00:00:02 | mcuelenaere | has usb mass storage ever been tested in BOOTLOADER? |
00:00:10 | gevaerts | Yes. It works for the gigabeat S |
00:00:10 | | Join itcheg [0] (i=62db4767@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-14fd5f9150aee6cb) |
00:01:08 | gevaerts | Have a look (or steal) at handle_usb() in gigabeat-s.c |
00:01:26 | mcuelenaere | gevaerts: shouldn't l.415 be moved outside that #if? |
00:01:40 | mcuelenaere | (I use the static buffer instead of the audio buffer) |
00:02:29 | | Quit solexx (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
00:02:49 | gevaerts | oops, yes, but the static buffer also needs to be bigger |
00:02:56 | mcuelenaere | hmm Windows seems to react a bit more positive now :) |
00:03:14 | | Join advcomp2019 [0] (n=advcomp2@unaffiliated/advcomp2019) |
00:05:24 | gevaerts | mcuelenaere: I think something like http://pastebin.com/m373e731b |
00:06:12 | mcuelenaere | and what about tb.transfer_buffer ? |
00:06:22 | mcuelenaere | or is that another buffer? |
00:06:29 | gevaerts | That's another one |
00:06:35 | mcuelenaere | ok |
00:07:32 | gevaerts | In the audio buffer case they both use a bit of the audio buffer, but in the static buffer case I think keeping them separate is a good idea. Check RAMDISK_SIZE to see if it's not too big for you (I think it's 8M now) |
00:08:05 | mcuelenaere | I get http://pastebin.com/m1d34aec5 |
00:08:33 | mcuelenaere | #define RAMDISK_SIZE 2048 |
00:08:36 | mcuelenaere | so it's 2MB |
00:08:44 | mcuelenaere | and AFAIK this target has 16MB |
00:09:03 | * | gevaerts misremembered it |
00:09:11 | gevaerts | 1MB actually. That's in sectors |
00:09:16 | mcuelenaere | ok |
00:09:47 | * | gevaerts wonders how linux would react to a non-power-of-two sectorsize :) |
00:10:18 | | Quit {phoenix} (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
00:10:33 | mcuelenaere | :) I get 'cat: /dev/sdc: No medium found' and 'cat: /dev/sdd: No medium found' |
00:10:38 | mcuelenaere | so there's still something wrong |
00:10:55 | gevaerts | Do you have all needed handling of things like SYS_USB_CONNECTED? |
00:11:06 | mcuelenaere | hmm no |
00:11:30 | gevaerts | That's probably the problem then |
00:13:54 | mcuelenaere | bleh, I get a device reset |
00:14:15 | | Quit CaptainKewl (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
00:14:26 | | Join CaptainKewl [0] (n=jason@cpe-68-173-40-122.nyc.res.rr.com) |
00:15:36 | saratoga | jhMikeS: about your comment in fs#8523, what is the lcd_set_enable_hook callback for? doesn't the screen get updated anyway? |
00:15:36 | | Quit itcheg ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
00:16:16 | mcuelenaere | whenever I do usb_acknowledge(SYS_USB_CONNECTED_ACK); the device get reset for some reason |
00:16:24 | mcuelenaere | gets* |
00:17:00 | | Quit Nibbl (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
00:17:26 | gevaerts | device reset in the USB sense or more general? |
00:18:39 | | Join itcheg [0] (i=62db4767@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-94a0ce98619be7bd) |
00:18:50 | mcuelenaere | nope |
00:19:00 | mcuelenaere | for some reason, the usb thread wants to system_reboot() |
00:19:11 | gevaerts | Ah, ok. |
00:19:39 | mcuelenaere | I'm not sure whether it's the usb thread, but somebody wants to reboot :) |
00:19:48 | gevaerts | Do you have USE_ROCKBOX_USB defined, or only HAVE_USBSTACK? |
00:20:14 | | Quit jhMikeS (Nick collision from services.) |
00:20:19 | gevaerts | If you don't have it, this is working as specified :) |
00:20:20 | | Join jhMikeS [50] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) |
00:20:42 | mcuelenaere | probably only HAVE_USBSTACK :) |
00:22:55 | mcuelenaere | hmm it seems like it isn't transmitting the proper amount of data |
00:24:02 | mcuelenaere | and when I unplug, I get a panicf() mount: 0 |
00:24:59 | jhMikeS | saratoga: Does the patch prevent writes to lcd_framebuffer? If so, things will get out of sync and lcd_update won't suffice. I'm busy on another thing and haven't had a chance to really look at it. |
00:25:21 | mcuelenaere | gevaerts: this is part of the log: http://pastebin.com/m529746d |
00:25:30 | mcuelenaere | it seems like it's stuck on something doing over and over |
00:25:48 | mcuelenaere | ah no, now it stopped with scsi allow_medium_removal 1 |
00:27:12 | | Join anewuser [0] (i=anewuser@unaffiliated/anewuser) |
00:28:31 | | Part Blackfrosch |
00:28:40 | gevaerts | mcuelenaere: The "Status code -84; transferred 3968/4096 |
00:28:47 | gevaerts | " and similar don't look good |
00:28:48 | mcuelenaere | yep those |
00:29:20 | | Quit robin0800 (Remote closed the connection) |
00:29:44 | mcuelenaere | is that transferring data to or from the device? |
00:30:07 | gevaerts | From. This is after a READ command |
00:31:17 | mcuelenaere | could this be a problem with the last packet? |
00:31:41 | mcuelenaere | hmm no, it seems like there are 2 packets missing |
00:32:19 | gevaerts | It's always two packets, except when the request was more than 16k |
00:33:18 | * | gevaerts didn't know that the linux usb-storage debug output was that helpful. He'd have started using that a long time ago otherwise |
00:33:40 | mcuelenaere | ow, I just crashed my Linux VM :/ |
00:34:00 | * | mcuelenaere curses Windows'es USB implementation |
00:34:01 | saratoga | jhMikeS: it basically just disables gui_wps_refresh calls by returning without doing anything |
00:34:08 | saratoga | i don't know what that does to the frame buffer |
00:37:42 | | Join Aurix_Lexico [0] (n=comrade@c-68-56-205-239.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) |
00:39:09 | | Join efyx [0] (n=efyx@lap34-1-82-224-140-171.fbx.proxad.net) |
00:42:08 | | Join Blackfrosch [0] (n=Blackfro@p57A75A39.dip.t-dialin.net) |
00:42:33 | | Part Blackfrosch |
00:46:38 | | Quit itcheg ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
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00:49:30 | | Quit saratoga ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
00:54:52 | | Join _Auron_ [0] (n=DarkAuro@ppp-70-249-156-112.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) |
00:55:43 | | Quit karashata ("G'bye everyone!") |
01:00 |
01:00:47 | Unhelpful | nice, RockboxTesting has an item for Fuze, but no users. anybody have one to test something on? |
01:01:40 | | Quit gregzx ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.5/2008120122]") |
01:03:22 | | Join kugel [0] (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/kugel) |
01:03:40 | kugel | Unhelpful: yes, I do :) |
01:04:15 | Unhelpful | well, i knew *you* did, i was going to see if i could perhaps confirm my hunch before you got back, and maybe have some *real* progress :/ |
01:05:37 | kugel | lucent and keanu have one too |
01:06:45 | kugel | Unhelpful: do you really think it's limited to my particular fuze? |
01:08:17 | Unhelpful | it's obviously at least limited to certain devices, since it doesn't happen in sim, nor on any of the 16-bit color hardware i own. i don't know about your *personal* fuze... it might be that, or fuze in general. is fuze another PP target? |
01:08:41 | kugel | Unhelpful: no |
01:09:21 | | Quit ZincAlloy ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
01:10:16 | kugel | Unhelpful: if it was my personal fuze, going 1 revision before your commit shouldn't help I suppose |
01:10:34 | * | Unhelpful goes digging in the wiki to see what the AMS devices' ancestry is, exactly... |
01:10:39 | keanu | hai |
01:11:04 | kugel | Unhelpful: e200v2, c200v2, clip, m200v4 are ams too |
01:11:14 | Unhelpful | kugel: even if it is only your device, it could be a glitch in the hardware that the code exposes, or a glitch in the code that the device exposes. |
01:11:32 | kugel | only the first two (and the fuze) have a 16bit display though, and the c200v2 no working lcd dirver anyway |
01:12:14 | kugel | Unhelpful: I don't really think so |
01:13:19 | kugel | but it's indeed weird that it doesn't show on my e200v1 (same display size (just portrait), same pixelformat |
01:13:21 | kugel | ) |
01:13:24 | Unhelpful | it's very odd for code that's that far from the hardware to be failing on one particular device, though. did you get / try the "fix" i had a hunch about? |
01:14:09 | kugel | no, will do now |
01:14:31 | Unhelpful | i suspect dithering is to blame, somehow... though i don't see how that could fail for one target. anyway, try forcing it off, just add a format &= ~FORMAT_DITHER; above any of the tests against format |
01:14:38 | Unhelpful | in bmp.c:read_bmp_fd |
01:15:59 | | Quit einhirn (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
01:23:44 | kugel | Unhelpful: doesn't help |
01:25:11 | Unhelpful | kugel: good to know. i'll continue my work on bolting on a logger to the loader, that will gripe about various possible errors to a log file, then. |
01:25:31 | kugel | Unhelpful: uhm, weird things happen if I force FORMAT_RESIZE off |
01:26:19 | Unhelpful | ...did i tell you to do that? ;) |
01:26:32 | | Join krazykit [0] (n=kkit@adsl-76-240-198-230.dsl.ipltin.sbcglobal.net) |
01:26:37 | kugel | no, but I tried nevertheless |
01:26:49 | kugel | iiuc forcing that off shouldn't change anything? |
01:27:10 | Unhelpful | no, it very clearly should not, in cases where it's not being requested. |
01:27:20 | kugel | wait |
01:27:27 | * | kugel made a mistake |
01:28:19 | kugel | ah, ok, no it doesn't change anything |
01:29:33 | kugel | Unhelpful: your defines in lcd.h look a bit weird to me |
01:30:17 | kugel | Unhelpful: why that? isn't sizeof(fb_data) sufficient? |
01:31:47 | Unhelpful | sizeof is not understood by the preprocessor. there was some reason i had wanted to be able to compare the main and remote data type size in an #if, although i'm pretty sure i ended up not doing so. |
01:33:02 | kugel | looks like |
01:33:51 | Unhelpful | you could, to be very, very sure, try redefining DITHERXDY as 0... but i don't see any other way for dither to be true if you mask out FORMAT_DITHER at the top |
01:34:22 | kugel | Unhelpful: haven't you said you can't blame my lcd driver, since the issues how in the screenshot? |
01:34:58 | kugel | Unhelpful: forcing dithering of had an effect, but it not a good one |
01:35:10 | kugel | and it didn't fix the issue too |
01:35:12 | Unhelpful | ooh... how did it change thnigs? |
01:35:14 | | Quit nplus (Remote closed the connection) |
01:35:26 | kugel | hard to describe |
01:35:32 | kugel | wanna see a ss? |
01:36:10 | Unhelpful | please, perhaps it would produce another hunch, maybe more useful than my first one. |
01:40:27 | kugel | Unhelpful: |
01:40:29 | kugel | http://www.alice-dsl.net/simonemartitz/rockbox/mainmenu2.png |
01:41:57 | Unhelpful | yes, i see that it's exactly as broken as before. the banding is an expected change, since you disabled dithering... the glitch itself seems the same as before. |
01:43:16 | kugel | yea |
01:44:30 | | Join tmzt [0] (n=tmzt@ |
01:47:45 | kugel | Unhelpful: well, I don't want to complain, but it might've been helpful if you committed that one in smaller parts |
01:50:46 | | Quit perrikwp ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
01:55:05 | Unhelpful | many of the pieces depended upon others, unfortunately. but the ones that are likely to be behind your problem might not be hard for me to pick apart. |
01:55:14 | | Quit matsl ("Leaving") |
02:00 |
02:03:01 | | Quit mcuelenaere (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
02:14:22 | | Quit ender` (" Kiss a pair of boobs and the movie's rated R. Chop them off and it's PG-13. -- Jack Nicholson (?)") |
02:17:03 | | Quit Aurix_Lexico ("Leaving.") |
02:17:22 | | Join aurix_lexico [0] (n=adam@c-68-56-205-239.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) |
02:22:05 | | Quit tessarakt (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
02:25:45 | soap | Baw, you called? |
02:28:18 | * | Unhelpful sees there aren't very many config differences at all between fuze and e200... but i'll compare preprocessed source just in case :/ |
02:28:45 | ameyer | what exactly is the issue? |
02:29:02 | * | ameyer looks at kugel's screenshot |
02:29:49 | * | ameyer still doesn't get the problem |
02:35:07 | * | n1s hands ameyer new glasses |
02:35:46 | | Join ameyer_ [0] (n=ameyer17@adsl-75-57-201-238.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net) |
02:36:25 | | Join Nibbler [0] (n=Nibbler@e181089101.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
02:37:19 | n1s | JdGordon: yellow |
02:38:42 | JdGordon | :) |
02:40:10 | | Quit ameyer (Nick collision from services.) |
02:40:16 | | Nick ameyer_ is now known as ameyer (n=ameyer17@adsl-75-57-201-238.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net) |
02:40:25 | JdGordon | hmm... does changin a functions ret from void to bool need a plugin api bump? |
02:40:36 | | Join itcheg [0] (i=62db4767@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-956552434635eac8) |
02:42:23 | n1s | at least the regular one maybe not the MIN |
02:43:20 | JdGordon | I'll p[lay it safe and bump both, and put the func where it should be |
02:46:24 | Unhelpful | ameyer: seriously, you see nothing wrong? |
02:47:55 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
02:48:47 | ameyer | it doesn't quite look right, but that screenshot is undithered. |
02:49:07 | ameyer | wait, the k and the b look... squished together |
02:49:23 | Unhelpful | here's the one before i had him disable dithering: http://www.alice-dsl.net/simonemartitz/rockbox/mainmenu1.png |
02:49:40 | ameyer | kinda looks like KDE4's font mang...erm... handling |
02:50:03 | Unhelpful | and you're still not noticing the diagonal rows of bright dots? |
02:50:30 | ameyer | ahh, now I see them |
02:50:48 | ameyer | they're kinda non-obvious without zooming way in |
02:51:12 | | Quit faemir (Remote closed the connection) |
02:52:30 | ameyer | (on a 8.9" 1024x600 display at about 1m) |
02:55:35 | | Quit tvelocity ("Αποχώρησε") |
03:00 |
03:10:54 | | Join t0mas [0] (n=tomas@rockbox/developer/t0mas) |
03:11:02 | t0mas | hi! |
03:11:21 | t0mas | is there any active knowledge on rockbox and the Creative Zen? |
03:11:38 | Llorean | t0mas: Everything's in the forum thread. |
03:11:43 | Llorean | Or possibly the wiki |
03:11:53 | t0mas | Because I'm thinking about buying one (love the look of it :-)) and at the same time re-join active Rockbox development |
03:12:01 | t0mas | yeah, I didn't spot a wiki page about it? |
03:12:23 | Llorean | Well it's possible there's not one. |
03:12:31 | t0mas | oh wait |
03:12:33 | t0mas | just found one |
03:12:44 | t0mas | seems like it is possible to restore a bricked player from software |
03:12:59 | t0mas | so it should be fairly easy to get testers |
03:14:07 | | Join saratoga [0] (n=62e14d04@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-cc4c8ba4330f1c42) |
03:14:42 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@84-51-130-71.judith186.adsl.metronet.co.uk) |
03:17:16 | scorche|sh | t0mas: the very definition of a bricked device is a player broken past the point of fixing via software.. |
03:17:50 | scorche|sh | and long time no see ;) |
03:17:56 | saratoga | can rockbox encode to flac? |
03:18:23 | t0mas | scorche: indeed :) |
03:18:28 | t0mas | but you got the point.. |
03:18:41 | saratoga | t0mas: you did some of the MAD arm optization right? |
03:18:47 | t0mas | I'll have to run now.. (lot of things keeping me busy the last year.. work.. girlfriend..) |
03:18:56 | t0mas | no, I did the first graphics implementation |
03:18:58 | t0mas | for the WPS |
03:19:06 | saratoga | ah must be thinking of someone else |
03:19:11 | t0mas | back when it was still black and white ;-) |
03:19:13 | Llorean | saratoga: tomal possibly? |
03:19:18 | saratoga | yes tomal |
03:19:23 | saratoga | too similar names |
03:20:16 | t0mas | I'll drop by tomorrow or something.. have to get a Zen next week.. and then get back into Rockbox programming |
03:20:29 | ameyer | saratoga: as far as I know, there isn't a fixed-only FLAC encoder (yet?) |
03:20:40 | t0mas | to bad I've done only J2EE programming the last 1.5 year :) |
03:20:50 | n1s | saratoga: nope, rockbox can not encode flac |
03:21:02 | n1s | only waw, mp3 and wv IIRC |
03:21:20 | | Quit t0mas ("good night!") |
03:21:26 | | Quit ibseo (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
03:21:29 | ameyer | on a semi-related note, what does rockbox use for encoding to mp3? Shine? |
03:21:37 | ameyer | n1s: apparently, AIFF as well |
03:21:59 | n1s | ah, yes |
03:22:25 | ameyer | but that's basically WAV in a different container |
03:23:32 | ameyer | wait, there is a fixed-point FLAC encoder. Unfortunately, it apparently still uses 64 bit ints, which apparently makes it unusable in rockbox. |
03:25:29 | n1s | wouldn't any lossless encoder need to be fixed point? |
03:26:05 | Llorean | Seems like it. |
03:26:14 | ameyer | apparently some lossless encoders use floating point internally, to a certain extent. Probably related to FFT. |
03:26:35 | | Quit Horscht ("electromagnetic radiation from satellite debris") |
03:26:37 | saratoga | i think you can use fp internally for calculating things like filters or whatever in a lossless encoder |
03:27:03 | ameyer | also, some lossless formats can do fp audio. |
03:27:14 | n1s | ah, i don't know too much about encoders :) |
03:27:35 | saratoga | i think a codec doing lossless fp audio still has to do int for most things |
03:27:47 | saratoga | the sample format shouldn't matter |
03:28:12 | n1s | ameyer: 64 bit ints alone shouldn't make it unusable in rockbox, Tremor uses them for example |
03:28:13 | saratoga | just that your rounding errors are well defined |
03:28:41 | | Join Krisinu [0] (n=Krisinu@ |
03:28:59 | ameyer | n1s: it was presented as some sort of obstacle in http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/SoundCodecs#Lossless_Codecs |
03:29:00 | Krisinu | hi guys |
03:29:35 | | Join karashata [0] (n=karashat@milv-rb-1-206-169.cyg.net) |
03:30:40 | | Quit tyfoo2 ("Carpe diem") |
03:30:49 | Krisinu | any advantage of installing manually vs auto? |
03:31:03 | ameyer | not really |
03:31:40 | Krisinu | so just a pride thing |
03:31:41 | Krisinu | nice |
03:31:55 | Llorean | Not even a pride thing |
03:32:09 | Llorean | The manual install is basically just "the old way before we got the new tools built" |
03:32:12 | Krisinu | if all else fails? |
03:32:20 | Krisinu | fair enough |
03:32:45 | Llorean | It uses a lot of the same code anyway. It's really only useful if you don't have a graphical environment. |
03:33:30 | | Join Willwolfe [0] (n=cdea230e@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-cb2f23e596391504) |
03:34:04 | Krisinu | you guys have a reliable source for replacing ipod batteries? |
03:34:21 | Krisinu | my ipod mini only lasts 20 minutes now, ipod video about 1.5hrs :( |
03:34:22 | saratoga | google? |
03:35:36 | n1s | ameyer: the libflac change log mentiones that it used floating point in "a couple places" and the reason against 64bit integer math is that it's slower than 32bit |
03:35:41 | | Quit DerDome (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
03:35:43 | | Quit HBK (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
03:35:48 | Krisinu | http://www.ipodjuice.com looks interesting |
03:36:30 | Krisinu | they have solar chargers! |
03:38:23 | Willwolfe | I tried compiling r19633 w/ fs#9703 and fs#9706 as per yesterdays log but in my case patching with fs#9706 fails with a Hunk # failure? |
03:40:53 | Willwolfe | I was attempting a clip patch. |
03:41:16 | Willwolfe | That is before compiling. |
03:45:29 | Krisinu | replacing batteries doesn't affect the rockbox installation in any way, correct? |
03:46:22 | n1s | you can change the battery capacity in rockbox to get a better runtime prediction but otherwise no |
03:46:42 | ameyer | n1s: in my experience, "better" still == "horrible" |
03:47:00 | n1s | i didn't say "good" :) |
03:47:15 | * | ameyer gets way more than 5h31m out of his "850 mAh" iPod mini battery |
03:48:11 | Krisinu | where did you get the 850? |
03:48:38 | ameyer | off of amazon.com. I somehow doubt it's actually 850 mAh. |
03:48:52 | Llorean | ameyer: Well, it has to be calibrated for the player first. It probably hasn't been calibrated for Minis yet. |
03:48:56 | Krisinu | i think i'll get the 750 kit from ipodjuice |
03:49:36 | | Join Horscht [0] (n=Horscht@xbmc/user/horscht) |
03:49:37 | ameyer | or was calibrated back in the day when rockbox had horrible battery life on the mini |
03:49:44 | ameyer | erm, all ipods, even |
03:50:32 | | Quit Nibbler (Read error: 148 (No route to host)) |
03:50:52 | | Quit itcheg ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
03:52:37 | | Join itcheg [0] (i=62db4767@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-e3858036a680f89b) |
03:53:58 | JdGordon | is anyone else having problems with the cabbie theme (or any which used to work) no longer working and showing the plain inbuilt wps instaed? |
03:55:30 | ameyer | AFAICT, all provided WPSes worked on the c200 after the major statusbar commit. |
03:57:31 | ameyer | and on r19635, works on the mini2g as well |
03:57:33 | saratoga | why does the e200 define CPU_FREQ as 75mhz in its config file |
03:58:00 | n1s | saratoga: the cpu frequency defines are a mess |
03:58:01 | JdGordon | I wonder what Zagor did to have it not working? ;p |
03:58:35 | | Quit n1s () |
03:59:18 | ameyer | speaking of not working, I need to report a couple bugs related to the statusbar commit |
03:59:33 | saratoga | ameyer: theres no runtime estimate info at all for the mini, which is why it didn't work for you |
03:59:37 | saratoga | i guess i can commit some now |
03:59:45 | saratoga | probably the same as my e200 |
04:00 |
04:03:23 | | Quit saratoga ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
04:09:51 | | Join blkhawk- [0] (n=blkhawk@g227069197.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
04:10:56 | Unhelpful | kugel: try this patch... right now, it's only logging input/output size, if delta or rgb values for an output pixel exceed the correct range, and if the scaler is called. it should be enough just to start the player, since wps bitmaps all get loaded @ startup. |
04:11:02 | Unhelpful | http://pastie.org/350349 <- silly me, there's the patch |
04:13:46 | kugel | lol, another pastebin size |
04:13:51 | kugel | site* |
04:14:15 | Unhelpful | there will never be enough |
04:15:09 | Unhelpful | if you don't start sliding_puzzle or pictureflow, or attemp to load albumart, none of the logfiles should contain "calling scaler", obviously |
04:16:05 | Unhelpful | ... i see a missing \n in a printf. just find the line with OVERFLOW ERROR in it. and *that* should not appear in a log either, but i'm expecting that it might. |
04:17:05 | | Nick fxb is now known as fxb__ (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) |
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04:17:35 | * | kugel is getting weird warnings |
04:17:59 | saratoga | mini and sansa runtime estimation is updated |
04:18:07 | kugel | CONFIG_RTC, CONFIG_CODEC, SWCODEC not defined :? |
04:19:16 | kugel | Unhelpful: seems all fine |
04:19:16 | | Quit MethoS-- (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) |
04:19:45 | Unhelpful | huh, none of the things i thought might go wrong are? :/ |
04:20:03 | kugel | seems not |
04:20:26 | | Quit fdinel (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
04:21:45 | Unhelpful | hrm. that's not good... i guess i'll try dumping the bitmap data before and after converting to screen format, and we'll see where that gets us :/ |
04:23:36 | Willwolfe | Trying a compile with only fs#9703 applied. |
04:24:22 | Unhelpful | overflows in red would've been a perfect explanation for the funky green strip in the yellow part :/ |
04:25:11 | | Join Bensawsof [0] (n=Bensawso@adsl-074-167-039-241.sip.cha.bellsouth.net) |
04:26:16 | soap | saratoga, the blue LEDs on the Sansa E200 pull 20 ma? |
04:26:17 | | Nick Bensawsof is now known as Bensawsome (n=Bensawso@adsl-074-167-039-241.sip.cha.bellsouth.net) |
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04:27:25 | soap | wow - I guess it should not be surprising, always known backlights were major power draws. I guess LED button lights aren't all that different from LED backlights. |
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04:29:15 | saratoga | soap: I actually thought I remembered it being a lot higher |
04:30:29 | saratoga | but yeah the LEDs are really, really bright even compared to the LCD |
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05:17:28 | MOHDMACH | Hello |
05:18:09 | MOHDMACH | Is there anyway to change the default status bar that is displayed in the main menu? |
05:24:48 | karashata | currently, no, the only options are on or off |
05:25:42 | karashata | there may or may not be some way to display a custom statusbar (from part of the WPS, most likely) down the road, but as far as I know it's not currently in the works |
05:26:00 | | Quit itcheg ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
05:26:42 | ameyer | karashata: that's not entirely true. You can set the volume and charge remaining displays to numeric or graphic. |
05:27:22 | MOHDMACH | Thanks |
05:27:34 | ameyer | settings > general settings > display > status-/scrollbar |
05:27:36 | | Quit efyx (Remote closed the connection) |
05:27:47 | karashata | ameyer, good point, I forgot about that... |
05:27:53 | Llorean | Isn't all of this in the manual? |
05:28:22 | ameyer | well, it should be |
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05:28:25 | * | ameyer goes to look |
05:29:08 | ameyer | yeah, it is. |
05:29:57 | | Join MOHDMACH_ [0] (n=MOHDMACH@cpe-76-185-233-141.tx.res.rr.com) |
05:30:02 | MOHDMACH_ | So how do the developers edit the status bar when they do it? |
05:30:28 | MOHDMACH_ | Yes I do know how to change that stuff. |
05:30:38 | MOHDMACH_ | The graphical and numerical stuff. |
05:31:21 | MOHDMACH_ | I was just thinking it is small and wanted to make it bigger or customize it. |
05:31:43 | MOHDMACH_ | Sorry if I wasn't clear on that. |
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05:38:54 | ameyer | I'm going to state the obvious and say "by editing the source". No, I'm not sure exactly where. |
05:42:42 | MOHDMACH_ | I was thinking that but I guess I will persist with specifics when I gain more knowledge about programming. |
05:49:08 | MOHDMACH_ | Is version 3.1 supposed to be able to support most of the themes on the "WPS gallery" from the website? |
05:49:49 | Llorean | Themes are made to support a build, not the other way around. If their authors (or others) don't update them, they fall behind pretty easily on occasion |
05:53:28 | MOHDMACH_ | Thanks. That answers why some themes were not working with the 3.0 and 3.1. |
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05:58:03 | Unhelpful | that's why there's been a push semi-recently for modifiable/redistributable licenses for themes, so that the theme on the site can be fixed without having to ask the author to do it. |
05:59:25 | Llorean | If the new site ever gets up, the idea is to both require a license that allows modification, and have a script that marks themes that have lost compatibility so people can know which need fixing. |
05:59:44 | MOHDMACH_ | Yes. I know what you mean. It is hard to get in touch with them but also Rockbox staff cannot answer questions about themes they did not make. |
06:00 |
06:01:18 | Unhelpful | right, but it's pretty often clear to the dev who changed WPS how to "fix" themes that use the changed tags. generally a not-very-smart perl script could do it, *if* we are allowed to replace the theme on the site with the result of processing via the script. |
06:05:07 | | Join HBK [0] (n=hbk@pool-71-96-74-73.dfw.dsl-w.verizon.net) |
06:05:33 | Llorean | Unhelpful: Sometimes it's impossible to replace tags, it often depends on what was changed. |
06:05:52 | MOHDMACH_ | To me that sounds complex. I thought playing around with WPS tags usually is faster and easier unless the tags derived from perl or something. Sorry I do not know anything about perl scripting. I'm still trying to get used to WPS tags. |
06:06:08 | Llorean | For example, margin tags to viewports would've been very, very complex to replace since you'd have to check the font and do some math to figure out Y coordinates that weren't even used before |
06:06:43 | Unhelpful | Llorean: true. on the other hand, the progressbar change was pretty simple to update for |
06:08:25 | MOHDMACH_ | Yeah I guess that is a big obstacle for me because I wanted to design a WPS that functions like the WPS on the original ipod firmware. |
06:09:14 | Unhelpful | as i believe was stated before, certain aspects of that may be difficult or impossible to replicate with FPS as it exists now |
06:09:21 | Llorean | Unhelpful: yes, it's basically case-by-case. |
06:10:01 | MOHDMACH_ | So it would be a little difficult or near impossible? |
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06:10:47 | MOHDMACH_ | What is FPS? |
06:11:13 | | Quit pixelma (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
06:11:26 | karashata | frames per second |
06:11:29 | Unhelpful | MOHDMACH_: that all depends on which parts of the UI you might be willing to accept not being exactly the same. and i don't really know the iPod UI well enough to talk about specifics. |
06:14:24 | * | ameyer wonders if Unhelpful has an ipod |
06:15:46 | Unhelpful | only an S60, two E200s, and the horrid unsupported samsung thingy. |
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06:16:59 | MOHDMACH_ | If you are talking about frames per second then themes I have seen on the ipod so far don't need any adjusting. I am just trying to see if I can create a separate and temporary screen with a volume bar similar to the original firmware. |
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06:18:54 | MOHDMACH_ | The only things I want to add is the swapping animation and that temporary screen with a volume bar and I was under the impression that it was doable for a beginner. |
06:18:54 | Unhelpful | MOHDMACH_: i believe you could do that much, with conditional viewports. there's a condition for "while volume is changing" |
06:19:25 | MOHDMACH_ | Yes I heard of that yesterday. |
06:21:02 | BHSPitLappy | We don't need those other guys, anyway. |
06:21:02 | MOHDMACH_ | Since there is no example I will I have to play around with it. But I am really a beginner. |
06:21:02 | MOHDMACH_ | At making WPSes. |
06:21:19 | MOHDMACH_ | So that part alone will probably take 10 days. :) |
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06:27:08 | | Quit _lifeless (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
06:27:20 | MOHDMACH_ | So this did not work on my ipod and all I did was add this line to the WPS text file: %Vl|?mv2.5<bluevol.bmp| solid background.bmp>| |
06:27:54 | MOHDMACH_ | %Vl|?mv2.5<bluevol.bmp| solid background.bmp>| |
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06:28:50 | MOHDMACH_ | bluevol.bmp is just a solid blue bar that is the same size as the progress bar on the solid background image. |
06:30:22 | BHSPitLappy | MOHDMACH_, you might just want to wait until freenode stops having a fit |
06:30:46 | NJoin | _jhMikeS_ [0] (n=jethead7@adsl-75-45-226-30.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) |
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06:31:03 | MOHDMACH_ | Ok then no problem. |
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06:39:56 | MOHDMACH_ | Also If this helps I would like to mention that I am trying to add this feature to the "icatcher" theme and have no patches installed on my firmware. The version is 3.1 and it was unmodified as far as patches go. |
06:44:42 | MOHDMACH_ | Hmm? Tried it again and it did not work |
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07:00 |
07:04:13 | MOHDMACH_ | So I guess I will repeat the problem once again. Sorry for if I was not clear. |
07:04:27 | MOHDMACH_ | So this did not work on my ipod and all I did was add this line to the WPS text file: |
07:04:38 | MOHDMACH_ | %Vl|?mv2.5<bluevol.bmp| solid background.bmp>| |
07:04:49 | MOHDMACH_ | bluevol.bmp is just a solid blue bar that is the same size as the progress bar on the solid background image. |
07:04:54 | JdGordon | thats completly wrong... |
07:05:06 | | Quit aurix_lexico ("Leaving.") |
07:05:14 | JdGordon | get rid of Vl| and it should work |
07:05:18 | JdGordon | and the last | |
07:05:48 | MOHDMACH_ | How would I get the viewport then? |
07:06:48 | JdGordon | setup the viewport on a seperate line |
07:07:53 | JdGordon | kugel: if oyu happen to read logs.... it seems that viewport_set_defaults() is called WAY to often in lists.. I'm not sure if that was caused by 9603 or not, but if your bored feel free to investigate :) |
07:09:08 | | Quit Willwolfe ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.1/2008070208]") |
07:09:35 | MOHDMACH_ | Is that bad? |
07:10:15 | | Join HBK [0] (n=hbk@pool-71-96-74-73.dfw.dsl-w.verizon.net) |
07:10:34 | JdGordon | is what bad? |
07:11:02 | MOHDMACH_ | The stuff you said about the viewport set defaults. |
07:11:24 | JdGordon | no... its just a bit of a waste |
07:12:15 | | Quit sarixe ("Connection reset by the motherfucking peer") |
07:17:58 | JdGordon | kugel: sorry... no its my fault... |
07:18:42 | MOHDMACH_ | Are you saying sorry to me? |
07:18:56 | MOHDMACH_ | Or is there a user named kugel? |
07:20:18 | krazykit | there's a user named kugel |
07:20:45 | MOHDMACH_ | Alright my mistake? |
07:21:18 | MOHDMACH_ | Ignore the question mark. |
07:21:52 | Baw | the apple talk support that is in SVN now is not 100% functional correct? |
07:22:16 | MOHDMACH_ | So this is how I modified the line: |
07:22:22 | Baw | if anyone knows that is, i know there was some recent changes to it |
07:22:44 | MOHDMACH_ | %?mv2.5<bluevol.bmp|solid background.bmp> |
07:22:55 | JdGordon | Baw: what apple talk support? |
07:23:05 | MOHDMACH_ | and this is the viewport I came up with: |
07:23:06 | Llorean | Baw: What "apple talk" support? |
07:23:17 | JdGordon | MOHDMACH_: no, you have to load the bmp's first... |
07:23:44 | Baw | sorry, the apple talk protocol for accesories |
07:23:51 | Baw | for iPods |
07:24:20 | JdGordon | how is it not working? |
07:24:34 | Baw | soaps custom patch which was like a huge forum post for months was merged to svn on the 25th |
07:25:05 | scorche|sh | appletalk is ancient and used for networking computers...i assume you mean apple accessory protocol.. |
07:25:07 | Baw | i have a 5.1 surround sound system that has an iPod dock attached and it doesnt connect to it like it normally would with apple fw |
07:25:17 | MOHDMACH_ | You mean like this: |
07:25:19 | MOHDMACH_ | <bluevol.bmp|solid background.bmp>%?mv2.5 |
07:25:34 | JdGordon | MOHDMACH_: read the CustomWPS wiki page... |
07:25:36 | | Join _lifeless [0] (n=lifeless@ |
07:25:40 | | Quit __lifeless (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
07:25:49 | Baw | oh my mistake i heard it referred to like that i think |
07:26:30 | JdGordon | Baw: we never claimed to have every accessory working.. so if yours isnt in the wiki page its likely it just isnt supported |
07:26:46 | JdGordon | and by supported I mean we dont handle it.. |
07:26:49 | Llorean | Baw: It's the 'accessory protocol' patch. The name "apple talk" isn't really associated with it at all. |
07:27:00 | Baw | k |
07:27:15 | Llorean | If you can provide more information in a bug report it may be possible to improve support for your device, but you'd need to test what information it gets from the accessory/dock |
07:27:41 | Baw | sure how do i help? |
07:27:46 | Baw | i looked at the debug info |
07:27:52 | Baw | and it all kinda is random |
07:27:57 | Baw | for the view i/o ports |
07:28:10 | Baw | the IAP packet and accessory # keep changing |
07:29:22 | Baw | its a 5.5 80gb iPod video and im docking to a panasonic 5.1 surround system in the apple fw it has like a panasonic logo and says connected and the surround system display says connected. With rockbox it just flashes connecting on my surround sound and nothing happens no sound or anything |
07:30:45 | Llorean | It sounds like you've got one of the accessories that actually uploads something to the iPod. That's not supported at all, as far as I know. |
07:31:01 | Baw | the only reason i ask about this is because i saw some huge long forum post with some custom patch that was being made and it got moved into svn on the 25th, i installed the daily build on the 31st to check it out |
07:32:36 | Baw | hrm |
07:32:53 | Baw | but should that really matter? its still sending the same info back right? |
07:33:09 | Baw | the custom info being recieved is just ignored |
07:33:27 | saratoga | obviously it does matter |
07:33:36 | Llorean | I think it's actually possible for accessories to upload code, isn't it? |
07:33:56 | | Join MOHDMACH [0] (n=MOHDMACH@cpe-76-185-233-141.tx.res.rr.com) |
07:34:15 | Baw | upload and execute code from an accessory? not sure but that sounds dangerous |
07:34:21 | saratoga | i'd be surprised if apple allowed that |
07:34:52 | | Join MOHDMACH__ [0] (n=MOHDMACH@cpe-76-185-233-141.tx.res.rr.com) |
07:35:18 | Llorean | I don't see why they wouldn't necessarily. You'd still have to license everything. |
07:35:28 | Llorean | But it may just be bitmaps. |
07:37:15 | saratoga | it'd be really ackward to arrange i think, since they probably can't share the PP docs, and I doubt most accessory developers would have the skills anyway |
07:37:39 | saratoga | they probably provide something more like a WPS screen |
07:38:27 | lucent | Unhelpful: I've got an 8gb fuze, need me to whack something? |
07:38:32 | | Quit Bensawsome (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
07:38:54 | Llorean | saratoga: Well they definitely provide a means to upload a bitmap. I seem to have misremembered what I read. |
07:39:05 | Baw | so basically im screwed? can i do anything to help? |
07:39:16 | Llorean | but there's a "simple remote mode" (which we support) and an "advanced remote mode" (which I suspect we don't, or at least not fully yet) |
07:39:30 | Unhelpful | lucent: thanks, but i've been lazy since the last test patch that kugel tried already. if you want, though, you can see if you get this corruption that he saw: http://www.alice-dsl.net/simonemartitz/rockbox/mainmenu1.png http://www.alice-dsl.net/simonemartitz/rockbox/wps.png |
07:39:50 | Llorean | Simple basically just lets it pass certain button presses. Advance allows the hardware to interrogate the ipod for all kinds of information, perform playlist manipulation, etc. |
07:41:35 | lucent | Unhelpful: I'm going to go ahead and (re: your comment about the Wiki) add myself and Kugel to the page |
07:42:45 | lucent | he should have received the Clip I sent, or will receive it soon |
07:43:13 | Baw | Llorean is there any kind of information i can provide that would help out the enhancing of this protocol support? or a custom build with extra data collection for this or something |
07:44:03 | Llorean | Baw: It's more a case of work needing to be done, I think, by someone who owns such an accessory, than simply information gathering. |
07:45:11 | Unhelpful | lucent: thanks. if you do see the corruption, it seemed to come in with my large batch scaler update at r19592 - so r19591 should work |
07:45:18 | Baw | where do i start? o.O |
07:45:37 | Llorean | Baw: Do you know C? |
07:45:49 | Baw | yes |
07:46:19 | Llorean | Then you should probably look at the existing accessory support, and possibly write a plugin that allows you to attempt to communicate with your dock in various ways. |
07:47:17 | lucent | Unhelpful: it may be delayed before I try this, due to an accident with an 'rm -fr' command as root and an extra space character |
07:47:21 | * | lucent :( |
07:47:59 | lucent | I'll remember to ask you again once I'm running with a devel environment again :) |
07:48:07 | Baw | this would work for some other docks though right, so there is some support it just doesn't work with my complicated dock |
07:48:24 | Unhelpful | lucent: oh, no... i hate it when that happens... |
07:48:24 | Llorean | Baw: There's several different modes for using the protocol. |
07:48:35 | Baw | ah ok |
07:48:36 | lucent | Baw: the docks use a serial protocol that is undocumented |
07:48:41 | Llorean | Baw: As I said, your dock probably uses the advanced mode, which may not be well (or even at all) supported yet. |
07:49:23 | Baw | well it has to be documented somewhere lucent lol, its just very very secret |
07:49:34 | lucent | baw: undocumented. |
07:49:44 | | Quit MOHDMACH_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
07:49:47 | | Join bmbl [0] (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/bmbl) |
07:50:21 | lucent | if you want to document the protocol, it would be helpful |
07:50:49 | | Quit MOHDMACH (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
07:50:51 | lucent | figure out how and then write a document |
07:50:59 | Baw | http://nuxx.net/wiki/Apple_Accessory_Protocol |
07:51:19 | saratoga | i'd probably look into get a serial port snooper, or making one, or rigging another ipod to act as a recorder, and then see what the OF and Rockbox do |
07:51:29 | saratoga | but thats just how i tend to approach problems like this |
07:52:11 | scorche|sh | Baw: no amount of googling will magically make the work happen...do you think we didnt know about previous efforts? |
07:52:37 | Baw | lmao no but there is information on it |
07:52:43 | Baw | a lot |
07:53:00 | Baw | that looks fairly well documented |
07:53:13 | scorche|sh | could you implement this based on this information? |
07:53:37 | Baw | dunno |
07:53:41 | scorche|sh | then please dont suggest that we could when you lack a full understanding of these matters |
07:53:43 | MOHDMACH__ | JdGordon: is there a difference between an "identifier" and an "image id" |
07:53:48 | MOHDMACH__ | ? |
07:53:58 | Baw | when did i suggest that you could? |
07:54:12 | lucent | ladies, please shut the fuck up |
07:54:26 | scorche|sh | lucent: no need for the language... |
07:55:41 | lucent | what can Baw do to help rockbox, anything? |
07:56:27 | Baw | not at the moment it looks like |
07:56:28 | Llorean | lucent: As has already been said, pretty much anything that either increases the existing knowledge or adds to the existing functionality. |
07:56:32 | Baw | i understand the issue a lot better now |
07:57:05 | Llorean | Either analyzing what his dock does, or implementing commands that are documented but not coded yet. |
07:57:31 | lucent | Baw, thanks for stopping by the developer channel. If you want, check into what saratoga mentioned about a serial port snooper, it really is a good place to begin (and has nothing to do with Rockbox) |
07:57:59 | Baw | ty |
07:58:02 | krazykit | lucent, this is both a development AND support channel |
07:58:13 | saratoga | [unfortunately] |
07:58:24 | * | lucent :P |
07:58:27 | scorche|sh | and snooping the serial port for rockbox implmentation is perfectly ontopic |
08:00 |
08:00:04 | | Quit BHSPitLappy (Remote closed the connection) |
08:00:47 | | Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
08:01:20 | lucent | Unhelpful: thanks again. I've committed the TWiki revision with myself as a fuze owner and have added kugel as a Clip owner |
08:05:01 | saratoga | how much more does the HD16xx need before it could be a supported target? |
08:06:02 | saratoga | page says it has sound, display, buttons and disk |
08:06:38 | * | JdGordon is very confued by 9743 :/ |
08:06:55 | JdGordon | saratoga: probably just lack of devs.. or it would be already |
08:06:56 | Llorean | saratoga: Manual, rbutil integration, dual boot or USB? |
08:07:47 | | Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p4FDCF3A6.dip.t-dialin.net) |
08:08:37 | | Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
08:11:16 | | Quit saratoga ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
08:13:04 | tmzt | Baw: the logo might be sent as part of the protocol, I remember reading something about that on mp3car for an interface being developed |
08:14:54 | Baw | yeah it is, but there is more to the connecting hand/shake that isnt working then just the photo |
08:14:55 | | Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p4FDCE44F.dip.t-dialin.net) |
08:15:36 | Baw | the dock is waiting for some kind of a response back from iPod, its hard to tell without watching the send/recv communication |
08:16:32 | Unhelpful | i wonder how much of the necessary snooping could be done from within rockbox? it may be enough to start with logging unsupported accessory commands, and then implement those commands, to the extent that thi ipodlinux docs allow, and see where that gets us |
08:16:48 | Unhelpful | but it still depends on somebody with the device and willing and able to put in the work. |
08:17:09 | | Join gartral [0] (n=Gareth@ |
08:17:10 | JdGordon | ... not if the accessory is expecting answers for its commands |
08:17:13 | Baw | well u could see in rockbox all the strings sent but that really doesn't do much good i would think if you don't know what to send back |
08:17:19 | JdGordon | which is proably would if its sending anything important |
08:17:44 | Baw | the dock connector is basically a serial connector right? |
08:20:25 | Unhelpful | at least *some* of the commands seem to have meaningful docs. there may not be any devices where we can figure out enough without watching retailOS talk to them, though :/ |
08:20:43 | gartral | i found a bug with the fix to fs9742: after quiting the Version screen, the status bar disappears until either A) you go through to settings>general setting>display>status-/scrollbar> and reset it, or B) the backlight turns off |
08:21:39 | gartral | BTW its a sansa e250 v1, running r19639 |
08:22:10 | JdGordon | ggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr |
08:23:07 | | Join webguest73 [0] (n=44282cb2@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-c2504ca2d0bde7c4) |
08:23:08 | gartral | also, just wondering, why is "status-/scrollbar" instead of "status/scrollbar"? |
08:23:20 | webguest73 | Is there every going to be Sansa m200 firmware? |
08:23:31 | JdGordon | gartral: works fine here.. takes maybe .5s to show up... |
08:23:43 | scorche|sh | if people work on it...perhaps |
08:23:51 | webguest73 | Is anyone working on nit? |
08:24:04 | webguest73 | I really like my ogg collection... |
08:24:21 | scorche|sh | current progress should be in the forum thread for that device in the new ports forum |
08:24:27 | gartral | it wont for me, and im running your build, not my own, as my new system for building's proc died the day i turned it on |
08:24:48 | JdGordon | which target? |
08:25:08 | gartral | sansa e250, as i said above |
08:26:21 | gartral | ok, so, somtimes it comes back, sometimes it soesnt |
08:26:31 | gartral | doesnt* even |
08:27:07 | | Join J-23 [0] (n=kvirc@a105.net128.okay.pl) |
08:30:40 | JdGordon | hmm... it seems to be only coming out of plugins so im not too woried |
08:31:43 | | Join Rob2223 [0] (n=Miranda@p4FDCE44F.dip.t-dialin.net) |
08:32:03 | | Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
08:33:04 | ameyer | JdGordon: I have another one. Lamp. |
08:33:54 | JdGordon | seems to be all plugins |
08:34:12 | JdGordon | not sure why, and sick of these fixes so its somethng for the weekend or monday |
08:34:29 | JdGordon | oh, lamp is fubar |
08:34:54 | JdGordon | and batt bench on resume |
08:38:11 | ameyer | yeah, that too. I *think* that's the last two. |
08:42:16 | | Quit Rob2223 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
08:42:18 | | Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p4FDCE44F.dip.t-dialin.net) |
08:47:59 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
08:48:15 | | Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (n=jens@rockbox/developer/amiconn) |
08:49:09 | | Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
08:49:25 | gartral | just wondering, why is "status-/scrollbar" instead of "status/scrollbar"? |
08:49:34 | gartral | is it* |
08:50:42 | | Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p4FDCE44F.dip.t-dialin.net) |
08:50:47 | gartral | ok, i understand its a "bar glyph" but it looks inconsistent... |
08:51:31 | JdGordon | that text is probably 4 years old.. if not older... |
08:53:25 | MOHDMACH__ | In my last two attempts I have tried the following two codes at the end of the .WPS file and it still did not produce the desired effect: |
08:53:42 | MOHDMACH__ | %?mv2.5<l|k> |
08:53:42 | MOHDMACH__ | %Vl|k||21|172|273|12|win_crox4h.fnt|000000| |
08:53:51 | MOHDMACH__ | and this one: |
08:53:59 | MOHDMACH__ | %?mv2.5<|%k%Vll|%Vlk|21|172|273|12|win_crox4h.fnt|000000|> |
08:56:21 | Unhelpful | Vl specify a viewport without actually displaying it. what you want to put in the condition are Vd tags |
08:57:47 | JdGordon | and the font is 0 or 1... look at examples... almost every wps avilable will be using those tags |
08:58:27 | MOHDMACH__ | The viewport must be displayed when adjusting the volume otherwise the background will be displayed. |
08:59:00 | Unhelpful | MOHDMACH__: but, what you need to put inside the %?mv tag are %Vd tags, not %Vl tages. |
08:59:43 | | Quit Rob2222 (Excess Flood) |
08:59:58 | MOHDMACH__ | I will try that. |
09:00 |
09:00:19 | Unhelpful | when you use a %Vd tag, you need to first specify the matching %Vl tag |
09:00:21 | gartral | MOHDMACH__: what device is that WPS for? |
09:00:36 | MOHDMACH__ | Ipod 5g |
09:02:06 | MOHDMACH__ | When you were referring to the font I don't understand what it means. |
09:02:40 | Unhelpful | MOHDMACH__: you do not use the filename of a font in a %V or %Vl tag |
09:03:02 | Unhelpful | just a 0 or 1, to indicate whether the viewport uses the "system" font or the one selected by the user. |
09:03:36 | amiconn | Unhelpful: I think that the gfx glitches on the fuze are somehow storage driver related |
09:03:40 | MOHDMACH__ | So 1 means selected by user. |
09:03:43 | | Quit J-23 ("Flying cow pressed ^D on my keyboard.") |
09:04:05 | | Join J-23 [0] (n=zelazko@unix.net.pl) |
09:04:16 | Unhelpful | amiconn: any idea what i "did" to trigger them? |
09:04:43 | amiconn | You changed the timing of the bmp loader. |
09:05:12 | amiconn | I think this points to some timing related bug in the storage driver. |
09:05:19 | Unhelpful | ah, i see. fixing that will be a bear. :/ |
09:05:19 | * | webguest73 is meh |
09:05:27 | * | webguest73 waves goodbye. |
09:05:29 | webguest73 | Bye people. |
09:05:31 | | Quit webguest73 ("CGI:IRC") |
09:05:38 | | Join Nibbler [0] (n=Nibbler@e181089101.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
09:06:12 | amiconn | I could be something else, but I fail to think of a reason why code like the bmp loader could fail on just some targets, while other targets with the same pixel format and same endianess are working fine |
09:07:01 | amiconn | Hmm, does it only happen for certain scaling factors perhaps? |
09:07:37 | Unhelpful | wps and background bitmaps both before and after that revision are not scaled. |
09:07:42 | gartral | are we talking about why pic flow sometimes draws lines through part of a cover when it renders? |
09:09:15 | ameyer | as far as I can tell, no. |
09:10:05 | Unhelpful | gartral: no, not at all. |
09:10:28 | Unhelpful | also, lines? and are you using the newest revision? |
09:10:32 | | Join moos [0] (i=Mustapha@81-66-158-133.rev.numericable.fr) |
09:14:00 | MOHDMACH__ | That attempt also did not work so if anyone wants to have a look at .wps file - http://pastebin.com/m7efe5962 |
09:14:56 | * | gartral disassembles his dap to get the little peice of dirt thats settled in the dead center of his screen |
09:17:25 | Llorean | gartral: That sort of thing is pretty much off-topic here and better simply left unsaid, please. |
09:19:10 | gartral | it also was ment for a diff schat, lol, sorry |
09:19:16 | gartral | chat |
09:20:16 | | Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p4FDCE44F.dip.t-dialin.net) |
09:24:31 | ameyer | JdGordon: for whatever reason, the sluggishness isn't nearly as bad on r19640. You may not need to tweak it. |
09:24:31 | | Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
09:30:49 | gartral | hmmm... rapidy skipping back or foreward breaks AA display, and causes the WPS to report the wrong album |
09:31:53 | JdGordon | so dont do that :p |
09:32:43 | gartral | ok, definitio of "rapid": skipping 3-4 songs without listening to the intros |
09:33:11 | amiconn | JdGordon: When returning from the credits plugin, it takes a long time until the status bar reappears |
09:33:33 | JdGordon | amiconn: yeah, returning from any plugin causes that.. im not sure why |
09:34:12 | | Join MOHDMACH [0] (n=MOHDMACH@cpe-76-185-233-141.tx.res.rr.com) |
09:34:50 | Unhelpful | possibly the reappearance is happening when the status changes? |
09:35:12 | _Auron_ | heh |
09:35:21 | JdGordon | no.. after exiting plugins it should force a statusbar redraw... |
09:36:06 | gartral | it just... lags in doing so |
09:36:32 | gartral | gotta remember to hit alt tab.... really gotta remember that |
09:37:27 | | Join MOHDMACH_ [0] (n=MOHDMACH@cpe-76-185-233-141.tx.res.rr.com) |
09:39:05 | gartral | ok, anyone know if the chip8 plugin works with superchip roms? |
09:40:11 | | Nick JdGordon is now known as JdGordon|afk (n=jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) |
09:42:51 | Unhelpful | gartral: i think i recall reading that the answer is yes, but you should probably check the manual or wiki |
09:43:14 | gartral | easier solution, load one of each and see if they work |
09:44:03 | gartral | odd... both report "undiffined chip instrution" |
09:44:13 | gartral | instruction* |
09:44:46 | MOHDMACH_ | Thanks for the help. |
09:44:49 | MOHDMACH_ | Bye |
09:44:54 | | Part MOHDMACH_ |
09:44:55 | gartral | bye bye |
09:46:35 | | Quit kachna (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
09:48:13 | gartral | chip8 dosnt respond to key inputs... at all |
09:49:57 | | Quit MOHDMACH__ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
09:53:03 | | Quit MOHDMACH (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
09:53:10 | gartral | ohh, nvm, i broke the keymap in the file |
09:55:07 | amiconn | JdGordon|afk: Why does solitaire not have the status bar in its menu anymore? |
09:55:10 | * | Unhelpful can not imagine how he expected those %Vd tags with just an identifier to do *anything* without a matching %Vl |
10:00 |
10:01:04 | | Join Horschti [0] (n=Horscht@p4FD4FAA0.dip.t-dialin.net) |
10:01:08 | * | ameyer mutters something about r19622 not being ready for prime time |
10:01:18 | | Quit Horscht (Nick collision from services.) |
10:03:47 | Llorean | ameyer: It's not like it's a release... It's a development build. |
10:04:02 | JdGordon|afk | amiconn: the bar has been disabled for all plugins temporarily.. i forgot to mention it in the commit message... they can renable it individually |
10:04:07 | * | JdGordon|afk really gone now |
10:04:12 | Llorean | If you're using the dev build you're a tester, so you shouldn't expect everything to always be "ready for prime time" |
10:13:59 | * | ameyer is just impressed by the extent of the breakage |
10:16:53 | | Quit _lifeless (Remote closed the connection) |
10:17:09 | | Join _lifeless [0] (n=lifeless@ |
10:22:32 | amiconn | Llorean, JdGordon|afk: Sure latest SVN isn't a release. But in such a case I would expect (a) a mention of the breakage, and (b) expect the complementing fix asap. |
10:23:18 | Llorean | amiconn: I'd expect a fix ASAP, but that doesn't necessarily mean immediately. |
10:23:31 | splinter | hi, i installed for the first time. looks fine. when i plug it in, i get the 'do not disconnect' window and it wont go away. |
10:23:38 | Llorean | There's not really a location for a dev to "mention" a breakage, anyway |
10:23:57 | amiconn | Ahem, in the commit message, perhaps? |
10:24:17 | Llorean | It was expected to work when it was committed, I thought. |
10:24:33 | amiconn | [10:04:02] <JdGordon|afk> amiconn: the bar has been disabled for all plugins temporarily.. i forgot to mention it in the commit message... they can renable it individually |
10:24:41 | Llorean | Even with the non-release state, I wouldn't expect intentional commits of flawed code. |
10:25:39 | ameyer | and I think the dynamic playlist boosting bug fixed in r19304 (FS #9319/FS #9576) is back. Probably should be going to bed, I'll try to track it down later. |
10:27:44 | splinter | it's like it's trying to sync with something? |
10:28:12 | Llorean | splinter: That screen is handled by the original firmware. If your computer says it's ejected, it's safe to disconnect. |
10:28:38 | splinter | it's the rockbox font |
10:28:52 | splinter | does it just always say that when you plug it in? |
10:29:07 | Llorean | splinter: It's not the Rockbox font. |
10:29:27 | splinter | it's not the ipod font either |
10:29:39 | Llorean | Yes, it is. |
10:29:59 | Llorean | It's just one of their other fonts. |
10:30:03 | splinter | k |
10:30:07 | splinter | does it just always say that when you plug it in? |
10:30:19 | Llorean | Any time it tries to go into USB mode, yes. |
10:30:25 | splinter | ok |
10:30:27 | ameyer | unless you installed a semi-mangled unofficial build, it's the ipod font, as rockbox doesn't handle usb on portalplayer targets. |
10:30:27 | splinter | thanks |
10:30:44 | Llorean | ameyer: Rockbox's USB screen doesn't say that anyway. |
10:31:16 | splinter | nah just 3.1 |
10:31:18 | ameyer | I find that I can unmount my ipod without causing the ipod to leave the "do not disconnect" screen |
10:32:24 | splinter | when i plug it in, it reboots to that screen, is that what it is supposed to do? unless i press the button that keeps it in 'charge only' mode? |
10:32:50 | Llorean | Yes. |
10:32:56 | splinter | cool |
10:33:49 | ameyer | Supposed to? Yes. Does it always? No. |
10:35:03 | amiconn | Llorean: That's what I'd expect too. Hence I have to say that was a typical JdGordon commit, sorry :\ |
10:37:41 | | Quit film42 () |
10:47:45 | | Join ibseo [0] (n=hd@p5B1639CE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
10:48:00 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
10:50:05 | Unhelpful | amiconn: a fairly large timing change in that commit, i think, would be the change in the max bmp chunk size from 8px to LCD_WIDTH... |
10:50:50 | Unhelpful | previously, it was "stopping" after reading 8px worth to convert that to the native bitmap |
10:51:39 | amiconn | Hmm? Iirc the bmp reader used to read a complete line at a time |
10:52:27 | * | amiconn would ike to know whether the gfx glitches on the fuze are reproducable, or whether they are different on each run |
10:52:40 | amiconn | If they're fixed, a timing issue is rather unlikely |
10:53:04 | amiconn | But then why don't other targets see this? Perhaps it's a matter of screen width? |
10:53:12 | Unhelpful | http://www.alice-dsl.net/simonemartitz/rockbox/mainmenu1.png http://www.alice-dsl.net/simonemartitz/rockbox/mainmenu2.png |
10:53:27 | | Join robin0800 [0] (n=robin080@cpc2-brig8-0-0-cust394.brig.cable.ntl.com) |
10:53:40 | Unhelpful | those are from two different builds - i had him force dither off, since i thought that might be part of the problem |
10:54:40 | * | amiconn should probably try on his ipod color (same screen width), although he outright hates cabbiev2 |
10:54:51 | Unhelpful | the defects look pretty much the same, to me |
10:55:53 | | Quit ze (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
10:56:58 | amiconn | Hmm, my unfinished lcd-16bit work stops the problem from showing up |
10:57:21 | Unhelpful | but svn is broken on the target for you? |
10:57:43 | amiconn | Didn't try yet - just downloading |
10:59:06 | amiconn | Plain SVN works for me |
10:59:48 | soap | Baw, it was not MY patch. Give credit where credit is due. I just made a build with it to get people to test it. |
10:59:52 | Unhelpful | i'll have kugel try changing BM_MAX_WIDTH when he's available next |
11:00 |
11:01:08 | Unhelpful | oh, i meant to ask... are FORMAT_NATIVE rgb565 bitmaps always in host order? |
11:01:27 | amiconn | What I'm working on in lcd-16bit.c is support for opaque background when a background bitmap is loaded, selectable via an extra drawmode bit. Right now it's broken, i.e. uncommittable |
11:01:41 | | Join ajb [0] (n=user@cpc2-cmbg5-0-0-cust252.cmbg.cable.ntl.com) |
11:01:44 | amiconn | yes |
11:02:01 | amiconn | ipod color uses RGB565SWAPPED though |
11:02:06 | Unhelpful | i noticed that the bmp loader doesn't use a packing macro, just some shifts and ors |
11:05:10 | | Join ze [0] (i=ze@ |
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11:06:07 | Unhelpful | hrm... and i just realized that on RGB565SWAPPED targets, pictureflow.c passes pixel values through swap16 before doing channel-wise math on them. |
11:07:20 | | Nick Barahir_ is now known as Barahir (n=jonathan@X9b3d.x.pppool.de) |
11:18:31 | amiconn | Unhelpful: Yeah, as it needs to be |
11:19:58 | Unhelpful | ... i'm a little confused, then? it would appear that pictureflow assumes in-memory bitmaps and the framebuffer to be swapped on these targets, while the loader that produces these bitmaps does not. |
11:20:45 | Unhelpful | hrm. the "old" bmp.c does not appear to work this way. wonder if that's my bug :/ |
11:21:17 | amiconn | I'm not sure what you mean, then |
11:21:20 | Unhelpful | by which i mean a completely different bug from the one kugel sees, which i may have introduced :/ |
11:21:53 | amiconn | RGB565SWAPPED means the low and high bytes are swapped in memory (that is optimized for how lcd_update has to transfer the data) |
11:22:48 | Unhelpful | ...i'm no longer sure what i mean, either, i could swear i was looking at it and it read (r << 11) | (g<<5) | (b << 6) |
11:22:56 | Unhelpful | ... rm, just | b obviously. |
11:23:41 | amiconn | You said there's a swap going on in pictureflow.c, which then can't be the bmp loader. So I assume there's some calculation going on that uses an in-memory bitmap as the source |
11:24:14 | amiconn | And such a calculation, needs to pre-swap and post-swap if it needs to operate on the individual colour channels |
11:24:38 | Unhelpful | sorry, i was looking at the preprocessed bmp.i on fuze, which isn't using swapped... bmp.c uses LCD_RGBPACK_LCD |
11:26:03 | Unhelpful | the source of the confusion was that i thought that the bmp loader was *not* swapping. |
11:31:48 | ajb | Undefinned instruction @ 40000184 (0) doesn't sound good |
11:33:45 | ajb | Looks like there should be more info dumped for a unhanddled exception |
11:34:07 | | Quit abo_ (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) |
11:34:16 | amiconn | JdGordon|afk: rockbox_flash.rock is broken... |
11:35:33 | amiconn | It returns immediately |
11:37:26 | | Join n1s [0] (n=nils@rockbox/developer/n1s) |
11:38:09 | * | ajb wonders why a VA_ARGS macro is wrapped around a format string |
11:41:38 | | Join {phoenix} [0] (n=dirk@p54B47F7B.dip.t-dialin.net) |
11:42:49 | amiconn | JdGordon|afk: And your fix fir credits.rock has at least one significant bug. *Never* compare ticks using < or >, always use TIME_BEFORE() or TIME_AFTER() |
11:44:22 | ajb | What offset if rockbox.elf loaded into memory at on the iPod Video (5.5g)? |
11:45:07 | amiconn | rockbox.elf isn't loaded at all, it's not even uínstalled on target |
11:45:31 | amiconn | What is loaded is rockbox.ipod, which is essentially rockbox.bin with a header |
11:45:57 | ajb | what will objdump want to dissasemble it? |
11:46:03 | amiconn | rockbox.bin in turn is built from rockbox.elf. You can check addresses in the linker script or the .map file |
11:48:13 | ajb | hmmm, according to the map the address is bogus, so it must of jumped off into the tther for some reason |
11:48:39 | * | ajb wishes for a backtrace |
11:48:58 | | Quit _lifeless (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) |
11:49:00 | | Join _lifeless [0] (n=lifeless@ |
11:49:35 | amiconn | The address is not bogus. 0x4000xxxx is in IRAM |
11:49:56 | Unhelpful | amiconn: regarding the read sizes, old bmp.c was reading whole lines. the original resize-on-load was reading whole lines into a static buffer, and failing if they exceeded a maximum size. |
11:50:13 | | Join culture [0] (n=none@cpc1-bele3-0-0-cust658.belf.cable.ntl.com) |
11:50:50 | Unhelpful | when i reworked it to read partial lines, so that the static buffer could go away, i arbitrarily chose 8 pixels, as the smallest size that could be read in whole bytes regardless of the input bmp file depth |
11:51:43 | | Join nplus [0] (n=nplus@141.25.Globcom.Net) |
11:51:47 | Unhelpful | the "problem" revision doesn't change very many things inside bmp.c, but it changes BM_MAX_WIDTH to LCD_HEIGHT rounded up to the nearest multiple of 8, so the read size is *much* larger on most targets than in the initial scaled loader commit. |
11:52:20 | ajb | amiconn: but will it be rockbox code or a bad jump? |
11:52:58 | amiconn | Rockbox code, almost certainly |
11:54:20 | Unhelpful | which code do we load into IRAM? |
11:55:36 | n1s | Unhelpful: some of the most time critical code in core/codecs generally |
11:56:16 | | Quit ameyer (Remote closed the connection) |
11:57:21 | Unhelpful | i suspected something like that might be the case... is it possible his address isn't in the map because it's dynamically loaded code, ie from a codec? |
11:58:32 | | Join ender` [0] (i=krneki@foo.eternallybored.org) |
11:59:01 | n1s | static functions don't show up in the map for example, codecs have their own maps so it could be there |
12:00 |
12:03:41 | amiconn | Actually it might be bogus. I don't have a G5.5 build handy, but on the Color, .ibss comes first in IRAM, and this address would be in .ibss |
12:06:24 | | Join gromit` [0] (n=gromit@ALagny-154-1-72-179.w86-203.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
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12:21:15 | | Nick pixelma_ is now known as pixelma (n=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) |
12:21:20 | | Quit {phoenix} (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
12:22:09 | Unhelpful | kugel: whenever you're around again, try changing BM_MAX_WIDTH in bmp.h. it was set to 8 before that revision, any multiple of 8 should be valid without breaking anything. |
12:28:13 | | Quit soap (Remote closed the connection) |
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12:40:50 | gartral | wait, soo, as of right now, what does not work? |
12:42:12 | n1s | you may want to be a little more specific :) |
12:48:04 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
13:00 |
13:02:15 | ajb | How do I identify which codec is loaded at that address |
13:03:15 | n1s | ajb: all codecs are loaded to the same adress but as amiconn said that adress seems to be in ibss (not code) |
13:04:29 | * | ajb continues trying to repeat the crash |
13:05:58 | ajb | well that was unreasuring |
13:06:14 | ajb | I just switched to a new song |
13:06:36 | amiconn | This address is not in codec/plugin iram, but in core iram |
13:08:27 | n1s | in a local build it seems voice_tread ibss section begins at 0x40000180 |
13:08:40 | | Join flydutch [0] (n=flydutch@host84-153-dynamic.15-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) |
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13:15:49 | | Join kugel [0] (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/kugel) |
13:16:07 | ajb | Can I get more info out of the crash now I can reproduce on my hardware? |
13:20:05 | n1s | not sure, what do you do to reproduce it? |
13:20:30 | ajb | Select a particular track (which I think is a m4a) |
13:20:40 | ajb | I assume it crashes as it attempts to play |
13:20:53 | n1s | does it crash a simulator? |
13:21:06 | kugel | JdGordon|afk: I was wondering about droppen the support for passing NULL, so lists/menu wouldn't have to bother with reinits at all |
13:21:23 | ajb | nls: no |
13:22:23 | n1s | ajb: so does it play ok in a sim? |
13:22:27 | | Join Domonoky [0] (n=domonoky@rockbox/developer/domonoky) |
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13:23:14 | ajb | nls: that's correct, it works fine in the sim. |
13:23:57 | n1s | hmm, that makes it a bit tricky, can you file a bugreport and attach the file? |
13:24:27 | ajb | n1s: Attaching the file is tricky as it's a copyright track |
13:25:30 | | Join AndyIL [0] (i=AndyI@ |
13:26:16 | n1s | ah, yes |
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13:29:55 | kugel | Unhelpful: will do |
13:32:55 | ajb | FS #9745 raised (crash on m4a) |
13:33:21 | * | ajb tests on latest svn |
13:34:50 | write__erase | Hi! what's the difference between −−add-bootloader and −−add-bootloader-bin ? thx |
13:35:23 | n1s | ajb: does it happen with any m4a or just a specific one? |
13:35:26 | | Join t0mas [0] (n=tomas@rockbox/developer/t0mas) |
13:36:07 | * | ajb tests a few more |
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13:38:01 | | Quit AndyI (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
13:41:13 | | Join tyfoo [0] (n=tyfoo@dyndsl-095-033-077-060.ewe-ip-backbone.de) |
13:42:52 | kugel | Unhelpful: http://www.alice-dsl.net/simonemartitz/rockbox/mainmenu3.bmp and http://www.alice-dsl.net/simonemartitz/rockbox/wps3.png |
13:45:22 | | Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=miepel@p579ECC42.dip.t-dialin.net) |
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13:47:48 | | Join MethoS- [0] (n=clemens@host-091-096-208-062.ewe-ip-backbone.de) |
13:47:57 | ajb | n1s: hmmm, well some other m4a's all skipped and failed to play but didn't crash |
13:48:37 | ajb | n1s: The playlist shows "(ERR) song name" |
13:49:30 | pixelma | is there something special about these m4as (specific format, tags, length)? |
13:50:10 | ajb | Not as far as I can tell. Do we have a reference m4a encoded file for comparison/testing? |
13:50:35 | ajb | hmm, different crash but still a crash from an m4a |
13:51:55 | | Quit MethoS- (Remote closed the connection) |
13:52:15 | | Join MethoS- [0] (n=clemens@host-091-096-208-062.ewe-ip-backbone.de) |
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13:56:19 | t0mas | Bagder! long time no see :-) |
14:00 |
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14:12:11 | * | ajb grabs http://www.rjamorim.com/test/tests/Multiformat128.zip |
14:13:46 | moos | t0mas: welcome back, long time no see indeed :) |
14:14:06 | ajb | Well that m4a seems to hang the player |
14:14:33 | t0mas | moos: sorry! (A) |
14:15:15 | gartral | in pictureflow, it shows an entry for "Untagged", the only untagged files are those i recorded... |
14:15:42 | moos | still have your iriver h1xx? :) |
14:16:23 | t0mas | hehe |
14:16:29 | t0mas | I do.. but don't use it anymore |
14:16:45 | t0mas | have been using an ipod nano since ehm.. 2 years or something |
14:17:29 | moos | time to change yet then ;) |
14:17:35 | t0mas | and I'm looking into getting a new player now.. with rockbox support.. problem is that I sort of need an ipod for car connectivity etc.. and there are no ipods currently for sale that run Rockbox |
14:17:47 | | Quit stoffel_ (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
14:17:48 | ajb | pixelma: n1s: Ok, it seems all m4a's either crash or hang which I assume most people are not seeing? |
14:18:18 | | Join ze0 [0] (i=ze@ |
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14:19:35 | | Nick ze0 is now known as ze (i=ze@ |
14:19:39 | ajb | ohh new crash |
14:19:54 | n1s | ajb: i would guess we would get quite a lot of bugreports if m4a's didn't work for anyone, try installing a new build, scan the disk for errors, reset settings etc |
14:19:56 | ajb | Undefined instruction at 40017F30 (0) |
14:20:08 | gartral | t0mas: i found some on ebay... http://shop.ebay.com/items/_W0QQ_nkwZipodQ205thQ20genQQ_armrsZ1QQ_fromZR40QQ_mdoZ |
14:20:27 | gartral | oops, didnt copy the turl |
14:21:08 | t0mas | I did too.. but I want to replace my nano because the battery is degrading, which is normally a problem with older ipods :-) |
14:21:39 | gartral | so buy a new battery |
14:22:49 | ajb | n1s: I turned off Cross Fade and now the crash is somewhere else in memory |
14:23:17 | | Join Febs [0] (n=chatzill@207-172-204-61.c3-0.rdl-ubr4.trpr-rdl.pa.cable.rcn.com) |
14:23:20 | t0mas | gartral: that costs almost as much as a new ipod.. and the nano is a 4gb scratched old ipod.. |
14:23:23 | * | ajb uploads some test files |
14:24:02 | gartral | what gen is your current one? |
14:24:36 | t0mas | eeeehm.. first |
14:24:52 | gartral | 1st what |
14:25:18 | gartral | nano, or mini? |
14:25:22 | t0mas | nano |
14:25:26 | t0mas | it's this one: http://eshop.macsales.com/images/Items/ipodnano_1stgen_grp.jpg |
14:26:00 | gartral | $20 US http://www.ipodjuice.com/ipod-nano-battery-replacement-products.htm |
14:27:09 | t0mas | hehe.. |
14:27:10 | t0mas | "Unlike the other iPod models, the iPod nano is one of the most challenging to open and repair" |
14:27:19 | t0mas | and I really want a new one ;-) |
14:27:23 | t0mas | just for the gadget factor.. |
14:27:57 | gartral | you can add their toolkit for an extra 10 |
14:29:38 | gartral | or, if you'd rather not do the work, i could do it :P |
14:31:01 | t0mas | hm.. you do make it attractive ;-) |
14:31:14 | n1s | t0mas: it's not terribly hard to open just putting it back together so that it looks like it wasn't opened is a bit tricky, also the battery is soldered in iirc |
14:32:12 | t0mas | ok.. other approach.. |
14:32:34 | t0mas | I've read about some progress getting Rockbox running as an application on the ipod touch.. |
14:33:09 | t0mas | does somebody know who did that? |
14:33:18 | gartral | you could also have them do it, and that also gets you a re-replacement warrenty |
14:33:19 | t0mas | maybe I can try to help (A) |
14:34:31 | gartral | thats somwhere between 12-30 bucks, depending on shipping speed |
14:35:41 | gartral | there running a special, free shipping on all orders either for repair, or it its over 10 bucks |
14:37:06 | ajb | n1s: I've uploaded a test file to the bug http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/9745 |
14:38:06 | t0mas | another option is the Creative Zen.. and then spend the price difference on changing my car-connector from ipod to usb.. and get back into rockbox development by helping to port Rockbox to the Zen.. |
14:38:10 | | Join stoffel_ [0] (n=sfr@p57B4E4EB.dip.t-dialin.net) |
14:38:36 | | Join casainho [0] (n=chatzill@pal-213-228-179-20.netvisao.pt) |
14:39:00 | casainho | hello :-) |
14:40:04 | * | Febs cannot get iriver_flash to work on his H120. |
14:41:31 | n1s | ajb does it work with reset settings? |
14:44:17 | Febs | I'm using bootloader 7pre3. I have r13749 in ROM. (Yeah, it's been a while since I upgraded.) I can boot r19642 from disk. But I cannot flash either bootloader.iriver or rombox.iriver with iriver_flash. |
14:46:00 | gartral | ok, im trying these M4As on my sansa e250 |
14:47:56 | gartral | ok, other than making it laaaaaag after a button press, it does play |
14:48:08 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
14:48:12 | casainho | can someone help me? : I am having a problem on my code, on kernel_init(), I am getting all the time data abort interrupts, I saw that "cores" struct get everytime an invalid memory adress... does anyone knows what problem can be? |
14:48:16 | ajb | n1s: I did a fresh install, default settings. Crashes at the new address (but I suspect it's just switching off CrossFade that affects that) |
14:48:34 | ajb | n1s: Has anyone built a QEMU simulator for rockbox? |
14:49:15 | n1s | ajb: ok, no i don't think anyone has made an emulator that can fully emulate any of our targets |
14:49:47 | n1s | the attached test file works fine on my gigabeast both with crossfade and without |
14:50:00 | casainho | linuxstb: can you help me? |
14:50:22 | ajb | n1s: Do the gigabeast and ipod share the same codec code? |
14:50:27 | casainho | markun: can you help me? |
14:50:35 | gartral | ohh... i haddnt noticed, but these M4As dont crossfade, with, or without CFing active |
14:51:29 | n1s | ajb: depends on how you mean, most of the apps code is shared but they use different SoC's so the binaries will differ quite a bit |
14:51:48 | ajb | n1s: is it all compiled C or hand written asm? |
14:51:57 | n1s | a bit of both |
14:52:07 | n1s | mostly compiled c though |
14:52:24 | casainho | amiconn: can you help me please? |
14:52:28 | ajb | Well if I could decode that address will it tell me somewhere... |
14:52:33 | * | ajb checks map again |
14:52:51 | casainho | kugel: are you there? |
14:53:57 | | Quit n1s () |
14:54:14 | | Join LambdaCalculus37 [0] (n=rmenes@rockbox/staff/LambdaCalculus37) |
14:54:15 | kugel | casainho: sorry, I can't help you, I'm not into kernel stuff at all (yet) |
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14:56:40 | casainho | kugel: ok, but this question: can you please look at this picture? : http://www.flickr.com/photos/43558168@N00/3159056645/sizes/o/ |
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14:57:45 | casainho | kugel: the address of cores.running is wrong!!! and I saw that righ at my bootloader main(), it already have that wrong value... |
14:58:11 | kugel | are you sure your boot.lds is correct? |
14:58:41 | casainho | kugel: yes, it's correct, I have seen my arm-elf-objdump -h bootloader.elf |
14:59:00 | kugel | no idea then, really |
14:59:09 | casainho | and there I see clearly the VMA and LMA adresses, also I can see that on bootloader.map |
15:00 |
15:00:02 | kugel | you should concentrate on getting the main() address right I suppose |
15:00:33 | casainho | kugel: being the cores.running global, what defines it's address? the compiler? |
15:01:07 | kugel | lol |
15:01:26 | kugel | I don't know dude... |
15:01:53 | casainho | okok |
15:01:56 | kugel | I have neither enough knowledge nor enough time to help you in this stage |
15:02:06 | casainho | kugel: okok :-) thanks :-) |
15:02:21 | kugel | but if your main address is wrong, all others address are wrong too I'd think |
15:02:41 | | Quit stoffel_ ("leaving") |
15:02:59 | casainho | kugel: main() have adress? I didn't know.... |
15:04:18 | casainho | kugel: I am getting that global variable and other of that struct with wrong memory address values... |
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15:27:57 | casainho | bertrik: are you there? |
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16:01:37 | | Join Veruz [0] (n=chatzill@ |
16:02:44 | Veruz | Hi |
16:02:59 | Veruz | I have a problem with my iHP 120 player |
16:03:14 | Veruz | when I start it I get an ATA error (-32) |
16:03:20 | Veruz | I use rockbox |
16:03:48 | Veruz | and I cannot access my hardisk by USB anymore |
16:04:13 | Veruz | Does anyone know where this problem comes from? |
16:04:36 | Veruz | is my mp3 player dead? |
16:06:20 | | Quit t0mas ("switching pcs") |
16:06:24 | gevaerts | Can you still boot the original firmware? |
16:06:59 | Veruz | yes but with a lot of problem |
16:07:19 | Veruz | I dont have any files on my disk anymore |
16:07:23 | Veruz | I mean media files |
16:07:40 | Veruz | then I can load the default settings but it doesn´t change anything |
16:08:15 | gevaerts | OK. That's definitely a hardware issue then. I think either the disk is bad, or a connector has come loose |
16:08:49 | Veruz | I can go on the menu settings of my original firmware |
16:08:58 | Veruz | but there is nothing I can do there |
16:10:05 | Veruz | when I plug in the player on my computer by USB I can hear the sound of new hardware detected but cannot see it in my window explorer |
16:10:39 | Veruz | it says that it´s connected on my player too |
16:11:03 | rasher | Is the iAudio M3 a release target or not? It's listed on the front page, but not on the 3.1 release page... |
16:11:33 | gevaerts | rasher: it isn't. No manual |
16:11:44 | Veruz | I tried to reset the player using the reset button but it looks the same |
16:12:34 | | Join LambdaCalculus3_ [0] (n=rmenes@c-68-83-177-181.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) |
16:12:38 | rasher | So it's... supported, but not a release target? Ew. |
16:13:05 | Veruz | is it possible to remove rockbox firmware directly on the mp3 player, without using a computer with USB? |
16:13:20 | Veruz | and load the original default firmware with its settings |
16:13:23 | gevaerts | That won't help you. |
16:13:56 | gevaerts | rasher: indeed. We need to think about this a bit more |
16:14:02 | Veruz | any way of repairing the hardisk or connector? |
16:14:35 | gevaerts | You can open it and re-seat the connector. If that doesn't help, you can replace the disk |
16:14:36 | Veruz | I looked at the rockbox forum but I couldn´t find an ATA error -32 there |
16:15:31 | Veruz | In case of replacing the disk, isn´t that cheaper to buy a new mp3 player? |
16:16:44 | gevaerts | Depends. A new disk is certainly cheaper than another H120 |
16:16:50 | n1s | depends on which player you want and which disk of course |
16:17:08 | | Quit ibseo ("quit") |
16:19:46 | Veruz | how does a connector look like? |
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16:23:53 | Veruz | Where can I buy a new disk for an iHP-120 player? |
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17:53:17 | casainho | hello :-) |
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18:11:11 | casainho | hello :-) is there anyone who can help me with kernel_init()? |
18:11:38 | casainho | linuxstb: hello :-) - can you help me a bit? |
18:16:15 | casainho | markun: can you help me a bit? |
18:17:07 | | Quit scorche|sh ("Lost terminal") |
18:18:44 | linuxstb | casainho: I am just about to go out, so can't help. But you should just ask your question and hope that someone who knows the answer will reply, rather than limit your questions to certain people. |
18:19:23 | casainho | linuxstb: thanks. I will do it then. Also I am thinking in writing on mailing list.. or forum shoulkd be better? |
18:19:42 | Bagder | casainho: dev list is probably read by more devs than the forum is |
18:19:45 | | Join spiorf [0] (n=spiorf@host122-168-dynamic.50-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) |
18:20:06 | casainho | Bagder: please, do you have 3 minutes? |
18:20:16 | Bagder | possibly |
18:20:23 | casainho | Bagder: ok, I will use then the mailing list |
18:20:37 | Bagder | (kids in the bath atm, but that will end any minute...) |
18:20:57 | casainho | so, my probelm: I am having wrong addresses memory being acessed, so, I get data about interrupt! |
18:21:21 | | Join MethoS_ [0] (n=clemens@host-091-097-243-099.ewe-ip-backbone.de) |
18:22:02 | Bagder | I don't understand |
18:22:02 | casainho | on kernel_init⁽), after debug, I saw that cores.running are gewting a wrong adress memory!!! :-( |
18:22:39 | | Part redwood |
18:23:25 | casainho | I will put an image shoing debug window... |
18:23:30 | | Join karashata [0] (n=karashat@ |
18:23:52 | casainho | http://www.flickr.com/photos/43558168@N00/3159056645/sizes/o/ |
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18:24:46 | casainho | on that image, the address value of cores.running are wrong, they don't exist on mhy system then I get data abort interrupt, because of ARM trying to acess at a not available adress |
18:25:39 | Bagder | right, so you need to figure out how it becomes wrong |
18:26:16 | casainho | Bagder: BUT, using debug, I saw the same value, right on the beguinning of main()!!! :-( :-( |
18:26:47 | Bagder | so it sounds something changes it along the way |
18:26:50 | | Nick Horschti is now known as Horscht (n=Horscht@xbmc/user/horscht) |
18:27:29 | casainho | cores is a global structure... shouldn't it having the right adress since beginning? |
18:28:47 | | Quit MethoS-- (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) |
18:29:32 | | Nick fxb is now known as fxb__ (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) |
18:29:34 | casainho | but, is not just cores.running, other inside cores also get wrong address values |
18:31:19 | Bagder | so it sounds like something overwrites the memory of the cores struct |
18:32:07 | bertrik | the 0xe5 in cores[0].running looks like an arm instruction |
18:32:27 | casainho | http://www.flickr.com/photos/43558168@N00/3160459342/sizes/o/ −− here is the image of debug right on the beginning on main() |
18:33:38 | | Quit martian67 (Connection timed out) |
18:34:39 | casainho | Bagder: okok... I will have to look at it, so, maybe it's on C startup... |
18:35:03 | casainho | bertrik: hmmm, now I remember to see that value on disassembly window... |
18:36:34 | casainho | do you have one idea of what could I do wrong? why code is in place of bss or data? |
18:37:52 | | Join martian67 [0] (i=lol3izer@about/linux/regular/martian67) |
18:38:22 | casainho | okok - I will look better at that, and searching for that values at cores to see if they appear on dissasemble file :-) −− many thanks :-) |
18:38:26 | casainho | bye bye :-) |
18:38:30 | | Quit casainho ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.5/2008121622]") |
18:38:37 | bertrik | IIRC, the C startup code should clear the bss section and initialise the data section with data from just after the text section in the application image |
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19:40:50 | mib_x0z7nzxy | Bagder, Zagor: FYI, the manual page still mentions 3.0. |
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19:45:16 | | Join excitatory [0] (n=excitato@CPE-65-30-181-89.wi.res.rr.com) |
19:47:19 | excitatory | question.. i've been installing rockbox on several of my friend's ipods over the last few months.. and well, I absolutely love the automated installer, however, for the past few months it has continued to fail on installing the themes claiming that the Theme Site is still being reworked. |
19:47:46 | excitatory | So my question is if there is any time line as to when this will be completed? |
19:48:24 | Bagder | excitatory: unfortunately, no |
19:48:28 | domonoky | excitatory: we dont have any timelines, and yes the theme site is still under rework... |
19:49:43 | excitatory | alright.. no big deal, just curious really. |
19:51:00 | excitatory | last night i bought a 5th gen 80 gig ipod to upgrade my 1st gen nano.. looking forward to rockbox on a larger display |
19:51:05 | excitatory | :D |
19:51:26 | excitatory | and video features |
19:51:33 | excitatory | never got to try that out on the nano |
19:54:19 | splinter | i just put rockbox on my 5th gen 30gig |
19:54:24 | splinter | never used it before |
19:54:44 | splinter | pretty sweet so far :) |
19:55:35 | excitatory | splinter, i suggest using a theme.. the default uses hard to read fonts (imho) |
19:56:23 | splinter | ok |
19:56:47 | splinter | i'll have to start from scratch on that, where to get them, how to install them |
19:57:08 | splinter | right now trying to get some 20gigs of music back on so i can go out to the shed...:) |
19:57:54 | excitatory | for your device: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/WpsIpod5g |
19:58:26 | splinter | ty |
19:59:03 | splinter | ah sweet |
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20:59:54 | * | bertrik wonders about the FOURTHERTZ tick task |
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21:37:06 | bertrik | Are there any pictures available somewhere of the insides of a c200v2? |
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22:03:47 | bertrik | Didn't find c200v2 pictures, but did find some chip numbers in a forum thread, I'll update the c200v2 wiki |
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22:18:34 | kugel | Zagor: re watermark patch: I'm not sure how I can help you more. I wrote down what I noticed |
22:19:01 | kugel | with the latest patch it's indeed much better, but the UI is still more laggy compared to SVN |
22:19:10 | kugel | especially with ogg |
22:19:56 | Zagor | can you see a significant difference in backlight fade speed between mp3 and ogg whe using the patch? |
22:19:57 | kugel | you said you expect the codec thread to run more often, but doesn't constantly having *R mean it runs all the time? |
22:20:04 | kugel | yes |
22:20:14 | Zagor | how significant? double time? |
22:21:38 | Zagor | the os stacks screen only shows snapshots |
22:22:35 | kugel | a bit more than 50% slower |
22:22:47 | Zagor | and it doesn't show *R constantly for me. it toggles between S and *R. |
22:23:47 | kugel | I have never S |
22:24:10 | kugel | with mp3 I sometimes see +R between *R, with ogg only *R |
22:25:31 | Zagor | kugel: I'm looking at SVN on my c200 now and see constant *R... |
22:25:44 | Zagor | playing mp3 |
22:26:43 | Zagor | playing ogg makes it alternate between *R and +R |
22:27:04 | kugel | Zagor: hm, this is interesting: when the ogg started freshly, it shows S sometimes. Roughly after 25s (backlight was off inbetween) it gets slow and shows only *R for the rest of the song |
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22:27:36 | kugel | and the first fade down isn't even that slow, but the second one definitely is |
22:28:13 | MarcGuay | Bagder, Zagor (take 2, please let me know if message has been received): http://www.rockbox.org/manual.shtml is still talking about 3.0. |
22:29:46 | Zagor | MarcGuay: fixing |
22:30:30 | kugel | Zagor: it gets slower after buffering is done (i.e. boosting over) |
22:30:56 | Zagor | kugel: what does the buffering thread screen say about boost ratio? |
22:31:01 | kugel | so if you don't want for the audio buffer filled you don't notice the laggy UI etc |
22:31:06 | kugel | wait* |
22:32:00 | kugel | well, it's boosted until the buffering ended, then returns to normal (which is ~50MHz here for ogg + some dsp effects) |
22:35:19 | | Quit robin0800 (Remote closed the connection) |
22:35:23 | Zagor | on my c200 ogg has a boost rate of ~20% on SVN |
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22:36:10 | kugel | Zagor: it's at 28% now after some minutes, but I have crossfeed enabled |
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22:36:46 | Zagor | you have crossfeed? well that would have been useful to know earlier... trying that now. |
22:37:22 | | Quit itcheg ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
22:38:00 | kugel | hm |
22:38:20 | kugel | the ui is still laggy without crossfeed |
22:38:44 | kugel | the backlight fading is like normal though |
22:39:49 | Zagor | it's starting to sound like the patch simply uses less boost than svn |
22:40:27 | kugel | I suppose the UI laggyness is more obvious if you use a scrollwheel |
22:40:55 | MarcGuay | gevaerts: Hi there. I'm looking at a solution for FS #9704 and was wondering what you thought of changing the options 'release30' and 'unreleased' to more standard HAS_RELEASE/UNRELEASED type vars. |
22:41:03 | Zagor | I tried it with an e200 yesterday but couldn't feel it. maybe I'm just less sensitive. |
22:41:24 | kugel | Zagor: but ~8% more boost for crossfeed sounds like what I know from svn |
22:41:25 | Zagor | however if the cause of this is that we use less boost, then that is actually a benefit... |
22:42:08 | Zagor | crossfeed isn't changed by the patch |
22:43:02 | kugel | well, scrolling through lists is noticeably laggy here (it seems to stop scrolling for a splitt second every 0.5s or so) |
22:43:33 | kugel | I wouldn't call that beneficial |
22:43:46 | kugel | remember that it'll be much worse if ipods |
22:44:00 | kugel | s/if/for/ |
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22:44:15 | kugel | with and without crossfeed, that is |
22:44:51 | Zagor | everything that makes playback use less boost is a win. UI lagginess is another issue and must be dealt with separately. |
22:45:24 | kugel | and I have slightly more than 20% with ogg, if you have the same on the e200, you don't really boost less |
22:45:39 | kugel | c200 |
22:45:49 | kugel | with SVN |
22:47:21 | kugel | I'd do some test_codec session before claiming less boost too early |
22:47:23 | Zagor | I'm getting <20% with the patch. hovers around 18.5% |
22:48:09 | | Join fenugrec [0] (n=ABC@modemcable247.111-201-24.mc.videotron.ca) |
22:48:15 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
22:48:51 | kugel | do you think 1% less boost is worse major UI slowness? |
22:48:59 | kugel | (major for me) |
22:49:00 | Zagor | I'm just saying UI lagginess is not a benchmark for performance. |
22:49:18 | kugel | s/worse/worth/ |
22:49:31 | * | kugel 's typing sucks today, wow |
22:50:55 | kugel | Zagor: is it correct that the pcm buffer isn't refilled fully? |
22:51:03 | kugel | it seems to be only below the half |
22:51:09 | kugel | all the time |
22:51:09 | | Part redwood |
22:51:24 | MarcGuay | Anyone with an Archos Player around? Is this sentence "Use the MINUS and PLUS keys to step through several pages of information." required at the beginning of the Main Menu -> System section of the manual? |
22:51:28 | Zagor | the patch changes the debug screen. the fill bar now shows different values. |
22:52:02 | | Join moos [0] (i=Mustapha@rockbox/staff/moos) |
22:52:04 | kugel | but the first one is still the pcm buffer isn't it? |
22:52:05 | Zagor | the old display didn't say anything useful about the pcm buffer |
22:52:10 | Zagor | yes it is |
22:52:12 | kugel | and that bar is never full |
22:52:20 | Zagor | correct |
22:52:40 | kugel | does that mean the pcm buffer is never full either? |
22:52:43 | Zagor | but that has always been the case |
22:52:51 | Zagor | yes it does mean that |
22:53:07 | kugel | yea, but before it was always 75%, now <40-50% |
22:53:19 | Zagor | no. as I said, I changed the display |
22:53:57 | kugel | so that it shows correct values now, I suppose |
22:54:09 | kugel | and if it's not exceeding 50%, then we're wasting RAM on that |
22:54:20 | Zagor | "correct" is a matter of definition. the pcm buffer is not just a buffer with pcm data. |
22:54:21 | kugel | and boost more often (but shorter) than needed |
22:55:12 | kugel | (iirc boosting is wasteful on at least coldfire, so longer but fewer boosts should be favorable) |
22:55:53 | Zagor | correct. but smaller pcm buffer (= larger file buffer) is even more beneficial |
22:56:06 | Zagor | even if it means fewer short boosts |
22:56:46 | kugel | depends on how much boosting (without taking higher clocks into account) alone costs |
22:58:19 | kugel | amiconn knows more about that topic I think |
22:58:44 | Zagor | it's not a fixed value. the worst case is rather bad, but doesn't happen very often iirc |
23:00 |
23:00:19 | bertrik | hmm, lamp doesn't seem to work anymore on the clip |
23:00:21 | Zagor | at any rate, boost delay has its' problems but does not affect power. pcm buffer size has a direct effect on runtime |
23:00:46 | | Quit karashata ("G'bye everyone!") |
23:01:23 | Zagor | bertrik: someone blamed jdgordons statusbar patch for that. I don't know if that's the case. |
23:01:33 | amiconn | Zagor: Boosting/unboosting too often does affect power consumption especially on coldfire |
23:01:43 | Zagor | amiconn: how? |
23:01:58 | amiconn | This is because the pll relock needs to be polled for, and during that time the cpu can do nothing else |
23:02:00 | bertrik | Zagor, yeah it seems to exit immediately after starting |
23:02:24 | amiconn | PLL relock time is 10ms worst-case, and 2..3ms typical |
23:02:58 | kugel | amiconn: how's it on pp in SVN? |
23:02:58 | amiconn | So there shouldn't be more than 1..2 frequency changes per second in order to keep the loss due to pll relock <1% |
23:03:26 | kugel | iirc it's not free either (but it can be made to be free) |
23:03:40 | amiconn | PP pll relock is 500µs (fixed safety margin on PP5020) resp. 250..500µs (PP5022) |
23:04:20 | Zagor | amiconn: huh? if it's 2-3ms typical, doesn't that mean 3-5 changes is 1%? |
23:04:21 | kugel | is that enough to get noticeable lags while scrolling? |
23:04:28 | amiconn | Additionally, clock changing needs core synchronisation on PP, but I don't know why |
23:05:12 | amiconn | Zagor: Yes, but worst-case is 10ms, so 1 change per second would be 1%. |
23:05:22 | Zagor | kugel: if you can sense 500s delays, you should be in another line of work :-) |
23:06:25 | kugel | Zagor: it's not about how long the delay is, but rather that there's one. And having more of those (which always may lock the scrollwheel) can be noticeable |
23:06:54 | Zagor | the length is definitely a factor |
23:06:56 | kugel | the scrollwheel is interrupt based, that means it's read much more often than each 10ms like in a tick-task, if you turn it fast enough |
23:08:07 | Zagor | huh? 10ms is 100 hz. I hope you're not complaining about lagginess when scrolling >100 lines/sec? |
23:08:44 | Zagor | or is there several interrupts per "click"? |
23:09:35 | kugel | it's noticeable because actually stops scrolling for a split second, intead of fluently keep scrolling at a constant rate |
23:09:46 | kugel | several, yes |
23:09:56 | kugel | 48 per line afaik |
23:10:11 | Zagor | 48 interrupts per line??? |
23:11:30 | kugel | hm, maybe not 48, but it's way more than just 1 |
23:11:46 | | Join tyfoo2 [0] (n=tyfoo@dyndsl-095-033-098-093.ewe-ip-backbone.de) |
23:11:48 | amiconn | Sansa wheel has 48 status changes per revolution. iPod wheel has 96 |
23:12:05 | Zagor | amiconn: per revolution != per line |
23:12:34 | amiconn | Sure. Iirc it's 6 interupts per line on the ipod (without acceleration) |
23:12:36 | kugel | yea I got that wrong, but it's still more than just a few |
23:12:41 | Bagder | revolution? is that a full "circle" ? |
23:13:02 | kugel | the fuze wheel has about 5 per line |
23:13:55 | amiconn | And btw, it's *very* easy to achieve several interrupts per tick on the ipod. This is already achieved at moderate speed, and the reason why polling in a tick task isn't enough |
23:14:44 | kugel | yep |
23:14:47 | fenugrec | why isn't it possible to service input control interrupts while waiting for the PLL to stabilise ? |
23:14:55 | * | amiconn remembers the behaviour of the old ipod G1..G3 wheel driver back when he got his G2 |
23:14:57 | amiconn | brr... |
23:15:34 | kugel | amiconn: might be less status changes per rotation, but I find the current fuze's wheel driver "quite acceptable" |
23:16:54 | * | Bagder still considers BFG (boosting for gui) is a fine idea |
23:17:02 | | Quit tyfoo (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) |
23:17:16 | kugel | the worst thing is the acceleration, which is basically not sufficiently possible |
23:17:56 | Zagor | Bagder: indeed |
23:18:30 | * | kugel would like to see a ipod video user testing the watermark patch |
23:18:44 | Bagder | in our quest to lower cpu clock for playback, I don't see how we can drive the gui properly at the same time without boosting |
23:18:47 | Zagor | kugel: me too! |
23:19:31 | Bagder | that, and stop updating wps when backlight/screen is off are two of my want-to-sees |
23:19:47 | Zagor | Bagder: btw which BFG method do you mean? :) saratoga and I have suggested two rather different schemes. |
23:19:51 | kugel | Bagder: yea, and I'm basically with saratoga, who propsed a gui boost level (i.e. not fully boosted) |
23:20:06 | kugel | but there's some hurdles to master, like the boosting issue on cf |
23:20:24 | Bagder | I'm not convinced introducing more levels is worth it |
23:20:30 | amiconn | Bagder: Not updating the wps without backlight should *only* be done on pitch-black type colour LCDs |
23:20:37 | Zagor | we'll have to run this both ways, like everything else. #ifdef HAVE_ZERO_COST_BOOST |
23:20:46 | kugel | and I'm not convinced that the gui needs full boost |
23:20:55 | Bagder | amiconn: whatever, I'd prefer my greyscales to stop it too if it runs playback longer |
23:20:58 | amiconn | And we don't need more than 2 clock levels, except on targets with variable (officially) core voltage |
23:21:12 | Zagor | kugel: it most certainly doesn't. that's why we should only boost sections of code that need it. |
23:21:25 | amiconn | Bagder: I would hate that. I often check wps without backlight |
23:21:31 | Zagor | anything that introduces sleep-on-boost is a no-no in my book |
23:21:40 | amiconn | *If* we add that, it should be an option on such LCDs |
23:21:58 | Bagder | amiconn: still only minor details, and frankly I'm not too concerned with such details |
23:22:24 | Bagder | I'd prefer a first version that simply boost while the backlight is on or similar |
23:22:28 | amiconn | Btw, I doubt that this will have a measurable effect on grey/mon and small colour LCDs |
23:22:40 | Bagder | true |
23:22:42 | amiconn | Bagder: Again, very bad idea. |
23:22:58 | amiconn | Then it will be always boosted if backlight is set to always-on |
23:22:59 | Bagder | again, subjective opinions |
23:23:11 | Bagder | again details that I don't bother mentioning |
23:23:20 | amiconn | huh? |
23:23:33 | Bagder | I'm not writing full and complete suggestions here as you might guess |
23:23:43 | Bagder | "or similar" would imply that |
23:24:25 | Bagder | I mean that it could boost rougly the same as backlight works with timeout 2 secs or so |
23:24:29 | Bagder | perhaps 0.5 secs |
23:24:47 | amiconn | hmm |
23:25:07 | amiconn | Again, I don't see the need for gui boost on any target I own |
23:25:12 | | Join itcheg [0] (i=62db4767@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-16271ea1d47d1296) |
23:25:20 | Zagor | I think that's a fallback to use for targets that can't do 0-cost boost |
23:25:28 | amiconn | iPod Video is probably the only target that would benefit from it |
23:26:06 | Bagder | but won't we be able to lower the clock even more at least on some targets ? |
23:27:03 | gevaerts | MarcGuay: my reasoning for those (release30, release31, unreleased) was that we may skip a release for a particular target at some point. That wouldn't make that target unreleased, it would just keep at the previous release. |
23:27:52 | MarcGuay | gevaerts: I see. Looks like it might be a pain to maintain, though... I'll leave it be for now... |
23:28:05 | amiconn | Bagder: I don't know. Which target would you suggest doing this on? |
23:28:09 | Bagder | ... and if Zagor's work for example makes less boosting and that (in itself) affects the gui in a bad way, it too is a sign that the codec-boosting is not enough to drive the gui |
23:28:29 | amiconn | Lowering the unboosted clock might create undesired side effects |
23:28:33 | gevaerts | MarcGuay: I'm not opposed to dropping it. I have no idea at all how likely that scenario actually is |
23:28:54 | Bagder | amiconn: I'm basing this on what I recall from work by Buschel but I can't say that I have the details clear to me, so I'm not sure |
23:29:50 | gevaerts | MarcGuay: it does add maintenance work for a hypothetical scenario. That is actually against normal rockbox rules for code, so... |
23:30:08 | MarcGuay | gevaerts: If you're interested, see getting_started/installation.tex line 223 for a place where it seems a bit strange... |
23:30:29 | | Quit itcheg ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
23:30:31 | MarcGuay | Do we update that on every release? |
23:31:12 | * | gevaerts slaps forehead |
23:32:08 | | Join forehead [0] (n=54bd4b18@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-8612c581b39378e6) |
23:32:15 | MarcGuay | We hard-coded a lot of "3.0" when it came out... Presumably thinking it would take 2 years for 3.1. :) |
23:32:26 | gevaerts | The way it is now, it's meant to be updated on every release, yes (although we could do a few in advance). I did update it for the 3.1 branch, but I forgot to merge that for trunk |
23:35:13 | gevaerts | MarcGuay: I'll merge the relevant commit to trunk now, so at least the immediate problem is solved. We can see what to do later then |
23:36:01 | | Join Buschel [0] (n=abc@p54A3DEAD.dip.t-dialin.net) |
23:36:31 | Mode | "#rockbox +o forehead " by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) |
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23:37:16 | Buschel | hi folks, just saw you were talking about gui boosting aka lowering normal clock? ;-) |
23:37:20 | | Quit {phoenix} (Remote closed the connection) |
23:37:46 | Bagder | it's that time of the year! ;-) |
23:37:49 | | Quit forehead ("CGI:IRC") |
23:38:17 | * | Zagor spots zero cost boosting on ams |
23:38:22 | Buschel | btw: happy new year! first time on irc in 2009 :-) |
23:38:43 | bugonshoe | is there a way to use a rockboxed ipod while it's plugged in usb? |
23:38:50 | bugonshoe | so it's just charging while you use it |
23:39:37 | | Join draft [0] (n=draft@dsl-tkubrasgw1-ffc1c100-133.dhcp.inet.fi) |
23:39:39 | draft | howdy |
23:39:41 | MarcGuay | bugonshoe: Quick Start section should cover that. Depends which model, though. |
23:40:17 | bugonshoe | thanks marc |
23:40:20 | domonoky | Zagor: jup, enough dividers available on ams so we dont change the pll at all, and we even have a spare pll :-) |
23:40:26 | | Quit merbanan (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
23:40:49 | draft | i'm having problems with my iPod Classic 160GB. :| it asks me to contact http://www.apple.com/support/ipod |
23:40:55 | Buschel | could anyone test FS #9746 and FS #9708 yet? |
23:41:04 | draft | and it has red cross between circle. |
23:41:20 | bugonshoe | i thought those weren't cracked |
23:41:30 | MarcGuay | draft: You'll have better luck asking about that somewhere else. |
23:41:38 | kugel | Zagor: indeed, and I head zero cost boost is doable on PP too |
23:41:49 | domonoky | draft: why are you telling this to us ? its offtopic, rockbox doesnt run on the classic.. |
23:41:51 | Buschel | FS #9708 works, but the DMA transfer does not seem to save that much HDD "up-time". at least the battery runtime is not affected |
23:42:10 | amiconn | kugel: It *might* be doable. Depends on whether we can get rid of the core sync on clock change |
23:42:22 | Buschel | I will apply and test FS #9746 tomorrw. that one also sound promising |
23:42:23 | * | amiconn hopes _jhMikeS_ knows why this is necessary. |
23:42:27 | amiconn | He added that |
23:42:57 | amiconn | kugel: Oh, and it limits the choice of frequencies |
23:43:34 | kugel | is that really an issue? |
23:44:06 | amiconn | It might be, depending on target |
23:45:50 | | Quit bmbl ("Woah!") |
23:45:58 | gevaerts | MarcGuay: I've merged my version bump from the 3.1 branch. Feel free to move to a simpler released/unreleased system though if you think it's better |
23:46:50 | amiconn | On PP5020 we can use 80MHz divided by integer numbers as the normal clock (that is without increasing the PLL clock). On PP5022 we can also use half-integer dividers (the PLL is running at 160MHz when CPU clock is 80MHz on these) |
23:47:10 | bertrik | ams as3525 can also do voltage lowering from 1.2V to 1.1V for CPU frequencies <= 200 MHz (Note on page 12 of the data sheet) |
23:47:59 | Zagor | bertrik: that's nice! |
23:48:04 | MarcGuay | gevaerts: Alrighty. Will look later, off to take care of Real Life. |
23:48:42 | | Quit Highlander ("Leaving") |
23:48:49 | amiconn | Zagor: In fact it's not really nice. Variable core introduces some extra trickiness |
23:48:56 | Zagor | amiconn: can't we simply change CLOCK_SOURCE from/to PLL? |
23:48:59 | amiconn | *Vraiable core voltage |
23:49:31 | draft | :| |
23:49:34 | amiconn | Zagor: That can be done as well. It provides 24 MHz in addition to the integer/ half integer dividers |
23:49:43 | draft | MarcGuay: do you have idea where should i ask? |
23:49:51 | MarcGuay | draft: No. |
23:50:41 | Zagor | amiconn: what is the problem with changing core voltage? |
23:51:08 | MarcGuay | gevaerts: Let's assume that a player had a 3.0 release but not a 3.1 release. The way it is now, they would both point to the same /download/ page anyway...? |
23:51:32 | amiconn | With variable core voltage, power consumption becomes nonlinear. This means our simple boost/unboost scheme becomes sub-optimal, and we'd need gradual clock adjustment |
23:51:49 | amiconn | Also core voltage adjustment means clock change is no longer zero cost |
23:52:15 | gevaerts | MarcGuay: yes |
23:52:33 | * | gevaerts is getting convinced that his scheme complicates things without really solving anything |
23:52:45 | | Join solexx [0] (n=jrschulz@e176097138.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
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23:53:05 | amiconn | In a simple 2-level scenario like on the AMS sansas, one extra speed might be sufficient - 200MHz, the possible maximum without increasing voltage |
23:53:45 | | Quit rockboxi29 (Client Quit) |
23:54:57 | bertrik | amiconn, sounds like a good plan to arrange it that way |
23:54:57 | amiconn | Then switching between 2 levels (normal and 200MHz) won't be different from continuous adjustment. If we need more than 200MHz it becomes sub-optimal |
23:55:11 | Zagor | amiconn: that's illogical |
23:55:20 | amiconn | why? |
23:55:26 | Zagor | it will still be more efficient than today |
23:55:49 | Zagor | just because we can't make something theoretically perfect does not mean we should not do it |
23:55:55 | amiconn | Yes, sure. What I mean is that it won't be worse than doing real continuous adjustment |
23:56:17 | amiconn | Fortunately not many usage cases should require more than 200MHz |
23:56:20 | | Quit robin0800 (Remote closed the connection) |
23:56:36 | | Quit solexx_ (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
23:56:39 | amiconn | But on the beast we do need real continuos adjustment |
23:56:51 | Zagor | why? |
23:57:15 | amiconn | Because it has fine-grained core voltage adjustment |
23:57:51 | Zagor | oh you defined "contious adjustment" as "switching voltage with frequency"? |
23:58:09 | bugonshoe | MarcGuay, i figured it out. you hold menu as you plug in the usb |
23:58:21 | | Join Roxiboxi [0] (n=Fetichis@f053103252.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
23:58:37 | amiconn | No, I mean continuous clock adjustment depending on load (as opposed to simply switching between 2 speeds) |