00:00:54 | | Quit markun ("leaving") |
00:03:44 | | Join LambdaCalculus37 [0] (n=LambdaCa@c-24-0-218-198.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) |
00:06:14 | | Quit n1s () |
00:09:28 | | Join funman [0] (n=fun@82-171-216-191.ip.telfort.nl) |
00:10:18 | funman | I was thinking about sending a patch to the firmware patcher for sansav2 |
00:10:43 | funman | should I use the flyspray for that ? |
00:10:43 | | Quit FOAD (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
00:10:44 | | Nick FOAD_ is now known as FOAD (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) |
00:15:36 | | Quit ender` (" In the beginning, there was nothing. And God said, 'Let there be Light.' And there was still nothing, but you could see a b") |
00:17:06 | linuxstb | funman: Yes, please do. Also, please check the docs/CONTRIBUTING file if you haven't seen it yet. |
00:17:16 | funman | I'll do |
00:17:25 | funman | I can't login/register on the tracker o: |
00:18:19 | linuxstb | What happens when you try? |
00:18:29 | funman | I'm redirected to an empty page |
00:20:28 | linuxstb | When? When you enter your details here? http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/register |
00:20:37 | funman | yes |
00:20:52 | funman | I'll try again |
00:21:41 | linuxstb | If it still doesn't work, I think you'll need to try and catch Zagor or Bagder, neither of whom are around at the moment... |
00:21:42 | funman | well I'm already registered |
00:22:25 | | Quit ompaul (Client Quit) |
00:22:36 | | Join fdinel [0] (n=Miranda@modemcable204.232-203-24.mc.videotron.ca) |
00:22:51 | funman | I received the confirmation |
00:24:16 | linuxstb | and...? |
00:24:32 | funman | I can't login : blank page |
00:25:04 | linuxstb | What URL? |
00:25:42 | funman | http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/ |
00:26:14 | linuxstb | What linked to there? The confirmation email? |
00:26:16 | funman | hum I used lynx and it redireted me to http://localhost/something (too fast to read) |
00:26:25 | linuxstb | You can login here - http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/index.php?type=4 |
00:26:45 | funman | if I login I get redirected to a blank page :/ |
00:27:27 | | Quit bmbl ("Woah!") |
00:28:07 | funman | "That username is already taken" |
00:28:32 | | Quit bertrik ("Leaving") |
00:28:34 | funman | and if I use the "lost password" link, "That username doesn't exist in the FlySpray installation" |
00:28:40 | | Join Thundercloud_ [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) |
00:29:23 | funman | when I login I'm redirected to http://www.rockbox.org/traker |
00:29:31 | funman | /tracker* |
00:29:33 | | Quit Schmogel (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
00:29:56 | linuxstb | What page are you logging in from? The one I linked you to? |
00:29:56 | funman | wget www.rockbox.org/tracker/ : 0 bytes |
00:30:34 | | Quit LambdaCalculus37 ("Do quit now, there's a demon around the corner!") |
00:30:43 | linuxstb | Yes, that's known, but unrelated to you logging in. |
00:30:53 | funman | Yes I log from the link you pasted |
00:31:02 | linuxstb | In what browser? |
00:31:10 | funman | firefox3 and lynx |
00:31:50 | funman | and links |
00:32:13 | linuxstb | And in firefox3, if you log in on the URL I linked you to, it redirects you to that /tracker/ URL and displays nothing? |
00:32:21 | funman | exact |
00:32:44 | gevaerts | I've seen this happen before. There is something wrong with the registration system |
00:33:23 | | Quit einhirn (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) |
00:33:54 | linuxstb | funman: But anyway, you could just post your patch to a pastebin for now, and paste the link here. |
00:34:10 | funman | I have attached it to the forum already |
00:34:20 | linuxstb | I'm surprised it's lasted there... |
00:34:27 | * | linuxstb goes to have a look |
00:34:39 | funman | http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=14064.msg134093#msg134093 |
00:34:46 | funman | just concatenate the 2 patches |
00:35:56 | | Quit petur ("Zzzzz") |
00:37:15 | | Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) |
00:39:22 | fxb | linuxstb, pixelma: http://www.felixbruns.de/iPod/firmware/ Fixed. |
00:40:01 | | Quit herrwaldo ("Konversation terminated!") |
00:40:13 | pixelma | nice, thanks for the info too |
00:40:24 | linuxstb | fxb: Thanks. |
00:40:39 | | Join Dark_Apostrophe [0] (n=darkapos@pdpc/supporter/monthlybyte/DarkApostrophe) |
00:42:52 | linuxstb | funman: So you're now on your third Clip? ;) |
00:43:06 | funman | yes :o |
00:44:15 | linuxstb | So how big can the "stage2" binary be? |
00:44:23 | funman | depends your firmware |
00:44:33 | funman | maximum is on Clip: ~1k |
00:44:48 | | Join mirak [0] (n=mirak@81-66-70-98.rev.numericable.fr) |
00:44:55 | linuxstb | Hmm, still nowhere near the size we need for a Rockbox bootloader... |
00:45:06 | funman | but I didn't test them all |
00:45:11 | funman | we may extend to other, smaller blocks |
00:45:26 | funman | and have, say, nand driver in 1 block, minimal fat32 in another |
00:48:52 | funman | and exchange function pointers on the stack for example |
00:49:09 | funman | or write compressed, auto expandable, code ;) |
00:49:58 | | Quit Thundercloud (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
00:50:03 | funman | I have made a request to AMS technical support for the patches to Linux |
00:50:23 | funman | hope they maintained the patches sent 1 year+ ago to linux-arm ML |
00:50:44 | | Quit faemir ("Leaving") |
01:00 |
01:07:56 | kronflux | i have returned. LambdaCalculus37 still around? |
01:09:18 | | Join MarcGuay [0] (n=chatzill@ip216-239-79-100.vif.net) |
01:11:05 | | Quit mirak ("Ex-Chat") |
01:16:03 | | Quit tvelocity (Remote closed the connection) |
01:16:36 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
01:17:53 | | Nick fxb is now known as fxb__ (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) |
01:18:23 | kronflux | how would I go about compiling just a bootloader? |
01:18:33 | kronflux | not the whole rockbox? |
01:19:28 | | Join FugitivePrisoner [0] (n=tfarides@ool-182d8639.dyn.optonline.net) |
01:19:36 | FugitivePrisoner | FugitivePrisoner |
01:20:14 | | Quit Dark_Apostrophe (Remote closed the connection) |
01:20:17 | FugitivePrisoner | HOwdy |
01:20:23 | kronflux | oy |
01:20:30 | | Join Dark_Apostrophe [0] (n=darkapos@pdpc/supporter/monthlybyte/DarkApostrophe) |
01:20:35 | FugitivePrisoner | Looking for some help with my Sansa e200 |
01:21:19 | FugitivePrisoner | sansapatcher.exe is not detecting it to install the boot loader |
01:22:15 | pixelma | do you have a v2? What's the firmware version of the original firmware? |
01:24:09 | FugitivePrisoner | Just got it.. i'm betting it's probably a v2 if thats teh latest |
01:24:19 | FugitivePrisoner | No support for those yet? |
01:24:51 | funman | it's in the works |
01:25:20 | FugitivePrisoner | Good to know |
01:25:20 | MarcGuay | funman will have it ready for you tomorrow by 5pm. |
01:25:27 | FugitivePrisoner | Lol |
01:25:38 | * | MarcGuay starts his stopwatch |
01:25:50 | | Quit kronflux ("Ex-Chat") |
01:25:53 | * | funman looks for a way to go back in time |
01:26:35 | | Join Zarggg [0] (n=z@65-78-69-194.c3-0.eas-ubr6.atw-eas.pa.cable.rcn.com) |
01:26:35 | FugitivePrisoner | Finally upgraded from my Archos Recorder 80gb... tired of lugging that brick around |
01:27:59 | FugitivePrisoner | Can't stomach this software after using rockbox for so long. |
01:31:12 | | Quit goffa (Remote closed the connection) |
01:31:15 | | Join goffa [0] (n=goffa@ |
01:36:56 | | Quit culture (Connection timed out) |
01:43:52 | | Quit massiveH ("Leaving") |
01:45:30 | | Quit funman ("leaving") |
01:47:57 | | Nick HBK is now known as HBK- (n=me@pool-71-96-74-73.dfw.dsl-w.verizon.net) |
01:48:17 | | Nick HBK- is now known as HBK (n=me@pool-71-96-74-73.dfw.dsl-w.verizon.net) |
01:48:27 | HBK | just grouping a nick >.> |
01:51:31 | | Part toffe82 |
01:53:44 | | Quit XavierGr (Nick collision from services.) |
01:53:55 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@rockbox/staff/XavierGr) |
01:54:40 | | Join Mardoxx [0] (n=Mardoxx@adsl-87-102-115-248.karoo.KCOM.COM) |
01:55:19 | Mardoxx | Currently Rockbox is not yet available to users! All what the Rockbox bootloader does, is loading the _Original Firmware_! |
01:55:20 | Mardoxx | Because of technical limitations (blame Creative!), we can't put Rockbox on the device (yet) without taking your hard drive out... |
01:55:40 | Mardoxx | does that mean you need to develop a USB driver that gives direct access to the hard drive? |
01:56:19 | Mardoxx | or has anyone tried injecting modified firmware as its being uploaded? |
01:57:18 | | Join m0f0x [0] (n=m0f0x@189-47-61-45.dsl.telesp.net.br) |
01:58:26 | MarcGuay | Mardoxx: I think the problem is understanding the hard drive layout so that RB can be loaded off it. |
01:58:37 | MarcGuay | Check the last few forum posts. |
02:00 |
02:00:12 | | Quit gregzx (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
02:06:06 | mcuelenaere | \o/ I got the NAND driver to work! |
02:06:52 | | Join parafin|away [0] (i=parafin@parafin.dialup.corbina.ru) |
02:09:44 | MarcGuay | \o/! |
02:10:28 | MarcGuay | Writing was the problem, yeah? |
02:10:38 | mcuelenaere | Reading |
02:10:42 | mcuelenaere | but this isn't the TCC one |
02:11:26 | MarcGuay | Onda? You're working on too many targets at once, I can't keep up.. ) |
02:11:27 | Mardoxx | wait what? so its near to working then? |
02:11:51 | Mardoxx | oh lol.. I nearly lost my adapter for my ZVM yesterday! |
02:11:54 | mcuelenaere | MarcGuay: only Onda and ZVM ;) |
02:12:16 | MarcGuay | Arr. I think names are not my forte. :) |
02:12:20 | mcuelenaere | Mardoxx: this is Onda related, not ZVM |
02:12:39 | Mardoxx | oh :( |
02:13:01 | Mardoxx | how's progress with ZVM, and is there anything that could be done to help? |
02:13:21 | mcuelenaere | figure out the CFS filesystem? ;) |
02:13:34 | | Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) |
02:13:39 | mcuelenaere | check the forums for progress and the wiki, it contains it all |
02:14:00 | Mardoxx | k |
02:14:13 | * | mcuelenaere is off to bed now |
02:14:17 | | Quit mcuelenaere ("Zzzzzzzzz") |
02:18:06 | | Join LambdaCalculus37 [0] (n=LambdaCa@c-24-0-218-198.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) |
02:19:33 | | Quit parafin (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable)) |
02:24:18 | | Join Lambdumb [0] (n=Lambda@12-203-112-233.client.mchsi.com) |
02:32:36 | | Join goffa_ [0] (n=goffa@ |
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02:41:36 | | Quit Lambduh (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
02:45:47 | | Quit goffa (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
02:56:36 | LambdaCalculus37 | kronflux: (for the logs) If you come back again later, let's go through using meizu_dfu on the 2G nano once more, so this time it can get logged. |
02:57:34 | | Quit jhulst (Remote closed the connection) |
02:58:41 | LambdaCalculus37 | wpyh: (for the logs) I'm trying to add basic support for the 2G nano to meizu_dfu, and I'd like you (or gevaerts) to take a look at it. |
02:59:21 | | Quit LambdaCalculus37 ("Do quit now, there's a demon around the corner!") |
03:00 |
03:03:22 | | Part pixelma |
03:03:45 | | Join Darksair [0] (n=user@ |
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03:36:43 | | Quit dabujo ("( www.nnscript.com :: NoNameScript 4.2 :: www.regroup-esports.com )") |
03:47:46 | | Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) |
03:48:42 | | Quit krazykit ("Connection reset by beer") |
03:52:39 | | Quit DerDome (Nick collision from services.) |
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03:52:50 | | Nick DerDome1 is now known as DerDome (n=DerDome@dslb-082-083-240-075.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
03:56:48 | | Join FastKatt [0] (n=FastKatt@c-98-213-200-103.hsd1.il.comcast.net) |
04:00 |
04:22:06 | | Join miepchen^schlaf_ [0] (n=miepchen@p579ECE91.dip.t-dialin.net) |
04:24:22 | MarcGuay | linuxstb: Not sure if you've seen this, http://www.jetaudio.com/forums/showthread.php?t=14349. Seems like the iAudio U5 has the same location as the Dax. |
04:24:39 | havien_ | ok whats the best mp3 player out there? |
04:24:42 | | Nick havien_ is now known as Havien (n=havien@68-189-143-101.dhcp.wlwl.wa.charter.com) |
04:25:13 | Llorean | Havien: That's entirely subjective. |
04:25:22 | Havien | true |
04:25:31 | Havien | battery life and max storage space |
04:25:36 | Havien | want something like my cellphone |
04:25:47 | Havien | charged once a week or every other week |
04:26:04 | Llorean | Well, you can see general stats on the BuyersGuide page in the wiki |
04:26:05 | MarcGuay | Presumably one that runs Rockbox...? |
04:26:18 | Havien | preferably |
04:26:39 | MarcGuay | How's the battery life on the Gigabeat F? |
04:27:22 | FastKatt | What cellphone can run a week+ without a charge? |
04:27:29 | Havien | 16-20 |
04:27:37 | Havien | lg 300g |
04:27:40 | Havien | or the nokia 1600 |
04:28:00 | Havien | anyone have a use for a creative nomad jukbox 2lx? |
04:28:14 | Havien | no mic 20gb drive and crappy firmware that locks up prety easily |
04:30:09 | Havien | nm wouldn't be worth the trouble as to the age and stuff |
04:30:19 | | Join saratoga [0] (n=9803c6dd@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-274acfa842eabb13) |
04:30:37 | saratoga | is there some way to get gcc to give more information about incompatable type warnings? |
04:30:53 | | Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
04:31:12 | | Quit perrikwp ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
04:34:47 | | Join LinuxMafia [0] (n=awatt@CPE000e081cbf7a-CM00159a642d7e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) |
04:34:49 | LinuxMafia | hi |
04:35:09 | LinuxMafia | how can i convert video to sansa e200 format using transcode? |
04:36:31 | Llorean | LinuxMafia: It's just mpeg2 video with mp1/mp2/mp3 audio. |
04:36:54 | Llorean | If you're looking for directions on how to actually use transcode, I suggest you approach their documentation though |
04:37:45 | LinuxMafia | Llorean, i am gonna sleep soon , just want quick convert so i can see some video and put me sleep |
04:38:33 | Llorean | That doesn't really make a difference in the whole "this channel is for questions about Rockbox, and there's a decent chance nobody here even uses transcode" |
04:39:03 | Llorean | Question here should be about the Rockbox aspects of it. If you have questions about what format you need, sure, but how to use other peoples' tools should be directed at the people who provide support for said tools. |
04:39:12 | num1 | Llorean: maybe he was hoping there was a transcript script hanging around in /utils |
04:39:35 | LinuxMafia | Llorean, i thinks there was a code for it in rockbox before |
04:39:38 | | Join HulkSmashNow [0] (n=4b58c7cd@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-1405d9de7b378877) |
04:40:06 | Llorean | LinuxMafia: Where, in our docs, gave you that impression, then? |
04:40:11 | * | Llorean thinks we need to fix this. |
04:40:34 | LinuxMafia | Llorean, may be in sansa site |
04:40:43 | Llorean | Well, that's not our site. |
04:40:46 | LinuxMafia | but i seen it before |
04:40:53 | Llorean | Please, depend on our documentation not some random webpage. |
04:41:03 | Llorean | There is no official tool for video conversion. |
04:41:44 | LinuxMafia | i wrote some thing myself using mencoder-bin but now it is blocked |
04:41:55 | MarcGuay | LinuxMafia: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/PluginMpegplayer#How_To_Encode_Files |
04:42:06 | LinuxMafia | thanks |
04:42:10 | LinuxMafia | MarcGuay, |
04:44:16 | | Quit Thundercloud_ (Remote closed the connection) |
04:48:31 | | Join stripwax [0] (n=Miranda@87-194-34-169.bethere.co.uk) |
04:48:46 | | Quit HulkSmashNow ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
04:48:49 | LinuxMafia | they actually had the script |
04:51:23 | Llorean | That page is community documentation. |
04:51:47 | Llorean | It's also something the channel guidelines ask you to search before asking in here. |
04:52:52 | | Quit stripwax (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
05:00 |
05:02:01 | | Quit fdinel ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
05:16:32 | * | MarcGuay wonders what happened here: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/SansaV2 |
05:16:42 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
05:17:28 | Llorean | Someone created an unused page? |
05:18:19 | MarcGuay | I guess they were aiming for SansaV2Firmware and got trigger-happy. |
05:18:25 | Llorean | Perhaps |
05:23:15 | | Quit Darksair ("ERC Version 5.3 (IRC client for Emacs)") |
05:34:55 | | Quit Mardoxx (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
05:35:17 | | Join Mardoxx [0] (n=Mardoxx@adsl-87-102-115-248.karoo.KCOM.COM) |
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05:53:44 | | Quit FastKatt (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
06:00 |
06:01:39 | | Join sarixe [0] (n=sarixe@ool-435407e9.dyn.optonline.net) |
06:02:37 | | Join Darksair [0] (n=user@ |
06:05:11 | | Join kronflux [0] (n=aptiva1@hlfxns0161w-142068040196.pppoe-dynamic.ns.aliant.net) |
06:09:55 | MarcGuay | Zagor, Anyone!: Seems as though a lot of hard work of mine was lost in the wiki crash the other day. I had made a table with a firmware disassembly at http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/SonyNWAPort and it's gonegonegone. If you could take a minute to look into it I'd really appreciate it. I'd hate to have to redo it. |
06:10:43 | Llorean | Odds are good if it's not there now it's because it wasn't in the latest backup, I think. =/ |
06:11:07 | | Quit XavierGr () |
06:11:16 | | Join thegeek_ [0] (n=nnscript@s080a.studby.ntnu.no) |
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06:15:37 | | Quit kronflux () |
06:15:39 | MarcGuay | Craptastic. Maybe it's cached in the googler. |
06:15:45 | | Join kronflux_ [0] (n=kronflux@hlfxns0161w-142068040196.pppoe-dynamic.ns.aliant.net) |
06:15:51 | | Part kronflux_ ("Leaving") |
06:15:51 | brun0_|laptop | hey ! I'm interested in developping media player capabilities on top of the small os for a research project. In rockbox, it seems that you make use of codecs libraries like fad without any porting. Why didn't you need it? |
06:15:52 | | Quit parafin|away ("So long and thanks for all the fish") |
06:15:55 | | Join parafin [0] (i=parafin@parafin.dialup.corbina.ru) |
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06:17:16 | | Join kronflux [0] (n=kronflux@hlfxns0161w-142068040196.pppoe-dynamic.ns.aliant.net) |
06:29:03 | Unhelpful | what makes you so sure there wasn't any porting? |
06:30:21 | MarcGuay | Saved it with minor effort. Yay. |
06:30:53 | Unhelpful | gcached? |
06:33:35 | | Quit thegeek (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
06:34:58 | | Quit Zarggg () |
06:36:25 | MarcGuay | Yup. Just had to put the pipes and stars back. |
06:37:10 | | Quit phinze ("leaving") |
06:37:35 | | Join spyder045 [0] (n=184a0b64@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-88967cd46090dd38) |
06:37:49 | spyder045 | hello? |
06:38:21 | MarcGuay | spyder045: Good evening. |
06:38:45 | spyder045 | hi i have a couple questions about rockbox for my ipod 5th/video |
06:38:54 | MarcGuay | Ask away. |
06:39:04 | spyder045 | how much space will it take up? |
06:39:20 | scorche | very little |
06:39:39 | MarcGuay | Very little. You can download the zip and look yourselfd. |
06:39:43 | MarcGuay | -d |
06:40:11 | spyder045 | the zip file i downloaded...from the download link have the doom game or is that a plugin? |
06:40:46 | | Quit MarcGuay ("ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox 3.0.1/2008070208]") |
06:40:54 | scorche | that is a plugin and if you want to know more, you should have a look at the wiki page "PluginDoom" and/or the manual |
06:41:13 | spyder045 | ahh ok can you give me the wiki address? |
06:41:55 | spyder045 | and lastly should i back up my ipod just in case and do you know of any program that will back up my entire ipod |
06:42:04 | scorche | can you not find the wiki from rockbox.org? |
06:42:53 | spyder045 | ahh ok i see it |
06:42:57 | scorche | you shouldnt need to (unless you need to format), but programs to back up your ipod are offtopic here |
06:43:28 | spyder045 | ok thank you |
06:46:41 | | Quit jhulst ("Konversation terminated!") |
06:49:39 | delt | Hello all |
06:49:59 | delt | when i compile rockbox from source code, why does the version say "unknown-<date>" ? |
06:50:42 | | Quit spyder045 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
06:51:28 | delt | (with 2 digits for the year) |
06:55:26 | Llorean | delt: Did you use SVN to check out the source, or download the tarball |
06:55:27 | | Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) |
06:55:43 | delt | downloaded the tarball |
06:56:23 | delt | it's updated daily, right? |
06:56:51 | Llorean | Yeah, but you really should use SVN to avoid any weirdness (and decrease the size of all future downloads you may make) |
06:57:22 | delt | ah ok... does svn use some kind of compression? |
06:57:39 | delt | if it compresses each file individually, i can't see how it can do a better job than .tar.gz |
06:58:58 | Llorean | The fact that it downloads *far* less files when you update will do a vastly better job at keeping the overall amount you download down though... |
06:59:13 | delt | oh duh *slaps forehead* |
06:59:33 | delt | anyway.. sleepy time for me, good night everyone |
06:59:35 | Llorean | The majority of Rockbox SVN (in terms of filesize) tends toward files that are updated very rarely. |
06:59:47 | | Join perrikwp [0] (i=d1a8d351@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-022fd716695e13ba) |
06:59:49 | brun0_|laptop | Unhelpful: because the files on svn seems to be the initial ones |
07:00 |
07:00:49 | | Quit sarixe ("Ex-Chat") |
07:01:13 | | Join sarixe [0] (n=sarixe@ool-435407e9.dyn.optonline.net) |
07:01:45 | delt | i'll check this out tomorrow (tired zZzZ) |
07:01:46 | Unhelpful | brun0_|laptop: ah, you compared them? i'm really not sure how much porting might've been involved. many parts of rockbox are posix-ish, but it *is* an embedded environment, and in particular, doesn't have dynamic allocation. |
07:02:41 | brun0_|laptop | Unhelpful: no I didn't compare them but lots of files are still in the revision "Initial check-in of unmodified libmad code (libmad-0.15.1b) " |
07:02:48 | Unhelpful | also, targets don't typically have floating-point capabilities, or at least not decent ones. so i'd be surprised if there was absolutely *no* change from upstream on the decoder libraries. |
07:03:03 | brun0_|laptop | Unhelpful: ok |
07:03:14 | brun0_|laptop | Unhelpful: where is the posix layer implemented? |
07:03:26 | brun0_|laptop | in firmware/common ? |
07:05:13 | | Join scottie7 [0] (n=s2@lapss.aao.GOV.AU) |
07:05:28 | Unhelpful | it's not so much a posix layer, more that things that also exist in posix have been done w/ similar function names and calling conventions |
07:06:33 | scottie7 | hi, I just installed rockbox on my Sansa e260 but it's still booting the sansa s/w after I powercycle it. |
07:07:07 | scottie7 | i did a manual install ... extracted rockbox.zip & rockbox-fonts.zip into the root directory of my player, & then ran sansapatcher. |
07:07:20 | brun0_|laptop | Unhelpful: ok, thanks for the information |
07:07:23 | scottie7 | all indications are that everything installed successfully - it just won't start rockbox. |
07:07:29 | Unhelpful | beyond that, you're going to need to ask a real developer, sorry :/ |
07:07:48 | brun0_|laptop | Unhelpful: no, that's cool I just wanted a general idea! thanks a lot |
07:07:51 | brun0_|laptop | i'm going to bed now :) |
07:08:52 | Unhelpful | scorche: did you try installing with rbutil? i've had better luck with it than i have with sansapatcher. do you see a rockbox bootloader message at all, before it starts the sansa firmware? |
07:09:33 | | Quit brun0_|laptop (Remote closed the connection) |
07:15:01 | Llorean | Unhelpful: You probably wanted to direct that to scottie7 |
07:15:25 | Unhelpful | ...indeed, i did. |
07:15:41 | | Join Gartral [0] (n=Gartral@adsl-75-35-248-158.dsl.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net) |
07:16:43 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
07:18:55 | Gartral | good morning all... i have a slight problem.... i recently bought a micro sdhc card for my e250, and when its playing from the card and shuts off, it looses its internal bookmark and wont start playing if i hit resume playback, but it works if i mix a playlist from both drives and it stoped on a song from its internal memory |
07:26:06 | | Join Dhraakellian [0] (n=ntryon@cpe-69-207-147-61.rochester.res.rr.com) |
07:27:09 | Dhraakellian | off the wall and out of curiosity, is there a way to change the boot splash image? |
07:27:32 | Gartral | yes |
07:27:55 | Gartral | although if i remember its a pain in the arse |
07:29:30 | Llorean | You just have to compile it with a different image. |
07:29:41 | Dhraakellian | ah |
07:29:49 | | Join qxk [0] (n=s2@ |
07:29:52 | Gartral | ahh, i forgot about that, i was thinking of the old logoswapper |
07:30:00 | * | Dhraakellian was hoping for a simple matter of replacing a file somewhere |
07:30:45 | | Quit qxk (Client Quit) |
07:30:51 | Gartral | logo swapper* |
07:31:12 | | Quit jhulst ("Konversation terminated!") |
07:31:58 | Dhraakellian | hmm |
07:32:10 | | Quit scottie7 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
07:32:20 | | Join scottie7 [0] (n=s2@ |
07:32:25 | Dhraakellian | and the jpeg plugin doesn't appear to automatically rotate my 220x176 image to 176x220 |
07:32:36 | * | Dhraakellian shrugs and does it manually from the computer |
07:32:53 | Llorean | Why should it? |
07:32:59 | Dhraakellian | some things do |
07:33:05 | Llorean | That's not a reason. |
07:33:07 | Dhraakellian | as I said, *shrug* |
07:33:08 | scottie7 | i seem to have been disconnected - not sure if what I said previously got through ... |
07:33:17 | scottie7 | Unhelpful, rbutil segfaults on my system. I do not see any rockbox bootloader message at all. |
07:33:19 | Llorean | scottie7: It was recommended you try rbutil. |
07:33:24 | scottie7 | is there a different version of sansapatcher I could use/try? |
07:33:37 | scottie7 | sansapatcher v0.6 recognises my player as "e200 found - /dev/sdb" ... my player is an e260 - is that significant? |
07:33:46 | Llorean | No. |
07:34:09 | scottie7 | Llorean, tried rbutil a few weeks ago - no luck. |
07:34:13 | Gartral | scottie7: try rbuti; |
07:34:20 | Gartral | oops, ok |
07:34:24 | Llorean | scottie7: Where is the file rockbox.mi4 located on your player, exactly? |
07:34:25 | scottie7 | :) |
07:34:44 | scottie7 | Llorean, lemme look ... |
07:35:21 | Llorean | Dhraakellian: If it were to rotate images it'd have to have some logic for which ones to rotate and which ones not to which would be unreliable at best in terms of getting it "right" for what the user wanted. Or we could just depend on the user to know and do it in advance. |
07:35:54 | Gartral | exif info interpreter? |
07:36:05 | scottie7 | .rockbox/rockbox.mi4 |
07:36:12 | Dhraakellian | I suppose if the user has already scaled it down to the proper dimensions, they should also have rotated it |
07:37:12 | Llorean | Gartral: That would more or less require there be something in the exif to designate the image should be rotated. If this is the case, why not just pre-rotate it? |
07:37:34 | Llorean | scottie7: When does rbutil segfault? |
07:37:37 | Darksair | Hi! Anyone ever experience "junk at end of line" error when doing rockboxdev.sh? |
07:37:41 | Gartral | exif info does carry rotation info if the app/system it came from is worth its source/weight in salt |
07:40:19 | Llorean | Gartral: My point, more or less, is if it shouldn't be rotated on the host system, but should be rotated on the player, how would exif help? |
07:40:37 | Llorean | The rotation info in exif is absolute, it gives the orientation of the image. |
07:42:00 | Gartral | a logical offset might work, since (at least the e200) some daps display long ways, a simple offset for the rotation might work |
07:42:21 | Dhraakellian | *thinks* I might've been thinking of other things with autorotate... photos from a camera, rather than a captioned screencap of something |
07:42:45 | Llorean | Gartral: As in "rotate all images 90 degrees"? |
07:43:02 | Dhraakellian | for ones that are wider than they are long, at least? |
07:43:10 | Dhraakellian | wider than tall |
07:43:11 | Llorean | All that does is arbitrate "you must view your images landscape" which won't sit well for people who have portrait images. |
07:43:15 | * | Dhraakellian should get some sleep |
07:44:05 | Llorean | Dhraakellian: I already mentioned that would be inconsistent at best, since the actual dimensions of the image don't actually tell you how it is best viewed when zoomed in. |
07:44:30 | Dhraakellian | if it's small enough to fit the screen unzoomed? |
07:44:51 | Gartral | thats why t has at least simple logic, if the pic is a landscape style, with rotation 0, have it set -90 in display, and like everything else in rockbox, it should be an option |
07:45:02 | Llorean | Why not just ask people to pre-rotate images? |
07:45:05 | Llorean | Is it really difficult? |
07:45:25 | Gartral | no, but i think this is a neat idea |
07:45:32 | Dhraakellian | as I said above, *shrug* !;) |
07:45:42 | | Quit num1 ("veni, vidi et capiebar ad anum "I came, I saw and I endured a rear assault"") |
07:46:06 | | Join jon-kha [0] (i=jon-kha@kahvi.eu.org) |
07:47:07 | | Join goffa [0] (n=goffa@ |
07:47:16 | scottie7 | Llorean, rbutilqt won't even start up - it gives a floating-point exception. |
07:47:50 | | Join bmbl [0] (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/bmbl) |
07:48:00 | Gartral | are you trying to run the prebuit Bin from a 64bit enviroment, cus, i ran into that a long time ago |
07:49:27 | | Join AndyIL [0] (n=pasha_in@ |
07:50:06 | scottie7 | Gartral, trying to run prebuilt rbutilqt from 32-bit environment. |
07:50:21 | Gartral | hmm... im stumped |
07:50:36 | scottie7 | Gartral, so I'm not going crazy then!? :) |
07:50:47 | _emp | weird |
07:51:22 | Gartral | scottie7: nope, but just to be sure, build your own |
07:52:05 | * | amiconn already thought about adding (optional) best-fit rotation to the jpeg viewer |
07:52:20 | amiconn | It doesn't require reading exif at all, just the image dimensions |
07:52:57 | amiconn | The initial stage should also apply a best-fit zoom |
07:53:33 | Dhraakellian | hmm |
07:53:34 | Gartral | amiconn: yea, i know, but the exif would produce (i think) better results, because it wont force the file to display one way of the other, it could be more dynamic |
07:54:16 | Dhraakellian | I'll say this for Rockbox, saving a jpeg that rockbox can read is a lot simpler than getting the OF to display a bitmap without using the official media converter |
07:54:23 | amiconn | My point is that it should be forced in order to make optimal use of the display |
07:54:24 | * | Dhraakellian is trying to resize with the gimp |
07:55:00 | | Quit sarixe ("Ex-Chat") |
07:55:05 | Gartral | gimp=goodness [ot block over] |
07:55:06 | amiconn | And reading exif would need quite a bit of additional code |
07:55:49 | Dhraakellian | hmm... can Rockbox display bitmaps without having them as backdrops and such? |
07:55:55 | Gartral | no |
07:56:16 | Gartral | not unless there sized too the screen, and opened in rockpaint |
07:56:25 | Dhraakellian | ah |
07:56:38 | amiconn | And rockpaint is (still!) only available on colour targets |
07:56:45 | Dhraakellian | heh |
07:57:00 | amiconn | It's one of those half-baked plugins |
07:57:09 | Dhraakellian | was just fiddling around and seeing if I could look at the stock Sansa pics |
07:57:32 | Gartral | ahh, i have an e200, i tend to take this for granite |
07:57:56 | Dhraakellian | I wouldn't take my sansa for granite |
07:58:05 | Dhraakellian | the impact would probably break the headphone jack |
07:58:32 | | Join fyre^OS [0] (n=fyre@cpe-68-173-169-109.nyc.res.rr.com) |
07:58:41 | Gartral | not the sansa itself, the color screen over b+w, |
07:58:41 | Dhraakellian | 'course Rockbox could just be set to happily pipe everything to a single side |
07:59:14 | Gartral | mines left channel is going bad |
07:59:33 | Gartral | i need to resolder it (again) |
07:59:55 | Dhraakellian | could've looked into resoldering mine, but it was still well within the 90-day warranty |
08:00 |
08:00:01 | | Quit goffa_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
08:00:11 | Gartral | lol, i bought mine refurb |
08:00:15 | Dhraakellian | still should've used that option as a stop-gap while waiting for the replacement |
08:00:18 | Gartral | were getting ot here |
08:00:57 | | Quit AndyI (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
08:01:04 | | Quit reacocard ("Coyote finally caught me") |
08:01:21 | | Join reacocard [0] (i=reacocar@silenceisdefeat.org) |
08:01:54 | Gartral | i do have a problem.... i recently bought a micro sdhc card for my e250, and when its playing from the card and shuts off, it looses its internal bookmark and wont start playing if i hit resume playback, but it works if i mix a playlist from both drives and it stoped on a song from its internal memory |
08:02:32 | Gartral | but it works fine useing a non HC card |
08:03:41 | Dhraakellian | hmm |
08:04:06 | Dhraakellian | was there a commit a while back that was supposed to fix the file corruption issues with USB file transfer? |
08:06:39 | Gartral | i remember hearing something about usb a time ago |
08:06:46 | Llorean | It doesn't work. |
08:06:58 | Llorean | You can always just read comments on the task for it. |
08:08:30 | Gartral | if USB worked, then i would be really happy because i could finally flash over that Rtarded sandisk FW |
08:08:58 | | Quit miepchen^schlaf_ () |
08:09:30 | Dhraakellian | I was thinking more along the lines of not needing to use a separate adapter when I upgrade to microSDHC |
08:10:16 | Gartral | ohh yea, that too |
08:10:34 | Gartral | i just use my printer, lol |
08:14:05 | | Quit fyrestorm (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
08:15:24 | Dhraakellian | http://svn.rockbox.org/viewvc.cgi?view=rev;revision=18327 and http://svn.rockbox.org/viewvc.cgi?view=rev;revision=18370 |
08:16:02 | * | Dhraakellian reads the FS link to see how much of it he understands |
08:21:32 | | Quit scorche|sh ("Lost terminal") |
08:24:00 | | Join scorche|sh [50] (n=scorche@rockbox/administrator/scorche) |
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08:25:27 | | Join scorche|sh [50] (n=scorche@rockbox/administrator/scorche) |
08:31:11 | * | Gartral has discovered the freestate theme |
08:31:22 | Dhraakellian | link? |
08:31:52 | Dhraakellian | I'm just glad that the plaintext wps only needed a one-liner fix when the wps change broke it |
08:32:32 | Gartral | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/WpsSansaE200#Free_State |
08:33:01 | Dhraakellian | ah |
08:34:54 | | Quit scottie7 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
08:35:19 | | Join scottie7 [0] (n=s2@lapss.aao.GOV.AU) |
08:35:20 | * | amiconn uses wps'es that didn't need a fix at all for the wps change :) |
08:36:08 | | Quit LinuxMafia (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
08:36:08 | * | Gartral has simply fixed or deleted every theme that didnt work |
08:36:29 | | Join ompaul [0] (n=ompaul@gnewsense/friend/ompaul) |
08:36:36 | Dhraakellian | plaintext gives a lot of information though, which is why I liked it |
08:36:43 | Dhraakellian | didn't need the pretty so much |
08:38:03 | | Quit bughunter2 ("bye") |
08:39:57 | advcomp2019 | yea.. i like plaintext too.. it is not too busy and it has info i like |
08:42:44 | Gartral | i like themes that are equally functional as they are beautiful |
08:42:57 | | Join ender` [0] (i=krneki@foo.eternallybored.org) |
08:44:42 | | Join Rob2223 [0] (n=Miranda@p4FDCF33E.dip.t-dialin.net) |
08:45:47 | | Quit ompaul (Client Quit) |
08:49:52 | | Join LinuxMafia [0] (n=awatt@ |
08:50:39 | * | amiconn wonders whether we should provide higher gain settings on ipod G4 and Color for microphone recording |
08:51:50 | amiconn | Currently the max. is 50dB (20dB mic boost + 30dB PGA gain), and even a proper (dynamic) microphone (Sony F-V9) instead of misused earphones aren't very sensitive at that level |
08:52:44 | amiconn | The mic gain is programmable (0/13/20/29dB), but we currently fix it at 20dB, only using the PGA to adjust gain |
08:52:51 | | Quit avis (Remote closed the connection) |
08:53:02 | amiconn | Furthermore we could also make use of the variable digital gain |
08:53:30 | amiconn | Otoh, there's already quite a bit of noise floor even at 50dB |
08:53:46 | | Join avis [0] (n=ident@pdpc/supporter/student/avis) |
08:55:14 | Llorean | How does it compare to other recording targets we have? |
08:55:54 | amiconn | H1x0 gives a bit more level at its max. setting (48dB) with the same microphone |
08:57:51 | amiconn | H300 will be the same, and I have no other target that works without an external mic without preamp |
08:58:19 | Gartral | i have an e200, how do i test? |
08:59:03 | amiconn | Maybe we should go for 29dB mic boost then? Changing mic boost on the fly together with PGA gain will cause clicks when the mic boost changes |
08:59:39 | amiconn | Gartral: You'd need a mic, and another target for comparison. This wasn't a scientific test yet |
08:59:53 | Llorean | amiconn: I don't know if clicks are a reason not to do it. |
08:59:54 | amiconn | I should probably run a test with a signal generator |
09:00 |
09:00:02 | Llorean | As long as the settings separate they'll know when they're adjusting it. |
09:00:08 | Gartral | well the e200s have built in mics |
09:00:32 | amiconn | Llorean: I was thinking about combined adjustment, giving a larger total range |
09:00:36 | Llorean | Just call the mic boost "None/Low/Med/High", leave the gain setting to the PGA and describe Mic Boost as possibly causing a click when adjusted in the manual? |
09:01:19 | amiconn | On the iriver targets (UDA1380) we do combined adjustment of analog and digital gain |
09:01:48 | | Quit Siku () |
09:02:00 | Llorean | It's safer to there, though, right? |
09:02:13 | Llorean | In terms of not causing noises. |
09:02:48 | amiconn | Well, since both gains are relatively fine grained, the probability for audible clicks is a lot lower |
09:03:02 | | Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
09:03:17 | amiconn | Maybe I should try just PGA + digital gain, leaving the mic boost alone |
09:04:15 | amiconn | PGA goes -17.25..+30dB in 0.75dB steps |
09:04:39 | | Join petur [50] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
09:05:01 | amiconn | ADC digital gain goes -97dB (!)... +30dB in 0.5dB steps |
09:06:08 | amiconn | That should in fact make for a nice additional gain with no clicks at all (using digital gain only for extra gain, never for attenuating) |
09:07:04 | amiconn | Iirc the ADC is 24 bit, so we don't even lose resolution by using the digital gain |
09:10:32 | | Quit scottie7 ("Leaving") |
09:16:45 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
09:24:45 | petur | amiconn: if the ipod has another selectable gain in big chunks, I think we should offer it as another setting. IMHO, rockbox is all about offering the user all the power the hardware has... |
09:25:26 | petur | analog and digital gain can still be combined like we do for h1x0/h3x0 |
09:26:50 | Dhraakellian | when was the default iconset last changed? |
09:28:19 | | Join domonoky [0] (n=Domonoky@rockbox/developer/domonoky) |
09:31:27 | GodEater | Dhraakellian: bloody ages ago |
09:32:00 | Dhraakellian | since the colorization seen on http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IconSets#Individual_Icon_Sets |
09:32:03 | Dhraakellian | ? |
09:32:12 | | Join LinusN [0] (n=linus@rockbox/developer/LinusN) |
09:32:50 | JdGordon | none of those were ever packaged with rockbox |
09:33:00 | | Quit jeffdameth (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
09:33:25 | | Join markun [0] (n=markun@bastards.student.utwente.nl) |
09:33:47 | GodEater | JdGordon: isn't tango the one Cabbiev2 uses ? |
09:34:36 | JdGordon | yes, what I meant was none of them were packaged before the cabbie invasion |
09:37:24 | | Nick JdGordon is now known as JdGordon|afk (n=jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) |
09:37:42 | | Join pixelma [50] (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) |
09:38:01 | | Join scottie7 [0] (n=s2@ |
09:38:32 | Dhraakellian | JdGordon|afk: yeah, but the Default Remakes 6x8x16 sets appear to be based off the default set |
09:38:33 | scottie7 | how do I extract rockbox.7z? |
09:38:42 | | Join vitja [0] (n=vitja@l34.ipu.rssi.ru) |
09:44:24 | markun | scottie7: with a program called 7-zip |
09:44:40 | Gartral | www.7zip.org |
09:44:47 | markun | scottie7: which OS are you on? |
09:46:18 | Gartral | stupid Q on my part, but what size/format does album art have to be to work in RB? |
09:46:28 | GodEater | Gartral: depends on the theme |
09:46:35 | GodEater | and the target |
09:46:39 | Gartral | use veiwports |
09:46:44 | Gartral | on e250 |
09:46:54 | GodEater | there's a theme called viewports ? |
09:47:01 | Gartral | theme free-state |
09:47:15 | GodEater | open it up and see what size images it uses |
09:48:11 | Gartral | 75x75, but i still dont know what format, or where to put it |
09:48:24 | petur | BMP |
09:48:38 | Llorean | Isn't there an AlbumArt wiki page that helps with most of this? |
09:48:39 | GodEater | and read the AlbumArt wiki page for where to put it |
09:48:45 | GodEater | Llorean: yes ;) |
09:49:00 | GodEater | which is even linked from the Free-state theme entry |
09:49:36 | Gartral | oops, ok, im stupid and didnt see it, thankies |
09:49:43 | | Join funman [0] (n=tg@e73224.upc-e.chello.nl) |
09:53:53 | scottie7 | markun, Fedora |
09:54:18 | scottie7 | never heard of 7-zip before. |
09:54:51 | Gartral | how do you run linux and never encounter 7zip? |
09:55:08 | Llorean | Gartral: That's irrelevant here, really. |
09:55:30 | Gartral | true, but couriosity won over logic with that |
09:55:48 | | Quit BHSPitMonkey (Remote closed the connection) |
09:56:25 | markun | scottie7: for linux you can use p7zip |
09:56:27 | scottie7 | Gartral, I've been using Linux daily for 10 years - never heard of 7zip! |
09:56:59 | Gartral | ok, ok, just wondering |
09:57:32 | markun | Gartral: and I think tar.bz2 is much more popular in the Linux world |
09:57:40 | scottie7 | yup |
09:57:48 | markun | but it's getting off-topic |
09:58:06 | scottie7 | sorry |
09:58:22 | scottie7 | anyway, does rockbox.7z have rbutil source? |
09:59:16 | markun | scottie7: I think so, but I can't check right now |
10:00 |
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10:03:52 | | Quit perrikwp (Remote closed the connection) |
10:03:52 | | Quit GodEater (Remote closed the connection) |
10:04:47 | markun | Have you guys ever seen Calmrisc (+MAC2424) optimizations for any open source codes? It's used by quite a number of MP3 players. |
10:05:06 | markun | codes -> codecs' |
10:07:12 | | Join GodEater [0] (i=c2cbc962@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-b280b5cb96481b30) |
10:07:41 | Llorean | Wasn't that used in some PDAs too? |
10:11:13 | | Join gregzx [0] (n=chatzill@dsa190.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) |
10:12:12 | | Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@ |
10:15:21 | markun | Llorean: if I look for camrisc and fft I only find some scientific papers and datasheets |
10:15:43 | markun | also some rockbox logs :) |
10:15:46 | gromit` | the gmini 1xx and 2xx was using Calmrisc |
10:16:41 | gromit` | http://sourceforge.net/projects/gemoss/ |
10:16:50 | gromit` | gcc-calmrisc + other stuff |
10:17:01 | gromit` | dunno if it can help |
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10:32:12 | markun | gromit`: do you know if they also have a MAC2424 coprocessor? |
10:33:54 | gromit` | hmmm not exactly |
10:33:55 | gromit` | http://donat.org/archos/wiki/doku.php?id=chips |
10:33:57 | gromit` | some infos here |
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10:53:09 | Gartral | umm, i take it 24 bpp bmp files arnt supported as album art? |
10:54:31 | Gartral | nvm, i misnamed it |
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11:15:11 | markun | hi there jhMikeS! |
11:16:01 | funman | linuxstb: could you look at my patch for sansav2 mkamsboot yesterday ? |
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11:19:38 | linuxstb | funman: Yes, I had a quick look. I'm not sure what to do with it though - i.e. to either apply your patch, or to add it as a second way to run code on a v2. |
11:20:17 | funman | it's tested on e200 & clip |
11:20:35 | funman | the default is resume OF so no need for buttons checking if you aren't going to hack on it |
11:20:57 | funman | it also blinks the button led, and it was confirmed that it's the same gpio pin on clip & e200 |
11:21:07 | funman | but there is no indication that it couldn't damage other players |
11:21:44 | funman | so you can leave it as another (better :P ) option or remove the button led code and replace the existing code |
11:26:19 | linuxstb | I'm busy with my day job at the moment, but will try and look at it in more detail either late tonight or over the weekend. |
11:26:59 | linuxstb | I have a question though (which may be answered in the long forum thread...) - do you know if the code is run directly from ROM, or if it is copied to RAM first by a first-stage bootloader? |
11:28:34 | funman | my test show that it's copied to RAM, but ran from ROM |
11:29:14 | funman | I tried to store a byte in memory between 0x0 and 128kB and read it back, but the store hadn't succeeded |
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11:29:31 | | Join Mardoxx [0] (n=Mardoxx@adsl-87-102-115-248.karoo.KCOM.COM) |
11:29:42 | linuxstb | So ROM is mapped to 0x0? |
11:29:53 | funman | also in the patch I copy ROM into RAM before mapping RAM at 0x0, but it's just an extra precaution because when removing the copy the code works fine also |
11:29:56 | funman | yes |
11:30:23 | linuxstb | So you branch to the copy in RAM when starting the OF, and that's working reliably? |
11:31:15 | | Join Nibbler [0] (n=Nibbler@e181098116.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
11:31:19 | funman | yes |
11:31:52 | funman | I use the dual boot with the OF daily |
11:32:22 | funman | but still, I'll remove the ROM -> RAM copy only when these few bytes become necessary |
11:34:09 | | Join agrh [0] (n=andrew@S0106001346f5cbbb.gv.shawcable.net) |
11:36:00 | linuxstb | Do you remap RAM to 0x0 only for your code, or for the OF as well? |
11:38:35 | funman | for the OF as well |
11:38:45 | funman | I do not remap ROM to 0 |
11:39:18 | funman | note that the recovery path will map the RAM at 0 to remove the 'stage2' from memory |
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11:58:47 | | Quit Gartral (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
11:58:52 | vitja | how can I post small patches? Should I open item in bugtrack or can I send it to rockbox-dev? |
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12:20:21 | Llorean | vitja: Patches should go on flyspray, where they're easier for everyone to find. |
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13:32:14 | LambdaCalculus37 | gevaerts: Ping |
13:32:49 | gevaerts | LambdaCalculus37: pong |
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13:36:28 | LambdaCalculus37 | gevaerts: Good news and "meh" news,,, good news first: I added 2nd gen nano support to meizu_dfu. |
13:36:39 | LambdaCalculus37 | The " |
13:36:41 | LambdaCalculus37 | The "meh" news is that when I send the nano a file, it works, but meizu_dfu stalls when it gets to "clearing status..." |
13:36:44 | LambdaCalculus37 | I have to end up ctrl+c'ing meizu_dfu to get it to stop. |
13:37:14 | LambdaCalculus37 | gevaerts: Here's a pastebin of the modified meizu_dfu.c: http://pastebin.com/m473b2920 |
13:37:47 | gevaerts | LambdaCalculus37: which variant do you use? |
13:39:33 | gevaerts | LambdaCalculus37: the m6sl way does not clear status. I think you really need to see what itunes does with it |
13:41:13 | LambdaCalculus37 | gevaerts: I just tried the m6sl way to see what it would do. |
13:42:25 | linuxstb | Does itunes definitely recognise and use DFU mode? |
13:42:51 | LambdaCalculus37 | linuxstb: All iTunes does is say that the iPod needs to be restoring before it can recognize it. |
13:42:59 | LambdaCalculus37 | s/restoring/restored |
13:43:27 | | Quit fdinel ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
13:43:35 | linuxstb | So can it restore an ipod when it's connected in DFU mode? |
13:45:07 | linuxstb | Do you actually need to "install" the modules? Can't you just put the .pm file in the same dir as your script? |
13:45:22 | LambdaCalculus37 | linuxstb: I just tried it right now. iTunes just gives an error and says "This iPod can not be recognized at this time." when I put it into DFU mode. |
13:45:49 | | Join fyrestorm [0] (n=fyre@cpe-68-173-168-94.nyc.res.rr.com) |
13:46:20 | linuxstb | What about other tools? I seem to remember some kind of ipod restore app? |
13:46:38 | LambdaCalculus37 | Ahh, how about that... DFU mode just devoured the iPod's battery life as if the battery were a jelly baby. :) |
13:47:17 | linuxstb | I'm guessing you can still access the regular disk mode (SELECT+PLAY) ? |
13:47:40 | LambdaCalculus37 | linuxstb: Yes. The nano just goes into disk mode automatically when I hook it to a computer. |
13:48:01 | | Join cybertiger [0] (n=cybertig@cs148046.pp.htv.fi) |
13:48:24 | LambdaCalculus37 | "iTunes has detected an iPod in Recovery Mode. You must restore this iPod before it can be used with iTunes." |
13:48:32 | linuxstb | Ah, so if the firmware partition is corrupted, it automatically goes into disk mode, unless you hold SELECT+LEFT, in which case it goes into DFU mode? |
13:48:58 | funman | linuxstb: did I left your requests unanswered when I was disconnected earlier ? |
13:48:59 | LambdaCalculus37 | linuxstb: No, SELECT+LEFT is diagnostic mode. LEFT+PLAY is DFU mode, which you have to do at the Apple logo. |
13:49:27 | LambdaCalculus37 | But yes, if I don't enter a key combo, it does go into disk mode automatically. |
13:49:56 | LambdaCalculus37 | I just wish that iTunes wouldn't keep popping up constantly. :) |
13:50:10 | linuxstb | OK. And itunes recognises DFU mode, but can't communicate with the ipod in that state - it needs to be in disk mode? |
13:51:05 | LambdaCalculus37 | Yep. |
13:51:23 | LambdaCalculus37 | The only thing that I *could* do at this time is just restore and monitor the USB traffic. |
13:52:02 | linuxstb | That will almost certainly be uninteresting - itunes will simply be writing the encrypted firmware image to the firmware partition. |
13:52:15 | linuxstb | Just a "dd". |
13:53:32 | LambdaCalculus37 | linuxstb: I've got to get to work now. Let's talk about this further when I get back onto IRC. |
13:54:23 | | Quit LambdaCalculus37 ("Do quit now, there's a demon around the corner!") |
13:54:31 | * | linuxstb remembers the iPod Reset Utility - http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1238?locale=en_GB - but it's shuffle only... |
13:58:40 | * | GodEater wonders why the ipod goes into DFU mode at all when all we've done is trashed the disc based firmware. Surely DFU mode is for when the flash has gone bye bye too ? |
14:00 |
14:01:02 | cybertiger | Anyone any ideas where to start for getting a copy of the t.sonic 840 firmware (preferably unencrypted) ? |
14:02:09 | Llorean | cybertiger: Generally we just get firmware to examine from official firmware updates. |
14:02:09 | | Quit fyre^OS (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
14:02:14 | linuxstb | GodEater: Yes, it's odd... But don't complain ;) |
14:02:32 | Llorean | linuxstb, GodEater: Probably just some sort of "better safe than sorry" policy. |
14:03:26 | cybertiger | it's an exe, I'm a newbie, and I can't find any info on the internals of the device anywhere. |
14:04:12 | linuxstb | cybertiger: How does the firmware upgrade process work? You can find info on the internals by opening it up and looking... |
14:04:50 | cybertiger | hrm, you mean run a usb snoop utility whilst doing a firmware upgrade ? |
14:04:56 | cybertiger | and work out what the hell it did ? |
14:05:09 | vitja_ | linuxstb, where should I post update on iaudio7? |
14:05:15 | linuxstb | Yes, but I was asking at a higher level than that - i.e. what do you have to do to upgrade a firmware file? |
14:05:34 | linuxstb | vitja_: As Llorean said earlier, flyspray is the best place. |
14:05:40 | cybertiger | you run an executable, it detects the device, and upgrades the firmware. |
14:06:25 | cybertiger | the device as far as I can tell functions as a normal usbstorage device. |
14:07:14 | vitja_ | linuxstb, should I create new ticket? |
14:07:59 | linuxstb | cybertiger: What does the device do during this upgrade? Is it in "MTP mode" (available as a "media device") or "UMS" mode (i.e. a drive letter) ? |
14:08:14 | linuxstb | vitja_: Yes, each patch should be a new task. (the old task was closed) |
14:08:18 | cybertiger | I'll get back to you. |
14:08:28 | cybertiger | (don't know, don't have device to hand right this second). |
14:08:33 | vitja_ | linuxstb, ok |
14:08:39 | cybertiger | thanks though. |
14:08:42 | linuxstb | cybertiger: Also, you could see if the upgrader writes any temporary files (e.g. C:\TEMP) |
14:08:55 | linuxstb | vitja_: Also, check your PMs... |
14:08:59 | cybertiger | I don't think I'm going to be that luck. |
14:09:15 | markun | linuxstb: maybe we should try to get our hands on a shuffle 2g then and monitor what happens during a DFU retore |
14:09:31 | advcomp2019 | cybertiger, another thing, does the update do a force reboot or do you have to unplug the usb cable? |
14:09:36 | linuxstb | markun: Yes, I was thinking that... My MP3 player cupboard is too full though... |
14:10:06 | linuxstb | markun: I'm guessing that it will simply transfer an encrypted firmware image though... :( |
14:10:37 | markun | linuxstb: on the meizu you first send an unencrypted ARM flash util |
14:10:52 | markun | but it doesn't have to be like this for the shuffle of coures.. |
14:11:24 | linuxstb | Is the DFU specification publically available? |
14:12:55 | markun | yes, somewhere on usb.org |
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14:14:36 | * | linuxstb has to run, back later... |
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14:44:47 | MarcGuay | mcuelenaere: Thanks for the zenv wiki cleanup. Looks good. |
14:45:01 | mcuelenaere | np :) |
14:52:29 | MarcGuay | LambdaCalculus37: I'm disassembling the c100v2 firmware slowly but surely. Have tried a few experiments regarding the SD controller with little results. I can read it's status but that's all. |
14:53:10 | funman | MarcGuay: you want to use the sd for booting ? |
14:53:55 | markun | hi MarcGuay! good to see you on IRC |
14:54:36 | MarcGuay | LambdaCalculus37: I cleaned up the m200 wiki pages if you want to give them a lookover, make sure I didn't screw anything up too badly. |
14:54:51 | MarcGuay | funman: I simply want to read from it at this point. |
14:55:10 | MarcGuay | markun: Good to "see" you, too. :) More free time these days, it seems? |
14:55:46 | LambdaCalculus37 | MarcGuay: I saw the m200 wiki pages. They look much, much better now; I can actually find the info I needed. :) |
14:56:31 | LambdaCalculus37 | MacGuay: I should buy you a pizza and a beer for you hard work. :) |
14:56:36 | MarcGuay | funman: The v1 HW/HARP interface sansa's can have test code run safely using tcctool. |
14:56:53 | MarcGuay | LambdaCalculus37: Maybe next devcon east. ;) |
14:56:55 | funman | MarcGuay: did you find routines addressing directly the SD registers in the OF ? |
14:57:03 | funman | ho what's HW/HARP ? |
14:58:19 | MarcGuay | funman: Yes. I meant the v1 players that use a HARP interface to access the NAND instead of direct. |
14:59:04 | MarcGuay | funman: I've pretty much found the entire SD driver but, honestly, don't understand it well enough to do anything with it at this point. |
14:59:04 | funman | but does this tool operate on v2 players as well ? |
14:59:41 | MarcGuay | funman: v2 hardware, no. The sansa firmware referencing might be confusing us. Check out the c100 port page and the m200 port pages. |
15:00 |
15:00:10 | funman | MarcGuay: we couldn't find direct addressing of NAND registers in the clip firmware |
15:00:45 | funman | instead it seems it calculates registers addresses, stores them im RAM, and later other pieces of code load them and use them. But it's very difficult to trace |
15:01:13 | funman | hum .. |
15:02:57 | funman | c100v2 is not the "sansav2" I was thinking |
15:03:12 | funman | sorry for the confusion |
15:03:21 | | Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
15:03:25 | MarcGuay | funman: Yeah. No problem, it's sansa's fault. :) |
15:07:11 | cybertiger | regards t.sonic 840 upgrade procedure, you reset it, and plug it into the usb, then 'search device' using the upgrade tool, after the update is finished, you unplug the device. |
15:07:47 | cybertiger | have to hold down a key after reset/during connecting it to the usb, until you've clicked 'search device'. |
15:08:59 | linuxstb | When you connect it like that, does it still show up as a drive letter? |
15:10:05 | cybertiger | ALi USB 2.0 BOOT LOADER |
15:10:17 | cybertiger | according to lsusb... |
15:10:30 | | Join crope [0] (n=crope@dyn3-82-128-186-59.psoas.suomi.net) |
15:10:51 | funman | I have one of these ... |
15:10:53 | cybertiger | no, don't think I get a drive letter |
15:12:05 | funman | cybertiger: http://images.ciao.com/inl/images/products/normal/832/product-768832.jpg |
15:13:09 | | Quit DerDome ("Leaving.") |
15:14:03 | cybertiger | different product (I think?), the bootloader is probably made by a third party and turns up all over the place. |
15:14:33 | funman | I think it's the same chip inside |
15:14:39 | funman | ali something |
15:14:49 | | Join J-23 [0] (n=aldwulf@a105.net128.okay.pl) |
15:14:51 | J-23 | hi! |
15:14:52 | funman | I had started some research but I stopped after uploading a firmware for another device |
15:14:55 | funman | I can't use it anymore as mp3 |
15:15:13 | funman | but as a usb mass storage, yes. and the hold button is reversed (off = write protect) |
15:15:16 | MarcGuay | ALi is mentionned here: http://forum.mp3store.pl/index.php?showtopic=14695&mode=threaded |
15:15:27 | funman | I could restore it if I found a firmware suited for it |
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15:17:13 | cybertiger | did you backup the original firmware first ? |
15:21:04 | funman | no I hadn't run it into bootloader mode before |
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15:24:03 | markun | hi J-23 |
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16:14:08 | kronflux | heyy guys |
16:18:57 | LambdaCalculus37 | Hi kronflux! |
16:19:59 | kronflux | how are you today? |
16:20:09 | LambdaCalculus37 | Do you still have the modified meizu_dfu source from yesterday, when you tested uploading stuff to your nano? |
16:20:23 | | Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@h-74-0-180-178.snvacaid.covad.net) |
16:20:30 | kronflux | yep! just gotta switch to linux again XD |
16:20:53 | LambdaCalculus37 | All right. Switch over, and pastebin the source for me. |
16:21:07 | kronflux | alrighty |
16:21:52 | | Quit kronflux ("Leaving") |
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16:25:52 | | Join Gartral [0] (n=Gartral@ |
16:26:15 | Gartral | anyone know whats wrong with the themes site? |
16:26:24 | linuxstb | It's dead... |
16:26:35 | Gartral | i kinda notice |
16:26:37 | Gartral | d |
16:27:08 | Gartral | why's it dead? |
16:29:28 | | Join kronflux_ [0] (n=kronflux@hlfxns0161w-142068040196.pppoe-dynamic.ns.aliant.net) |
16:29:37 | kronflux_ | baack |
16:29:40 | * | Gartral yawns |
16:30:34 | Gartral | no one knows then? |
16:32:23 | kronflux_ | LambdaCalculuc37: so you want the meizu_dfu source? we didn't really change much, just the vid and pid |
16:38:22 | | Part LinusN |
16:39:37 | Gartral | hasanyone released a test version of the svn rbutil? |
16:40:48 | LambdaCalculus37 | kronflux_: Yes, pastebin it for me. I'd like to compare your changes to mine. |
16:42:00 | kronflux_ | LambdaCalculus37: http://pastebin.com/d656431b6 |
16:50:40 | | Quit Siku () |
16:51:45 | | Join svpe [0] (n=svpe@p549042A4.dip.t-dialin.net) |
16:55:47 | LambdaCalculus37 | kronflux_: Ahh, I see what you did. You just modified the USB IDs. |
16:55:58 | kronflux_ | LambdaCalculus37: yep. |
16:56:05 | LambdaCalculus37 | I actually added the nano's USB IDs as new #define's. |
16:56:37 | LambdaCalculus37 | This is what I did: http://pastebin.com/m473b2920 |
16:56:42 | kronflux_ | LambdaCalculus37: I was gonna do that, but just to test it, I simply changed them. I was gonna compile the bootloader but I never got around to it. |
16:56:51 | | Part J-23 |
16:57:07 | LambdaCalculus37 | Although it works, it stalls at "Clearing status...", and I have to ctrl+c it for it to stop. |
16:57:17 | kronflux_ | weird. |
16:58:00 | LambdaCalculus37 | Indeed. If you read the IRC logs, gevaerts and I were having a discussion about that. |
16:58:46 | kronflux_ | hm. I'll do that now, catch myself up |
16:59:47 | LambdaCalculus37 | Sure thing. :) |
17:00 |
17:00:16 | kronflux_ | hm. I did a search for "clearing status" and nothing came up.. did you directly mention that? |
17:01:01 | | Quit funman (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
17:01:03 | kronflux_ | oh wait |
17:01:06 | kronflux_ | found it |
17:01:42 | LambdaCalculus37 | kronflux_: You can also click on a person's name on the IRC logs, and it'll highlight everything that person has said. |
17:01:56 | | Join bughunter2 [0] (n=Jelle@ |
17:04:11 | kronflux_ | so.. were you actually able to get anything running on the nano? or.. |
17:04:50 | LambdaCalculus37 | kronflux_: I did the same thing you did. |
17:05:12 | LambdaCalculus37 | I just touched a "somefile" into the folder, and used meizu_dfu to upload it to the nano. |
17:05:31 | kronflux_ | LambdaCalculus37: ah. alrighty. |
17:06:35 | LambdaCalculus37 | It took, but like I said, got stuck when clearing the status. I think it's because my approach is a little kludgey, since I just copied the m6sl way of doing things and changed what needed to be changed. |
17:07:09 | kronflux_ | LambdaCalculus37: well as long as it works.. we can work out the bugs later. |
17:07:10 | | Quit petur ("connection reset by leffe blond") |
17:08:31 | LambdaCalculus37 | kronflux_: If you can catch wpyh at any time, speak to him. He helped write up the meizu_dfu tool with gevaerts. |
17:09:18 | | Quit FugitivePrisoner (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
17:09:20 | LambdaCalculus37 | kronflux_: But gevaerts has suggested that we should see how iTunes communicates with the nano. |
17:09:52 | kronflux_ | LambdaCalculus37: yeah, I'll do that, although so far, you and markun are the only people I've talked to :p |
17:10:08 | kronflux_ | LambdaCalculus37: yeah, thats a good idea |
17:10:25 | kronflux_ | LambdaCalculus37: although I'm not sure how we'd monitor that.. |
17:11:49 | LambdaCalculus37 | kronflux_: That's up to us to figure out. ;) |
17:12:37 | kronflux_ | *batman music starts to play* |
17:14:50 | kronflux_ | LambdaCalculus37: theres several -programs- that monitor usb interaction, but their for windows. |
17:15:17 | kronflux_ | not to say it would be a bad thing to monitor via windows, but we'd probably get better results via linux |
17:15:41 | LambdaCalculus37 | kronflux_: And next to none for Mac OS X. |
17:16:16 | kronflux_ | anyone have any ideas? |
17:16:46 | LambdaCalculus37 | kronflux_: We should ask about that in the community channel. |
17:16:57 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
17:17:46 | * | GodEater disagrees - it should stay here |
17:17:49 | GodEater | it's relevant |
17:18:24 | GodEater | Why restrict yourselves to OSX anyway ? |
17:19:41 | gevaerts | If itunes doesn't do dfu, tracing it won't teach you much |
17:19:43 | LambdaCalculus37 | GodEater: Because my Linux laptop is giving up the ghost, and I'm still waiting for its replacement to be handed over to me (which will be a while). |
17:21:10 | gevaerts | LambdaCalculus37: I if you copied the m6sl way, why is it calling clear_status()? |
17:21:23 | | Join Horscht [0] (n=Horscht@xbmc/user/horscht) |
17:21:40 | | Part Gartral |
17:22:28 | LambdaCalculus37 | gevaerts: Actually, a correction... I used the m3_m6 way (after going through my notes). |
17:22:42 | gevaerts | ah, ok. |
17:22:54 | * | LambdaCalculus37 is glad he keeps notes on-hand |
17:23:11 | * | kronflux_ claps |
17:23:41 | gevaerts | Maybe trying dfutool or dfu-util is also worth a try |
17:23:45 | | Nick kronflux_ is now known as kronflux (n=kronflux@hlfxns0161w-142068040196.pppoe-dynamic.ns.aliant.net) |
17:25:12 | gevaerts | kronflux: are you on linux? |
17:25:33 | kronflux | yep |
17:25:48 | gevaerts | ok. Could you try installing dfutool and dfu-util? |
17:26:34 | kronflux | sure |
17:26:38 | kronflux | where might I find them? |
17:26:55 | gevaerts | in your friendly nearby apt mirror I suppose |
17:27:24 | GodEater | or from the openmoko website |
17:27:25 | GodEater | ? |
17:29:30 | LambdaCalculus37 | kronflux: It's up to you right now. I have no wireless access at work, and new rules in place even restrict me from taking out my PowerBook. :/ |
17:29:55 | kronflux | I'm looking around, I cant seem to find it, but I'll keep looking. |
17:30:50 | gevaerts | On the other hand, those don't work on the meizu, so chances are they won't work on the ipod either |
17:31:06 | * | gevaerts thinks |
17:31:19 | * | GodEater can't find either of them in his apt mirror either |
17:32:24 | * | gevaerts looks for better info |
17:32:52 | gevaerts | What would happen if we set all GPIO pins to output and toggle them all on and off? |
17:32:57 | | Join {phoenix} [0] (n=dirk@p54B47B6A.dip.t-dialin.net) |
17:33:05 | * | LambdaCalculus37 doesn't see them in the Debian package repo |
17:33:32 | gevaerts | dfutool seems to be in bluez-utils |
17:34:18 | gevaerts | dfu-util is its own package, but maybe not in stable yet. It comes from http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Dfu-util |
17:35:16 | | Join mick_laptop [0] (n=mick@clamwin/admin/mickhome) |
17:35:29 | kronflux | well if thats the case, with the bluez-utils, I must already have it. |
17:36:27 | kronflux | I dont see it under properties, under installed files.. but if it is part of it, I have it. |
17:36:29 | | Quit cybertiger (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
17:38:20 | LambdaCalculus37 | gevaerts: dfu-util is in testing, but not stable. |
17:39:48 | mick_laptop | how can i find a "todo" list for rockbox? is there anything that you guys may need? for instance do you need new media players, some help with a website *cough* rockbox-themes.org *cough* or anything like that? |
17:41:25 | GodEater | mick_laptop: there is no todo list - people just turn up and do stuff |
17:41:27 | | Join Nico_P [50] (n=nicolas@rockbox/developer/NicoP) |
17:42:41 | mcuelenaere | gevaerts: about your GPIO idea: that could be potentially dangerous, some GPIO pins don't like to be set as output or to be toggled |
17:42:51 | kronflux | thats what I was thinking |
17:43:02 | kronflux | but at the same time, it might teach us some useful info. hm... |
17:43:23 | mcuelenaere | gevaerts: how did you find out about the Meizu GPIO pins? |
17:43:39 | GodEater | he mind melded with his meizu |
17:43:45 | gevaerts | mcuelenaere: someone on meizume found them by disassembling the OF |
17:43:46 | LambdaCalculus37 | :) |
17:43:51 | | Quit {phoenix} (Remote closed the connection) |
17:44:19 | kronflux | someone should mind meld with the nano2g.. |
17:44:28 | * | kronflux tries - fails |
17:44:37 | * | LambdaCalculus37 isn't a Vulcan ;) |
17:44:44 | mcuelenaere | isn't there any kind of output you can try which is standardly available on the SoC? |
17:44:49 | mcuelenaere | like a USB SoftConnect? |
17:45:17 | mcuelenaere | (I did this on the Onda to debug how far my code could run) |
17:46:37 | LambdaCalculus37 | mcuelenaere: I haven't tried looking for anything of the sort yet. |
17:47:00 | mcuelenaere | and iTunes doesn't provide any rescue code? |
17:47:16 | mcuelenaere | I mean, when restoring the iPod in DFU mode, doesn't it upload code? |
17:48:00 | gevaerts | it doesn't restore the iPod in DFU mode apparently |
17:48:11 | mcuelenaere | ahh ok |
17:48:11 | LambdaCalculus37 | iTunes just says "This iPod can not be recognized at this time." |
17:48:23 | * | GodEater thinks this is still because the iPod's flash is not broken |
17:48:36 | GodEater | all you've broken is the on-disc firmware |
17:48:50 | LambdaCalculus37 | GodEater: I could dd the living daylights out of the flash with /dev/urandom if you'd like. :) |
17:48:54 | GodEater | maybe you need to EMP your ipod ;) |
17:49:02 | kronflux | lol.. |
17:49:09 | GodEater | how would you get access to the flash ? |
17:49:25 | gevaerts | dfu? |
17:49:29 | LambdaCalculus37 | In DFU mode, I can't access the storage partition. |
17:49:41 | | Join goffa [0] (n=goffa@ |
17:49:42 | GodEater | it presents a device you can dd to ? |
17:49:43 | gevaerts | well, no. |
17:49:54 | LambdaCalculus37 | I could dd /dev/urandom to it, then put it back into DFU mode and see what happens. |
17:49:54 | gevaerts | dfu!=msc |
17:50:23 | gevaerts | Are there instructions that are likely to use more power than others? |
17:50:31 | GodEater | dd /dev/urandom to *what* ? |
17:50:42 | * | gevaerts thinks of using the CPU temperature as an output method |
17:50:44 | LambdaCalculus37 | GodEater: To the storage partition of the nano. |
17:50:54 | | Join perrikwp [0] (i=d1a8d351@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-25ff8fdc259884cb) |
17:50:57 | GodEater | which is the "disc" |
17:50:59 | GodEater | not the flash rom |
17:51:24 | LambdaCalculus37 | ! |
17:51:29 | * | GodEater thinks LambdaCalculus37 is confused about what he meant by "flash" |
17:51:51 | kronflux | well, unless we have a spare nano2g laying around we can trash, I dont think we'll get very far with that. |
17:51:51 | * | LambdaCalculus37 is just confused about why "flash" has to be used to describe so many things |
17:52:22 | * | kronflux agrees |
17:52:25 | GodEater | to save further confusion, I think in future we should refer to the Nano's usual storage as it's "disc" |
17:52:26 | GodEater | :) |
17:52:33 | LambdaCalculus37 | Agreed. |
17:52:40 | kronflux | indeed. |
17:52:57 | GodEater | the way to really scupper the flash rom might be to do a firmware upgrade |
17:52:59 | LambdaCalculus37 | So, "firmware" for the firmware partition, "disc" for the storage, and "flash" for the flash ROM. |
17:53:01 | GodEater | and hard reset in the middle |
17:53:23 | GodEater | this might really really screw the ipod though |
17:53:36 | GodEater | so I do not encourage you to do so - it'll be your decision :) |
17:53:38 | gevaerts | I expect the "normal" way to fix that is to send it back |
17:53:55 | GodEater | indeed - but that might constitute fraud :) |
17:54:14 | LambdaCalculus37 | gevaerts: And have Apple ask a bunch of questions, like "How did this happen?" "Oh, I was just trying to hack the nano to help develop a Rockbox port, so I broke it on purpose. :)" |
17:54:15 | gevaerts | Only if you want it done for free |
17:54:26 | GodEater | hehehe |
17:54:39 | gevaerts | LambdaCalculus37: "I was upgrading, and then there was a power cut" ? |
17:54:57 | GodEater | my postilion's ear trumpet got struck by lightening |
17:55:28 | kronflux | you see, ninja's came, and killed my firmware. |
17:55:39 | GodEater | they weren't very good ninjas then |
17:55:42 | GodEater | if you saw them |
17:55:48 | | Join FugitivePrisoner [0] (n=tfarides@ool-182d8639.dyn.optonline.net) |
17:55:49 | kronflux | oh I didnt see them. |
17:55:54 | GodEater | then how do you know ? :) |
17:55:58 | LambdaCalculus37 | The cat did it. :) |
17:56:03 | kronflux | psh. thats for me to know ;) |
17:56:10 | kronflux | lol. the cat did it? |
17:56:12 | gevaerts | kronflux: can you try sending rockboot.ebn using meizu_dfu? |
17:56:28 | kronflux | ummm... rockboot... *looks around* |
17:56:35 | * | GodEater decides it's time to go drinking with Mrs GodEater |
17:56:44 | GodEater | have a good (and productive) evening all |
17:57:03 | gevaerts | kronflux: build a meizu m6sl bootloader |
17:57:10 | gevaerts | Or I can send you mine |
17:57:45 | kronflux | I like the yours idea, I'm rusty when it comes to programming, I cant remember how to compile the bootloaders :p |
17:57:59 | kronflux | and I'm just learning linux :) |
17:58:12 | gevaerts | can you do dcc? |
17:58:42 | kronflux | ummm |
17:58:46 | kronflux | xchat.. so I dunno. |
17:58:49 | mcuelenaere | a potential way of output is reset: Reset if condition is true, if not don't |
17:59:21 | gevaerts | mcuelenaere: how do you distinguish reset due to code and reset due to dfu failed? |
17:59:34 | gevaerts | kronflux: gevaerts/rockboot.ebn">http://www.evonet.be/~gevaerts/rockboot.ebn |
17:59:37 | mcuelenaere | ah I didn't know reset due to DFU failed existed |
17:59:42 | | Join atrus [0] (n=atrus@S0106001ee57a9819.ed.shawcable.net) |
17:59:52 | mcuelenaere | gevaerts: you could do a delay |
18:00 |
18:00:02 | mcuelenaere | when is 'DFU failed' triggered? |
18:00:14 | gevaerts | I don't know either, but basically we know practically nothing |
18:00:26 | gevaerts | How do you reset the thing anyway? |
18:00:32 | mcuelenaere | I thought you knew? |
18:00:47 | mcuelenaere | If not, try setting the watchdog at 2ms |
18:01:05 | gevaerts | hm, good idea |
18:01:26 | gevaerts | But first let's see if meizu_dfu works for real |
18:01:30 | | Quit goffa_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
18:01:37 | mcuelenaere | AFAIK GET_CPU worked |
18:01:44 | mcuelenaere | so I presume basic code uploading should work too |
18:02:00 | mcuelenaere | except if this would be an Apple DFU implementation (ie software-wise) |
18:02:11 | gevaerts | we'll see |
18:03:21 | gevaerts | If it accepts this rockboot.ebn we can make one that just starts the watchdog and see what happens on the meizu (usb reset? something else?) |
18:03:40 | gevaerts | If it's something we can actually see, we try it on the ipod |
18:05:04 | kronflux | alrighty. so how did we run meizu_dfu before? we didnt just execute it, I think we gave it some arguements or something, I cant seem to find it in the chat logs |
18:05:08 | gevaerts | If not, I think we need to wait for more info, either from the meizu port (maybe get usb working, as that should be SoC only), or from somewhere else (GPIO mappings) |
18:05:28 | gevaerts | kronflux: sudo ./meizu_dfu m6sl rockboot.ebn rockboot.ebn |
18:05:42 | gevaerts | (twice, because meizu_dfu wants two files. I need to change that) |
18:05:43 | mcuelenaere | gevaerts: I can't seem to find any USB related info in the Samsung datasheet |
18:05:54 | mcuelenaere | S5L8700X datasheet* |
18:06:03 | gevaerts | mcuelenaere: chapter 21 |
18:06:17 | kronflux | no device found :S |
18:06:23 | mcuelenaere | ahh, the bookmarks only go till 9 |
18:06:37 | LambdaCalculus37 | kronflux: Did you put the nano into DFU mode? |
18:06:40 | kronflux | yep |
18:06:51 | gevaerts | kronflux: did you edit all usb ids in meizu_dfu.c? |
18:07:03 | kronflux | yep |
18:07:53 | LambdaCalculus37 | Hmmm... |
18:07:58 | LambdaCalculus37 | Are you using your modified version? |
18:08:06 | gevaerts | Is the nano plugged in? |
18:08:21 | kronflux | yep yep |
18:08:28 | LambdaCalculus37 | Curious. |
18:08:32 | mcuelenaere | what does lsusb yield? |
18:09:13 | kronflux | how did we run it to get the little prompt that we had to type r and bt into? |
18:09:23 | n1s | gdb |
18:09:30 | mcuelenaere | gdb −−args meizu_dfu somefile somefile |
18:09:54 | mcuelenaere | or in your case sudo gdb −−args meizu_dfu m6sl rockboot.ebn rockboot.ebn |
18:10:15 | mcuelenaere | but that'll only work if you get segfault's or similar |
18:10:36 | kronflux | hmmm |
18:10:45 | mcuelenaere | I repeat: what does lsusb yield? |
18:10:45 | kronflux | it still isnt finding the device.. ummm |
18:11:12 | gevaerts | kronflux: you are using sudo (or running this as root), right? |
18:11:15 | kronflux | it doesnt seem to be listed in lsusb.. I'll try recnnecting it |
18:11:16 | kronflux | and yes. |
18:11:47 | kronflux | there, now its showing up under lsusb.. I'll try again. |
18:12:13 | kronflux | so apparently it sent. |
18:12:32 | kronflux | should I just reboot the ipod? |
18:12:33 | | Quit atrus () |
18:12:38 | gevaerts | yes |
18:12:48 | gevaerts | Can you pastebin the full meizu_dfu output? |
18:13:37 | kronflux | http://pastebin.com/d3085e0f4 |
18:13:47 | kronflux | "use itunes to restore" |
18:14:29 | gevaerts | hmm. The upload works, but it looks to me as if it didn't start running the code |
18:14:54 | gevaerts | If it does start running the code the second upload should fail |
18:15:59 | kronflux | perhaps they implemented some sort of like.. checksum type thing to make sure the firmware stays a certain way? or something? I'm no pro, I'm just coming up with the most random thing I can think of. |
18:16:29 | mcuelenaere | gevaerts: is DFU_UPLOAD implemented in meizu_utils? |
18:17:23 | gevaerts | mcuelenaere: ? |
18:17:32 | mcuelenaere | the inverse of what we're doing now |
18:17:44 | mcuelenaere | apparantly, DFU allows you to transfer the fw from the device to the PC |
18:17:45 | gevaerts | ah, no. We don't have that yet |
18:18:04 | | Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) |
18:18:09 | gevaerts | DFU defines that, but I would be surprised if it works on the ipod |
18:18:37 | mcuelenaere | kronflux: when you're in DFU mode, the LCD lightens up and a picture comes up, right? |
18:18:44 | LambdaCalculus37 | gevaerts: If it does work on the iPod... :) |
18:18:45 | kronflux | yep |
18:18:46 | | Quit tvelocity (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
18:18:56 | kronflux | picture of the connector |
18:19:02 | kronflux | and a link to apple support |
18:19:02 | | Join herrwaldo [0] (n=waldo@ip-81-11-209-202.dsl.scarlet.be) |
18:19:03 | mcuelenaere | in that case my guess is that Apple implemented DFU in software, and not in hw |
18:19:15 | mcuelenaere | kronflux: this http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1376?viewlocale=en_US ? |
18:19:27 | kronflux | yeppers |
18:19:34 | | Quit mick_laptop (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
18:19:45 | mcuelenaere | I don't think this is the original Samsung HW DFU mode |
18:20:24 | LambdaCalculus37 | Me neither. |
18:20:45 | | Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@gw1.mycosmos.gr) |
18:20:50 | mcuelenaere | so probably they also used encryption/signing when you want to run code in DFU mode.. |
18:22:39 | kronflux | too bad we didnt have one of the nano2g developers handy and willing to release info :p |
18:23:00 | LambdaCalculus37 | mcuelenaere: Possibly, but it wouldn't hurt to try some unsigned code, would it? |
18:23:13 | mcuelenaere | true :) |
18:23:30 | LambdaCalculus37 | kronflux: Funny, because a rep from SanDisk contacted Bagder about the Rockbox port to the e200. :) |
18:23:40 | gevaerts | LambdaCalculus37: we just did... |
18:24:17 | | Join funman [0] (n=fun@82-171-216-191.ip.telfort.nl) |
18:25:12 | | Join Schmogel [0] (n=Miranda@p3EE22AB8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
18:25:26 | mcuelenaere | gevaerts: perhaps meizu_dfu should report what the result of DFU_GETSTATUS is after DOWNLOADing the file |
18:25:43 | gevaerts | mcuelenaere: it could, yes |
18:26:09 | funman | ah I can login on flyspray |
18:26:54 | funman | linuxstb: should I submit the patch on the tracker ? |
18:27:37 | LambdaCalculus37 | funman: Yes, and tell us what the FS# is so we can find it. |
18:28:20 | | Join sbhsu_ [0] (n=a6530466@Zion.dorm.au.edu.tw) |
18:28:28 | LambdaCalculus37 | gevaerts: We should try writing a little program to perhaps interact with the nano. |
18:30:36 | mcuelenaere | gevaerts: IIUC, DFU allows you to switch from any USB class implementation to DFU on-the-fly by sending DFU_DETACH? |
18:31:05 | gevaerts | mcuelenaere: possibly. I haven't studied the DFU spec |
18:31:52 | funman | hum severity & priority combo boxes are buggy |
18:32:03 | funman | I had never heard about flyspray but it look problematic |
18:33:30 | | Quit jhulst (Remote closed the connection) |
18:35:28 | | Quit sbhsu (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
18:38:20 | svpe | mcuelenaere: just got some time to look at the ZEN binary in IDA. any hints on how to figure out it's entry point? |
18:38:34 | mcuelenaere | hmm good question |
18:38:38 | mcuelenaere | what segments do you have? |
18:38:46 | mcuelenaere | and the ZEN uses an ARM core, right? |
18:38:53 | svpe | yes |
18:39:48 | svpe | http://pastie.org/private/khwknefldqy6h5hmvs2ng |
18:40:26 | svpe | that are my segments. i'm currently looking at the 'real' firmware (i.e. after rescue mode) so i might find the entrypoint by taking a look at the loader code. |
18:40:30 | mcuelenaere | my guess would be the 40000 addres |
18:40:43 | mcuelenaere | or the 002800 |
18:41:09 | mcuelenaere | ah, FRESC is a simplified version of the 'real' fw |
18:41:52 | funman | linuxstb: LambdaCalculus37 FS #9396 |
18:42:09 | svpe | ah.. so i guess starting there might be a bit easier to figure the basics (i.e. lcd) out |
18:42:38 | | Quit Horscht ("electromagnetic radiation from satellite debris") |
18:42:39 | mcuelenaere | hmm seems the Zen X-Fi runs on the same hw |
18:42:45 | mcuelenaere | yep |
18:42:54 | mcuelenaere | have you downloaded the STMP3600 Linux kernel? |
18:43:04 | mcuelenaere | it contains some memory registers |
18:43:11 | mcuelenaere | perhaps the STMP3700 are similar |
18:43:31 | svpe | yea, i have it on my hdd but didn't look at it yet. i first want to have the disassembled firmware in IDA :-) |
18:43:40 | mcuelenaere | 0x0 is clearly the entry point |
18:45:01 | mcuelenaere | ahh yes, I don't think you'll be able to decrypt FRESC |
18:45:10 | mcuelenaere | because we don't know the encryption key (yet) |
18:45:15 | mcuelenaere | for the ZENs |
18:45:48 | | Join vitja [0] (n=vitja@ |
18:46:03 | mcuelenaere | I see they're still using MicroWindows.. |
18:47:20 | mcuelenaere | seems like the X-Fi has hotspot.t-mobile.com hardcoded |
18:48:37 | | Quit Schmogel ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
18:49:06 | mcuelenaere | lol the X-Fi wants to be an iPod: Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebkit/420.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0 Mobile/3A101a Safari/419.3 |
18:50:24 | svpe | hm.. the code at 0x40000000 might make sense in ARM mode. 0x28.. doesn't look like really valid code to me |
18:51:23 | mcuelenaere | no, but 0x0 is |
18:51:27 | svpe | or i screwed my section loading thing up, heh :p |
18:51:35 | mcuelenaere | doesn't IDA start disassembling itself? |
18:51:59 | svpe | oh.. i actually screwed my section loading stuff up. it didn't load code to 0x0 |
18:52:31 | svpe | well, i couldn't get the plugin to work and wrote a small edoc2elf converted that still seems to have some bugs |
18:53:04 | mcuelenaere | how come you didn't got the plugin to work? |
18:53:07 | mcuelenaere | are you on Windows or Linux? |
18:53:15 | svpe | linux, probably wine's fault |
18:53:29 | mcuelenaere | so Linux with Windows IDA? |
18:53:36 | svpe | yes |
18:53:42 | svpe | that actually worked quite well so far |
18:53:52 | mcuelenaere | I know, I did that myself some time |
18:53:59 | mcuelenaere | but what error do you get? |
18:54:14 | svpe | it doesn't recognize the file |
18:54:19 | svpe | (i.e. i can only select binary) |
18:54:27 | | Join super [0] (i=super@c80-217-96-53.bredband.comhem.se) |
18:55:16 | mcuelenaere | what version do you use? |
18:55:20 | mcuelenaere | I mean, when did you download it? |
18:55:31 | mcuelenaere | you extracted it in the right folder? |
18:55:33 | mcuelenaere | did you* |
18:55:58 | svpe | yes. i didn't recompile it myself though so it might be for a different IDA version, don't know. |
18:56:06 | svpe | i'm just going to fix my converter :) |
18:56:35 | mcuelenaere | ZenLDR works quite well for me, IDA recognizes a lot of code: http://imagebin.ca/img/DkNqVMD.bmp |
18:56:55 | svpe | ah yes.. i have code at 0x0 now that looks like the standard vectors :) |
18:57:01 | mcuelenaere | :) |
18:58:09 | | Quit kronflux (Remote closed the connection) |
18:58:41 | | Join kronflux [0] (n=kronflux@hlfxns0161w-142068040196.pppoe-dynamic.ns.aliant.net) |
18:59:44 | mcuelenaere | svpe: if your edoc2elf utility works well, could you upload it to the wiki please? |
18:59:59 | svpe | sure |
19:00 |
19:00:31 | svpe | well.. i guess just setting the entrypoint to 0 and fixing a stupid bug made it work |
19:01:11 | mcuelenaere | it has been a long time since I looked at ARM assembly, but I can't really find the main() function |
19:01:26 | mcuelenaere | normally, this should be a Nucleus function which inits all it's subcomponents |
19:01:34 | mcuelenaere | then in the end it'll create a main task |
19:01:40 | mcuelenaere | and that is the main application |
19:01:50 | mcuelenaere | and the first sub_xxx in that contains all drivers inits |
19:02:07 | | Join Horscht [0] (n=Horscht@xbmc/user/horscht) |
19:03:04 | mcuelenaere | oh and there's Nucleus source code available through Google, you can download it to compare source code <-> assembly |
19:03:17 | svpe | nice :) |
19:04:11 | | Quit kronflux ("Ex-Chat") |
19:04:39 | | Join kronflux [0] (n=kronflux@hlfxns0161w-142068040196.pppoe-dynamic.ns.aliant.net) |
19:05:15 | | Quit kronflux (Remote closed the connection) |
19:05:29 | | Quit tvelocity (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) |
19:05:32 | | Join kronflux [0] (n=kronflux@hlfxns0161w-142068040196.pppoe-dynamic.ns.aliant.net) |
19:08:49 | svpe | euhm.. the wiki tells me to ask for write permissions now |
19:09:28 | mcuelenaere | ahh found it |
19:09:36 | mcuelenaere | svpe: what's your wiki name? |
19:09:49 | svpe | SvenPeter |
19:09:54 | mcuelenaere | svpe: I found the Nuclues init routine |
19:10:26 | svpe | nice, which address? |
19:10:35 | mcuelenaere | first wiki |
19:10:46 | mcuelenaere | ok you're added |
19:10:54 | mcuelenaere | for the address: this will depend on the firmware |
19:11:08 | mcuelenaere | what you should do is locate the string "Copyright MGC 2004 - Nucleus PLUS - ARM925 TI v. 1.14" |
19:11:14 | mcuelenaere | then XRef to the function where it's reference |
19:11:17 | mcuelenaere | referenced* |
19:11:22 | | Join pixelma [50] (i=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) |
19:11:26 | mcuelenaere | that's a Nucleus function which sets a copyright |
19:11:37 | mcuelenaere | then do XRef on that and that's the Nucleus init |
19:11:54 | mcuelenaere | this contains some BL's |
19:11:55 | svpe | ok. i'll just let ida finish its auto-analysis stuff and take a look if everything works and i'll add edoc2elf then |
19:13:07 | mcuelenaere | now to find app_start().. |
19:13:29 | | Join scidiary [0] (i=cfe96d78@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-09e5312e4e113d15) |
19:14:14 | | Join phinze [0] (n=phinze@pool-96-250-252-230.nycmny.fios.verizon.net) |
19:14:16 | scidiary | hello |
19:14:39 | scidiary | any news on the ipod keyboard being thrown around reviews |
19:15:39 | | Join Schmogel [0] (n=Miranda@p3EE22AB8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
19:15:50 | kushal_12_27_200 | keyboard? |
19:16:02 | LambdaCalculus37 | That's the first I've ever heard of a keyboard. |
19:17:02 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
19:17:51 | scidiary | usb keyboard for the ipod, and you know they have the same pinout for all types |
19:18:14 | gevaerts | Do you have a link? |
19:18:19 | scidiary | sec |
19:18:56 | scidiary | http://www.gadgetreview.com/uploaded_images/ipod-keyboard-741390.jpg |
19:19:10 | | Quit Schmogel (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
19:19:11 | scidiary | i want to make mine hella small tho |
19:19:13 | scidiary | lol |
19:19:36 | * | dionoea fails to see the point of having a keyboard on an ipod |
19:19:36 | scidiary | its worth it for the whole thing then i'll modify that bitch |
19:19:43 | scidiary | rockbox! |
19:19:47 | scidiary | keyboard! |
19:20:06 | | Quit BlakeJohnson86 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
19:20:19 | scidiary | i grabbed my old nano when i saw that shit |
19:20:54 | super | you did did you.. did you oil it up? or did you just go for it - dry style |
19:20:54 | * | gevaerts is pretty sure that this is a PC keyboard with built-in ipod dock, and not an ipod keyboard |
19:20:55 | super | : ] |
19:21:15 | scidiary | gadget review explains it |
19:21:21 | | Join bertrik [0] (n=bertrik@ip117-49-211-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) |
19:21:29 | | Join J-23 [0] (n=aldwulf@a105.net128.okay.pl) |
19:21:30 | J-23 | Hi! |
19:21:54 | * | scidiary thinks i can hook up this ps/2 keyboard in my hands straight into the pp5021ctdf i have in my lap |
19:21:56 | gevaerts | So does the manufacturer website. Standard ipod dock |
19:23:03 | J-23 | is removing watermarks from manual a task suitable for person who isn't in Rockbox project? |
19:24:48 | scidiary | ok. maybe this thing wont type to it without modification, anyone got a heads up on one that will? |
19:25:21 | scidiary | for a 129.99 piece of $#@* I think its worth a shot |
19:25:41 | gevaerts | J-23: not really (as it's just as fast for a developer to do it as for him/her to get your patch and apply it). Thanks for the reminder though |
19:25:49 | LambdaCalculus37 | scidiary: Does this have anything to do with Rockbox? |
19:26:27 | scidiary | i want it too |
19:27:39 | | Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=miepchen@dslb-088-074-052-048.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
19:27:50 | | Quit svpe ("leaving") |
19:29:10 | | Quit Nibbler (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
19:34:19 | LambdaCalculus37 | super: Please don't speak like that in this channel. This channel is logged for developers, and talk like that clutters the logs and isn't appropriate. |
19:37:54 | J-23 | ok, I made a patch, http://users.bshellz.net/~moarc/preambledraftremove.diff |
19:38:37 | super | i know i know, sorry |
19:38:39 | super | : ] |
19:39:32 | scidiary | whats the user name and password for your debian vmware environment? |
19:39:40 | gevaerts | J-23: thanks. I just applied exactly the same though |
19:40:50 | | Quit Dark_Apostrophe (Remote closed the connection) |
19:40:51 | J-23 | I only commented these strings, maybe I should just remove them? |
19:41:00 | gevaerts | No point |
19:50:22 | J-23 | does "making manual mention 3.0 release in installation chapter" only require changing 2.5 to 3.0 manual/getting_started/installation.tex? |
19:51:22 | gevaerts | A bit more than that I think. Currently that's only shown for archos |
19:53:08 | * | gevaerts is busy uploading current 3.0RC builds |
19:54:32 | J-23 | maybe remove opt "archos" and move its contents to "swcodec"? |
19:57:08 | gevaerts | That would be good enough for the release, but I think we also want this paragraph in the development branch, so I think it's a bit more involved |
19:58:00 | gevaerts | Maybe add options called "release30" and "unreleased" in platform/* and then \opt on those? |
19:58:05 | * | gevaerts looks around for opinions |
19:58:25 | * | J-23 doesn't know TeX good enough, so he disappears and just listens. |
19:59:59 | | Quit ender` (" If you're feeling good, don't worry, you'll get over it.") |
20:00 |
20:00:12 | LambdaCalculus37 | gevaerts: Yes, I think that would work. |
20:01:04 | gevaerts | It also allows for easy handling of ports that skip a release later on |
20:01:40 | J-23 | How can I help with http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/9369? |
20:02:01 | gevaerts | test and report |
20:02:07 | | Quit Darksair ("zzz") |
20:02:26 | gevaerts | Actually, that goes for the entire release. What player(s) do you have? |
20:02:38 | J-23 | I have only Sansa C240 |
20:02:48 | | Join einhirn [0] (i=Miranda@p5B030CBD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
20:03:26 | * | gevaerts would have suggested to go through all plugins and check if they work as expected and if the keys are correctly described in the manual, but he already did that for c200 |
20:03:29 | J-23 | with FM radio, 01.00.04E firmware |
20:03:54 | J-23 | ok, I can do it. What version should I upload to my player? |
20:04:44 | gevaerts | You can do it, but as I already did it for the c200 it might be considered a waste of time |
20:04:59 | J-23 | ok |
20:05:10 | J-23 | maybe I can test key layout on simulator? |
20:06:21 | gevaerts | You could do that. You could also check if the manual actually has proper key descriptions for all targets |
20:06:39 | J-23 | manual from SVN? |
20:07:41 | gevaerts | The 3.0RC manual (although it shouldn't make a differenct). There is a current version at http://files.hostname.be/3.0RC/ (still uploading, so not all targets are there yet) |
20:08:30 | J-23 | ok, what players are untested? |
20:08:50 | gevaerts | Most. I did c200, but I don't think anyone did the others |
20:09:06 | J-23 | and what version should I test it with? |
20:09:15 | J-23 | 3.0 RC, SVN? |
20:09:25 | J-23 | or 3.0 branch from SVN? |
20:09:43 | gevaerts | Preferably the 3.0 branch from SVN |
20:11:09 | J-23 | ok, checkouting |
20:12:00 | gevaerts | You could also make notes on which plugins (if any) don't have a manual entry, or which plugins in the manual aren't on the player |
20:14:24 | | Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) |
20:16:26 | gevaerts | Current 3.0 branch builds at http://files.hostname.be/3.0RC/ |
20:16:50 | | Join massiveH [0] (n=massiveH@pool-72-76-34-19.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) |
20:27:26 | | Join ompaul [0] (n=ompaul@gnewsense/friend/ompaul) |
20:35:05 | | Join Strife89 [0] (n=strife89@ |
20:43:45 | J-23 | hmm, I don't have time now for testing |
20:43:56 | J-23 | I hope I'll do it tomorrow |
20:44:05 | gevaerts | no problem |
20:47:42 | J-23 | now building simulator for iPod Video |
20:50:56 | | Join Loopfrog [0] (n=loopfrog@c-c36de055.1119-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) |
20:51:45 | J-23 | any submenu from "Plugins" doesn't open in 3.0 SVN simulator |
20:52:19 | Strife89 | Build on Windows with Cygwin. |
20:52:43 | * | gevaerts tries |
20:53:12 | J-23 | I don't have Windows here, nearest Windows computer is in a cold and dark room ;) |
20:53:30 | amiconn | Did you 'make install'? |
20:53:38 | | Quit einhirn (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
20:53:39 | J-23 | ahh, no |
20:53:55 | Loopfrog | Hey, all. Tried to uninstall Rockbox, wanted to try out original firmware again, but nothing happens else than Rockbox keeps loading. Any ideas? |
20:54:04 | Strife89 | Oh, I was assuming you were building on a Windows PC.... |
20:54:11 | | Join {phoenix} [0] (n=dirk@p54B47B6A.dip.t-dialin.net) |
20:54:19 | amiconn | Well, then neither the plugins nor the codecs are in place -> almost nothing will work properly |
20:54:43 | gevaerts | Loopfrog: which player is this? |
20:54:43 | Loopfrog | Basically, it's like for this guy - forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=6953.0 - except that what worked for him, doesn't work for me. |
20:54:47 | Loopfrog | X5L |
20:54:51 | Strife89 | Loopfrog: Rockbox has a dual boot feature on most players... |
20:55:06 | gevaerts | Strife89: not on the X5 |
20:55:10 | J-23 | What's the difference betwen rockblox and rockblox1d? |
20:55:27 | gevaerts | J-23: try them |
20:55:45 | Strife89 | Rockblox 1D is for people who enjoy staring at their screen, IMO. :P |
20:56:09 | Strife89 | The regular Rockblox is fun, though. I'm a Tetris nut. |
20:56:29 | gevaerts | Loopfrog: Loopfrog did you plugin the charger after copying the original firmware to firmware/ ? |
20:56:32 | amiconn | Imo rockblox1d should be moved to 'Demos' |
20:56:58 | Loopfrog | I guess the root of my problem could be that I had some serious trouble with my X5 recently and as part of all that, I formatted the harddrive, excpecting that all old files necessary files should return, as stated in a forum. I was hoping that there still would be a solution. |
20:57:03 | Loopfrog | gevaerts: Yes. |
20:57:06 | gevaerts | amiconn: you have a point, but it would spoil the joke a bit |
20:57:39 | Strife89 | You DID remove the bootloader, correct?..... |
20:58:32 | gevaerts | Strife89: installing the OF is the same as removing the bootloader |
20:58:35 | amiconn | Strife89: You won't remove the bootloader off an iaudio by formatting the harddrive |
20:59:02 | * | Strife89 is an ignorant douche. |
20:59:09 | amiconn | It lives in the flash rom |
20:59:10 | Loopfrog | Strife89 :) |
21:00 |
21:00:18 | * | J-23 didn't test, now he just tests plugins that don't work on his Sansa c240 ;) |
21:01:01 | gevaerts | Loopfrog: did it show it was updating the firmware on the screen? |
21:01:04 | * | Strife89 owns a Sansa c250. |
21:01:48 | Loopfrog | gevaerts: No, I don't think so. |
21:02:17 | * | J-23 looks for something with bigger screen for Rockbox, but he does only see iPods (iPod Video ~800PLN) |
21:02:27 | pixelma | Loopfrog: did you use rbutil or copied the original firmware manually? |
21:02:44 | J-23 | ~330USD is too much for me |
21:03:10 | gevaerts | J-23: if you don't need recording or radio, the gigabeat F is great and not too expensive |
21:03:16 | Loopfrog | pixelma: Manually, I tried rbutil but it actually wouldn't let me uninstall it. |
21:03:20 | | Quit thegeek_ ("( www.nnscript.com :: NoNameScript 4.2 :: www.regroup-esports.com )") |
21:03:48 | J-23 | I need good microphone and. I don't need radio, but I want to have it. Does that player have color screen? |
21:04:36 | gevaerts | J-23: it has a 240x320 color screen, but no recording/line in/..., and no radio |
21:04:56 | J-23 | oh, Simulator segfaulted when I tried to run Archos Recorder calendar plugin |
21:05:18 | | Quit jhulst (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
21:06:08 | pixelma | Loopfrog: and you used the firmware file from cowon's site and copied it to a FIRMWARE directory on the X5's disk? |
21:06:38 | Loopfrog | pixelma: Yes, the latest version. |
21:06:55 | J-23 | I see iPods are good, but they're too expensive in my country and I don't like Apple because of DRM and other ideological-law problems. |
21:07:11 | | Join ender` [0] (i=krneki@foo.eternallybored.org) |
21:08:29 | | Quit J-23 (Remote closed the connection) |
21:08:51 | | Join J-23 [0] (n=aldwulf@a105.net128.okay.pl) |
21:09:01 | J-23 | oh, Opera crashed |
21:09:39 | | Join d1sturb [0] (n=ddpcandb@ool-44c0f552.dyn.optonline.net) |
21:09:53 | * | Strife89 chuckles at Opera. |
21:10:27 | * | Strife89 still thinks it's better that Internet Expolrer. ;) |
21:10:41 | Strife89 | *Explorer |
21:11:11 | d1sturb | I've been using rockbox on my 1st gen nano for months now. However, the other day, I turned it off and it wouldn't turn back on. iTunes and Windows won't recognize it. Any help? |
21:11:53 | J-23 | hmm, maybe iRiver H320/340... |
21:12:12 | d1sturb | ? |
21:12:43 | Strife89 | J-23: I've wanted an iRiver. They seem to have fairly decent hardware, from what I've heard. |
21:12:48 | J-23 | I just spam this channel with my new DAP finding problems. |
21:12:49 | gevaerts | d1sturb: plug it in and leave it charging for a long time (at least a day). That usually helps |
21:12:55 | Loopfrog | Huh. When I installed Rockbox manually after the formatting, I seem to have used the bootloader for m5 by mistake. Could that be it? |
21:13:29 | d1sturb | geva, I'm not sure if it's charging or not. The screen is blank, it doesn't say "Do Not Disconnect." o_0 |
21:13:29 | Strife89 | d1sturb: J-23 is in the market for a new DAP. ;) |
21:13:36 | d1sturb | oh :P |
21:14:09 | J-23 | Did you try hacking E100? |
21:14:28 | gevaerts | d1sturb: By charging I mean "plugged in to something that provides power". It won't give any feedback for a while |
21:14:28 | dionoea | d1sturb: try to reset it (menu + play or something like that for 10 seconds) |
21:14:42 | dionoea | I've had my ipod video freeze like that a couple of times |
21:14:58 | d1sturb | I've tried resetting, but the screen remains blank |
21:15:12 | d1sturb | I guess I'll just leave it connected to the computer over night and see what happens |
21:15:15 | pixelma | the reset can take even longer |
21:15:57 | Strife89 | dionoea: My brother has an iPod (Nano 3G); I think he had to reset it with Menu+Select, but I'm not sure. |
21:16:30 | dionoea | ah right, menu+select ;) |
21:16:40 | | Quit funman (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
21:16:43 | pixelma | Loopfrog: the m5 bootloader won't be picked up by the X5 and the .bin file will also stay in the FIRMWARE directory, so yeah that could be a reason |
21:16:47 | dionoea | I use the e260 nowadays so I forgot the ipod combos :) |
21:17:05 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
21:17:15 | Strife89 | dionoea: Heck, I don't have an iPod, period. My brother is the sole owner. |
21:17:31 | Strife89 | I want a Sansa e2x0, though. |
21:17:46 | gevaerts | Can someone with some C knowledge check apps/plugins/calendar.c line 114? I'm sure that the 8 should be 7, but I don't have a recorder so I can't test on real hardware |
21:19:04 | | Quit avis ("taktaktaktakkkk") |
21:19:36 | bertrik | gevaerts, I think you're right about that, should be 7 in my opinion too |
21:21:00 | | Join thegeek [0] (n=nnscript@s080a.studby.ntnu.no) |
21:21:13 | gevaerts | bertrik: thanks. It seems that this is not the only bug though. It shows wrong dates... |
21:21:55 | | Quit scidiary ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
21:22:34 | bertrik | I think some of the other for-loops in that file look weird too |
21:22:34 | Loopfrog | Yeah, that did the trick :) Silly me. Probobly will go back to Rockbox soon anyway, but it's nice to see it work. Thanks for the help and patience. |
21:23:05 | bertrik | line the one on line 152 and the ++j on line 154 |
21:24:06 | gevaerts | bertrik: not necessarily wrong, but I wouldn't want it in new code |
21:24:44 | J-23 | does e200 have the same problems with audio socket as c200? |
21:25:14 | * | bertrik has no problems with the audio socket on his c200 and e200 |
21:25:14 | | Quit Mardoxx (Remote closed the connection) |
21:25:27 | | Join Mardoxx [0] (n=Mardoxx@adsl-87-102-115-248.karoo.KCOM.COM) |
21:25:48 | J-23 | my audio socket is broken and it sends signal to left and right channel properly only if it's in correct position |
21:26:23 | | Join advcomp2019_ [0] (n=advcomp2@unaffiliated/advcomp2019) |
21:26:28 | gevaerts | Can someone with an Archos Recorder check if the calendar plugin shows a correct calendar for this month? The sim doesn't (at least for me) |
21:26:36 | J-23 | maybe it's all because I did put my pocket knife blade to it :D |
21:26:55 | bertrik | and shouldn't wday_has_memo on line 123 contain 7 elements? |
21:27:08 | J-23 | good night |
21:27:09 | | Part J-23 |
21:27:41 | | Quit advcomp2019 (Nick collision from services.) |
21:27:44 | gevaerts | bertrik: probably |
21:27:44 | | Nick advcomp2019_ is now known as advcomp2019 (n=advcomp2@unaffiliated/advcomp2019) |
21:28:38 | * | bertrik tries to find some comments in calendar.c |
21:28:54 | | Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@ |
21:30:08 | | Join webguest43 [0] (n=43341f31@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-d725aa55a2225ba0) |
21:30:13 | gevaerts | bertrik: if it shows a wrong calendar on real hardware I think we should just scrap it |
21:30:28 | webguest43 | hey what is the average battery hours for ipod 30 gb |
21:31:17 | webguest43 | any one there? |
21:31:34 | gevaerts | webguest43: from my reading of http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IpodRuntime about 12 hours I'd say |
21:31:42 | webguest43 | thx |
21:31:52 | webguest43 | my speaker part is broken on my ipod |
21:32:01 | webguest43 | does anyone know hot to fix it |
21:32:09 | webguest43 | its out of warrenty |
21:32:28 | bertrik | gevaerts, to scrap it is maybe a bit too radical, I'd rather see it fixed |
21:32:48 | webguest43 | ? |
21:33:02 | bertrik | but there's probably not a lot of people using it, considering it contains such bugs |
21:33:32 | webguest43 | does anyone know how to fix the headphone jack on my ipod video it is broken |
21:34:08 | advcomp2019 | you need to open it and solder it |
21:34:23 | | Part Loopfrog |
21:34:25 | gevaerts | If it doesn't show a correct calendar, it has wrong array sizes all over the place, and all for loops are weird, I don't want to debug it |
21:34:28 | LambdaCalculus37 | webguest43: http://www.ifixit.com/Guide/iPod/iPod-5th-Generation-Video-/Headphone-Jack-Hold-Switch/95/2/Page-1 |
21:34:34 | webguest43 | ya i know but where do u buy the pices for cheap |
21:34:38 | webguest43 | or even free |
21:35:19 | gevaerts | webguest43: (a) please use real words here. "u" is not a word, and (b) that's off topic here |
21:35:29 | webguest43 | k |
21:35:34 | webguest43 | go to hell |
21:35:42 | | Quit webguest43 ("CGI:IRC") |
21:35:55 | | Join avis [0] (n=ident@pdpc/supporter/student/avis) |
21:36:56 | | Quit amiconn (" Fensteraufdatum...") |
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21:40:03 | | Join amiconn [0] (n=jens@p54BD7475.dip.t-dialin.net) |
21:43:18 | * | amiconn reiterates his comments regarding calendar.rock and rockcalendar once more |
21:43:50 | amiconn | Calendar is made for small screens, but *only* for those. |
21:44:15 | amiconn | Rockcalendar runs on multiple targets, but not on small-screen ones. |
21:44:48 | gevaerts | amiconn: does calendar.rock work properly on target? |
21:44:54 | amiconn | Imo both should be combined into one, properly working, nice and clean calendar plugin |
21:45:04 | amiconn | Now, any takers? |
21:45:42 | amiconn | gevaerts: Not sure. Last time I tried it did work properly, but it was only a small test |
21:46:00 | gevaerts | amiconn: the days are off by two in the sim here |
21:46:06 | amiconn | I think whoever takes this task should have an actual use for a calendar plugin (I don't) |
21:46:24 | rasher | gevaerts: your task is a bit light on details |
21:46:34 | gevaerts | rasher: correct. I'll fix it |
21:47:10 | amiconn | Calendar is correct on target (w/o your fix...) |
21:48:03 | gevaerts | my fix shouldn't change that. It only fixes header printing |
21:48:34 | * | gevaerts is confused now. This is a weird bug |
21:48:37 | | Quit d1sturb ("—I-n-v-i-s-i-o-n— 3.0 (March '08)") |
21:48:46 | amiconn | In the sim it's indeed off, andtwofold |
21:49:02 | amiconn | For me it shows the 13th (instead of the 12th), and weekdays are off by 2 |
21:49:33 | amiconn | Btw, I don't get a segfault without your fix |
21:49:49 | gevaerts | It probably depends on exact memory alignment |
21:50:35 | amiconn | Hmm, the "Set time & date" screen has the correct date and weekday... |
21:51:12 | amiconn | (and it has a bug regarding viewports and scrolling lines - darn!) |
21:51:42 | | Join petur [50] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
21:52:44 | amiconn | If there is a scrolling line in the settings menu (and "Set time & date" often needs to scroll on archos...) entering that screen keeps the scrolling line, which will then overdraw part of that screen... |
21:53:06 | | Quit Strife89 (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) |
21:53:09 | amiconn | Other targets are also affected for sure, depending on font size vs. lcd size |
21:53:13 | * | gevaerts can't easily find a correctly sized array in calendar.c |
21:53:47 | | Join Strife89 [0] (n=michael@ |
21:55:43 | | Quit Strife89 (Client Quit) |
21:56:29 | | Join Strife89 [0] (n=strife89@ |
21:58:25 | * | amiconn wonders what "3D stereo enhancement" actually does to the signal |
21:59:14 | | Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) |
21:59:40 | | Quit LambdaCalculus37 ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
22:00 |
22:01:10 | | Quit perrikwp ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
22:04:45 | amiconn | hmm |
22:05:03 | amiconn | I know people complained about the volume range especially on ipod video. |
22:05:36 | amiconn | What about using the DAC digital gain setting for some extra attenuation? |
22:06:07 | Llorean | If I had an iPod Video, I'd be in favour of that. |
22:06:49 | Llorean | The minimum is -54 or so isn't it right now? |
22:06:51 | | Join krazykit [0] (n=kkit@host-69-145-35-234.static.bresnan.net) |
22:07:13 | amiconn | -57 |
22:07:14 | | Quit neddy ("Leaving.") |
22:08:05 | amiconn | That's the "loudest" minimum volume of all targets iirc |
22:08:07 | | Quit Horscht ("User was distributing pornography on server; system seized by FBI") |
22:09:21 | | Quit kushal_12_27_200 ("This computer has gone to sleep") |
22:09:32 | amiconn | Most targets go down to the -70s. For those going down below -99 (Archos recorders and Ondios), we cheat and don't offer the full range (-100 then equals mute, represented by a symbol, so we never have more than 2 digits in the status bar) |
22:09:42 | Llorean | When I use in-ear headphones I often listen quite a bit below that if I'm in a quiet enough environment to do so. |
22:09:59 | Llorean | "that" being -57 |
22:15:07 | | Quit Strife89 ("Leaving") |
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22:42:04 | | Quit massiveH ("Leaving") |
22:51:44 | | Join bluebrother [0] (n=dom@rockbox/staff/bluebrother) |
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23:00 |
23:01:51 | petur | heh, the H10-5GB recording screenshot in the manual shows a bug that was fixed: gain is set to 320 dB :) |
23:02:29 | bluebrother | gimme more gain to make the music louder! ;-) |
23:02:32 | | Join Horscht [0] (n=Horscht@xbmc/user/horscht) |
23:02:48 | bluebrother | if ldd completely fails, can I assume a broken binary? |
23:03:16 | gevaerts | How does it completely fail? |
23:04:30 | bluebrother | gevaerts: http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/9291#comment25788 |
23:05:34 | * | gevaerts thinks that bluebrother asks to much : "Also, please recompile yourself" ;) |
23:06:15 | | Join neddy [0] (n=john@nat/sun/x-1503abc865e366e8) |
23:06:20 | gevaerts | I would thinkt that if ldd outputs that sort of things, ldd is broken... |
23:06:39 | bluebrother | true. We have hidden the information how to build yourself badly, especially as there are exactly two wiki pages dealing with rbutil |
23:07:12 | | Quit neddy (Remote closed the connection) |
23:07:21 | | Join neddy [0] (n=john@nat/sun/x-ace86336d8a2237a) |
23:08:16 | * | bluebrother is a bit annoyed by this task and tempted to close it as "works for me". |
23:09:02 | petur | how do you make a screendump in the sim (apart from grabbing the screen)? |
23:09:48 | bluebrother | petur: press F5 |
23:10:07 | bluebrother | (or F2? Can't remember exactly, but there is an F-key for that) |
23:10:15 | gevaerts | F17? |
23:10:25 | petur | F5 did the trick it seems |
23:10:27 | petur | thanks |
23:12:24 | | Quit jhulst ("Konversation terminated!") |
23:14:43 | | Quit petur ("Zzzzz") |
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23:18:12 | | Join funman [0] (n=fun@82-171-216-191.ip.telfort.nl) |
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23:24:11 | | Part Dhraakellian ("Meddle not in the affairs of ircops, for they are (not so) subtle, and quick to anger.") |
23:26:56 | funman | we have found the function loading 'libraries' in the sansav2 OF |
23:27:29 | funman | problem is it use bx register, after loading these registers with content in the RAM, no real addresses .. |
23:33:41 | | Join Nico_P [50] (n=nicolas@rockbox/developer/NicoP) |
23:34:23 | | Quit tvelocity (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
23:34:37 | | Nick fxb is now known as fxb__ (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) |
23:36:25 | bluebrother | hmm, wasn't there an issue with the keyclick feature on PP devices? |
23:37:24 | | Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@ |
23:37:30 | gevaerts | yes. It's possible to make it beep loudly at you |
23:37:55 | bluebrother | maybe that's a feature that should get disabled for 3.0 then? |
23:38:19 | gevaerts | You need to press buttons simultaneously in the WPS to trigger it |
23:38:54 | bluebrother | ah, ok. |
23:38:55 | | Join {phoenix} [0] (n=dirk@p54B47B6A.dip.t-dialin.net) |
23:40:21 | * | bluebrother plays around a bit with the keyclick setting and now has a beeping noise |
23:40:34 | bluebrother | and that was without pressing multiple buttons in the wps |
23:40:53 | gevaerts | hm, that's more serious then |
23:40:59 | | Quit linuxstb (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
23:41:27 | bluebrother | it's like keyclick-repeats-itself over and over again (changing the keyclick strength changes the beep |
23:41:31 | * | gevaerts votes to disable it on PP |
23:42:09 | * | bluebrother agrees |
23:42:20 | bluebrother | seems to be somewhat related to that "keyclicks too late" task |
23:43:07 | bluebrother | furthermore, the keyclicks don't seem to work for me at all on e200 |
23:44:11 | gevaerts | They don't work well for me on c200. Volume gives keyclicks, but playback keys don't (while in WPS) |
23:44:56 | bluebrother | now I can see this "too late" issue. Seems to happen if you have keyclick repeat enabled. |
23:45:03 | | Quit miepchen^schlaf () |
23:45:15 | * | gevaerts leaves disabling them to someone else. This is settings code, and he hasn't been properly introduced to that yet |
23:47:10 | funman | gevaerts: this is settings code |
23:47:15 | funman | settings code: here is gevaerts |
23:47:33 | funman | gevaerts: fixed ;) |
23:47:47 | gevaerts | :) |
23:50:07 | * | bluebrother is annoyed by people thinking that we have the "player type" field in FS just for fun ... or whatever |
23:51:44 | | Quit neddy (Remote closed the connection) |
23:52:10 | funman | I wonder if sansa use a code obfuscator or if they use a stupid compiler ... |
23:52:30 | bluebrother | maybe a code packer? |
23:53:00 | funman | I often see useless instructions |
23:53:20 | funman | like write in a cpu register, call a function which does the same |
23:53:42 | funman | it seems labels must be word aligned, but I didn't see that branch instructions must be word aligned |
23:53:44 | | Quit tarbo (Connection timed out) |
23:54:09 | funman | here is the function I just read: 2 instructions |
23:54:11 | funman | movs r0, #0 |
23:54:13 | funman | bx lr |
23:54:30 | funman | not very effective packing ;) |
23:55:02 | funman | another one |
23:55:03 | amiconn | Such things are quite common |
23:55:25 | funman | is there any usecase ? maybe to cause delay |
23:55:58 | amiconn | Either the optimisation level for that part of code was low, and/or the firmware is compiled from a generic source |
23:56:24 | amiconn | Besides, using 'bx' is special, as it allows switching between arm and thumb code |
23:56:37 | funman | ah right |
23:57:20 | funman | I 'bricked' some firmwares when trying to use thumb :) |
23:57:43 | funman | another common mistake I make is forget to save lr |
23:58:02 | amiconn | Try reading ipod firmwares, there's much "fun" like this (not the thumb switch, but function layers uselessly copying parameters around, ending up with just the same parameters..) |
23:58:23 | funman | when I'll have an ipod :P |