox :/ |
04:09:04 | MU{lappy} | at least there's a switch for that ;) |
04:09:15 | MarcGuay | toffe82: I'd be surprised if they actually checked. Looks like a shameless, risk-free marketing ploy on their part. |
04:09:29 | toffe82 | cross my finger |
04:09:38 | Keripo | odd that they'd only stick that on the 6GB version though... |
04:09:48 | MarcGuay | it's on the other one as well... |
04:09:50 | toffe82 | on the 2gb also no ? |
04:11:28 | | Quit avis (Connection reset by peer) |
04:11:47 | Keripo | I guess I'll email them about the 8GB then and hope ; ) |
04:12:21 | | Join avis [0] (n=ident@pdpc/supporter/student/avis) |
04:13:07 | MarcGuay | Keripo: If you're worried about space the e200s can use microSD/HC cards. |
04:13:49 | Dhraakellian | yarr |
04:14:00 | Dhraakellian | although you'll need a separate adapter for anything >2GB |
04:14:10 | Dhraakellian | erm... to put stuff on it, that is |
04:14:10 | Keripo | MarcGuay: You mean as an add-on to the internal 6GB? How much extra could be added on in that case? |
04:14:32 | Dhraakellian | Keripo: I think the microSDHC spec has an arbitrary limit of 32GB |
04:14:42 | MarcGuay | I'm not sure what the biggest are right now... Maybe 16GB? check ebay, they're plentiful. |
04:14:43 | Dhraakellian | Keripo: but the most you can find right now is 8GB |
04:14:51 | Dhraakellian | ...last I checked, at least |
04:15:13 | Dhraakellian | but I remember reading that the 16GB cards are(/were?) due out some time this summer |
04:15:41 | Dhraakellian | what's the shipping on that e270v1? |
04:15:50 | | Quit moos ("time to sleep a litle bit, nighty") |
04:16:27 | Dhraakellian | since $60-$15coupon+shipping for 6GB looks like a really good price |
04:17:08 | Dhraakellian | compared to the $50-$10+$5 I payed for my e260v1 from Woot |
04:17:25 | Dhraakellian | (4GB) |
04:19:18 | Dhraakellian | haven't seen any e200 or c200 sansas on Woot since the last wootoff, though |
04:21:16 | Keripo | Alright, thanks very much for all the info. I suppose I'll look into it some more and probably will buy from there |
04:21:18 | | Part Keripo |
04:23:13 | toffe82 | i paid 44.66$ for the 6gb all include |
04:23:38 | | Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
04:23:42 | toffe82 | 48.66 :) |
04:23:43 | Dhraakellian | nice |
04:24:10 | Dhraakellian | $45 for 4GB, once shipping is added and the shirt.woot coupon price is ignored |
04:25:59 | Dhraakellian | if you're in the USA, woot seems a good source for rockboxable sansas if you catch it on the right day |
04:28:27 | MarcGuay | Does anyone know whos got which version of the m200s? I can't keep track. Musical DAPs. |
04:29:03 | MarcGuay | Trying to find out who's in the same boat as me with the SD/Harp business. |
04:37:42 | | Quit massiveH ("Leaving") |
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07:18:50 | io_error | Anybody know where the atapwd.exe file went? |
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07:29:14 | DarkShadow791 | is there anyone here that can answer a simple question? |
07:30:17 | Battousai | well that one seems simple enough, so yes |
07:30:50 | DarkShadow791 | lol :P |
07:31:11 | DarkShadow791 | well i wanted to know if rockbox currently supports fm radio on ipod 5g's with an fm receiver attached to it |
07:31:26 | DarkShadow791 | i searched on the forums but everything i found was fairly old and i wondered if there was anything new about it |
07:31:53 | DarkShadow791 | the ipod 5g software is able to do this but needs the hardware from the fm receiver so i figured it would be simple to do this and am kind of surprised i didnt see it on a feature list |
07:32:22 | Battousai | that's significantly less simple, i'm afraid i haven't the answer |
07:32:30 | Battousai | sorry |
07:32:37 | | Quit jhulst_ (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
07:32:43 | JdGordon | not yet... |
07:33:02 | JdGordon | and thats far from simple... |
07:33:23 | DarkShadow791 | hm |
07:33:37 | DarkShadow791 | i figured it would be simple because i figured someone would be able to crack the ipod software on it... |
07:33:55 | DarkShadow791 | seeing as how you're able to stick a new os on it, i figured reading from the current os would be easy |
07:34:00 | DarkShadow791 | but i guess thats not quite true :o |
07:34:09 | DarkShadow791 | are there any development plans for this? |
07:34:14 | JdGordon | yes |
07:34:46 | | Join num1 [0] (n=brian@c-68-63-193-45.hsd1.az.comcast.net) |
07:35:38 | num1 | firmware/target/arm/system-arm.h swap32(uint32_t value) is an empty method |
07:35:57 | num1 | can anyone explain why? |
07:36:02 | num1 | ploease |
07:36:05 | num1 | please* |
07:37:46 | DarkShadow791 | in development as in it's in the next release or people are looking at it and it could take a while? |
07:38:04 | DarkShadow791 | also another odd Q: Why can't i post in the forum (or: why am i too stupid to find the new topic button) |
07:38:47 | num1 | nevermind, it's not empty. but the code in http://pastebin.com/d4a4824b2 prints the same thing every time, so the function isn't doing anything? |
07:39:04 | amiconn | num1: C has no methods, only functions |
07:39:50 | | Quit io_error ("Don't blame me, I voted for Ron Paul! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53imCMnHzZA") |
07:39:52 | amiconn | And if you don't use the return value, nothing will happen... |
07:40:50 | num1 | amiconn: thanks, I must just be too tired to code right now... |
07:40:52 | amiconn | It's result = htoXe(value); , and the value itself won't be changed of course |
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08:15:01 | | Quit Guest64879 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
08:15:10 | Ub3rMario | hello everyone, i'm in need of some help choosing a DAP |
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08:15:40 | Ub3rMario | anyone around? |
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08:18:49 | | Join Ub3rMario [0] (n=Adam@c-24-19-181-116.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) |
08:18:56 | Ub3rMario | anyone around? |
08:19:01 | advcomp2019 | hello Ub3rMario |
08:19:17 | Ub3rMario | hi! could you help me with some DAP choosing issues? |
08:20:03 | advcomp2019 | have you looked at this page: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/BuyersGuide |
08:20:09 | * | GodEater wonders what "issues" could surround choosing a dap |
08:20:40 | Ub3rMario | i have not, but i've narrowed it down to 3 players |
08:20:48 | Ub3rMario | and perhaps just some other opinions would help |
08:20:51 | GodEater | toss a three sided coin! |
08:20:55 | Ub3rMario | lol |
08:21:00 | Ub3rMario | it isn't that easy |
08:21:04 | GodEater | what are your choices then ? |
08:21:06 | Ub3rMario | ok |
08:21:15 | Ub3rMario | theres a 30 gig iaudio x5L |
08:21:23 | Ub3rMario | a 60 gig iaudio x5 |
08:21:25 | Ub3rMario | and a 80 gig zune |
08:21:34 | GodEater | well forget the zune if you want Rockbox on it |
08:21:39 | Ub3rMario | yeah i know |
08:21:53 | Ub3rMario | i can get the zune for 210 |
08:21:58 | Ub3rMario | the 60 for 250 |
08:22:00 | Ub3rMario | and the 30 for 175 |
08:22:12 | Ub3rMario | so i'm unsure based on price, storage, and sound quality |
08:22:15 | Ub3rMario | + rock box factor |
08:22:38 | GodEater | have you ever used Rockbox before ? |
08:22:47 | Ub3rMario | nope, but i hear it's wonderful |
08:22:47 | advcomp2019 | plus what are you looking for in this rockbox player |
08:23:18 | Ub3rMario | i want good SQ, ability to hold my library, and ease of use |
08:24:14 | Ub3rMario | the iaudios have better sq than the zune, but less storage cap |
08:24:43 | | Join pixelma [50] (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) |
08:24:45 | Ub3rMario | and within the iaudios, the x5L has better battery life, but i'm afraid i'll run out of space too quickly as my library is already about 20 gigs. I'm not sure if i'll be able to tolerate swapping music in and out |
08:25:02 | Ub3rMario | once it's full. |
08:25:11 | GodEater | getter a bigger hard drive for it ? |
08:25:16 | GodEater | s/getter/get |
08:25:25 | Ub3rMario | haha |
08:25:33 | GodEater | what's funny ? |
08:25:35 | Ub3rMario | wait you can get a bigger hd for the 30? |
08:25:41 | Ub3rMario | and just...pop it in? |
08:25:47 | scorche | you can get a bigger hard drive for most devices... |
08:26:03 | Ub3rMario | i'd be scared of wrecking the insides |
08:26:07 | Ub3rMario | is it difficult? |
08:26:12 | GodEater | the change isn't too hard usually |
08:26:20 | pixelma | well if it should stay an X5L you'd need a single platter though - or take a CF or so |
08:26:23 | GodEater | many Rockboxers have upgraded their devices |
08:26:37 | Ub3rMario | i have no idea what that means pixelma |
08:26:39 | Ub3rMario | lol |
08:26:41 | Ub3rMario | cf=compact flash? |
08:26:44 | GodEater | yes |
08:26:50 | Ub3rMario | and....single platter refers to what |
08:27:00 | pixelma | single platter hard disk |
08:27:01 | scorche | to there being only one platter inside |
08:27:04 | GodEater | the physical size of a hard drive |
08:27:09 | Ub3rMario | ah i c |
08:27:13 | GodEater | you can get single and dual platters |
08:27:17 | GodEater | the duals tend to be thicker |
08:27:23 | GodEater | and wouldn't fit in an X5L |
08:27:28 | Ub3rMario | ahhh i seeee |
08:27:38 | Ub3rMario | so have you all heard of x5l's getting new HD's? |
08:27:45 | GodEater | yes |
08:28:32 | Ub3rMario | 1.8" hd right? |
08:28:35 | GodEater | we have a page in our wiki detailing what you should look for |
08:28:50 | Ub3rMario | ooo |
08:28:52 | Ub3rMario | ok |
08:29:07 | Ub3rMario | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/BuyersGuide |
08:29:08 | Ub3rMario | that page? |
08:29:10 | GodEater | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/HardriveReplacement?topic=HardDriveReplacement |
08:30:06 | pixelma | to imagine that better -the X5L and the 60GB X5 use the same casing, in the 60GB version there's a thicker disk and in the L they used a thinner drive so they could fit a second battery |
08:32:06 | Ub3rMario | ohhhh i see. |
08:32:13 | Ub3rMario | where would i go about getting one of these tiny HD's |
08:34:07 | GodEater | ebay ? |
08:34:14 | GodEater | or numerous other internet sites |
08:35:01 | Ub3rMario | man that's confusing. So it says this Iaudio X5L 30GB 50 Pins 5mm MK3006GAL |
08:35:23 | Ub3rMario | so am i going to search for... a cowon hd 50 pins? or does any brand suffice |
08:35:24 | GodEater | what's confusing about that ? |
08:35:24 | Ub3rMario | as logn as it's 50 pins |
08:35:37 | GodEater | "cowon" don't make hard drives |
08:35:54 | GodEater | so you're looking for a 50 pin hard drive from pretty much any of the three manufacturers listed on the replacement page |
08:36:05 | GodEater | i.e. Toshiba, Hitachi, or Seagate |
08:36:24 | GodEater | although I seem to recall Hitachi have their male/female connectors the wrong way round? Can anyone confirm ? |
08:36:59 | Ub3rMario | 50-pin ATA (male connector for Hitachi, female connector for Toshiba) |
08:37:02 | Ub3rMario | that what you're talking about? |
08:37:13 | GodEater | that's the one |
08:37:27 | GodEater | so the drive in your cowon is Toshiba, then you'll need to steer clear or Hitachi drives |
08:37:31 | GodEater | because they won't go in |
08:37:47 | GodEater | and according to the chart, it will be a Toshiba in the Cowon |
08:38:06 | Ub3rMario | ohhh |
08:38:12 | Ub3rMario | ok so i should look for a toshiba then |
08:38:52 | GodEater | ideally yes :) |
08:39:13 | | Part toffe82 |
08:39:30 | Ub3rMario | well that sux the most i can do is 40 gigs lol |
08:39:55 | Ub3rMario | but then again that's double my current library.... |
08:39:58 | Ub3rMario | so probably will suffice |
08:46:02 | | Nick JdGordon is now known as JdGordon|afk (n=jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) |
08:48:45 | | Quit BigBambi (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
08:50:09 | | Join snoh [0] (n=dave@cpc1-sout6-0-0-cust616.sotn.cable.ntl.com) |
08:55:43 | | Quit tessarakt ("Client exiting") |
08:56:51 | | Join Rob2223 [0] (n=Miranda@p4FDCDA23.dip.t-dialin.net) |
09:00 |
09:08:10 | | Quit safetydan ("Leaving.") |
09:13:34 | | Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
09:14:18 | | Join petur [50] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
09:17:34 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
09:19:55 | | Join sacarasc_ [0] (i=sacarasc@cpc1-kemp3-0-0-cust978.lutn.cable.ntl.com) |
09:20:07 | | Quit sacarasc (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
09:25:14 | | Join webguest00 [0] (n=4a2c7bc8@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-6145bb282dff6c94) |
09:25:39 | | Join Nico_P [0] (i=53915df2@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-06375af45de98245) |
09:25:57 | webguest00 | does rockbox make the ipod mini use a color screen |
09:26:44 | | Quit webguest00 (Client Quit) |
09:28:18 | GodEater | no |
09:28:25 | GodEater | oh he left ;) |
09:28:55 | linuxstb | Ub3rMario: I think I'm correct in saying that if you bought an X5L, you could sacrifice one of the battery cells to install a larger "dual-platter" drive if you ever wanted to sacrifice some battery life for extra storage in the future. |
09:29:19 | Ub3rMario | ooo |
09:29:21 | Ub3rMario | really |
09:29:22 | * | linuxstb was tempted to answer "yes" |
09:29:48 | Ub3rMario | it's hard to find the hard drives...i googled for like 20 minutes |
09:29:52 | Ub3rMario | and no place was selling them haha |
09:30:18 | linuxstb | Did you try ebay? |
09:30:18 | amiconn | linuxstb: You are correct. |
09:30:24 | * | pixelma wanted to suggest that it will also make coffee |
09:30:25 | Ub3rMario | no not ebay |
09:30:38 | Ub3rMario | would you personally take a rockboxed x5L over a new zune? |
09:30:48 | linuxstb | Of course... |
09:31:23 | Ub3rMario | :D |
09:31:28 | linuxstb | But it's your choice - you'll be using it... |
09:31:31 | Ub3rMario | yeah i know |
09:31:46 | Ub3rMario | with the rockbox, it said the original firmware is completely replaced |
09:31:58 | Ub3rMario | so....will i not have some of the features that the x5l started with? |
09:32:07 | Ub3rMario | i like the idea ofa sleep timer haha |
09:32:18 | Ub3rMario | it's minor doesn't really matter, but just wondering |
09:33:37 | | Quit amiconn (" I'll be back") |
09:34:48 | | Join webguest92 [0] (n=4a2c7bc8@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-9cf41820e951c3a5) |
09:35:23 | pixelma | the one thing on the X5s that Rockbox currently not supports but the original firmware is the USB host functionality |
09:35:31 | webguest92 | if i play video on ipod mini will they be incolor |
09:35:51 | Ub3rMario | oh yeah i heard about that. so everything is there still except usb host...and i don't need taht haha |
09:35:55 | Ub3rMario | WOOO x5L HERE I COME |
09:36:12 | linuxstb | webguest92: No. Rockbox is good, but it can't perform miracles... |
09:36:19 | webguest92 | damn |
09:36:20 | pixelma | how could they? The screen doesn't magically turn into a colour screen |
09:36:30 | webguest92 | would b nice |
09:36:51 | webguest92 | is there a alternate lcd screen i could put in |
09:37:41 | webguest92 | my friend wants me to put rockbox on |
09:37:43 | Ub3rMario | linuxstb, if i take out a battery on the x5L, can i justget a 8mm hd instead of the 5mm that it would usually take? |
09:37:53 | webguest92 | i told him 20 dollars |
09:37:56 | webguest92 | hah |
09:38:35 | MU{lappy} | webguest92: what's his email address? i know how he can save $20 ;P |
09:38:37 | linuxstb | Ub3rMario: Yes, that's what I was saying. I don't know how easy it is though (I've never seen an X5) |
09:38:40 | pixelma | Ub3rMario: yes, that's basically what the manufacturer did too... |
09:38:53 | Ub3rMario | hmmm ok then |
09:39:07 | Ub3rMario | lol i'm scared it will be difficult! |
09:39:09 | Ub3rMario | ahahh |
09:39:10 | webguest92 | why |
09:39:15 | Ub3rMario | know where i could find a guide? |
09:39:56 | webguest92 | i need the money |
09:40:06 | linuxstb | Ub3rMario: You could try http://iaudiophile.net - a site dedicated to the cowon/iaudio players. Or wait until amiconn returns, I'm guessing he knows what the insides of an x5(l) look like. |
09:40:20 | webguest92 | and he dont kno much bout comps |
09:40:46 | Ub3rMario | hmm well i'm about to go to sleep haha |
09:40:50 | pixelma | linuxstb: the latter could take a while |
09:40:50 | MU{lappy} | http://iaudiophile.net/forums/showthread.php?t=15126 |
09:40:53 | Ub3rMario | but, thank you for the link |
09:40:54 | Ub3rMario | OO |
09:41:06 | Ub3rMario | awesome lappy thank you! |
09:41:10 | webguest92 | if u get a diff lcd screen for his mini could i put it in |
09:41:22 | MU{lappy} | but i can't attest to the quality of the pics. they're not loading, and might be too big to hope to get on this connection :/ |
09:41:29 | | Join bestwc [0] (n=bestwc@ |
09:41:50 | webguest92 | btw i love rockbox |
09:41:57 | MU{lappy} | webguest92: afaik, no, not and have it work, either w/ rockbox or OF. |
09:42:16 | linuxstb | webguest92: That would depend how skilled you are with electronics, and with modifying Rockbox to use it... |
09:42:40 | | Quit bestwc (Client Quit) |
09:42:52 | webguest92 | i can put a diff lcd screen in i just dont wanna mess the mini up |
09:43:00 | webguest92 | and why wiuldnt it work |
09:43:41 | webguest92 | why would i have to modify rockbox |
09:43:45 | | Join AlsonBlack [0] (n=AlsonBla@ |
09:43:46 | GodEater | because the rockbox build for the mini has drivers for the current lcd in it, not a colour one |
09:43:58 | GodEater | you'd have to write a driver for whatever lcd you put in it |
09:44:02 | MU{lappy} | you might have trouble finding a color LCD in the same size w/ the same interface. then you would need to modify rockbox to drive the color lcd. the OF would probably never work w/ it. |
09:44:20 | webguest92 | i dont care about of |
09:44:33 | webguest92 | the of suxs compared to rockbox |
09:45:17 | webguest92 | i would haveta write new drivers for a color lcd |
09:45:24 | linuxstb | But Rockbox doesn't completely replace the OF - we don't replace the Apple bootloader for example, or the emergency disk mode (yet). |
09:45:26 | AlsonBlack | Hi,there.i'm finding someone can give me permissions to edit wiki pages. |
09:45:45 | linuxstb | AlsonBlack: What do you want to edit? |
09:46:38 | webguest92 | so i cant do it then |
09:47:03 | webguest92 | i forgot that the ipod boots up on of |
09:47:10 | webguest92 | so forget it then |
09:47:22 | webguest92 | he can just deal wit black and white vid |
09:47:30 | linuxstb | AlsonBlack: What is your wiki name? |
09:47:33 | webguest92 | damn sux |
09:47:37 | AlsonBlack | AlsonBlack |
09:47:51 | webguest92 | what can i do wit rockbox for my nano |
09:48:20 | webguest92 | i do got one good qustion |
09:48:43 | webguest92 | why do i got to update then initlize everytime i add music wit itunes to my ipod |
09:48:48 | webguest92 | that get annoying |
09:49:15 | linuxstb | AlsonBlack: Is that your real name? |
09:49:34 | MU{lappy} | update *and* initialize? |
09:49:45 | webguest92 | ya |
09:49:45 | AlsonBlack | Yes,my English name |
09:49:53 | webguest92 | thats really annoying |
09:50:33 | webguest92 | is there anything i can do to stop that |
09:50:43 | linuxstb | AlsonBlack: OK, done. Have fun. (and don't spam us!) |
09:50:53 | webguest92 | cuz i add music alot |
09:51:09 | AlsonBlack | OK,many thx.:-) |
09:51:56 | pixelma | petur: I wanted to ask whether your new recording screen keeps (or better: restores) the dropping of the "Filename:" line on the smallest displays (Archos, Iriver remotes) |
09:52:38 | webguest92 | is there anything i can do |
09:52:46 | pixelma | petur: or with a large font maybe |
09:53:07 | webguest92 | to make it where i wont haveto do that |
09:53:09 | MU{lappy} | i don't see why initializing would be necessary? |
09:53:19 | webguest92 | thats what i got to do |
09:53:32 | MU{lappy} | ... why? |
09:53:42 | petur | pixelma: yes, it shows all data, including filename. Right now it falls back to sysfont if the lines do not fit. |
09:53:45 | webguest92 | otherwise it wont show up |
09:54:01 | MU{lappy} | "update" scans for new or deleted files |
09:54:06 | petur | right now = current version of my patch |
09:54:21 | webguest92 | well i just updated |
09:54:24 | webguest92 | and nothing |
09:54:25 | pixelma | petur: the explanation would be a "no" to my question |
09:54:27 | MU{lappy} | "initialize" rebuilds from scratch, and will take a long time, because it's not only looking at the files you added |
09:54:42 | webguest92 | i do it everytime |
09:55:18 | petur | pixelma: ? you asked if it restored the filename line |
09:55:36 | webguest92 | i dont get it |
09:56:06 | pixelma | petur: even with the sysfont the filename line does not fit on the 64 pixels high display if you enabled triggered recording and need to see the bar... no I asked about dropping that line |
09:56:21 | pixelma | currently it is there on the Archos screens... |
09:56:31 | MU{lappy} | so your real problem is that new files aren't showing up after database update? i'm not sure if that's a nano or ipod issue, but i don't see why it would be. |
09:56:47 | webguest92 | yea |
09:56:58 | webguest92 | i don know either otherwise i love rockbox |
09:57:03 | webguest92 | and i can make money |
09:57:24 | webguest92 | cuz i know a lotta ppl who want there nano to play video like mine |
09:57:38 | webguest92 | its funny i charge 20 |
09:57:45 | webguest92 | for installation |
09:57:57 | webguest92 | and charge seperate for vids |
09:58:03 | petur | pixelma: I tried on an archos sim and everything fits. Tell me what sim to test or try yourself. The trigger bar found a nice spot (peakmeter halved in size and put in place of the lower pm) |
09:58:24 | webguest92 | does anyone know if there will b a build avalable for the rca pearl |
09:58:38 | webguest92 | my girl likes the sounds on my ipod nano |
09:58:56 | webguest92 | and wants to know if i can put rockbox on hers |
09:58:56 | | Quit vort3x (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
09:59:23 | advcomp2019 | webguest92, unless you make it, nope |
09:59:23 | linuxstb | webguest92: No-one is working on a build for the rca pearl. |
09:59:46 | webguest92 | why |
09:59:55 | webguest92 | i mean i know its not the greatest |
10:00 |
10:00:02 | webguest92 | but it would be nice |
10:00:15 | webguest92 | id like to learn how to make builds |
10:00:22 | webguest92 | but how would i go aboutit |
10:00:31 | linuxstb | webguest92: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/NewPort |
10:00:50 | webguest92 | if anyone wants to give input or help would be greatly appericated |
10:00:53 | pixelma | petur: in the current build on my Ondio, I can't see the trigger bar when the source is set to line in (i.e. 2 gain lines) |
10:01:44 | pixelma | and the peakmeter already is a one line height one |
10:02:04 | | Join patrakov [0] (n=patrakov@ |
10:02:33 | petur | pixelma: I can't test here at work. Try it or wait until tonight... The list with volume/gain only takes two lines now as it is a listbox - could change that to one line even. |
10:03:09 | webguest92 | so i take it noone wants to help build |
10:03:26 | MU{lappy} | i don't *have* a pearl, for one thing. |
10:04:03 | webguest92 | i do |
10:04:06 | linuxstb | webguest92: People here will help in general, but you need interested owners if a device to help do the real work. |
10:04:17 | webguest92 | well my girl does |
10:04:23 | pixelma | for me the gain info is much more important than the filename (though the volume isn't very important to me either). I'd prefer to see both gain left and right... |
10:04:23 | webguest92 | she wants it on there |
10:05:02 | MU{lappy} | webguest92: then you or she needs to be doing the work. |
10:05:09 | petur | pixelma: you should be able to see them both now if you scroll down... |
10:05:14 | webguest92 | well i dont even know where to start |
10:05:21 | webguest92 | thats the problem |
10:05:26 | webguest92 | i wish i did |
10:05:31 | MU{lappy} | it's that simple, somebody with the device, and interest, and skills, needs to work on it |
10:06:06 | webguest92 | well i lack skills to do it sadly |
10:06:34 | patrakov | what are the requirements for the audio track imposed by mpegplayer? i.e., can I just copy the existing ac3 track instead of transcoding to mp3? |
10:06:57 | pixelma | petur: I mean in one glance, no scrolling. Maybe it's just because I'm used to it but the filename line which is currently there feels like a waste of space to me |
10:07:22 | webguest92 | well that sux |
10:07:42 | webguest92 | what is the smallest audio file rockbox supports |
10:08:01 | | Join MethoS [0] (n=clemens@host-091-096-215-018.ewe-ip-backbone.de) |
10:08:45 | petur | pixelma: I guess we could get rid of the filename line.... and then somebody will come in screaming for it ;) |
10:09:54 | webguest92 | does anyone have the nano faceplates are batteries for sale |
10:10:16 | webguest92 | and about how much |
10:10:26 | webguest92 | would it cost to get them to me |
10:11:42 | pixelma | petur: could that line be in the list part too? Btw. that line wasn't there on these small screens until the trigger screen viewportification which also disabled that line unnecessarily on the c200 and JdGordon's "fix" for the latter |
10:11:47 | | Quit webguest92 ("CGI:IRC") |
10:12:10 | petur | pixelma: great idea... - must write that down |
10:16:02 | pixelma | only one thing - the filename can change during recording (starting a new file...) but on the other hand the gain can change too... |
10:16:13 | | Join vort3x [0] (n=vortex@unaffiliated/dfa001) |
10:19:09 | | Join tcooksey [0] (n=tcooksey@nat/trolltech/x-119f5ba7fece2da7) |
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10:19:57 | | Join Nico_P [0] (i=53915df2@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-f605338329be7a01) |
10:22:30 | tcooksey | Hiya... I'm a Qt/Embedded developer working for Trolltech (now a part of Nokia) and I'm looking to port qt/embedded to rockbox... Is C++ supported? |
10:27:44 | | Quit Ub3rMario ("ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox 3.0.1/2008070208]") |
10:28:44 | linuxstb | tcooksey: In theory you could use C++, but Rockbox is currently just plain C (plus some assembly). We also have no dynamic memory allocation (i.e. malloc), which may also be an issue for you. |
10:30:18 | tcooksey | linuxstb: Ah... No malloc or new? ok, that will be a no then. :-) |
10:30:42 | linuxstb | tcooksey: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/WhyNoMalloc |
10:35:40 | | Join ender` [0] (i=krneki@foo.eternallybored.org) |
10:36:00 | pixelma | petur: I'll be willing to test the recording screen patch on my Ondio but will only be able to do so after the weekend... |
10:37:33 | petur | I'll see what I can do tonight. The weekend is pretty much filled up completely (evenings included) so if not tonight it will be next week too ;) |
10:38:23 | | Quit Lynx_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
10:47:30 | Nico_P | tcooksey: why would you want to port Qt/Embedded to rockbox? to me the other way would have made more sense |
10:47:49 | linuxstb | Nico_P: That wouldn't allow QT/embedded on our targets though, which I guess is the aim. |
10:49:48 | Nico_P | linuxstb: they could just use our drivers |
10:50:13 | linuxstb | Nico_P: But with what OS? I'm assuming QT/E is just a GUI layer which needs an OS kernel... |
10:51:09 | Nico_P | you're probably right, altough: I'm not sure rockbox offers enough for a straight port (not taking malloc into consideration) |
10:52:02 | GodEater | tcooksey appears to have gone for a smoke ;) |
10:55:47 | Nico_P | linuxstb: assuming we drop the requirement that as much memory as possible is used for music, I assume adding malloc to rockbox wouldn't be too much work, would it? |
10:56:29 | linuxstb | There's also the lack of a hardware MMU on most (all?) targets. |
10:56:33 | GodEater | Nico_P: "malloc()" would be easy I think, it's implementing "free()" as well which would be tricky |
10:56:43 | GodEater | without getting horribly fragmented memory |
10:57:11 | Nico_P | linuxstb: I think the only targets with MMU are the gigabeats (not sure about the F) |
10:57:15 | * | GodEater thinks the beast has MMU |
10:57:28 | Nico_P | is an MMU really necessary? |
10:57:36 | | Join PaulJam [0] (i=PaulJam_@vpn-3051.gwdg.de) |
10:57:39 | GodEater | Nico_P: see above ? |
10:57:39 | linuxstb | Didn't the F run "proper" Linux? Which probably implies an MMU. |
10:57:48 | GodEater | I thought it ran uclinux ? |
10:58:14 | linuxstb | I'm not sure. |
10:58:15 | petur | I think the requirement of an MMU does not come from 'malloc' but from the OS |
10:58:46 | GodEater | I thought the MMU's job was to basically "keep memory tidy" |
10:59:21 | Nico_P | godeater: AFAIK it handles virtual memory |
10:59:33 | Nico_P | you can implment free without an MMU |
11:00 |
11:00:16 | GodEater | Nico_P: yes you can, but then your free() and malloc() implementations have to keep track of which bits of memory are allocated, and which aren't, which could go all over the place pretty quickly |
11:00:45 | GodEater | the "fake" malloc() implementations I've seen just increment a pointer to a buffer somewhere |
11:00:52 | GodEater | (the ones in rockbox that is) |
11:06:54 | markun | GodEater: the F has an MMU too |
11:07:06 | * | GodEater stands corrected (as usual!) |
11:08:57 | | Join Arathis [0] (n=doerk@p508A67DD.dip.t-dialin.net) |
11:09:06 | markun | mrobe 500, creative ZVx as well |
11:14:46 | GodEater | markun: now you're just showing off ;) |
11:16:43 | | Join culture [0] (n=none@cpc1-bele3-0-0-cust658.belf.cable.ntl.com) |
11:17:38 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
11:21:17 | linuxstb | markun: So the F ran "proper" Linux? |
11:23:48 | | Join Genre9mp3 [0] (n=yngwiejo@rockbox/contributor/Genre9mp3) |
11:24:26 | | Part patrakov ("Kopete 0.12.7 : http://kopete.kde.org") |
11:28:06 | markun | linuxstb: yes, I think so. I have the sources here. |
11:29:51 | markun | using kernel 2.4.18 |
11:41:35 | tcooksey | The idea is to show Qt/Embedded running mmu-less. We have experemental blackfin support for uclinux, but was hoping for another os too. |
11:42:04 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@rockbox/staff/XavierGr) |
11:42:12 | tcooksey | What libc does rockbox use? |
11:43:28 | GodEater | I *think* it's our own based on glibc, but I could be wrong |
11:44:46 | tcooksey | I'm just thinking uclibc is designed for mmu-less so must have a half decent algorithm for heap management without virtual memory. |
11:45:27 | * | GodEater wonders where amiconn is when you need him |
11:55:07 | linuxstb | tcooksey: There's been talk of incorporating a half-decent malloc/free implementation for Rockbox plugins to use (to make it easier to port things to Rockbox), but it hasn't happened yet. In general we prefer people porting code to get rid of malloc/free from their code (but obviously that may be very hard/impossible for you). |
11:59:58 | tcooksey | linuxstb: We need C++ and we need new, there's no way round it, unless we override the new operator globally. |
12:00 |
12:00:33 | tcooksey | linuxstb: Hmmm.. actually overriding new might be the way forward. |
12:01:30 | | Nick fxb__ is now known as fxb (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) |
12:03:21 | | Quit lude187 (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
12:03:23 | linuxstb | tcooksey: Is this something "official" - i.e. is trolltech paying you to do it? |
12:03:59 | tcooksey | linuxstb: Trolltech has "create fridays" where all developers are basically free to hack on whatever they want. |
12:04:23 | petur | oh, /me wants one of those :) |
12:04:40 | | Join desowin [0] (n=desowin@atheme/member/desowin) |
12:04:42 | tcooksey | linuxstb: so 1/5 of our time is spent on our own pet projects. I want this one to be mine |
12:05:22 | linuxstb | Do you own any devices Rockbox runs on? i.e. have you tried it? |
12:05:42 | tcooksey | linuxstb: Nope :-) |
12:10:51 | | Nick sacarasc_ is now known as sacarasc (i=sacarasc@cpc1-kemp3-0-0-cust978.lutn.cable.ntl.com) |
12:12:51 | | Join nyeoN [0] (n=nyeon@ |
12:13:31 | nyeoN | hello can someone please help me out I'm new to rockbox |
12:14:16 | advcomp2019 | nyeoN, what is your question |
12:14:37 | nyeoN | how do I start? I got sansa e250 and I bought microsdc 8gb |
12:14:48 | nyeoN | and I installed the rockbox |
12:17:12 | | Join faemir [0] (n=faemir@88-106-180-165.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) |
12:17:38 | linuxstb | nyeoN: So Rockbox is installed OK? i.e. it runs when you turn on your Sansa? |
12:17:45 | nyeoN | yes |
12:18:19 | linuxstb | Have you read the Rockbox manual? |
12:18:40 | nyeoN | yes |
12:19:04 | linuxstb | You'll need to be specific about what you want to do... |
12:19:49 | nyeoN | I want to play music |
12:22:48 | nyeoN | linuxstb |
12:23:24 | | Join crope` [0] (n=crope@dyn3-82-128-186-236.psoas.suomi.net) |
12:23:30 | advcomp2019 | the manual talk about how to play music |
12:24:10 | linuxstb | nyeoN: I just browse to my files using the "Files" option, and select one to play that entire folder... Or you can read about using the database option. |
12:24:18 | | Part stony |
12:24:28 | nyeoN | I tried the database but it didnt work |
12:24:39 | nyeoN | and I get to many times codec failure and such things |
12:24:42 | nyeoN | why is that? |
12:24:51 | advcomp2019 | what kind of files are they? |
12:26:34 | linuxstb | Are they MP3, WMA, something else? Are they "DRM protected (i.e. bought/rented from an online store)? |
12:28:03 | | Quit AlsonBlack ("Leaving") |
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12:47:59 | | Nick std is now known as stdz (n=std~den@ |
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12:58:35 | | Join moos [0] (i=moos@81-66-127-198.rev.numericable.fr) |
13:00 |
13:02:44 | advcomp2019 | nyeoN, have you check? |
13:12:58 | nyeoN | no they arent |
13:13:01 | nyeoN | they all mp3 |
13:13:08 | nyeoN | and why cant I use database? |
13:13:13 | nyeoN | advcomp2019, linuxstb |
13:13:58 | | Quit Rob2223 () |
13:16:23 | advcomp2019 | sounds like something is wrong with your mp3 or your rockbox install might be corrupted somewhere |
13:16:44 | nyeoN | how do I uninstall? |
13:16:50 | nyeoN | and could you help me install it? |
13:17:39 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
13:18:15 | advcomp2019 | try reinstalling it by downloading the latest build and unzip it and drag and drop the .rockbox folder to the root of the sansa |
13:19:08 | nyeoN | isnt there any other way to uninstall and to make a fresh copy? |
13:19:52 | | Join BlakeJohnson861 [0] (n=bjohnson@c-71-63-165-46.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) |
13:20:22 | linuxstb | nyeoN: Do your files show up in the Database? i.e. can you see the lists of artists, albums etc? |
13:20:31 | nyeoN | nope |
13:20:38 | nyeoN | it tells me it counting files |
13:20:42 | nyeoN | but after couple of hours |
13:20:44 | nyeoN | it stucks |
13:21:52 | advcomp2019 | wait.. did you load the mp3s while using mtp mode? |
13:22:22 | nyeoN | I uploaded them straight to the microsdc |
13:22:28 | nyeoN | and then attached it to the mp3 |
13:27:05 | advcomp2019 | so it is only the mp3's on the microsdhc card or does mp3's on the sansa do the same thing? |
13:28:18 | nyeoN | i cant even see the mp3s on the sansa threw the rockbox |
13:30:19 | advcomp2019 | the music folder is hidden.. so show all files in the settings of rockbox |
13:30:47 | nyeoN | it says building database 2975 files |
13:30:47 | nyeoN | ... |
13:31:14 | | Quit BlakeJohnson86 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
13:31:38 | | Join LambdaCalculus37 [0] (n=LambdaCa@mb90736d0.tmodns.net) |
13:32:51 | advcomp2019 | is it just stuck there then? if so, try the reset |
13:33:54 | nyeoN | its alwyas like this |
13:34:04 | nyeoN | 2983 files |
13:37:01 | nyeoN | what do you think? should I reinstall the rockbox? |
13:39:10 | advcomp2019 | just let it go if it is working |
13:39:35 | nyeoN | and why do I get codec failure when I browse threw files? |
13:40:32 | | Quit LambdaCalculus37 ("Do quit now, there's a demon around the corner!") |
13:41:13 | advcomp2019 | i am not sure |
13:41:32 | nyeoN | so should I reinstall? :) |
13:41:40 | nyeoN | 3002 files |
13:41:42 | nyeoN | how come?!?! |
13:41:48 | nyeoN | I dont have so many songs |
13:42:14 | advcomp2019 | not yet till the database builds |
13:42:28 | PaulJam | the count shows all files, not only music. |
13:43:09 | nyeoN | ok I'll wait |
13:44:24 | PaulJam | but usually initialising the database shouldn't take that long. on my player it only takes a few minutes. |
13:44:30 | pixelma | do you know whether your files have huge metadata (tags) like embedded album art or really long comments etc.? |
13:46:04 | nyeoN | I think so |
13:46:05 | nyeoN | ;/ |
13:46:33 | nyeoN | do I have an option to save the database or the files instead to the ram to the microsdc? |
13:48:33 | | Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p4FDCDA23.dip.t-dialin.net) |
13:53:01 | | Part pixelma |
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14:17:02 | | Join nplus [0] (n=nplus@141.25.globcom.net) |
14:19:44 | nyeoN | 3095 files and it doesnt stop |
14:19:53 | nyeoN | its counting for 3 hours now :( |
14:28:58 | | Join gregzx [0] (n=chatzill@dro158.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) |
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14:41:51 | | Join LambdaCalculus37 [0] (i=44a0430f@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-bec5689a4a7c59ae) |
14:42:00 | LambdaCalculus37 | join #rockbox-community |
14:42:19 | LambdaCalculus37 | Oops... ignore that! :P |
14:50:37 | | Join MethoS- [0] (n=clemens@host-091-096-215-067.ewe-ip-backbone.de) |
14:52:28 | | Join fdinel [0] (n=Miranda@modemcable204.232-203-24.mc.videotron.ca) |
14:58:46 | nyeoN | damn it shuted down because no battery |
15:00 |
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15:52:11 | | Join feindbild [0] (n=feindbil@mail.delphin-computer.de) |
15:52:41 | feindbild | hi :) |
15:53:19 | GodEater | hello |
15:53:28 | | Quit crope` ("Leaving") |
15:54:28 | | Join perrikwp [0] (i=d1a8d351@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-ffade0b4aad47764) |
15:54:29 | | Quit MethoS (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
15:54:59 | feindbild | I googled for gapless playback on the sansa e200 and search for it in the config menu ... isn't it supported on the e200? |
15:56:07 | | Join MethoS_ [0] (n=clemens@host-091-096-213-139.ewe-ip-backbone.de) |
15:56:30 | domonoky | gapless playpack means that i can play two tunes without extra gap between the songs. Rockbox always does this, so no need for a config.. |
15:57:40 | | Quit Arathis (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
16:00 |
16:03:00 | GodEater | feindbild: i.e. you can't turn it off on Rockbox |
16:03:32 | feindbild | domonoky: GodEater: does that mean silence at the end/beginning of a song should get skipped, or just that it prebuffers the next song? |
16:03:39 | | Quit Nibbler ("Ex-Chat") |
16:04:08 | GodEater | if silence is actually *encoded* into the track, Rockbox will play it |
16:04:11 | domonoky | no it doesnt skip silence, it just does not insert extra silence.. |
16:04:33 | feindbild | ok ... I thought that was what gapless was about ... |
16:04:33 | GodEater | but there will be no pause between one track finishing and the next starting |
16:04:42 | feindbild | thank you guys :) |
16:04:46 | GodEater | no problem |
16:05:08 | feindbild | I guess a silnce cutoff feature isn't in the planning? |
16:05:13 | feindbild | *silence |
16:05:16 | GodEater | no |
16:05:26 | GodEater | if you wish to remove silence from your tracks, use an audio editor |
16:05:47 | GodEater | feindbild: out of interest, what on earth have you got with silence in it in the first place ? |
16:06:09 | feindbild | GodEater: well, because a lot of CDs come with silence at the beginning/end of a song ... |
16:06:16 | GodEater | they do ? |
16:06:21 | * | GodEater hasn't found this on any of his |
16:07:03 | feindbild | GodEater: and when I moved to linux a few years ago I didn't know how to automatically remove it when ripping/encoding ... |
16:07:16 | feindbild | GodEater: tool for example ... |
16:07:27 | feindbild | theyx have quite a few gaps ^^ |
16:08:00 | GodEater | gapless is typical most obvious when you're listening to mix albums, where one track fades seamlessly into the next |
16:08:19 | GodEater | if you have a platform that doesn't do gapless, you'll get a moment's pause between the track changeovers |
16:08:33 | feindbild | but decoding to wav, cutting the silence and re-encoding is another quality loss ... and I honestly have no interest in re-ripping+encoding 100+ CDs ^^ |
16:08:43 | | Part cpach ("kthxbye") |
16:08:48 | GodEater | if people have put silence deliberately into their tunes, there's not much we can do about it |
16:10:23 | | Join MethoS [0] (n=clemens@dyndsl-085-016-166-024.ewe-ip-backbone.de) |
16:11:47 | GodEater | feindbild: I'm not sure how you think this could be implemented automatically in any case - how would you distinguish between a momentary pause in the middle of a track, and silence at the end of it ? |
16:12:01 | PaulJam | well, gap detection/removal should be possible. i think some older player did this (carma?). the question is if there is someone who is going to implement it and if it is wanted. |
16:12:12 | ReKleSS | I think the iriver OFW does it |
16:12:19 | ReKleSS | if it's all in the buffer you can detect it... |
16:12:23 | GodEater | ReKleSS: yes, and it sucked |
16:13:07 | | Quit MethoS- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
16:13:47 | feindbild | GodEater: you can scan from the end of the track until there's no more silence and store the time (or whatever threeshold you want to define as silence) ... I just don't have a clue if it's possible with the hardware contraints) |
16:14:05 | feindbild | as on the beginning ... decode+scan as fast as possible until there is no sileence ... |
16:14:10 | GodEater | some people listen to very long tracks which would completely fill the buffer |
16:14:19 | GodEater | meaning that would not be possible |
16:14:30 | GodEater | especially not on the more RAM constrained targets |
16:15:34 | | Join AndyIL [0] (n=pasha_in@ |
16:16:38 | feindbild | I just found mp3cut for lossless mp3 cutting ... maybe there's something similar for ogg ^^ |
16:17:18 | nyeoN | can someone please tell me why do I get from time to time codec failure? |
16:18:34 | PaulJam | nyeoN: do you get it always with the same songs? which revision of rockbox do you use? |
16:18:54 | nyeoN | well I dont know the answer to both quastions please guide me |
16:18:59 | nyeoN | and all my tracks are mp3 |
16:19:36 | LambdaCalculus37 | nyeoN: You can check which version of Rockbox you're running by going to System > Rockbox Info. |
16:19:41 | LambdaCalculus37 | It starts with an r. |
16:20:14 | nyeoN | curentlly my rockbox is building database 3033 files so as soon as it finish |
16:21:15 | PaulJam | does the error always happen when you play back the same song, or does it happen randomly. |
16:21:50 | nyeoN | randomly |
16:22:07 | GodEater | that's *extremely* unlikely |
16:22:15 | GodEater | random is very hard for electronic devices to do |
16:22:49 | ReKleSS | GodEater: I can confirm this, actually... my H120 used to give me codec failure sometimes, but forcing it to try again usually made it work |
16:22:51 | nyeoN | well maybe something is wrong with my install? |
16:23:10 | nyeoN | when I close the device and open it up the track works always |
16:23:22 | ReKleSS | but that was a fairly old version, my H340 with newer ones has never done it afaik |
16:23:27 | nyeoN | I'm using sansa e250 with rockbox and microsdhc 8gb card |
16:23:41 | GodEater | ReKleSS: that doesn't meant the failure was random |
16:23:48 | | Join faemir [0] (n=faemir@88-106-180-165.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) |
16:23:52 | feindbild | GodEater: hmmm ... why would it fill the 'buffer'? you only need to scan until there's no silence ... that shouldn't be more than ~15 seconds ... except for some extreme exceptions ... |
16:23:53 | GodEater | that means that having the song at the start of the buffer rather than the end helped |
16:24:01 | nyeoN | can someone tell me how do I start the rockbox what should be the first steps? maybe Ive done something wrong |
16:24:21 | ReKleSS | GodEater: it's always just as the song loads |
16:24:24 | GodEater | feindbild: where is the song going to be while you're scanning it ? |
16:24:38 | domonoky | nyeoN: first check your version, and if its old update it and try again... |
16:25:16 | GodEater | ReKleSS: if it's "always" as the song loads, then that's not random is it ? |
16:25:19 | nyeoN | as soon as database finish uploading tracks *3045 wtf? * |
16:25:33 | | Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@h-74-0-180-178.snvacaid.covad.net) |
16:25:36 | ReKleSS | I mean, if it occurs, it occurs at the start |
16:25:48 | ReKleSS | but which songs it occurs on seems ot be random |
16:25:59 | GodEater | ReKleSS: but as soon as you start playback? Or in the middle of a playlist ? |
16:26:06 | ReKleSS | middle of a playlist |
16:26:14 | GodEater | so again, not random |
16:26:26 | feindbild | GodEater: I didn't read the rockbox source code yet ... but I guess part of it in the buffer ... but if you begin scanning at the end of a file ... 15sec woth of file should not disturb it ... |
16:26:30 | | Quit AndyI (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
16:26:32 | ReKleSS | err... if it doesn't happen consistently on the same songs, how is it not random? |
16:26:37 | PaulJam | nyeoN: i would reccomend to do a check of the filesystem on your player. that the database initialisation takes _that_ long certainly isn't normal. |
16:26:47 | | Quit MethoS_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
16:26:48 | feindbild | *worth |
16:26:52 | nyeoN | check what? |
16:26:58 | GodEater | feindbild: beginning scanning at the end of the file would make playback awfully bad |
16:27:13 | nyeoN | PaulJam: check what? |
16:27:30 | feindbild | GodEater: ok, I'll believe you without trying :) |
16:27:37 | GodEater | ReKleSS: the *songs* it may happen on may be random, but the conditions under which it happens are not |
16:27:46 | domonoky | nyeoN: check for errors in the filesystem, ie with checkdisk or alike.. |
16:28:01 | nyeoN | can I do it inside the device? |
16:28:15 | PaulJam | nyeoN: the filesystem. with chkdsk (or fsck.vfat if you use linux) |
16:28:34 | nyeoN | hmm I really dont know what ur talking about :( |
16:28:52 | GodEater | nyeoN: Consult google then |
16:28:59 | nyeoN | btw version r17732m-080618 |
16:29:13 | nyeoN | up to date? |
16:29:38 | GodEater | hell no |
16:29:41 | GodEater | that's way old |
16:29:43 | PaulJam | that is old. |
16:29:55 | GodEater | it's also a patched build |
16:30:01 | GodEater | which we do not support here in any event |
16:30:28 | nyeoN | oh so anyone can give me a link please |
16:30:28 | nyeoN | :/ |
16:30:49 | PaulJam | GodEater: it doesn't have to be. i saw in the past sometimes that offficial builds have the "m" too. |
16:30:50 | GodEater | www.rockbox.org |
16:30:57 | GodEater | then go to the "current builds" section |
16:31:05 | GodEater | PaulJam: I've not seen one happen for a long time like that though |
16:31:17 | GodEater | PaulJam: although I agree it could be an unfortunate coincidence |
16:31:30 | GodEater | in any case, we like to make sure people are on a current build before we try supporting it |
16:31:37 | domonoky | does someone here know if it is bad to use code from apps/codecs/<mycodeclib> in the metadata parsers in apps/metadata/ ? |
16:31:38 | nyeoN | GodEater: I downloaded.. |
16:31:50 | nyeoN | now what? |
16:32:04 | | Join massiveH_ [0] (n=massiveH@pool-72-76-241-31.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) |
16:32:15 | GodEater | nyeoN: how did you install Rockbox to your player in the first place ? |
16:32:23 | domonoky | nyeoN: take a look at the manual... (or use your brain :-) ) |
16:32:34 | nyeoN | well I installed the the exe |
16:32:40 | nyeoN | rbutilqt-v1.0.5 |
16:32:46 | nyeoN | rbutilqt.exe |
16:32:49 | GodEater | nyeoN: use that to do the update then |
16:33:11 | nyeoN | just to plug my mp3 to the pc and use update? |
16:33:20 | domonoky | just press the the "install rockbox" button in rbutil.. |
16:33:25 | nyeoN | got nothing to do with the new zip file I downloaded? |
16:33:39 | GodEater | although I recommend upgrading to 1.0.6 |
16:33:51 | nyeoN | how? |
16:33:53 | GodEater | nyeoN: yeah, ignore the zip file |
16:33:58 | domonoky | rbutil downloads the zip for you, and extracts it to your player... |
16:34:15 | GodEater | nyeoN: how what ? |
16:34:22 | nyeoN | sec |
16:35:15 | nyeoN | when plugging my sansa to the pc it uploads the original bootloader is it ok? |
16:35:47 | GodEater | "uploads" ? |
16:36:11 | nyeoN | openes |
16:36:15 | nyeoN | starts with.. |
16:36:58 | GodEater | okay, be clear, that is not what "uploads" means |
16:37:03 | GodEater | and yes, it's fine :) |
16:37:27 | nyeoN | haha ok :) |
16:37:53 | nyeoN | extracting failed: zlib library error... |
16:38:13 | * | GodEater hands over to domonoky ;) |
16:38:20 | nyeoN | :( |
16:38:25 | nyeoN | please guys help me out |
16:38:33 | GodEater | we are |
16:38:35 | GodEater | patience |
16:38:58 | nyeoN | maybe I should uninstall and then install? |
16:39:05 | * | domonoky is annoyed. Just extract the zip file you downloaded to your player... |
16:39:22 | GodEater | domonoky: is there no way to force rbutil to redownload in this event ? |
16:39:24 | nyeoN | ok so to uninstall and then extract? |
16:39:32 | GodEater | nyeoN: no need to uninstall |
16:39:38 | nyeoN | just to copy? |
16:39:43 | GodEater | NO |
16:39:44 | GodEater | extract |
16:39:58 | domonoky | GodEater what do you mean ? redownload ? |
16:40:08 | nyeoN | extract to sansa e250? |
16:40:14 | GodEater | domonoky: well I assume the zlib error is because the .zip rbutil has pulled down is corrupt ? |
16:40:17 | GodEater | nyeoN: yes |
16:40:39 | GodEater | I also assumed that it caches those zip files - perhaps I imagine wrongly ? |
16:40:57 | domonoky | GodEater: could be, but also could be another problem... but the user can easily use the same button again, and it will download a new zip.. |
16:41:07 | GodEater | ah ok |
16:41:15 | nyeoN | it tells me not enough space :( |
16:41:22 | GodEater | he's not missing anything from running the older version of rbutil ? |
16:41:31 | nyeoN | it only reads the 2gb the device has and not the other 8gb |
16:41:55 | domonoky | no, that was probaly why zlib failed.. (no diskspace)... |
16:42:20 | GodEater | nyeoN: correct |
16:42:27 | | Join DaCapn [0] (n=dacapn@nemo.csn.tu-chemnitz.de) |
16:42:31 | GodEater | nyeoN: the sansa firmware does not understand your sdhc card |
16:42:40 | | Join DrMoos [0] (i=moos@81-66-127-198.rev.numericable.fr) |
16:42:46 | | Quit moos (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
16:42:47 | nyeoN | I know |
16:42:56 | | Nick DrMoos is now known as moos (i=moos@81-66-127-198.rev.numericable.fr) |
16:43:00 | GodEater | so free up some space on the 2GB bit |
16:43:05 | GodEater | you shouldn't need much |
16:43:09 | GodEater | a couple of megabytes |
16:43:18 | nyeoN | erases 200mb |
16:43:37 | nyeoN | erased* |
16:43:42 | PaulJam | i suspect that the lack of free disk space might also be responsible for the problems with the database. |
16:44:12 | nyeoN | but I got 8 more gb |
16:44:19 | nyeoN | cant rockbox use that |
16:44:20 | GodEater | PaulJam: very possibly! |
16:44:31 | GodEater | nyeoN: yes it can, but not to do the install to |
16:44:45 | nyeoN | but with the database it can...? |
16:44:56 | GodEater | the database gets written to the 2GB part |
16:45:02 | nyeoN | installation successful |
16:46:50 | nyeoN | database is running fast now |
16:46:50 | nyeoN | =] |
16:47:50 | nyeoN | but still stuck on 2078 :/ |
16:49:04 | | Quit massiveH (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
16:49:27 | nyeoN | GodEater got any clue? |
16:50:05 | GodEater | nyeoN: I never use the database I'm afraid, so no |
16:50:19 | GodEater | I always just use the "Files" option to start my playback |
16:50:20 | nyeoN | what does it do anyway? |
16:50:30 | GodEater | what does what do ? |
16:50:37 | nyeoN | database button |
16:50:58 | GodEater | it builds an index of all your music based on the metadata each file contains |
16:51:08 | GodEater | e.g. Artist / Album / Genre / Year etc. |
16:51:19 | GodEater | so that you search using those criteria |
16:51:27 | GodEater | it's entirely optional, and usage of Rockbox does not require it |
16:55:09 | nyeoN | working great :) |
16:55:26 | | Quit petur ("connection reset by beer") |
16:56:38 | PaulJam | it could be that the database still has problems with extremly large tags (from embedded albumart or lyrics for example). i haven't had this kind of problems myself, so i'm not really sure. |
16:56:47 | nyeoN | btw GodEater is there any chance to upload fonts so I could see my language instead of just squares? |
16:57:15 | | Nick massiveH_ is now known as massievH (n=massiveH@pool-72-76-241-31.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) |
16:57:19 | | Nick massievH is now known as massiveH (n=massiveH@pool-72-76-241-31.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) |
16:57:37 | feindbild | bye ^^ |
16:57:39 | | Quit feindbild (Remote closed the connection) |
16:57:56 | PaulJam | RbUtil should have an "extras" tab where you can install fonts if i remember correctly. |
16:58:35 | nyeoN | but fonts in my own language? |
16:58:44 | ReKleSS | there's a unicode font that should cover it |
16:58:51 | | Join MethoS- [0] (n=clemens@host-091-096-210-139.ewe-ip-backbone.de) |
17:00 |
17:00:21 | PaulJam | nyeoN: here is an overview of which font supports which charactersets: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/UnicodeFonts |
17:01:43 | nyeoN | thanks alot for your help guys |
17:08:19 | nyeoN | I installed the font package but I still cant see the songs names in hebrew how come? |
17:09:08 | nyeoN | fixed that nvm |
17:09:19 | LambdaCalculus37 | Not all of the fonts can display certain characters. |
17:09:24 | LambdaCalculus37 | Try Unifont. |
17:10:12 | nyeoN | ye did that |
17:10:18 | nyeoN | can I make the size of the font smaller? |
17:10:37 | LambdaCalculus37 | Nope. |
17:10:42 | nyeoN | :( |
17:10:45 | LambdaCalculus37 | Unless someone makes a smaller Unifont-like font. |
17:10:55 | ReKleSS | try the unicatcher theme |
17:10:58 | nyeoN | roger that |
17:10:59 | nyeoN | =] |
17:11:16 | | Quit ReKleSS ("Leaving") |
17:11:40 | PaulJam | nyeoN: just use a smaller font that supports hebrew. nimbus12 for example |
17:13:05 | | Quit MethoS (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
17:13:33 | | Join massiveH_ [0] (n=massiveH@pool-72-76-241-36.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) |
17:14:10 | | Quit massiveH (Nick collision from services.) |
17:14:12 | | Nick massiveH_ is now known as massiveH (n=massiveH@pool-72-76-241-36.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) |
17:14:15 | nyeoN | thanks |
17:16:31 | | Part nyeoN |
17:17:44 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
17:18:50 | | Quit Nico_P ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
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17:23:07 | | Join Horscht [0] (n=Horscht@xbmc/user/horscht) |
17:23:25 | | Join herrwaldo [0] (n=waldo@ip-81-11-209-244.dsl.scarlet.be) |
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17:37:25 | | Join AhtiK [0] (n=ahti@88-196-185-130-dsl.rgu.estpak.ee) |
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17:45:49 | | Join Genre9mp3 [0] (n=yngwiejo@rockbox/contributor/Genre9mp3) |
17:50:55 | | Quit massiveH ("Leaving") |
17:59:15 | | Quit tcooksey (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
18:00 |
18:03:37 | | Join AndiTails [0] (n=522b2d28@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-ac184a17df847b77) |
18:05:10 | AndiTails | hi. i just put the latest rockbox onto an aging iRiver H10 5gb player and install went great. my reason for wanting to change firmware is that I cannot load more than 4-6 songs onto the player before it crashes - that includes in UMS mode. is there anyway i can upload music to a rockbox player without being in UMS mode? |
18:05:25 | | Join Xqtftqx [0] (i=40e9e3d2@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-40d4eb65b846c942) |
18:05:39 | Xqtftqx | Anybody know why doom doesnt work on the beast? |
18:06:00 | LambdaCalculus37 | Xqtftqx: I think that's something you have to ask jhMikeS. |
18:06:08 | Xqtftqx | it gets stuck on "Loading Graphics Engine..." |
18:06:34 | LambdaCalculus37 | I get the same thing. |
18:07:09 | LambdaCalculus37 | I'm not sure what's causing the problems, though. |
18:07:21 | Xqtftqx | Wonder what it is, its probly not even anything to do with the "graphics" |
18:07:35 | Xqtftqx | It works in the simulator though |
18:08:44 | Llorean | The simulator isn't really demonstrative of anything |
18:08:44 | Xqtftqx | We Need jhMikeS |
18:08:57 | AndiTails | ..anyone about the ums issue? |
18:09:00 | Llorean | The simulator is just "it looks like the player", there is no "it does things like the player" |
18:09:06 | Llorean | AndiTails: Not until the USB stack is finished. |
18:09:19 | Xqtftqx | whats the issue? |
18:09:49 | GodEater | Llorean: I'm in favour of wiping the install sections |
18:10:08 | AndiTails | iRiver H10 player crashes after about 5-6 songs uploading in normal iRiver firmware and UMS mode, so i can't upload music although rockbox has installed fine |
18:10:15 | LambdaCalculus37 | Llorean: Second. |
18:10:19 | Llorean | GodEater: The post is more of a warning, unless someone comes up with a REALLY good objection. |
18:10:47 | GodEater | Llorean: can you move them the way you have with the old archived ones to the "Trash" area and stop them showing up in searches that way ? |
18:10:57 | GodEater | or are we really going to vapourise them ? :) |
18:11:05 | Llorean | GodEater: I plan to move them. |
18:11:09 | GodEater | cool |
18:11:14 | Llorean | They'll be Apple Install pre-3.0, etc, etc. |
18:11:22 | GodEater | excellent idea |
18:11:23 | | Join Nico_P [50] (n=nicolas@rockbox/developer/NicoP) |
18:11:31 | GodEater | as you say, I can't imagine we'd need anything in them |
18:11:33 | GodEater | but you never know |
18:11:36 | Llorean | I'm not sure there's any reason to keep them around, other than maybe a bit of mining for ideas for the manual, but I don't see any harm in it either. |
18:12:20 | * | GodEater notices the time and realises he's late to go and meet Mrs GodEater for a posh burger! |
18:12:21 | LambdaCalculus37 | Or for some old laughs. ;) |
18:12:28 | GodEater | good w/e all! |
18:12:33 | LambdaCalculus37 | GodEater: Good night! |
18:12:43 | LambdaCalculus37 | Enjoy that burger! ;) |
18:13:02 | | Join mib_adeylinl [0] (i=cdcdc8ee@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-872a125f1a91d111) |
18:13:08 | | Nick mib_adeylinl is now known as MarcGuay (i=cdcdc8ee@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-872a125f1a91d111) |
18:13:32 | LambdaCalculus37 | MarcGuay: Greetings to you! :) |
18:13:47 | MarcGuay | LambdaCalculus37: Afternoons. What goes? |
18:14:18 | MarcGuay | Any idea who has what m200 model? Do you still have one? |
18:14:34 | | Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) |
18:14:55 | LambdaCalculus37 | MarcGuay: shotofadds has what was my m240. That was a NAND. |
18:15:01 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) |
18:15:12 | Xqtftqx | Anybody want to help get rockbox to work with the rb utility? |
18:15:23 | MarcGuay | No clue who's got the SD/Harp models, if any? |
18:15:29 | LambdaCalculus37 | I'm getting one. |
18:15:38 | LambdaCalculus37 | An m230. |
18:16:09 | MarcGuay | Excellent. And you'll be getting tons of free time as well, right? ;) |
18:16:48 | MarcGuay | I'm starting to poke at the SD stuff... Have a nice stack of docs and code and read through... |
18:17:00 | LambdaCalculus37 | MarcGuay: If I can repent, quit my job, and slack off, then I'll have all the free time I need. ;) |
18:17:35 | LambdaCalculus37 | But I'll be glad to help you test some stuff out. |
18:19:01 | MarcGuay | LambdaCalculus37: Have you messed with the new ipod recording screen keymap since I changed it? |
18:19:30 | LambdaCalculus37 | MarcGuay: Yep. Gave it a go-round on my iPod color. |
18:19:42 | MarcGuay | Any beef? |
18:19:42 | LambdaCalculus37 | Feels much more natural now. |
18:19:43 | | Join mf0102 [0] (n=michi@ |
18:19:49 | MarcGuay | NIce. |
18:20:01 | LambdaCalculus37 | MarcGuay: Yes, medium rare, please. ;) |
18:20:27 | | Join robin0800 [0] (n=robin080@cpc2-brig8-0-0-cust394.brig.cable.ntl.com) |
18:22:25 | | Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=miepchen@dslb-088-072-196-107.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
18:24:08 | AndiTails | any advantage to using rockbox on osx? would it be nicer to my player in ums mode than xp is? |
18:24:21 | Xqtftqx | No |
18:24:32 | AndiTails | looks like i'm stuffed then! :) |
18:24:51 | MarcGuay | What's wrong with the way XP treats it? |
18:25:38 | AndiTails | player crashes after uploading about 5 songs in ums mode. does the same in normal iRiver firmware too, hence turning to rockbox −− but since the usb stack isn't done yet, i'm still stuck with a player and no songs :) |
18:25:56 | AndiTails | (iRiver H10 5gb) |
18:26:14 | AndiTails | well, i say _I_, its my Dad's, and I'm trying to sort it for him. and failing. |
18:26:57 | MarcGuay | How does the player crash? |
18:27:37 | AndiTails | windows says "Path not found" and the player freezes on "USB In Use" but its not actually accessing the drive or anything. battery-out is the only way forward. |
18:28:10 | MarcGuay | Have you tried checking the disk for errors? |
18:28:34 | AndiTails | no, actually.. would i just use the normal xp diskcheck whilst its in ums mode? |
18:28:44 | LambdaCalculus37 | Yes. |
18:29:27 | AndiTails | i'll give that a go then... |
18:29:52 | Xqtftqx | AndiTails: Do you have a linux computer avaible? |
18:30:23 | AndiTails | i've just installed osx 10.5.4 on a machine.. that any good? |
18:30:43 | Xqtftqx | i dont know, i dont use osx |
18:30:58 | AndiTails | else i have ubunutu 8 on a cd, would live mode be enough? |
18:31:09 | Xqtftqx | yep |
18:31:15 | AndiTails | ok, what's the idea? |
18:31:22 | Xqtftqx | you can use fsck |
18:31:25 | Xqtftqx | get on the cd |
18:31:31 | Xqtftqx | and join irc, ill help you |
18:32:03 | AndiTails | ...as in register with freenode? |
18:32:17 | Xqtftqx | go to mibbit.com and join this irc |
18:32:28 | Xqtftqx | ill give you the commands |
18:33:20 | MarcGuay | The idea being that fsck is a superior way to check the disk than XP's checkdisk? |
18:33:35 | Xqtftqx | yes |
18:34:32 | | Quit MarcGuay ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
18:35:52 | AndiTails | what channel am i joining on mibbit? |
18:36:39 | Llorean | What he means is "boot up Linux, then come back here from within Linux" |
18:36:43 | Xqtftqx | irc.freenode.net and #rockbox |
18:37:32 | | Quit herrwaldo ("Konversation terminated!") |
18:37:41 | AndiTails | fair enough, is my laptop right next to the pc not enough then? ;) |
18:37:50 | AndiTails | ubuntu is just booting.. |
18:38:07 | Xqtftqx | if you wish to have to transfer commands |
18:38:21 | AndiTails | i see your point ;) |
18:38:30 | Xqtftqx | it whould be easier to just copy the commands |
18:40:38 | | Quit AndiTails ("CGI:IRC 0.5.9 (2006/06/06)") |
18:40:46 | | Join AndiTails [0] (i=522b2d28@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-aaab7f40fa52d803) |
18:40:58 | Xqtftqx | Ok, are you in linux? |
18:41:04 | AndiTails | yup |
18:41:08 | Xqtftqx | PM me |
18:41:51 | Xqtftqx | See the message? |
18:44:59 | * | domonoky has problems with his .sap codec. every chunk of PCM it inserts is somehow scrambled in the beginning. But if i directly dump to file its fine... i suspect i did not set the ci->configure option correctly.. :-/ |
18:45:25 | | Quit XavierGr () |
18:46:54 | domonoky | i set freq to 44100, Sample depth to 16, Stereo mode to mono, which i think is what the asap codec outputs.. |
18:47:23 | domonoky | anything else i need to set ? |
18:52:08 | | Quit AndiTails ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
18:52:23 | | Join AndiTails [0] (i=522b2d28@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-0d165889a296beec) |
18:54:57 | | Join BigBambi [0] (n=Alex@rockbox/staff/BigBambi) |
18:55:40 | AndiTails | Xqtftqx: you there? |
18:56:16 | | Part AndiTails |
18:56:34 | | Join AndiTails [0] (i=522b2d28@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-0d165889a296beec) |
18:56:43 | LambdaCalculus37 | domonoky: I think that should be it. |
18:57:33 | domonoky | how about endianess, which endian should the codec output ? |
18:57:49 | | Nick fxb is now known as fxb__ (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) |
18:58:39 | Llorean | domonoky: I wouldn't know, but I'd guess you should use the macros that convert to host endianness? |
18:59:47 | | Quit AndiTails ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
19:00 |
19:00:03 | domonoky | the asap codec has a setting to either output LE or BE, at the moment its LE and i am testing on sim.. |
19:00:41 | | Join coatman [0] (n=Jacob@ppp-70-246-133-9.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net) |
19:01:14 | Llorean | I'd also imagine that if endianness was an issue, your whole thing would be garbled rather than just the start. |
19:01:48 | BigBambi | Llorean: FWIW I agree with you in general about the install forums - it would be nice to have a new start along with an (almost) exclusive use of rbutil |
19:02:07 | Llorean | Have you looked at the dumped file? Maybe it's got the trash at the beginning too, but whatever you're using to play the dumped file is "smart" enough to recognize the trash? (Or maybe it's metadata of some sort?) |
19:02:24 | LambdaCalculus37 | domonoky: How does the codec sound in the sim? |
19:03:20 | domonoky | i got sound but there is something like noise witch interrupts the sound repetably |
19:03:59 | | Join AndiTails [0] (i=522b2d28@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-3da0f0013d6cbebd) |
19:04:03 | domonoky | i tested with test_codec to write the codec output to file, so i can see this bursts of noise in a waveditor.. |
19:05:15 | domonoky | the length and distanz between those bursts of noise map directly to the lenght of chunks i insert int pcm_buf |
19:06:17 | Llorean | BigBambi: Ideally I'd like to mark "ipodpatcher" and the like "development tools" and possibly entirely remove them from the manual, but I wouldn't want to do that until we at least have a CLI version of the utility, as I'm not fond of forcing a GUI. |
19:06:31 | domonoky | and i used test_codec to directly dump to file in at the beginning of pcmbuf_insert_wav, so i short a conversions etc. and then the wavfile is fine |
19:06:41 | BigBambi | Llorean: Or move them to an appendix |
19:06:56 | Llorean | I thought of moving them to the appendix at first. |
19:07:03 | Llorean | But I don't think they need to be in the manual at all. |
19:07:11 | Llorean | In many cases they're just a way for people to screw up their player. |
19:07:25 | | Quit Xqtftqx ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
19:07:26 | | Join massiveH [0] (n=massiveH@pool-72-76-241-36.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) |
19:07:30 | Llorean | If RBUtil fails, we want someone to at least come here and ask about it so we can fix it. |
19:07:51 | BigBambi | Whether an appendix or something like a wiki page, I'm not too fussed, but I would like to present only rbutil as the install method |
19:08:09 | Llorean | I'd prefer to keep the development installers in the wiki. But that's just me. |
19:08:26 | Llorean | But that's for 3.1 or later. |
19:08:49 | Llorean | But RBUtil should at least be the primary |
19:08:55 | BigBambi | I'd be quite happy with that - I think the important thing is that we present one install method only, and that one method should be the lovely rbutil :) |
19:09:26 | Llorean | Agreed. |
19:09:42 | LambdaCalculus37 | Agreed. |
19:10:03 | * | LambdaCalculus37 is going to give Rbutil a nice testing when his Archos Jukebox 5000 arrives |
19:10:41 | BigBambi | If people ask and it is necessary, people can be pointed at e.g. ipodpatcher, but it isn't necessary for the vast majority and can only confuse some of our users :) |
19:10:49 | AndiTails | anyone else able to tell me how to fsck my player in UMS mode under linux? |
19:11:09 | | Part Bensawsome ("The awsome is gone :(") |
19:11:12 | AndiTails | Xqtftqx vanished on me |
19:12:03 | Llorean | BigBambi: Exactly. As far as I'm concerned, they shouldn't even know these other tools exist until *after* we've tried to provide support for RBUtil and realized it won't work in their case. |
19:12:24 | BigBambi | yep |
19:12:28 | BigBambi | 100% agree |
19:13:23 | Llorean | AndiTails: In all honesty, if you're having troubles with the original software you should be finding support in a place where people provide support for the original software. |
19:13:47 | | Join sitwon [0] (n=adam@static-71-166-233-112.washdc.east.verizon.net) |
19:13:49 | | Join desowin [0] (n=desowin@atheme/member/desowin) |
19:13:51 | AndiTails | that doesn't exist though, sadly.. |
19:13:52 | Llorean | Not only is this channel for Rockbox only, but none of us use the OF on the H10 (and very few of us even have one) so we couldn't provide any real help even if this were the right place. |
19:13:57 | AndiTails | hence the straw-clutching |
19:14:45 | | Join petur [50] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
19:15:38 | AndiTails | if there was a fix-my-dads-crap-mp3-player channel, i'd be in there like a shot hehe |
19:15:57 | | Nick SoapOutOfTown is now known as Soap (n=soap@rockbox/staff/soap) |
19:16:01 | BigBambi | Unfortunately, just because you can't find anywhere else doesn't make this the correct place |
19:16:19 | Llorean | AndiTails: I do sympathize, but this channel is logged and we like to keep them clean. So it really doesn't belong here, please. |
19:17:46 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
19:18:09 | AndiTails | sorry, i shall battle on. |
19:18:23 | BigBambi | good luck :) |
19:21:54 | | Quit desowin ("KVIrc 4.0.0 Insomnia http://www.kvirc.net/") |
19:22:08 | | Join amiconn [0] (i=4fd6d441@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-20246d3475dc1b8e) |
19:25:13 | amiconn | Speaking about rbutil - any rbutil experts around now? |
19:25:59 | * | domonoky is here |
19:26:20 | AndiTails | BigBambi: thanks, it seems Vista's checkdisk has done the job... files copying nicely now! |
19:26:54 | amiconn | Yesterday I used rbutil to install rockbox on my target #14 (ipod photo) |
19:27:13 | amiconn | It worked, but some thing don't work as I'd expect |
19:27:42 | amiconn | First thing is the "invalid configuration" splash |
19:28:05 | amiconn | I'd expect a bit more explanation/help if no config is found |
19:28:17 | Llorean | We've already talked about that one. :) |
19:28:38 | amiconn | Some kind of wizard mode would probably be nice. |
19:28:49 | domonoky | i think we have now a special welcome screen you get for the first start. and there are plans to improve it.. |
19:29:03 | * | LambdaCalculus37 was just about to say what domonoky did ;) |
19:29:26 | LambdaCalculus37 | A splash screen for the first run that says "A config file will be created now." |
19:29:27 | amiconn | And imho the very first question should be the one for the UI language, and it shouldn't need a restart. Starting once via "Run as..." is cumbersome enough.... |
19:29:46 | | Join kushal_12_27_200 [0] (n=kushal@c-67-173-249-88.hsd1.co.comcast.net) |
19:30:07 | | Quit coatman (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
19:30:47 | amiconn | Next thing is that while the autodetection worked, first I didn't notice that it did. The highlight in the list is very faint... |
19:31:20 | LambdaCalculus37 | amiconn: I agree that the first run of Rbutil shoould ask you what language to use. |
19:31:55 | * | LambdaCalculus37 removes an o from "shoould" |
19:32:16 | | Join B3ns4ws0m3 [0] (n=Bensawso@gateway.learn.k12.ct.us) |
19:32:44 | domonoky | about autodetection: i thought about changing it to show what it found, and perhaps let you select which one, if multible devices are found... |
19:32:50 | | Nick B3ns4ws0m3 is now known as Bensawsome (n=Bensawso@gateway.learn.k12.ct.us) |
19:33:19 | amiconn | Then, while rbutil even installs the large freedoom datafile, for some reason it doesn't install the midi patchset |
19:33:38 | Llorean | I thought we hadn't determined if we could really distribute it yet? |
19:33:51 | Llorean | Wasn't there some doubt, and discussion of removing it? |
19:34:12 | | Join bertrik [0] (n=bertrik@ip117-49-211-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) |
19:34:54 | amiconn | Well, of course the licensing needs to be checked, and if we aren't allowed to distribute it, then it should be removed from the wiki as well |
19:35:25 | | Join MarcGuay [0] (n=0c9b3399@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-48bcb7fc0c7bf2ab) |
19:35:26 | * | amiconn wonders whether there are other midi patchsets with a clear license |
19:35:38 | | Quit MarcGuay (Client Quit) |
19:35:49 | | Join webguest29 [0] (n=0c9b3399@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-40548f3c16414f99) |
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19:35:59 | | Quit webguest29 (Client Quit) |
19:37:50 | | Quit stdz (Remote closed the connection) |
19:38:14 | amiconn | Finally, some sort of multiple device support would be nice. While it's rather unlikely that a user will have as many targets as me, he could still have perhaps 2 targets, a flash and a hdd based one |
19:39:34 | domonoky | amiconn: could you perhaps add those notes to the rbutilDevelopment wiki page ? so they dont get forgotten.. |
19:43:29 | * | domonoky has know made sure what the ASAP codec really outputs, its: 16bit signed mono PCM. so perhaps rockbox wants it unsigned ? |
19:44:13 | amiconn | no |
19:44:26 | amiconn | Afaik rockbox wants 32 bit signed (mono or stereo) |
19:45:09 | domonoky | really ? even when i set the sample_depth to 16 bit ? |
19:45:12 | amiconn | There's some headroom reserved for filtering etc; iirc it's s2.29 |
19:45:46 | | Join Nibbler [0] (n=Nibbler@91-67-150-33-dynip.superkabel.de) |
19:46:28 | amiconn | Well, I'm not sure, as I never wrote a codec myself, but iirc the dsp input should be mentioned 32 bit format in order to at least avoid extra conversion |
19:47:11 | amiconn | Ther should be quite a bit of explanation regarding this in the logs (by preglow probably 2007) |
19:47:48 | | Quit moos ("Rockbox rules the DAP world") |
19:47:54 | | Quit kushal_12_27_200 ("This computer has gone to sleep") |
19:48:29 | * | bertrik finally read the USB charging specification |
19:49:32 | | Join kushal_12_27_200 [0] (n=kushal@c-67-173-249-88.hsd1.co.comcast.net) |
19:52:38 | | Join saratoga [0] (n=9803c264@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-1e522e9c525f4f8d) |
19:53:50 | | Nick num1_away is now known as num1 (n=brian@c-68-63-193-45.hsd1.az.comcast.net) |
20:00 |
20:01:30 | | Join bluebrother [0] (n=Dom@rockbox/staff/bluebrother) |
20:04:18 | amiconn | domonoky: Shall I add the ideas to milestone 2, milestone 3, or yet somewhere else? |
20:05:18 | domonoky | as you like, if think it important add it to milestones, if it is less importants you could open another Table :-) |
20:05:57 | domonoky | can someone tell me where pcmbuf_insert is define ? i somehow cant find it.. :-/ |
20:06:15 | amiconn | The mentioned welcome screen isn't in 1.0.6, or did I miss something? |
20:06:49 | domonoky | i think it got in too late, so its only in svn.. |
20:07:53 | | Join desowin [0] (n=desowin@atheme/member/desowin) |
20:08:33 | amiconn | I'll add it to milestone 2 then. You can set the green tick if it's already done |
20:11:06 | domonoky | good |
20:12:41 | bluebrother | there is no real welcome screen yet. Only a notification if no configuration has been found. |
20:13:32 | | Join ze0 [0] (i=ze@cpe-75-82-143-231.socal.res.rr.com) |
20:13:48 | | Quit ze (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
20:13:52 | | Nick ze0 is now known as ze (i=ze@cpe-75-82-143-231.socal.res.rr.com) |
20:14:04 | bluebrother | domonoky: btw, what happened to festival support? Did you drop that idea? |
20:14:04 | | Quit desowin ("KVIrc 4.0.0 Insomnia http://www.kvirc.net/") |
20:14:44 | domonoky | if someone wants to include festival, it would be nice, but i wont do it :-) |
20:15:07 | bluebrother | :) |
20:15:20 | itcheg | bluebrother asked you yesterday... any chance you can synch http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/5737 |
20:15:27 | * | bluebrother wants this overview screen first |
20:15:32 | amiconn | added. |
20:16:00 | bluebrother | itcheg: I've added it to my "look into it again" list. Spare time is always the problem :/ |
20:16:15 | itcheg | sure I understand |
20:16:16 | bluebrother | but a resync might be not that hard. Maybe I'll get around the weekend to do that. |
20:17:02 | itcheg | not a coder but failed for me on trying to extra storage for the markings |
20:17:13 | itcheg | trying to add* |
20:18:19 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@rockbox/staff/XavierGr) |
20:18:22 | itcheg | hasn't been touched for two year, any thanks for putting it on you list |
20:18:48 | itcheg | your* |
20:19:32 | * | domonoky really needs someone who can tell me which audio format pcmbuf_insert expects.. |
20:23:04 | | Join neddy [0] (n=john@nat/sun/x-fde4ff98a80f8d19) |
20:24:32 | bluebrother | amiconn: I already have some code around for selecting the language of rbutil based on system language. |
20:25:15 | amiconn | That's a nice idea |
20:25:21 | bluebrother | there is only one small issue left: if you open the configuration dialog the language will get saved in the configuration. I'd prefer to not do that unless the user manually selected a different language. |
20:26:00 | amiconn | Perhaps rbutil could even pre-set the rockbox language in config.cfg (if we decide that rbutil should provice configuration editing, that is) |
20:26:14 | bluebrother | maybe I should finish that before finishing the bootloader rework ... grabbing the system language is rather easy |
20:26:30 | bertrik | apparently USB devices can have a charger detection circuit that put a probing voltage on the D+ line and pull a defined current from the D- line. I wonder if accidentally enabling any of those could explain some of the USB reliability problems on PP we've seen |
20:26:34 | bluebrother | I agree. I'd also like to have some preset-like thingy for initial configuration |
20:27:01 | | Quit amiconn ("mibbit.com: bb") |
20:29:22 | num1 | GodEater: you said you looked at libpng and saw a lot of floating point math? |
20:32:24 | | Nick fxb__ is now known as fxb (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) |
20:33:00 | | Nick fxb is now known as fxb__ (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) |
20:33:04 | | Nick fxb__ is now known as fxb (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) |
20:33:11 | num1 | are there any platforms that don't use two's compliment form for storing negative numbers? |
20:33:26 | num1 | s/platforms/targets |
20:33:31 | | Join ompaul [0] (n=ompaul@gnewsense/friend/ompaul) |
20:37:00 | | Join Thundercloud_ [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) |
20:39:06 | | Join _Jagtstaffel_ [0] (i=Penergam@pD9EC4694.dip.t-dialin.net) |
20:39:21 | _Jagtstaffel_ | moin moin |
20:39:30 | bluebrother | moin |
20:40:00 | _Jagtstaffel_ | alles klarß |
20:40:02 | _Jagtstaffel_ | ? |
20:40:11 | LambdaCalculus37 | ? |
20:40:13 | bluebrother | nope. This is an english channel. |
20:40:56 | | Part _Jagtstaffel_ |
20:41:21 | * | bluebrother shakes head |
20:41:35 | | Quit Thundercloud (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
20:43:56 | | Quit kushal_12_27_200 ("Leaving") |
20:46:08 | | Join Horschti [0] (n=Horscht@p4FD4CAE2.dip.t-dialin.net) |
20:46:22 | | Join Thundercloud__ [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) |
20:46:52 | | Quit Horscht (Nick collision from services.) |
20:47:23 | itcheg | bluebrother if you get a chance to work on the sudoku save patch would you consider to review/commit this one http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/8364 |
20:47:41 | itcheg | I tested and it works great for me on a ipod 64 |
20:47:51 | | Quit Thundercloud__ (Remote closed the connection) |
20:48:02 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) |
20:49:17 | itcheg | it's a patch for markings for possible numbers |
20:49:36 | bluebrother | just looking at the task |
20:51:10 | * | domonoky solved hid sap codec problem.. :-) pcmbuf_insert wants the number of samples and not the number of bytes in the buffer. And it works with a 16bit pcm.. :-) |
20:51:44 | LambdaCalculus37 | \o/ |
20:52:56 | domonoky | now lets test decoding speed on target... :-) |
21:00 |
21:01:14 | | Quit Thundercloud_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
21:03:01 | domonoky | so .sap playback on m:robe: 858 % realtime. 9,32 Mhz needed for realtime... sounds good :-) |
21:03:33 | | Quit Genre9mp3 () |
21:04:30 | * | domonoky goes on to the next task, extracting the metadata parsing.. :-) |
21:05:06 | | Join ZincAlloy [0] (n=d9eec94e@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-56987854b2b2bd17) |
21:06:42 | LambdaCalculus37 | domonoky: Very nice speeds for a PP target. :) |
21:08:10 | Nico_P | domonoky: wow that's efficient |
21:09:43 | domonoky | and i did no optimisations.. only the codec interface :-) |
21:11:07 | bluebrother | already runnig as codec? |
21:11:42 | domonoky | yup, i can play .sap files in a playlist on my m:robe :-) |
21:11:56 | | Join Nibbl [0] (n=Nibbler@91-67-150-33-dynip.superkabel.de) |
21:12:01 | domonoky | but metadata, songlenght |
21:12:06 | domonoky | etc is all fake |
21:14:18 | domonoky | and this asap codec can possibly play more formats, i just begun with .sap |
21:15:06 | * | LambdaCalculus37 hands domonoky a beer |
21:15:17 | domonoky | :-) |
21:15:46 | | Quit bertrik (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
21:17:51 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
21:24:15 | LambdaCalculus37 | domonoky: Will you be committing soon? |
21:24:20 | | Join bertrik [0] (n=bertrik@ip117-49-211-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) |
21:24:33 | | Join coatman [0] (n=jacob@ppp-70-246-133-9.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net) |
21:24:48 | domonoky | no, its not ready to commit, but you can now try yourself at: FS #9210 :-) |
21:25:35 | domonoky | it would be interessting to see how it works on other targets :-) |
21:25:46 | LambdaCalculus37 | domonoky: Sure thing. I'll roll it for my targets. |
21:26:12 | * | LambdaCalculus37 has to remember to make sure to enable test_codec |
21:26:27 | bertrik | domonoky, I can test it on sansa c200 and e200, do you have a link to some tunes? |
21:27:00 | domonoky | this site lists a big archiv http://asap.sourceforge.net/ :-) |
21:27:06 | bertrik | maybe something like a reference tune |
21:27:46 | saratoga | domonoky: if your codec uses 32 bit ints internally, outputing those would be more efficient (and also more accurate), though it probably doesn't matter |
21:27:52 | domonoky | i only got good sound a few minutes ago, so its very early .. :-) |
21:28:45 | domonoky | saratoga: i just took the whole codec from this sourceforge page above. it works with nearly no modifikation.. :-) |
21:29:12 | LambdaCalculus37 | bertrik: Atari SAP Music Archive. |
21:29:17 | domonoky | and the asap codec interface only gives option from 8 bit to 16 bit.. |
21:29:25 | | Quit LambdaCalculus37 ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
21:29:26 | * | bertrik was afraid to download the entire sap archive, but it turns out to be only 2.8 MB :P |
21:29:42 | domonoky | they are very small.. :-) |
21:30:09 | num1 | if only all codecs used data that small... |
21:30:23 | num1 | :) |
21:30:28 | | Quit coatman ("Leaving.") |
21:30:29 | | Join coatman1 [0] (n=jacob@ppp-70-246-133-9.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net) |
21:31:03 | | Quit coatman1 (Client Quit) |
21:31:07 | | Join coatman [0] (n=jacob@ppp-70-246-133-9.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net) |
21:31:14 | domonoky | they are this small, because they are code. ASAP emluates an atari and the atari soundcard :-) |
21:31:46 | bluebrother | if all files were that small we couldn't play ogg, flac and mp3 :) |
21:32:31 | | Quit advcomp2019 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
21:32:45 | | Join advcomp2019 [0] (n=advcomp2@unaffiliated/advcomp2019) |
21:33:55 | | Join tlhiv_laptop [0] (n=foo@c-68-63-56-170.hsd1.al.comcast.net) |
21:35:07 | | Quit CrazyD (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
21:35:57 | bertrik | domonoky, do you have any specific tune in mind to test? |
21:36:12 | tlhiv_laptop | hi folks ... i have a SanDisk Sansa e250, and i want to find a theme that's similar to the default interface of the player |
21:36:21 | tlhiv_laptop | i see a e200 theme, but it doesn't look the same |
21:36:33 | | Quit ompaul (Client Quit) |
21:36:41 | Llorean | tlhiv_laptop: There's not one that looks exactly the same, and reproducing the art would be copyright infringement. |
21:36:48 | domonoky | bertrik: i only tested with the first tune in Demos :-) |
21:36:59 | tlhiv_laptop | Llorean: i understand ;) |
21:37:21 | tlhiv_laptop | i'd love to find some kind of theme that has nice large bold fonts at least |
21:40:12 | bertrik | I get a compilation error in asap.c line 118 and some warnings in lines 60,61 |
21:41:23 | bertrik | outputbuffer is not declared anywhere, compiling for sansa c200 BTW |
21:41:33 | tlhiv_laptop | i think i have turned the backlight off and i don't know how to get it back on since i can't see anything to navigate |
21:41:41 | domonoky | ups forgot to the delete the memset. remove it and it will be fine :-) |
21:42:24 | bertrik | tlhiv_laptop, if you hold rec during boot, all settings will be reset to default |
21:42:36 | tlhiv_laptop | nice ;) |
21:45:09 | bertrik | domonoky, another compile error in acpu.c 26/1288, redefinition of opcode_cycles |
21:46:31 | tlhiv_laptop | Extracting failed: unable to create a directory |
21:46:38 | tlhiv_laptop | can't seem to install a theme |
21:46:38 | bertrik | hmm, source file is duplicate within itself or something |
21:47:07 | domonoky | oh, then i messed up the patch :-) |
21:51:19 | * | bertrik waits patiently |
21:52:28 | | Join mirak [0] (n=mirak@81-66-122-34.rev.numericable.fr) |
21:54:12 | * | domonoky fights with his svn tool.. |
21:55:09 | * | bluebrother hands domonoky the command line svn client :) |
21:57:40 | | Quit mirak (Remote closed the connection) |
21:57:50 | bluebrother | hmm, the possibility to tag FS entries with personal notes would be nice. |
21:58:43 | * | bertrik spots a spelling mistake in rbutilqt |
21:59:38 | bertrik | I think if I fix, it might break a lot of translations |
22:00 |
22:00:07 | domonoky | bertrik: new patch in flyspray... |
22:00:23 | bluebrother | source string mistake? You can easily adjust that in the ts files. |
22:00:55 | bertrik | successful is spelled as successfull in install.cpp around line 149 and in rbutilqt.cpp around line 517 |
22:01:45 | bertrik | yay, patch is suddenly about half the size :) |
22:01:54 | | Quit miepchen^schlaf () |
22:02:28 | | Quit Bensawsome ("The awsome is gone :(") |
22:03:22 | bluebrother | hmm. I suddenly got lots of "chmod (file attributes) error: Operation not permitted" errors when unzipping the build on my mini (on linux). Aneone experienced something like that before? |
22:08:12 | bluebrother | itcheg: just resynced FS #5737 |
22:16:47 | tlhiv_laptop | hi folks ... i have a MP3 that seems to just cut out and stop in the middle of the song ... i've tested the same MP3 on another Sandisk Sansa e250 v2 and it works fine, but on this e250 v1, it just stops and goes to the next track |
22:17:04 | tlhiv_laptop | this happens using the original firmware and the rockbox as well |
22:17:20 | Llorean | Then it's not a Rockbox issue, is it? |
22:17:30 | tlhiv_laptop | no ... just thought i could get some advise |
22:17:37 | tlhiv_laptop | the file plays fine on this computer |
22:17:39 | Llorean | This channel is for Rockbox support and development. |
22:17:46 | bertrik | domonoky, nice it works, no idea how the songs are supposed to sound though :P |
22:17:51 | Llorean | If you're having problems with the hardware itself, you should contact the providers of the hardware. |
22:18:04 | domonoky | :-) |
22:18:10 | domonoky | bertrik: on which target ? |
22:18:49 | bluebrother | tlhiv_laptop: try #rockbox-community for such issues ... |
22:18:51 | bertrik | domonoky, c200 |
22:18:59 | tlhiv_laptop | bluebrother: ok ... thanx |
22:21:10 | | Join hannesd [0] (n=light@p5B161CBE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
22:22:53 | tlhiv_laptop | is it possible to have a different equilizer for each album? |
22:23:35 | Llorean | No. |
22:23:41 | tlhiv_laptop | ok |
22:24:01 | | Quit coatman ("Leaving.") |
22:24:22 | bertrik | domonoky, 855% for 180.sap |
22:24:43 | domonoky | nice... |
22:26:37 | bertrik | hmm, axel_f.sap does 232% |
22:27:10 | Llorean | So very dependent on the file |
22:28:20 | domonoky | hm, which header do i need to include to get DEBUGF (in the core, ie metadata parsers). ? |
22:28:38 | bluebrother | iirc that's debug.h :) |
22:29:05 | bluebrother | yep: firmware/export/debug.h |
22:29:17 | domonoky | thanks :-) |
22:30:02 | bluebrother | how good filenames are named rather self-explanatory in rockbox source. It's really annoying if they are not (like at work) |
22:33:13 | | Quit rasher ("leaving") |
22:33:55 | | Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=miepchen@p54BF609B.dip.t-dialin.net) |
22:35:58 | | Join hannesd_ [0] (n=light@p5B162560.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
22:37:22 | | Quit massiveH ("Leaving") |
22:39:47 | bluebrother | domonoky: btw, any news from your student? |
22:39:54 | | Join madspin [0] (n=madspin@i-83-67-106-212.freedom2surf.net) |
22:41:20 | domonoky | yes, he should be now back working on his project..i "strongly advised" him that he should now work on cleaning up the code and get at least the basics ready or he will fail.. |
22:47:00 | | Quit webmind (Remote closed the connection) |
22:47:17 | | Join webmind [0] (n=webmind@shell.puscii.nl) |
22:47:57 | tlhiv_laptop | how does one refresh the database? |
22:48:31 | bluebrother | there's an entry in the menu. You can also enable auto-updating the database |
22:48:46 | bluebrother | domonoky: urgh, he doesn't seem to use commit messages :( |
22:49:11 | num1 | tlhiv_laptop: Settings->General Settings->Database->Update now |
22:49:20 | tlhiv_laptop | ok |
22:49:22 | tlhiv_laptop | thanx |
22:50:19 | * | bertrik is surprised by the USB current drawn by his c200 during charging. Max. I've measured is 353 mA with screen on, 318 mA with screen off |
22:50:53 | | Quit hannesd (Connection timed out) |
22:50:53 | | Nick hannesd_ is now known as hannesd (n=light@p5B162560.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
22:51:01 | | Join bluebroth3r [0] (n=Dom@rockbox/staff/bluebrother) |
22:53:07 | bluebroth3r | domonoky: nice: he applied my diff in FS #9179 but nobody said anything about :/ Going to close that task ... |
22:53:48 | tlhiv_laptop | num1: updating didn't seem to work ... initializing did though (although it required a reboot) |
22:55:26 | | Quit saratoga ("CGI:IRC") |
22:56:08 | num1 | I think, but I'm not sure that you can avoid the reboot by selecting the top option, load into ram |
22:56:41 | tlhiv_laptop | ok |
22:56:54 | bluebroth3r | num1: no, if you change that you need to reboot. Memory is only allocated upon startup |
22:56:57 | | Quit bluebrother (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
22:56:59 | bluebroth3r | as there is no malloc() |
22:57:06 | | Nick bluebroth3r is now known as bluebrother (n=Dom@rockbox/staff/bluebrother) |
22:57:39 | | Quit ZincAlloy ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
22:59:24 | | Join LambdaCalculus37 [0] (i=1800dac6@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-7cf79a4bdc5900dc) |
22:59:46 | LambdaCalculus37 | domonoky: Ping! |
22:59:55 | domonoky | pong |
23:00 |
23:00:15 | LambdaCalculus37 | Your most recent patch at FS #9210 failed to build. |
23:01:08 | domonoky | LambdaCalculus37: really ? bertrik got it to compile i think.. |
23:01:13 | LambdaCalculus37 | http://pastebin.com/m5e6655b1 |
23:01:16 | bertrik | I reverted keybox though |
23:01:43 | LambdaCalculus37 | bertrik: Yes, I had a problem patching keybox as well. |
23:02:32 | bertrik | oh, it's just an $id$ in keybox, nothing that would prevent compilation |
23:03:30 | LambdaCalculus37 | bertrik: Can you look at my pastebin above? |
23:04:42 | LambdaCalculus37 | Also (and I know this is a silly question) did you use asap_codec.patch? |
23:05:10 | bertrik | No, I used test-codec2.patch |
23:05:19 | LambdaCalculus37 | I did, too. |
23:05:59 | bertrik | no idea what goes wrong for you, it works here, tried both make clean and make veryclean before building |
23:06:24 | bertrik | LambdaCalculus37, what target are you compiling for? |
23:06:32 | LambdaCalculus37 | bertrik: Gigabeast. |
23:06:43 | | Quit petur ("Zzzzz") |
23:07:34 | domonoky | hm, how should i handle subsongs ? |
23:07:49 | domonoky | and songs also can loop.. hm.. |
23:07:54 | | Quit Nibbl ("Ex-Chat") |
23:08:04 | LambdaCalculus37 | domonoky: You could handle them similar to how it's done in SID and NSF files. |
23:09:00 | bertrik | Just tried building for gigabeat S, but the build fails in test_codec.c (CPUFREQ_MAX undeclared) |
23:09:38 | LambdaCalculus37 | bertrik: Have you tried any other targets yet? |
23:09:52 | LambdaCalculus37 | I'm going to try my iPod video instead. |
23:09:53 | bertrik | no, just beast and c200 |
23:10:01 | LambdaCalculus37 | Did it work on the c200? |
23:10:11 | bertrik | yes |
23:10:18 | LambdaCalculus37 | Hmmm... |
23:10:29 | LambdaCalculus37 | Anyway, here's a pastebin of what happens when I patch: http://pastebin.com/m5fc6faa5 |
23:11:16 | bertrik | looks ok to me |
23:11:31 | bluebrother | handling subsongs like entries in a cuesheet would be kinda nice. |
23:11:38 | * | LambdaCalculus37 decides to try again on the c200 instead |
23:11:54 | LambdaCalculus37 | bluebrother: Isn't that how the SID and NSF codecs handle subsongs? |
23:12:58 | bluebrother | LambdaCalculus37: I don't think subsongs get displayed the same way (using small marks in the progress bar) |
23:13:12 | bluebrother | but I haven't tried for quite a while, could have changed ... |
23:13:30 | LambdaCalculus37 | Crap, no dice again! |
23:13:48 | * | LambdaCalculus37 had another error when building asap.o |
23:14:02 | bertrik | compiles fine here on e200 and ipod color too |
23:14:16 | LambdaCalculus37 | What gives here? :? |
23:14:21 | LambdaCalculus37 | :/ |
23:15:42 | bertrik | LambdaCalculus37, are you starting out with ../tools/configure and make clean? |
23:16:13 | LambdaCalculus37 | Yeah. |
23:17:55 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
23:18:48 | | Join tessarakt [0] (n=jens@e180073015.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
23:20:02 | bertrik | hmm, maybe some file was left over from my previous attempt to patch that somehow got lost in the second patch... |
23:24:16 | bertrik | I get the same error after doing a clean patch |
23:24:45 | LambdaCalculus37 | A fix may be in order. |
23:25:14 | domonoky | then you have to wait for may next try .. :-) |
23:25:40 | LambdaCalculus37 | domonoky: It is said that the third time's the charm. ;) |
23:26:08 | domonoky | i cant do the same patch again, i still continue coding :-) |
23:26:10 | | Quit Nibbler (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
23:26:32 | bertrik | I can re-create the patch if LambdaCalculus37 really wants it |
23:28:06 | LambdaCalculus37 | bertrik: Sounds good. :) |
23:30:28 | bertrik | OK, I'll post it in 10 minutes or so |
23:30:58 | * | LambdaCalculus37 goes to have dinner in the meantime |
23:36:06 | | Quit snoh ("GNU/Linux the free alternative to Windows") |
23:36:28 | | Quit sitwon ("Leaving") |
23:40:36 | * | bertrik failed to fix the patch in 10 minutes |
23:42:26 | | Join SirFunk [0] (n=Sir@206-159-155-246.netsync.net) |
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23:49:56 | | Join einhirn_ [0] (n=Miranda@p5B0323F2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
23:54:52 | bertrik | Ok, I've got it working again |
23:55:06 | | Part tlhiv_laptop (":q!") |
23:55:43 | num1 | 240% longer than you said :) |
23:55:49 | * | LambdaCalculus37 comes back from dinner |
23:58:58 | | Join yareckon [0] (n=yareckon@h-68-164-254-138.mclnva23.covad.net) |