00:00:01 | j6 | nullbyte |
00:00:03 | Dementio | Sevs, does your connector automatically boot the ipod? |
00:00:04 | lol3izer | lol |
00:00:13 | Sevs | Dementio: yes it does |
00:00:19 | petur | j6: please stay on topic here |
00:00:39 | lol3izer | watch out for the topical nazis |
00:00:41 | lol3izer | ;) |
00:00:50 | Sevs | It's some JVC connector that I didn't see in the list |
00:00:51 | Dementio | Sevs, just leave your ipod "locked" so that it will boot in apple mode when in the car |
00:01:07 | * | petur steps a bit closer to logbot and grins |
00:01:08 | gevaerts | Sevs: try the build from http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=17841.0 |
00:01:13 | Llorean | lol3izer: We have channel guidelines. If you don't agree with them, you're welcome to not use the channel. |
00:01:25 | lol3izer | Llorean, it was only a mild jibe |
00:02:02 | Llorean | petur: I'd say go for it. Now's the time, after release, for things that could use wider testing anyway. |
00:02:58 | gevaerts | Bagder: do you know the current status of the plugin voice/translation work? |
00:03:31 | Bagder | gevaerts: I haven't heard from him in a while, so I'm not up-to-date on it |
00:03:31 | Sevs | So I can try the regular Rockbox build and then add that patch and see if it can communicate? |
00:04:10 | Dementio | Sevs, i don't even use the patch, i just let my head unit boot my ipod. as long as it's locked, it boots into apple mode |
00:04:10 | kugel | gevaerts: you seem to have some time :) |
00:04:22 | gevaerts | Sevs: The second link has a full rockbox build with the patch applied |
00:04:58 | Sevs | I see, thanks |
00:05:12 | pixelma | petur: I believe amiconn already told me something about that (when looking at the playback-doesn't-work-after-recording bug on the Ipods), I just don't remember details (hope to get his attention) |
00:05:18 | Dementio | well, that is as long as your ipod is turned off when you plug it in |
00:05:35 | | Quit meven ("good night") |
00:05:36 | Sevs | RIght, and then just put on the "Hold" button |
00:05:43 | Dementio | yup |
00:05:46 | lol3izer | i hope the remote control patch hits mainline soon |
00:06:02 | Sevs | I also didn't see anything specificaly about this in the PDF, but does adding Rockbox delete any files off of the iPod? |
00:06:09 | lol3izer | no |
00:06:13 | Dementio | nope |
00:06:17 | Sevs | Great, thanks |
00:06:21 | lol3izer | the only thing it changes |
00:06:27 | lol3izer | is the bootloader |
00:06:30 | Sevs | I see |
00:06:47 | Dementio | and you can always put the stock bootloader back on |
00:07:16 | Sevs | Are there instructions for that in the PDF or with the Rockbox Utility? |
00:07:22 | lol3izer | yes it is 99.999999999999999% impossible for rockbox to damage your ipod |
00:07:32 | lol3izer | unless of course some freak bug causes it to explode >_> |
00:08:02 | Dementio | lol |
00:08:15 | Sevs | Right, I have confidence it'll be fine :), I'm just more worried about how it'll work the 99% I use it in the car |
00:08:30 | | Nick Dementio is now known as Dementio_work (n=dementio@ |
00:08:33 | lol3izer | only one way to find out |
00:08:40 | BigBambi | Sevs: Just dual boot if needs be |
00:09:14 | Sevs | Yeah, that looks like the answer |
00:09:20 | Sevs | Thanks for the help guys |
00:09:43 | Dementio_work | np |
00:10:05 | | Quit ender` (" The word 'politics' is derived from the word 'poly', meaning 'many', and the word 'ticks', meaning 'blood sucking parasites") |
00:14:31 | | Join Splashie [0] (i=bleh@j3208.upc-j.chello.nl) |
00:15:42 | | Quit bmbl ("Woah!") |
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00:19:05 | * | petur taps amiconn on the shoulder |
00:21:35 | soap | http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/9428 |
00:21:53 | soap | Anyone willing to take a quick look at my first patch ever? |
00:22:47 | amiconn | petur: Kinda half-baked because it's WM8731-only. But if it works.... |
00:23:11 | petur | MW8731 is what I can test ;) |
00:23:13 | amiconn | The whole audio driver api needs a huuge cleanup |
00:23:15 | soap | it is real teeny, tiny. |
00:23:17 | petur | *WM |
00:23:33 | | Join mmadia [0] (n=chatzill@pool-138-89-96-141.mad.east.verizon.net) |
00:24:51 | * | amiconn doesn't things like this going in without the necesary generalisation / porting / cleanup following immediately afterwards |
00:25:53 | | Quit dabujo (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) |
00:25:59 | * | petur might have a look at cleaning up the shit - has gotten used to doing that lately ;) |
00:26:24 | BigBambi | ewwww |
00:26:43 | * | amiconn would do it too, but is busy with other stuff atm |
00:26:51 | amiconn | And splitting forces doesn't work well... |
00:27:01 | petur | stop messing with that compiler ;) |
00:27:24 | amiconn | I am doing this because I want to be able to work faster on rockbox... |
00:27:43 | | Quit massive_H ("Leaving") |
00:27:48 | * | petur switched to linux just to do that.... |
00:28:00 | amiconn | I can't do that |
00:28:29 | amiconn | One example for the messyness of the audio driver api: Why is audiohw_set_nsorder() a separate function? |
00:28:32 | kugel | what's the difference between 7za and 7zr? |
00:28:59 | kugel | I use 7zr to archive something in a 7z archive, but "make 7zip" requires 7za |
00:29:10 | amiconn | It must be used whenever the sample frequency changes, and it only actually does something on UDA1380 |
00:29:25 | amiconn | So why isn't it just part of the sampe rate setting function? |
00:29:43 | kugel | petur: Hey, have you had a look at my viewport'ification of the pitchscreen? |
00:29:54 | petur | no time |
00:30:16 | petur | just found myself at the receiving end of some spare time tonight... |
00:30:28 | kugel | fs#9231 if you find some time |
00:30:29 | Bagder | kugel: it sounds someone has modified that since I wrote it... |
00:30:49 | kugel | ah |
00:32:08 | kugel | Bagder: editing the Makefile to use 7zr gets me a nice rockbox.7z |
00:33:07 | Bagder | yeah, my machines have no 7za either |
00:33:24 | Bagder | weirdly enough it seems I added that... ? |
00:33:59 | | Join n17ikh|Lappy [0] (n=n17ikh@130-127-73-84.lightsey.resnet.clemson.edu) |
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00:34:58 | amiconn | Bagder: '7za' is part of 'p7zip-full' whereas '7zr' is part of 'p7zip' |
00:35:28 | Bagder | so is there a noticable diff? |
00:35:40 | | Quit Deaner (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
00:35:43 | amiconn | The latter is the light version of the former |
00:36:01 | | Join Deaner [0] (n=dean@ool-18bce66f.dyn.optonline.net) |
00:36:13 | Bagder | "7zr is a “light-version” of 7za that only handles 7z archives. " it says indeed |
00:37:00 | | Quit mf0102 ("Ex-Chat") |
00:39:33 | Nico_P | Bagder: saratoga suggested (and I tend to agree) that the "current status" link on the frontpage could be changed to something more explicit like "current status and in-progress ports" or "supported targets and in-progress ports" |
00:40:24 | Bagder | a fair suggestion, I'll fix something tomorrow. I'm off to bed now |
00:40:35 | Nico_P | nice blog post btw |
00:40:42 | Bagder | thanks |
00:40:43 | * | Llorean agrees. |
00:40:57 | | Quit bertrik ("Leaving") |
00:44:10 | dishem | any way to start rockboxui in fullscreen mode? |
00:44:36 | dishem | i'm guessing it requires X |
00:44:51 | dishem | i guess it'd be fullscreen if i just set the res to 320x240 :D |
00:45:35 | Nico_P | you could set the res in your build, but you'd need to do some more adapting that just that (WPS won't work, for one) |
00:50:45 | | Quit ompaul (Remote closed the connection) |
00:50:56 | DerPapst | or use −−zoom X |
00:51:04 | DerPapst | as argument |
00:53:40 | | Join BHSPitLappy [0] (n=BHSPitLa@unaffiliated/bhspitmonkey) |
00:55:37 | | Quit tchan (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
00:57:41 | | Part Sevs |
01:00 |
01:05:19 | | Quit |AhIoRoS| ("Abandonando, see you http://ahioros.vidao2.com") |
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01:09:32 | | Join |AhIoRoS| [0] (n=ahioros@ |
01:11:02 | petur | amiconn: I'm going to enable this for all PP targets with a WM8731 - do you see any reason this wouldn't work? |
01:16:37 | | Nick fxb__ is now known as fxb (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) |
01:17:12 | | Quit Nibbler (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
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01:28:30 | | Quit EspeonEefi ("さよなら") |
01:32:03 | | Quit moos ("nighty") |
01:33:06 | kugel | Nico_P: Are you interested in my remaining pictureflow updates? |
01:33:19 | Nico_P | kugel: sure, although not right now |
01:34:37 | kugel | Nico_P: I've uploaded a sync'd version, although I've rewritten some stuff. |
01:34:50 | Nico_P | is it on the tracker? |
01:36:06 | kugel | yea |
01:36:16 | Nico_P | which task is it? |
01:36:39 | kugel | FS #8335, still :) |
01:36:56 | Nico_P | ah, alright |
01:42:13 | | Quit petur ("Zzzzz") |
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02:43:55 | | Quit culture (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
02:44:21 | webguest66 | 大家好 |
02:44:27 | webguest66 | 我有一个问题 |
02:45:17 | webguest66 | When I click install the bootloader |
02:45:35 | webguest66 | display the message |
02:45:38 | webguest66 | : |
02:45:51 | funky | nice symbols |
02:46:07 | webguest66 | 浅耕加启动程序失败 |
02:46:27 | webguest66 | 添加启动程序失败 |
02:46:33 | funky | I don't know chinese or japanese, or wtf is that |
02:47:01 | massiveH | looks like legos |
02:48:11 | webguest66 | the dialoge displayed the message: finished the download−−−−->>>failed to add the bootloader |
02:52:45 | soap | webguest66, which MP3 player are you trying to install on? |
02:53:28 | kugel | guess chinese |
02:54:51 | webguest66 | ipod mini |
02:55:15 | | Quit homielowe_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
02:55:16 | kugel | haha, google's translations is just funny |
02:55:58 | soap | webguest66, is it a color or a black and white screen? |
02:56:15 | webguest66 | a black and white screen |
02:56:31 | kugel | soap: Why not believe him when he tells it's a mini? |
02:56:43 | soap | ok, I just asked to be sure you were not confusing a late-model Nano with a Mini. Many people seem to confuse the terms. |
02:56:59 | Llorean | kugel: More often than not, people asking for help have got their iPod models wrong |
02:57:07 | soap | Looks like you have this well under control, kugel, I'll leave you to it. |
02:57:09 | kugel | I see |
02:57:15 | DerPapst | "Canada failed to start shallow plowing procedures" interesting indeed ;) |
02:57:51 | kugel | DerPapst: Apparently google isn't even wrong. I assume the first one was a typo by webguest66 |
02:58:44 | kugel | soap: Don't get me wrong. But it sounded like he was pretty sure. Not like "I believe it's a ipod mini" |
02:59:56 | soap | The most common cause of bootloader installation failure is attempting to install a bootloader on a non-supported iPod. And can we cut out the meta-conversation on google's translation? |
03:00 |
03:00:01 | | Join nuonguy [0] (n=john@c-71-198-1-139.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) |
03:00:06 | kugel | webguest66: which OS do you use? |
03:00:32 | soap | So my next question for webguest66 is this. Did you let RBUtil find your iPod, or did you manually select your iPod from the list? |
03:00:39 | webguest66 | windows xp |
03:00:46 | kugel | soap: was my next question too |
03:00:54 | Llorean | soap: "Failed to add bootloader" often also means lack of admin privileges. |
03:01:06 | | Quit Wictor (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
03:01:07 | webguest66 | automatic search |
03:01:16 | | Join Wictor [0] (n=Wictor@0x57366a52.bynxx19.dynamic.dsl.tele.dk) |
03:01:28 | soap | which leads to kugel's question - do you have admin rights on said computer? |
03:01:43 | kugel | webguest66: In this case, Llorean is probably right. Did you make sure that you use a user account with admin rights? |
03:02:50 | webguest66 | but the RBUtil diskplay the system info.'s permissions |
03:02:55 | webguest66 | is ADMIN |
03:05:11 | | Quit Nevtus (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
03:05:24 | | Join Nevtus [0] (n=Nevtus@unaffiliated/nevtus) |
03:06:48 | webguest66 | To install the rockbox under install the bootloader is successful. |
03:07:51 | webguest66 | and my ipod's disk displayed in the windows have the .rockbox folder |
03:09:16 | kugel | webguest66: so the bootloader installation was successful or not? |
03:09:46 | kugel | do you itunes running? |
03:09:58 | webguest66 | the bootloader installation was fail |
03:10:05 | webguest66 | no |
03:10:12 | kugel | is it installed? |
03:10:36 | webguest66 | yes |
03:11:33 | * | kugel would just try rebooting windows. that often helps |
03:12:16 | webguest66 | ok, thanks |
03:12:18 | | Quit webguest66 ("CGI:IRC") |
03:17:40 | | Join Mr [0] (n=451acdfd@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-67de9776caf1f585) |
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03:18:32 | | Join kugel [0] (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/kugel) |
03:26:00 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
03:30:53 | * | kugel wonders how the font rotation works in the wvs |
03:34:50 | | Join beta2k_ [0] (n=beta@d150-113-43.home.cgocable.net) |
03:35:35 | Llorean | kugel: Do you mean "in mpegplayer"? |
03:36:59 | Llorean | Because "wvs" is not a term we use anywhere in documentation or source, and it'd be helpful to general understanding if you don't just make up random acronyms, especially considering the channel guidelines. |
03:37:39 | Llorean | My guess would be that mpegplayer just uses some pre-rotated images. |
03:37:49 | kugel | Llorean: It's used in the source... |
03:38:08 | kugel | "struct wvs" |
03:38:23 | Llorean | So were you asking about that struct? |
03:38:34 | kugel | it just shows the term is used |
03:38:41 | Llorean | No, it shows it's a name of an object. |
03:38:59 | Llorean | My name's Llorean. It's in the source archive, in CREDITS. It doesn't mean my name is also a term for anything. |
03:39:45 | * | DerPapst wonders if kugel needs to sleep too :P |
03:39:51 | kugel | So, I shouldn't call it wvs even if the according struct is called wvs? |
03:40:02 | Llorean | You can call the struct "the wvs struct" all you want. |
03:40:29 | | Join Darksair [0] (n=user@ |
03:40:50 | Llorean | But "wvs" is not a term used in this channel by anyone really, and is likely to cause confusion for anyone not familiar with your own personal choice of what to call it. |
03:41:29 | Llorean | I'm almost positive I've told you this before, too. |
03:42:04 | kugel | Well, back then I didn't know it's actually used in the source |
03:42:23 | Llorean | So you decided "I now know it's in the source, Llorean asked me not to use the term here but I'll ignore him"? |
03:42:27 | kugel | Now I'm convinced it's not a random acronym |
03:42:43 | Llorean | It's the name of a single variable. Use it when referring to that variable, please, and not as a general acronym. |
03:42:50 | kugel | Yes, since you told me it's not in the source |
03:43:21 | Llorean | The source calls it "the wvs" when referring to the screen? |
03:43:49 | Llorean | There's many variables about the video screen, but "wvs" is just going to confuse 95% of users in here. |
03:43:57 | Llorean | Is there something _wrong_ with trying to make sure people understand what you're saying? |
03:44:00 | kugel | Oh, and I've just noticed it's mentioned in the documentation too |
03:44:09 | Llorean | What documentation is this? |
03:44:27 | | Quit massiveH ("Leaving") |
03:44:38 | kugel | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/PluginMpegplayer#Current_Limitations |
03:45:39 | kugel | The fact that you're not used to it doesn't make it random |
03:46:03 | Llorean | The manual is the documentation. The wiki is supplementary material. |
03:46:12 | Llorean | Please, just don't use the term. Seriously |
03:46:17 | Llorean | Most people will have no idea what you mean by it. |
03:46:22 | Llorean | It's against the channel guidelines. |
03:46:23 | Llorean | Etc. |
03:46:45 | Llorean | Argue about it as you like, but the whole point of the channel guidelines is to increase understandability. |
03:46:56 | kugel | So, how can I make it to a valid abbreviation? |
03:47:07 | Llorean | Making up acronyms, or choosing to use variable names from the source that the vast majority won't be familiar with juts because you're too lazy to type out a half dozen more characters, is not the way to go. |
03:47:10 | | Join Skeizers [0] (n=47d38b6a@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-3e23a45ba086945a) |
03:47:12 | Llorean | Type "the video screen" |
03:47:16 | Llorean | Or something otherwise obvious. |
03:47:23 | Llorean | You don't need to abbreviate everything |
03:47:38 | kugel | I don't |
03:47:45 | Llorean | So don't here. |
03:47:56 | kugel | wps is valid, so I don't see why wvs couldn't be too |
03:48:01 | Llorean | There's no .wps file |
03:48:18 | Llorean | There aren't hundreds of themes with the term .wps intricately intertwined |
03:48:23 | Llorean | It's not described in the manual. |
03:48:30 | Llorean | ER, no .wvs file |
03:48:43 | kugel | That doesn't make sense to me |
03:48:46 | Llorean | It's not called it anywhere user-visible in the program. |
03:48:56 | Llorean | It doesn't make sense to call it something people will understand? |
03:49:00 | Llorean | Seriously, how daft are you? |
03:49:02 | kugel | Still we can used it freely here |
03:49:19 | Llorean | Use WPS freely, sure. It's covered in the manual, in the program itself. Users are expected to know it. |
03:50:29 | rasher | kugel: Basically, no one uses the term wvs, so you shouldn't either. |
03:50:37 | Llorean | That's more or less what I've been saying. |
03:50:41 | | Quit beta2k (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
03:50:50 | kugel | Seriously, don't insult me because of an abbreviation you don't like |
03:51:01 | Llorean | kugel: It's not the abbreviation, it's the spirit of it. |
03:51:07 | Llorean | Use terms the majority will know. |
03:51:26 | Llorean | Use the accepted terms of the project such as those in the manual. Don't make up terms for screens. |
03:51:42 | Llorean | The source has a bunch of variables named WVS_this and WVS_that, but the screen is still just the mpegplayer playback screen. |
03:51:47 | Llorean | Because that's what _everyone_ knows it as. |
03:52:01 | Llorean | Just as everyone who's even remotely familiar with Rockbox knows of the audio playback screen as the WPS |
03:52:08 | | Quit DerDome (Nick collision from services.) |
03:52:09 | | Join DerDome1 [0] (n=DerDome@dslb-082-083-193-096.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
03:52:19 | | Nick DerDome1 is now known as DerDome (n=DerDome@dslb-082-083-193-096.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
03:52:19 | | Quit Skeizers ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
03:54:29 | kugel | I won't argue with you further. Get in a better mood first. I don't need to get insulted by you |
03:54:38 | | Join Zxcvb [0] (n=somebody@12-214-162-213.client.mchsi.com) |
03:55:12 | Llorean | kugel: The only point is "we need to make sure to use terms that are mostly understandable" |
03:55:15 | Llorean | Do you agree with this, or not? |
03:55:51 | Zxcvb | the m240 isn't supported, is it? |
03:55:52 | Llorean | And if you have no interest in answering that one, you do need to answer "will you do what I've asked, and attempt to make sure to use terms that are understandable, whether you agree with it or not?" |
03:56:01 | Llorean | Zxcvb: Only players listed on the front page of the site are supported. |
03:56:12 | XavierGr | actually the term "WVS" has been used before by other devs, though not rockbox-colloquially used much |
03:56:14 | XavierGr | http://www.rockbox.org/irc/rockbox-20080109.txt |
03:56:24 | XavierGr | but whatever.... |
03:56:42 | Llorean | XavierGr: I'd be complaining at them if they were doing it here. |
03:57:07 | XavierGr | Llorean: sure no problem, I am just pointing it out. I don't use it myself |
03:57:15 | Llorean | Really if we're going to complain at people for saying "thx", we need to make sure we use terms that we have documented clearly if at all possible. |
03:57:29 | Llorean | We can't enforce such guidelines unilaterally without being hypocrites. |
03:57:39 | Llorean | If the sake is for people to understand, that is. |
03:57:46 | kugel | XavierGr: That's the reason I know the abbreviation, it's beed used before |
03:58:33 | Llorean | kugel: I'm asking you to stop using it until such time as it's agreed that it is an acceptable term for everyday use. You don't have to agree with why, but I want you to agree to speak clearly until there's a decision on the term overall, okay? |
03:59:27 | kugel | It's sad for contributors to hear something like "how daft are you", did you even notice that you hit me there? |
03:59:40 | Llorean | Yes. And I meant it. |
03:59:48 | Llorean | The reasoning for the guidelines is clear, and you seem not to care. |
03:59:58 | Llorean | You're arguing over technicalities when it's the reasoning that is the important bit. |
04:00 |
04:00:20 | Llorean | So, answer my question, or I'm going to take your refusal to answer the same as a negative answer. |
04:00:23 | | Quit DerPapst (""annoyed (tm)"") |
04:00:42 | | Quit Zxcvb ("Leaving") |
04:02:44 | | Quit Wictor (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
04:02:54 | | Join Wictor [0] (n=Wictor@0x57366a52.bynxx19.dynamic.dsl.tele.dk) |
04:03:00 | Mode | "#rockbox +o Llorean " by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) |
04:03:24 | Kick | (#rockbox kugel :Come back when you're actually interested in the spirit of the channel guidelines.) by Llorean!n=DarkkOne@rockbox/administrator/Llorean |
04:04:10 | Mode | "#rockbox -o Llorean " by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) |
04:05:25 | | Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
04:06:10 | | Part Llorean |
04:06:25 | | Join webguest80 [0] (n=3a3d2f6e@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-44d05964a24c665d) |
04:07:12 | webguest80 | Hello everyone |
04:07:43 | lol3izer | hello one |
04:07:57 | webguest80 | I have already install the rockbox, but set the language to chinese |
04:08:18 | webguest80 | display is the messy code |
04:08:19 | lol3izer | its simple... we kill the rockbox |
04:09:25 | webguest80 | how to do? |
04:09:41 | lol3izer | delete the .rockbox folder |
04:09:44 | | Join Llorean [0] (n=DarkkOne@ppp-70-242-15-169.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net) |
04:09:50 | lol3izer | and extract it to your ipod again |
04:09:56 | | Join balrog [0] (n=chatzill@pishpai.Mines.EDU) |
04:10:23 | lol3izer | thats probly not the kosher way to do it, but judging by the language barrier, it by far is going to be the least frustrating |
04:11:51 | webguest80 | ? |
04:11:58 | | Nick fxb is now known as fxb__ (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) |
04:12:14 | XavierGr | webguest80: which target do you have? |
04:12:29 | XavierGr | webguest80: I mean model |
04:12:50 | balrog | im having trouble getting the rockbox utils to recognize my ipod (5th gen, 60bg video), here's the error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/51915/ |
04:13:43 | Llorean | balrog: Try running it with sudo. |
04:14:35 | balrog | Llorean: *smacks forehead* cant believe i didnt think about that... |
04:14:57 | Llorean | The bootloader installation requires privileges that aren't always by default allowed for USB devices. |
04:15:18 | balrog | Llorean: right, i really cant believe i didnt think about that... |
04:16:11 | balrog | Llorean: cool, its working now... |
04:16:17 | balrog | Llorean: thank you |
04:16:45 | Llorean | No problem |
04:16:59 | webguest80 | I want the language display chinese, because I am a chinese, but after to setup, the display is messy code |
04:17:21 | Llorean | webguest80: You may need to pick a different font. Not all fonts have chinese characters. |
04:17:35 | | Join miepchen^schlaf_ [0] (n=miepchen@p579ECE68.dip.t-dialin.net) |
04:17:40 | webguest80 | ok, I try it |
04:17:49 | webguest80 | thanks |
04:18:20 | XavierGr | webguest80: before choosing chinese you have make sure that you have selected a font that includes chinese characters |
04:18:52 | XavierGr | webguest80: otherwise you will just see weird characters in your display |
04:19:58 | webguest80 | yes, thanks |
04:20:00 | | Join EspeonEefi [0] (i=espeonee@CERULEANCITY.MIT.EDU) |
04:20:48 | | Join BHSPitMonkey [0] (n=stephen@unaffiliated/bhspitmonkey) |
04:21:21 | | Quit XavierGr () |
04:21:48 | | Quit fdinel ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
04:22:17 | | Join webguest00 [0] (n=cfff245c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-45168be7efa70e39) |
04:22:48 | balrog | I install themes by just throwing them in the .rockbox/themes directory, right? |
04:24:10 | Llorean | They need to be extracted, usually the archive already contains a. rockbox folder so you can just merge the two. |
04:25:19 | | Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
04:25:20 | balrog | Llorean: okay, and which section should i choose for my ipod (60bg 5th gen video)? |
04:25:47 | Llorean | Section? |
04:26:24 | | Quit beta2k_ (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
04:26:34 | balrog | yeah, i suppose gallery is a more precise term: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/WpsGallery |
04:26:48 | Llorean | The one for iPod 5G... |
04:26:50 | | Join homielowe [0] (n=homielow@d206-116-134-81.bchsia.telus.net) |
04:27:37 | balrog | wow... |
04:29:40 | | Quit |AhIoRoS| (Remote closed the connection) |
04:31:23 | webguest00 | which of the 3 Windows based development environments do you guys prefer? |
04:31:44 | | Join |AhIoRoS| [0] (n=ahioros@ |
04:32:32 | Llorean | VMWare is probably used by the widest number |
04:32:48 | webguest00 | thanks |
04:33:35 | | Join Nevtus_ [0] (n=Nevtus@unaffiliated/nevtus) |
04:33:57 | webguest00 | rockbox newb here- got my Sansa e250 and e280 recently- anxious go get into the development stuff |
04:35:43 | | Quit Nevtus (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
04:36:39 | | Join coatman [0] (n=coatman@r01jvgmb7.device.mst.edu) |
04:36:43 | webguest00 | got another e280 the other day, used on ebay, primarily to get the Altec Lansing im413 that was bundled with it. This e280 was (boohoo) a V2- dang. |
04:37:18 | webguest00 | although perhaps I could plug into the e200 V2 port activity |
04:37:51 | | Quit mmadia ("ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox 3.0.3/2008092417]") |
04:40:39 | | Quit lol3izer ("out") |
04:41:14 | | Join Xaphoo [0] (n=Carlos@adsl-75-18-184-94.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) |
04:41:41 | Xaphoo | I just installed Rockbox and all is good, except I can't get the file manager to see my gameboy (*.gb) files... why is this? |
04:41:58 | Llorean | What is the "Show Files" setting set to? |
04:42:15 | Xaphoo | ah, good point... let me check |
04:42:50 | webguest00 | ya- had that filter bite me too |
04:43:45 | Xaphoo | there we go.. and here we come castlevania ii |
04:44:09 | Xaphoo | thanks |
04:45:19 | Xaphoo | oh and I have had difficulty in some programs quitting properly... is there a universal way to quit programs on the Ipod Video 5G ? |
04:46:05 | Llorean | Not really. |
04:46:24 | Llorean | Many quit with Menu or a brief Select+Menu I think, but you may have to confirm in the manual. |
04:47:34 | | Join smcquay [0] (n=smcquay@30.236.sfcn.org) |
04:48:55 | Xaphoo | evidently in Rockboy it's the hold key... |
04:49:11 | webguest00 | is that all driven by the keymap defined for that port? |
04:49:24 | | Join blkhawk- [0] (n=blkhawk@g227019171.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
04:49:35 | Llorean | webguest00: Each plugin has its own individual keymap, in many cases. |
04:49:37 | | Part balrog |
04:50:28 | webguest00 | ah ok thanks |
04:51:09 | Xaphoo | man, frustrating... rockboy doesn't respond to input very well |
04:51:28 | Llorean | iPods aren't particularly fast. |
04:51:53 | Llorean | And emulation requires a significant amount of CPU power compared to native games. They really aren't suited for it. |
04:51:59 | Xaphoo | yeah |
04:52:02 | Xaphoo | pity |
04:54:06 | webguest00 | how does the e200 stack up? |
04:54:16 | Llorean | Same processor. |
04:54:21 | Llorean | Smaller screen, so a little less overhead in general |
04:54:40 | webguest00 | portalplayer |
04:55:15 | Llorean | PortalPlayer is a brand, kinda like AMD or Intel |
04:55:34 | webguest00 | ya |
04:55:43 | Llorean | It just so happens that all of our players with PortalPlayer brand chips use the same family of chips, and most of them are the same speed (a few are slightly faster, but we still use them at the same speed) |
04:55:51 | webguest00 | sorry couldn't remember the model |
04:57:38 | webguest00 | pp5024? |
04:58:32 | Llorean | For the Sansa e200, I believe that's correct. |
04:59:11 | webguest00 | and the e200 V2 uses the Austria Micro Systems AS3525 |
04:59:46 | webguest00 | seen the new Nano? quite thin |
05:00 |
05:01:41 | webguest00 | Llorean: what's your primary involvement in the rockbox community ? |
05:02:06 | Llorean | I think the general consensus would be "that annoying guy who keeps reminding people about the rules." |
05:02:29 | Llorean | But I've done a few patches, some work on the manual, run the forums ,etc. It varies. |
05:03:28 | webguest00 | saw your name prominently in the e200 keymap change thread |
05:03:59 | | Quit Xaphoo ("Leaving") |
05:04:27 | Llorean | Keymaps (and in what ways they should or should not be consistent across targets) are something I tend to feel strongly about. |
05:05:34 | webguest00 | indeed- figures greatly in the OS behavior |
05:06:12 | | Quit webguest47 ("CGI:IRC 0.5.9 (2006/06/06)") |
05:06:25 | | Quit blkhawk (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
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05:07:22 | | Nick blkhawk- is now known as blkhawk (n=blkhawk@g227019171.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
05:07:37 | | Join tessarakt [0] (n=jens@e180066092.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
05:12:15 | | Join steven [0] (n=488a2ca5@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-43e38f9b5d8f7b18) |
05:12:37 | steven | hi can someone help me with a problem? |
05:13:31 | Llorean | steven: Not until you tell us what it is. :) |
05:13:53 | steven | ok fair enough |
05:14:12 | steven | im tryin to put rockbox on my 1g ipod nano 2gb |
05:14:56 | | Quit jhulst (Remote closed the connection) |
05:17:41 | steven | but im gettin an error |
05:18:50 | Llorean | What is the error? |
05:19:14 | steven | lemem boot it up again |
05:19:19 | steven | and i type it |
05:20:06 | steven | ERROR! cxant load rockbox.ipod |
05:20:11 | steven | *cant |
05:20:23 | Llorean | Then you didn't finish the whole install. |
05:20:25 | Llorean | Did you use RButil? |
05:20:26 | steven | then it tells me reset and go disk mode |
05:20:40 | steven | rb util where can i get that? |
05:20:57 | steven | btw i used ipod patcher |
05:21:18 | scorche | steven: if you notice, that is only half the installation |
05:21:22 | Llorean | iPodPatcher just installs the bootloader, not all of Rockbox |
05:21:26 | Llorean | You should read the manual on the website |
05:21:56 | steven | i did but manual doesnt give download link.. |
05:23:08 | wpyh | steven: it does |
05:23:41 | wpyh | you are talking about this link, right? http://download.rockbox.org/manual/rockbox-ipodnano/rockbox-build.html |
05:23:50 | wpyh | I mean, about that manual? |
05:24:55 | wpyh | I wonder if a patch to change the directory name "archos" for the simulator build will be accepted |
05:25:03 | * | wpyh is currently thinking of a good name |
05:25:08 | steven | ok |
05:25:19 | steven | wpyh this manual is more helpful |
05:25:33 | wpyh | steven: hm... which manual were you talking about previously then? |
05:26:01 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
05:26:01 | Llorean | wpyh: It's kinda kept "archos" as a nod to the original supported players |
05:26:03 | steven | im not sure... :s |
05:26:37 | wpyh | Llorean: So it was a conscious decision? |
05:26:54 | Llorean | It wasn't originally, but it's a conscious decision to keep it that way. |
05:27:14 | wpyh | Hm... ok, so I figured the patch might not be accepted |
05:27:20 | wpyh | I was thinking of a more generic name |
05:27:38 | wpyh | sadly, "sim" was taken, "rockbox-sim" is too long... how about "stage"? |
05:29:07 | | Quit webguest00 ("CGI:IRC") |
05:30:03 | | Quit Darksair ("ERC Version 5.3 (IRC client for Emacs)") |
05:30:48 | | Part smcquay |
05:33:10 | | Join BlakeJohnson861 [0] (n=bjohnson@c-24-118-162-123.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) |
05:33:58 | steven | so what format should videos be in for rockbox on my 1g ipod nano, cuz this rbutil sems to be working |
05:34:07 | | Quit gull025 () |
05:34:39 | scorche | steven: you might want to check out the PluginMpegplayer wiki page |
05:35:02 | steven | ok |
05:43:08 | | Quit Rondom (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
05:44:12 | | Join Rondom [0] (n=Rondom@p57A97036.dip.t-dialin.net) |
05:46:04 | steven | so i got rockbox on my ipod nano 1g and i have a video i wanan add but where do i save my video? |
05:46:26 | | Quit BlakeJohnson86 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
05:46:44 | scorche | wherever you want |
05:47:10 | steven | i mean where do i save it on my ipod so i can watch it in rockbox |
05:47:16 | scorche | wherever you want |
05:47:41 | steven | ... how do i get it on my ipod tho |
05:47:56 | scorche | just copy it over |
05:48:46 | steven | ok can u tell me exactly what the directory name is that i copy it too |
05:49:17 | scorche | wherever you wan on your device... |
05:49:56 | steven | like thru itunes? |
05:50:12 | scorche | no... |
05:50:34 | scorche | you can just copy properly formatted videos over to wherever you want on your device.. |
05:50:42 | | Join Darksair [0] (n=user@ |
05:51:19 | steven | so i could save in calendar if i wanted...? |
05:52:07 | steven | ?? |
05:52:25 | scorche | i am assuming calendar is just a directory on your ipod, but yes...though it might be prudent to just make a folder called "videos" or something |
05:53:02 | steven | ok how do i access it from rockbox |
05:53:16 | scorche | the manual should describe that |
05:57:12 | steven | scorche does rockbox support mp4? |
05:57:33 | steven | or avi or 3gp? |
05:57:34 | scorche | steven: no it doesnt...i though i told you to read the PluginMpegplayer page... |
05:57:50 | scorche | avi is not a format...please read that wiki page |
06:00 |
06:02:36 | | Quit Zarggg () |
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06:16:26 | | Join goffa [0] (n=goffa@ |
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06:43:06 | | Join peterosco [0] (i=62c15a5c@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-64abab4dc319e44b) |
06:44:08 | peterosco | hi, is there anyone around? |
06:47:15 | peterosco | Well just incase anyone comes back from idle; I am having an issue with initializing my database. It seems to go on forever. I am using an iPod 5.5 Video with a 30gb hdd. I am currently running the most recent build and this issue actually started with the previous build. |
06:49:12 | peterosco | I should mention it has "found" upwards of 70,000 files. I have a theory as to what this might be, but cannot find a fix or anyone else who has had this problem durring my searches. If there is anyone here who can offer some assistance I would really appreciate it. |
06:57:03 | peterosco | please email me at j.pete.lopez@gmail.com if I happen to be offline and you can help |
06:57:06 | peterosco | thanks again |
07:00 |
07:16:05 | | Quit peterosco ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
07:17:52 | | Quit webguest80 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
07:20:05 | | Join bmbl [0] (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/bmbl) |
07:23:44 | | Join Janet [0] (n=chatzill@pool-71-111-60-48.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net) |
07:23:49 | | Nick Janet is now known as Janet09 (n=chatzill@pool-71-111-60-48.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net) |
07:25:20 | | Join Bagderr [241] (n=daniel@rockbox/developer/bagder) |
07:25:43 | | Quit bmbl ("Woah!") |
07:25:45 | | Nick Bagderr is now known as B4gder (n=daniel@rockbox/developer/bagder) |
07:26:04 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
07:27:42 | | Quit Janet09 (Client Quit) |
07:34:50 | | Nick fxb__ is now known as fxb (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) |
07:40:04 | | Nick fxb is now known as fxb__ (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) |
07:42:50 | | Quit toffe82 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
07:45:53 | | Join AndyIL [0] (i=AndyI@ |
07:48:27 | | Quit avis (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
07:51:48 | | Join jyg [0] (n=jyg@jyg.us) |
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07:58:01 | | Quit AndyI (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
07:58:21 | webguest26 | hello everyone |
07:58:29 | webguest26 | I have a question |
07:59:21 | webguest26 | in my rockbox, in the plugin menu, no viewer item, why? |
07:59:47 | webguest26 | I use the ipod mini |
07:59:53 | B4gder | because viewers are listed there |
07:59:56 | scorche | webguest26: viewers are not shown in the plugins menu...the manual described this |
08:00 |
08:00:05 | B4gder | are not even |
08:00:05 | * | jyg whistles |
08:00:47 | jyg | can folders of images be viewed as thumbnails? |
08:01:29 | | Quit miepchen^schlaf_ () |
08:02:07 | webguest26 | It can be said that details of it? |
08:02:48 | jyg | ok, #2 |
08:03:09 | jyg | i was looking around for info about developing applications for rockbox |
08:03:17 | jyg | i saw stuff about developing rockbox itself |
08:03:19 | B4gder | jyg: no, I don't think we have any thumbnail mode |
08:03:27 | jyg | is there any info for that? |
08:03:31 | jyg | thanks B4dger |
08:03:33 | B4gder | jyg: a first good step is to be able to build rockbox |
08:03:42 | B4gder | then we have a wiki page for building plugins |
08:03:47 | B4gder | (which is what we call apps) |
08:03:56 | jyg | ah, plugins, ok |
08:04:44 | jyg | i know its a long shot, being that i have no time :), but i wanted to play around to see if I could create a small doc reader, either a simple pdf or simple ODT viewers, from other opensource |
08:04:44 | | Quit webguest26 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
08:05:50 | B4gder | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/HowtoWritePlugins |
08:06:15 | B4gder | and a "viewer" is just a plugin that gets a filename passed to it |
08:06:42 | | Join Janet09 [0] (n=chatzill@pool-71-111-60-48.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net) |
08:07:00 | B4gder | and of course, doing the first tests and early development using a simulator build is handy |
08:07:13 | jyg | yep, saw that thanks |
08:07:36 | Janet09 | Can someone help me? I downloaded rockbox and followed all of the instructions in the manual but my sansa isn't any different. |
08:07:42 | jyg | i was just searching for "applications", the clue for "plugins" helps me find info better, thanx |
08:07:53 | jyg | Janet, which sansa? |
08:07:58 | Janet09 | e280 |
08:08:08 | jyg | hmm i have a 250 and it worked out of the box |
08:08:16 | B4gder | jyg: in general you may find the docs on this stuff slightly lacking, so reading the source and checking existing plugins as examples might be necessary |
08:08:17 | jyg | what problems are you having? |
08:08:29 | jyg | B4gder, ok |
08:08:33 | Llorean | B4gder: Can plugins have a return value? |
08:08:36 | B4gder | Janet09: are you sure you have a v1? |
08:08:40 | Janet09 | yeah |
08:08:53 | Janet09 | 01.02.24A |
08:08:59 | Janet09 | thats v1 right? |
08:09:02 | Llorean | Janet09: Which set of instructions did you follow? |
08:09:04 | B4gder | Llorean: yes |
08:09:19 | Janet09 | Manual Installation |
08:09:20 | B4gder | or rather, it always returns a "status" |
08:09:33 | Llorean | Janet09: What did sansapatcher tell you? |
08:09:43 | Janet09 | sanspatcher? |
08:09:56 | Llorean | Janet09: That's part of the manual installation instructions... |
08:10:24 | jyg | janet, try the automated installer |
08:10:28 | Janet09 | ok |
08:11:22 | jyg | i always try the easy route first :) |
08:11:37 | jyg | by the way, hats off to rockbox devs for that installer |
08:12:12 | B4gder | yeah, that's turned into a really neat thing |
08:12:45 | jyg | any channels rules against sleeping here? |
08:13:10 | B4gder | lots of people idle here, we just don't want people to announce themselves as away or back etc |
08:13:15 | Janet09 | No difference |
08:13:25 | jyg | huh, what's the error? |
08:14:50 | Janet09 | Ok so I extracted the files and then unpluged and there was no difference...did I do something wrong? |
08:15:23 | jyg | for the automated version? |
08:15:33 | Janet09 | yeag |
08:15:34 | jyg | you run the installer, you tell it where your sansa is mounted |
08:15:41 | jyg | and it does everything for you |
08:15:43 | advcomp2019 | Janet09, you need to install the bootloader it sounds like but the rockbox utility should have did that |
08:16:02 | jyg | right, you have to install the bootloader and the rockbox os itself |
08:16:21 | Janet09 | Ok...Um this is way above my head I think... |
08:16:34 | jyg | janet, in the PDF docs there are screen-by-screen instructions for the auto installer |
08:17:01 | jyg | err sorry |
08:17:08 | jyg | try ehre: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/RockboxUtility |
08:17:14 | advcomp2019 | if you use the rockbox utility, it should have options to install it right |
08:18:05 | jyg | ok i'm fading off to sleep, later all. thanks aagin B4dger |
08:20:14 | Janet09 | I'm getting a message: You configuration is invalid. This is most likely due to a changed device path.The configuration dialog will now open to allow you to correct the problem. |
08:21:06 | Janet09 | I think it might be working niw |
08:21:07 | Janet09 | *now |
08:24:12 | | Join ender` [0] (i=krneki@foo.eternallybored.org) |
08:25:34 | Janet09 | Why would my pictures not be working? |
08:25:35 | | Join GodEater [0] (i=c2cbc962@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-271fd518276088d1) |
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08:26:59 | | Join ajonat [0] (n=ajonat@ |
08:27:51 | advcomp2019 | Janet09, what do you mean? |
08:29:18 | Janet09 | Well I go to files and I see the file names but I can't veiw them |
08:29:41 | | Quit BHSPitMonkey (Remote closed the connection) |
08:30:25 | Janet09 | Nevermind. Thanks for everyone's help! |
08:30:27 | | Quit Janet09 ("ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox 3.0.3/2008092417]") |
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09:00 |
09:00:39 | B4gder | btw, it seems we're slowly going back to business as usual on the site |
09:00:39 | Llorean | I think 3.1 should actually be a "features" release, since we've got a lot of patches on the backburner that could use integration, then 3.2 can have a focus on playback stability, as in try to hold back on feature commits even outside the freeze if they're likely to have a significant effect on stability |
09:00:47 | B4gder | yday was just twice the normal amount of visitors |
09:01:08 | Llorean | "just" |
09:01:24 | B4gder | hehe |
09:01:31 | B4gder | "just" some 15GB downloaded |
09:01:42 | B4gder | without even counting release downloads |
09:02:04 | amiconn | Imho stability is significantly more important than features |
09:02:16 | Llorean | Stability is about "moderate" right now. |
09:02:50 | Llorean | If we focused on stability, we could probably get it to a fairly decent level, but people would complain about the patches on the backburner. 3.1 would be relatively stable, then we'd bring in the patches, and 3.2 would have no choice but to probably be less stable. |
09:02:53 | amiconn | Afaik it's still pssoible to confuse buffering (although I didn't observe this), and it's also possible to crash metadata readers and codecs with "bad" tracks |
09:03:27 | amiconn | And then there are the dozens of UI glitches introduced by viewports which need fixing |
09:04:26 | | Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
09:05:51 | | Join devslashnull [0] (n=delvslas@pool-71-104-112-69.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net) |
09:05:54 | devslashnull | hi |
09:06:26 | devslashnull | i am new to rockbox. i just installed it on my 5th gen ipod video. |
09:06:48 | devslashnull | do i still sync my music in itunes to add music or can i drag and drop |
09:06:53 | Llorean | Either way. |
09:07:11 | devslashnull | ok if i drag and drop where do i do it |
09:07:16 | devslashnull | what folder |
09:07:34 | B4gder | in the folder of your choice! |
09:08:11 | | Quit HBK (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
09:08:17 | GodEater | I wonder why we get that question so much. |
09:08:35 | devslashnull | it isnt in the faq |
09:08:48 | B4gder | it should probably be |
09:08:51 | devslashnull | yep |
09:08:54 | | Quit fyrestorm (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
09:09:22 | GodEater | that would merely answer it - it doesn't answer my question of "why do people ask it in the first place?" :) |
09:09:27 | Llorean | I guess we all kinda thought it was obvious enough that "we don't say where it needs to be, because there is no specific place" that we never assumed people would ask. I mean, I'll admit it catches me by surprise ever time that's someone's question. |
09:09:57 | Llorean | I can only assume that since many OFs require a special syncing program, or expect to find music in a certain place, that people assume there's a good reason it's done that way? |
09:10:12 | GodEater | maybe |
09:10:19 | | Quit DerDome ("Leaving.") |
09:10:35 | GodEater | I guess my early dap choices which all did file browsing have left me thoroughly onconcerned over where I put my music |
09:10:43 | GodEater | *unconcerned |
09:10:57 | Llorean | Yeah, I'd be irritated if I got a DAP and it dictated directory structure. |
09:11:11 | | Join fyrestorm [0] (n=fyre@cpe-68-173-168-94.nyc.res.rr.com) |
09:11:26 | GodEater | which to some extent, the sansa's do, with their silly "I'm going to hide the music folder" approach |
09:11:37 | B4gder | it seems most OFs do have such "music" directories |
09:11:53 | B4gder | sansa, meizu, cowon all do afair |
09:12:27 | amiconn | Archos, and iriver don't |
09:12:47 | Llorean | Don't the Sansas still index songs outside of the MUSIC folder? |
09:12:47 | B4gder | but they're pretty old by now |
09:12:49 | | Join petur [50] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
09:13:07 | Llorean | I mean, it's even hidden when you access in MSC mode so you "can't" put songs there. |
09:13:13 | Llorean | It's just a place it hides the MTP file structure? |
09:13:27 | GodEater | Llorean: I've no idea, what I meant was that the OF's habit of hiding that folder means I *don't* put my music there, so I don't have to mess with the Rockbox "show files" setting |
09:13:51 | | Join funman [0] (n=fun@AAnnecy-257-1-67-132.w90-36.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
09:13:54 | GodEater | which means the OF is dictating where I put my music to some degree |
09:13:58 | Llorean | Yeah |
09:14:09 | Llorean | I like having a /music folder with everything beneath |
09:14:09 | amiconn | B4gder: Sure. That rises the question why newer DAPs are a step back compared to those... |
09:14:15 | Llorean | On my e200 I have a /audio folder instead. |
09:14:22 | GodEater | me too - as I like having a "spoken" folder |
09:14:28 | | Quit Lambdumb (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
09:14:48 | | Join Lambdumb [0] (n=Lambda@12-203-112-233.client.mchsi.com) |
09:15:01 | GodEater | amiconn: I believe us rockboxers are in the minority considering that as a step backwards |
09:15:12 | Llorean | People seem to like their syncing programs. |
09:15:13 | * | amiconn has a few more complaints about newer DAPs vs. older ones than just directory structure though |
09:15:25 | GodEater | you do surprise me ;) |
09:15:36 | funman | Subject: Re: confirm a43cc3fc22098597e5c6fc086c7eb5cf39ce9b7f < nice email ;) |
09:15:36 | B4gder | well, newer ones tend to have bigger storage if nothing else ;-) |
09:15:40 | | Quit JdGordon (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
09:16:19 | GodEater | B4gder: pfff, storage? who needs it! :) |
09:16:26 | scorche | o/ |
09:16:26 | amiconn | B4gder: Do they? Tell that to those flash storage dap manufacturers.... |
09:16:58 | B4gder | what, you're saying that storage is not growing? |
09:17:02 | * | amiconn doesn't understand why 8GB is the max for most of them when 32GB CF (and now even higher capacities) are available already |
09:17:11 | Llorean | B4gder: Well, the *average* storage capacity probably isn't. |
09:17:23 | B4gder | true, since there's this trend towards flash |
09:17:25 | GodEater | I still remember my first 64MB player |
09:17:40 | GodEater | and that was with a 32MB smartmedia card in it |
09:17:49 | GodEater | I could *just* get two albums on it |
09:18:03 | Llorean | amiconn: The target is young adults with budgets and poor ability to save. |
09:18:41 | | Join JdGordon [0] (n=Miranda@c220-237-62-18.smelb2.vic.optusnet.com.au) |
09:19:07 | | Quit Rondom (Client Quit) |
09:19:54 | GodEater | Llorean: you mean muggers right ? :) |
09:20:38 | * | amiconn fails to see the connection |
09:21:04 | amiconn | Nothing would stop them offering the lower capacities as well. |
09:21:28 | Llorean | There's probably an assumption that there's not a large enough market for them right now to warrant producing them though. |
09:21:28 | GodEater | the higher capacity ones would never get bought, except in very small "not cost effective" volumes |
09:21:38 | Llorean | I mean, if they thought there was enough profit in it, I'm sure they'd do it. |
09:22:09 | GodEater | me too |
09:22:16 | GodEater | and I'm assuming they do market research |
09:22:25 | GodEater | so I'm guessing that research says "nope" |
09:23:32 | Llorean | Though they could just sell a flash based one that comes with a 4/6/8GB CF card that's removable. |
09:24:08 | GodEater | again though, I suspect people wouldn't buy them as much |
09:25:25 | Llorean | I imagine internal/permanent memory generally seems better to the consumer. Nothing to lose, pop out, or break. |
09:25:51 | B4gder | and CF is more or less dead technology |
09:26:05 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
09:26:09 | B4gder | sd and microsd is what they use now |
09:26:53 | | Quit JdGordon (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
09:28:29 | | Join LinusN [0] (n=linus@rockbox/developer/LinusN) |
09:31:05 | | Part Llorean |
09:34:23 | | Quit reacocard (".") |
09:34:58 | devslashnull | wow rockbox is cool |
09:35:12 | devslashnull | i wish you could just drag and drop music without using itunes |
09:35:30 | B4gder | you can |
09:36:02 | ruskie | cf is imho still usable for some things... |
09:36:55 | devslashnull | B4gder, yes i mean without having to use rockbox |
09:37:10 | | Join reacocard [0] (n=reacocar@ |
09:37:11 | devslashnull | i mean, apple should have made it that way from the start |
09:37:16 | B4gder | why would anyone want to run without rockbox? ;-) |
09:37:29 | devslashnull | :p |
09:37:45 | ruskie | :) |
09:38:14 | devslashnull | does rockbox let you view music by genres ? |
09:39:00 | scorche | provided you ahve your tags in order, sure |
09:39:12 | petur | you have to enable the database... |
09:39:19 | | Quit wpyh (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
09:39:23 | * | petur also suggests our fine manual |
09:39:28 | devslashnull | yes my tags are in perfect order |
09:39:58 | * | petur wonders if he should let logbot explain about the manual ;) |
09:40:16 | devslashnull | look its late here |
09:40:18 | scorche | nonono |
09:40:44 | | Join wpyh [0] (n=william@ |
09:42:00 | funman | Is there a web interface to the svn repository? I can't find it |
09:42:14 | scorche | svn.rockbox.org? |
09:42:25 | funman | ah thanks |
09:43:42 | funman | is there any project to switch from svn to a distributed vcs ? |
09:44:17 | scorche | switch fully?...no |
09:44:23 | petur | there's a git mirror... |
09:45:03 | scorche | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/GitVersionControl |
09:45:07 | funman | petur: oh, where ? I only found a repository on repo.cz but it was for ta gsoc project |
09:45:12 | funman | s/ta/a/ |
09:45:21 | * | petur has no idea |
09:46:27 | B4gder | uhm, now where is that... |
09:47:05 | GodEater | where is what ? |
09:47:12 | B4gder | the git mirror "url" |
09:47:37 | GodEater | we still didn't add it to the wiki ? :) |
09:48:21 | B4gder | don't look at me, I never do anything, I just talk |
09:48:29 | funman | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/GitVersionControl#The_public_Rockbox_git_repositor Last change end of June |
09:48:39 | GodEater | funman, that's not the right one :) |
09:48:43 | | Quit ajonat (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
09:48:49 | GodEater | B4gder: as soon as you find it, I'll put it in the wiki |
09:48:58 | * | GodEater has the edit page open already |
09:49:07 | * | petur looks under his desk |
09:49:55 | GodEater | I don't know if Nico is still updating his repo.or.cz one |
09:50:06 | funman | it seems not ;) |
09:51:58 | GodEater | git pull git://svn.rockbox.org/rockbox |
09:52:40 | | Quit tessarakt ("Client exiting") |
09:52:50 | funman | it's rather clone for a first checkout, but thanks for the url |
09:52:56 | GodEater | you're right |
09:53:06 | GodEater | I'd just cut and pasted what I found in the IRC logs ;) |
09:53:20 | GodEater | that's the one I found that B4gder set up |
09:53:22 | funman | "typos included" © |
09:53:38 | GodEater | which one day, if I'm really good, he'll make available over http. Perhaps as a Christmas present. |
09:53:54 | funman | it's rather easy, but creates an additional load on the server |
09:54:06 | GodEater | not much |
09:54:21 | GodEater | it's the additional load on B4gder's time which is the hold up ;) |
09:54:40 | funman | GodEater: you should just have to uncomment a line in .git/hooks/the_good_one |
09:55:16 | funman | the command to run after each commit on the main repo is git update-server-info |
09:55:38 | funman | in post-update hook |
09:55:48 | GodEater | he also needs to get the directory with the git repo in exported by apache |
09:57:09 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@cpc1-hem18-0-0-cust660.lutn.cable.ntl.com) |
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10:37:35 | | Quit devslashnull ("Leaving") |
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10:45:02 | amiconn | petur: Your commit won't work on the ipod minis |
10:46:43 | petur | no? |
10:47:43 | amiconn | The minis have no recording, and use the wm8721 driver, which didn't receive the required changes |
10:47:51 | | Quit funman ("leaving") |
10:48:12 | amiconn | And if you do these changes, you can then include ipod g1/g2 as well |
10:48:21 | petur | ah.. but they do declare to use WM8731.... |
10:48:37 | petur | I'll have a look tonight |
10:49:03 | amiconn | They don't |
10:49:24 | * | petur checks |
10:49:52 | petur | argh |
10:49:59 | petur | you're right (as usual) |
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11:10:05 | | Join meven_ [0] (n=meven@lav35-1-82-236-137-162.fbx.proxad.net) |
11:10:43 | funman | could you commit http://paste.ubuntu.com/52031/ (the actual code does produce invalid, bricking, firmwares) before FS #9396 is completed ? |
11:11:25 | | Quit meven (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
11:13:32 | funman | I'll harrass you for FS #9396 when we have know a button for the C200 and M200 :) |
11:13:57 | funman | but in the meantime this could avoid someone bricking its device if he didn't read the forum thread |
11:16:15 | | Join BigBambi [0] (i=86ceaf40@rockbox/staff/BigBambi) |
11:17:18 | funman | linuxstb: did you test this memmove() in mkamsboot.c or was it a wild supposition ? |
11:18:45 | linuxstb | funman: I was just looking at that now, and I can't remember why I wrote it... I probably never tested it, simply because my test code was never more than a few bytes. |
11:19:32 | linuxstb | But I'll remove it now... |
11:20:40 | funman | linuxstb: we may be able to do it by changing some occurences (not all) of the firmware size in the code, but we need to test that on recoverable e200 |
11:22:09 | funman | there is 7 occurences of the exact firmware size in the file: 2 in the file header (which mkamsboot changes), 2 in the code (used as a lower stack limit), and 3 in data segments without cross references |
11:23:01 | funman | so maybe changing the last 3 references will work, we must not touch the 2 first because stack would begin in a code segment (we suppose) |
11:24:07 | | Join BeChris [0] (n=509c2cb2@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-4addd7bc2004fde0) |
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11:26:09 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
11:27:44 | linuxstb | funman: Fix committed. |
11:28:24 | funman | thanks |
11:28:44 | * | linuxstb wishes he had time for some V2 hacking... |
11:28:53 | | Join SpaceTraveler [0] (n=SpaceTra@host217-42-6-143.range217-42.btcentralplus.com) |
11:30:54 | * | funman wishes he had an efficient way to use his free time |
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13:03:37 | leftright | /msg NickServ leftright blackbird |
13:03:49 | BigBambi | ooops :) |
13:03:56 | leftright | :-)) |
13:04:00 | BigBambi | Best change that password :) |
13:04:01 | leftright | sorry |
13:05:41 | leftright | Bagder: would you mind posting yor blog url, please |
13:05:41 | at0m|c | i likethat's why i gave it an alias |
13:05:52 | at0m|c | or at least run it from status window or so eh |
13:05:58 | BigBambi | leftright: daniel.haxx.se/blog |
13:06:14 | leftright | thanky you |
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13:59:48 | Nico_P | linuxstb: do you know why your commit message was garbled like that? |
14:00 |
14:00:01 | linuxstb | I guess I used utf-8... |
14:00:25 | linuxstb | I've seen it before with other commit messages. |
14:00:25 | Nico_P | I thought it worked OK... |
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14:01:40 | B4gder | but doesn't it look fine if you 'svn log' in a utf8-using term? |
14:01:50 | * | Nico_P checks |
14:02:13 | | Part LinusN |
14:02:14 | Nico_P | yep it's OK |
14:02:36 | Nico_P | B4gder: is the svn server UTF8-enabled? |
14:03:00 | B4gder | right, so it's "just" the silly scripts/web server showing it badly |
14:03:08 | Nico_P | the commit email had the control chars too |
14:03:11 | | Join jcr412 [0] (n=3aa3895b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-635a13d6eb9c6f76) |
14:03:36 | jcr412 | can someone tell me how to get albumart working |
14:03:42 | B4gder | that's possibly also similar problems to the web server's |
14:03:46 | linuxstb | jcr412: http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/AlbumArt |
14:03:50 | jcr412 | i have a ipod video |
14:04:07 | jcr412 | thankyou :) |
14:04:41 | | Quit desowin ("KVIrc Insomnia 4.0.0, revision: 2592, sources date: 20080916, built on: 2008/09/29 09:42:06 UTC 2592 http://www.kvirc.net/") |
14:11:31 | | Quit jcr412 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
14:21:19 | | Join nplus [0] (n=nplus@141.25.Globcom.Net) |
14:33:05 | Nico_P | has music preview in the browser ever been suggested or thought about? |
14:37:35 | | Join starnoble [0] (n=BluFudge@cpe-67-10-176-191.satx.res.rr.com) |
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14:39:43 | | Join blackhat [0] (n=chatzill@e176041192.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
14:40:23 | | Join starnoble [0] (n=starnobl@cpe-67-10-176-191.satx.res.rr.com) |
14:41:03 | starnoble | is there anyone who can please assist me with building a voice? I have everything else done that I need, just building the voice is my issue now. |
14:43:08 | starnoble | Is there anyone who can assist me with building a voice using sapi? I looked at the info on the web, but it seems kind of confusing, it mensions using lame to do it and stuff, but not sure. |
14:51:11 | GodEater | starnoble: although I can't help you much, since I don't own a windows box, I *can* tell you that unless you own an older archos DAP, any instructions which say to use LAME are out of date, since rockbox now uses speex, not mp3 voices. |
14:52:04 | GodEater | are you having trouble with the ones in our wiki ? |
14:52:59 | starnoble | Well I saw that I needed to get my language file, I have english.lng. Do I need to move it or can the script get it from the iPod itself? |
14:56:57 | starnoble | not sure what I need to type for target iPod Video 30 gb |
14:58:31 | | Quit blackhat (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
15:00 |
15:06:30 | B4gder | you need english.lang, which is available in the source archive |
15:08:04 | blkhawk | A GLados voice would be cool |
15:08:32 | starnoble | ok I think it's building the voice. I hope this works. |
15:08:49 | | Join LambdaCalculus37 [0] (i=44a04303@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-f8d6a8e491befe94) |
15:09:04 | starnoble | it came up with a lot of errors, but it is still building |
15:09:23 | starnoble | somethign about elf not found or osmething |
15:09:24 | | Quit Seed ("cu, Andre") |
15:09:46 | starnoble | I looked in the folder and I am seeing mp3's and wav's |
15:10:01 | | Quit Schmogel (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
15:10:13 | starnoble | Now after this is done, where does the voice file need put to work? |
15:10:15 | B4gder | that sounds... wrong |
15:10:29 | B4gder | what target are you doing the voice for? |
15:10:37 | starnoble | iPod Video |
15:12:40 | | Join SpaceTraveler [0] (n=SpaceTra@host217-42-6-143.range217-42.btcentralplus.com) |
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15:20:10 | webguest96 | hello every one |
15:20:17 | Tuplanolla | hello |
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15:23:31 | webguest96 | hello |
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15:28:41 | | Quit pabs ("back in a couple hours (power is going out)") |
15:28:46 | userding | WPS have a question |
15:33:22 | userding | my rockbox's language is chinese, the interface is correct, but the WPS display the music's information is mess, how can i do? |
15:33:52 | | Quit Dementio_work (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
15:34:13 | | Join Dementio_work [0] (n=dementio@ |
15:34:28 | | Nick Dementio_work is now known as Dementio (n=dementio@ |
15:34:43 | LambdaCalculus37 | userding: You can use a WPS that supports Unifont, which will display the proper characters, and also set your codepage to Unicode (Settings > General Settings > Display > Default codepage). |
15:43:43 | userding | THANK YOU VERY MUCH |
15:43:56 | | Quit Wictor (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
15:44:08 | | Join Wictor [0] (n=Wictor@0x57366a52.bynxx19.dynamic.dsl.tele.dk) |
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15:50:31 | | Join devslashnull [0] (n=delvslas@pool-71-104-112-69.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net) |
15:50:41 | devslashnull | hey which id3 tas does rockbox use ? |
15:50:46 | devslashnull | *tags' |
15:51:40 | | Join userding_ [0] (n=userding@ |
15:52:03 | | Join coatman [0] (n=coatman@r01jvgmb7.device.mst.edu) |
15:52:12 | GodEater | devslashnull: it uses V1 and V2 tags |
15:52:12 | | Quit userding ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
15:52:25 | | Nick userding_ is now known as userding (n=userding@ |
15:53:13 | starnoble | When it is building the voice file, is it supposed to be making files like LANG_BOOKMARK_CONTEXT_MENU.mp3 |
15:53:21 | devslashnull | GodEateri drag and dropped music from my itunes library and all of the tags are perfectly set but in rockbox, some of the music is not tagged |
15:53:46 | devslashnull | like the genre isnt set for the albums but i did assign the genre in my itunes linrary |
15:54:29 | devslashnull | do i have to just reassign the id3 tags using another app ? |
15:54:31 | kugel | devslashnull: itunes tends to use his own tags |
15:55:06 | kugel | you're better of double checking the tags with another program, like mp3tag |
15:55:32 | devslashnull | is that for pc ? |
15:55:45 | kugel | yes, for windows |
15:55:46 | devslashnull | do you know of an app for mac |
15:55:46 | starnoble | it's building it on a windows machine |
15:56:00 | kugel | Uhm, I think easytag works on mac |
15:57:09 | devslashnull | ok thanks |
15:57:14 | kugel | But, googling for "mp3tag mac" reveals that it's possible to run on mac (mp3tag is my favorite tagging tool) |
15:57:40 | | Quit userding ("ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox 3.0.3/2008092417]") |
15:57:48 | starnoble | Ok is it normal that I see little files in the build folder called like LANG_BALANCE.mp3? |
15:58:06 | kugel | devslashnull: using wine |
15:58:46 | | Join {phoenix} [0] (n=dirk@p54B4763C.dip.t-dialin.net) |
16:00 |
16:00:29 | markun | kugel: I now mostly use http://eyed3.nicfit.net/ for ID3 tags |
16:02:19 | kugel | markun: Never heard of that. I mostly like mp3tag since it supports other tags (vorbis comments etc) just as well as id3 |
16:03:15 | | Join userding [0] (n=userding@ |
16:03:18 | markun | unfortunate name then |
16:03:36 | kugel | like the archos folder in the sim :) |
16:03:45 | markun | yes, we should rename that :) |
16:05:50 | B4gder | noooo, it's for old times sake! |
16:08:26 | | Quit Horscht ("User was distributing pornography on server; system seized by FBI") |
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16:11:16 | | Quit devslashnull ("This computer has gone to sleep") |
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16:18:39 | kugel | Currenty rockbox has 2 "performance states" (boosted and unboosted). I wonder how usefull a 3rd one would be (e.g. 50MHz on e200) |
16:19:54 | starnoble | Bah is there not a way to build the voice in mac os x? |
16:20:08 | kugel | Some plugins (like bubbles) would definitely benefit, without running fully boosted all the time |
16:20:29 | starnoble | Noone's made an Apple script or anything to do this I take it? |
16:20:58 | kugel | starnoble: there's a daily voice build available (english) |
16:21:07 | | Part B4gder |
16:21:20 | starnoble | nod I wanted to build one using Alex |
16:21:56 | kugel | what's "nod", I've seen you saying this several times |
16:22:22 | starnoble | is there some app to do this? |
16:24:11 | | Quit Deaner ("Ex-Chat") |
16:24:37 | | Join Horscht [0] (n=Horscht@xbmc/user/horscht) |
16:29:08 | pixelma | starnoble: I thought the Rockbox Utility would be able to build voices, though I never tried myself yet |
16:29:43 | | Join jgarvey [0] (n=jgarvey@cpe-098-026-069-229.nc.res.rr.com) |
16:31:46 | | Quit starnoble () |
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16:37:06 | | Quit dishem ("Ping timeout: 31337 seconds") |
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16:39:09 | | Join SoapWork [0] (n=42c07542@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-07127f81a80a26d3) |
16:39:37 | SoapWork | One more push for a dev to look at my battery bench patch http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/9428 |
16:39:56 | SoapWork | I'll be a good boy now and assume people know it exists, and await comment. ;) |
16:40:56 | | Quit j6 (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
16:42:00 | | Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) |
16:42:06 | | Join amiconn [50] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) |
16:44:21 | kugel | anyone with a gigabeat here? |
16:48:19 | LambdaCalculus37 | kugel: Plenty of us. ;) |
16:48:36 | kugel | LambdaCalculus37: you have a gigabeat too? great |
16:48:42 | LambdaCalculus37 | kugel: F or S? |
16:48:51 | kugel | both are fine :P |
16:49:21 | kugel | LambdaCalculus37: the gigabeat's don't have backlight fading, do they? |
16:49:40 | markun | the F does (don't know about the S) |
16:50:03 | kugel | ah ok |
16:50:47 | GodEater | pretty sure the S does too |
16:50:49 | * | kugel couldn't find anything related in config-gigabeat.h |
16:51:25 | markun | the Gigabeat F fading isn't done by PWM like most other targets |
16:51:58 | LambdaCalculus37 | kugel: markun's right. |
16:52:10 | LambdaCalculus37 | By the way, did you see the updated patch at FS #6800? |
16:52:27 | kugel | LambdaCalculus37: sure! |
16:52:39 | kugel | great that it also works on c200 |
16:53:10 | amiconn | Hmm, no mcuelenare around |
16:53:14 | LambdaCalculus37 | kugel: Yep. I still want the honest opinions of other devs before I decide to commit it. |
16:53:45 | kugel | LambdaCalculus37: I understand that |
16:53:59 | LambdaCalculus37 | gevaerts already made a comment about it. |
16:54:10 | kugel | LambdaCalculus37: also, I've decided to rewrite it to make this software fading available to all targets |
16:55:49 | LambdaCalculus37 | kugel: Make sure you check to see that a target doesn't do it already, though. The iPods already have backlight fading (at least my two color iPods do), and as we covered, the Gigabeat F. |
16:55:59 | * | LambdaCalculus37 will check his S when it's fully charged |
16:56:04 | kugel | yea, that's why I'm asking :) |
16:56:45 | LambdaCalculus37 | Always good to ask. ;) |
16:57:24 | | Join Seed [0] (n=ben@bzq-84-108-232-45.cablep.bezeqint.net) |
16:58:58 | kugel | now, I just need a target without fading |
16:59:27 | LambdaCalculus37 | kugel: Did you investigate the iriver H300 and iAudio X5? |
16:59:37 | kugel | not yet |
17:00 |
17:01:01 | kugel | the h300 doesn't seem to have target-specific backlight code |
17:03:55 | kugel | whoops, wrong folder :P |
17:05:09 | | Join n1s [0] (n=nils@rockbox/developer/n1s) |
17:07:38 | | Join DrMoos [0] (i=moos@81-66-128-18.rev.numericable.fr) |
17:07:39 | kugel | LambdaCalculus37: doesn't look like beast would fade |
17:08:47 | | Quit moos (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
17:08:48 | | Nick DrMoos is now known as moos (i=moos@81-66-128-18.rev.numericable.fr) |
17:09:55 | LambdaCalculus37 | kugel: Give it fading. ;) |
17:20:59 | amiconn | kugel: You cannot port the sw pwm fading to all targets |
17:21:15 | kugel | amiconn: Not pwm fading |
17:21:29 | amiconn | How else? |
17:21:47 | amiconn | Fading with the backlight controller requires a sufficient number of steps |
17:21:54 | kugel | changing the brightness level in a loop |
17:21:59 | amiconn | The H300 and X5 don't have enough steps |
17:22:03 | kugel | like it's done in FS #6800 |
17:22:28 | kugel | the e200 has 12 steps, and even with brightness set to 5, fading looks very decent |
17:23:14 | amiconn | It only has 12 steps at full brightness. And I expect fading to look ugly if there aren't at least 30 steps |
17:24:03 | kugel | It's not |
17:24:35 | wpyh | hi |
17:24:46 | wpyh | has anyone noticed a bug in the menu setting for "Show Icon" |
17:24:51 | kugel | I'm using backlight fading on my e200 for quite a while now, and I'm just satisfied |
17:26:19 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
17:26:29 | | Join lol3izer [0] (i=lol3@ |
17:26:38 | wpyh | if I enter that menu item, and then scroll from No to Yes to No, the icon will be displayed beside the header "Show Icons"; if I enter that menu item, and then scroll from Yes to No to Yes, the icon will not be displayed beside the header "Show Icons" |
17:27:43 | * | amiconn wonders how kugel will make it fade at brightness 1... |
17:27:58 | petur | kugel, amiconn: I assume that if you keep the time between steps short enough you won't notice those steps too much. But that means 5 steps are cycled pretty quickly so not too much effect... |
17:30:21 | kugel | petur: the time between steps is HZ/25 |
17:30:58 | petur | seeing is believing, I guess... |
17:31:13 | amiconn | The time cannot be fixed, as the (a) the fade-in/fade-out times are variable, (b) they depend on the current brightness |
17:31:23 | wpyh | I wonder if one could alternate the backlight brightnesses (i.e. quickly switch between brightness levels) to simulate a fade-out or fade-in |
17:32:02 | amiconn | wpyh: We do this on targets where backlight is controlled via gpio. On targets where backlight is controlled via i2c, this is impossible |
17:32:25 | wpyh | amiconn: ok.. |
17:32:33 | wpyh | (why?) |
17:33:15 | | Join fragilematter [0] (n=barbu_do@ |
17:33:18 | amiconn | It would mean doing i2c from an isr. On some targets this would break the i2c driver. On others it would even work, but the isr would drain a lot of cpu (i2c isn't the fastest thing...) |
17:35:25 | | Join kronflux [0] (n=kronflux@blk-222-216-190.eastlink.ca) |
17:35:49 | * | wpyh is digesting that explanation |
17:36:05 | | Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@h-74-0-180-178.snvacaid.covad.net) |
17:36:29 | kronflux | LambdaCalculus37: Salutations! |
17:36:33 | | Join bmbl [0] (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/bmbl) |
17:36:45 | LambdaCalculus37 | kronflux: Hey there! |
17:37:20 | | Join saratoga [0] (n=9803c264@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-810426deb48a8b66) |
17:37:54 | kronflux | LambdaCalculus37: I've been absent for several days now, as I just finished moving, and just got interwebs back today! did I miss any crazy breakthroughs or important events? |
17:37:58 | n1s | Bagder: ping |
17:39:52 | LambdaCalculus37 | kronflux: Nope, nothing major. I'm still trying to look up the GPIO values for the 2nd gen nano. |
17:40:25 | kronflux | well, I'm still starting out in this stuff. if I knew what gpio values were, or where to find them, I'd help out. |
17:41:17 | GodEater | LambdaCalculus37: well he did miss the 3.0 release ;) |
17:41:36 | LambdaCalculus37 | GodEater: Ah, crap! I forgot that he wasn't here with us! |
17:41:44 | saratoga | you're working on GPIO values for the Nano2G? |
17:41:53 | GodEater | while this is nothing much to do with the Nano 2G, it is, I think "Major" ;) |
17:42:01 | LambdaCalculus37 | saratoga: Well, trying to, anyway. :) |
17:42:07 | kronflux | GodEater: nah, I was in that night ;) I just havent had a chance to try it yet, because I have no hackable media player yet :p |
17:42:16 | saratoga | does this mean you can run code on it? |
17:42:18 | LambdaCalculus37 | kronxflux: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GPIO |
17:42:23 | GodEater | kronflux: ah, my apologies then |
17:42:25 | lol3izer | General Purpose IO |
17:42:46 | GodEater | saratoga: we might be able to when it's in DFU mode. |
17:42:47 | LambdaCalculus37 | saratoga: Well, I got meizu_dfu to successfully upload a file to the 2G nano. |
17:44:03 | * | GodEater thinks there's a trend of installation methods getting increasingly destructive with recent "targets" |
17:44:34 | kugel | LambdaCalculus37: have you checked if the beast fades? |
17:44:42 | LambdaCalculus37 | kugel: It's still charging. |
17:44:49 | kugel | ok |
17:45:28 | saratoga | how is cpu_idle determined? |
17:45:34 | saratoga | no pending threads? |
17:45:51 | n1s | kugel: i'm pretty sure the beast backlight fades out, probably a feature of the mc13783 |
17:47:25 | LambdaCalculus37 | jhMikeS should know a little more, I believe. |
17:49:02 | | Quit BigBambi ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
17:54:56 | amiconn | The beast fades in, but not out. And the fade-in seems to be fixed and not disableable :( |
17:59:43 | | Quit saratoga ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
18:00 |
18:00:58 | | Join bughunter2 [0] (n=Jelle@ |
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18:12:52 | kugel | amiconn: hmm |
18:12:57 | kugel | not good |
18:13:28 | kugel | LambdaCalculus37: alert me when charging is finished |
18:13:43 | LambdaCalculus37 | kugel: Roger. |
18:14:58 | wpyh | I would like to abolish the menu item "Settings -> Theme Settings -> Clear Backdrop". The reason is that it seems useless. |
18:16:25 | n1s | wpyh: how should you make rockbox display no backdrop without creating a whole new theme? |
18:16:37 | wpyh | On the other hand, we can replace it with a submenu called "Backdrop", which contains a few entries: 1) Solid Colour, 2) Gradient, 3) Bitmap. And then we can use it to select the type and colour of the backdrop |
18:16:51 | | Quit petur ("work->home") |
18:17:45 | soap | more than a menu is needed for that proposal, you also need a bmp generator to create said "Solid Color" (?) and "gradient" backgrounds. |
18:17:49 | wpyh | n1s: well, if you would like that functionality, I think the second method above can be used |
18:18:16 | wpyh | yes, I do realize that |
18:18:30 | wpyh | a bmp generator would not be too difficult though |
18:20:42 | wpyh | soap: is it a lot more expensive to display a black bitmap backdrop, compared to no backdrop at all? |
18:21:50 | n1s | no backdrop at all would be solid background color, not necessarily black |
18:22:54 | wpyh | n1s: hm... but would it be more expensive? |
18:23:24 | | Join starnoble [0] (n=starnobl@cpe-67-10-176-191.satx.res.rr.com) |
18:24:32 | n1s | wpyh: i'm not sure what you mean by expensive, displaying a background will take the exact same amount of cpu regardless of what color it is (or if it's a bitmap) |
18:25:40 | wpyh | n1s: yes, by expensive I mean the CPU time. if it's the same, then i think it's feasible |
18:25:50 | lol3izer | it would use more ram |
18:26:00 | lol3izer | depending how the display driver is written |
18:26:06 | n1s | lol3izer: ther's a static backdrop buffer |
18:26:17 | starnoble | Has anyone else had a problem building a voice for Rockbox? I can't seem to get it to work. And I followed the web site exactly. |
18:26:23 | wpyh | now, the problem is getting devs to agree to it... |
18:26:35 | wpyh | and then I can implement it and send a patch |
18:28:09 | | Join BigBambi [0] (n=Alex@rockbox/staff/BigBambi) |
18:28:31 | kugel | wpyh: How about getting the devs to agree BY implementing it? :) |
18:29:18 | lol3izer | kugel, no one hashes out someone else's idea |
18:29:36 | wpyh | kugel: great idea :D |
18:29:40 | lol3izer | thats more of a corporate thing ;) |
18:30:13 | | Join {phoenix} [0] (n=dirk@p54B4763C.dip.t-dialin.net) |
18:30:16 | kugel | lol3izer: ??? |
18:31:19 | | Quit EspeonEefi ("さよなら") |
18:31:32 | BigBambi | lol3izer: If wpyh implements it there is more chance of it happening than if he doesn't |
18:31:34 | * | wpyh doesn't understand what lol3izer is talking about |
18:31:53 | BigBambi | However, if it really isn't wanted, then implementing it in the first place is pointless except for personal use |
18:32:26 | | Quit lol3izer (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
18:32:39 | | Join lol3izer [0] (i=lol3@ |
18:33:02 | soap | I have a suspicion a bmp generator in core would not be desired due to binsize bloat. |
18:33:12 | starnoble | Could someone please assist me in creating a voice for Rockbox? What other components do I need to do it in Windows other than the sapi voice, Cygwin, and the source checked out from svn? Something seems to be messed up with the build process. |
18:33:17 | wpyh | hm... guess I have to implement it first and _then_ talk :D |
18:33:19 | | Join globi [0] (n=Drk@2001:470:1f12:d3:0:0:0:2) |
18:33:25 | BigBambi | soap: I agree |
18:33:27 | wpyh | soap: how about a pixmap generator? |
18:33:46 | soap | you're asking the wrong person, wpyh. |
18:33:52 | BigBambi | wpyh: You will have to work very hard to persuade people of anything that is of marginal use |
18:33:52 | wpyh | hm... ok |
18:34:03 | wpyh | ok... |
18:34:17 | soap | perhaps a gradient bmp generating plugin......... |
18:34:18 | n1s | wpyh: IMHO, that color selection could go in a similar menu as the "Line Selector Colours" and your Backdrop menu would be just "Bitmap", "Colour (Solid)" and "Colour (Gradient" or somesuch to be consistent with the line selector colur stuff |
18:35:28 | n1s | We already generate gradients for the line selector so it could probably be done for backdrops too pretty easily |
18:35:39 | wpyh | n1s: ah, good idea :) |
18:36:45 | starnoble | Alright I am blind so I can't use the qt installer app, so I need some way to be able to build the voice by hand, but the make voice script isn't working. It's coming out with loads of errors. |
18:37:29 | | Join mcuelenaere [0] (n=mcuelena@rockbox/developer/mcuelenaere) |
18:38:15 | | Join faemir [0] (n=quassel@88-106-209-242.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) |
18:38:39 | wpyh | n1s: I have just explored the line selector menu a bit more. I think I can just copy it over for the backdrop since it's essentially the same thing, just that line selector is thin and backdrop is wide |
18:39:03 | | Join MethoS- [0] (n=clemens@host-091-097-241-138.ewe-ip-backbone.de) |
18:40:52 | BigBambi | starnoble: I'm sorry I can't help you as I don't use voice, but I've seen you ask a few times so just wanted to say please hang in there and hopefully somebody that knows will be along soon |
18:42:15 | lol3izer | starnoble, the mailing list may be a better resource for you |
18:42:41 | lol3izer | starnoble, out of curiousity, how do you find rockbox's usabillity with voice? |
18:42:57 | | Quit Schmogel ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
18:43:33 | kronflux | bah. I wish we knew everything we need to know about the 2g nano.. I miss rockbox. I havent used it in forever, and I want to try 3.0 *tear* |
18:44:07 | LambdaCalculus37 | kronflux: Dude, if only Apple were nicer to us... |
18:44:09 | lol3izer | kronflux, you shouldn't buy from companies with policies like apples |
18:44:30 | kronflux | LambdaCalculus37: indeed. |
18:44:47 | lol3izer | the only way you can change these things is by chosing to not support their policies |
18:44:50 | kronflux | lol3izer: yeah, well unfortunately they make really nice mp3 players. and I got mine for free, so I wasnt arguing. :p |
18:45:08 | lol3izer | i would call them pretty average imo |
18:45:08 | BigBambi | There are many better players out there than ipods IMO |
18:45:13 | | Quit thegeek (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
18:45:19 | kronflux | oh definitely. |
18:45:23 | kronflux | but their still rather nice. |
18:45:32 | kronflux | just not as nice as they could be. |
18:45:34 | lol3izer | the quality of construction is OK, but they arnt the best |
18:45:36 | * | BigBambi disagrees, but this is getting off-topic |
18:45:49 | LambdaCalculus37 | kronflux: I did send a 1-byte long file to my nano with meizu_dfu, and it took. So there is a possibility that if we can find out what the GPIO pins do, we can perhaps graduate to blinking the LCD or turning the backlight on. |
18:46:27 | kronflux | yeah, you got me to help with that originally. and we were unable to actually get code running. |
18:46:29 | J-23 | can somebody delete my newest comment at FS #9396? |
18:47:29 | kronflux | BigBambi: not exactly off-topic. the quality of players can be directly related to rockbox discussion. who wants a ratty thing to stick a decent firmware on? |
18:48:08 | BigBambi | Rockbox doesn't run on it. Unless you are discussing developing rockbox for it, it is off-topic |
18:48:43 | BigBambi | A discussion of out of the players that Rockbox does run on, which runs it 'best' is a different story |
18:48:53 | kronflux | well that's exactly what we're discussing. it was merely a side note about such. we're talking about developing rockbox for the nano 2g. |
18:49:08 | kronflux | anyway |
18:49:17 | BigBambi | Right, which is fine. The discussion branched into how good it was, which is not fine |
18:49:53 | J-23 | it's probably an Opera bug |
18:50:04 | BigBambi | J-23: will do |
18:50:08 | J-23 | form data is re-sent when refreshing page :/ |
18:50:36 | kronflux | well, I agree to disagree. but I'll drop it regardless, as I don't like to argue much. I was simply pointing out that quality of the player can actually directly relate to the discussion of rockbox and the development of such. anyhoo. |
18:50:41 | kugel | J-23: happens on ff too |
18:50:45 | BigBambi | J-23: Marcin Łukasik? |
18:50:52 | J-23 | yes. |
18:50:55 | | Join domonoky [0] (n=Domonoky@rockbox/developer/domonoky) |
18:51:06 | BigBambi | kronflux: Good, please do. |
18:51:24 | LambdaCalculus37 | kronflux: Have you gotten the datasheet of the SoC from the MeizuM6Port page? |
18:51:27 | BigBambi | J-23: OK, done |
18:51:51 | J-23 | than you. |
18:51:53 | J-23 | thank* |
18:51:57 | kronflux | LambdaCalculus37: negative. |
18:51:58 | LambdaCalculus37 | kronflux: http://www.samsung.com/global/business/semiconductor/productInfo.do?fmly_id=212&partnum=SA58700 |
18:55:18 | kronflux | LambdaCalculus37: so what mystical wonders am I looking at here? is this the same as the 2g? or.. |
18:55:40 | LambdaCalculus37 | kronflux: That's the SoC from the nano 2G. |
18:55:46 | | Quit SpaceTraveler ("Leaving") |
18:56:11 | LambdaCalculus37 | Here's a better link: http://rapidshare.com/files/101234522/S5L8700X-DS.pdf.html |
18:57:10 | * | kronflux downloads it |
18:57:30 | | Join here2code_2 [0] (n=c0373402@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-f60dd8d5def8428b) |
18:59:21 | | Join Hillshum [0] (n=chatzill@75-165-239-6.slkc.qwest.net) |
19:00 |
19:00:12 | kronflux | hm. my new isp seems to be very lame and slow. guess I'll have to upgrade when I get a chance. |
19:00:34 | | Join Grungi_Ankhfire [0] (n=grungi@ip-212-239-159-132.dsl.scarlet.be) |
19:02:28 | | Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=miepchen@p579ECE68.dip.t-dialin.net) |
19:03:09 | | Part fragilematter |
19:05:41 | | Join MethoS-- [0] (n=clemens@host-091-096-212-138.ewe-ip-backbone.de) |
19:07:43 | jyg | it seems the smallest size for an image resizing on rockbox (by pressing select) is about 400x300 |
19:07:56 | jyg | does this seem sorts of wierd since the native size is 176x200? |
19:08:01 | kronflux | samsung confidential, eh? |
19:08:03 | kronflux | interesting. |
19:08:19 | jyg | er, on sansa e200, at any rate |
19:09:00 | jyg | i wonder if I have missed something in the configuration (and i've poured over it a few times) or i'm just going ot have to resize every timage |
19:09:45 | pixelma | image resizing? |
19:10:09 | starnoble | Anyone here experienced in building Rockbox voices? |
19:10:13 | pixelma | what images are you talking about and what for? |
19:10:27 | | Join bertrik [0] (n=bertrik@ip117-49-211-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) |
19:10:58 | domonoky | starnoble: there are different ways to build voices, which one do you mean ? :-) |
19:11:32 | starnoble | Well, as I am blind, I can't use the qt installer, so I guess the manual way. Unless there is some other relatively easy way to do it? |
19:12:30 | domonoky | there are 3 ways: using our buildsystem (in some thing like cygwin), using rbutil, and some voicebox+ script which i dont really know... |
19:13:14 | | Join thegeek [0] (n=nnscript@s080a.studby.ntnu.no) |
19:13:16 | domonoky | and i would also be interested on what problems blind user have with rbutil ( so that we can improve it) .. . |
19:14:54 | starnoble | Well, I am running on a mac using os x Leopard, and I have Windows in a virtual machine. Idealy I would like an Alex voice generated by the mac, but not sure if that's possible to do or not. If not that, then I would like a Realspeak voice generated in the Windows vm. I tried to get the source from svn, and I followed the instructions on the web site exactly, but it started spitting out errors, and it was making 4k mp3 files that |
19:14:55 | starnoble | were all blank. So not sure what else I can try. |
19:15:41 | domonoky | oki, so you are now trying the buildsystem in cycgwin on windows ? |
19:16:10 | kronflux | LambdaCalculus37: so what were we looking for? sheesh this thing has a lot of pins :p |
19:16:42 | starnoble | The problem is that qt isn't accessible for screen readers generally. The most feedback I was able to get in os x was the menus and the titles of the dialogs. But as for the actual text stuff that didnt' seem to be accessible. |
19:17:31 | starnoble | yeah I was |
19:17:39 | domonoky | starnoble: thats not really correct. Qt has some code for accessibility, i dont know how it is on mac, but at least on windows it works somewhat... |
19:17:43 | LambdaCalculus37 | kronflux: Anything related to the LCD to start. |
19:18:14 | amiconn | domonoky: Voicebox+ is not for building voice files, but for building .talk clips |
19:18:27 | domonoky | starnoble: and which voice engine did you try with cygwin ? |
19:18:35 | starnoble | Well the Windows qt installer isn't accessible either it seems |
19:18:36 | LambdaCalculus37 | kronflux: Get your notebooks, pens, and wrists ready, cuz it's notes-taking time! ;) |
19:18:37 | domonoky | amiconn: ah, correct.... |
19:19:18 | kronflux | LambdaCalculus37: well I would assume you've already looked at this, possibly taken notes already? so if thats true, perhaps we should collaborate on what you've gathered so far. |
19:19:25 | | Quit mcuelenaere () |
19:19:29 | | Join mcuelenaere [0] (n=mcuelena@rockbox/developer/mcuelenaere) |
19:19:29 | kronflux | and if not.. I'll start now :p |
19:19:40 | starnoble | Ok on Windows I am using Sapi5, using the Realspeak Solo voices. The Jill voice. |
19:19:40 | domonoky | starnoble: we always have the problem, that we dont get enough exact feedback from blinduser for the installer (it doesnt work, is not enough. we need specifics)... |
19:20:03 | | Quit MethoS- (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
19:20:56 | domonoky | starnoble: i would make a first try with a default sapi voice, generating a english voice file. So we know if it works in your vm... |
19:21:21 | starnoble | Ok what would you like more information on so I can be of more help? |
19:22:23 | kugel | how long does the beast need to charge? :S |
19:22:39 | starnoble | ok what do I need to do to test |
19:23:01 | LambdaCalculus37 | kugel: It's done. |
19:23:25 | starnoble | I have the build directory created |
19:23:32 | LambdaCalculus37 | kronflux: I have some notes at home. |
19:23:46 | kugel | LambdaCalculus37: nice alert :) So, how's fading? |
19:23:53 | blkhawk | starnoble: would a python script that triggers the windows sapi help you? |
19:23:57 | kronflux | LambdaCalculus37: ah. I assume you're at work or something? :P |
19:24:10 | LambdaCalculus37 | kronflux: Yes. |
19:24:11 | domonoky | starnoble: it would be very nice, if you could tell us exactly which parts of rbutil are not spoken, ie which buttons are not voiced when tabbing, which window doest tell its caption. (could perhaps need sighted help, so you can identify the silent things). But it would be very nice if we can get some feedback on this into the tracker. Then we can improve it |
19:24:17 | LambdaCalculus37 | kugel: No fading. |
19:24:33 | blkhawk | i made one for a SecondLife project once |
19:24:47 | starnoble | hmm I'll try anything |
19:25:03 | kugel | LambdaCalculus37: not at all? n1s said it'd be only fading out, while amiconn said it'd be only fading up |
19:25:27 | blkhawk | would only help if you have done any programming tho - it plugs into a mysql database of erm vietnam verteran names |
19:25:29 | LambdaCalculus37 | kugel: Just to make sure... |
19:25:34 | * | LambdaCalculus37 looks at it again. |
19:25:37 | domonoky | starnoble: back to your cygwin problems: you created a build dir, run "../tools/configure" with selecting voice and the "make voice" ? |
19:25:53 | starnoble | yes that is correct |
19:25:54 | LambdaCalculus37 | kugel: It fades in, but doesn't fade out. |
19:26:02 | * | blkhawk takes a look at the build enviroment |
19:26:24 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
19:26:26 | domonoky | starnoble: and can you give as the exact error (paste it to pastebin.com) |
19:26:52 | kugel | LambdaCalculus37: Hm ok. Then I need to edit a bit. I'm back in a few minutes (prepare to build a test built :P ) |
19:26:52 | domonoky | blkhawk: the buildsystem already can use sapi, via a vbs script.. :-) |
19:27:18 | blkhawk | ah |
19:27:44 | blkhawk | so why not erm - bundle up a care packge for mr noble here |
19:27:55 | amiconn | bah |
19:28:03 | * | amiconn curses crappy rockboxdev.sh |
19:30:06 | amiconn | First, it doesn't stop when one of the sub-tasks (configure binutils, make bintuils, install binutils, plus the equivalents for gcc) fails |
19:30:06 | starnoble | how can I have it log the output of make voice to a file? |
19:30:10 | domonoky | blkhawk: what do you mean with care package ? as far as i know he already has a buildsystem in a vm, he just gets some errors while creating the voice. |
19:30:35 | amiconn | Second, it deletes the build-dir even if there were errors, making analysis hard |
19:30:50 | domonoky | starnoble: make voice 1&2> errors.txt ? |
19:31:17 | amiconn | Third, it unpacks everything at the beginning and only cleans up at the end of each toolchain build, needing a lot of additional temporary diskpace |
19:31:38 | amiconn | mcuelenaere: there? |
19:31:42 | blkhawk | domonoky: you help him debug it :) its better to have stuff working anyway |
19:31:47 | mcuelenaere | amiconn: yes |
19:31:50 | blkhawk | but if its just a few megs.... |
19:32:14 | amiconn | mcuelenaere: I'm trying to make Interix usable for rockbox development, as it's significantly faster than cygwin |
19:32:37 | amiconn | Building the mipsel toolchain needs an additional configure switch for the binutils: −−disable-werror |
19:32:57 | amiconn | Do you think it will hurt to set this for all host platforms, or shall I make it Interix-only? |
19:33:29 | mcuelenaere | hmm I'm not really familiar with the binutils configure options |
19:33:29 | mcuelenaere | probably it'll be better if you make it Interix-only if possible |
19:33:47 | amiconn | −−disable-werror is new to 2.17, and it disables the -Werror switch when building bfd |
19:33:58 | amiconn | This switch in turn makes gcc treat all warnings as errors |
19:34:45 | amiconn | Since building on interix throws a lot of warnings regarding object alignment, binutils won't build when that swiitch is in effect, so it needs to be disabled |
19:36:40 | * | amiconn would also be interested in a test whether mips code produced by that toolchain will actually run, if that can be done safely |
19:36:42 | mcuelenaere | in that case I guess it doesn't hurt too much when only enabled on Interix |
19:37:07 | amiconn | I can test the other toolchains myself, but not mips |
19:37:08 | mcuelenaere | try comparing the output of a MIPS target between an Interix build and a Linux build? |
19:37:17 | mcuelenaere | why not MIPS? |
19:37:24 | amiconn | I have no mips target |
19:37:37 | mcuelenaere | ah you mean trying the code *on* the target? |
19:37:40 | amiconn | yes |
19:38:02 | mcuelenaere | if you send me the binary, I can see whether it works |
19:38:02 | | Join Llorean [0] (n=DarkkOne@ppp-70-242-15-169.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net) |
19:38:37 | amiconn | But first I need to get gcc to build (there's currently an error, but I have a suspicion what it is). Thanks to crappy rockboxdev, I have to rebuild in order to check that though :\ |
19:39:33 | amiconn | Interix is 2x...5x as fast as cygwin when building the toolchains, so I hope there'll be a similar speedup for building rockbox... |
19:39:50 | * | LambdaCalculus37 is looking up Interix |
19:40:01 | amiconn | Aka SFU, aka SUA |
19:40:29 | mcuelenaere | how is it speed compared to VMWare? |
19:40:35 | mcuelenaere | it's* |
19:41:29 | starnoble | Using source code root directory: /home/Administrator/source/rockbox |
19:41:29 | starnoble | ./../tools/configure: line 2044: arm-elf-gcc: command not found |
19:41:29 | starnoble | ./../tools/configure: line 2048: arm-elf-ld: command not found |
19:41:29 | DBUG | Sent KICK starnoble to server |
19:41:29 | starnoble | WARNING: The compiler you must use (arm-elf-gcc) is not in your path! |
19:41:29 | starnoble | WARNING: this may cause your build to fail since we cannot do the |
19:41:29 | Kick | (#rockbox starnoble :No flooding!) by logbot!n=bjst@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-507a9318582de8ba |
19:41:42 | | Join star_jasmine [0] (n=arwyneve@ |
19:41:54 | | Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) |
19:42:26 | * | LambdaCalculus37 thinks starnoble should've thought about pastebin |
19:42:40 | * | domonoky even told him to use one :-) |
19:43:06 | | Join starnoble [0] (n=starnobl@cpe-67-10-176-191.satx.res.rr.com) |
19:43:28 | star_jasmine | hi everyone. is there a way to compile rbuil from the source code using cygwin? there are changes since the most recent installer on the 25th that I would like to use |
19:43:37 | domonoky | starnoble: you should use a pastbein (e.g. pastebin.com) to paste big things.. |
19:44:17 | amiconn | mcuelenaere: I didn't compare that yet |
19:44:42 | domonoky | star_jasmine: you should use the mingw shell which comes whith the Qt install to compile rbutil. |
19:45:28 | starnoble | Did you guys see what I pasted before it booted me? |
19:45:32 | | Join Nimdae [0] (n=nimmeh@static-71-164-213-195.dllstx.fios.verizon.net) |
19:46:04 | LambdaCalculus37 | starnoble: We did, but next time, pastebin it. logbot doesn't like flooding. |
19:46:08 | Hillshum | okay, when i run make from /utils/AMS/hacking i get a firmware outputted. how do i use a .diff to change the output? |
19:46:10 | domonoky | starnoble: only 5 lines. please use pastebin.com to show more then 2 lines ) |
19:46:29 | starnoble | ok |
19:47:20 | starnoble | what can I do to fix my error? that may be what's causing make voice not to work, not sure. |
19:48:04 | | Quit Horscht (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
19:48:23 | starnoble | And I also tested the rbinstaller in Windows and it does seem a little more accessible than in mac os x actually. |
19:49:00 | | Join Horscht [0] (n=Horscht@p4FD4EBF8.dip.t-dialin.net) |
19:49:08 | domonoky | starnoble: the released rbutil version unfortunatly has a bug, so sapi voice dont work :-/ (already fixed in svn) ... |
19:50:11 | domonoky | starnoble: were there more than those 5 lines of errors ? (the errors say you dont have the crosscompilers installed, but i think you would not need them to build voices) |
19:50:11 | starnoble | I got this version of th source from svn |
19:50:48 | starnoble | there are more errors when I do make voice |
19:51:04 | starnoble | just wan't sure if those ones would cause a problem or not |
19:51:36 | domonoky | please give us those other errors (in a pastebin ! :-) ) |
19:52:27 | starnoble | Can you please tell me what to do again to log make output? |
19:53:03 | | Quit here2code_2 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
19:53:36 | | Join webguest80 [0] (n=0c9f3043@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-ebe2836df12a54e8) |
19:53:48 | Grungi_Ankhfire | I made a theme, and I'd like to add it to the wiki. Is there anyone in particular I need to talk to in order to gain wiki write permissions ? |
19:54:38 | Hillshum | have you registered? |
19:54:38 | domonoky | starnobe: make voice 1&2> error.txt i think... but there is also a copy&paste function in the cygwin shell somewhere :-) |
19:54:48 | Grungi_Ankhfire | Yup, I did. |
19:54:59 | Hillshum | what's the name? |
19:55:03 | Grungi_Ankhfire | BastienGorissen is. |
19:55:26 | LambdaCalculus37 | I'll add you. |
19:55:47 | Grungi_Ankhfire | Thanks. |
19:56:17 | LambdaCalculus37 | Done. Promise not to spam, now. ;) |
19:56:36 | Hillshum | kugel: FS #9396 |
19:56:56 | Hillshum | how do i give someone write access? |
19:57:15 | LambdaCalculus37 | Hillshum: I already took care of it. |
19:57:20 | Grungi_Ankhfire | No problem, I'll behave. ^^ |
19:57:23 | Llorean | domonoky: Yeah, but that depends on your buffer, it's nice to see everything that happened up to that point. |
19:57:34 | webguest80 | any1 know were to get a HACK for MAGELLAN ROADMATE 1200 |
19:57:43 | LambdaCalculus37 | webguest80: Not here. |
19:57:45 | Hillshum | i know, but for the future?\ |
19:58:03 | webguest80 | any1 know were to get a HACK for MAGELLAN ROADMATE 1200 |
19:58:12 | LambdaCalculus37 | webguest80: Stop it. |
19:58:19 | webguest80 | any1 know were to get a HACK for MAGELLAN ROADMATE 1200 |
19:58:26 | webguest80 | dont worry bout what i do |
19:58:32 | Bagder | webguest80: stop that now |
19:58:41 | Hillshum | stop it |
19:58:44 | webguest80 | or what |
19:58:48 | LambdaCalculus37 | webguest80: You either stop it or you're out. |
19:58:54 | webguest80 | u gonna tell on me |
19:59:02 | Hillshum | kick you |
19:59:04 | * | n1s spots Bagder! |
19:59:10 | * | LambdaCalculus37 pulls his boots on |
19:59:12 | * | linuxstb waves |
19:59:13 | starnoble | ok I pasted it to pastbin.com |
19:59:21 | LambdaCalculus37 | starnoble: What's the link? |
19:59:23 | starnoble | It didn't seem to spit out any error this time. |
19:59:24 | * | Bagder stands straight |
19:59:25 | webguest80 | so i am trying to find some help and you wanna be a BITCH |
19:59:34 | n1s | Bagder: the release source 7z archive seems to be of the trunk, not branch |
19:59:40 | starnoble | It is making little mp3's, is that right? they're each only like 500 bytes each? |
19:59:41 | Bagder | really? |
19:59:48 | kugel | LambdaCalculus37: It would be nice if you would try out this patch: http://pastebin.ca/1213852 |
19:59:54 | Bagder | I'll check my script |
20:00 |
20:00:03 | kugel | I cannot guarantee that it works though :( |
20:00:16 | LambdaCalculus37 | kugel: Is this similar to FS #6800? |
20:00:22 | gevaerts | webguest80: we have channel guidelines. You saw a link to them before coming here, and again in the topic. Please follow them |
20:00:29 | kugel | expanded to beast, yea |
20:00:42 | Hillshum | webgust80: read the topic |
20:00:43 | n1s | Bagder: as reported in the very helpful FS #9421 it does containg LANG_ALBUMART which is not in the branch |
20:00:46 | Mode | "#rockbox +o Bagder " by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) |
20:00:56 | | Quit moos ("Rockbox rules the DAP world") |
20:00:56 | LambdaCalculus37 | Bagder: Get 'em! |
20:00:59 | n1s | s/ing// |
20:01:13 | webguest80 | any one know anything about the MAGELLAN ROADMATE 1200 and no comments from LambdaCalculus37 |
20:01:23 | Mode | "#rockbox +b *!n=0c9f3043@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-ebe2836df12a54e8 " by Bagder (n=daniel@rockbox/developer/bagder) |
20:01:23 | Kick | (#rockbox webguest80 :Bagder) by Bagder!n=daniel@rockbox/developer/bagder |
20:01:23 | n1s | umm s_//_/n/_ |
20:01:26 | starnoble | http://pastebin.com/m77ff7fe3 |
20:01:36 | * | LambdaCalculus37 watches webguest80 fly over the horizon |
20:01:38 | markun | Bagder: and block him by IP? |
20:01:58 | Llorean | markun: He is b locked by IP as long as he uses webclient. |
20:02:01 | Bagder | the ip is the user name part of the host mask |
20:02:03 | markun | ah yes :) |
20:02:13 | | Join webguest23 [0] (n=0c9f3043@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-c828adb738ddff5a) |
20:02:20 | markun | or not |
20:02:26 | gevaerts | Bagder: you want to leave out the session ifd |
20:02:30 | Bagder | haha, I just used a lame xchat "rule" |
20:02:46 | webguest23 | u suck |
20:02:47 | markun | Bagder: try again? |
20:02:47 | Bagder | I hope he'll be nice now |
20:02:51 | markun | nope :) |
20:02:52 | webguest23 | IM BACK |
20:02:54 | LambdaCalculus37 | Bagder: Guess not. |
20:02:58 | starnoble | Are the little mp3 files that it generates supposed to all be around 500 bytes in size? or should they be bigger than that? |
20:03:01 | webguest23 | cant keep me out |
20:03:02 | Bagder | webguest23: can you please be nice? |
20:03:07 | advcomp2019 | webguest23, just look on the forums tho |
20:03:15 | webguest23 | yea i would if LambdaCalculus37 wasnt a prick |
20:03:20 | LambdaCalculus37 | advcomp2019: No feeding the troll! |
20:03:30 | linuxstb | webguest23: The answer to your question is no - no-one around here has mentioned that device before. |
20:03:40 | domonoky | starnoble: the voice clips are pretty small, and i see no real error in this pastbin.. |
20:03:45 | Mode | "#rockbox -b *!n=0c9f3043@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-ebe2836df12a54e8 " by Bagder (n=daniel@rockbox/developer/bagder) |
20:03:50 | webguest23 | just trying to find help with my GPS |
20:03:56 | Mode | "#rockbox +b *!*0c9f3043@* " by Bagder (n=daniel@rockbox/developer/bagder) |
20:03:56 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@cpc1-hem18-0-0-cust660.lutn.cable.ntl.com) |
20:04:02 | Kick | (#rockbox webguest23 :Bagder) by Bagder!n=daniel@rockbox/developer/bagder |
20:04:06 | n1s | starnoble: do you get a "english.voice" file after that is finished? ang how big is it? |
20:04:27 | Mode | "#rockbox -o Bagder " by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) |
20:05:50 | starnoble | it's still building so not sure yet. But shouldn't the individual little clips be playable by something like Windows Media Player or not? |
20:06:42 | gevaerts | starnoble: the little clips are expected to be speex, not mp3 |
20:06:46 | n1s | starnoble: no, they are raw speex so no player will like them |
20:07:00 | kugel | LambdaCalculus37: will you be brave? |
20:07:28 | LambdaCalculus37 | kugel: I'm brave, all right... but I was curious as to what the patch does. |
20:07:29 | n1s | gevaerts: I think they are just (confusingly) named .mp3 even for swcodec... |
20:07:44 | gevaerts | n1s: interesting... |
20:07:53 | kugel | LambdaCalculus37: well, it should add some fading, I thought it was clear |
20:07:57 | Hillshum | how long does a patching take? |
20:08:10 | kugel | splitseconds |
20:08:10 | starnoble | oh ok. so it should be working alright |
20:08:26 | LambdaCalculus37 | kugel: Sorry, I've been jumping between several open windows at once, so I may miss details. |
20:08:36 | * | Hillshum could have done it wrong |
20:08:40 | n1s | gevaerts: confirmed with a test, that should probably be changed :) |
20:08:57 | n1s | starnoble: seems so |
20:08:57 | kugel | Hillshum: You probably forgot the "<" in the command |
20:09:19 | kugel | "patch -pX < patch.diff" |
20:09:19 | starnoble | how long is it supposed to make the build the voice? a long time? |
20:09:45 | domonoky | starnoble: it takes a bit, but not too long .. |
20:10:09 | starnoble | hmm what should I have put for the ram size? as much ram as I had? |
20:10:46 | Llorean | Anyone know why Playlist Catalog has a MAX_PLAYLISTS value instead of using something like the filebrowser's max files value? |
20:11:26 | domonoky | starnoble: for which device are you generating ? |
20:11:33 | gevaerts | starnoble: that's probably irrelevant for voice |
20:11:42 | Bagder | it is |
20:11:50 | Hillshum | kugel: now how do i stop it? |
20:11:56 | kugel | ctrl+c |
20:12:07 | starnoble | I'm generating for iPod Video 30 gb |
20:12:25 | LambdaCalculus37 | 32MB of RAM, then. |
20:12:41 | | Quit Darksair ("ERC Version 5.3 (IRC client for Emacs)") |
20:12:50 | lol3izer | it bugs me how much crappier the 32meg model is than the 64 meg models :( |
20:12:55 | domonoky | ram shouldnt matter for voice generating.. |
20:13:42 | kugel | does rockbox handly multiple artists? |
20:13:55 | kugel | handle* |
20:14:00 | starnoble | now when this is done, is there any particular order on the player I need to put my music, or can I just make whatever folders on the root of the drive and it will see it? |
20:14:13 | * | n1s has music by multiple artists playing in rockbox ;) |
20:14:24 | kugel | :) |
20:14:25 | Bagder | n1s: I'm now replacing the 3.0 source archive with one actually built from the 3.0 source tree... |
20:14:33 | kugel | I mean multiple artists per song |
20:14:52 | Llorean | kugel: I don't believe it does as of the last time i looked. |
20:14:52 | n1s | starnoble: you are free to organize your music in any way you like |
20:14:59 | n1s | Bagder: great :) |
20:15:16 | domonoky | starnoble: when its ready, put the resulting english.voice in the .rockbox/langs directory on your player, and it will speak your menus (if set to english) |
20:15:36 | kugel | Llorean: Ok, thanks. Judging from the database files created it doesn't look like as well |
20:15:49 | domonoky | to have all the files and folders spoken, you need to generate talkfiles (which is another seperate step). |
20:17:09 | | Join nossracer [0] (n=cfa0a65a@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-c148e55f9d5a0d64) |
20:17:21 | nossracer | hello |
20:17:30 | nossracer | ?? |
20:17:38 | Llorean | kugel: In some limited ways, I'm sure it could be managed. Since the database can handle "string contains" comparisons, it might be able to be modified to show multiple artist strings in the same category as any of their substrings, as well as their own category. |
20:17:48 | Llorean | That would more or less cover its use for most people. |
20:17:51 | BigBambi | nossracer: Just ask |
20:17:59 | nossracer | ok |
20:18:03 | | Part J-23 |
20:18:09 | starnoble | is there an easy way to generate the talk files? |
20:18:13 | nossracer | i am having problems with my themes |
20:18:22 | nossracer | actually my wps |
20:18:29 | BigBambi | nossracer: Please put thoughts on one line |
20:18:41 | nossracer | ok sorry |
20:19:15 | nossracer | i cant seem to get any of my wps's to work |
20:20:00 | domonoky | starnoble: rbutil ofcourse, and i think this voicebox+ script, but i dont know anything about this... |
20:20:25 | nossracer | for a sansa e250r with rockbox v3 |
20:20:41 | BigBambi | nossracer: You still haven't given any details |
20:20:44 | | Join HBK- [0] (i=hbk@pool-71-96-74-73.dfw.dsl-w.verizon.net) |
20:20:59 | Nimdae | wow, i missed rockbox going v3 |
20:20:59 | Hillshum | kugel: http://pastebin.com/f5d54cf12 |
20:20:59 | domonoky | nossracer: which themes ? perhaps they are outof date ? |
20:21:01 | Bagder | http://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2008/09/29/not-based-on-linux/ |
20:21:12 | Bagder | for some podcast mentioning rockbox 3.0 |
20:21:16 | starnoble | ok if I were to use rbutility, can I just generate the talk files without doing everything else? |
20:21:23 | Bagder | in a confused way of course |
20:21:43 | kugel | Llorean: The first question would be for me: is this a tagcache issue, or would adapting the database browser be better |
20:21:59 | Nimdae | Bagder: you wanting servers in your build farm? |
20:22:11 | Bagder | Nimdae: always! |
20:22:16 | Nimdae | i sent an email >.> |
20:22:19 | domonoky | starnoble: yes, thats a seperate option in rbutil (if you can manage to use it) :-) |
20:22:29 | Nimdae | beer.nimdae.com should be set, probably needs svn update though |
20:22:30 | kugel | Hillshum: You're taking the patch off the tracker? |
20:22:39 | Hillshum | yeah |
20:22:39 | nossracer | well ajant orange, black auora, cabbiev2 none of the dockpod aqua's work |
20:22:47 | starnoble | can you tell me how I get to that option in rbutil? |
20:22:54 | kugel | Hillshum: it's not sync'd. I'd wait for a updated version |
20:23:01 | Hillshum | ?? |
20:23:07 | kugel | the patch is out of date |
20:23:17 | * | Hillshum will get a new one |
20:23:24 | kugel | also, the patch doesn't work for a fuze (if you have one) |
20:23:38 | kugel | redownloading the patch doesn't help. It must be updated |
20:23:59 | Llorean | kugel: I'm not sure, I *think* it would be a tagcache issue, with probably a new operator introduced for the browser. |
20:25:09 | Hillshum | theres an updated patch |
20:25:13 | kugel | hm. The tagcache saves the artist field as one string (which is fine imho). I imagine the tagbrowser just needs to parse multiple artists strings |
20:25:32 | nossracer | any ideas from anyone? |
20:26:03 | kugel | Hillshum: Oh, nevermind then |
20:27:24 | BigBambi | nossracer: They are likely out of date - the syntax has changed |
20:27:43 | * | kugel eagerly awaits LambdaCalculus37's experience with my patch |
20:27:58 | BigBambi | nossracer: see http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=17507.0 |
20:28:13 | | Quit nplus (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
20:28:19 | LambdaCalculus37 | kugel: I have the link saved, but I can't do anything right now at work. |
20:28:31 | nossracer | thank you bigbambi |
20:28:33 | LambdaCalculus37 | kugel: Check the logs later, and I'll let you know how it works out. |
20:28:48 | | Join nplus [0] (n=nplus@141.25.Globcom.Net) |
20:29:00 | Hillshum | kugel: http://pastebin.com/f3fec5d5c |
20:29:45 | | Join perrikwp|school [0] (i=98213f20@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-9257b5c73c5d1f50) |
20:30:30 | kugel | Hillshum: you're supposed to cd into the rockbox source dir and do "patch -p1 < bootloader.diff", as clearly stated on the tracker |
20:31:08 | kugel | with having the diff in the same dir |
20:32:21 | | Quit nossracer ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
20:32:39 | kugel | Hillshum: what v2 do you have, and what do you want to do? |
20:33:15 | Hillshum | e200, and apply a patch |
20:33:41 | kugel | I mean: What do you want to do with the patched.bin? |
20:33:56 | Hillshum | put it on my sansa |
20:33:58 | Hillshum | for now |
20:34:08 | kugel | If you only want to see the fancy led blinking, that's not really helpful |
20:34:13 | | Quit Horscht ("We don't make mistakes, we just have happy little accidents") |
20:34:31 | Hillshum | basically learn to patch the bootloaders to help in the future |
20:34:51 | kugel | we need people who actually know what they are doing (and I doubt you do) and who do not just only repeat work already done before |
20:35:37 | | Join nossracer [0] (n=IceChat7@ |
20:35:59 | BigBambi | No need to be rude |
20:37:06 | kugel | well, he's free to prove the opposite |
20:37:37 | BigBambi | That is irrelevant |
20:37:54 | BigBambi | You shouldn't basically say you are an idiot until you prove to me that you aren't |
20:37:54 | * | Hillshum will compose a rebuttal |
20:38:02 | nossracer | hey is there a list of updated wps? |
20:38:32 | nossracer | for those of us not able to program? |
20:38:46 | LambdaCalculus37 | nossracer: Check the WPSGallery. |
20:38:58 | nossracer | will do...again |
20:39:28 | | Join Horscht [0] (n=Horscht@xbmc/user/horscht) |
20:40:10 | kugel | BigBambi: Can I call him daft? I assume it's ok, since that's what Llorean called me today (which was ok obviously) |
20:40:26 | BigBambi | kugel: There really is no need to be childish |
20:41:28 | linuxstb | Llorean: Do you think the "Audio Playback and Playlists" forum should mention the database somewhere in its name or description? I'm assuming database questions belong there... |
20:41:30 | | Join Schmogel [0] (n=Miranda@p3EE21BA7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
20:42:19 | nossracer | is there any way to increase the buffer size on my sansa e250r |
20:42:19 | Llorean | linuxstb: Sounds good. It'll be fixed in a minute. |
20:42:46 | Hillshum | I want (and am willing to put in the time needed) to gain the skills needed to help. This is the beginning of that. |
20:42:49 | | Quit HBK (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
20:43:05 | Llorean | nossracer: Which buffer? |
20:43:29 | nossracer | ummmm |
20:43:38 | nossracer | dangit if yuo hadnt asked me |
20:43:57 | Llorean | linuxstb: Alright, it's fixed. |
20:46:15 | | Join bluebrother [0] (n=dom@rockbox/staff/bluebrother) |
20:46:19 | nossracer | hey look ive tried every theme on that gallery place and none of them wanna work |
20:46:29 | | Join einhirn [0] (n=Miranda@91-66-49-192-dynip.superkabel.de) |
20:46:30 | kugel | Hillshum: there's a good chance you render your player useless with the tools you're about to use. I recommend gaining the skills by doing something less risky. |
20:46:44 | nossracer | the theme works but not the wps and thats what i want more than anything |
20:47:00 | Llorean | nossracer: Then the themes are broken. |
20:47:04 | kugel | However, I won't stop you, and any help is welcome. Also, the e200v2 in particular seems to be recoverable |
20:47:07 | Hillshum | kugel: i can debrick it if needed |
20:47:10 | | Join notriddle [0] (n=notriddl@63-229-122-107.phnx.qwest.net) |
20:47:18 | Hillshum | okay |
20:47:22 | nossracer | and there is no themes that are unbroken? |
20:47:44 | Llorean | nossracer: There are ones that work. |
20:47:49 | Llorean | For example, the ones that come with Rockbox work. |
20:47:58 | nossracer | not on mine they dont |
20:48:07 | Hillshum | 3.0? |
20:48:12 | nossracer | yup |
20:48:17 | BigBambi | nossracer: I assure you, they do |
20:48:26 | | Join dabujo [0] (i=xx@p4FDB380E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
20:48:30 | * | Hillshum compiles a sim |
20:48:35 | BigBambi | nossracer: What is it that makes you think they don't work? |
20:48:59 | LambdaCalculus37 | nossracer: I see plenty of themes on the WPS gallery that work. |
20:49:04 | LambdaCalculus37 | This one, for example: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/pub/Main/WpsSansaE200/amarok.zip |
20:49:06 | nossracer | on my wps all i get is the name of the song the elapsed time and thats it |
20:49:22 | LambdaCalculus37 | Then you're probably not extracting the WPS properly. |
20:49:44 | nossracer | okay then |
20:49:56 | nossracer | can you inform me of the correct way? |
20:50:10 | nossracer | i cant find it nowhere |
20:50:12 | Hillshum | check the wilki/manual |
20:51:34 | nossracer | hello? |
20:51:55 | Llorean | nossracer: Have some patience. |
20:52:10 | Llorean | People are also doing other things, and not all of your questions will be answered instantly. |
20:52:14 | kugel | nossracer: it depends on what you find in the theme package. If it's a .rockbox folder, unzip it onto the root of the player and merge it with the existing .rockbox folder. If's more than 1 folder then unzip it into the .rockbox folder on your device |
20:52:19 | | Part notriddle ("Leaving") |
20:52:39 | nossracer | ok thank you |
20:53:01 | kugel | most themes have the .rockbox folder though |
20:54:17 | | Quit nossracer (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
20:55:26 | | Join john [0] (n=john@host86-128-125-232.range86-128.btcentralplus.com) |
21:00 |
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21:07:25 | | Quit Horscht ("electromagnetic radiation from satellite debris") |
21:10:16 | | Join lol3izer_ [0] (i=lol3@ |
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21:16:03 | | Quit starnoble ("Leaving") |
21:16:56 | | Join starnoble [0] (n=starnobl@cpe-67-10-176-191.satx.res.rr.com) |
21:17:41 | starnoble | Anyone know how to change the voice that rbutil uses? It isn't using the voice I have set in control pannel. |
21:19:58 | | Join Bliz1 [0] (n=brian@pool-72-93-17-244.bstnma.east.verizon.net) |
21:20:19 | Bliz1 | is there going to be development on 6th gen ipod classics? |
21:20:34 | Bagder | Bliz1: probably not |
21:20:48 | Bliz1 | darn, i was able to get one for $250 for a 160gb |
21:21:25 | | Join ompaul [0] (n=ompaul@gnewsense/friend/ompaul) |
21:21:28 | Bliz1 | s'ok i have a 20gb as well rockbox is awesome tks |
21:21:31 | | Part Bliz1 |
21:21:54 | | Part john ("Konversation terminated!") |
21:22:08 | linuxstb | Bagder: Pessimist... |
21:22:45 | Llorean | linuxstb: Well, while it may happen, it's on a time scale that qualifies as "probably not" for most of the people who actually want it, because they'll have a new iPod by the time it does anyway. |
21:22:45 | | Quit perrikwp|school ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
21:22:58 | | Quit Wictor (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
21:23:09 | | Join Wictor [0] (n=Wictor@0x57366a52.bynxx19.dynamic.dsl.tele.dk) |
21:26:26 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
21:28:11 | | Quit SoapWork ("CGI:IRC") |
21:28:42 | Llorean | Anyone have any experience with the accessory protocol patch? |
21:28:54 | Llorean | For later generation supported iPods, that is. |
21:29:38 | | Quit lol3izer (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
21:31:41 | amiconn | Bagder: What do I need to do if I need an additional gcc build patch for a certain host arch? |
21:32:45 | amiconn | The patch wouldn't hurt on other host archs, because it only patches config/mh-interix (for gcc 4.1.2, i.e. mpis) |
21:33:18 | Bagder | change the gccpatch variable into one with multiple strings, then make the rockboxdev.sh script loop through each entry |
21:33:35 | Bagder | and I can put the patch on the download server |
21:33:49 | Bagder | hm, they're not there, they're on www |
21:34:04 | amiconn | Nah, I don't need multiple patches, but I need that patch on the correct server... |
21:34:49 | Bagder | you can commit it to the www/gcc dir and I can update the web server |
21:36:14 | Bagder | or beam it over my way and I can do it |
21:37:13 | amiconn | I don't have the patch file ready yet |
21:38:06 | Bagder | chances are I will be around at a future time as well ;-) |
21:40:09 | | Quit bughunter2 ("bye") |
21:40:19 | | Join Horscht [0] (n=Horscht@xbmc/user/horscht) |
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21:47:36 | | Quit Grungi_Ankhfire ("Quitte") |
21:47:50 | | Join Nimdae_ [0] (n=nimmeh@static-71-164-213-195.dllstx.fios.verizon.net) |
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21:50:37 | | Quit reacocard (".") |
21:52:12 | | Nick Nimdae_ is now known as Nimdae (n=nimmeh@static-71-164-213-195.dllstx.fios.verizon.net) |
21:59:17 | | Quit LambdaCalculus37 ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
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22:19:07 | confused | hi |
22:19:17 | bertrik | hi confused |
22:19:32 | confused | i just got rockbox runing on my ipod but i need help with one thing |
22:20:28 | bertrik | I don't have an ipod, but just ask your question and someone else may be able to help |
22:20:47 | confused | i need to know how to fit videos to my 1g ipod nano screen, can anyone help? |
22:21:07 | scorche|sh | confused: you might want to have a look at the PluginMpegplayer wiki page |
22:21:23 | kugel | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/PluginMpegplayer |
22:21:50 | confused | ok thanks i will check it out now |
22:24:38 | | Quit globi ("leaving") |
22:25:07 | confused | k im at the wiki page and its talking about elephants dream video? is that what i download to adjust the video to fit my screen |
22:26:13 | scorche|sh | that is simply the test video |
22:26:20 | scorche|sh | keep reading the wiki page.. |
22:28:28 | | Join petur [50] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
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22:34:08 | amiconn | Bagder: Patch is there now... |
22:35:04 | Bagder | and now it is on the site |
22:35:26 | amiconn | thx |
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23:08:01 | confused | scorche i have read the wiki page and i VLC but i am having trouble fitting the video to my 1g ipod nano screen |
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23:09:57 | scorche|sh | confused: try and use winff |
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23:17:23 | bmbl | argh... just put 1gig of FLAC on my v2 and wondered why it wasn't working -.- |
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23:26:28 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
23:29:33 | bluebrother | Bagder: I created an updated rbutil binary for windows fixing the SAPI issue. Can you move it to the dl server? http://www.stud.uni-karlsruhe.de/~uhcn/rockbox/rbutil/rbutilqt-1.0.7b.zip |
23:29:48 | | Quit domonoky (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
23:30:14 | Bagder | done! |
23:30:27 | Bagder | hm I'll name it like the others |
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23:30:50 | Bagder | (with a 'v' in there) |
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23:31:23 | bluebrother | ah, right. Missed that while zipping |
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23:44:04 | | Quit ender` (" When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle. Then I realised that the Lord doesn't work that way so I sto") |
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23:45:24 | | Join gevaerts [0] (n=fg@rockbox/developer/gevaerts) |
23:45:59 | dereine | i want to install rockbox, which mp3 player should i buy? |
23:46:22 | MarcGuay | dereine: Wiki -> Buyer's Guide. |
23:46:24 | lol3izer_ | gigabeat line is probly one of your best choices |
23:46:45 | dereine | thx |
23:47:05 | gevaerts | gigabeat == gigabeat F. Not just any gigabeat... |
23:47:25 | MarcGuay | If someone named Splash comes around asking why I removed his info from the IpodAccessories wiki page, it's because he seems to have tested using soap's forum build. (http://www.rockbox.org/irc/log-20080928#12:50:12) |
23:47:52 | lol3izer_ | lol, no supported models are in production :( |
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23:49:17 | lol3izer_ | also the iAudios arnt a bad choice |
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23:49:50 | lol3izer_ | you get an fm recorder then |
23:50:07 | gevaerts | lol3izer_: what? |
23:50:13 | lol3izer_ | err |
23:50:16 | lol3izer_ | fm radio |
23:50:17 | lol3izer_ | :s |
23:51:43 | gevaerts | dereine: anyway, which player is best very much depends on what you want from it |
23:52:05 | lol3izer_ | ipod 5.5 s are nice too |
23:52:15 | | Quit Acky (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
23:52:31 | gevaerts | lol3izer_: why? Those are about the worst rockbox player I think |
23:52:35 | lol3izer_ | gevaerts, why? |
23:52:44 | lol3izer_ | they have the largest harddrives |
23:52:46 | lol3izer_ | best screen |
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23:52:58 | lol3izer_ | and battery life is FINALLY decent |
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23:53:24 | | Quit meven ("good night bonne nuit") |
23:53:25 | dereine | gevaerts: i would like to be able to buy it on amazon, but it seams to be impossible (a color display with 2GB) that would be all i nead |
23:53:36 | gevaerts | lol3izer_: have a look at the gigabeat F then. 60GB disk, twice the battery life of the ipod, screen at least as good, less than half the price, ... |
23:54:09 | lol3izer_ | twice, thats debatable |
23:54:14 | gevaerts | dereine: none of the current targets are avialable new |
23:54:27 | dereine | thats hard |
23:54:40 | | Quit ompaul (Client Quit) |
23:54:40 | dereine | such a great project but... |
23:55:32 | gevaerts | porting takes time, and mp3 players have a pretty short lifespan |
23:55:51 | Bagder | and manufacturers don't make it easy |
23:55:52 | Llorean | lol3izer_: iPod 5.5G is also the slowest of the software codec players in terms of raw performance, and is likely always to be. |
23:57:00 | gevaerts | dereine: do you want to watch videos? radio? |
23:57:19 | dereine | radio and ogg |
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23:57:32 | dereine | video is definitive not what i want |
23:58:05 | | Quit MethoS- (Connection timed out) |
23:58:17 | gevaerts | ok. I'd recommend either sansa c200 or e200 then. You need to make sure to get a v1 though |