00:01:26 | | Quit saratoga ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
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00:18:23 | | Quit erram_ (Remote closed the connection) |
00:18:54 | amiconn | petur: The MAS PCM codec can tell s/pdif sampling rate directly for recording (via a MAS status memory cell) |
00:19:29 | amiconn | The built-in mp3 encoder doesn't have this feature |
00:19:41 | petur | amiconn: I don't have the right cable here to test spdif, think it is ok to commit the displaying of samplerate? You can test and add it for hwcodec (little changes in recording.c) |
00:20:17 | amiconn | Does it just report whatever frequency the function in firmware/ returns? |
00:20:28 | petur | yes |
00:20:31 | | Quit star_jasmine () |
00:20:36 | petur | refreshes whenever it changes |
00:20:39 | amiconn | I'd have to make it say '0 Hz' if the rate isn't known (i.e. when not recording) |
00:21:06 | petur | yes, it says weird things with no cable attached atm |
00:21:32 | amiconn | Perhaps the firmware function should return 0 when rate isn't known on swcodec as well |
00:21:42 | petur | yes |
00:21:56 | amiconn | ...and then the recording screen could handle that special case and print "unknown" (localised) |
00:22:23 | petur | should I commit what I have already now? |
00:22:39 | | Join jfc^2 [0] (n=john@dpc691978010.direcpc.com) |
00:24:37 | * | petur stares at amiconn |
00:25:23 | amiconn | hmmm |
00:26:36 | Topic | "Please read before speaking: http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/IrcGuidelines | Please direct offtopic/social chat to #rockbox-community | Rockbox 3.0 Freeze begins!" by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) |
00:27:40 | | Quit jfc^2 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
00:28:07 | * | petur really wonders why he's left with only the backup webserver atm :( |
00:28:17 | | Join jfc^2 [0] (n=john@dpc691978010.direcpc.com) |
00:28:59 | swimmer | thanks for fixing the servers so fast :) |
00:30:11 | * | petur will just commit these spdif changes - no access to the tracker to put up a patch anyway |
00:31:00 | stripwax | Is there a rockbox sourcefile that defines an appopriate keycombo for 'quit' that all plugins can/could use, without needing to separately define it in each plugin? For all the plugins that use the same keycombo to quit, that is, of course.. |
00:31:32 | stripwax | e.g. menu+select on ipod. is there a #define for a de-facto BUTTON_PLUGIN_QUIT or somesuch? |
00:31:54 | rasher | stripwax: There are the Plugin actions, but people don't like them |
00:32:48 | stripwax | do you know why not? |
00:33:24 | Llorean | Because they actually increase inconsistency, mainly because people use them very poorly. |
00:33:27 | rasher | Because for some plugins and targets, you end up having to define a lot of exceptions, I believe is the most important point. |
00:33:58 | rasher | Also, I believe the choice of basing it on bubbles was a mistake. |
00:38:06 | pixelma | plugin controls can be quite different and sometimes also the physical button layout can have an influence on the "best" keymap. Another thing is that the definitions are in a different file and it creates hidden connections/dependencies |
00:38:37 | pixelma | with those (current) pluginlib actions I mean |
00:39:12 | | Quit jfc^3 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
00:40:53 | | Quit stripwax ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
00:42:15 | | Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) |
00:43:23 | | Nick JdGordon|zzz is now known as JdGordon (n=jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) |
00:43:42 | | Part Inverse |
00:44:15 | amiconn | The sansa sd driver asm contain an idea for the arm (pp and samsung) ata driver asm... |
00:45:05 | amiconn | And it seems like I found the reason for the comment that states writing has to stay slow for now |
00:45:14 | | Join Zarggg [0] (n=z@65-78-69-194.c3-0.eas-ubr6.atw-eas.pa.cable.rcn.com) |
00:45:21 | amiconn | (in ata-sd-pp.c) |
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00:47:38 | NJoin | fxb__ [0] (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) |
00:48:54 | gevaerts | Why is it? |
00:49:14 | NJoin | tarbo [0] (n=me@unaffiliated/tarbo) |
00:49:15 | NJoin | morrijr [0] (n=john@cpc2-mfld9-0-0-cust297.nott.cable.ntl.com) |
00:49:37 | amiconn | It seems that if one applies a similar optimisation as for reading, the pp sd controller doesn't like it because the data port is 16, but is written to using stmia (32 bit wide), and the high bits contain data |
00:49:50 | amiconn | But I might be wrong (just got a compare error) |
00:50:17 | NJoin | petur [50] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
00:50:26 | Zambezi | I'm ready to modify my iPod Mini now. I have the CF-card, I have the tools, but now I saw 3.0 is about to arrive. Maybe I'll wait. Any ideas when it should be here? Not days of course. |
00:50:41 | amiconn | Clearing the high bits would be possible with extra instructions. Need to check whether that'd still be faster than using separate strh instructions |
00:51:03 | amiconn | (which I am trying right now) The PP ata controller data port works the same way |
00:54:47 | | Join shodanX [0] (n=shodanX@ |
00:55:18 | Llorean | Zambezi: Why wait? You can upgrade to 3.0 when it comes out. |
00:55:39 | | Join HellDragon [0] (n=jd@modemcable234.136-203-24.mc.videotron.ca) |
00:55:40 | | Join Battousai [0] (n=bryan@ |
00:56:26 | NJoin | safetydan [0] (n=evertond@rockbox/developer/safetydan) |
00:56:29 | NJoin | fredddy [0] (n=freddy@p3E9E3935.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
00:56:38 | Zambezi | Llorean: Without loosing music? |
00:56:51 | | Join rvvs89 [0] (n=rvvs89@ |
01:00 |
01:00:48 | | Quit ender` (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
01:00:52 | | Join LightKnight [0] (n=gabry@adsl-ull-227-27.49-151.net24.it) |
01:01:06 | LightKnight | Hi :) Anyone on? |
01:01:24 | Kopfgeldjaeger | sure |
01:01:26 | scorche|sh | 126 others by my count... |
01:01:35 | | Quit Zarggg (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
01:01:40 | scorche|sh | Zambezi: yes...upgradinf is quite painless |
01:01:50 | LightKnight | :-) |
01:02:00 | | Quit reacocard (Remote closed the connection) |
01:02:22 | * | petur taps the buildserver on the shoulder and tells it to start moving |
01:02:25 | Llorean | Zambezi: If installing/upgrading lost your music we'd mention it in the manual. |
01:02:27 | | Join Zarggg [0] (n=z@65-78-69-194.c3-0.eas-ubr6.atw-eas.pa.cable.rcn.com) |
01:02:32 | | Join reacocard [0] (n=reacocar@rccy-06-1010.dsl.iowatelecom.net) |
01:02:39 | Zambezi | scorche|sh: Wonderful. Cause iirc a Apple firmware-upgrade restores the iPod. And same with my cellphone. |
01:03:09 | scorche|sh | Zambezi: rockbox != apple ;) |
01:03:10 | * | amiconn found a mistake in his 'offset 3' writing code |
01:03:55 | Zambezi | Llorean: Installing is not a problem. I'm going to restore it anyway since I'm changing harddrive to CF-card. |
01:03:57 | LightKnight | Just wondering: I own a Nortek Swing MP3 player, anyone knows if I can put Rockbox on it? |
01:04:04 | petur | Bagder: around? |
01:04:16 | | Quit Zarggg (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
01:04:27 | amiconn | Zambezi: Why restore? Just copy the firmware partition before the swap... |
01:04:52 | Llorean | LightKnight: No. That's why it's not listed... |
01:05:10 | pixelma | LightKnight: Rockbox only runs on the players listed... beaten |
01:05:47 | Zambezi | amiconn: Some albums have the songs in wrong order and I just have 2-2,5 GB music on it so it's not a major issue. |
01:06:10 | Zambezi | And I want a fresh start with just Rockbox. |
01:06:16 | amiconn | Zambezi: I meant copying the *firmware* partition (with dd) |
01:06:36 | LightKnight | OK, thanks... just a faint hope :) |
01:06:36 | amiconn | Recreating the data partition is another matter (and I'd recommend it) |
01:07:02 | * | amiconn has a CF-modded Mini |
01:07:10 | * | petur trusts his commit fixed the error and goes to sleep. Somebody with a big stick should poke the buildserver |
01:07:14 | | Quit petur ("Zzzzzz") |
01:07:36 | | Join Bensawsome [0] (n=Bensawso@unaffiliated/bensawsome) |
01:08:58 | Zambezi | amiconn: Oh, will do, thanks for the advice. I have a iPod mini 2gen with 4 GB and I got a 32 GB CF-card this week. I'm not sure when I can replace it. I might need Windows for it, but hopefully not. |
01:09:13 | amiconn | No, you don't |
01:09:36 | amiconn | It can be done in linux as well as in windows. |
01:11:12 | Zambezi | amiconn: Wonderful! Cause three of my other computers broke so installing Window would cause me trouble. I think I saw a guide on the homepage how to restore the iPod i Linux. |
01:12:13 | | Quit fredddy (Remote closed the connection) |
01:14:51 | | Quit reacocard (".") |
01:14:57 | | Join reacocard [0] (n=reacocar@rccy-06-1010.dsl.iowatelecom.net) |
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01:19:44 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
01:21:38 | Zambezi | Due to the crash, some parts on the homepage is unreachable. And one is the restore-part. Anyone have the stored locally? If not, I'll wait of course. I might restore it tonight if I get a whim. :-) |
01:22:18 | | Quit orblivion-work ("Leaving.") |
01:22:27 | | Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@athedsl-02053.home.otenet.gr) |
01:23:20 | | Quit efyx ("Quitte") |
01:24:02 | | Quit dabujo ("( www.nnscript.com :: NoNameScript 4.2 :: www.regroup-esports.com )") |
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01:31:48 | amiconn | gevaerts: Very interesting: My optimised write transfer causes data errors with the udelay(2) still in place, but works properly when I remove it |
01:32:43 | * | amiconn thinks his patch will need testing on other c200's, and also e200's |
01:33:08 | * | gevaerts is pretty sure about that. Just removing the udelay fixed everything on his c200 |
01:33:36 | amiconn | Including the data glitches in usb mode? |
01:33:45 | amiconn | (I mean the sd related ones) |
01:33:55 | gevaerts | yes |
01:34:24 | gevaerts | Other people saw the errors appear by doing that however |
01:34:29 | amiconn | I didn't try it in usb mode yet, just in rockbox, using test_disk.rock "Write & verify" |
01:34:45 | gevaerts | (or at least occur more often) |
01:34:50 | amiconn | This writes 300MB of pseudo-random data, then reads back & compares |
01:35:13 | amiconn | (against the prng sequence, so no extra ram needed for that) |
01:35:40 | amiconn | I've modified test_disk so that it uses the card, not the internal flash |
01:36:16 | Zambezi | amiconn: Do you have a link to a howto about the restore-part so I won't need iTunes? I tried searching without sucess and since you did it, it would feel good to with a method known to work. |
01:36:45 | * | amiconn has no link 'cause he didn't use written instructions |
01:37:15 | scorche|sh | Zambezi: wiki page with a title of something like IpodManualRestore |
01:38:27 | DerPapst | how about http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IpodManualRestore? :P |
01:38:35 | Zambezi | scorche|sh: That was the name! Thanks. I'll check for googlecache or hold for the restore. |
01:38:58 | Zambezi | DerPapst: Thanks to you too. :-) |
01:38:59 | DerPapst | the wiki is up again... |
01:39:12 | Zambezi | It's "Forbidden" here. |
01:40:25 | gevaerts | Try force-reloading or restarting your webbrowser |
01:40:39 | amiconn | argh |
01:40:46 | amiconn | Writing now breaks at 80MHz :( |
01:41:24 | Zambezi | Didn't work with Iceweasel or Epiphany. |
01:41:32 | gevaerts | That's the nice thing about this cached-memory fix. It doesn't change anything except the previously broken case |
01:42:03 | amiconn | Iiuc it does change some more - the usb resets |
01:42:22 | Zambezi | I tried with w3m too. Same error. |
01:42:28 | gevaerts | Zambezi: then your dns server hasn't been updated yet. |
01:42:44 | | Nick Kopfgeldjaeger is now known as Kopfi|offline (n=nicolai@monitor-mode-enabled-on-mon0.phy0.de) |
01:43:26 | gevaerts | well, yes, but at least it doesn't break anything that's compiled in by default |
01:44:20 | Zambezi | gevaerts: Correct. I used traceroute to get the IP and replace the domainname with the IP and voilà! :-) |
01:45:07 | gevaerts | Zambezi: traceroute uses dns to get the ip... |
01:46:17 | Zambezi | gevaerts: Strange, but that worked anyway. |
01:46:18 | | Quit jfc^2 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
01:46:40 | | Join jfc^2 [0] (n=john@dpc691978010.direcpc.com) |
01:47:21 | gevaerts | Zambezi: actually, after following the IpodManualRestore instructiuons you'll need to run a partition resize tool |
01:47:33 | Zambezi | Maybe it'll work after restarting Iceweasel, but anyway. I got the howto and you also have a howto about CF-mod so I'll print both and read later before modding. |
01:49:02 | amiconn | I wouldn't do that. I'd just dd the first ~40MB of the microdrive to the cf card before doing the mod (you'll need a cardreader to do this) |
01:49:34 | | Join EleminoP [0] (n=EleminoP@68-31-138-90.area4.spcsdns.net) |
01:49:36 | | Part EleminoP |
01:49:42 | amiconn | Then use a partitioning tool to partition the cf card. Delete the 2nd partition (the ~4GB data partition) and recreate it with type fat32 lba |
01:50:01 | gevaerts | Can't you dd it to a file on your PC, then swap in the CF card and dd back? |
01:50:26 | amiconn | Format that partition, unzip a rockbox build to it (provided you had rockbox installed before), then do the mod |
01:50:42 | | Part LightKnight ("Client exiting") |
01:51:19 | amiconn | No, you have to have the firmware partition in place before doing the mod, otherwise there will be no diskmode, and you'd have to use the ipotupdater or itunes restore method |
01:51:38 | Zambezi | I have a cardreader so that's not a problem. And my CF-card will work with my iPod according to the wiki. Lovely since I just paid 10 euro for the card. :-P |
01:51:59 | | Quit Bensawsome ("The awsome is gone :(") |
01:52:16 | gevaerts | It doesn't do diskmode without the firmware partition? I thought that was in rom? |
01:52:52 | DerPapst | it is |
01:53:12 | DerPapst | diskmode even works if there is no hdd in the iPod. |
01:53:38 | Zambezi | I just realised that this mod need some seriously reading before attemping. |
01:53:40 | gevaerts | For some exotic values of "work" I guess :) |
01:53:42 | amiconn | Okay, so that should work too. But if you have a cardreader, I think that it's better to put the firmware partition in place beforehand |
01:55:47 | gevaerts | Zambezi: a lot depends on your general computer knowledge. If you're not familiar with partitions and disk images, you will indeed need to study a bit |
01:55:51 | | Quit neddy ("Leaving.") |
01:58:49 | Zambezi | gevaerts: The partioning need a reminder at first, but I'm used to work in the console so it shouldn't be a trouble. |
02:00 |
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02:10:40 | | Join saratoga [0] (n=98039c53@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-fef7b71f0276d2ce) |
02:11:01 | Zambezi | 18006 needs a modified bootloader, but 18325 is the latest. How much is changed between the builds? And 3.0 is about to arrive too. |
02:12:15 | | Quit erram_ (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
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02:17:18 | | Part toffe82 |
02:21:56 | n1s | Zambezi: r18006 needs a bootloader that is modified in relation to what? And what do you mean "How much is changed" ? also we hope to release 3.0 around the last of August |
02:23:33 | | Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) |
02:24:46 | | Join Bensawsome [0] (n=Bensawso@unaffiliated/bensawsome) |
02:25:11 | Zambezi | n1s: Above Incompatibility Chart |
02:26:02 | Zambezi | n1s: iPod Mini 2gen with 32 GB Flashcard by Humberto-something. I have the same model, the same card. That's why I wonder. |
02:26:12 | | Join Makuseru [0] (n=max@ |
02:28:27 | n1s | Zambezi: afaik that is just a bootloader built from more recent svn than the released one, so it is not really "modified" but it has the bits added for better CF support and should work fine with current builds. |
02:28:28 | Llorean | Zambezi: As I said in the announcement email, 3.0 isn't anything new. It's just a packaging up of what we've got. |
02:29:33 | | Quit perrikwp ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
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02:30:22 | | Join arohtar [0] (n=faemir@88-106-145-209.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) |
02:31:33 | | Quit Zarggg (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
02:31:43 | Zambezi | n1s: Good. I think I saw a build on a page named boot so it shouldn't be a problem, but I'm still a little nervous, but I made harder things before or at least once. :-) |
02:32:16 | | Join midgey [0] (n=tjross@c-68-40-201-174.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) |
02:32:39 | | Quit n1s () |
02:33:53 | Zambezi | Llorean: I just saw the topicchange. Nothing else. I'll decide later which build I grab. I just don't want to risk forgetting a step here, but I'm done for tonight and then I continue after some sleep. |
02:35:12 | | Join star_jasmine [0] (n=arwyneve@ |
02:36:59 | | Join bd_ [0] (n=foo@2001:470:1f07:61f:0:0:1:2) |
02:37:06 | | Quit Makuseru (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
02:37:16 | | Quit star_jasmine (Client Quit) |
02:39:31 | Zambezi | I'm beat now. Time to sleep and with a new day, it's time to read for the final mod. :-) |
02:39:33 | | Join perrikwp [0] (i=4aa794a0@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-deb6714def8ad7a6) |
02:39:34 | Zambezi | Night! |
02:39:38 | | Part kkurbjun |
02:43:30 | saratoga | if i'm not playing music in a plugin, am I getting 24 or 30 mHz on PP? |
02:44:14 | | Join cool_walking_ [0] (n=anthony@203-59-129-195.perm.iinet.net.au) |
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02:48:27 | | Join Zarggg [0] (n=z@65-78-69-194.c3-0.eas-ubr6.atw-eas.pa.cable.rcn.com) |
02:48:40 | Llorean | saratoga: IIUC you're getting 30 unless everything's idle, right? |
02:48:59 | Llorean | Since 30 is still normal, and 24 is only the idle speed |
02:49:40 | saratoga | i better set it explicitly to be sure |
02:51:49 | | Join jfc^3 [0] (n=john@dpc691978010.direcpc.com) |
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03:00 |
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03:28:32 | | Quit JdGordon ("Konversation terminated!") |
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03:30:41 | | Join Zarggg [0] (n=z@65-78-69-194.c3-0.eas-ubr6.atw-eas.pa.cable.rcn.com) |
03:38:30 | saratoga | how long is a tick when passed to sleep()? |
03:40:14 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) |
03:40:28 | JdGordon | a tick is 1/100s |
03:41:18 | saratoga | ok that explains a lot |
03:42:05 | JdGordon | actually there are HZ ticks/sec |
03:44:46 | saratoga | wow ejecting but not unmounting my sansa was enough to corrupt my rocks folder in Windows |
03:45:35 | saratoga | also, I can confirm the sansa OF really does charge to 4.25 volts |
03:45:41 | saratoga | its trying to charge my DMM as we speak |
03:45:54 | | Join massiveH [0] (n=massiveH@ool-44c48a1e.dyn.optonline.net) |
03:52:29 | saratoga | JdGordon: does the COP wake up twice a second ? |
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03:52:39 | saratoga | when it has no threads scheduled |
03:52:50 | | Nick DerDome1 is now known as DerDome (n=DerDome@dslb-082-083-202-188.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
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04:00 |
04:00:59 | JdGordon | saratoga: i dunno |
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04:27:10 | | Join Davide-NYC [0] (n=Davide-N@user-0cev9vm.cable.mindspring.com) |
04:28:32 | Davide-NYC | currently, bootloader 7pre4 does not support USB disk mode if the user has performed a CFMod. Is this considered a 3.0 bug? |
04:29:28 | Davide-NYC | This bug is at least for H1x0 targets, not sure of other CF Moddable target bootloaders exhibit this bug. |
04:30:19 | | Join miepchen^schlaf_ [0] (n=miepchen@p54BF6AE1.dip.t-dialin.net) |
04:33:45 | JdGordon | each target has its own bootloader so its probably only hxx related |
04:33:52 | JdGordon | but yes, sounds like a bug worth fixing for 3.0 |
04:34:01 | JdGordon | is we are doing a bootloader realease |
04:34:26 | Davide-NYC | the counter agrument is that this only affects users that have performed a CFMod |
04:34:35 | | Quit nuonguy (No route to host) |
04:34:56 | Davide-NYC | But I would love to see this fixed. Petur mentioned he would look into it but I would like to put it on the tracker for "posterity" |
04:35:11 | | Join Lambduh [0] (n=Lambda@12-202-140-90.client.mchsi.com) |
04:35:15 | * | Davide-NYC meaning it doesn't get forgotten. :-) |
04:35:24 | JdGordon | yeah, add it... |
04:35:36 | JdGordon | the cf mod is definalty one of the more popular ones... |
04:36:47 | Davide-NYC | k am doing |
04:37:10 | | Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
04:37:13 | saratoga | COP power consumption testing results: http://www.duke.edu/~mgg6/rockbox/80mhz.png |
04:37:22 | saratoga | (on PP5024) |
04:37:30 | saratoga | results are surprising |
04:39:57 | | Quit DerPapst (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
04:41:19 | saratoga | now with both CPUs running: http://www.duke.edu/~mgg6/rockbox/80mhz-2.png |
04:44:42 | saratoga | now with 2 CPUs both unboosted: http://www.duke.edu/~mgg6/rockbox/30mhz-2.png |
04:45:38 | Llorean | Davide-NYC: I don't see as "Making sure CF mod works" as a major 3.0 point. |
04:45:53 | Davide-NYC | That's why I'm bringing it up. |
04:45:58 | Llorean | 3.0 should be centered around core Rockbox functionality. |
04:46:02 | Llorean | "Hardware mods" certainly aren't. |
04:46:07 | Davide-NYC | It worthy of a tracker entry though. |
04:46:31 | saratoga | II should note that those units are "mW/16" for reasons I don't want to discuss |
04:46:34 | Llorean | 7pre4 isn't an official Rockbox bootloader, so bug reports shouldn't really be filed against it. It's also quite old code by this point. |
04:47:06 | Davide-NYC | OK. I'd like to file this somewhere. Please tell me where would be appropriate. |
04:47:23 | Llorean | What do you want to file? That outdated code doesn't work with the CF Mod? |
04:47:53 | Davide-NYC | Yes. |
04:47:56 | Llorean | Why? |
04:48:20 | Llorean | If current SVN Rockbox USB mode works with the CF Mod, odds are pretty good a bootloader actually built against the current codebase will have working USB bootloader mode. |
04:48:22 | Davide-NYC | A footnote on the bootloader page |
04:48:32 | Davide-NYC | maybe just a forum post |
04:48:36 | saratoga | some conclusions: doubling CPU clock frequency increases CPU power consumption by about 53mW, while doubling the number of cores working increases power consumption by about 10mW |
04:48:45 | Llorean | Davide-NYC: As you well know, the forums are not for static data. |
04:48:58 | saratoga | thus running code on the second CPU is roughly 5x as efficient as doubling clock, all other things being equal |
04:49:05 | Llorean | If you'd like you could always add it to the wiki page hosting the unofficial bootloaders, I suppose. |
04:49:28 | saratoga | it would seem sleeping either core has only a very small impact on power consumption |
04:49:48 | Llorean | saratoga: So basically, dual core should offer us some pretty significant benefits if it allows us to avoid boosting? |
04:49:58 | Llorean | For codecs that boost, that is. |
04:50:42 | saratoga | yeah looks that way |
04:51:03 | Davide-NYC | Llorean: I'll add it to the CFMod page |
04:51:04 | saratoga | i ran the test a couple times, so i'm reasonably sure |
04:53:53 | Llorean | Dual Core would be neat to have for 3.1. But if dual core AND USB both happen, what will we have for 3.2? |
04:55:32 | saratoga | i need to look into codec on cop |
04:56:09 | saratoga | a proof of concept patch that used uncached memory to pass data in and out might be straightforward, but i don't really understand the playback system well enough to say for sure |
05:00 |
05:00:44 | saratoga | i just had a really twisted idea: MDCT uses roughly half of the CPU time in WMA, Ogg and AAC, and the new IMDCT library I put on the tracker is communicated with purely through IRAM |
05:01:41 | Soap | saratoga, you seem hell bent on making me reencode to something other than MP3. |
05:01:43 | Soap | ;) |
05:02:19 | saratoga | though on second thought, it'd be hard to store the state of two blocks at once so maybe its not worth trying |
05:02:34 | saratoga | heh I want to optimize MP3, i just don't know how |
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05:17:33 | Davide-NYC | If I wanted to build the H120 bootloader from SVN do I need to patch the iriver stuff etc? |
05:18:08 | saratoga | looks like the Sandisk OF isn't so bad: http://www.duke.edu/~mgg6/rockbox/rb-of.png |
05:18:11 | | Quit Bensawsome (Remote closed the connection) |
05:18:27 | saratoga | not sure how I measured us beating it, and how we have battery benches that show us beating it |
05:18:40 | saratoga | maybe some earlier versions of the OF were a lot less efficient |
05:19:14 | | Join Zarggg [0] (n=z@65-78-69-194.c3-0.eas-ubr6.atw-eas.pa.cable.rcn.com) |
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05:20:52 | saratoga | though i wonder if not having the retail bootloader installed matters |
05:21:19 | | Join Zarggg [0] (n=z@65-78-69-194.c3-0.eas-ubr6.atw-eas.pa.cable.rcn.com) |
05:22:17 | Davide-NYC | guys, to make bootloader I configure, then I make, then what? |
05:22:27 | Llorean | Davide-NYC: It's not really safe to build the bootloader from SVN. If anything goes wrong with it, you might not be able to recover your player. |
05:22:56 | Davide-NYC | I would like to know what the current state of the BL is. |
05:23:08 | Llorean | You're willing to risk sacrificing your player for curiosity? |
05:23:26 | Davide-NYC | well, no. |
05:23:49 | Davide-NYC | so how do devs test? |
05:24:09 | Llorean | You can use special hardware to recover a damaged H100 or H300 |
05:24:24 | Llorean | Tjat |
05:24:36 | Llorean | That's why the bootloaders get out of date from time to time. |
05:24:45 | Llorean | Only a few people can safely test the new code to make sure it's safe for others to use. |
05:25:50 | Davide-NYC | google is not my friend with TJAT |
05:26:03 | Llorean | Tjat is a typo on "That" |
05:26:03 | saratoga | its actually JTAG |
05:26:34 | Llorean | saratoga: Weren't the H100/H300 BDM? |
05:26:46 | saratoga | oh maybe i just assumed you meant JTAG |
05:27:06 | Llorean | Nah, I mistyped "That" and bumped the enter key when trying to backspace. |
05:30:07 | Davide-NYC | Scary! http://bjorn.haxx.se/iriver_display.jpg |
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05:50:31 | | Part Dhraakellian ("Meddle not in the affairs of ircops, for they are (not so) subtle, and quick to anger.") |
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06:00 |
06:07:55 | wpyh | is anyone familiar with wps'es here? |
06:08:15 | wpyh | I'm seeing some ugliness with the wpses that are included by default |
06:09:25 | wpyh | specifically, a long line in the wps (for example, a song name) is scrolled. the problem is, the song name fits exactly to screen borders |
06:09:44 | wpyh | it would be better to offset the text slightly from screen borders |
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06:27:15 | num1_ | is it possible to render a long song-title by splitting it into multiple lines? |
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06:53:29 | Davide-NYC | I'm getting a build error when attmepting to compile test_codec for the gigabeat S under cygwin |
06:53:34 | Davide-NYC | http://pastebin.com/m3620ae67 |
06:54:20 | Davide-NYC | Among other stuff I get: "test_codec.c:624: error: 'CPUFREQ_MAX' undeclared (first use in this function)" |
06:54:56 | Davide-NYC | Any clues as to what I can do to circumvent this roadblock> |
06:54:58 | Davide-NYC | ? |
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07:46:15 | jswetzen | Hi, I have a question to those who are familiar with the wps drawing code: how come viewports can't be transparent, or is it a decision |
07:47:29 | | Part Linus |
07:47:32 | jswetzen | I mean, is it possible, but not preferable, or is it difficult? |
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08:01:30 | | Quit Seed ("cu, Andre") |
08:11:33 | amiconn | Bagder/ LinusN: Do you have an idea why the build system didn't pick up the last commit? |
08:11:51 | LinusN | maybe it's not even running :-) |
08:12:34 | amiconn | It picked up several commits yesterday, including petur's other commit ~25 min before the last |
08:12:58 | B4gder | the fact that it sometimes misses commits is known |
08:13:22 | B4gder | I would guess it's some kind of race in the script or something external to it that confuses it |
08:14:13 | JdGordon_ | jswetzen: transparent how? |
08:14:16 | | Nick JdGordon_ is now known as JdGordon (n=jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) |
08:14:53 | | Quit Zom (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
08:15:54 | jswetzen | JdGoron: Transparant as in not erasing underlying viewports |
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08:23:51 | JdGordon | amiconn: did you ever do anything about allowing viewports to not draw the background image? |
08:24:13 | amiconn | I have some wip in my local lcd-16bit.c |
08:24:17 | JdGordon | jswetzen: if there is no background image, setting the viewports background colour to the transparent colour should do it |
08:24:38 | amiconn | It doesn't work properly yet |
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08:29:47 | jswetzen | all right, thank you, I'm looking forward to when it's working properly with a background image |
08:30:45 | * | petur would like somebody to kick the buildserver |
08:32:06 | * | LinusN gives buildmaster.pl a roundkick |
08:33:18 | * | petur bows |
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09:21:11 | | Join MartinR [0] (n=chatzill@dslb-088-072-255-067.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
09:21:26 | MartinR | gevaerts: Forget about those USB resets I reported yesterday. They mysteriously vanished today. |
09:21:41 | MartinR | gevaerts: Sorry for the confusion. Blame Windows. |
09:22:09 | | Join einhirn [0] (i=Miranda@bsod.rz.tu-clausthal.de) |
09:22:09 | MartinR | gevaerts: I'll post some test results to the tracker later on. Looks promising so far... |
09:22:15 | * | petur blames Perl instead |
09:22:39 | * | scorche|sh Agrees With The Perl Blaming |
09:23:14 | petur | Oh Are We Having A Title Case Day Today? |
09:23:15 | | Quit Zom (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
09:23:29 | scorche|sh | It Is Quite Possible |
09:24:43 | * | linuxstb goes back to bed |
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09:24:59 | petur | linuxstb: ill? |
09:25:20 | linuxstb | ill from all this title case |
09:25:44 | * | petur actually hates it too |
09:26:03 | * | GodEater also waves a flag for sentence case |
09:26:45 | * | B4gder votes CamelCaseDayWithEverythingWithoutSpaces |
09:27:08 | * | linuxstb thinks B4gder isn't taking it seriously ;) |
09:27:46 | B4gder | hehe |
09:27:58 | linuxstb | And afaik, we don't have any camels as users... |
09:28:17 | GodEater | you've not been to www.camelsusingrockbox.org then ? |
09:28:24 | B4gder | my parents have a llama, is that close enough? |
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09:28:44 | linuxstb | B4gder: Does he/she use Rockbox? |
09:28:49 | | Join fyrestorm [0] (n=fyre@cpe-68-173-168-48.nyc.res.rr.com) |
09:29:33 | B4gder | well, he is occasionally near Rockbox-running devices although he has trouble using them with his.. eh I don't know the word for llama feet ;-) |
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09:33:01 | GodEater | hooves I think |
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09:41:06 | MartinR | amiconn: In case you were referring to my patch at http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/8663#comment24442 |
09:41:31 | MartinR | amiconn: I already tried using strh. It didn't change anything other than slowing down the code. |
09:41:57 | MartinR | amiconn: Thus, the udelay has to be reduced (or removed) to speed it up again to prevent the bug. I think that's what you've seen. |
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10:33:03 | | Join anonymous8726663 [0] (n=blah@ |
10:33:17 | anonymous8726663 | right, who is responsible for the FAQ? |
10:33:55 | B4gder | we all are! |
10:34:03 | B4gder | that includes you |
10:34:18 | anonymous8726663 | Well, it's hilarious |
10:34:20 | anonymous8726663 | well done |
10:34:39 | anonymous8726663 | haven't tried the software yet, but if the FAQ is anything to go by |
10:35:30 | B4gder | haha, I would say that the Rockbox software is better than the faq |
10:36:00 | anonymous8726663 | We can only hope |
10:36:23 | anonymous8726663 | which of the supported players are currently still for sale? |
10:36:31 | anonymous8726663 | new? |
10:36:42 | B4gder | none! :-( |
10:37:14 | | Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) |
10:37:20 | | Join amiconn [50] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) |
10:37:41 | anonymous8726663 | oh |
10:37:48 | scorche|sh | anonymous8726663: there are plenty of refurbished and even some new devices on ebay |
10:37:53 | | Quit fyrestorm (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
10:38:14 | B4gder | if we're lucky one or more of the new ports are good enough before those players reach end of life as well |
10:39:20 | amiconn | End of life? Nah... |
10:39:29 | B4gder | well, end of production |
10:39:37 | anonymous8726663 | did I read there was support for a HDD player with colour screen? |
10:39:45 | scorche|sh | lots of them |
10:40:06 | anonymous8726663 | which one is recommended? |
10:40:22 | GodEater | pointless question - depends on your requirements |
10:40:24 | B4gder | see rockbox.org/wiki/BuyersGuide |
10:40:51 | anonymous8726663 | thanks B4gder |
10:43:11 | anonymous8726663 | I might just give it a go on my shitty Ipod then |
10:43:20 | anonymous8726663 | thanks guys |
10:43:57 | * | GodEater wonders what constitutes a "shitty" ipod |
10:44:06 | GodEater | on second thoughts, perhaps I don't want to know |
10:44:16 | petur | the fact that it is an ipod? |
10:44:41 | anonymous8726663 | the battery doesn't last too long |
10:44:46 | anonymous8726663 | it's old |
10:44:47 | GodEater | replace it? |
10:44:51 | petur | replace the battery |
10:45:25 | petur | costs < 10 dollar/euro |
10:46:53 | anonymous8726663 | man |
10:47:12 | anonymous8726663 | 8.99 for the battery |
10:47:17 | anonymous8726663 | 4.99 postage |
10:47:17 | | Join krz [0] (n=chatzill@mail.jvl.by) |
10:47:27 | anonymous8726663 | why didn't i come here like last year? |
10:47:46 | krz | hello all |
10:47:55 | petur | get a CameronSino battery from a HK seller |
10:48:10 | anonymous8726663 | http://cgi.ebay.com.au/1100mAh-HIGH-BATTERY-FOR-APPLE-IPOD-3-3RD-MANUAL-TOOL_W0QQitemZ170250801573QQihZ007QQcategoryZ48680QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem |
10:52:11 | petur | ah well... make it < 15 dollar then |
10:52:31 | anonymous8726663 | Thanks guys |
10:52:36 | anonymous8726663 | very helpful |
10:53:19 | anonymous8726663 | and keep up the great FAQing |
10:55:37 | | Nick krz is now known as Guest24549 (n=chatzill@mail.jvl.by) |
10:59:08 | GodEater | anonymous8726663: while you're at it (if you're willing to spend a few more $$$) you can upgrade the harddrive too. |
10:59:43 | | Join fyrestorm [0] (n=fyre@cpe-68-173-168-48.nyc.res.rr.com) |
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11:03:33 | anonymous8726663 | really |
11:03:49 | | Join fyrestorm [0] (n=fyre@cpe-68-173-168-48.nyc.res.rr.com) |
11:04:02 | anonymous8726663 | I have the 15gig 3rd gen and more space would be nice |
11:04:32 | anonymous8726663 | i'd like to be able to carry the whole ASOT collection along |
11:04:55 | anonymous8726663 | what kind of $ are we looking at? |
11:15:41 | linuxstb | anonymous8726663: The 3rd gen ipod is probably one of the worse Rockbox targets... If it was me, I would just buy something else (e.g. a Gigabeat F40) |
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11:22:45 | anonymous8726663 | is it better than iTunes? |
11:22:57 | Philpax | hi everyone |
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11:30:48 | GodEater | anonymous8726663: is what better than iTunes ? |
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11:35:59 | Unhelpful | rockbox, i suppose. rockbox only runs on the device, though, it doesn't replace the desktop itunes software. (unfortunately) |
11:36:25 | anonymous8726663 | so i still need itunes? |
11:36:33 | GodEater | to do what ? |
11:36:45 | anonymous8726663 | put music on the device? |
11:36:49 | GodEater | no |
11:36:54 | anonymous8726663 | few |
11:36:58 | anonymous8726663 | you had me worried |
11:37:03 | GodEater | Rockbox wouldn't be very useful on non-apple targets if it required iTunes |
11:37:22 | GodEater | you *can* still use it, but you don't *have* to |
11:37:29 | anonymous8726663 | nice |
11:37:40 | anonymous8726663 | I am still reading the intro |
11:38:00 | anonymous8726663 | but i was hoping it was drag and drop |
11:38:24 | GodEater | it is |
11:39:04 | anonymous8726663 | then I am in the right place |
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11:47:27 | gevaerts | MartinR: Thanks for testing (and for finding that this cache was the problem). Unless amiconn's way of fixing this works out better, I'll commit this soon |
11:48:14 | Soap | gevaerts, if you PM me a testing "plan" I can also test the last patch. |
11:48:37 | Soap | I just am not 100% sure what types of copies and moves and rump shakes you need to see. |
11:48:39 | | Join Zom [0] (n=zom@h-43-44.A166.cust.bahnhof.se) |
11:49:12 | gevaerts | Soap: basically just copy loads of data over usb to the sansa, and see if it gets there correctly |
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11:49:58 | Soap | nothing to do with the (micro)SD card? That is what confused me - I kept seeing lots of talk about the SD card. |
11:50:10 | Soap | take that back - lots of talk about sd |
11:50:26 | gevaerts | the sansa uses sd for its internal flash as well |
11:50:51 | gevaerts | But you can test this both with internal and sd |
11:51:33 | MartinR | gevaerts: I'm about to post my test results to the tracker. Looks very good. |
11:51:55 | Soap | gevaerts, ahh, that explains it. I have no microSD card to test with. |
11:53:00 | gevaerts | Soap: I'm pretty sure the patch fixes the corruption for real though. The behaviour is now really the same as non-usb operation, and nobody ever reported problems with that |
11:53:35 | Soap | well then do you need resets tested or is the one report good enough? |
11:54:37 | | Quit Zom (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
11:54:42 | gevaerts | If you can compare resets with and without the patch, that would be useful as well |
11:55:29 | MartinR | Soap: A tool for testing USB sticks does a good job. I often used this one: ftp://ftp.heise.de/pub/ct/ctsi/h2testw_1.4.zip |
11:56:10 | MartinR | Soap: If you on Windows. |
11:57:08 | | Join crope` [0] (n=crope@dyn3-82-128-187-144.psoas.suomi.net) |
11:57:10 | Soap | not :( |
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12:02:42 | * | MartinR posted nice test results to FS #8663. |
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12:46:43 | Nico_P | gevaerts: does r18327 mean usb on the sansas should be corruption free now? |
12:50:36 | gevaerts | Nico_P: yes |
12:51:37 | Nico_P | awesome :) |
12:51:51 | Nico_P | so there's only the hub issues left? |
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12:53:55 | gevaerts | indeed |
12:54:35 | Nico_P | what about using rockbox usb as default for 3.0, with a warning that hubs could cause issues? |
12:56:08 | scorche|sh | i would be for that |
12:56:23 | linuxstb | The whole point of 3.0 is to be stable... |
12:57:20 | Nico_P | I'm not convinced the hub issue counts as instability |
12:57:24 | linuxstb | Enabling the day after 3.0 seems sensible to me - so users have a clear choice between something usable and something experimental. |
12:58:02 | linuxstb | Nico_P: How well tested has it been on all PP targets? |
12:58:07 | gevaerts | Nico_P: the hub issue makes it unusable for some people |
12:58:08 | scorche|sh | i dont think the hub issue would make it "unusable" |
12:58:31 | gevaerts | "unusable" as in "it doesn't work at all" |
12:59:11 | Nico_P | then maybe a setting could be added (don't hit me ;)) |
13:00 |
13:00:28 | Nico_P | since it works for most people, it would be a pity to leave it out for much longer IMHO |
13:00:30 | | Join swimmer [0] (i=swimmer@xs6.xs4all.nl) |
13:00:34 | gevaerts | Anyway I think it needs to be enabled for at least a few weeks before it gets in a stable release |
13:02:03 | linuxstb | Nico_P: After 3.0 isn't much longer... |
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13:03:58 | Nico_P | linuxstb: that depends on the point of view. for people who wait for 3.1, it might be |
13:04:05 | | Join swimmer [0] (i=swimmer@xs7.xs4all.nl) |
13:04:55 | B4gder | also, without usbcharging enabled for the sansa, the usb mode is still a bit limited |
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13:05:43 | Philpax | is there a way to make the database only scan in one folder? |
13:06:08 | Philpax | i have a music folder and i also have ipodlinux on the same partition. some of the files of ipodlinux are being detected, so i don't have purely my songs. |
13:07:59 | scorche|sh | Philpax: i suggest you have a look at the manual...it does go into this |
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13:10:06 | Philpax | it does? |
13:10:12 | Philpax | i looked at the manual several times |
13:10:15 | Philpax | couldn't find anything |
13:10:33 | scorche|sh | under the database section... |
13:10:39 | Philpax | i'll check again |
13:11:33 | Philpax | oh yeah |
13:11:36 | Philpax | forgot about database.ignore |
13:11:47 | Philpax | thanks |
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13:41:45 | Vixus | So how did GSoC go (or how's it going)? |
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13:52:01 | robin0800 | B4gder, FS #8363 - Charger configuration for Sansa e200/c200 this patch enables charging on c200 now |
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13:52:20 | B4gder | I know but that isn't applied |
13:52:34 | B4gder | yet |
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13:55:41 | robin0800 | B4gder,prehaps its in the testig phase it only needs accurate charging time display, but this is broken on other targets IMHO |
13:57:46 | B4gder | we were discussing what should go in 3.0 and I don't think this is ready for that |
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14:16:34 | robin0800 | B4gder,I agree, personaly though i would prefferred the Sansa not to be frozen until charging and file transfer is fixed. I would have hoped 3.0 would mean OF not needed |
14:17:25 | Llorean | robin0800: 3.0 had a timeline. |
14:17:28 | GodEater | this would be a new "feature" though of Rockbox, and therefore is banned by the freeze |
14:17:35 | Llorean | Did you want us to cancel 3.0, or just leave the Sansa out of it? |
14:19:38 | robin0800 | Llorean, leave any target out if it still needs the OF? |
14:19:54 | B4gder | I think the date and 3.0 is more important than specific features in it |
14:20:16 | Llorean | robin0800: So, basically, limit it to Gigabeat, Archos, and coldfire-based targets. |
14:20:43 | Llorean | robin0800: And why exactly is it such a great evil to document "The player will automatically reboot into disk mode for USB access"? |
14:20:48 | robin0800 | Llorean, Yes |
14:21:16 | Llorean | 3.0 is the introduction of reliable software codec playback, it is not the abolishment of the original firmware. |
14:21:22 | linuxstb | robin0800: I think excluding targets from 3.0 will cause more problems than including them with limited features. |
14:22:03 | linuxstb | And excluding targets from release won't make the features you want happen any sooner. |
14:22:30 | * | Llorean thinks recording should be a focus of 3.1 and abolishment of OF perhaps a goal for 3.2 |
14:22:31 | | Quit mazling ("Inde da'covale misain ye; Caballien misain ye!") |
14:23:23 | linuxstb | Do we have a date for 3.0? |
14:23:31 | Nico_P | the usb stack and sansa usb charging seem to be ready enough for 3.1 |
14:23:32 | petur | Llorean: recording works already for a long time |
14:23:52 | Llorean | petur: I didn't mean fix it. Just focus on it. Try to get it in a "very good" state for users. REP stuff, etc. |
14:23:52 | petur | or do you mean 'recording on all targets'? |
14:24:44 | robin0800 | Llorean,Its easier in support, you don't have to tell anyone that disk mode etc is Apples, |
14:24:53 | Llorean | Nico_P: Yes. I suspect though that through testing there will probably still be a lot of room to improve, and other targets still need a good deal of work to abolish the OF. |
14:25:09 | linuxstb | robin0800: Yes we do, it's just that those people are using a "current build" instead of "3.0" |
14:25:15 | Llorean | robin0800: You're assuming they won't download the daily build if they don't download 3.0? |
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14:26:15 | robin0800 | Llorean,Who is 3.0 aimed at then, who needs it? |
14:26:16 | Llorean | linuxstb: We kinda do. The freeze is supposed to be two weeks. When august ends, we unfreeze and pick a build. Then probably a little more time will pass before the release because we need to package it up for installation, get the known issues fully in order, etc. |
14:26:57 | Llorean | robin0800: 3.0 is aimed at "everyone who currently uses Rockbox" as a build they can safely use when the bleeding edge builds are unstable or unreliable. |
14:27:12 | * | petur realizes he will be on holiday when the release is done |
14:27:25 | Llorean | It's a state of the code with (hopefully) a local minimum of known issues tagged for public use. |
14:27:57 | linuxstb | Has the idea of release-candidates been discussed? i.e. branch 3.0 in SVN (call it 3.0-RC1), and then have the ability to make a few minor changes before actually tagging it as 3.0? |
14:28:19 | Llorean | linuxstb: No, it hasn't. I personally wouldn't be against it at all. |
14:28:44 | Llorean | Maybe 1 week of RC status after the freeze ends even? |
14:28:48 | B4gder | I think we should do it that way, we branch on the unfreeze day |
14:28:59 | swimmer | apropos tagging - could you tag a rbutil_current as well while you're at it? ;-) |
14:29:51 | B4gder | swimmer: that sounds like a tag that would be moved at each release? |
14:30:03 | Llorean | B4gder: That was the proposition, for the gentoo ebuild |
14:30:17 | linuxstb | Why couldn't the ebuild just use a source tarball? |
14:30:28 | Llorean | Instead of building bleeding edge source, move the rbutil_release tag each time a new numbered version came out, so the ebuild is always "up to date" but isn't relying on in-development code. |
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14:38:21 | | Part B4gder |
14:39:31 | swimmer | linuxstb: ask GodEater what has idea originally was when he designed the ebuild ;-) |
14:40:10 | linuxstb | swimmer: At the time, I don't think there were any stable releases of rbutil, so svn was the best way to build it. |
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14:41:29 | swimmer | possibly |
14:41:39 | swimmer | I can change it as well if you want to ... |
14:41:56 | swimmer | the advantage is that only parts of the source tarball is used ... |
14:42:12 | linuxstb | Advantage of what? |
14:42:16 | GodEater | linuxstb: that's exactly the reason I put the ebuild together the way I did |
14:42:44 | GodEater | we'd only just ported it to QT |
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15:03:51 | swimmer | so you guys prefer the ebuild to use the source tarball? |
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15:39:20 | Mercz | Has the USB stack advanced from the "limited capability" yet? |
15:40:03 | gevaerts | Not in the official builds. What player do you have? |
15:40:54 | Mercz | sansa e |
15:41:44 | GodEater | swimmer: I'm not fussed one way or the other - though the "source tarball" approach requires that we make one and maintain it independently of svn. More work in my opinion - but I'm not the person who has to do that work - so maybe others won't care ;) |
15:43:51 | gevaerts | Mercz: have a look at http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/PortalPlayerUsb |
15:44:24 | gevaerts | Mercz: you can probably ignore the data corruption bug that is mentionned there. It should be fixed now (since earlier today) |
15:45:20 | | Quit Davide-NYC ("ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox 3.0.1/2008070208]") |
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15:47:52 | Mercz | seems to be getting there |
15:47:57 | Mercz | i might give it a go |
15:48:26 | GodEater | I find it very usable personally |
15:48:55 | robin0800 | gevaerts,just tried usb stack still will not copy the .rockbox folder to the sansa c200 says can't find file specified and falls over |
15:50:58 | Mercz | full usb will be the "killer app" as such i think when its ready |
15:51:00 | swimmer | GodEater: I'd do the work but I want to set it up in a way that's its useful and reasonable and reflects the wishes of upstream ... |
15:51:44 | GodEater | swimmer: I'd wait till someone decides what the best approach is then. I personally favour the moving tag in svn - but others seem to think that's a bad idea for some reason. |
15:51:58 | | Quit Horscht ("We don't make mistakes, we just have happy little accidents") |
15:56:53 | swimmer | GodEater: ok - is there some decision making proces going on already or should I trigger that? |
15:57:05 | gevaerts | robin0800: Are you copying to the correct disk (i.e. not the sd) ? What OS are you using? Are you using a hub? |
15:57:11 | Llorean | robin0800: *Rockbox* says "can't file file specified"?! |
16:00 |
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16:10:26 | | Join decayedcell [0] (n=decayed_@60-241-92-53.static.tpgi.com.au) |
16:11:17 | decayedcell | is it possible for ipodpatcher to restore images on drives it doesn't see as ipod drives i.e. ones that may be partitioned but have an empty fiirmware partition? |
16:23:44 | Llorean | decayedcell: It could be hacked to do so. The safety checks are there to protect our users, there really shouldn't be a reason to do it the way you suggest for anyone normally installing Rockbox. |
16:26:34 | gevaerts | decayedcell: I'm not sure, but if you just want to get it usable without having to use itunes, have a look at http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IpodManualRestore |
16:26:51 | robin0800 | gevaerts,yes correct disk no hub same port I use for everything on windows xp |
16:27:52 | gevaerts | robin0800: can you run chkdsk on it ? (probably best while using the OF) |
16:28:18 | | Quit Nico_P ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
16:29:07 | robin0800 | Llorean, no its a windows xp error, but only ever seen with you usb stack |
16:31:40 | Llorean | robin0800: In that case, please try to avoid pronouns like "it" when you haven't given a noun it can refer to yet. |
16:32:03 | | Join Horscht [0] (n=Horscht@xbmc/user/horscht) |
16:32:05 | robin0800 | gevaerts,chkdisk found no errors |
16:32:15 | gevaerts | robin0800: also, what exactly does "it falls over" mean? |
16:34:04 | robin0800 | gevaerts,there is an ok button on the message which when clicked aborts the copy process |
16:35:22 | gevaerts | robin0800: can you have a look at the System log in the Event Viewer to see if there are any disk errors? |
16:36:59 | decayedcell | gevaerts i thought ipodpatcher checked that the firmware partition was installed |
16:38:15 | gevaerts | decayedcell: It probably does. What exactly are you trying to do? |
16:38:24 | decayedcell | say i have a blank hard drive |
16:38:37 | decayedcell | i format it to the correct sectors firmware/main |
16:39:07 | decayedcell | i would like to take the firmware partition off a hard drive which has the firmware installed on the firmware partition, then use e.g. ipodpatcher to restore that image onto the blank hard drive |
16:39:21 | decayedcell | so then i would have two identical drives without imaging the whole thing |
16:39:41 | gevaerts | ipodpatcher is not the right tool for that. Use dd or something similar to just copy the firmare partition |
16:40:02 | decayedcell | what would the parameters for dd be I get stuck :( |
16:40:27 | gevaerts | Are you running linux? |
16:40:29 | * | Llorean thinks this may not be very Rockbox related at this point. |
16:41:03 | * | gevaerts agrees and invites decayedcell to #rockbox-community |
16:42:04 | | Join erram_ [0] (n=erram@cpe-70-114-41-70.satx.res.rr.com) |
16:42:48 | robin0800 | gevaerts, it says delayed write failed which is strange as the sansa is set up for quick removal and not delayed write |
16:43:05 | | Part LinusN |
16:44:32 | robin0800 | gevaerts,being windows perhaps it means it needs delay write? |
16:45:28 | gevaerts | "delay write" doesn't mean much. as far as the device is concerned writing is writing |
16:45:53 | | Quit Horscht ("Snak 5.3.3 Unregistered copy. Evaluation period is over. Program will now quit. Thanks for using Snak.") |
16:46:13 | gevaerts | Does your pc have more usb ports? Could you try different ones? |
16:46:44 | robin0800 | gevaerts,do you think the vmimage running might affect it? |
16:46:52 | gevaerts | no |
16:47:07 | | Quit erram_ (Remote closed the connection) |
16:50:13 | robin0800 | gevaerts,nothing else has ever produced that error message,usb sticks ,ipods, cammera & Sansac200 OF: sure its not the port. |
16:50:18 | | Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@h-74-0-180-178.snvacaid.covad.net) |
16:51:12 | Llorean | robin0800: I don't understand what you think that proves... |
16:51:14 | gevaerts | robin0800: behaving differently on different ports is one of the remaining issues |
16:52:15 | gevaerts | Different ports have different timing characteristics (depending on cable length,...), and we have some timing issues |
16:53:08 | robin0800 | Llorean,if the usb port is wrong! I would expect copy failures with other hardware, I don't |
16:53:29 | gevaerts | robin0800: we've seen this issue, otherwise we wouldn't be asking... |
16:55:33 | robin0800 | gevaerts,will try a back usb port tomorrow ,got to go now. |
16:55:49 | | Join AndyI [0] (n=pasha_in@ |
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17:09:13 | moos | grr I forgot about unicode caracters in svn commit message :( |
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17:24:43 | GodEater | swimmer: sorry I seem to keep wandering off whenever you address anything to me! |
17:25:17 | GodEater | swimmer: I would try badgering people for a decision yourself if I were you - I've not seen anyone else really getting involved in the discussion except for you, me, Llorean and linuxstb |
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17:27:25 | Llorean | swimmer: Or better yet, write up the overall idea to the -dev mailing list, and ask which of the two proposed alternatives seem best, so that it's in a location where you can get non-realtime responses more readily |
17:27:43 | | Join ender` [0] (i=krneki@foo.eternallybored.org) |
17:27:50 | GodEater | that's an excellent idea |
17:29:53 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) |
17:30:00 | linuxstb | GodEater: I would expect any rbutil release to have a corresponding source tarball anyway. So the only work is maintaining a symlink. It seems common for projects to have a "package-current.tgz" or similar. But I don't really care either way... |
17:30:05 | | Quit jfc (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
17:30:28 | GodEater | do we have that currently for rbutil releases? |
17:31:28 | | Join n1s [0] (n=nils@rockbox/developer/n1s) |
17:31:29 | linuxstb | Doesn't look like it... |
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17:33:38 | | Join PaulJam [0] (n=PaulJam_@p54BCC4F9.dip.t-dialin.net) |
17:35:02 | GodEater | so we're bucking the trend once more |
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17:41:26 | PaulJam | has there been any progress on the H300 bootloader issues in the last few weeks? |
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17:42:37 | Llorean | I'm sure it'll be committed once it's fixed... |
17:45:57 | | Nick JdGordon is now known as JdGordon|zzz (n=jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) |
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17:49:30 | petur | PaulJam: nope |
17:53:51 | PaulJam | do you know the revision that broke it? |
17:54:05 | petur | LinusN knows |
17:55:10 | PaulJam | ok, thanks |
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18:06:19 | swimmer | ok GodEater & Llorean - I will subscribe to rockbox-dev to be able to address that ;-) |
18:06:30 | swimmer | thanks for your responses |
18:06:38 | | Join desowin_ [0] (n=desowin@atheme/member/desowin) |
18:06:44 | swimmer | hopefully I can resume in a reasonable way ;-) |
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18:34:15 | UncleRemus | What is the best way of reading the rockbox-manual on the machine itself? Is it possible? |
18:35:04 | | Join bluebrother [0] (n=dom@rockbox/staff/bluebrother) |
18:35:12 | rasher | Not really, though I suppose you could do something like pdf2text if that exists |
18:35:14 | linuxstb | You could create a text version of it (from the html) |
18:35:56 | * | linuxstb spots that there is no "all-on-one-page" version of the manual in html though.... |
18:36:28 | * | bluebrother discovers his new m240 is an AMS version :/ |
18:36:28 | rasher | I wonder how pdftotext output looks |
18:36:34 | UncleRemus | OK, thanks. I got stuck with the text editor and wanted some help when I had no access to the net |
18:36:37 | linuxstb | But I guess you could save each chapter - it could be easier to browse that way |
18:37:06 | n1s | i think there's a way to build a text only manual from soure |
18:37:15 | n1s | s/soure/source/ |
18:37:42 | linuxstb | Could be a nice thing to produce for 3.0... |
18:38:02 | rasher | Okay, pdftotext isn't great. |
18:38:17 | | Part Ubuntuxer |
18:38:48 | bluebrother | n1s: there's a make target manual-txt iirc |
18:39:00 | bluebrother | it builds the html and converts using lynx though. |
18:39:09 | n1s | bluebrother: yes, just checked the Makefile :) |
18:39:14 | rasher | Can't latex output directly to text? |
18:39:38 | bluebrother | not that I know −− it's not its purpose. txt isn't high quality typesetting ;-) |
18:39:54 | rasher | I suppose |
18:40:19 | linuxstb | Maybe other tools exist to do that with latex source? |
18:40:51 | * | linuxstb finds http://www.kusa.ac.jp/~yukio-m/latex2txt/index.html but struggles... |
18:40:59 | n1s | hmm, i don't have lynx so that didn't work too well :) |
18:42:54 | bluebrother | urgh, even japanese comments in the script :/ |
18:43:50 | rasher | That script's pretty full of magic |
18:43:56 | bluebrother | btw, do we have a date for releasing? /me wanted to rewrite the installation section to be more rbutil-centric but is still lacking the time |
18:44:34 | rasher | How about September 8th? |
18:44:45 | | Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=miepchen@p54BF6AE1.dip.t-dialin.net) |
18:45:11 | rasher | Gives people the a weekend leading up to the release |
18:45:20 | Nico_P | linuxstb: are you still interested in the flash-buffering patch? It's more or less ready |
18:45:26 | Llorean | rasher: Sounds good to me. |
18:45:28 | bertrik | the announcement mentions a couple (as in two) weeks after the freeze |
18:45:40 | Llorean | bertrik: The two weeks is for finishing the freeze and picking a release candidate. |
18:46:19 | Llorean | We also don't have to release the binaries, manual, and updated util all at once if things prevent that. |
18:46:31 | | Join sXeLeTHaL [0] (i=sXeLeTHa@c-66-177-181-218.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) |
18:46:49 | Llorean | Personally, I think the most important thing is getting through the freeze with as many bugs fixed as possible, and picking a candidate. Once we've got that, we've overcome the hurdles that hit us last time at least. |
18:47:09 | | Quit midgey () |
18:47:10 | rasher | Wouldn't be a problem if the manual continued to target 3.0 for a while after release |
18:47:58 | sXeLeTHaL | hey guys i just installed rockbox with the automatic installer (did full install) but how do i install themes with this program, when the window comes up it says "getting themes information... the following errors occured: No Themes Found." |
18:48:28 | sXeLeTHaL | oh i installed it on a 30gig ipod vidoe |
18:48:31 | sXeLeTHaL | video* |
18:48:36 | Llorean | sXeLeTHaL: It installs themes from an unofficial theme website which is currently outdated anyway. Basically, you can't use it for installing themes right now |
18:48:41 | Llorean | You'll have to go to the wiki and get themes there |
18:48:58 | sXeLeTHaL | ok i downloaded some from there how would i install those? |
18:49:40 | sXeLeTHaL | i downloaded (for example) black glass_aa_v123, extracted now where do i put those files? |
18:49:50 | Llorean | In the same folders on the player. |
18:50:02 | Llorean | A properly packaged theme should preserve all the necessary folders |
18:50:04 | | Quit moos ("Rockbox rules the DAP world") |
18:50:18 | Nico_P | linuxstb: in case you're still interested: http://pastebin.ca/1180832 |
18:51:09 | * | Nico_P leaves |
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19:01:18 | fml | Any web admins here? In the left bar of the rockbox site, the Search title is at a wrong place IMHO. It is placed above FS search, not site search box. |
19:01:46 | gevaerts | fml: both are searches... |
19:02:03 | domonoky | fml, but the FS search is also a search ? so its like a heading.. |
19:02:20 | gevaerts | You could argue that site search needs to come first, but I think it's pretty clear that the Search title applies to both |
19:03:03 | amiconn | It's a heading like Downlaods, Documentation, Support and Tracker |
19:04:00 | amiconn | It's abit irritating though that the heading is smaller than the search boxes, and that the heading is glued to the upper box |
19:04:53 | fml | gevaerts, domonoky: but it doesn't |
19:05:04 | | Join Inverse [0] (n=InverseC@cpc1-oxfd8-0-0-cust704.oxfd.cable.ntl.com) |
19:05:09 | fml | err... But the two boxes seem to stand apart |
19:05:46 | fml | So I personnaly don't get the impression that the title belongs to both input fields. |
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19:32:18 | BigBambi | gevaerts: r.e. your latest commit - is there any useful testing I can do? |
19:33:17 | gevaerts | BigBambi: a bit of testing to see if the corruption is really gone never hurts of course |
19:33:31 | BigBambi | Just lots of copying and comparing? |
19:34:26 | gevaerts | Yes. Probably best an umount/mount between copying and comparing to make sure the vfs cache is flushed |
19:34:26 | BigBambi | I meant the second part incidentally |
19:34:31 | BigBambi | OK |
19:34:48 | BigBambi | ignore the line before last :) |
19:35:36 | * | gevaerts decides that ignoring it will be easier than understanding it :) |
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19:36:47 | swimmer | :) |
19:41:01 | fml | Any opinions/comments on FS #9305? The main question is: is the layering broken by the approach? I.e. can one say that firmware code calls app code? I think no since firmware code still does not use app API, and that is what matters. |
19:47:05 | bertrik | The approach looks OK to me, I just think it's not really useful enough to have such a feature |
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20:05:54 | fml | bertrik: actually, I'm also not that much after the feature. It was more of an experiment. So I wouldn't insist on it being included into SVN. |
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20:30:45 | fml | bluebrother, domonoky: ping |
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20:34:44 | fml | bluebrother, domonoky: in the RbUtil's main window I can see the model selected. But when I click to Install, in the dialog that pops up ('Install Rockbox') the model is not shown anymore. And in the progress window also not. Thus I don't see what's being done. I think it would be good to display the model in both windows. |
20:36:07 | | Quit Horscht (Client Quit) |
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20:47:30 | | Quit fml ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
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20:51:10 | | Nick Kopfgeldjaeger is now known as Kopfi|offline (n=nicolai@monitor-mode-enabled-on-mon0.phy0.de) |
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21:04:00 | domonoky | why do you need the Model in this window again ? |
21:05:16 | | Join nls4ever [0] (i=nls4ever@ |
21:05:25 | nls4ever | hello all.... |
21:06:20 | | Quit m0f0x (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
21:07:08 | domonoky | fml: feel free to improve rbutil. it surely could need someone to make it nice and shiny... :-) |
21:08:47 | | Quit Horscht ("We don't make mistakes, we just have happy little accidents") |
21:12:58 | | Quit m0f0x_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
21:13:13 | | Join RalpH_himself [0] (n=deadeye@adsl-84-226-26-216.adslplus.ch) |
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21:15:19 | | Join Horscht [0] (n=Horscht@xbmc/user/horscht) |
21:16:00 | RalpH_himself | has anybody of you out there ever heard of the openpandora.org project? I was just thinking: how about a port for it? |
21:17:07 | Bagder | it's running linux already, if it has sdl it can already run the sim |
21:17:10 | Llorean | gevaerts: Seen the latest comment to FS #8663? |
21:17:40 | Llorean | Bagder: And probably soon Rockbox-as-an-app, right? |
21:17:52 | * | gevaerts looks |
21:17:53 | RalpH_himself | that would be great for sure! |
21:18:17 | gevaerts | Not good... |
21:18:17 | RalpH_himself | but I just thought a native port could save a lot energy... probably... |
21:18:40 | Bagder | true, but also SO much more work |
21:18:58 | gevaerts | But at least this will shut up the gang that wants this enabled for 3.0 I guess |
21:19:38 | RalpH_himself | but just to hear that there is an option to run rockbox as an app is good, since I haven't heard of any other music-player for this device |
21:19:43 | Llorean | gevaerts: A definite plus of that. :) |
21:19:51 | | Quit erram_ (Remote closed the connection) |
21:20:04 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
21:20:06 | Bagder | RalpH_himself: we also quite possibly have some of the most optimized free software codecs for ARM |
21:20:37 | Bagder | although I'm not familiar with the Cortex line |
21:20:52 | RalpH_himself | nor am I ;) |
21:23:32 | | Join pixelma [0] (i=pixelma@ |
21:24:03 | petur | bertrik: the user that opened 9286 claims it still crashes. I remember you tried this and it didn't. He added some details, don't know if you have time to check. (*or anybody else with a sansa e200*) |
21:25:11 | * | gevaerts now officially no longer has any clue about FS #8663 |
21:25:43 | | Join jgarvey [0] (n=jgarvey@cpe-098-026-069-229.nc.res.rr.com) |
21:26:55 | Bagder | RalpH_himself: you have one of these babies? |
21:27:09 | RalpH_himself | not yet, but it sounds good... |
21:27:20 | | Quit viocizgd (K-lined) |
21:27:21 | | Quit lacrstech (K-lined) |
21:27:46 | RalpH_himself | I just ordered an iPod touch, I think i'll fire that if the pandora turns out as good as it sounds ^^ |
21:29:12 | | Join mcuelenaere [0] (n=mcuelena@rockbox/developer/mcuelenaere) |
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21:31:36 | Soap | Do the X5 and H300 actually turn off the LCD or just the backlight? |
21:33:10 | pixelma | I'm quite sure the X5 does, don't know about the H300 |
21:33:58 | pixelma | but you can't see much of a difference there anyways (as you could on the Ipod Video or Nano) |
21:34:27 | LambdaCalculus37 | pixelma: IIRC the H300 does turn off the LCD as well, but I have to look at one again. |
21:35:21 | amiconn | They turn off the lcd |
21:36:21 | bertrik | petur, I'll try again |
21:36:30 | mcuelenaere | the WPS editor student definitely needs better communication with the community; he mailed me some days ago to test his current work in Linux.. |
21:36:50 | LambdaCalculus37 | amiconn: Thanks. :) |
21:37:12 | amiconn | There is no point in leaving a normally-black colour lcd running without backlight |
21:37:44 | amiconn | Situations where you can read those w/o backlight are so rare that it's better to save the energy for driving it |
21:38:14 | pixelma | meh, one of the very few occasions I regret not being subscribed to the users ml :| |
21:41:06 | Soap | Is the iPod LCD left on because it is readable, or is the iPod LCD left on because it is unknown how to turn it off? |
21:41:27 | Llorean | pixelma: What's on the users ML? |
21:41:35 | Llorean | Soap: Readable, I believe. |
21:42:58 | pixelma | Llorean: wrong info about the Ondio (including top-posting too) |
21:43:25 | Llorean | Oh, that one. Yeah |
21:44:52 | | Nick Kopfi|offline is now known as Kopfgeldjaeger (n=nicolai@monitor-mode-enabled-on-mon0.phy0.de) |
21:44:53 | pixelma | Soap: I think Buschel runs a patched build with the LCD turned off. But really, I'd be against turning it off just to get another 20 minutes runtime or so because it's readable quite well without backlight |
21:47:03 | bertrik | petur, my e200 just reset itself playing around after recording something (tried to re-load the config file) |
21:49:21 | RalpH_himself | Soap: 4g can be read under good light |
21:50:22 | amiconn | Soap: iPod Video lcd is left on because of both reasons |
21:50:45 | Llorean | iPod nano can, in my opinion, be read about as well as an h100 assuming black text and white backdrop |
21:50:50 | amiconn | iPod Nano lcd should be possible to shutdown, as should the ipod Color lcd type 1 |
21:51:16 | amiconn | iPod Photo (lcd type 0) shutdown isn't known |
21:51:36 | amiconn | The Photo is readable-ish. Not as good as the Video |
21:52:58 | Soap | Llorean, has any thought been made about splitting the "Rockbox General Discussion" forum into a "Release Questions" and a "SVN Questions" (note title case ;) ) section - or some other way to separate the two? |
21:53:16 | | Quit m0f0x__ () |
21:54:02 | linuxstb | Soap: That sounds confusing - as most questions will apply equally to both, and I'm sure if people have problems with 3.0, we're just going to suggest they test a current build anyway... |
21:54:08 | LambdaCalculus37 | amiconn: Mine is quite readable with the backlight off. |
21:56:06 | Llorean | Soap: Yeah, as linuxstb said, I think we're not really going to be too interested in questions about 3.0 that are unique to 3.0. |
21:56:37 | Llorean | We're probably only going to do a 3.0.1 type point-release if there's some "It won't boot on Nanos, didn't you guys test this thing?" kinda bug. |
21:57:08 | Llorean | So most questions should be met with either "that's a known issue, try a current build" or "please add that to the known issues page" |
21:57:59 | gevaerts | Actually, I think "supported" means that _we_ have to add it to the known issues page |
21:58:02 | linuxstb | I guess there's also support issues - if Rockbox behaviour changes post-3.0. But I don't think splitting the general forum will help that - the posts should go in the area-specific forums anyway. |
21:58:38 | Llorean | gevaerts: Possibly. But it'll probably be a wiki page. |
21:58:53 | nls4ever | can anyone tell me when RockBox for sansa view will come out???? |
21:58:53 | linuxstb | I guess we just need to change the guidelines to tell people to say if they're running 3.0 or the current build (and if the current build, the latest...) |
21:58:54 | | Quit LambdaCalculus37 ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
21:59:00 | Llorean | nls4ever: no. |
21:59:33 | Llorean | linuxstb: Or make the guidelines ask that they explicitly state the version number in the topic. |
21:59:37 | DerPapst | nls4ever: 14. Nov. 2011 about 10:56pm +/- 10 seconds |
21:59:45 | nls4ever | why? |
21:59:46 | DerPapst | :) |
21:59:55 | Llorean | nls4ever: Because it's impossible to predict... |
22:00 |
22:00:15 | | Quit toffe82 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
22:00:36 | linuxstb | nls4ever: Rockbox is just a collection of volunteers hacking on Rockbox as a hobby. No view owners seem to be actively working on porting Rockbox to it. |
22:02:14 | * | linuxstb wonders if the RSB will ever have a meeting, and more importantly, if beer is provided |
22:02:38 | * | petur gets thirsty |
22:02:57 | gevaerts | You mean there has been no meeting yet? That's serious... Maybe even an RSB matter |
22:03:38 | linuxstb | Exactly the problem... we can't meet until we decide on a meeting date, and we can't decide on a meeting date until we meet... |
22:03:41 | | Join AhtiK [0] (n=ahti@88-196-185-130-dsl.rgu.estpak.ee) |
22:03:52 | * | Llorean grins. |
22:04:10 | * | linuxstb proposes a RSBSB |
22:06:33 | saratoga | amiconn: did you see the power testing results from last night? |
22:06:42 | amiconn | yes |
22:06:45 | * | petur sees more and more bugreports added to 9286 :/ |
22:07:00 | * | gevaerts has seen 80% of the RSB online during the last hour. Sounds like the perfect time for a meeting |
22:08:05 | saratoga | unless i've made a mistake it would seem that sleeping the COP doesn't do a whole lot |
22:08:22 | saratoga | so using it is almost free |
22:10:13 | saratoga | as a test of this theory, I would like to try parallelizing one of the codecs and see if battery life increases proportionally |
22:11:30 | | Join webguest03 [0] (n=4b5ce96e@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-4668aee1331722b0) |
22:11:53 | amiconn | Well it's not free, but the peripherals in th SoC seem to draw more than a core |
22:12:25 | amiconn | This suggests that we're still some SoC stuff improperly (unsurprisingly...) |
22:13:32 | saratoga | amiconn: looking at the tiny difference in power consumption from sleeping the CPU, I think the "sleep" just feeds the CPUs NOPs or similar |
22:13:35 | webguest03 | can someone help me with erorrs in cygwin? when i try the make zip or make fullzip, is says 'sh: zip: command not found' I recently reinstalled and thought maybe I missed gzip, but ran the installer again and it appears to be there |
22:13:51 | linuxstb | webguest03: You're missing "zip" |
22:13:51 | rasher | webguest03: Not gzip. Zip. |
22:14:04 | amiconn | saratoga: No, sleeping stop the core's clock until the next interrupt |
22:15:00 | saratoga | are you certain? I would expect turning off an entire CPU core to save more then a few mWs |
22:15:42 | webguest03 | thanks, I didn't see zip on my first pass through, just gzip |
22:15:51 | amiconn | I am certain |
22:16:32 | | Join dabujo [0] (i=xx@p4FDB228E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
22:16:35 | * | petur reads up on iriverflashing to see if he could quickly CF-mod his h120 |
22:17:17 | saratoga | then the CPUs actually consume only a small part of the total power, and the peripherals are the main draw |
22:18:09 | saratoga | i did all these tests on a sansa modified to not use the OF's bootloader, I hope that doesn't change my results |
22:18:21 | | Quit webguest03 ("CGI:IRC") |
22:18:56 | amiconn | I wouldn't be surprised if it does |
22:19:29 | amiconn | The OF bootloader presumably does quite some hardware setup |
22:20:39 | amiconn | On the 1st/2nd Gen iPod there was a *big* difference in power consumption depending on whether the rockbox bootloader was entered from a cold reset, or via soft reset out of disk mode |
22:21:04 | amiconn | The difference was so significant that I was able to feel the temeparture difference |
22:21:39 | saratoga | i hate to mess with the bootloader given it's fickleness, but perhaps that needs to be another round of tests |
22:21:47 | amiconn | The ipod got quite warm to the touch with rockbox booted from cold reset. That's how I found those DEV_EN settings... |
22:23:09 | amiconn | Later I did some measurements on my 1st Gen, and found that all-on DEV_EN settings cause the ipod to draw >50% more power than it does with proper settings when boosted |
22:23:42 | | Quit nls4ever () |
22:23:49 | amiconn | The effect is probably lower on PP5022 as it's quite optimised. A PP5020 would probably be better for this kind of RE |
22:25:25 | saratoga | is it possible to look at the dissassembly of the bootloader and see what addresses it stores to, or do they not generally store the addresses as immediate values? |
22:25:34 | | Join virtuoso015 [0] (n=vinay@ |
22:28:15 | amiconn | I didn't look into sansa bootloader disassemblies yet, so I don't know. On the ipods, some modules of the OF and bootloader use literal addresses, some others fill some structs with various addresses at startup and use that (hard to follow) |
22:29:46 | | Quit mcuelenaere () |
22:30:32 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) |
22:31:09 | amiconn | An emulator would be very helpful for RE'ing hardware inits, but I have no idea how one can write such a thing without having access to the hardware specs |
22:31:33 | amiconn | (and having those would then make the emulator superfluous...) |
22:36:45 | | Quit EspeonEefi ("さよなら") |
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22:45:22 | | Join Battousai [0] (n=bryan@maduin.southcape.org) |
22:46:13 | amiconn | gevaerts: Usb is still no go on my hub with latest svn |
22:46:18 | | Part RalpH_himself |
22:48:15 | amiconn | It takes ages to even enter folder in windows explorer (up to one minute observed so far) |
22:48:42 | gevaerts | amiconn: I found yesterday that it also doesn't work at all with my ipod behind a hub. |
22:49:46 | gevaerts | The bug that makes it sometimes have an outdated filesystem view after disconnect should be gone though |
22:50:54 | gevaerts | Other bad news is that someone reports on the tracker that there is still data corruption |
22:50:59 | amiconn | Yeah, saw that commit. I'm wondering why this wasn't done before, as hw usb targets have been doing this ever since rockbox learned to do usb without rebooting |
22:51:29 | gevaerts | I somehow missed the remount between all the ata reinit things |
22:51:33 | amiconn | (that was way back in archos only time) |
22:54:02 | amiconn | There used to be a #define for this, USB_REALLY_BRAVE, iirc, which was removed several years later |
22:54:35 | * | gevaerts likes that name, and thinks it could be reused on the sansas |
22:54:54 | amiconn | hehe |
22:56:11 | Llorean | Shouldn't there be *less* corruption with serialize writes enabled, though? |
22:56:41 | Llorean | Or at least, wasn't there less in the past? |
22:57:10 | gevaerts | Good spot. I hadn't noticed that... |
22:59:16 | gevaerts | I would expect less corruption, yes. On the other hand we have no idea on how many errors there were exactly (only in how many files, but there may be more than one corrupted spot in a file), and there will always be some variation, so maybe this is an accidental difference |
23:00 |
23:00:19 | Llorean | It might be worth asking him to run the test a few more times though. Or maybe even just chkdsk his device to make sure the corruption is definitely related to USB now. |
23:01:20 | | Quit domonoky (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
23:02:27 | gevaerts | He also reported no corruption at all in previous tests (just after SERIALIZE_WRITES was added) when MartinR was still seeing it |
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23:06:44 | * | gevaerts asked some questions. Let's hope the answers shed some light on this |
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23:22:51 | saratoga | amiconn: actually, Toni's old emulator could get most of the way through the sansa bootloader, so that might be an option |
23:24:34 | | Join LambdaCalculus37 [0] (n=LambdaCa@c-24-0-218-198.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) |
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23:48:50 | | Quit Rob2223 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
23:48:54 | webguest43 | what is the tmp folder for??? |
23:49:25 | | Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p4FDCF0A9.dip.t-dialin.net) |
23:50:03 | LambdaCalculus37 | Huh? tmp folder? What are you talking about? |
23:50:39 | | Join Davide-NYC [0] (n=Davide-N@user-0cev9vm.cable.mindspring.com) |
23:51:09 | | Join erram_ [0] (n=erram@cpe-70-114-41-70.satx.res.rr.com) |
23:51:26 | webguest43 | I installed rockbox on my sansa e270 and along with the photo file and video file and record file there is a tmp file. |
23:51:46 | Llorean | webguest43: None of those are folders created by Rockbox. |
23:52:20 | webguest43 | so are they from the original os |
23:52:21 | Davide-NYC | I'm having trouble building test_codec for the gigabeat S, anyone want to help? Here's a pastebin of the the error: http://www.rockbox.org/irc/log-20080821#06:53:29 |
23:53:15 | Davide-NYC | webguest43: presumably yes |
23:53:33 | rasher | Davide-NYC: The issue seems pretty simple. test_codec assumes it's running on a player with frequency scaling. It isn't. |
23:53:38 | | Part Inverse |
23:53:48 | LambdaCalculus37 | Davide-NYC: Yo, dude! Got the same error as you |
23:53:49 | Davide-NYC | so I can just comment out the line? |
23:53:54 | | Join ackers [0] (n=Becks@80-235-149-109.cable.ubr22.newt.blueyonder.co.uk) |
23:54:06 | * | Davide-NYC busts out his text editor |
23:54:17 | webguest43 | do keep my mp3 player on the usb mode or do i switch back to mpt |
23:54:31 | | Join RoC_MasterMind [0] (n=Free@c-24-127-250-250.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) |
23:54:35 | | Part ackers |
23:54:39 | Llorean | webguest43: it's up to you, but it's easier to use Rockbox with MSC |
23:54:41 | rasher | Davide-NYC: I suppose the more "correct" (in the sense that it's still a hack) thing would be to set CPUFREQ_MAX to the frequency the S runs at (I guess, all the time?) |
23:55:02 | Llorean | rasher: An even better solution would be to see what it does for Gigabeat F |
23:55:05 | Llorean | Since that has no scaling either |
23:55:27 | LambdaCalculus37 | Llorean: Good idea. :) |
23:55:30 | | Quit midkay_ ("Leaving") |
23:55:44 | LambdaCalculus37 | Davide-NYC: Can you PM me? |
23:55:45 | gevaerts | The best solution of course would be to implement scaling :) |
23:55:47 | webguest43 | What folders do rockbox create for media storage? or do i just make them myself? |
23:55:53 | LambdaCalculus37 | You make them youself. |
23:55:54 | rasher | Llorean: And do we know that test_codec works on gigabeat? |
23:56:08 | webguest43 | k, thanx |
23:56:12 | | Quit erram_ (Remote closed the connection) |
23:56:13 | Davide-NYC | rasher: I can build for GBF to test |
23:56:15 | Llorean | rasher: There are results from it posted in the wiki, so I'm assuming it does. |
23:56:23 | rasher | Maybe there should just be #ifdef CPUFREQ_MAX { use that } #else { use CPU_FREQ } |
23:56:43 | rasher | I'm surprised it works for gigabeat, since that doesn't seem to set CPUFREQ_MAX either |
23:56:57 | rasher | Err.. |
23:56:58 | rasher | Ignore me |
23:56:59 | * | Davide-NYC compiling |
23:58:08 | rasher | s3c2440/gigabeat-fx/system-target.h:#define CPUFREQ_MAX 296352000 |
23:58:12 | Davide-NYC | where is CPUFREQ_MAX defined? |
23:58:12 | n1s | that CPUFREQ_MAX is just used for displaying the MHz needed for realtime |
23:58:25 | Davide-NYC | ah |
23:58:31 | rasher | Davide-NYC: in (for example) target/arm/s3c2440/gigabeat-fx/system-target.h |
23:58:42 | Davide-NYC | yeah, I saw that after posting |
23:58:46 | * | Davide-NYC doh! |