00:01:05 | domonoky | i dont really know, but encoding code should be already there, as we use it already in pc tools to generate talkclips (see tools/rbspeex ) |
00:01:31 | markolonius | yeah thats what i was thinking |
00:01:44 | domonoky | so its probably "only" integration and optmizing needed... but i dont know for sure.. |
00:02:42 | markolonius | right |
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01:27:10 | | Quit tvelocity (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
01:27:54 | christianT | I just loaded rockbox on my sansa e200 and it seems to be playing my MP3s fine, but I am getting a codec failure when I try to play some aac/mp4 files |
01:28:11 | christianT | can anyone help me out with this? |
01:28:34 | christianT | I have to step away for a bit. I'll check back later. |
01:28:36 | christianT | Thanks |
01:29:40 | | Join Thundercloud_ [0] (n=thunderc@cpc1-hem18-0-0-cust660.lutn.cable.ntl.com) |
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01:37:07 | bluebrother | christianT: you either have updated incompletely or something went wrong during installation. Just install the build again |
01:39:12 | linuxstb | bluebrother: I _think_ "codec error" can be caused by unsupported mp4 files - possibly "non-streaming" files. |
01:39:38 | bluebrother | they do toggle a codec error? I thought the files would only not play |
01:41:07 | bluebrother | anyway, it's gotten late. Time for sleep |
01:41:10 | | Quit bluebrother ("leaving") |
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01:48:14 | | Join bitmouse [0] (n=taylor@ |
01:48:42 | bitmouse | Hey anybody know a good Ipod repair IRC, or where to get help diagnosing ipod issues? |
01:49:59 | Unhelpful | please follow channel guidlines? this channel is about rockbox specifically. also, don't spam your question across channels. and no, i don't. |
01:50:50 | bitmouse | your name is accurate |
01:50:53 | bitmouse | : ) |
01:51:28 | | Quit culture (Connection timed out) |
01:52:44 | advcomp2019 | bitmouse, what is the issue depending on if you want rockbox on it |
01:55:07 | | Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) |
01:56:14 | bitmouse | I like rockbox, I just figuered you guys would know where to get ipod/ other media player help |
01:56:57 | | Join BigBambi [0] (n=Alex@rockbox/staff/BigBambi) |
01:58:15 | bitmouse | if you think you might be able to help please check out the rockbox-community channel |
01:58:51 | | Nick blkhawk- is now known as blkhawk (i=HydraIRC@g226192102.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
02:00 |
02:02:02 | | Quit Schmogel (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
02:13:48 | * | linuxstb realises that the register list in ILI9221 lcd controller datasheet (e200v2) matches our old friend the HD66789R |
02:15:44 | advcomp2019 | funman (for the log), the clip v2s are out.. someone has photos to show it too |
02:16:48 | linuxstb | advcomp2019: You mean internal photos? |
02:18:10 | advcomp2019 | nope.. i can ask if he will open it, but here is the photos of the out side and i see a few differences on the outside: http://www.anythingbutipod.com/forum/showthread.php?t=35597 |
02:19:59 | ameyer | not that a new logo or a brighter screen necessarily means much about potential rockbox compatibility |
02:25:30 | | Join syn4pse [0] (n=syn4pse@cpe-075-176-144-005.sc.res.rr.com) |
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02:56:41 | | Join Slack [0] (n=brett@12-218-63-169.client.mchsi.com) |
02:57:04 | Slack | can someone give me a hand installing rockbox on a 4th gen greyscale 60gig ipod |
02:57:19 | Slack | i downloaded the gui installer, but it doesnt want to work for some reason |
02:57:28 | | Nick Administrator is now known as Davide-NYC (n=chatzill@static-68-161-224-151.ny325.east.verizon.net) |
02:57:42 | linuxstb | Slack: Are you using Windows, Linux, OS X, ....? |
02:57:46 | Slack | linux |
02:57:53 | Slack | ubuntu |
02:57:54 | linuxstb | Are you running it as root? |
02:58:12 | Slack | should be |
02:58:51 | linuxstb | Is that "yes" or "no"? |
02:59:27 | Slack | i am the root user |
02:59:39 | Slack | so yes |
02:59:45 | ameyer | you also need to mount the ipod somewhere |
02:59:51 | Slack | it's mounted |
03:00 |
03:00:06 | ameyer | after that it *should* autodetect it |
03:00:15 | linuxstb | So what are you doing in the installer, and what messages is it displaying? |
03:00:16 | Slack | it should, but it doesnt |
03:00:45 | Slack | everything goes smooth threw the progress window, then it says that the installation finished, but the next line says (could not open Ipod) |
03:01:00 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
03:01:01 | Slack | and nothing has changed on the pod |
03:01:36 | BigBambi | I thought the 4th gen greyscale only came in up to 20 GB? |
03:01:54 | BigBambi | Have you changed the disk? |
03:02:05 | Slack | changed the disk |
03:02:07 | BigBambi | And does the Apple firmware work correctly? |
03:03:28 | ameyer | BigBambi: actually, there was a 40 gb 4g monochrome according to wikipedia. |
03:04:35 | BigBambi | ameyer: Maybe - I was going by some other random site on the internet |
03:04:35 | ameyer | but no 60 gb |
03:05:19 | Slack | i probably have the 1 ipod that isnt compatible |
03:05:50 | ameyer | Slack: no, it *should* be compatible |
03:05:58 | linuxstb | Slack: Unlikely... You could try downloading ipodpatcher - that may give you more information about what is wrong. |
03:06:00 | BigBambi | Slack: 4th gen are compatible |
03:06:09 | | Part pixelma |
03:06:11 | BigBambi | Slack: What does about then system info say? |
03:06:30 | | Join pixelma2 [0] (n=marianne@rockbox/staff/pixelma) |
03:06:55 | Slack | version 1.2. |
03:06:58 | Slack | 1.2.1 |
03:07:07 | Slack | model m9830LL |
03:07:15 | Slack | With a windows format |
03:07:25 | ameyer | so you did install the apple firmware after swapping out the disk |
03:07:26 | BigBambi | In rbutil? |
03:07:39 | ameyer | and didn't go Mac-formatted |
03:08:09 | BigBambi | Slack: Could you copy the info in About - System Info in rbutil to pastebin.ca? |
03:11:35 | Slack | it really, doesnt have much info at all |
03:11:47 | BigBambi | Could you copy that which is there? |
03:12:04 | Slack | i just told you everything but the S/N |
03:12:15 | BigBambi | It should have more info that that |
03:12:23 | Slack | which is JQ527792SAZ |
03:12:32 | | Join Tetracomm [0] (n=nicholas@ |
03:12:32 | Slack | nope thats it |
03:12:36 | BigBambi | In rbutil, you are clicking on About then System info? |
03:13:00 | BigBambi | It should also have info about the OS for instance |
03:13:59 | Slack | ok, i thought you were talking about the ipod's about |
03:14:01 | Slack | 1 sec |
03:14:20 | BigBambi | I did say at least twice in rbutil already.... |
03:14:25 | Exorcist- | heya, quick question. i backed up my old .rockbox directory (was upgraded to 3.0) and put in a clean install of latest rockbox. is it possible to retrieve the total running time that was kept up untill that point? |
03:15:01 | Slack | http://pastebin.com/m27f8784a |
03:15:16 | BigBambi | Slack: You aren't root |
03:15:34 | * | BigBambi had that suspicion |
03:16:38 | BigBambi | Slack: run "sudo ./rbutilqt" (assuming you are in the same directory) |
03:17:28 | Slack | ok now im running it as root |
03:17:40 | BigBambi | This is the first thing linuxstb asked you.... |
03:18:04 | BigBambi | 20 minutes ago |
03:19:04 | Slack | linuxstb, you are a smart man, it worked |
03:19:12 | Slack | everyone else, feel free to call me an idiot |
03:19:15 | Slack | lol |
03:19:19 | BigBambi | Slack: In future, please try to read what people say |
03:19:28 | BigBambi | I don't enjoy wasting 20 minutes like this |
03:19:39 | Exorcist- | *blink blink* |
03:19:47 | Slack | sorry |
03:20:26 | BigBambi | don't worry |
03:20:35 | * | Exorcist- looks around with puppy eyes. |
03:21:21 | BigBambi | Exorcist-: If somebody knows the answer to your question, I'm sure they will answer |
03:21:35 | Exorcist- | jaaaaa. I'm a good idler :) |
03:24:39 | linuxstb | Exorcist-: I know nothing about that feature, but I would expect that if copying the nvram.bin didn't work, you'll need to manually edit (with a hex editor) your current nvram.bin |
03:25:16 | Exorcist- | yeah... i tried the nvram.bin swap... no luck. LOL |
03:26:48 | linuxstb | Why is it so important to you? |
03:29:13 | Exorcist- | it's not that important. it's just one of these things that I'd just like to have back to know the total runtime of my h340 since i got rockbox. I won't be losing any sleep over it, but if I can get it, I'd like it... more sentimental than logical :) |
03:30:55 | | Join Seed [0] (n=ben@bzq-84-108-232-45.cablep.bezeqint.net) |
03:31:40 | Slack | rockbox worked, asked for a reboot, after it uploaded the database, now the ipod wont even turn on |
03:31:45 | Slack | lol |
03:31:59 | | Join Lambduh [0] (n=Lambda@12-203-112-233.client.mchsi.com) |
03:33:21 | linuxstb | Hold MENU+SELECT for a few seconds (maybe up to 30) |
03:34:22 | christianT | Is there a way to convert non-streaming mp4 files to streaming mp4? |
03:35:32 | linuxstb | Yes. |
03:38:32 | christianT | could you enlighten me? |
03:45:29 | | Join saratoga [0] (n=9803c6dd@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-37b668a12216660e) |
03:49:56 | saratoga | where can I get an SBR AAC file to test |
03:50:12 | | Join BoxoRox [0] (n=44c492d6@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-c19d254164a7df5d) |
03:52:55 | saratoga | ah found one |
03:53:10 | BoxoRox | Hey guys |
03:53:50 | BoxoRox | Does anyone know when the Theme site will be back up? |
03:54:03 | saratoga | whenever someone gets around to working on it |
03:56:59 | BoxoRox | ok thanks |
03:57:52 | saratoga | i don't think its anyones priority at the moment |
04:00 |
04:00:12 | BoxoRox | O ok |
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04:54:42 | saratoga | anyone feel like testing a patch on coldfire? |
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05:17:53 | saratoga | FS #9498 - AAC IRAM improvements |
05:17:59 | saratoga | would be interested in any coldfire benchmarks |
05:18:05 | saratoga | PP only sees a small improvement |
05:19:01 | | Quit massiveH ("Leaving") |
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06:33:25 | whyareallthenick | I have a sansa c250 v2...how can I help with information |
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07:06:41 | | Join Isolinear [0] (n=A@97-115-15-197.ptld.qwest.net) |
07:07:36 | Isolinear | WPS question: Since the implementation of viewports, do the old style line-by-line WPS tags no longer work? |
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08:36:39 | amiconn | linuxstb: Well, only a little surprise in that. The e200v1 also uses HD66789R (or compatible). |
08:40:08 | | Join saratoga [0] (n=41becb3b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-fa6db25310e90c51) |
08:49:40 | amiconn | saratoga: I could do that test, if I had any aac files... |
08:51:38 | amiconn | Is there a sane aac encoder (i.e. single executable) for windows? |
08:51:38 | | Quit HBK (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
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08:51:53 | | Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
08:53:24 | saratoga | amiconn: the codec performance wiki page has a script for making standard sample files |
08:53:27 | saratoga | i believe it uses nero |
08:53:42 | saratoga | i would just upload a file for you but i'm not at my usual machine |
08:55:03 | saratoga | http://ftp6.nero.com/tools/NeroDigitalAudio.zip |
08:56:05 | | Quit pixelma2 ("-") |
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09:09:02 | amiconn | saratoga: Do I need a certain variant of aac file (lc, he), or should all variants see a speedup? |
09:10:08 | saratoga | amiconn: I don't think so |
09:10:17 | saratoga | i actually did not look at HE |
09:10:21 | saratoga | i probably should |
09:13:30 | saratoga | i need sleep |
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09:39:15 | amiconn | gah |
09:39:37 | amiconn | Seems we need yet another point release for Archos fm/v2 recorders |
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09:43:30 | amiconn | Maybe we can just replace 3.0.1, as it's not really announced yet |
09:43:33 | amiconn | Bagder: ping |
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11:31:21 | JdGordon | bertrik: my e200v2 is still opene if you want any pics or traces checked? |
11:34:04 | | Quit stoffel_ (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
11:42:55 | linuxstb | JdGordon: Can you confirm the LCD controller? The wiki says it's an ILI9222 |
11:44:52 | * | domonoky just got a sansa m200v2.. |
11:45:03 | JdGordon | where shoudl i be looking? |
11:46:29 | | Join vitja [0] (n=vitja@ |
11:46:34 | linuxstb | domonoky: Nice... You could try the clip code on it - I think there's a good chance the LCD is the same... |
11:46:42 | linuxstb | JdGordon: I've no idea... |
11:47:32 | JdGordon | there are no chips around the lcd so its probably in the sansa SoC? |
11:47:35 | domonoky | will do, when i find out how todo it (thats the code in the gitorius tree ?) .. lots of reading ahead... |
11:47:41 | | Quit miepchen^schlaf_ () |
11:47:42 | * | linuxstb checks the wiki history and sees it was fdinel (atomicpunk) that added the info about the lcd |
11:47:57 | linuxstb | JdGordon: Or possibly incorporated in the LCD panel itself somewhere |
11:48:15 | linuxstb | I don't think it will be in the SoC |
11:50:31 | | Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=miepchen@p579EC4FA.dip.t-dialin.net) |
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12:12:11 | linuxstb | JdGordon: The wiki says the LCD is "9051DPLWCP018-01" - and links to this PDF http://www.vptech.com/downloadfile.asp?FileID=96 which says it includes the ILI9222 |
12:14:25 | | Join scorche [50] (n=scorche@rockbox/administrator/scorche) |
12:15:12 | bertrik | JdGordon, sorry didn't notice your message. I don't have any to check out right now |
12:17:30 | * | bertrik hopes to get basic (i.e. polled) i2c for sansa v2 working this weekend |
12:20:03 | | Join Nibbl [0] (n=Nibbler@e181102142.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
12:21:55 | | Quit vitja (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
12:24:54 | | Quit pierre- (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
12:26:41 | domonoky | how safe/unsafe is it to try the clip bootloader on a m200v2 ? |
12:27:19 | amiconn | hi domonoky |
12:27:35 | amiconn | Did you do something wrt installation of release 3.0.1 in rbutil? |
12:28:20 | domonoky | amiconn: not until know, but we should improve the release handling in rbutil.. :-) |
12:28:29 | amiconn | yup |
12:28:46 | domonoky | is this 3.0.1 only for the archos players ? or for all ? |
12:28:57 | amiconn | For all archoses |
12:29:08 | amiconn | But please wait with committing such stuff until I fixed 3.0.1 for the fm recorder and recorder v2. |
12:29:15 | domonoky | :-) |
12:29:39 | amiconn | (which should happen today, but I need Bagder to put it on the d/l server) |
12:30:05 | amiconn | I wonder whether rbutil could also handle fetching and unzipping of the flash packages |
12:31:11 | domonoky | hm, what is needed for this flash packages ? only a zip download and unziiping to the player ? |
12:31:22 | amiconn | yes |
12:31:42 | domonoky | should be easy to inplement.. |
12:31:49 | amiconn | Flashing is optional though, so it shouldn't do that by default, probably not even as part of the 'full' installation |
12:32:52 | domonoky | we have a "zip installer" so we only need to give it the url, the bigger problem ist to correctly integrate it into the UI,as its old archos only... |
12:36:07 | | Join PaulJam [0] (i=PaulJam_@vpn-3036.gwdg.de) |
12:38:01 | | Join pierre- [0] (n=pierre@93-81-81-140.broadband.corbina.ru) |
12:38:53 | * | domonoky tried to install the patched clip bootloader on his m200v2, it said firmware upgrade succesfully, but it just starts the normal firmware.. did i forget something ? |
12:39:26 | bertrik | domonoky, the trigger to boot OF should be GPIO pin A3 IIRC, which is hold or USB |
12:40:44 | bertrik | I don't know the button mapping for the m200v2s |
12:41:24 | domonoky | the firmware update was successfull. as the version changed, but it seem it just starts the of.. my be the buttons are differnt |
12:43:20 | bertrik | hmm, there seems to also be a GPIO map on the SansaV2Firmware page |
12:44:11 | bertrik | domonoky, what bootloader/mkamsboot did you use, the git one or the svn one? |
12:44:27 | domonoky | the one from git |
12:47:32 | | Join vitja [0] (n=vitja@ |
12:50:46 | domonoky | is there some testcode to checkout on which GPIOs the buttons are ? |
12:51:03 | bertrik | hmm, the buttons of the m200v2 seem to be read out differently than the buttons of the clip |
12:52:08 | bertrik | the clip uses a 3x3 keyscan matrix with separate gpios for specific buttons (usb, hold, power), while the m200 uses a 4x4 keyscan matrix and no known separate gpios so far |
12:52:09 | | Join {phoenix} [0] (n=dirk@p54B47374.dip.t-dialin.net) |
12:53:22 | domonoky | ah, seems so... so some hacking is needed :-) |
12:54:07 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@cpc1-hem18-0-0-cust660.lutn.cable.ntl.com) |
12:54:15 | bertrik | There is testcode, but it's clip specific |
12:56:36 | | Quit pierre- (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
12:56:36 | | Join Lambduh [0] (n=Lambda@12-203-112-233.client.mchsi.com) |
12:56:53 | bertrik | The button mappings need to be really certain because the dualboot loader depends on it to choose whether to start the OF or the rockbox bootloader |
12:57:21 | * | domonoky sees some button testcode, but there is no led on m200v2.. |
12:58:40 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@rockbox/staff/XavierGr) |
13:00 |
13:00:41 | domonoky | maybe i should try some tests with delays.. |
13:01:17 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
13:01:21 | bertrik | Probably we shouldn't use the dualboot code on the m200v2, because there's a risk that a button is read incorrectly and the dualboot will only boot into a faulty rockbox bootloader |
13:02:54 | bertrik | something like letting the code produce a boot delay if it thinks a button has been pressed? |
13:03:18 | domonoky | yes, that sounds like a good test to find those buttons... |
13:03:45 | domonoky | is the svn test.S bootloader working ? (should be easier to test with this) |
13:04:19 | bertrik | domonoky, I don't know, linuxstb probably knows |
13:04:51 | domonoky | maybe i should just try it.. this m200v2 was only 15€ :-) |
13:06:01 | | Quit {phoenix} (Remote closed the connection) |
13:06:30 | * | bertrik wants one for E15,- |
13:07:09 | * | domonoky bought it from amazon its a m230 (512MB flash) :-) |
13:10:13 | | Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) |
13:11:41 | | Join pierre- [0] (n=pierre@93-81-85-108.broadband.corbina.ru) |
13:14:35 | JdGordon | linuxstb: is the patch you made for the wps statusbar on flysrapy? |
13:19:27 | BigBambi | For anybody interested, bigpockets.co.uk have the ATMT MP170 (looks identical to the Logic Dax, see http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/AtmtMP170Port) for £15.99 at the moment - http://www.bigpockets.co.uk/product.php?product=ATMT003&title=1+GIG+MP3+PLAYER+WITH+DAB+RADIO+-+BLACK |
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13:40:59 | * | domonoky has successfully inserted a delay loop into the dualboot.s file, but i dont really know how check for this buttons.. :-/ |
13:42:01 | lostone | anyone recommend a rockbox ready mp3 player under 100? was thinking sansa e200 but dont want to take the chance of getting a v2 and it not working |
13:42:02 | | Quit mikus (Client Quit) |
13:42:23 | scorche | ebay or froobi.com |
13:42:26 | domonoky | i think i have to configure one of the keypad scanner outputs,set one output, and check the inputs.. but i dont really know how todo this in asm... |
13:42:32 | | Quit Lambduh ("Leaving") |
13:44:13 | | Quit linuxstb_ () |
13:48:13 | domonoky | do we have the datasheet of the cpu inside those sansa v2 players ? |
13:48:29 | bertrik | domonoky, yes |
13:48:57 | * | domonoky could need it :-) |
13:54:00 | bertrik | I can more or less read arm asm, but am not confident enough to write a critical piece of bootloader code. I think funman used an arm emulator (skyeye) to verify behaviour of the bootloaders |
13:55:33 | | Nick fxb__ is now known as fxb (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) |
13:55:36 | domonoky | i have no problem risking this player with selfwritten code. But still dont really know how to enable output on GPIO pins, and how those gpio pins are numbered. ie which bit is which Pin.. |
13:56:21 | | Join BeChris [0] (i=51fbed92@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-dac724ba9db752f7) |
13:56:59 | kushal_12_27_200 | When I connected my sansa c250 to my macbook (Intel, 10.4.11), it did not turn to "connected" mode but continued recharging on the original sansa firmware |
13:57:31 | bertrik | according to the firmware analysis, all m200v2 GPIO pins for the buttons are on GPIO port 1 / port A |
13:58:36 | kushal_12_27_200 | Disk utility does not see it. Does anyone know how I can make it visible to the computer again? Thanks. |
13:59:53 | bertrik | hold power for about 20 seconds until it does a hardware poweroff (you may detect this through a click in the headphones) |
14:00 |
14:02:56 | | Part BeChris |
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14:05:53 | pixelma | kushal_12_27_200: did you just try disconnecting and plugging the USB cable again while keeping the OF running? |
14:06:49 | kushal_12_27_200 | I did. :( |
14:07:49 | bertrik | domonoky, I can help with the pin numbering and GPIO direction setting. |
14:08:13 | pixelma | kushal_12_27_200: I experience this sometimes too when using my c250 on one specific laptop - reconnecting helps, or starting the OF manually before connecting - also taking out the microSD in case one is plugged |
14:09:04 | kushal_12_27_200 | I am in msc mode. is that right? |
14:09:05 | bertrik | Reading and writing specific GPIO bits works a bit peculiar on the as3525. There are special tricks built into the GPIO controller to be able to read or write single bits. |
14:10:49 | * | amiconn summons Bagder, LinusN or Zagor |
14:11:00 | amiconn | Hello Sweden, anybody out there? ... |
14:11:45 | domonoky | bertrik: sound good, exactly what i need :-) |
14:12:07 | amiconn | bertrik: YOu mean no-sos-pecial tricks? |
14:12:26 | amiconn | PP502x also has bit manipulatiomn logic in the GPIO controller |
14:13:55 | bertrik | oh I didn't know. The trick is that only the GPIO bits corresponding to the lowest address bits are read/written, and the other GPIO bits remain unaffected |
14:15:34 | amiconn | PP502x uses 32 bit registers for each 8 bit GPIO group. The least significant byte maps to the gpio bits. The next higher byte is a mask byte. If it's all-zero, there is no bit manipulation, and all bits will be set according to the low byte. |
14:16:02 | amiconn | But if at least one bit in the mask byte is set, only the corresponding GPIO bit will be touched, the others are kept |
14:16:06 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@cpc1-hem18-0-0-cust660.lutn.cable.ntl.com) |
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14:20:24 | * | amiconn thinks that it makes sense for arm-based SoCs to have that kind of bit manipulation, because of the shortcomings in the arm instruction set |
14:20:51 | | Join merbanan [0] (n=banan@ |
14:21:22 | amiconn | ARM is a strict load-store architecture, so atomic bit manipulation of memory cells is impossible without helper hardware |
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14:48:16 | lostone | is froobi.com reliable? many problems with the recertifieds they sell? |
14:50:13 | | Nick Horschti is now known as Horscht (n=Horscht@xbmc/user/horscht) |
14:50:21 | DefineByte | how high quality is the output of the Rockbox simulator (looking to use it in a PC jukebox setup)? |
14:55:06 | | Join petur [50] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
14:59:47 | DefineByte | also, is there an easy way to modify the sim so I can have a 640x480 display? Would I need to create a custom target? |
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15:01:20 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
15:02:31 | n1s | DefineByte: it should be as good as rockbox on a target and you probably need to do some hacking to change res, scaled images etc will be wrong also... |
15:03:05 | DefineByte | Hmm. I'm not sure I'm up to it. xD thanks |
15:04:39 | | Quit {phoenix} (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
15:05:47 | | Quit Lambduh (Remote closed the connection) |
15:06:57 | DefineByte | I guess since the Ipod Video is half 640x480 res it might be the best place to start. |
15:07:26 | * | gevaerts is pedantic and shouts "Quarter"! |
15:09:23 | DefineByte | x) |
15:09:50 | | Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
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15:17:14 | DefineByte | I guess XBMC will do. :'( |
15:23:19 | amiconn | DefineByte: The best choice for 640x480 would be starting from the m:robe 500 sim |
15:23:48 | DefineByte | thanks. I'll check it out. |
15:27:38 | amiconn | I'm not sure whether the button assignments are good, or even usable. The sim isn't made with usability as a PC app in mind... |
15:28:15 | DefineByte | Well, I'm planning on using a remote so as long as they actually exist I can mess around with the mapping. :) |
15:28:48 | amiconn | Umm, the spacerocks bug is obviously still there. After a few minutes, the rocks start looking odd, and that doesn't seem to be an lcd code bounds checking problem |
15:28:59 | amiconn | (tried it in the beast, btw) |
15:29:08 | amiconn | s/in/on/ |
15:29:35 | n1s | amiconn: yes, it is in the tracker, one guy commented that it was a roundign error and that he would poat a patch |
15:30:27 | gevaerts | FS #9380 |
15:32:27 | | Join funman [0] (n=fun@ |
15:32:40 | funman | domonoky: you are lucky not having bricked your m200 ... |
15:33:33 | funman | advcomp2019: the clip package at least is different from the one I had |
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15:37:39 | funman | domonoky: you could use older mkamsboot from svn, and use a 5s delay as a boolean to check button mapping |
15:38:33 | domonoky | funman, i am doing that now, but with the dualboot.S file... |
15:39:04 | | Join globi [0] (n=Drk@netrimon-1-pt.tunnel.tserv6.fra1.ipv6.he.net) |
15:39:21 | funman | be *very* cautious because it can very likely brick your m200 |
15:39:37 | funman | I understand that pin A3 is always #1 and it's what makes boot the OF |
15:39:47 | funman | but the tests could change its value |
15:40:00 | funman | you should remove all the check and boot the OF unconditionally for now |
15:40:46 | domonoky | yes, i already have done this... also added a delay to see if it works.. |
15:41:09 | domonoky | now i am trying to get the delay only when a button is pressed... |
15:42:05 | funman | it seems the matrix works this way: pins A 5,4,3 as output (store #1 in them) |
15:42:50 | funman | and then, for each pin set to #1, read A 0, 1, 2, 3 |
15:43:23 | domonoky | funman, yes.. current testcode: http://pastebin.com/m74595e4f |
15:45:00 | | Quit tvelocity ("Αποχώρησε") |
15:45:49 | funman | any positive result ? |
15:46:06 | domonoky | not till now.. |
15:46:18 | funman | try reading pins one by one |
15:47:54 | domonoky | if you gould give me better test code, it would be nice, as i am a bit lost in this asm code :-) |
15:49:00 | funman | I'm re-reading the code in the OF to be sure of the rows & columns |
15:50:47 | domonoky | its seems ifound one button :-) |
15:50:54 | funman | nice ! |
15:51:20 | | Quit pierre- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
15:51:48 | domonoky | jup row 0x40 and colum 0x08 is the volume- button.. :-) |
15:51:48 | bertrik | so we'll know the m200v2 button mapping soon, and I also have good hopes about the display controller :) |
15:51:55 | bertrik | \o/ |
15:51:56 | | Join pierre- [0] (n=pierre@93-81-41-33.broadband.corbina.ru) |
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15:57:23 | funman | domonoky: http://pastebin.com/m4781b670 |
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15:59:01 | bertrik | ah much simpler |
15:59:16 | domonoky | funman: nicer code, but shoul do the same ? |
16:00 |
16:00:10 | funman | no, should do better ;) |
16:00:20 | bertrik | it only actually enables the row we're trying to test instead of all |
16:00:42 | funman | and uses the correct row & col ranges (well, in comment) |
16:00:55 | domonoky | :-) |
16:01:48 | funman | no setting of all output pins to #0 also (I don't know if it could conflict with the value read) |
16:02:37 | funman | for the lcd: the init sequence is not the same (much more reduced) but /could/ be compatible |
16:03:30 | domonoky | i will first try to find all those buttons, and put thei nto the wiki, the lcd comes afterwards :-) |
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16:05:17 | funman | no it's not exactly the same (at least the AS3525 specific part: dbop) |
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16:18:02 | domonoky | hm, i dont really know, but with funmans code i cant find the buttons i found before.. |
16:18:43 | funman | hm weird .. |
16:19:36 | | Quit stoffel_ ("leaving") |
16:21:13 | bertrik | did we mix up rows and colums / keyscan inputs and outputs? |
16:21:40 | funman | # |
16:21:41 | funman | + /* set keyscan row A0-A3 */ |
16:21:47 | funman | at least I mixed this comment |
16:22:03 | domonoky | but i can just use the old code to find the other buttons.. and later we can use better code :-) |
16:23:53 | funman | do you do a dry run (no button press) each time you change row or column ? |
16:24:44 | funman | maybe a little delay is needed before reading the value |
16:25:11 | domonoky | yes, first startup after flashing is without buttons.. |
16:25:23 | funman | well your previous code didn't use delays |
16:26:29 | funman | in firmware V4.1.08 the routine is at offset 0x32B4 |
16:26:31 | domonoky | well with the old code, i already found 3 buttons.. :-) |
16:27:54 | bertrik | crude but effective :) |
16:28:08 | funman | sure |
16:28:36 | funman | I'd like to know the difference then :'( |
16:30:05 | funman | domonoky: which button did you find ? (row/col combination) |
16:31:50 | bertrik | the only bug I can see (but I'm no assembly expert) is that you set the initial row to (1<<3) but the valid range is (1<<(4..7)) |
16:32:41 | domonoky | for example row A5 (0x80 in the old code), colum A0 (0x4) ist left |
16:32:55 | | Quit {phoenix} (Remote closed the connection) |
16:33:03 | funman | bertrik: well in the OF I see that range |
16:33:41 | funman | oops |
16:33:45 | * | bertrik is confused |
16:34:24 | bertrik | on the firmware hacking page, I saw 4 keyscan input and 4 keyscan outputs being mentioned for (what I assumed) the m200v2 |
16:34:28 | domonoky | A5-A2 is right.. |
16:34:49 | funman | rows on A4-6 (not 3-5 like I told) |
16:35:05 | funman | columns on A0-3 |
16:37:03 | funman | bertrik: you added this info ? (revision 9 of SansaV2HardwareMappings) |
16:37:12 | domonoky | hm, will try your code again, when i finshed this test.. |
16:37:55 | | Quit Lambduh (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
16:37:58 | bertrik | funman, yes, but I basically copied it from the SansaV2Firmware page |
16:38:32 | funman | ok |
16:38:59 | funman | I have to go, thanks for the button findings ! |
16:39:03 | | Quit funman ("leaving") |
16:39:41 | | Join Lambduh [0] (n=Lambda@12-203-112-233.client.mchsi.com) |
16:47:05 | bertrik | domonoky, combination A0-A4 is interesting, this should be the "magic button" for the internal bootloader to go into "USB promer" mode |
16:49:07 | domonoky | hm,on A0-A4 i didnt found any button.. i have now nearly all tested nad will post my findings shortly |
16:51:41 | | Quit pierre- (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
16:55:49 | bertrik | ok cool, maybe we can trace A0 and A4 on the PCB now that we (almost) know the associated buttons and try to get into USB promer mode by simulating a button on A0-A4 (piece of wire) |
16:57:01 | | Join faemir [0] (n=quassel@88-106-238-33.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) |
17:00 |
17:00:08 | domonoky | i know have put my findings on SansaV2Hardware mappings. I found all buttons, only usb and menu is missing (they are difficult to check with this setup).. Row A3 and colum A7 seems to be unused.. |
17:01:21 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
17:05:34 | bertrik | great. maybe A3 or A7 are not multiplexed after all (just guessing) and connect directly to a button |
17:07:17 | | Join pierre- [0] (n=pierre@93-81-106-226.broadband.corbina.ru) |
17:10:45 | domonoky | yes, maybe menu is on A3 ? |
17:11:16 | domonoky | with the right rows an colums, funmans code also works.. :-) |
17:15:55 | bertrik | you could write a different piece of test code that switches both A3 and A7 and let the delay depend on that |
17:16:13 | bertrik | that = value read back from A3 or A7 |
17:16:39 | bertrik | *switches ... _as input_ |
17:16:47 | domonoky | if think i know enough buttons for the start, lets try to branch to rb :-) |
17:20:51 | bertrik | better remove the default check on A3 |
17:21:29 | domonoky | yes i already removed it, as else it would always go to the of.. |
17:23:42 | domonoky | but branching to rb seem to get no reaction. and after two long presses of menu/power, i am back to the of |
17:24:45 | domonoky | so next task would be to get some reaction, like lcd backlight from rb.. |
17:28:16 | bertrik | ok, I don't know for sure how the backlight is controlled. On e200v1 and c200v1 it's done through the AS3514 which sits on the i2c bus. On the AS3525 there seems to be an AS3514 built-in on an internal i2c bus. I2c does not have a driver yet, but I'm working on it |
17:31:23 | | Join bughunter22 [0] (n=Jelle@ |
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17:45:38 | | Join DefineByte [0] (n=defineby@bb-87-81-195-5.ukonline.co.uk) |
17:46:11 | DefineByte | Where would I find the keymappings for a particular Rockbox sim? |
17:47:00 | domonoky | DefineByte: run the sim with ./rockboxui −−background and you will see which button is which.. |
17:47:10 | n1s | uisimulator/sdl/button.c |
17:47:11 | DefineByte | thanks |
17:47:20 | DefineByte | ditto :) |
17:49:13 | DefineByte | −−background doesn't work for the m:robe 500. :( |
17:53:33 | | Quit courtc (Remote closed the connection) |
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17:54:13 | | Nick bughunter22 is now known as bughunter2 (n=Jelle@ |
17:54:28 | DefineByte | I'm not sure there are enough buttons to control Rockbox on the mrobe. |
17:54:43 | DefineByte | at lease as it's currently mapped |
17:55:00 | DefineByte | \at least |
17:55:12 | | Join webguest10 [0] (n=3e2fb5fa@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-954e50ca45891219) |
17:55:55 | domonoky | doesnt the mrobe500 have a touch screen ? so unlimited buttons if you want :-) |
17:56:19 | DefineByte | that's not much use in the sim. :D |
17:56:41 | | Quit robin0800 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
17:56:45 | DefineByte | or can I just make some up? |
17:56:58 | domonoky | as far as i know touch translates to mouse clicks in the sim ? |
17:57:38 | DefineByte | Well, okay they may do. I don't know. What if I wanted to use it exclusively with the keyboard? |
17:57:40 | domonoky | und you can ofcourse just change the button mapping only for the sim in uisimulator/sdl/buttons.c |
17:58:17 | domonoky | if you change the code there, you can give it any buttons, but ofcourse that wont work on real targets :-) |
17:58:24 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@cpc1-hem18-0-0-cust660.lutn.cable.ntl.com) |
17:59:05 | DefineByte | I'll see what I can fiddle with. thanks |
18:00 |
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18:03:52 | | Join joe2371 [0] (n=joe@c-69-138-250-166.hsd1.md.comcast.net) |
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18:30:19 | | Join nelek [0] (n=iks_iv@ |
18:30:47 | nelek | why doesn't rockbox support macpods?? |
18:31:59 | domonoky | nelek: because of different filesystem. and you can easily convert them to winpods |
18:32:14 | | Quit DefineByte ("Bye all") |
18:32:24 | nelek | yeah |
18:32:31 | nelek | by erasing it :/ |
18:33:03 | nelek | i got 30 gig of music onthere, and nowhere to back it up to |
18:33:30 | gevaerts | nelek: the main reason is that nobody has done the work to support hfs |
18:33:34 | domonoky | whats more work, reloading the musik there, or writing a hfs+ driver for rockbox ? you can choose :-) |
18:34:21 | nelek | well writing a hfs+ driver sure is cleaner in terms of user friendlyness |
18:35:17 | gevaerts | Sure, but as long as we don't have one... |
18:35:29 | domonoky | then to do it :-) nobody of the main devs thinks its worth their freetime.. |
18:35:33 | * | gevaerts explains about hfs+ drivers not growing on trees |
18:35:52 | ameyer | is there even an open-source hfs+ driver that supports writing? |
18:35:59 | nelek | theres a driver for linux you could benefit from |
18:36:04 | | Quit pierre- (Connection timed out) |
18:36:13 | ameyer | last time I checked, Linux can't write to HFS+ |
18:36:55 | gevaerts | Even if it does, it's still a lot of work |
18:37:20 | nelek | ubuntu supports read write hfs+ |
18:37:44 | ameyer | I was somewhat incorrect, it doesn't support writing to *journaled* hfs+ |
18:37:54 | nelek | it doesnt matter |
18:38:06 | nelek | hfs+ is backwards compatible with unjournaled filesystems |
18:38:10 | ameyer | although I swear reading somewhere that hfs+ = hfs + journaling |
18:38:21 | nelek | ameyer no it isnt |
18:38:39 | nelek | hfs = the original file system implementation (its ancient) |
18:38:40 | * | gevaerts wants MFS support |
18:38:46 | domonoky | it all doesnt matter, as long as no one with the required skills and time wants todo it.. |
18:38:46 | ameyer | M? |
18:38:49 | gevaerts | nelek: no. the original is mfs :) |
18:38:53 | nelek | hfs+ was introduced for bigger disk sizes |
18:39:06 | * | domonoky votes for RockFS :-) |
18:39:14 | nelek | ... |
18:39:47 | nelek | i get it |
18:40:06 | | Join MethoS [0] (n=clemens@host-091-096-213-171.ewe-ip-backbone.de) |
18:40:52 | nelek | MFS isnt used on ipods |
18:40:57 | ameyer | I thought "supporting other filesystems" was on the nodo list |
18:40:58 | nelek | hfs+ is |
18:41:40 | gevaerts | ameyer: it is, but there seems to be a consensus that a widely used OF filesystem could get an exception. |
18:41:58 | ameyer | you could always do a macpod port |
18:42:12 | nelek | I'll do nothing of the sort |
18:42:28 | gevaerts | So ext3: no. hfs+: this can be talked about |
18:43:01 | gevaerts | ameyer: that's one way of doing it. Choose either FAT or HFS+ at compile time |
18:44:07 | domonoky | if you make it a compile time decision, i think nothing would be against ext3 or Hfs or other fs, but its still much work, for not much use.. |
18:44:27 | gevaerts | However, as long as nobody does the actual work, it won't get done |
18:45:32 | gevaerts | Another way to handle this would be in-place conversion, but that's not easy either |
18:45:57 | nelek | isnt it just a matter of snapping a module into the bootloader? |
18:46:36 | gevaerts | Where would this module come from? |
18:46:47 | gevaerts | (bootloader and main firmware) |
18:46:50 | nelek | or does rockbox does the filesystem handling? |
18:46:54 | nelek | *do |
18:47:01 | gevaerts | Of course it does. What else? |
18:47:23 | nelek | i don't know. i'm asking :) |
18:47:49 | gevaerts | Since rockbox is the operation system, it needs to handle filesystems |
18:48:24 | | Quit obo ("bye") |
18:52:08 | nelek | ok |
18:52:14 | nelek | ipodlinux seems to support it |
18:52:24 | gevaerts | They can use the linux driver |
18:52:49 | nelek | so they'll have the booloader part in place already, no? |
18:53:00 | nelek | *bootloader |
18:53:05 | ender` | what's the linux kernel size compared to rockbox kernel size? :) |
18:53:11 | gevaerts | Once the filesystem driver is there, the bootloader is easy |
18:55:11 | | Quit bertrik (Remote closed the connection) |
18:55:27 | gevaerts | ender`: That's a bit hard to compare |
18:56:03 | gevaerts | On Archos Player, rockbox uses 350k all-in |
18:56:42 | | Quit bughunter2 ("bye") |
18:56:56 | fxb | nelek: our bootloader can read hfs+ |
18:57:44 | gevaerts | On ipod video, it's 1.7MB (600k binary + 1.1MB extra RAM usage). That includes things like buffers for images |
18:58:14 | | Join lasser [0] (n=chatzill@W8b97.w.pppool.de) |
18:58:48 | nelek | ahso |
18:59:02 | nelek | so its just a rockbox thing, then |
18:59:05 | gevaerts | fxb: "our"? |
18:59:19 | fxb | our => iPodLinux, sorry. |
19:00 |
19:00:09 | | Join pierre- [0] (n=pierre@ |
19:00:18 | nelek | fxb : are you talking about loader 2 |
19:00:19 | n1s | nelek: ipodlinux is linux, rockbox is not, you would have to port a driver |
19:00:24 | fxb | nelek: yep |
19:00:31 | | Join funman [0] (n=fun@ |
19:01:24 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
19:01:33 | gevaerts | nelek: the rockbox bootloader can be seen as a stripped down rockbox, i.e. it uses the exact same drivers. That means that as soon as rockbox supports some hardware or FS, so does the bootloader |
19:02:28 | funman | domonoky: which buttons do you miss ? I'll update dualboot.S even if the m200v2 target doesn't exist (yet) |
19:02:58 | funman | I think SELECT is a good button for dual boot ? |
19:03:17 | domonoky | menu and maybe usb... |
19:03:56 | funman | if we remove A7 & A3 we have a 3x3 keypad matrix, like in the Clip |
19:04:08 | funman | did you test all individual GPIO one by one ? |
19:04:14 | nelek | fxb : i have iPL loader 2.5 but it gives an error on startup when detecting the partition. is this normal? |
19:04:39 | fxb | what error? |
19:04:49 | domonoky | funman: my current dualboot.S http://pastebin.com/m205a04c1 |
19:05:12 | gevaerts | nelek: please talk about ipodlinux specific things in #ipodlinux |
19:05:17 | domonoky | funman: yes, i tested each GPIO individally, until i found a button on it.. :-) |
19:05:35 | fxb | nelek: just wanted to say what gevaerts said. |
19:05:37 | funman | domonoky: I mean without using a 'matrix' |
19:05:37 | nelek | "not a valid hfs+ partition |
19:05:48 | domonoky | ah.. nope |
19:05:57 | | Join massiveH [0] (n=massiveH@ool-44c48a1e.dyn.optonline.net) |
19:06:08 | domonoky | maybe i should do this for A3 and A7 |
19:06:57 | funman | I found mention of A3 as something like hold button in the OF |
19:06:59 | | Quit pierre- (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
19:07:11 | funman | it was the first suspect of atomicpunk |
19:07:15 | domonoky | i have hold in the matrix.. |
19:07:51 | funman | yes I saw that : but maybe if read without setting A(4-6) high it has another meaning |
19:08:34 | funman | http://paste.ubuntu.com/59344/ < does it look ok ? |
19:08:47 | funman | oops A3 is valid also on the Fuze (now the only unknown target is C200) |
19:09:29 | | Quit massiveH (Client Quit) |
19:13:01 | funman | domonoky: I can help with the lcd |
19:14:46 | | Join massiveH [0] (n=massiveH@ool-44c48a1e.dyn.optonline.net) |
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19:20:37 | | Join domonoky1 [0] (n=Domonoky@f051224042.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
19:21:33 | domonoky1 | ups i got disconnected... but i read the log... |
19:22:07 | | Quit Horscht (Remote closed the connection) |
19:23:05 | funman | domonoky1: do you have the lcd screen dimensions ? is there a yellow part at the top of the screen ? |
19:23:58 | domonoky1 | no yellow part.. and i dont really know the lcd dimensions.. maybe i should google a bit.. |
19:24:03 | funman | well it isn't the same controller than the clip .. |
19:24:20 | funman | for example the init routine uses command 0xA2 which doesn't exist in SSD1303 |
19:25:21 | | Quit domonoky (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
19:25:27 | funman | but it's similar |
19:27:00 | funman | maybe a SSD-something else |
19:28:12 | saratoga | the SSD1303 is an OLED only part right? probably why they don't use it on the m200 |
19:28:42 | | Join Horscht [0] (n=Horscht@xbmc/user/horscht) |
19:29:07 | funman | how can you tell if it's OLED or LCD by looking at it ? |
19:29:52 | saratoga | i think the old fashoned black and white panels are always LCD |
19:32:36 | saratoga | whats the m200 resolution |
19:34:15 | domonoky1 | svn says 128x64 for the non v2 sansa.. |
19:37:47 | funman | domonoky1: can you try this code: http://paste.ubuntu.com/59355/ ? |
19:38:09 | funman | It may miss the 'lcd_enable()' command |
19:38:59 | funman | (and other stuff..) |
19:39:45 | domonoky1 | i will try it.. first some more button tests :-) |
19:41:38 | funman | http://www.rockbox.org/irc/log-20081018#06:33:25 a c200 owner who wanted to help, but he left :/ |
19:41:56 | | Quit bmbl ("Woah!") |
19:44:59 | domonoky1 | looks like A3 is the menu/power button. i made i it delay when A3=1, and i get delay on normal boot (you have to hold menu), but no delay on usb insert. |
19:46:00 | funman | menu is the same physical button than power ? |
19:46:33 | domonoky1 | jup |
19:46:57 | funman | so only USB is missing, right? we can live without it at the moment ;) |
19:49:09 | domonoky1 | jup. A7 seem not connected, no reaction.. |
19:49:48 | | Join massive_H [0] (n=massiveH@ool-44c48a1e.dyn.optonline.net) |
19:50:23 | funman | you will be able to do test more simply when you have lcd display :) |
19:51:06 | domonoky1 | yes.. :-) |
19:51:30 | | Quit massiveH (Nick collision from services.) |
19:51:33 | | Nick massive_H is now known as massiveH (n=massiveH@ool-44c48a1e.dyn.optonline.net) |
19:54:56 | domonoky1 | funman: compile error on you lcd-driver paste bin.. LCD_FULLSCREEN isnt defined.. |
19:55:05 | funman | oops |
19:55:17 | funman | define it to 128 (It was 128+4 for the Clip) |
19:55:23 | domonoky1 | oki |
19:55:39 | funman | +4 because there is 2 hidden columns at left and at right of the screen |
19:56:01 | funman | but the framebuffer itself (in the controller) is (128+4)*64 bits |
19:56:08 | | Quit vitja (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
19:56:33 | funman | well you can remove the variable, I only commented the code that uses it |
19:57:22 | domonoky1 | ah. good :-) |
19:59:34 | | Join nuonguy [0] (n=john@c-71-198-1-139.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) |
20:00 |
20:03:14 | | Join pierre- [0] (n=pierre@89-179-73-125.broadband.corbina.ru) |
20:05:19 | domonoky1 | unfortunatly no reaction to your lcd code :-/ |
20:06:49 | funman | what if you comment the content of lcd_enable() ? |
20:07:29 | funman | hm |
20:07:36 | funman | I did something wrong for the dbop status |
20:08:18 | domonoky1 | oki..so should i wait for a fix, try without lcd_enable ? :-) |
20:08:19 | funman | in lcd_write_* replace (1<<16) by (1<<10) (it's the same bit than in Clip lcd) |
20:08:36 | | Quit pierre- (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
20:08:39 | funman | no keep lcd_enable() like it is for the moment |
20:08:53 | domonoky1 | oki |
20:09:42 | funman | next thing you can try is in firmware/export/as3525.h : DBOP_DOUT should be unsigned char* instead of unsigned short* (the m200 OF uses strb) |
20:10:19 | funman | do you have a disassembly of the OF ? |
20:11:26 | domonoky1 | no i dont have a dissembly of the of.. and i dont really know if it would help me :-) |
20:12:02 | funman | it can drive you mad :) |
20:12:19 | * | gevaerts is driven mad by different things |
20:13:24 | domonoky1 | first fix didnt help, now on to the char change.. |
20:15:43 | funman | also give a try to GPIOD_PIN(1) = 0; or = (1<<1); |
20:17:01 | | Nick fxb is now known as fxb__ (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) |
20:17:33 | domonoky1 | hm, no lcd... what could be on GPIO D1 ? |
20:17:38 | funman | stuff :) |
20:17:49 | funman | no idea, but the lcd init routine sets it as output |
20:17:57 | funman | and near this code, there is a routine which sets it to #0 |
20:17:59 | | Nick fxb__ is now known as fxb (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) |
20:18:30 | | Join Boopop [0] (n=892c01c8@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-c6face6ad4dea98a) |
20:18:32 | Boopop | Hi all |
20:18:44 | Boopop | which would you say is better for watching videos, rockbox or iPod OS? |
20:19:05 | funman | D1 may be a voltage |
20:19:18 | saratoga | on the video the OF is better due to the hardware decoder it uses |
20:19:48 | Boopop | Ah ok, thanks saratogas |
20:19:49 | | Quit lasser ("ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Iceweasel 3.0.3/2008092816]") |
20:19:51 | Boopop | saratoga* |
20:21:06 | funman | domonoky1: I think you have to set it high (= (1<<1); ) |
20:21:20 | | Quit Daviey (No route to host) |
20:21:32 | * | gevaerts doesn't like apps/* using ata_*() functions |
20:21:48 | domonoky1 | funman: i am trying :-) |
20:22:21 | | Quit Boopop (Client Quit) |
20:23:44 | domonoky1 | it seems D1 is the backlight !! :) |
20:23:58 | funman | nice ;) |
20:24:35 | funman | but still nothing on the screen ? even random pixels on ? |
20:24:41 | | Join pierre- [0] (n=pierre@93-81-78-69.broadband.corbina.ru) |
20:25:15 | funman | what if you add a lcd_write_command(0xAE); at the end of init ? |
20:25:22 | | Join banan_ [0] (n=banan@ |
20:25:45 | domonoky1 | nothing on the screen... |
20:25:48 | funman | or 0xA5 (this one should light every pixel) |
20:29:28 | funman | m200 display is monochrome, right? blue? |
20:29:47 | domonoky1 | yes, yes |
20:30:58 | bertrik | I'll make a small edit to SansaV2HardwareMappings ok? |
20:31:07 | domonoky1 | still nothing on the display, i tried both 0xAE and 0xA5 .. |
20:31:12 | domonoky1 | sure |
20:32:49 | | Quit Nibbl ("Ex-Chat") |
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20:33:49 | | Join vitja [0] (n=vitja@ |
20:35:35 | funman | I googled the numbers on the m200 wiki page but found nothing except flash and FM chips |
20:36:26 | funman | hopefully atomikpunk can help |
20:36:38 | * | gevaerts grumbles a bit |
20:36:39 | domonoky1 | lets hope :-) |
20:36:50 | | Quit massiveH ("Leaving") |
20:40:44 | | Join hannesd [0] (n=light@p5B161D8A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
20:42:03 | | Quit merbanan (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
20:42:32 | funman | FM tuner of m200 alrady has a driver (tuner/tea5767.c) |
20:47:49 | | Join [L]LL-UT [0] (n=aed@CBL217-132-138-176.bb.netvision.net.il) |
20:48:18 | funman | domonoky1: http://www.pacificdisplay.com/graphic_lcd.htm : maybe you can mesure the viewing area , |
20:52:52 | domonoky1 | funman, they seem all be to big.. |
20:53:30 | funman | what if you try weird units (inches or something) ? |
20:53:33 | domonoky1 | the display area is about: 29mm x 14mm .. |
20:54:24 | funman | 73.66 * 35.56 |
20:54:26 | | Quit karashata (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
20:54:42 | domonoky1 | what unit is that ? |
20:54:46 | funman | inches |
20:55:05 | funman | hm |
20:55:13 | funman | 1 inch = 2.54 cm |
20:55:14 | bertrik | converted the wrong way I think ... |
20:55:23 | funman | yes .. :) |
20:55:24 | domonoky1 | seems not right.. |
20:55:28 | domonoky1 | :-) |
20:55:32 | funman | what's below inch ? |
20:56:04 | | Quit pierre- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
20:56:10 | funman | according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_customary_units#Units_of_length , nothing |
20:56:13 | bertrik | a mil maybe? it's 1 inch /1000 IIRC |
20:58:42 | funman | 11.4 * 5.5 (inches) |
21:00 |
21:00:50 | bertrik | more likely 1.14 * 0.55 inches |
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21:02:04 | funman | oops yes |
21:03:01 | | Quit MethoS (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
21:03:31 | funman | domonoky1: have you unmounted your m200 ? |
21:03:41 | domonoky1 | yes |
21:03:50 | | Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) |
21:03:59 | funman | which numbers are written on the lcd screen ? |
21:04:26 | domonoky1 | numbers ? |
21:04:35 | funman | well letters, anything |
21:04:51 | domonoky1 | you mean markings on the lcd itself ? |
21:05:04 | funman | yes |
21:05:31 | bluebrother | m200v2 or v1? |
21:05:42 | domonoky1 | i have opend it but the lcd module is soldered to the board, so i count spot any markings.. |
21:05:49 | | Quit Lambduh (Remote closed the connection) |
21:05:53 | funman | anything that could help figuring the screen/controller model, the wiki has just random numbers/letters but not their origin |
21:05:53 | domonoky1 | s/count/ could not/ |
21:05:59 | funman | domonoky1: argh ok |
21:06:01 | funman | bluebrother: v2 |
21:06:59 | bluebrother | is there a non-intrusive way of taking of the lcd? I'd try it too |
21:07:37 | bluebrother | unfortunately I have almost no tools around |
21:07:47 | domonoky1 | bluebrother: it may be possible with a solder iron.. |
21:12:27 | | Join AndyIL [0] (i=AndyI@ |
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21:13:54 | * | bluebrother managed to tear the lcd from the backlight apart, but no markings there |
21:14:15 | bluebrother | so desoldering the backlight is needed |
21:17:19 | domonoky1 | hm, maybe even that is not possible, it seem a pretty sbale package of lcd and backlight, somehow connected with the board.. |
21:18:38 | bluebrother | the lcd itself has a flex connector. |
21:18:52 | bluebrother | the backlight seems to have two soldering points on the left. |
21:23:28 | | Quit AndyI (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
21:25:07 | joe2371 | Hi. What is the prevailing wisdom about which rockbox-supported codec/container/bitrate provides the best bang for the buck? My source material is unabridged audio books on CD, so it's a small dynamic range and a huge number of discs. I've been doing mp3@96-abr capped at 192 max using lame. But this is because my media player only supported mp3 before installing rockbox. I understand newer codecs are supposed to go even lower for th |
21:25:22 | joe2371 | doh! that was a bit longer than I thought... |
21:27:34 | bluebrother | joe2371: well, if you only have spech speex might be of interest for you −− it's a codec designed for speech. |
21:27:34 | gevaerts | joe2371: that does depend a bit on the player right now |
21:28:03 | joe2371 | bluebrother: well, the audiobooks are dramatic readings. speex is what, speech synthesis?" |
21:28:10 | bluebrother | and for low bitrates ogg is quite good from my experience |
21:28:17 | domonoky1 | if it is only speech, you could try speex, which makes very small files (only really usefull for spoken word) :-) |
21:28:20 | bluebrother | no, it's a codec for speech. |
21:28:25 | joe2371 | oic |
21:28:46 | bluebrother | it has nothing to do with synthesis −− and btw, that's the codec used for the voice interface |
21:28:48 | gevaerts | Also, what are your criteria? Best quality for a given bitrate, longest battery life, least likely to offend the neighbours,...? |
21:28:58 | joe2371 | but would speex preserve the intonations of a dramatic reading? |
21:29:11 | bluebrother | except for the archos players which can't do all those nice codecs due to their hardware decoder |
21:29:17 | bluebrother | well, try it ;-) |
21:29:43 | joe2371 | Well, I have a 2GB player and a couple of 2GB microSD cards. I have probably 100+ CDs worth of audiobooks ripped. |
21:29:59 | gevaerts | that sounds like a sansa :) |
21:30:03 | joe2371 | heh, yeah |
21:30:13 | bluebrother | e240 I presume ;-) |
21:30:16 | joe2371 | 250 |
21:30:21 | domonoky1 | joe2371: just try it with one file, and see if speex is good enough qualitiy for you.. |
21:30:31 | bluebrother | ah, dang. This stupid naming scheme ... |
21:30:46 | joe2371 | I'll have a listen to speex. I thought that was actually something like festival. |
21:31:06 | gevaerts | Actually, right now mp3 makes a lot of sense on sansa (and other portalplayer files), as it's the only codec that effectively uses both cores on the CPU, which means better battery life |
21:31:10 | bluebrother | I listened to some podcasts (in fact it was radio transmission originally) with ogg at ~50kbps and that was quite fine. |
21:31:17 | bluebrother | haven't used speex myself |
21:31:45 | joe2371 | so 64kbps ogg was in the right neighborhood, it sounds like. |
21:33:03 | joe2371 | What I really ought to do is get an 8GB microSD, if I'm right in thinking they're supported on the sansa, and then I can defer this recoding issue until another time. |
21:33:41 | bluebrother | beware that the usb mode doesn't support SDHC as it's sandisks usb mode ... rockbox is fine with that cards though. |
21:34:03 | domonoky1 | joe2371: the SDHC cards are only supported with rockbox, so buy a card reader :-) |
21:35:04 | joe2371 | :-? Oic, you mean to write to the sdhc by mounting the sansa? Well, I have SD slots in all my machines, and a microSD to SD/USB sleeve. |
21:35:50 | bluebrother | SD cards bigger that 2GB are SDHC. The card reader needs to support those, and especially the older ones don't do this. So check first or get the card reader the same time ;-) |
21:38:59 | joe2371 | hmm, no the Ricoh R5C822 apparently is not sdhc. I wonder if the microSD to SD/USB sleeve would support it though... |
21:41:38 | bertrik | I am not aware of any sd <-> microsd sleeves/adapter that do more than just change the physical form factor |
21:42:17 | bluebrother | the only difference between SD and microSD is the form factor |
21:44:05 | joe2371 | Well, unless USB can recognize SD cards in SPI mode or something, I assume there must be some logic in a sleeve that lets it interface with USB. What is that, 9 pins down to 4? |
21:44:34 | | Join fx3_ [0] (n=fx@78-86-141-70.zone2.bethere.co.uk) |
21:45:05 | domonoky1 | it probably just has a cardreader in it.. so check if that supports sdhc.. |
21:45:07 | bluebrother | maybe there is a misunderstanding about what a "sleeve" is in this context. |
21:45:22 | gevaerts | joe2371: that's not just a sleeve then. The ones people were talking about are microSD<->SD |
21:46:03 | joe2371 | It is a USB<->microSD<->SD |
21:46:06 | bluebrother | and for the SPI mode you mentioned not all 9 pins are used ;-) |
21:46:34 | bluebrother | but I bet card readers do not use the SPI mode |
21:46:50 | joe2371 | it looks like an SD card with a slot, but it has a thin USB interface on the other end under a cover. |
21:48:38 | joe2371 | Link on amazon if you care: http://tinyurl.com/6edazo |
21:48:40 | | Join meven [0] (n=meven@lav35-1-82-236-137-162.fbx.proxad.net) |
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21:52:45 | | Join Makuseru [0] (n=max@ |
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22:02:09 | joe2371 | Well, allegedly, there is a patched/hacked driver for my laptop's sd card slot for XP... but I'm guessing this is just to add support for 4GB non-sdhc cards. |
22:04:14 | bluebrother | I'm pretty sure there are no 4GB non-sdhc cards around. The "old" SD spec only allows accessing up to 2GB of space |
22:04:34 | | Join massiveH [0] (n=massiveH@ool-44c48a1e.dyn.optonline.net) |
22:08:04 | ender` | joe2371: is your laptop's cardreader by Texas Instruments? |
22:08:23 | joe2371 | no, Ricoh |
22:09:31 | | Join jeffdameth1 [0] (n=jeff@dyndsl-080-228-182-123.ewe-ip-backbone.de) |
22:09:33 | ender` | oh. i've got an Acer, which has TI-something based reader, which with Acer's driver doesn't support SDHC, but with HP's driver (which is newer) does |
22:10:22 | joe2371 | Well, I would imagine that if there is even theoretically possible for the hardware to address the entire card, eventually there will be a kernel patch for it. :-) |
22:10:34 | joe2371 | s/there/it/ |
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22:27:20 | GodEater_ | does anyone know where Llorean has been this week ? |
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22:30:37 | Llorean | Just been out and about, is all. |
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23:15:15 | bertrik | I think some of the wiki pages for sansa v2 can be simplified a bit. Some of them seem to duplicate a lot of information and have an excessive header vs. actual content ratio |
23:16:13 | domonoky1 | bertrik: true, they could need some cleaning.. |
23:18:18 | | Join bughunter2 [0] (n=Jelle@ |
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23:38:59 | denes | gevaerts: if you are listening, check out FS #9499 - hope it works for you too. Try powering the device on buy reconnecting it to the usb, instead of pressing play. |
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23:41:08 | gevaerts | denes: thanks. I'll have a look in a few minutes |
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23:44:53 | denes | gevaerts: I looking forward to read about your experiences :) |
23:45:00 | denes | s/I/I am/ |
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23:52:34 | gevaerts | denes: it works |
23:52:52 | denes | gevaerts: great! |
23:52:57 | gevaerts | I do have some questions though |
23:53:03 | denes | gevaerts: sure, go ahead |
23:54:21 | gevaerts | The code used to work both flashed and unflashed on m6sl. Does that mean that DRAMORIG needs to stay at 0 for that one? |
23:55:20 | denes | gevaerts: the code worked out of the box flashed on the m6sl? |
23:55:25 | gevaerts | Yes |
23:55:39 | denes | gevaerts: dramorig doesn't matter, as the ram is not set up yet, and not used at all |
23:55:48 | gevaerts | At least the QT1106 bits. no lcd unfortunately |
23:56:09 | gevaerts | ah, ok. We're still in the sram... |
23:56:16 | denes | gevaerts: yes |
23:56:44 | denes | gevaerts: it's surpriseing that it worked on the m6sl from flash, as I had to try lot of different things until it worked from flash. |
23:57:02 | gevaerts | The sl seems to be a bit different from the others |
23:57:16 | denes | gevaerts: wait, the m6sl doesn't have flash, no ?? |
23:57:25 | denes | gevaerts: i mean built in |
23:57:29 | gevaerts | Indeed |
23:57:44 | gevaerts | So its internal bootloader must do things differently |
23:57:58 | denes | gevaerts: yes, seems so imho |
23:58:36 | denes | gevaerts: do you know were this stuff goes on the m6sl when flashed, and how it gets executed? without a built in flash. |