00:00:07 | lucent | bertrik: okay. I'm pretty sure I can login, but yes there was an error when I registered for the TWiki today |
00:00:14 | kugel | mc2739: buffering screen |
00:00:16 | n1s | Davide-NYC: likely some makefile is the culprit |
00:00:43 | kugel | system -> debug (Keep out!) -> View buffering thread |
00:01:58 | mc2739 | pcm=529200, alloc, real, usefl = 4573136 |
00:02:01 | Davide-NYC | Do we really have USB charging on the Gigabeat S now? |
00:02:09 | kugel | mc2739: too less too |
00:02:21 | | Quit freddy_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
00:02:22 | kugel | mc2739: we're supposed to have ~5.5MB |
00:02:27 | n1s | Davide-NYC: no, but that page is not about what rockbox does but what the player can do |
00:02:41 | Davide-NYC | n1s: you must be Nils! |
00:02:52 | | Join freddy_ [0] (n=freddy@p3E9E2D71.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
00:02:56 | n1s | we don't support usb host on any target either for example, and yes i am := |
00:03:03 | n1s | s/=/)/ |
00:03:11 | Davide-NYC | gotcha! |
00:03:20 | kugel | mc2739: and once that buffer is filled, my playback crashes and I get the panic |
00:04:02 | mc2739 | hmm, maybe this is still configured for the clip |
00:07:08 | kugel | mc2739: I don't think so. rockbox.map shows expected values |
00:09:55 | mc2739 | kugel: didn't rockbox.map also show wrong values before the lds file was corrected? |
00:10:16 | kugel | yes |
00:10:39 | kugel | maybe we don't have 8MB, as we expect |
00:10:48 | kugel | 8MB ram that is |
00:10:56 | | Quit bluebrother ("leaving") |
00:11:06 | | Quit bertrik ("Leaving") |
00:11:51 | mc2739 | kugel: my rockbox info screen shows 4.91MB buffer |
00:12:59 | n1s | Davide-NYC: tools/functions.make:28 seems to do exactly what i guessed, it substitutes ".c" with ".o" in a string and from what i can see not only from the end |
00:13:36 | n1s | if you are not up for makefile hacking, file a bugreport and poke Zagor |
00:14:04 | Davide-NYC | n1s: thanks |
00:16:02 | kugel | mc2739: do you have problems with panics at all? |
00:16:28 | | Quit tessarakt ("Client exiting") |
00:16:30 | mc2739 | kugel: I get a few |
00:16:36 | kugel | updating my bootloader definitely helped |
00:16:54 | kugel | still, 4.95MB buffer is too low |
00:17:41 | mc2739 | bootloader update makes sense, because of the changes to lcd and button drivers |
00:19:20 | n1s | Davide-NYC: think i found a fix, testing now |
00:19:43 | kugel | mc2739: have you tried the changes I told you about? I'm not sure, I get more panics with it |
00:19:57 | kugel | but I also did svn up, either of one causes more panics |
00:20:11 | mc2739 | I have not tried those changes yet |
00:20:52 | | Join akur [0] (n=akur@bl7-118-244.dsl.telepac.pt) |
00:21:06 | | Part akur |
00:21:13 | | Join slact [0] (n=chatzill@ool-457bfab5.dyn.optonline.net) |
00:21:33 | kugel | mc2739: my driver looks like this now http://pastebin.ca/1285490 |
00:22:28 | | Quit EspeonEefi ("さよなら") |
00:22:38 | | Join lazka [0] (n=lazka@84-119-69-135.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at) |
00:22:50 | slact | g'day. I stopped by here earlier about the Rockbox TWiking registration errors. The Validation Code page failed badly when entering the emailed code. |
00:23:06 | lucent | slact: ditto here |
00:23:31 | slact | do you know if there's a solution yet? |
00:23:45 | lucent | I heard we need to poke a Badger about it |
00:24:06 | hobbs | slact: it did that for me as well but it didn't seem to actually have any consequence. The registration processed and I was able to edit once someone turned me on. |
00:24:20 | hobbs | (sorry for not mentioning that, it was late last night when I did the activation, and I forgot about it) |
00:24:36 | lazka | here is a small patch for the themes site (usability only).. http://rafb.net/p/ce2qTk99.html |
00:24:49 | slact | ah. did you get a TWiki page for your username and all? |
00:25:17 | slact | err... userpage or something... |
00:25:24 | n1s | lazka: patches belong on the tracker |
00:25:29 | lazka | n1s, ok |
00:26:23 | mc2739 | kugel: where do you lock lcd_mutex? |
00:26:30 | hobbs | slact: no, looks like that wasn't created. Perhaps that's what the script is bombing on. |
00:26:43 | kugel | mc2739: I used mutexing instead of disabling interrupts |
00:26:51 | slact | maybe. anyway, who activates around here today? |
00:27:31 | kugel | mc2739: this is my lcd driver http://pastebin.ca/1285494 |
00:27:58 | kugel | the diff of it rather |
00:28:07 | kugel | but you see where I involved mutex |
00:28:47 | | Join beta [0] (n=beta@d36-78-228.home1.cgocable.net) |
00:28:52 | mc2739 | yes, thanks - does that seem to help your display? |
00:28:57 | | Nick beta is now known as beta2k (n=beta@d36-78-228.home1.cgocable.net) |
00:29:04 | mc2739 | I am not noticing problems on mine |
00:29:12 | kugel | mc2739: the cleaner button driver helped much mroe |
00:29:42 | kugel | mc2739: but you have still lcd_update_rect changed to be effectively lcd_update, not? That's what domonoky did |
00:29:47 | kugel | I don't have that |
00:30:27 | mc2739 | yes, my lcd_update_rect uses lcd_update |
00:31:07 | mc2739 | and I still have a lot of delays in my lcd file |
00:31:14 | kugel | I have the strong feeling we're just too slow to do ogg, not only SD driver problems |
00:31:23 | | Quit faemir (Remote closed the connection) |
00:31:35 | kugel | mc2739: lcd_delay isn't needed at all on the fuze, probably neither on the e200v2 |
00:31:50 | mc2739 | but, I do not think we are boosting the cpu |
00:32:03 | kugel | we are boosting, but apparently the wrong part |
00:32:21 | kugel | cgu at 248MHz doesn't seem to help decoding |
00:32:30 | kugel | the pclk needs to be higher |
00:34:04 | mc2739 | lol, when it boosts, cpu goes from 31000000 to 24800000 |
00:34:38 | beta2k | kugel: What are you running at 248mhz? |
00:35:20 | mc2739 | oops, read it wrong, add 0 to 248 |
00:35:20 | | Quit MethoS-- (Remote closed the connection) |
00:35:21 | kugel | mc2739: but I still see that my fuze has a hard time filling the pcm buffer, as a results it's about 80% boost ratio |
00:35:58 | lazka | n1s, whats the status on themes.rockbox? |
00:36:09 | n1s | lazka: i have no idea |
00:36:17 | * | scorche hides |
00:36:42 | | Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) |
00:37:10 | scorche | slact: i alerted those who needed to be...they may not have had enough spare time to look at it yet |
00:37:24 | slact | ok, cool. thanks |
00:38:11 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
00:38:43 | | Quit Schmogel (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
00:39:06 | kugel | mc2739: it looks much better for flac |
00:39:38 | mc2739 | yes, flac and wav boost at about 5% for me |
00:40:21 | kugel | mc2739: do you have a v1? |
00:41:08 | mc2739 | kugel: yes |
00:41:28 | kugel | what I always wondered: are the screens different between v1 and e200v2? |
00:41:42 | kugel | the fuze's screen is a lot better imho, but I don't know about e200v2 |
00:42:14 | mc2739 | I don't see much difference between the two |
00:43:57 | kugel | mc2739: in case you like the backlight fading, it's most likely going to work on our v2s too |
00:44:47 | mc2739 | yes, I have already tested it |
00:45:04 | kugel | hehe :) |
00:45:40 | kugel | ok, my 1h MP3 file is the mortal enemy of my fuze |
00:47:09 | kugel | mc2739: have you tried enabling dsp effects? |
00:47:50 | kugel | crossfeed seems to increase panic rate |
00:48:20 | mc2739 | no, just doing basic functions right now |
00:48:51 | rasher | mcuelenaere: Very generous commit message |
00:49:19 | mcuelenaere | :) |
00:49:50 | | Quit DerDome ("Leaving.") |
00:49:51 | kugel | as minimal as the diff |
00:50:38 | kugel | linuxstb: ping |
00:53:13 | | Quit ender` (" Be nice to the USA, or they'll bring you democracy.") |
00:53:21 | | Quit herrwaldo ("Konversation terminated!") |
00:57:43 | * | kugel wishes someone would commit http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/9623 :( |
00:58:49 | | Join kushal_12_27_200 [0] (n=kushal@cpe-74-73-137-170.nyc.res.rr.com) |
01:00 |
01:00:26 | * | kugel decides to do a little change more |
01:01:19 | | Quit ZincAlloy ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
01:01:26 | Davide-NYC | the OLED display on the sansa clip is yellow on the first two lines and blue everywhere else or is it possible to use both colors across the entire display? |
01:01:54 | scorche | the former |
01:02:21 | scorche | though "first two lines" is a bit inaccurate |
01:03:01 | Davide-NYC | that's bizarre. thatnks for the clarification |
01:03:19 | kushal_12_27_200 | Hello, I have a question about non-existent USB mode in Sansa c250 with V03.02.05A as the OF. And does v03 in sansa c250 mean it is one of the newer sansa for which rockbox is not available? |
01:03:36 | | Quit XavierGr (Nick collision from services.) |
01:03:47 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@rockbox/staff/XavierGr) |
01:04:36 | | Quit dfkt ("-= SysReset 2.53=- Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.") |
01:07:03 | lucent | Davide-NYC: the OLED on the clip is actually 2 different displays |
01:07:18 | lucent | Davide-NYC: each is a single color display |
01:07:26 | n1s | Davide-NYC: i have a "fix" for that .c issue now so if you really want to use those dirnames i can post ib but i'm not sure it's nice :) |
01:07:52 | Davide-NYC | lucent: that's totally bizarre. I wonder why they went for that particular design |
01:08:19 | Davide-NYC | n1s: should I post a bug to the tracker so that you can attach your patch there? |
01:08:47 | n1s | yes, taht's probably bes, so someone who knows this make stuff can look at it |
01:09:07 | lucent | Davide-NYC: it's not bizarre at all, OLED technology is brand spankin' new when the Clip was designed, it was frighteningly expensive to implement any other way |
01:09:31 | Davide-NYC | n1s: am doing. Just to clarify, this bug applied to dirnames that contain both ".c" and ".o" correct? |
01:09:49 | Davide-NYC | lucent: ah, all is clear now |
01:10:23 | lucent | 16 pixel height orange OLED display and uh, however tall the green display is |
01:10:31 | | Quit gregzx ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.4/2008102920]") |
01:10:47 | scorche | with space in between |
01:10:52 | n1s | Davide-NYC: no, i think it would only affect dirnames containing .c or .S |
01:11:06 | lucent | yeah, there's a small gap between the displays on the device |
01:11:13 | n1s | those are the two things that get substituted by .o |
01:11:21 | Davide-NYC | gotcha |
01:11:46 | * | lucent keeps running into "PANIC SD DATA TIMEOUT" |
01:12:37 | lucent | Davide-NYC: if you run the plugin:demos:cube it's easy to see the layout of the display on a Clip |
01:12:41 | | Join killan_ [0] (n=nnscript@c-415472d5.06-397-67626721.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) |
01:13:15 | | Quit killan (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) |
01:13:20 | Davide-NYC | n1s: http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/9644 |
01:17:24 | n1s | ok patch attached |
01:18:25 | lazka | kushal_12_27_200, http://www.anythingbutipod.com/forum/showthread.php?t=24680 |
01:18:27 | Davide-NYC | sweet |
01:20:05 | lucent | the mandelbrot plugin "freaks out" after a certain high zoom level |
01:20:17 | lucent | trying to zoom out doesn't restore it |
01:20:19 | lazka | kushal_12_27_200, http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/SansaV2 |
01:20:34 | lucent | is that well known or some kind of overflow bug? |
01:20:55 | kushal_12_27_200 | thanks, lazka. |
01:21:31 | Davide-NYC | re the keymaps well defined for the clip sim? |
01:21:44 | rasher | lucent: I think mandelbrot is amiconn's baby, you'll probably want to talk to him about that |
01:21:50 | kugel | mc2739: I updated my lcd driver changes here: http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/9623 you might try some of those for the e200v2 as well |
01:23:34 | lucent | amiconn: nice mandelbrot plugin :) does it have a known overflow condition at high zoom levels? I zoomed way in and then was not able to zoom back out, the display was not consistent with having zoomed in |
01:23:43 | | Quit kushal_12_27_200 ("Leaving") |
01:29:36 | | Quit lasser (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
01:29:41 | | Quit CaptainKewl (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) |
01:30:01 | | Join CaptainKewl [0] (n=jason@cpe-68-173-40-122.nyc.res.rr.com) |
01:33:52 | * | kugel put his todays progress on the tracker and feels good now :) |
01:34:16 | lucent | :) |
01:34:50 | lucent | kugel: is SD and bank reading still needed? on hold until LCD is fixed? |
01:35:04 | | Join esthar [0] (n=esthar@student164-247.hampshire.edu) |
01:35:33 | kugel | lucent: I think I can have a look at it now. But I'm likely to fail anyway, so I don't promise success by no means |
01:36:26 | lucent | kugel: so far so good ;) |
01:36:54 | kugel | but having access to my full 4GB would surely be nice |
01:37:03 | lucent | kugel: I have 8GB Fuze and 8GB uSD cards I can try with, and a 2GB Clip |
01:37:24 | kugel | I have a 4GB/4GB combo :) |
01:37:29 | kugel | no clip though :( |
01:37:45 | lucent | want a Clip? how much to send one to you from Jackson WY USA |
01:37:47 | lucent | hmm |
01:37:53 | * | kugel hands lucent a µ sign |
01:38:11 | mud-rb | is there a common reason that my plugin would compile but not link? i think i have it listed in the right locations (SUBDIRS and CATEGORIES) and I have a .make |
01:38:20 | kugel | lucent: No idea. soap may have a clue how much it is |
01:38:42 | n1s | mud-rb: well, the actual error message might tell something |
01:39:03 | mud-rb | n1s: there isn't one. it just doesn't have the LD goban.rock line |
01:39:35 | lucent | kugel: the Clip is a really nice little player with "just enough" graphical options, good little device for not worrying about breaking an LCD screen but still can tell me what song I'm playing |
01:39:35 | kugel | mud-rb: try make V=1 to make make more verbose |
01:40:13 | kugel | lucent: I'm sure it's a nice player |
01:40:39 | n1s | mud-rb: does your .make get called, and does it produce a goban.elf file in builddir/apps/pligins? |
01:40:54 | kugel | mud-rb: also, make sure you didn't accidently put it into a #ifdef'd part |
01:41:01 | lucent | kugel: well, it is inexpensive though, if there is some test I can do which will help you just let me know what it is and I will try |
01:41:24 | lucent | or if I can ship it to you and that will help Rockbox support, I would do that |
01:41:32 | kugel | lucent: I'm not really keen on buying one (1 reason is that I'm a poor guy student) |
01:41:42 | mud-rb | n1s: no .elf, no. |
01:41:51 | | Quit moos ("Rockbox rules the DAP world") |
01:42:06 | n1s | mud-rb: do you get .o files then? inside yor subdir? |
01:42:12 | kugel | lucent: it'd be great if you would sent it over |
01:42:49 | lucent | okay, hm, privmsg me your address where you are in the world, I can see how much shipping charges would be and if I can afford them |
01:43:00 | mud-rb | n1s: yeah, the object files are all there kugel: i'm pretty sure it's not in a bad ifdef in SUBDIRS |
01:43:10 | | Quit mcuelenaere () |
01:43:33 | scorche | lucent: how big of a package would you send it in? |
01:43:55 | n1s | mud-rb: sorry the elf should be in the subdir too, but it isn't linked at all, is it? |
01:44:23 | lucent | scorche: it's tiny, I could stuff it inside of an envelope |
01:44:47 | lucent | especially if I don't send the removable spring clip, and it is a standard mini-USB plug to charge |
01:44:58 | lucent | so all that needs to be sent is the device itself |
01:45:01 | scorche | expect $5.40 if you do it right then |
01:45:11 | mud-rb | n1s: the only thing in the build dir is the object files themselves, I don't see an .elf anywhere (and not in the parent directory either) |
01:45:24 | n1s | i suggest checking that you're doing what the other makefiles do or posting a patch so we can see what you do |
01:45:55 | mud-rb | okay, i'll check again that i'm doing the same. might have missed something. thanks |
01:50:26 | | Quit n1s () |
01:52:59 | lucent | scorche: thanks mate, what, a small padded envelope? |
01:54:35 | Unhelpful | lucent: i've had the same issue w/ mandelbrot. i'd suspect an overflow somewhere, but i'm not sure why it's irreversible... |
01:55:25 | lucent | Unhelpful: did you see it on a Clip or a different hardware? I'm curious to know if that is specific to hardware, or possibly a software bug |
01:55:36 | Unhelpful | S60 |
01:56:01 | lucent | might be software bug than |
01:56:04 | kugel | "The monster" |
01:56:07 | kugel | most likely |
01:56:08 | lucent | then* |
01:56:18 | Unhelpful | "bug" or "implementation detail" |
01:56:19 | kugel | "The beast"* Sorry |
01:57:01 | kugel | Unhelpful: I remember some yield()s where added to mandelbrot recently, not sure if that's related (or am I confusing it with yields added to another plugin?) |
01:57:23 | | Nick Bensawsome is now known as NinJew (n=Bensawso@unaffiliated/bensawsome) |
01:57:48 | rasher | kugel: Superdom had yields added |
01:57:55 | lucent | kugel: it *could* be a display bug, I don't know for fact that overflow is happening, I am commenting on how it looks as a user |
01:58:05 | | Nick NinJew is now known as [i][B][e][n] (n=Bensawso@unaffiliated/bensawsome) |
01:58:19 | Unhelpful | kugel: no, it's nothing that could relate to yields, i'd think. the thing is, if the zoom is just overflowing when it's stepped high enough, decrementing it should take it back out |
01:58:34 | lucent | oh hm yeah |
01:58:36 | | Nick [i][B][e][n] is now known as Bensawsome (n=Bensawso@unaffiliated/bensawsome) |
01:58:56 | rasher | Bensawsome: Please stick to a nick. |
01:59:11 | lucent | it looks like mandelbrot plugin "forgets" where X+Y it is supposed to be and then we're lost somewhere in bogon space |
01:59:32 | lucent | could be minor implementation bug |
01:59:39 | lucent | or indicate bad problem |
01:59:44 | Bensawsome | lol sry rasher :S |
01:59:48 | Bensawsome | *sorry |
02:00 |
02:00:01 | Unhelpful | lucent: that makes more sense, if "somehow" X/Y is lost it would explain the inability to resolve by zooming out |
02:04:00 | | Join admin1lbo [0] (n=admin1lb@pool-72-88-166-100.nwrknj.east.verizon.net) |
02:04:53 | lucent | scorche: USPS quotes me a price USD of $12 |
02:05:10 | lucent | scorche: seems a bit higher, which courier did you use? |
02:05:14 | scorche | they only give a rough estimate |
02:05:20 | lucent | ah |
02:05:39 | | Quit admin1lbo (Remote closed the connection) |
02:05:42 | scorche | USPS...i have sent a lot of packages...trust me ;) ...it will charge you 8.65 max |
02:06:30 | | Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) |
02:08:09 | | Join saratoga [0] (n=9803c6dd@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-80a76676ca19346b) |
02:08:46 | saratoga | I sent a pair of CDs to the republic of Georgia from the US for about 5 dollars this summer, theres no way it will cost more then that for germany |
02:08:48 | lucent | anyone else want a chance to play with the Clip? If no one else does, it will go first to Germany (kugel). |
02:09:00 | saratoga | just go to the post office and ask how to most cheaply send the thing |
02:10:02 | scorche | lucent: you might want to ask that on the dev list |
02:10:45 | saratoga | on a side note, Clips in the US are about $15 shipped, so if anyone wants one I can easily mail it |
02:11:24 | kugel | lucent: there's definitely a few people who would like to have a clip to port rockbox. But actually there's also quite a few devs which already have one |
02:16:30 | | Quit kugel ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.4/2008111319]") |
02:17:47 | lucent | yeah, Clip is becoming an inexpensive rockbox target |
02:18:21 | Unhelpful | lucent: a thought occurs... presumably the stored X/Y are of one of the screen corners? and since the plugin zooms centered, they'd be adjusted on zoom... and if the zoom depth overflowing breaks the x/y adjustment, something crazy would end up in x/y... |
02:19:49 | rasher | Davide-NYC: FS #9642 doesn't belong on the Known bugs list. |
02:20:51 | Davide-NYC | rasher: you mean on the release31 page? |
02:21:20 | rasher | Yes |
02:21:30 | rasher | It's not a list of all bugs. |
02:21:47 | Davide-NYC | Right, how do I revert that? |
02:21:59 | lucent | Unhelpful: sounds logical, though I can't know unless I understand the code |
02:24:02 | rasher | Davide-NYC: I'll remove it |
02:25:20 | | Quit midkay ("Leaving") |
02:25:35 | Davide-NYC | I added the task to the tracker, linked to it from the CFMod wiki page and just thought it would be a good thing to aim for in a 3.1 release. |
02:27:40 | rasher | Davide-NYC: All bugs would be fine to fix in 3.1, but this is not important enough to go in there. a) It doesn't affect a lot of people. b) A workaround exists. c) Bootloader changes on hxxx are not likely at any rate. |
02:28:08 | Davide-NYC | What's the workaround? |
02:28:48 | rasher | As far as I can tell, you're saying that in *some* situations you get the error. Then don't do that. |
02:30:21 | rasher | Unless I'm missing something, I don't see this as a terribly grave bug. |
02:31:49 | Davide-NYC | No no. It's not grave. But there isn't a workaround either. If you boot an H1x0 series that has been CFModded while USB connected you will enter disk mode. But on subsequent unmount you will be presented with an ATA -80 error and have to reset the device (twice) to get back to a working player. |
02:32:55 | rasher | The workaround is: Don't boot with usb connected |
02:32:56 | Unhelpful | they may very well overflow well before zoom would, if they're moved by some multiple of screen width on each zoom |
02:33:13 | Davide-NYC | rasher: LOL |
02:33:43 | rasher | Davide-NYC: I don't see why that's so funny. Rockbox has a perfectly fine USB mode. |
02:34:28 | Davide-NYC | True but one of the great things about RB on the H1x0 is the ability to mount the drive from the bootloader in case of a problem. |
02:34:40 | rasher | Davide-NYC: you still have that ability. |
02:34:47 | rasher | There's just a slight hiccup afterwards. |
02:34:55 | Davide-NYC | absolutely true. |
02:35:06 | rasher | I'm not saying it isn't a bug, just that it's pretty minor |
02:35:15 | Davide-NYC | I absolutely agree. |
02:35:52 | rasher | And hence, it shouldn't go on the list of "the most important, unresolved bugs" |
02:35:57 | | Quit jrsharp () |
02:36:20 | lucent | it's a minor bug that SHOULD be noted on any documentation for that player in combination with use of Rockbox |
02:36:34 | lucent | not a showstopper for the Rockbox release |
02:37:01 | rasher | lucent: except it's only exhibited if you've performed a hardware mod. I don't think it should be anywhere but on the pages regarding that hardware mod and in Flyspray |
02:37:33 | lucent | hm, okay |
02:37:40 | Davide-NYC | Rasher is correct. I was overzealous in my placing it on the release31 page. |
02:37:45 | rasher | (and even then, perhaps only for specific CF cards?) |
02:37:59 | lucent | it doesn't happen on unmodified hardware? or it just doesn't cause an error? |
02:38:15 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
02:38:36 | mud-rb | i'm still trying to diagnose why my plugin isn't getting linked into a .rock, would someone mind looking at this patch and seeing if anything looks wrong/missing? http://www.majidejima.com/goban_nolink.diff i get no error message, even with make V=1, it just doesn't seem to be trying to link it. i made the plugin as simple as possible, it's basically a copy of helloworld |
02:38:41 | rasher | lucent: I don't believe such a bug exists on a plain h100 |
02:38:47 | Davide-NYC | no it is only present (AFAIK) on CFModded H1x0 players. |
02:39:24 | Davide-NYC | Let me prostletize for fixing this bug in that it has a special audience. |
02:40:25 | Davide-NYC | The optical I/O on the H1x0 series makes it especially attractive to the recording crowd. Harddrive spinup noise is a downside for that same crowd. |
02:40:43 | Davide-NYC | (granted not an issue when using optical input) |
02:41:09 | Davide-NYC | The H1x0 series player, when RTC and CFModded become a very very attrictive recording device. |
02:41:22 | * | Davide-NYC gets off soap box |
02:44:21 | lucent | mud-rb: does your plugin get built? |
02:44:55 | mud-rb | lucent: yes, there's a .o file built |
02:45:29 | lucent | mud-rb: you might need to uh, make clean, and configure |
02:45:33 | lucent | just guessing |
02:45:46 | lucent | I'll try it in a few minutes |
02:46:02 | mud-rb | lucent: yeah...i already tried that. this is actually in a brand new svn checkout |
02:55:10 | | Join ackers [0] (n=Becks@80-235-149-41.cable.ubr22.newt.blueyonder.co.uk) |
02:57:38 | lucent | ugh, rockboxdev.sh needs to change IMO |
02:57:51 | lucent | should use environment variables |
02:58:22 | lucent | I'm trying to remember if there's a bash-ism to conditionally set a variable if it hasn't been already set |
02:59:32 | rasher | Why a bashism? Won't this do: if [ -z "$FOO" ]; then FOO="bar"; fi (I don't think that's a bashism anyway) |
02:59:57 | lucent | rasher: doesn't handle the case of setting FOO="" |
03:00 |
03:00:07 | lucent | in that case FOO is set, it is set to empty string |
03:00:10 | rasher | And yeah, I'm not happy about the destination etc. being hard-coded |
03:00:21 | rasher | lucent: I'd say that's the user's fault |
03:00:31 | lucent | yes and we should raise an error |
03:00:42 | mud-rb | lucent: look at post number 6 here: http://fixunix.com/questions/15902-bash-checking-if-env-var-set.html |
03:01:30 | lucent | at least, in example, Ruby language has foo ||= "value" |
03:01:38 | lucent | which only applies if foo is not already defined |
03:03:59 | ze | man bash, /Use Default Values |
03:04:04 | ze | (double spaces for some reason) |
03:04:20 | ze | and scroll up 1 line to see the one for that, and the rest available go from there |
03:04:32 | | Part lazka ("cya") |
03:05:15 | lucent | oh, yuck! replacement? oh well |
03:05:19 | lucent | thanks ze, nice find |
03:06:48 | | Join ron_o [0] (n=ron@173-17-148-60.client.mchsi.com) |
03:06:56 | lucent | prefix="${ROCKDEV_PREFIX:/usr}" |
03:06:58 | lucent | something like this |
03:07:39 | ze | i think you're musing a - for what i'm thinknig you intend |
03:07:39 | lucent | prefix="${ROCKDEV_PREFIX:-/usr}" rather |
03:07:41 | ze | yeah |
03:07:56 | ron_o | Rockbox rocks! I was thinking the other day, 'what if someone actually created their *own* firmware for their mp3 player." :) |
03:08:50 | | Join Guest82979 [0] (n=x@ottawa-hs-209-217-123-182.d-ip.magma.ca) |
03:09:09 | | Part Guest82979 ("Leaving") |
03:09:23 | lucent | ron_o: I'm still waiting for the "what if a major manufacturer actually contributed code to the rockbox project." |
03:10:45 | ron_o | lucent, no way. There's that 'contributor to those folks who steal music' that might be tagged on a company. |
03:10:47 | ackers | why don't they |
03:11:01 | ron_o | think like them and you'll understand them better. |
03:11:07 | lucent | ron_o: the blocking point for me is there's no commercially available player with full Rockbox support |
03:11:19 | ron_o | lucent, and there won't be. |
03:11:23 | ron_o | let's face it. |
03:11:36 | ackers | they would make more money |
03:11:38 | lucent | Sansa AMS-based players are humping along pretty quickly |
03:11:48 | ron_o | also, rockbox itself can't by its very nature give a company an edge over another company. |
03:11:53 | lucent | we might see full rockbox support before the end of the product lifecycle |
03:12:35 | ron_o | ackers, not really. They make more money for a time, but in the end most people go with what 'looks' best and is easiest to use. So far that's the original firmware. |
03:12:42 | saratoga | I think most companies doing DAP design do very little of their own software development, so picking an open source project and developing it to their needs is probably beyond the ability of most of them |
03:12:54 | ron_o | lucent, I just bought a Sansa by chance. |
03:13:04 | ron_o | 4GB for $40. What a deal! |
03:13:08 | saratoga | they seem to license almost everything and then just add minor changes |
03:13:11 | ron_o | the e260. |
03:13:26 | ackers | i just bought an 8gb clip! |
03:13:42 | lucent | ron_o: the 2GB v1 Sansa Clip bootloader works for me, there's some funky issues with embedded SD I/O |
03:13:46 | ron_o | clip? |
03:13:53 | ackers | sansa clip |
03:14:10 | lucent | ackers: wow, Clip envy here |
03:14:17 | ackers | lol |
03:14:40 | ron_o | sorry, new here and to mp3 players. Clip? |
03:14:41 | lucent | ackers: I was annoyed when I bought my 8GB Sansa Fuze, there was an 8GB Sansa Clip for sale at lower cost |
03:14:45 | ron_o | SD card? |
03:15:02 | ackers | yeah clip's sure are great |
03:15:03 | lucent | I really like the design of the Clip, it's damn near indestructable and no proprietary charge interface jack |
03:15:26 | ackers | ron_o sadly no sd slot |
03:15:51 | ron_o | still not following what "Clip" means. |
03:16:03 | lucent | ron_o: Clip is literally a model name |
03:16:03 | scorche | this ship is heading straight out of the neutral zone and into #rockbox-community territory! |
03:16:11 | * | scorche hides |
03:16:12 | ron_o | oh sorry. :/ |
03:16:12 | lucent | you have an E2x0 something, we have a Clip |
03:16:13 | ackers | it's like an ipod shuffle but better |
03:16:13 | ron_o | hehe. |
03:16:28 | ron_o | I see. :) |
03:16:50 | lucent | ron_o: no LCD screen to crack |
03:16:52 | ron_o | I just never thought I'd buy an mp3 player. |
03:17:08 | ron_o | just got one last week. |
03:17:37 | ron_o | love technology, but, man −− I got wires everywhere! |
03:17:42 | ron_o | I'll get used to it someday. |
03:17:51 | ron_o | have to get more organized and sh*t. |
03:18:02 | lucent | rockbox may run on your player |
03:18:07 | ron_o | it does. |
03:18:12 | ron_o | I am using it now. |
03:18:16 | lucent | oh that's neat! |
03:18:18 | ron_o | lucky me. |
03:18:58 | ron_o | I kept seeing 'rockbox' in reviews and only checked it out recently what that meant. You can't learn everythign at once you know. |
03:18:59 | scorche | what i meant by the above comment, is that social chatter should be directed to #rockbox-community... |
03:19:03 | | Join Chesteta [0] (n=Chesteta@dyn57-017.res-hall.ndsu.NoDak.edu) |
03:19:29 | ron_o | scorche, you're right you know. |
03:19:36 | saratoga | yes he is |
03:19:37 | ron_o | it is indeed getty too chatty in here. |
03:20:08 | ron_o | sorry, my fault. I tend to do that. I'm too used to ##politics, which you can talk about anything. |
03:20:10 | ron_o | :/ |
03:20:44 | rasher | This channel is supposed to be strictly about Rockbox. Everything else (related or not) can go in #rockbox-community |
03:21:09 | ron_o | rockbox problems more like. |
03:24:42 | | Quit Chesteta () |
03:30:11 | | Quit perrikwp ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
03:31:18 | lucent | rasher: okay, I am almost ready with a patch against rockboxdev.sh |
03:31:29 | ron_o | can anyone point me to directions on how to install a theme manually? |
03:31:40 | lucent | what do you think of environment variable names -> RBDEV_PREFIX RBDEV_DOWNLOAD RBDEV_BUILD |
03:31:49 | ron_o | I'm looking in the manual now for it. |
03:31:53 | lucent | okay or should use just "PREFIX" |
03:32:14 | rasher | ron_o: Simply unzip to the root of your device. This *should* be in the manual |
03:32:27 | rasher | lucent: I think the RBDEV_ prefix is a fine idea |
03:32:39 | lucent | rasher: it's a simple patch, one moment |
03:34:25 | | Join midkay [0] (n=midkay@rockbox/developer/midkay) |
03:37:27 | saratoga | hmm yes PMing me to ask me to buy a Sansa View and then port Rockbox to it, this is a good idea |
03:37:56 | lucent | Sansa View? yuck |
03:38:14 | lucent | it's a failed product if you ask me |
03:38:21 | lucent | SanDisk won't stand behind it |
03:38:48 | lucent | they're pushing forward with the Clip and Fuze, abandoning the View as an interim product that didn't compete well in the market |
03:39:04 | rasher | Is View the one that runs Mono? |
03:39:22 | rasher | Ah no, that's "Sansa Connect" |
03:39:43 | lucent | the Connect runs some variety of Linux kernel on it |
03:39:53 | lucent | more likely to be the Connect not the View |
03:40:42 | lucent | rasher: I don't know if I like RBDEV_PREFIX over just plain PREFIX though |
03:41:22 | lucent | very fine detail but it could bring complaints and wouldn't make sense to change after comitting to one |
03:41:54 | | Join perrikwp [0] (i=4aa794a0@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-1c239f2caffc69c5) |
03:42:28 | lucent | most users should be okay with the build dir being /tmp/rbdev-build |
03:42:43 | lucent | the two common options to change would be the download dir and prefix setting |
03:42:52 | rasher | lucent: I think it makes sense to use the prefix for all three of none. And "DOWNLOAD" and "BUILD" doesn't make sense |
03:42:59 | rasher | s/of/or/ |
03:43:18 | lucent | hm, I agree |
03:43:36 | lucent | it's traditional to export PREFIX though when compiling software |
03:43:53 | lucent | oh well if it's wrong someone will have to convince us a better way |
03:44:22 | rasher | Maybe even for that reason, we shouldn't do it? Might we end up confusing the compile processes? |
03:44:34 | | Quit fdinel ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
03:45:32 | lucent | rasher: I like what you say about that |
03:45:42 | lucent | rasher: http://nopaste.com/p/aO3GLfNC5/txt |
03:48:15 | rasher | Looks good |
03:48:31 | | Part ackers |
03:48:56 | lucent | does it need to be entered into a flyspray bug to be committed? |
03:52:42 | rasher | Probably best. I don't know if changes to peripheral stuff is fine during the freeze |
04:00 |
04:01:08 | rasher | lucent: So having it in the tracker is probably the best option, at least it won't get lost if I forget |
04:03:36 | lucent | rasher: thanks, I'm registering for flyspray and will post the patch with a new bug report |
04:08:27 | | Join blkhawk- [0] (n=blkhawk@g226130158.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
04:10:14 | mud-rb | alright, this is kind of random, but how does sudoku not appear in CATEGORIES? (trying to understand the build process for plugins since mine won't link) |
04:11:37 | rasher | mud-rb: it's in viewers.config |
04:13:00 | mud-rb | rasher: i see. so if it's in viewers.config it shouldn't be in CATEGORIES? |
04:13:28 | rasher | mud-rb: I don't know, to be honest |
04:15:49 | lucent | who can add new player targets to the Flyspray system? |
04:16:08 | lucent | like Sansa Fuze, Sansa Clip, Sansa Ex0 (AMS) |
04:16:15 | rasher | lucent: Admins. Limited to Bagder, Zagor and LinusN, I think. |
04:20:10 | lucent | rasher: submitted as FS9647 |
04:25:48 | Unhelpful | amiconn: ok, what i'm going to do is add a struct that gets passed to image loaders, with a line output callback, and a calc_size function, since the loader is supposed to return the size. if NULL is passed for this, the loader and the scaler (if used) just do what they've always done, so far, and use the built-in native bitmap support. if something gets passed, *that* gets used to calculate sizes, and to output lines. |
04:25:56 | | Quit blkhawk (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
04:26:25 | | Nick blkhawk- is now known as blkhawk (n=blkhawk@g226130158.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
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04:44:49 | | Quit midkay ("Leaving") |
05:00 |
05:04:44 | | Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
05:11:11 | Unhelpful | should i be putting non-critical scaler dev work on FS during the freeze? |
05:11:59 | | Quit Aurix_Lexico (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
05:12:06 | lucent | Unhelpful: it won't hurt if you do, my guess |
05:12:34 | Unhelpful | only other question is new task or the pre-merge one :/ |
05:12:46 | lucent | :/ |
05:20:18 | | Quit mc2739 ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.4/2008102920]") |
05:21:57 | saratoga | file spray entries are fine during the feature freeze |
05:22:23 | saratoga | though if its for the scaler maybe it should go in svn if it fixes anything |
05:26:01 | Unhelpful | saratoga: it doesn't fix anything except readability, binsize, or speed |
05:26:52 | Unhelpful | fixes i've been pushing straight to svn |
05:41:58 | | Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) |
05:42:01 | | Join amiconn [50] (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) |
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06:05:42 | | Join kremlin [0] (n=kremlin@kirozia.net) |
06:11:29 | kremlin | I was wondering earlier, would it be possible to create a rockbox extension and driver pair which would allow a media player running rockbox to be used as a USB sound card? Seems like it would be an interesting hack if someone was willing to give it a shot. |
06:11:48 | scorche | depending on the device, yes |
06:12:43 | scorche | the idea has been kicked around a bit, but hasnt had much work put into it |
06:13:57 | | Join Xerion_ [0] (i=xerion@82-170-197-160.ip.telfort.nl) |
06:21:45 | | Join Chesteta [0] (n=Chesteta@dyn57-017.res-hall.ndsu.NoDak.edu) |
06:22:55 | Chesteta | hello; I am wondering about the e200v2 keymap; on the hardware map site it mentions its hte same as on the e200 (v1)... how can I get it working on my e200v2? |
06:24:12 | Chesteta | actually i cannot find where it says that however i remember reading it somewhere ? |
06:24:23 | Chesteta | (i just looked at the page) |
06:28:20 | | Quit toffe82 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
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06:30:23 | | Nick Xerion_ is now known as Xerion (i=xerion@82-170-197-160.ip.telfort.nl) |
06:33:44 | | Quit XavierGr () |
06:38:17 | lucent | Chesteta: are you referring to Sansa-AMS ? |
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06:49:12 | | Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@adsl-99-146-80-191.dsl.frs2ca.sbcglobal.net) |
06:49:39 | | Part toffe82 |
06:50:36 | Chesteta | hey lucent |
06:50:37 | Chesteta | yea |
06:51:23 | lucent | Chesteta: check a look at flyspray and search for "fuze" |
06:51:49 | lucent | Chesteta: you should see 4 tasks, one of them has a mention about the e2x0 |
06:52:18 | Chesteta | thanks man |
06:54:03 | Chesteta | have you tried it on your fuze? |
06:54:21 | lucent | haven't tried rockbox on -my- fuze yet, no |
06:54:39 | lucent | I'm kind of suffering through borrowed wifi access though heh |
06:54:45 | lucent | when I can I am going to try |
06:55:27 | Chesteta | ah right on |
06:55:44 | Chesteta | i hear ya man |
06:58:15 | | Quit Davide-NYC ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.4/2008102920]") |
07:00 |
07:03:32 | | Quit saratoga ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
07:05:51 | mud-rb | i figured out my build problem, but the answer doesn't make any sense. i sure hate make |
07:12:09 | | Join fdinel [0] (n=Miranda@modemcable204.232-203-24.mc.videotron.ca) |
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08:36:40 | | Quit ender` (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
08:36:56 | amiconn | lucent: The mandelbrot plugin isn't my work originally, but I've done a lot of work on it, and the original author isn't around anymore these days. |
08:37:23 | amiconn | What you experience when zooming in too far isn't overflow, but an effect of limited fixed-point precision. |
08:37:28 | lucent | amiconn: acknowledged. |
08:38:24 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
08:38:29 | lucent | amiconn: just hoping it's not an indicator of a serious bug |
08:38:36 | amiconn | I the beginning this wasn't an issue, since the plugin was slow, and the only targets back then were slow, so not many people zoomed in that far |
08:38:56 | | Join ender` [0] (i=krneki@foo.eternallybored.org) |
08:39:07 | | Join slact_ [0] (n=chatzill@ool-457bfab5.dyn.optonline.net) |
08:39:36 | amiconn | But now, with all the optimisations and fast targets, it doesn't take that long to reach those zoom levels |
08:39:47 | | Quit slact (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
08:39:48 | | Nick slact_ is now known as slact (n=chatzill@ool-457bfab5.dyn.optonline.net) |
08:41:04 | amiconn | So far the plugin doesn't limit the zoom level. It probably should. |
08:42:07 | amiconn | If we want to allow further zooming in, we would need to go 64 bit for the coordinates, and then we'd need an optimised 64x64->128bit multiply routine for deep zooming |
08:43:15 | lucent | amiconn: I think adding a limit is sensible |
08:43:55 | lucent | the bug I experience is not that it can't zoom in any further, but that it can't zoom back out to get to a sane state |
08:43:57 | | Join Bagderr [241] (n=daniel@rockbox/developer/bagder) |
08:46:18 | lucent | Bagderr: Hi there, I heard you are the guru to ask about TWiki registration errors? |
08:47:24 | | Nick Bagderr is now known as B4gder (n=daniel@rockbox/developer/bagder) |
08:47:50 | B4gder | I could have a look |
08:48:55 | lucent | it seems though new users are being created but not added to the list of users |
08:49:45 | lucent | step to reproduce this issue is to register a new user, I don't think there is a special step, it has happened to me and one other user mentioning this, we are registering within the past 3-4 days |
08:51:24 | | Quit BHSPitLappy (Remote closed the connection) |
08:52:43 | | Join erickytam [0] (n=46c555e8@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-bf8d05406fb87584) |
08:52:51 | erickytam | hi |
08:53:00 | erickytam | umm |
08:53:11 | erickytam | i have a problem trying to install rockbox on my ipod |
08:53:35 | erickytam | i downloaded all the necessary files and the ipod patcher, but every time i try to install anything it says the ipod wasn't detected |
08:53:42 | erickytam | and i know it's connected |
08:53:46 | erickytam | and it's in disc mode |
08:53:57 | erickytam | but it won't let me install anything |
08:54:05 | scorche | what ipod do you have? |
08:54:15 | erickytam | 80g 5.5g |
08:54:38 | Llorean | erickytam: Out of curiosity, why didn't you try RBUtil? |
08:55:05 | erickytam | i've tried the 1.0.7 and b versions, are those not it? |
08:55:17 | scorche | are you sure it is not a classic? |
08:55:17 | Llorean | Those aren't iPodPatcher. |
08:55:37 | Llorean | RButil should report if it's a classic, I think. |
08:55:43 | erickytam | i've downloaded the ipod patcher seperately |
08:55:44 | | Quit bertrik (Remote closed the connection) |
08:56:04 | Llorean | erickytam: You don't need ipodpatcher if you're trying to use rbutil. What error does rbutil give when you try to detect it? |
08:57:01 | erickytam | it goes from Starting bootloader installation/Searching for ipods/No ipods found |
08:57:19 | erickytam | i set it to detect the F drive and look for the 80gb ipod |
08:57:23 | erickytam | but it won't find it |
08:57:28 | Llorean | Click the auto-detect button. |
08:57:29 | erickytam | and i've tried the 30gb setting |
08:57:39 | Llorean | I asked what happens when you try to detect it, not what happens when you manually point to it. |
08:57:42 | pixelma | are you sure it's a 5.5G not an Ipod "Classic"/6G? |
08:58:05 | B4gder | lucent: you you're added but not present in the users list now? |
08:58:06 | erickytam | yup, i bought it a couple of weeks ago |
08:59:02 | | Quit jhulst (Read error: 148 (No route to host)) |
08:59:09 | advcomp2019 | erickytam, most likely it is a classic |
08:59:13 | | Join Zagor [0] (n=bjorn@rockbox/developer/Zagor) |
08:59:15 | Llorean | B4gder: The user page for created accounts doesn't seem to appear, but it does react somewhat differently if they try to use the confirmation code agian. |
08:59:54 | B4gder | the TWikiUsers file had no write permisson for the web user for some reason |
09:00 |
09:00:45 | B4gder | Zagor: can you think of a legitimate reason for that? |
09:01:07 | Zagor | rcs perhaps? |
09:01:08 | scorche | B4gder: while you are checking that, http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/UserListByDateJoined and http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/UserListByLocation are messed up as well ;) |
09:01:23 | lucent | B4gder: pretty sure, I'm Eric Shattow, my TWiki username is EricShattow |
09:01:51 | lucent | other weird things today, got rockbox humping along on my Sansa Fuze, but it's stuck in karaoke mode (ha?) |
09:02:09 | B4gder | those *ListBy* pages need some magic |
09:02:15 | Zagor | Bagder: no, all other topics have write permission so it sounds wrong |
09:02:18 | B4gder | "Illegal modulus zero" |
09:02:35 | B4gder | Zagor: yes, my impression too and I've now done a u+w on it |
09:02:37 | Llorean | lucent: Audio support isn't really finished on it, it may just be improperly initialized hardware. |
09:02:56 | pixelma | Bagder/Zagor: could that be the reason why some user names are marked as unknown wiki words on the "recent changes" table even though they should exist since they just esited a page? |
09:02:57 | lucent | it's just funny |
09:03:04 | lucent | I'm impressed it does even this much |
09:03:12 | B4gder | pixelma: I would think so, yes |
09:03:34 | lucent | pleased enough with this that I can feel better about donating a Sansa Clip 2GB to Thomas M |
09:03:37 | lucent | :) |
09:05:12 | | Quit erickytam ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
09:06:11 | Llorean | lucent: One thing. We ask that you try to use real English where possible in this channel, specifically because English isn't the native language for many people here. Could you try to avoid phrases like "humping along" which aren't something they're likely to be able to understand or find in a dictionary? |
09:07:43 | lucent | see, it's a weird day :) |
09:08:13 | flux | it's not that difficult to figure what it meant, even if I one hadn't seen the expression before :) |
09:09:19 | Llorean | flux: It can be for some users. We have people in here who depend on machine translation even. |
09:10:51 | | Part Llorean |
09:11:09 | | Join Llorean [0] (n=DarkkOne@adsl-65-68-72-166.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net) |
09:17:18 | | Quit parafin (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
09:18:32 | | Join petur [50] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
09:20:33 | lucent | is a "works for me on XYZ hardware" helpful for flyspray tasks like FS #9645 ? |
09:24:05 | Llorean | lucent: Probably not. Probably should only comment when/if it doesn't work as it's supposed to, as that would indicate hardware variation or something wrong with it. |
09:24:11 | | Part Llorean |
09:24:16 | | Join n1s [0] (n=nils@rockbox/developer/n1s) |
09:25:03 | lucent | then how the hell do you know if it works? |
09:28:58 | Zagor | we never commit stuff without testing |
09:29:15 | Zagor | however I personally think a comment saying someone tested it with no ill effects is useful |
09:30:57 | | Join Llorean [0] (n=DarkkOne@adsl-65-68-72-166.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net) |
09:33:05 | | Join PaulJam [0] (i=PaulJam_@vpn-3023.gwdg.de) |
09:35:03 | lucent | FS9623 and FS9645 are really nice :) |
09:37:32 | Llorean | lucent: In response to the "how do you know if it works", is there an assumption going on that the person who wrote the patch didn't use it? |
09:40:28 | lucent | they didn't use it on an 8GB Fuze, that's for sure |
09:41:49 | Llorean | Do we compile a different build for the 8gb Fuze than the other Fuzes? |
09:43:31 | lucent | Llorean: have a nice night |
09:49:48 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@cpc3-hem18-0-0-cust53.lutn.cable.ntl.com) |
09:49:48 | n1s | Zagor: did you see FS #9644 ? not so sure about my "fix", there should be a nicer way to do this. (or we just tell people to use sane dir names) :) |
09:51:59 | Llorean | n1s: "sim.clip" is the folder they're building *in*? |
09:52:09 | n1s | yep |
09:52:33 | | Quit kachna (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
09:52:41 | n1s | and we sustitute .c for .o everywhere in the path and then we can't find the .o files :) |
09:52:48 | B4gder | "sorry sir, we detected a silly directory name and refuse to build in there" |
09:52:58 | Llorean | Why do we leave the build directory and substitute outside of it? |
09:52:59 | | Join write_erase [0] (n=Olivier@ |
09:53:07 | linuxstb | n1s: The bug happens if ".S" or ".c" is in the middle of a directory name? |
09:53:14 | n1s | linuxstb: yes |
09:53:30 | n1s | sim.clip -> sim.olip |
09:53:41 | B4gder | kinda silly bug really |
09:54:35 | Zagor | yup |
09:54:42 | | Join LinusN [0] (n=linus@rockbox/developer/LinusN) |
09:54:44 | | Join robin0800 [0] (n=robin080@cpc2-brig8-0-0-cust394.brig.cable.ntl.com) |
09:54:45 | write_erase | hi ... I compiled rockbox, then I installed rockbox firmware, but I get codec failure... Did I miss something ? |
09:54:57 | B4gder | write_erase: yes, a correct install |
09:55:02 | write_erase | :-) |
09:55:22 | Llorean | write_erase: Did you do "make zip" then extract the whole zip to your player? |
09:55:23 | B4gder | how did you install it? |
09:55:33 | write_erase | I had an already working rockkbox... I just compiled it from svn and upgrade the firmware |
09:55:44 | write_erase | no make zip :-) |
09:55:50 | Llorean | You can't just copy rockbox.ipod over |
09:55:52 | B4gder | then no candy for you |
09:56:13 | Llorean | The .codec files (and many others really) should or often need to be the exact same version. |
09:56:13 | Zagor | n1s: you fix looks good. I'll take a deeper look. |
09:56:19 | write_erase | Llorean, make zip in build folder & then unpack it in .rockbox ? |
09:56:45 | Llorean | Not in .rockbox |
09:56:51 | Llorean | The zip will contain a .rockbox folder, so the root of your device. |
09:57:11 | n1s | Zagor: afaiu it will replace the suffix of any file with .o but maybe that's not a problem |
09:57:17 | write_erase | It's amazing how well your toolchain works in FreeBSD.... It's oven a nightmare to cross-compile on that OS. |
09:57:39 | B4gder | I don't believe that |
09:57:44 | B4gder | but it's OT anyway |
09:58:23 | Zagor | n1s: there should be only source files in those lists, so it ought not be a problem |
09:58:42 | write_erase | B4gder, Works from scratch, with rockboxdev.sh (just had to change TMP Dir and destination location so the toolchain is installed in /home/someone/toolchain) |
09:59:00 | B4gder | that's good to hear |
09:59:07 | B4gder | we did put some effort into that... |
09:59:16 | write_erase | Sure you did ... |
09:59:33 | write_erase | What's the licence for rockbox ? |
09:59:41 | n1s | gpl v2 or later |
09:59:49 | write_erase | great |
10:00 |
10:00:08 | n1s | easy to find info, it's in every source file :) |
10:00:38 | | Join lasser [0] (n=chatzill@W8193.w.pppool.de) |
10:02:04 | | Join Nibbl [0] (n=Nibbler@p578b2a6e.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
10:08:43 | | Quit robin0800 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
10:11:17 | write_erase | Llorean, now I have sound ... make zip did it |
10:11:49 | Llorean | I thought it might. :) |
10:16:14 | Zagor | n1s: "i'm not sure that's a good idea though as it will add all kinds of files to the obj lists" <−− is this something you have observed? |
10:16:48 | n1s | Zagor: no, just an assumption because it strips any suffix and adds .o |
10:17:46 | Zagor | n1s: ok. then I think you should commit this. |
10:18:07 | n1s | ok, thanks for looking |
10:19:12 | n1s | hmm, should it wait until after the freeze? |
10:19:49 | Zagor | no, this is a bug fix |
10:20:30 | n1s | ok |
10:20:31 | linuxstb | Can't you just use the "bar := $(foo:.c=.o)" construction? |
10:20:54 | linuxstb | http://sunsite.ualberta.ca/Documentation/Gnu/make-3.79/html_chapter/make_6.html#SEC61 |
10:20:58 | Zagor | linuxstb: that causes this bug |
10:21:14 | linuxstb | I thought the problem was using "subst" ? |
10:21:57 | Zagor | no the problem is substituting ".c" blindly, which substitution references (which you link to) does aswell |
10:22:33 | Zagor | the reason I was using subst explicitly instead of subst reference was that the reference had problems with the long pathname subst |
10:23:17 | linuxstb | IIUC, the construction I quoted only matches at the end of a word - that's what the documentation says at that link. |
10:23:30 | Zagor | $(foo:%.o=%.c) would work though |
10:23:46 | Zagor | or perhaps not. I have to test. |
10:24:47 | Zagor | indeed it does. then yes, that would work too. |
10:29:21 | | Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) |
10:30:30 | n1s | Zagor: will you commit or should i cook up a new patch? |
10:30:49 | Zagor | I can commit |
10:31:54 | | Quit Seed ("cu, Andre") |
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10:39:44 | | Join parafin [0] (i=parafin@paraf.in) |
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10:51:47 | | Nick fxb__ is now known as fxb (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) |
10:57:56 | * | JdGordon cant think of any nice way to get a config/wps browser/chooser into the quickscreen :/ |
10:58:26 | JdGordon | actually... maybe /me can! |
10:59:52 | JdGordon | hmm.... nope... :p |
11:00 |
11:07:07 | JdGordon | anyone use radio presets? FS #9646 could use a tester... |
11:08:27 | n1s | that kind of patch is a good indication of what stuff devs never use :P |
11:08:39 | JdGordon | yeah :/ |
11:11:12 | pixelma | I actually saw these problems related to deleting presets recently... |
11:12:07 | JdGordon | care to double check the patch? looks good assuming it doesnt add any more bugs |
11:14:58 | pixelma | ok, will try. Might take a bit though |
11:17:02 | JdGordon | ok great.. |
11:17:31 | JdGordon | the patch has one thing that needs changing before commit which I'ev fixed here so let me know if its good and ill put it in |
11:22:37 | JdGordon | does anyone else have an opinion on alot of string buffers in rockbox being char blaa[SOME_MAX_DEFINE + 1]; ? |
11:22:43 | * | JdGordon thinks that should stop |
11:24:13 | mud-rb | JdGordon: but how would you fix that? I can't think of a way that doesn't just move the 1 to a different place. |
11:24:19 | n1s | I guess it's confusion about if the MAX_FOO defines includes the terminating null, which imo it should |
11:24:39 | JdGordon | yeah, the max should be including the \0 |
11:24:50 | JdGordon | its not a big deal, but imo looks cleaner |
11:25:47 | n1s | but you must then make sure that a string you copy to that buffer is not longer thatn MAX_FOO -1 |
11:26:26 | | Join robin0800 [0] (n=robin080@cpc2-brig8-0-0-cust394.brig.cable.ntl.com) |
11:26:47 | mud-rb | 0000........... |
11:27:06 | JdGordon | which is what strncpy is used for... unless our one doesnt add the \0 if the src string is the length of the dest... |
11:30:02 | Zagor | however we do, there will always be a +1 or -1 somewhere |
11:30:40 | Zagor | it's just the nature of C string handling |
11:31:02 | B4gder | and strncpy() is very often wrong where strlcpy() is right... |
11:32:04 | JdGordon | so I should ignore it and we will just use whatver? |
11:33:18 | mud-rb | well, the cleanest way is generally to pick one way to do it and go with that universally..but i doubt you want to go through and make them all the same (and you'd likely introduce a large amount of bugs) |
11:33:19 | n1s | do we have a strlcpy? |
11:33:23 | B4gder | no |
11:34:31 | n1s | well, it seems much saner than srncpy so maybe we should add one, and start using it? |
11:35:04 | B4gder | I too think that's more often in line with what you actually want |
11:35:24 | B4gder | but switching to that might be a bit of a work... |
11:35:57 | JdGordon | or, we could modify strncat to always add the \0 regardless of how many chars were copied |
11:36:01 | JdGordon | that would make it just as safe |
11:36:24 | B4gder | strncat ? |
11:36:27 | B4gder | do we use that? |
11:36:35 | Zagor | if we add strlcpy, I say we should remove strncpy. |
11:36:37 | JdGordon | cpy i mean |
11:36:45 | B4gder | JdGordon: but that would change its behavior/function |
11:36:53 | B4gder | which may also break things |
11:37:01 | B4gder | Zagor: I agree |
11:37:13 | B4gder | strncpy()'s evil padding is also widely not understood |
11:37:27 | n1s | yes, that padding it a bit stupid |
11:37:32 | mud-rb | wow, i had no idea strncpy was defined that way (looking at the man page). i can't imagine when i would want that behavior... |
11:37:52 | | Join Darksair [0] (n=user@ |
11:41:34 | n1s | greping for strncpy gives just over 200 results in rockbox so, yes quite a bit of work to switch |
11:42:08 | JdGordon | does snprintf have the same issue? |
11:42:13 | B4gder | no |
11:42:13 | Zagor | JdGordon: no |
11:42:38 | | Quit parafin ("So long and thanks for all the fish") |
11:42:45 | JdGordon | it \0's if the dest isnt big enough? |
11:43:04 | B4gder | yes |
11:46:10 | | Join mofux [0] (n=quassel@dslb-088-075-018-119.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
11:55:14 | robin0800 | is any one able to sync this patch, FS #8363 - Charger configuration for Sansa e200/c200, to make it work with latest svn |
11:58:12 | | Nick fxb is now known as fxb__ (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) |
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13:01:00 | | Join Aurix_Lexico [0] (n=comrade@c-68-56-205-239.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) |
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13:08:30 | | Join pondlife [50] (n=Steve@rockbox/developer/pondlife) |
13:09:15 | pondlife | JdGordon: Don't know if I missed the discussion, but I prefer to see the +1 for all null-terminated strings |
13:09:32 | pondlife | That could mean you #define MAX_PATH 256+1 and char p[MAX_PATH] though |
13:09:51 | pondlife | You probably agree with me |
13:10:20 | pondlife | I agree with scrapping stncpy() too |
13:10:54 | JdGordon | well, I think that it should be inplicit that the MAX define includes the \0... |
13:10:56 | Zagor | pondlife: the question is not if we see +1, but where. in the variable declaration or its' use. |
13:11:31 | pondlife | OK, I'm not fussed too much, but I like the +1 to be visible, personally |
13:12:41 | pondlife | strlcpy() would be very good |
13:13:06 | B4gder | but maybe we should save the strncpy() => strlcpy() for 3.2 |
13:13:23 | Zagor | definitely |
13:13:24 | pondlife | Yes, it's not one for the freeze period |
13:13:44 | B4gder | but it could very well be an early action after the 3.1 release |
13:13:53 | Zagor | yup |
13:14:06 | pondlife | Is 3.1 release meant to be 24th Dec? |
13:14:18 | JdGordon | I think I just found a dependancy problem.... I commented out a #define in recorder/radio.c and did make bin but it said nothing to be done |
13:14:29 | B4gder | pondlife: 25th or 26th I'd say |
13:14:45 | * | JdGordon likes the rock-boxing day release |
13:14:49 | pondlife | hehe |
13:14:57 | Zagor | JdGordon: try just "make" |
13:15:04 | pondlife | Bit of a belated present |
13:15:16 | JdGordon | Zagor: recretaed credits.raw... |
13:15:28 | Zagor | JdGordon: and nothing more? |
13:15:42 | JdGordon | yeah |
13:15:59 | JdGordon | this is a sim build by the way, but that shouldnt make a difference? |
13:16:05 | Zagor | JdGordon: I assume your target has radio support? |
13:16:13 | JdGordon | yes |
13:16:44 | Zagor | do you have apps/recorder/radio.o in the build dir? |
13:17:08 | JdGordon | target build works, sim doesnt |
13:17:10 | * | JdGordon checks |
13:17:27 | JdGordon | yes |
13:17:36 | Zagor | which target is it? |
13:17:42 | JdGordon | e200 |
13:17:57 | Zagor | testing |
13:19:47 | Zagor | works here |
13:20:01 | JdGordon | grr... sorry, false alarm... moved the source tree and didnt reconfigure |
13:20:07 | JdGordon | which is annoying anyway |
13:20:29 | JdGordon | didnt it used to use relative paths? |
13:22:44 | Zagor | I don't think so. I didn't change anything fundamental in configure when I redid the build system |
13:24:58 | | Join AndyIL [0] (i=AndyI@ |
13:29:19 | JdGordon | can someone with a e200 check the fm scanning with svn? does it think every possible station is tuned? |
13:35:43 | | Quit AndyI (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
13:46:46 | | Quit Aurix_Lexico ("Leaving.") |
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14:37:02 | kugel | Zagor: I don't know if it was supposed to be fixed with the overhaul, but I'd thought so: If you change the target-config, everything is remade properly, but apparently settings_list not |
14:37:34 | Zagor | you have to clean the dir before changing target |
14:38:11 | kugel | no, not changing the target, change the config-<target>.h file |
14:38:32 | Zagor | aha |
14:38:34 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
14:39:15 | kugel | lets say I remove #define HAVE_RECORDING since I don't like to record, apparently the whole tree is remade, but then I still get compiling errors with settings.h and/or settings_list.c |
14:39:43 | Zagor | it rebuilds for me |
14:39:56 | kugel | could be linker errors too, I'm not sure, it's loads of errors |
14:40:05 | Zagor | I'll try your specific example |
14:40:35 | | Quit J-23 ("ZNC - http://znc.sourceforge.net") |
14:40:56 | kugel | I have experienced with several #defines, it rebuilds all fine, except for settings_list |
14:41:49 | | Join J-23 [0] (n=zelazko@unix.net.pl) |
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14:47:22 | Zagor | kugel: well does it not rebuild or does it not work? there's a big difference. |
14:47:42 | kugel | it rebuilds all fine, except for settings_list |
14:48:17 | Zagor | I can't repeat that. settings_list builds for me. |
14:49:17 | kugel | maybe have_recording was a bad example |
14:49:38 | Zagor | it doesn't matter which define you change. make only looks at the timestamp of the file. |
14:49:53 | kugel | even though I get errors in other files after removing HAVE_RECORDING |
14:50:14 | | Join LambdaCalculus37 [0] (i=44a04303@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-c1c718f06e856300) |
14:51:27 | kugel | so, then such things wasn't supposed to be fixed with your remake? I still need to make clean after changing config-target.h |
14:56:07 | | Join FireThrower [0] (n=beatlesd@85-250-132-254.bb.netvision.net.il) |
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14:56:41 | kugel | Zagor: hm, is it possible that I only got the errors with make bin? |
14:56:59 | Zagor | kugel: not likely. it uses the same dependencies. |
14:57:17 | kugel | I'm a bit failing to reproduce for some reason. |
14:57:30 | kugel | but I still get errors, just not in settlings_list, but in other files |
14:58:02 | kugel | e.g. in button-e200.c, after removing the #HAVE_BUTTONLIGHT define |
14:58:24 | kugel | that's a linker error |
15:00 |
15:01:02 | Zagor | link errors are generally not cause by make |
15:02:26 | Unhelpful | Zagor: if we're going to have devs using the git mirror regularly, it might be a good idea to commit .gitignore files to svn, or to maintain them in the git mirror |
15:02:31 | kugel | Zagor: hm, yea, this one isn't properly #ifdef'd |
15:02:37 | FireThrower | I have a Sansa e280 and I plagged it to my computer in MSC mod,I extracted .rockbox to the main Folder of my e280 and then I tried to start the "sansapatcher" program who should install the bootloader on my e280, and the program wrote that it isn't find any sansa's. please help me |
15:03:00 | kugel | probably the others which I had problems with too, I'll have a closer look next time I get such an error |
15:03:10 | Unhelpful | there's a git-svn tool to generate them from svn ignore props |
15:03:33 | Zagor | Unhelpful: officially we don't support git. it's just a fad ;-) |
15:03:59 | | Quit J-23 (Remote closed the connection) |
15:04:18 | | Join J-23 [0] (n=kvirc@a105.net128.okay.pl) |
15:05:28 | linuxstb | FireThrower: 1) Are you sure it's a "version 1" e280? 2) Are you running sansapatcher as root/Administrator? |
15:05:53 | * | kugel wants someone to commit FS #9623 and FS #9645 :( |
15:06:22 | | Quit J-23 (Client Quit) |
15:06:48 | kugel | linuxstb: mkamsboot isn't prepared for the new fuze firmware, is it? 1.01.22 I mean |
15:07:09 | | Join Horscht [0] (n=Horscht@xbmc/user/horscht) |
15:07:35 | FireThrower | I just discoverd that my e280 is V2. thank you anyway. can I downgrade my V2 firmware to V1 firmware? |
15:07:47 | linuxstb | FireThrower: No, "V2" relates to the hardware, not the software. |
15:07:48 | Unhelpful | unofficially you're doing a lot of other things to support git ;) |
15:08:12 | Unhelpful | putting them in the unofficial git mirror would be pretty unofficial ;) |
15:08:13 | linuxstb | kugel: If no-one has added the md5sum, then no. |
15:08:17 | ron_o | btw, there are no instunciton in the manual for the e200 for manually installing a theme to rockbox. |
15:08:36 | kugel | linuxstb: Ok, I'll prepare a patch |
15:08:45 | linuxstb | kugel: No need - I'll add it. |
15:08:57 | Unhelpful | ron_o: unzip it on your player |
15:09:09 | ron_o | Unhelpful, I found that out now. :) |
15:09:24 | ron_o | but someone last night told me it should be in the manual. It's not. |
15:09:25 | kugel | linuxstb: ok, but I didn't test if the firmware works |
15:09:38 | Unhelpful | or the util can do it, i think |
15:09:56 | ron_o | it can do it but there's problems with automatically doing it ATM. |
15:10:28 | | Join J-23 [0] (n=zelazko@unix.net.pl) |
15:10:33 | kugel | you just drag and drop the unzipped theme on the root of your dap |
15:10:34 | FireThrower | One last questation: why there is no bootloader for V2 sansa? |
15:10:52 | kugel | in most cases, that is, when the zip contains the .rockbox directly at the top level |
15:11:22 | linuxstb | FireThrower: It's in development. |
15:11:22 | B4gder | FireThrower: the v2s are now called AMS Sansas by us, and they are work in progress. There is no complete or well polished install method yet |
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15:17:01 | FireThrower | ok thank you |
15:17:02 | | Part FireThrower |
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15:24:45 | | Nick JdGordon is now known as JdGordon|zzz (n=jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) |
15:28:10 | | Join Jaykay [0] (n=chatzill@p579E7C50.dip.t-dialin.net) |
15:30:13 | Jaykay | two questions: how do i attach files (a battery bench) in the wiki? |
15:30:31 | Jaykay | and is there any need in unifying(?) the runtime-pages? |
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15:34:05 | linuxstb | Jaykay: If you're logged in, you should see an "Attach" link at the very bottom of every wiki page. |
15:34:35 | | Quit Nibbl ("Ex-Chat") |
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15:35:10 | Jaykay | thanks |
15:35:23 | Jaykay | and the second question? |
15:36:17 | linuxstb | I have no opinion. |
15:37:12 | | Join {phoenix} [0] (n=dirk@p54B47F98.dip.t-dialin.net) |
15:37:51 | Jaykay | -.- ok |
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16:13:02 | | Part pondlife |
16:14:40 | gregorovius | Hi. I have a 5g ipod running rockbox. I don't know if it's the database, but when I turn it on the HD gets trashed for a couple minutes, and I can't do anything in the meanwhile... If I try to play some music is gets stuck there for up to 5 minutes. I'm running a couple days' old svn, is it normal? |
16:15:54 | n1s | gregorovius: do you have the database auto update turned on? |
16:24:44 | | Quit {phoenix} (Remote closed the connection) |
16:25:17 | | Join parafin [0] (i=parafin@paraf.in) |
16:26:58 | B4gder | MAKEFLAGS ? |
16:27:12 | B4gder | that's the one my info page mentions |
16:27:57 | gregorovius | n1s: yes, but it happens both when I've updated my music and when it hasn't changed |
16:28:55 | gevaerts | gregorovius: do you have dircache and load database to ram enabled? |
16:29:33 | rasher | B4gder: I was close |
16:29:39 | B4gder | yeps |
16:29:52 | rasher | But basically nothing that rockboxdev.sh should interfere with |
16:30:15 | B4gder | nope, I agree with you that it should already just work |
16:31:24 | freddy_ | Is FS #9617 in svn ? |
16:31:43 | gregorovius | gevaerts: yes. I disabled dircache and it was the same, I'm gonna try disabling auto update |
16:32:49 | gregorovius | hm, that's it, with only dircache after 10 seconds or so after starting up the hd spins down |
16:33:16 | gregorovius | in any case, the updating of the db shouldn't trash everything so much... |
16:34:05 | | Join Nibbl [0] (n=Nibbler@port-87-234-86-12.dynamic.qsc.de) |
16:34:52 | rasher | I don't see how else you'd expect auto-update to work, if not scanning the disk |
16:35:00 | | Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@h-74-0-180-178.snvacaid.covad.net) |
16:37:03 | Zagor | perhaps a little more in the background |
16:37:43 | rasher | Maybe the auto-update process should yield more, if that's it? |
16:38:01 | gevaerts | gregorovius: and database in ram? |
16:38:15 | Zagor | rasher: it sounds like it, from gregorovius' description |
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16:43:01 | gregorovius | gevaerts: yes, database in ram as well. any tips? |
16:43:40 | gregorovius | I just disabled database in ram and auto-update and in a couple seconds the hd had spinned down |
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16:54:47 | n1s | gregorovius: did you say dircache made no difference? |
16:55:54 | gregorovius | n1s, with auto-update and load-to-ram on, no, at least not anything perceptible |
16:57:57 | n1s | do you have a lot of files on the device? |
17:00 |
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17:03:29 | gregorovius | n1s: 6900, a tad less than 40gb |
17:04:13 | n1s | hmm, does dircache work when browsing in the filebrowser? |
17:04:57 | gregorovius | well, browsing is quite snappy, so I guess yes |
17:05:54 | n1s | well, then the database update should not take _that_ long with dircache enabled... |
17:08:06 | gregorovius | weird. I just turn on load-to-ram and auto-update, turned it on, and it was done in 15 secs or so |
17:08:24 | gregorovius | but on the bus home it hung almost 10 minutes |
17:08:59 | n1s | it could be some weird timing issue |
17:09:24 | gregorovius | might be, it has happened 2 or 3 times already |
17:09:27 | | Quit Zagor ("Client exiting") |
17:09:53 | gregorovius | in any case, I have to wait until the hd spins down or playback stops every 15-30 secs |
17:20:07 | | Quit einhirn ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
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17:47:03 | J-23 | how to select positions from menu on e200? Scrollwheel? |
17:47:05 | | Join T_Blade_Gangsta_ [0] (n=T_Blade_@pD9E32147.dip.t-dialin.net) |
17:47:10 | T_Blade_Gangsta_ | Hey ;-) |
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17:53:45 | J-23 | nvm, I checked it on simulator |
17:55:12 | Llorean | J-23: There's also the manual. |
17:55:38 | | Quit moos ("Rockbox rules the DAP world") |
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18:23:29 | rasher | Attention all devs: Please use the following when deprecated translation phrases: tools/langtool.pl −−deprecate −−id LANG_SET_BOOL_YES −−inplace apps/lang/*lang |
18:24:00 | rasher | And other langtool switches as well. It makes things easier for translators. |
18:24:17 | LambdaCalculus37 | rasher: Acknowledged. |
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18:58:13 | kugel | domonoky: hi :) |
18:58:22 | domonoky | ho |
18:58:45 | kugel | domonoky: re GPIOA in lcd: the fuze lcd driver has those too, and this is purely based on disassembly |
19:00 |
19:00:11 | domonoky | so we should still find out if everthing is needed, and if we can findout what it really does. :-) |
19:00:41 | kugel | domonoky: No! Don't question linuxstb's disassembly! :) |
19:01:18 | kugel | domonoky: and re: buttons on fuze: I got it working nicely, w/o lcd hacks (besides the mutex, but I wouldn't count this as hack) http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/9645 |
19:01:39 | domonoky | nice |
19:01:55 | kugel | the lcd weirdness was caused by changing the afsel on the whole port, instead of only the pins we need |
19:02:10 | | Join BHSPitLappy [0] (n=BHSPitLa@unaffiliated/bhspitmonkey) |
19:02:56 | | Part LinusN |
19:03:07 | domonoky | strange, but if it works better :-) |
19:03:32 | kugel | yes it does, and I don't need to hack update_rect into update |
19:04:00 | domonoky | good. i will try it on my e200v2 later this evening.. |
19:04:53 | kugel | just copy and paste the whole fuze button driver and insert the mutex into lcd driver like I di |
19:07:58 | | Quit Horscht ("electromagnetic radiation from satellite debris") |
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19:28:25 | kugel | domonoky: on what are you focusing now? rest of the buttons, or sd, or playback reliability? |
19:30:21 | kugel | I'd really like to get my microsd mounted |
19:30:54 | * | domonoky focuses on not having to work.. till tomorrow morning.. :-) |
19:31:07 | kugel | hehe |
19:31:46 | kugel | domonoky: btw: I'd like to get my button and lcd patch committed |
19:32:27 | | Quit Bagder ("*plopp*") |
19:35:08 | kugel | unless there are objections, that is |
19:37:22 | | Join Bagder [241] (n=daniel@rockbox/developer/bagder) |
19:37:53 | domonoky | the buttons are probably fine, but i am still not sure if this use of the mutex-locked member is 100% save. perhaps someone with rb-kernel expirience could take a look at it. |
19:38:28 | kugel | jhMikeS: ping :) |
19:39:14 | kugel | domonoky: it's defintely better then disabling irqs. disabling irqs can get weird behavior, since not only the buttons are interrupt driven |
19:39:28 | kugel | or am I wrong? |
19:39:45 | | Quit faemir (Remote closed the connection) |
19:40:07 | domonoky | kugel: sure its better then disabling irqs. But we should make sure accessing just the mutex member (not using mutex_lock() ) is 100 % save |
19:40:36 | kugel | domonoky: mutex_lock() does lock, it doesn't return the locked state |
19:41:03 | domonoky | kugel: thats correct, and it also blocks, which would be bad in a irq. |
19:41:25 | kugel | that's why I just return if it's locked |
19:41:39 | domonoky | we would need a mutex_lock-nowait() to make it proper... :-) |
19:41:42 | kugel | and not e.g. wait until it's unlocked |
19:42:31 | kugel | why do you doubt that reading the locked member is unsafe? |
19:42:32 | domonoky | but you have to very carefull, when accessing the same var in a thread and in a irq (read-before write and opposite problems) |
19:43:57 | kugel | please note that the buttons can interrupt the lcd, but not the opposite. if the button interrupt is emitted, the lcd has no chance anyway |
19:44:48 | | Join faemir [0] (n=faemir@88-106-244-173.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) |
19:44:49 | kugel | and checking locked makes sure that the buttons do not disturb lcd transfers |
19:45:09 | domonoky | after a bit of thinking, i think it should be save. but you cant be carefully enough with this things. |
19:45:12 | kugel | but sure, lets ask a kernel/mutex expert |
19:45:21 | | Quit miepchen^schlaf () |
19:46:12 | kugel | domonoky: it's not that I haven't tested it :) I was listing to my fuze in the tram today just fine (I was also browsing and stuff) |
19:46:30 | kugel | listening to my only flac file that is :P |
19:47:15 | | Quit freqmod_qu (Remote closed the connection) |
19:47:16 | domonoky | kugel: testing isnt enough for this things, you need to be really sure, or else a strange timing or else breaks it. But in this case it should work. |
19:48:22 | kugel | domonoky: have you read this page? http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/RockboxKernel |
19:50:19 | domonoky | kugel: yes, long ago. And i also hacked in other kernels, so i know the normal problems your get there. Luckily with cooperative multitaskting this locking buisness is much easier in rockbox :-) |
19:50:59 | | Nick Zom_ is now known as Zom (n=zom@c-eddde355.09-109-73766c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) |
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19:55:29 | | Quit faemir (Remote closed the connection) |
19:55:59 | kugel | domonoky: I haven't actually tried not checking for mutex.locked at all, I'd be interested in what could/would happen |
19:56:03 | | Quit ZincAlloy ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
19:57:07 | * | domonoky can tell what will happen. you will interrupt the lcd, and probably cause stray buttons and strange lcd :-) But its worth a try. |
19:57:32 | gevaerts | Just checking and then locking won't solve anything |
19:57:40 | kugel | I expected similar things :) |
19:58:36 | kugel | gevaerts: :? |
19:58:53 | gevaerts | kugel: you need an atomic check-and-lock |
19:58:54 | domonoky | gevaerts: the lcd takes and releases the lock. buttons only check if its locked, and doesnt do anything if it is locked at this time. |
19:59:46 | gevaerts | domonoky: sure, but what if it gets locked between checking and locking? |
19:59:59 | * | gevaerts hopes he understands the context right |
20:00 |
20:00:05 | kugel | domonoky: it's seems to work just fine |
20:00:06 | domonoky | ? the button doesnt take the lock, its a irq |
20:00:13 | gevaerts | Ah, ok |
20:00:44 | bertrik | so, what do you do if it's locked, just skip a button reading? |
20:00:45 | * | gevaerts shuts up and goes back to his usual corner |
20:01:04 | kugel | I'm holding the down button to go down in the list, and it does that just fine, and the selector bar redraws just fine too |
20:01:14 | domonoky | bertrik: thats what the patch does at moment. |
20:01:31 | bertrik | and you absolutely want to use an interrupt for the buttons? |
20:01:47 | domonoky | bertrik: the tick-tasks run in a interrupt ... |
20:02:22 | domonoky | so we dont use a interrupt in the button code, but its called in interrupt context. |
20:03:22 | domonoky | kugel: you are saying you can interrupt the lcd with the buttons without problems ? so dont need this mutex thing ? |
20:03:48 | bertrik | what pins are conflicting anyway? what functions do they have for the LCD? |
20:04:13 | kugel | domonoky: seems so. I'm gonna try to remove the mutex alltogether |
20:04:28 | domonoky | bertrik: lcd-dbop is on this pins |
20:04:57 | gevaerts | If you don't need to read the buttons from interrupt context for other reasons, you can just wakeup a thread from the tick task or something like that |
20:05:18 | kugel | domonoky: as fine as with mutexing... |
20:07:01 | domonoky | kugel: sounds promising.. if it also works on e200v2 without locking. we dont need to care about which context the tick-task uses :-) |
20:10:52 | | Join hillshum [0] (n=hillshum@75-165-241-153.slkc.qwest.net) |
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20:13:30 | * | kugel goes updating the bootloader before making final claims |
20:14:19 | kugel | I claim it works |
20:14:22 | kugel | ;) |
20:15:44 | * | gevaerts claims that kugel is lucky :) |
20:16:30 | kugel | :O |
20:16:40 | hillshum | is the log working fine? (i cant' get past 02:33 |
20:16:42 | kugel | the new 1.01.15 OF gave us some more space to insert code |
20:16:45 | hillshum | ) |
20:16:50 | kugel | 1.01.22* |
20:17:03 | kugel | 150K now, instead of 123K |
20:18:10 | hillshum | now its fine |
20:20:30 | bertrik | wow, is it really the case that the fuze lcd controller hardware is unknown, yet we have a driver for it? |
20:22:14 | | Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=miepel@p579ECA6E.dip.t-dialin.net) |
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20:24:10 | Unhelpful | a reverse-engineered spec is better than a good name and no spec? ;) |
20:26:15 | bertrik | there is an implementation, not a spec, as far as I know |
20:28:28 | kugel | domonoky: btw: it's cleaner to only reset int_btn for the buttons we're going to read, instead of simply setting it 0 |
20:29:16 | | Join _lifeless [0] (n=lifeless@ |
20:29:30 | domonoky | kugel: depends on how we can integrate the other buttons :-) |
20:29:51 | kugel | not really |
20:30:05 | kugel | it's cleaner in anyway imo |
20:30:50 | | Join massiveH [0] (n=massiveH@pool-72-76-241-148.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) |
20:30:50 | domonoky | why ? if you read all buttons in this function, you surly need to reset all buttons. |
20:30:57 | | Quit EspeonEefi ("さよなら") |
20:32:05 | domonoky | and if we can read all buttons in this function, we should put everything directly in button_read_device(), like it is done on m200v4 |
20:32:46 | | Join akur [0] (n=akur@bl7-118-244.dsl.telepac.pt) |
20:32:55 | kugel | domonoky: sure, reset all buttons you read in that function. |
20:33:17 | kugel | if you read all buttons in a functions, you of course reset all buttons :) |
20:33:41 | kugel | (but not more) |
20:33:42 | | Part akur |
20:33:55 | kugel | anyways, I updated my patches |
20:34:12 | * | domonoky decides not to answer. |
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20:37:13 | | Join Photoguy [0] (n=Photoguy@ |
20:37:19 | Photoguy | Hi |
20:37:40 | Photoguy | Has anybody here used froobi? |
20:37:55 | kugel | used? abused |
20:38:00 | Unhelpful | i've got a 6GB sansa from them |
20:38:17 | Photoguy | I ordered a 4gb e200 about 5 days ago.. |
20:38:26 | Photoguy | It's still not shipped! |
20:38:39 | Photoguy | 6 days |
20:38:43 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
20:38:45 | LambdaCalculus37 | Photoguy: Then take it up with Froobi. |
20:38:53 | LambdaCalculus37 | We can't help you with slow shipping. |
20:38:55 | Photoguy | Call 'em up? |
20:39:16 | Photoguy | Just wondering if the site was legitimate. |
20:39:22 | gevaerts | It is |
20:39:33 | LambdaCalculus37 | Photoguy: It is, but that's really off-topic in this channel. |
20:39:49 | | Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=miepel@p579ECA6E.dip.t-dialin.net) |
20:39:50 | Photoguy | Right..sorry just a quick question. |
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20:47:48 | | Join dany_21a_ [0] (n=dan@84-119-5-46.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at) |
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20:48:53 | dany_21a_ | hi kugel, just a quick note to you fuze-button patch (havent tested so far): you dont need to "GPIOC_PIN(2) |= (1<<2);"... "GPIOC_PIN(2) = (1<<2);" is enough, as the address already maskes away the other bits |
20:49:25 | | Join ibseco [0] (n=ibseco@BAH7df4.bah.pppool.de) |
20:49:27 | kugel | dany_21a_: well, we don't want to write the other bits |
20:49:37 | dany_21a_ | you wont |
20:49:49 | kugel | (at least funman doesn't recommend) |
20:50:03 | kugel | if they happen to be not 0, for whatever reason, let them be 1 |
20:50:21 | | Quit ibseco (Remote closed the connection) |
20:50:30 | kugel | dany_21a_: you write 0 to the other bits on that pin with = |
20:50:50 | kugel | oh, I see what you mean |
20:50:53 | dany_21a_ | In order to write to GPIODATA, the corresponding bits in the mask, resulting from the |
20:50:53 | dany_21a_ | address bus, PADDR[9:2], must be HIGH. Otherwise the bit values remain unchanged |
20:50:53 | dany_21a_ | by the write. |
20:51:08 | dany_21a_ | (from the GPIO datasheet) |
20:51:33 | dany_21a_ | and with the given macro the correct address is calculated |
20:51:34 | kugel | ok ok :) but does it matter? |
20:52:18 | mud-rb | well, it's an extra read, right? |
20:52:27 | dany_21a_ | - not critical in your code, but just wanted to note, so that you have the right picture of the GPIO-data-register in other cases, where it might matter |
20:52:32 | | Join seraph [0] (n=seraph@pD9E21C15.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
20:52:40 | dany_21a_ | yes its an extra read... but only in the init-function |
20:52:42 | kugel | ehh, why do I argue anyway? That was domonoky's part :D |
20:52:56 | mud-rb | ahh |
20:53:22 | kugel | dany_21a_: only in the init function? the bits are reset at every button read |
20:53:25 | dany_21a_ | oh :) - just saw your patch on the flyspray... |
20:53:39 | kugel | dany_21a_: it's based on http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/9639 |
20:54:08 | kugel | dany_21a_: credits go to domonoky, for getting how to reset the pins correctly |
20:54:19 | dany_21a_ | okay |
20:54:36 | kugel | (I apparently didn't, I always wanted to reset with = X, and not = 1<<X9 |
20:54:47 | kugel | s/9/)/ |
20:54:54 | | Quit freqmod_qu (Remote closed the connection) |
20:55:17 | | Join freqmod_qu [0] (i=quassel@2001:700:300:1430:213:d3ff:fee9:5ed0) |
20:57:16 | kugel | gevaerts: any idea why my microsd doesn't show up in the filebrowser, or any hint on what to enable so that it shows up? It's initialized, and also shows up in the debug menu under partition info |
20:57:29 | dany_21a_ | i dont understand why reading from the 0x3fc-address dosent work (have tried it once..) - as this should give the whole register (mask=0xff), would be also a speed up |
20:58:04 | kugel | 0x3fc? |
20:59:07 | | Join mc2739 [0] (n=mc2739@adsl-69-153-15-95.dsl.snantx.swbell.net) |
20:59:11 | gevaerts | kugel: the two obvious causes would be missing HAVE_MULTIVOLUME and missing HAVE_FAT16SUPPORT of course, but config-fuze.h seems to have them covered. |
20:59:36 | mc2739 | dany_21a_: 0x3fc does work |
20:59:40 | dany_21a_ | the PADDR[9:2] from the read/write is used as mask for the GPIO-data registers... so it is (according to the manual) possile to read more than one bit at once |
20:59:45 | kugel | gevaerts: I remember I could boot from it back a few month, maybe the interrupt changes broke it? |
21:00 |
21:00:09 | gevaerts | kugel: it could be a hotplug issue as well |
21:00:13 | * | gevaerts greps a bit |
21:00:22 | dany_21a_ | kugel [9:2] means you have to calculate the addres=mask*4 (the macro does this) |
21:00:34 | kugel | gevaerts: hm, it doesn't matter if I insert pre-boot or when rockbox already up |
21:00:43 | kugel | dany_21a_: yup |
21:01:04 | dany_21a_ | and 0xff*4=0x3fc |
21:01:23 | kugel | dany_21a_: iirc doing (1<<2|1<<3|...|1<<9) is also the same, without the calculation |
21:01:41 | gevaerts | kugel: do you have logf? Maybe check if you get at the disk_mount(1) in ata_sd_as3525.c |
21:02:11 | kugel | don't know if I have logf, but it's worth a try |
21:02:51 | kugel | gevaerts: but this is only if hotplugged, or am I wrong? |
21:03:15 | gevaerts | kugel: depends. I don't know how this is handled at boot |
21:03:41 | gevaerts | Anyway, there could be other causes |
21:04:02 | gevaerts | Do you by any chance have more than one FAT partition on the internal flash? |
21:04:10 | | Quit Schmogel (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
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21:05:22 | | Join fredddy [0] (n=freddy@p3E9E18C7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
21:05:47 | kugel | gevaerts: possible, I don't know what mkfs.vfat exactly did. But only 1 partition shows up when I plug the fuze to the pc |
21:06:07 | gevaerts | kugel: mkfs.vfat won't make partitions |
21:06:54 | gevaerts | Have a look at the output of sfdisk -l /dev/sdX (for both internal and sd) |
21:07:12 | kugel | there was a 4GB partition before, and mkfs.vfat made a 500MB one, I don't know what exactly happened to the other 3.5GB. But fact is, that the microsd is recognized (as the debug menu shows) |
21:08:04 | gevaerts | Yes, but HAVE_MULTIVOLUME usually means two volumes. I just want to see if there could be an issue there |
21:08:15 | domonoky | kugel: filesystem, not partition.. |
21:08:58 | gevaerts | kugel: if you just told mkfs.vfat to make a smaller filesystem, the partitions weren't touched, and this is not the issue |
21:09:10 | kugel | ok |
21:09:41 | gevaerts | Is the microSD card partitioned, or does it just have a filesystem? |
21:09:41 | | Join jhulst [0] (n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) |
21:09:59 | gevaerts | How big is it? Is it FAT16 or FAT32? |
21:10:16 | kugel | 4GB, fat32 |
21:10:21 | * | gevaerts has no real idea, so he starts by collecting lots of information |
21:10:42 | kugel | gevaerts: it shows in my e200v1, so it's "rockbox prepared" |
21:11:00 | kugel | and it shows in the OF |
21:14:19 | gevaerts | kugel: ata_sd_as3525.c needs to have a real card_detect_target() (maybe just a dummy that always returns true will do to get started), and possibly also card_enable_monitoring_target() |
21:15:23 | | Join Photoguy_ [0] (n=Photoguy@ |
21:15:46 | * | gevaerts clarifies |
21:16:05 | | Quit Photoguy_ (Client Quit) |
21:16:18 | gevaerts | You will need card_enable_monitoring_target() to handle hotswap properly, but it's probably not needed to just access a card that's been there from boot |
21:17:16 | | Join petur [50] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
21:18:02 | | Join mc2739__ [0] (n=mc2739@adsl-69-153-15-95.dsl.snantx.swbell.net) |
21:18:15 | kugel | gevaerts: hotswap doesn't seem to work. |
21:18:47 | kugel | if I put the card in after boot it's apparently not recognized (disk info says "Not found!") |
21:18:48 | | Quit mc2739 (Nick collision from services.) |
21:18:50 | | Nick mc2739__ is now known as mc2739 (n=mc2739@adsl-69-153-15-95.dsl.snantx.swbell.net) |
21:18:59 | | Join vertic23 [0] (n=email@f054011058.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
21:19:03 | vertic23 | hey |
21:19:09 | gevaerts | kugel: hotswap needs more. What happens if you just change card_detect_target() to always return true? |
21:19:12 | domonoky | the sd-ams-code probably needs more love for that :-) |
21:19:27 | vertic23 | I'm looking for information whether someone has started to port rockbox for the samsung YP-Tx series |
21:21:12 | kugel | gevaerts: \o/ I love you :) |
21:21:31 | kugel | ok, maybe not |
21:21:40 | gevaerts | vertic23: I'm not aware of any, but you might check the New Ports forum or http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/TargetStatus |
21:22:20 | kugel | gevaerts: well, it shows up now, and I can browser my music |
21:22:45 | kugel | but once I clicked on a file, rockbox seems to start playing, just to reboot a second later w/o detecting any storage |
21:23:54 | kugel | lol weird, playing another file didn't cause that |
21:23:59 | gevaerts | I'm afraid you're probably in new code territory then. |
21:24:15 | | Quit evilnick (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
21:24:54 | | Quit perrikwp ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
21:25:11 | kugel | gevaerts: it seems to be related to mp3 |
21:25:23 | gevaerts | More fun :) |
21:25:35 | | Quit GodEater (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
21:25:57 | vertic23 | which player would be best to buy? I see that the iriver series is not available anymore :/ |
21:26:05 | kugel | err, some mp3 cause the reboot, but with properly detected storage |
21:26:54 | | Quit LambdaCalculus37 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
21:27:06 | gevaerts | kugel: for actual hotplug to work you need to monitor the card somehow (probably GPIO). This monitoring can be started and stopped by card_enable_monitoring_target(). PP does this with an interrupt handler |
21:27:14 | domonoky | vertic23: take a look a BuyerGuide in the wiki. |
21:27:44 | kugel | gevaerts: there's a sd_present function, can we just call that with drive=1 to monitor the card? |
21:27:54 | vertic23 | okay thanks |
21:28:11 | kugel | logf doesn't seem to work, so I can't tell if sd_present is working properly |
21:28:39 | gevaerts | kugel: sd_present() won't help you. It looks at initialisation state, and something else needs to set that |
21:28:49 | | Quit Photoguy (No route to host) |
21:29:12 | | Join Aurix_Lexico [0] (n=comrade@c-68-56-205-239.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) |
21:29:16 | | Join GodEater [0] (i=c2cbc962@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-345ec9fee1d1423e) |
21:29:17 | * | gevaerts recommends looking at ata-sd-pp.c |
21:30:03 | kugel | gevaerts: GPIOD has something todo with sd stuff, I'll look in the datasheet |
21:30:16 | | Quit jhulst (Remote closed the connection) |
21:32:21 | | Join LambdaCalculus37 [0] (i=44a04303@rockbox/staff/LambdaCalculus37) |
21:32:46 | vertic23 | how can I see whether the ipod I want to buy is the correct version? |
21:33:01 | vertic23 | 5/5.5 Gen. <−− which generation is the latest? |
21:33:47 | Llorean | 6 |
21:34:08 | | Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) |
21:34:34 | vertic23 | how long do you expect will it take till 6 is supported? |
21:35:02 | * | gevaerts personally expects that to take an infinite amount of time |
21:35:05 | domonoky | 123,45years.. :-) |
21:35:16 | | Quit Horscht ("I got raided by the FBI and all i got is this lousy quit message") |
21:35:22 | vertic23 | hehe, well ...you have experience, don't you? |
21:35:32 | vertic23 | like ...how long did it take from 4 to 5 ...etc.? |
21:36:00 | mud-rb | vertic23: it's not that simple. the newer generation is more locked down |
21:36:11 | Llorean | And has completely different hardware |
21:36:13 | domonoky | vertic23: ports are not planned, they are done by people who have the time/device/motivation/skills.. so nothing predictable |
21:36:23 | kugel | gevaerts: do you have the datasheet? |
21:36:32 | Llorean | The differences between the 4th and 5th generation are relatively minimal, while 5.5->6 is an entire redesign of everything as far as we know. |
21:36:45 | | Quit linuxstb (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
21:36:51 | gevaerts | kugel: no. I'm not sure if I want it, you'll just set me to work ;) |
21:37:05 | kugel | :( |
21:39:54 | | Quit mc2739 ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.4/2008102920]") |
21:40:02 | vertic23 | hmm, does anyone know how to buy a 5th / 5.5 generation ipod? |
21:40:30 | LambdaCalculus37 | With money? |
21:40:57 | vertic23 | well ..how to find it |
21:40:59 | | Join akur [0] (n=akur@bl7-118-244.dsl.telepac.pt) |
21:41:06 | | Part akur |
21:41:32 | LambdaCalculus37 | There are usually a good number of them on eBay. |
21:41:56 | | Quit miepchen^schlaf () |
21:42:30 | vertic23 | hmm I see ...it's like the good players which are supported by rockbox are more and more sold out |
21:43:27 | gevaerts | Unfortunatly porting rockbox to a player often takes longer than the market time of that player |
21:45:06 | kugel | gevaerts: I think I found the GPIO pin |
21:45:09 | | Join bxcracer [0] (n=bxcracer@ |
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21:50:50 | | Join akur [0] (n=akur@bl7-118-244.dsl.telepac.pt) |
21:51:12 | kugel | gevaerts: so, card_detect_target returns the GPIO pin state? |
21:51:17 | | Join soap [50] (n=soap@rockbox/staff/soap) |
21:51:39 | | Join iTayb [0] (i=fullmoon@89-139-156-158.bb.netvision.net.il) |
21:51:39 | | Part akur |
21:51:39 | gevaerts | kugel: for PP it does, yes |
21:52:16 | | Quit dany_21a_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
21:52:20 | kugel | gevaerts: I think A2 indicates an inserted card |
21:52:30 | kugel | or, I'm pretty sure |
21:53:18 | | Quit robin0800 (Remote closed the connection) |
21:53:27 | iTayb | Hi all, i wanted to ask how the development of sansa v2 is going? |
21:53:42 | kugel | gevaerts: ok, that works. At least if inserted pre-boot |
21:53:52 | iTayb | i have bought an E280 and it apears to be v2 |
21:53:58 | iTayb | appears* |
21:54:05 | Llorean | iTayb: The status is in the thread, in the Rockbox changelog, and in the wiki. |
21:54:13 | Llorean | Don't worry, we'll post when it's supported and working. |
21:54:24 | iTayb | ok. thank you! |
21:54:45 | | Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
21:56:58 | kugel | gevaerts: I guess for monitoring I need a isr on that pin? |
21:57:26 | gevaerts | kugel: If you go the interrupt way (which I think is best), yes |
21:57:30 | | Join miepchen^schla [0] (n=miepel@p579ECA6E.dip.t-dialin.net) |
21:59:52 | | Quit LambdaCalculus37 ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
22:00 |
22:02:53 | | Quit {phoenix} ("Konversation terminated!") |
22:04:53 | | Join aneqrs [0] (n=andreas@c83-253-104-206.bredband.comhem.se) |
22:09:11 | | Quit fredddy (Remote closed the connection) |
22:09:34 | kugel | gevaerts: hm, maybe I'm dumb...but what should the isr do? I imagine for hotswap, card_detect_target would be called regulary, I'm not entirely sure what my isr should do :/ |
22:09:50 | gevaerts | kugel: have a look at ata-sd-pp.c |
22:10:03 | kugel | it enables the isr |
22:10:09 | * | kugel has looked at it |
22:10:35 | gevaerts | microsd_int() |
22:11:54 | kugel | yep, I'm looking at it |
22:12:30 | kugel | it resets the isr, but I'm not sure what about that timeout register |
22:13:08 | gevaerts | That one registers a callback to be called (by the timer tick) after 300ms |
22:13:49 | kugel | gevaerts: ah, I think i should queue_post SYS_HOTSWAP_*, right? |
22:13:57 | kugel | to sd_queue |
22:14:55 | gevaerts | kugel: not right away. You only post those if/when you can actually talk to the card, hence the 300ms delay. Check sd1_oneshot_callback(). |
22:15:21 | * | gevaerts pretends to know all about this |
22:15:47 | | Join herrwaldo [0] (n=waldo@ip-81-11-212-71.dsl.scarlet.be) |
22:15:48 | kugel | haha, guess why I asked you about that in the first place ;) |
22:16:00 | gevaerts | Because I'm good at pretending? :) |
22:17:24 | kugel | for sure |
22:17:58 | * | hobbs doesn't think The Pretender ever took a kernel programming gig |
22:18:10 | | Quit iTayb ("MULEz SCRIPT: I haven't lost my mind, I know exactly where I left it.") |
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22:24:39 | kugel | gevaerts: ok, now I'm curious if it works |
22:25:47 | kugel | haha |
22:25:49 | kugel | cool |
22:26:11 | * | kugel can hotswap in one direction |
22:26:23 | gevaerts | Out? |
22:26:33 | kugel | gevaerts: yep |
22:26:44 | kugel | not in, it gets me a panic |
22:27:23 | gevaerts | At least that means that something is detected |
22:27:23 | | Join evilnick [0] (i=0c140464@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-b96b9eca940873d3) |
22:28:12 | kugel | gevaerts: it's the same panic as if I made card_detect_target always return true and boot w/o card inserted |
22:29:54 | | Part seraph ("Ex-Chat") |
22:30:13 | kugel | gevaerts: "wait for state failed" about line 600 in ata_sd_as3525c |
22:31:23 | kugel | gevaerts: sd_wait_for_state() doesn't really seem to wait |
22:33:54 | | Join Zagor [242] (n=bjst@ |
22:34:10 | gevaerts | kugel: but it does work if the card is there at bootup? |
22:34:22 | kugel | gevaerts: yes |
22:34:51 | kugel | my isr is fine, card_detect_target is fine, but it seems wait_for_state() has it's name for a wrong reason |
22:38:41 | | Nick courtc_ is now known as courtc (n=court@unaffiliated/courtc) |
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22:54:48 | kugel | hmm |
22:54:59 | kugel | gevaerts: any idea? |
22:55:43 | | Join _lifeless [0] (n=lifeless@ |
22:57:04 | | Quit gregzx ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.4/2008102920]") |
22:57:50 | kugel | if funman was here :/ |
22:58:14 | | Quit Bensawsome (Remote closed the connection) |
22:58:29 | | Join Horscht [0] (n=Horscht@xbmc/user/horscht) |
22:58:31 | gevaerts | kugel: not really |
23:00 |
23:01:00 | kugel | send_cmd seems to fail |
23:01:31 | gevaerts | Maybe it needs more time? Try increasing the callback delay |
23:01:38 | | Join bluebrother [0] (n=dom@rockbox/developer/bluebrother) |
23:01:54 | | Join Bensawsome [0] (n=Bensawso@unaffiliated/bensawsome) |
23:02:33 | kugel | gevaerts: I made a while(tries−−) before wait_for_state, I get the panic after 20s or so |
23:02:41 | gevaerts | kugel: my guess is that you need another sd_init_card() on plugin (if you don't already have it) |
23:02:59 | kugel | and I also tried that :) |
23:05:54 | gevaerts | Maybe remove the sd_enable() calls that are all over the place, and leave it enabled all the time for now? |
23:06:34 | | Join MethoS- [0] (n=clemens@host-091-097-243-241.ewe-ip-backbone.de) |
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23:07:01 | | Quit bertrik ("Leaving") |
23:08:42 | kugel | gevaerts: maybe a good idea, btw: I fail in sd_transfer_sectors() |
23:09:23 | kugel | but that one does sd_enable(true); just before my panic |
23:14:24 | kugel | it's not initialzed after sd_init_card |
23:17:38 | kugel | gevaerts: \o/ |
23:17:43 | kugel | success |
23:17:48 | gevaerts | \☺/ |
23:17:54 | gevaerts | What was the problem? |
23:17:55 | kugel | at least once, that I get another panic, a very different one though |
23:18:06 | kugel | gevaerts: yes and no |
23:18:42 | kugel | gevaerts: not sure what funman did, but his check for initialised was just wrong (it checked for < 0, instead of <= 0), so I got the wrong panic |
23:19:16 | kugel | and then he didn't even initialize, but issued an instant panic |
23:19:44 | kugel | gevaerts: my new panic is "DATA CRC FAIL", after the second insertion |
23:20:35 | gevaerts | Repeatable? |
23:21:17 | kugel | yes |
23:21:20 | | Join gregzx [0] (n=chatzill@dsx13.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) |
23:21:38 | kugel | ok, I tried only twice, but it was both times after the 2nd insertion |
23:22:05 | gevaerts | Did you wait a while before inserting the second time? |
23:22:24 | kugel | yes, several seconds |
23:22:39 | gevaerts | ok, so it's not an issue with the eject |
23:22:45 | gevaerts | (at least not directly) |
23:23:04 | | Quit domonoky (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) |
23:23:14 | | Quit BHSPitLappy (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
23:23:55 | kugel | if I have the card inserted at boot I already get it after the first insertion |
23:24:43 | gevaerts | Maybe something doesn |
23:24:50 | gevaerts | 't get cleared properly on eject? |
23:25:01 | kugel | I'm wondering if I reset the isr properly |
23:25:36 | kugel | gevaerts: disk info shows not found after ejecting, so I think yes |
23:26:12 | kugel | gevaerts: also, the tick task forces a reinit after ejection and insertion |
23:26:18 | gevaerts | kugel: high level it's probably fine, but maybe the controller needs to have some bits cleared? |
23:27:04 | gevaerts | Can you post your current work? It's getting hard to follow with the plain svn version |
23:27:19 | kugel | ah |
23:27:27 | kugel | the isr is only cleared upon insertion |
23:27:44 | | Quit bmbl ("Woah!") |
23:29:09 | kugel | still nothing :( |
23:33:23 | | Join Chesteta [0] (n=Chesteta@dyn57-017.res-hall.ndsu.NoDak.edu) |
23:33:39 | gevaerts | What happens if you reinitialise the controller on eject (i.e. call init_pl180_controller(SD_SLOT_AS3525) again)? |
23:34:21 | * | gevaerts has no real idea if this will help |
23:36:23 | Chesteta | hello; wondering about the ams3525 1-2 gb filesystem issue... on the main "target status" page it shows that only 1-2 gb works; however on the "sansav2" subpage it simply says "yes"... which is it? :) |
23:36:59 | Chesteta | I am referring to the "disk/flash" column |
23:37:14 | | Quit Shiny (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
23:40:44 | kugel | gevaerts: haha, you pretender! |
23:41:50 | * | kugel got microSD and hotswapping working on his fuze \o/ |
23:41:54 | kugel | gevaerts: thanks a lot |
23:42:13 | gevaerts | kugel: now add the sd_enable()s back in and see what happens |
23:42:59 | | Quit karashata ("G'bye everyone!") |
23:43:08 | Bagder | spam on the users list |
23:45:33 | | Join ameyer [0] (n=ameyer17@adsl-75-57-183-54.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net) |
23:46:16 | | Quit XavierGr (Nick collision from services.) |
23:46:27 | kugel | gevaerts: looks good |
23:46:27 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@rockbox/staff/XavierGr) |
23:46:33 | | Quit HellDragon (Remote closed the connection) |
23:47:22 | gevaerts | kugel: I'd say if your code is clean, it should go in |
23:47:43 | kugel | I think so too :) I'll put the patch for review onto fs |
23:48:52 | kugel | haha, so my gpio irq isr intermezzo was worth it after all, even if it failed where I tried it first :) |
23:49:13 | | Join HellDragon [0] (n=jd@modemcable100.136-203-24.mc.videotron.ca) |
23:51:35 | | Join Nibbl [0] (n=Nibbler@pD9E30DB8.dip.t-dialin.net) |
23:53:55 | | Quit bluebrother ("leaving") |
23:54:30 | kugel | gevaerts: not exactly userproof yet, if you insert and eject and insert and eject (...) too quickly you will still get a panic |
23:54:52 | gevaerts | kugel: so what part of the AMS port is userproof yet? :) |
23:54:56 | kugel | but if you're mature it's just fine |
23:56:23 | * | Zagor got tools/database to compile |
23:56:53 | kugel | nice |