00:00:12 | funman | i only suggested it was a 'bank switching' because it was mentioned in the e200v1 driver |
00:00:21 | kugel | funman: also, I think bertrik noticed some csd issues |
00:00:36 | | Quit Bensawsome ("The awsome is gone :(") |
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00:00:42 | funman | kugel: what do you mean ? |
00:02:43 | kugel | funman: http://www.rockbox.org/irc/log-20081109#23:07:20 |
00:02:47 | | Join Bensawsome [0] (n=Bensawso@unaffiliated/bensawsome) |
00:03:37 | funman | i noticed the same thing |
00:03:52 | funman | i just thought "bah they didn't care about the specification they wrote themselves" |
00:04:05 | kugel | i doubt that |
00:04:19 | | Nick mcuelenaere_ is now known as mcuelenaere (n=mcuelena@rockbox/developer/mcuelenaere) |
00:04:45 | kugel | if they want the zillions of cards they sell to be accepted by card readers, they should stick to their specs |
00:05:13 | funman | it's not "cards" here, not in the removable sense |
00:06:12 | | Quit domonoky (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
00:06:48 | rasher | I'd be amazed if they bothered produce separate chips for the memory too. Just grab some of those they're already producing millions of |
00:07:10 | | Join vac33 [0] (n=chatzill@c-76-115-225-52.hsd1.or.comcast.net) |
00:07:57 | vac33 | Hey anyone know where I can get themes for sansa e200 |
00:08:20 | kugel | funman: I didn't mean the embedded sd card only |
00:08:33 | | Quit bmbl ("Woah!") |
00:08:36 | rasher | vac33: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/WpsSansaE200 |
00:08:40 | | Quit faemir (Remote closed the connection) |
00:08:52 | vac33 | Thanks! |
00:09:07 | funman | kugel: nobody is gonna desolder the storage inside the Sansav2 , so they are free to violate the specification as they want |
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00:11:14 | kugel | funman: anyway. I've looked at ata_sd_as3525.c a bit. the first sdhc detection looks a bit weird to me |
00:11:45 | | Join t0mas [0] (n=tomas@rockbox/developer/t0mas) |
00:12:15 | funman | kugel: feel free to fix it then, without a SD slot or a SDHC card it's a bit hard for me to do so |
00:13:06 | kugel | funman: well, I could fix it. The specs say hosts should look for ocr bit 30. but your sd driver needs sdhc before retrieving that bit |
00:13:17 | funman | I used the SD specification version 2.00 |
00:14:10 | funman | and this is also *exactly* what the OF does (the argument for the SEND_OCR command is different for SDHC and not HC cards) |
00:14:40 | kugel | well, i have doubts anyway that this fixes the issue |
00:14:48 | kugel | just looked weird |
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00:44:25 | gevaerts | amiconn: I'm not sure about that #if. It probably is unlikely that we ever get another hardware USB hotswap target, but shouldn't those #ifs be placed even then, for completeness and correctness? |
00:45:39 | gevaerts | I agree that this isn't the correct fix for this specific compile failure though. I missed the missing HAVE_USBSTACK bit |
00:46:13 | * | gevaerts thinks that if you don't have a usb stack implementation yet, you just shouldn't compile usb.c in |
00:50:39 | kid_digit | hey guys pretty newb question but what file can/do I use for Last.Fm scrobber? (running on a 60gb Ipod Vid) |
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01:03:44 | | Quit ender` (" There are two major products that come out of Berkeley: LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence. -- Jeremy") |
01:04:17 | funman | bertrik: also the name of the SD card is not 100% ASCII |
01:06:14 | | Quit funman ("leaving") |
01:09:46 | | Join Calcipher [0] (n=Calciphe@user-387gilg.cable.mindspring.com) |
01:10:41 | Calcipher | I have a very specific situation here |
01:11:47 | Calcipher | I have a Sansa E280R, that will crash when in its original firmware, after trying to refresh DB, and therefore will not allow a USB sync to occur with a computer |
01:12:20 | Calcipher | yet same player continues to work almost flawlesly in RockBox mode |
01:12:37 | gevaerts | Have you checked the filesystem? |
01:13:05 | Calcipher | I figure, I should be able to do some repair in Restore mode right? |
01:13:16 | Calcipher | It won't usb sync |
01:13:23 | Calcipher | freezes before that point |
01:14:11 | Calcipher | in restore mode I should be able to reformat it If I remember right |
01:14:13 | gevaerts | I'd suggest using the sansa.fmt trick to reformat, but I don't know if that works on e200r |
01:15:22 | Calcipher | I just want to make sure I can get rb working on it again, Its my friends player, and hes totally blind and loves RB |
01:15:34 | gevaerts | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/SansaE200Unbrick tells all about it |
01:15:48 | | Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
01:15:57 | Calcipher | nice, thanks |
01:16:22 | gevaerts | Unless the hardware is broken, I see no reason why you shouldn't be able to reinstall rockbox afterwards |
01:16:50 | Calcipher | I knew this was the place to come for answers, all the googling didn't even mention restore mode, I just remembered that from when I set up RB on it last year |
01:16:58 | gevaerts | If you need to keep what's currently on the player, I'd try copying it to a microsd card |
01:18:11 | Calcipher | I'll see if I can grab stuff off in restore mode, cause I don't think I can copy and paste directly through the player |
01:18:48 | gevaerts | Recovery mode doesn't expose the flash. |
01:19:22 | gevaerts | You can copy and paste in rockbox |
01:20:32 | Calcipher | Niiice, atleast I can see my songs in Recovery mode |
01:20:39 | Calcipher | some priceless tracks in there |
01:21:01 | | Part kid_digit |
01:21:23 | Calcipher | Honestly I think I should be able to just back up my rb build, and songs, then reformat |
01:21:34 | gevaerts | That doesn't sound like recovery mode then |
01:22:06 | Calcipher | set hold switch to ON, hold down record, and menu when powering on |
01:22:35 | Calcipher | and it lets you see player as mass storage without loading |
01:22:37 | | Quit MethoS- (Remote closed the connection) |
01:22:55 | gevaerts | Is that something e200r specific then? |
01:23:19 | gevaerts | Normal recovery mode shows a 16MB "disk" containing one file, version.txt |
01:23:26 | | Quit reacocard (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
01:23:27 | Calcipher | wait |
01:23:31 | Calcipher | I jumped the gun |
01:23:35 | Calcipher | by alot |
01:23:57 | Calcipher | your right |
01:24:09 | Calcipher | thats what I got, 16mb |
01:24:25 | gevaerts | Whatever you do, _don't_ format that |
01:24:39 | Calcipher | oh |
01:24:59 | Calcipher | so, let me check that link you gave me thoroughly haha |
01:29:46 | | Quit kugel ("ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox 3.0.3/2008101315]") |
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01:31:16 | | Join knnylftn [0] (n=cliff@206-248-137-225.dsl.teksavvy.com) |
01:31:44 | mcuelenaere | gevaerts: have CONFIG_STORAGE & STORAGE_RAMDISK and the USB stack been tested? |
01:31:57 | mcuelenaere | ah you're asleep |
01:33:23 | gevaerts | mcuelenaere: not totally asleep yet :). Yes, I've run an ipod mini build from ramdisk |
01:34:01 | mcuelenaere | I'm getting linker errors because of missing mmc_detect() and mmc_enable_monitoring() functions |
01:34:15 | mcuelenaere | sounds familiar? |
01:34:32 | mcuelenaere | (they're in disk_mount_all() ) |
01:34:51 | | Quit linuxstb (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
01:35:21 | gevaerts | No. I haven't seen those |
01:35:52 | mcuelenaere | ah I see the problem |
01:36:03 | mcuelenaere | it's in hotswap.h:51 |
01:36:14 | mcuelenaere | shouldn't that be #elseif CONFIG_STORAGE & STORAGE_MMC ? |
01:36:27 | gevaerts | The only "issue" I had is that if rockbox goes to usb mode because it can't mount a disk, it reboots after disconnect, which is reasonable for a real disk but not helpful with ramdisks |
01:36:40 | * | gevaerts looks |
01:37:16 | gevaerts | You're running with both hotswap and ramdisk? |
01:37:24 | mcuelenaere | apparantly |
01:37:34 | mcuelenaere | perhaps a misconfiguration |
01:37:56 | mcuelenaere | it's probably due to that I'm hacking a kind of multi volume support |
01:38:30 | mcuelenaere | but that's unrelated to the USB ramdisk |
01:38:57 | mcuelenaere | ok, commenting out have_hotswap fixed it |
01:38:59 | gevaerts | I'd say you're right about the elif, but it's a bit late for me to think clearly |
01:39:20 | gevaerts | And that alone won't make multidriver play nice with hotswap anyway I guess |
01:39:55 | * | gevaerts now really goes to sleep :) |
01:40:02 | mcuelenaere | good night then :) |
01:41:28 | Calcipher | hmm, I'm looking at the instructions on recovering originall fw through recovery mode using a MI4 file |
01:42:01 | Calcipher | but, there are 3 different versions of the fw on the linked page, for sansa e200 american version |
01:42:19 | | Quit t0mas ("good night!") |
01:42:34 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
01:42:39 | Calcipher | theres no explanation as to what BL file, is which is different for some of the mi4 files listed |
01:43:09 | Calcipher | I just want to make sure I can use RB on this after I'm done |
01:44:54 | Calcipher | http://daniel.haxx.se/sansa/mi4.html |
01:45:23 | Calcipher | thats the link provided on the rb wiki for unbricking sansa |
01:49:57 | | Join massiveH_ [0] (n=massiveH@ool-44c48a1e.dyn.optonline.net) |
01:50:38 | | Quit moos ("Rockbox rules the DAP world") |
01:51:48 | Calcipher | are all the MI4 files for the sansa e200? the section says so yet there are Iriver and samsung labeled MI4 files |
01:54:12 | Calcipher | I think one more sentence right around that section could clarify this a hell of a lot |
01:55:09 | Calcipher | don't know what the boardsupportSD.rom files are for and why they're listed for each MI4 |
01:56:08 | Calcipher | BL_SD_BoardSupportSD.rom, is the exact file name |
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02:22:40 | Calcipher | OK, I copied the 1.02.15A.mi4 to the 16MB drive when sansa was in recovery mode |
02:23:05 | Calcipher | receuved a load failure message on player restart that instructed me to switch to recovery mode |
02:25:49 | | Quit pixelma (" -") |
02:26:12 | | Join pixelma2 [0] (n=marianne@rockbox/staff/pixelma) |
02:30:55 | Calcipher | set it to recovery mode and now the mi4 file i placed in there is gone |
02:31:30 | Calcipher | I sort of remember reading something about renaming the mi4 to some other filename.mi4 |
02:32:16 | Calcipher | sansa.mi4? is that it? I really don't want to just experiment at this point |
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03:52:08 | Calcipher | well. the error message I get on the sansa is "Main image load failure, switch to recovery mode" |
03:53:23 | Calcipher | to be exact it says "Load main image failed, switch to recovery mode" |
03:53:51 | Calcipher | basically, now I'm worse off then when I started |
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04:03:12 | | Quit HBK () |
04:03:18 | mc2739 | Calcipher: still here? |
04:03:31 | Calcipher | yeah |
04:03:42 | Calcipher | hi |
04:03:44 | mc2739 | which firmware file did you use? |
04:04:07 | Calcipher | 1.02.15a.mi4 |
04:04:41 | Calcipher | for an e280R, which could not complete db refresh under its own fw, but could still load rb and play perferctly |
04:04:50 | Calcipher | before i tried fixing it ofcoursew |
04:04:54 | mc2739 | that firmware is not for an e200r |
04:05:42 | mc2739 | you need to look for 01.02.031 |
04:06:08 | Calcipher | is that available on daniels page? |
04:06:21 | Calcipher | I really appreciate the help by the way |
04:07:00 | Calcipher | the unbrick wiki was vague enough where I got lost in my situation |
04:08:06 | mc2739 | http://daniel.haxx.se/sansa/e200/rhapsody/rhapsody- |
04:09:02 | | Join HBK [0] (i=hbk@pool-71-96-74-73.dfw.dsl-w.verizon.net) |
04:10:17 | Calcipher | thanks! |
04:10:33 | mc2739 | you're welcome |
04:10:34 | Calcipher | I'm guessing I have to re do the bootloader and rb set up after this |
04:10:49 | JdGordon | soap: whats your view on commiting the ipod accesory patch? |
04:10:52 | | Quit Guest94694 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
04:11:18 | mc2739 | yes, but you may have other steps for recovery yet |
04:11:41 | Calcipher | ooh, lets see, I'll do it now so I can let you know |
04:12:01 | | Quit HBK (Client Quit) |
04:12:03 | soap | I, personally, have no accessories to test it on. That being said I have seen no reports of it causing problems. I only do the Unsupported Build because I feel it is one of those patches which benefits from lots of users. |
04:12:37 | | Nick blkhawk- is now known as blkhawk (n=blkhawk@ |
04:12:59 | JdGordon | as long as it doesnt cause problems for ipods which dont need it, I tihnk its time it went in |
04:13:07 | JdGordon | unless you like keeping that build going? :) |
04:15:26 | | Join HBK [0] (n=hbk@pool-71-96-74-73.dfw.dsl-w.verizon.net) |
04:15:33 | Calcipher | mc2739, it came back into original fw, then attempted to refresh db, and crashed at a blank blue screen again |
04:16:12 | Calcipher | as it was doing before, except this time it didn't try to load rb automatically |
04:16:42 | Calcipher | sound like i may need to do that .fmt file thing |
04:16:59 | mc2739 | ok, now go back to recovery mode and add an empty file named sansa.fmt to the 16MB drive |
04:17:17 | Calcipher | ok |
04:17:43 | soap | If I say a word now in support of it - the problems will come rolling in. Murphy's law. I shall remain mum ;) |
04:18:38 | JdGordon | ok, so thats a yes then? ;p |
04:18:55 | JdGordon | patch seems fine to me, apart from the lang part of the diff |
04:19:19 | JdGordon | the fun will start when people start complainig about devices which arn't handled |
04:20:54 | | Quit jhulst (Remote closed the connection) |
04:21:02 | soap | I'll try to get the time to make a more modern IpodAccessories wiki page and dump all the new reports in it. |
04:22:28 | Calcipher | Magnicifent! |
04:22:35 | Calcipher | its back to life! |
04:22:46 | Calcipher | now I treat it as a new rb installation |
04:23:00 | mc2739 | cool, now to reload rockbox, follow this wiki - http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/SansaE200RInstallation |
04:23:08 | | Join miepchen^schlaf_ [0] (n=miepchen@p579ECC43.dip.t-dialin.net) |
04:23:09 | Calcipher | I have no idea what my friend did to get it to crash like that in the first place |
04:23:28 | mc2739 | probably a bad file |
04:24:11 | Calcipher | now the only scary thing is I have to remember how it was I was making builds with the sexy chick tts voices |
04:24:33 | Calcipher | that took a while to get for someone who never messed with builds and svn |
04:24:38 | mc2739 | sorry, can't help you with that one |
04:25:10 | Calcipher | nah don't worry, all the work folders are still in tact |
04:25:39 | Calcipher | just haven't updated my rb since feb |
04:26:26 | mc2739 | thats old for rockbox, lot of fixes since then |
04:26:28 | Calcipher | db is still not being voiced right? |
04:26:47 | Calcipher | oh man, thats gonna be a pain |
04:27:01 | mc2739 | I believe that is correct, I don't use the database so I am not sure |
04:27:21 | Calcipher | I'm just curious |
04:27:31 | Calcipher | how do you play your music if you don't use db |
04:28:07 | Calcipher | I just find the db useful since you can select all tracks by a certain artist, instead of having to organize folders differently |
04:28:16 | mc2739 | I use playlists built on the pc |
04:28:25 | Calcipher | oh |
04:29:20 | Calcipher | thanks for the info, i'll be back in a few after reinstalling rb |
04:29:31 | mc2739 | ok - good luck |
04:31:21 | | Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) |
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04:57:33 | Calcipher | ooh, pretty, new default rb has taxi skin |
04:57:45 | Calcipher | I think thats what it was called |
04:58:23 | Calcipher | thank you all so much, especially mc2739 |
04:59:20 | mc2739 | no problem, glad to help |
05:00 |
05:06:07 | Calcipher | I was always clammering about landscape mode selection and db being voiced, don't think any of those ever came to happen |
05:07:09 | mc2739 | no, I don't think so |
05:07:47 | | Quit blkhawk (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
05:08:26 | | Nick blkhawk- is now known as blkhawk (n=blkhawk@e179055127.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
05:09:51 | Calcipher | hopefully not too much changed since my last build, so maybe voice config steps are still working |
05:09:54 | Calcipher | we'll see |
05:12:07 | Calcipher | upping from svn now |
05:22:40 | Calcipher | oh damn..., I don't remember what this syntax was for voice build options... |
05:25:48 | | Quit Llorean (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
05:31:27 | Calcipher | looks like things have changed, less tts options, looks like only sapi is available |
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06:06:54 | Calcipher | hey jd |
06:07:30 | JdGordon | . |
06:11:02 | Calcipher | well I was going to ask about some patches in FS tracker |
06:11:19 | Calcipher | but i just searched for keywords and didn't see them in there |
06:11:33 | Calcipher | let me run through my old emails maybe i can find the numbers |
06:15:45 | Calcipher | well I just answered my own question, nothing has been updated on the items I was interested in |
06:22:07 | Calcipher | I was looking at 8083 and 6637 |
06:41:34 | | Quit massiveH ("Leaving") |
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07:00 |
07:06:17 | Calcipher | I'm still awake, and simply amazed at how well rockboxutility is working, even allowing proper selection of voice engine and talk file creation |
07:07:43 | | Nick __lifeless is now known as _lifeless (n=lifeless@ |
07:07:51 | Calcipher | things have improved so much, I had no idea |
07:08:09 | _lifeless | hello, is somebody have pp5022 datasheet/pinout ? |
07:09:00 | Calcipher | not me, sorry |
07:09:56 | | Quit ajonat () |
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07:18:30 | _lifeless | trying to enable touchpad |
07:21:20 | advcomp2019 | there is no datasheet for the pp5022 as far as i know |
07:24:26 | | Quit Zarggg () |
07:25:43 | | Part Calcipher |
07:28:32 | _lifeless | thx |
07:30:56 | | Join Zarggg [0] (n=zarggg@65-78-69-194.c3-0.eas-ubr6.atw-eas.pa.cable.rcn.com) |
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08:30:56 | | Nick Bagderr is now known as B4gder (n=daniel@rockbox/developer/bagder) |
08:31:30 | | Join Rob2223 [0] (n=Miranda@p4FDCCDB0.dip.t-dialin.net) |
08:38:33 | | Nick linuxstb_ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
08:48:23 | | Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
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09:03:04 | | Join BHSPitLappy [0] (n=BHSPitLa@unaffiliated/bhspitmonkey) |
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09:06:56 | | Join pixelma [0] (i=pixelma@ |
09:14:04 | JdGordon | LinusN: hey, I dont know how much the ipod accessory patch has changed since you opened it, but feel like giving a quick look to see if its ok to commit? looks fine to me.... |
09:14:12 | JdGordon | FS #8624 |
09:14:22 | LinusN | i was about to do just that |
09:14:32 | JdGordon | :) |
09:14:45 | | Quit BigBambi (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
09:18:29 | | Quit Guest36047 ("Leaving.") |
09:19:18 | LinusN | leaves a little to wish for stylewise |
09:20:02 | LinusN | but nothing serious |
09:22:24 | | Quit pixelma2 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
09:28:54 | Makuseru | Does anyone have experiance converting files so that they work with Mpegplayer? |
09:29:20 | B4gder | some must have since there's a nice wiki page about it... |
09:29:42 | Makuseru | that doesnt mean they are in here at this moment |
09:29:53 | B4gder | no, and you didn't ask for that... |
09:30:15 | Makuseru | well im asking in here, at this moment, am i not? |
09:30:42 | JdGordon | to be precise... no your not |
09:30:43 | * | B4gder shuts up and just looks at Makuseru |
09:30:59 | B4gder | can you instead just ask the question? |
09:32:54 | Makuseru | Ive got a video file, an MKV, and it has different subtitle tracks in it, ive converted other filetypes using the string for mencoder at the bottom of the wiki on the mpegplayer plugin, but never MKV's, and i just cant figure out how to make this subtitle track appear in the final mpeg |
09:34:47 | JdGordon | arn't subtitles comepltyl seperate from the video? i.e displayed by the viewer? |
09:35:28 | linuxstb | They can be, but mpegplayer doesn't, so Makuseru needs to render them in the video. I'm sure mencoder can do that, but I've no idea how. |
09:35:52 | Makuseru | JdGordon: im not sure i completly understand what your saying, but if you mean arent they a seperate sub file, than no |
09:41:37 | B4gder | Makuseru: aren't you using a specific subtitle option for mplayer to watch the movie? isn't that then the same you should use when transcoding? |
09:42:05 | | Quit MrDuck (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
09:42:12 | Makuseru | i dont know the subtitle option, ive only ever used VLC to play MKVs |
09:42:31 | Makuseru | if i knew that option, would that work to add it to the mpeg? |
09:42:41 | B4gder | I'd assume so |
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09:44:08 | linuxstb | Makuseru: You would get better support asking the mplayer/mencoder people, or google - mpegplayer just plays standard mpeg-1/mpeg-2 video files, so this isn't anything specific to Rockbox. |
09:45:17 | Makuseru | ive been to a few forums and the maktrosa irc room, and so far you guys have been the most help |
09:45:51 | | Join Zagor [0] (n=bjorn@rockbox/developer/Zagor) |
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09:54:20 | funman | Bagder: you are right, sansav2 bootloaders should be added to the build table, so even if they don't work they at least build :-) |
09:54:48 | B4gder | yes that's my point |
09:55:23 | B4gder | we have several builds in there that don't actually work yet |
09:56:29 | linuxstb | B4gder: Can you delete the "Fuze" wiki page? |
09:57:13 | funman | linuxstb: hi! what is the capacity of your Clip? |
09:57:20 | B4gder | linuxstb: will do! |
09:57:27 | linuxstb | funman: 1GB I think |
09:58:47 | funman | the SD specification mentions that 'all SD cards should send their relative addresses (RCA)' maybe there's more than 1 card in the high capacity models; but I'm not sure how to select each cards one by one, perhaps with MCISelect register ? Someone on the forum thread proposed to have a look on his e200 |
10:00 |
10:02:51 | B4gder | funman: what bootloader(s) do you think would be suitable to start with? |
10:03:52 | funman | Clip/Fuze/e200v2/m200v2 should all build - I can't objectively choose one or two of these 4 |
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10:04:05 | | Join esthar [0] (n=esthar@student165-170.hampshire.edu) |
10:04:32 | B4gder | it probably makes sense to add them all anyway |
10:07:50 | linuxstb | What do people think about renaming the m200v2 to m200v4 ? That seems to be the name used by Sandisk on their forums (in the firmware download threads) |
10:08:35 | | Join einhirn [0] (i=Miranda@bsod.rz.tu-clausthal.de) |
10:08:42 | B4gder | I'm fine with that |
10:09:20 | * | linuxstb doesn't have time to do it now though... |
10:09:28 | Zagor | B4gder: you can add the lillebror build server again |
10:09:53 | B4gder | it's there already, it "should just work" |
10:09:56 | Zagor | ok |
10:10:24 | B4gder | but if m200 is v4 is the e200 still v2? |
10:11:20 | funman | afaiu the differents m200 (v1 v2 and v3) have different hardware each ? |
10:11:30 | linuxstb | B4gder: Yes, I think so - see the stickies here - http://forums.sandisk.com/sansa/board?board.id=e200 |
10:12:09 | linuxstb | funman: Yes, I think they have different NAND flash controllers. Same CPU though (TCC770) |
10:14:14 | | Quit J-23 (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
10:15:44 | B4gder | what is the output file names from the v2 sansa bootloader build process? |
10:16:19 | B4gder | bootloader-*.sansa ? |
10:16:41 | funman | yes seems that's it - I have a bootloader-clip.sansa |
10:17:50 | | Quit esthar ("KVIrc 3.4.0 Virgo http://www.kvirc.net/") |
10:20:32 | B4gder | now we just need a commit... |
10:21:00 | B4gder | hm I did my own a bit too early I think ;-) |
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10:24:52 | | Quit Darksair ("People who are zhuangbility want to show their niubility but only reflect their shability.") |
10:25:25 | | Quit Kopfgeldjaeger (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
10:25:35 | B4gder | maybe we should now stop referring to them as "sansa v2" players... |
10:25:45 | B4gder | and call them sansa ams or something |
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10:26:47 | qwm | scorche: offtopic! |
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10:30:31 | * | JdGordon too slow... |
10:30:44 | JdGordon | we should go to *-ams and *-tcc instead of numbers |
10:33:20 | JdGordon | although if sansa is calling them v2 it probably does make sense for us to call them that also |
10:33:32 | B4gder | "them" is not v2, the e200 is |
10:33:42 | B4gder | and possibly the c200 |
10:33:50 | B4gder | but the m200 is v4 and clip and fuze are without v |
10:34:25 | B4gder | I don't think sandisk has a name for these |
10:35:16 | | Join GodEater [0] (i=c2cbc962@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-11b8190039e8dc99) |
10:36:19 | funman | the different Clips are named "hardware revision " v1.0 and v2.0 - the one we work on is the v1.0 |
10:36:59 | B4gder | ah right, even more confusing ;-) |
10:37:42 | | Join bodymind [0] (n=bodymind@ |
10:38:16 | B4gder | and we have 86 builds in the table! |
10:38:19 | bodymind | hei |
10:38:56 | JdGordon | ok, enoughs enough.... 1 more build and it wont fit on my 1680x1050 lcd.... |
10:39:12 | bodymind | i have a sansa e260v2... and i would like to help out on developing the new port... :) |
10:39:27 | bodymind | i program in c, and have some small experience in assembler... |
10:40:34 | funman | bodymind: hello, your help is welcome, a few people work on the specific e200v2 model |
10:41:14 | bodymind | i've read the thread in the foruns... but i didn't understand in what state the port is... |
10:41:15 | B4gder | yellow samsa ams bootloader builds... |
10:41:58 | funman | bodymind: since yesterday we have a SD driver but it doesn't work the high capacity models (only work for 1GB currently) |
10:42:15 | funman | the LCD screen, the i2c driver, and some buttons work on the e200v2 |
10:42:36 | funman | B4gder: I don't know/can't test rolo but I think adding the AS3525 cpu case in rolo.c would be enough |
10:43:28 | B4gder | well, the yellow is about an unused variable and that can be nuked no matter what... |
10:43:46 | funman | B4gder: imo nuking warnings is not good, they are here for a reason |
10:44:17 | bodymind | so what's next? :o |
10:44:27 | B4gder | funman: I disagree with that actually |
10:44:28 | funman | 'Someone' should either fix the real issue, or leave the warning here for the future, even if the table is not perfectly green |
10:44:54 | B4gder | the warning will not work as that, it will just prevent people from noticign when "real" warnings appear |
10:44:57 | funman | bodymind: next is fix the SD driver so that it supports >1GB models, I can give directions where to look for that |
10:45:59 | funman | if someone who knows rolo.c can look at line 233 and see if the fix is to add the as3525 case, it'll be fixed easily :-) |
10:46:23 | bodymind | ok, i will compile svn for now... for some testing |
10:46:44 | B4gder | the m200v4 build seems broken, or did I really cause that failure? |
10:47:09 | funman | B4gder: I don't know what you used for tools/configure : m200v2 or m200v4 ? |
10:47:19 | JdGordon | funman: looking now.. yeah my guess is adding the AS3525 case should work correctly |
10:47:20 | B4gder | "Platform set to m200v4" |
10:47:26 | B4gder | there is no v2 anymore... |
10:48:32 | B4gder | ah my fault it is |
10:48:55 | funman | sansa-m200v2 -> sansa-m200v4 ? |
10:49:00 | * | B4gder didn't do a case insensitive grep... :-/ |
10:49:27 | B4gder | funman: exactly |
10:52:17 | JdGordon | B4gder: why is the warning in the clip output ok but garbeled a bit in the fuze one? 'i' vs ‘i’ |
10:52:45 | B4gder | utf8 |
10:52:59 | bodymind | Lol |
10:53:25 | JdGordon | both pages are western iso-8859-1 accoridng to ff? |
10:53:45 | B4gder | yes but not the output from the build |
10:53:53 | B4gder | at the server's place |
10:53:57 | | Join reacocard [0] (n=reacocar@WL-112.CINE.HMC.Edu) |
10:53:57 | JdGordon | ah right |
10:54:18 | bodymind | ok.. i've downloaded the svn and compile rbutil.. but it isn't yet installing in e200v2.. how do i install by hand? |
10:54:35 | JdGordon | the e200v2 is only a bootloader so far |
10:55:03 | bodymind | how do i compile and test on my player? :o |
10:55:13 | JdGordon | although if you manually do a regular build you can start stubbing missing stuff |
10:55:23 | funman | use tools/configure and select a bootloader build |
10:55:24 | | Join MrDuck [0] (n=kachna@r3g248.net.upc.cz) |
10:55:43 | funman | then patch a SanDisk firmware with this file, with the help of rbutil/mkamsboot/ utility |
10:59:07 | bodymind | where do i get arm-elf-gcc? 8-) |
10:59:13 | bodymind | ubuntu here :p |
10:59:19 | funman | use tools/rockboxdev.sh to build everything you need |
11:00 |
11:04:13 | bodymind | ROCKBOXDEV: patch is required for this script to work. |
11:04:14 | bodymind | ROCKBOXDEV: Please install patch and re-run the script. |
11:04:15 | bodymind | :s |
11:04:21 | funman | sudo apt-get install build-essential |
11:04:40 | bodymind | tkx |
11:06:39 | GodEater | did we get the patch to rockboxdev.sh working on Ubuntu 8.10 yet btw? |
11:06:51 | GodEater | or is he going to have to specify that -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE thing manually still ? |
11:07:28 | funman | it should work out of the box |
11:08:22 | * | GodEater hasn't tried it since B4gder's first attempt at the patch |
11:11:25 | bodymind | nice work :) |
11:14:33 | | Join jeffdame` [0] (n=user@wlan-client-118.informatik.uni-bremen.de) |
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11:22:44 | B4gder | I still get a link problem with m200v4 |
11:23:14 | B4gder | I'll get back to that later if nobody else does, I need to do some real work for a while now |
11:23:52 | funman | i'll have a look |
11:26:06 | | Join culture [0] (n=none@cpc1-bele3-0-0-cust658.belf.cable.ntl.com) |
11:34:23 | bodymind | ok.. i've run make.. what patch do i need? |
11:36:05 | | Quit esthar ("KVIrc 3.4.0 Virgo http://www.kvirc.net/") |
11:36:26 | funman | bodymind: no patch needed, everything is in the repository. once you have built the bootloader, use rbutil/mkamsboot/mkamsboot (run make in that directory) to write the bootloader into a e200 firmware, and copy this patched firmware as e200pa.bin on your e200 |
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12:00 |
12:01:40 | kugel | funman: if I #ifdef out the csd v1.0 case (and assume always csd v2.0) for the fuze, I get ~4GB reported |
12:02:02 | kugel | a bit less even |
12:03:12 | | Quit martian67 (Excess Flood) |
12:03:22 | | Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
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12:03:52 | bodymind | dualboot.S:138:10: error: #error No target-specific key check defined! |
12:03:59 | bodymind | on compiling mkamsboot.. :S |
12:04:02 | funman | bodymind: run svn up |
12:04:06 | funman | kugel: hm .. |
12:04:58 | | Quit jeffdame` (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
12:05:03 | bodymind | where do i have to put the e200 firmware? |
12:05:08 | funman | kugel: but the csd version is set to 1.0 (bits 31:30 == 0x0) ? |
12:05:28 | funman | bodymind: just copy it on your player, as "e200pa.bin", then unmount and disconnect it |
12:05:29 | bodymind | i found it.. 8-) |
12:06:01 | kugel | funman: yep (i.e. if I don't #ifdef it out, it'll branch the 1.0 case and report 1GB) |
12:06:29 | bodymind | Usage: mkamsboot <firmware file> <boot file> <output file> what is the bootfile? :x |
12:06:37 | kugel | funman: the capacity reported is ~76MB higher than windows reports |
12:06:40 | funman | bodymind: bootloader-e200v2.sansa |
12:07:05 | funman | kugel: take the exact number, divide it by 512 to get the number of sectors in your SD card |
12:07:14 | funman | then substract from it the number of sectors reported by dmesg |
12:07:24 | kugel | will do |
12:07:26 | funman | and use this value instead of 20480, and see if it can read the disk |
12:08:55 | bodymind | aw right :o |
12:10:29 | funman | kugel: maybe you can force the use of CSD2 for drive 0, but is it also the case for Fuze/e200 1GB ? |
12:11:05 | kugel | afaik there's neither fuze nor e200 in a 1GB version |
12:11:58 | bodymind | aw right :o PANIC, disk init failed :p |
12:12:10 | bodymind | which key is used to choose the other firmware? |
12:12:13 | bodymind | OF |
12:12:37 | funman | bodymind: don't remember, it's written in rbutil/mkamsboot/dualboot.S |
12:13:56 | bodymind | ok ;) |
12:14:56 | funman | kugel: the SD card doesn't respond to CMD8 (send_if_cond) , right ? |
12:15:42 | linuxstb | funman: What's the disk layout on the Clip? Do I understand correctly that there's no partition table at sector 0, then there is the OF, then the main partition (10MB from the start)? |
12:16:24 | funman | yes |
12:17:09 | linuxstb | The 10MB is just hard-coded currently? |
12:18:20 | bodymind | ok :) |
12:18:29 | bodymind | it's up and runing ! |
12:18:46 | bodymind | why are you doing SD before disk init? |
12:18:54 | | Join tyfoo [0] (n=tyfoo@dyndsl-095-033-087-041.ewe-ip-backbone.de) |
12:19:57 | GodEater | Presumably so that a Rockbox firmware can be loaded from something disposable (the SD card) before trying to have modify the internal storage, and possibly damage the player ? |
12:20:35 | | Join funman_ [0] (n=fun@AAnnecy-257-1-19-179.w90-28.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
12:20:41 | | Quit funman (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
12:20:52 | funman_ | yes it's hardcoded for the Clip (and maybe valid for m200v4 and c200v2) |
12:21:16 | bodymind | godEater ok! |
12:21:38 | | Join J-23 [0] (n=kvirc@a105.net128.okay.pl) |
12:21:50 | bodymind | i don't have no SDcard.. i can't help on that.. :s |
12:22:04 | GodEater | bodymind: that's a complete guess - you might want to ask funman again - I guess he probably missed it due to dropping from IRC. |
12:22:08 | linuxstb | bodymind: The internal flash also uses an SD interface |
12:22:17 | GodEater | ah see - I was wrong ;) |
12:22:19 | funman_ | linuxstb will know, I have to go :) |
12:22:20 | | Quit funman_ (Client Quit) |
12:22:43 | linuxstb | The "sd" driver is the low-level stuff, "disk" is the higher level stuff, dealing with partition tables etc. |
12:24:03 | bodymind | ah ah :o |
12:26:13 | bodymind | where i can see that sd code? |
12:26:27 | bodymind | or where can i read about the rockbox tree? |
12:27:29 | kugel | GodEater, linuxstb: the 10MB is the OF offset (which is hidden on computers). it's no real partition, but a kind of |
12:32:30 | kugel | funman: I replaced the 20480 with my number (157696), I still get disk_init failed |
12:33:58 | kugel | with latest svn |
12:34:31 | kugel | linuxstb: if you like to you can commit my fuze sim (that'd get my tree clean) http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/9535 |
12:35:21 | kugel | but I'd test it before, it's not a "clean" svn diff (should work though) |
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12:38:55 | bodymind | kugel: i have a e260v2 i can do testing... 8) i know a bit of c.. but no so low level.. :$ |
12:39:55 | | Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) |
12:39:56 | kugel | well, what you can do, is hassle with ata_sd_as3525.c and try to get your capacity reported correctly |
12:41:06 | | Quit kugel (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) |
12:43:26 | JdGordon | hmm... shouldnt alot of that ata_sd_ code be generic and shared with the pp sansas? |
12:45:29 | linuxstb | kugel: Lots of other devices have such a partition (Sansa v1, ipods etc) - it might be cleaner to fake a partition table, so the firmware partition is treated as partition 1, and the main part of the disk as partition 2. |
12:46:07 | | Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) |
12:47:32 | bodymind | cant compile last svn.. :s |
12:47:45 | bodymind | In function `INT_TIMER2': |
12:47:45 | bodymind | kernel-as3525.c:(.text.INT_TIMER2+0x4c): undefined reference to `current_tick' |
12:48:37 | JdGordon | bodymind: the main build isnt ready yet... you either have to fix those yourself or stub them.... |
12:50:36 | bodymind | err, am i in the wrong path? i only want to build the bootloader |
12:50:43 | bodymind | 30min ago was building ok! |
12:51:18 | JdGordon | linuxstb: fake it where? in common/disk.c? |
12:52:29 | linuxstb | Maybe, or at least, at that level (i.e. higher than the SD driver) |
12:58:20 | bodymind | i can't mout my sansa... |
12:59:06 | linuxstb | Have you started the original firmware? |
12:59:15 | bodymind | yes |
12:59:26 | | Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@ |
12:59:29 | * | linuxstb shrugs then |
12:59:29 | bodymind | [ 9324.000582] exo-mount[20516]: segfault at 00000008 eip 0804ad21 esp bfd76fe0 error 4 |
12:59:29 | bodymind | [ 9327.736680] exo-eject[20521]: segfault at 00000008 eip 0804ad21 esp bf98dc00 error 4 |
12:59:29 | bodymind | [ 9330.396844] exo-mount[20526]: segfault at 00000008 eip 0804ad21 esp bf9743e0 error 4 |
12:59:32 | bodymind | on dmesg |
13:00 |
13:00:00 | bodymind | i didn't write any code.. just compile the svn.. |
13:00:13 | Zagor | wth is exo-mount? what's wrong with "mount"? |
13:02:08 | bodymind | there is no partition on fdisk... |
13:02:35 | linuxstb | Correct - it uses "superfloppy" mode (IIRC) |
13:03:00 | B4gder | so many of the new players are superfloppy |
13:03:20 | bodymind | is it bricked? FUCK! |
13:03:36 | linuxstb | Just try "mount /dev/sdX /mnt" |
13:03:42 | Zagor | how loevely of exo-mount to barf just because it doesn't recognize the disk... |
13:03:48 | B4gder | bodymind: nobody said it is |
13:04:14 | JdGordon | oh, ruddy hell.. is that why I could never get the bloody thing to work with linux? |
13:04:16 | bodymind | ok, sorry. :s |
13:04:31 | bodymind | is it because of ubuntu with exo-mount etc? |
13:04:45 | bodymind | i can't mount because there is no /dev/sdX... |
13:04:56 | linuxstb | Then how did you use fdisk? |
13:05:00 | bodymind | fdisk -l only give me the partition of my HD |
13:05:05 | bodymind | sudo fdisk -l |
13:07:17 | bodymind | is it because of exo? |
13:08:25 | linuxstb | How many internal disks do you have in your computer? |
13:08:34 | bodymind | 1 |
13:08:46 | Zagor | from fdisk man page: -l List the partition tables for the specified devices and then exit. If no devices are given, those mentioned in /proc/partitions (if that exists) are used. |
13:09:05 | linuxstb | And this worked (doing exactly what you're doing now) before you installed Rockbox? |
13:09:16 | bodymind | yes |
13:09:36 | | Quit Zarggg () |
13:11:30 | linuxstb | Does your Sansa have a setting (in the original firmware) to switch between MTP and MSC USB modes? |
13:11:31 | | Join fredddy [0] (n=freddy@p3E9E2A13.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
13:11:44 | bodymind | yes |
13:17:19 | bodymind | i've tried both modes.. :s |
13:17:39 | bodymind | i will restart my system... maybe it's a hal problem or something.. :s |
13:17:39 | bodymind | brb |
13:17:41 | | Quit bodymind ("Ex-Chat") |
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13:27:57 | | Join bodymind [0] (n=bodymind@ |
13:28:02 | bodymind | ok it's a linux problem :o |
13:28:36 | bodymind | when i mounted the OF (updated yesterday) with would to to the special mode (of daniel site) |
13:28:56 | bodymind | now it just won't mount in linux |
13:29:02 | bodymind | but in windows mounted well ;) |
13:29:22 | gevaerts | bodymind: try to mount it manually |
13:29:25 | bodymind | but i can't understand why.. :s |
13:30:32 | bodymind | i got this error in dmesg: |
13:30:33 | bodymind | 295.332904] usb 7-6: USB disconnect, address 3 |
13:30:33 | bodymind | [ 301.623713] usb 7-6: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 4 |
13:30:33 | DBUG | Enqueued KICK bodymind |
13:30:33 | bodymind | [ 303.091287] ehci_hcd 0000:00:1d.7: port 6 reset error -110 |
13:30:33 | bodymind | [ 303.091301] hub 7-0:1.0: hub_port_status failed (err = -32) |
13:32:58 | bodymind | but the OF without rockbox worked |
13:33:20 | bodymind | so you maybe missing a block that activates the special mode in linux? |
13:33:57 | gevaerts | special mode? |
13:34:11 | bodymind | http://daniel.haxx.se/sansa/v2.html |
13:34:41 | bodymind | i'm going for lunch... bbl |
13:35:19 | linuxstb | You don't need a special mode to use it in Linux - just MSC. |
13:36:36 | bodymind | i'm on ubuntu.. maybe it's something with hal.. ? because the first time i mounted the sansa in linux there were different directories from windows |
13:36:54 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@cpc1-hem18-0-0-cust660.lutn.cable.ntl.com) |
13:36:55 | bodymind | and it seemed just like special mode that daniel writes about... |
13:37:17 | bodymind | i will install the OF withou RB later to try it ouy again... cya later |
13:37:26 | bodymind | *ouy = out |
13:39:47 | | Join Darksair [0] (n=user@ |
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13:42:59 | | Nick linuxstb_ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
13:43:29 | JdGordon | bodymind: rmmod ehci_hcd seems to work for me |
13:44:34 | GodEater | gevaerts: that would be because my Mum looks after the paper ;) |
13:50:55 | | Join Schmogel [0] (n=Miranda@p3EE217A4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
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14:10:10 | | Nick JdGordon is now known as JdGordon|zzz (n=jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) |
14:17:01 | | Quit kugel (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
14:18:26 | | Join n1s [0] (n=nils@rockbox/developer/n1s) |
14:27:02 | | Quit tvelocity (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
14:33:24 | Zagor | urgh. plugin.h is filled with #include of irrelevant files. :-O |
14:33:33 | | Quit J-23 ("Flying cow pressed ^D on my keyboard.") |
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15:10:40 | bodymind | JdGordon|zzz: worked for me 2! |
15:12:49 | | Quit J-23 (Remote closed the connection) |
15:16:39 | | Join J-23 [0] (n=kvirc@a105.net128.okay.pl) |
15:17:46 | | Join Llorean [0] (n=DarkkOne@ppp-70-242-15-169.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net) |
15:20:19 | | Quit kugel (Remote closed the connection) |
15:24:34 | bodymind | ok.. now it's the normal build... is it dangerous for a RBn00b to mess up with it? |
15:26:17 | | Join meven [0] (n=meven@lav35-1-82-236-137-162.fbx.proxad.net) |
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15:29:59 | | Quit bodymind ("Ex-Chat") |
15:31:38 | | Join moos [0] (i=moos@81-66-141-133.rev.numericable.fr) |
15:36:24 | B4gder | argh, lostlogic's server is now killing m68k builds... |
15:37:02 | B4gder | I'm now disabling it completely |
15:37:28 | amiconn | Zagor: plugin.h *has* to include many other .h files, because plugins themselves *must not* include core stuff other than plugin.h |
15:37:37 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@rockbox/staff/XavierGr) |
15:38:19 | Zagor | amiconn: well plugin.h is also abused to include code for plugin.c |
15:38:41 | Zagor | include headers |
15:40:34 | B4gder | power outage in the main rockbox server room on nov 22, 18:00 - 20:00 CET |
15:40:52 | B4gder | uh |
15:40:57 | Ctcp | Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood |
15:40:57 | * | B4gder is incorrect |
15:41:05 | * | B4gder shuts up and goes to the corner |
15:41:18 | * | B4gder is now whistling in the corner |
15:41:21 | LambdaCalculus37 | B4gder: Remember that for when the 22nd rolls around. ;) |
15:41:36 | * | gevaerts planned to do his controversial commits then :( |
15:41:45 | * | LambdaCalculus37 thinks B4gder is predicting the future |
15:42:10 | B4gder | btw, I have a crystal ball up for sale here |
15:42:12 | B4gder | :-) |
15:42:27 | * | LambdaCalculus37 already has a nice crystal ball :P |
15:42:57 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
15:43:03 | * | B4gder switched to rolling dice |
15:44:48 | * | LambdaCalculus37 rolls some D20s and predicts that we'll have sound on the Sansa v2's by Christmas ;) |
15:45:41 | B4gder | no we won't |
15:45:53 | B4gder | on the samsa amses on the other hand... :-O |
15:46:01 | Zagor | amiconn: ...which has resulted in several other files also relying on plugin.h to get the function declarations they need. |
15:54:46 | Zagor | Oh dear, it's a mess. I'll leave it for now. |
15:56:38 | Zagor | many plugins depend on preprocess symbols outside of plugin.h. |
15:56:48 | | Quit Schmogel ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
15:57:09 | Zagor | which means our plugin api is not defined in plugin.h. it's spread all over the place. |
15:57:57 | Zagor | but simply duplicating all those symbols is hardly optimal either |
15:59:00 | LambdaCalculus37 | B4gder: +1 vote for "AMS Sansa" as the reference name for the newer Sansas. |
16:00 |
16:03:32 | linuxstb | Until we have "AMS v2" (e.g. the revision 2 Clip, which IIUC has a different AMS SoC)... |
16:04:14 | LambdaCalculus37 | Curse SanDisk and their constant changing of what's under the hood. :/ |
16:04:29 | B4gder | linuxstb: uuuh, let's not port to any such device! ;-) |
16:04:54 | B4gder | the 3525sansas! |
16:05:01 | linuxstb | That won't help though - we still need to call it something to say we don't support it... :( |
16:05:07 | Llorean | Well. these days we're less referring to them as a whole, and more referring to them on a device-by-device basis anyway, right? |
16:05:12 | | Join robin0800 [0] (n=robin080@cpc2-brig8-0-0-cust394.brig.cable.ntl.com) |
16:05:47 | B4gder | we need a commit to test drive and celebrate lillebror's return to the build system |
16:06:06 | n1s | Zagor: the plugin API aslo depends on structs like the user settings etc in the core |
16:06:40 | Zagor | n1s: yes but those are at least divulged in the plugin.h file |
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16:23:55 | | Quit Darksair ("People who are zhuangbility want to show their niubility but only reflect their shability.") |
16:24:54 | | Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@gw1.mycosmos.gr) |
16:25:17 | Zagor | we obviously haven't been very strict about plugins not #including core files |
16:26:32 | | Quit robin0800 (Remote closed the connection) |
16:26:50 | Zagor | calculator.c:#include "math.h" |
16:27:32 | Zagor | calendar.c:#include <timefuncs.h> |
16:27:33 | linuxstb | We even have math.h? |
16:27:44 | Zagor | yup |
16:27:48 | Zagor | firmware/include/math.h |
16:30:16 | linuxstb | And also in libmusepack/math.h... |
16:31:32 | Zagor | yeah, but that's not what he wanted :-) |
16:31:52 | | Join {phoenix} [0] (n=dirk@p54B4787C.dip.t-dialin.net) |
16:37:31 | Zagor | is plugins/midi2wav.c dead? it is never built and hasn't been touched for 3 years, other than generic code updates that accidentally touched it |
16:39:31 | LambdaCalculus37 | Zagor: 3 years without an update nor building? I think that qualifies as dead. |
16:40:02 | moos | wasn't it replaced? |
16:40:04 | Zagor | first commit comment (3 years, 3 months ago) says "Will turn into real codec later, when plugins support the codec api." |
16:40:23 | Zagor | moos: yeah we have another midi plugin. but I have never used either... |
16:40:53 | moos | is stevenm still around time to time? |
16:42:27 | Zagor | logbot says he was here 17 days ago |
16:43:18 | | Quit meven ("Konversation terminated!") |
16:44:34 | linuxstb | Zagor: I would say "svn rm" it. It will always be in the svn history for anyone that wants it. |
16:45:51 | Zagor | yeah |
16:47:07 | | Join Nibbler [0] (n=Nibbler@ |
16:50:21 | amiconn | Zagor: I would assume midi2wav is for testing some details of the midi synthesis |
16:51:11 | Zagor | perhaps. but it's very stale by now. |
16:51:30 | | Join jgarvey [0] (n=jgarvey@cpe-098-026-069-229.nc.res.rr.com) |
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16:52:46 | LambdaCalculus37 | I also think that we should just "svn rm" it. |
16:52:59 | LambdaCalculus37 | rasher: Ping |
16:53:30 | linuxstb | I don't think it's used for testing midi playback - looking at the logs, the midi player plugin has seen many changes which haven't also been made to midi2wav. |
16:53:51 | moos | midi2wav was deprecated IIRC |
16:54:07 | LambdaCalculus37 | It's basically rotting code in SVN. Might as well take it out before it stinks up the place. |
16:54:29 | * | linuxstb doesn't feel that strongly ;) |
16:54:51 | Zagor | going, going, gone |
16:55:43 | * | LambdaCalculus37 watches midi2wav fly away into the sunset |
16:55:45 | | Quit suom1 (Connection reset by peer) |
16:57:31 | LambdaCalculus37 | Zagor: I was thinking... rather than just dump the code away completely, should we just post it to Flyspray with a note saying "This code is no longer part of the official SVN. If you'd like to work on it for re-inclusion, feel free to"? |
16:58:14 | linuxstb | Do we really want a midi2wav plugin? |
16:58:44 | Zagor | LambdaCalculus37: I don't think we should have stale code in flyspray either |
16:59:12 | Llorean | We're working at closing more "stale" tasks these days. Patches that are being maintained in current condition, rather than being improved toward commit. |
17:00 |
17:00:08 | LambdaCalculus37 | Zagor: That's understandable. What's to say that it'll ever even see any work done, whether on Flyspray or SVN or anywhere? |
17:00:44 | | Join suom1 [0] (i=markus@viitamaki.net) |
17:03:13 | moos | pitty that we swear off the idea proposed by MarcGay(?) about concentrating on few patches, to make them commitable.... |
17:04:01 | LambdaCalculus37 | moos: We shouldn't swear that off. There are some patches that show a lot of promise. |
17:04:32 | | Quit suom1 (Client Quit) |
17:05:08 | moos | but they are rotting for lo,g for few of them :( |
17:05:19 | moos | *long |
17:05:33 | | Join Schmogel [0] (n=Miranda@p3EE217A4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
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17:27:33 | | Join funman [0] (n=fun@AAnnecy-257-1-19-179.w90-28.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
17:31:01 | funman | kugel: maybe you can do #ifdef SANSA_FUZE || defined(SANSA_E200V2) force the csd version to be 2.0, if these models don't have a 1GB version (if i understand correctly there is non-SDHC 2GB cards as well ?) |
17:33:45 | rasher | LambdaCalculus37: Yes? |
17:34:14 | kugel | funman: that's what I did |
17:34:20 | funman | kugel: only if drive == 0 however, we don't want to force that for cards in the SD slot |
17:34:28 | funman | can you access the disk now ? |
17:34:46 | kugel | funman: I tried JdGordon's "magic" value, I got to the "loading firmware" with both csd 1.0 and 2.0 |
17:35:31 | funman | if the data accessed is within the 1st GB then it's normal |
17:35:31 | kugel | also, my value which I got with csd 2.0 was obviously wrong as well |
17:35:52 | funman | then the answer is somewhere else :) |
17:36:34 | funman | try to guess what is the meaning of the capacity reported by the card, now that you have the number of bytes reserved for the OF, and the value reported by dmesg |
17:37:08 | funman | real_value = dmesg + magic_offset, perhaps == csd_value*8 ? |
17:37:20 | LambdaCalculus37 | rasher: I was going through the list of lang files in SVN and on your site, and was wondering about some of the translations that are "red" (i.e. less than 50% of their strings translated). |
17:37:51 | kugel | funman: I strongly assume JdGordon's e200v2 value is also valid for the fuze |
17:37:55 | LambdaCalculus37 | rasher: Are there any plans to do anything about the ones that are in really bad shape? (e.g. Afrikaans, Turkish...) |
17:38:09 | funman | kugel: sure, but that doesn't tell us how we can access the whole 8GB |
17:38:28 | kugel | I have 4GB, but there's a 8GB variant,yes |
17:39:03 | rasher | LambdaCalculus37: It's been discussed a million times, and we usually end up with a status quo, because there aren't any really compelling arguments to remove or keep. |
17:39:58 | kugel | LambdaCalculus37: nice to see you, I'd like you to test my latest backlight patch :) |
17:40:28 | LambdaCalculus37 | kugel: Is it up on Flyspray? |
17:40:58 | kugel | funman: I'm trying to build a fuze build, I'm getting many multiple and undefined references :( |
17:41:04 | kugel | LambdaCalculus37: not yet |
17:41:10 | | Join smacnay [0] (n=smacnay@dsl-v201-216-110-245-28.wightman.ca) |
17:42:36 | funman | kugel: normal, nothing is implemented :-) |
17:42:59 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
17:43:29 | kugel | funman: multiple reference shouldn't happen though |
17:43:40 | kugel | multiple definition* |
17:43:48 | LambdaCalculus37 | rasher: Afrikaans was first committed five years ago, and since then, nothing's been done to it. It's already got 700 missing strings (only 10.83% translated). IMHO I would consider it "depreciated" and just remove it, but that's just my opinion. |
17:44:21 | rasher | LambdaCalculus37: But what if those 10% are just enough that someone might use it, or better yet, might be annoyed enough to improve it? |
17:44:26 | funman | kugel: you mean redefinitions ? |
17:44:39 | LambdaCalculus37 | rasher: Point. |
17:44:42 | kugel | LambdaCalculus37: http://pastebin.ca/1250388 |
17:44:51 | kugel | funman: most likely |
17:45:14 | rasher | LambdaCalculus37: And they don't really do any harm. The worst that can happen if that people just don't use them |
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17:45:27 | | Join linuxstb_ [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
17:45:29 | LambdaCalculus37 | rasher: Also point. |
17:45:32 | | Quit linuxstb (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) |
17:45:38 | | Nick linuxstb_ is now known as linuxstb (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
17:47:45 | funman | kugel: in comment of lcd_enable: /* I'm guessing this function is lcd_enable, but it may not be... */ perhaps you can test that ? |
17:48:07 | kugel | maybe |
17:49:14 | funman | we need to know also what we can reuse directly of as3514 code, i expect a lot |
17:50:25 | | Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=miepchen@p579ECC43.dip.t-dialin.net) |
17:50:58 | funman | linuxstb: what's the interest of faking a partition table ? |
17:52:55 | | Join bodymind [0] (n=bodymind@ |
17:53:21 | linuxstb | funman: I thought it may simplify things, but I'm not sure I still think that. We probably don't ever want to expose that partition via USB - it's too dangerous. |
17:54:16 | linuxstb | funman: Did you try looking at the structure of the OF in the firmware part of the disk, to see if there's a header indicating the size? |
17:54:42 | funman | at offset 0, there is the file we copy on the player |
17:55:13 | | Quit lastebil_ (Remote closed the connection) |
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17:55:52 | smacnay | If you were to buy a player today, which would you buy for supported features? I am looking at the Buyer's Guide but am unsure of which features are most important. |
17:56:13 | funman | it always have the same size across different versions (and there is even only 2 possible sizes across different models) |
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17:57:07 | gevaerts | smacnay: how should we know? |
17:57:20 | gevaerts | Importance of features is a very personal thing |
17:57:43 | | Join meven [0] (n=meven@lav35-1-82-236-137-162.fbx.proxad.net) |
18:00 |
18:00:49 | | Part B4gder |
18:01:16 | kugel | funman: your audiohw_enable_output-stub in audio-as3525.c was kinda bad, since that is already declared in as3514.c (which is still assumed to share alot of code so it's compiled) |
18:03:01 | funman | kugel: i noticed, but this was not built for the Clip target |
18:03:25 | | Quit miepchen^schlaf () |
18:03:50 | kugel | ah ok |
18:04:03 | funman | if you intend to fix that, don't break the Clip !! :) |
18:04:51 | * | kugel can't get behind "loading firmware" |
18:04:57 | bodymind | hei.. my sansa e260v2... is up and running.. how can i confirm that the size of SD is correct? |
18:05:54 | kugel | funman: btw, I've noticed the ocr is the same if sdhc is true or false |
18:06:31 | | Join fragilematter [0] (n=fragilem@ |
18:07:33 | funman | kugel: yes .. because the card isn't sdhc |
18:07:59 | funman | kugel: you can't get behind "loading firmware" if the FAT driver needs access to data beyond 1GB - sounds quite normal |
18:08:43 | gevaerts | kugel: depending on how adventurous you feel you could try formatting it with a smaller filesystem |
18:08:46 | funman | the SD driver is also very unstable in the loaded firmware - i think i can get 1 time out of 10 to the menu, but the firmware is always loaded correctly from the FAT32 partition however, so it's more stable in the bootloader |
18:09:24 | gevaerts | funman: does the bootloader use threads? If not, my money is on timing issues |
18:09:25 | funman | bodymind: add a printf(); while(1); in ata_sd_as3525.c after the capacity is calculated (~line 260) |
18:09:26 | kugel | funman: I mean, if I forced sdhc = true, the ocr answer was still the same |
18:09:41 | funman | the bootloader use threads |
18:09:52 | | Join Llorean1 [0] (n=DarkkOne@ppp-70-242-15-169.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net) |
18:10:06 | | Quit Llorean (Nick collision from services.) |
18:10:09 | | Nick Llorean1 is now known as Llorean (n=DarkkOne@ppp-70-242-15-169.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net) |
18:10:10 | kugel | i.e. I removed the check for sdhc and replaced it with sdhc = true; |
18:10:13 | funman | kugel: did you read what the 'sdhc' variable does exactly ? |
18:10:39 | funman | it sets (or not) the SDHC bit in the argument sent to the card, read the SD specification for the detailed process |
18:10:48 | kugel | it alters the argument of the SD_APP_OP_COND comamnd |
18:11:15 | funman | sdhc cards will not answer if this bit isn't set as far as i understand. they don't say non-sdhc cards will answer differently |
18:12:28 | funman | gevaerts: what do you think of timeout = 0x80000 in ata-sd-pp.c line 249 ? if the ticks is increased by 100 each second, that means 1h30 |
18:14:18 | | Quit petur ("work->home") |
18:14:24 | gevaerts | funman: that's not ticks |
18:16:19 | funman | oh right, because the PP don't have ticks in the bootloader |
18:16:38 | | Join BigBambi [0] (n=Alex@rockbox/staff/BigBambi) |
18:16:59 | funman | then I don't understand this code .. |
18:17:37 | kugel | I might just try to run rockbox from my microsd |
18:17:44 | gevaerts | USEC_TIMER is a microsecond timer |
18:18:17 | funman | that's 0.5s then |
18:18:35 | funman | I've used 10s timeouts I think .. |
18:19:07 | | Join MethoS [0] (n=clemens@host-091-097-242-107.ewe-ip-backbone.de) |
18:19:50 | fragilematter | hey guys |
18:20:28 | * | amiconn doesn't like those hardcoded ad-hoc timeouts in the PP SD driver |
18:20:30 | bodymind | funman: it printed a strange string |
18:20:36 | fragilematter | I got rockbox very close too booting on the e200v2 |
18:20:41 | bodymind | card_info[drive].numblocks = c_size << 10; |
18:20:41 | bodymind | card_info[drive].capacity = card_info[drive].numblocks * card_info[drive].block_size; |
18:20:41 | bodymind | } |
18:20:41 | DBUG | Enqueued KICK bodymind |
18:20:41 | bodymind | #endif |
18:20:41 | bodymind | printf(); |
18:20:41 | *** | Alert Mode level 1 |
18:20:41 | bodymind | while(1); |
18:21:09 | funman | bodymind: can you code C? |
18:21:13 | bodymind | i've also tried: printf("%s",card_info[drive].capacity); :o |
18:21:27 | bodymind | same thing.. |: |
18:21:32 | funman | since it's an int, %d would be more suited |
18:21:38 | kugel | bodymind: capacity is an integer obviously, an unsigned even |
18:21:42 | kugel | so, use %u |
18:21:55 | amiconn | I assume that SD cards specify their timeouts in a similar way as MMC, and imho rockbox should use those timeouts |
18:22:05 | bodymind | hm, i don't know so low level c... :\ they keep insisting in java.. :| |
18:22:19 | Ctcp | Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood |
18:22:19 | * | domonoky tries to build a m200v4 build.. but its missing things... |
18:23:08 | kugel | domonoky: heh, we all are trying to build builds for our ams sansas :) |
18:24:43 | fragilematter | funman: when you booted rb on the clip did you have only the binary onto it or some other stuff? |
18:24:53 | funman | fragilematter: I used make bin zip |
18:25:19 | fragilematter | and then extracted the zip on the root of the drive... |
18:25:59 | funman | fragilematter: i thought it was clear the SD driver is not working on >1GB models |
18:26:03 | fragilematter | I'm getting a white screen after it loads rockbox.sansa, so I guess I need to get the zip to build |
18:26:26 | fragilematter | I moved everything to the start of the drive and it works for now :D |
18:26:53 | funman | ok ;) |
18:29:53 | funman | amiconn: the SD spec mentions which timeout to use, for example for read it is the lowest of 100ms and 100 times the usual read access time |
18:30:25 | funman | the access times being reported by the card (in the CSD register) |
18:30:42 | *** | Alert Mode OFF |
18:31:25 | amiconn | Yes, that's what I mean. But iirc the PP SD driver uses fixed timeouts |
18:31:43 | funman | yrc |
18:32:45 | | Join bertrik [0] (n=bertrik@ip117-49-211-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) |
18:32:48 | fragilematter | any fixed values for TIMER_FREQ, or should I use a dummy one just to get it to build? |
18:33:04 | funman | hello bertrik, I was expecting you :-) |
18:34:24 | * | domonoky got it to build.. bootloader works, but it shows the rockbox logo, then a short flash of text and then the logo again .. |
18:34:26 | funman | I was wondering what is the difference between i2c-pp.c and as3525-codec.c |
18:34:47 | funman | domonoky: the SD driver is utterly broken in the non-bootloader environment |
18:35:01 | | Quit bodymind ("Ex-Chat") |
18:35:27 | funman | domonoky: is it the same logo ? on the Clip I can tell because the bootloader writes the version at the top of the screen (in the yellow part) |
18:35:58 | amiconn | funman: Btw, I wonder why you disabled the SD driver init for the main build |
18:36:21 | amiconn | So far the rockbox philosophy was that the main build should be as independent as possible |
18:37:00 | funman | amiconn: binsize is an argument |
18:37:27 | funman | it seemed also to improve stability when I tried it, but in fact it's not true |
18:37:29 | LambdaCalculus37 | jhMikeS: Regarding FS #9312... I don't mind having USB charging only for now on the beast. It's working quite well here, and I understand that getting charging without USB is a pain right now. |
18:37:49 | domonoky | funman: i dont know if its the same logo or not, but it looks like rockbox starts.. |
18:37:54 | jhMikeS | LambdaCalculus37: I was thining of adapter charging, USB off for the moment. |
18:38:20 | * | jhMikeS wonders where he said "usb only" |
18:38:21 | Llorean | jhMikeS: Can it just have an option (in debug perhaps) to change the two? |
18:38:26 | | Quit flux (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
18:38:28 | Llorean | If it's possible to do either one? |
18:38:31 | linuxstb | funman: What's the status of SVN for the Clip? I've just tried compiling SVN bootloader and main build, and it boots, but freezes on the main Rockbox logo. Is that expected? |
18:38:33 | * | Llorean just stepped in here. |
18:38:39 | * | LambdaCalculus37 misread the comment... sorry |
18:39:22 | bertrik | I think the main clip rockbox hangs after mounting the disk, I tried putting a panic after the mount and I didn't go off most of the time |
18:39:26 | jhMikeS | Llorean: It's just a matter of working out how to properly power the unit with USB only _after_ the battery is charged. |
18:39:32 | kugel | what do I need to change BOOTDIR to in order to boot rockbox from my microsd? |
18:39:50 | LambdaCalculus37 | jhMikeS: Sorry, that's where I misread. |
18:39:50 | kugel | LambdaCalculus37: did you already run a backlight test? |
18:40:11 | | Quit robin0800 (Connection timed out) |
18:40:11 | LambdaCalculus37 | kugel: Yep. Works nicely. Want to post a new patch? |
18:40:41 | jhMikeS | I mean, it will power it but it cycles over just a few minutes between charging cycle and draining the battery with no AC. |
18:41:00 | bertrik | funman, i2c-pp is an i2c driver specific for the portalplayer chips |
18:41:38 | * | domonoky fixes SVN so m200v4 builds.... |
18:42:35 | kugel | LambdaCalculus37: No, I'd like you to test if the old code is still working. To do so, comment #define HAVE_BACKLIGHT_THREAD_FADING out in your config-gigabeat-s.h |
18:42:57 | linuxstb | Does the m200v4 have charging? I thought it just took replacable AA(A) batteries? |
18:43:01 | bertrik | are the mutexes in rockbox re-entrant? I mean will mutex_lock block or not when calling it twice in a row from the same thread? |
18:43:02 | LambdaCalculus37 | kugel: Let me finish eating and I'll roll another build. |
18:43:09 | kugel | thanks |
18:43:28 | kugel | bertrik: do you have an idea? |
18:44:14 | bertrik | kugel, about what? |
18:44:19 | * | kugel would like to printf a ls of the root dir in the bootloader |
18:44:34 | kugel | bertrik: what to change BOOTDIR into in order to boot from the microsd |
18:45:12 | domonoky | linuxstb: yes, m200v2 uses 1 standard AAA Battery, but i dont know if it can recharge it... |
18:45:27 | linuxstb | domonoky: I was referring to funman's last commit |
18:45:42 | | Quit tvelocity ("Αποχώρησε") |
18:46:25 | | Quit einhirn ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
18:46:35 | bertrik | kugel, no idea |
18:49:11 | | Join nuonguy [0] (n=john@c-71-198-1-139.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) |
18:49:47 | | Quit TheSphinX^ ("XChat@Linux") |
18:50:14 | funman | linuxstb: it's the same here, dunno what's happenning except that it's the SD driver's fault |
18:50:35 | | Join mcflow [0] (n=mcflow@88-134-164-243-dynip.superkabel.de) |
18:50:43 | linuxstb | funman: OK - so your photo of Rockbox working is a fake? ;) |
18:50:50 | funman | bertrik: is as3525-codec.c an i2c driver for as3525 chips ? i.e. the equivalent of i2c-pp.c ? |
18:50:55 | linuxstb | Or was it bertrik's photo? |
18:50:56 | | Quit {phoenix} ("Konversation terminated!") |
18:51:00 | funman | linuxstb: i made no photo, but i can get to the menu 1 time out of 10 |
18:51:10 | | Join webguest47 [0] (n=4491b125@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-419f6d13fcee4a2c) |
18:52:01 | Llorean | funman: So, what's with the "use simple charging" for m200v4 commit? |
18:52:51 | * | domonoky just got another result then the logo on m200v4 : partition not found.. :-) |
18:52:51 | bertrik | funman, yes it basically an i2c driver specifically tailored for the codec part of the as3525 |
18:53:28 | | Quit webguest47 (Client Quit) |
18:53:50 | funman | Llorean: warning killing |
18:53:51 | | Join bmbl [0] (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/bmbl) |
18:54:17 | linuxstb | funman: But afaik, the m200 doesn't charge - so that #define shouldn't be there. |
18:54:43 | Llorean | Yeah, killing warnings that actually reference something that does need fixed is a bad practice, I think. |
18:54:58 | linuxstb | Or rather, it was the wrong fix to the warning... |
18:55:33 | | Join {phoenix} [0] (n=dirk@p54B4787C.dip.t-dialin.net) |
18:55:34 | linuxstb | funman: Was this a bootloader warning, or main build? |
18:56:10 | * | linuxstb sees it was a bootloader warning, and investigates |
18:56:44 | | Part fragilematter |
18:56:47 | LambdaCalculus37 | kugel: Rolling a build now with your patch applied, and #define HAVE_BACKLIGHT_THREAD_FADING commented. |
18:59:24 | kugel | funman: I get disk_init failed on my microsd, even without having start += |
18:59:44 | LambdaCalculus37 | Oops... error in build due to FS #7331. |
18:59:49 | * | LambdaCalculus37 reverts that patch |
18:59:54 | LambdaCalculus37 | Let's try this again... |
18:59:55 | funman | Llorean: yes very right. I thought it would be correct since the other 'ams sansa' used this config already |
18:59:57 | funman | the exact problem is that usb_detect() use charger_inserted() (which is implemented), and charger_inserted was not defined |
19:00 |
19:00:11 | linuxstb | funman: I'm about to fix (m200v4 charging) |
19:00:12 | funman | kugel: patch welcome |
19:00:14 | * | LambdaCalculus37 runs make clean and builds a second time |
19:00:30 | funman | linuxstb: then do it for every other 'sansa ams' targets |
19:00:36 | amiconn | If the m200 has no charging, it shouldn't define it at all (same as the Ondio then) |
19:00:40 | linuxstb | funman: ? |
19:00:50 | funman | charger_inserted is implemented, and depends on CONFIG_CHARGING (in export/power.h) |
19:01:07 | LambdaCalculus37 | amiconn: Neither should the c100. |
19:01:12 | funman | doesn't the m200 charge batteries over USB ? |
19:01:23 | LambdaCalculus37 | funman: AFAIK, no. |
19:01:29 | Llorean | funman: The m200 uses non-rechargeable AAs. |
19:01:29 | amiconn | Well, the m200 runs from AAA, doesn't it? |
19:01:34 | Llorean | Er AAA |
19:01:34 | LambdaCalculus37 | Yes. |
19:01:39 | n1s | jhMikeS: I have been messing a bit with the Gigabeasts' radio and can read and write to its i2c regs, so i was looking at the wmcodec driver to try to figure out how to enable the fm input and AFAICT setting the BOOSTENL and BOOSTENR bits in Power management 2 should be enough, do you think i need to do anything else? |
19:01:46 | amiconn | Trying to charge those would be dangerous... |
19:01:49 | kugel | funman: you don't need to tell me "patch welcome" again and again. I know this by myself. I just thought it's interesting |
19:01:56 | funman | ok, then charger_inserted should be conditional on !M200V4 |
19:02:14 | LambdaCalculus37 | amiconn: I put a rechargable NiMH in my m200 with no ill effects. |
19:02:28 | amiconn | That's not what I mean... |
19:02:37 | amiconn | I'm using rechargeables with my Ondio too |
19:02:39 | funman | linuxstb: in power-as3525.c |
19:02:53 | | Join MrDuck [0] (n=kachna@r4ax178.net.upc.cz) |
19:03:07 | funman | bertrik: what is the 'codec part' of as3525 ? I thought it was a synonym for i2c |
19:03:11 | pixelma | LambdaCalculus37: but you didn't try to charge an alkaline in your m200, right? |
19:03:46 | LambdaCalculus37 | pixelma: No, I never have. |
19:03:58 | funman | kugel: i'm not going to code or fix things for targets I don't own |
19:04:02 | LambdaCalculus37 | I don't buy alkalines, anyway. |
19:04:20 | | Quit FOAD (Remote closed the connection) |
19:05:43 | bertrik | with codec part I mean the thing that controls audio, power, rtc, adc, unique id, it's basically an as3514. I2c is just the type of bus used to connect it to the rest of the as3525 and can be used to connect other things too (like an fmchip) |
19:05:54 | linuxstb | funman: That seems an odd way to detect USB in usb-as3525.c - charger != USB |
19:06:22 | kugel | funman: I didn't mean to ask you to fix that. I just told you because you might find that interesting |
19:06:24 | | Join MethoS- [0] (n=clemens@host-091-097-240-143.ewe-ip-backbone.de) |
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19:06:54 | | Join BigBambi_ [0] (n=Alex@rockbox/staff/BigBambi) |
19:06:57 | funman | linuxstb: do you mean a USB charger without an actual USB connection (like to a computer) ? I think I saw that in another target |
19:07:21 | | Join FOAD [0] (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) |
19:07:39 | linuxstb | Yes, you can buy usb chargers |
19:08:05 | funman | it's in tcc77x |
19:08:48 | linuxstb | In fact, I've just tried a USB charger on my Clip, and the OF correctly starts charging, but doesn't enter USB mode. |
19:08:50 | funman | on the Clip there is a GPI pin which changes when USB is present, not sure if that's true when only a charger is there |
19:09:14 | | Join bodymind [0] (n=bodymind@bl6-242-124.dsl.telepac.pt) |
19:09:45 | jhMikeS | n1s: The i2c driver as-is did the trick? it had never been tested for reads. |
19:10:00 | funman | bertrik: ok, I was confused by the fact that i2c-pp.c use the ascodec_ api |
19:10:07 | n1s | jhMikeS: it seems so :) |
19:10:36 | jhMikeS | n1s: Also, I'd suggest looking at the block diagram for the WM codec. I usually draw paths on those with a pencil to make things easier. |
19:10:47 | linuxstb | funman: Any objection to removing that check in usb_detect() for charger_inserted (usb-as3525.c) |
19:10:59 | n1s | jhMikeS: also i'm not sure if the clock from the pmic to the fm chip is enabled, do you know anything about that? |
19:11:22 | jhMikeS | n1s: the block diagram should that it is connected to 32.768kHz |
19:11:30 | kugel | LambdaCalculus37: any updates from the backlight fron? |
19:11:45 | jhMikeS | CLK322KMCU |
19:11:47 | LambdaCalculus37 | kugel: Still building. |
19:11:54 | n1s | yes, but would it need to be enabled in the pmic somehow? |
19:11:58 | funman | linuxstb: no, we don't have a better solution at the moment, but we don't need it either |
19:12:31 | | Quit Slasheri (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) |
19:12:34 | linuxstb | funman: No, in fact it's probably better to not detect USB at the moment anyway. |
19:12:37 | funman | by the way the as3514 RTC works fine , but it's not powered while the Clip is off |
19:12:45 | | Join BigBambi__ [0] (n=Alex@14.189.72-86.rev.gaoland.net) |
19:12:58 | | Quit BigBambi__ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
19:13:05 | jhMikeS | n1s: I'm guessing no but I'm not positive. It has CLK32KMCU and CLK32K. You don't have the datasheet? |
19:13:20 | | Quit MethoS (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
19:15:13 | bertrik | funman, too bad about the clip RTC. I hope we can find a way to keep it enabled somehow |
19:15:41 | n1s | jhMikeS: yes i do, but they usually confuse me so i though if you knew off the top of your head :) |
19:21:27 | bodymind | hei... my sansa e260v2 only detects 1027342336 bytes of memory.. it should have 4Gb.. :x any workaround? |
19:22:22 | jhMikeS | n1s: Power Control 0 bit 6 |
19:22:43 | funman | bodymind: in fact I had understood that you would look for the real problem |
19:22:45 | n1s | thanks! |
19:23:00 | jhMikeS | Says it's on by default. I have a cold boot bit list somewhere to check that. |
19:23:07 | bodymind | only testing here :$ |
19:23:15 | bodymind | i'm not familiar with rockbox code.. :s |
19:23:31 | kugel | Ok, what do we need BOOTDIR for, if it's not used in load_firmware()? |
19:23:53 | jhMikeS | yeah, they have it off by default |
19:24:27 | | Quit BigBambi (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
19:24:36 | | Quit meven ("Konversation terminated!") |
19:24:49 | kugel | yay |
19:24:57 | kugel | he found rockbox.sansa on my microsd |
19:24:59 | jhMikeS | MC13783_CLK32KMCUEN |
19:25:00 | kugel | bad checksum though |
19:25:21 | bertrik | n1s, I stumbled on an app note for the si4700/01 chip |
19:25:38 | | Join BigBambi [0] (n=Alex@rockbox/staff/BigBambi) |
19:26:24 | n1s | bertrik: i've got a couple of different docs from jhMikeS, which did you find? |
19:26:24 | jhMikeS | bertrik: a new one? I have a whole collection of docs for it. |
19:26:33 | bertrik | it's a programming guide that explains how to set it up for various basic operations |
19:26:44 | n1s | the "AN230" ? |
19:26:46 | bertrik | it's called AN230Rev0_3 |
19:27:08 | n1s | I have that, but thanks anyway :) |
19:29:36 | | Quit BigBambi_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
19:29:59 | jhMikeS | n1s: I guess I had a couple duplicate docs in that set :) |
19:30:35 | kugel | anyone know how to fix the checksum? |
19:30:46 | n1s | yes, but no worries, I like the one with screenshots of how to install some software for a dev board in windows though :P |
19:33:18 | bertrik | n1s, this radio chip basically tunes itself, it shouldn't be that hard to get some sound of it I think |
19:33:31 | kugel | funman: I succeed with my attempt to load from microsd. only checksum is wrong now, any idea (I remember I read that lately so someone might have had the probelm as well) |
19:33:58 | n1s | bertrik: it turns out that supplying the clock to it is probably a good idea :) |
19:34:19 | LambdaCalculus37 | kugel: Your code for the backlight is still working. |
19:34:21 | bertrik | n1s, but you could already communicate with the chip without the clock? |
19:34:47 | kugel | LambdaCalculus37: so you have no backlight fading? or the half-baked one which is present on the beast? |
19:34:48 | jhMikeS | the 32K clock doesn't control the serial then |
19:35:07 | funman | kugel: FIRMWARE_OFFSET_FILE_* (in config-clip.h) were not defined correctly, but it looks correct for the fuze. The calculated and read checksums should be printed on the screen, by how much do they differ: a few only ? |
19:35:21 | n1s | bertrik: yes, the datasheet even states that you can at least set some bits in i2c regs before supplying the clock |
19:35:21 | pixelma | eh? Now svn.rockbox.org also produced a weird failed build... maybe some timing issues after the changes for "make" lately? |
19:35:37 | kugel | funman: no, it's quite a bit difference |
19:35:40 | bodymind | funman: the problem is that the MULTIVOLUME is not activated.. :o |
19:35:47 | funman | kugel: then the data read is likely wrong |
19:35:48 | LambdaCalculus37 | kugel: I currently have no backlight fading on the beast. |
19:35:51 | kugel | bodymind: you can activate it |
19:36:00 | bodymind | yes.. just to know :P |
19:36:19 | jhMikeS | n1s: so you're positive the correct values are being read and written with i2c? I just want to make perfectly sure in case that needs some debugging. |
19:36:21 | bodymind | with multivolume activate is shows 4Gb on sansa260v2 |
19:36:46 | funman | bodymind: 4GB for your internal storage ? is it correct ? |
19:36:58 | kugel | funman: checksum 318cc9e, sum: 1db9f01 |
19:37:00 | bodymind | yes |
19:37:17 | bertrik | an incorrect checksum probably means that reads from the flash are corrupted |
19:37:38 | n1s | jhMikeS: not _positive_ but i get the correct chip ID and manufacturer ID 's a chip revision that makes sense and if i change bits and read them back they have changed as expected |
19:39:07 | | Join aarcane [0] (n=aarcane@c-67-187-242-146.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) |
19:39:13 | jhMikeS | n1s: well, if that's correct then it sounds alright |
19:39:35 | kugel | funman, bertrik: the len is quite right though. it reads the whole file |
19:40:06 | funman | kugel: print the data byte per byte and check if they are correct |
19:41:00 | funman | Zagor: "http://build.rockbox.org/showlog.cgi?date=20081110T181645Z&type=Ondio SP - Normal" < some dependancy problem with make -j ? |
19:41:00 | jhMikeS | n1s: I'm just surprised it worked since I just guessed using the flowchart in the imx datasheet :p |
19:41:08 | | Join nanok [0] (n=nanok@ |
19:41:14 | nanok | hello |
19:41:33 | bertrik | sometimes, just sometimes, things work they way they are supposed to :P |
19:41:41 | nanok | q: are there rockbox targets which have a visible display without the backlight? (i assume the monochrome lcd ones do, so i guess i mean the color ones) |
19:42:15 | nanok | bertrik: for that, there's always some big and blue code around the corner to fix everything.. |
19:42:34 | n1s | jhMikeS: if i read with subaddresses it doesn't seem to work but a raw read of the whole regset does |
19:43:04 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
19:43:42 | | Join Horscht [0] (n=Horscht@xbmc/user/horscht) |
19:43:53 | Bagder | nanok: I believe one or a few of the ipods have such screens |
19:43:57 | LambdaCalculus37 | nanok: The iPod color has a visible display with the backlight off. |
19:43:58 | funman | are you hacking the GigaBeat FM chip ? |
19:43:59 | jhMikeS | n1s: well, then there is a small bug or it needs a tweak for that chip |
19:45:11 | jhMikeS | n1s: you mean if you set reg to -1 and read the whole chip? |
19:45:18 | pixelma | nanok: the Nano's and the Ipod Video's displays are quite readable without backlight (the 4th gen Ipod Photo too but the one that I have seen was not as good as the former) |
19:45:37 | | Quit amiconn (" rb") |
19:46:06 | nanok | how about the iaudio x5? |
19:46:28 | nanok | (thanks btw, that's very usefull already) |
19:47:02 | Bagder | the x5 is not readable without backlight iirc |
19:47:05 | pixelma | black without backlight and as it's not readable anyways Rockbox switches the display off |
19:47:24 | nanok | okay |
19:47:27 | Bagder | right, but it does so because it is unreadable |
19:47:56 | nanok | however, if i manage to get an x5, i think i;ll have to live with it anyway. i am much inclined towards the iaudio, for some reason.. |
19:48:02 | nanok | thanks a lot |
19:48:06 | pixelma | that's what I meant |
19:48:22 | | Join amiconn [50] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) |
19:48:59 | nanok | pixelma: well, rockbox is known to squeze every possible minute of battery lifetime from the x5, so i guess it does right whatever it does |
19:49:09 | nanok | does it also swith the "video" chip off? |
19:49:17 | nanok | or am i talking rubish |
19:49:46 | bodymind | funman: can i comment out card_detect_target() on line 533 of ata_sd_etc.. |
19:50:10 | bodymind | it's undeclared... and it's only called if HAVE_MULTIVOLUME is not defined.. :s |
19:50:12 | nanok | oh, one more question: i found some 2 and 4g nanos, but not sure how to tell if they are first generation (if i am not mistaking it's the only nano which is rockbox-worthy) |
19:52:21 | kugel | haha |
19:52:43 | kugel | undefined instruction at 3000024 |
19:54:05 | LambdaCalculus37 | nanok: Black or white front and chrome back is the best way to tell. |
19:54:43 | jhMikeS | n1s: Does subaddressing work with writes? |
19:54:48 | nanok | aham, so the chrome back is a dead giveaway |
19:55:07 | nanok | one i have seen, with a chrome back, had also printed on it a manufacturing date of about 2005 |
19:55:18 | nanok | so i guess that makes sense |
19:55:24 | nanok | LambdaCalculus37: thanks a lot |
19:56:30 | n1s | jhMikeS: is that implemented? i just do i2c_write(&si4700_i2c_node, bar, 8); |
19:56:34 | | Join tyfoo2 [0] (n=tyfoo@dyndsl-095-033-119-029.ewe-ip-backbone.de) |
19:56:48 | jhMikeS | n1s: subaddressing is implemented for r/w in the driver |
19:56:54 | n1s | where 'bar' is an array 8 unsigned chars |
19:57:18 | jhMikeS | I'm not sure if the chip supports it actually. It's not clear. |
19:57:47 | jhMikeS | the philips IC doesn't so it wouldn't be so odd |
19:57:48 | n1s | I may of course have messed something up so don't take this with too much credibility |
19:58:00 | | Join petur [50] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
19:58:02 | bertrik | subaddressing is just an extra byte before the other data, and as far I've read the datasheet, the fm chip does not use sub-addressing |
19:58:22 | pixelma | Bagder: did you see the failed OndioSP build on svn.rockbox.org? Looks similar weird as the coldfire build which failed on lostlogic's server earlier, so maybe there's another thing going on there? |
19:58:25 | jhMikeS | bertrik: right. it looks like it may not to me as well. |
19:59:03 | Bagder | pixelma: yes indeed.... I think I'll re-enable lostlogic's server again and see if we get this in a way that makes us understand it |
20:00 |
20:00:23 | bodymind | what is: ATA error: -2 ? |
20:00:51 | bodymind | i've enabled MULTIVOLUME, and now i have this error... instead of: firmware not found |
20:01:47 | bodymind | and comment the the function call: card_detect_target() line 533 ata_sd_as3525.c |
20:02:11 | n1s | Bagder: Iäm not sure how rombox works but that failed build tried to link it before a lot of the core was compiled... |
20:02:14 | | Quit BigBambi (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
20:02:15 | nanok | arghh, just talked to a potential iaudio x5, battery is quite dead (5-6h), so the natural question arrises: is it possible to replace that battery? where to get such battery? |
20:02:31 | Bagder | bbl |
20:03:06 | jhMikeS | nanok: sure is. google, google |
20:03:22 | nanok | jhMikeS: thanks, will do |
20:04:30 | bodymind | anyone on e200 ? |
20:05:10 | LambdaCalculus37 | nanok: And eBay, eBay. |
20:07:51 | nanok | LambdaCalculus37: yup, readily available on ebay, radioshack |
20:08:11 | kugel | funman: do we even need FIRMWARE_OFFSET_FILE_DATA? |
20:08:37 | nanok | i am thinking of driving 250km tomorrow evening just to get the unit from the owner :) |
20:08:50 | kugel | the comment says it's only needed for the old rockbox.e200 format (which happans to be a special format, with e.g. 512byte padding) |
20:10:43 | n1s | jhMikeS: enabling the clock made some more things appear in the i2c regs, like the firmware version which was previously "00" is now "0E" etc, still no sound out but i guess i'll save that for tomorrow |
20:11:24 | funman | kugel: see bootloaader/common.c |
20:13:09 | kugel | funman: I see, the comment is missleading |
20:13:15 | | Quit tyfoo (Connection timed out) |
20:13:28 | nanok | so, iaudio x5: battery sorted out (sort off). what elese should i be careful of: that pesky port replicator (useless without it), and besides that? any common faults i should check before buying? |
20:14:06 | nanok | (note: please feel free to shut me up if i am disturbing/being offtopic ;) ) |
20:14:10 | bodymind | funman: what is ATA error: -2 ? |
20:14:57 | kugel | no card found iirc |
20:15:39 | bodymind | hm, have_multivolume is to activate the microSD? |
20:16:14 | kugel | basically, yes |
20:16:19 | | Join Slasheri [0] (i=miipekk@rockbox/developer/Slasheri) |
20:18:36 | bertrik | n1s, nice to hear you have it almost working. I should have a good look at how it is connected in the clip soon |
20:21:10 | n1s | bertrik: i2c seems to be common for this kind of thing |
20:23:26 | n1s | and the beast has 3 gpios connected to it too |
20:23:42 | n1s | i guess you need something similar at least |
20:24:29 | | Join Lear [0] (i=chatzill@rockbox/developer/lear) |
20:26:22 | | Join Strife89 [0] (n=michael@ |
20:26:26 | bodymind | funman: i found out that the calculation method used is wrong... it should use /* CSD version 2.0 */ instead of version 1.0 |
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20:26:59 | funman | bodymind: this was suggested by kugel as well, but he later changed his mind, I don't know why |
20:27:20 | bodymind | i've tested right now |
20:27:46 | bodymind | the first version shows up 1Gb the second 2.0 shows the right size.. 4Gb |
20:28:17 | kugel | funman: I changed my mind, because the reported size is obviously wrong too (although it's much nearer to 4GB) |
20:29:07 | kugel | the of offset I get with that size and dmesg is bigger than jdgordons value, which leads to "loading firmware" |
20:29:30 | bertrik | n1s, the i2c pins are shared with the GPIOs on the as3525 which already seem to be overpopulated |
20:30:59 | funman | kugel: what is the difference between the correct size and the size reported if you use CSD2.0 ? |
20:33:56 | bertrik | funman, I wrote a little csd parser, want to have it? |
20:34:22 | funman | hum the PP ascodec-target.h is in target/arm .. then we can't use a ascodec-target.h in as3525/ |
20:34:33 | jhMikeS | n1s: and the power handling? HAVE_TUNER_POWER_CTRL? |
20:35:02 | funman | bertrik: well I won't use it, I only have a 1GB card which works fine, better propose it to kugel. Or post it on the forum? |
20:35:26 | | Join culture [0] (n=none@cpc1-bele3-0-0-cust658.belf.cable.ntl.com) |
20:36:02 | funman | bertrik: or maybe we should use this header for both PP and as3525, what do you think? |
20:36:16 | kugel | funman: my value was 157696, jdgordons is 61440 (number of blocks) |
20:36:41 | n1s | jhMikeS: i have not done any integration yet, everything lives in a debug screed :) but i imagine we could just disable the chip and the clock (which IIUC should keep all the reg settings intact) when it's not used |
20:36:45 | funman | bertrik: hm it might be useful when messing with the reported timeouts.. just put it somewhere ;) |
20:37:51 | n1s | disable the chip == setting the DISABLE bit, but not pulling RST low |
20:38:05 | funman | the difference is 47*2048 or 188*512 |
20:38:19 | jhMikeS | n1s: it comes to mind quite a bit needs integrating, like the audio muxing stuff. yes, disable the chip and clock and i2c interface in tuner_power. |
20:38:44 | kugel | funman: according to previous reports, the firmware should load on >1GB devices too, if rockbox.sansa is within the first GB, right? |
20:39:28 | kugel | funman: Ok, well. I get exact the same bad checksum when loading from internal sd |
20:39:47 | jhMikeS | the only thing on i2c2 is the FM but the codec and TV enc share i2c1 |
20:39:59 | n1s | jhMikeS: yes, i saw that no source selection seems to be implemented in the w8978 driver, but i prefer to get a horrible working mess first and cleaning up that than doing everything "right" from the start... |
20:40:03 | kugel | if I ignore the checksum and load it anyway, I get undefined instruction |
20:40:25 | n1s | jhMikeS: ah, yes |
20:40:57 | * | jhMikeS is usually somewhat of a neat freak from the start :) :P |
20:41:15 | funman | kugel: what is the reported block length ? (I think it's fixed in the driver to 512) |
20:41:17 | kugel | funman: does the difference help you? I say it again, my value didn't work at all (disk_init error) |
20:41:40 | kugel | funman: it's fixed. 512bytes |
20:41:50 | funman | kugel: i'm just trying to give you suggestions, i have no clue |
20:42:01 | kugel | dmesg also reports 512bytes if you mean that |
20:42:21 | funman | kugel: bits 83:80 of CSD reports the maximal block len for reads |
20:42:37 | funman | what dmesg reports is not linked to the SD card |
20:42:51 | kugel | aha |
20:43:25 | kugel | you mean card_info.block_size |
20:43:36 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@cpc1-hem18-0-0-cust660.lutn.cable.ntl.com) |
20:44:01 | bodymind | in dmesg it reports: [ 5093.583245] sd 15:0:0:0: [sdb] 7964672 512-byte hardware sectors (4078 MB |
20:45:36 | kugel | funman: I read it by printf'ing "card_info[drive].csd & (0xff << 80)" right? |
20:46:15 | | Join Vorador [0] (n=tomas@lan-84-240-35-19.vln.skynet.lt) |
20:46:24 | funman | no, csd is a int[4]. also be careful because the 4 ints are stored in a weird order |
20:46:48 | * | jhMikeS still wants a nice suggestion to incorporate HW EQ along with software. |
20:47:22 | kugel | funman: ok, let me read the specs again |
20:49:21 | n1s | jhMikeS: all i can think of is a separate hw EQ screen (which would be weird and confusing) or a limited "Bass" and "Treble" thing similar to other targets (which would not use the full potential of the chip) |
20:49:46 | bodymind | kugel: i'm printing only the capacity... |
20:50:14 | kugel | bodymind: I'm already beyond that :) |
20:50:21 | jhMikeS | n1s: It's puzzling me why we get to a certain point and then want to limit the use of hardware features when the device has "too much". |
20:50:24 | kugel | funman: card_info[drive].csd[2] & (0xf << (80-64)) should work now |
20:51:38 | Unhelpful | an ugly hack might be to have one set of EQ settings, that are translated to hardware settings when possible, and applied via DSP when not... but that's just as confusing as two different EQs :/ |
20:52:21 | n1s | assuming that it cannot do everything the SW eq can but works similarly maybe we can have some kind of seamless transition or only apply parts of the SW and do what's possible with HW? |
20:52:49 | jhMikeS | They would make louse bass/treble controls. The switchover wouldn't integrate well either...different filters. |
20:52:54 | kugel | funman: does 0x90000 make any sense? |
20:53:21 | funman | you mean 9 |
20:53:28 | Unhelpful | n1s: the thing that i suspect would confuse people there is 1) filters might sound different 2) why does battery life decrease when i change this bar in the EQ? |
20:53:34 | jhMikeS | It would be improbable anything SW would match HW |
20:53:42 | funman | if it's 2^9 then it's the hardcoded 512 we use |
20:53:56 | funman | but I just suppose the unit is powers of two |
20:54:00 | amiconn | jhMikeS: What target does have real hw eq? |
20:54:07 | jhMikeS | amiconn: the beast |
20:54:41 | kugel | funman: 9 could be right, damn endianess |
20:54:41 | kugel | printf gives 0x90000 |
20:54:41 | n1s | jhMikeS, Unhelpful: then I'd say go with a separate screen and put a nice description of the differences in the manual. |
20:54:46 | Unhelpful | exposed as presets in the OF, i believe. is the configurability *similar* to rockbox EQ? |
20:54:53 | * | amiconn didn't know |
20:55:14 | funman | kugel: 80-64 = 16; so 9 << 16 = 0x90000 |
20:55:23 | jhMikeS | the audio chip is rather elaborate |
20:56:12 | amiconn | If a target has real hw eq, I'd think we should offer it and drop sw eq instead |
20:56:18 | nanok | jhMikeS: but surely the hw eq is not as flexible as the rockbox parametric eq (?) |
20:56:34 | * | amiconn only uses simple treble/bass anyway |
20:56:43 | jhMikeS | it's not, that's why the SW still has appeal |
20:57:18 | jhMikeS | unless the bands could be "joined" in such a way as to imitate bass/treble controls |
20:57:21 | nanok | jhMikeS: so the question is how to implement it from the point of view of the user experience, do i understand correctly? |
20:57:29 | Unhelpful | compile-time option, or a screen for each, and perhaps a setting to decide which is the "default" eq? |
20:57:51 | jhMikeS | nanok: if we use both to allow full HW use and not lose the SW advantages, yes. |
20:58:01 | kugel | funman: ok. I assume my build is broken, that explains why it fails on both internal and microsd for the exact same reason |
20:58:35 | n1s | The more i think about it, two eq screens seems like the best way to go, but maybe it's time for one of those fun mailing list discussions? |
20:59:02 | * | amiconn thinks there are a bunch of more important problems to solve on the beast |
20:59:11 | jhMikeS | n1s: hehe. well, it could be indeed. If somehow it's clear enough, I can't imagine too much confusion. |
20:59:44 | nanok | jhMikeS: Unhelpful how about a config option (themes or such?) which can either display both in the menu, disable one altogether or the other? that should be clean enough, no fuss for those who don't want it, no problem for those who do want to choose/have both |
21:00 |
21:00:01 | jhMikeS | amiconn: it came up, just because. I think DMA and scaling should be high up. |
21:00:07 | bodymind | is there anymore testing or anything i can do for e200v2port?? :'| |
21:00:30 | Unhelpful | my "which is default" idea is along the lines of displaying EQ and HW EQ, or EQ and SW EQ, as separate menu items. |
21:00:32 | n1s | nanok: IMHO the problem is not people that don't _want_ it but people who don't understand the difference... |
21:00:32 | amiconn | jhMikeS: What annoys me most atm is that pcm (i.e.) voice) |
21:00:32 | jhMikeS | nanok: we don't do configurable menus (that can be worse) |
21:00:50 | amiconn | ...doesn't work after boot before playing music |
21:00:54 | funman | how can I use target/arm/sandisk/adc-target.h for 'ams sansa' as well? I was thinking put a adc-as3514-target.h in target/arm/ and include it in */adc-target.h |
21:01:30 | * | n1s wonders how many of our users know what Q means in an eq anyway... |
21:01:32 | jhMikeS | amiconn: ?? |
21:01:58 | | Quit nuonguy ("This computer has gone to sleep") |
21:02:08 | nanok | n1s: i get it. so the idea would be to burry one of them somewhere deep enough to not disturb the "innocent", but accessible enough to be usable by the "initiated" :) |
21:02:25 | amiconn | jhMikeS: Enable voice (you also need a voice file, obviously). After boot voice doesn't work. If you play some music, voice starts working. It then continues to work until shutdown |
21:02:46 | amiconn | One of the reasons why I don't use the beast for real |
21:02:53 | funman | well or put it in as3514.h |
21:03:22 | * | amiconn leaves for a while |
21:03:24 | jhMikeS | amiconn: not intentional. something must just be overlooked like an init but I can't imagine what. |
21:03:26 | nanok | n1s: in all honesty, i first found out what a parametric eq actually is while reading the rockbox manual, and i am gratefull for that (no kidding). so i guess you could look at it that way too |
21:04:12 | nanok | n1s: the next thing i did was go and buy a sansa (the most accessible rockbox target at the moment), thouhg i had a music player i was quite happy with |
21:05:02 | n1s | nanok: heh, then i guess you are in the category that will not be confused by "Hardware EQ" and "Software EQ" ;) |
21:05:59 | kugel | funman: I have similar problems. I can'*t get the "implicit declaration of function ‘ascodec_read’" warning away |
21:06:05 | nanok | and now, to put things into perspective, i am wondering why a parametric eq is not "standard feature" for most computer music player (i guess it would be so easy, so much less limitations than when coding it for rockbox targets) |
21:06:11 | funman | kugel: svn up ? |
21:06:41 | kugel | funman: haha ok |
21:07:12 | kugel | didn't notice the commit. THat happens if you don't sit 24/7 pressing F5 on the rockbox page |
21:08:06 | nanok | n1s: i remember what a proeminent member of the oss community once said (while rather angry, granted): somehting along the lines "if you will assume your users are dumb, they will become [be naturaly sleected to be] dumb" i'd dare to add "if you assume they are smart, they might take the time to smarten up" ;) |
21:08:49 | kugel | he's wrong |
21:08:56 | n1s | that might very well be true :) |
21:09:34 | nanok | kugel: are you the guy always seeing the holes in the cheese? :) |
21:09:51 | funman | a dose of tolerance is also needed :/ |
21:10:00 | kugel | nanok: I'm the guy who EATS the holes in the cheese :p |
21:10:14 | nanok | kugel: let me dream, at least. i have enough reality every day at the office :) |
21:10:23 | kugel | ok :D |
21:10:26 | nanok | kugel: oh damn. join the club.. |
21:11:49 | nanok | kugel: well, this is not "the office". our users are smarter than most users. |
21:12:11 | nanok | sorry, prefix that with "independent studies clearly show" |
21:13:08 | kugel | oh, I already thought you lie :p |
21:13:20 | kugel | but that studies impress me ;) |
21:14:28 | nanok | kugel: let me rephrase that: 82% of our users |
21:14:35 | * | domonoky moves the offtopic chatters to #rockbox-community.. :-) |
21:14:49 | nanok | (yeah, the 80-20 bullshit rule, with a 2% twist for credibility) |
21:14:56 | nanok | domonoky: aye sir |
21:15:42 | | Quit atrus () |
21:18:23 | | Quit bodymind ("Ex-Chat") |
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21:19:49 | | Join faemir [0] (n=quassel@88-106-238-33.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) |
21:21:57 | J-23 | hmm, why isn't as3525-codec.h in the SVN repo? |
21:22:19 | kugel | funman: you forget to edit sansa_as3525.c to include ascodec-target.h |
21:22:21 | funman | J-23: check the last commit message |
21:22:49 | funman | oops I didn't test the bootloader |
21:23:41 | | Quit intrados ("WeeChat 0.2.6") |
21:23:44 | kugel | funman: haha, tell you you haven't checked the build table :) |
21:24:46 | funman | I didn't :) |
21:25:10 | linuxstb | funman: ascodec-target.h was intended to be a PortalPlayer specific file - i.e. there should also be an as3525/ascodec-target.h |
21:25:46 | n1s | Wow, that latest ondio SP build failure is pretty weird... |
21:26:39 | funman | linuxstb: it looks like a as3514 specific file, not portal player specific, and can be shared with the as3525 |
21:27:14 | linuxstb | Anything to be shared should be in ascodec.h, not ascodec-target.h |
21:27:55 | funman | i'm a bit lost with this system |
21:28:12 | funman | can you do it the correct way (tm) ? |
21:28:27 | kugel | well, that's probably because "mr.someone" didn't clean the target tree system |
21:28:39 | linuxstb | The problem is that there isn't (currently) a portalplayer target directory - so lots of files in target/arm/ should really be in target/arm/pp/ The comment in ascodec-target.h that you removed said that. |
21:28:52 | funman | I noticed it |
21:28:57 | kugel | the old manufactor/ (not cpu/)is messing a bit |
21:29:00 | funman | But I made this file not Portal Player specific |
21:29:26 | linuxstb | But it is specific - it has portalplayer code in it. |
21:29:37 | linuxstb | (with #ifdef...) |
21:29:54 | funman | true |
21:30:16 | kugel | well, I'd probably be mr. someone for that clean up, but as long as svn mv fails with svn diff, I don't really feel like |
21:30:21 | | Join __lifeless [0] (n=lifeless@ |
21:30:33 | jhMikeS | amiconn: (for logs) does the volume setting get applied before voice is played? |
21:31:06 | funman | linuxstb: I was about to modify it again, do you want to move the functions into a specific folder, so we keep that files for the declarations ? |
21:31:10 | funman | s/files/file/ |
21:31:26 | funman | s/do you want to/can you please/ |
21:31:34 | linuxstb | funman: It also depends if the implementation for as3525 are going to be "static inline", or if they are going to be in a .c file. |
21:31:40 | funman | .c |
21:34:08 | kugel | funman: so, I'm able to load rockbox.sansa from either external or internal memory (depending on whether the card is inserted). I can't get either to load, both times check sum fails |
21:34:54 | kugel | which I don't really understand since the filesize is read correctly, and the sum calculation is in a for loop which loops len(=filesize) times |
21:36:57 | bertrik | hmm, I think the as3525-codec.c should have locking |
21:37:03 | kugel | funman: if I try to load it anyway, I get a undefined instruction at 0x3000024 which happens to be crt0.s area |
21:37:30 | linuxstb | funman: I can't do it for another 10 minutes or so (I'm in the middle of something else), but I think you simply need to revert your change to arm/ascodec-target.h, and move the as3525 specific bits of it to target/arm/as3525/ascodec-target.h |
21:37:57 | | Join stripwax [0] (n=Miranda@87-194-34-169.bethere.co.uk) |
21:39:41 | kugel | linuxstb: do you know how the checksum is calculated (the one in the first 4bytes of the rockbox binary? |
21:39:45 | | Quit Nibbler ("Ex-Chat") |
21:41:48 | | Join krazykit [0] (n=kkit@host-69-145-35-234.static.bresnan.net) |
21:42:20 | funman | linuxstb: but won't arm/ascodec-target.h be included before arm/*/ascoded-target.h ? |
21:42:54 | funman | that is the reason why I have put the as3525 code in it |
21:43:07 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
21:43:28 | funman | kugel: see bootloader/common.c:189 |
21:43:37 | | Quit J-23 (Remote closed the connection) |
21:43:58 | kugel | funman: I mean the checksum written in the header |
21:44:19 | funman | kugel: well it's calculated in the same way of course .. |
21:44:27 | linuxstb | funman: No, the more specific files (i.e. deeper in the tree) should be included - that's my understanding anyway. |
21:45:18 | funman | linuxstb: ah right (TARGET_INC in root Makefile) |
21:46:09 | | Quit _lifeless (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
21:48:38 | | Join J-23 [0] (n=kvirc@a105.net128.okay.pl) |
21:49:40 | | Join Nibbler [0] (n=Nibbler@ |
21:49:45 | | Quit Strife89 ("Stuff to do elsewhere......") |
21:50:04 | kugel | anyone has an idea why the BOOTDIR #define isn't used in load_firmware? it's hardcoded to /.rockbox |
21:50:04 | | Join flux [0] (i=flux@jolt.modeemi.cs.tut.fi) |
21:51:56 | funman | linuxstb: ok |
21:56:56 | | Join BigBambi [0] (n=Alex@rockbox/staff/BigBambi) |
21:57:50 | linuxstb | funman: BTW, I think the bootloader should just use ascodec.h, rather than ascodec-target.h. |
21:58:24 | funman | oh ? |
21:58:40 | | Quit LambdaCalculus37 ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
21:58:53 | funman | this ascodec header looks pretty empty .. |
21:59:26 | funman | now I think I'm done with the commit frenzy .. |
22:00 |
22:01:53 | amiconn | jhMikeS: It should, during settings_load() |
22:03:25 | jhMikeS | amiconn: ok. Starting music shouldn't do anything special over voice, so atm I'm stumped. |
22:04:21 | funman | .. or not |
22:04:33 | amiconn | funman: Loadsa red |
22:05:02 | jhMikeS | amiconn: is there anything peculiar about the way it doesn't work? (something other than just being silent, for example) |
22:05:16 | funman | amiconn: yup it's already fixed (for the sansa ams bootloader) |
22:05:24 | amiconn | jhMikeS: It's silent |
22:05:26 | funman | hmm more red |
22:05:44 | jhMikeS | amiconn: but eats PCM or not? |
22:05:57 | amiconn | How would I know? |
22:06:41 | * | amiconn didn't try to track down the cause so far |
22:06:43 | jhMikeS | amiconn: I don't know. I thought you could have investigated some stuff/ |
22:07:13 | amiconn | It's just a reason why I don't use the beast. /me has lots of other choices |
22:07:45 | jhMikeS | could you email me a voice file if that isn't much trouble? |
22:08:09 | amiconn | Another annoying thing (but probably unfixable for a looong time) is the excessive boot time |
22:08:15 | | Quit {phoenix} (Remote closed the connection) |
22:08:59 | jhMikeS | unless we flash it it's pretty much stuck just like the F/X |
22:09:15 | | Quit J-23 ("Flying cow pressed ^D on my keyboard.") |
22:09:30 | jhMikeS | at least if you need retailos. without that it's not so bad. |
22:09:33 | XavierGr | didn't kkbjurn had some plans about Gigabeat F flashing? |
22:09:45 | markun | XavierGr: he's still working on it |
22:09:51 | XavierGr | markun: good to hear |
22:10:01 | markun | in fact it's working find on his player, including wakup alarm |
22:10:16 | markun | fine even :) |
22:10:33 | XavierGr | and what is the obstacle for further usage? |
22:10:54 | | Join MethoS-- [0] (n=clemens@host-091-096-212-139.ewe-ip-backbone.de) |
22:10:59 | amiconn | If I start my archos recorder and my beast at the same time, the recorder already resumed playback when the beast is about 2/3 through the windows mobile progress bar... |
22:11:10 | funman | amiconn: r19079 should fix it - do the build servers build each revision, or the most recent revision when the build has completed ? |
22:11:21 | XavierGr | markun: I mean what's holding it back for official support? |
22:13:36 | amiconn | funman: Most recent. If the master is idle when a commit happens, it also waits 60 seconds before starting the build, and if another commit happens during this delay, it's also included |
22:13:43 | jhMikeS | amiconn: the native loader loads the entire firmware image first. with just a pure rb bootloader it's hardly seen. |
22:14:31 | amiconn | Also, builds don't run back-to-back. The master does some post processing (binsize calculation...) before it's ready to pick up the next changes |
22:14:50 | jhMikeS | amiconn: having things setup to support a sleep mode (like you were going to do) would also help :) |
22:15:12 | BigBambi | The beast boot is pretty quick without dual boot |
22:15:21 | BigBambi | With dual boot, it does indeed take ages |
22:15:22 | amiconn | I wasn't going to do sleep mode on anything but PP5002, and even that's on hold atm |
22:15:44 | | Join saLOUt [0] (n=saLOUt@dslb-088-073-095-026.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
22:16:29 | * | amiconn still didn't gather enough motivation to wade through powermgmt and sys messaiging |
22:16:44 | | Quit petur ("let's try to install a new video driver") |
22:16:55 | amiconn | asm is more fun... and less complex |
22:17:27 | | Quit fredddy (Remote closed the connection) |
22:18:06 | amiconn | BigBambi: How do you charge without dual boot?? |
22:18:14 | BigBambi | With the patch |
22:18:29 | BigBambi | Which works very nicely |
22:19:16 | BigBambi | amiconn: http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/9312 |
22:19:53 | | Quit aarcane ("reboot timez!!") |
22:20:29 | amiconn | I know there is a patch... but I think it's too complex to safely apply it to my main tree |
22:20:40 | BigBambi | Well, that is how I charge it. |
22:20:54 | BigBambi | And without the OF, the boot is quick |
22:21:26 | funman | dbg_ports is displayed in the menu conditionally, but is built unconditionally (in debug_menu.c) |
22:21:28 | jhMikeS | I don't see it being too much simpler other than to rework chargning code with it in place |
22:21:50 | amiconn | Does the patch also fix battery status? In SVN it seems like battery status uses rand()... |
22:21:51 | | Quit Nibbler (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
22:22:00 | | Join bluebrother [0] (n=dom@rockbox/staff/bluebrother) |
22:22:11 | n1s | another thing that is bad about the current dualboot is that it's pretty easy to accidentaly boot the OF and then ypu're stuck if you don't have a paperclip |
22:22:22 | BigBambi | I'd love to see the patch committed, but I can't comment on the technical side :) |
22:22:23 | jhMikeS | I did cut some cruft in my own tree though |
22:22:55 | | Join aarcane [0] (n=aarcane@c-67-187-242-146.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) |
22:25:26 | aarcane | haha, new kernel and terminal emulator |
22:26:14 | jhMikeS | amiconn: the problem mentioned earlier? |
22:26:17 | | Quit Lear ("ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox 3.1b2pre/20081110034911]") |
22:26:18 | BigBambi | aarcane: ? |
22:26:22 | aarcane | o,.,0 |
22:26:29 | aarcane | sorry, I meant that for the channel below this |
22:26:58 | | Quit MethoS- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
22:27:50 | amiconn | jhMikeS: ? |
22:28:47 | jhMikeS | amiconn: Unhelpful had a problem with status updates under certain conditions that should have been addressed but nothing should seem like rand() |
22:29:09 | | Join Chronon [0] (n=chatzill@d23-104.uoregon.edu) |
22:30:00 | amiconn | What I mean is that it happened several times that I shut down the beast with rockbox still showing >50% battery. But when trying to boot a few hours later, the OF bootloader complains about low bat and refuses to boot |
22:30:39 | BigBambi | I get that too |
22:30:57 | jhMikeS | well, the curves have never been made for that target. |
22:31:18 | BigBambi | So some battery benchmarking is in order? |
22:31:51 | jhMikeS | BigBambi: you bet. original battery prerferably. |
22:32:11 | BigBambi | OK, I'll have a look for it - I have a 1000 mAh one in at the moment :) |
22:32:43 | jhMikeS | do you have a final reading of voltage after charging it? |
22:33:07 | BigBambi | I'll have a look, I can't remember exactly off the top of my head |
22:33:53 | funman | the builds are a bit long to complete, some server lag ? |
22:34:21 | jhMikeS | It must be less than 4.242 volts (1% tolerance) |
22:34:47 | | Quit esthar ("KVIrc 3.4.0 Virgo http://www.kvirc.net/") |
22:34:47 | funman | kugel: are you sure that the Fuze SDRAM can be accessed correctly ? |
22:35:07 | kugel | funman: no |
22:35:17 | amiconn | funman: Hmm? Buikds were done a few minutes ago... and there's still red |
22:35:21 | BigBambi | jhMikeS: I'll let you know - I bought it as a specific beast replacement (Cameron Sino as well), so I hope it is OK |
22:35:28 | kugel | funman: I made a post in the v2/sansa ams thread, it sums up my findings |
22:35:53 | kugel | funman: I'm using the same code as you for the clip and others for their ams sansas |
22:35:55 | amiconn | Why do the other PP targets (i.e. all except the v1 Sansas) even include as3514.h? This can't be right |
22:36:23 | funman | no I think it isn't right |
22:36:49 | funman | the shared i2c-pp.c needs it for some targets (c200 & e200 I think) |
22:37:28 | amiconn | Yeah, but why does it include it for those where it's not necessary? |
22:37:58 | | Join petur [50] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
22:38:34 | linuxstb | funman: I moved the definition of AS3514_I2C_ADDR from as3514.h into ascodec-target.h a couple of weeks ago, and added that #error... |
22:39:16 | funman | amiconn: fs#8023 / r15297 |
22:39:43 | funman | linuxstb: oh .. sorry to undo your work (not intentionally) but what's the point ? |
22:40:18 | * | kugel thinks funman should probably browse svn history a bit before reverting others work :) |
22:40:37 | | Join Nibbler [0] (n=Nibbler@e181101194.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
22:41:15 | linuxstb | The point is that it's target-specific, so IMO belongs in the target files - it has to be public in ascodec-target.h for PP because it's used by static inline functions, but can just be private in ascodec-as3525.c |
22:41:20 | funman | I just thought that things in a specific area are here because they are only used by one target, and should be moved if more than one target use it |
22:41:20 | amiconn | #ifdef HAVE_AS3514 / #include "as3514.h" / #endif |
22:41:46 | funman | linuxstb: well it seems it's not target-specific in fact |
22:43:19 | linuxstb | It may differ for different targets though, and makes as3514.h nice and generic |
22:43:46 | funman | it is still generic and doesn't differ for any target. |
22:44:35 | linuxstb | If it has target-specific #ifs, then it's not generic. |
22:45:08 | funman | then just remove the #ifs (and #include "config.h") - I wondered why they were here in the first place |
22:45:19 | | Join esthar [0] (n=esthar@student165-170.hampshire.edu) |
22:46:01 | funman | this value just happens to be shared by all targets using as3514, imo it should just be generic to as3514 and not specific to each model/SoC |
22:47:49 | | Join MichaelRoss [0] (n=michaelr@bas1-toronto04-1176309107.dsl.bell.ca) |
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22:48:57 | | Quit Thundercloud (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
22:49:04 | MichaelRoss | may i have write permission for the Wiki so i can upload my themes? |
22:49:21 | MichaelRoss | this is the nickname i have registered there |
22:49:27 | BigBambi | sure, one mo |
22:49:42 | MichaelRoss | thanks |
22:50:03 | * | funman likes green |
22:50:03 | MichaelRoss | they are themes for the Sansa e200 if that matters |
22:50:36 | BigBambi | Not really, just promise no spamming now :) |
22:50:45 | MichaelRoss | i promise |
22:50:51 | BigBambi | OK, all done |
22:50:54 | | Join nbg [0] (i=574464b2@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-ec9f14056b99628a) |
22:50:58 | MichaelRoss | i don't even know what i would spam! |
22:51:01 | MichaelRoss | thanks |
22:51:02 | BigBambi | :) |
22:51:07 | BigBambi | no problem |
22:51:16 | kugel | funman: if you have time look at my forum post please. I'm not familiar with asm, but that looks not quite correct to me |
22:52:05 | MichaelRoss | i see the rockbox-themes.org link redirects to the WpsGallery now |
22:52:14 | funman | kugel: I just answered - you are looking in the wrong way, if the checksum is invalid, the data read from SD card into SDRAM is incorrect, and doesn't represent valid code (which is why the checksum test was here in the first place) |
22:53:03 | funman | i'm off for a bit, see you next time :) |
22:53:17 | | Quit funman ("leaving") |
22:56:40 | | Quit mcflow ("Leaving.") |
22:56:44 | MichaelRoss | i haven't uploaded anything yet, but it works... thanks |
22:56:54 | MichaelRoss | bye for now :D |
22:57:11 | | Quit MichaelRoss ("Java user signed off") |
23:00 |
23:05:27 | | Quit nbg ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
23:06:54 | BigBambi | jhMikeS: 4.192 V |
23:06:56 | | Quit webguest83 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
23:07:13 | | Join mirak [0] (n=mirak@ip-3.net-80-236-10.asnieres.rev.numericable.fr) |
23:08:36 | jhMikeS | BigBambi: That's a good number :) |
23:08:43 | BigBambi | Cool :) |
23:08:51 | BigBambi | I'll do some benches |
23:09:25 | jhMikeS | you set the batt capacity to 1000mAh? |
23:09:30 | BigBambi | Yep |
23:13:59 | | Join Zagor [242] (n=bjst@ |
23:14:23 | | Quit mirak (Remote closed the connection) |
23:14:36 | amiconn | linuxstb: i2c addresses are usually hardcoded - so the as3514 should always have that address. Some chips have partially variable i2c addresses though (so you can connect more than one of them to the same i2c bus) |
23:17:16 | | Join kushal_12_27_200 [0] (n=kushal@ |
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23:35:13 | | Nick JdGordon|zzz is now known as JdGordon (n=jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) |
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