00:01:36 | bluebrother | I haven't figured what exactly was different with the old rbutilqt.php. I bet it's possible as it worked in the past. |
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00:02:06 | bluebrother | though I stumbled across several minor issues. The theme installation didn't got any love for quite some time now. |
00:02:19 | rasher | True, probably better to just fix what comes up |
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00:26:18 | bluebrother | hmm. Shouldn't the RockboxPlayer wiki page get renamed now that the project is called Lyre? |
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00:33:33 | n1s | I think FS #10040 sounds quite more like a support question than a bug, do we have a policy on these things? |
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00:38:55 | bluebrother | n1s: simple: no support in the tracker. This definitely is a support question. |
00:39:28 | gevaerts | rasher: I have, yes (itunes 7.7 on osx 10.3). It's weird. |
00:39:36 | n1s | bluebrother: ok, that's what i though, will close it and tell him to go to forum/ml/ircd |
00:39:41 | n1s | -d |
00:39:59 | * | n1s is too slow :) |
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01:27:00 | plutonian | why is it that every 1 in 20 or so times I unpause playback on my ipod I get weird static and other high pitched noises? |
01:28:38 | rasher | Which build are you running? |
01:29:14 | plutonian | r20222-090306 |
01:29:33 | rasher | Try with a current build, I believe something related to this was fixed recently |
01:29:57 | | Quit taylor___ ("Leaving") |
01:31:48 | mc2739 | bertrik: e200v2 charging test complete - FS #9968 updated |
01:32:26 | bertrik | yes I noticed, thanks for testing! |
01:32:52 | mc2739 | you're welcome - glad to help |
01:33:14 | bertrik | it seems the battery voltage reported is accurate, although it is a little higher than the 4.2V configured in the charger |
01:34:10 | bertrik | the constant voltage phase of charging can take a while, so it probably wasn't completely done charging when you disconnected |
01:34:33 | bertrik | did you notice anything weird during testing? |
01:34:55 | bertrik | the player shouldn't get hot for example |
01:35:25 | mc2739 | no, in fact the player did not seem to be as hot as when charging with OF |
01:35:52 | plutonian | looks like it is fixed in the newest build |
01:35:55 | plutonian | I wonder what was wrong |
01:35:57 | | Join robin0800 [0] (n=quassel@general-ld-216.t-mobile.co.uk) |
01:36:47 | n1s | plutonian: you can check the svn logs, they should contain descriptions of the changes that have gone in since that rev. |
01:37:03 | | Quit lymeca (SendQ exceeded) |
01:37:16 | bertrik | plutonian, recently the use of DMA was introduced for playback (making it a bit more efficient) and some bugs were fixed in that |
01:37:44 | | Quit robin0800 (Remote closed the connection) |
01:37:47 | bertrik | mc2739, cool :) |
01:38:21 | bertrik | by the way, you can use the battery bench plugin for monitoring the charging process too |
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03:58:46 | doomwake | how do i put songs and video on my ipod without itunes and beable to see them in the ipod firware? |
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03:59:33 | scorche|sh | doomwake: once again, this channel is about rockbox and only rockbox |
04:00 |
04:00:39 | doomwake | isnt rockbox how your able to do that? |
04:00:45 | scorche|sh | no |
04:01:31 | scorche|sh | rockbox is a replacement firmware for the ipod and other devices...not a computer program |
04:02:10 | doomwake | ok |
04:02:14 | doomwake | well thanks |
04:04:18 | | Quit ZincAlloy ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
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04:06:37 | doomwake | do i have to get a plugin to watch videos with rockbox? |
04:07:02 | scorche|sh | the plugin is included |
04:07:07 | evilnick_ | doomwake: It's a plugin, so you have to "play" each file |
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04:07:49 | evilnick_ | rockbox plays mpeg2 video, not the Apple iPod firmware format though |
04:08:14 | doomwake | o ok that was the matter |
04:09:01 | doomwake | is there a plug in to read .avi cause that what format that all my videos are in? |
04:09:24 | scorche|sh | avi is not a format |
04:09:34 | | Quit efyx (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
04:09:38 | evilnick_ | No, you'd be best converting your videos to mpeg2 |
04:09:53 | evilnick_ | (at the required dimensions/bitrate/etc) |
04:10:01 | doomwake | o ok |
04:10:05 | doomwake | well thanks |
04:10:38 | | Join lymeca [0] (n=lymeca@unaffiliated/lymeca) |
04:10:53 | doomwake | o yeah 1 more thing is there a boot loader out there so i can select to do to rockbox or ipod firware on start up? |
04:11:23 | evilnick_ | doomwake: Possibly, but if you use that then you wouldn't be able to get support from here/the rockbox forums |
04:11:42 | evilnick_ | As you'd be running code that isn't from rockbox |
04:11:53 | evilnick_ | doomwake: Here's more info on converting your videos: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/PluginMpegplayer#How_To_Encode_Files |
04:11:54 | doomwake | what i mean is thre a rockbox one |
04:12:08 | doomwake | i know how to enocde videos |
04:12:13 | doomwake | but thanks |
04:12:33 | krazykit | the rockbox bootloader lets you choose. it's just not a menu, it's a button press. the manual can be more specific |
04:12:47 | evilnick_ | You can load the OF by switching Hold on after booting up the iPod, but there's no bootloader per se |
04:12:56 | | Nick JdGordon|afk is now known as JdGordon (n=jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) |
04:13:12 | doomwake | yeah i knowthat i read the manual |
04:13:42 | doomwake | i dont like the hold switch cause you have to flip really fast or it loaded rock box |
04:13:50 | doomwake | but its works i guess |
04:13:55 | evilnick_ | What generation iPod do you have? |
04:14:01 | doomwake | 5g |
04:14:05 | doomwake | video |
04:14:11 | doomwake | 30g |
04:14:22 | evilnick_ | Do you have rockbox installed right now? |
04:14:29 | doomwake | yep |
04:14:35 | doomwake | and patch |
04:14:51 | evilnick_ | and patch? What do you mean? |
04:15:10 | doomwake | theres a patch right for the boot laoder |
04:15:48 | evilnick_ | What does the patch do? |
04:15:58 | doomwake | i dont know i guess runs it better |
04:16:20 | doomwake | ipod_patcher |
04:16:47 | | Part wincent ("Kopete 0.12.7 : http://kopete.kde.org") |
04:16:49 | doomwake | it cam from here i though it was rock box |
04:16:50 | doomwake | http://uploads.lamezz.com/rockbox/ |
04:18:13 | evilnick_ | Well, if you want to have support then please use the official tools (all at rockbox.org). |
04:18:57 | doomwake | k |
04:19:00 | evilnick_ | I can tell you that using the official bootloader (installed with rbutil) I have about 3 seconds to enable the Hold switch after turning my ipod video on, so I'd recommend that route |
04:19:33 | doomwake | i wait tell the apple comes up should i do it before that |
04:21:15 | evilnick_ | The apple logo is displayed BEFORE the backlight comes on, try tilting the iPod so that you can read the screen. |
04:21:33 | doomwake | o ok thanks |
04:22:53 | doomwake | does the game boy emlator come on the rock box all ready? |
04:23:23 | scorche|sh | doomwake: yes...for the last time, read the manual... |
04:23:42 | | Join midgey_ [0] (n=tjross@ |
04:24:26 | evilnick_ | Yes, it's a viewer so you can "play" .gb or .gbc files. As scorche says, we do have a fine manual, and all these questions are answered there. It'd be appreciated if you have a thorough read of that, as a lot of people spent a long time writing it. |
04:37:56 | evilnick_ | Can you see the video when the iPod is connected to your computer? |
04:38:11 | | Part toffe82 |
04:38:17 | doomwake | yeah |
04:40:10 | evilnick_ | So which folder is that in? Try playing it with a media player on your computer (while the iPod is still connected) to make sure it plays properly. |
04:41:22 | doomwake | yeah it does i ran it from the i from on my pc |
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04:43:44 | evilnick_ | OK, so we now know that the video has been successfully converted as you can play it using your computer's media player. That's useful to know. |
04:44:18 | krazykit | not really. it could still be the wrong format. |
04:44:44 | evilnick_ | You *should* be able to disconnect the iPod and then using Rockbox, find the video file, and click the centre button on it. |
04:44:50 | doomwake | i used the vlc .bat converter on the manul |
04:48:19 | midgey_ | gevaerts: weird in what way? |
04:49:27 | doomwake | in what way did i use it i drag and drop the file over the bat and it converted |
04:50:42 | evilnick_ | doomwake: How long is the video that you converted? And how long did it take to convert? Did you see vlc start up, then the progress bar go from left to right? |
04:51:50 | doomwake | yeah its like 30sec |
04:52:00 | doomwake | it did not take very long |
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04:53:52 | doomwake | to install it i used the rbutilqt.exe thing does that make a diffents |
04:55:32 | FlynDice | can someone tell me if I should be able to find the address of the framebuffer in rockbox.map and if not what's the best way? |
04:56:18 | evilnick_ | doomwake: That won't make a difference. So, what I understand is that you connected the iPod to your computer, then drag and dropped a video file (approx. 30 seconds long) over the .bat file so that it'd be converted to the correct format. Is that right? If so, was the ORIGINAL video located on the iPod or on your computer? |
04:59:00 | | Join moos [0] (i=Mustapha@rockbox/staff/moos) |
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05:01:27 | | Join BleuLlama [0] (n=yorgle@65-37-10-247.nrp2.roc.ny.frontiernet.net) |
05:01:51 | BleuLlama | < scorche|sh> Rockbox is good, but nowehre near as good as ipodlinux |
05:02:01 | BleuLlama | just thought you all should know he said that. |
05:02:31 | FlynDice | er never mind found it |
05:02:37 | scorche|sh | i like the character transposition...it is much more believeable that i said it =O |
05:03:12 | * | BleuLlama attempts to promote the ficticious ipodlinux-vs-rockbox feud |
05:03:14 | BleuLlama | ;) |
05:06:09 | courtc | Was there feud? Oh, I get it now. |
05:06:53 | courtc | Yea, scorche was totally ragging on how much rockbox steals all of their code. |
05:08:11 | * | scorche|sh reminds BleuLlama and courtc that rockbox is the opposite of ipl's main channel/dev-channel arrangement and the social channel is at #rockbox-community |
05:08:28 | courtc | oh. |
05:10:44 | | Quit moos ("Rockbox rules the DAP world") |
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05:16:45 | doomwake | i had it on pc |
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05:20:31 | doomwake | is rock box the best altrative out there? |
05:22:13 | courtc | No, and don't let anyone, especially scorche tell you differently. |
05:23:10 | evilnick_ | doomwake: Rockbox is IMHO the best for playing music. iPodlinux is the best for being linux. iPod OF is the best for playing video as it can use a chip that doesn't have documentation available. |
05:23:51 | | Join dockimble_ [0] (n=dockimbl@ |
05:24:14 | doomwake | what about iwiz |
05:24:56 | doomwake | ipodwizard |
05:26:14 | doomwake | and what do u mean about ipod of is that another one |
05:26:25 | doomwake | nevermind |
05:26:51 | evilnick_ | I believe that ipodwizard simply skins the Apple firmware. Anyway, that is offtopic for here. Ipod OF = Original Firmware (i.e. what is loaded by default if you buy an iPod from a store) |
05:27:18 | doomwake | yeah if figure it out |
05:27:19 | doomwake | lol |
05:28:46 | BleuLlama | seeya. you're all doing great work. :) |
05:28:49 | | Part BleuLlama |
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05:42:09 | doomwake | is there a way to rip files from an ipod |
05:42:12 | doomwake | ? |
05:42:26 | courtc | Drag n' Drop. |
05:42:57 | doomwake | is there a way to rip the music on an ipod put on by itunes |
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05:53:13 | jhulst | JdGordon: You had mentioned that you had further comments on my SOC application, do you have time to talk about it now? |
05:55:27 | JdGordon | na, dw... i changed my mind |
05:59:28 | jhulst | alright |
06:00 |
06:01:11 | jhulst | For anybody else that is interested, I'm planning on applying for SOC. The draft of my application is at http://jhulst.com/rockboxApp.txt I'd appreciate any comments or suggestions |
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07:15:39 | bluefoxx__ | OK, so I have a sansa e200, which is currently running a year old version of kugel build, since it has the menus and all that the way i liked them. i just tried to upgrade to the latest release and its crashing on usb connection and the screen goes all screwy, with the picture 'bleeding' |
07:15:52 | bluefoxx__ | any suggestions? |
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07:26:21 | evilnick_ | How did you upgrade? |
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07:30:23 | bluefoxx__ | renamed the old folder in case something stupid like this happened and unzipped the folder from the latest version onto the player, than reinstalled the bootloader |
07:31:02 | evilnick_ | bluefoxx__: Cool, that sounds wise. The only other thing I'd suggest would be to reset settings on boot |
07:31:22 | bluefoxx__ | its using the stock ones |
07:31:53 | evilnick_ | bluefoxx__: When you say "latest release" which page are you referring to? |
07:32:03 | evilnick_ | Where did you download it? |
07:32:03 | bluefoxx__ | it just crashes and bleeds bits of the usb logo vertically accross the screen |
07:32:13 | bluefoxx__ | http://download.rockbox.org/release/3.1/rockbox-sansae200-3.1.zip |
07:32:41 | bluefoxx__ | http://download.rockbox.org/bootloader/sandisk-sansa/sansapatcher/win32/sansapatcher.exe |
07:32:46 | bluefoxx__ | those two |
07:33:04 | evilnick_ | bluefoxx__: I would recommend using the latest version from here: http://build.rockbox.org/ as that has native rockbox USB support |
07:33:55 | evilnick_ | (that is my personal recommendation, I'm not speaking on behalf of Rockbox - that's what I use) |
07:33:58 | bluefoxx__ | that is the latest version i've got |
07:34:07 | bluefoxx__ | 3.1 is the one its running |
07:34:46 | evilnick_ | 3.1 is the latest *release* - the URL I gave is updated multiple times per day. |
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07:44:20 | bluefoxx__ | ok, that fixed it, thanks |
07:44:30 | bluefoxx__ | for your help, have some cake http://www.sidetalkin.com/Images-General/movil-tarta.jpg |
07:44:33 | evilnick_ | \0/ |
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12:14:06 | archivator | Is the rockbox_api documentation generator broken or is it just slow? generate.php has been running for 5 minutes now and my output.txt hasn't increased in size at all. How is it supposed to work? |
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12:29:04 | gevaerts | midgey: it does a lot of things (getting inquiry data, reading, writing, even syncing mp3 files, setting the clock), and suddenly it stops and says that this is an unrecognised ipod |
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12:38:40 | stripwax__ | Does rockbox ever load more than one codec at the same time? |
12:38:43 | | Nick stripwax__ is now known as stripwax (n=Miranda@87-194-34-169.bethere.co.uk) |
12:39:57 | n1s | no |
12:40:11 | stripwax | n1s - Jolly good, thought not. Thanks |
12:40:18 | n1s | if you don't count the buit-in voice codec |
12:40:46 | stripwax | good point. but no danger of ever being e.g. two vorbis instances trying to fight for iram |
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12:41:41 | n1s | no |
12:44:02 | Horscht86 | well, well |
12:44:08 | | Nick Horscht86 is now known as Horscht (n=Horscht@p4FD4FBA5.dip.t-dialin.net) |
12:45:26 | | Join nibbler_ [0] (n=Nibbler@e181109173.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
12:45:40 | Horscht | i finaly managed to build the database/songdb tool on windows, thanks to Yoshihisa Uchida :D |
12:45:42 | stripwax | n1s - in that case I'm close to cooking up a patch for vorbis that eliminates the memcpy for about 10Mhz speedup. Patch makes some things static that weren't before, but if only ever one instance that should be fine |
12:46:21 | n1s | stripwax: sounds good, any chance of this working on the targets with 96KB iram? |
12:48:48 | stripwax | n1s - not sure, but don't see why not. although it seems that my 10Mhz speedup is wrong (again). well, I'll have something that does something at some point, and will be sure to measure carefully.. |
12:51:55 | arf-arf | Horscht86: Is that the tool that allows building the database from a PC rather than on target? |
12:52:52 | | Nick arf-arf is now known as evilnick_ (n=naught@ |
12:53:21 | archivator | That's the one. |
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12:57:27 | Horscht | arf-arf yes |
12:57:44 | Horscht | evilnick_ even |
12:58:09 | evilnick_ | Horscht: Ah cool. I bet the speedup is phenomenal |
12:58:30 | Horscht | yes, ~ 2 minutes to create |
12:58:57 | Horscht | now I have to create a batch file that: |
12:59:04 | Horscht | 1. synchs my music |
12:59:12 | Horscht | 2. creates the album art |
12:59:19 | Horscht | 3. creates/updates db |
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13:03:17 | Horscht | eh, half the work done already. I only need to reinstall crwsync and imagemagick, then adapt my batch file |
13:03:54 | archivator | Horscht: does songdb prune the database from RESURRECTED entries? |
13:04:07 | Horscht | what? |
13:04:36 | Horscht | define "resurrected" |
13:04:44 | archivator | See TagcacheDBFormat - there is a paragraph about resurrected entries and how an external app needs to clean them. |
13:04:51 | Horscht | you mean deleted? |
13:05:32 | archivator | Well, yes. An old entry(ies) is marked deleted while the new one becomes resurrected. That happens on any change in mtime. |
13:05:41 | archivator | *The |
13:06:26 | Horscht | how can I check wether or not songdb behaves like this? |
13:07:20 | archivator | You'd need to look at the code. |
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13:08:57 | stripwax | n1s - is there a wiki page on which targets have how much iram, by the way? |
13:09:15 | stripwax | i can test ipod 5g, and h120 (if i can find it / dust it off) |
13:10:05 | Horscht | archivator, unfortunatelly I am not good at code. |
13:10:12 | Horscht | but the tool in question is in FS #9371. |
13:10:21 | n1s | stripwax: not afaik, the mcf5249 in iriver h100/h300 has 96k an i *think* some of the pp chips too, the other pps and mcf 5250 have 128 |
13:10:40 | stripwax | n1s - cheers |
13:13:07 | archivator | Horscht: doesn't seem to do that. In fact, the tool seem to be a wrapper around tagcache.c with a lot of clutter surrounding it. I have an idea on how to do it without patching core rockbox, I'll see how that goes. |
13:16:51 | * | pixelma still wonders whether pf will be in the 3.2 release for all targets (seeing that there are some with control problems, a factor for disabling plugins for a release before) |
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13:17:41 | pixelma | looking into updating the manual but I'm not very motivated documenting the broken state wrt controls for the Ondio :\ |
13:18:07 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
13:18:20 | gevaerts | pixelma: is there a list of the targets where controls are broken? |
13:19:55 | pixelma | not that I know of (but the Ondio and the c200 have quirks) |
13:20:06 | gevaerts | ah, the usual ones |
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13:21:53 | pixelma | yes, PLA "overlapping" for targets with a few or "inappropriate" buttons. Unhelpful started a patch to resolve this but I'm not sure it'll go in before the release (I admit wanting to test but didn't so far) |
13:23:18 | pixelma | the thing that doesn't work on the c200 (scrolling down in the track list) is even excluded from the manual |
13:23:59 | n1s | we release tomorrow so i'd say it's to late to commit a patch such as that and if it si bad enough to call broken we should probably just drop it from this release for those two targets |
13:24:19 | n1s | s/to/too/ |
13:24:32 | gevaerts | PF has been enabled on c200 forever, so I assume the controls aren't worse for it than 3.1? |
13:25:11 | pixelma | if it was in 3.1 then no, there were no changes yet |
13:25:44 | | Join Sedgewick [0] (n=Sedgewic@ |
13:26:04 | gevaerts | ok. Then I think we should leave it on for c200, and disable it for ondio |
13:26:55 | pixelma | the Ondio is not worse in reality - on the c200 you can't go down in the list, on the Ondio you are not able to go down and up - but since the list doesn't wrap, there's no real difference |
13:28:00 | gevaerts | hm, ok. If the non-working bits aren |
13:28:04 | pixelma | basically the track list isn't navigatable |
13:28:12 | gevaerts | t actually *useful*, that's different |
13:28:20 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (i=thunderc@persistence.flat.devzero.co.uk) |
13:28:48 | * | gevaerts doesn't say anything about PF being useful in its current state ;) |
13:30:18 | gevaerts | In that case I'd just release as-is, and maybe document the broken controls in the release notes |
13:30:29 | pixelma | since you can't start playback anyways, the track list is only a way to watch what songs are in the album |
13:35:33 | gevaerts | hm, apparently there's a patch in FS #8659... |
13:36:44 | gevaerts | a bit late to apply it now though |
13:38:00 | pixelma | I'm always "scared" that it breaks controls somewhere else :\ |
13:40:26 | gevaerts | this one actually only changes things in the CONFIG_KEYPAD == SANSA_C200_PAD case. All the rest is whitespace and two menu capitalisation things |
13:41:37 | pixelma | nice. exceptions |
13:42:59 | * | gevaerts cleans up the patch and puts it on FS |
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13:44:26 | gevaerts | Anyway I don't think we should break the rules for this one. It's been disabled for the last two releases so it's not really a regression, so IMHO enabling it back 24 hours before the release is not a good idea |
13:46:23 | * | amiconn still thinks we're releasing too often now |
13:46:51 | bluefoxx | hokai, so i got a spare box together, and have a day to waste, what do i need to compile my own build of rockbox under windows? |
13:47:39 | pixelma | we have a nice wiki ;) |
13:48:21 | gevaerts | I think that maybe four months is better, but I also still think that we should at least do a full year's worth of releases (i.e. 4 of them) before changing, just to get into the release habit |
13:49:04 | bluefoxx | pixelma: yes, i'm browsing it now, in between reading about the hardware i tossed in my 'new' box and installing on said box |
13:49:09 | gevaerts | This should coincide nicely with devcon, so we can discuss it there |
13:49:17 | bluefoxx | i meant program wise, what do i need... |
13:49:23 | | Join robin0800 [0] (n=quassel@general-kt-199.t-mobile.co.uk) |
13:49:32 | amiconn | Too frequent releases seem to cause a lack of motivation: "Oh, let's just disable it for this release, there'll be soon another release." Repeat until ?? |
13:50:35 | pixelma | bluefoxx: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/DocsIndex#For_Developers |
13:50:45 | bluefoxx | pixelma: thank you. |
13:51:06 | gevaerts | amiconn: that's true, but will longer release cycles really help? |
13:51:18 | bertrik | I think the current release schedule is fine, only twice a year would be fine too IMO. Requiring everything to be perfect before doing a release also means that releases are deferred indefinitely |
13:51:53 | amiconn | I'm not sure, but they would reduce the mentioned effect |
13:52:14 | gevaerts | The only way I see to really solve that problem is to have longer freezes with people actively working on fixing bugs, and I don't see that happening |
13:52:38 | gevaerts | But yes, three months seems to make releasing a bit too much into a routine |
13:53:26 | * | Unhelpful doesn't much like the comments on that task :P |
13:55:14 | | Join domonoky [0] (n=Domonoky@rockbox/developer/domonoky) |
13:55:30 | * | pixelma isn't sure which task Unhelpful is talking about |
13:56:31 | | Quit arf-arf (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
13:56:48 | Unhelpful | FS #8659, "Sansa c240 (c200 series) has not worked since the plugins inception, and never will due to a keymapping issue. I wouldn't report this bug, as it will be overlooked, never addressed, and the developers ARE aware of the problem." |
13:56:48 | bertrik | I guess the release frequency (either more or less often)just doesn't have that much effect on bugs getting fixed as anticipated ... |
13:59:18 | | Part PSPdemon ("Leaving") |
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14:08:21 | | Quit robin0800 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
14:08:35 | archivator | Could someone explain to me how exactly pcm_calculate_peaks works? What is the timespan over which it calculates a peak? |
14:08:48 | | Part timing |
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14:18:43 | archivator | Is there a way to access the PCM data from the plugins? |
14:19:17 | stripwax | archivator - by access do you mean 'read' or 'write' ? if read, take a look at the oscilloscope plugin |
14:20:25 | archivator | Read. That uses pcm_calculate_peaks. Which apparently is not realtime (works over a set of samples). Hence, I need the PCM data. |
14:21:04 | stripwax | it's close-to realtime. what exactly are you trying to do / need ? |
14:24:54 | | Join Bagderiphonr [0] (n=51eb8816@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-d9c18191183fa4c4) |
14:24:58 | * | stripwax sighs - double the iram buffers, removed one memcpy in block.c, and two memsets in window.c , and only about 4Mhz improvement |
14:25:04 | archivator | I'm trying to do frequency spectrum analyzer using FFT. However, the data I'm getting is not precise enough and the resulting graph is inaccurate to say the least. |
14:25:41 | rasher | stripwax: surely 4MHz is a good improvement still? |
14:26:03 | stripwax | archivator - realtime FFT? neat. well, you could take a look at what pcm_calculate_peaks does, and add something new/similar to the plugin api? |
14:26:05 | gevaerts | will it be in 3.2? |
14:26:08 | * | gevaerts runs away |
14:26:21 | stripwax | gevaerts - chuckle |
14:26:26 | | Quit Bagderiphonr (Client Quit) |
14:26:33 | stripwax | actually more like 2mhz. huh? bummer. |
14:26:53 | | Join Buschel [0] (n=abc@p54A3FE9C.dip.t-dialin.net) |
14:27:15 | archivator | Actually, my contribution is minimal - I found a fixed point FFT library (albeit 16bits) |
14:27:29 | archivator | I'm only wrapping it around the rb API. |
14:27:45 | stripwax | Actually, a cute way to profile the codec would be to make independent significant chunks of the code do nothing and see what speed up happens. I suspect block.c is not particular slow after all (or if it is then it's all in vect_add) |
14:28:17 | stripwax | archivator - if you take a look at how pcm_calculate_peaks works, you can probably do something similar |
14:28:59 | gevaerts | hm, would this be before or after DSP? |
14:29:48 | tmzt | Unhelpful: I have a c240v1 available for testing, I don't use it as a current player though |
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14:36:02 | | Quit stripwax (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
14:39:18 | archivator | Hmm, if I understand correctly, the more often you call it, the more "precise" it gets. Though, there is stuff I don't understand - it gets way too low level for me. |
14:40:55 | | Quit Ridayah (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
14:41:18 | n1s | stripwax: (for the logs apparently) we have some profiling capabilities that you can use in codecs |
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14:57:14 | Zack | @find |
14:57:20 | Zack | !list |
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14:58:06 | Horscht | hm... |
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15:02:09 | Horscht | is there some way to disable rockbox USB mode? copying over files takes more power than it gets charged with |
15:02:30 | Horscht | other than recompiling |
15:03:02 | gevaerts | Sure. Either wait a day or so for 3.2, or reboot into the OF |
15:03:36 | Horscht | 3.2 will have USB disabled? |
15:03:48 | gevaerts | yes |
15:04:12 | Horscht | any reasons besides high power requirements when copying? |
15:05:13 | gevaerts | Some people had connection problems. Those *may* have been fixed, but we decided that it was too late to be sure that the fix was OK (I'm still not 100% sure...) |
15:05:48 | Horscht | ok, if i was to build the latest SVN, would it be disabled as well? if not, which edits would I need to make to disable it? |
15:06:16 | robin0800 | gevaerts: still doesn't work in gnome |
15:06:16 | gevaerts | No. trunk still has it enabled, it's just the release branch that doesn't have it. |
15:07:01 | gevaerts | robin0800: can you paste dmesg output somewhere? |
15:07:07 | doomwake | where the goame boy emulaor at? |
15:07:14 | robin0800 | gevaerts: some start screens stop it also |
15:07:46 | gevaerts | Horscht: edit firmware/export/config-<your-target>.h, and remove the #define USE_ROCKBOX_USB line |
15:08:22 | robin0800 | gevaerts: given up with gnome on kde now |
15:08:37 | | Quit einhirn (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
15:08:52 | pixelma | BigBambi: around? |
15:08:59 | | Quit Buschel () |
15:09:01 | robin0800 | gevaerts: the start screen is kde |
15:09:06 | gevaerts | robin0800: I know about the start screen thing. I wouldn't consider that alone serious enough to keep it out of a release though (workaround is easy...) |
15:09:46 | Horscht | gevaerts, all 4 lines? or will commenting out the USE_ROCKBOX_USB suffice? |
15:09:46 | * | gevaerts still thinks that if on the same PC one desktop environment can work with a device and another can't, the bug is likely not on the device |
15:09:55 | gevaerts | Horscht: *only* USE_ROCKBOX_USB |
15:10:13 | Horscht | k, thank you |
15:10:22 | robin0800 | gevaerts: ive not seen anyone else has said gnome has a problem |
15:10:46 | gevaerts | robin0800: maybe, but I haven't seen *any* detailed information... |
15:11:33 | pixelma | BigBambi: "PictureFlow uses both the album art (see section ?? (page ??)) and database (see section 4.2 (page 23)) features of Rockbox" is not entirely correct for monochrome targets, hence the cross reference doesn't work). Question is how to deal with it because the album art chapter describes how files have to be named and that also applies to pf... |
15:12:04 | pixelma | others can throw in ideas too ;) |
15:12:59 | robin0800 | gevaerts: its funny that kde works and gnome dosen't and when asked say all usb is in ubuntu |
15:13:28 | | Quit barrywardell () |
15:13:36 | gevaerts | robin0800: which is why I want to see more information... |
15:14:53 | gevaerts | pixelma: maybe \opt-ing a bit in the first paragraph of appendix/album_art.tex ? |
15:15:16 | gevaerts | hm, that's already done |
15:15:18 | robin0800 | gevaerts: well there isn't much it stops on scanning device waiting for device to settle |
15:15:21 | pixelma | so, enabling that chapter first |
15:15:51 | robin0800 | gevaerts: i think perhaps its gnome mount |
15:17:28 | gevaerts | I still want to see the actual dmesg output before concluding anything at all about it |
15:18:09 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
15:19:10 | | Join taylor_ [0] (n=taylor@c-24-91-82-205.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) |
15:20:08 | pixelma | ok, that album_art chapter was already included for everything swcodec (so should be prepared for non-core album art already) |
15:21:22 | rasher | That was the intention, yes |
15:22:20 | gevaerts | I think that at some point it would be nice to have plugin-features, so you can \opt directly on plugins |
15:22:25 | pixelma | problem smaller than I thought first |
15:22:53 | | Quit robin0800 (Remote closed the connection) |
15:23:14 | rasher | I *thought* I had done that right, but I obviously must have missed something |
15:23:26 | rasher | I did consider non-core album art, but apparently got the opts wrong |
15:23:26 | | Join robin0800 [0] (n=quassel@general-kt-199.t-mobile.co.uk) |
15:25:26 | BigBambi | pixelma: I don't think it worked on monochrome when I wrote that |
15:26:11 | rasher | BigBambi: Pretty sure I changed it |
15:26:19 | pixelma | rasher: nono, just enabling the pictureflow chapter for the Archos targets and everything related was currently dependent on "swcodec2 |
15:26:21 | rasher | To refer to the appendix rather than the wiki |
15:26:46 | BigBambi | rasher: yeah, I referenced the wiki |
15:27:03 | BigBambi | It was before you wrote your bit on Album Art |
15:27:34 | gevaerts | rasher: the problem is the \opt{swcodec}{\opt{tagcache} bit |
15:27:44 | | Join pyro_maniac [0] (n=jens@91-64-191-48-dynip.superkabel.de) |
15:28:01 | rasher | Ah, which was accurate at the time, I believe |
15:28:16 | robin0800 | gevaerts: kde http://paste.ubuntu.com/135412/ for nome only first line |
15:29:16 | gevaerts | What do you mean by "only first line"? |
15:29:34 | robin0800 | nome = gnome |
15:29:42 | pixelma | gevaerts: it was used this way for pictureflow too, but I guess it's easiest to use lcd_bitmap there too |
15:29:57 | | Join Ubuntuxer [0] (n=johannes@dslb-094-220-227-138.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
15:30:11 | pixelma | (patch almost done) |
15:30:29 | gevaerts | pixelma: I think so, yes. It seems to just be lcd_bitmap+tagcache now |
15:31:03 | rasher | Until someone ports pf to playergfx |
15:31:25 | robin0800 | gevaerts: gnome stops at the scan line and sayes waiting for device to settlie |
15:31:48 | gevaerts | robin0800: so this isn't actually a dmesg while running gnome? |
15:32:29 | tmzt | that's a kernel message |
15:32:33 | robin0800 | gevaerts: No this is kde |
15:32:43 | gevaerts | so what am I supposed to do with this? |
15:32:50 | | Join petur [50] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
15:33:14 | tmzt | robin0800: can you see if lsusb return? |
15:34:07 | robin0800 | gevaerts: thats the only info I have nothing happens in gnome its not there not seen not mounted |
15:34:18 | gevaerts | Also, there would be interesting bits before this. I need to have the output starting from "new full/high speed USB device", in the case where it goes wrong |
15:36:34 | | Join Joe__ [0] (n=joe@adsl-69-224-45-86.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net) |
15:36:41 | robin0800 | gevaerts: can no one else can help & no lsusb can't see it |
15:36:58 | gevaerts | are you running lsusb as root? |
15:37:43 | robin0800 | gevaerts: probably used sudo |
15:38:08 | BigBambi | rasher: Did you suceed in the Cabbie v2 relicencing thing? |
15:38:18 | rasher | Not quite yet |
15:38:40 | | Join TBOL3 [0] (n=leif@c-24-10-200-0.hsd1.ut.comcast.net) |
15:38:45 | gevaerts | look, unless someone can actually reproduce this, and try things, I'm going to ignore this. I *can't* work with "probably" and "it looked mostly like this, only different" |
15:39:11 | BigBambi | rasher: Just waiting on responses? |
15:39:28 | rasher | BigBambi: Well, it isn't just cabbie v2, but all our bundled themes. 14 positive responses of 22 needed |
15:39:32 | robin0800 | is no one else running gnome on jaunty |
15:40:10 | TBOL3 | robin0800: I am, maybe it's because I just joined, but what's the problem? |
15:40:13 | BigBambi | rasher: OK, no probs - I was just thinking of my edited cabbie v2 for the new theme site :) |
15:40:14 | rasher | 2 of the cabbie v2 contributores left |
15:40:25 | rasher | BigBambi: Will have to wait :\ |
15:40:30 | | Join tessarakt [0] (n=jens@e180073006.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
15:40:42 | BigBambi | rasher: Yeah, there is no hurry :) |
15:41:06 | robin0800 | TBOL3: no usb connection in gnome |
15:41:13 | pixelma | rasher: who left? |
15:41:18 | Ubuntuxer | @robin0800 I have gnome in jaunty and have also problems with connection. |
15:41:50 | rasher | pixelma: perrikwp (he responded, but with a blank mail) and Yohann Misquitta (the author of the original cabbie) |
15:42:39 | robin0800 | TBOL3: can you talk to gevaerts and give him the info he requires |
15:42:56 | rasher | And then some authors of a few other themes, but I'm mostly worried about cabbiev2 |
15:43:11 | perrikwp | rasher: sorry my online mail client sucks, you guys have my permission to license the theme any way you want |
15:43:19 | | Join fyrestorm [0] (n=fyre@cpe-68-173-232-9.nyc.res.rr.com) |
15:43:20 | | Join saravvb [0] (n=29eb9331@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-03577dbc8cb9b55c) |
15:43:23 | rasher | perrikwp: Excellent! |
15:43:34 | BigBambi | hehe, good news :) |
15:44:00 | gevaerts | Ubuntuxer: what player are you using, and which revision of rockbox? |
15:44:04 | | Quit saravvb (Client Quit) |
15:44:04 | perrikwp | I'm just glad to help this project any way I can |
15:44:39 | TBOL3 | robin0800: Hmm... I seem to have the same problem. |
15:44:53 | TBOL3 | Let me upgrade to the latest build... |
15:44:59 | robin0800 | TBOL3: can you talk to gevaerts and give him the info he requires |
15:45:12 | gevaerts | TBOL3: which player, and which revision? |
15:45:30 | Ubuntuxer | sansa e250; i don't know the revision but just a few days old |
15:45:45 | gevaerts | System->Rockbox info will tell you |
15:46:19 | Ubuntuxer | sorry, just a easy look Version: r20323-090321 |
15:46:28 | TBOL3 | gevaerts: Sansa e260, and I'm using 090226 |
15:46:34 | BigBambi | Ubuntuxer, TBOL3: I'll just point out (before gevaerts goes mad) that to help he needs exact information :) |
15:47:05 | TBOL3 | gavaerts: I'm also using the bootloader provided by SansaLinux. |
15:47:45 | TBOL3 | BigBambi: Umm... sorry I'm a n00b here, but what do you mean by 'exact information'? |
15:48:21 | TBOL3 | If you mean what version of Jaunty I'm using, it's Alpha 6. |
15:48:31 | TBOL3 | Well, Alpha 5, upgraded to Alpha 6. |
15:48:37 | robin0800 | TBOL3: the number after the r not just the date |
15:48:51 | BigBambi | TBOL3: Such as revision number, not just e.g. a build from the last few days, check all information etc. |
15:49:14 | gevaerts | OK. Can you plug in the player, wait a bit (10 seconds at least), run dmesg and pastebin the output, starting at the "new full/high speed USB device" line ? |
15:50:06 | gevaerts | (before upgrading( |
15:50:23 | TBOL3 | Oh, here you go, r20100 |
15:50:44 | TBOL3 | r20100-090226 |
15:50:53 | * | robin0800 ttp://paste.ubuntu.com/135412/ |
15:51:16 | Ubuntuxer | Is someone well versed with the highscore.h? I would like to know if it's possible, that function highscore_update return the position of the input. |
15:51:42 | * | robin0800 http://paste.ubuntu.com |
15:53:36 | TBOL3 | So, this is probably a dumb question, but what does the first set of numbers mean? |
15:54:10 | BigBambi | TBOL3: It is the exact revision of the source code |
15:54:24 | rasher | Okay, missing response from Chris Oxtoby (DancePuffDuo), Jake Owen (zezayer), Magnus Westerlund (engineer2, boxes), Mike Sobel (marquee), Raymond Hoh (iAmp), Roan Horning (Rockboxed), Yohann Misquitta (cabbiev2) |
15:54:34 | | Join Conic [0] (n=conicpp@c-75-68-165-66.hsd1.vt.comcast.net) |
15:55:04 | BigBambi | TBOL3: Everytime someone channges the source code there is a new build, or which there are several per day - so the revision number tells us exactly which build you are using, whereas the date means it could be one of many |
15:55:17 | soap | Llorean: are you around? |
15:56:18 | TBOL3 | OK, I've updated to r20444-090322, and I still have the same conectivity problem. |
15:56:56 | gevaerts | can you provide the dmesg output I asked for? |
15:57:06 | TBOL3 | BigBambi: So, are you saying that while the number after the dash is the date, the number before is the time of day? |
15:57:20 | BigBambi | TBOL3: No, the revision number |
15:57:36 | BigBambi | TBOL3: It goes up by one everytime somebody updates the source code |
15:57:52 | TBOL3 | BigBambi: Ok, so how do you decide which number to give out, and what significance does it have? |
15:57:56 | soap | BigBambi: this thought of mine is for all of those active in the Forums, and IF Ll shows up I'd like you part of the discussion as well... |
15:58:36 | TBOL3 | Oops, sorry. |
15:58:36 | BigBambi | TBOL3: Always give out the revision number, and I don't understand the second part of the uestion :) |
15:59:04 | TBOL3 | BigBambi: Sorry, you answered it. I just didn't read your responce until after I hit enter. |
15:59:14 | BigBambi | soap: Did I miss the thought, or is it coming? |
15:59:25 | soap | Llorean: Here it goes. You can read this in the logs if you aren't here now. |
15:59:59 | soap | Official forum policy is for discussions to be only about Rockbox. The forum police get pretty anal about this at times, yet at other times do not. |
16:00 |
16:00:18 | | Join Horschti [0] (n=Horscht@xbmc/user/horscht) |
16:00:48 | soap | I can list a whole series of "side projects" which are not strictly about Rockbox, yet are not held to the standard. Before we start I wish to say I have no problem with this. The world is grey/gray. |
16:01:10 | BigBambi | true that |
16:01:48 | soap | The latest ones are http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=20999.0 (font converter) and http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=20612.0 (last.fm-like playlist generator) |
16:02:13 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (i=thunderc@persistence.flat.devzero.co.uk) |
16:02:17 | robin0800 | BigBambi: have you seen http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=20977.msg147120#new about icon licence |
16:02:27 | soap | Then we also have the established "side projects" like QTScrobbler, and WinFF (with its Rockbox-Ready defaults). |
16:02:50 | BigBambi | robin0800: What about it? |
16:03:25 | robin0800 | BigBambi: is my assumption correct? |
16:03:57 | soap | I could scrape the forums and collect quite the list of "helper" applications which are not official rockbox.org projects, yet clearly either rely on Rockbox, or take special account of Rockbox. I feel it would be a service to the community for these applications to be pseudo-supported by Rockbox.org. |
16:04:34 | BigBambi | robin0800: Basically. You just need to abide by whatever licence they are under. |
16:04:55 | BigBambi | robin0800: That may or may not mean attributing them |
16:05:11 | | Join webguestTBOL3 [0] (n=180ac800@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-1a15be51d4d4c799) |
16:05:30 | soap | Here goes the proposal. I think it would be a great idea to subvert the whole idea of the vendor-tie-in and render-unto-Caesar system of "Made for Ipod" ( http://www.kenwoodusa.com/UserFiles/Image/UnitedStates/Support/Images/Made_For_ipod.jpg ) and create a "Made for Rockbox" logo program. |
16:05:52 | webguestTBOL3 | OK, I have the results of running dmesg, but it's quite leanthy, do you really want me to paste it in? |
16:05:53 | robin0800 | BigBambi: I'm not sure it says |
16:05:54 | soap | (title doesn't have to be "Made for Rockbox" - just spitballing here). |
16:06:43 | BigBambi | What would happen if a change in Rockbox invalidated that? |
16:06:57 | BigBambi | Would it be revoked? And then how and by whom? |
16:06:58 | soap | The idea is to create a special sub-forum for Rockbox-ready helper applications, and provide web-space and developement tools (SVN? Flyspray?) for projects which fit the criteria. |
16:07:04 | gevaerts | webguestTBOL3: either select manually, or if you get confused by that just paste it all |
16:07:09 | BigBambi | I could see the argument for a forum related to them |
16:07:15 | robin0800 | webguestTBOL3: no use paste bin |
16:07:38 | soap | BigBambi: that is the problem with the literal title "Made for Rockbox". Something more along the lines of "Rockbox Aware" is probably better. |
16:07:39 | gevaerts | well yes. No pasting directly in here... |
16:08:24 | webguestTBOL3 | Ok, here you go. http://pastebin.com/m4819320c |
16:08:42 | robin0800 | http://paste.ubuntu.com |
16:08:53 | BigBambi | soap: We'd have to think up some guidelines for where to draw the line too - e.g. a thread on ffmpeg as it can be used to convert videos for Rockbox |
16:09:10 | gevaerts | robin0800: no need to repeat things every three minutes |
16:09:24 | soap | I think many of these tools either flesh-out the Rockbox experience or provide ease-of-use by simplifying (or noobifying) everyday tasks, and really round-out the whole Rockbox "lifestyle" for many users. It is because of that I think Rockbox.org could take some minimal steps to nuture them. |
16:10:12 | soap | BigBambi: ffmpeg /can/ be used. WinFF ships with rockbox presets (to the best of my understanding). Thus WinFF is "Rockbox Aware" whereas ffmepg is not. |
16:10:46 | BigBambi | soap: I know, that's what I meant - we'd have to have some well thought out guidelines on where to draw the line |
16:11:00 | webguestTBOL3 | It looks like the computer can see the sansa, but it's not really wanting to talk to it. |
16:11:27 | soap | Perhaps I have vision problems, but I don't see where the line is blurry. Either the tool makes an effort to target Rockbox or it doesn't. |
16:11:30 | BigBambi | soap: I certainly think it bears discussion - perhaps a post to the dev mailing list would be a good idea? |
16:11:32 | gevaerts | webguestTBOL3: can you boot to single-user mode and see if it gets further without gnome? |
16:11:57 | robin0800 | webguestTBOL3: Thats what mine did too sansa c240 in my case |
16:12:05 | BigBambi | soap: It isn't necesarily blurry to you/me, but I bet it would be to users :) |
16:12:43 | BigBambi | soap: I'd be more inclined to say have a subforum for such "Rockbox aware" tools where people could discuss their use |
16:12:44 | soap | _though_ I also think it would be nice if we had a place to discuss "non-Rockbox-aware" tools which proved useful - I find that is a more slippery slope when looked at from the perspective of the goals of the forums. |
16:13:08 | * | gevaerts notes that robin0800 has not mentionned the disconnect before |
16:14:02 | | Join GodEater [0] (n=yeahrigh@rockbox/staff/GodEater) |
16:14:06 | soap | The issue is I am afraid of losing some of these tools to time. The font converter GUI is nothing special IMHO, but a lot of people will likely find it useful. If we/me provided hosting for it we're buying insurance against the eventual abandonment by its author. |
16:14:27 | robin0800 | gevaerts: not seen disconnect is that not the user removing the device? |
16:14:45 | gevaerts | maybe |
16:14:51 | soap | sorry for walking all over your conversation, robin0800. |
16:15:41 | robin0800 | soap: its OK no problem |
16:16:10 | | Quit webguestTBOL3 ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
16:16:39 | TBOL3 | robin0800: Hmm.. it says that it cannot mount the device on port 7. |
16:16:51 | TBOL3 | But that was just by pressing Ctrl+Alt+F1. |
16:17:14 | TBOL3 | So, let me boot into recovery mode, and see if I can get any further. |
16:17:50 | | Quit Horscht (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
16:17:58 | BigBambi | soap: We'd want to put licensing requirements on stuff too IMO |
16:18:09 | robin0800 | TBOL3: Unplug player and re plug in I hope |
16:19:16 | soap | BigBambi: well, if rb.org was going to host it or provide dev space, sure, but for discussion and "Rockbox aware"? |
16:19:50 | BigBambi | soap: I was thinking of the former |
16:20:12 | BigBambi | soap: Following on from your "If we/me provided hosting for it we're buying insurance against the eventual abandonment by its author." |
16:20:16 | TBOL3 | robin0800: Yup, I did. Also, I got the same thing in recovery mode. Unable to emulate USB device on port 7. |
16:20:59 | * | gevaerts guesses "enumerate", not "emulate" |
16:21:28 | courtc | So... you aren't going to tag a device as "Rockbox aware", only software, correct? |
16:21:31 | gevaerts | TBOL3: can you run "cat /sys/module/usb_storage/parameters/delay_use" ? |
16:22:12 | BigBambi | courtc: Devices that are "rockbox aware" are de facto already supported |
16:22:13 | BigBambi | courtc: That is what Rockbox is |
16:22:23 | robin0800 | Perhaps usb needs a front end and kde works and gnome dosen't |
16:23:49 | courtc | I disagree. I would think devices designed specifically with rockbox in mind could be named "rockbox aware", otherwise rockbox is more "device aware" than vise versa. |
16:24:11 | BigBambi | courtc: If there ever are any, then maybe |
16:24:26 | archivator | Sorry to interrupt but can anyone help me with some audio processing? I get a spike right in the middle of a fourier transform, any ideas what I might be doing wrong? |
16:25:08 | tmzt | gaev: robin: is that a manual disconnect? because when usb device really fails it's reported as a disconnect |
16:25:20 | tmzt | gevaerts: |
16:26:12 | robin0800 | gevaerts: mine kde said 5 |
16:26:30 | tmzt | robin0800: what desktop and version are you running, could it be attempting libmtp access? |
16:26:52 | tmzt | you didn't unplug the sansa? |
16:27:24 | robin0800 | kde 4.2 on ubuntu alpha 6 |
16:27:33 | gevaerts | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gphoto2/+bug/173429 looks related |
16:27:58 | tmzt | do you know the ubuntu code name or version? alpha 6 of what |
16:28:26 | TBOL3 | gevaerts: I typed it in, and the output was 5 |
16:29:21 | TBOL3 | Also, when I plugged the device in, I got (in addition to the unable to emulate USB device on port 7), I also got several Assuming drive cache: write through. |
16:29:56 | gevaerts | can you pastebin the exact output? |
16:31:26 | robin0800 | tmzt: yes jaunty 9.04 |
16:31:33 | TBOL3 | gevaerts: No, sorry, not really, I'm on another computer and I don't know how to 'copy and paste through the air'. |
16:31:43 | TBOL3 | But really, the output was 5. |
16:31:47 | TBOL3 | Here, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/135438/ |
16:31:57 | tmzt | are they both having the same problem? |
16:32:12 | TBOL3 | I think so, I don't think it's an issue with gnome. |
16:32:20 | TBOL3 | Because I don't have gnome running at all. |
16:32:31 | tmzt | I think it might be hal causing it |
16:32:45 | gevaerts | TBOL3: I believe the 5 :) It's the other messages that worry me |
16:32:49 | * | BigBambi thinks it is using an alpha distribution |
16:32:57 | tmzt | the sansa vid/pi is registered as supporting gphoto2 |
16:32:59 | robin0800 | tmzt: I think its gnome kde works? |
16:33:42 | tmzt | would you stop hal and gnome/kde and try enumerating? |
16:33:47 | gevaerts | tmzt: that's interesting... |
16:34:36 | TBOL3 | gevaerts: Oh, umm.. well, do you know ubuntu has a text based web browser by default (I can't download eLinks as I'm in recovery mode at the moment). |
16:34:49 | TBOL3 | Or, I could just type it in... |
16:35:09 | gevaerts | TBOL3: let's first follow up on tmzt's ideas |
16:35:51 | tmzt | no, init 3, ctrl-alt-f1, sudo /etc/init.d/hal stop, /etc/init.d/gdm stop etc. |
16:37:00 | TBOL3 | tmzt, gevaerts: OK, I'm on ubuntu 9.04, Alpha 6 (updated from Alpha 5). |
16:37:29 | TBOL3 | Are you saying you want me to start up in normal mode again, an just drop down into the terminal from there? |
16:37:40 | | Join saratoga [0] (n=9803c6dd@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-3bbeef31d5302931) |
16:37:57 | saratoga | from what I remember USB doesn't work right in some of the Ubuntu alphas |
16:37:59 | tmzt | and check /usr/share/hal/fdi/information/20thirdparty/20-libmtp8.fdi |
16:38:05 | tmzt | search for Sansa |
16:38:46 | tmzt | TBOL3: yeah, but init 3 should work from recovery shell |
16:38:47 | robin0800 | Its not sansa its rockbox |
16:38:50 | TBOL3 | saratoga: Well, my ipod connects just fine with Alpha 6, along with some cell phones. |
16:38:55 | * | gevaerts leaves this to tmzt for now. Best to have someone who knows ubuntu+hal handling this :) |
16:39:18 | saratoga | a couple people have reported this problem, so its probably an ubuntu bug |
16:39:44 | tmzt | it's more of gnome-data or hal bug I think |
16:39:55 | TBOL3 | tmzt: Ok, I'm in runlevel 3. Now let me try what you said... |
16:40:05 | tmzt | one issue is rockbox using the sansa vid/pid |
16:40:28 | gevaerts | we don't have much choice there |
16:40:28 | tmzt | when it's essentially a different device |
16:40:39 | tmzt | oh, it's hardware? |
16:40:52 | gevaerts | no, but you can't just pick a vid/pid pair at random |
16:41:11 | domonoky | we could choose another usb-id, but then we would have buy one, which is expensive :-) |
16:41:32 | tmzt | true, probably why all the linux handhelds identify is ipaq itsy |
16:41:36 | gevaerts | Also, non-buggy software is supposed to look at the descriptors and not try mtp on a device that doesn't do mtp |
16:42:06 | tmzt | right, so it's a hal bug but it took a long time to get sansa supported at all |
16:43:05 | robin0800 | tmzt: if true why does kde work? |
16:43:13 | tmzt | and mtp does work for OF in rhythmbox, etc. |
16:43:45 | robin0800 | OF works in gnome |
16:43:46 | tmzt | robin0800: not familiar with kde, but I think it ignores the capabilities reported by hal |
16:43:47 | rasher | The OF can be set to MSC mode as well, so that's hardly an excuse |
16:43:57 | domonoky | robin0800: does your kde setup use the same hal version ? |
16:48:12 | archivator | Does the ipod have 16- or 32-bit sound? |
16:48:46 | archivator | ipod video that is |
16:49:10 | | Join CaptainKewl [0] (i=jds@207-237-172-77.c3-0.nyr-ubr4.nyr.ny.cable.rcn.com) |
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16:50:20 | TBOL3 | tmzt: OK, I think I killed hal, I plugged in the player again, and got the same message. |
16:50:30 | TBOL3 | I also stopped the gnome display manager. |
16:50:55 | TBOL3 | Unway, I'm terribly sorry, but I have pressing buisness at the moment, but will be back on lator today. |
16:50:58 | tmzt | can you paste the full dmesg now? |
16:51:09 | tmzt | or sudo dmesg -c and the plug player |
16:51:11 | TBOL3 | Ok, ya, give me a moment |
16:51:28 | robin0800 | domonoky: the latest |
16:51:41 | TBOL3 | tmzt: BTW, do you know how to copy/paiste from a terminal? |
16:52:50 | tmzt | no, trying to think of a way, some pastebins allow nc access |
16:53:17 | tmzt | if you retart gnome and don't plug in sansa you can still dmesg |
16:53:48 | robin0800 | TBOL3: I highlight text and right click and choose copy |
16:54:40 | TBOL3 | robin0800: Gnome is offline at the moment. AKA, I don't have a mouse. |
16:56:00 | | Join jordoex [0] (n=quassel@d154-20-29-131.bchsia.telus.net) |
16:56:05 | robin0800 | TBOL3: alt tab for the menues? |
16:56:06 | | Join BHSPitLappy [0] (n=BHSPitLa@unaffiliated/bhspitmonkey) |
16:57:41 | TBOL3 | tmzt: Well, I typed the text into my laptop, and here it is:http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/135453/ |
16:57:51 | TBOL3 | Again, I'm sorry, I must now take a leave of absence. |
16:57:57 | | Quit TBOL3 (Remote closed the connection) |
16:59:37 | tmzt | still nothing there, unable to enumerate should be the last thing |
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17:06:55 | robin0800 | tmzt: I take it were pretty certain this is a linux bug and not rockbox? |
17:07:09 | | Join itcheg [0] (i=62db4767@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-0d9fbddf3be4c223) |
17:07:20 | tmzt | we can't know without the dmesg |
17:07:52 | tmzt | what we care about (I assume) is if the kernel sees the scsi (sdb) device |
17:07:59 | | Quit kachna (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
17:08:05 | tmzt | and can mount it |
17:08:35 | tmzt | if it can't, rockbox is not working in mass storage mode, but I think that's unlikely |
17:09:39 | gevaerts | the fact that it works in KDE seems to point *very* strongly towards a non-rockbox problem |
17:09:44 | | Join ultrasonic [0] (n=manohar@ |
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17:11:16 | tmzt | gaev: so it's an ubuntu or hal regression that only affects rockbox sansa users (maybe OF MSC as well)? |
17:11:41 | gevaerts | that's what I think, yes |
17:11:41 | rasher | robin0800: does it work in the OF if you set USB mode to MSC? |
17:12:16 | robin0800 | rasher: Yes |
17:12:34 | rasher | Hm, but doesn't the OF pretend to be MTP if it gets asked? |
17:12:41 | rasher | Or is that another setting? |
17:12:56 | tmzt | so we need lsusb -v -v for both |
17:13:02 | robin0800 | rasher: No only in auto |
17:13:05 | gevaerts | doesn't it depend on the version? At least some of them have MTP or Auto |
17:13:46 | robin0800 | gevaerts: MSC or auto |
17:14:05 | | Join wangxiang [0] (i=wangxian@ |
17:14:21 | gevaerts | hm, ok |
17:15:27 | robin0800 | gevaerts: and your correct if asked auto willsay mtp or if not asked msc |
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17:27:49 | | Join Chris_Black [0] (n=Sedgewic@net-93-145-225-55.t2.dsl.vodafone.it) |
17:28:14 | gevaerts | archivator: do you want to get samples from before or after dsp? |
17:28:14 | | Join ibseo [0] (n=hd@p5B16005C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
17:29:23 | archivator | gevaerts: preferably, after. |
17:31:15 | | Join robin0800 [0] (n=quassel@general-kt-199.t-mobile.co.uk) |
17:31:17 | gevaerts | not that I know what that means in practice, I just thought it's best to be clear about this :) |
17:32:19 | | Join Zoxc [0] (i=Zoxc@ti0128a340-dhcp0261.bb.online.no) |
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18:08:22 | Nico_P | saratoga_lab: the problem with the data you get from the codec is that it's early compared to what's actually being played back |
18:08:39 | Nico_P | is the PCM latency known accurately? |
18:08:48 | | Quit Klink258 ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
18:12:38 | saratoga_lab | Nico_P: I don't think you can know the PCM latency all that accurately, since when the CPU boosts it will be quite different then unboosted |
18:12:54 | saratoga_lab | i guess getting data from the driver is the best bet if it must be low latency |
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18:17:04 | Nico_P | saratoga_lab: any pointers on how that could be achieved? |
18:17:58 | saratoga_lab | Nico_P: no thats pretty far outside my experience |
18:21:24 | | Join _lifeless [0] (n=lifeless@ |
18:22:57 | moos | Nico_P: hi, jhMikeS had some ideas iin the past IIRC... |
18:31:48 | * | JdGordon once aain calls for testers for 9795 |
18:31:57 | | Quit jhMikeS (Nick collision from services.) |
18:32:03 | | Join jhMikeS [50] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) |
18:32:31 | * | gevaerts is using FS #9795, but he doesn't have anything to report yet |
18:32:43 | JdGordon | great |
18:32:53 | gevaerts | I haven't used it a lot though |
18:33:12 | JdGordon | I'm not sure what to do about it... there is 1 person who keeps getting codec fails.. but noone else has seen tha |
18:33:14 | JdGordon | t |
18:33:45 | | Join perrikwp [0] (i=474cd1dd@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-bc04ee50c5c67fd1) |
18:33:56 | JdGordon | speak of the devil :) |
18:35:28 | JdGordon | gevaerts: whic target have you got it on? |
18:35:34 | gevaerts | gigabeat f |
18:35:41 | | Quit AndyI (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
18:37:07 | | Join AndyI [0] (i=AndyI@ |
18:38:40 | Nico_P | JdGordon: looking at the patch |
18:39:15 | | Join MethoS- [0] (n=lem@host-091-096-211-034.ewe-ip-backbone.de) |
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18:51:11 | rasher | n1s: Would be nice to use tools/langtool.pl in the future when deprecating phrases |
18:51:19 | wangxiang | Can anyone tell me the possible problems of integrating the Text-to-speech module to rockbox which you think? thanks! |
18:51:50 | | Quit robin0800 (Remote closed the connection) |
18:52:23 | | Quit GodEater ("Leaving") |
18:58:03 | Nico_P | JdGordon: I'm not convinced the swap between thistrack_id3 and othertrack_id3 should happen in codec_load_next_track(). I would have put it in audio_check_new_track() |
18:58:10 | n1s | rasher: oh, didn't know that existed, it's some kind of script for editing strings in all langs? |
18:58:44 | rasher | n1s: Yup, it'll do a few easily scriptable operations. Deprecating being one of them :) |
18:59:00 | rasher | So all languages are updated at once, meaning less noise |
18:59:20 | rasher | ../../tools/langtool.pl −−deprecate −−id LANG_USBSTACK,LANG_USBSTACK_MODE,LANG_USBSTACK_DEVICE,LANG_USBSTACK_HOST,LANG_USBSTACK_DEVICE_DRIVER −−inplace *.lang |
18:59:25 | rasher | that did the trick for this change |
19:00 |
19:02:01 | JdGordon | Nico_P: ok, I' |
19:02:07 | JdGordon | ll look into moving it today |
19:03:25 | Nico_P | "this needs to be unswapped some time later" => I didn't notice where it's done, but audio_finalize_track_change() comes to my mind as a good place |
19:03:25 | | Join wincent [0] (n=wincent@ |
19:03:55 | n1s | rasher: good to know |
19:05:16 | JdGordon | Nico_P: umm, yeah i tinhk that makes sense, that isnt called on the last track of the playlist, so it should work |
19:05:57 | | Quit petur (Remote closed the connection) |
19:06:02 | Nico_P | that function is called when the PCM track change ends, so it's basically meant for that kind of stuff |
19:06:47 | Nico_P | apart from these remarks, I like the principle of the patch a lot. I actually wish I had thought of it :) |
19:08:30 | | Join ashish [0] (i=d2d43dfb@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-18a1be0f05ac5ce8) |
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19:13:16 | ashish | hey all !! |
19:13:57 | ashish | congratulations to all for having Rockbox in GSoC 2009 :) |
19:15:08 | ashish | I would like to participate as a student for Rockbox - to implement touchscreen as an input device |
19:15:12 | | Join flydutch [0] (n=flydutch@host238-166-dynamic.15-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) |
19:15:54 | | Part wangxiang ("Leaving") |
19:16:18 | tmzt | are ther any touchscreen targets yet? |
19:16:33 | Nico_P | ashish: do you have one of the touchscreen targets? |
19:16:37 | ashish | I have been working with both the hardware and software of Mt stuff for some time and think that MT-based interactive music system will be a a great boost and will be seen in big installations |
19:17:31 | | Join erlockfisher [0] (n=erlockfi@ |
19:18:12 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
19:18:24 | ashish | a MT based muisc player or a mixer for DJ will be a great thing |
19:18:24 | erlockfisher | anyone around? |
19:18:25 | BigBambi | ashish: MT? |
19:18:59 | BigBambi | erlockfisher: Just ask any questions |
19:19:03 | ashish | Nico_P, tmzt - sorry if i couldnt get what do you mean by touchscreen *target* |
19:19:05 | BigBambi | (rockbox related of course) |
19:19:11 | erlockfisher | Yes, sorry |
19:19:20 | ashish | BigBambi: MultiTouch - MT |
19:19:24 | BigBambi | ashish: A DAP that Rockbox runs on |
19:19:31 | erlockfisher | I was trying to find out if there was a specific Summer of Code channel for rockbox? |
19:20:04 | BigBambi | ashish: The point of touchscreen is that Rockbox is being ported to music players with touchscreens, that need a different input method than e.g. an ipod that has buttons |
19:20:14 | BigBambi | erlockfisher: No, just in here |
19:21:58 | BigBambi | erlockfisher: As in this is the place for GSOC stuff :) |
19:22:24 | erlockfisher | Understood, thanks |
19:22:34 | ashish | BigBambi: with touchscreens , the best method is gesture recognition rather than having buttons to touch - so we can go for a framework wherein a gesture based input could be given to the rockbox |
19:22:51 | erlockfisher | I am not really sure where to start. I think the not knowing C is a pretty big setback |
19:23:55 | n1s | erlockfisher: do you know other programming languages? |
19:24:02 | BigBambi | ashish: Maybe, but I'm moderatley sure that none of our touchscreen targets in development will do multi touch for instance |
19:24:14 | | Join Ubuntuxer [0] (n=johannes@dslb-094-220-225-245.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
19:24:23 | BigBambi | ashish: Also, are you familiar with rockbox at all? There are a significant number of functions to map |
19:24:24 | erlockfisher | I'm getting more familiar with python, and I'm beginning to learn C++ |
19:24:50 | tmzt | if there is a touchscreen target, linux should give some cues as to how to implement low-level touchscreen drivers |
19:25:07 | rasher | tmzt: we do have touchscreen drivers |
19:25:09 | BigBambi | tmzt: Maybe, surely that depends on the hardware |
19:25:14 | rasher | We lack the middleware layer, so to speak |
19:25:17 | tmzt | either i2c, spi, ac97, or soc internal adc |
19:25:19 | tmzt | oh? |
19:25:41 | BigBambi | ashish: JdGordon has been playing with touchscreen, he would probably be good to speak to |
19:26:22 | ashish | BigBambi: ok, thanks :) |
19:28:11 | | Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) |
19:30:57 | ashish | I am more of a touchscreen based application developer, I worked on a multi-touch simulator last summer in GSoC 08 . It would be great if I can help in developing applications running on the touchscreen target. Can you please give me mail id of JdGordon to discuss with him |
19:31:08 | ashish | or if he is present here :) |
19:31:56 | BigBambi | ashish: He is here all the time, hang around and I'm sure he'll appear |
19:32:26 | tmzt | ashish: a calibration ui could be useful |
19:32:38 | BigBambi | ashish: And it isn't so much applications, it is how to control Rockbox (which is a complete firmware replacement) on a touchscreen device. It is currently set-up solely for button input |
19:32:52 | BigBambi | ashish: A control method full stop would be useful first |
19:33:24 | BigBambi | er s/ashish/tmzt/ |
19:34:15 | | Quit buk_ ("Quitte") |
19:34:50 | JdGordon | ashish: hi |
19:34:56 | ashish | yeah true, the UI will be touch-based to control and calibrate it - replacing the buttons to some extent |
19:35:03 | ashish | Hi JdGordon :) |
19:35:34 | tmzt | BigBambi: I mean resistive might not be usable at all without calibration and wouldn't that control require major changes to the core that would have to be agreed on? this is a student project where that amount of prior consensus could make it difficult |
19:35:52 | ashish | I was hoping if we could discuss some touch-based control application development on a touchscreen target for rockbox |
19:35:59 | JdGordon | sure |
19:36:25 | BigBambi | ashish: completely replacing the buttons in some cases |
19:36:32 | BigBambi | i.e. the buttons are lacking |
19:36:52 | ashish | ok |
19:37:14 | tmzt | could PF form the basis for a new ui for touchscreen at least parts of it? |
19:37:29 | BigBambi | tmzt: dear god, I hope not |
19:37:50 | JdGordon | eeek! |
19:38:07 | ashish | what we can do is map the input from the touch-screen driver to a gesture recognition module which will then relay commands to the main core to do the required things , similar to what would have been done on pressing a button |
19:38:10 | BigBambi | tmzt: And I wasn't saying that calibration wouldn't be needed, I just meant that it isn't the first thing |
19:38:25 | | Join PaulJam [0] (n=PaulJam_@p54BED006.dip.t-dialin.net) |
19:38:56 | JdGordon | ashish: I dont know if gestures will work so well.. you have to remember that the touchscreen's are really cheap and pretty crap.. |
19:39:40 | Llorean | JdGordon: Unless they're really simple gestures. Like "bottom left to top right" |
19:39:58 | JdGordon | ok, yeah |
19:40:12 | ashish | then it will be just buttons that can be displayed on the touchscreen - which can be of various shape and size acc to the context |
19:40:30 | ashish | this will require to bypass the gesture recognition module |
19:40:31 | Llorean | Gestures like "move from left to right" would be good for next-track skip, to avoid accidentally triggering it. |
19:41:05 | Llorean | ashish: Please type out full words like "according" in this channel. |
19:41:20 | JdGordon | up<->down sliding is also needed for things like the list |
19:41:21 | JdGordon | s |
19:41:26 | ashish | just it will be like a button-event triggered by touch that point |
19:41:43 | ashish | Llorean: okay - sorry |
19:42:47 | JdGordon | ashish: right now, the touchscreen works by needing to figure out rouphly what was pressed by the pixel position, so each screen needs to be handled seperalty... If it could bechanged to more closly work like real button events that would be great |
19:43:09 | | Join Buschel [0] (n=abc@p54A3C874.dip.t-dialin.net) |
19:43:11 | tmzt | so it would be the same interface but the text would be larger to accomadate a fingertip press? |
19:43:33 | saratoga | i always wondered if we could make it so that list items were clickable in rockbox |
19:43:39 | saratoga | on touch screen targets taht is |
19:43:50 | JdGordon | list items are selectable (or were) on touchscreen |
19:44:07 | JdGordon | origionallythey were, but then we sort of changed tot he fake grid button thing which isnt so good |
19:44:39 | | Join bluebrother [0] (n=dom@rockbox/developer/bluebrother) |
19:44:44 | Buschel | anybody else using FS #9708 (DMA for PP502x)? |
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19:45:30 | * | JdGordon also wants a completly customizable touch interface on the wps so you could put buttons anywhere |
19:45:32 | saratoga2 | it seems to me we could keep the UI pretty similar on touch targets just by using a slightly larger font for list items and making them clickable rather then scrollable |
19:45:53 | JdGordon | it still needs to be scrollable, somehow |
19:45:56 | ashish | i think most of the drivers give the touch-event in normalized co-ordinates - so it will not be a problem to handle each screen separately ? |
19:46:19 | saratoga2 | why scrollable? |
19:46:19 | Llorean | I find the button grid pretty useful, personally |
19:46:24 | Llorean | At least it's *very* easy to use with fingers. |
19:46:28 | Llorean | And you can use it blind. |
19:46:53 | BigBambi | I suspect this is one of those you have to try on target to see what is actually possible to use in real life type things |
19:46:54 | | Join Ridayah [0] (n=ridayah@173-19-228-175.client.mchsi.com) |
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19:47:05 | | Join jhMikeS [50] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) |
19:47:44 | JdGordon | ashish: by screen I mean the different screens which are drawn on the display (the list, wps, settings, etc), not the real screens on different targets |
19:48:14 | Llorean | BigBambi: Explicit touchscreening is okay (clicking on individual list items, dragging scrollbars, etc) if you can see the screen. The other method basically turns the screen into (effectively) the H100 navigation stick. Directions, and a center click. Since each of those uses a significant portion of the screen, you can use it blindly quite easily as long as you know the orientation of the player. |
19:48:38 | BigBambi | OK |
19:48:50 | Llorean | Both have situations where they're ideal |
19:49:03 | Llorean | I admit it'd be really cool if a viewport tag could also be assigned a "button" function for touchscreens. |
19:49:08 | | Quit erlockfisher (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) |
19:49:11 | BigBambi | I think I'd have to try it in a real use case to see which I prefered, but as I dopn't have a touch screen target, I'm going to keep out of this conversation |
19:49:14 | Llorean | So touching the Play/Pause icon toggled it. |
19:49:31 | JdGordon | thats what I want to do.. but have regions seperate from viewports |
19:49:40 | BigBambi | That would be cool |
19:49:58 | JdGordon | as well as seeking by clicking/dragging on the progress bar :) |
19:50:01 | Llorean | BigBambi: it's not so much "a use case" as each one depends on how you personally use your player. If we want it to be blind usable at all, we have to keep the option in. If we're not gonna have the option, we'd have to drop the one it seems most sighted people would intuitively try to use. |
19:50:27 | JdGordon | I dont tihnk we need to worry too much about keeping the blind interface on touchscreen targets |
19:50:29 | Llorean | Basically, we need the "less cool" one as the default (since blind people can't navigate to the new one) and the more cool one as an option. |
19:50:36 | JdGordon | touchscreen + blind dont mix |
19:50:38 | BigBambi | Llorean: That's what I meant - I'm not sure how I'd use it (or how I would prefer it) until I tried |
19:50:42 | Llorean | JdGordon: Except we can MAKE them mix, just fine. |
19:50:49 | Llorean | As long as you don't intentionally say "screw blind people" |
19:51:05 | JdGordon | which im not saying |
19:51:17 | Llorean | Then worry about keeping the blind interface, because it's 100% doable. |
19:51:30 | JdGordon | as a 2nd option, not as the default |
19:51:39 | Llorean | You can't GET to it if it's the second option |
19:51:43 | * | BigBambi hopes ashish is keeping up with this :) |
19:51:56 | Llorean | JdGordon: Sighted users can change, blind users can't see to do it. |
19:52:03 | JdGordon | blind users wont go for touchscreen targets so its not a big deal |
19:52:14 | JdGordon | anyone recommending a touchscreen target to a blind person should be shot |
19:52:17 | Llorean | Except they CAN if you make it usable |
19:52:21 | ashish | yes sure , i am watching the discussion and hoping to come up with something concrete |
19:52:26 | Llorean | Blind users won't generally go for MP3 players without some method of navigating blind. |
19:52:29 | BigBambi | Either way, surely this is a secondary argument |
19:52:40 | Llorean | JdGordon: If the touchscreen target ran Rockbox and was usable, WHY would it be bad to recommend? |
19:52:44 | JdGordon | an argument is an argument :D |
19:52:45 | Llorean | Maybe it meets their needs nicely? |
19:53:01 | JdGordon | how could it possibly meet their needs? you have to see to use it |
19:53:01 | saratoga_lab | do blind people use touch screen players? seems like that would be awful |
19:53:09 | Llorean | BigBambi: It's only a secondary argument until he uses "well if it's not going to be the default, they can't get to it... so maybe we could remove it" |
19:53:14 | Llorean | BigBambi: He *was* hinting that it shouldn't be there at all earlier. |
19:53:19 | | Quit ultrasonic (Connection timed out) |
19:53:29 | Llorean | JdGordon: you have to see to use it only if you don't make the blind-usable interface the default. |
19:54:07 | Llorean | JdGordon: If it's got a default blind usable interface in Rockbox, you do not need to see to use it. If you don't make it the default, you're saying "screw blind people, sighted people having more fun and not having to change a single option is more important than them being able to USE the player" |
19:54:36 | JdGordon | I love this.. so you want 2 totally different button approaches for touchscreen, 1 being explictly for blind users who btw will never buy the target... but then heaven forbid any sort of button options on targets where its actually useful |
19:54:40 | ashish | I will look more into the details of rockbox and a touch-target device driver and will come up with some concrete framework to propose |
19:54:57 | | Join saratoga_chrome [0] (n=9803c264@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-484caeea174ce5ac) |
19:55:00 | JdGordon | ashish: great, looking forward to it |
19:55:02 | ashish | thanks for helping me understand the requirements :) |
19:55:05 | Llorean | Why don't you send an email to the mailing list saying "We could make the D2 blind usable from the get-go. Instead we're choosing to default install a Rockbox that requires sighted assistance to configure for blind use, the exact opposite of what we've done on other targets. I hope you guys like it." |
19:55:27 | | Quit saratoga_lab ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
19:55:27 | Llorean | JdGordon: I thought you said the alternate buttons SHOULD be there still earlier. Now you're already on "we should remove it"? |
19:55:50 | JdGordon | nice way of stretching my meaning.... |
19:55:57 | Llorean | JdGordon: It's exactly what you're saying. |
19:56:04 | ashish | JdGordon: can u give your mail-id or i should mail it on the mailing list ? |
19:56:06 | saratoga_chrome | do we actually have blind D2 users? |
19:56:11 | JdGordon | no, i dont see why we should dumb down the interface for almost no benefit |
19:56:13 | Llorean | ashish: "you", please |
19:56:24 | JdGordon | ashish: the dev mailing list is best |
19:56:32 | Llorean | saratoga_chrome: Not yet. Do you really want to tell them they can never be users? |
19:56:45 | Llorean | JdGordon: "Blind use" is almost no benefit? |
19:57:00 | | Quit jhMikeS (Nick collision from services.) |
19:57:02 | saratoga_chrome | Llorean: i think thats pretty reasonable, the D2 is a terrible idea for blind users |
19:57:03 | JdGordon | fuck, blind users wont go for touchscreen targets |
19:57:06 | | Join jhMikeS [50] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) |
19:57:13 | saratoga_chrome | we should absolutely tell them not to use it |
19:57:14 | JdGordon | you are being stupid thinking they would |
19:57:19 | Llorean | saratoga_chrome: It's really not with the button interface. At all. It's quite easy to use blind. |
19:57:38 | Llorean | JdGordon: It's as easy to use blind as any other player I own. |
19:58:12 | JdGordon | how can you be sure you are pressing the middle button if you arnt looking at the screen? |
19:58:16 | Llorean | saratoga_chrome: The assumption "touchscreen = unusable" is based entirely on the UI design, not the fact that it's a touchscreen. |
19:58:19 | JdGordon | blind+touch is never going to work |
19:58:34 | Llorean | JdGordon: Because I'm holding the player and can feel how wide it is pretty easily. it's not hard. I've used it blind, I'm not just talking out of my ass here. |
19:58:38 | pixelma | Unhelpful: just tested the latest patch you posted in the pf input task on my Ondio (unaltered) and now up and down scroll the cover view too? I thought "up" was an alternative "select" again... it also surprised me that there was nothing new after my last comment, though you posted afterwards |
19:58:40 | saratoga_chrome | i don't agree with that, a touchscreen gives you no tactile feedback |
19:58:46 | Llorean | saratoga_chrome: You don't need it. |
19:58:48 | bertrik | jhMikeS, is it safe to assume that a target that use CHARGING_TARGET implement the charging_state function? |
19:58:55 | rasher | JdGordon: in addition to what Llorean says, blind users are probably better at this too |
19:59:03 | JdGordon | Llorean: and you can find the middle button without touchsing the screen at all? |
19:59:07 | Llorean | saratoga_chrome: When browsing, Rockbox gives you vocal feedback. The scrollwheel on the iPod gives you exactly as little feedback. |
19:59:13 | Llorean | JdGordon: Yes. |
19:59:22 | Llorean | JdGordon: And I guarantee if I can do it, blind users can. |
19:59:49 | Llorean | JdGordon: Once you place the player in your hand and do it *once* you can pretty easily remember how to hold and where to put your thumb. |
19:59:59 | JdGordon | meh, whatever... |
20:00 |
20:00:26 | Llorean | JdGordon: Why don't you bring it up on -dev then? "Drop touchscreen support for blind users." |
20:00:37 | Llorean | If you feel we shouldn't, it's at least something we should discuss since you're changing one of our general goals. |
20:00:41 | | Part Ubuntuxer |
20:00:44 | saratoga_chrome | we don't need to drop support |
20:00:54 | saratoga_chrome | we can just point out thats its not going to work well |
20:00:55 | JdGordon | seen as we dont support any touchscreen atrgets yet i dont see the need |
20:01:04 | Llorean | saratoga_chrome: That's what he's proposing to do. He said the alternate buttons shouldn't be an option. |
20:01:04 | saratoga_chrome | which i think is pretty obvious |
20:01:28 | Llorean | It is 100% unusable blind without the indirect touchscreen use. |
20:01:50 | Llorean | Well, 99.8%, you could ensure short lists and guess which word you're clicking on really, really well. |
20:02:12 | saratoga_chrome | i think his point is that no one is going to care about a second button scheme, not that it shouldn't be allowed |
20:04:16 | Llorean | saratoga_chrome: Well, the thing is the blind-usable one must be the default. Similar to how we have voice enabled by default. You can't start from a non-usable situation and get to a usable one. |
20:04:27 | Llorean | But sighted users can readily start from a less fun one and go to a more fun one. That's just an issue of fun. |
20:04:32 | Llorean | Not can/can't use. |
20:04:48 | saratoga_chrome | Llorean: I don't agree with that |
20:05:00 | Llorean | If he *really* feels strongly that sighted users *need* to start with the other default, maybe he could implement that first_run.rock idea that was tossed around. |
20:05:13 | Llorean | saratoga_chrome: You think blind usability should be sacrificed for "ooh-aah" factor too? |
20:05:41 | saratoga_chrome | in this case yes, but I don't see why we need to sacrifice it, rbutility could just setup up things differently for visually impared users |
20:06:04 | saratoga_chrome | i presume the software is screen reader friendly? |
20:06:04 | Llorean | saratoga_chrome: I invite you to explain to our blind userbase that when we come to a choice between blind usability and "fun", if it's "fun enough" we sacrifice their usability. |
20:06:22 | Llorean | saratoga_chrome: Until RBUtility does that, though, we should default to "usable" |
20:06:25 | saratoga_chrome | sure just ping me when the time comes |
20:06:53 | jhMikeS | bertrik: Why wouldn't it implement charging_state? If you know nothing of the state, I can't imaging being able to use anything other than CHARGING_SIMPLE. |
20:07:06 | Llorean | I don't understand why "asking people to change an option" is bad. We pick a lot of defaults that are almost certainly going to be changed, but at least don't cause harm. |
20:07:25 | * | gevaerts votes to make ascii sort the default :) |
20:07:38 | Llorean | gevaerts: it needs to be (and the other disabled) in the release build! :-P |
20:07:52 | bertrik | jhMikeS, yes I was thinking that too, but for example the plugin api only exposes the function for CHARGING_MONITOR |
20:07:52 | saratoga_chrome | options are annoying, users should have to use them as little as possible |
20:08:10 | Llorean | saratoga_chrome: Ah yes, and "annoying" is so much worse than "cannot be used without a second, sighted human being present" |
20:08:24 | * | bluebrother usually uses options only once: set them to the desired value :) |
20:08:43 | Llorean | bluebrother: Which is all that would be necessary here. |
20:08:52 | jhMikeS | bertrik: Not >= CHARGING_MONITOR? What uses it? |
20:08:55 | | Quit barrywardell () |
20:09:05 | bertrik | battery bench |
20:09:27 | Llorean | I personally find the "buttons" method the most finger-usable touchscreen device i've ever owned, so I don't buy the "every sighted user will change it" argument either. |
20:09:41 | Llorean | It's basically user-preference, where ONE preference is usable blind, and the other isn't and can't be changed without a sighted person. |
20:09:51 | bluebrother | Llorean: that's my point. I don't think it's a problem to expect a user changing an option once |
20:10:05 | Llorean | bluebrother: Indeed. |
20:10:23 | jhMikeS | bertrik: Indeed I think battery_bench should include it for >= CHARGING_MONITOR |
20:10:38 | Llorean | Though ideally a first_run.rock would be better. |
20:10:45 | Llorean | Since there are so many options people should probably setup the first time. |
20:10:54 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (i=thunderc@persistence.flat.devzero.co.uk) |
20:11:01 | * | bluebrother thinks this numerical sort should be disabled from 3.2 to prevent confusion |
20:11:08 | Llorean | And it could do things like scan the drive for the largest folder, and pick a "max files in folder" value just over it as the default. |
20:11:17 | | Join shotofadds [0] (n=rob@rockbox/developer/shotofadds) |
20:11:30 | Llorean | bluebrother: I *think* we all sorta agree on that, since the 3.2-branch sort method isn't going to be the final one anyway. |
20:11:46 | Llorean | It either needs to be fixed, or removed, and we can't test the fix to see if it does unexpected things. |
20:11:53 | * | bluebrother still somewhat likes the idea of having a configuration frontend in rbutil eventually |
20:12:07 | bluebrother | when was 3.2 scheduled for? 23th? |
20:12:10 | rasher | I think the safest is to remove the menu code and set the default. |
20:12:10 | Llorean | bluebrother: That would be just as good. |
20:12:14 | Llorean | Yeah, 23rd |
20:12:19 | Llorean | rasher: Yeah, same here. |
20:12:29 | bluebrother | that is tomorrow. So no real time for testing at all |
20:12:33 | Llorean | Nope. |
20:12:49 | gevaerts | Just make sure that if you remove the option, you update the manual as well (including the changelog) |
20:13:07 | Llorean | If we remove the menu option, will .cfgs with it still load? |
20:13:22 | Llorean | (I consider that actually a benefit if the answer is yes, no unexpected behaviour for branch people updating to the release, etc) |
20:13:24 | bluebrother | looks like someone needs to start a discussion "do we want to mimic major file browsers" on the ml ;-) |
20:13:29 | Llorean | No harm if it doesn't though, not really. |
20:13:47 | | Quit ashish ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
20:13:55 | rasher | Llorean: I believe it should work still, yes |
20:14:15 | * | rasher notices that the German translation hasn't been completed |
20:14:20 | shotofadds | Evening all. I thought the original idea for the "touchscreen grid" idea was mainly for plugins, and it is only being used for menus/WPS at the moment because the main rockbox UI isn't usable enough in "touchscreen point" mode? |
20:15:03 | shotofadds | The d2 is qutie usable in menus in "touchscreen point" mode, but it would need a larger default font |
20:15:05 | Llorean | shotofadds: the original reason doesn't mean other reasons haven't appeared with time. |
20:15:07 | shotofadds | *quite |
20:15:12 | JdGordon | shotofadds: yes, it was origionally put in to speed up development and for plugins |
20:15:19 | Llorean | shotofadds: "touchscreen point" mode can't be used blindly. |
20:15:42 | shotofadds | Llorean: blind users are not a reason. I fail to believe a blind user would touch a d2 with a bargepole |
20:16:04 | Llorean | shotofadds: Most blind users wouldn't buy an MP3 player with a complex software in generaly |
20:16:06 | Llorean | We make them blind usable |
20:16:11 | gevaerts | shotofadds: of course they wouldn't. That would make it even harder to control! |
20:16:12 | Llorean | We can make the D2 blind usable (already have, honestly) |
20:16:38 | Llorean | shotofadds: Basically, "because it's not usable blind, they won't buy it" also means "once it's usable blind, they might buy it" |
20:17:31 | domonoky | as there are many different modes to use a touchscreen, why not make a framework so that users can switch between, buttons,gestures,point mode ? |
20:18:00 | Llorean | domonoky: Probably both "buttons" and "point mode" would use the same gestures, if we're talking simple gestures |
20:18:55 | domonoky | i would think that gestures would easily conflict with point mode.. |
20:19:05 | shotofadds | I fail to see that making a touchscreen target available to blind users is a sensible goal |
20:19:20 | Llorean | shotofadds: We already *have* |
20:19:32 | Llorean | The suggestion is to take it away. |
20:19:37 | | Join midijunkie [0] (n=Miranda@pD9545ABB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
20:19:59 | * | gevaerts plays devil's advocate and whispers "configurable buttons" |
20:20:08 | * | JdGordon is glad to see at leats one other person in the channel agrees with him |
20:20:11 | Llorean | gevaerts: Configurable buttons wouldn't do any good here. |
20:20:20 | domonoky | and its not really only "blind users" mode, people prefer different modes, so why not make it switchable :-) |
20:20:21 | JdGordon | its the same bloody argument |
20:20:32 | Llorean | gevaerts: The question is whether it *has* buttons, or whether the whole screen is "select" and you just select what's under the mouse. |
20:20:53 | gevaerts | Llorean: I mean, changing the control scheme is pretty much the same thing as configurable buttons |
20:20:56 | Llorean | domonoky: As I said earlier, I find it more usable than any other touchscreen device I've owned. |
20:21:06 | JdGordon | Llorean: how do i do blaa?? its not working.... "are you in blind more or touch mode"... "how do i know? its not working" |
20:21:08 | shotofadds | Llorean: I don't think we need to take anything away. The touchscreen mode can be switched easily. eg. the test_touchscreen plugin already provides a method to do this. iirc mcuelenaere posted a patch to enable switching via a key combo, too |
20:21:18 | JdGordon | its the same argument as the reason you are all out against custom buttons |
20:21:23 | Llorean | gevaerts: *similar* yes. I guess we could always *just* do the blind-usable one. It's also very usable sighted. |
20:22:09 | Llorean | JdGordon: I wouldn't ask that. I would ask "have you changed the touchscreen mode since you installed?" |
20:22:21 | Llorean | JdGordon: You basically just blamed the feature on someone asking a dumb support question. |
20:22:25 | JdGordon | i dont think so... |
20:22:28 | * | gevaerts isn't sure which side he's on |
20:22:36 | | Join kps [0] (n=d1c36899@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-20630f3595b151f2) |
20:22:43 | JdGordon | Llorean: support is the reason you are against custom buttons |
20:22:50 | * | domonoky just wants !all! touchscreen possibilitys :-) |
20:22:50 | * | shotofadds would like to see a "proper" touch UI as per JdGordon's customizable WPS idea |
20:23:03 | Llorean | shotofadds: JdGordon wants to disable it by default, so that blind users cannot use the player period without getting another person to help (opposite of standard policy). I want to enable it by default ,because sighted users can disable it easily. |
20:23:20 | shotofadds | ..but is also quite ok with the current arrangement |
20:23:30 | * | gevaerts goes deaf |
20:23:31 | Llorean | JdGordon: Would you be happier if I said "we cannot have absolute touchscreen clicking" then? |
20:23:38 | Llorean | It's unnecessary, and if we have to pick one, we should pick the more useful one. |
20:23:38 | | Quit kps (Client Quit) |
20:24:05 | gevaerts | The entire point of touchscreens is that you can point to widgets |
20:24:12 | Llorean | shotofadds: I want an absolute touchscreen as per the WPS idea. I just don't think it should be the default, since blind users can't change it themselves. |
20:24:17 | doomwake | i cant get the video player to work or the game boy player does any one know why? |
20:24:21 | | Quit midijunkie (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
20:24:30 | Llorean | doomwake: Are you trying to use them like the manual describes? |
20:24:39 | doomwake | yeah |
20:24:44 | * | domonoky doesnt really understand the problem: if we have both options, and we cant decide on a good Default, we make rbutil switch it on install, as the user wants it. |
20:24:47 | Llorean | doomwake: What, exactly, do you do and what happens? |
20:24:53 | * | shotofadds points to bluebrother's RbUtil configuration frontend... |
20:24:59 | Llorean | domonoky: Someone needs to code this, but yes, that would be fine. |
20:25:07 | doomwake | they dont even show up whe ni but the video or the game on the drive |
20:25:12 | saratoga_chrome | heh thats what I said like 15 minutes ago |
20:25:14 | Llorean | But we've brought up the idea of RButil configuring other options on install before, and nobody's coded it yet. |
20:25:26 | Llorean | doomwake: What extension(s) do the files have? |
20:25:40 | domonoky | Llorean: give me two days, and the need to have it rbutil (release a touchscreen traget( and we will have that.. |
20:25:43 | domonoky | :-) |
20:26:03 | doomwake | the videos i converted with the vlc .bat file and the game are gb and .gbc |
20:26:04 | * | shotofadds was about to say that.. the lack of a releaseable target is the main problem i guess |
20:26:08 | Llorean | domonoky: There are plenty of other options that could be configured helpfully on first install I think |
20:26:29 | Llorean | doomwake: "converted with the vlc .bat file" doesn't tell me anything. That's not a file we make, so I don't know what it does. |
20:26:37 | shotofadds | Presumably if "absolute point mode" were enabled by RbUtil a number other options would be needed too: font size, WPS... |
20:26:40 | Llorean | doomwake: What do you have the File View mode set to (this is described in the manual) |
20:26:52 | | Quit PaulJam (".") |
20:26:54 | domonoky | yes, but my point is, that this isnt a hard task, i just needs some coding. If we really need it, we will have it fast :-) |
20:27:08 | Llorean | shotofadds: We could probably use the same default theme for both modes - blind people won't care if the font sizes are quite big. |
20:27:35 | | Join Lear [0] (i=chatzill@rockbox/developer/lear) |
20:27:36 | doomwake | defalut i guess |
20:27:39 | Llorean | domonoky: Well, the default still needs to be set just in case someone resets settings on target. But at least, in that case, there's less argument against it being the blind usable one. |
20:27:47 | Llorean | doomwake: Check the value. Please don't guess. |
20:28:52 | doomwake | wheres the setting? |
20:29:02 | domonoky | Llorean: jup, so problem solved. No need for jdgordon to steal touchscreen targets out of blind users hands :-) |
20:29:07 | shotofadds | Llorean: yes, that sounds reasonable. |
20:29:15 | Llorean | doomwake: As I said, it's described in the manual. It's in the quick screen by default, it's also in the normal menus |
20:29:31 | shotofadds | we just need a working target now ;-) |
20:30:29 | * | shotofadds pokes preglow about that SD driver (we have udelay() now, if that's any help...) |
20:31:53 | | Join jordoex [0] (n=quassel@d154-20-29-131.bchsia.telus.net) |
20:32:18 | doomwake | ehere in the maual does it talk about that in the settings page? |
20:33:05 | | Quit jordoex (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
20:33:08 | Llorean | doomwake: It would take me just as long to search as you. |
20:33:30 | Unhelpful | pixelma: i have up-as-select in my local branch, i've been going through one device at a time and tweaking/testing. i'll try to get what i've got so far on the FS task tonight. |
20:33:42 | doomwake | coll thanks i got it |
20:33:47 | doomwake | tha was the matter |
20:33:55 | doomwake | thanks Llorean |
20:34:57 | | Quit taylor_ ("Leaving") |
20:37:21 | shotofadds | Llorean: that reminds me, I have some code here to improve the accuracy of the touchscreen driver slightly. It's still not perfect, but certainly an improvement. I'll clean it up and commit soon. |
20:37:32 | Llorean | shotofadds: Cool |
20:39:51 | shotofadds | Llorean: how would you feel about me committing FS #9129 as an interim measure? It might help people become more familiar with both touchscreen modes if there is an easy way to switch. I know we usually steer clear of half-baked ideas, but the D2 is a port-in-progress after all... |
20:41:35 | Llorean | shotofadds: Personally I'd prefer it be a regular setting (saved in .cfg, set via the menu) |
20:42:00 | Llorean | It's an in-progress port, but if you start assigning buttons, and people use them (like people seem to use the D2 port quite a bit already) it can be hard to change later. |
20:42:03 | | Join __lifeless [0] (n=lifeless@ |
20:42:31 | shotofadds | Llorean: a real setting is more useful in the long run, certainly. I'll have a look into it. |
20:42:55 | Llorean | Cool, thanks. |
20:45:09 | shotofadds | Llorean: I'd also like to see FS #9875 in the main build as it is a feature I use a LOT in the OF, but I fear it's a bit unconventional for Rockbox... |
20:45:51 | * | shotofadds will be back later |
20:45:55 | | Join Schnueff_ [0] (n=mah@77-23-21-218-dynip.superkabel.de) |
20:46:07 | Llorean | shotofadds: People have requested a similar feature for other targets and it's been rejected. |
20:46:18 | Llorean | shotofadds: Plus, with the 3x3 grid, you can turn off hold and skip tracks blind with your finger. ;) |
20:50:44 | * | bluebrother wonders how hard it would be to make the build system output a file containing all settings with allowed values |
20:51:10 | gevaerts | would be useful for the manual as well |
20:51:30 | Llorean | Yes. |
20:52:08 | Nico_P | JdGordon: here? |
20:52:17 | bluebrother | that could be put on the player (as rockbox-info.txt) and get used by rbutil to allow changing the settings. Has the major advantage that it'll always match the build on the player |
20:52:46 | gevaerts | Does FS #9875 basically make it ignore hold? |
20:55:26 | | Quit perrikwp ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
20:55:37 | | Quit FlynDice (Remote closed the connection) |
20:56:03 | Llorean | gevaerts: Basically hold only affects the touchscreen, and one of the three buttons. |
20:56:38 | * | gevaerts doesn't like that :\ |
20:57:04 | | Quit _lifeless (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
20:57:21 | | Quit Schnueff (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
20:58:07 | Llorean | gevaerts: Well, we could do something like have a "screen off" option in the WPS context menu. |
20:58:40 | Llorean | But it's still very, very specialized |
20:59:10 | Llorean | And again, the directional input mode *does* allow in-pocket use anyway. *I* haven't encountered the problem. :) |
20:59:31 | gevaerts | The point is that I like hold to mean "as long as nobody touches the hold switch, *nothing* will happen" |
20:59:41 | Llorean | I agree. |
20:59:48 | Llorean | And we've closed similar tasks on just that reasoning. |
21:00 |
21:00:17 | rasher | Should we add a header to the theme .cfg/.wps files in wps/ ? |
21:00:23 | | Join FlynDice [0] (n=jack@c-24-19-225-90.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) |
21:00:27 | | Quit Llorean (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
21:00:47 | | Join Llorean [0] (n=DarkkOne@ |
21:08:35 | | Quit thegeek_ (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
21:15:08 | rasher | bluebrother: so where would be the best place for a general message that doesn't indicate an error? |
21:16:05 | rasher | bluebrother: http://home.rasher.dk/rbutilqt.php?res=176x220x16 ? |
21:16:19 | | Join dmb [0] (n=dmb@unaffiliated/dmb) |
21:16:45 | bluebrother | looks good to me. We could always display the status in a message box after the window opens if it's non-empty. |
21:17:22 | rasher | I imagine just changing the template will be good enough. It's unlikely to need changing often, I imagine |
21:17:26 | bluebrother | though in _that_ case having an optional localization would be nice. Though that would only require rbutil to also check for msg.<langid> keys |
21:17:58 | | Quit linuxstb (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
21:18:03 | | Join dfkt_dt [0] (i=dfkt@unaffiliated/dfkt) |
21:18:13 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
21:18:39 | | Join casainho [0] (n=chatzill@ |
21:22:12 | rasher | It's not exactly vital information, and prone to changing suddenly |
21:22:22 | gevaerts | I guess ThemeGuidelines will need to be reviewed |
21:23:25 | rasher | Just add validating code to the themesite and let it sort itself out! |
21:23:38 | | Quit jhMikeS (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
21:24:42 | gevaerts | the zipfile naming guidelines seems not to match the new site |
21:24:45 | rasher | I think it looks fairly good, except for the patches part |
21:24:51 | | Join jhMikeS [50] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) |
21:25:25 | rasher | gevaerts: In which way? |
21:25:36 | | Quit dfkt (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
21:26:57 | gevaerts | not sure. Things like "Once submitted to this site, that portion of the filename will almost always be removed before uploading" |
21:27:39 | rasher | Ah yes |
21:30:26 | bluebrother | rasher: http://www.alice-dsl.net/dominik.riebeling/rockbox/theme-msg.jpg |
21:30:51 | rasher | bluebrother: Seems good |
21:31:34 | bluebrother | it's always displayed if errormsg isn't empty or missing |
21:32:42 | gevaerts | "Please check back later for more themes"? |
21:33:55 | BigBambi | rasher: Good news about cabbie v2 - the theme site can legitimately have my oh-so-different derivation now! |
21:35:17 | rasher | Yes, great news indeed |
21:37:44 | gevaerts | rasher: I'd change "Check back later" into "If you don't find a theme you like, please try again later" |
21:38:07 | Llorean | Yeah, "Check back later" seems to suggest you won't find anything, go ahead and close the window |
21:38:15 | rasher | gevaerts: You do it, it's getting embarrassing now |
21:39:11 | * | gevaerts checks out first :) |
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21:40:49 | gevaerts | rasher: done |
21:41:16 | | Nick n17ikh| is now known as n17ikh (n=n17ikh@ |
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21:42:39 | | Nick n17ikh| is now known as n17ikh (n=n17ikh@ |
21:43:48 | Nico_P | rasher: I've been looking at the theme site, looks nice :) |
21:44:19 | rasher | I'm starting to think it's ready to go live |
21:44:43 | | Quit jhMikeS (Nick collision from services.) |
21:44:49 | | Join jhMikeS [50] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) |
21:44:50 | rasher | Still some things that would be nice to have for the future, but nothing that must be done now, I think |
21:45:23 | gevaerts | It would be really nice to have it live at time of the 3.2 release |
21:47:24 | rasher | I think so too, but that needs another rbutil release done.. now |
21:49:32 | Nico_P | is it running on the official webserver? |
21:49:53 | rasher | No |
21:50:52 | rasher | But a slightly earlier version has been tested there |
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21:55:26 | n1s | rasher: about r20462, i am pretty sure that removing the "usbstack" lines means that those strings are now completely omitted for targets that had them previously -> ID's change, voice files break. Or am i overlooking something? |
21:56:39 | n1s | I also think the lang system could use some tweaks to make handling this stuff easier |
21:57:01 | rasher | oh huh, that might be true |
21:57:58 | BigBambi | hmmm, the text editor plugin doesn't handle usb insert |
21:58:06 | BigBambi | It just sits there as if nothing has happened |
21:58:50 | rasher | n1s: I think you're right. This is unfortunate. |
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21:59:25 | n1s | shouldn't matter much on trunk, we might as well take the opportunity to clean out deprecated strings etc |
21:59:32 | rasher | True |
21:59:47 | rasher | Now is actually a better time than most, I think |
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22:01:08 | | Join perrikwp [0] (i=4aa794a0@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-6479d27067ddcd58) |
22:02:49 | bluebrother | another rbutil release isn't problematic at all −− there weren't changes that could break things. At least as far as I can tell :) |
22:03:13 | bluebrother | maybe we should bump to rbutil 1.2 for the "new" feature ;) |
22:03:40 | gevaerts | rbutil 1.2, "3.2 edition" :) |
22:04:13 | rasher | Honestly I think you should just bump it to 3.2 and only release with Rockbox |
22:04:48 | Llorean | rasher: Probably not worth doing, or when we release Rockbox 3.3 we'll *need* a RButil 3.3 even if it doesn't need to actually be updated. |
22:04:59 | | Join Ubuntuxer [0] (n=johannes@dslb-092-073-027-222.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
22:05:02 | rasher | Llorean: I don't see why that's so bad? |
22:05:13 | Llorean | rasher: Half the time we don't even have an up-to-date OSX build anyway |
22:05:24 | rasher | *that* does need fixing |
22:06:02 | Llorean | As well, if we need to fix RButil to 3.2.1 because of a bug, do we upgrade normal builds to 3.2.1 so people think they're linked? |
22:06:33 | Llorean | If we have a new feature between 3.2 and 3.3, do we not release a new RBUtil, or do we give it a point release number (3.2.1), and if so, if Rockbox hits 3.2.2 from point releases does RButil share that versioning? |
22:06:52 | Llorean | I think matching the release numbers can lead to a lot of confused users if we need point releases. |
22:07:07 | gevaerts | Also, are we going to match bootloader versions as well then? |
22:07:25 | | Join ace1241 [0] (n=4c5a6119@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-7bee073d85a66c33) |
22:07:26 | Llorean | It's easier (in my mind) for it *just* to be a separate program. |
22:07:52 | ace1241 | hello, can someone help me with rockbox on a 5g 80gb ipod..? i tried looking in the forum but it wont work |
22:08:22 | rasher | Maybe. I still think only releasing at releases is a good idea though. |
22:08:31 | Llorean | Why? |
22:08:42 | ace1241 | the bootloader just won't detect my ipod |
22:08:55 | Llorean | We don't provide "current" builds of it like we do with Rockbox, so we're basically denying non-compilers features. |
22:09:01 | gevaerts | ace1241: the bootloader, or the installer? |
22:09:06 | ace1241 | the bootloader |
22:09:16 | Llorean | ace1241: The bootloader is already installed on your player then? |
22:09:20 | rasher | Llorean: we could do rc builds |
22:09:23 | ace1241 | no |
22:09:28 | Llorean | ace1241: Because anything that runs on your PC is *not* the bootloader. |
22:09:32 | ace1241 | oh |
22:09:35 | ace1241 | okay than the installer |
22:09:40 | Llorean | ace1241: Which installer? |
22:09:44 | ace1241 | the patcher |
22:09:56 | ace1241 | it says searching for devices, and says no ipod detected |
22:10:02 | Llorean | ace1241: What, exactly, is it named. Do you mean "ipodpatcher"? |
22:10:06 | ace1241 | yea |
22:10:13 | ace1241 | the ipod is in disk mode, itunes is off |
22:10:13 | Llorean | Why aren't you using Rockbox Utility? |
22:10:17 | ace1241 | i tried it |
22:10:23 | ace1241 | won't detect my ipod |
22:10:26 | ace1241 | so i tried to do it manually |
22:10:31 | gevaerts | what OS are you using? |
22:10:40 | Llorean | ace1241: Are you 100% sure yours is a 5G, and not a Classic? |
22:10:52 | ace1241 | yes |
22:11:24 | n1s | ace1241: do you run with root/admin privileges |
22:11:25 | Llorean | ace1241: It boots the apple firmware and works normally? |
22:11:29 | ace1241 | yes |
22:11:49 | Llorean | ace1241: We can't know who you were answering with that, please specify. |
22:12:39 | ace1241 | the ipod works fine, it works with itunes, and im in an admin account |
22:13:00 | Llorean | ace1241: What are the last 3 digits of the serial number? |
22:13:05 | Llorean | It should be on the back of the iPod |
22:13:38 | ace1241 | YMV |
22:13:47 | Llorean | That's an iPod Classic |
22:13:48 | Llorean | Not a 5g |
22:13:51 | ace1241 | oh.. |
22:13:53 | ace1241 | i see |
22:14:37 | ace1241 | oh well |
22:14:38 | ace1241 | thanks |
22:15:13 | | Part Ubuntuxer |
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22:15:42 | | Join Makuseru [0] (n=max@ |
22:15:42 | rasher | bluebrother: I think you should go ahead with a new rbutil release, even if we don't make it in time with the theme site, it'll be nice if people download the "proper" rbutil version when getting the release so they can use that later |
22:16:17 | bluebrother | ace1241: well, Rockbox Utility should have told you that you have an "unsupported player variant". |
22:16:51 | Llorean | rasher: Agreed, regardless of when we do releases, one is due now with the new feature. |
22:17:33 | ace1241 | oh it just said no ipod detected, and uh it gave me a wrong mount point once |
22:17:34 | ace1241 | but thats it |
22:17:41 | ace1241 | but since rockbox doesn't work on classic, oh well |
22:17:54 | rasher | Not sure if I made the point. When we release, and people rush (that's how it is in my mind) to get rbutil, it'll be nice if they get one that can talk to the theme site, so they won't have to upgrade again in a moment |
22:18:53 | Llorean | rasher: Yeah, and I'm agreeing with that. Since RBUtil now has the theme site functionality working, whether the site's there or it just displays a "Not ready yet" message still, the new one should be made available |
22:19:50 | rasher | Oh dear, the 64-bit version is woefully out of date |
22:20:13 | rasher | I should fix. |
22:20:47 | | Quit ace1241 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
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22:30:21 | rasher | kugel: are you fine with relicensing your DancePuffDuo port? |
22:30:49 | | Join {phoenix} [0] (n=dirk@p54B47D1A.dip.t-dialin.net) |
22:31:56 | rasher | bluebrother: Does rbutil want any particular version of qt? |
22:31:59 | kugel | rasher: of course |
22:32:35 | rasher | Smashing |
22:34:14 | | Quit {phoenix} (Remote closed the connection) |
22:34:48 | | Join thegeek [0] (n=nnscript@s243b.studby.ntnu.no) |
22:35:02 | JdGordon | bluebrother: re: getting the avilable settings from build... its possible but it all depends how much you want to stuff around with gcc... it will probably be easier to write a simple parser in perl or something to do it |
22:37:51 | kugel | JdGordon: the statusbar weirdness was caused by my patch btw ;) |
22:38:00 | JdGordon | oh good |
22:38:29 | domonoky | rasher: qt4.4.1 or later i think |
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22:40:05 | bluebrother | rasher: you need at least Qt 4.3 |
22:40:38 | bluebrother | the project file checks that. But I haven't build with 4.3 for a while now |
22:43:40 | kugel | JdGordon: I had some time to figure out the wps update/refresh/display code a bit better, which led to me doing another small rework |
22:44:53 | JdGordon | great |
22:45:04 | JdGordon | is it over all getting neater? |
22:46:34 | | Join mc2739 [0] (n=mc2739@cpe-67-10-238-175.satx.res.rr.com) |
22:46:55 | kugel | depends of your definition of getting neater I guess |
22:46:55 | JdGordon | kugel: just to make sure we are both thinking the same... you're moving it towards being able to be redrawn at any time very simply? |
22:47:03 | JdGordon | i.e if the statusbar was the wps.... |
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22:48:05 | | Quit parafin ("So long and thanks for all the fish") |
22:48:06 | kugel | No, I rather try to clean things up |
22:48:23 | kugel | " if the statusbar was the wps...." I don't understand |
22:48:31 | mc2739 | I have some patches for lcd_e200v2 that I want to put on Flyspray. Is it best to put up 1 patch, or a patch for each change? |
22:49:14 | kugel | 1 file changed, 1 patch, sounds sane to me |
22:49:19 | JdGordon | kugel: the grand plan for the wps is to be able to make the current statusbar a "wps" (of some sort... undecided how just yet, but thats the plan)... so just keep that in mind and we shuold be good |
22:49:31 | mc2739 | ok, thanks |
22:49:50 | | Join bs66_1 [0] (n=sysuser@ |
22:50:40 | kugel | JdGordon: no, the work I did yesterday doesn't touch statusbar at all |
22:50:54 | JdGordon | ... no... i know.... |
22:51:09 | JdGordon | i'm saying the goal is to eventually replace the statusbar with the current wps... somehow |
22:51:09 | kugel | You didn't see what I did, how do you know? |
22:51:22 | JdGordon | bah... dont worry... |
22:51:34 | | Quit Makuseru (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
22:51:43 | kugel | no, I don't think my work is going against this plan |
22:51:56 | soap | why is GNU unifont only delivered in the .zip as 16? Is this just momentum, or is there a solid reason nobody has made a 10,12, 14, 18, 20, etc? |
22:52:38 | | Part pyro_maniac |
22:53:59 | kugel | JdGordon: but even if it did, I don't code around very lousy future ideas in my mind. If it's concrete, ok, but just having the plan to wps'ify the statusbar doesn't affect my doing. |
22:54:08 | bluebrother | hmm, the status message isn't shown if no theme is available at all |
22:54:47 | kugel | but if it makes you happy, I changed one function to get a struct gui_wps as parameter, instead of using the global one, so if there's more than 1 wps (e.g. a statusbar) it should be better prepared |
22:57:48 | amiconn | soap: It's the only version of unifont that exists |
22:58:54 | rasher | It's a bitmap font, drawn at 8/16x16. |
22:59:46 | soap | that explains that! |
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23:04:37 | pixelma | bluebrother: re. the settings output - there even is a fixme in the manual appendix for it ...and speaking of the appendix... would you have an idea how a blank page at the beginning of the file format section in the pdf can be generated? Seems to only happen in hwcodec manuals, e.g. OndioSP, page 112 where the file formats table is a bit longer afaik (supported music formats included not in an extra table) |
23:06:07 | pixelma | the table itself fits on a page though |
23:06:36 | pixelma | with headlines and all |
23:07:16 | bluebrother | pixelma: I can imagine that happening by a paragraph break following the table. \opt also had a tendency of adding unwanted whitespace. You could try adding a comment at the end of the \opt{} and the empty line above |
23:08:12 | * | bluebrother goes building that manual |
23:09:50 | pixelma | I already stared for a while but was expecting something in the beginning of the file_formats.tex or something with the page style, will look some more |
23:10:30 | bluebrother | just tried building ondiosp, the table is on p114 for me and isn't followed by an empty page :o |
23:10:30 | | Quit jhMikeS (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
23:11:37 | pixelma | could be because of the pictureflow addition, but I saw that in a test built FM-Rec manual with the change too |
23:12:02 | pixelma | the blank page would be before the table |
23:12:28 | pixelma | but it already has the "File formats" headline |
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23:13:00 | bluebrother | btw, why is there a subsection A.1 at all? |
23:13:30 | bluebrother | ah, ok. That means the table got too long. You could try to \enlargethispage{somespace} in front of the table |
23:13:37 | pixelma | probably because the swcodec have two tables |
23:13:52 | pixelma | +manuals |
23:14:30 | bluebrother | ah, yes. Missed that. |
23:14:57 | pixelma | no, I didn't mean a seperate headline, just the page "name" |
23:15:26 | pixelma | the headline itself is on the same page as the table and everything seems to fit |
23:15:36 | | Join jhMikeS [50] (n=jethead7@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) |
23:15:48 | bluebrother | hmm, the table should be {lllX} instead of {llXX}. The "extension" field gets too wide otherwise. |
23:18:15 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
23:19:38 | bluebrother | but that breaks for swcodec because of this long reference style. hmpf. |
23:21:06 | | Part bs66_1 |
23:24:23 | rasher | bluebrother: is qt-4.5.0 good or bad? |
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23:27:20 | bluebrother | rasher: I've built a w32 binary of rbutil using it. Didn't notice any drawbacks (though the static binary got slightly larger) |
23:27:31 | bluebrother | at least it's sufficient for building rbutil ;-) |
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23:39:02 | rasher | bluebrother: any good configure options I should include that aren't on RockboxUtilityDevelopment? |
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23:40:22 | saratoga_chrome | bluebrother: does microsd really break absolute playlist paths on the sansa? |
23:40:40 | JdGordon | kugel: very lousy future ideas? wtf? |
23:41:20 | bluebrother | rasher: if you just want to build a "normal" binary there's nothing to care about. For static binaries: none that I know (yet) of −− I've only built it for w32 so far |
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23:42:05 | bluebrother | saratoga_chrome: no, but I guess if he has the playlist somewhere in /Playlists and it has an absolute path /microSD1 it breaks as the card is shown as <microSD1> |
23:42:17 | bluebrother | at least from my knowledge |
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23:46:28 | kugel | JdGordon: I meant "loose", sorry |
23:46:33 | pixelma | ugh, something's messy |
23:46:44 | rasher | pixelma: The lang header... |
23:47:37 | pixelma | damn, forgotten again... and viewvc seems to be a bit confused too |
23:48:03 | JdGordon | kugel: yeah, only a tiny difference between those two words.... |
23:48:07 | * | JdGordon calms down a bit |
23:48:18 | | Join FlynDice [0] (n=jack@ |
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23:49:23 | kugel | JdGordon: Not that it's a bad idea, but I have no ideas regarding it, and I haven't seen concrete ideas or even code by other people, so I'll more or less ignore it for now |
23:50:34 | JdGordon | just dont make it any harder to work in than it is already and you'll be ok |
23:50:50 | JdGordon | the reason its not in yet is because the current code wont play nice at all |
23:51:00 | JdGordon | there is a proof of concept patch around for ti thouhg |
23:51:38 | | Join FlynDice [0] (n=jack@c-24-19-225-90.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) |
23:52:05 | kugel | JdGordon: linuxstb's one? |
23:52:17 | JdGordon | yeah |
23:52:36 | kugel | I surely don't plan make re-use of code any harder |