00:00:02 | SoapWork | That one you all put together at the last DevCon is awfully nice. |
00:00:04 | Bagder | yay! |
00:00:12 | SoapWork | flying buttresses and all |
00:00:45 | pixelma | soap: I like the ideas though, was just playing around with ideas too. When do you need it? |
00:00:51 | | Quit Aurix_Lexico (Remote closed the connection) |
00:01:06 | | Quit gregzx ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.6/2009011913]") |
00:01:29 | SoapWork | I would like to print this weekend, though anytime up to a week (print next thursday night) is possible. |
00:02:10 | SoapWork | I might have time, stress the might, I'm already neck deep in a presentation I have to give next week in Vegas after SCaLE for work. |
00:02:59 | SoapWork | I can possibly hack together some text in the next 36 hours, but was hopeful for some general agreement over what the community feels needs covered. |
00:03:30 | BigBambi | SoapWork: I like both your ideas |
00:04:02 | * | gevaerts agrees |
00:04:08 | | Join pixelma_ [50] (n=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) |
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00:04:12 | BigBambi | SoapWork: I'm busy until the weeken, but could help then if needed |
00:04:23 | | Nick pixelma_ is now known as pixelma (n=pixelma@rockbox/staff/pixelma) |
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00:05:30 | | Join Lynx_ [0] (n=till@xdsl-87-78-190-175.netcologne.de) |
00:06:30 | pixelma | me too |
00:08:13 | | Join Aurix_Lexico [0] (n=comrade@c-68-56-205-239.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) |
00:11:30 | SoapWork | "Agreed upon" text for both the posters is one task. |
00:12:12 | SoapWork | Formatting template for the posters is another. Let me check the yellow tanks, but should have enought to do black on yellow (like the logo) if that is the "style" wanted. |
00:14:53 | pixelma | how about the cyan? :) |
00:14:56 | SoapWork | Hmm, looks like the widest photo-grade paper is only 36" in stock here. have 36, 42, and 48 heavy bond. |
00:15:13 | SoapWork | plenty of cyan |
00:23:55 | | Quit evilnick ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
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00:29:18 | | Join kugel [0] (n=kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel) |
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00:43:19 | | Join LambdaCalculus37 [0] (n=rmenes@rockbox/staff/LambdaCalculus37) |
00:47:33 | | Quit faemir ("Lost terminal") |
00:49:01 | Unhelpful | rasher: the hoops it jumps through were all there before. i'm not sure why it needs to find the top directory, really, other than maybe as a way of distinguishing which version control is in use? |
00:51:33 | rasher | Unhelpful: I guess - still, that could (should, really) be done using `dirname $0`/.. |
00:55:23 | | Quit tyfoo (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
00:55:30 | | Quit bertrik ("Leaving") |
00:56:11 | Unhelpful | that seems reasonable. i'd like to know why it assumes the cwd will be one under BUILDROOT... |
00:56:30 | | Quit einhirn (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
00:59:02 | kugel | doesn't need to be in the root to do svn status? |
00:59:20 | kugel | svn status in tools/ would hardly reveal changes |
00:59:37 | Unhelpful | kugel: right, the question is how to *find* the root. |
00:59:59 | kugel | well, go up one dir until there's no svn ;) |
01:00 |
01:00:05 | kugel | ".svn" I mean |
01:00:45 | Unhelpful | kugel: right, but right now, version.sh does this starting from the CWD of the process that calls it. |
01:02:27 | kugel | Unhelpful: other topic: you know pf code better than me: how hard would it be to let pf start at a album passed as a parameter? |
01:03:20 | | Quit orsonj (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
01:03:21 | kugel | I was thinking about the database integration again today, and it seems very doable to me |
01:04:02 | amiconn | The first thing that needs fixing is to make pf not use the buffer api. As long as it does that, you cannot start playback from within pf |
01:04:17 | kugel | sure |
01:04:33 | | Quit flydutch ("/* empty */") |
01:05:06 | | Join orsonj [0] (n=orson@b22222.bookstore.usu.edu) |
01:05:55 | | Quit parafin (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
01:06:11 | kugel | I hope that will be possible if/when saratoga's (actually Bagder's) malloc for codecs comes in and is adapted to plugins too |
01:07:00 | amiconn | Getting rid of buffer api usage is also required for porting pf to hwcodec, so there are already two reasons to do that |
01:07:03 | | Join hunternet93 [0] (n=hunter@h44.77.22.98.dynamic.ip.windstream.net) |
01:07:04 | | Quit SoapWork ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
01:07:59 | amiconn | If the plugin does its own memory management, it would be possible to start playback from within pf even if pf uses the main buffer for nrmal operation |
01:08:51 | amiconn | It would just need to release the main buffer when the user selects an album/track before actually starting that track, and then finally exit |
01:09:57 | hunternet93 | Is it possible to implement USB host capability on any of Rockbox-compatible players? Or USB serial? I'm just wondering. |
01:10:10 | | Join parafin [0] (i=parafin@paraf.in) |
01:10:11 | linuxstb | kugel: Why would you want malloc? |
01:10:25 | linuxstb | hunternet93: USB serial already exists on some players. |
01:10:35 | hunternet93 | Which ones? |
01:11:24 | linuxstb | At least the PortalPlayer PP502x-based ones (ipods later than the 3rd gen, Sansa v1). |
01:11:48 | hunternet93 | Cool. Thanks. |
01:11:53 | hunternet93 | Bye |
01:11:55 | | Part hunternet93 |
01:12:01 | kugel | linuxstb: it would be possible without mallocing too, but then you'd need to dictate a max cover size + waste memory on covers that are smaller |
01:12:43 | linuxstb | Wouldn't all covers be resized to a standard size when loaded? Or does pictureflow store them at the original size? |
01:12:45 | kugel | which only applies to when disabling resizing. removing the "do not resize" option and always resize could be considered too |
01:13:21 | | Quit parafin (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
01:13:22 | amiconn | Sometimes a custom memory management works better than a malloc based one. The jpeg viewer does some custom memory management, for handling the various zoom levels |
01:14:22 | linuxstb | amiconn: My thoughts exactly - malloc/free doesn't seem the right API. (e.g. pf can freely move images around in RAM to minimise wasted space). |
01:14:52 | amiconn | It caches the various zoom levels in ram if possible, but if a new, bigger zoom level doesn't fit into the remaining space, it drops non-current zoom levels until there is enough memory |
01:16:10 | amiconn | If it won't fit even if dropping all other levels, it refuses to zoom in further |
01:17:37 | kugel | linuxstb: but malloc would make it less complicate and easier to maintain. Also, the malloc seems to come for non-core anyway, why not use it then? |
01:18:30 | amiconn | malloc != easy to maintain, imo |
01:19:19 | kugel | depends on the project size imo. sure, if the core would use it all over the place it wouldn't be easy to maintain |
01:20:22 | | Join parafin [0] (i=parafin@paraf.in) |
01:20:28 | kugel | but in pf, it's only a single file, and only 1 type of data to be managed, so very few mallocs would be needed |
01:20:53 | linuxstb | If very few mallocs are needed, why use a full malloc/free implementation? |
01:21:51 | | Quit midijunkie (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
01:22:11 | kugel | because it will be there, and no need to homebrew a custom management? |
01:24:01 | | Quit MethoS-- (Remote closed the connection) |
01:24:26 | kugel | well, it's too much speculation anyway. |
01:25:15 | kugel | if the resize was forced static management will be just fine, maybe that's the way to go |
01:25:19 | | Quit jgarvey ("Leaving") |
01:29:22 | | Quit rocko ("Leaving") |
01:30:03 | | Quit kugel (Nick collision from services.) |
01:30:06 | | Join kugel_ [0] (n=kugel@e178075060.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
01:30:17 | | Nick kugel_ is now known as kugel (n=kugel@e178075060.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
01:39:44 | soap | pixelma, re:"are these shirts for everyone" - I was going to only make 2-3 now. Once I establish a relationship with the embroidery person, though, set-up costs will be taken care of and the per-unit costs should be pretty cheap. |
01:40:23 | pixelma | did I ask something about shirts? |
01:41:17 | kugel | pixelma: have you tried the patch I attached to http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/9827 ? |
01:42:08 | pixelma | not yet |
01:46:04 | | Quit parafin (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
01:46:15 | kugel | pixelma: I'm curious if it fixes it for you too, and if you also experience the issue I mentioned |
01:47:58 | | Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) |
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01:49:35 | | Join krazykit [0] (n=kkit@adsl-69-219-238-117.dsl.ipltin.sbcglobal.net) |
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02:00 |
02:02:02 | | Join krazykit` [0] (n=kkit@ |
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02:08:57 | | Quit XavierGr () |
02:13:34 | | Quit krazykit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
02:18:41 | Unhelpful | a bufalloc-like manager for plugin buffer, that could compact by moving the data associated with handles, might be better |
02:19:57 | Unhelpful | kugel: i'm definitely inclined toward at *least* forcing resize for oversized images, and using an array of chunks big enough for the max size. it's potentially wasteful, but it can't fail later due to fragmentation |
02:26:27 | | Nick krazykit` is now known as krazykit (n=kkit@ |
02:26:33 | | Join PSYCOTRIP [0] (i=joshuadw@c-76-110-107-193.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) |
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02:28:07 | | Join CaptainKewl [0] (i=jds@207-237-172-77.c3-0.nyr-ubr4.nyr.ny.cable.rcn.com) |
02:28:17 | PSYCOTRIP | is their any way to login to rockbox through telnet or get the console on your pc remotly |
02:28:39 | | Join lymeca [0] (n=lymeca@student167-125.hampshire.edu) |
02:28:53 | soap | Rockbox the software? |
02:29:05 | PSYCOTRIP | yea |
02:29:10 | soap | no |
02:29:39 | PSYCOTRIP | i just wanted to type on the console with a keyboard |
02:30:09 | PSYCOTRIP | maby ipodlinux can do something like that... |
02:30:51 | krazykit | there is no console in rockbox |
02:31:02 | kugel | Unhelpful: no, that's no solution, imo |
02:33:51 | kugel | I'd rather choose a reasonable always-resize size than wasting space on smaller images |
02:34:24 | | Join CaptainKwel [0] (n=jds@207-237-172-77.c3-0.nyr-ubr4.nyr.ny.cable.rcn.com) |
02:35:42 | | Quit rocko (Client Quit) |
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02:50:12 | | Join webguest11 [0] (n=ce36d1df@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-3927dd3e8c388b80) |
02:50:15 | webguest11 | hello |
02:50:31 | webguest11 | can i know the number of people currently in the rockbox credits? |
02:51:13 | agaffney | that's an odd question |
02:51:52 | webguest11 | yes, i agree. but do you know the answer? |
02:52:33 | cool_walking_ | The credits have a few teams listed, so you'd have to go to those projects and count them up, too. |
02:52:59 | webguest11 | can i get a general range? |
02:53:09 | webguest11 | is it like in the 200's or 300's or something? |
02:53:57 | agaffney | you can't go look at the page(s) and count yourself? |
02:54:07 | webguest11 | no |
02:54:15 | agaffney | ... |
02:55:08 | cool_walking_ | 441, and 22 teams. |
02:56:59 | | Join evilnick [0] (i=ad340d80@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-c434274749d17542) |
02:57:49 | webguest11 | thanks dudes |
03:00 |
03:01:51 | | Join hasmind [0] (n=hasmind@reserved-58-184.grapevine.net.au) |
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03:11:02 | | Nick fxb is now known as fxb__ (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) |
03:11:19 | Unhelpful | kugel: aspect preservation means there will always be images that use less than the maximum. |
03:25:14 | | Join QuickStart [0] (n=QUICKSTA@pool-72-88-159-70.nwrknj.east.verizon.net) |
03:26:16 | | Part PSYCOTRIP |
03:26:20 | rasher | Unhelpful: version.sh is often/usually/always called with a patch as first argument. Again, no idea why this is done |
03:28:10 | rasher | path* |
03:29:49 | QuickStart | when is the new release of rockbox going to be? |
03:31:02 | LambdaCalculus37 | When it |
03:31:04 | LambdaCalculus37 | Oops. |
03:31:22 | QuickStart | sorry just wnated to know |
03:31:27 | jhMikeS | right after I finish up here :p |
03:31:28 | LambdaCalculus37 | We try to do a release every three months. |
03:31:45 | LambdaCalculus37 | You'll usually see a new release announcement on the front page and on the mailing list. |
03:32:56 | * | jhMikeS would like to know anyone's beast is misbehaving in any way after the SDMA addition |
03:33:14 | * | LambdaCalculus37 has to update |
03:33:30 | * | evilnick really has to stop thinking in terms of double entendre! |
03:34:34 | * | jhMikeS would then like to know if anyone updated ?? (it looks like that and LCD DMA shutoff might have bought an extra hour of life) |
03:34:48 | LambdaCalculus37 | I'm going to roll a new build now. |
03:36:02 | * | LambdaCalculus37 starts the make process |
03:40:58 | | Quit QuickStart (Remote closed the connection) |
03:42:30 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@rockbox/staff/XavierGr) |
03:54:30 | | Join rocko [0] (n=rocko@c-67-167-117-152.hsd1.il.comcast.net) |
03:55:22 | LambdaCalculus37 | jhMikeS: ROLO works on the beast, right? |
03:56:55 | jhMikeS | it should |
03:57:04 | evilnick | LambdaCalculus37: I believe so |
03:58:47 | jhMikeS | it should have definitely ROLOed by this point! |
03:58:52 | LambdaCalculus37 | jhMikeS: I'll be back in a few minutes, and I'll let you know how the beast is behaving. |
03:58:59 | * | LambdaCalculus37 went into Bootloader USB mode instead |
03:59:18 | jhMikeS | is it playing? if you got that far it's probably gonna be ok |
04:00 |
04:00:00 | LambdaCalculus37 | jhMikes: I'll find out in a bit. |
04:00:05 | * | LambdaCalculus37 has something to do quickly |
04:00:07 | LambdaCalculus37 | Back soon! |
04:00:10 | | Quit LambdaCalculus37 ("back soon!") |
04:01:17 | | Quit CaptainKwel (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
04:08:32 | | Join evilnick_ [0] (i=ad340d80@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-57e3b747ecb5b681) |
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04:11:20 | | Join blkhawk- [0] (n=blkhawk@f051064176.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
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04:12:05 | | Nick evilnick_ is now known as evilnick (i=ad340d80@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-57e3b747ecb5b681) |
04:13:55 | | Join AndyIL [0] (i=AndyI@ |
04:14:09 | | Quit XavierGr (Nick collision from services.) |
04:14:20 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@rockbox/staff/XavierGr) |
04:17:36 | LambdaCalculus37 | jhMikeS: Playback seems to be fine on my best. |
04:17:39 | LambdaCalculus37 | s/best/beast |
04:20:32 | jhMikeS | LambdaCalculus37: nice. thanks for checking too. |
04:20:58 | | Part Aurix_Lexico |
04:21:13 | LambdaCalculus37 | jhMikeS: Anything to check for? |
04:21:26 | LambdaCalculus37 | So far MP3 and MOD playback seem to be doing well. |
04:21:50 | jhMikeS | LambdaCalculus37: I'm curious about something. Go to System|Debug|View HW Info. What's "Sys Rev Code"? |
04:22:22 | LambdaCalculus37 | One moment. |
04:22:37 | LambdaCalculus37 | 0x13 on mine. |
04:23:07 | LambdaCalculus37 | Mine's an S60. |
04:23:28 | jhMikeS | mine too. I wonder if any beasts are 0x10. |
04:23:42 | LambdaCalculus37 | evilnick: Ping! |
04:23:48 | soap | Could someone take a look at http://cleansoap.org/images/rockboxlogo2.svg and tell me where I went wrong? I have this white frame around the logo i can't figure out how to remove in inkscape. |
04:23:52 | jhMikeS | 0x13 = IMX31L rev 1.15 |
04:24:03 | evilnick | Sir yes sir. Fetching Beast now, Sir. |
04:25:11 | LambdaCalculus37 | jhMikeS: Different revisions of the i.MX31? |
04:25:18 | | Quit AndyI (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
04:25:31 | * | LambdaCalculus37 hears evilnick's beast growl in the other room |
04:26:22 | evilnick | It was as well! Can someone send me a build? I'm using an unsupported one atm |
04:26:31 | evilnick | Or should I get this from the rockbox site? |
04:26:47 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
04:27:16 | LambdaCalculus37 | evilnick: I can send you one. For some odd reason, the version is "unknown", but I rolled it against r19980. |
04:27:26 | LambdaCalculus37 | One moment; emailing it to you right now. |
04:27:48 | | Quit blkhawk (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
04:28:18 | | Nick blkhawk- is now known as blkhawk (n=blkhawk@f051064176.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
04:28:56 | * | LambdaCalculus37 sends evilnick a build |
04:29:28 | LambdaCalculus37 | evilnick: Check your mail! |
04:30:02 | jhMikeS | LambdaCalculus37: yep. there are many. the only concern is 1.0 vs. > 1.0 really. 0x10 = 1.0 |
04:30:24 | LambdaCalculus37 | Where's Davide-NYC when you need him? :) |
04:31:40 | jhMikeS | heh. with that problem, I wonder if the plain nk.bin can just be byte padded or something to make it big enough. |
04:34:16 | LambdaCalculus37 | Do any other builds do that? |
04:35:21 | jhMikeS | what do you mean? it works with dual boot. |
04:35:58 | jhMikeS | I'm making a guess it just doesn't accept a really small file. |
04:37:23 | LambdaCalculus37 | jhMikeS: The beast complained when I first got it and attempted to load the Rockbox-only nk.bin onto it. I ended up having to recover it and use a patched nk.bin. |
04:37:49 | LambdaCalculus37 | IIRC the Rockbox-only nk.bin was quite tiny... about 78.1 KB (I could be wrong, though). |
04:37:52 | evilnick | Er... what's the reset settings button on the beast? |
04:38:14 | evilnick | jhMikeS: I remember the nk.bin being around 70KB too |
04:38:21 | jhMikeS | hmmm...is there one? I think it might be the menu key. |
04:38:44 | | Quit cool_walking_ ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
04:38:50 | jhMikeS | yeah, it's about 70 or so |
04:40:02 | LambdaCalculus37 | And the regular nk.bin is about 12MB. |
04:40:36 | LambdaCalculus37 | That's a lot of padding. :) |
04:40:41 | jhMikeS | Mine doesn't complain or else I would have dealt with it already. It never did. |
04:41:52 | | Quit rocko ("Leaving") |
04:42:47 | evilnick | jhMikeS: 0x13 for me too |
04:44:01 | | Quit miepchen^schlaf (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
04:45:34 | | Join Barahir_ [0] (n=jonathan@Xd205.x.pppool.de) |
04:46:50 | | Quit PaulJam (".") |
04:49:02 | | Quit booyabazooka ("Leaving") |
04:49:40 | jhMikeS | evilnick: working alright then? |
04:50:06 | evilnick | You want me to play music too? I'll report back in a sec |
04:51:51 | jhMikeS | ok, thanks. just wanna make sure. |
04:52:55 | LambdaCalculus37 | jhMikeS: I'll try out video playback in the morning. |
04:54:32 | evilnick | ogg/mp3/mpc all seem fine |
04:55:10 | jhMikeS | not too urgent. if you got music ok, video probably works, but then I'm just paranoid there's some hidden surprise |
04:57:21 | evilnick | The only slightly unexpected/unusual thing was when changing the crossfade settings, the "restarting playback" splash didn't show - is that normal for the beast? |
04:59:28 | jhMikeS | probably, it won't take very long to do much of anything |
05:00 |
05:00:03 | jhMikeS | did it have to spin the disk first? |
05:01:18 | jhMikeS | hrm, it doesn't show at all. was it removed? |
05:01:27 | evilnick | There was a gap in playback, but not very long at all. |
05:02:04 | evilnick | Not that I know of. |
05:02:51 | | Quit Barahir (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
05:03:06 | | Join darkham [0] (n=darkhamm@host112-179-dynamic.52-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) |
05:03:15 | Beta2K | Argh... |
05:03:23 | Beta2K | My Gigabeat is dead... |
05:03:36 | Beta2K | At first I got no os on hard drive |
05:03:46 | evilnick | What model? |
05:03:48 | Beta2K | Now I'm getting 00000002 system error |
05:03:52 | Beta2K | F10 |
05:04:01 | Beta2K | with a 30gb ipood drive in it |
05:04:14 | jhMikeS | evilnick: It appears to be gone actually. I don't know when it was removed. |
05:04:34 | evilnick | Ah, okay then. Mystery solved. |
05:05:14 | Beta2K | I'm wondering if one of the ribon wires broke :( |
05:06:19 | evilnick | Beta2K: Can you connect it to USB and see it from your PC? |
05:07:02 | Beta2K | Dunno |
05:07:10 | Beta2K | But I just found it |
05:07:24 | Beta2K | The last 5 or 6 wires on the gigabeat cable are torn off |
05:07:29 | Beta2K | So off to find my other one :) |
05:13:57 | | Quit __lifeless (Remote closed the connection) |
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05:15:46 | | Join XavierGr [0] (n=xavier@rockbox/staff/XavierGr) |
05:16:17 | | Join lee321987 [0] (n=chatzill@ |
05:17:24 | lee321987 | anyone been using RB to charge their Sansa c200, and feels like their battery has not been harmed? |
05:18:25 | Beta2K | Crap no idea where it is... |
05:18:41 | Beta2K | lee321987: Don't got one sorry |
05:19:40 | evilnick | Beta2K: It's a standard USB cable; if you do find one, check out this forum post: http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=9509.0 |
05:20:14 | Beta2K | evilnick: no no, the gigabeat's HD cable is broke |
05:20:32 | | Quit lee321987 (Client Quit) |
05:20:48 | evilnick | Ah. That is more of a concern. |
05:20:54 | Beta2K | After I commented that I hoped the ribon cables where ok, I checked them and one the last 5-6 wires are tore off |
05:21:08 | Beta2K | I've got another here somewhere but I don't know where |
05:21:30 | Beta2K | and I'm wondering now why the two adapters I needed at all... |
05:21:52 | | Join JdGordon|uni [0] (i=d25711c2@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) |
05:22:05 | Beta2K | The HD is ribon, the player is ribon, and in between it goes from ribon to pined, to ribon... |
05:23:07 | LambdaCalculus37 | ZIF, eh? So the hard drive came from an iPod video? |
05:23:48 | | Quit darkham (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
05:24:02 | Beta2K | Yeah |
05:24:11 | Beta2K | and I put a adapter in |
05:24:24 | Beta2K | But it doesn't quite fit in the F10-20 back |
05:24:32 | Beta2K | Needs a F40-60 back |
05:24:34 | | Nick JdGordon|uni is now known as JdGordon|www (i=d25711c2@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) |
05:24:57 | Beta2K | So now I'm wondering th epinout of the ata port onthe gigabeat and if it pins to ZIF |
05:33:20 | | Quit LambdaCalculus37 ("Fwump") |
05:38:10 | | Quit evilnick ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
05:42:50 | Beta2K | Anyone know the pinout for the gigabeat f's board side ata connector is? |
05:58:24 | | Join rocko [0] (n=rocko@c-67-167-117-152.hsd1.il.comcast.net) |
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06:01:33 | | Join BHSPitMonkey [0] (n=stephen@unaffiliated/bhspitmonkey) |
06:09:37 | | Join briarbrian [0] (n=4c70618c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-55bfe1a4b228f027) |
06:09:44 | briarbrian | hi everyone |
06:11:38 | briarbrian | I am having a bit of a problem. I loaded Rockbox into my Sansa e260 refurbished and it sometimes locks up and I have to hold down the power button for 15 seconds to turn it off then it will turn back on and then freezes and I cant access any files or database, radio, etc. any thoughts? |
06:13:25 | Unhelpful | hrm, might be worth checking for filesystem trouble? |
06:14:38 | briarbrian | Also with the sansa I have never been able to change the radio station on the player while in rockbox It in other words you cant adjust the tuner to find other radio stations, Now I can get it to search for presets and it does but I can get to it where I can adjust the radio station manually |
06:14:39 | | Join parafin [0] (i=parafin@paraf.in) |
06:14:43 | _Auron_ | is the screen completely white? |
06:14:51 | _Auron_ | oh, nm. |
06:15:22 | briarbrian | ok sorry 1 thing at a time I forgot!! LOL Ok how do I check the filesystem? |
06:15:54 | | Quit bs66_1 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
06:16:12 | Unhelpful | the same way you check other filesystems for errors... in windows, i believe you right-click on the drive these days. |
06:16:36 | briarbrian | no the screen is working fine, it just locks up I can scroll between the files, database, recording, radio but when I hit the center button to go to the files, or music, etc. it wont go off the opening screen or do anything at all |
06:17:11 | | Join bs66_ [0] (n=sysuser@ |
06:17:36 | briarbrian | I tried running the chkdsk/f in the run programs but it would not run a dos window popped up and said it wasnt accessable.... |
06:18:55 | | Join saratoga [0] (n=41becb3b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-5aee4ecec599666b) |
06:20:06 | briarbrian | I dont know how to check any file ststems for errors never did that on my pc |
06:20:39 | Unhelpful | did you try going into "my computer" and right-clicking the drive? |
06:20:48 | briarbrian | can you tell me how and maybe I have done it but just didnt realize what I was doing? Im not all that pc litterate |
06:21:15 | briarbrian | yes I did go in and right click but nothing that says check for errors. |
06:22:09 | saratoga | briarbrian: that command line probably doesn't check your sansa for one thing |
06:22:18 | saratoga | since you didn't give it a drive letter |
06:23:33 | briarbrian | aaa I found it I went and did check for errors just now found it. I found it in properties. I clicked check for errors , it did and then closed the pop up box |
06:24:01 | briarbrian | yes I typed in the run command box chkdsk /f |
06:24:21 | | Quit JdGordon|www ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
06:25:20 | saratoga | yeah you said that before |
06:25:28 | saratoga | i just meant that it doesn't check your sansa |
06:25:37 | briarbrian | ok i see |
06:26:50 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
06:28:38 | briarbrian | when I check for errors should I check the "automatically fix file system errors" and the "scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors" box ? |
06:30:08 | | Quit saratoga ("CGI:IRC") |
06:30:53 | briarbrian | Unhelpful: when I check for errors should I check the "automatically fix file system errors" and the "scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors" box ? |
06:31:17 | Unhelpful | briarbrian: that's probably a good idea. |
06:31:51 | briarbrian | Unhelpful Ok I will run it now |
06:33:48 | briarbrian | Unhelpful: While it is running another question, I have an 8 gig microsd card, am I able to drag and drop music into that disk while in the Sansa? Or do I have to use a card reader to do it? |
06:37:21 | Unhelpful | the OF does not support SDHC, you will need to use a card reader to put files on a 8GB card. |
06:39:40 | briarbrian | Unhelpful: Ok thank you, The scan is complete and no pop up windows came up so I will have to try it over the next few days and see if it is fixed now. |
06:39:55 | Unhelpful | good luck |
06:41:07 | briarbrian | Unhelpful: Now the radio, I cannot use the forward and backward buttons to move the tuner, I only have presets and dont know how to change it so that I can use the FW BW buttons to adjust the tuner, you know change the station manually. Any ideas? |
06:42:17 | Unhelpful | yes, hold the play/pause button briefly to switch to scan mode. |
06:46:22 | | Join awake_ [0] (n=Zzz@c122-106-37-8.rivrw1.nsw.optusnet.com.au) |
06:47:04 | briarbrian | Unhelpful: Yes I got that far but it wont let me change the station manually now |
06:49:22 | Unhelpful | hrm, mine does. makes me wonder if there's something wrong with yours :/ |
06:50:42 | briarbrian | Unhelpful I hold the play pause button and it changes from scan to preset but then how do I change the station what button do I press to go up and down the dial? |
06:52:01 | Unhelpful | the next/prev buttons work for me. the dial is volume control while in radio or the WPS. |
06:54:27 | briarbrian | Unhelpful: Yes thats what I thought my next/prev buttons dont go up or down the dial they dont do anything at all |
06:59:57 | briarbrian | thats while in the rockbox moce right? Or do you use your radio in the snasa mode? |
07:00 |
07:02:02 | Unhelpful | no, i only use the sansa firmware to move files. |
07:04:00 | briarbrian | Unhelpful: No I mean when you listen to the radio on your sansa do you listen using the Rockbox firmware, or do you listen using the Sansa firmware? |
07:04:36 | Unhelpful | i don't listen to the radio on it at all, really, but when i looked just now, to make sure i knew how it worked, i used rockbox. |
07:06:37 | briarbrian | Unhelpful: Ok yes when I listen to the radio using Rockbox, the next/prev buttons dont change the radio station at all. When I listen to the Radio using the Sansa firmware the next/prev buttons do change the station as it should. I guess if I do listen to the radio I will just have to use the Sansa firmware if I want to channel surf per say |
07:19:47 | | Quit lymeca (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
07:23:42 | briarbrian | Unhelpful: Thanks for all your help I have played the sansa since you told me how to check the files and it hasnt acted up at all so far so thank you again for your help g'night |
07:23:48 | | Quit briarbrian ("CGI:IRC") |
07:24:29 | | Quit fdinel ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
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08:53:32 | | Join Bagderr [241] (n=daniel@rockbox/developer/bagder) |
08:53:55 | | Nick Bagderr is now known as B4gder (n=daniel@rockbox/developer/bagder) |
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09:40:25 | | Nick Barahir_ is now known as Barahir (n=jonathan@Xd205.x.pppool.de) |
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10:55:14 | | Quit Anges (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
10:57:30 | | Quit sarixe (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
10:59:09 | kadoban | moos: (for the logs, if you check them) I put that patch for Goban keypads on the tracker, FS #9897. |
11:00 |
11:06:07 | | Join moos [0] (i=Mustapha@rockbox/staff/moos) |
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11:20:44 | kadoban | oh, moos...i just sent you a message for the logs :/ FS #9897 is the keypad changes we talked about. i'm build testing it one more time right now |
11:21:14 | | Join PaulJam [0] (i=PaulJam_@vpn-3089.gwdg.de) |
11:22:20 | moos | kadoban: hi, ok will check... |
11:22:22 | | Join robin0800 [0] (n=robin080@cpc3-brig8-0-0-cust436.brig.cable.ntl.com) |
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11:49:01 | alcoololo | hello |
11:50:25 | | Quit rphillips (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
11:50:49 | alcoololo | to dreamlayers and saratoga: {broadcom - videocore} http://www.mentor.com/products/embedded_software/nucleus_cpu_support.cfm |
11:51:10 | alcoololo | hope it helps |
11:51:12 | alcoololo | bye |
11:51:23 | | Quit alcoololo (Client Quit) |
11:51:37 | B4gder | uh? |
11:51:40 | | Join rphillips [0] (n=rphillip@66-90-184-91.dyn.grandenetworks.net) |
11:52:37 | B4gder | nucleus is a rtos that runs on those cpus, how does it help anyone of us? |
11:54:11 | | Join alcoololo [0] (n=86f6952f@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-051cc7c8634f45cf) |
11:54:26 | | Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p4FDCCA14.dip.t-dialin.net) |
11:55:09 | | Quit jfc^2 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
11:55:25 | alcoololo | sorry, for FS #9787 - iPod 5G TV out |
11:55:25 | B4gder | yes but... |
11:55:25 | B4gder | nucleus is a rtos that runs on those cpus, how does it help anyone of us? |
11:55:25 | | Join jfc^2 [0] (n=john@dpc691978010.direcpc.com) |
11:56:37 | B4gder | did anyone try to disassemble the broadcom stuff as MIPS ? |
11:58:25 | alcoololo | maybe the libraries of that rtos can help to understand the architecture of the videocore |
11:58:43 | alcoololo | maybe it's a bad idea |
11:59:03 | alcoololo | they'll see |
11:59:10 | alcoololo | have a good day |
11:59:12 | alcoololo | bye |
11:59:15 | | Quit alcoololo ("CGI:IRC") |
11:59:16 | B4gder | but what makes you think nucleus is used? |
11:59:54 | * | B4gder put that on the completely wild speculations list |
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12:01:52 | | Join rasher [0] (n=rasher@0x5550f5a3.adsl.cybercity.dk) |
12:09:48 | Zagor | "hey look, I found something on google that mentions broadcom" |
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12:17:35 | DerPapst | maybe he knows more than he can tell :P |
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12:34:48 | | Quit kushal_12_27_200 ("Leaving") |
12:35:51 | amiconn | B4gder: Yes. The broadcom is definitely not mips. Looks like a proprietary architetcure. The architecture identifier in the .elf files is not publicly documented |
12:37:05 | | Quit Anges (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
12:42:29 | linuxstb | Has anyone thought about how to integrate the TV-Out work into Rockbox? e.g. treating it like a remote and using the screens API. |
12:45:57 | | Join daurnimator [0] (n=quae@unaffiliated/daurnimator) |
12:46:20 | Zagor | has a "best working" resolution been found? |
12:46:45 | pixelma | DerPapst: seen http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/9877 ? |
12:47:48 | Qball | what is a good mp3 player to buy if I want a good rockbox experience? |
12:48:30 | daurnimator | Qball: hard drive or flash? |
12:48:41 | Qball | flash |
12:48:51 | Qball | preferable with some form of memory card support |
12:48:58 | Qball | Listening to: The Beast - Milt Buckner (Blue Note Trip: Somethin' old) |
12:49:03 | daurnimator | Qball: sansa should be quite good really soon |
12:49:10 | daurnimator | and please no np scripts in here :) |
12:49:29 | Qball | :D |
12:49:31 | Qball | what one? |
12:49:31 | daurnimator | well, sansa is already really good, but the new gen ones should be completely supported soon |
12:49:51 | Qball | I see the "fuse" e260, clip |
12:49:56 | daurnimator | (currently only the older models are fully supported) |
12:50:03 | daurnimator | fuze :) |
12:50:08 | | Quit jon-kha (Remote closed the connection) |
12:50:17 | Qball | pretty decently priced |
12:50:27 | daurnimator | depends what you want: screen size, flash size, etc |
12:50:43 | pixelma | "Sansa" is a line of players, not all have memory card slots... I'd also recommend the BuyersGuide in the wiki |
12:50:49 | daurnimator | I personally have a fuze... |
12:51:28 | daurnimator | pixelma: nothing is currently in production :P |
12:51:46 | Qball | I still have a perfectly fine zen |
12:51:59 | Qball | but I rockbox is so tempting |
12:52:27 | | Join AndyI [0] (i=AndyI@ |
12:53:37 | Qball | hmm 75Euro for sansea fuse 4g with radio and 4 gig mSD |
12:53:53 | daurnimator | get the 8gb and an 8gb micro sd :P |
12:54:08 | Qball | and pay more cash |
12:54:09 | daurnimator | really, why NOT get an 8gb or 16gb micro sd, so damn cheap now |
12:55:54 | daurnimator | ok, not 16gb micro |
12:55:58 | Qball | if somebody would make a royal donation to gmpc |
12:56:01 | Qball | I might be able to |
12:56:03 | daurnimator | but, 8gb is only $16 or so |
12:56:27 | daurnimator | where 4gb is about $10 |
12:56:34 | Qball | this was an action |
12:56:37 | Qball | 4gig for free |
12:58:48 | Qball | bah to expensive. I still have a perfectly fine creative zen. |
12:58:57 | daurnimator | lol |
12:59:14 | B4gder | perfectly fine without rockbox? naaah |
12:59:46 | Qball | B4gder: truth there |
12:59:52 | Qball | but being poor student |
13:00 |
13:01:30 | daurnimator | i bet you I'm poorer :p |
13:02:05 | Qball | you can't |
13:02:10 | Qball | you don't have money |
13:02:12 | Qball | to make a bet |
13:02:28 | daurnimator | i can be possesions, or diginity |
13:02:48 | Qball | that won't get me a mp3 player |
13:05:21 | Qball | I see myself going to the store "I want a sansea fuze 4 gig + 4gig sd" can I pay with daurnimator's diginity |
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13:22:17 | pyro_maniac | Qball: have you seen amazon.de? there you can get a 8GB Fuze for 75€ |
13:22:30 | | Join perrikwp [0] (i=18ac0c41@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-d9e3ef68e7beec3e) |
13:22:43 | BdN3504 | http://tinyurl.com/sansaclip8gb |
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13:24:49 | BdN3504 | get yourself a clip, it's supposedly the best player on the market (according to ABI) |
13:25:41 | | Join gregzx [0] (n=chatzill@dsx231.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) |
13:26:03 | B4gder | it has the funniest screen! |
13:27:04 | * | kadoban is dreading coming up with a good way to use the clip screen in the goban plugin... |
13:27:12 | DerPapst | pixelma: yes. and his link to my acient patch that i haven't updated in ages. |
13:27:41 | DerPapst | i wonder if it is still wanted. because if so i'd have to add the keymaps for all the new targets. |
13:27:41 | Qball | it is awfully small. |
13:28:08 | pixelma | DerPapst: I just think that quitting should be fixed first |
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13:30:24 | | Quit AndyI (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
13:31:26 | DerPapst | pixelma: i can look into it, though i'm not really familiar with the committed version of lamp. |
13:31:42 | | Join AndyI [0] (i=AndyI@ |
13:31:56 | pixelma | well, it looks like your hint a few weeks ago broke it |
13:32:33 | DerPapst | then this is another bug revealed by my fix. |
13:33:24 | DerPapst | without the fix lamp didn't exit if the dap has been connected to usb for instance. |
13:35:43 | Qball | hmmm 90 for the 8 + 8gig |
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13:41:20 | | Quit Seedy ("cu, Andre") |
13:44:41 | | Join Seed [0] (n=ben@bzq-84-108-232-45.cablep.bezeqint.net) |
13:52:55 | pixelma | hmm... what do people think about things mentioned in the changelog in the manual which don't apply to the target this manual was made for? (E.g. swcodec enhancements in the hwcodec player manuals, RTC, quickscreen, ...). Currently there are no differences made but maybe it could be confusing to some? |
13:55:20 | | Join Anges [0] (n=agnes@lns-bzn-49f-62-147-173-3.adsl.proxad.net) |
13:56:19 | | Join gartral [0] (n=Gartral@adsl-75-33-69-103.dsl.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net) |
13:58:51 | gartral | morning all, i found a bug in brickmania on the e200s, it seems to react too some scrolling as hitting the center key, (rockets firing buy themselves, sticky padel releasing by itself when moving) is this known, i searches the tracker, no luck :/ |
14:00 |
14:01:25 | DerPapst | pixelma: i'd add a sentence that the changelog applies to the entrire rockbox project and thus all daps. |
14:04:37 | | Join lymeca [0] (n=lymeca@student165-131.hampshire.edu) |
14:06:52 | linuxstb | pixelma: Is that changelog maintained manually, or is it generated from somewhere? |
14:11:59 | pixelma | it has an own filled out changelog.tex in the source (as in "different to features.tex" which I know is generated in the build directory"), don't know how it was made. IIRC it was gevaerts' idea? |
14:12:55 | GodEater_ | gevaerts will just blame perl |
14:13:51 | linuxstb | pixelma: Looking at the svn log for appendix/changelog.tex, it seems to be just a normal file, edited manually. So it would be nice to \opt the entries so that only applicable ones are listed. |
14:15:37 | pixelma | I think so too. More work for Mr. Someone though ;) |
14:16:00 | | Join Kopfgeldjaeger [0] (n=nicolai@monitor-mode-enabled-on-mon0.phy0.de) |
14:16:50 | linuxstb | Or Ms. Someone ;) |
14:16:59 | | Join itcheg [0] (i=62db4767@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-8493416fed58e7da) |
14:20:15 | | Join jgarvey [0] (n=jgarvey@cpe-098-026-069-229.nc.res.rr.com) |
14:20:23 | | Join mcuelenaere [0] (n=mcuelena@rockbox/developer/mcuelenaere) |
14:22:29 | moos | haha :D yeah |
14:23:44 | | Quit lymeca (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
14:24:25 | | Quit itcheg ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
14:25:49 | DerPapst | pixelma: the fix is easy... just remove if (IS_SYSEVENT(button)) line 204 from the lamp plugin. The whole check is wrong in the first place. ;) |
14:26:38 | | Join jhMikeS [50] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) |
14:26:59 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
14:27:34 | | Join LambdaCalculus37 [0] (i=44a04303@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-d6f24fbb3c5f70b5) |
14:33:23 | Richlv | grr. i can't find a single rockbox supported device to purchase here |
14:33:32 | LambdaCalculus37 | eBay? |
14:38:27 | * | GodEater_ thinks eBay / Garage sales are probably the only places to get rockbox targets these days |
14:38:32 | GodEater_ | or froobi if you're in the USA |
14:39:21 | LambdaCalculus37 | GodEater_: Froobi seems to be out of v1 e200's now. |
14:40:02 | GodEater_ | shame |
14:40:09 | GodEater_ | had to happen eventually though |
14:41:54 | | Join LinusN [0] (n=linus@rockbox/developer/LinusN) |
14:42:04 | GodEater_ | we need someone to get that exploit on the new ipods working for us |
14:42:45 | LambdaCalculus37 | GodEater_: n1s has a 4th gen nano and is investigating it. |
14:43:05 | linuxstb | Is it known whether any of the newer ipods are running OS X (i.e. similar to the iphone/itouch), or if they use something else? |
14:43:39 | GodEater_ | LambdaCalculus37: so I heard |
14:43:48 | LambdaCalculus37 | linuxstb: No, they appear to be something else. |
14:44:00 | linuxstb | LambdaCalculus37: What makes you say that? |
14:44:03 | GodEater_ | linuxstb: it's not *known" no - although someone in #ipl swore they were running OSX years back |
14:44:11 | * | LambdaCalculus37 should check out an iPod Classic firmware update again |
14:44:18 | * | GodEater_ thinks he heard this shortly after the classic came out |
14:44:41 | LambdaCalculus37 | linuxstb: This is just speculation at the moment. I need to look into it further. |
14:44:43 | GodEater_ | I can't imagine why they would be though, it seems grossly over kill for a "normal" ipod |
14:44:59 | LambdaCalculus37 | It makes more sense on the Touch/iPhone. |
14:45:49 | GodEater_ | certainly the images are different - planetbeing did take a peek a while back and said the structure isn't remotely similar to the iphone/touch |
14:47:36 | LambdaCalculus37 | GodEater_: Is the structure still similar to the older iPods? |
14:48:04 | linuxstb | LambdaCalculus37: At least the 2nd gen Nano had a similar structure, I don't think I've looked at the others. |
14:48:08 | GodEater_ | I believe so |
14:48:40 | GodEater_ | I think they still have the OSOS header and whatknot in |
14:48:53 | GodEater_ | easy enough to download and check LambdaCalculus37 |
14:48:55 | GodEater_ | get on it ;) |
14:49:07 | LambdaCalculus37 | Yes sir. :) |
14:49:20 | * | GodEater_ waits for LambdaCalculus37 to click his bootheels |
14:49:24 | | Part B4gder |
14:49:37 | * | LambdaCalculus37 clicks his bootheels and salutes |
14:49:45 | GodEater_ | dismissed! |
14:49:55 | * | LambdaCalculus37 heads out to go get some Apple firmwares |
14:53:14 | linuxstb | Looking at both the 1G and 2G Classic firmwares, they look similar to the earlier ipods - the Apple "stop sign", and then various images - "rsrc", "osos", "aupd" and "hash" (earlier ipods had the first 3, I've no idea about the last). |
14:53:53 | * | GodEater_ didn't expect Jobs to start releasing stoner ipods, but apparently he underestimated him. |
14:53:54 | linuxstb | The "rsrc" image looks like a FAT filesystem - on the 5g/5.5g this contained the Broadcom firmware, on the Nano, the Nike stuff. |
14:54:30 | GodEater_ | someone needs to do a usb monitor on a firmware upgrade on the 3rd gen nano and later |
14:54:36 | GodEater_ | and work out where the osos stuff ends up |
14:54:41 | GodEater_ | since there's no firmware partition |
14:54:55 | GodEater_ | poor Mr. Someone |
14:55:25 | LambdaCalculus37 | What about USB monitoring a firmware upgrade on the 2nd gen nano? |
14:55:33 | GodEater_ | well we know where it goes on that |
14:55:47 | GodEater_ | but by all means :) |
14:55:55 | GodEater_ | (btw, you forgot the Sir! stuff) |
14:56:04 | GodEater_ | :D |
14:56:16 | LambdaCalculus37 | Sir, mostly because I want to see if I can catch some sight of the encryption information, sir! :D |
14:56:27 | GodEater_ | good luck |
14:56:35 | GodEater_ | I assume it'll get copied over verbatim |
14:56:44 | GodEater_ | but of course we know what they say about assumptions |
14:58:12 | linuxstb | Looking at the contents of the rsrc filesystem, it seems to contain a lot of things - Nike things (wav files with voice samples), images/fonts, plus some games - e.g. Games/games_RO/12347/Executables/Vortex_3178305.bin |
14:59:00 | linuxstb | That .bin file looks encrypted... |
15:00 |
15:00:23 | LambdaCalculus37 | linuxstb: What about "osos" and "apud"? Any sort of interesting info in them? |
15:00:47 | GodEater_ | they're encrypted |
15:00:58 | * | GodEater_ could have sworn this had been mentioned previously ;) |
15:00:59 | | Quit FlynDice (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
15:02:12 | LambdaCalculus37 | GodEater: I refer to linuxstb's previous post about the firmware structure here: http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=6518.msg50763#msg50763 |
15:02:12 | * | GodEater_ is disappointed no-one laughed at his stoner joke |
15:03:16 | GodEater_ | which contains the sentence : "But there are some differences. Firstly, the images are now prefixed with string "DNAN" instead of "!ATA", and secondly both the main firmware and the aupd image appear to be encrypted." |
15:03:32 | linuxstb | On the Classic, the "!ATA" string is back. |
15:03:43 | GodEater_ | probably as expected |
15:03:47 | LambdaCalculus37 | I expected that. |
15:04:29 | LambdaCalculus37 | I figure the 3rd and 4th gen nanos have the "DNAN" string. |
15:04:51 | GodEater_ | you mean you haven't checked yet ? :) |
15:05:44 | LambdaCalculus37 | GodEater_: Not at work. I downloaded the firmwares but can't look at them right now; there are Vogons out and about! |
15:05:59 | GodEater_ | just offer to listen to their poetry |
15:06:05 | | Join Horschti [0] (n=Horscht@xbmc/user/horscht) |
15:06:16 | LambdaCalculus37 | GAH! No! :P |
15:06:32 | GodEater_ | btw: stop sucking up to Cory ;) |
15:07:24 | LambdaCalculus37 | GodEater_: Take it to the other channel. :P |
15:07:47 | LambdaCalculus37 | I'll open up the 3G and 4G nano firmwares later on. |
15:11:10 | * | GodEater_ unzips the 3G Nano firmware |
15:11:11 | linuxstb | LambdaCalculus37: It would be useful to find a tool that can extract those four images from the Classic firmware update. I don't know if such a tool exists yet, or if Mr/Ms Someone would need to write it. |
15:11:31 | linuxstb | Maybe the linux4nano project, or IPL. |
15:11:36 | | Quit chrippa (Remote closed the connection) |
15:12:06 | GodEater_ | DNAN is definitely back |
15:12:32 | * | GodEater_ grabs the 4G firmware to check there too |
15:12:33 | | Join grdxyxy [0] (n=eric@ |
15:13:10 | GodEater_ | oooh |
15:13:13 | GodEater_ | there's a new file in that |
15:13:21 | LambdaCalculus37 | linuxstb: Mr Someone would have to write a tool. Or if iPL wants to help work on one. |
15:13:39 | GodEater_ | N58s.bootloader.release.rb3 <−− not seen that before |
15:13:51 | linuxstb | Is that Rockbox v3? |
15:13:59 | linuxstb | Kind of them ;) |
15:14:11 | GodEater_ | hehe |
15:14:17 | LambdaCalculus37 | GodEater_: Let's pick it apart. :) |
15:15:34 | GodEater_ | it appears to contain some certificate details : "Apple iPod Certification Authority" |
15:16:18 | GodEater_ | and the Firmware.MSE file in the zip still contains the same image format as previously |
15:16:25 | GodEater_ | also with DNAN in it |
15:16:28 | * | linuxstb wonders if the new classics hibernate to disk, and if it would be possible to hack the saved image... |
15:16:50 | | Join einhirn [0] (n=Miranda@p4FC60471.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
15:16:58 | GodEater_ | think you're hoping for a bit much there |
15:18:11 | | Join ghost [0] (i=dfkt@chello062178002170.1.11.univie.teleweb.at) |
15:18:32 | | Nick ghost is now known as Guest30528 (i=dfkt@chello062178002170.1.11.univie.teleweb.at) |
15:18:33 | GodEater_ | there are quite a few more sections in the 4G firmware |
15:19:29 | | Join lymeca [0] (n=lymeca@student165-131.hampshire.edu) |
15:19:34 | linuxstb | Well, it's something else to look at - it would mean removing the disk from an hibernated device. |
15:19:39 | linuxstb | How big is the Firmware-X.Y.Z file? |
15:20:09 | GodEater_ | there isn't one |
15:20:13 | GodEater_ | it's called "Firmware.MSE" |
15:20:30 | GodEater_ | it's 88M |
15:20:31 | linuxstb | What does the iphone/itouch firmware look like? |
15:20:31 | LambdaCalculus37 | linuxstb: But the big problem is that the Classic is a bitch to open up. |
15:21:24 | GodEater_ | "disk", "diag", "appl", "lbat", "dbsw", "dbhw", "chrg", "rsrc" and "osos" all seem to be in there |
15:21:48 | GodEater_ | all prefixed with "DNAN" |
15:22:47 | GodEater_ | linuxstb: I've never looked at a dump of the iphone firmware |
15:22:51 | GodEater_ | it's enormous compared to the ipod ones |
15:22:55 | GodEater_ | over three times the size |
15:22:56 | | Quit dfkt (Nick collision from services.) |
15:23:00 | | Nick Guest30528 is now known as dfkt (i=dfkt@chello062178002170.1.11.univie.teleweb.at) |
15:23:27 | | Nick dfkt is now known as dfkt_dt (i=dfkt@chello062178002170.1.11.univie.teleweb.at) |
15:23:28 | | Quit Horscht (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
15:23:32 | | Nick dfkt_dt is now known as dfkt (i=dfkt@chello062178002170.1.11.univie.teleweb.at) |
15:24:08 | gartral | the touch and phone firmwares, fwiu, are the same, except for one locks the "phone" part when being installed too a touch... |
15:24:16 | * | GodEater_ revises this estimate - the iPhone firmware is 6 times the size of the ipod ones |
15:24:20 | GodEater_ | and that's before decompression |
15:24:24 | gartral | itouch iphone* |
15:24:44 | GodEater_ | gartral: why do they provide different files then ? |
15:25:00 | LambdaCalculus37 | GodEater_: To make it easier for people? |
15:25:02 | GodEater_ | I can't believe that's true - the touch doesn't even contain the right hardware for the phone stuff |
15:25:19 | GodEater_ | LambdaCalculus37: easier how? It's done through iTunes |
15:25:25 | GodEater_ | the user never sees the files |
15:26:12 | GodEater_ | the iPhone firmware file contains a bunch of OSX .dmg files |
15:26:25 | GodEater_ | I don't think I have anything on my linux box which will reliably extract from those |
15:27:04 | LambdaCalculus37 | GodEater_: How large are the .dmg files? |
15:27:10 | GodEater_ | just looking |
15:27:27 | GodEater_ | two are 25M, one is 200M |
15:28:34 | * | GodEater_ caveats again - I'm looking at the 2.2.1 release for the 3G |
15:28:38 | GodEater_ | haven't looked at any others |
15:28:45 | linuxstb | GodEater_: Interesting that disk, diag and appl are there. Those images are what were stored in flash (NOR) on the ipods we support. |
15:28:55 | | Join evilnick [0] (i=0c140464@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-540e9ff75eec6d47) |
15:29:13 | GodEater_ | linuxstb: I assumed as much |
15:29:15 | | Nick evilnick is now known as evilnick_7 (i=0c140464@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-540e9ff75eec6d47) |
15:29:22 | GodEater_ | wonder if they're encrypted too |
15:30:23 | Zagor | GodEater: dmg files are disk images. you can mount them using the loopback device. |
15:30:55 | GodEater_ | Zagor: I think I've tried this before, and it's not quite that simple |
15:31:14 | GodEater_ | *some* .dmg files are like that, but some have other meta-data in them too |
15:31:45 | Zagor | it's not just the hfs/hfsplus difference? |
15:32:05 | | Quit Rob2222 () |
15:32:31 | GodEater_ | no |
15:33:07 | GodEater_ | running 'file' on them doesn't recognise them as HFS images |
15:33:58 | Zagor | apparently some are zlib compressed. could that be it? |
15:34:13 | GodEater_ | I used a tool called "HFSExplorer" to open them last time I needed to |
15:34:16 | GodEater_ | let me try that again |
15:35:14 | | Join midijunkie [0] (n=Miranda@pD95476D5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
15:36:15 | Zagor | here's a tool that converts a compressed dmg to a normal one: http://vu1tur.eu.org/tools/download.pl?dmg2img-1.3.tar.gz |
15:37:07 | Zagor | the readme for that indicates linux only handles uncompressed dmg files |
15:37:20 | GodEater_ | hfsexplorer handles the lot |
15:37:27 | GodEater_ | only not in this case it seems :( |
15:37:31 | GodEater_ | it won't open these ones |
15:37:37 | Zagor | yeah, but it's a ... gui |
15:37:58 | GodEater_ | feel free to try this yourself ;) |
15:38:05 | GodEater_ | I've already been down the dmg2img route |
15:38:06 | GodEater_ | didn't work |
15:38:11 | Zagor | ok |
15:38:50 | Zagor | that's the great thing about having your own file format: you can abuse it anyway you like and not have to tell anyone..:-) |
15:39:11 | | Join Shoefly [0] (n=52c4d4f5@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-66fce1d4179fdee6) |
15:39:31 | GodEater_ | yeah, the swine |
15:40:08 | | Join undertak1ngyou [0] (n=will@undertakingyou.dsl.xmission.com) |
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15:40:16 | | Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p4FDCCA14.dip.t-dialin.net) |
15:40:34 | GodEater_ | I imagine it's that these are encrypted too |
15:42:14 | DerPapst | i'd guess that everything is encrypted and the only not encrypted code is in some ROM sitting inside the cpu. the image on the flashrom is encrypted too |
15:42:42 | GodEater_ | it might be worth grabbing the xpwn code and seeing what that tells us |
15:42:56 | GodEater_ | assuming we're really interested in the iphone firmware contents |
15:43:01 | * | GodEater_ forgot why we were looking now |
15:43:19 | linuxstb | Reading about the iphone hacking, it seems there's a hardware AES coprocessor built into the CPU, which has a "GID key" (shared by all devices) and "UID key" (unique to the device). It would seem likely that the ipods have something very similar. |
15:43:33 | linuxstb | I don't understand how the iphone hacking works though... |
15:43:41 | GodEater_ | nor me |
15:43:49 | GodEater_ | planetbeing is a lot cleverer than me =/ |
15:44:14 | GodEater_ | I didn't even understand what he said when he tried to explain it to me |
15:44:20 | GodEater_ | my crypto knowledge is close to 0 |
15:47:54 | | Join n1s [0] (n=nils@rockbox/developer/n1s) |
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15:56:10 | | Quit einhirn ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
15:59:45 | | Join Soap-N810 [0] (n=user@44.sub-70-212-4.myvzw.com) |
16:00 |
16:01:15 | | Quit Llorean (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
16:01:34 | Soap-N810 | Minimal order on Rockbox shirts is 4. Anyone who qualifies for a cloak can PM me on the forums with male shirt size to be entered in a raffle for the extra. |
16:02:12 | mcuelenaere | Anyone else experiencing this bug when exiting out of the buffering thread debug menu that the status bar doesn't get refreshed? |
16:02:31 | Soap-N810 | *male _American_ shirt size |
16:02:52 | LambdaCalculus37 | Soap-N810: Just curious... do the shirts run big/small/normal sized? |
16:07:34 | evilnick_7 | mcuelenaere: I've noticed that in a few places, but mostly on exiting plugins |
16:07:55 | mcuelenaere | oh ok, so it's known behaviour? |
16:10:41 | LambdaCalculus37 | I've noticed it to when switching from the WPS to the file view. |
16:11:03 | evilnick_7 | mcuelenaere: I hadn't explicitly mentioned it before today, so you might be the first to bring it up on IRC. |
16:11:29 | * | mcuelenaere looks for a bug report |
16:12:10 | mcuelenaere | FS #9817 looks similar |
16:12:20 | LambdaCalculus37 | I notice it the most on my beast. |
16:12:51 | evilnick_7 | LambdaCalculus37: Try playing that new Goban game and then exiting |
16:13:49 | * | LambdaCalculus37 fires up his beast |
16:14:40 | LambdaCalculus37 | evilnick_7: I just noticed it. |
16:14:53 | LambdaCalculus37 | The very top of the screen doesn't refresh when entering the menu. |
16:16:20 | | Join sarixe [0] (n=sarixe@ool-43540968.dyn.optonline.net) |
16:17:05 | Shoefly | Sorry if I'm interrupting something, but I was just wondering.. Is there something fundamentally different (better) in the way Rockbox plays my music (decoding of the mp3's for example)? It's just that my music sounds a lot better when I'm running the Rockbox firmware.. clearer, more defined. I mean, the D/A-conversion is the same between the original and Rockbox, right? |
16:18:21 | linuxstb | Shoefly: Rockbox is a completely different firmware, so it will naturally do things differently to the original firmware. But we don't know exactly what the original firmware is doing, so can't say what Rockbox does differently. |
16:18:32 | Zagor | Shoefly: yes but we use a different mp3 decoder |
16:19:04 | Zagor | lossless should sound pretty much the same in rockbox and of |
16:19:21 | Shoefly | and this decoder makes the music sound better? |
16:19:26 | Shoefly | objectively speaking? :P |
16:19:54 | Zagor | if you think it does, it does. I don't think anyone has tried to measure it objectively. |
16:20:32 | GodEater_ | I don't think it's *possible* to do so objectively |
16:20:38 | GodEater_ | how would you define "better" ? |
16:20:38 | Shoefly | ok. but there isn't anything else that would make a difference? |
16:21:00 | Shoefly | no, I was joking about the objectivity. |
16:21:40 | Shoefly | but it might be that this decoder was known to be better than Apple's proprietary one |
16:21:58 | GodEater_ | again, define "better" :) |
16:22:11 | Shoefly | hehe, ok. :P I get your point. |
16:22:18 | GodEater_ | beauty is in the ear of the beholder ;) |
16:22:22 | GodEater_ | or something |
16:22:26 | Zagor | Shoefly: I can at least say that you're not the first to say we sound better than OF. |
16:22:40 | Zagor | otoh we've also heard claims of the opposite :-) |
16:22:44 | GodEater_ | there are others who think we sound like a bag of shit ;) |
16:22:53 | Shoefly | hm. well I don't! |
16:23:01 | GodEater_ | excellent news :) |
16:23:02 | gartral | isnt the quote "flaming bag of shit"? |
16:23:07 | Shoefly | so, thanks. ;) |
16:23:20 | GodEater_ | gartral: it's on the wiki on the GoldenQuotes page |
16:23:45 | GodEater_ | and no, it's not a flaming bag of shit |
16:23:51 | GodEater_ | just a regular one |
16:23:52 | GodEater_ | :D |
16:23:59 | | Quit gregzx (Connection timed out) |
16:24:10 | | Quit sarixe ("Bye") |
16:24:28 | | Join sarixe [0] (n=sarixe@ool-43540968.dyn.optonline.net) |
16:24:29 | gartral | in the case on the e200s firmware, rockbox defiantly sounds better, and it's music too my ears, literally! |
16:24:48 | kadoban | GodEater_: well, you guys will just have to try harder...with a little work it can sound like a flaming one :) |
16:25:03 | GodEater_ | kadoban: it's easy, just set your DAP on fire first |
16:25:10 | kadoban | ahh, good point |
16:25:37 | Qball | on my philips rockbox deff. sounded equal or better. |
16:25:49 | Qball | the better could be the switch from mp3 to flac |
16:26:08 | * | Qball listened to it using high-end headphone |
16:26:11 | GodEater_ | yes, it's not fair to compare lossless to lossy |
16:26:13 | | Quit Soap-N810 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
16:26:31 | Qball | well old one did not do lossless |
16:26:32 | Qball | :-P |
16:26:53 | GodEater_ | which is why it's not fair to compare it |
16:27:00 | scorche|sh | can we just stop with the "better" comments? ;) ...the compliments are nice, but it is a bit useless without objective evidence |
16:27:05 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
16:28:57 | GodEater_ | way to kill a conversation scorche|sh ;) |
16:29:10 | scorche|sh | its a talent =) |
16:30:36 | Qball | if you want I can probly setup a blind test one day |
16:30:47 | GodEater_ | pointless |
16:30:54 | GodEater_ | the only person it will tell anything to is you |
16:31:08 | Qball | ugh I won't be the one listening :D |
16:31:11 | GodEater_ | so by all means do it if *you* are interested |
16:31:14 | Qball | I agree it is subjective |
16:31:45 | Qball | I do have access to equipment to measure SNR THD THD+N |
16:31:53 | Qball | but on an mp3 player you know it is lousy |
16:31:55 | evilnick_7 | Isn't there that application that shows graphs of the outputted audio? ISTR a thread linked to yesterday. Audiomark or something? |
16:31:56 | Qball | esp the last 2 |
16:33:06 | Qball | http://www.headphoneinfo.com/content/Beyerdynamic-DT-990-PRO-Headphones-Review-715.htm <−− anybody looking for nice headphones |
16:33:34 | gartral | Qball: that belongs in #rockbox-community |
16:33:35 | scorche|sh | Qball: please stay on topic...this channel is abut rockbox and rockbox only |
16:34:25 | | Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@h-74-0-180-178.snvacaid.covad.net) |
16:35:07 | | Join chrippa [0] (n=chrippa@evangelion.se) |
16:38:34 | kadoban | I'm looking at what I can do since the goban plugin doesn't fit in RAM on archos/ondio. Am I correct in thinking that if i use the overlay business I won't be able to grab the audio buffer in my plugin? (since it'll already be grabbed)? |
16:40:32 | | Quit pyro_maniac (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) |
16:40:45 | linuxstb | I'm sure you can grab it, but you may need to do it differently. You can look at the gnuchess or rockboy source to see if you can find out how they do it. |
16:41:11 | kadoban | alright, thanks...i'll take a harder look |
16:41:54 | | Join pyro_maniac [0] (i=foobar@p57BB941B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
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16:50:45 | | Join Horscht [0] (n=Horscht@xbmc/user/horscht) |
16:50:52 | Richlv | LambdaCalculus37, ebay refuses to ship to my location from usa |
16:51:48 | | Join Zoxc [0] (i=Zoxc@ti0128a340-dhcp0017.bb.online.no) |
16:52:25 | | Quit JdGordon (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
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16:57:01 | LambdaCalculus37 | Richlv: Then get a contact in the USA to accept the package for you and then forward it. |
17:00 |
17:00:05 | Richlv | LambdaCalculus37, oh, that is possible, but seems to be a bit too much for a music player :) |
17:00:09 | Richlv | i read that "In a bid to gain some street cred, SanDisk has contacted the Rockbox community to see if they would be interested in porting their software to the e200 series." |
17:00:30 | Richlv | that kinda puts sandisk on the "good" companies list, even though not all models are supported by rockbox |
17:01:07 | gevaerts | Richlv: that (and giving some players) is about all they've done though. No datasheets, no documentation... |
17:02:15 | scorche|sh | http://daniel.haxx.se/rockbox-sansa-connection.html |
17:03:09 | | Quit Zagor ("Client exiting") |
17:04:17 | Richlv | scorche|sh, 404 |
17:04:30 | scorche|sh | errrr |
17:04:37 | scorche|sh | http://daniel.haxx.se/rockbox-sandisk-connection.html |
17:10:49 | | Quit PaulJam (".") |
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17:17:38 | | Join MethoS [0] (n=lem@host-091-097-245-232.ewe-ip-backbone.de) |
17:18:43 | low_light | who can help me with the backlight fading defines? |
17:19:20 | low_light | the hdd1630 has both hw on/off and a separate brightness setting |
17:19:39 | * | mcuelenaere also needs help on those |
17:20:25 | low_light | confusing |
17:24:12 | low_light | hmm...the D2 seems similar and uses BACKLIGHT_FADING_SW_HW_REG |
17:25:36 | | Join flydutch [0] (n=flydutch@host16-162-dynamic.14-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) |
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18:27:16 | Beta2K | Anyone around who can help with a Gigabeat F? |
18:29:32 | | Join gregzx [0] (n=chatzill@dsq112.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) |
18:29:35 | LambdaCalculus37 | Beta2K: Fire away and let the answers come to you. |
18:30:22 | Beta2K | Is the ribon connector on the board pin compatible with ZIF HD cables? |
18:30:41 | Beta2K | I know the pitch isn't the same |
18:31:07 | Beta2K | But I have a ribon for a ZIF-LIF adapter here that adapts the pitch |
18:37:48 | | Join jaykay [0] (n=chatzill@p579E6709.dip.t-dialin.net) |
18:38:18 | | Quit sarixe ("Bye") |
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18:46:09 | | Join MethoS- [0] (n=lem@host-091-096-213-251.ewe-ip-backbone.de) |
18:48:45 | jaykay | Bigbambi: did you change anything in the manual since yesterday? |
18:56:35 | toffe82 | Beta2K: no |
18:57:19 | toffe82 | Beta2K: check the wiki , you need an adapter to install a zif drive in a F |
18:57:34 | | Join {phoenix} [0] (n=dirk@p54B47B5F.dip.t-dialin.net) |
18:58:02 | LambdaCalculus37 | The X has a ZIF connector for the hard drive, as does the S. The F is a pin connector. |
18:58:22 | LambdaCalculus37 | Beta2K: Did you break the cable that connects the hard drive to the mainboard? |
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19:01:46 | | Join massiveH_ [0] (n=massiveH@pool-71-187-243-102.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) |
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20:11:46 | | Quit bertrik_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
20:13:40 | BigBambi | jaykay: No, the pdfs I put on flyspray are the latest |
20:13:54 | jaykay | ok, thanks |
20:14:06 | BigBambi | jaykay: 9895 |
20:14:17 | | Join bertrik [0] (n=bertrik@ip117-49-211-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) |
20:16:15 | jaykay | why is the ipodvideo manual so much bigger than others? |
20:16:40 | gevaerts | bigger screenshots |
20:17:26 | jaykay | ok... |
20:19:37 | | Join pyro_maniac [0] (n=jens@77-21-68-46-dynip.superkabel.de) |
20:20:07 | linuxstb | BigBambi: Looking at the ipod video manual, I wouldn't agree with the "Supported hardware versions" section - "ipod video" is just the 5g/5.5g. I agree the Classic should be mentioned there though. |
20:21:54 | BigBambi | linuxstb: Yes, good point. I'll clarify what the 5/5.5g is |
20:22:11 | linuxstb | BigBambi: Another comment - s/If you have configured iTunes to/If iTunes is configured to/ But if we are writing "Ipod" we should also write "Itunes"... |
20:22:42 | BigBambi | linuxstb: Yep (I copy and pasted both of these :)) |
20:23:17 | linuxstb | Or maybe "If you have Itunes installed and it is configured to..." |
20:23:51 | | Nick fxb__ is now known as fxb (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) |
20:25:55 | * | jaykay got copy&paste between windows(host) and linux(guest) working... |
20:26:13 | jaykay | damned wrong channel, sorry |
20:27:12 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
20:28:05 | BigBambi | linuxstb: Perhaps "The Video is the 5th/5.5th generation Ipod only." and then the classic bit? |
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20:30:16 | * | linuxstb reads http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1353 and sees that Apple don't use the term "ipod video", just "iPod (5th generation)" and "iPod (5th generation late 2006)"... |
20:30:53 | BigBambi | linuxstb: And about iTunes, I guess so - I'm not a fan of Ipod, but if that is the decision then yes, I guess it hould be Itunes |
20:31:20 | BigBambi | linuxstb: Interesting (the naming), but that is a wider issue |
20:34:58 | | Nick massiveH_ is now known as massiveH (n=massiveH@pool-71-187-243-102.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) |
20:36:55 | jaykay | is the latest vmware image able to build manuals? |
20:37:26 | | Join casainho [0] (n=chatzill@87-196-49-32.net.novis.pt) |
20:37:51 | BigBambi | jaykay: I don't know, but it isn't very recent |
20:37:59 | BigBambi | I wouldn't be surprised if it couldn't |
20:38:59 | jaykay | the wiki says in VMwareDevelopmentPlatform "A new image is being distributed that enables to compile the manual", i dont know whether that means that the new image is already uploaded or just being created... |
20:39:28 | BigBambi | When was that written? |
20:39:53 | BigBambi | Easiest way is just to try it |
20:41:20 | | Join SirFunk [0] (n=Sir@208-15-25-145.netsync.net) |
20:41:40 | gevaerts | That line is old. In june 2007 the "What does this mean?" bit was removed after it |
20:42:08 | gevaerts | It was added in april 2006 |
20:46:28 | BigBambi | linuxstb: any other comments? |
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20:53:14 | | Join miepchen^schlaf [0] (n=miepel@p579EC8D1.dip.t-dialin.net) |
20:58:34 | pyro_maniac | hey there, I've got a problem. I compiled loff() into my build but I ve got no screen so could I enable debug in an other way? |
20:58:47 | pyro_maniac | *logf() |
20:59:25 | | Join SirFunk [0] (n=Sir@208-15-25-145.netsync.net) |
21:00 |
21:00:03 | gevaerts | pyro_maniac: you don't need to enable logf from any menu. You do need to enable it in all files where you want it actually used though |
21:00:09 | gevaerts | hm, or maybe you do... |
21:00:12 | | Quit nibbler_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
21:00:13 | * | gevaerts can't remember |
21:00:55 | gevaerts | pyro_maniac: IIRC low_light has done early logf to help get new ports going. Maybe he has useful advice |
21:01:11 | pyro_maniac | the wiki say I have to |
21:01:51 | gevaerts | then you have to. I wrote that bit... |
21:02:22 | gevaerts | however, it's probably easy to change the code a bit to enable it at all times |
21:02:45 | pyro_maniac | ok I will see |
21:04:06 | gevaerts | pyro_maniac: look in firmware/usb.c. Line 288 needs to be changed to USB_DRIVER_SERIAL I think |
21:05:25 | gevaerts | Either that or add a USB_DRIVER_SERIAL line if you want both mass storage and serial at the same time |
21:07:56 | pyro_maniac | ok I try USB_DRIVER_SERIAL first |
21:09:57 | gevaerts | pyro_maniac: don't forget the appropriate vendor= and product= parameters for the usbserial module |
21:11:12 | pyro_maniac | gevaerts: there are the parameters of the h10. this should work |
21:12:10 | gevaerts | they need to match whatever is in the config_*.h you're using, so if you're doing a h10 build the h10 numbers should work, yes |
21:14:16 | | Quit Baw (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
21:18:05 | pyro_maniac | hmm, there is still no ttyUSB |
21:18:34 | | Quit PaulJam (".") |
21:18:59 | gevaerts | does lsusb show something? |
21:19:23 | | Quit lymeca (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
21:19:39 | pyro_maniac | jepp, there is a h10 in the list |
21:23:18 | gevaerts | hm |
21:23:29 | pyro_maniac | even after reregister the module in the kernel |
21:24:23 | gevaerts | can you run lsusb -v -d <the h10's vendor/device ID> and pastebin the output? |
21:24:40 | bertrik | are the ondas supposed to compile cleanly yet? |
21:25:11 | gevaerts | bertrik: I seem to remember mcuelenaere saying that they need a newer gcc that produces lots of warnings |
21:26:09 | mcuelenaere | yes + the code is not really clean |
21:27:09 | bertrik | I get a lot of link errors for the 747 and a missing CPUFREQ_NORMAL compile error for the 767 |
21:27:37 | mcuelenaere | well the 767 probably won't compile currently |
21:27:46 | mcuelenaere | there's still a lot of code in my local tree which is uncommitted |
21:28:14 | pyro_maniac | gevaerts: is there any other then pastebin? I can't connect to pastebin |
21:28:33 | bertrik | ok. I was just trying to compile some various targets. |
21:28:40 | mcuelenaere | ah ok |
21:28:49 | * | mcuelenaere was just going to ask that :) |
21:29:18 | gevaerts | pyro_maniac: lots of them. pastebin.ca may work today |
21:29:26 | * | bertrik only has sansas |
21:30:35 | pyro_maniac | gevaerts: http://pastebin.ca/1335249 |
21:33:04 | gevaerts | pyro_maniac: that clearly only has the CHARGING_ONLY interface. try replacing the USB_DRIVER_CHARGING_ONLY on line 275 with USB_DRIVER_SERIAL |
21:34:56 | | Join fml [0] (n=4fd3cccb@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-d40bf2108ce09999) |
21:38:09 | fml | Hello. Any FS admins here? Please add FS #9879 and FS #9881 as related tasks to FS #8934 (and vice versa) since the two former patches implement some aspects of the latter (toggling the light and quitting). What remains is the main purpose of FS #8934 −− many colours which should reasonably be a separate patch. |
21:43:27 | | Join tessarakt [0] (n=jens@e180080122.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
21:43:56 | pyro_maniac | gevaerts: can you tell me where you have seen, that the device is in charging mode only? |
21:44:58 | gevaerts | pyro_maniac: it has a single interface which is Vendor Specific. That's our charging only driver |
21:45:58 | gevaerts | pyro_maniac: also, it would help if you didn't paste some weird unicode character before my nick. It prevents my irc client from properly waking me up :) |
21:46:15 | | Quit fml ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
21:48:24 | pyro_maniac | gevaerts: sorry for the unicode. http://pastebin.ca/1335276 here is the new lsusb but still no ttyUSB |
21:49:00 | gevaerts | pyro_maniac: it is better though "CDC Data |
21:49:09 | gevaerts | " is USB-speak for "serial" |
21:50:02 | pyro_maniac | hmm maybe my system is miss something? |
21:50:56 | gevaerts | are you running "modprobe usbserial vendor=0x0b70 product=0x00ba" ? |
21:51:12 | pyro_maniac | yes |
21:51:30 | gevaerts | Maybe first rmmod usbserial to make sure. Maybe there's still one loaded so the new parameters don't stick? |
21:51:56 | gevaerts | It should see the device... |
21:54:12 | pyro_maniac | gevaerts: Feb 12 21:52:27 obiwan kernel: [ 4157.836892] usbcore: deregistering interface driver usbserial_generic |
21:54:12 | pyro_maniac | Feb 12 21:52:27 obiwan kernel: [ 4157.836949] /build/buildd/linux-2.6.24/drivers/usb/serial/usb-serial.c: USB Serial deregistering driver generic |
21:54:12 | pyro_maniac | Feb 12 21:52:27 obiwan kernel: [ 4157.836981] usbcore: deregistering interface driver usbserial |
21:54:56 | pyro_maniac | sorry that should only show that I deregistered and registered it |
21:55:22 | pyro_maniac | now I have got ttyUSB0 |
21:55:34 | gevaerts | great! |
21:56:42 | | Join xxMaEstrOxx [0] (n=4dfe1f7e@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-603b1f36c07b41f1) |
21:56:54 | pyro_maniac | gevaerts: after the cu command only comes "Connected." and nothing else. what can I do now? |
21:56:55 | | Join aaYOJIaa [0] (n=4dfe1f7e@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-67f2899d331f4da3) |
21:56:59 | gevaerts | Now you just have to enable logf() everywhere you want output. |
21:57:08 | | Quit aaYOJIaa (Client Quit) |
21:57:55 | gevaerts | You do that by defining LOGF_ENABLE *before* including logf.h. See firmware/usbstack/usb_core.c for an example |
21:58:42 | | Quit LambdaCalculus37 ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
21:58:45 | gevaerts | You can also add some sort of commands to firmware/usbstack/usb_serial.c. Look for the TODO comment in there |
21:59:12 | gevaerts | hm, also you need to enable logf in configure... |
21:59:26 | * | gevaerts forgot almost all necessary steps |
22:00 |
22:00:00 | pyro_maniac | hmm ok |
22:00:09 | pyro_maniac | I will have a look |
22:00:27 | pyro_maniac | thanks for help |
22:00:38 | gevaerts | Once you have the basics working you can start adding lots and lots of debug output :) |
22:01:19 | pyro_maniac | and how can I ema |
22:01:22 | pyro_maniac | ena |
22:01:26 | pyro_maniac | arrg |
22:01:39 | pyro_maniac | how can I enable logf in configure? |
22:01:41 | gevaerts | choose "advanced" |
22:02:04 | pyro_maniac | ok |
22:02:08 | | Quit xxMaEstrOxx ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
22:03:21 | | Join akur [0] (n=akur@bl9-155-188.dsl.telepac.pt) |
22:03:22 | mcuelenaere | pyro_maniac: or just change #undef ROCKBOX_HAS_LOGF to #define ROCKBOX_HAS_LOGF in your autoconf.h |
22:03:40 | | Part akur |
22:04:26 | | Quit moos (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
22:04:44 | pyro_maniac | and this enables logf in alle components? |
22:05:08 | casainho | hello :-) |
22:05:45 | casainho | I am getting a panicf "Stkov main" but I can't find it on the code... can someone please tell me where is it? |
22:05:51 | mcuelenaere | pyro_maniac: no, for that you'll need to edit logf.h |
22:05:59 | mcuelenaere | but I don't recommend doing that, it gives a lot of clutter |
22:06:01 | casainho | and why I am getting this panicf? |
22:06:12 | mcuelenaere | casainho: that means you're having a Stack overflow |
22:06:17 | gevaerts | pyro_maniac: no. It just enables the mechanism. If you want to enable it for all files I'd add "-DLOGF_ENABLE" to EXTRA_DEFINES in the makefile. Be prepared for huge amounts of output then though |
22:06:24 | mcuelenaere | casaainho: it's in thread.c or kernel.c |
22:07:02 | casainho | mcuelenaere: can you please guess why my stack is overflow? |
22:07:04 | * | gevaerts has done this global enabling once to see what would happen. It's a good way to stresstest usb serial |
22:07:10 | casainho | mcuelenaere: thanks :-) |
22:07:33 | mcuelenaere | perhaps something wrong in the way you set up your stack or something with thread switching? |
22:09:16 | casainho | is this line responsible for the test?: if (UNLIKELY(thread->stack[0] != DEADBEEF)) |
22:09:49 | pyro_maniac | gevaerts: is it that much that you can stress the usb serial? I have much time at the weekend so I will try to look at it |
22:10:26 | | Join xxMaEstrOxx [0] (n=4dfe1f7e@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-b5e39d2104ef1d6f) |
22:10:30 | xxMaEstrOxx | Hello ;) |
22:10:32 | mcuelenaere | casainho: yes |
22:10:35 | gevaerts | pyro_maniac: it should work fine actually. It's just way too much to make sense of |
22:11:42 | | Quit {phoenix} (Remote closed the connection) |
22:12:46 | pyro_maniac | gevaerts: now I am exited but I still hope to get this device ported with my small skills |
22:13:04 | xxMaEstrOxx | I compile Sansa fuze rockbox with bootloader |
22:13:22 | xxMaEstrOxx | its not dangerus whane I upload this to my fuze? |
22:13:35 | xxMaEstrOxx | *sorry, when |
22:14:50 | casainho | mcuelenaere: ok, I will see my C Startup, since there the stack is deadbeefed :-) |
22:15:23 | mcuelenaere | I'm not sure whether the problem is in your C startup as this should have appeared sooner in that case, shouldn't it? |
22:17:05 | casainho | yes, thats true... but I was having some problems here and I changed my app.lds scritp... |
22:17:31 | | Join dfkt_dt [0] (i=dfkt@unaffiliated/dfkt) |
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22:27:13 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
22:28:10 | pyro_maniac | gevaerts: how can I read out the device? or have I to set some debugs? |
22:28:36 | xxMaEstrOxx | hello |
22:29:08 | gevaerts | pyro_maniac: logf() output should get sent to the serial link, so cu should show the output. Anything more you'll have to build yourself |
22:29:20 | casainho | mcuelenaere: oh, stackoverflow problem is gone :-) |
22:29:33 | mcuelenaere | how did you solve it? |
22:29:42 | casainho | mcuelenaere: I can see the main menu on LCD, however, "bricked" :-) |
22:29:53 | mcuelenaere | that's nice :) |
22:30:06 | casainho | well, I did copy the code from Sansa V2 and I had to adapt for my case |
22:30:12 | xxMaEstrOxx | I have a problem, i compile Sansa Fuze Rockbox with Bootloader |
22:30:23 | xxMaEstrOxx | thats a not dangerus when i load this RB to fuze? |
22:30:48 | pyro_maniac | gevaerts: so a have to send something to logf and that automaticaly send it via cu? because until now there came nothing after "Connected." |
22:30:51 | xxMaEstrOxx | i only like to play a games, i know, music don;t work |
22:31:07 | casainho | now I can see on LCD "BAterry empty! - RECHARGE - shuting down... :-( −− but this screen is ok... and the main menu weren't... why? |
22:31:54 | mcuelenaere | yes, I have that too on my Onda |
22:32:02 | mcuelenaere | that's because there's something wrong with battery management |
22:32:09 | mcuelenaere | you're giving a too low value |
22:32:13 | krazykit | xxMaEstrOxx, it's possible that it's dangerous, as (as i recall) there's no recovery mode. |
22:32:17 | xxMaEstrOxx | casainho, did you have a RB for your Sansa V2 firmware? |
22:32:23 | casainho | I just have empty stubs on battery management... |
22:32:28 | xxMaEstrOxx | i know that |
22:32:32 | xxMaEstrOxx | but only for games |
22:32:32 | mcuelenaere | then you'll need to implement them |
22:32:39 | casainho | xxMaEstrOxx: no, no!!!!! |
22:32:44 | gevaerts | pyro_maniac: that's what *should* happen, yes. I haven't tried usb logf in a while though |
22:32:54 | xxMaEstrOxx | why? |
22:33:11 | gevaerts | xxMaEstrOxx: the Fuze port is not at all ready for end users yet |
22:33:23 | casainho | xxMaEstrOxx: I don't have a Sansa V2, I don't care about it... |
22:34:04 | xxMaEstrOxx | i must know that because i have a finished firmware and bootloade |
22:34:16 | pyro_maniac | gevaerts: so thanks again until here. now I will try to learn it and get this running. |
22:34:49 | xxMaEstrOxx | My friend compile Sansa Clip RB, music don;t work, but games work good |
22:35:45 | casainho | xxMaEstrOxx: I am working on my own hardware player :-) : http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/RockboxPlayer |
22:35:46 | | Quit dfkt (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
22:35:58 | gevaerts | pyro_maniac: my next step would something like changing usb_serial.c to add usb_serial_send() |
22:36:20 | xxMaEstrOxx | Ulala, nice work casainho!! |
22:36:31 | gevaerts | pyro_maniac: my next step would something like changing usb_serial.c to add usb_serial_send("test\n",5); to usb_serial_transfer_complete() at the TODO marker. Then press enter some times in cu and see if you get anything back |
22:36:42 | xxMaEstrOxx | rockbox and 24hours life battery....:D |
22:37:44 | xxMaEstrOxx | anybody work for sansa fuze here? |
22:37:49 | jhMikeS | gevaerts: go tap on your metronome now! |
22:37:53 | pyro_maniac | gevaerts: ok I will try this at next |
22:37:58 | rwong | 18 hours on my sansa e280 is already too much lol |
22:38:06 | casainho | xxMaEstrOxx: eheh :-) −− I hope that in the end it will have batteries :-) |
22:38:16 | scorche | xxMaEstrOxx: the port is mainly for developers only at the moment and isnt ready for end users as we have trying to tell you... |
22:38:19 | rwong | i always end up plugging it in to add some songs or scrobble to last.fm before i use up 18 hours :( |
22:38:19 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (n=thunderc@cpc3-hem18-0-0-cust53.lutn.cable.ntl.com) |
22:39:19 | xxMaEstrOxx | ok i understand |
22:39:41 | xxMaEstrOxx | bu games not work fine? Any Plugin Etc? |
22:39:50 | xxMaEstrOxx | That version Like a crash sometimes? |
22:39:50 | | Quit massiveH ("Leaving") |
22:42:23 | gevaerts | jhMikeS: now if I were actually a metronome user... ;) |
22:43:53 | jhMikeS | well, become one :) |
22:44:24 | gevaerts | xxMaEstrOxx: as long as it's not declared ready for end users, there won't be a tested bootloader, and any revision could break the bootloader so that it bricks the device. |
22:45:17 | xxMaEstrOxx | ohoho, nice |
22:45:55 | xxMaEstrOxx | But Beta rb for CLIP work fine, my friend compile that |
22:46:18 | Llorean | It's not beta. It's just incomplete. |
22:46:35 | gevaerts | nice has nothing to do with it. It's a basic fact. For supported players where a bad bootloader bricks the device we release a carefully tested binary bootloader. Any other bootloaders are dangerous |
22:46:41 | Llorean | It may work fine sometimes, but other times is may not work at all, or cause damage to your files or the player. |
22:47:56 | casainho | I would like to share the first images of firmware: |
22:47:57 | casainho | http://rockboxplayer.googlecode.com/svn-history/r212/trunk/images/20090212-recharge.jpg |
22:48:18 | casainho | this one should be the main menu: |
22:48:20 | casainho | http://rockboxplayer.googlecode.com/svn-history/r212/trunk/images/20090212-main_menu_with_problems.jpg |
22:48:33 | casainho | can someone please guess why it isn't correct? |
22:48:43 | Mode | "#rockbox +o logbot " by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) |
22:49:17 | xxMaEstrOxx | LCD driver? |
22:49:56 | bertrik | the lcd width setting seems incorrect, causing each line to be skewed with respect to the previous one |
22:50:20 | casainho | bertrik: thanks. |
22:50:43 | n1s | Unhelpful: around? |
22:50:49 | casainho | but, why other images works correctly? like the show_logo()? |
22:50:59 | Unhelpful | n1s: for the moment. something i can help with? :) |
22:51:11 | bertrik | casainho, good question, I don't know |
22:51:21 | casainho | well, there is one question... |
22:51:36 | casainho | my LCD drivers draws 2 pixels at a time... |
22:52:00 | casainho | is there a chance that driver needs to draw 1 pixel at a time? |
22:52:02 | | Join akur1 [0] (n=akur@bl6-149-239.dsl.telepac.pt) |
22:52:06 | n1s | Unhelpful: no, just a thought: if performance is important (or an issue) in the pictureflow plugin it might be worth building with more compiler optimizations like O2 |
22:52:08 | bertrik | maybe the problems occurs only when you blit something smaller than the screen width |
22:52:39 | | Join HellDragon [0] (n=jd@modemcable022.187-203-24.mc.videotron.ca) |
22:53:12 | Unhelpful | n1s: ah! i assume it's building with -Os? it's able to render 35+ fps on my e200, which is the slowest thing i have |
22:53:43 | casainho | my pacth is here, can some one give a look at the LCD driver? http://code.google.com/p/rockboxplayer/source/browse/trunk/rockbox_patch/20090211-rockbox_player-r19939.patch |
22:53:44 | n1s | well, it uses the same O as the core build so that is Os for coldfire and plain O for arm |
22:54:10 | n1s | only plugins with their own makefiles change compiler flags now |
22:54:23 | | Part akur1 |
22:54:23 | n1s | s/change/use their own/ |
22:55:26 | Unhelpful | at some point, i should clean up my "accurate frames-rendered-per-second patch", and have somebody try it out on other targets. |
22:56:46 | amiconn | Is the pf-for-non-aa-targets patch committed now? |
22:56:50 | jhMikeS | hopefully picture flow performance isn't lagging on the S |
22:57:02 | amiconn | (i.e. does the m:robe100 now have pf?) |
22:57:37 | Unhelpful | amiconn: yes, i did that a week or two ago, i think... before i started on the renderer rewrite |
22:58:23 | jhMikeS | just turn it into open GL, it'll be much easier if you just use a standard library :p |
22:59:03 | * | Unhelpful isn't coding opengl sw rendering for *any* of our targets :P |
22:59:04 | | Quit xxMaEstrOxx ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
22:59:27 | n1s | come on, it'll be fun! |
22:59:33 | gevaerts | Unhelpful: the S may be able to do hw rendering! |
23:00 |
23:00:06 | amiconn | So the remaining todo is to remove the buffering api dependency |
23:00:11 | Unhelpful | gevaerts: i thought the S had the variant with only image processing... |
23:00:37 | jhMikeS | gevaerts: nope, IMX31 has the accelerator but the IMX31L doesn't |
23:01:36 | gevaerts | jhMikeS: are they pin compatible? Maybe you can mod your beast? |
23:01:40 | Unhelpful | imx31 *can* accelerat most of mpeg1/2 though, i think? |
23:01:52 | | Quit maddler (Connection timed out) |
23:02:13 | | Quit pyro_maniac ("Leaving.") |
23:02:39 | jhMikeS | gevaerts: Then after that, all I need to do is RE the binary-only MBX driver. eek! But, yes, they are. |
23:02:55 | n1s | "someone" should implement tv out on the beast so we can use that accelerated mpeg playback for HD video? |
23:03:01 | n1s | s/?/!/ |
23:03:16 | jhMikeS | someone is planning it |
23:03:38 | n1s | ooh? |
23:04:02 | jhMikeS | MPEG decoding is still SW, color "conversion" (if you could call a native YUV framebuffer that) is what's in HW |
23:05:01 | Unhelpful | jhMikeS: i thought the IPU had IDCT and some mocomp support? and i know it had some deblock/denoise filters, those would be nice to use, as well |
23:05:09 | n1s | that color "conversion" is taking a fair bit of cpu cycles, right? |
23:05:25 | jhMikeS | hmmm, if it does, how'd did I miss that one? |
23:05:38 | amiconn | YUV->RGB conversion is what kills video performance on the Grt5 |
23:05:43 | amiconn | Ehh, G5 |
23:05:57 | jhMikeS | YUV->RGB is about 50% of video frame decoding time |
23:06:22 | jhMikeS | maybe a bit less but it's not insignificant |
23:06:41 | Unhelpful | jhMikeS: i could be wrong. the docs i saw were unclear and sometimes contradictory, with thing said like "can decode AVC without any CPU usage" and then "can accelerate the loop filter of AVC, with the rest of decoding performed on CPU" |
23:06:53 | bertrik | casainho, maybe you need to handle odd widths too in the lcd_update_rect function |
23:07:20 | Unhelpful | n1s: it involves quite a few multiplies, and also saturated math :/ |
23:07:50 | jhMikeS | Unhelpful: I've hardly had a thorough read of the IPU stuff yet. |
23:08:33 | Unhelpful | jhMikeS: the doc i saw had no real details on programming the IPU, and swung wildly back and forth between reading like a spec sheet, and like an absurdly enthusiastic piece of marketing. |
23:08:55 | jhMikeS | Unhelpful: Largely I'd say freescale didn't want you to succeed in programming an IMX31 device without paying them given the state of the docs. |
23:10:11 | | Join MethoS [0] (n=lem@host-091-096-209-050.ewe-ip-backbone.de) |
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23:14:59 | jhMikeS | Unhelpful: MCIMX31RM.pdf is the one with IPU details (internal memory formats and such). |
23:15:50 | Unhelpful | ah. well, if that one says nothing about IDCT or mocomp, i'm guessing either we can't do it, or we can't do it without paying them |
23:16:50 | jhMikeS | I'm just not aware of that being part of it. There's an MPEG-4 encoder and deblocking functionality. |
23:18:25 | bertrik | casainho, the *addr++ doesn't look quite right |
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23:39:29 | kugel | low_light (for the logs): I guess I'm the man to ask about se backlight fading |
23:39:40 | kugel | sw* |
23:42:09 | domonoky1 | bertrik: wouldnt "*addr++;" increment the content of addr, instead of moving the pointer ? |
23:42:59 | Bagder | no |
23:43:55 | Bagder | it'll return the contents of *addr and then increase the pointer |
23:44:23 | domonoky1 | ah, which is nice if you dont use the content :-) |
23:44:46 | Bagder | then it is just weird ;-) |
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23:46:06 | casainho | okok - I will remove the "*"... |
23:46:22 | casainho | domonoky is being help me with this code :-) |
23:46:41 | bertrik | and you need the increment addr _after_ you used it to retrieve a pixel |
23:47:44 | casainho | ok, it works on the same way |
23:48:39 | casainho | bertrik: see here last version: http://pastebin.com/m315647ba |
23:48:54 | casainho | I think domonoky alread told me to do that and is ok now.... |
23:49:30 | bertrik | casainho, so it works now? |
23:49:55 | bertrik | I mean, you can see the main menu correct now? |
23:50:40 | casainho | yes I can |
23:51:04 | casainho | but, because ofthis hack: x = 0; y = 0; width = LCD_WIDTH; height = LCD_HEIGHT; |
23:51:13 | casainho | domonoky told me that ;-) |
23:51:50 | Bagder | that update loop certainly has room for improvements, speedwise |
23:52:41 | bertrik | casainho, oh so you're not really doing partial screen updates, but always a full screen update. It's a lot slower, but it works :) |
23:52:53 | casainho | looks like so |
23:53:05 | casainho | I have another problems to resolve |
23:53:20 | casainho | like, the firmware do not working if loaded by the bootloader |
23:53:46 | casainho | 2nd - we don't have buttons nor audio hardware nor drivers... |
23:55:19 | casainho | well, I am sure everyone knows very well the main menu, but here it goes ;-) |
23:55:21 | casainho | http://rockboxplayer.googlecode.com/svn-history/r213/trunk/images/20090212-main_menu.jpg |
23:55:24 | Bagder | of course that can do rect updates, it doesn't set the x,y positions properly between with width-full |
23:55:29 | Bagder | can't |
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23:56:19 | Bagder | it moves the read pointer but not the output position |
23:56:35 | bertrik | output position? |
23:56:47 | Bagder | like if you update 25% of a width |
23:57:17 | bertrik | I assume it's auto-incrementing and wrapping within the window set up earlier |
23:57:37 | Bagder | right, but it needs to be "moved" between each pixel row of 25% width |
23:58:08 | Bagder | which is why this works fine for 100% width |
23:58:23 | bertrik | no, I don't think it has to, would be terribly efficient, but I haven't read much of the controller datasheet I admit |
23:58:31 | bertrik | *inefficient |
23:58:55 | Bagder | but how would the lcd know where on the screen the pixel is? |