00:00:54 | LambdaCalculus37 | http://pastebin.com/m580e12f5 |
00:03:07 | LambdaCalculus37 | linuxstb: MBR backed up; firmware backed up... shall I press the big red button now? :) |
00:04:37 | * | LambdaCalculus37 hits it anyway, and goes to have something to eat in the meantime |
00:04:39 | | Quit LambdaCalculus37 ("Do quit now, there's a demon around the corner!") |
00:07:20 | | Join massiveH [0] (n=massiveH@ool-44c48a1e.dyn.optonline.net) |
00:11:12 | | Quit petur ("here today, gone tomorrow") |
00:12:44 | | Join Zarggg [0] (n=z@65-78-69-194.c3-0.eas-ubr6.atw-eas.pa.cable.rcn.com) |
00:15:36 | | Quit hannesd (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
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00:24:08 | | Quit bluebrother ("cu") |
00:26:10 | | Quit shotofadds (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
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00:34:39 | | Part achilles ("Time makes no sense") |
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00:47:19 | | Quit n1s () |
00:49:38 | | Quit soopurman (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
00:53:10 | * | pixelma wonders if the "flip volume buttons too" is a fix that should be in the release branch too |
00:54:28 | | Join quassel251 [0] (n=quassel@2001:700:300:1800:213:d3ff:fee9:5ed0) |
00:54:37 | | Quit ender` (" You don't have to think too hard when you talk to teachers. -- J. D. Salinger") |
00:54:44 | | Quit swimmer (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
00:55:18 | * | gevaerts wonders about "#define MODEL_NUMBER 9 /* TODO: change to 9 */" in config-ipodmini.h |
00:55:32 | | Join LambdaCalculus37 [0] (i=1800dac6@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-312b360fcc390289) |
00:55:33 | | Join swimmer [0] (n=swimmer@95-50-223.ftth.xms.internl.net) |
00:56:17 | gevaerts | pixelma: I would say no, as it's not strictly a bugfix. |
00:56:28 | | Quit quassel251 (Client Quit) |
00:56:35 | | Join freqmod_qu [0] (n=quassel@2001:700:300:1800:213:d3ff:fee9:5ed0) |
00:56:48 | LambdaCalculus37 | After all of that fun with dd'ing /dev/urandom to the nano, I now get the "Use iTunes to Restore" message. |
00:56:50 | pixelma | well, for brickmania it would be.. ;) |
00:57:43 | linuxstb | LambdaCalculus37: That's not surprising, but it was worth testing... Assuming it's the same as earlier ipods, you'll need to corrupt the flash rom for it to go to a lower-level recovery mode. |
00:58:35 | linuxstb | And the only way I can think of doing that is to interrupt a flash. i.e. download the firmware upgrade (see IpodManualRestore), dd it to your ipod, then do MENU+SELECT whilst it's reflashing. |
00:58:42 | Llorean | LambdaCalculus37: Speaking of that. I sent you an email. Could you email me your Nano 2G's MBR? |
00:59:06 | gevaerts | pixelma: the problem is, there are probably dozens of things like that, and we do want to release this century :) |
00:59:08 | LambdaCalculus37 | Llorean: Sure. |
00:59:17 | | Quit iamben (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
01:00 |
01:03:15 | | Quit JdGordon ("Konversation terminated!") |
01:03:21 | LambdaCalculus37 | linuxstb: I could try that right now if you'd like. |
01:05:20 | | Join krazykit [0] (n=kkit@host-69-145-35-234.static.bresnan.net) |
01:05:55 | linuxstb | LambdaCalculus37: It could be a very quick way to brick your Nano though... |
01:06:37 | * | linuxstb would probably do some more google research to try and find out how others have reached this situation first |
01:06:54 | mcuelenaere | LambdaCalculus37: you could also try shorting the NAND pins (if you have access to them, I have never opened/seen a 2G inside) |
01:07:02 | mcuelenaere | others had success while doing that |
01:07:16 | mcuelenaere | with other players though |
01:07:32 | * | linuxstb spots Bagder's blog is now the #1 result on google for "nano dfu mode" |
01:07:43 | * | LambdaCalculus37 wonders if he should risk it |
01:09:11 | pixelma | didn't find much more than the washing machine way (more than once) when googling around a bit earlier. My search was more 2nd gen Shuffle related though |
01:09:38 | * | LambdaCalculus37 reads one of the links on Bagder's blog |
01:09:38 | gevaerts | Did you find other kinds breakages using the washing machine method? |
01:09:57 | LambdaCalculus37 | gevaerts: Hardware damage would be numero uno on that list. |
01:10:23 | gevaerts | But washing mashine sounds like shorting something to me |
01:10:39 | * | linuxstb thinks a usb dump of this in action would be helpful - http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1238 |
01:11:01 | pixelma | and I found a "how to disassemble a 2nd gen Shuffle" guide |
01:11:12 | LambdaCalculus37 | pixelma: Is it the iFixit guide? |
01:11:21 | LambdaCalculus37 | linuxstb: That's Shuffle-only. :/ |
01:11:31 | * | LambdaCalculus37 would need a Shuffle to work with that |
01:11:33 | linuxstb | LambdaCalculus37: I know... |
01:11:39 | pixelma | http://appleipodparts.com/ipod/repair_guides/Shuffle%202nd%20Generation/disassembly/Di%20001.pdf |
01:12:12 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
01:12:17 | LambdaCalculus37 | pixelma: There's this one as well: http://www.ifixit.com/Guide/iPod/iPod-Shuffle-2nd-Generation/100 |
01:12:38 | pixelma | gevaerts: what do you mean? |
01:12:42 | | Join saratoga [0] (n=9803c6dd@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-54e7553980a50d00) |
01:12:48 | LambdaCalculus37 | mculenaere: Found this: http://www.ifixit.com/Guide/iPod/iPod-Nano-2nd-Gen/99 |
01:12:53 | saratoga | shorting nand pins is pretty safe |
01:13:15 | pixelma | LambdaCalculus37: looks the same |
01:13:16 | saratoga | they have a very high output impedance anyway, so you're not really shorting them |
01:13:19 | gevaerts | pixelma: it's basically broken by making it wet. That means shorted pins somewhere |
01:13:46 | LambdaCalculus37 | saratoga: What's a good, safe method? |
01:13:49 | saratoga | and if the nand chip in question has a chip enable pin, you can use that, since those are made to be shorted |
01:14:02 | | Join CaptainKewl [0] (n=jason@207-237-173-165.c3-0.nyr-ubr4.nyr.ny.cable.rcn.com) |
01:14:38 | saratoga | i'd find the chip enable pin, and then touch a multimeter pin to it and the other end of the probe to the battery negative terminal |
01:14:52 | saratoga | should turn off the NAND chip safely enough |
01:15:38 | LambdaCalculus37 | saratoga: This should be the NAND chip here: http://www.ifixit.com/Guide/99/images_large/19.jpg |
01:15:47 | saratoga | you could also use a DMM in current reading mode and just measure the current from a pin to the battery/usb/whatever ground, should be safe enough and you'd be able to see if a lot of current is being pulled for some reason |
01:16:03 | pixelma | gevaerts: I only read of cases where it was stuck in DFU mode or completely dead, but then I mainly searched for Shuffle and there's probably not much sign if anything else failed |
01:16:52 | * | LambdaCalculus37 is currently poking around in the diagnostic mode |
01:17:37 | | Quit reacocard (Connection timed out) |
01:18:09 | LambdaCalculus37 | Question... we don't have a dedicated wiki page for the nano 2nd gen, do we? |
01:20:17 | * | LambdaCalculus37 checks and sees we don't |
01:20:53 | | Part toffe82 |
01:22:12 | | Quit avis (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
01:22:28 | saratoga | i see that part in the hynix product guide, but not pin out |
01:22:34 | saratoga | are nand chips standardized? |
01:23:00 | | Quit LambdaCalculus37 ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
01:23:22 | | Join LambdaCalculus37 [0] (i=1800dac6@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-806ee77c4d0dbd35) |
01:24:04 | saratoga | ah seems they are |
01:25:59 | saratoga | pin 9 should be chip enable |
01:32:40 | | Quit faemir ("Leaving") |
01:33:38 | saratoga | in case anyone is wondering, the nand chip seems to use a package called tsop1/tsop48 which apparently is pin compatible with many different companies nand: http://www.analog.com/static/imported-files/application_notes/EE_279Rev1_105.pdf |
01:33:41 | saratoga | see figure 1 |
01:36:52 | | Quit mf0102 (Remote closed the connection) |
01:37:00 | * | wpyh is downloading |
01:39:28 | | Join avis [0] (n=ident@pdpc/supporter/student/avis) |
01:39:37 | * | LambdaCalculus37 has an initial nano 2G wiki page up: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IpodNano2GPort |
01:40:28 | wpyh | speaking of DFU modes, does anyone know about the DFU mode on the iriver T60? |
01:40:50 | LambdaCalculus37 | wpyh: Google doesn't bring up anything good? |
01:42:01 | wpyh | nothing |
01:43:01 | saratoga | is there a datasheet for that CPU or one similar to it? |
01:43:57 | wpyh | saratoga: you mean about the iriver T60 cpu? |
01:44:14 | LambdaCalculus37 | saratoga: It's the same as the Meizu M6 and the nano 2G. |
01:44:23 | wpyh | yes, there is, but the main thing is I was trying to do it without opening it up :p |
01:44:48 | saratoga | where is the datasheet then? |
01:45:15 | wpyh | LambdaCalculus37: how about pressing some buttons together with Play when booting up, see if that gives you the DFU mode on the nano? |
01:45:16 | saratoga | ah i see |
01:45:23 | saratoga | should link it from the nano page too |
01:45:25 | LambdaCalculus37 | saratoga: http://rapidshare.com/files/101234522/S5L8700X-DS.pdf.html |
01:47:23 | LambdaCalculus37 | saratoga: Done. |
01:49:39 | | Quit kugel ("ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox 3.0.1/2008070208]") |
01:52:27 | | Quit krazykit ("Connection reset by beer") |
01:52:50 | | Quit CaptainKewl (Remote closed the connection) |
01:53:02 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) |
01:53:17 | LambdaCalculus37 | wpyh: I have a very, very crazy notion... what would possibly happen if I attempted to write a Meizu bootloader to the nano? |
01:53:29 | LambdaCalculus37 | Besides the obvious "kiss its ass goodbye". :) |
01:55:28 | wpyh | LambdaCalculus37: if it works, then it would probably just make the screen flash ;) |
01:58:04 | LambdaCalculus37 | wpyh: I'm getting errors when building: http://pastebin.com/m5b8db76b |
01:59:25 | wpyh | hmmm... |
01:59:38 | wpyh | maybe you need to redownload and rebuild the toolchain? |
02:00 |
02:00:29 | LambdaCalculus37 | Will do. |
02:00:36 | * | LambdaCalculus37 runs rockboxdev.sh again |
02:09:01 | | Join fdinel [0] (n=Miranda@modemcable204.232-203-24.mc.videotron.ca) |
02:10:48 | | Quit culture (Connection timed out) |
02:11:26 | | Join Lars_G [0] (n=Lars@ippool.ifxnetworks.com.ve) |
02:11:34 | Lars_G | Ok I did the first update in a long time, and I think I broke something |
02:11:34 | LambdaCalculus37 | wpyh: I just entered a weird mode on the nano. I reset it (MENU+SELECT) while it was connected, then hit BACK+PLAY on a whim. |
02:11:52 | LambdaCalculus37 | It now displays a USB cable with the iPod support URL. |
02:11:55 | wpyh | is it the diag mode? |
02:12:01 | wpyh | what happens on the PC? |
02:12:20 | wpyh | i.e. lsusb? |
02:13:01 | Lars_G | First I have a few "skipped" files during svn update |
02:13:12 | LambdaCalculus37 | My brother hooked it to his Windows PC. It appears as "Disk Drive > USB Storage Device", then iTunes refused to do anything with it. |
02:13:58 | Lars_G | you should be able to restore it in disk mode. |
02:14:13 | LambdaCalculus37 | Lars_G: This is something entirely different. |
02:14:23 | Lars_G | then just reset it. |
02:14:36 | Lars_G | And worse case scenario, reset it, set it to disk mode and restore it. |
02:14:49 | LambdaCalculus37 | Lars_G: No, I mean this is something *entirely* different, as in "I want this to happen" different. |
02:15:20 | Lars_G | it's probably disk mode or test mode |
02:15:28 | * | LambdaCalculus37 smacks his forehead |
02:16:21 | Lars_G | ..... |
02:16:24 | LambdaCalculus37 | This is a 2nd gen nano, and I'm trying to enter DFU mode on it. |
02:16:42 | LambdaCalculus37 | I'm not looking for support, and I certainly want to cause a little ruckus to the nano. |
02:17:19 | wpyh | hm... |
02:17:34 | Lars_G | So, are you saying you accidentally found a ultra secret steve jobs mode by accident on a device hackers have been hitting with more sofisticated methods for a long while? |
02:17:34 | LambdaCalculus37 | wpyh: The nano isn't mounting, but sudo lsusb -v is picking it up. |
02:17:46 | wpyh | LambdaCalculus37: post it then ;) |
02:17:53 | LambdaCalculus37 | wpyh: Pastebinning now. |
02:18:54 | LambdaCalculus37 | wpyh: http://pastebin.com/m28270b0a |
02:19:20 | wpyh | see this: bInterfaceSubClass 1 Device Firmware Update |
02:19:21 | wpyh | :D |
02:19:27 | Lars_G | Or this |
02:19:31 | wpyh | you've managed to get into DFU mode ;) |
02:19:33 | Lars_G | # |
02:19:34 | Lars_G | iProduct 2 iPod Recovery |
02:19:36 | wpyh | how does dmesg look? |
02:20:38 | LambdaCalculus37 | http://pastebin.com/m430dd797 |
02:21:52 | wpyh | LambdaCalculus37: hm... can you try the meizu_dfu util and run the meizu m6sl test code? (don't use the NOR and NAND loader, just the test code) |
02:22:33 | * | LambdaCalculus37 found DFU Mode on the 2nd gen nano! \o/ |
02:23:29 | LambdaCalculus37 | wpyh: I'm waiting for the dev environment to rebuild. Will do afterwards. |
02:23:49 | * | wpyh has just walked on the star walk a few days ago. probably LambdaCalculus37's name should be put there ;) |
02:23:53 | wpyh | ah, ok |
02:24:32 | | Join Thorne [0] (n=th@24-145-64-241-dhcp.mia.fl.atlanticbb.net) |
02:24:46 | mcuelenaere | bluebrother, gevaerts: FS #9363 |
02:24:50 | Thorne | Good evening. |
02:26:48 | Thorne | This may seem like a silly question, but can you folks see what I say? |
02:27:06 | wpyh | mculenaere: isn't it discussed in IRC (as opposed to SVN)? |
02:27:25 | wpyh | *mcuelenaere |
02:27:30 | * | wpyh mistypes someone's name |
02:27:38 | Unhelpful | Thorne: i can't. :D |
02:27:45 | Thorne | Ah, good. :) |
02:27:51 | Thorne | [20:24:30] ::: Can't join #rockbox: (registered only (+r)) |
02:27:54 | mcuelenaere | wpyh: wooops, I need to get some sleep :) |
02:27:55 | Thorne | ^^ Confused me. |
02:28:10 | Lars_G | Thorne: Need to register and auth with nickserv |
02:28:22 | Thorne | Or what_ |
02:28:26 | Thorne | *? |
02:28:32 | wpyh | Thorne: I got your PM message ("Evening.") |
02:28:41 | Lars_G | Or you wont be able to join the channel :P |
02:29:00 | LambdaCalculus37 | This isn't a social channel, by the way. |
02:29:06 | | Quit mcuelenaere ("Zzzzzz") |
02:29:18 | Thorne | I'm here on serious business. |
02:29:51 | Thorne | Will Rockbox still work if I put a SSD into my 5.5 gen iPod video? |
02:31:20 | wpyh | Thorne: what kind of SSD, exactly? |
02:31:52 | Thorne | Oh, well I haven't really looked, since if I doesn't work, I won't need to look. |
02:32:11 | LambdaCalculus37 | Rockbox should still work. |
02:32:20 | wpyh | yeah, it should work |
02:32:24 | Thorne | Has anyone done it? |
02:32:26 | LambdaCalculus37 | People have managed to swap hard drives with CF cards. |
02:32:29 | | Quit phinze ("Lost terminal") |
02:32:33 | wpyh | for example, I've got an 8GB iPod Video here |
02:32:35 | wpyh | ;) |
02:32:37 | Thorne | Oh, nice. |
02:32:37 | Thorne | :) |
02:32:47 | wpyh | but... a CF card is _not_ an SSD |
02:32:52 | Thorne | Ofc. |
02:33:05 | Thorne | How'd you do that? |
02:33:09 | wpyh | mcuelenaere: what do you suggest I should do to init the lcd on the 767? :p |
02:33:30 | wpyh | Thorne: the CF thing? |
02:33:33 | Thorne | Yeah. |
02:33:44 | wpyh | here: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/CFModGuide ;) |
02:33:58 | Thorne | Cool, cheers. |
02:34:35 | Llorean | Thorne: Please don't use abbreviations like "ofc" for "of course". Please try to restrict your abbreviations to the project glossary. |
02:34:36 | | Quit nplus (Remote closed the connection) |
02:34:54 | Llorean | It causes problems for non-native speakers or those who depend on software for accessibility or translation purposes. |
02:35:50 | Thorne | If you're confused about abbreviation, you could just ask? |
02:36:02 | Thorne | Just a thought. |
02:36:35 | Llorean | Or, you could just respect the channel guidelines... |
02:36:44 | LambdaCalculus37 | And the non-native speakers. |
02:37:04 | | Quit XavierGr () |
02:37:17 | Llorean | I tried to be polite about it and explain why. If you'd rather, I can be impolite and say "These are the channel guidelines, you were given a link to them in the topic, and you will be expected to follow them." |
02:39:10 | | Part Llorean |
02:39:25 | | Join Llorean [0] (n=DarkkOne@ppp-70-242-15-106.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net) |
02:39:32 | | Join jgsprenger [0] (n=63e8f93f@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-a9547232c02e7ece) |
02:40:33 | Thorne | Fair enough. |
02:41:25 | Thorne | But so no has tried to replace their HDD with SSD? Is there any reason why it wouldn't work? |
02:42:39 | Llorean | It more or less depends on the design of the SSD I'd imagine. Some are made to be drop-in replacements for HDs, assuming that's the case, I would expect it to work or demand my money back. |
02:42:42 | wpyh | Thorne: I'm not aware of a cheap SSD. I'm wondering if an SSD of that form factor and interface exists. |
02:43:25 | LambdaCalculus37 | wpyh: There are some that exist, but they're way too expensive. |
02:44:22 | wpyh | OK. I'm waiting for a cheap 128 GB card ;) |
02:44:37 | * | LambdaCalculus37 is too |
02:44:53 | Lars_G | There are ide ssds, but I'm not sure about the ipod ultra small form factor |
02:45:13 | LambdaCalculus37 | There are 1.8" SSDs, but they're very expensive. |
02:46:13 | Lars_G | Sigh I can't compile the wps editor |
02:46:54 | Thorne | Alright, I suppose the thing to do is to wait until the prices come down. Hope the original doesn't die on me until then. |
02:47:00 | Unhelpful | i not that the CFMod guide doesn't have any beast on it :/ |
02:47:16 | Thorne | Thanks for the help. |
02:47:16 | * | LambdaCalculus37 waits patiently while the dev environment rebuilds on his laptop |
02:47:27 | LambdaCalculus37 | Unhelpful: So add it. ;) |
02:48:12 | Lars_G | Btw today I discovered rockbox is running (or about to) in a touchscreen device |
02:48:16 | Lars_G | it is so wonderful |
02:48:16 | Unhelpful | kinda hard to justify the expenditure for 64GB, as i have an S60 now, and an E270 for gym etc. use |
02:49:27 | Unhelpful | a 128GB available for a reasonable cost might change that, though |
02:50:30 | | Join Lambduh [0] (n=Lambda@12-203-112-233.client.mchsi.com) |
02:50:57 | Lars_G | btw I pulled a fresh svn pull (good bye to my 3 lovely patches :'( I'll try to make them work latter), the last svn I installed on my devs was from about 3 months ago... do I need to build a new bootldr or should it still be current? |
02:52:43 | Llorean | Lars_G: By "devs" do you mean "device" or "devices" or what? |
02:53:18 | Llorean | As it stands, I don't believe there have been significant bootloader changes lately, but if there were it'd matter which device you were talking about whether you were affected by them anyway. |
02:53:31 | Lars_G | Llorean: Ah sorry about the short. yes devices. |
02:54:04 | Lars_G | Llorean: Is there any way to check, or would you know if I told you the devices? (1g nano, E200 Sansa) |
02:54:37 | Llorean | Lars_G: Well there should never be any harm in asking RBUtil to update the bootloader. |
02:55:14 | Lars_G | I'll do so. Thanks |
02:55:15 | Unhelpful | i actually can't seem to find anything other than press releases regarding >32GB CF? |
02:55:54 | Lars_G | thanks. now I'll go see if I can reapply the patches, and adapt one to the sansa |
02:58:51 | | Part safetydan |
03:00 |
03:03:38 | | Join reacocard [0] (n=reacocar@WL-311.CINE.HMC.Edu) |
03:05:01 | LambdaCalculus37 | wpyh: My dev environment has been updated. Building a Meizu bootloader now. |
03:05:52 | LambdaCalculus37 | I have a rockboot.ebn file in the build folder. |
03:06:29 | wpyh | ok, watching progress... |
03:08:39 | | Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@adsl-99-149-51-18.dsl.frs2ca.sbcglobal.net) |
03:09:24 | LambdaCalculus37 | wpyh: Hmm... can't get meizu_dfu working. |
03:09:40 | wpyh | LambdaCalculus37: that is actually... expected |
03:09:46 | wpyh | the thing is, how does it not work? |
03:09:53 | | Join _emp [0] (n=tweaker@ip68-230-75-227.ph.ph.cox.net) |
03:10:16 | | Quit jgsprenger ("CGI:IRC") |
03:10:34 | LambdaCalculus37 | http://pastebin.com/m58a6d02b |
03:10:59 | wpyh | ah, the file names are not important |
03:11:13 | wpyh | you should try something like "meizu_dfu m6 rockboot.ebn rockboot.ebn" |
03:11:24 | | Quit wpyh (Remote closed the connection) |
03:11:28 | | Join homielowe [0] (n=cf51504e@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-2bb4d207c2d47fc4) |
03:11:43 | | Join wpyh [0] (n=william@dsl081-091-114.lax1.dsl.speakeasy.net) |
03:11:57 | LambdaCalculus37 | wpyh: "No Device Found", as expected. |
03:11:57 | wpyh | where was I? |
03:12:16 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
03:12:18 | LambdaCalculus37 | You were telling me how to use meizu_dfu. |
03:12:32 | | Part pixelma |
03:12:37 | wpyh | yeah, that's expected too :p |
03:13:21 | wpyh | you should edit the values given to usb_dev_open(), according to the lsusb output |
03:14:47 | | Quit wpyh (Remote closed the connection) |
03:15:12 | | Join wpyh [0] (n=william@dsl081-091-114.lax1.dsl.speakeasy.net) |
03:15:22 | wpyh | where was I again? |
03:16:12 | LambdaCalculus37 | Talking about editing the values given to usb_dev_open(). :) |
03:18:35 | wpyh | ah, ok |
03:18:39 | wpyh | so, does it work? |
03:19:28 | LambdaCalculus37 | Hmmm... |
03:19:42 | * | LambdaCalculus37 needs to do a little more work on this |
03:19:52 | LambdaCalculus37 | But in the meantime, I |
03:21:18 | LambdaCalculus37 | Oops. :P |
03:21:18 | | Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) |
03:21:25 | * | LambdaCalculus37 needs to clear some cobwebs from his head |
03:25:25 | | Quit LambdaCalculus37 ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
03:27:56 | Lars_G | I dream of the day a vendor releases a device with rockbox offitially |
03:28:02 | | Quit dabujo ("( www.nnscript.com :: NoNameScript 4.2 :: www.regroup-esports.com )") |
03:29:34 | | Quit reacocard (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
03:31:16 | | Join reacocard [0] (n=reacocar@DHCP-61-27.ST.HMC.Edu) |
03:33:20 | Lars_G | so many drooly patches :D |
03:35:43 | | Quit DerDome (Nick collision from services.) |
03:35:44 | | Join DerDome1 [0] (n=DerDome@dslb-082-083-211-027.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
03:35:56 | | Nick DerDome1 is now known as DerDome (n=DerDome@dslb-082-083-211-027.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
03:39:35 | Lars_G | I'm so glad to know that even with how incredibly small, my tiny contribution to rockbox is still there :') |
03:41:22 | Soap | amiconn, I really appreciate your cleanup of the fonts. 12 point font A being the same height as 12 point font B is a very welcome change. |
03:42:22 | Lars_G | Soap: And will be a great help for wps design |
03:42:27 | Lars_G | make it more font agnostic |
03:47:05 | | Quit homielowe ("CGI:IRC") |
03:51:21 | | Join homielowe [0] (n=homielow@d207-81-80-78.bchsia.telus.net) |
03:52:23 | Lars_G | One of my fave patches is dead. |
03:52:26 | Lars_G | Long live the patch |
03:57:37 | | Quit wpyh ("Leaving.") |
04:00 |
04:01:42 | | Join kkurbjun [0] (n=kkurbjun@c-67-165-207-195.hsd1.co.comcast.net) |
04:03:00 | kkurbjun | Is anyone around that has a backup of the gigabeat F OF fwimg0?.dat files? |
04:03:14 | kkurbjun | ideally for fw version 2.x |
04:07:19 | toffe82 | kkurbjun: yes but I am busy now |
04:11:54 | kkurbjun | toffe82: thanks, no worries, when you get a chance it would really help. |
04:12:42 | toffe82 | i see later tonight |
04:16:33 | _emp | is the server that hosts the themes down? |
04:19:33 | | Join soopurman [0] (n=soopurma@75-1-216-170.lightspeed.snantx.sbcglobal.net) |
04:22:21 | | Join miepchen^schlaf_ [0] (n=miepchen@p579ECD71.dip.t-dialin.net) |
04:28:56 | | Quit soopurman (Client Quit) |
04:37:50 | | Quit massiveH ("Leaving") |
04:39:14 | | Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
04:55:19 | | Join BHSPitLappy [0] (n=BHSPitLa@unaffiliated/bhspitmonkey) |
05:00 |
05:04:10 | | Quit Seed ("cu, Andre") |
05:08:10 | | Quit Zarggg () |
05:12:20 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
05:17:51 | | Nick beta2k_ is now known as beta2k (n=beta@d150-126-240.home.cgocable.net) |
05:19:03 | * | beta2k boots his Gigabeat |
05:19:20 | beta2k | Still can't get this 30gig iPod drive to work :( |
05:19:33 | Unhelpful | in a gigabeat?... |
05:20:42 | beta2k | Yeah |
05:20:55 | beta2k | gbformat won't see it |
05:21:23 | beta2k | Tried adding the gbsystem and .rockbox folders to it,get a system error |
05:21:34 | Unhelpful | F/X? :/ |
05:21:38 | beta2k | ghosted my 10gig to it, still got a system error |
05:23:04 | | Quit Lambduh (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
05:25:04 | beta2k | F |
05:25:31 | kkurbjun | beta2k: I had some problems with an IPOD drive.. it's been a while but I had to zero out the first sector and repartition it |
05:25:59 | beta2k | Wouldn't ghosting it do that? |
05:25:59 | kkurbjun | if you dump the first sector there's a bunch of apple specific stuff on it |
05:26:15 | kkurbjun | I'm not sure, never used a ghosting program |
05:26:15 | beta2k | Any idea the block size? |
05:26:52 | kkurbjun | not sure offhand |
05:27:13 | kkurbjun | I was using dd and fdisk in linus |
05:27:15 | kkurbjun | linux |
05:27:44 | kkurbjun | and I just started zeroing the drive using /dev/sdx |
05:27:51 | kkurbjun | rather than the partition number |
05:28:01 | beta2k | Well lets see how we make out with dd in vista.... :) |
05:28:15 | kkurbjun | :) |
05:29:48 | beta2k | Pft, vista sucks... |
05:29:53 | beta2k | Linux here we come |
05:29:53 | kkurbjun | there's another program that might be able to help in windows.. not sure how well it will work in vista, but I think it's winhex or something like that that allows you to edit the raw sectors in windows |
05:30:26 | kkurbjun | yeah, it was winhex |
05:32:13 | beta2k | Just grabbed it |
05:48:36 | | Quit Horscht ("User was distributing pornography on server; system seized by FBI") |
05:59:55 | | Join wpyh [0] (n=william@ |
06:00 |
06:14:22 | Thorne | Does "read buffer full" (or something to that effect) occur from too many files in a folder? |
06:16:54 | | Quit homielowe () |
06:21:47 | | Quit fdinel ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
06:23:51 | | Join homielowe [0] (n=homielow@d207-81-80-78.bchsia.telus.net) |
06:24:30 | beta2k | You were right kkurbjun, there's a extra 70mb apple partition at the start of the drive |
06:24:34 | Thorne | No, "dir buffer full", I think that's the one. |
06:25:13 | scorche|sh | Thorne: too many directories, yes...the manual should tell you how to take care of that |
06:25:28 | kkurbjun | cool, getting rid of that should get the drive running with the gigabeat OF |
06:30:51 | | Quit homielowe (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
06:31:04 | | Join homielowe [0] (n=homielow@d207-81-80-78.bchsia.telus.net) |
06:32:57 | | Nick swingline is now known as Palin4Porno (n=swinglin@ |
06:36:56 | Thorne | No, but here's the thing. I have 2,170 files (10.00 GB) in one folder and no matter what I set the maximum amount of files in a folder (or something to that effect) to be, I still get dir buffer full. So the only way to get around that is to split the files into multiple folders? |
06:37:34 | Thorne | If so, what is the limit on amount of files or diskspace or whatever is the limiting factor? |
06:39:38 | Thorne | Because all those files are in the same folder, so I don't see how too many folders can be the problem. Unless you mean too many folders on the device on the whole? |
06:39:58 | scorche|sh | you still get that even if you raise the limit to the max? (i think that is 10,000 or some such) |
06:40:05 | Thorne | Yes! :( |
06:40:13 | Thorne | It is 10,000. |
06:40:34 | Thorne | Both my playlist limit and the other limit are 10,000. |
06:41:59 | Thorne | I have the 80 GB 5.5 gen iPod Video, if that makes any difference. |
06:49:38 | | Quit homielowe () |
06:53:07 | Thorne | Anyone? :( |
06:57:25 | Llorean | Thorne: Did you raise the limit, then turn off the player, then turn it back on? |
06:57:51 | Thorne | Ah, I wasn't aware that the player must be rebooted. Let me try that. |
06:58:49 | * | wpyh feels having to reboot is very flawed... |
06:59:52 | Llorean | wpyh: Then we'd just have to drop the setting and allocate the maximum amount always. |
06:59:59 | Llorean | There's no dynamic allocation in Rockbox. |
07:00 |
07:00:17 | Thorne | What's the disadvantage of setting the limit too high? |
07:00:40 | reacocard | less cache space for audio data |
07:00:55 | Thorne | Well, cause I have another problem also. |
07:01:14 | * | wpyh is thinking of something else: dynamic reloading |
07:01:19 | Llorean | Basically, setting the limit higher than necessary provides a small reduction in battery life. |
07:01:29 | | Quit perrikwp ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
07:01:30 | Thorne | Ah, ok, that's not too bad. |
07:01:33 | wpyh | something like rebooting part of RB |
07:01:33 | | Quit jhulst (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
07:01:44 | Llorean | wpyh: What's the difference between that and a real reboot then? |
07:01:47 | | Join perrikwp [0] (i=d1a8d351@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-d23f4628886fc2b6) |
07:01:52 | Llorean | You'd still have to stop music playback, and almost anything else going on. |
07:02:11 | Thorne | When I pick a song to play from the filebrowser (instead of hitting next or waiting), the song will usually play for about a second, stop for about three and then play the rest of the song. |
07:02:20 | wpyh | the point is to only have to stop music playback and any running plugin −− without having to reboot |
07:02:28 | Thorne | Any way to fix that? |
07:02:37 | Llorean | Thorne: What player do you have? |
07:02:39 | | Join mazling [0] (i=largeear@host86-147-122-183.range86-147.btcentralplus.com) |
07:02:42 | wpyh | and having the music continue playing automatically after the buffer size is updated |
07:02:52 | Thorne | 5.5 gen iPod Video 80 GB. |
07:02:56 | Llorean | wpyh: So submit a patch that does this? |
07:03:25 | Llorean | Thorne: Most likely it's just due to the performance issues we have on some of those players right now. Buffering and playback at the same time can cause buffering to be a bit too slow right now. |
07:04:16 | wpyh | Llorean: 'twas just an idea... not even a suggestion −− but still, a good idea (which means this goes to my long TODO) |
07:04:18 | saratoga | pausing and reloading everything probably wouldn't be a whole lot different then just ROLOing rockbox |
07:04:31 | wpyh | Llorean: does that mean you like the idea? |
07:05:00 | saratoga | since you'd likely have to reload the main executable, and at that point I doubt reinitializing the hardware really costs all that much extra |
07:06:12 | wpyh | saratoga: well, I'll probably look into it soon |
07:06:14 | Llorean | wpyh: I don't think anyone *likes* having to have Rockbox reboot, it's just the most efficient way at the moment. Least overhead. |
07:07:05 | wpyh | Llorean: ok... actually, implementing the code needed to support dynamic reloading would increase code overheead |
07:07:16 | wpyh | but it would be more convenient |
07:07:34 | stuart | It's an audio player, not a database server. No-one cares that you might need to reboot it. |
07:07:38 | Llorean | You could always implement a prompt "Reboot now: Select=Yes, Anything Else = No" |
07:08:01 | Llorean | Similar to the RoLo request when the rockbox binary is updated on disk. |
07:08:29 | wpyh | hm... I'll take a look at RoLo |
07:09:45 | Thorne | Llorean, and there's no way to make it buffer enough to not skip later? |
07:10:21 | wpyh | OK, RoLo seems nice |
07:10:23 | Llorean | Thorne: That would basically require it to delay starting playback a bit longer. The problem can be solved, and generally speaking it's being worked on. |
07:10:35 | wpyh | stuart: I beg to differ. But maybe our goals are different. |
07:10:38 | Llorean | In fact, I'd bet that as dual core spreads to codecs it'll solve this problem. |
07:10:43 | Thorne | Alright, that's fine. |
07:11:03 | saratoga | or better yet, when buffering goes on the second core |
07:11:29 | Llorean | saratoga: I would imagine buffering would stay on the UI core, while codecs would be on #2? |
07:11:37 | Llorean | But either way, the dual core split will help. |
07:11:44 | saratoga | Llorean: thats correct, I mispoke |
07:12:21 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
07:12:27 | Llorean | Thorne: Anyway, so it won't necessarily be fixed in the next couple days or anything, but the fix for it should improve a lot of things all at once. |
07:12:42 | saratoga | i don't even think moving the codec onto the second core would be that hard, but i fear touching the playback engine so very much |
07:13:23 | saratoga | i should probably ask Nico_P about it one of these days |
07:14:58 | Llorean | Well, now's a good time for experimental-ish code. |
07:15:21 | Llorean | Since we've just ended the freeze, it gives the most amount of time for things to get some widespread use in. |
07:28:14 | | Join nuonguy [0] (n=john@c-71-198-1-139.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) |
07:30:54 | | Quit feisar ("leaving") |
07:31:27 | | Join feisar [0] (i=jljhook@sevo.fi) |
07:31:27 | | Quit saratoga ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
07:34:08 | wpyh | does the behaviour of splash screens staying there after they have timed out a bug or an expected behaviour? |
07:35:42 | | Join Bagderr [241] (n=daniel@rockbox/developer/bagder) |
07:36:07 | | Nick Bagderr is now known as B4gder (n=daniel@rockbox/developer/bagder) |
07:38:22 | | Join goffa_ [0] (n=goffa@ |
07:38:25 | _emp | Llorean, is there a code freeze tar ball for release 3? |
07:39:08 | _emp | if not, I'll just roll one from the subversion tree |
07:39:47 | B4gder | there's only svn for that still |
07:42:18 | _emp | thanks |
07:43:48 | _emp | is there something wrong with the themes tonight? I'm having problems connecting. |
07:45:11 | | Quit mazling ("Inde da'covale misain ye; Caballien misain ye!") |
07:46:25 | scorche|sh | hrm? |
07:46:49 | _emp | my app won't connect to download themes |
07:47:04 | | Join hannesd [0] (n=light@p5B161226.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
07:47:29 | scorche|sh | it appears to be down...it is not an official site |
07:48:16 | _emp | okay, just wanted to make sure I didn't break anything with my local build |
07:49:00 | | Quit Acky (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
07:49:23 | | Join Acksaw [0] (n=omgwtfbb@cpc2-stok5-0-0-cust754.bagu.cable.ntl.com) |
07:50:01 | | Quit goffa (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
07:53:00 | | Join LinusN [0] (n=linus@rockbox/developer/LinusN) |
07:58:57 | LinusN | what targets are considered for the 3.0 release? |
07:59:11 | LinusN | or rather, what targets are not? |
08:00 |
08:00:28 | Llorean | I don't think that's been decided with finality yet |
08:00:59 | LinusN | i see |
08:01:54 | B4gder | 1g2g is usually mentioned as not release worthy |
08:01:59 | Llorean | I'm strongly against the 1g2g iPod, and I'd like recording disabled across all iPods, other than that I think we can justify releasing for every target we have a "Current Build" for |
08:02:12 | B4gder | I agree |
08:02:20 | LinusN | then maybe r18404 should go into the release branch as well |
08:02:57 | fyrestorm | "I'd like recording disabled across all iPods" |
08:02:59 | fyrestorm | QFT |
08:03:49 | Llorean | What does QFT mean? |
08:03:58 | fyrestorm | quote for truth :D |
08:05:01 | Llorean | LinusN: Which is 18404, can't check at the moment |
08:05:15 | LinusN | the button flip for C200 |
08:05:30 | Llorean | I agree it should go in, then |
08:07:51 | | Quit hannesd (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
08:18:03 | | Quit BHSPitLappy (Remote closed the connection) |
08:18:52 | | Join bughunter2 [0] (n=Jelle@ |
08:19:15 | amiconn | Llorean: Well, if you are against ipod G1/G2, then iaudio M3 should also not be included for 3.0 |
08:20:14 | Llorean | I don't know enough about the M3 to really have an opinion on that. |
08:20:45 | amiconn | But I'm not so sure about this. The ports work, it's just that you can't shutdown (G1/G2) resp. charge (M3) |
08:21:42 | amiconn | It would be necessary to document this, along with the necessary steps to work around this |
08:21:55 | Llorean | I think being able to shut down is just something people will be very confused about |
08:22:03 | Llorean | People have to look up how to charge without rebooting, and we can put a warning there. |
08:22:12 | Llorean | Though |
08:22:14 | Llorean | For M3, I don't know |
08:22:43 | | Join binaryhermit [0] (n=ameyer17@adsl-75-58-39-53.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net) |
08:23:10 | | Join AndyI [0] (n=pasha_in@ |
08:23:30 | amiconn | You cannot charge the M3 with just the charger. It doesn't charge in rockbox, and unlike the M5/X5, the cowon loader doesn't switch to charging mode when you connect the charger from off state. It boots straight into rockbox |
08:25:00 | amiconn | When you start by connecting USB, the cowon loader enters its own USB mode, and charges (very slowly, since disk is spinning). |
08:25:41 | Llorean | That's fairly ugly |
08:25:54 | amiconn | In order to use the charger for charging, you need to use a trick. Start the M3 by connecting USB, so that the cowon loader enters its USB mode. Then plug the charger, and pull USB afterwards |
08:26:18 | | Join saratoga [0] (n=41becb3b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-ca9670bc38f98607) |
08:27:53 | Topic | "Please read before speaking: http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/IrcGuidelines | Please direct offtopic/social chat to #rockbox-community | Rockbox 3.0 branched!" by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) |
08:29:02 | binaryhermit | so, are there plans to provide svn builds and/or nightlies of the 3.0 branch? |
08:29:12 | | Part toffe82 |
08:29:12 | amiconn | Btw, the ipod G1/G2 "shutdown" trick is easier. Long Play will cause rockbox to reboot. As soon as the "Shutting down.." splash appears, enable the hold switch, so that our bootloader will enter the OF, which then sleeps after a few minutes |
08:30:14 | | Quit sarixe ("Ex-Chat") |
08:30:26 | amiconn | Reset to get back into rockbox |
08:30:30 | | Quit saratoga (Client Quit) |
08:30:59 | binaryhermit | also, would it be possible for some compilers to create working rockbox builds for the sansa e200 and for some other compilers to create builds that lock up hard upon plugging in a USB cable? |
08:31:08 | | Quit BigBambi (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
08:32:17 | amiconn | Hmm, I just had an idea for a temporary shutdown solution that removes the necessity to enable hold, and would also work for idle poweroff |
08:33:23 | amiconn | We could define a RAM cookie for our own bootloader (similar to how the "diskmode\0hotstuff\0" works for the apple rom) that makes it enter the OF even when hold is not enabled |
08:33:30 | | Join krz [0] (n=irc_by@turbo.sml.by) |
08:33:50 | | Quit AndyIL (Connection timed out) |
08:34:07 | amiconn | Rockbox would then set this cookie before "shutdown" |
08:35:17 | | Quit FOAD (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
08:36:34 | | Join Makuseru [0] (n=max@ |
08:37:46 | | Join ender` [0] (i=krneki@foo.eternallybored.org) |
08:39:29 | binaryhermit | because I suspect that's what's causing http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/9236 |
08:40:21 | binaryhermit | (sorry it took 9 minutes to finish that thought, I had to look up the bug number, and my connection wasn't particularly cooperative) |
08:46:21 | | Part wpyh |
08:49:42 | amiconn | binaryhermit: This has nothing to do with the compiler, but with the builds themselves. It's a known effect, but the cause is not kknown |
08:50:10 | Thorne | Llorean, rebooting fixed it. Like you suggested. |
08:50:19 | | Quit bughunter2 ("bye") |
08:50:33 | amiconn | Reboot into usb works with some builds, but not with others, even if they're build on the same machine. This affects all PP502x targets, not just e200 |
08:51:33 | amiconn | Llorean: Do we have set the release date yet? |
08:52:06 | amiconn | LinusN: Would it be possible to have a "last N commits" list on the website for the 3.0 branch as well? |
08:52:25 | LinusN | good idea, i'll pass that on to B4gder :-) |
08:52:37 | B4gder | good idea, i'll pass that on to LinusN! ;-P |
08:53:06 | Llorean | amiconn: I don't believe we do, no. |
08:54:17 | B4gder | if my presence will matter for the release, it could be interesting to know that I'll be gone the 10-17th |
08:54:53 | | Join Rob2223 [0] (n=Miranda@p4FDCCA53.dip.t-dialin.net) |
08:56:58 | Llorean | I'm not sure what remains to be done. We probably want to have a new build of RButil, maybe with the themes site disabled. And maybe do something about the themes wiki pages, add a "3.0 themes" section to each page which will currently be empty (due ot the font change) |
08:57:20 | Llorean | Then assuming no bugs crop up by the time both of these things are done, wrap it up and put it online? |
08:57:22 | B4gder | binaryhermit: most people use the exact same compiler and binutil versions |
08:57:36 | B4gder | Llorean: yeps |
08:58:25 | binaryhermit | B4gder: I know I've seen at least two different versions of gcc used in official builds in the past few days |
08:58:48 | B4gder | really? |
08:59:00 | B4gder | can you be more specific? |
08:59:23 | * | Llorean guesses 4.1.1 |
08:59:29 | binaryhermit | if you give me a few minutes, yeah |
09:00 |
09:00:44 | B4gder | Llorean: what official build would use that? |
09:01:14 | amiconn | Iirc a few (one?) build server uses 4.0.4 for arm instead of 4.0.3 |
09:01:52 | binaryhermit | could the host GCC matter? |
09:02:08 | binaryhermit | because that's where I'm seeing the differences |
09:02:15 | Llorean | B4gder: I seem to recall seeing it in the build log once when I clicked at dev.cgi. I may be mistaken though, but the number is for some reason in the forefront of my mind. |
09:02:27 | B4gder | since the problem comes and goes with the same gcc on the same host, I don't see how this is gcc related |
09:02:30 | Llorean | binaryhermit: We've seen really strange things happen with different GCC major versions, at least. |
09:02:43 | | Join Thorn [0] (n=th@24-145-64-241-dhcp.mia.fl.atlanticbb.net) |
09:02:45 | amiconn | host GCC can be different, that's only relevant for the simulators |
09:03:12 | binaryhermit | ok, so I'm barking up the wrong tree here, I guess |
09:03:51 | B4gder | yes, I wish it was as simple to explain as versions of the tools... |
09:03:52 | | Join petur [50] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
09:04:06 | binaryhermit | are the daily build versions just copies of the last svn build of the day or are they fresh rebuilds? |
09:04:14 | B4gder | they're fresh builds |
09:04:19 | B4gder | all done on the same host |
09:05:17 | binaryhermit | because the svn build of r18390 had this issue but the daily build of it didn't |
09:06:00 | | Quit Palin4Porno ("Leaving") |
09:06:01 | | Join mazling [0] (i=largeear@host86-147-122-183.range86-147.btcentralplus.com) |
09:06:22 | binaryhermit | anyway, sorry for wasting everybody's time here |
09:11:51 | | Quit DataGhost (Nick collision from services.) |
09:11:59 | | Join DataGhost [0] (i=dataghos@unaffiliated/dataghost) |
09:12:24 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
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09:16:55 | | Join pixelma [50] (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) |
09:19:36 | | Join BigBambi [0] (i=86ceaf40@rockbox/staff/BigBambi) |
09:20:14 | | Quit Thorne (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
09:33:30 | unknown | hey |
09:33:59 | unknown | what can I do to help to get rockbox working on the sansa view?? |
09:34:34 | unknown | i know c coding, limited embedded expierence |
09:36:27 | B4gder | disassemble the firmware |
09:36:32 | B4gder | build your own bootloader |
09:37:41 | unknown | i'll have a look into it |
09:37:47 | | Join reacocard_ [0] (n=reacocar@WL-311.CINE.HMC.Edu) |
09:38:11 | B4gder | unknown: we know the file format so decrypting/encrypting that is already done |
09:38:31 | B4gder | but the view is different than the e200 series so we need to figure out its hw |
09:39:54 | unknown | the wiki said the lcd and the gpio is currently the problem |
09:40:32 | unknown | which could be figured out using the disassembled firmware, or the datasheet(s) |
09:40:42 | B4gder | there are no datasheets for that |
09:41:18 | scorche|sh | or, at least that we have |
09:41:24 | | Join funman [0] (n=tg@82-171-216-191.ip.telfort.nl) |
09:47:25 | unknown | which datasheets are there, and which are missing? |
09:48:30 | | Quit shodanX (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
09:50:09 | B4gder | the main SoC chip is a PP one that is undocumented for the world |
09:50:25 | B4gder | the codec chip is an AMS one for which we have the docs |
09:50:55 | pixelma | so the volume button flip for c200 should go into the release branch as well? |
09:50:57 | B4gder | pretty much the same situation as for the e200, but this uses a different PP flavour |
09:51:59 | | Join ReKleSS [0] (n=ReKleSS@d122-109-208-83.meb16.vic.optusnet.com.au) |
09:54:09 | funman | which model are you talking about ? |
09:54:39 | | Join [CBR]Unspoken|w [0] (n=cbr@leased-line-60-126.telecom.by) |
09:54:54 | | Quit reacocard (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
09:55:22 | B4gder | the view |
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10:07:36 | | Join krz_ [0] (n=chatzill@mail.jvl.by) |
10:26:44 | | Nick reacocard_ is now known as reacocard (n=reacocar@WL-311.CINE.HMC.Edu) |
10:34:01 | | Quit linuxstb (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
10:38:54 | B4gder | it struck me: should we include the fonts in the 3.0 release archives? |
10:39:40 | B4gder | I guess not, as rbutil can get them anyway easily? |
10:40:59 | pixelma | one suggestion at DevCon was to provide an extry 3.0 themes and fonts package |
10:41:24 | | Quit [CBR]Unspoken|w (No route to host) |
10:41:34 | pixelma | including some more themes (per target only) which are not in SVN but are popular |
10:41:50 | pixelma | extra too |
10:44:32 | Llorean | If we include fonts by default, we should only include fonts that don't break the default theme |
10:44:42 | | Quit nuonguy ("This computer has gone to sleep") |
10:44:52 | Llorean | Since themes are still fairly font dependent at this time. |
10:46:37 | | Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) |
10:46:44 | | Join amiconn [50] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) |
10:46:44 | pixelma | you mean only fonts at one size? |
10:48:11 | | Join Seed [0] (n=ben@bzq-84-108-232-45.cablep.bezeqint.net) |
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10:51:07 | Llorean | pixelma: Basically yes. Unless the theme is using viewports and can work okay with smaller ones |
10:51:37 | pixelma | what about other SVN themes? |
10:53:18 | * | rasher considers an evil font-size checking font picker |
10:53:29 | rasher | With theme support to specify acceptable font sizes |
10:54:46 | pixelma | what I want to say is this - many targets include more than one theme which need more than one font size, I don't think restricting to one font size will work and there's always the possibility someone choses a wrong font |
10:55:35 | | Join Llorean1 [0] (n=DarkkOne@ppp-70-242-15-106.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net) |
10:58:21 | | Quit Llorean (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
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11:03:28 | | Nick Llorean1 is now known as Llorean (n=DarkkOne@ppp-70-242-15-106.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net) |
11:07:18 | | Join BigBambi_w [0] (i=86ceaf37@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-db4895e663894117) |
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11:12:59 | | Nick BigBambi_w is now known as BigBambi_l (i=86ceaf37@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-db4895e663894117) |
11:19:30 | | Join pondlife [50] (n=Steve@rockbox/developer/pondlife) |
11:20:11 | | Quit miepchen^schlaf_ () |
11:20:50 | pondlife | I'm getting an error building 3.0, having just checked it out... http://pastebin.com/m5790b84f |
11:21:05 | pondlife | This is the output from make for an H300 sim |
11:21:18 | pondlife | Under Cygwin |
11:21:52 | pondlife | trunk builds fine (as always). |
11:24:37 | | Join miepchen^schlaf_ [0] (n=miepchen@p579ECD71.dip.t-dialin.net) |
11:25:00 | | Nick reacocard is now known as reacocard|testin (n=reacocar@WL-311.CINE.HMC.Edu) |
11:25:05 | | Join bmbl [0] (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/bmbl) |
11:26:04 | LinusN | pondlife: haha, it's the (RC1) version string that breaks it |
11:26:18 | LinusN | or rather "(3.0 RC)" |
11:26:30 | pondlife | Brackets to go? |
11:26:43 | pondlife | Or quotes to be added? |
11:27:12 | LinusN | whatever is simplest |
11:27:54 | | Join reacocar` [0] (n=reacocar@WL-311.CINE.HMC.Edu) |
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11:41:06 | | Quit reacocar` ("Coyote finally caught me") |
11:55:53 | pondlife | LinusN: How about http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/9364 as a fix? |
11:55:55 | pondlife | Works herre |
11:55:58 | pondlife | here, even |
11:57:13 | LinusN | pondlife: as good as any fix |
11:57:41 | pondlife | I wasn't sure if the format was being parsed elsewhere, will commit it if not. |
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12:00:56 | | Quit Thundercloud (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
12:01:15 | * | pondlife commits and hopes it went into the correct branch automagically... |
12:02:40 | petur | hehe |
12:03:03 | * | pixelma still wonders whether the c200 volume button flip should go into the release branch (read 3 comments so far) |
12:03:05 | pondlife | I guess the build system is clever enough to ignore revisions that don't affect trunk. |
12:06:05 | | Join mr_pink [0] (n=pete@pjrh2.caths.cam.ac.uk) |
12:06:17 | pondlife | The home page should really mention that the freeze is over... |
12:07:55 | | Join rvvs89 [0] (n=rvvs89@pdpc/supporter/active/rvvs89) |
12:08:04 | * | pondlife thinks about committing http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/8894 in the hope that it will get more attention... aside from binsize there's no downside any more, I don't think. |
12:08:55 | LinusN | i don't care much about binsize on the players with 16MB or more |
12:10:27 | | Join Mathiasdm [0] (n=Mathias@78-22-6-189.access.telenet.be) |
12:10:39 | pondlife | It's SWCODEC only, I think. Do we need any other >=16MB tests? |
12:10:48 | | Join faemir [0] (n=faemir@88-106-209-242.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) |
12:11:02 | pondlife | It's a most useful feature for audio books |
12:11:24 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@rockbox/staff/XavierGr) |
12:14:16 | Llorean | I think as long as it's a genuine playback feature, and there's no workaround to accomplish something similar, binsize really isn't a question on the swcodec targets. |
12:15:21 | Llorean | To me at least, binsize is something to think about with gui features, or features that are very nearly just a different way of doing something that can already be done, etc. Spending binsize is fine, but throwing it away isn't. Of course, it's always subjective whether something is or isn't that. |
12:15:57 | pondlife | The only workaround would be to pre-process the audio first, which is awkward with a potential mix of codecs (although it would give better sound quality). |
12:16:11 | LinusN | come on, it's a cool and useful feature |
12:16:15 | pondlife | With podcasts especially, you don't want to need that. |
12:16:43 | Llorean | I don't think there's a workaround for this one. |
12:16:44 | LinusN | as long as it doesn't affect the playback in a negative way when it isn't used |
12:16:45 | Llorean | I'm in favour of it. |
12:16:54 | LinusN | go ahead, i want it! |
12:17:00 | pondlife | After you! |
12:17:27 | pondlife | Or I'll do it tomorrow, but won't be around for long to fix up any mess. |
12:18:02 | | Join culture [0] (n=none@cpc1-bele3-0-0-cust658.belf.cable.ntl.com) |
12:18:20 | LinusN | let's wait then |
12:20:53 | | Join mf0102 [0] (n=michi@85-127-38-26.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at) |
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12:59:49 | | Part pondlife |
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13:03:07 | | Quit scotty_007 (Client Quit) |
13:03:43 | flux | hello. does/will rockbox support Sid Tune Information List? |
13:03:48 | | Join homielowe [0] (n=homielow@unaffiliated/homielowe) |
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13:04:24 | flux | the list contains the playback lengths of many of the sid files, which would be nice to use when playing lots of sid files.. |
13:04:58 | | Join desowin [0] (n=desowin@atheme/member/desowin) |
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13:05:24 | B4gder | I don't think rockbox supports that at all |
13:05:27 | flux | actually I'm not sure if that "STIL" is the database I was thinking of :) |
13:05:36 | flux | but a song length database nevertheles exists |
13:07:00 | flux | perhaps some day I'll install a rockbox dev environment and attempt to do the hack myself.. but there's no shame in hoping others would do for me first, right?-) |
13:07:57 | | Join fdinel [0] (n=Miranda@modemcable204.232-203-24.mc.videotron.ca) |
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13:09:31 | flux | another thing which I cannot find from the bug database is: wouldn't it be great if the boot loader checked the state of the hold switch again, before turning of, but after displaying the message? |
13:09:46 | | Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@gw1.mycosmos.gr) |
13:10:07 | flux | (also, that requires patching the boot loader and hence is slightly more difficult - and potentially dangerous - to your device to do) |
13:10:26 | flux | turning of -> turning off |
13:10:38 | BigBambi_l | Is "of" a typo for "off" or "on" |
13:10:42 | BigBambi_l | heh :) |
13:10:50 | BigBambi_l | The bootloader is running at shutdown |
13:10:51 | flux | I mean the case when the hold switch is locked |
13:10:57 | BigBambi_l | It is only used to boot |
13:11:05 | BigBambi_l | *isn't |
13:11:17 | flux | yes, I'm referring to boot |
13:11:29 | flux | so when the device is locked, it says a message "unlock it" |
13:11:30 | BigBambi_l | What do you mean by before turning off? |
13:11:45 | flux | after displaying it there's a brief delay and the device switches off |
13:11:52 | BigBambi_l | also, what player are we talking about? |
13:12:11 | flux | iRiver iHP-120; I suppose it's the same with all players which have physical lock switches |
13:12:26 | B4gder | nope |
13:12:26 | | Quit miepchen^schlaf_ (Connection timed out) |
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13:12:35 | BigBambi_l | no, that depends how the bootloader works |
13:12:35 | B4gder | the situations differ |
13:13:57 | BigBambi_l | And tbh, I don't see the point here. It would add unecessary checks to the bootloader. Just turn the device on again, and you have probably lost max of 5 seconds |
13:14:12 | flux | right, and those 5 seconds add up :) |
13:14:42 | B4gder | and the reverse, for the case you _do_ switch on wrongly the bootloader would need to wait a while longer for the keypress |
13:14:45 | BigBambi_l | If you wait a long enough time for people to see the message, turn hold off, then check again you are wasting time and battery there too. Maybe a tiny amount, but as you say, those tiny amounts add up |
13:15:21 | flux | b4gder, so it's optimized for the case when you press the power-on-key, and simultaneously (within 3 seconds of pressing) switch the physical switch to another position? |
13:15:25 | BigBambi_l | If you are paying enough attention to be ready to flip the hold switch in the short enough time when you see the message, just check the hold switch before you turn on |
13:15:46 | B4gder | flux: no, it's meant to prevent you from switching it on in your pocket or bag |
13:15:56 | B4gder | by accident |
13:16:00 | flux | b4gder, yes, but for the common use case a second switch would change nothing |
13:16:08 | flux | hm |
13:16:10 | flux | s/switch/check/ |
13:16:11 | BigBambi_l | except keeping the player on for longer |
13:16:15 | flux | how come? |
13:16:19 | flux | it still stays on for 3 seconds |
13:16:22 | B4gder | no |
13:16:39 | B4gder | rockbox waits no 3 seconds |
13:16:41 | BigBambi_l | It would take more time before turning off again, whilst it waits for you to possibly flip the switch and then cheks it again |
13:16:56 | B4gder | at least I'm not aware of any such wait |
13:17:09 | flux | b4gder, well, I'm quite certain I'm seeing a text on my device, with backlight on, when I turn it on but the hold mode is on |
13:17:20 | BigBambi_l | Also, the bootloader on the H100 is the most risky bit of code - adding even simple things to it that are not needed should be avoided IMO |
13:18:19 | flux | it says "Rockbox boot loader\nVersion 6\n\n\nHOLD switch on, power off.." |
13:18:25 | flux | and there's delay |
13:18:39 | flux | bigbambi_l, well, from my pov that's the best reason for not modifying the code |
13:18:42 | BigBambi_l | Whatever the wait now (if any), doing it your way would still leave it on for more time before turning off again if it were turned on by mistake in e.g. a pocket |
13:19:16 | flux | so what is rockbox doing in those 2-3 seconds it displays the message? |
13:19:28 | flux | it no longer has the capability to recheck the hold switch? |
13:20:00 | flux | I don't see how rechecking an input affects the time the device is on, unless the hold switch is infact released. |
13:20:06 | BigBambi_l | ah, I see what you mean |
13:20:14 | BigBambi_l | I still don't think it is a good idea |
13:20:30 | B4gder | well, iriver_h1x0.c has no 2-3 second wait |
13:20:39 | flux | b4gder, does it have the text I quoted? |
13:20:50 | B4gder | yes, that's the code for the h1x0-specific bootloader stuff |
13:20:59 | B4gder | bootloader/iriver_h1x0.c |
13:21:05 | flux | b4gder, so what does it do after displaying the text? |
13:21:21 | B4gder | printf("Hold switch on"); |
13:21:21 | B4gder | shutdown(); |
13:21:32 | B4gder | ah |
13:21:41 | B4gder | there's a 2 second timeout in that last one |
13:21:47 | BigBambi_l | B4gder: He is talking about continuously rechecking the hold switch during that splash, and if hold goes off during the time of the splash, then aborting shutdown and booting |
13:21:57 | * | BigBambi_l just got it :) |
13:22:22 | B4gder | so yes, it could do the check again in shutdown() and then start over |
13:22:24 | flux | hmm, has the text changed or is there another place for that? |
13:23:09 | flux | right, the shutdown as a sleep. what would be lost is the sleep that was just issued to ATA, I wonder if that would be a problem.. |
13:23:21 | flux | as -> has |
13:24:12 | BigBambi_l | I wouldn't argue against that from a user point of view, I thought you were talking about extending the time out. |
13:25:07 | B4gder | in general I think the iriver bootloaders lack some features because people are generally scared of touching them... ;-) |
13:25:49 | BigBambi_l | indeed |
13:26:13 | flux | I guess for a reason, few have the hardware for fixing the device when it breaks |
13:26:23 | B4gder | right |
13:26:25 | BigBambi_l | s/few/LinusN :) |
13:26:34 | | Join mcuelenaere [0] (n=mcuelena@rockbox/developer/mcuelenaere) |
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13:27:05 | flux | but, that should be _so_ simple fix that nothing would break! |
13:27:06 | flux | ..right ;) |
13:27:23 | B4gder | then fix it and smile! ;-) |
13:27:23 | * | BigBambi_l volunteers flux to try it |
13:27:47 | B4gder | and by definition I would argue it isn't a "fix"... |
13:28:07 | * | B4gder is picky now |
13:28:07 | flux | how does one put custom bootloader in anyway? I think I originally installed it by patching a firmware from iRiver? |
13:28:14 | | Join LambdaCalculus37 [0] (n=LambdaCa@nmd.sbx09467.newyony.wayport.net) |
13:28:18 | B4gder | flux: correct |
13:28:27 | B4gder | it needs to get merged onto an iriver binary |
13:28:30 | LambdaCalculus37 | B4gder: Have you seen the logs? |
13:28:32 | flux | b4gder, it's the final bit of polish that will attract multitudes of iPod users ;) |
13:28:44 | B4gder | LambdaCalculus37: uh no I don't think so... |
13:28:46 | flux | b4gder, so no bootloader upgrade plugin? |
13:28:59 | LambdaCalculus37 | B4gder: I found DFU mode on the 2nd gen iPod nano! |
13:29:15 | dionoea | \o/ |
13:29:22 | B4gder | right, that I noticed! did you try to throw anything at it with the dfu tools? |
13:29:29 | Nico_P | LambdaCalculus37: congratulations! |
13:29:36 | B4gder | cool work nonetheless |
13:29:45 | B4gder | flux: nope |
13:29:59 | LambdaCalculus37 | B4gder: The dfu tools didn't see the nano, of course. |
13:30:01 | flux | b4gder, does anyone know how to write one? |
13:30:01 | B4gder | flux: we leave the flashing of the bootloader to the iriver firmware stuff |
13:30:12 | B4gder | flux: yes |
13:30:14 | flux | I suppose there aren't many people wanting to try it out anyway :) |
13:30:18 | B4gder | exactly |
13:30:40 | B4gder | LambdaCalculus37: ah |
13:31:32 | BigBambi_l | B4gder: Does the iriver_flash plugin do builds only? |
13:31:33 | Nico_P | LambdaCalculus37: which ones did you try? |
13:31:44 | LambdaCalculus37 | B4gder: To access DFU mode, reset the iPod with MENU+SELECT, then press and hold BACK+PLAY. A picture of the dock connector should appear with the Apple support URL; according to lsusb, this is DFU mode. |
13:32:01 | B4gder | BigBambi_l: i forgot about that one. I'm not sure exactly what it does actually |
13:32:20 | BigBambi_l | Well it flashes builds to ROM to overwrite the iriver firmware for example |
13:32:33 | BigBambi_l | I don't know if it'll do the bootloader too |
13:32:52 | BigBambi_l | I *think* I used it to flash bootloader 7pre4 |
13:32:59 | BigBambi_l | But I can't remember :) |
13:33:26 | B4gder | LambdaCalculus37: thanks, I'll update my blog entry |
13:33:38 | flux | well, it's not very important anyway, it should be easy enough to use the standard mechanism of merging the bootloader with the published firmware? |
13:33:54 | BigBambi_l | Bagder, flux: Iriver_flash will flash bootloaders from inside Rockbox: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IriverFlashing |
13:35:48 | | Quit funman ("leaving") |
13:35:48 | LambdaCalculus37 | Nico_P: I tried compiling a Meizu bootloader to send it via meizu_dfu. But meizu_dfu doesn't recognize the iPod, which wpyh and I figured is because we need to add the USB info for it to the source. |
13:35:56 | LambdaCalculus37 | B4gder: Awesome. Awesome to the max! :) |
13:36:04 | LambdaCalculus37 | I posted the output of sudo lsusb -v to the forums. I'll also add it to the wiki page. |
13:37:52 | Nico_P | LambdaCalculus37: there are other DFU tools IIRC |
13:38:47 | LambdaCalculus37 | Nico_P: Besides meizu_dfu, what else would work? |
13:38:51 | * | petur knows all about the dangers of flashing irivers and hopes LinusN can fix it.... |
13:39:23 | B4gder | Nico_P: afaiu, this isn't quite the "standard" dfu format |
13:39:24 | GodEater | LambdaCalculus37: did you try the openmoko dfu-util, or the xpwn one ? |
13:39:53 | * | GodEater suspects the xpwn one is the one most likely to work |
13:39:55 | LambdaCalculus37 | GodEater: Neither yet. I'll try them out. |
13:40:03 | | Join Schmogel [0] (n=Miranda@p3EE2191C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
13:40:04 | LinusN | petur: didn't have time to do it yesterday, i'll try this evening instead. you have a new reset button now at least. |
13:40:18 | petur | muchas garcias! |
13:40:30 | * | Nico_P also expects an iphone one to be more likely to work |
13:40:35 | LambdaCalculus37 | GodEater: Isn't xpwn Linux-only, or should it work on OS X? |
13:40:44 | GodEater | it's cross platform |
13:40:47 | GodEater | will work on windows too |
13:40:50 | LambdaCalculus37 | Ahh, good. :) |
13:41:07 | GodEater | I don't suggest you use xpwn itself, just the hacked dfu-util it includes |
13:41:19 | GodEater | I posted the link to the git repo for it yesterday |
13:42:33 | * | LambdaCalculus37 checks the logs |
13:43:01 | GodEater | http://github.com/planetbeing/xpwn/wikis |
13:43:45 | * | GodEater looks at the sunshine outside and thinks he should probably get into it... |
13:43:57 | LambdaCalculus37 | GodEater: Thanks! |
13:47:23 | * | LambdaCalculus37 has to head to work now |
13:47:31 | | Quit LambdaCalculus37 ("Do quit now, there's a demon around the corner!") |
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14:08:23 | | Nick Tuplanol1a is now known as Tuplanolla (n=jani@ |
14:08:55 | * | GodEater wonders if there's also a DFU mode on the 3rd gen Nano |
14:09:03 | | Quit jfc (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
14:09:30 | B4gder | I would assume so |
14:10:25 | GodEater | you know what they say about assumption |
14:11:15 | B4gder | "it's what makes life more fun?" ;-) |
14:11:34 | mcuelenaere | GodEater: I think I've just read something about a DFU mode on the the 3G.. |
14:11:47 | GodEater | mcuelenaere: excellent :) |
14:11:47 | | Join jfc [0] (n=john@dpc691978010.direcpc.com) |
14:11:52 | GodEater | B4gder: close but no cigar ;) |
14:12:01 | | Quit jfc (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
14:14:29 | | Join JdGordon|uni [0] (i=3cf2155b@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-e88d416cf7e88bf7) |
14:14:55 | | Nick JdGordon|uni is now known as JDGordon (i=3cf2155b@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) |
14:17:21 | | Join LambdaCalculus37 [0] (i=44a04303@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-66a88b6469916af0) |
14:17:38 | mcuelenaere | GodEater: ah no, it was an iPhone 3G :( |
14:18:35 | LambdaCalculus37 | Update on the DFU mode on the 2nd gen nano... it seems that you have to first trash the firmware before you can access it. |
14:19:10 | markun | LambdaCalculus37: and is the key combo even needed? |
14:19:21 | LambdaCalculus37 | markun: It is. |
14:19:34 | | Quit XavierGr (Nick collision from services.) |
14:19:44 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@rockbox/staff/XavierGr) |
14:19:55 | LambdaCalculus37 | I tried accessing it on a nano with working firmware. No dice. |
14:20:41 | LambdaCalculus37 | Looks like people will have to take the risk of purposely trashing the firmware partition to get into this mode. |
14:22:17 | mcuelenaere | gevaerts: have you seen FS #9363? |
14:23:26 | GodEater | LambdaCalculus37: so when you say you "found" the DFU mode, do you mean you found a document elsewhere, or that you tried it on your own Nano ? |
14:23:50 | BigBambi_l | GodEater: His own |
14:24:02 | BigBambi_l | Or rather, one in his possesion I believe :) |
14:24:04 | GodEater | so how did you trash the firmware then ? |
14:24:11 | BigBambi_l | dd zeros to it |
14:24:28 | LambdaCalculus37 | GodEater: I tried it on my own nano. |
14:24:37 | GodEater | BigBambi_l: to what ? |
14:24:45 | GodEater | as I recall, the firmware partition is hidden |
14:24:56 | LambdaCalculus37 | BigBambi_I: Actually, I dd'ed /dev/urandom to it, at the suggestion of linuxstb. |
14:24:56 | BigBambi_l | GodEater: As he is here, I'll let him answer |
14:25:09 | | Quit JDGordon ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
14:25:24 | GodEater | seems my memory is faulty |
14:25:58 | LambdaCalculus37 | GodEater: I attached the nano to my laptop in disk mode. According to mount and df -h, the nano's main storage partition was /dev/sda2. |
14:26:35 | LambdaCalculus37 | So, I executed "dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda1" and let it run. Lo and behold, the nano was displaying the disk access spinner. |
14:26:42 | GodEater | it must be the later ones which hide it then |
14:27:07 | LambdaCalculus37 | This one was purchased around Xmas '06, 3 months after its initial release. |
14:27:38 | GodEater | later as in the 3G / Classic ;) |
14:27:44 | LambdaCalculus37 | Ah. :) |
14:28:20 | LambdaCalculus37 | BigBambi_I: My brother's disowned this nano, anyway. |
14:28:53 | GodEater | and if rumours are to be believed, there'll be a 4G in a few weeks |
14:29:56 | LambdaCalculus37 | And if that is the case, then we're going to have yet another wave of noobs rushing in screaming at us to port Rockbox to the new nano. |
14:31:52 | GodEater | hurray |
14:33:08 | | Quit reacocard|testin (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
14:33:57 | | Join t0mas [0] (n=tomas@rockbox/developer/t0mas) |
14:35:06 | | Join massiveH [0] (n=massiveH@pool-72-76-34-19.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) |
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14:47:32 | | Quit Seed ("cu, Andre") |
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14:50:10 | | Join Thundercloud_ [0] (n=thunderc@host81-158-163-136.range81-158.btcentralplus.com) |
14:50:27 | LambdaCalculus37 | Hmmm... looks like the nano contains either a Samsung or Hynix NAND flash chip: http://www.ifixit.com/Parts/images/products/199/199001l.jpg |
14:50:44 | jgsprenger | howdy... in follow up to the broken WMA issue.... I got as far as determining WMA codec broke sometime after Aug 21, 2008... the silly database refresh loop kept me waiting forever between reloads....sigh |
14:50:48 | | Quit Thundercloud (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
14:51:10 | amiconn | jeffdameth: c200? |
14:51:22 | amiconn | Err, @ jgsprenger |
14:52:15 | BigBambi_l | amiconn: e200, but I tested his file on the beast and it played far too slowly on that too |
14:52:19 | | Join beta2k_ [0] (n=beta@d150-126-240.home.cgocable.net) |
14:52:41 | BigBambi_l | jgsprenger: Could you add that information to the bug report? |
14:52:53 | amiconn | I was asking because of the database refresh loop |
14:52:58 | BigBambi_l | ah, sorry |
14:56:03 | jgsprenger | e280 @ amiconn |
14:56:21 | jgsprenger | e280 @ amiconn |
14:56:34 | jgsprenger | e280 @ amiconn |
14:56:37 | | Quit jgsprenger ("CGI:IRC") |
14:58:25 | | Join jgsprenger [0] (n=63e8f93f@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-bc511019314bc786) |
14:58:38 | jgsprenger | crashed |
14:58:46 | jgsprenger | e280 @ amiconn |
14:59:18 | BigBambi_l | jgsprenger: We know, you've sqid it 4 times now |
14:59:22 | BigBambi_l | *said |
15:00 |
15:00:16 | jgsprenger | ooops |
15:00:28 | jgsprenger | didnt update on my side...sorry |
15:03:22 | | Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
15:04:44 | BigBambi_l | jgsprenger: I'd recommend www.mibbit.com over the cgi::irc client you are using at the moment. |
15:05:03 | GodEater | took the words right out of my mouth (s/mouth/fingers) |
15:06:18 | | Quit beta2k (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
15:07:20 | jgsprenger | ok... how do i join this channel? |
15:07:27 | jgsprenger | from there* |
15:07:47 | LambdaCalculus37 | Join #rockbox on freenode.net. |
15:08:34 | | Quit jgsprenger ("CGI:IRC") |
15:09:21 | | Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=miepchen@p579EC95A.dip.t-dialin.net) |
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15:16:59 | | Quit tvelocity (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
15:18:34 | GodEater | personally, I'd have opened a second browser window to ask for help with mibbit if I thought I was going to need it... |
15:20:07 | petur | :) |
15:21:02 | GodEater | perhaps that's controversial though :) |
15:22:14 | | Join n1s [0] (n=nils@rockbox/developer/n1s) |
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15:38:26 | | Quit ReKleSS ("Leaving") |
15:39:32 | | Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@gw1.mycosmos.gr) |
15:45:12 | beta2k_ | Yay, got my drive to work finally :) |
15:46:06 | beta2k_ | Thanks to kkurbjun for pointing out that Apple put some extra crap at the start of the drive :) |
15:47:09 | GodEater | the "extra crap" that makes it work you mean ? :) |
15:47:30 | BigBambi | Not in an F |
15:47:49 | BigBambi | Which is where he was trying to use the drive (taken from an ipod) :) |
15:47:51 | beta2k_ | Exacty |
15:48:48 | beta2k_ | I was under the assumption that the F would simply try and load the FW from the first FAT32 partition |
15:49:14 | BigBambi | beta2k_: You need to attend a little course GodEater is running |
15:49:32 | BigBambi | B4gder and I have already graduated, and I can vouchsafe it was very useful |
15:49:46 | beta2k_ | Oh? |
15:49:53 | GodEater | it's a very short course |
15:50:15 | rasher | amiconn: 10-Artwiz-Snap.bdf has the wrong number in the CHARS line. I take it this should be fixed to match the amount of STARTCHAR lines? (in both trunk and 3.0) |
15:51:01 | beta2k_ | How not to assume 101? |
15:51:20 | | Quit XavierGr (Nick collision from services.) |
15:51:33 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@rockbox/staff/XavierGr) |
15:52:23 | BigBambi | beta2k_: Or why not to :) |
15:52:49 | rasher | amiconn: Probably not a big deal, but bdfresize just noticed it |
15:52:54 | beta2k_ | Hehehe :) |
15:53:05 | GodEater | the title of the course pretty much covers all the material |
15:53:18 | GodEater | "Assumption is the mother of all fuckups" |
15:53:25 | GodEater | congrats, you pass |
15:55:50 | | Quit mazling (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
15:56:26 | | Quit sbhsu (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
15:57:43 | LambdaCalculus37 | Do we get a prize? ;) |
15:59:35 | | Quit Schmogel ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
16:00 |
16:03:04 | beta2k_ | Hey LambdaCalculus37, I've got a HD for you |
16:03:52 | * | GodEater guesses it is "untested, as-is" |
16:05:04 | beta2k_ | "burn marks are no indication of drive status" |
16:05:20 | | Quit Nico_P ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
16:05:33 | LambdaCalculus37 | beta2k_: Tell me more in community. |
16:07:25 | | Quit tvelocity (Connection timed out) |
16:07:26 | | Join J-23 [0] (n=aldwulf@a105.net128.okay.pl) |
16:09:41 | | Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@ |
16:15:43 | | Part LinusN |
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16:19:53 | | Join TheWhiteRider [0] (n=test@ |
16:19:59 | TheWhiteRider | Hello.. |
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16:39:00 | amiconn | rasher: You're right |
16:42:41 | mcuelenaere | gevaerts: I fixed the stuff you mentioned in FS #9363, do you think it's ready for committing? |
16:44:12 | gevaerts | mcuelenaere: sure, go ahead |
16:44:18 | mcuelenaere | ok |
16:58:49 | | Join saratoga [0] (n=9803c6dd@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-324aa84317b7fb91) |
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17:11:42 | LambdaCalculus37 | I've noticed that the manual for the iPod 3G has an improper blind description, and the 1G/2G is lacking one. I'm going to fix that. |
17:12:32 | BigBambi | improper? You mean it is a bit forward, it tries to through itself on the reader? :P |
17:12:38 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
17:14:46 | LambdaCalculus37 | BigBambi: The iPod 3rd gen's description is still using the description for the 4G, mini, nano, and video (click wheel). |
17:15:24 | BigBambi | LambdaCalculus37: Sorry, that was a joke. I'll explain elsewhere :) |
17:15:37 | | Join bughunter2 [0] (n=Jelle@ |
17:18:28 | krz_ | mcuelenaere: hi, should your new system build dlls? |
17:18:45 | mcuelenaere | how do you mean, should? |
17:19:25 | | Join herrwaldo [0] (n=waldo@ip-81-11-223-2.dsl.scarlet.be) |
17:19:48 | krz_ | mcuelenaere: so, does it build dlls while running qmake wpseditor.pro? |
17:20:16 | mcuelenaere | yes, now it does (I just committed a fix for Windows) |
17:20:27 | mcuelenaere | BTW this isn't fully mine, gevaerts also contributed |
17:21:40 | mcuelenaere | krz_: have you seen FS #9362 ? |
17:21:56 | krz_ | mcuelenaere: just after commit :) |
17:23:04 | mcuelenaere | 9362 is the one about the linenumbers, 9363 was committed |
17:23:26 | krz_ | mcuelenaere: probably better name could be chosen |
17:23:41 | | Quit mf0102 ("Ex-Chat") |
17:23:49 | mcuelenaere | krz_: better name for .. ? |
17:24:44 | krz_ | mcuelenaere: for libs, not just capitalized, but lower case as it was before. what do you think? |
17:25:20 | | Quit Nico_P ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
17:25:32 | mcuelenaere | krz_: ah yes that, I know that was just a quick fix |
17:25:36 | mcuelenaere | could've been done prettier |
17:25:46 | mcuelenaere | you're free to provide a patch ;) |
17:26:13 | krz_ | jup |
17:28:01 | saratoga | anyone object to me commiting FS #9285 now? |
17:28:56 | LambdaCalculus37 | saratoga: Go for it. :) |
17:29:07 | LambdaCalculus37 | Speedups are good. :) |
17:31:17 | massiveH | does anyone with an iriver H3x0 have any input on http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/9202 |
17:33:28 | petur | yes... we don't like // comments :p |
17:33:49 | | Part B4gder |
17:33:56 | LambdaCalculus37 | Comments should use /* */ |
17:34:05 | * | massiveH is a C++ programmer :P |
17:34:21 | petur | C++ also accepts /* */ |
17:34:31 | flux | doesn't C also nowadays accept // ? |
17:34:43 | massiveH | it does, since that is how I commented stuff out. |
17:35:02 | flux | (like, that's a standard feature these days, not just a vendor extension) |
17:35:09 | LambdaCalculus37 | massiveH: But the Rockbox code uses /* */ for comments. |
17:35:18 | massiveH | would you like it more if I changed the comments to /* */ for consistancy? |
17:35:20 | | Quit miepchen^schlaf () |
17:35:39 | petur | the comment is useless and can just go |
17:36:20 | massiveH | the comment says what the new code is doing... |
17:36:31 | * | desowin got used to /* */ comments after a while |
17:36:56 | petur | ah, there's another comment at the top |
17:36:58 | massiveH | I hate to ask, but why /* */ over // for single lines? |
17:37:07 | GodEater | because :) |
17:37:11 | massiveH | ok :P |
17:37:34 | * | massiveH fires up the rockbox vm |
17:38:15 | petur | http://svn.rockbox.org/viewvc.cgi/trunk/docs/CONTRIBUTING?revision=17369&view=markup |
17:38:39 | petur | or even better http://svn.rockbox.org/viewvc.cgi/trunk/docs/CONTRIBUTING?view=markup |
17:38:58 | saratoga | is it just me or does patch have trouble deleting files? |
17:39:00 | massiveH | simple enough for me. |
17:39:08 | | Quit tvelocity (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
17:39:31 | massiveH | oh, should the patch be .patch also? |
17:39:54 | petur | while you're at it ;) |
17:39:55 | GodEater | massiveH: we're less worried about that |
17:40:10 | * | GodEater sees .diff and .patch in equal measure usually |
17:40:21 | massiveH | well, mine is .txt, lol |
17:40:36 | LambdaCalculus37 | Nothing an extension change can't fix. ;) |
17:40:52 | massiveH | but the diff accepts any extension, right? |
17:45:51 | | Join super [0] (i=super@c80-217-96-53.bredband.comhem.se) |
17:49:44 | | Join cfp [0] (n=clement@abo-17-57-68.mts.modulonet.fr) |
17:49:55 | cfp | Hello all ! |
17:49:58 | | Quit Thundercloud_ (Remote closed the connection) |
17:50:40 | cfp | if there's an admin around, IMHO task #9348 can be closed |
17:50:45 | | Quit linuxstb (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
17:51:30 | cfp | And what is the thing about target-specific strings in plugins ? |
17:51:50 | cfp | Is there a related task in the tracker ? |
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17:53:20 | | Join cfp [0] (n=clement@abo-17-57-68.mts.modulonet.fr) |
17:56:50 | petur | cfp: why? it isn't fixed yet, is it? Or is there a duplicate task still open? |
17:59:06 | | Quit moos ("Rockbox rules the DAP world") |
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18:00 |
18:03:14 | cfp | petur: well it cannot really be fixed, in fact |
18:03:57 | petur | cfp: I was thinking that the GSoC project to make plugins translatable would solve this |
18:03:59 | cfp | petur: a #ifdefs approach is not suitable (it seems), and another one is being worked on (it seems, too) |
18:05:08 | cfp | petur: well if this project can fix it, then the problem is already part of the project, and needs not it's single task |
18:05:30 | cfp | petur: about this project, how is it going ? |
18:06:00 | petur | no idea, I'm not mentoring this year so I haven't followed closely |
18:06:11 | cfp | oh, ok |
18:06:28 | * | petur checks the wiki page for a status |
18:06:46 | petur | see http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/9067 |
18:07:10 | cfp | well in fact,the reason why I was saying this could be closed is because one of my patches about this very problem has been refused, and therefore I thought any related tasks could be closed |
18:07:28 | * | cfp follows the link gracefully provided :-) |
18:07:51 | petur | it looks not up to date though |
18:08:10 | petur | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/PluginLocalization has more info |
18:08:49 | petur | maybe Bagder can give a status report ;) |
18:09:07 | | Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@h-74-0-180-178.snvacaid.covad.net) |
18:09:15 | cfp | petur: I remember reading this page, but I'm not sure how this will help with target specific strings |
18:09:23 | cfp | isn't it limited to languages ? |
18:09:43 | cfp | or shall the approach it uses be widened to include target-specific stuff ? |
18:09:46 | petur | if it uses the same system as the main language files, it has target specific strings |
18:09:54 | cfp | oh right |
18:09:59 | * | cfp feels stupid |
18:10:11 | cfp | and one last question |
18:10:26 | cfp | what can prevent a patch from being commited ? |
18:10:43 | petur | lots of stuff |
18:10:50 | cfp | apart from not following code guidelines, I mean |
18:10:57 | petur | bad solution, bad code style,... |
18:11:06 | petur | or buggy... |
18:11:11 | cfp | I see |
18:11:39 | | Join virtuoso015 [0] (n=vinay@ |
18:11:39 | * | petur needs to go home now... |
18:11:46 | | Quit petur ("work->home") |
18:11:57 | cfp | and is there then a way (like a forum thread, or something), to promote a patch or get people to test it, or the seat and wait approach is good ? |
18:12:11 | cfp | well |
18:12:15 | cfp | goodbye all |
18:12:17 | | Part cfp |
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18:32:31 | Strife89 | Branched? (referring to channel topic) |
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18:46:08 | | Part J-23 |
18:46:47 | amiconn | Anyone with an e200 around? |
18:47:36 | amiconn | I'd like to know whether the stop-the-db-update trick from c200 does work on e200 as well (for those OF revisions where disabling it in the rb bootloader doesn't work) |
18:48:03 | | Part fragilematter |
18:49:42 | | Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=miepchen@dslb-088-074-038-041.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
18:50:14 | pixelma | there was a report in the forums that it doesn't and instead forces a restore |
18:50:51 | phoenix2 | is it possible to patch the sanse e260v2 ? |
18:52:34 | | Join bertrik [0] (n=bertrik@ip117-49-211-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) |
18:54:33 | | Join BigBambi [0] (n=Alex@rockbox/staff/BigBambi) |
18:56:45 | saratoga | amiconn: i don't know abotu that trick, but you can disable the database update on the e200 |
18:57:04 | amiconn | Yes, but not with all OF versions afaik |
18:57:47 | amiconn | This trick doesn't work at all on the c200, because in the return-from-usb reboot, our bootloader doesn't get executed at all |
18:58:52 | amiconn | On c200, the trick is to make the /SYSTEM directory read-only. Then the db update will complain that there's not enough space, and stop, which just takes a few seconds (as opposed to >2 minutes for a regular db update) |
18:59:18 | amiconn | But from what I read in the forum, trying this trick on an e200 probably isn't a good idea |
19:00 |
19:01:20 | advcomp2019 | phoenix2, the e200v2 does not have rockbox yet |
19:02:04 | | Join erich [0] (n=erich@debian/developer/erich) |
19:02:26 | erich | My up button on my X5 is broken. :-( sucks when you can't properly adjust the volume anymore. |
19:03:45 | ze | erich: hack in a double-click vol-up for the down button? |
19:03:47 | ze | :p |
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19:08:41 | erich_ | gnah, wireless died. back. |
19:09:01 | erich_ | Is there anything to pay attention to before opening an X5 (except the usual electrostatics stuff. |
19:10:03 | LambdaCalculus37 | Be careful of the battery wires. |
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19:13:05 | sharperguy | Anyone know when rockbox-themes.org will be back up? |
19:13:12 | erich_ | damn, my tiny screwdriver isn't tiny enough. I'll need to find a smaller one first anyway. |
19:13:47 | LambdaCalculus37 | erich_: Careful with the screws! They strip easily. |
19:19:43 | | Quit erich (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
19:20:19 | scorche|sh | sharperguy: it isnt an official website |
19:20:40 | erich_ | btw, what is the currently best choise if you want to buy a new mp3 player to run rockbox on? |
19:20:55 | | Join booster606 [0] (n=boost@ |
19:21:06 | LambdaCalculus37 | Gigabeat! |
19:21:28 | * | LambdaCalculus37 is a believer in the power of the Gigabeat :) |
19:21:56 | phoenix2 | sorry, was for the moment afk |
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19:23:25 | BigBambi | erich_: depends what you want - www.rockbox.org/wiki/BuyersGuide |
19:23:30 | pixelma | erich_: depends on what you want, the Gigabeat for example doesn't have a radio or recording if you are used to that from the X5, |
19:25:10 | phoenix2 | does any developer makes rockbox working on sanse e260v2 ? |
19:25:50 | advcomp2019 | phoenix2, most of the work is in the thread in the forums |
19:26:41 | booster606 | hmmm ive noticed that the production of porting rockbox to philips has stoped |
19:26:49 | phoenix2 | thanks, I look for it! |
19:27:51 | BigBambi | booster606: It is interested owners that do ports, and it may be that they have stopped, haven't reported, ... |
19:28:11 | | Join bughunter21 [0] (n=Jelle@ |
19:28:37 | booster606 | BigBambi, i see |
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19:33:20 | booster606 | any proud owners of philips gogear in here ??? |
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19:43:20 | Strife89 | I haven't looked into the Sansa USB stuff in a while.... |
19:43:50 | Strife89 | I'm curious as to the current status. |
19:44:23 | LambdaCalculus37 | Strife89: I responded to your forum post about the GSF codec. Did you see it yet? |
19:45:01 | Strife89 | LambdaCalculus37: No, actually. |
19:45:09 | Strife89 | Looking now. |
19:46:30 | Strife89 | Oh, alright. |
19:47:15 | LambdaCalculus37 | Strife89: It's going to be a bitch to get GSF music to play back at acceptable speeds on PP targets. |
19:47:48 | Strife89 | I'd still like to see it. ;) |
19:48:16 | LambdaCalculus37 | The GBA uses a 16.8 MHz ARM7TDMI CPU, which is going to take quite a bit of processing power to emulate. |
19:48:28 | LambdaCalculus37 | Strife89: You know the deal by now. ;) |
19:49:35 | Strife89 | LambdaCalculus37: Yeah, I know. I have been looking for easy ways to make MP3s (or even WAVs) out of GSFs, but no dice. |
19:50:27 | BigBambi | Strife89: incidently, "in the near future" sounds much more like a demand than a request |
19:50:48 | Strife89 | I didn't intend it to be..... |
19:51:03 | LambdaCalculus37 | Strife89: Hop onto the community channel. |
19:51:03 | BigBambi | I realise, I'm just pointing out how it can be read |
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19:56:16 | erich_ | BigBambi: I had seen that page, but it appreared out of date with all out of production and just "some" available each. |
19:56:35 | LambdaCalculus37 | erich_: That information is correct. |
19:56:44 | LambdaCalculus37 | You have to hit eBay to get a Rockbox-compatible player. |
19:58:21 | | Join phinze [0] (n=phinze@ |
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19:58:55 | erich_ | Anyone has disassembled his X5, btw? In the iaudiophile forums it sounded as if the jockstick would be pretty much unrepairable except by cowon. |
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20:06:25 | LambdaCalculus37 | erich_: Well, the part would be hard to replace, anyway. |
20:07:11 | pixelma | LinusN replaced the joystick in his recently (and got the part somewhere from). Unfortunately he isn't around currently |
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20:10:25 | * | LambdaCalculus37 should ask LinusN if he can maybe help him get some X5 parts |
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20:17:35 | saratoga | AAC improvements commited |
20:19:36 | amiconn | saratoga: Did you read about the wma problems in the log? |
20:19:45 | saratoga | amiconn: yes I did but I didn't look into it |
20:20:26 | saratoga | he reported it breaking 2 weeks ago, which makes little sense since no changes were commited during that period |
20:20:43 | saratoga | i was hoping he'd narrow it down to a specific revision |
20:21:04 | amiconn | Ther should be a test file floating around somewhere |
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20:43:32 | * | rasher prods around a 20px snap |
20:44:07 | * | Strife89 is curious as to the status of the Sansa USB stack. |
20:45:02 | BigBambi | It is fine (save a few cases of resests with hubs and things), but there is still a bug in the SD driver that comes to light when the USB is used |
20:45:04 | gevaerts | Still no changes basically |
20:45:13 | BigBambi | That can lead to corruption |
20:45:39 | gevaerts | Note that the SD driver also drives the internal flash in the sansas |
20:46:04 | Strife89 | Isn't full speed more reliable, though (overall)? |
20:46:10 | gevaerts | No idea |
20:46:20 | * | gevaerts hasn't tried full speed in a long tim |
20:46:25 | gevaerts | s/$/e |
20:46:49 | Strife89 | I'd prefer full speed to high speed if it means less corruption. |
20:47:32 | * | gevaerts points out that the corruption isn't a USB bug |
20:47:54 | gevaerts | So using full speed is unlikely to solve it |
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20:52:39 | gevaerts | mcuelenaere: Why don't you commit small fixes like FS #9365 directly? |
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20:53:25 | mcuelenaere | gevaerts: I wasn't sure if that's correct... |
20:53:31 | mcuelenaere | it's more like hiding the warnings, not fixing them.. |
20:54:03 | rasher | Does bdf2bmp break on 64-bit? |
20:54:18 | | Nick topher is now known as topher|away (n=topher@epiar/founder/topher) |
20:54:22 | gevaerts | mcuelenaere: ok. Now that you mention it, the -ffreestanding should probably go... |
20:55:28 | mcuelenaere | I didn't even check what it does, but I saw it 'hides' the warnings |
20:55:46 | mcuelenaere | just copied the relevant ones from tools/configure |
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20:58:33 | Strife89 | Woah. |
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21:00:38 | amiconn | gevaerts: [20:54:22] <gevaerts> mcuelenaere: ok. Now that you mention it, the -ffreestanding should probably go... <== are you talking about target builds? |
21:00:49 | gevaerts | amiconn: wpseditor |
21:00:54 | amiconn | ah |
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21:03:23 | gevaerts | mcuelenaere: checkwps "solves" it by not using -Wall |
21:03:59 | mcuelenaere | gevaerts: talking about checkwps, we should fix it's Makefile too.. |
21:04:50 | massiveH | does this new version of my H300 bootloader patch follow the standard? http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/9202 |
21:06:06 | gevaerts | mcuelenaere: do you mind if I commit the minimal warning fix (just suppress those two warnings, but no others) ? |
21:06:31 | mcuelenaere | go ahead |
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21:14:57 | LambdaCalculus37 | massiveH: Much nicer. ;) |
21:15:07 | massiveH | LambdaCalculus37, cool. |
21:16:14 | massiveH | now, the question is, what do I do to get this in there |
21:16:30 | massiveH | or get comments on this |
21:17:17 | sharperguy | What do I do if I get *PANIC*? |
21:17:35 | gevaerts | sharperguy: run |
21:17:42 | * | gevaerts hides |
21:18:19 | LambdaCalculus37 | sharperguy? Don't? :P |
21:18:23 | * | LambdaCalculus37 also hides |
21:18:26 | bertrik | sharperguy, try if you can reliably trigger it and open a bug report on the flyspray tracker |
21:18:31 | sharperguy | I got a *PANIC* stkov erroron the e200. I just installed it and it was working, now I can't turn it off or anything |
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21:18:48 | bertrik | sharperguy, hold power for up to 20 seconds |
21:18:59 | LambdaCalculus37 | massiveH: What do you mean? |
21:19:04 | sharperguy | I already held it for quite a while, Ill try again |
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21:19:29 | sharperguy | there thats it off |
21:19:33 | massiveH | LambdaCalculus37, well, this should be how the bootloader behaves, not the way the current one does. |
21:20:35 | sharperguy | Lol just trying this makes me want to help by reprogramming all the keybindings but I don't have time |
21:20:49 | wpyh | LambdaCalculus37: any luck with the meizu_dfu thing yet? |
21:22:45 | LambdaCalculus37 | wpyh: Haven't had a chance to work on it yet. |
21:22:52 | * | LambdaCalculus37 blames work and Perl |
21:23:04 | wpyh | ok |
21:23:13 | LambdaCalculus37 | massiveH: Did you patch the file with your patch? |
21:23:36 | massiveH | LambdaCalculus37, yeah, it is in that thread attached to the post, currently flashed to my player also |
21:23:51 | LambdaCalculus37 | How is it working? |
21:23:57 | massiveH | great. |
21:24:47 | massiveH | but I would really like the input of somebody else with an H3x0 series player, but only one or two people have responded to my post on the forum. |
21:25:33 | | Quit Strife89 ("See ya'll later! :)") |
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21:26:12 | LambdaCalculus37 | massiveH: I'd like to help, but I don't own an H300. :P |
21:26:26 | linuxstb | wpyh: (answering your off-topic question in -community) - the calling code is responsible for overwriting a splash. i.e. the splash never clears itself. |
21:26:27 | massiveH | exactly, how many people have one. |
21:27:14 | shotofadds | massiveH: I don't have an H300, but there must be a good reason why the bootloader charging mode exists. Eg. how are you going to charge the player if it gets so low that the main Rockbox firmware can't be loaded from disk? |
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21:27:40 | wpyh | linuxstb: ah, ok |
21:27:49 | massiveH | shotofadds, that is why I left the functionaltiy in there, if you hold the "mode" button, it will still use the Bootloader charger |
21:27:51 | * | wpyh doesn't quite understand the concept yet, but ok |
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21:29:14 | | Quit Xerion (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
21:29:18 | massiveH | but, if you can't use "car mode" with the original behavior of the botloader. |
21:29:29 | massiveH | since it will always enter the "bootloader charger" |
21:29:57 | * | shotofadds slaps forehead and decides to read the second version of your patch ;-) |
21:30:21 | massiveH | yeah, I don't know how to edit that original post |
21:31:26 | LambdaCalculus37 | bertrik: Aren't you coming back into community? :) |
21:31:52 | | Quit bertrik ("Leaving") |
21:32:00 | massiveH | I actually thought about why that bootloader charging mode was there (about the low battery charge) and v2 puts it back in |
21:32:02 | | Join bertrik [0] (n=bertrik@ip117-49-211-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) |
21:35:37 | | Join tarbo [0] (n=me@unaffiliated/tarbo) |
21:36:29 | shotofadds | massiveH: you'll need to find a H300-owning developer who wants the feature enough to test & commit it, though... |
21:36:45 | massiveH | which, it seems, is hard to come by, lol |
21:36:56 | BigBambi | The problem is testing the bootloader |
21:37:10 | BigBambi | If it is wrong, you need specialist hardware to recover the player |
21:37:21 | BigBambi | Which not very many devs (read 1) have |
21:37:33 | massiveH | well, if you look what I did, it does not change any initilizzation code. |
21:38:10 | BigBambi | I'm sure, but I know that I for one wouldn't be willing to take the risk |
21:38:11 | shotofadds | it is a rather simple patch, granted |
21:38:24 | BigBambi | You just never know what odd side effects there might be |
21:38:50 | massiveH | there are none, it only does a button check, and && operations |
21:39:04 | massiveH | which other instances exist in that file |
21:39:54 | BigBambi | massiveH: I know there shouldn't be, I'm just saying no matter how small the risk there is one, and many(most?) people won't take that risk, not with the H100/H300 bootloaders |
21:39:58 | | Join fragilematter [0] (n=barbu_do@ |
21:40:07 | | Join Makuseru [0] (n=max@ |
21:40:18 | * | massiveH took the risk, because the feature is just that worth it. |
21:40:50 | * | shotofadds would happily risk it (and has done similar changes before with H1x0). but my lack of H300 makes that thought rather irrelevant. |
21:41:07 | BigBambi | I'm just explaining maybe why not many people have looked at it |
21:41:22 | | Quit Makuseru (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
21:41:34 | massiveH | bah, more people need to use car-mode and see how broken it is. |
21:41:51 | massiveH | Everybody: Buy a car and an h300 and test this! |
21:42:46 | massiveH | who is the one person with the h300 debugger? |
21:42:55 | BigBambi | LinusN |
21:43:04 | BigBambi | But he is a busy man |
21:43:18 | LambdaCalculus37 | What about petur? |
21:43:33 | BigBambi | no, he has sent his h300 to LinusN to attempt to fix it :) |
21:43:41 | gevaerts | his h100 I think |
21:44:34 | BigBambi | could be. Either way, he doesn't have the kit :) |
21:44:43 | LambdaCalculus37 | Ahh. |
21:45:00 | massiveH | damn, how many people develop for the H300 series? |
21:45:13 | BigBambi | Not much of Rockbox is developed for a specific player |
21:45:24 | BigBambi | Most of it applies to many different ones |
21:45:34 | | Join Lear [0] (i=chatzill@rockbox/developer/lear) |
21:45:35 | massiveH | well, I guess that is the idea behind SWCODEC... |
21:45:47 | BigBambi | not really |
21:46:05 | BigBambi | All the mdern players don't have dedicated decoding chips, just a cpu |
21:46:18 | BigBambi | So have have to use a software decoding system |
21:46:38 | * | shotofadds suggests a look at http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/RockboxTesting |
21:46:40 | massiveH | right, swcodec.. I thought that was software codec, unlike HWCODEC or hardware codec |
21:47:03 | | Join {phoenix} [0] (n=dirk@p54B465BF.dip.t-dialin.net) |
21:47:10 | massiveH | good call shotofadds |
21:47:21 | Lear | saratoga: Wow. Impressive speedup for AAC on ColdFire. |
21:47:25 | BigBambi | It is, but it is necesary becuase of the hardware, not solely in order to make code common across devices (although that is of course both true and good) |
21:50:02 | | Join Lars_G [0] (n=nLars@ippool.ifxnetworks.com.ve) |
21:50:24 | binaryhermit | it's also more flexible than the HWCODEC approach |
21:50:30 | gevaerts | mcuelenaere: for checkwps I think we want to keep current filenames, as people may already be running scripts that call checkwps. That means we have to keep the TARGET/MODEL distinction |
21:51:34 | mcuelenaere | fair enough |
21:52:14 | gevaerts | I'd prefer to get rid of it as the wpseditor way is much simpler, but I think we can't really do that |
21:53:20 | gevaerts | So probably your solution is the way to go here |
21:54:05 | gevaerts | I'd suggest to use something else than \ as the separator har though. Maybe just , |
21:54:25 | shotofadds | mcuelenaere: will anything break if I change MODEL_NAME in the future? The D2 doesn't carry the iAudio branding, so I want to remove references to that in future. |
21:54:52 | gevaerts | shotofadds: the menu entry in wpseditor will suddenly change to adapt |
21:55:29 | mcuelenaere | shotofadds: gevaerts is correct, it won't break stuff |
21:55:58 | shotofadds | so no massive changes - unlike the similar BOOTFILE_EXT change :/ |
21:56:14 | gevaerts | It's meant to be a human oriented name, no code should ever try to parse it |
21:56:39 | | Quit fdinel (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
21:56:48 | amiconn | rasher: Did you commit the char count fixes to the branch as well? |
21:58:00 | | Quit merbanan (Remote closed the connection) |
21:58:44 | rasher | amiconn: If I did everything right, then yes |
21:59:01 | | Quit LambdaCalculus37 ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
21:59:28 | rasher | amiconn: yup, looks correct to me |
21:59:45 | amiconn | Not that it matters much, as that count won't go into any actual target file (convbdf seems to ignore it) |
22:00 |
22:00:33 | amiconn | Btw, it may well be that bdf2bmp has 64 bit issues. It's a rather old program, rarely used these days.. |
22:01:44 | | Part fragilematter |
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22:05:08 | | Join Lambduh [0] (n=Lambda@12-203-112-233.client.mchsi.com) |
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22:15:27 | | Nick reacocard|testin is now known as reacocard (n=reacocar@WL-419.CINE.HMC.Edu) |
22:18:53 | | Quit neddy (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
22:21:19 | rasher | Wouldn't be surprised if I'm the only user |
22:22:23 | * | pixelma still wonders |
22:23:32 | amiconn | rasher: There's indeed a problem. Looks like bdf2bmp always assumes 32 bit, otherwise even the bmp header will end up worng |
22:23:54 | * | amiconn just did a comparison test, building bdf2bmp on cygwin and on debian-amd64 |
22:24:12 | amiconn | The bmp created by the latter is invalid |
22:24:36 | * | amiconn wonders what pixelma is wondering about |
22:26:27 | rasher | amiconn: not a huge problem of course, I have plenty of 32-bit machines around |
22:27:41 | pixelma | a question I asked about a few times already - should the c200 volume button flip when display flipped be in the release branch as well? Gevaerts said no yesterday but I read in the logs that LinusN and Llorean are in favour of it (if I read correctly) and I got no reaction when asking about this earlier today |
22:27:50 | pixelma | s/about// |
22:28:45 | * | amiconn would also be in favour of it and hence it's 3:1 pro already |
22:29:24 | * | gevaerts would like to add that his "no" is not a very strong one |
22:29:25 | Bagder | I'm +1 on it too |
22:30:25 | amiconn | rasher: It shouldn't be difficult to fix, using inttypes |
22:31:51 | pixelma | ok, thanks. Will commit it there too but I need to check out the branch first... :) |
22:32:03 | | Join TMM [0] (n=hp@c514753fe.cable.wanadoo.nl) |
22:32:43 | gevaerts | Speaking of 3.0 things, I think it's best to remove the "Reconnect mass storage" debug menu item from the release. It can be confusing and we won't do usb on 3.0 anyway |
22:33:05 | Llorean | Is it possible to easily remove the debug menu itself? |
22:33:20 | gevaerts | Do we want that? |
22:33:24 | Llorean | I'm not sure. |
22:33:46 | Llorean | I'm thinking there _shouldn't_ be anything in it not intended for developer use. |
22:34:09 | Llorean | Any time someone needs debug menu information, we probably want them testing their issue on a current build anyway. |
22:34:29 | * | amiconn wouldn't bother removing it |
22:34:30 | gevaerts | There is "Screendump" which is not really developer-only |
22:35:06 | amiconn | All earlier releases included the debug menu. And it clearly says "Keep out" (in most languages...) |
22:35:20 | * | gevaerts also likes the disk info and battery when in "user mode" |
22:35:24 | rasher | Llorean: I posted a patch... but it's probably both closed and woefully out of date now |
22:36:02 | Llorean | gevaerts: Personally, I think maybe we should move both of those out of "Debug" for future releases then. |
22:36:11 | gevaerts | Llorean: I agree |
22:36:36 | gevaerts | That battery graph is really fun to look at |
22:36:58 | * | gevaerts wonders why he doesn't really seem to fit in at parties |
22:37:17 | Bagder | you should have more battery graph parties |
22:39:20 | gevaerts | Could that be it you think? |
22:43:54 | krz | gevaerts: hi |
22:44:03 | * | gevaerts waves |
22:44:30 | krz | gevaerts: there is a small problem with fixing warnings on mingw |
22:45:37 | krz | gevaerts: seems that "-Wno-pointer-sign" appeared in older gcc |
22:45:38 | * | gevaerts guesses : options not available in older gcc |
22:45:45 | krz | jup |
22:46:26 | krz | will thi sbe fixed? |
22:46:30 | krz | *this |
22:46:52 | krz | sorry/ will this be fixed? |
22:46:55 | Bagder | krz: what version are you using? |
22:47:27 | Bagder | I'm sure you've said it before but my memory is faulty ;-) |
22:47:47 | gevaerts | it fails with 3.4 and it works with 4.1 (sorry, no 4.0 installed) |
22:47:57 | krz | Bagder: gcc (GCC) 3.4.2 (mingw-special) |
22:48:04 | Bagder | oh |
22:48:14 | Bagder | gevaerts: yes configure requires 4.0 for it |
22:48:23 | Bagder | I didn't expect anyone to use <4.0 for host builds... |
22:48:31 | | Join Xerion [0] (i=xerion@82-170-197-160.ip.telfort.nl) |
22:48:42 | * | domonoky has gcc (GCC) 3.4.5 (mingw-vista special r3) and it also doesnt have this option.. its probably only for gcc4.x available.. |
22:49:16 | gevaerts | Can we assume 4.0+ on linux? |
22:49:17 | amiconn | rasher: fixed. |
22:50:49 | | Quit hannesd (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
22:51:29 | * | amiconn doesn't think so |
22:52:55 | amiconn | Iirc the build system already checks the gcc version, you could add the flags conditionally based on that |
22:53:01 | | Quit massiveH ("Leaving") |
22:53:16 | gevaerts | This is for a host tool |
22:53:46 | | Join AndyIL [0] (n=pasha_in@ |
22:54:28 | gevaerts | I see the following options : (1) we accept warnings with 4.0+, (2) we drop -Wall, (3) we do a gcc version check in the makefile, (4) we assume 4.0+ for linux, (5) we go throught configure for host tools as well |
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22:55:21 | Mode | "#rockbox +o ChanServ " by irc.freenode.net |
22:55:42 | amiconn | (6) fix the warnings for 4.0+ |
22:56:44 | gevaerts | indeed |
23:00 |
23:00:59 | gevaerts | The warnings come from splash() wanting a const char *, and ID2P returning an unsigned char * |
23:01:57 | | Quit Lear ("ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox 3.0.1/2008070208]") |
23:02:10 | | Join Thundercloud_ [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) |
23:03:00 | amiconn | There's a lot of mixup between unsigned and signed char in rockbox code |
23:03:18 | Bagder | I started to fix those once... |
23:03:26 | Bagder | but it got boring rather quickly ;-) |
23:03:32 | amiconn | We're using -Wno-pointer-sign to cover them, but they should probably be fixed properly |
23:03:45 | amiconn | It's a shitload of work though... |
23:03:51 | Bagder | yes |
23:04:48 | | Quit AndyI (Connection timed out) |
23:05:22 | | Join jgsprenger [0] (n=63e8f93f@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-b427efdebda58bbe) |
23:06:30 | gevaerts | Why does splash want an unsigned anyway? It wants a string, and for strings signedness shouldn't matter |
23:06:49 | jgsprenger | hey kids... no end of troubles... i've tried to register on FS to log the WMA issue, but the reg process craps out on me.... any ideas? or can someone log the bug for me? |
23:06:53 | * | gevaerts reads what he said |
23:07:19 | gevaerts | forget that... splash() is the non-unsigned one... |
23:07:50 | | Join super [0] (i=super@c80-217-96-53.bredband.comhem.se) |
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23:11:41 | | Join massiveH [0] (n=massiveH@ool-44c48a1e.dyn.optonline.net) |
23:11:44 | mcuelenaere | krz: how exactly does your patch differ from mine in FS #9362? |
23:11:50 | mcuelenaere | (haven't really looked close) |
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23:13:45 | | Quit petur (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
23:14:12 | | Quit massiveH (Client Quit) |
23:15:29 | krz | so, it's written there that patch enables scrolling to error line |
23:16:07 | mcuelenaere | yes, I figured that one out too |
23:16:14 | mcuelenaere | I mean, that was also in my patch |
23:16:27 | | Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@ |
23:16:32 | mcuelenaere | and I see that you copied that |
23:16:39 | mcuelenaere | but what does yours add? |
23:16:46 | mcuelenaere | (because I can't really seem to find it) |
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23:23:32 | | Quit krz (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
23:25:05 | | Join krz [0] (n=irc_by@ |
23:26:41 | krz | mcuelenaere: it seems that there was no scrolling to error line |
23:26:53 | mcuelenaere | I certainly made one |
23:26:59 | krz | i just applied and checked it |
23:27:03 | krz | strange |
23:27:30 | krz | it scrolls to the bottom of edit |
23:27:55 | mcuelenaere | perhaps I made a wrong diff |
23:28:05 | mcuelenaere | but I clearly see the same scrolltoLine() code in your patch |
23:28:43 | krz | just a second |
23:29:32 | mcuelenaere | krz: btw my patch seems to clear the error too when you press 'Update WPS'.. |
23:29:49 | mcuelenaere | I mean the highlighting |
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23:30:49 | krz | mcuelenaere: so, on what line do we have the same scrolltoLine? |
23:30:56 | mcuelenaere | in the patch? |
23:31:11 | krz | in the wpseditorwindow |
23:31:41 | mcuelenaere | no it's in the numberedtextview.cpp |
23:32:29 | krz | it is defined there, true |
23:33:43 | | Quit jeffdameth (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
23:35:18 | krz | mcuelenaere: so, you say that you patch could scroll to the error line? |
23:35:25 | mcuelenaere | yes :) |
23:35:38 | krz | have you tried it? |
23:35:39 | mcuelenaere | let me first ask you a question, where did you get scrolltoLine()? |
23:35:40 | mcuelenaere | yes |
23:36:06 | | Join jeffdameth [0] (n=jeff@dyndsl-085-016-233-055.ewe-ip-backbone.de) |
23:36:12 | krz | i tokk your patch, there it was |
23:36:15 | krz | *took |
23:36:45 | mcuelenaere | voila :) |
23:36:56 | mcuelenaere | didn't my patch work for you? |
23:37:07 | krz | actually not |
23:37:28 | krz | btw |
23:38:27 | mcuelenaere | how so? I tested it on Windows and it worked |
23:38:59 | | Join Hawkeye [0] (n=44cefa1f@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-73498dc8bff5a5ed) |
23:39:02 | | Quit domonoky (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
23:39:04 | | Quit bertrik ("Leaving") |
23:39:06 | krz | have you tested it via open wps? |
23:39:12 | mcuelenaere | yes |
23:39:13 | mcuelenaere | how else? |
23:39:17 | krz | strange |
23:39:25 | mcuelenaere | but perhaps the diff wasn't really clean |
23:39:29 | mcuelenaere | I'll attach a new one |
23:40:25 | krz | because error message is generated while parsing the wps. and scrolling to line is done here too. but plain wps appears only after parsing |
23:40:32 | krz | if i'm not mistaken |
23:40:46 | Hawkeye | Why is the Spacerocks plug in is freezing up my e200. I'm running version r18405. |
23:41:40 | mcuelenaere | krz: ah yes, scrolling to the line doesn't work the first time |
23:41:50 | krz | yes |
23:41:52 | mcuelenaere | now I understand why you said 'through open WPS' |
23:41:59 | mcuelenaere | it only worked with 'Update WPS' |
23:42:03 | krz | thats why i did this patch =) |
23:42:09 | mcuelenaere | ok :) |
23:42:29 | mcuelenaere | I just thought it's weird because it has exactly the same features as mine had |
23:42:34 | mcuelenaere | (+ more or less the same code) |
23:43:39 | Nico_P | opinions on whether FS #9350 should go in the 3.0 branch? |
23:44:31 | krz | there is also removing markedLine while begining to edit wps. i thought it could annoy a bit while editing |
23:45:01 | krz | mcuelenaere: have also noticed a bug with shifted line? |
23:45:05 | Llorean | Nico_P: I'm against it, honestly |
23:45:22 | Nico_P | Llorean: why? |
23:45:24 | mcuelenaere | krz: no, I don't think so |
23:45:32 | mcuelenaere | can you describe it more precisely? |
23:45:36 | mcuelenaere | how to trigger it etc |
23:45:48 | Llorean | Nico_P: I think it's incredibly unrealistic in the real world for a WPS to have just one tag. So I'm kinda in the "don't change the 3.0 branch for something so unlikely, even if odds are low of it having any side effects" |
23:46:05 | Llorean | It belongs in the SVN build, but I don't think it's likely enough to affect users to be worth putting in 3.0 as well |
23:46:11 | Nico_P | I'm not sure it's only when the WPS only has one tag actually |
23:46:20 | | Quit jfc (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
23:46:28 | Llorean | Hm |
23:46:48 | Llorean | Well, dunno then. |
23:46:49 | Nico_P | I think it's just bad wording... the bug seems to be there even in more complex WPSs |
23:47:21 | Nico_P | I'm tempted to just fix the possible null pointer dereference and leave the function creating to a later time |
23:47:23 | krz | mcuelenaere: if you have error after progressbar, error line will be shifted by +1 |
23:48:04 | | Join Zarggg [0] (n=z@65-78-69-194.c3-0.eas-ubr6.atw-eas.pa.cable.rcn.com) |
23:48:14 | gevaerts | Nico_P: adding a %mm to an otherwise working wps makes it crash |
23:48:22 | * | gevaerts tried in wpseditor |
23:48:22 | | Join LambdaCalculus37 [0] (n=LambdaCa@ |
23:48:28 | Nico_P | gevaerts: yes, I did the same test |
23:48:31 | Nico_P | in the sim |
23:48:45 | mcuelenaere | gevaerts: got the same |
23:49:17 | | Quit Mathiasdm ("Invisible Internet Project: http://www.i2p2.de") |
23:49:18 | krz | mcuelenaere: the problem could be in calling skip_end_of_line while parsing progressbar |
23:49:51 | mcuelenaere | krz: where is skip_end_of_line called? |
23:49:56 | Nico_P | IMHO the added function in the patch isn't useful |
23:50:03 | mcuelenaere | krz: I'm not sure what part you're talking about exactly |
23:50:35 | krz | mcuelenaere: wps_parser.c -> parse_progressbar |
23:51:13 | | Quit Hawkeye ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
23:51:37 | gevaerts | Nico_P: I think the crash should be fixed. If the wps renders wrong after that, so be it |
23:52:13 | Nico_P | it should render exactly the same... I think it's a perfectly harmless fix |
23:52:20 | Nico_P | at least the way I intend to commit it |
23:52:55 | | Join jfc [0] (n=john@dpc691978010.direcpc.com) |
23:53:26 | gevaerts | In that case, go for it |
23:55:04 | mcuelenaere | krz: I'm not really familiar with that part of the code |
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23:58:19 | bluebrother | mcuelenaere: nice work on the libwps Makefile. Now use that for the checkwps Makefile too ;-) |