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| Joins:
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Click in the nick column to highlight everything a person has said.
00:00:40 | rasher | |
00:00:46 | Nico_P | |
00:00:47 | * | |
00:00:54 | Join dany_21a_ [0] ( | |
00:02:06 | * | |
00:02:19 | samdouglas | |
00:03:19 | gevaerts | |
00:03:27 | Llorean | |
00:04:36 | samdouglas | |
00:04:59 | bluebrother | |
00:05:18 | Llorean | |
00:05:22 | bluebrother | |
00:05:31 | Join Thundercloud [0] ( | |
00:06:14 | Join shotofadds [0] (n=rob@rockbox/developer/shotofadds) | |
00:06:37 | samdouglas | |
00:06:48 | bluebrother | |
00:07:06 | rasher | |
00:07:08 | Nico_P | |
00:07:10 | Quit ilembitov ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") | |
00:07:12 | Nico_P | |
00:10:38 | bluebrother | |
00:10:54 | samdouglas | |
00:11:20 | Nico_P | |
00:11:59 | gevaerts | |
00:12:38 | Llorean | |
00:12:42 | Quit bmbl ("Woah!") | |
00:12:59 | Quit mf0102 ("Ex-Chat") | |
00:15:20 | bluebrother | |
00:16:59 | Quit dany_21a (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
00:17:31 | Join fdinel [0] ( | |
00:21:35 | Join mmadia [0] ( | |
00:22:28 | Nico_P | |
00:23:11 | gevaerts | |
00:25:12 | Join pete-fmrecUK [0] (n=5219900a@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ | |
00:25:34 | Llorean | |
00:28:47 | pete-fmrecUK | |
00:30:07 | Quit shotofadds (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
00:30:31 | Quit bluebrother ("leaving") | |
00:34:00 | Quit dany_21a_ ("Konversation terminated!") | |
00:35:17 | gevaerts | |
00:36:14 | gevaerts | |
00:39:22 | Quit faemir (Remote closed the connection) | |
00:43:05 | pixelma | |
00:43:13 | Quit massiveH ("Leaving") | |
00:45:23 | samdouglas | |
00:45:27 | Quit bertrik ("Leaving") | |
00:45:34 | Part pixelma | |
00:45:51 | homielowe | |
00:45:54 | Join pixelma2 [0] (n=marianne@rockbox/staff/pixelma) | |
00:46:04 | Nico_P | |
00:46:13 | n1s | |
00:46:15 | * | |
00:47:56 | pete-fmrecUK | |
00:49:13 | Quit ameyer (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
00:50:15 | Quit pete-fmrecUK ("CGI:IRC") | |
00:50:22 | Join pete-fmrecUK [0] (n=5219900a@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ | |
00:52:01 | Quit blahrus ("Ex-Chat") | |
00:52:02 | Quit pete-fmrecUK (Client Quit) | |
00:58:29 | Quit Nibbler (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) | |
00:59:17 | Quit DerPapst (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) | |
01:00 | ||
01:01:19 | Quit reacocard (".") | |
01:03:55 | Quit ender` (" Come to think of it, there are already a million monkeys on a million typewriters, and IRC is NOTHING like Shakespeare.") | |
01:09:56 | Quit n1s () | |
01:14:37 | Quit Strife89 ("Leaving") | |
01:19:33 | samdouglas | |
01:20:42 | Llorean | |
01:22:31 | Join stripwax [0] ( | |
01:23:20 | samdouglas | |
01:23:44 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
01:23:51 | Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) | |
01:24:02 | Llorean | |
01:24:11 | samdouglas | |
01:24:16 | Llorean | |
01:24:34 | Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) | |
01:26:00 | Quit stripwax (Client Quit) | |
01:26:08 | Llorean | |
01:27:40 | samdouglas | |
01:28:00 | Join massiveH [0] ( | |
01:28:03 | samdouglas | |
01:29:40 | Llorean | |
01:30:22 | samdouglas | |
01:31:15 | Llorean | |
01:31:30 | Llorean | |
01:34:27 | samdouglas | |
01:35:22 | Llorean | |
01:35:24 | Join needhelpplz [0] (n=47aee9cd@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ | |
01:36:04 | Quit needhelpplz (Client Quit) | |
01:36:20 | Join powerjuce [0] (n=powerjuc@unaffiliated/powerjuce) | |
01:36:57 | amiconn | |
01:37:26 | amiconn | |
01:37:33 | powerjuce | |
01:37:43 | Llorean | |
01:37:56 | samdouglas | |
01:37:57 | Join Nico_P [50] (n=nicolas@rockbox/developer/NicoP) | |
01:38:14 | amiconn | |
01:38:16 | samdouglas | |
01:41:03 | powerjuce | |
01:41:36 | Llorean | |
01:42:01 | powerjuce | |
01:42:14 | powerjuce | |
01:42:28 | Part powerjuce ("goodbye and thanks for all the fish") | |
01:44:49 | samdouglas | |
01:46:06 | Quit BlakeJohnson861 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
01:46:18 | Join BlakeJohnson86 [0] ( | |
01:49:35 | Part Llorean | |
01:58:13 | Join webguest94 [0] (n=430aeeaf@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ | |
02:00 | ||
02:02:37 | Join m0f0x [0] ( | |
02:03:38 | Nick JdGordon|zzz is now known as JdGordon (n=jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) | |
02:03:41 | Quit webguest94 ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") | |
02:12:03 | Part toffe82 | |
02:15:47 | Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) | |
02:16:55 | Quit petur ("Zzzzz") | |
02:17:54 | Join EspeonEefi [0] (i=espeonee@STRATTON-SIX-FIFTY-SEVEN.MIT.EDU) | |
02:19:13 | Quit Hillshum ("ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox 3.0.1/2008070208]") | |
02:19:25 | Quit culture (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
02:38:40 | Join BHSPitMonkey [0] (n=stephen@unaffiliated/bhspitmonkey) | |
02:40:00 | Quit jhulst (No route to host) | |
02:41:45 | Quit MethoS- (Remote closed the connection) | |
02:41:47 | Quit BlakeJohnson86 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
02:42:28 | Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) | |
02:44:24 | Join BlakeJohnson86 [0] ( | |
02:51:29 | Quit EspeonEefi ("ăăăȘă") | |
02:58:05 | Join toffe82 [0] ( | |
03:00 | ||
03:06:29 | Part toffe82 | |
03:06:37 | Quit BlakeJohnson86 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
03:08:18 | Join Llorean [0] (n=DarkkOne@ | |
03:09:12 | Quit dabujo (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
03:10:38 | Join AndyI [0] (i=AndyI@ | |
03:12:35 | Quit herrwaldo (Remote closed the connection) | |
03:22:14 | Quit XavierGr () | |
03:22:52 | Join BlakeJohnson86 [0] ( | |
03:23:46 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
03:24:17 | Quit AndyIL (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
03:38:22 | Join BlakeJohnson861 [0] ( | |
03:43:51 | Quit mmadia ("ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox 3.0.1/2008070208]") | |
03:47:07 | Join humblegod538 [0] ( | |
03:47:36 | Join krazykit [0] ( | |
03:47:55 | humblegod538 | |
03:48:03 | humblegod538 | |
03:48:39 | Join star_jasmine [0] (n=arwyneve@ | |
03:49:47 | star_jasmine | |
03:50:12 | Join saratoga [0] (n=9803c6dd@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ | |
03:50:23 | saratoga | |
03:50:33 | star_jasmine | |
03:50:38 | star_jasmine | |
03:51:08 | humblegod538 | |
03:51:25 | Quit DerDome (Nick collision from services.) | |
03:51:26 | Join DerDome1 [0] ( | |
03:51:36 | Nick DerDome1 is now known as DerDome ( | |
03:51:56 | Quit BlakeJohnson86 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
03:52:03 | humblegod538 | |
03:52:17 | humblegod538 | |
03:53:43 | humblegod538 | |
03:55:23 | Join |AhIoRoS| [0] (n=ahioros@ | |
03:57:11 | humblegod538 | |
03:57:12 | saratoga | |
03:57:27 | humblegod538 | |
03:58:00 | Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@ | |
04:00 | ||
04:01:53 | Join Marcus [0] ( | |
04:04:00 | Marcus | |
04:04:12 | Marcus | |
04:04:15 | Llorean | |
04:04:40 | Llorean | |
04:04:47 | Marcus | |
04:04:55 | Marcus | |
04:05:00 | star_jasmine | |
04:05:10 | Marcus | |
04:05:39 | Marcus | |
04:05:46 | Marcus | |
04:06:13 | Llorean | |
04:06:21 | Join Darksair [0] (n=user@ | |
04:06:44 | humblegod538 | |
04:06:45 | Part humblegod538 | |
04:06:58 | Join Hillshum [0] ( | |
04:07:32 | Marcus | |
04:07:41 | Marcus | |
04:07:51 | Marcus | |
04:07:55 | Marcus | |
04:08:06 | Marcus | |
04:08:09 | Quit Marcus () | |
04:08:09 | star_jasmine | |
04:08:23 | star_jasmine | |
04:09:42 | Hillshum | |
04:09:48 | Hillshum | |
04:09:54 | samdouglas | |
04:11:10 | star_jasmine | |
04:11:12 | samdouglas | |
04:13:02 | Quit Hillshum ("*puts nose in thick book*") | |
04:15:18 | Join miepchen^schlaf_ [0] ( | |
04:19:07 | Quit w0rd54 (Remote closed the connection) | |
04:22:19 | Quit star_jasmine () | |
04:28:21 | Join reacocard [0] (n=reacocar@WL-433.CINE.HMC.Edu) | |
04:29:00 | Join w0rd54 [0] ( | |
04:29:49 | Join eagledrc [0] (n=chatzill@ | |
04:31:23 | Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
04:34:31 | eagledrc | |
04:35:21 | Quit fdinel ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier.") | |
04:37:29 | Join shrimants [0] (n=shrimant@ | |
04:37:38 | shrimants | |
04:38:17 | shrimants | |
04:38:42 | shrimants | |
04:38:59 | shrimants | |
04:42:55 | Llorean | |
04:43:07 | Llorean | |
04:43:45 | shrimants | |
04:43:53 | Quit w0rd54 (Client Quit) | |
04:44:37 | shrimants | |
04:44:50 | Llorean | |
04:44:53 | Llorean | |
04:45:00 | Llorean | |
04:45:33 | eagledrc | |
04:45:39 | eagledrc | |
04:45:43 | shrimants | |
04:45:52 | shrimants | |
04:45:59 | shrimants | |
04:46:32 | shrimants | |
04:46:43 | shrimants | |
04:46:47 | Llorean | |
04:47:01 | shrimants | |
04:47:55 | Llorean | |
04:48:14 | Llorean | |
04:48:40 | shrimants | |
04:48:53 | shrimants | |
04:49:05 | shrimants | |
04:49:13 | shrimants | |
04:49:23 | shrimants | |
04:49:37 | shrimants | |
04:49:42 | Llorean | |
04:49:49 | Llorean | |
04:52:02 | shrimants | |
04:52:10 | shrimants | |
04:52:18 | shrimants | |
04:52:30 | shrimants | |
04:52:33 | eagledrc | |
04:52:38 | shrimants | |
04:52:49 | shrimants | |
04:53:00 | shrimants | |
04:53:10 | shrimants | |
04:53:16 | shrimants | |
04:56:49 | eagledrc | |
04:57:19 | eagledrc | |
04:57:25 | eagledrc | |
04:58:08 | shrimants | |
04:58:43 | eagledrc | |
04:58:59 | shrimants | |
04:59:00 | Quit eagledrc ("ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox 3.0.1/2008072820]") | |
05:00 | ||
05:01:20 | Quit massiveH ("Leaving") | |
05:01:22 | shrimants | |
05:04:17 | shrimants | |
05:16:18 | Quit Llorean ("Leaving.") | |
05:16:30 | shrimants | |
05:16:44 | shrimants | |
05:16:55 | Join Llorean [0] ( | |
05:17:05 | shrimants | |
05:17:20 | shrimants | |
05:17:56 | Llorean | |
05:18:07 | Llorean | |
05:18:11 | Llorean | |
05:22:22 | Quit kugel ("ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox 3.0.1/2008070208]") | |
05:23:48 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
05:24:15 | shrimants | |
05:37:21 | Quit m0f0x () | |
05:40:54 | Part shrimants | |
05:41:27 | Join Zom_ [0] ( | |
05:41:30 | Quit Zom (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) | |
05:50:14 | Quit saratoga ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") | |
05:50:31 | Join cool_walking_ [0] (i=cb3b81c3@gateway/web/ajax/ | |
05:53:18 | Quit Horscht ("I am root. If you see me laughing, you better have a backup") | |
05:53:25 | Join here2code [0] (n=180a7cac@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ | |
05:53:43 | Quit jhulst (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
05:53:47 | Quit Zarggg () | |
05:54:37 | here2code | |
05:55:01 | here2code | |
05:58:07 | toffe82 | |
05:59:11 | Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) | |
06:00 | ||
06:00:27 | Quit here2code ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") | |
06:01:36 | Quit davidfg4 (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
06:01:55 | Join davidfg4 [0] (n=david@ | |
06:04:02 | Join here2code [0] ( | |
06:04:56 | Quit davidfg4 (Connection reset by peer) | |
06:09:16 | Join davidfg4 [0] (n=david@ | |
06:17:52 | Part toffe82 | |
06:19:55 | Join MarcGuay [0] ( | |
06:22:00 | MarcGuay | |
06:26:28 | MarcGuay | |
06:35:22 | Quit MarcGuay ("ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox 3.0.1/2008070208]") | |
06:42:16 | Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@ | |
06:52:34 | Quit toffe82 (Remote closed the connection) | |
06:57:44 | Quit here2code (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
06:58:02 | Join here2code [0] ( | |
07:00 | ||
07:08:39 | Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@ | |
07:10:35 | Quit jhulst (Remote closed the connection) | |
07:23:51 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
07:37:18 | Part toffe82 | |
07:45:32 | Quit daurnimator (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
07:59:51 | Quit Seed ("cu, Andre") | |
07:59:55 | Join LinusN [0] (n=linus@rockbox/developer/LinusN) | |
08:00 | ||
08:08:09 | Quit miepchen^schlaf_ () | |
08:14:45 | Join lol3izer [0] (i=lol3@ | |
08:18:00 | Join Bagderr [241] (n=daniel@rockbox/developer/bagder) | |
08:18:25 | Nick Bagderr is now known as B4gder (n=daniel@rockbox/developer/bagder) | |
08:18:29 | B4gder | |
08:18:42 | B4gder | |
08:18:50 | JdGordon | |
08:19:21 | Llorean | |
08:21:26 | B4gder | |
08:21:45 | GodEater | |
08:22:13 | GodEater | |
08:23:50 | JdGordon | |
08:23:53 | GodEater | |
08:24:22 | BHSPitMonkey | |
08:26:05 | GodEater | |
08:26:11 | GodEater | |
08:26:39 | Join neddy1 [0] (n=john@nat/sun/x-2e22ffe529417ec6) | |
08:27:18 | B4gder | |
08:27:32 | B4gder | |
08:27:59 | B4gder | |
08:28:08 | GodEater | |
08:28:17 | B4gder | |
08:28:32 | B4gder | |
08:28:44 | Join desowin [0] (n=desowin@atheme/member/desowin) | |
08:28:54 | GodEater | |
08:29:10 | JdGordon | |
08:29:13 | Quit Galois ("Leaving") | |
08:29:44 | Nick neddy1 is now known as nuonguy11 (n=john@nat/sun/x-2e22ffe529417ec6) | |
08:30:20 | Nick nuonguy11 is now known as nuonguy (n=john@nat/sun/x-2e22ffe529417ec6) | |
08:30:30 | B4gder | |
08:31:06 | Nick nuonguy is now known as neddy1 (n=john@nat/sun/x-2e22ffe529417ec6) | |
08:31:22 | GodEater | |
08:31:28 | JdGordon | |
08:32:02 | Quit here2code (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
08:32:04 | Llorean | |
08:32:09 | Llorean | |
08:32:10 | Join here2code [0] ( | |
08:33:18 | GodEater | |
08:33:36 | JdGordon | |
08:33:41 | GodEater | |
08:33:57 | Join scoles [0] (n=43f27cc0@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ | |
08:34:28 | Quit neddy (Connection timed out) | |
08:34:31 | amiconn | |
08:34:38 | LinusN | |
08:34:41 | Join ender` [0] ( | |
08:35:12 | amiconn | |
08:35:36 | LinusN | |
08:36:28 | LinusN | |
08:36:30 | amiconn | |
08:36:48 | amiconn | |
08:37:33 | amiconn | |
08:38:37 | Join Galois [0] ( | |
08:38:38 | amiconn | |
08:39:29 | Quit bughunter2 ("bye") | |
08:41:48 | Quit here2code (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) | |
08:42:03 | Join here2code [0] ( | |
08:45:55 | Quit BHSPitMonkey (Remote closed the connection) | |
08:47:36 | Join GodEater__ [0] (i=c2cbc962@gateway/web/ajax/ | |
08:49:42 | Join Rob2222 [0] ( | |
08:52:10 | Quit GodEater (" ajax IRC Client") | |
08:52:11 | Quit cool_walking_ (" ajax IRC Client") | |
08:52:11 | Quit GodEater__ (Client Quit) | |
08:54:04 | Quit BigBambi (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) | |
08:54:35 | Join GodEater [0] (i=c2cbc962@gateway/web/ajax/ | |
09:00 | ||
09:04:11 | Quit Acksaw (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
09:04:12 | Join petur [50] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) | |
09:04:30 | Join Acksaw [0] ( | |
09:04:49 | LinusN | |
09:05:14 | scoles | |
09:06:31 | Quit Rob2223 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
09:06:42 | LinusN | |
09:07:19 | Quit desowin ("KVIrc Insomnia 4.0.0, revision: 2560, sources date: 20080916, built on: 2008/09/25 06:14:48 UTC 2560") | |
09:07:25 | LinusN | |
09:07:56 | LinusN | |
09:08:03 | Quit Acksaw ( | |
09:08:03 | NSplit | |
09:08:03 | Quit neddy1 ( | |
09:08:03 | Quit davidfg4 ( | |
09:08:03 | Quit advcomp2019 ( | |
09:08:03 | Quit perrikwp ( | |
09:08:41 | LinusN | |
09:09:02 | amiconn | |
09:09:11 | LinusN | |
09:09:18 | amiconn | |
09:09:23 | Quit feisar (Remote closed the connection) | |
09:09:51 | amiconn | |
09:10:07 | LinusN | |
09:10:24 | amiconn | |
09:11:41 | amiconn | |
09:11:45 | LinusN | |
09:12:11 | LinusN | |
09:12:59 | amiconn | |
09:13:01 | linuxstb | |
09:13:32 | amiconn | |
09:13:35 | LinusN | |
09:13:49 | LinusN | |
09:13:53 | scoles | |
09:14:19 | amiconn | |
09:14:36 | LinusN | |
09:14:53 | LinusN | |
09:15:17 | LinusN | |
09:15:39 | amiconn | |
09:16:17 | amiconn | |
09:21:32 | Quit here2code (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
09:21:58 | Quit GodEater (Remote closed the connection) | |
09:22:55 | Join perrikwp [0] (i=d1a8d351@gateway/web/ajax/ | |
09:23:55 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
09:24:12 | Nick Zom_ is now known as Zom ( | |
09:27:13 | LinusN | |
09:27:19 | LinusN | |
09:31:31 | Join Dosu_Tivien [0] ( | |
09:31:31 | Join BigBambi [0] (i=86ceaf40@gateway/web/ajax/ | |
09:31:31 | Join here2code [0] ( | |
09:31:31 | NHeal | |
09:31:31 | NJoin | Acksaw [0] ( |
09:31:31 | NJoin | neddy1 [0] (n=john@nat/sun/x-2e22ffe529417ec6) |
09:31:31 | NJoin | davidfg4 [0] (n=david@ |
09:31:31 | NJoin | advcomp2019 [0] (n=advcomp2@unaffiliated/advcomp2019) |
09:32:21 | Dosu_Tivien | |
09:32:23 | Dosu_Tivien | |
09:32:33 | Dosu_Tivien | |
09:33:16 | BigBambi | |
09:33:46 | Quit scoles ("CGI:IRC") | |
09:33:54 | lol3izer | |
09:33:57 | Join feisar [0] (i=jljhook@ | |
09:34:12 | fyre^OS | |
09:34:15 | Nick fyre^OS is now known as fyrestorm ( | |
09:34:59 | lol3izer | |
09:35:07 | *** | SPY: Authentication failed for petur |
09:35:08 | fyrestorm | |
09:35:14 | lol3izer | |
09:35:15 | petur | |
09:35:24 | lol3izer | |
09:35:24 | lol3izer | |
09:36:01 | Dosu_Tivien | |
09:36:09 | Dosu_Tivien | |
09:36:09 | fyrestorm | |
09:36:23 | lol3izer | |
09:36:24 | fyrestorm | |
09:36:26 | BigBambi | |
09:36:32 | JdGordon | |
09:36:35 | BigBambi | |
09:36:37 | JdGordon | |
09:36:44 | JdGordon | |
09:37:01 | * | |
09:37:12 | BigBambi | |
09:37:13 | * | |
09:37:15 | Dosu_Tivien | |
09:37:16 | Dosu_Tivien | |
09:37:24 | JdGordon | |
09:37:24 | Dosu_Tivien | |
09:37:34 | BigBambi | |
09:37:35 | Dosu_Tivien | |
09:38:02 | Dosu_Tivien | |
09:38:15 | Dosu_Tivien | |
09:39:38 | Dosu_Tivien | |
09:39:42 | Dosu_Tivien | |
09:40:05 | Dosu_Tivien | |
09:40:09 | Dosu_Tivien | |
09:40:15 | lol3izer | |
09:40:22 | BigBambi | |
09:40:29 | Dosu_Tivien | |
09:40:34 | Dosu_Tivien | |
09:40:40 | Dosu_Tivien | |
09:40:42 | lol3izer | |
09:40:48 | lol3izer | |
09:40:51 | lol3izer | |
09:40:53 | BigBambi | |
09:41:17 | BigBambi | |
09:41:44 | BigBambi | |
09:42:22 | lol3izer | |
09:43:04 | Dosu_Tivien | |
09:43:10 | BigBambi | |
09:43:22 | BigBambi | |
09:44:10 | scorche | |
09:44:28 | Dosu_Tivien | |
09:44:39 | Dosu_Tivien | |
09:44:41 | Dosu_Tivien | |
09:44:59 | BigBambi | |
09:45:22 | Join jfc^3 [0] ( | |
09:45:25 | Dosu_Tivien | |
09:45:31 | BigBambi | |
09:45:37 | Dosu_Tivien | |
09:45:40 | Dosu_Tivien | |
09:45:51 | Quit jfc (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
09:46:47 | Quit tchan (SendQ exceeded) | |
09:47:05 | Join MethoS- [0] ( | |
09:47:17 | Dosu_Tivien | |
09:47:22 | Dosu_Tivien | |
09:47:36 | scorche | |
09:47:55 | Dosu_Tivien | |
09:48:14 | Join tchan [0] (n=tchan@lunar-linux/developer/tchan) | |
09:50:27 | JdGordon | |
10:00 | ||
10:00:31 | Dosu_Tivien | |
10:00:34 | Dosu_Tivien | |
10:00:42 | Dosu_Tivien | |
10:00:59 | Dosu_Tivien | |
10:01:16 | BigBambi | |
10:01:27 | Dosu_Tivien | |
10:01:32 | Dosu_Tivien | |
10:01:33 | Dosu_Tivien | |
10:02:30 | Join neddy [0] (n=john@nat/sun/x-0d96850aa3ea9135) | |
10:02:55 | scorche | |
10:03:13 | Dosu_Tivien | |
10:04:01 | Join ajonat [0] (n=ajonat@ | |
10:04:03 | scorche | |
10:04:31 | Dosu_Tivien | |
10:05:12 | Join Thundercloud [0] ( | |
10:05:13 | BigBambi | |
10:05:18 | Dosu_Tivien | |
10:05:22 | Dosu_Tivien | |
10:06:08 | Dosu_Tivien | |
10:06:17 | Dosu_Tivien | |
10:06:36 | lol3izer | |
10:06:37 | lol3izer | |
10:06:41 | lol3izer | |
10:06:52 | BigBambi | |
10:06:54 | scorche | |
10:07:10 | lol3izer | |
10:07:51 | scorche | |
10:08:09 | Dosu_Tivien | |
10:09:01 | scorche | |
10:09:16 | Dosu_Tivien | |
10:09:29 | Quit krazykit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) | |
10:10:18 | scorche | |
10:10:33 | Dosu_Tivien | |
10:10:40 | scorche | |
10:10:56 | Dosu_Tivien | |
10:11:26 | scorche | |
10:11:34 | Dosu_Tivien | |
10:11:38 | Dosu_Tivien | |
10:11:48 | Dosu_Tivien | |
10:12:00 | scorche | |
10:12:10 | Dosu_Tivien | |
10:12:16 | * | |
10:15:14 | Join GodEater [0] (i=c2cbc962@gateway/web/ajax/ | |
10:16:17 | Dosu_Tivien | |
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10:17:16 | Dosu_Tivien | |
10:17:24 | Dosu_Tivien | |
10:17:25 | Quit here2code (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
10:17:43 | Join here2code [0] ( | |
10:22:44 | Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) | |
10:26:44 | Join dabujo [0] ( | |
10:27:26 | Join lasser [0] ( | |
10:34:07 | gevaerts | |
10:34:20 | Dosu_Tivien | |
10:35:31 | gevaerts | |
10:38:27 | Dosu_Tivien | |
10:38:28 | Dosu_Tivien | |
10:47:08 | Join culture [0] ( | |
10:49:15 | Join in-ferno [0] ( | |
10:53:11 | * | |
10:53:21 | JdGordon | |
10:53:41 | BigBambi | |
10:55:02 | JdGordon | |
10:55:15 | JdGordon | |
10:55:23 | BigBambi | |
10:56:28 | JdGordon | |
10:57:53 | BigBambi | |
10:58:19 | BigBambi | |
10:58:52 | JdGordon | |
10:59:34 | JdGordon | |
10:59:43 | JdGordon | |
11:00 | ||
11:00:21 | BigBambi | |
11:01:02 | Join goffa_ [0] (n=goffa@ | |
11:02:48 | JdGordon | |
11:03:07 | BigBambi | |
11:03:58 | BigBambi | |
11:05:23 | JdGordon | |
11:05:25 | Quit in-ferno (" HydraIRC -> <- Would you like to know more?") | |
11:05:39 | * | |
11:05:45 | BigBambi | |
11:11:30 | Quit goffa (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
11:16:06 | Quit kronflux ("Leaving") | |
11:18:38 | Quit here2code (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) | |
11:18:44 | Join here2code [0] ( | |
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11:31:40 | Join Nico_P [50] (n=nicolas@rockbox/developer/NicoP) | |
11:31:41 | amiconn | |
11:32:34 | LinusN | |
11:32:45 | LinusN | |
11:35:03 | amiconn | |
11:35:21 | amiconn | |
11:37:51 | Quit reacocard (".") | |
11:39:27 | BigBambi | |
11:39:32 | Nico_P | |
11:40:18 | BigBambi | |
11:40:39 | Nico_P | |
11:40:45 | BigBambi | |
11:41:00 | lol3izer | |
11:41:05 | lol3izer | |
11:41:11 | BigBambi | |
11:41:54 | Nico_P | |
11:41:59 | lol3izer | |
11:42:05 | lol3izer | |
11:42:46 | linuxstb | |
11:43:02 | lol3izer | |
11:44:16 | Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@ | |
11:44:31 | havien | |
11:44:40 | havien | |
11:45:52 | lasser | |
11:46:03 | lol3izer | |
11:46:34 | Quit here2code (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) | |
11:46:35 | Nico_P | |
11:46:48 | Join here2code [0] ( | |
11:47:11 | BigBambi | |
11:52:52 | lasser | |
11:53:26 | lol3izer | |
11:54:05 | lasser | |
11:54:12 | lol3izer | |
11:54:25 | lol3izer | |
11:54:27 | lol3izer | |
11:59:43 | lasser | |
12:00 | ||
12:01:00 | lasser | |
12:10:53 | Join hullap [0] (n=hullap@unaffiliated/hullap) | |
12:11:40 | hullap | |
12:13:10 | Join mf0102 [0] ( | |
12:20:04 | Nico_P | |
12:20:14 | hullap | |
12:29:22 | Quit Acksaw (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
12:29:43 | Join Acksaw [0] ( | |
12:31:18 | Quit hullap ("A clever person solves a problem.A wise person avoids it.-- Einstein") | |
12:38:17 | Join Chada [0] (n=5d615e65@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ | |
12:39:55 | Join MethoS-- [0] ( | |
12:40:18 | Quit mf0102 (Remote closed the connection) | |
12:41:31 | JdGordon | |
12:41:38 | JdGordon | |
12:43:03 | linuxstb | |
12:43:17 | Quit Chada ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") | |
12:47:14 | havien | |
12:47:33 | linuxstb | |
12:47:41 | GodEater | |
12:47:43 | GodEater | |
12:47:50 | GodEater | |
12:47:52 | havien | |
12:48:01 | * | |
12:48:03 | havien | |
12:48:07 | JdGordon | |
12:48:12 | GodEater | |
12:48:23 | JdGordon | |
12:48:37 | GodEater | |
12:48:40 | havien | |
12:48:58 | GodEater | |
12:56:08 | Quit MethoS- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
12:57:01 | Nico_P | |
12:58:14 | havien | |
12:58:38 | JdGordon | |
12:59:15 | Join J-23 [0] ( | |
12:59:53 | Nico_P | |
13:00 | ||
13:00:52 | JdGordon | |
13:01:11 | Nico_P | |
13:01:20 | JdGordon | |
13:01:32 | JdGordon | |
13:02:22 | Join yoo [0] (n=ich@ | |
13:02:31 | Nico_P | |
13:05:54 | JdGordon | |
13:07:37 | Join desowin [0] (n=desowin@atheme/member/desowin) | |
13:07:54 | JdGordon | |
13:14:10 | Quit tvelocity (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) | |
13:21:21 | amiconn | |
13:21:31 | Quit desowin ("KVIrc Insomnia 4.0.0, revision: 2561, sources date: 20080916, built on: 2008/09/25 10:53:47 UTC 2561") | |
13:23:07 | JdGordon | |
13:23:45 | amiconn | |
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13:24:21 | amiconn | |
13:27:53 | Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@ | |
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13:33:07 | Join LambdaCalculus37 [0] ( | |
13:43:25 | Quit here2code (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
13:43:29 | Join here2code [0] ( | |
13:53:56 | Quit LambdaCalculus37 ("Do quit now, there's a demon around the corner!") | |
14:00 | ||
14:08:01 | Join m0f0x [0] ( | |
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14:23:54 | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@rockbox/staff/XavierGr) | |
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14:32:58 | Join Rondom [0] ( | |
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14:36:04 | MarcGuay | |
14:38:16 | Quit yoo ("Verlassend") | |
14:39:39 | Quit SUSaiyan (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
14:39:42 | Join SUSaiyan` [0] ( | |
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14:43:47 | Quit here2code (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
14:43:58 | Join here2code [0] ( | |
14:52:21 | Quit tvelocity (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
14:55:21 | * | |
14:55:27 | B4gder | |
15:00 | ||
15:01:47 | Quit Rondom ("Ex-Chat") | |
15:06:07 | Join DerPapst [0] (n=DerPapst@ | |
15:07:40 | Join Rondom [0] ( | |
15:17:00 | Quit davidfg4 (Remote closed the connection) | |
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15:25:19 | Join Schmogel [0] ( | |
15:37:12 | Join n1s [0] (n=nils@rockbox/developer/n1s) | |
15:38:28 | Join MethoS_ [0] ( | |
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15:53:41 | MarcelLotze | |
15:55:27 | Quit MarcelLotze (Client Quit) | |
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15:58:29 | Quit MethoS-- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
15:58:52 | Quit |AhIoRoS| ("Abandonando, see you") | |
16:00 | ||
16:00:35 | Quit SUSaiyan` () | |
16:06:34 | Join mib_mpno15mx [0] (i=cdcdc8ee@gateway/web/ajax/ | |
16:06:50 | Nick mib_mpno15mx is now known as MarcGuay_ (i=cdcdc8ee@gateway/web/ajax/ | |
16:06:54 | Join krazykit [0] ( | |
16:09:18 | Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@ | |
16:10:30 | Nick JdGordon is now known as JdGordon|zzz (n=jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) | |
16:14:17 | Join SUSaiyan [0] ( | |
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16:39:01 | Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) | |
16:39:07 | Join amiconn [50] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) | |
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16:47:55 | moos | |
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16:48:28 | moos | |
16:52:00 | Quit lol3izer (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
16:52:45 | Join dataangel [0] (n=prophet@ | |
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16:59:24 | Join super__ [0] ( | |
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17:01:07 | Part B4gder | |
17:01:14 | edhelas | |
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17:04:36 | moos | |
17:07:48 | Quit MethoS- (Remote closed the connection) | |
17:10:31 | Join bughunter2 [0] (n=Jelle@ | |
17:10:53 | Quit MarcGuay_ (" ajax IRC Client") | |
17:11:46 | Quit here2code (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
17:12:00 | Join MethoS- [0] ( | |
17:12:06 | Join here2code [0] ( | |
17:13:54 | Quit ajonat () | |
17:15:55 | Nick super__ is now known as super ( | |
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17:38:07 | Join domonoky [0] (n=Domonoky@rockbox/developer/domonoky) | |
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17:56:32 | domonoky | |
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17:57:51 | linuxstb | |
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17:58:06 | domonoky | |
17:58:27 | linuxstb | |
17:58:31 | LambdaCalculus37 | |
17:59:01 | zicho | |
17:59:21 | LambdaCalculus37 | |
17:59:34 | LambdaCalculus37 | |
18:00 | ||
18:00:11 | zicho | |
18:00:54 | domonoky | |
18:01:17 | zicho | |
18:01:20 | domonoky | |
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18:02:32 | amiconn | |
18:05:31 | LambdaCalculus37 | |
18:06:07 | * | |
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18:13:14 | lws009 | |
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18:13:41 | ender` | |
18:15:10 | ender` | |
18:15:57 | LambdaCalculus37 | |
18:17:05 | Join faemir [0] ( | |
18:18:17 | lws009 | |
18:20:23 | LambdaCalculus37 | |
18:20:31 | markun | |
18:21:13 | Join tvelocity[a] [0] (n=tony@ | |
18:22:44 | Quit tvelocity (Connection timed out) | |
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18:25:57 | lws009 | |
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18:44:11 | domonoky | |
18:44:43 | domonoky | |
18:45:01 | domonoky | |
18:45:36 | zicho | |
18:45:42 | zicho | |
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18:46:13 | zicho | |
18:46:46 | domonoky | |
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18:47:53 | domonoky | |
18:49:44 | domonoky | |
18:50:00 | zicho | |
18:50:51 | Join atto [0] ( | |
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18:52:27 | atto | |
18:52:51 | krazykit | |
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18:53:24 | domonoky | |
18:54:03 | Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) | |
18:54:51 | Join lol3izer_ [0] (i=lol3@ | |
18:55:10 | atto | |
18:55:23 | Quit atto (Client Quit) | |
18:57:15 | zicho | |
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19:07:21 | Quit lol3izer (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
19:09:00 | Quit toffe82 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
19:23:57 | Quit Darksair ("ERC Version 5.3 (IRC client for Emacs)") | |
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19:25:31 | Join BigBambi_ [0] (n=Alex@rockbox/staff/BigBambi) | |
19:25:49 | Quit BigBambi (Nick collision from services.) | |
19:25:52 | Part LinusN | |
19:25:55 | Nick BigBambi_ is now known as BigBambi (n=Alex@rockbox/staff/BigBambi) | |
19:27:18 | Quit here2code (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
19:27:33 | Join here2code [0] ( | |
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19:34:09 | Quit n1s () | |
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20:09:03 | klM_ | |
20:12:37 | Bagder | |
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20:13:53 | Join Seed [0] ( | |
20:19:05 | Join _MMA_ [0] (n=_MMA_@ubuntu/member/mma) | |
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20:20:51 | _MMA_ | |
20:21:16 | domonoky | |
20:23:44 | Llorean | |
20:24:28 | _MMA_ | |
20:24:57 | Part _MMA_ ("Time to kill the kids.") | |
20:26:25 | Quit Dosu_Tivien (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
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20:30:42 | Bagder | |
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20:40:12 | pixelma | |
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20:57:59 | Wictor | |
20:58:27 | LambdaCalculus37 | |
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21:00:03 | Quit tessarakt ("Client exiting") | |
21:00:19 | BigBambi | |
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21:01:30 | BigBambi | |
21:02:34 | Quit gevaerts (Nick collision from services.) | |
21:02:46 | Join gevaerts [0] (n=fg@rockbox/developer/gevaerts) | |
21:02:48 | pixelma | |
21:02:57 | Join funman [0] ( | |
21:03:01 | BigBambi | |
21:03:11 | BigBambi | |
21:03:25 | Wictor | |
21:03:27 | BigBambi | |
21:03:33 | BigBambi | |
21:03:41 | BigBambi | |
21:03:53 | BigBambi | |
21:03:56 | Wictor | |
21:03:58 | Wictor | |
21:04:22 | Quit goffa_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
21:04:24 | BigBambi | |
21:04:26 | Join tessarakt [0] ( | |
21:05:33 | Quit Rob2222 () | |
21:05:47 | Wictor | |
21:06:04 | BigBambi | |
21:06:06 | Join Rob2222 [0] ( | |
21:07:08 | Wictor | |
21:09:34 | BigBambi | |
21:09:44 | BigBambi | |
21:10:38 | Wictor | |
21:10:53 | funman | |
21:11:32 | Horscht | |
21:12:13 | Wictor | |
21:12:29 | funman | |
21:12:35 | BigBambi | |
21:12:35 | Wictor | |
21:18:21 | Quit funman ("leaving") | |
21:19:23 | Wictor | |
21:20:48 | edhelas | |
21:20:56 | edhelas | |
21:21:06 | LambdaCalculus37 | |
21:21:26 | edhelas | |
21:21:43 | Join vcardenas [0] (n=c9f46d2e@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ | |
21:22:09 | Join advcomp2019_ [0] (n=advcomp2@unaffiliated/advcomp2019) | |
21:23:11 | edhelas | |
21:23:22 | edhelas | |
21:23:56 | BigBambi | |
21:24:07 | Quit tvelocity[a] (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
21:24:11 | edhelas | |
21:24:15 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
21:24:41 | Join tvelocity[a] [0] (n=tony@ | |
21:24:46 | edhelas | |
21:24:52 | edhelas | |
21:24:58 | BigBambi | |
21:25:01 | Quit advcomp2019 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
21:25:55 | BigBambi | |
21:26:18 | edhelas | |
21:26:20 | edhelas | |
21:26:26 | BigBambi | |
21:26:53 | edhelas | |
21:27:15 | BigBambi | |
21:27:35 | edhelas | |
21:28:07 | BigBambi | |
21:28:30 | BigBambi | |
21:28:35 | Quit bughunter2 ("bye") | |
21:28:46 | edhelas | |
21:28:50 | Join bughunter2 [0] (n=Vista@ | |
21:29:02 | BigBambi | |
21:29:56 | edhelas | |
21:30:09 | BigBambi | |
21:30:39 | BigBambi | |
21:31:41 | edhelas | |
21:31:43 | edhelas | |
21:31:58 | Quit krazykit ("Connection reset by beer") | |
21:32:37 | edhelas | |
21:32:46 | BigBambi | |
21:33:03 | edhelas | |
21:33:23 | BigBambi | |
21:33:29 | edhelas | |
21:33:57 | edhelas | |
21:34:12 | edhelas | |
21:34:31 | BigBambi | |
21:34:47 | BigBambi | |
21:34:53 | BigBambi | |
21:37:37 | edhelas | |
21:37:50 | Join allele [0] ( | |
21:37:53 | edhelas | |
21:38:16 | BigBambi | |
21:39:10 | edhelas | |
21:45:16 | Join webguest53 [0] (n=8d9e0809@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ | |
21:45:58 | Quit edhelas ("WeeChat 0.2.6") | |
21:47:11 | Quit reacocard (".") | |
21:47:29 | Join reacocard [0] (n=reacocar@WL-251.CINE.HMC.Edu) | |
21:47:54 | Quit allele ("Java user signed off") | |
21:48:10 | webguest53 | |
21:49:01 | webguest53 | |
21:51:57 | super | |
21:52:37 | LambdaCalculus37 | |
21:54:20 | BigBambi | |
21:54:58 | Quit webguest53 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") | |
21:54:59 | BigBambi | |
21:56:09 | Join perrikwp [0] (i=d1a8d351@gateway/web/ajax/ | |
21:58:28 | Quit LambdaCalculus37 (" ajax IRC Client") | |
22:00 | ||
22:00:51 | Join techrush [0] ( | |
22:03:44 | Part J-23 | |
22:04:08 | Quit jhulst (Connection timed out) | |
22:04:09 | Join ompaul [0] (n=ompaul@gnewsense/friend/ompaul) | |
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22:05:48 | mcuelenaere | |
22:07:26 | Join jeffdameth1 [0] ( | |
22:09:33 | Quit lws009 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") | |
22:11:49 | Quit super () | |
22:12:04 | mcuelenaere | |
22:19:40 | Quit bluebrother (Nick collision from services.) | |
22:19:45 | Join bluebrother [0] (n=dom@rockbox/staff/bluebrother) | |
22:21:50 | Join toffe82 [0] ( | |
22:22:10 | Quit jeffdameth (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
22:23:37 | Quit herrwaldo (Remote closed the connection) | |
22:25:17 | bluebrother | |
22:26:45 | Join herrwaldo [0] ( | |
22:28:21 | Quit reacocard (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
22:32:58 | Quit mirak (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) | |
22:33:43 | scorche|sh | |
22:34:16 | Join mirak [0] ( | |
22:34:54 | Bagder | |
22:34:59 | mcuelenaere | |
22:35:25 | Bagder | |
22:36:21 | bluebrother | |
22:37:14 | domonoky | |
22:37:31 | Join reacocard [0] (n=reacocar@ | |
22:37:47 | scorche|sh | |
22:37:49 | linuxstb | |
22:38:22 | * | |
22:39:34 | Bagder | |
22:40:46 | bluebrother | |
22:40:59 | bluebrother | |
22:41:30 | Join Twst [0] ( | |
22:42:55 | Quit vcardenas ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") | |
22:43:30 | BigBambi | |
22:43:56 | Bagder | |
22:44:12 | Join cmz [0] ( | |
22:44:46 | Quit mcuelenaere () | |
22:44:50 | Bagder | |
22:45:00 | BigBambi | |
22:45:04 | bluebrother | |
22:45:20 | Bagder | |
22:45:31 | BigBambi | |
22:45:36 | bluebrother | |
22:46:12 | Bagder | |
22:46:19 | BigBambi | |
22:46:40 | Quit moos ("reboot") | |
22:47:10 | cmz | |
22:47:28 | BigBambi | |
22:47:29 | Bagder | |
22:47:33 | scorche|sh | |
22:47:48 | BigBambi | |
22:47:58 | bluebrother | |
22:48:12 | Bagder | |
22:48:13 | scorche|sh | |
22:48:31 | bluebrother | |
22:48:34 | cmz | |
22:48:36 | bluebrother | |
22:48:39 | cmz | |
22:48:44 | BigBambi | |
22:48:52 | Join Nibbler [0] ( | |
22:48:54 | cmz | |
22:48:56 | cmz | |
22:49:03 | bluebrother | |
22:49:26 | cmz | |
22:49:33 | Join mindbender2 [0] ( | |
22:49:48 | mindbender2 | |
22:49:55 | mindbender2 | |
22:49:57 | BigBambi | |
22:50:02 | BigBambi | |
22:50:10 | mindbender2 | |
22:50:13 | Bagder | |
22:50:20 | cmz | |
22:50:30 | BigBambi | |
22:50:32 | mindbender2 | |
22:50:40 | BigBambi | |
22:50:53 | cmz | |
22:50:56 | BigBambi | |
22:52:10 | cmz | |
22:52:57 | Join homielowe [0] ( | |
22:53:11 | Part homielowe | |
22:53:19 | Quit BigBambi (Remote closed the connection) | |
22:53:42 | mindbender2 | |
22:53:46 | Part zicho ("ERC Version 5.3 (IRC client for Emacs)") | |
22:53:54 | mindbender2 | |
22:54:15 | scorche|sh | |
22:54:25 | scorche|sh | |
22:54:53 | mindbender2 | |
22:55:06 | mindbender2 | |
22:55:16 | mindbender2 | |
22:55:48 | scorche|sh | |
22:55:57 | scorche|sh | |
22:56:05 | Join BigBambi [0] (n=Alex@rockbox/staff/BigBambi) | |
22:56:09 | cmz | |
22:56:23 | linuxstb | |
22:56:24 | Bagder | |
22:56:35 | BigBambi | |
22:56:43 | Bagder | |
22:56:51 | scorche|sh | |
22:57:08 | BigBambi | |
22:57:21 | mindbender2 | |
22:57:30 | mindbender2 | |
22:57:37 | Bagder | |
22:57:49 | cmz | |
22:57:50 | Join homielowe [0] (n=homielow@unaffiliated/homielowe) | |
22:58:13 | linuxstb | |
22:58:14 | BigBambi | |
22:58:37 | BigBambi | |
22:58:45 | cmz | |
22:58:50 | Join moos [0] ( | |
22:58:57 | BigBambi | |
22:59:13 | Bagder | |
22:59:19 | Bagder | |
22:59:23 | BigBambi | |
22:59:27 | BigBambi | |
22:59:32 | Bagder | |
22:59:35 | scorche|sh | |
22:59:57 | Bagder | |
23:00 | ||
23:00:04 | BigBambi | |
23:00:12 | Bagder | |
23:00:12 | BigBambi | |
23:00:16 | Bagder | |
23:00:19 | BigBambi | |
23:00:22 | cmz | |
23:01:48 | Quit tessarakt (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
23:01:57 | cmz | |
23:02:03 | Quit mirak ("Ex-Chat") | |
23:02:23 | linuxstb | |
23:04:21 | Join Aevum [0] ( | |
23:04:33 | Aevum | |
23:04:40 | BigBambi | |
23:04:45 | BigBambi | |
23:05:09 | cmz | |
23:05:19 | linuxstb | |
23:05:51 | cmz | |
23:05:57 | Join massiveH [0] ( | |
23:06:05 | Aevum | |
23:06:18 | BigBambi | |
23:06:29 | linuxstb | |
23:08:03 | Join tessarakt [0] ( | |
23:10:08 | Join LambdaCalculus37 [0] ( | |
23:10:08 | Join mirak [0] ( | |
23:10:46 | Join KEROLiUKAS1 [0] ( | |
23:11:00 | Quit KEROLiUKAS1 (Client Quit) | |
23:11:04 | Join KEROLiUKAS [0] ( | |
23:11:46 | Join Gareth [0] ( | |
23:11:50 | KEROLiUKAS | |
23:12:11 | Bagder | |
23:12:16 | Bagder | |
23:12:21 | Gareth | |
23:12:35 | Join homielowe_ [0] ( | |
23:12:43 | Quit homielowe_ (Client Quit) | |
23:13:09 | Join j6 [0] ( | |
23:13:29 | j6 | |
23:14:02 | j6 | |
23:14:19 | Bagder | |
23:14:30 | LambdaCalculus37 | |
23:14:32 | domonoky | |
23:14:55 | domonoky | |
23:15:12 | j6 | |
23:15:47 | cmz | |
23:17:12 | Bagder | |
23:17:32 | Quit Horscht ("User was distributing pornography on server; system seized by FBI") | |
23:18:57 | Quit Acksaw (Connection timed out) | |
23:19:18 | * | |
23:19:43 | * | |
23:19:44 | Bagder | |
23:19:48 | j6 | |
23:20:02 | Join voltagex [0] ( | |
23:20:05 | KEROLiUKAS | |
23:20:07 | j6 | |
23:20:08 | voltagex | |
23:20:22 | Bagder | |
23:20:43 | KEROLiUKAS | |
23:20:47 | scorche|sh | |
23:20:51 | Join Horscht [0] (n=Horscht@xbmc/user/horscht) | |
23:20:57 | voltagex | |
23:22:23 | Topic | "Please read before speaking: | Please direct offtopic/social chat to #rockbox-community | 3.0! 3.0! 3.0! 3.0! | No, the site is not down. Just a bit slow from all the traffic...patience!" by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) |
23:22:38 | Bagder | |
23:22:42 | KEROLiUKAS | |
23:22:45 | Bagder | |
23:22:55 | KEROLiUKAS | |
23:23:13 | Bagder | |
23:23:18 | KEROLiUKAS | |
23:23:33 | KEROLiUKAS | |
23:24:18 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
23:25:07 | KEROLiUKAS | |
23:25:12 | KEROLiUKAS | |
23:25:15 | Quit here2code (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
23:25:24 | Join here2code [0] ( | |
23:26:19 | Join tvelocity[away] [0] ( | |
23:26:20 | Join funman [0] ( | |
23:27:17 | Quit tvelocity[a] (Connection timed out) | |
23:27:25 | Quit bmbl ("Woah!") | |
23:29:06 | KEROLiUKAS | |
23:29:28 | KEROLiUKAS | |
23:29:49 | Quit mf0102 (Remote closed the connection) | |
23:29:49 | scorche|sh | |
23:30:05 | KEROLiUKAS | |
23:30:07 | domonoky | |
23:30:09 | KEROLiUKAS | |
23:30:34 | KEROLiUKAS | |
23:30:36 | domonoky | |
23:30:49 | Bagder | |
23:31:06 | domonoky | |
23:31:22 | KEROLiUKAS | |
23:31:31 | KEROLiUKAS | |
23:32:11 | voltagex | |
23:32:25 | Bagder | |
23:32:32 | Bagder | |
23:32:43 | Bagder | |
23:32:59 | voltagex | |
23:33:07 | Join saratoga [0] (i=9803c6dd@gateway/web/ajax/ | |
23:33:13 | dionoea | |
23:33:17 | Quit homielowe (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
23:33:44 | dionoea | |
23:33:47 | Bagder | |
23:33:48 | KEROLiUKAS | |
23:33:55 | KEROLiUKAS | |
23:34:08 | domonoky | |
23:34:21 | KEROLiUKAS | |
23:34:22 | KEROLiUKAS | |
23:34:30 | dionoea | |
23:34:31 | saratoga | |
23:34:35 | dionoea | |
23:34:42 | Bagder | |
23:34:51 | * | |
23:34:53 | funman | |
23:34:59 | saratoga | |
23:35:12 | saratoga | |
23:35:17 | KEROLiUKAS | |
23:35:18 | Bagder | |
23:35:38 | Quit domonoky (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
23:35:38 | Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) | |
23:35:39 | BigBambi | |
23:35:44 | BigBambi | |
23:35:50 | KEROLiUKAS | |
23:35:52 | KEROLiUKAS | |
23:36:15 | Bagder | |
23:36:39 | saratoga | |
23:36:43 | saratoga | |
23:36:56 | KEROLiUKAS | |
23:37:20 | saratoga | |
23:37:24 | scorche|sh | |
23:37:26 | saratoga | |
23:37:57 | KEROLiUKAS | |
23:38:06 | KEROLiUKAS | |
23:38:12 | scorche|sh | |
23:38:15 | saratoga | |
23:38:20 | KEROLiUKAS | |
23:38:33 | Join lasser [0] ( | |
23:38:39 | KEROLiUKAS | |
23:38:48 | Bagder | |
23:39:03 | scorche|sh | |
23:39:28 | funman | |
23:39:33 | Bagder | |
23:40:43 | Bagder | |
23:40:48 | Quit cmz () | |
23:41:08 | Bagder | |
23:42:07 | saratoga | |
23:42:28 | saratoga | |
23:42:28 | bertrik | |
23:42:41 | saratoga | |
23:42:52 | Bagder | |
23:43:16 | saratoga | |
23:43:39 | saratoga | |
23:43:45 | Bagder | |
23:43:47 | funman | |
23:44:15 | saratoga | |
23:44:40 | funman | |
23:45:13 | KEROLiUKAS | |
23:45:17 | KEROLiUKAS | |
23:45:47 | scorche|sh | |
23:46:09 | Join FOAD_ [0] ( | |
23:46:09 | KEROLiUKAS | |
23:46:29 | scorche|sh | |
23:46:47 | KEROLiUKAS | |
23:47:02 | KEROLiUKAS | |
23:47:08 | KEROLiUKAS | |
23:47:47 | KEROLiUKAS | |
23:48:29 | funman | |
23:48:38 | Bagder | |
23:48:39 | BigBambi | |
23:48:58 | Bagder | |
23:49:13 | KEROLiUKAS | |
23:49:15 | KEROLiUKAS | |
23:49:19 | KEROLiUKAS | |
23:49:21 | funman | |
23:49:25 | Join Thundercloud [0] ( | |
23:50:04 | Bagder | |
23:50:39 | BigBambi | |
23:50:55 | BigBambi | |
23:51:13 | funman | |
23:51:25 | KEROLiUKAS | |
23:51:47 | Quit ompaul (Client Quit) | |
23:52:30 | Quit Aevum ("Saliendo") | |
23:53:06 | BigBambi | |
23:53:11 | Quit reacocard (".") | |
23:54:24 | Quit Wictor (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
23:54:31 | KEROLiUKAS | |
23:54:36 | Join Wictor [0] ( | |
23:55:11 | * | |
23:55:24 | Join jhulst_ [0] (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) | |
23:56:29 | DerPapst | |
23:57:35 | Quit mindbender2 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
23:58:08 | Quit FOAD (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
23:58:08 | Nick FOAD_ is now known as FOAD ( | |
23:58:36 | KEROLiUKAS |