00:01:22 | | Quit Thundercloud (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) |
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00:12:54 | * | LambdaCalculus37 looks through the manual for any other small fixes he can make |
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00:31:17 | * | gevaerts can't get multi-driver storage to work on sansa :( |
00:31:49 | gevaerts | There must still be a hidden "2-drive-max" assumption somewhere |
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01:03:31 | PurityOfEssence | i wanted to comment that the version of rockboxutility described as 32 bit worked on my 64 bit |
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01:50:41 | | Join Xyden [0] (n=xyden@ip70-179-13-231.sd.sd.cox.net) |
01:51:45 | Xyden | hello all, I've built voicefiles using cygwin, and it builds them incorrectly, a lot of my menu options are very screwed up. |
01:52:12 | | Quit mcuelenaere () |
01:52:33 | | Part toffe82 |
01:53:40 | Xyden | also, it does not use my default voice in my control pannel... It is selecting some british voice I think. |
01:58:39 | | Part Xyden |
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02:05:07 | Xyden | anyone in here create their own .voice files? |
02:07:15 | | Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) |
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02:31:31 | | Nick jhulst__ is now known as jhulst (n=jhulst@ |
02:33:37 | Xyden | anyone in here work with rb .voice files? |
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04:48:51 | NJoin | kharo [0] (n=teemu@a88-114-255-186.elisa-laajakaista.fi) |
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05:58:13 | | Join Xyden [0] (n=xyden@ |
05:58:21 | Xyden | anyone in here who builds voice files? |
05:58:44 | Llorean | Did you have a specific question? |
05:58:51 | Xyden | yeah. |
05:59:06 | Xyden | I'm using cygwin to build them from the source that I got from svn trunk |
05:59:13 | Unhelpful | you should probably ask that, then. and be *patient*, somebody who can answer it might not be around when you ask. |
05:59:55 | Xyden | when I build the english.voice file, 2 things are happening, 1. the voice is not set to that in my windows control pannel, and 2. a a lot of the speaking prompts are messed up, like for batter status it says buffer size etc. |
06:00 |
06:00:12 | Llorean | Xyden: Have you edited the script to choose what voice it needs to use? |
06:00:26 | Xyden | I didn't know I had to do that when in cygwin |
06:00:30 | Llorean | And, is the SVN revision of the source you're building voices against EXACTLY the same as the SVN revision installed on your player? |
06:00:45 | Xyden | no |
06:00:55 | Xyden | ok. |
06:00:59 | Llorean | Well, the voice version has to match the installed Rockbox version. |
06:01:04 | Xyden | I will build a rockbox for my ipod |
06:01:15 | Xyden | and rebuild a matching voice file. |
06:01:26 | Xyden | but about the voice difference? |
06:01:34 | Llorean | That's what causes the voice difference... |
06:01:42 | Xyden | what do I edit to have the ../tools/configure recognize my neospeech voice? |
06:01:53 | Llorean | Is Neospeech SAPI4 or SAPI5? |
06:01:58 | Xyden | sapi5 |
06:02:20 | Xyden | I was told that if I set neospeech in windows control that it would use that, but its not the case. |
06:02:31 | Llorean | I'm not certain. I believe the script that makes the voices is in the /tools folder. |
06:02:41 | Xyden | its using of one of the realspeak voices that are not set as my default. |
06:02:55 | Xyden | alright, I will look into this. |
06:02:56 | Llorean | I *think* it's supposed to use the default voice, but this seems not to be the case. |
06:03:05 | Llorean | If you use RButil, it should use the default voice. |
06:03:14 | Xyden | rbutil isn't accessible. |
06:03:28 | Xyden | I'm blind, and the interface doesn't read for my screen reader. |
06:03:43 | Xyden | thats a whole nother can of warms that I'm trying to work on. |
06:03:54 | Xyden | worms |
06:06:37 | Xyden | I'll look at the script in the tools dir. |
06:06:38 | Xyden | thanks. |
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06:16:30 | | Quit obo ("bye") |
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06:31:38 | | Nick Darksair is now known as Corsair (n=user@ |
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07:49:00 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
07:51:31 | amiconn | Llorean: 'make voice' is not supposed to use the default voice. It is supposed to use the first available voice for the chosen language, unless you specify the voice to use in configure (sapi options) |
07:52:09 | Llorean | amiconn: Thanks. |
07:52:20 | Llorean | Maybe it should use the default voice, rather than the first available, then? |
07:52:28 | Llorean | If that's possible. |
07:52:32 | * | Llorean knows far too little about this |
07:52:41 | amiconn | It can't, since the default is only for a single, unpredictable language |
07:52:53 | Unhelpful | can it find out what that language is? ;/ |
07:53:34 | amiconn | E.g. you can have the default set to English, but chose to build a German voice file. |
07:54:18 | Unhelpful | amiconn: right, but could it use your default voice IFF that voice is in the language you're buildng, and fall back to the first-available logic otherwise? |
07:54:29 | Llorean | is it possible to just list available voices for that language and always prompt then? |
07:54:49 | amiconn | The script always tries to set a voice, after filtering the available ones against the selected language (at least). |
07:55:07 | amiconn | That would be annoying |
07:55:19 | Llorean | How so? |
07:55:25 | Llorean | It's just like picking a target to compile for. |
07:55:28 | amiconn | Just use /voice:MyVoice when configuring |
07:55:53 | Llorean | Why don't the people who know how it works do that, and the people who don't know get told they need to pick from a list? |
07:55:54 | amiconn | If the name contains spaces, the whole thing needs single quotes |
07:56:17 | Llorean | the problem isn't people who know about switches like that, it's the normal users who don't know what to expect. |
07:56:50 | amiconn | *If* we want to present a list to choose from, it should be done in configure, and then we need another vbscript, which nobody has written |
07:57:12 | Llorean | Sorry, I was meaning it should be in configure, I guess I didn't make that clear. |
08:00 |
08:00:58 | amiconn | This script would need to check which voices are available for the chosen language, and then either present the list itself and return the choice, or return the list of available voices and let configure process it. There's also the possibility that no voices are available |
08:01:32 | amiconn | Further complexity is introduced by the sapi4/sapi4 alternatives |
08:01:41 | amiconn | Err, sapi4/sapi5 |
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08:41:06 | | Join Bagderr [241] (n=daniel@rockbox/developer/bagder) |
08:41:38 | amiconn | Actually sapi_voice.vbs already has an option to list available voices for a language. It does all stdin/stdout communication in utf16le though. I have no idea whether shell scripting could handle that... |
08:41:55 | | Nick Bagderr is now known as B4gder (n=daniel@rockbox/developer/bagder) |
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09:39:38 | Cristatus | hello |
09:39:46 | Cristatus | i have a ipod photo, and an itrip |
09:39:57 | Cristatus | i was wondering if it's possible to get my itrip to work with my rock box |
09:42:56 | Zagor | Cristatus: not if it's the version that requires the ipod to set the frequency |
09:43:18 | Cristatus | damn |
09:43:27 | Zagor | unless you can set it in the apple firmware and it remembers when you reboot |
09:43:33 | Cristatus | i think it may |
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09:43:38 | Zagor | try it |
09:43:48 | Cristatus | i was just going to say: i could just boot into the ipod firmware, and use it |
09:43:56 | Cristatus | how do i boot into the apple firmware |
09:43:57 | Cristatus | ? |
09:44:30 | Zagor | I don't remember, I don't have an ipod. :-) anyone else? |
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09:45:31 | B4gder | I think the manual tells |
09:45:51 | GodEater | turn the hold switch on immediately after you power up, or hold menu. |
09:46:34 | Cristatus | thank GodEater |
09:46:41 | Cristatus | and to get back, i do the same thing? |
09:46:58 | GodEater | no, to get back you hold Menu+Select to reboot |
09:47:08 | GodEater | and then just leave your ipod alone till it's running Rockbox again |
09:47:31 | Cristatus | ok |
09:47:34 | | Join bmbl [0] (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/bmbl) |
09:47:41 | Cristatus | how do i get back into the apple firmware from the rockbox |
09:47:47 | Cristatus | is that possible without shuttinn down? |
09:48:00 | GodEater | no |
09:48:03 | GodEater | you have to shut down |
09:48:20 | Cristatus | i just checked |
09:48:20 | Cristatus | it is |
09:48:30 | Cristatus | you just flip the hold switch when the apple logo comes on |
09:48:32 | Cristatus | thanks guys |
09:48:45 | GodEater | isn't that what I just said ? |
09:49:00 | Cristatus | nope |
09:49:04 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
09:49:06 | GodEater | pretty sure it is |
09:49:11 | Cristatus | you said it wasn't possible to get back into apple without a shutdown |
09:49:16 | GodEater | and it isn't |
09:49:23 | Cristatus | i just checked, and it is |
09:49:24 | GodEater | you don't see the apple logo unless you've shutdown |
09:49:31 | Cristatus | unless my eyes are deceiving me |
09:49:34 | Cristatus | i dno |
09:49:37 | Cristatus | i got back into it |
09:49:39 | Cristatus | oh well |
09:49:47 | Cristatus | btw, it's an ipod photo |
09:49:58 | Cristatus | anyhoo, gtg |
09:49:59 | Cristatus | thanks guys |
09:50:00 | | Part Cristatus |
09:51:29 | | Quit pondlife (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
09:51:42 | | Join Darksair` [0] (n=user@ |
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10:10:04 | | Quit nuonguy ("This computer has gone to sleep") |
10:14:57 | | Quit DerDome ("Leaving.") |
10:28:42 | | Quit Seed ("cu, Andre") |
10:29:43 | | Join jeffdameth1 [0] (n=jeff@dyndsl-095-033-120-232.ewe-ip-backbone.de) |
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10:32:21 | pixelma | the 10 latest wiki changes include some weird user names... |
10:35:18 | B4gder | indeed |
10:36:45 | * | Zagor goes cleaning |
10:47:29 | * | kugel points Zagor to FS #9566 |
10:48:54 | Zagor | bsd never fails to amaze me |
10:49:12 | kugel | :) |
10:53:09 | B4gder | well, in this case you're using a gnu extension |
10:55:21 | Zagor | is it really? + is included in my posix regex manpage. |
10:55:58 | Zagor | "Obsolete ("basic") regular expressions differ in several respects. '|', '+', and '?' are ordinary characters and there is no equivalent for their functionality." |
10:56:27 | Zagor | POSIX.2, section 2.8 (Regular Expression Notation). |
10:57:08 | Zagor | " Obsolete REs mostly exist for backward compatibility in some old programs" - such as bsd :) |
10:58:00 | B4gder | I would expect to find them in other *nixes too |
10:58:11 | Zagor | indeed |
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11:06:29 | | Quit FOAD (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
11:11:33 | | Quit Lynx_ (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- The dawn of a new IRC era") |
11:19:22 | | Join pondlife [50] (n=Steve@rockbox/developer/pondlife) |
11:24:16 | | Quit kugel (Remote closed the connection) |
11:30:26 | | Join amiconn [0] (n=jens@p54BD76D1.dip.t-dialin.net) |
11:34:20 | pondlife | jhMikeS: Are you ok with kugel's software-backlight-fade patch? Or does it need more work? |
11:49:08 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
11:55:08 | jhMikeS | pondlife: I think I was ok there. He made room for the S to use hardware? |
11:55:18 | pondlife | Yes |
11:55:36 | pondlife | I was unsure whether he was still sending too many messages |
12:00 |
12:07:41 | jhMikeS | I think he changed it avoid that |
12:08:22 | | Join kugel [0] (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/kugel) |
12:09:00 | | Join BdN3504 [0] (n=55b22045@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-066b450c13aa4113) |
12:11:31 | BdN3504 | Hey in the new calender plugin, what does "one off" stand for? In the manual it's not explained... i guess it's a single event but the description "one off" is malevoelnt in this content. maybe we could change it to "unique event" or something alike? |
12:11:58 | BdN3504 | *replace content with context* |
12:12:36 | | Quit BdN3504 (Client Quit) |
12:12:44 | n1s | yes, it's a single event, meh |
12:12:49 | * | Llorean didn't even get to ask him why he thinks it's "malevolent" |
12:13:08 | n1s | shouldn't it be "one of" though? |
12:13:18 | Llorean | It's a figure of speech. |
12:13:52 | Llorean | http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/one-off |
12:13:57 | Llorean | But it's definitely not ideal. |
12:15:07 | Unhelpful | perhaps repeating->(daily/weekly/monthly/anually/never)? |
12:16:23 | Llorean | Or just "Occurs: once/daily/weekly/monthly/annually" |
12:16:25 | | Quit _lifeless (Remote closed the connection) |
12:16:31 | | Part B4gder |
12:16:36 | Llorean | If you want it to happen once, you probably don't look at an option that says "repeating" |
12:17:02 | | Join HBK [0] (i=hbk@pool-71-96-74-73.dfw.dsl-w.verizon.net) |
12:17:50 | Unhelpful | make "never" the default, then you'll look at the list if you want it to repeat. or there might be a better way that i'm not thinking of. |
12:19:00 | | Join _lifeless [0] (n=lifeless@ |
12:19:59 | Llorean | I was more just curious if he was just using malevolent and meant "bad", or if he comes from a culture or region where "one-off" actually has some sort of evil meaning. |
12:20:05 | | Quit HBK- (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
12:21:20 | | Quit _lifeless (Remote closed the connection) |
12:22:00 | Unhelpful | i can see how somebody who's not a native speaker might think that "malevolent" was the word to use, except that i can't imagine somebody learning the language in that context would've heard that word without having already learned "bad" or even "inappropriate" |
12:23:23 | | Quit kugel (Remote closed the connection) |
12:24:02 | Zagor | it's not that strange, I'd say. could be a mixup with "malplaced" for instance. |
12:24:46 | | Join _lifeless [0] (n=lifeless@ |
12:24:47 | Zagor | or wait, that doesn't exist in english does it? ;) |
12:25:44 | Unhelpful | misplaced? :P |
12:26:18 | Zagor | well it's not quite the same meaning. but this is getting offtopic... |
12:43:09 | | Join kugel [0] (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/kugel) |
12:51:28 | amiconn | Bagder/ Zagor: Will you repair the binsize table any time soonish? |
12:52:57 | Zagor | the table is working, in the meaning that it is showing the numbers reported to it. I haven't investigated what causes those numbers though. |
12:54:45 | | Quit kharo (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
12:55:09 | * | amiconn wouldn't call that "working" |
12:55:49 | Zagor | even so, the table is working just as well as it has for months |
12:57:14 | amiconn | The jumping targets are exactly those which have rombox.... |
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13:00:37 | | Join kharo [0] (n=teemu@a88-114-255-186.elisa-laajakaista.fi) |
13:00:39 | pixelma | jumping targets |
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13:22:22 | | Join Nico_P [50] (n=nicolas@rockbox/developer/NicoP) |
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13:52:43 | | Quit LambdaCalculus37 ("Ka-chunka") |
13:55:25 | n1s | Zagor: the various *.make files are missing svn props (and functions.make has svn:mergeinfo set (but empty) which i don't know what it does) |
13:55:47 | Zagor | ! |
13:59:23 | | Join TheSphinX^ [0] (n=cold@p54A5DB9A.dip.t-dialin.net) |
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14:03:23 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@rockbox/staff/XavierGr) |
14:11:38 | linuxstb | Zagor: Do you know why make doesn't display the usual "make: Nothing to be done" message when nothing needs to be done? It's a bit disconcerting to get no output... |
14:12:18 | Zagor | no I don't. |
14:12:26 | linuxstb | Ah, it seems it is always running mkinfo.pl, even when nothing has changed (make V=1) |
14:12:38 | Zagor | oh |
14:13:28 | Zagor | that's siilly |
14:14:32 | Zagor | fixing |
14:15:21 | | Join kharo1 [0] (n=teemu@a88-114-255-186.elisa-laajakaista.fi) |
14:17:00 | | Quit kharo (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
14:17:57 | | Join kugel [0] (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/kugel) |
14:19:23 | Nico_P | Zagor: is the dependency generation something that make does, or is it in the Makefiles? |
14:19:57 | Zagor | it's in the makefiles. make.root calls function mkdepfile. the function itself is in functions.make |
14:20:10 | Zagor | I'm looking at a way to speed that up |
14:20:36 | Zagor | root.make even |
14:22:16 | | Join CaptainKewl [0] (n=jason@207-237-173-165.c3-0.nyr-ubr4.nyr.ny.cable.rcn.com) |
14:22:21 | Zagor | if we add some post processing to the output, we should be able to get away with a single call to gcc instead of one call per file. |
14:23:12 | Nico_P | isn't make capable of computing dependencies by looking at the files? |
14:23:33 | Zagor | no, make is content agnostic. only gcc understands the c syntax. |
14:23:43 | Nico_P | ok |
14:23:43 | Zagor | make only understands file timestamps |
14:24:39 | | Join Schmogel [0] (n=Miranda@p3EE21DD0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
14:31:37 | | Nick blkhawk- is now known as blkhawk (i=HydraIRC@g228068071.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
14:32:10 | kugel | Nico_P: you said you don't have a target which can use my backlight fade. Which targets you have (they need adjustable backlight brightness) so I could adapt them? |
14:32:26 | | Join funman [0] (n=fun@AToulouse-158-1-34-203.w90-50.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
14:33:41 | | Join dany_21a_ [0] (n=dan@chello084115131245.3.graz.surfer.at) |
14:37:46 | Zagor | from 19 to 15 seconds. still a long time, but better. now lets see how it does in cygwin |
14:38:25 | | Join LambdaCalculus37 [0] (i=44a04303@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-88dce66f9f32e863) |
14:40:00 | | Part dany_21a_ |
14:41:13 | | Join ringo999 [0] (n=ringo999@ |
14:41:41 | | Join ajonat [0] (n=ajonat@ |
14:41:57 | | Join domonoky [0] (n=Domonoky@rockbox/developer/domonoky) |
14:42:04 | ringo999 | hi folks, i just tried to install rockbox on my 80gb video ipod 5.5G. when booting i get "can't load rockbox.ipod" File not found error. any idea?AAAAA |
14:42:19 | ringo999 | is it something wrong with the bootloader? |
14:42:24 | funman | ringo999: perhaps you only installed the bootloader ? |
14:43:33 | funman | yesterday there was a discussion on irc about strange ipod disk partitioning |
14:43:47 | ringo999 | nope |
14:44:06 | ringo999 | im pretty sure i installed it, tried manual and automatic, .rockbox folder exists... |
14:44:51 | ringo999 | is there anything else I can check/do? |
14:45:06 | Zagor | do you have a rockbox.ipod file? |
14:45:12 | funman | see http://www.rockbox.org/irc/log-20081119#18:38:49 |
14:45:36 | Nico_P | kugel: currently, I have a beast, an iPod video and a sansa e200 |
14:45:47 | ringo999 | Zagor: yes I do |
14:45:56 | ringo999 | in .rockbox folder |
14:45:57 | Zagor | bigger difference in cygwin: 1:43 versus 2:33 |
14:46:38 | Zagor | this means slow fork is only part of the reason for cygwins slowness |
14:48:14 | Zagor | the new dependency generation forks a total of three times |
14:48:42 | | Join amiconn_ [50] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) |
14:48:45 | ringo999 | funman: well, im reading the log, but i cant really find the solution.... |
14:49:45 | funman | ringo999: i'm not sure there was a solution found :/ |
14:50:05 | * | linuxstb pings gevaerts to find out |
14:50:09 | | Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) |
14:50:12 | | Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) |
14:50:18 | | Quit kharo1 ("Leaving.") |
14:50:20 | ringo999 | mmm |
14:50:58 | ringo999 | i really hope it will be fixed... im tired of applemania... |
14:51:03 | ringo999 | ;-) |
14:51:44 | ringo999 | i was looking into ipodlinux all the time and finally yesterday i found rockbox ;-) |
14:51:58 | ringo999 | looking forward to when it works again... |
14:53:27 | linuxstb | ringo999: Unless I'm misunderstanding, this isn't a new problem, just something that happens to a very small number of people. |
14:54:36 | ringo999 | any suggestions what else I could try doing? just sit and wait and pray? |
14:54:54 | n1s | isn't it that our ata driver has to guess the sectorsize and makes a wrong guess if you have something resembling a MBR in the right (or wrong) place? |
14:55:55 | n1s | it should be fixable with some dd magic, but i don't know much about this so will leave the details to someone that does... |
14:56:12 | | Quit _lifeless (Remote closed the connection) |
14:56:35 | ringo999 | nls: so should i hopen another thread in the forum? and who is the dd magician? |
14:57:35 | n1s | ringo999: i would ask gevaerts or amiconn, they seem to know this stuff, not sure they read the forum much so you are probably better off trying to catch them in here, |
14:58:26 | | Join kharo [0] (n=teemu@a88-114-255-186.elisa-laajakaista.fi) |
14:59:26 | Zagor | I can't find a bug filed for this. Please create one so we can keep relevant information in one place. |
14:59:32 | kugel | Nico_P: the ipod fades? |
14:59:34 | Zagor | (that was to ringo999) |
14:59:38 | ringo999 | Zagor: yep |
14:59:43 | ringo999 | Zagor: will do |
15:00 |
15:03:01 | gevaerts | ringo999: what OS are you using? (so I can make some assumptions about tools you can use for diagnostics) |
15:04:06 | | Join culture [0] (n=none@cpc1-bele3-0-0-cust658.belf.cable.ntl.com) |
15:04:50 | linuxstb | gevaerts: Is this a new bug, or has this code always been the same? |
15:04:54 | | Quit kharo ("Leaving.") |
15:05:52 | gevaerts | linuxstb: the code has changed since I first heard of this, but I think the same issue still exists (i.e. a valid FAT superblock at the 512-byte-based offset) |
15:05:55 | funman | domonoky: the DMA / SD code doesn't work in the bootloader :'( |
15:06:42 | domonoky | maybe some inits are not in the bootloader ? perhaps something with interrupts ? |
15:07:02 | funman | I checked both |
15:07:23 | linuxstb | Are interrupts enabled in the as3525 bootloader now? |
15:07:43 | funman | yes, since the previous SD code used kernel ticks |
15:07:54 | ringo999 | gevaerts: debian |
15:07:59 | funman | not sure where, since they were disabled in system-as3525.c |
15:08:04 | ringo999 | just filed the bug |
15:08:19 | funman | in bootloader/sansa_as3525.c |
15:09:24 | gevaerts | ringo999: can you put the output of sfdisk -l /dev/sd<whatever> on a pastebin somewhere? (replace <whatever> with the correct device of course) |
15:09:37 | Zagor | or in the bug report |
15:09:51 | gevaerts | Ah yes. That's a good place for it :) |
15:10:37 | | Join evilnick [0] (i=0c140464@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-c47f0e05cc028403) |
15:12:08 | ringo999 | gevaerts: when i try this sudo sfdisk -l /dev/disk/by-label/IPOD i get "Warning: start=257040 - this looks like a partition rather than |
15:12:15 | ringo999 | the entire disk. |
15:12:36 | funman | ringo999: because IPOD is your partition |
15:12:38 | gevaerts | Not surprising :) That is the data partition |
15:12:45 | ringo999 | yeah sorry |
15:12:51 | funman | better do ls -l to find the real device, and run sfdisk on the device |
15:12:52 | ringo999 | im still quite new to linux |
15:13:11 | ringo999 | i never understood how to find the device |
15:13:40 | funman | "mount | grep IPOD" might help |
15:14:13 | | Part LinusN |
15:16:00 | ringo999 | funman: that helped, but i still get the same warning |
15:16:06 | ringo999 | should I force it? |
15:16:38 | gevaerts | ringo999: You need something like /dev/sdb, not /dev/sdb1 |
15:16:40 | linuxstb | ringo999: What device name are you using? Remove any numbers from the end. e.g. if /dev/sdb2 is mounted, you use /dev/sdb with sfdisk |
15:18:06 | ringo999 | gevaerts: http://pastebin.com/d3c25b321 |
15:18:27 | ringo999 | done (sorry for the inconvenience, im still in learning mode9 |
15:19:23 | gevaerts | ringo999: Can you run "cat /sys/block/sdc/sdc1/start" and "cat /sys/block/sdc/sdc2/start", and give the numbers that come out? |
15:20:30 | ringo999 | 252 and 257040 |
15:20:39 | ringo999 | gevaerts: unforunately I got to go offline now. I will be back later on though. Also filed a bug. Will be happy to support debugging... |
15:20:52 | gevaerts | OK. I'll drop some questions in the bug report then |
15:21:39 | ringo999 | question: how do i turn ipod of that is in disk mode? |
15:22:19 | funman | I verified that no errors occur in the DMA transfer (DMAC_INT_ERROR_STATUS register) |
15:22:43 | kugel | jhMikeS: ping |
15:23:48 | linuxstb | ringo999: Reset it - hold MENU+SELECT |
15:25:15 | domonoky | funman: so no interrupt from the DMAC occurs in the bootloader |
15:25:57 | funman | yes they do, else the SD driver would be stuck in "while(!dma_finished)" but only terminal count interrupt. (and I defined dma_finished as a volatile also) |
15:26:30 | domonoky | so the terminal count interrupt comes, but the data is not correct ? |
15:26:46 | funman | that's it . but i forgot to enable error interrupts .. let's check |
15:27:24 | ringo999 | linuxstb: yeah, then i get the boot at error but it wont switch off |
15:27:27 | gevaerts | ringo999: I added some questions to your bug report. |
15:27:42 | ringo999 | gevaerts: ok, ill get back to it asap |
15:27:50 | linuxstb | ringo999: You can start the Apple firmware - turn on the hold switch immediately after resetting |
15:28:18 | funman | bit 14 of channel cX configuration set, still no error |
15:28:32 | funman | i get a varying checksum at each boot |
15:28:32 | | Join _lifeless [0] (n=lifeless@ |
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15:29:43 | ringo999 | linuxstb: cheers! |
15:29:52 | | Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@adsl6-251.her.forthnet.gr) |
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15:31:39 | | Part domonoky |
15:34:53 | funman | the first bytes are well transfered since I can see the correct checksum (specified in the first 4 bytes of the rockbox.sansa file) |
15:35:44 | kugel | linuxstb: is anything holding http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/9559 back? |
15:36:47 | funman | and since it finds the file at all, it means the FAT32 bits are read correctly as well .. |
15:39:04 | Zagor | kugel: what is the gain of changing it in the bootloader? surely #9567 is a lot more useful? |
15:42:04 | kugel | Zagor: I don't know. It just doesn't make sense to me that this #define isn't used in there |
15:42:31 | kugel | Zagor: also those 2 would go together nicely |
15:43:43 | Zagor | I agree |
15:43:45 | | Quit CaptainKewl (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
15:44:39 | kugel | my patch doesn't intend to make the boot dir configurable with configure. It simply puts the symbol in there, so that if -ever - anyone wants to change it (in the target config OR with #9567 maybe with configure) does only need to change BOOTDIR and not both BOOTDIR and common.c (and probably other files as well) |
15:46:43 | kugel | nice to see though that this guy uses my parse_args "api" |
15:47:15 | | Quit ringo999 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
15:49:07 | kugel | Zagor: with his patch the rockbox binary will still look into .rockbox when installed or am I wrong here? |
15:49:16 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
15:49:17 | kugel | e.g. for the config file |
15:49:41 | Zagor | no it should look for everything in the configured directory |
15:50:13 | kugel | ah yea I see |
15:50:39 | kugel | Zagor: imho it should #undef BOOTDIR and define a new one if the parameter is given |
15:50:55 | kugel | and settings.h should do #define ROCKBOX_DIR BOOTDIR |
15:51:15 | Zagor | I think BOOTDIR and ROCKBOX_DIR are two different things |
15:51:31 | kugel | well depends on what you build |
15:51:32 | Zagor | BOOTDIR is for the bootloader. where to load the firmware file. |
15:51:49 | Zagor | ROCKBOX_DIR is for the rockbox binary. where to look for config files, wps etc. |
15:51:53 | kugel | but as you build bootloader and main build seperately you can use BOOTDIR for either |
15:52:22 | Zagor | yes but calling it BOOTDIR is confusing when in fact it doesn't boot into it |
15:52:29 | Zagor | (when you build the application) |
15:52:37 | kugel | I mean, so this could be easily adapted to also allow a different bootdir |
15:53:07 | kugel | zagor that's why #define ROCKBOX_DIR BOOTDIR, so that it'll be ROCKBOX_DIR for non-bootloader stuff |
15:53:17 | kugel | and not confusing |
15:53:54 | kugel | if it'd redefine bootdir it would be very easy to also let the bootdir be configurable |
15:53:58 | | Quit tvelocity (Connection timed out) |
15:54:10 | | Join tyfoo [0] (n=tyfoo@dyndsl-095-033-095-192.ewe-ip-backbone.de) |
15:54:32 | Zagor | yeah |
15:54:36 | | Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@adsl6-251.her.forthnet.gr) |
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15:56:39 | funman | oh it's Duvel time |
15:56:51 | kugel | btw, /me thinks rockbox should avoid to be hardcoded to "./rockbox" too much, just like windows shouldn't be hardcoded to C:\Windows |
15:57:06 | kugel | unless the gains of that simplification are immense that is |
15:57:34 | Zagor | you mean using a variable instead of a compile-time constant? |
15:57:45 | kugel | no, compile time |
15:57:50 | Zagor | then I agree |
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16:00:41 | | Join Seed [0] (n=ben@bzq-84-108-232-45.cablep.bezeqint.net) |
16:01:21 | pondlife | kugel: Do you think FS #6800 is ready for commit? |
16:01:34 | kugel | Zagor: apropos compile time. Why does load_firmware even have the filename argument (for the name of the firmware file)? that's also a compile time constant |
16:01:43 | pondlife | (and do you have anyone else interested in committing it?) |
16:01:45 | kugel | pondlife: not yet |
16:01:57 | kugel | pondlife: other than me, no :P |
16:01:59 | pondlife | OK, what's to be done? |
16:02:13 | Zagor | kugel: I don't think there is a reason |
16:02:15 | pondlife | kugel: I didn't see your name in COMMITTERS ;p |
16:02:32 | kugel | pondlife: Yea, me neither |
16:02:53 | kugel | I wanted to look into factoring some code from backlight.c into the dedicated file first |
16:02:57 | pondlife | OK |
16:03:12 | pondlife | I'll keep watching Flyspray... |
16:03:43 | kugel | pondlife: have you tried my latest patch on the tracker? I've adjusted the fading interval to be more dependent on the number of the available brightness levels |
16:03:52 | kugel | should be a bit faster for h300 |
16:03:54 | pondlife | I'm not sure :/ |
16:04:01 | pondlife | Will try tonight, hopefully |
16:05:45 | kugel | pondlife: try that please. I've heard the backlight controller is rather slow, so even a slight reduction of the interval time may result in a noticeable weirdness |
16:05:54 | kugel | the one in the h300 |
16:06:00 | pondlife | Will do |
16:09:51 | kugel | Zagor: if there's no reason (and I doubt there is one too), it would make more sense to remove that argument and let load_firmware just use BOOTFILE |
16:10:03 | Zagor | kugel: yes |
16:10:40 | kugel | Zagor: ah, ipod uses it to load "apple_os.ipod" |
16:10:54 | Zagor | ok |
16:11:34 | n1s | kugel: isn't that used for rolo? |
16:12:07 | kugel | n1s: I thought that too at first, but a grep "load_firmware" rolo.c said no |
16:12:40 | funman | load_firmware() is only implemented in the bootloader (in bootloader/) |
16:13:27 | * | LambdaCalculus37 notices something a little odd on http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/TargetStatus#New_Platforms_Currently_Under_De |
16:13:57 | LambdaCalculus37 | Since when did the GoGear HDD160X0 and HDD63X0 have sound output? |
16:14:40 | kugel | LambdaCalculus37: maybe history tells you (unless you're doubting that's true at all) |
16:16:51 | kugel | Zagor: many reds |
16:17:17 | Zagor | hmm |
16:17:28 | LambdaCalculus37 | kugel: I am doubting that it's true. No commits, no "We have sound" mail, nothing in IRC... |
16:19:14 | | Quit tvelocity (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
16:19:44 | | Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@h-74-0-180-178.snvacaid.covad.net) |
16:19:49 | | Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@adsl6-251.her.forthnet.gr) |
16:25:34 | kugel | anyone with an X5 here? |
16:30:30 | | Join tvelocity[a] [0] (n=tony@adsl136-251.kln.forthnet.gr) |
16:31:33 | kugel | the x5 apparently has pwm but doesn't use pwm fading |
16:32:18 | | Quit tvelocity[a] (Client Quit) |
16:38:16 | | Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host45-171-dynamic.40-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) |
16:42:09 | funman | gevaerts: is it possible to setup a serial protocol with the USB controllers of some targets (not the targets with ATA-USB bridge at least), in order to control rockbox with gdb ? |
16:42:17 | | Quit tvelocity (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
16:42:35 | Zagor | funman: yes |
16:42:40 | gevaerts | funman: possibly. I have no idea of what gdb needs exactly |
16:43:21 | Zagor | the gdb stub is apparently a piece of work to do though. linusn wrote one for the old archoses. |
16:43:42 | gevaerts | You do need a USB controller with known specs though, so you'll have to switch to the meizu ;) |
16:47:15 | funman | ;) |
16:48:18 | | Join wikki [0] (i=wikki@ham.ojnk.org) |
16:48:23 | wikki | yo |
16:48:51 | wikki | i've been trying to figure out some stuff on rockbox. |
16:49:13 | wikki | I have a lot of compilations and a lot of artists that I really don't care to have show up in the main artists list |
16:49:42 | funman | wikki: you can remove the tags from these files |
16:49:59 | | Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@adsl3-181.kln.forthnet.gr) |
16:50:20 | wikki | I wonder how the ipod software handles that |
16:50:39 | wikki | I think they must have some special tags in their database |
16:50:57 | wikki | amarok handles it well too |
16:51:35 | funman | wikki: i'm not sure what you mean, you have tagged files that you don't want to see in the tags list ? |
16:52:09 | wikki | say I have 10 compilations, each with 10 songs with 10 different artists |
16:52:12 | wikki | that's 100 artists |
16:52:23 | wikki | I also have 10 other single album artists |
16:52:47 | funman | are those mp3 with id3v2 tags? |
16:53:01 | wikki | so in the apple firmware when I go to artists I only see the 10 |
16:53:02 | wikki | yes |
16:53:28 | funman | perhaps amarok/ipod OS use folder or album sorting? |
16:53:28 | wikki | because apple some how understands that those other 100 are in compilations |
16:54:20 | funman | I have the same problem with compilations, but my solution is "if you don't want to see the artist, don't tag it" :) |
16:54:28 | wikki | yeah |
16:54:35 | Zagor | funman: well you do want to see it when you play the track |
16:54:40 | wikki | yes :) |
16:55:24 | funman | iirc vorbis has a ALBUMARTIST tag, or maybe it is musicbrainz .. I think sorting using this tag would solve that problem? |
16:58:25 | | Quit tvelocity ("Αποχώρησε") |
16:58:49 | | Quit skipper (Remote closed the connection) |
16:59:22 | kugel | wikki: album artist seems appropriate |
17:00 |
17:00:06 | kugel | you tag your compilations with "various artists" or something like that as album artist. all compilations will pop up under "various artists" in the album artist subtree |
17:00:26 | kugel | note that if you |
17:00:58 | kugel | you're using mp3, there's no official album artist field. the convention is to use ensemble (rockbox will read that) |
17:01:12 | funman | domonoky: (please transmit to him) I couldn't see what was wrong with DMA in the sansa ams bootloader, I pasted my diff on the forum; hopefully i'll have some time to work on it next week |
17:01:17 | * | kugel hopes he wasn't too late on that topic |
17:01:25 | wikki | i've seen the albumartist |
17:01:31 | wikki | that's not in id3? |
17:01:54 | kugel | album artist isn't an official id3 tag, no |
17:02:39 | kugel | but you can use the ensemble field. about every app puts that under their respective album artist nodes |
17:02:56 | | Quit funman ("leaving") |
17:03:13 | gevaerts | What if you use the ensemble field for the ensemble though? |
17:03:35 | | Join blahrus [0] (n=blahrus@ |
17:03:59 | | Quit Zagor ("Client exiting") |
17:04:09 | kugel | then you're screwed :) you're ensemble will be in album artist then. It's just a convention, probably because album artist is more wanted than ensemble |
17:04:19 | gevaerts | Is it? |
17:05:03 | kugel | I'd think so |
17:05:21 | krazykit | i'd think it would be easier to simply use a sane directory structure :) |
17:08:58 | wikki | maybe i'll just stick with the ipod firmware :) |
17:09:08 | wikki | I don't really have a reason to use rockbox |
17:12:54 | pondlife | kugel: FS #6800 latest patch seems ok on H300 |
17:14:18 | | Join jon-kha [0] (i=jon-kha@kahvi.eu.org) |
17:20:25 | pondlife | kugel: Ah, no - see bug report at http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/6800 |
17:23:40 | | Quit petur ("time for a beer") |
17:30:46 | kugel | pondlife: can you reproduce that on the previous patch? i cannot reproduce it on the sansa |
17:31:22 | kugel | pondlife: or wait |
17:31:52 | | Join ringo999 [0] (n=ringo999@c-ce1670d5.018-2-6d6c6d10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) |
17:31:58 | pondlife | Set fade In to Off, and Fade Out to On, then set max brightness.. |
17:32:48 | | Join stsquad2 [0] (n=stsquad@cpc2-cmbg5-0-0-cust252.cmbg.cable.ntl.com) |
17:33:09 | kugel | see my latest comment |
17:33:20 | kugel | I did that |
17:34:16 | stsquad2 | Are all the firmware/export/config-* header files only relevant to the bootloader code? |
17:34:35 | kugel | stsquad2: yes |
17:35:13 | Llorean | kugel: He/she did say *only* relevant to the bootloader code. |
17:35:27 | kugel | oh sorry, then no |
17:36:05 | | Part wikki |
17:36:14 | kugel | stsquad2: ah, I misread. It's relevant to both bootloader and normal code (and more) |
17:36:34 | * | stsquad2 is trying to make sure the BOOTDIR is not synonymous with ROCKBOX_DIR |
17:37:02 | kugel | stsquad2: it is actually, even though BOOTDIR is rather meant for the bootloader |
17:37:27 | kugel | stsquad2: are you the guy that made http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/9567? |
17:39:07 | stsquad2 | kugel: yes - sorry, different nick on irc |
17:40:45 | kugel | stsquad2: any chance you read the logs? I had a small talk with Zagor about your patch |
17:41:42 | kugel | stsquad2: I proposed you redefine the BOOTDIR symbol (which is located in config-*.h) with the parameter from −−rbdir |
17:41:57 | * | stsquad2 looks |
17:42:04 | kugel | stsquad2: and in settings.h you would do #define ROCKBOX_DIR BOOTDIR |
17:42:28 | kugel | this way it can easily adapted to other types of builds |
17:44:30 | | Quit bmbl ("Woah!") |
17:44:47 | ringo999 | gevaerts: im back and I have uploaded the dump files... |
17:45:33 | stsquad2 | hmmm, not many places seem to use BOOTDIR anyway.... |
17:45:52 | * | stsquad2 reads apps/misc.c |
17:45:57 | kugel | stsquad2: yes, but that should change (see also http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/9559) |
17:47:50 | kugel | pondlife: ping me if you are able to test the new version today'ish |
17:47:59 | pondlife | Maybe |
17:48:07 | pondlife | Work is having a mad moment... ;) |
17:48:57 | kugel | no worries. We have time and don't need to rush. I'm just happy if it's going it (ignoring the when) |
17:49:19 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
17:49:57 | stsquad2 | Hmmm. I'm not sure of the value of tying the bootloader code to the main app with config. The original point of my patch was to have a failsafe reset to known good code (Boot->/.rockbox) while allowing easy testing of the main build (Rockbox->Alternate Rockbox). This may make it easier to get confused with bootloaders? |
17:50:48 | kugel | stsquad2: you don't touch real bootloader code |
17:51:13 | kugel | as of now, the bootloader doesn't even use BOOTDIR |
17:52:24 | kugel | stsquad2: if you redefine BOOTDIR and we focus on using BOOTDIR instead of hardcoded "/.rockbox/"es, then your patch will be protable and consistent over build types |
17:53:00 | kugel | portable even |
17:53:06 | | Quit ajonat (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
17:54:02 | * | stsquad2 wonders why code using BOOTDIR doesn't just ROCKBOX_DIR instead? |
17:54:09 | kugel | good question |
17:54:25 | | Join herrwaldo [0] (n=waldo@ip-81-11-224-82.dsl.scarlet.be) |
17:54:46 | | Join ajonat [0] (n=ajonat@ |
17:54:47 | kugel | a rename of that symbol seems appropriate if it's going to be used more |
17:56:34 | | Join {phoenix} [0] (n=dirk@p54B47964.dip.t-dialin.net) |
17:58:24 | stsquad2 | As I understand the existing code that refers to bootfile is it runs in USB mode and monitors the ~/.rockbox/rockbox.x file for time/date chnage and auto kicks in ROLO if it's updated. I assume this is for platforms that can run USB while in Rockbox. |
17:58:45 | * | stsquad2 ponders the implication |
18:00 |
18:00:43 | | Join grndslm [0] (n=grndslm@24-116-87-97.cpe.cableone.net) |
18:01:43 | kugel | stsquad2: don't read too much out of existing code in this case. As it has being said, rockbox is quite hardcoded to "./.rockbox", so you won't find much reference to BOOTFILE or BOOTDIR |
18:02:28 | kugel | and as obo said in the comments, that should change |
18:02:37 | stsquad2 | true, but hopefully I've removed all the other places with hardcoding for this particular path now |
18:03:08 | | Quit ajonat (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
18:03:34 | kugel | stsquad2: if you like you can include my patch too http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/9559 it does that what obo wants, just for other files |
18:03:47 | | Join mib_bjswou [0] (i=2669ecc2@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-39603961432e07e5) |
18:03:58 | Llorean | stsquad2: Yes, on players where USB can be used in Rockbox, if the file you booted from changed it will report this and prompt you to automatically reboot with ROLO |
18:04:49 | | Nick mib_bjswou is now known as CaptainKwel (i=2669ecc2@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-39603961432e07e5) |
18:05:40 | pixelma | some targets also expect their firmware file in the root (not sure how that's called in the code though) |
18:05:54 | pixelma | not in .rockbox |
18:06:07 | Llorean | Yeah, but that won't affect "secondary" firmware files. |
18:06:10 | kugel | pixelma: that's covered by load_firmware |
18:06:28 | kugel | (as long as the bootloader is concerned) |
18:06:31 | pixelma | just want to be sure it's not forgotten |
18:06:49 | | Quit TheSphinX^ ("XChat@Linux") |
18:07:22 | stsquad2 | kugel: To be honest I'd rather just push through the current patch and revisit the issue of BOOT_DIR later when I have a better idea of what the difference should be. |
18:07:43 | kugel | stsquad2: why should there be a difference? |
18:08:09 | kugel | it's the same thing. Only the context is another one |
18:08:35 | | Join Horscht [0] (n=Horscht@xbmc/user/horscht) |
18:10:18 | stsquad2 | kugel: I'm not so familiar with the code and I'm wary of assumptions associated with synonymous symbols and altering contexts. Let me read through a bit... |
18:12:55 | kugel | stsquad2: I didn't make a assumption. But understand your point of view |
18:13:18 | * | gevaerts is confused |
18:13:50 | kugel | gevaerts: why? |
18:14:30 | gevaerts | ringo999: can you try 'dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdc bs=512 seek=257040 count=1' ? |
18:15:07 | stsquad2 | kugel: no problem. I'm a pretty defensive programmer used to thinking about how shared code bases get used.... bitter experience I guess :-) |
18:15:23 | gevaerts | kugel: I can't find a fat filesystem where I expect it in the dumps at FS #9568 |
18:16:55 | | Join ajonat [0] (n=ajonat@ |
18:18:00 | kugel | stsquad2: no problem. If you feel uncomfortable I might just jump in and do it |
18:18:31 | | Join MethoS [0] (n=clemens@host-091-097-242-115.ewe-ip-backbone.de) |
18:19:07 | stsquad2 | kugel: ok, probably best until I get more comfortable with the code |
18:22:14 | | Join ajonat_ [0] (n=ajonat@ |
18:22:18 | | Quit thegeek_ (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) |
18:23:00 | | Quit ajonat (Operation timed out) |
18:30:20 | | Join _ajonat [0] (n=ajonat@ |
18:31:38 | ringo999 | gevaerts: done, what should that have done? |
18:31:54 | | Join thegeek [0] (n=nnscript@s243b.studby.ntnu.no) |
18:32:15 | ringo999 | gevaerts: information do you need? |
18:32:38 | gevaerts | ringo999: there is (was) a FAT superblock at 257040 512-byte sectors into the file, which if I understand things correctly shouldn't be there (that was dump3.bin) |
18:32:57 | gevaerts | This last dd command has zeroed that out, so if my theory is correct this should fix the issue |
18:33:49 | ringo999 | gevaerts: so should i try to reboot yeah? |
18:33:51 | gevaerts | yes |
18:34:55 | ringo999 | gevaerts: no sorry, didnt work :-( |
18:35:29 | gevaerts | ok. In that case, 'dd if=dump3.bin of=/dev/sdc bs=512 seek=257040 count=1' to put things back as they were |
18:35:32 | | Join faemir [0] (n=quassel@88-106-186-147.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) |
18:35:38 | * | gevaerts doesn't understand this bug |
18:36:39 | ringo999 | :-( |
18:37:12 | gevaerts | ringo999: can you run 'dd if=/dev/sdc of=dump6.bin bs=1024 count=1 skip=257040' as well, and attach dump6.bin to the bug report? |
18:37:57 | * | amiconn was finally able to measure ape -c5000 speed on PP5022 |
18:38:14 | amiconn | (by making a MiniG2 build without low bat shutdown) |
18:39:00 | gevaerts | How long did it take? |
18:39:57 | ringo999 | gevaerts: done |
18:40:01 | amiconn | Slightly more than an hour |
18:40:42 | | Part stsquad2 ("food calls") |
18:40:45 | amiconn | gevaerts: Btw, the Gigabeat F performance figures aren't up to date... (only slight differences expected though) |
18:40:46 | LambdaCalculus37 | That's a long time indeed. :) |
18:40:57 | gevaerts | amiconn: understood :) |
18:41:16 | | Quit culture (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
18:41:39 | | Quit ajonat_ (Connection timed out) |
18:41:50 | n1s | amiconn: maybe you could use a shorter track? :) |
18:43:24 | amiconn | It would make the new figures not (exactly) comparable to the old ones |
18:43:55 | amiconn | LambdaCalculus37: Still (a bit) more than twice as fast as PP5002 and PP5020 (due to IRAM usage) |
18:44:43 | gevaerts | ringo999: can you run "dmesg |grep 'sdc.*sectors'" (with the single quotes, but without the double quotes)? |
18:44:46 | amiconn | gevaerts: Results for -c1000 and -c3000 shouldn't have changed |
18:45:42 | * | amiconn wonders how he managed to make 'gmake' (reproducably) segfault :\ |
18:46:05 | n1s | amiconn: yes, but i get bored by benching midis in realtime |
18:46:34 | gevaerts | n1s: with these benchmarks you need more than one player :) |
18:46:39 | ringo999 | gevaerts: pastbin? |
18:46:49 | gevaerts | ringo999: yes |
18:47:32 | LambdaCalculus37 | amiconn: Will you be posting results for -c5000 on PP5022 to the wiki soon? |
18:47:38 | * | LambdaCalculus37 is quite curious as to the results |
18:47:44 | * | amiconn wonders whether a cluster of rockbox targets would be able to decode ape -c5000 realtime ;) |
18:47:50 | amiconn | LambdaCalculus37: I already did... |
18:47:58 | * | n1s guesses not realtime :) |
18:48:06 | ringo999 | gevaerts: http://pastebin.com/m64645c63 |
18:48:08 | LambdaCalculus37 | amiconn: We should try that out during DevCon2009. ;) |
18:48:22 | kugel | I see, the next tower of rockbox will actually be usefull :) |
18:48:28 | | Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=miepchen@p579ECCA0.dip.t-dialin.net) |
18:48:29 | n1s | amiconn: we need some sort of usb networking then! |
18:48:34 | amiconn | yes |
18:49:29 | n1s | (or a slightly overclocked beast) |
18:49:46 | * | amiconn wonders whether there's a #define somewhere that allows to build a beast build with 532MHz cpu clock |
18:49:48 | kugel | somone with an x5 here? I wonder why it doesn't use pwm fading |
18:50:02 | * | amiconn should check whether performance changes linearly |
18:50:13 | | Quit spiorf (Remote closed the connection) |
18:50:56 | amiconn | kugel: It can't. |
18:51:11 | n1s | amiconn: i tried messing with the clock a while ago, and changing the clock for the whole mcu worked fine but that means everything runs from that clock then, chnging just the core speed just froze for me |
18:51:40 | amiconn | Software PWM backlight fading is only possible if (a) the backlight is GPIO controlled, and (b) it's dimmable, i.e. LED backlight |
18:52:00 | amiconn | X5 doesn't meet (a) |
18:52:29 | kugel | ah ok |
18:52:47 | | Quit Horscht ("electromagnetic radiation from satellite debris") |
18:52:56 | kugel | but it's certainly a possible target for my software fading patch. Is anyone available for testing? |
18:53:03 | amiconn | H1x0 remote and archos Ondio don't meet (b) (they have EL backlight) |
18:53:14 | | Join nuonguy [0] (n=john@c-71-198-1-139.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) |
18:53:27 | amiconn | There's even one target that meets (a) and (b) yet cannot fade the backlight |
18:53:56 | kugel | amiconn: meeting b also means the brightness is adjustable correct? |
18:54:35 | kugel | so every target that meets (b) can use my software fade |
18:55:04 | amiconn | No. It means that the backlight can be dimmed by using PWM (hardware or software). EL backlight can be brightness adjusted (by changing the voltage), but it cannot use PWM |
18:56:15 | gevaerts | Can someone else have a look at FS #9568? This is an 80GB ipod boot issue, and the data don't make much sense to me |
18:56:18 | amiconn | Otoh, brightness adjustment is *not* a precondition for backlight fading. H1x0 and iPod G3, G4, Color, the Minis are examples |
18:56:19 | kugel | the x5 backlight controller appears to be similar to the h300 one, at least for backlight_set_brightness |
18:56:49 | amiconn | It is, it just has fewer steps |
18:57:11 | amiconn | Although the G4 and Color *should* be able to adjust brightness (via hardware PWM), just nobody figured it out yet |
18:57:24 | ringo999 | gevaerts: but from what you see, is it formated in the correct way? |
18:57:28 | amiconn | And it should have pretty fine-grained brightness control... |
18:58:00 | | Quit Seed ("cu, Andre") |
18:58:08 | kugel | so who could test my fading on a x5? |
18:58:13 | gevaerts | ringo999: From what I can see, no. But then if I'm correct, you shouldn't be able to mount this thing at all, so I'm wrong |
18:58:22 | | Quit Darksair` (Client Quit) |
18:58:37 | ringo999 | gevaerts: well, i could try to reformat it, is that possible from linux? |
18:58:44 | | Nick fxb is now known as fxb__ (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) |
18:59:46 | gevaerts | It is, see http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IpodManualRestore. However, this seems to happen regularly, and it would be nice to find out what exactly is going on. |
18:59:59 | kugel | amiconn: which was the target that meets (a) and (b) and cannot fade? |
19:00 |
19:00:14 | ringo999 | gevaerts: well, maybe something went wrong during formating? |
19:00:15 | amiconn | Archos Player. |
19:00:48 | amiconn | It has LED backlight controlled via GPIO, but no matter how short you make the pulses, it goes full brightness, unless there are no pulses at all |
19:01:01 | | Join jon-kha_ [0] (i=jon-kha@kahvi.eu.org) |
19:01:02 | amiconn | I think there's a capacitor involved |
19:01:42 | gevaerts | ringo999: could be. Has it been formatted without itunes? |
19:02:08 | amiconn | The fading code works; I verified it using the red LED instead. Fades perfectly, but that's useless.... |
19:02:20 | kugel | heh |
19:02:21 | ringo999 | gevaerts: yes |
19:02:48 | ringo999 | gevaerts: from the wiki link you send me: FOR 5.5G USERS using mkfs.vfat often seems to work, but it creates FAT filesystems that the rockbox code doesn't always handle properly, resulting in non-booting ipods |
19:03:04 | kugel | amiconn: is the x5 backlight controller as slow as the h300 one? |
19:03:14 | gevaerts | ringo999: ok. That could explain it :) |
19:03:30 | * | kugel just heard the h300 one is slow |
19:03:34 | ringo999 | gevaerts: so I try to reformat? |
19:03:54 | gevaerts | ringo999: if you don't have critical data on it, yes |
19:03:59 | ringo999 | ok |
19:05:26 | gevaerts | ringo999: for your setup, you'll need /etc/mtools.conf to contain "drive a: file="/dev/sdc2" |
19:05:53 | pondlife | kugel: Your latest patch has the same problem :( |
19:07:46 | | Part pondlife |
19:09:39 | | Quit nuonguy ("Leaving") |
19:13:34 | | Join Horscht [0] (n=Horscht@xbmc/user/horscht) |
19:20:51 | gevaerts | amiconn: http://pastebin.ca/1263658 |
19:22:51 | gevaerts | As you said, the differences are small :) |
19:23:20 | ringo999 | gevaerts: ok did it and reinstalled rockbox, however, now i have the reboot loop and the apple "User Itunes to restore" screen... :-( |
19:24:03 | | Part jon-kha ("[IRSSI] Irssi has bite! (Just ask Mike Tyson!)") |
19:24:06 | gevaerts | ringo999: you probably did something wrong somewhere then |
19:24:16 | | Nick jon-kha_ is now known as jon-kha (i=jon-kha@kahvi.eu.org) |
19:24:49 | ringo999 | gevaerts: mmm... well, i can do it again... im quite sure I followed the instructions... |
19:25:24 | gevaerts | ringo999: I'd suggest doing it again, but where it says "hdparm -z /dev/sdX" unplug the ipod instead, and plug it back in. |
19:25:36 | ringo999 | ok |
19:26:59 | | Join nuonguy [0] (n=john@c-71-198-1-139.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) |
19:29:02 | ringo999 | gevaerts: so how can i verify it formated correctly and the firmware and everything worked out before installing rockbox? |
19:29:46 | gevaerts | ringo999: after the steps in IpodManualRestore you should have a normal non-rockboxed working ipod |
19:31:09 | | Join katZeeee [0] (n=ak@pppdyn-12.stud-ko.rz-online.net) |
19:31:36 | | Quit J-23 (Nick collision from services.) |
19:31:37 | ringo999 | gevaerts: ok i disconnected the ipod and now i see a symbol i have never seen before: its a usb plug i guess... |
19:31:43 | | Join J-23 [0] (n=kvirc@a105.net128.okay.pl) |
19:31:47 | ringo999 | gevaerts: is that what its supposed to be like= |
19:32:26 | gevaerts | ringo999: I don't know. Maybe someone else can help here |
19:33:43 | | Join {-phoenix-} [0] (n=dirk@p54B47964.dip.t-dialin.net) |
19:34:10 | ringo999 | gevaerts: i connected, something loaded...ipod is back to normal! |
19:34:18 | gevaerts | Great :) |
19:34:29 | ringo999 | so now what? I just to the x installer? |
19:34:40 | gevaerts | Did you format with mformat this time? |
19:34:57 | ringo999 | yes |
19:35:10 | gevaerts | OK. Then try rockbox utility |
19:35:36 | ringo999 | gevaerts: ehm, dont i have to get it in diskmode first? |
19:36:05 | gevaerts | Either the Apple firmware, or diskmode. Both should work |
19:37:02 | | Join Strife89 [0] (n=michael@ |
19:38:42 | ringo999 | gevaerts: ok i installed, but im back to the "use itunes to restore" :-( |
19:38:55 | | Join Photoguy [0] (n=Adams@ |
19:38:59 | Photoguy | Hi |
19:39:00 | ringo999 | maybe a manual install would be better |
19:39:48 | Photoguy | Is there anything new about the Cowon D2 port? :) |
19:40:57 | | Join bluebrother [0] (n=dom@rockbox/staff/bluebrother) |
19:40:58 | amiconn | gevaerts: I'm a bit surprised that the differences on Gigabeat F are even smaller than on PP |
19:41:44 | amiconn | Hmm, actually not... ARM9 vs. ARM7 |
19:43:04 | | Join bmbl [0] (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/bmbl) |
19:44:04 | ringo999 | gevaerts: any other ideas on what i could do to get this working? sort of confused now... |
19:45:24 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@cpc1-hem18-0-0-cust660.lutn.cable.ntl.com) |
19:45:30 | | Join Seed [0] (n=ben@bzq-84-108-232-45.cablep.bezeqint.net) |
19:45:53 | Photoguy | אני אוהב לאחול! |
19:46:40 | * | LambdaCalculus37 smacks Photoguy and reminds him this is an English speaking channel |
19:47:04 | Photoguy | :-)...Sorry. |
19:47:24 | | Quit {phoenix} (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
19:49:24 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
19:50:21 | amiconn | LambdaCalculus37: Btw, the fact that Coldfire is faster than PP for decoding APE isn't surprising at all |
19:51:13 | | Join jon-kha [0] (i=jon-kha@kahvi.eu.org) |
19:51:16 | | Quit jon-kha (Client Quit) |
19:52:53 | | Quit krazykit ("gotta run") |
19:52:54 | LambdaCalculus37 | amiconn: Of course not. :) Although I always did want to know what it is that gives Coldfire an edge over PP. |
19:54:59 | amiconn | Decoding APE needs mainly 2 things: (1) division (range decoding, affects all compression levels and (2) lots of multiply-accumulate ops (for the filters, c-2000 and higher) |
19:55:27 | amiconn | Coldfire has a division instruction (needs 38 cycles), ARM needs a subroutine (~60 cyvles on average) |
19:55:49 | | Quit herrwaldo (Remote closed the connection) |
19:56:38 | amiconn | Coldfire has EMAC, which can use register halves directly, ARMv4 has a rather slow multiplier |
19:58:52 | | Join jeepers [0] (n=3f702f2e@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) |
19:59:10 | | Join herrwaldo [0] (n=waldo@ip-81-11-211-230.dsl.scarlet.be) |
20:00 |
20:04:14 | | Quit Acksaw (Connection timed out) |
20:05:24 | gevaerts | ringo999: I'm not _that_ much of an ipod specialist, so no, I have no idea |
20:05:37 | ringo999 | i manually installed rockbox now, but it wont boot into it, it only loads the apple one :-( |
20:06:10 | ringo999 | so weird... |
20:08:20 | LambdaCalculus37 | Did you try installing with Rockbox Utility? |
20:09:09 | ringo999 | LambdaCalculus37: yes, several times now |
20:09:16 | | Join bertrik [0] (n=bertrik@ip117-49-211-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) |
20:09:26 | ringo999 | why doesnt it even boot= |
20:09:43 | ringo999 | :-( |
20:09:44 | gevaerts | Did you install the bootloader? |
20:10:55 | ringo999 | yes of course |
20:10:58 | ringo999 | i can try it again |
20:11:15 | Photoguy | What player is it? |
20:12:15 | LambdaCalculus37 | It's an iPod. |
20:12:25 | ringo999 | 5.5 |
20:12:42 | | Join FOAD [0] (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) |
20:12:48 | ringo999 | oh wow, now it works...so strange! |
20:12:50 | ringo999 | finally! |
20:12:53 | Photoguy | Good. |
20:12:55 | Photoguy | :) |
20:12:58 | ringo999 | had to install the bootloader twice |
20:13:02 | ringo999 | weird |
20:13:03 | Photoguy | Weird. |
20:13:13 | ringo999 | awesome! |
20:13:21 | Photoguy | Awesome! |
20:13:22 | ringo999 | thanks you so much guys! |
20:13:25 | ringo999 | ;-) |
20:13:28 | Strife89 | :) |
20:13:37 | Photoguy | Your Welcome, although I didn't do anything. |
20:13:40 | Photoguy | :) |
20:13:54 | | Quit einhirn ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
20:14:24 | gevaerts | Have fun with it :) |
20:14:54 | ringo999 | gevaerts: I totally will! im really happy now |
20:15:10 | Photoguy | Yeah, download some photos onto it, and try some videos :) |
20:15:37 | ringo999 | feels like i just got a new device ;-) |
20:16:08 | LambdaCalculus37 | Photoguy: Videos are not the greatest on the iPod video due to lack of hardware acceleration support and the larger screen resolution. |
20:16:42 | | Join fml [0] (n=4fd3c5cd@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-9add82b1e952412e) |
20:18:16 | ringo999 | so where do i put music? |
20:18:31 | * | ringo999 no i havent read the manual yet ;-) |
20:18:43 | Photoguy | Anywherwe. |
20:18:56 | Strife89 | ringo999: Go read the manual _right now_, then. |
20:18:59 | Photoguy | :) |
20:19:52 | fml | So will anybody look at FS #9557? It's a bug, and the right person would be JdGordon (since he introduced it), but I always seem to be here when he's gone. |
20:22:55 | | Quit jeepers ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
20:27:11 | | Quit Photoguy ("Leaving") |
20:27:48 | | Join giacomo_c [0] (n=giacomo@adsl-227-174-66.clt.bellsouth.net) |
20:27:53 | | Join MegafEee [0] (n=Linux@unaffiliated/megaf) |
20:27:57 | giacomo_c | hello |
20:28:00 | kugel | fml: he's in a very different timezone then you I assume |
20:28:34 | giacomo_c | has anyone had any backlight problems with the new "stable" 3.0 release? |
20:28:34 | kugel | fml: wasn't linuxstb about to commit it? |
20:28:56 | kugel | backlight problems as in? |
20:29:41 | LambdaCalculus37 | And with which target? |
20:29:45 | giacomo_c | as in, the black light will work for 5 seconds (or whatever the time is set to) and then go off but not come back on from using any of the buttons or click wheel |
20:30:05 | * | LambdaCalculus37 figures an iPod, but which one? |
20:30:16 | giacomo_c | video 30gig |
20:30:21 | fml | kugel: I can't read his mind so can't tell |
20:31:38 | LambdaCalculus37 | This will be a silly question, but... are you sure the hold switch isn't on? |
20:32:20 | giacomo_c | the buttons work, i can select stuff, but the backlight just doesn't come back on |
20:33:42 | | Quit midkay ("Leaving") |
20:37:44 | | Quit giacomo_c ("Leaving.") |
20:38:57 | | Quit Schmogel (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
20:41:01 | | Join jon-kha [0] (i=jon-kha@kahvi.eu.org) |
20:42:49 | amiconn | n1s: What gain did you get from using likely() and friends? |
20:45:23 | kugel | amiconn: he has a nice speed up when he used it in a while |
20:45:40 | amiconn | numbers.... |
20:45:54 | kugel | I didn't ask him for numbers, sorry |
20:48:30 | | Quit kronflux (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
20:48:49 | | Join kronflux [0] (n=kronflux@blk-138-78-15.eastlink.ca) |
20:50:04 | | Quit AndyI (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
20:50:43 | | Join AndyI [0] (i=AndyI@ |
20:52:00 | * | amiconn is scared by the new build system... |
20:52:17 | | Quit fml ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
20:54:50 | | Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) |
20:57:38 | | Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) |
20:58:37 | amiconn | Meh, one single dependency file is nasty. One single mistake and you have to wait for the whole thing to regenerate (and that isn't even automatic) :( |
20:59:39 | kugel | hm I've not experienced that. What mistake to you mean? |
21:00 |
21:00:08 | amiconn | #include "helper.h" ==> no rule to make target helper.h needed by blah.c |
21:00:15 | amiconn | Must be lib/helper.h now... |
21:02:52 | amiconn | Zagor also forgot one of the test plugins in svn... |
21:03:45 | | Quit J-23 ("Bleee") |
21:03:59 | | Join J-23_ [0] (n=zelazko@unix.net.pl) |
21:04:04 | Nico_P | kugel: does your backlight fading patch work on the ipod vide? |
21:04:32 | Nico_P | hmm ignore me it already has the fading |
21:05:13 | kugel | Nico_P: heh |
21:05:35 | kugel | it works on your sansa :) |
21:05:51 | amiconn | The Video has both (hardware) backlight control and software PWM fading |
21:06:16 | Nico_P | kugel: I'll give it a try then |
21:07:34 | * | kugel still searches for x5 owner |
21:08:08 | | Nick J-23_ is now known as J-23 (n=zelazko@unix.net.pl) |
21:09:15 | | Join Schmogel [0] (n=Miranda@p3EE21DD0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
21:12:08 | * | amiconn wonders whether the likely() stuff will also help some codecs |
21:16:08 | * | LambdaCalculus37 has an X5 that's currently out of commission |
21:20:23 | | Quit MethoS (Remote closed the connection) |
21:20:51 | kugel | LambdaCalculus37: haha, I'm just gonna ask you for every test I need. You seem to own every target :p |
21:21:36 | LambdaCalculus37 | :P |
21:21:55 | LambdaCalculus37 | kugel: My X5L has dead batteries. I'm going to be ordering replacements very soon. |
21:22:35 | * | Strife89 looks to see if LambdaCalculus37 has done a Tower of Rockbox yet. |
21:22:54 | kugel | LambdaCalculus37: how dead. Not even for some minutes alive?? |
21:23:49 | LambdaCalculus37 | kugel: Nope. |
21:23:56 | LambdaCalculus37 | Strife89: I have to make a new one. ;) |
21:24:09 | kugel | a second one! |
21:24:37 | LambdaCalculus37 | kugel: Don't I wish? ;) |
21:24:46 | Strife89 | LambdaCalculus37: By all means do. :) |
21:29:37 | | Quit reacocard (".") |
21:29:49 | kugel | jhMikeS: ping |
21:29:54 | * | amiconn found the cause for the jumping ramsize reports |
21:32:25 | amiconn | A Zagor c&p mistake |
21:36:36 | | Quit kronflux ("Leaving") |
21:37:12 | kugel | LambdaCalculus37: but you still have your charger don't you? |
21:37:42 | kugel | i.e. you can run the x5 on a power source |
21:40:06 | LambdaCalculus37 | kugel: Even with the charger, my X5 doesn't want to work. |
21:41:07 | kugel | :( |
21:42:39 | | Join reacocard [0] (n=reacocar@ |
21:42:53 | | Join jhulst_ [0] (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) |
21:44:29 | | Quit jhulst (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
21:46:04 | kugel | LambdaCalculus37: it's sad. I strongly assume I really only need to #define USE_BACKLIGHT_THREAD_FADING to make it work on the x5 |
21:46:22 | | Quit perrikwp ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
21:46:40 | kugel | i.e. without editing the backlight driver at all |
21:46:54 | kugel | gevaerts: you have an x5? |
21:48:08 | kugel | hm |
21:48:19 | kugel | wasn't there a wiki page about who owns which target? |
21:48:23 | * | gevaerts admits |
21:48:50 | kugel | gevaerts: would you please test the fading patch? :) |
21:49:25 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
21:49:30 | gevaerts | Just the latest from FS #6800? |
21:50:11 | kugel | gevaerts: no, wait a minute |
21:52:17 | Strife89 | kugel: Please pass me the patch, I ended up redownloading the sources (again). |
21:55:05 | | Quit ringo999 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
22:00 |
22:00:24 | kugel | gevaerts: now |
22:01:02 | kugel | Strife89: you probably forget to delete backlight-thread-fading.c and.h after reverting the previous version |
22:01:18 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@cpc1-hem18-0-0-cust660.lutn.cable.ntl.com) |
22:01:35 | kugel | Strife89: you have to either svn add that 2 files after applying the patch for the first time, or manually delete them after each revert |
22:03:33 | Strife89 | kugel: That's not why I redownloaded. |
22:04:08 | Strife89 | I updated SVN (I hadn't grabbed the new backlight patch yet) and tried to make. It stopped on Mikmod relentlessly. |
22:06:10 | Strife89 | After struggling with it for an hour or two, I just gave up. |
22:06:21 | kugel | Strife89: it's located at FS #6800 |
22:06:58 | Strife89 | kugel: Alright, I'll grab it shortly. Thanks. :) |
22:07:37 | | Part katZeeee |
22:09:56 | | Quit Strife89 ("Gotta go for now.") |
22:11:29 | gevaerts | kugel: it needs to charge a bit first |
22:11:36 | | Join jhulst__ [0] (n=jhulst@ |
22:12:25 | | Join jeffdameth [0] (n=jeff@dyndsl-095-033-071-125.ewe-ip-backbone.de) |
22:13:32 | | Join DerDome [0] (n=DerDome@dslb-082-083-255-052.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
22:13:43 | | Join Hillshum [0] (n=chatzill@75-165-228-146.slkc.qwest.net) |
22:13:43 | | Join BHSPitMonkey [0] (n=stephen@unaffiliated/bhspitmonkey) |
22:14:17 | | Join petur [50] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
22:15:10 | | Join BigBambi [0] (n=Alex@rockbox/staff/BigBambi) |
22:15:45 | | Quit jeffdameth1 (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
22:19:00 | gevaerts | kugel: seems to work |
22:20:13 | kugel | gevaerts: play a bit around. You might also test the issue I noted in the post |
22:21:07 | kugel | other than that: nice! I really only added the #define to config-iaudox5.h without changing the the backlight driver at all :) |
22:21:21 | kugel | gevaerts: is it smooth? |
22:22:01 | gevaerts | I don't get that. When setting backlight to off, it immediately fades out |
22:22:08 | gevaerts | It looks smooth to me, yes |
22:23:37 | kugel | gevaerts: it does? then it's probably e200/c200 only. |
22:24:02 | kugel | which I can't explain :S |
22:25:05 | kugel | gevaerts: would be nice if you could also test on the c200 (iirc you have one). Maybe it's even related to the scroll wheel |
22:25:16 | kugel | which would be very weird |
22:27:03 | | Quit jhulst_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
22:28:54 | | Quit jhulst__ (Success) |
22:31:28 | amiconn | grrrrmmm |
22:35:21 | | Quit Hillshum (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
22:36:30 | lasser | kugel: i think there's an issue with backlight fading on an e280: If brightness is set to 1 and "fade in" to "yes" the backlight is not coming up when it has faded out correctly. With all other settings of brightness it is running perfect for my eyes. |
22:36:35 | gevaerts | kugel: on c200 the backlight fades out immediately when I set backlight to "off". However, when I then press "down" (i.e. to On) with fading enabled, the backlight turns on but the LCD itself is off (i.e. black). It needs anoher keypress to get the image back |
22:37:30 | | Quit BigBambi (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
22:37:53 | | Join BigBambi [0] (n=Alex@rockbox/staff/BigBambi) |
22:38:54 | * | Nico_P got some compile errors with kugel's patch, because of make -j |
22:44:13 | Nico_P | kugel: it looks good :) |
22:45:15 | | Quit BHSPitMonkey (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) |
22:47:33 | kugel | gevaerts: hm |
22:48:01 | kugel | gevaerts: how long did you wait between setting going from off to on? |
22:49:28 | kugel | lasser: indeed |
22:50:04 | gevaerts | kugel: waiting time doesn't seem to matter. It is a bit complicated however |
22:50:18 | | Quit Nico_P (Remote closed the connection) |
22:50:59 | gevaerts | With only fade in enabled (no fade out), the backlight doens't go on on "on->off" transition, but it does go on (together with the image) on second keypress |
22:51:45 | gevaerts | With only fade out enabled (no fade in), the backlight doesn't go on on "on->off" transition, and it stays off, no matter what buttons I press |
22:51:46 | kugel | gevaerts: I've noticed similar things on the e200 (it's white in this case). But I tracked that down to a bug in lcd_enable |
22:52:09 | | Quit petur ("*plop*") |
22:52:19 | kugel | you can experience that in svn too if you're a bit lucky |
22:52:54 | kugel | it's harder to reproduce in svn though |
22:53:28 | gevaerts | With only fade out, it does indeed only go off after pressing select on "off" |
22:55:21 | | Quit evilnick ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
22:58:14 | | Quit LambdaCalculus37 ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
23:00 |
23:02:22 | amiconn | Meh, shell special characters are nasty |
23:02:43 | * | amiconn 's latest commit msg misses a part due to this |
23:03:51 | amiconn | The new make system still has some bugs |
23:04:31 | | Quit markun (SendQ exceeded) |
23:05:25 | * | amiconn is wondering about root.make line 95 |
23:06:02 | amiconn | 580 colums (!!), weird spacing, and it misses rombox.ucl |
23:09:54 | bluebrother | looks like messed up line breaks (and missing \'s) |
23:10:00 | kugel | gevaerts: if you only enabled fade in it doesn't go off when switching to off? |
23:10:31 | lasser | kugel: with lcd_fade v12 it is the same as with v11, with brightness 1 and fade in no upcoming backlight... |
23:11:27 | kugel | lasser: yea, I'll have it fixed in the next version |
23:12:15 | * | amiconn summons Zagor |
23:12:55 | gevaerts | kugel: no, that's when I only enable fade out |
23:13:29 | amiconn | The problem fixed in r19176 could have been fixed in a different way (by adding .ovl to .SUFFIXES in root.make). But imho using $(basename $@) is better |
23:13:49 | amiconn | Opinions? |
23:14:35 | kugel | gevaerts: well, it goes of for me (after some seconds) |
23:14:47 | * | kugel needs to inspect that more anyway |
23:15:18 | gevaerts | kugel: well, yes, that's the previous setting. It doesn't go off immediately like it should |
23:17:18 | | Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) |
23:21:49 | | Join Strife89 [0] (n=michael@ |
23:23:35 | | Quit bmbl ("Woah!") |
23:23:41 | | Quit {-phoenix-} (Remote closed the connection) |
23:24:33 | | Join tessarakt [0] (n=jens@e180070170.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
23:29:26 | | Join culture [0] (n=none@cpc1-bele3-0-0-cust658.belf.cable.ntl.com) |
23:32:18 | | Quit bertrik ("Leaving") |
23:37:51 | kugel | gevaerts: that issues are on your c200 only? |
23:39:16 | gevaerts | kugel: good question... |
23:39:24 | * | gevaerts tests on his x5 |
23:40:20 | | Quit blahrus (Remote closed the connection) |
23:40:28 | kugel | wouldn't suprise me if yes |
23:40:40 | gevaerts | Indeed. Exactly the same |
23:40:55 | kugel | the same issues? |
23:41:35 | kugel | also that one where the backlight is on but the lcd is black? |
23:43:46 | gevaerts | Not that one, no. All others |
23:48:04 | kugel | gevaerts: see, that's a bug in lcd_enable. Nothing much I can do about |
23:48:15 | gevaerts | Sure you can :) |
23:48:16 | kugel | do much about* |
23:48:28 | kugel | well, maybe in a seperate patch |
23:49:27 | kugel | gevaerts: I've taken a look at it. And it's full of sleeps and such stuff. that' probably messes up the timing. But I assume they are there because it's not working otherwise |
23:49:28 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
23:51:44 | kugel | gevaerts: can you try that one? It uses the way of using the backlight thread (not jhMikeS approach) and it works better for me |
23:52:53 | kugel | the old way that is |
23:52:57 | | Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) |
23:53:31 | kugel | gevaerts: oops, I should probably give you the link ;) http://pastebin.ca/1263862 |
23:53:48 | | Part CaptainKwel |
23:57:39 | | Quit faemir (Remote closed the connection) |
23:58:11 | | Quit bluebrother ("leaving") |