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08:38:27 | Mode | "#rockbox +o Zagor " by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) |
08:38:32 | Topic | "Please read before speaking: http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/IrcGuidelines | Please direct offtopic/social chat to #rockbox-community" by Zagor (n=bjorn@rockbox/developer/Zagor) |
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08:50:56 | linuxstb | Zagor: \o/ Was it simply a power outage - i.e. the server itself is fine? |
08:51:29 | | Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
08:51:41 | Zagor | as far as I know, yes. the outage was short, but the machine didn't power up itself after for some reason. |
08:54:59 | | Quit Bagder ("*plopp*") |
08:57:03 | pixelma | seems like it wasn't up for the daily manuals build round yet |
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08:57:47 | Zagor | no, it came up just two hours ago |
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09:15:30 | kugel | pixelma: did you try if BUTTON_OFF|BUTTON_REL works? |
09:16:00 | kugel | I mean without BUTTON_OFF_PRE at all |
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09:16:33 | kugel | that _PRE shouldn't be needed |
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10:06:08 | Dillizar | my player is PTP if i put rockbox it will act like a normal USB? and will my linux recognize |
10:06:22 | Dillizar | it |
10:06:27 | linuxstb | Dillizar: What player? |
10:06:42 | Dillizar | gogear |
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10:07:31 | Dillizar | i know its not supported but i have some version of ot :) thanks to Toffe |
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10:07:51 | linuxstb | Dillizar: According to this table, yes - http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/TargetStatus#New_Platforms_Currently_Under_De |
10:08:41 | linuxstb | (the "USB" column is ticked, which means Rockbox controls the USB, providing a standard mass-storage interface). |
10:09:13 | Dillizar | YEAH |
10:09:48 | linuxstb | More info, including some install instructions are here - http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/GoGearSA9200info |
10:10:15 | | Quit ze (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
10:10:15 | | Nick ze0 is now known as ze (i=ze@ |
10:10:34 | pixelma | kugel: yes, it's needed to make a difference between the simple Off and Off+Menu. Otherwise you exit the plugin if you are slightlly quicker with the Off button in that combo... |
10:11:21 | pixelma | this won't happen now anymore |
10:11:27 | kugel | pixelma: that shouldn't happen due to or'ing with |BUTTON_REL |
10:12:20 | kugel | the button driver only returns X|BUTTON_REL if the button was released, not if it's hold down or used with another button |
10:12:54 | | Join markun [50] (n=markun@rockbox/developer/markun) |
10:15:07 | pixelma | I try it now but you could do it too. At least the accidental Off is fixed now - and you could have seen it in first place... |
10:15:36 | pixelma | and the restart is in the manual |
10:15:43 | kugel | I can only test in the sim. I'm not sure if there was a hardware-specific reason the _PRE was added |
10:16:03 | kugel | yes, that's true, sorry about that |
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10:18:26 | pixelma | kugel: it's needed |
10:18:59 | pixelma | otherwise if you hold the Off button slightly too long in that combo you also exit after the reastart |
10:19:04 | pixelma | or restart |
10:19:34 | kugel | ah, that makes sense, but it shouldn't behave like that :( |
10:20:05 | | Quit fyrestorm (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
10:20:36 | pixelma | why not? |
10:21:23 | kugel | button_rel shouldn't come in after a combo imo |
10:27:27 | Dillizar | how long do i need to wait for a activation code to registrate?? i am waiting for 20min now |
10:27:55 | linuxstb | Dillizar: I would expect it to come immediately. But what activation code are you talking about? |
10:28:33 | Dillizar | TWIKI |
10:31:12 | * | GodEater didn't think the wiki sent an activation code |
10:31:27 | GodEater | I thought you just registered, and then came here to ask for write access |
10:33:49 | GodEater | Dillizar: MarjanTrajkovski ? |
10:34:00 | Dillizar | done |
10:34:07 | Dillizar | yes i need to resend it again |
10:34:46 | GodEater | resend what ? |
10:35:02 | markun | Dillizar: someone here needs to give you write permission, it's not automated |
10:35:25 | GodEater | assuming MarjanTrajkovski is your wiki name, then you now have write access. |
10:35:26 | Dillizar | no its ok |
10:35:34 | Dillizar | now |
10:35:40 | GodEater | now what ? |
10:35:45 | * | GodEater is horribly confused |
10:35:47 | Dillizar | :D |
10:35:49 | markun | :) |
10:35:50 | Dillizar | well |
10:35:58 | Dillizar | first i was waiting for email |
10:36:06 | GodEater | which it doesn't send you... |
10:36:16 | Dillizar | so i press the backspace button of my keyboard and send me back |
10:36:29 | Dillizar | and clicked again for a new mail |
10:36:31 | Dillizar | and i got it |
10:36:32 | Dillizar | :) |
10:38:20 | Dillizar | so how do you install the rockbox if i dont have windows |
10:38:21 | Dillizar | :) |
10:40:45 | markun | Dillizar: it's probably in the manual, did you check it? |
10:41:16 | Dillizar | yes but i can read for utility tools smt like that |
10:41:16 | GodEater | markun: he doesn't have a supported device |
10:41:28 | Dillizar | yes |
10:41:34 | Dillizar | so i cant use the tools |
10:41:59 | Bagder | Dillizar: do you have a question of some sorts? |
10:42:19 | Dillizar | well how to install rock box on gogear |
10:42:20 | Dillizar | |
10:42:38 | Bagder | you join the dev people who work on it |
10:42:39 | Dillizar | i have used this but doesnt help a lot |
10:42:57 | markun | Dillizar: a new port is a lot of work: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/NewPort |
10:43:11 | Bagder | markun: that port is however already pretty far down the road |
10:43:19 | markun | ah, sorry :) |
10:43:23 | Bagder | mi4 based PP |
10:43:28 | Bagder | iirc |
10:43:57 | GodEater | seems we have two gogear ports on the go |
10:44:11 | Bagder | right, I believe they are quite similar |
10:44:29 | GodEater | but have yet to hear which one Dillizar has :) |
10:44:30 | Dillizar | i have compile the source and now i need to install it inside the gogear but because its ptp my lunux cant read it |
10:44:46 | | Quit jmillikin (Remote closed the connection) |
10:44:50 | Bagder | ptp? you transfer pictures to it? |
10:45:03 | Bagder | that's handy |
10:45:10 | Dillizar | yes |
10:45:18 | Dillizar | i have a cable from the player to the camera |
10:45:25 | Bagder | camera? |
10:45:25 | Dillizar | so i dont need a pc to put the pics |
10:45:27 | Dillizar | :) |
10:45:29 | Dillizar | photo |
10:45:46 | Bagder | photo? |
10:45:54 | Dillizar | ok |
10:46:06 | Bagder | what? |
10:46:10 | Dillizar | picture taking mashine |
10:46:10 | Dillizar | :) |
10:46:34 | Bagder | aaah, that's what a camera is. ok then, I'm happy I could help. byebye |
10:46:40 | GodEater | Dillizar: could you please speak in complete sentences ? |
10:46:42 | Dillizar | :D |
10:46:47 | GodEater | none of us know what you're asking |
10:47:18 | Dillizar | well only windows xp can recognize my mp3 |
10:47:32 | * | Bagder sighs |
10:47:35 | Bagder | your mp3? |
10:47:40 | Dillizar | player |
10:47:43 | Bagder | as in your single mp3 song? |
10:47:44 | GodEater | Dillizar: first things first - WHICH GoGear do you have ? |
10:47:52 | Dillizar | hdd6330 |
10:47:58 | Dillizar | 30gb |
10:48:45 | GodEater | ok - so the instructions for "Recovery mode" from the wiki don't work ? |
10:49:07 | Dillizar | no cuz i cant access my mp3 player |
10:49:21 | GodEater | that's not the right answer |
10:49:23 | Dillizar | stupid MTP |
10:49:37 | Bagder | Dillizar: please read GodEater's question and answer that |
10:50:21 | Dillizar | GodEater, i cant go to recovery mode i dont know why i am asking the channel of my linux but no one is there :( |
10:50:38 | Bagder | syntax error |
10:50:52 | GodEater | Dillizar: installing rockbox on your player requires that you get recovery mode working. There is no other way. |
10:51:04 | Bagder | Dillizar: so you followed the steps in the wiki and those didn't work? |
10:51:05 | GodEater | if you can't make it work, we can't help you |
10:51:30 | Dillizar | Bagder, well my grub is smt like -2 sec :) |
10:51:37 | Bagder | what? |
10:52:03 | Bagder | and please use complete words |
10:52:07 | Dillizar | i need to press esc when the grub is booting so i can enter the recovery mode |
10:52:10 | Dillizar | ?? |
10:52:11 | Dillizar | yes |
10:52:19 | | Join advcomp2019 [0] (n=advcomp2@unaffiliated/advcomp2019) |
10:52:23 | Bagder | whoa |
10:52:25 | GodEater | your GoGear has grub on it ? |
10:52:32 | * | GodEater finds this unlikely |
10:52:49 | Dillizar | on my gogear?? wow i was thinking on my linux |
10:52:50 | Dillizar | :D |
10:52:53 | Dillizar | lol sorry mates |
10:53:00 | GodEater | Dillizar: then you aren't reading the wiki page |
10:53:10 | GodEater | Dillizar: please go away and read it |
10:53:11 | Dillizar | not right it seems |
10:53:24 | Dillizar | k sorry need to read it again |
10:53:48 | Bagder | really, you need to focus and pay attention |
10:53:57 | Dillizar | :) |
10:55:09 | | Quit B4gder (Connection timed out) |
10:58:50 | amiconn | kugel: button _REL always fires when a button is released, that's what it's for. If you need to distinguish short/long/combo, you need to check preconditions |
10:59:59 | amiconn | This is in no way hardware specific, it's how the generic part of the button driver works. The (only) exception are buttons without release handling (wheel, archos remote) |
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11:02:51 | kugel | amiconn: I think, if you pressed A+B, and hold B slightly longer, it should give B|BUTTON_REL, IMO |
11:03:42 | | Join nibbler__ [0] (n=Nibbler@pD9E32A60.dip.t-dialin.net) |
11:05:04 | amiconn | It fires both A|BUTTON_REL and then B|BUTTON_REL |
11:05:57 | kugel | even worse :( |
11:06:23 | kugel | A|B|BUTTON_REL would make more sense imo |
11:07:09 | Dillizar | can i install it in Service Mode? or i must in recovery mdoe |
11:08:13 | amiconn | kugel: Nope, it wouldn't, unless you release both buttons at *exactly* the same time (i.e. within a single tick) |
11:08:31 | kugel | or just within whatever the current release timeout is |
11:10:00 | kugel | or we enlarge that timeout for combos |
11:10:05 | | Quit mt (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
11:19:55 | GodEater | Dillizar: the document is quite clear - the install must be done in recovery mode. |
11:20:15 | Dillizar | GodEater, i cant enter :( |
11:20:24 | GodEater | then you're out of luck I'm afraid |
11:21:03 | Dillizar | toffe82 has a gogear like mine i will wait for him to tell me how he went to recovery mode |
11:21:51 | | Join Horscht [0] (n=Horscht@xbmc/user/horscht) |
11:23:40 | markun | Dillizar: he's usually here every day |
11:23:48 | Dillizar | yes i know |
11:23:52 | Dillizar | but i am gmt +1 |
11:24:01 | Dillizar | and i dont know his gmt so |
11:24:05 | Dillizar | i will just wait |
11:24:05 | Dillizar | :) |
11:24:13 | gevaerts | gmt is the same everywhere |
11:24:49 | markun | Dillizar: he's in the west of the USA I think |
11:24:57 | Dillizar | yes |
11:25:11 | Dillizar | and i am east of europe :) |
11:25:21 | Dillizar | i think we are 12h apart |
11:25:29 | Bagder | hardly |
11:25:47 | Bagder | US and europe are never 12h apart |
11:25:56 | Bagder | unless you count hawaii perhaps |
11:26:28 | Dillizar | maybe |
11:26:34 | Dillizar | 8 then :) |
11:26:47 | Dillizar | but he is west doe |
11:26:48 | Dillizar | :D |
11:32:14 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
11:32:47 | * | Dillizar is away: Screenshot of Elive: http://elivecd.org/Main/Screenshots |
11:33:00 | gevaerts | Dillizar: don't do that |
11:33:04 | Dillizar | sorry |
11:33:17 | Dillizar | it wasnt me is the xchat |
11:33:24 | Dillizar | i will remove my away msg |
11:34:13 | Dillizar | done |
11:34:20 | gevaerts | this is clearly stated in the guidelines for this channel |
11:35:19 | Dillizar | yes but this is the first time i used the /away command |
11:35:31 | Dillizar | its just from my os |
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12:41:42 | funman | Yesterday's irc log is absent? |
12:42:11 | funman | Oh I see mentions of a power outage in the first logs of today :/ |
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13:10:34 | soap | Bagder, sorry for breaking the build table. |
13:11:02 | soap | I assume you my filesystem has /plenty/ of free room, the commit caught me "with my pants down". |
13:11:27 | soap | s/assume/assure/ |
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14:29:38 | mt | I need a little help with ci->request_buffer(realsize, reqsize), My understanding is that it allocates <reqsize> of data from the file buffer to a pointer, as long as ( realsize > reqsize ). Correct ? |
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14:33:43 | mt | And after calling request_buffer(), advance_buffer() has to be called to advance the pointer to the file buffer by the amount of data used from request_buffer() - which would be reqsize ? |
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15:25:36 | linuxstb | mt: If you look at flac.c as an example, it calls ci->request_buffer as follows - "buf = ci->request_buffer(&bytesleft, MAX_FRAMESIZE);" |
15:26:35 | linuxstb | MAX_FRAMESIZE is the maximum size of a FLAC frame (in bytes). The function returns a pointer to the data (buf) and sets bytesleft (an integer) to the number of bytes it has given you (either MAX_FRAMESIZE, or smaller at the end of the file). |
15:27:20 | linuxstb | You then process some (or all) of that data, and then call ci->advance_buffer() with the number of bytes you have consumed. You then call request_buffer() again. |
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15:59:11 | Horschti | hm... |
16:00 |
16:01:05 | Horschti | how can I increase the plugin cache so I can keep listening to music while playing pacman? |
16:02:13 | martian67 | thats not the issue |
16:02:16 | LambdaCalculus37 | Horschti: Music playback with Pacbox works on 64MB targets. |
16:02:29 | * | Horschti retries... |
16:02:30 | LambdaCalculus37 | My Gigabeast can play music and Pacbox at the same time. |
16:02:58 | | Quit Mathiasdm ("Yuuw!") |
16:03:59 | GodEater | LambdaCalculus37: it's not a memory issue |
16:04:16 | GodEater | the 80GB ipod 5.5 won't play music at the same time as pacbox |
16:04:33 | Horschti | CPU too weak? |
16:04:37 | GodEater | yup |
16:04:43 | GodEater | the gigabeat F can do it |
16:04:47 | GodEater | and I think that's a 32MB target |
16:04:52 | LambdaCalculus37 | It is. |
16:04:58 | LambdaCalculus37 | GodEater: Thanks for clearing that up. |
16:05:04 | | Join jgarvey [0] (n=jgarvey@cpe-098-026-065-013.nc.res.rr.com) |
16:05:05 | GodEater | any time :D |
16:05:11 | linuxstb | Wasn't stripwax working on that though? The problem on ipods will also be that pacbox uses IRAM - and plugins and codecs cannot both use IRAM together. |
16:05:18 | Horschti | Ipod 5.5G is a 64MB target.. |
16:05:22 | | Quit Horscht (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
16:05:38 | GodEater | linuxstb: no clue - that's not a project I was aware he was looking at |
16:06:00 | linuxstb | I _think- stripwax was looking at using the second core for pacbox, but now that codecs are using the second core, that won't help... |
16:06:42 | | Join Dillizar [0] (n=Elive_us@ |
16:06:54 | GodEater | Horschti: yes, I know it's a 64MB target, as I was saying, it's not a memory issue |
16:07:02 | linuxstb | http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/8226 |
16:07:23 | Horschti | ah, missed the line about the Gigabeat F being able to do it |
16:08:08 | linuxstb | The final comment on that task sums up the current situation... |
16:08:18 | * | GodEater bows before linuxstb's encyclopaedic knowledge of what's in flyspray |
16:10:24 | linuxstb | Maybe a solution would be to make pacbox multi-threaded, with one thread on the main CPU, an one on the COP. That should hopefully make it play well with most codecs. But of course, someone who cares needs to do it... |
16:12:11 | | Join itcheg [0] (i=62db4c46@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-8d448040fd9b2bab) |
16:12:13 | GodEater | forgive me if this is a stupid question but : |
16:12:17 | Horschti | ok, no biggie. I thought it was a memory issue and easily solvable. I see now that it is not and that's ok. I am not going to ask you to "fix it", I'll just do either or... |
16:12:37 | Horschti | thank you for the information :) |
16:12:42 | GodEater | when people say something like "Make X multi-threaded" - is it really that simple? I always thought you'd need to have a good idea of what needed a thread for itself each time. |
16:13:14 | GodEater | I'm not sure for instance in pacbox what lends itself well to multi-threading |
16:13:16 | linuxstb | GodEater: What about "Make X multi-threaded" implies that it's simple. You're right, it's not. |
16:13:39 | GodEater | hehe - I didn't mean it would be simple at all :) |
16:13:57 | GodEater | It's just on the surface I'm not sure I'd know where to start |
16:13:59 | linuxstb | It would need benchmarking, but I think splitting the CPU emulation and the screen updates would be fairly even. |
16:14:27 | linuxstb | That's quite easy to benchmark - just disable screen updates and see how fast it goes. |
16:16:32 | GodEater | ah ha |
16:17:38 | linuxstb | In fact, that could be a nice way to up the framerate in general... |
16:25:09 | | Join robin0800 [0] (n=quassel@cpc3-brig8-0-0-cust436.brig.cable.ntl.com) |
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16:43:30 | DBUG | Enqueued KICK CIA-38 |
16:43:30 | CIA-38 | New commit by funman (r20986): Sansa Clip : ignore previous setting of CGU_DBOP (do not use ORR) |
16:43:40 | CIA-38 | New commit by funman (r20987): FS #10219 (AMSSansa Debug Clocks) by Jack Halpin ... |
16:44:55 | Ctcp | Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood |
16:44:55 | * | GodEater waits for the conversation to continue here |
16:44:59 | * | linuxstb spots some machine-gun committing... |
16:45:12 | funman | machine-gun? |
16:45:23 | linuxstb | One commit quickly after another... |
16:45:24 | evilnick_7 | rapid-fire |
16:46:01 | funman | thanks to git all my commits are committed to svn with one command |
16:47:23 | linuxstb | Have any alternatives been suggested for the list of targets on the proposed new rockbox website, or are most people generally happy with it? |
16:47:52 | * | GodEater is not aware of any alternative proposals for it |
16:48:57 | GodEater | do you have an idea of how to redo it that sits well with the overall layout ? |
16:49:01 | gevaerts | the problems I see with it are (a) it doesn't scale. Once we add two or three manufacturers the layout breaks (same problem if people want smaller windows), (b) it doesn't mention unsupported targets (sansa and ipod need those) |
16:49:08 | * | linuxstb repeats what he said in -community - that he would prefer a static list, and also for that list to indicate targets we don't support (e.g. the newer ipods and Sansas - with links to development status, if any), as well as ones we do. |
16:50:24 | gevaerts | GodEater: the *current* way doesn't sit well with the overall layout :) |
16:50:41 | gevaerts | unless you're happy with no new ports... |
16:50:44 | GodEater | I'm waiting to see the proposed better solutino |
16:50:52 | linuxstb | GodEater: Not really... One idea that comes to mind is a table with manufacturers down the left, targets going across, and then colour-coding to say if they are supported (green?), in active development (amber?), or not supported (red?). But that wouldn't be a small table... |
16:51:10 | GodEater | indeed not |
16:51:15 | linuxstb | I guess maybe we could simply move that info elsewhere, with a big "Supported devices" icon |
16:51:17 | GodEater | I don't think there's a nice way to get them all on the front page |
16:51:24 | GodEater | that might work better |
16:51:38 | GodEater | or perhaps "Can I use Rockbox?" |
16:52:13 | * | GodEater would really like to see the wiki template changes made as soon as possible |
16:52:17 | GodEater | while we're on the subject :) |
16:52:26 | GodEater | they're not very contraversial as I understand it |
16:53:06 | linuxstb | Can they be done independently of the new main website? (I've no idea what you're talking about...) |
16:53:31 | GodEater | there were images in the forum thread for the proposed wiki pages design |
16:53:49 | GodEater | and I don't see why they couldn't be done independently |
16:54:10 | linuxstb | I assume they change the colour scheme though? |
16:54:26 | GodEater | only a bit |
16:54:30 | GodEater | it's still predominantly blue |
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16:55:32 | pixelma | huh? The new proposal is almost white IIRC |
16:55:47 | GodEater | I'm trying to find it now |
16:55:49 | pixelma | I mean the background ;) |
16:56:05 | GodEater | http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=12607.0;attach=3648;image |
16:56:07 | GodEater | looks blue to me |
16:56:25 | pixelma | ahem |
16:56:41 | GodEater | unless there was another one ? |
16:56:46 | pixelma | because I made it so |
16:56:59 | GodEater | yes... |
16:58:10 | *** | SPY: Authentication failed for Zagor |
16:58:17 | *** | Server message 901: 'logbot logbot n=bjst rockbox/bot/logbot :You are now logged in. (id logbot, username n=bjst, hostname rockbox/bot/logbot)' |
16:58:17 | Mode | "logbot :+e" by services. |
16:59:07 | pixelma | his proposal was this: http://macku.to.pl/rockbox/html2/wiki.html |
16:59:15 | GodEater | yes it was - but yours was more popular was it not ? |
16:59:21 | Zagor | I plan on doing the wiki and other pages at the same time. I would have to split up the templates to do one without the other. |
16:59:33 | GodEater | ah ok |
17:00 |
17:00:01 | gevaerts | Zagor: could we have all those things in svn somehow? |
17:00:28 | gevaerts | not knowing whether you have the latest version is a bit annoying |
17:00:36 | * | GodEater thinks that's a stellar idea |
17:00:47 | Zagor | yeah I suppose we could simply branch the www module |
17:01:02 | * | gevaerts noticed that macku's latest zip isn't the same as new.rockbox.org |
17:01:03 | GodEater | cracking |
17:02:17 | Zagor | gevaerts: no I changed quite a bit in the css, stripping out the line heights etc. |
17:03:40 | | Quit Zagor ("Don't panic") |
17:07:09 | pixelma | that .css is not easy to work with - many definitions to make sure it looks good in one size (fixed font sizes and whatnot) but not many things to take care of when someone does not use the browser at this size |
17:07:40 | gevaerts | pixelma: I think I fixed most of that |
17:09:19 | GodEater | has anyone tried to track down a Gigabeat X image yet ? |
17:09:43 | * | toffe82 has a real one in his bag :0 |
17:09:55 | GodEater | then you can take a nice picture of it for us! |
17:10:33 | toffe82 | GodEater: http://gigabeatwiki.matritic.net/ |
17:11:00 | toffe82 | http://gigabeatwiki.matritic.net/index.php?gigabeatX |
17:11:20 | GodEater | whoah |
17:11:22 | pixelma | the not completely tab-able menu is important IMO, had a try on changing that but wasn't completely successful yet (found whereabouts I need to change something, but somehow it didn't work yet) |
17:11:25 | GodEater | that looks a LOT like the S |
17:11:30 | toffe82 | yes |
17:11:38 | toffe82 | just missing the 2 buttons |
17:11:44 | GodEater | so it is |
17:12:12 | LambdaCalculus37 | GodEater: Tis a nice player indeed... if you can find one. |
17:12:23 | GodEater | I never tried looking ;D |
17:12:51 | toffe82 | LambdaCalculus37: I will ship the gogear's this afternoon |
17:12:53 | GodEater | if those pictures are anything to go by though, the OF is a complete car crash |
17:14:51 | LambdaCalculus37 | toffe82: Thanks! :) |
17:15:17 | * | LambdaCalculus37 will start building up the GoGear manual pages |
17:15:27 | pixelma | GodEater: your car crash comparison reminds me of something... you are the first person (I think) who would call the wikipedia front page this way (which tries to look nice in a flexible way) |
17:15:44 | LambdaCalculus37 | toffe82: So as I understand it, the install process isn't quite finalized for the GoGears, correct? |
17:16:08 | GodEater | pixelma: I called the wikipedia front page a car crash ? |
17:16:16 | * | GodEater is clearly getting dementia |
17:16:44 | toffe82 | LambdaCalculus37: there is not an easy install, you have to go in recovery to load the bootloader |
17:16:51 | pixelma | you called all pages that try to be flexible a car crash, something like that |
17:17:20 | GodEater | ah ok |
17:17:24 | GodEater | that makes more sense |
17:17:52 | GodEater | well, I still stand by that with your browser below a certain size |
17:18:35 | toffe82 | LambdaCalculus37: I check quickly yesterday and when you connect to the usb , it reboot by himself, perhaps a last version of rockbox fix the proble |
17:20:02 | LambdaCalculus37 | toffe82: Okay, so since there's no finalized install method, I'll have to use the current method of install to describe the process. |
17:20:09 | LambdaCalculus37 | When it's finalized, we can have it edited. |
17:20:12 | toffe82 | yes |
17:20:25 | gevaerts | GodEater: the problems begin when "below a certain size" means "not exactly the same as the designer uses" |
17:21:11 | toffe82 | LambdaCalculus37: the 1630 is the most usable, the 6330 needs tweaking on the touch pad, and the sa9200 doesn't have the touchpad |
17:21:17 | toffe82 | enable |
17:21:27 | GodEater | gevaerts: I don't see any point try to design a page which works all the way down to 1x1 |
17:21:35 | GodEater | you have to call it a day somewhere |
17:22:36 | LambdaCalculus37 | toffe82: How much tweaking on the touch pad? |
17:22:58 | LambdaCalculus37 | toffe82: Also, I have a friend who also owns an HDD6330, so maybe she can help me test it out and provide feedback. |
17:23:20 | toffe82 | for the sa9200, you have to find the where it is connected |
17:23:43 | toffe82 | so disassemble of the code |
17:25:09 | LambdaCalculus37 | Okay. |
17:25:30 | funman | saratoga: did you discuss with kugel why he disagrees that RBUtil support isn't mandatory for a SansaAMS release? |
17:25:56 | toffe82 | LambdaCalculus37: I include the dock and remote for the 6330, it can be used also to charge the 3 , some connector |
17:27:21 | Dillizar | toffe82, :D |
17:27:23 | Dillizar | yeahhhhhhhh |
17:27:31 | toffe82 | LambdaCalculus37: and also the japanese training I promise you a long time ago ;) |
17:27:47 | Lss | question will an ipod fitted with a 240gig hdd be able to be rockboxed |
17:28:04 | evilnick_7 | Lss: Yes |
17:28:05 | Dillizar | toffe82, how to you put your hdd6330 in to recovery mode |
17:28:15 | Dillizar | did* |
17:28:26 | Lss | anything special that needs to be done? |
17:28:49 | Lss | kind of like how the 30, 60/80 gig 5g ipods are not exactly the same |
17:28:54 | toffe82 | Dillizar: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/GoGearHDD6330 |
17:29:11 | evilnick_7 | Lss: Make sure it's a supported target (so iPod Video is the most recent), and you *might* have to use a special build with support for the larger (block sizes?) |
17:29:22 | Lss | humm ok |
17:29:30 | Lss | the 240gig hdd isnt exactly that cheap |
17:29:37 | Lss | it would suck if i got it and it didnt work |
17:29:42 | Horschti | indeed it is not |
17:29:51 | Horschti | well, it does work. |
17:29:59 | Lss | you have seen one? |
17:30:10 | evilnick_7 | Lss: http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=20960.0 |
17:30:20 | Horschti | no, but there are people reporting it to work. |
17:30:36 | Horschti | you need a custom build, that's all |
17:30:52 | Lss | thats awesome |
17:30:53 | Lss | thanks |
17:30:56 | Lss | now to find one |
17:30:57 | Horschti | evilnick_7 was just emphasizing that you need an ipod that is "old enoiugh§" |
17:31:30 | Horschti | as in: don't go off buying a new ipod from the store, those are not supported. You need an Ipod Video, not an Ipod Classic |
17:32:03 | Lss | no i already have an 80gig 5.5g |
17:32:19 | Lss | rockboxed of course i cant stand using itunes |
17:32:21 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
17:32:36 | | Quit petur ("work->...") |
17:32:58 | Horschti | if you got the money... go an strengthen the economy by buying a 240GB HD :p |
17:33:14 | Dillizar | toffe82, ok in recovery mode i need just to unzip the rock box in to the player but what about the FWImage.ebn |
17:33:56 | toffe82 | Dillizar: first is the bootloaderon the small partition, then unzip rockbox on the big partition |
17:34:05 | | Quit matsl (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
17:34:08 | Dillizar | k |
17:36:33 | | Quit robin0800 (Connection timed out) |
17:38:52 | gevaerts | GodEater: of course not, but designing a site for 1024 pixels wide and breaking at 980 isn't ok |
17:39:12 | | Join robin0800 [0] (n=quassel@cpc3-brig8-0-0-cust436.brig.cable.ntl.com) |
17:39:34 | LambdaCalculus37 | toffe82: I'll let you know when the package arrives. :) |
17:39:38 | * | LambdaCalculus37 has to go for now |
17:39:46 | | Quit LambdaCalculus37 ("Fwump") |
17:41:11 | Dillizar | toffe82, the recovery mode doesnt work :( |
17:41:57 | toffe82 | Dillizar: try again.. are you connected to your computer... |
17:43:13 | | Quit robin0800 (Remote closed the connection) |
17:43:16 | Dillizar | yes toffe82 Disconnect the player from the computer and turn it off. |
17:43:29 | Dillizar | Hold down the Volume + button and continue to hold it as you reconnect the player to the computer. |
17:43:38 | Dillizar | but doesnt reconnect |
17:43:41 | toffe82 | you don't have to disconnect if I remeber |
17:44:26 | | Join Grahack [0] (n=chri@ip-120.net-89-2-70.rev.numericable.fr) |
17:44:26 | Dillizar | but then how can i tuen it off?? |
17:44:31 | Dillizar | turn* |
17:44:45 | toffe82 | Dillizar: http://forums.digitaltrends.com/showthread.php?p=73117 first comment and link to the video too |
17:46:31 | funman | FlynDice: ping |
17:46:50 | FlynDice | funman: hi funman |
17:47:16 | funman | FlynDice: so, what are you working on, AMS hero ? ;) |
17:47:25 | Dillizar | toffe82, so i need Philips Device Manager so i can go to recovery mode |
17:47:31 | toffe82 | no |
17:47:50 | toffe82 | just follow the procedure and it should appear as mass storage |
17:48:19 | funman | I did a bit of update/cleanup of SansaAMS & TargetStatus wiki pages, and now the only blocking issue is FS #10048 - where i'm a bit out of idea now. |
17:48:27 | FlynDice | ha ha... I was going to look at your latest sd boundery thing. I've finally got some time now! I see you liked the patch ;) |
17:48:45 | funman | I want to play a bit with the pcm code, add some debug, but I fear that there is other problems than PCM |
17:48:47 | | Join bmbl [0] (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/bmbl) |
17:49:22 | funman | sd bank boundary is simple, and after all it's only a problem for 8GB+ users (not me..!) |
17:49:48 | Dillizar | toffe82, yes but that is Service Mode |
17:51:05 | FlynDice | I've got the 8 gb e280, but I'm on-call for the paying job right now, how difficult is reconfiguring to return to a normal state after teesting? |
17:51:37 | Dillizar | and i have only one partition |
17:53:24 | toffe82 | Dillizar: I don't have so much time now , If you look the rockbox log and search for lowlight, you should find more information, I try to find out but need to work now.. |
17:53:40 | Dillizar | ok |
17:53:57 | funman | FlynDice: as difficult as typing "mkfs /dev/sdb" (or formatting if you use windows) |
17:57:15 | funman | FlynDice: I still find a bit strange that using an uncached buffer for SD DMA transfers works fine, while using *_dcache() functions in mmu-arm.S doesn't. I suppose that we were doing something wrong there, since these functions work fine for other targets (when using correctly?) |
17:58:49 | funman | jhMikeS gave us some good advice, I don't know who else (experimented with caches on arm9tdmi) could have a look at our patch. |
18:00 |
18:01:01 | FlynDice | Yes, strange is a word that keeps entering my mind every time I experiment with something it seems. The thought occurred to me that perhaps enabling the mmu somehow changed the clock freqs which got me onto finding something to check them |
18:01:58 | funman | I more think that it changed timing, and clock freqs need to be adjusted with more care |
18:03:30 | FlynDice | The other thing I wanted to check was why simply mirroring the DRAM uncached seems to negate the need for the *_dcache() coherency routines. |
18:04:27 | | Quit Grahack (No route to host) |
18:05:01 | | Join JdGordon| [0] (i=46012a8c@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-5b13d04d95f54385) |
18:05:09 | FlynDice | Or pehaps it's a side effect of the last ata_sd patch |
18:05:40 | | Quit JdGordon| (Client Quit) |
18:05:57 | funman | FlynDice: i told you that your patch has no effect ! |
18:06:47 | | Join Grahack [0] (n=chri@ip-120.net-89-2-70.rev.numericable.fr) |
18:07:01 | | Join Strife89 [0] (n=michael@ |
18:07:10 | Dillizar | what if i dont coppy the FWImage.ebn! will it still work :P |
18:07:19 | Torne | funman: questions about ARM cache behaviour? |
18:07:35 | | Join l403 [0] (n=l@ |
18:08:02 | * | Torne might be able to help if you point him at the problem :) |
18:08:05 | FlynDice | funman: Not my embarrassing effort, but yours just before that. There were multiple errors in what I was trying to do but the code seemed to work well because I don't think it ever made it to my code |
18:10:06 | Torne | what patch is this? |
18:10:07 | funman | Torne: yes, I think we are not maintaining cache coherency correctly during DMA transfers, are you willing to read a patch ? |
18:10:07 | l403 | guys. I was building gcc following the steps in the guide setting up binutils and stuff and the make of gcc failed |
18:10:14 | Torne | funman: sure |
18:10:19 | Torne | funman: i'm an embedded kernel developer for a living |
18:10:34 | Torne | funman: not done a lot of rockbox dev but i know how arm's caches work ;) |
18:10:44 | funman | http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/10048?getfile=19358 : ata_sd_as3525.c |
18:10:52 | l403 | the config at the end of make failed. here's the log http://pastebin.com/m7dc0498c |
18:11:37 | Torne | funman: lemme apply that to my tree and i'll have a look |
18:11:48 | funman | FlynDice: there are logical errors in your patch, look at my post of may 13th (fs 10048) |
18:11:53 | funman | Torne: do you own a Sansa AMS device ? |
18:11:56 | Torne | no. |
18:12:08 | Torne | so i can't actually test anything |
18:12:19 | funman | we tested for you, we only need understanding ;) |
18:12:22 | Torne | heh |
18:12:49 | funman | starting a dma transfer from an uncached memory location works fine. |
18:12:56 | Torne | so are you mapping it fully cached/buffered? |
18:12:59 | funman | starting a dma transfer from a cached memory location doesn't |
18:13:08 | Torne | and your coherency updates are not seeming to work |
18:13:09 | Torne | ? |
18:13:19 | funman | that's exact |
18:13:29 | Torne | which direction does it go wrong in? or both? |
18:13:41 | funman | both |
18:14:21 | funman | well, maybe not for out, i didn't test extensively. The filesystem corruption could come from wrong transfer when reading |
18:17:16 | Torne | heh. rockbox has yet another different set of terminology for cache ops |
18:17:17 | Torne | hooray :) |
18:17:33 | | Join kachna|lappy [0] (n=kachna@r4ax178.net.upc.cz) |
18:17:38 | funman | :) |
18:18:13 | funman | hum and the patch doesn't apply anymore, do you want an update? |
18:18:18 | Torne | it applies to that file |
18:18:19 | Torne | it's ok |
18:19:01 | Torne | ok i'm suspicious that you are dumping the cachelines before *and* after DMA for the read |
18:19:47 | funman | I added cache dumping after DMA after - just to try. But no cacheline should have been fetched during the transfer |
18:19:48 | Torne | that should only be needed if there is a risk someone might read the buffer while the dma is in progress |
18:21:00 | | Join robin0800 [0] (n=quassel@cpc3-brig8-0-0-cust436.brig.cable.ntl.com) |
18:21:43 | Torne | but, yeah, it looks like you are doing the right ops there :) |
18:22:05 | Torne | s'the same things any of our drivers do ;) |
18:22:07 | funman | ok .. i'm going to try again then. |
18:22:21 | Torne | hm, actually |
18:22:29 | Torne | i hope the functions drani the writebuffer |
18:23:10 | | Join domonoky [0] (n=Domonoky@rockbox/developer/domonoky) |
18:23:17 | Torne | yah |
18:23:42 | Torne | also i assume that your buffer is cacheline aligned? :) |
18:24:00 | funman | hum it isn't necessarily |
18:24:03 | FlynDice | funman: Oh yes, there are embarassing errors in that patch! It appeared to work when I did it though. But when I removed that code and removed the cache coherency routines I could still boot rockbox. Before that, without the *_dcache routines I couldn't get beyond the sd_init |
18:24:08 | Torne | try cleaning/invalidating the entire cache |
18:24:11 | Torne | it'll be slow |
18:24:22 | Torne | but if that works and by-range doesn't then that points to the problem ;) |
18:24:42 | saratoga | funman: yeah kugel and i came to agree on his position and i updated the wiki to reflect it |
18:24:58 | funman | FlynDice: try removing the diff from ata_sd_as3525.c (using the uncached buffer) and it won't work for sure |
18:24:59 | Torne | (also it may not actually be slower, large cache ops are slow as hell on ARM, over some threshold it's better to just kill the whole thing) |
18:25:07 | saratoga | we decided ams could be supported once the MMU, clock and write corruption problems are fixed |
18:25:19 | saratoga | and I guess the clip could be released without the write fix since its 4GB only |
18:25:31 | funman | saratoga: hillshum added the manual as a requirement (and i do agree with him) |
18:25:43 | funman | hum there's no 8GB Clipv1 ? |
18:26:00 | saratoga | not as far as I know |
18:26:24 | Torne | funman: though having said that there's no dump_dcache(void); |
18:26:35 | gevaerts | well, the write fix should be ready and only needs testing, right? |
18:26:42 | saratoga | yeah |
18:26:58 | saratoga | really we can put downloads up whenever the MMU issue is fixed even if we don't call it supported |
18:27:04 | saratoga | got to run |
18:28:04 | Torne | funman: try if (write) clean_dcache(); else invalidate_dcache(); |
18:28:09 | Torne | and nothing afterward. |
18:28:21 | Torne | that will be a lot slower probably, but eliminates any alignment issues :) |
18:28:52 | funman | building.. |
18:29:28 | Torne | the functions in arm-mmu.S make some effort to handle unaligned addresses, it looks like, but some of the comments imply it doesn't handle every possible case |
18:31:28 | | Join Casainho [0] (n=chatzill@bl8-165-182.dsl.telepac.pt) |
18:31:41 | Casainho | Hello :-) |
18:31:50 | Casainho | NOR flash $2 for 32Mbit = 4Mbyte |
18:32:16 | Casainho | does anyone know if Rockbox bootloader + firmware + config files can be placed on a 4Mbytes? |
18:32:30 | Torne | rockbox itself is under a meg |
18:32:42 | Torne | codecs/plugins/etc are usually read from the storage fs, not flash |
18:32:53 | Torne | (well, ok, that might also be flash) |
18:33:10 | funman | hum I disabled write (to not break my filesystem) and invalidate_dcache() instead of dump_dcache_range() sure fixes read transfers |
18:33:26 | Torne | invalidate is doing more work, since it's writing back dirty lines |
18:33:33 | Torne | but that doesn't matter, because you're about to overwrite it anyway |
18:33:54 | Casainho | Torne: but, all of it would be placed on 4Mbytes? |
18:34:14 | gevaerts | Casainho: 4MB is going to be a bit tight |
18:34:28 | Casainho | so, 8mbytes ok? |
18:34:40 | Torne | what're you trying to actually do? |
18:34:48 | Casainho | "base board will cost around $50 USD and have just RAM and MMC Card Connector, possibly some NOR Flash for the basic software as it is quite cheap - $2 for 32Mbit = 4Mbyte." |
18:35:02 | Torne | a full rockbox for, say, ipod is 10mb |
18:35:08 | Torne | but that's with all the codepages/languages |
18:35:10 | Torne | games |
18:35:10 | Torne | etc |
18:35:13 | Casainho | I am trying to choose 4Mbytes or 8Mbytes |
18:35:26 | gevaerts | 8MB will hold a standard install, but if you want things like doom data or voices, which are also stored in .rockbox, that won't work |
18:35:31 | Casainho | ah, ok, so maybe 16Mbytes |
18:36:02 | Torne | if you're going to put a regular FAT filesystem on the nor flash to hold .rockbox then you'll need an FTL for it, too.. |
18:36:07 | linuxstb | And then at least double it to try and predict the future... |
18:36:14 | Torne | which may or may not interfere with using it as an actual boot flash, depending how you do your FTL |
18:36:21 | Casainho | FTL? |
18:36:26 | Torne | flash translation layer |
18:36:30 | Torne | to make flash behave like a block device |
18:36:51 | funman | mcrrhs p15, 0, r1, r0, c6 @ Invalidate DCache range |
18:36:55 | Casainho | because memory card seems much cheaper than that memory.. |
18:37:09 | funman | i do not remember seeing that in arm922tdmi reference manual |
18:37:22 | gevaerts | Casainho: you're much better off putting a bootloader and possibly the main rockbox binary in flash (in which case 4MB is enough) and use a "fixed" MMC/SD card for .rockbox |
18:37:38 | funman | it even says that we can access cp15 "only with mcr/mrc" |
18:37:42 | Torne | yeah. only the rockbox bootloader actually needs to be in NOR flash |
18:37:48 | Casainho | gevaerts: ok, nice then. I want to save on money ;-) |
18:37:53 | Torne | maybe the binary itself for boot speed |
18:37:57 | Torne | but not the .rockbox folder |
18:38:08 | Torne | in fact it is considerable effort to do so since you need an FTL then |
18:38:10 | funman | hum i'm not reading the correct implementation .. |
18:38:12 | Torne | as FAT is not flash-compatible. |
18:38:14 | dionoea | wouldn't codecs in flash also help a bit? |
18:38:16 | gevaerts | Casainho: can you put two MMC connectors on it? That would be about perfect I thingk |
18:38:38 | Torne | dionoea: not a lot.. |
18:38:43 | dionoea | k |
18:38:45 | Torne | dionoea: codec is only loaded when skipping between tracks that need different ones |
18:38:48 | Casainho | gevaerts: no, the board is already desingend and on prodution |
18:39:14 | gevaerts | Casainho: in that case you'll have something that's not very usable... |
18:39:19 | Casainho | and I don't know yet if tthe MCU (LPC3130) can hold 2 memory cards... |
18:39:23 | Torne | Casainho: if you don't know what an FTL is then you are not in a position to be deciding this, I have to point out.. putting a FAT filesystem in Flash is not entirely trivial |
18:39:39 | Torne | and i don't think rockbox has any capacity to load rocks from anywhere other than FAT |
18:39:39 | Casainho | Torne: ok, thanks |
18:39:49 | | Quit robin0800 (Remote closed the connection) |
18:40:07 | Torne | Memory cards have their own FTL implemented in hardware |
18:40:21 | Torne | if you are using raw flash chips you would have to do it yourself in software which isn't something rockbox has afaik :) |
18:40:26 | | Join robin0800 [0] (n=quassel@cpc3-brig8-0-0-cust436.brig.cable.ntl.com) |
18:40:40 | Torne | also lots of FTL algorithms are patented up the wazoo, msotly by samsung (though the linux folks tend to just Pretend Not To Notice) |
18:41:22 | Torne | anyway i need to head off for now |
18:41:43 | Torne | funman: ping me at your leisure if you need any more help with cache stuff |
18:42:11 | funman | Torne: which comment lead you to think the functions don't handle every possible unaligned case? |
18:42:26 | funman | (i'm reading dump_dcache_range for arm9) |
18:42:49 | Torne | dump_dcache_range says "will not do write back except for buffer ends not on a line boundary" |
18:42:59 | Torne | i'm nto entirely sure what whoever wrote that meant :) |
18:43:05 | Torne | it just generally makes me slightly suspicious |
18:43:34 | funman | well, i understand that we don't write back cachelines which are entirely in our buffer. |
18:44:06 | funman | but we do for cachelines which are half in our buffer, half somewhere else. |
18:44:10 | Torne | ah |
18:44:14 | Torne | that's.. interesting |
18:44:22 | Torne | i would generally assume that was broken :) |
18:44:51 | Torne | that has the potential to break stuff if buffers are close to each other and not line-aligned. |
18:45:10 | Torne | though, er, idaelly they wouldn't be ;) |
18:45:52 | Torne | you probably want your buffer to be 32-byte aligned. |
18:45:59 | Torne | just because it's nicer :) |
18:46:03 | Torne | anyway, gone now for rael :) |
18:46:12 | funman | thanks for your help ! |
18:48:34 | | Join JdGordon| [0] (i=836b0070@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-cc2dd66e442302cc) |
18:52:54 | FlynDice | funman: On a slightly differnt note, do you have an opinion on the synchronous vs asynchronous clocking schemes? |
18:53:38 | funman | yes, I think we need to see what are the lowest frequencies we can use to minimize power usage |
18:53:52 | | Quit Casainho ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.10/2009042316]") |
18:54:40 | | Join Llorean [0] (n=DarkkOne@ppp-70-245-71-9.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net) |
18:58:06 | | Quit Tuplanolla (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
19:00 |
19:03:57 | | Join miepchen^schla [0] (n=miepel@p579ECC48.dip.t-dialin.net) |
19:04:50 | funman | can mcr/mrc update the cpsr? |
19:06:06 | | Join Tuplanolla [0] (n=jani@unaffiliated/tuplanolla) |
19:08:40 | funman | what should the *modified* virtual address look like : like the virtual address, with bits 4:0 unset? or something additional? |
19:09:09 | | Quit flydutch ("/* empty */") |
19:11:55 | funman | page 2-6 (page 32 of pdf) of arm922t technical reference manual says : "ProcID translates the Virtual Address issued by arm9tdmi core to a MVA, seen by MMU & Instruction cache". |
19:16:19 | | Join BryanJacobs [0] (n=BryanJac@www.q3q.us) |
19:16:53 | funman | from google : "The VA is combined with the PID to form a MVA" : so I understand that the MVA may be different from VA only if FSCE is used |
19:19:54 | gevaerts | Horschti: one more thing to try : in usb_storage.c, near the bottom, change "tb.inquiry->DeviceTypeModifier = DEVICE_REMOVABLE" to "tb.inquiry->DeviceTypeModifier = 0;" and see if it makes a difference |
19:20:02 | | Quit bubsy ("Mrrrrreow!") |
19:20:45 | Horschti | sometimes i think i should keep the virtual machine running :D |
19:21:26 | * | amiconn still doesn't understand why the website would need a redesign |
19:22:15 | * | gevaerts can think of some ways to make usb_storage.c itself even faster, but he doesn't want it to get a reputation similar to that of the playback code |
19:22:35 | Horschti | what's the rep of the playback code? |
19:23:03 | Horschti | gevaerts, usb_storage.c in firmware/usbstack, correct? |
19:23:28 | gevaerts | Horschti: yes |
19:24:32 | gevaerts | Horschti: after that, be more careful about safely removing hardware :) |
19:24:45 | Horschti | i always remove safely |
19:25:28 | Horschti | wait... that makes me think of something that could have manipulated the results all along... gonna check something... |
19:26:24 | * | Horschti slaps forehead |
19:27:04 | funman | FlynDice: thanks to Torne I have some ideas on where to work.. see you later |
19:28:08 | Horschti | of course, setting the policy to "optimize for performance" should increase my writing speeds... Obviously the OF identifies differently to the OS therefore setting the policy only applies to the OF... |
19:28:41 | evilnick_7 | Horschti: Interesting point. |
19:29:18 | Horschti | yes, ofc. OF shows up as "Apple Ipod USB Device" |
19:29:41 | Horschti | Rockbox shows up as the HD Name "Toshiba somethingtomethin" |
19:30:22 | Horschti | why the hell didn't i check that... All the rsults and test I made were futile. |
19:30:27 | Horschti | sorry gevaerts |
19:30:56 | FlynDice | funman: so long I'll post any results I get from the boundery patch |
19:30:59 | Horschti | i'll try with the speed policy first now... |
19:31:12 | evilnick_7 | Doesn't the OF show up as "Apple Ipod USB Device" and then again as the type of disk inside the ipod? |
19:31:29 | gevaerts | not as far as I remember |
19:31:32 | Horschti | no, it shows up as "Apple Ipod USB Device" in hardware |
19:31:43 | evilnick_7 | Ah, okay. |
19:31:44 | funman | FlynDice: don't forget to post your method as well! (patch + dd command) |
19:32:22 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
19:32:55 | FlynDice | sure thing.. hey i'm looking at the debugclocks patch and it's not "live info anymore. Was that on purpose? |
19:33:08 | FlynDice | er "live" |
19:33:35 | funman | hum what do you mean? |
19:34:18 | FlynDice | the while loops just enclose the get_button calls and not the actual frequency calculations |
19:34:38 | FlynDice | the buttons are reading much better though... ;) |
19:35:27 | funman | oh .. yes, i wanted to make button reading realtime (too fast presses were ignored) |
19:35:53 | FlynDice | yes that's the problem I was having too |
19:36:05 | | Join matsl [0] (n=matsl@1-1-4-2a.mal.sth.bostream.se) |
19:36:30 | funman | do we really need realtime data? there's no clocks changing on the fly except i2so (and i2si) |
19:37:30 | Horschti | gevaerts, enabling the speed policy profile resulted in slightly faster writing speeds of 7.8Mbyte/s and read speeds of 13.2 |
19:37:41 | Horschti | so I'll try the other thing you posted |
19:38:06 | FlynDice | well I found it useful to see what was changing when and in what relationship. It gave me a better feel for what was going on |
19:38:13 | gevaerts | well, 6.3 vs 7.8 isn't "slightly" :) |
19:38:28 | | Join bertrik [0] (n=bertrik@ip117-49-211-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) |
19:38:41 | FlynDice | I was bouncing between sync, async and fastbusses |
19:38:43 | Horschti | not as much as I expected. I always thought there was a realy big difference between the profiles |
19:39:03 | gevaerts | I'd be interested in the speeds you'd get on a fully defragmented drive, but that's not really practically doable... |
19:39:20 | Horschti | i think it is pretty much defragmented... |
19:39:36 | Horschti | oo defrag mentions a fragmentation of only 3% |
19:40:08 | funman | FlynDice: you mean with cpu boosting? |
19:40:19 | funman | bertrik: hi! have some minutes to speak about i2c on sansa ams? |
19:40:31 | FlynDice | yes you can tell what is being changed on the fly |
19:40:59 | gevaerts | Horschti: I get 14.2 read and 9.4 write on the raw device (30GB ipod). You're going to get slightly different speeds of course (80GB, right?), but I expect slower write than read at this point. |
19:41:15 | Horschti | yes, 80GB |
19:41:51 | Horschti | i just compiled with the change you made above (and UDMA 4)... I'll test again |
19:43:17 | funman | FlynDice: i can't think of a solution with live update and realtime button handling |
19:43:30 | FlynDice | funman: I just modified it slightly and the "live" part and buttons work fine. |
19:43:32 | funman | if you think live update is more important, then it should be changed |
19:43:40 | funman | cool ! |
19:44:28 | FlynDice | it'll take a few minutes to figure out the clip parts, you want me to post it on the forum or email it? |
19:44:53 | funman | whatever is the fastest - i really need to go |
19:45:03 | Horschti | gevaerts, "tb.inquiry->DeviceTypeModifier = 0;" did not have any effect on speeds |
19:45:04 | FlynDice | see ya |
19:45:22 | Horschti | 7.8 write, 13.3 read |
19:46:04 | gevaerts | ok. I'm experimenting a bit here |
19:46:06 | | Nick Horschti is now known as Horscht (n=Horscht@xbmc/user/horscht) |
19:49:07 | | Quit funman ("long life vlc") |
19:54:34 | gevaerts | hm, I can increase write speed by 1.3MB/s. About half of that comes from *reducing* the transfer buffer size, and half from not waiting for the disk I/O (which of course makes error reporting break, so I won't do it in an official build) |
19:54:35 | bertrik | FlynDice, my impression so far is that we've mostly been "tinkering" with all the clock and bus related settings |
19:54:51 | bertrik | We just need to sit down and put some design into it I think |
19:56:49 | bertrik | AFAIK the datasheet is quite clear about the limits of the clocks and the conditions for the various bus modes. I haven't really looked into this myself, so probably it's easier said than done |
19:58:29 | FlynDice | bertrik: I agree with that assessment, that's why I tried to come up with something I could look at to see just what was going on with the clocks! |
19:58:44 | | Join xnyhps [0] (n=xnyhps@2001:470:1f14:da:219:e3ff:fed7:c57c) |
20:00 |
20:00:06 | FlynDice | The thing is that some things that are not supposed to work do indeed work... |
20:00:20 | | Quit crwll (jordan.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) |
20:00:20 | NSplit | jordan.freenode.net irc.freenode.net |
20:00:20 | | Quit bittin```` (jordan.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) |
20:00:21 | gevaerts | Horscht: for some extra speed, look for BUFFER_SIZE near the top of usb_storage.c and change it from 65536 to 32768 (i.e. halve it) |
20:00:22 | NHeal | jordan.freenode.net irc.freenode.net |
20:00:22 | NJoin | bittin```` [0] (i=bittin@anapnea.net) |
20:00:50 | NJoin | crwll [0] (n=crawlie@a91-156-100-168.elisa-laajakaista.fi) |
20:03:33 | Horscht | k |
20:04:58 | | Quit Rob2223 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
20:05:35 | | Join Rob2222 [0] (n=Miranda@p4FDCD704.dip.t-dialin.net) |
20:06:20 | | Join antitrons [0] (n=Mudkips@ |
20:06:27 | | Quit antil33t (Nick collision from services.) |
20:06:50 | | Join Lear [0] (i=chatzill@rockbox/developer/lear) |
20:07:52 | | Join bubsy [0] (i=Bubsy@ |
20:11:03 | | Join juane414 [0] (n=chatzill@ |
20:12:00 | juane414 | Hey all just finished my new WPS... anyone willing to test it out and let me know what they think?? |
20:12:19 | Horscht | you know... |
20:12:28 | evilnick_7 | Was this the one for the iPod Video? |
20:12:30 | Horscht | it would be helpfull if you mentioned what target ;) |
20:12:43 | juane414 | yes ipod video |
20:12:53 | * | evilnick_7 spins the roulette wheel and wins |
20:13:05 | juane414 | still haven't made the .cfg for it yet but the wps works |
20:13:20 | Dillizar | any one here has a gogear?? |
20:13:23 | juane414 | spent the last 3 days on it and i'd love some feedback |
20:14:00 | Horscht | o could ttry it |
20:14:07 | evilnick_7 | juane414: I'm at work now, but can test it on target in a few hours |
20:14:08 | | Join dfkt_ [0] (i=dfkt@chello062178002170.1.11.univie.teleweb.at) |
20:14:14 | Dillizar | where can i find manual for installing rockbox on gogear |
20:14:21 | juane414 | sounds cool |
20:14:33 | Horscht | juane414, i can try it right now... |
20:14:33 | juane414 | evilnick_7: i'll actually be in bed then... |
20:14:50 | juane414 | Horscht: great how can i send the files to you? |
20:14:55 | | Join fyrestorm [0] (n=nnscript@cpe-24-90-81-8.nyc.res.rr.com) |
20:14:55 | | Quit perrikwp (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
20:15:13 | gevaerts | juane414: I'd like to see it as well :) |
20:15:21 | Horscht | upload it to some 1-click hister or something |
20:15:26 | Dillizar | i need some help with manual install |
20:15:31 | juane414 | know any good ones? |
20:15:35 | Horscht | rapidshare or similar |
20:16:28 | gevaerts | juane414: can you dcc it to me? I hate downloading things from those 1-click things... |
20:16:28 | amiconn | gevaerts: Smaller buffer is faster? /me puzzled |
20:16:28 | gevaerts | or even mail, if you prefer |
20:16:46 | juane414 | oh email would work |
20:16:56 | | Quit fyrestorm (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
20:16:58 | | Join perrikwp [0] (i=18ac0c41@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-605504ac14236f9b) |
20:17:00 | | Join fyrestorm [0] (n=nnscript@cpe-24-90-81-8.nyc.res.rr.com) |
20:17:08 | juane414 | can you guys just pm me your email address? |
20:17:16 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (i=thunderc@persistence.flat.devzero.co.uk) |
20:17:34 | gevaerts | amiconn: that's because of this double buffering scheme. A 64k buffer means read 64k from usb, write 64k, and so on. 32k means read 32k from usb, write it to disk while getting the next 32k, write 32k. |
20:18:49 | juane414 | ok i'll send out the files in a minute |
20:19:08 | juane414 | just to warn you guys i haven't tested any fonts so it might look goofy depending on what font you try |
20:19:44 | saratoga | should we have closed all the out standing feature requests? |
20:20:01 | evilnick_7 | juane414: Which font did you design it with? |
20:20:02 | AlexP | Dillizar: You can't find a manual as it isn't supported yet |
20:20:13 | AlexP | saratoga: Yes, I think so - I was just about to have a look |
20:20:17 | Horscht | gevaerts, halfed the buffer, read: 8,06 MByte/s write: 8,52 MByte/s |
20:20:21 | saratoga | i'll do it now |
20:20:33 | Horscht | still UDMA 4 |
20:20:33 | AlexP | OK |
20:20:42 | gevaerts | Horscht: ok. I'll probably end up using different buffer sizes for read and write |
20:20:51 | saratoga | oh theres no way to close multiple tasks at once |
20:20:58 | | Quit dfkt (Nick collision from services.) |
20:21:01 | | Nick dfkt_ is now known as dfkt (i=dfkt@chello062178002170.1.11.univie.teleweb.at) |
20:21:11 | Dillizar | AlexP, but they already did and i have the rock box for hdd6330 i put it in to recovery mode but i have only one partition |
20:21:20 | juane414 | the GNU Unifont is what I was using |
20:21:24 | juane414 | seems to work well with ti |
20:21:35 | Dillizar | and i dont know where to put the FWimage.ebn |
20:21:38 | AlexP | Dillizar: I was telling you that there is no manual, and no support for it yet |
20:22:01 | evilnick_7 | juane414: Can you include that info on the email? I won't get chance to look at it for a while and will no doubt forget which font it was! |
20:22:09 | gevaerts | amiconn: we could still double-buffer with 64k transfers by lying about write completion, but I really don't want to do that |
20:22:15 | juane414 | sure |
20:22:30 | Dillizar | AlexP, but toffe82 has rockbox on his hdd6330 |
20:22:42 | AlexP | Dillizar: And he is a developer |
20:22:50 | juane414 | also one more warning... gmail isn't going to let me attach the bitmaps in a folder so they are all individual files, so you'll have to make a folder to put the bitmaps in |
20:22:54 | Dillizar | :) |
20:22:54 | | Quit perrikwp ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
20:22:55 | AlexP | Dillizar: It has not been released, and is unsupported |
20:23:05 | Dillizar | he gave it to me |
20:23:06 | Dillizar | :) |
20:23:06 | AlexP | juane414: zip it |
20:23:07 | Horscht | juane414, zip it up :D |
20:23:09 | saratoga | Dillizar: just wait for someone to answer you and stop spamming the channel |
20:23:14 | juane414 | haha lol good point |
20:23:16 | AlexP | Dillizar: None of this changes that it is unsupported |
20:23:28 | | Join perrikwp [0] (i=18ac0c41@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-4b7c942f8802ddf3) |
20:23:35 | Dillizar | :) saratoga spamming?? |
20:23:44 | | Join high-rez [0] (n=gus@carrera.bourg.net) |
20:24:26 | high-rez | I'm trying to install rockbox onto my 5th generation 30g ipod... But the rockbox util won't detect the device (under os x) |
20:24:53 | AlexP | high-rez: It needs to be a winpod |
20:25:02 | BryanJacobs | linuxstb: you there? |
20:25:10 | high-rez | AlexP: Doh. |
20:25:33 | AlexP | high-rez: The easiest way to achieve this is to recover it with itunes on Windows, but there is a manual method outlined on the wiki where you can convert from a Mac and without losing data |
20:25:54 | AlexP | high-rez: But it is highly recommended to have a back up of everything before starting |
20:25:54 | high-rez | I don'ty mind losing data. I don't even really use the thing. :) |
20:26:23 | AlexP | high-rez: You can install fine to a winpod from OSX, and a winpod works fine with OSX, but Rockbox only supports FAT32, not HFS+ |
20:26:34 | AlexP | high-rez: And just reformatting won't do it :) |
20:26:35 | juane414 | okay guys files are sent |
20:26:47 | juane414 | let me know what you think of it and any suggestions for improving it |
20:26:53 | AlexP | high-rez: If you have access to a Windows PC with itunes by far the easiest way is to use that to restore it |
20:26:56 | high-rez | AlexP: Ok i'll go look for this howto |
20:27:01 | high-rez | hmm |
20:27:01 | high-rez | ok |
20:27:07 | high-rez | I have windows insalled under virtual box |
20:27:12 | high-rez | so it shouldn't be a problem |
20:27:13 | high-rez | :) |
20:27:48 | AlexP | high-rez: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IpodManualRestore |
20:28:16 | AlexP | high-rez: I assume that works on a Mac too, but I don't know |
20:29:04 | amiconn | gevaerts: There is no way to delay the acknowledge? |
20:30:10 | juane414 | hey guys it's possible that the album art isn't working either |
20:30:15 | juane414 | i didn't really test that out |
20:30:19 | juane414 | so if it's not let me know |
20:30:41 | amiconn | linuxstb: Does the mac allow to format a partition as fat32 (i.e. on mac-partitioned hdd, not mbr)? |
20:30:48 | gevaerts | amiconn: I think we could tell the OS that we cache things, and implement the various cache flush methods. I'm not sure if it's worth it though |
20:31:33 | | Join Strife1989 [0] (n=michael@ |
20:31:48 | | Quit fyre^OS (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
20:32:00 | Horscht | juane414, album art works. |
20:32:02 | | Nick evilnick_7 is now known as How_unfortunate_ (i=0c140464@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-4e3622584053af3d) |
20:32:11 | juane414 | cool |
20:32:27 | Horscht | just the playlist position seems wrong... |
20:32:42 | BryanJacobs | amiconn: you could always use mkfs.vfat if there's no native method |
20:32:51 | BryanJacobs | MacOS is a UNIX |
20:32:52 | juane414 | playlist position? |
20:33:00 | amiconn | gevaerts: I'm curious whether the OF(s) are doing this |
20:33:20 | Horscht | juane indicating the current position of the track in the playlist. |
20:33:40 | juane414 | ah gotcha |
20:33:41 | Horscht | it should say 2/9154, but instead it say 2/10 |
20:34:43 | juane414 | hmmm... one sec |
20:35:42 | juane414 | ah that's not playlist position |
20:35:50 | juane414 | thats %in |
20:35:52 | juane414 | track number |
20:36:00 | Horscht | ah! |
20:36:02 | | Quit Strife89 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
20:36:13 | Horscht | yeah, that makes sense.. |
20:36:23 | juane414 | i intend on adjusting the info a bit |
20:36:35 | juane414 | i'd like to add next track info |
20:36:38 | juane414 | and a few others |
20:36:38 | Horscht | right... i should have skipped to the next track to notice that :D |
20:37:08 | Horscht | are the graphics final? |
20:37:23 | juane414 | no |
20:37:28 | juane414 | nothing is final |
20:37:30 | juane414 | :) |
20:37:53 | Horscht | I like the idea of the .wps, but the graphics could have a more "clean" feel to it. |
20:37:53 | | Quit blithe ("Lost terminal") |
20:38:04 | | Join blithe [0] (n=blithe@blakesmith.me) |
20:38:28 | juane414 | yea i can try messing with colors and contrast to try and smooth it out |
20:38:43 | juane414 | i used some sharply contrasting colors |
20:39:21 | Horscht | yeah, make it look a little bit more like a real dashboard |
20:40:13 | juane414 | I can try :) |
20:40:30 | | Nick How_unfortunate_ is now known as evilnick_7 (i=0c140464@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-4e3622584053af3d) |
20:40:37 | juane414 | BTW... does album art need to be .bmp? |
20:40:56 | AlexP | or jpg |
20:40:57 | Horscht | no, it can now be .jpg |
20:41:02 | juane414 | huh |
20:41:07 | juane414 | i can't seem to get it working... |
20:41:16 | Horscht | folder.jpg works |
20:41:21 | Horscht | well |
20:41:26 | evilnick_7 | in the same folder as the music files |
20:41:30 | Horscht | depending on your build number |
20:41:41 | juane414 | okay i had cover.jpg |
20:41:43 | Horscht | it has only been implemented ~3 weeks ago |
20:41:58 | gevaerts | cover.jpg should work |
20:42:00 | evilnick_7 | cover.jpg *should* work too |
20:42:07 | juane414 | hmmm |
20:42:28 | Horscht | well, how old is your rockbox build? |
20:43:19 | juane414 | 3.2 |
20:43:27 | juane414 | it works on the sim... but not on my ipod... |
20:43:29 | juane414 | strange |
20:43:38 | Horscht | so not a SVN build just the 3.2 release? |
20:43:46 | Horscht | you have to update to a current build |
20:43:47 | juane414 | yea the 3.2 release |
20:44:09 | Horscht | http://build.rockbox.org/ |
20:44:24 | | Join tessarakt [0] (n=jens@e180070119.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
20:44:49 | AlexP | juane414: 3.2 is a while old now - jpg album art was added after that |
20:45:00 | juane414 | okay that must be the problem then |
20:46:03 | juane414 | do i just copy-past the .rockbox folder to my iPod? |
20:46:19 | Horscht | yes, overwriting all files |
20:47:07 | bertrik | funman, if you're reading the logs, yes I have some minutes. I experimented a bit with ams i2c yesterday and can reproduce the same behaviour as having high clocks. Can't fix it yet though (hoped to fix it by looking at interrupt status instead of the "busy" bit in the SR) |
20:48:21 | AlexP | BryanJacobs: If you have questions about stuff it is best to ask the channel - there are often other people about that can help |
20:48:42 | juane414 | Horscht: any other suggestions you have for improving the theme? |
20:48:50 | BryanJacobs | AlexP: I was just going to tell linuxstb about some results from a conversation from yesterday |
20:49:05 | BryanJacobs | if anyone is interested, I discovered that WavPack blocks are routinely ~16k |
20:49:14 | BryanJacobs | and the correction blocks can be 40+k |
20:49:38 | BryanJacobs | meaning that the current buffer space is insufficient to hold a "normal" WV+WVC block pair |
20:49:44 | AlexP | BryanJacobs: It is often useful to just share - you never know who has what knowledge :) |
20:49:44 | GodEater | linuxstb will likely read the from the logs :) |
20:49:52 | BryanJacobs | all righty then |
20:49:58 | GodEater | besides, we're ALL interested in the GSOC projects :) |
20:50:03 | AlexP | very much |
20:50:32 | BryanJacobs | well, that's what I found out by writing a little wavpack file parser and trying it out on the "Bad Horse Chorus" encoded using -b256 -c |
20:51:00 | BryanJacobs | right now I'm seeing what the pattern of metadata blocks looks like |
20:51:09 | CIA-38 | New commit by gevaerts (r20988): Use different read and write buffer sizes. Due to interaction between common transfer sizes used by most OSes (64k) and the double-buffering system we ... |
20:51:21 | * | gevaerts looks at Horscht for more testing :) |
20:52:30 | BryanJacobs | what's the best way to convert uchar[3] into uint32_t architecture-independently? |
20:52:36 | BryanJacobs | I don't want to test for endianness |
20:53:01 | * | GodEater assumes amiconn will have a good idea about that |
20:53:03 | BryanJacobs | or, really, to fseek(... , SEEK_CUR) based on the amounts in a little-endian uchar[3] |
20:53:47 | bertrik | uchar[2] << 24 | uchar[1] << 16 | uchar[0] ? |
20:53:59 | BryanJacobs | that's not arch independent, right? |
20:54:09 | BryanJacobs | I mean, what if the platform we're on is big endian |
20:54:09 | gevaerts | sure it is |
20:54:23 | bertrik | with different shifts ... 16, 8 and 0 |
20:54:38 | BryanJacobs | hm? |
20:54:54 | BryanJacobs | on little endian, should be [2] << 16 | [1] << 8 | [0] |
20:55:05 | BryanJacobs | on big endian, should be [0] << 16 | [1] << 8 | [2] |
20:55:23 | gevaerts | that depends on where that uchar[] comes from |
20:55:32 | BryanJacobs | I got it backwards |
20:55:33 | Lear | BryanJacobs: metadata_common.c in Rockbox contains some different versions you could look at. |
20:55:43 | BryanJacobs | the uchar[] is always little endian, no matter what |
20:55:44 | * | Horscht stares at gevaerts :) |
20:55:48 | saratoga | BryanJacobs: if blocks are that big in wavpack, i guess you'll need to split them |
20:56:00 | BryanJacobs | Lear: will look |
20:56:14 | saratoga | do you know how many time domain samples wavpack needs to decode one PCM sample? |
20:56:15 | BryanJacobs | saratoga: yeah, not looking forward to that - why is the buffer 32k? |
20:56:26 | gevaerts | Horscht: that last commit is the best I can do without overhauling usb_storage entirely :) |
20:56:27 | BryanJacobs | saratoga: sampling rate |
20:56:41 | saratoga | BryanJacobs: to save memory and because for most formats thats a lot of data |
20:56:44 | BryanJacobs | oh, you mean NEEDS |
20:56:50 | Horscht | juane414, no, appart from the colors/graphics it's a nice theme. Allthough I prefer bigger album art myself (huge, 200x200) |
20:57:02 | Horscht | gevaerts, as in reverting to default? |
20:57:07 | BryanJacobs | let me check how many are necessary - I think it's theoretically up to the whole block |
20:57:15 | Horscht | oh wait |
20:57:28 | Horscht | i should read what people write more carefully |
20:57:31 | BryanJacobs | saratoga: doesn't an iPod 5.5G have 64MB of RAM? |
20:57:41 | juane414 | Yea there is not that much space for huge album art |
20:57:42 | BryanJacobs | isn't 32k a little ... spartan for that platform? |
20:57:45 | saratoga | BryanJacobs: since this is a time domain coder (I assume anyway) it probably looks at some number of past samples are used to try and predict the next sample, but its probably a relatively small number otherwise decoding would not be possible on CPUs as slow as we have |
20:57:45 | | Quit Dillizar ("I ♥ Elive") |
20:57:49 | juane414 | thanks for the feedback i appreciate it |
20:58:14 | BryanJacobs | saratoga: I need to look at the reference decoder b/c that's not in the docs |
20:58:22 | Horscht | juane414, yeah. I understand that. Huge album art simply doesn't fit the concept. |
20:58:37 | saratoga | BryanJacobs: do you have a link handy to the docs? |
20:58:47 | BryanJacobs | http://www.wavpack.com/file_format.txt <−− file format |
20:58:47 | gevaerts | juane414: looks nice :) I'd like to see smaller intervals, but you're probably already near the image buffer limit I guess |
20:59:25 | BryanJacobs | http://www.wavpack.com/wavpack_doc.html <−− user docs |
20:59:31 | gevaerts | Horscht: what I committed should be as fast for read as before, and slightly faster on write than the last one you tested |
20:59:39 | juane414 | gevaerts: not necessarily, I was planning on trying to make smaller intervals for at least the song progress dial |
20:59:48 | Horscht | i'll give it a whirl, gevaerts |
20:59:58 | juane414 | gevaerts: maybe not for the battery and volume though |
21:00 |
21:00:04 | saratoga | "it is possible to decode regular stereo (or mono) WavPack files without buffering an entire block, which allows the memory requirements to be reduced to only a few kilobytes ifdesired." |
21:00:07 | saratoga | sounds good . . . |
21:00:14 | | Quit xnyhps ("Leaving.") |
21:00:39 | | Quit juane414 ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.10/2009042316]") |
21:01:03 | BryanJacobs | /me cannot seem to find docs on exactly HOW |
21:01:03 | saratoga | is there a doc explaining the format it self and not just the bitstream? |
21:01:29 | BryanJacobs | saratoga: I'm searching but all I'm pulling up other than those two links is the library_use.txt file; how to use the library |
21:01:37 | gevaerts | JdGordon|: if you want to go to the limit, you could make short line images, and use more than one for each needle |
21:01:50 | BryanJacobs | I think the reference decoder is the only place to go for how decoding is actually performed |
21:01:53 | gevaerts | hm, juane414 left :\ |
21:02:46 | saratoga | wikipedia has a very nice overview |
21:04:03 | saratoga | it seems the author has designed this format with very low memory usage in mind, so I do not think you will have serious problems getting it to work |
21:04:17 | BryanJacobs | I just don't know the bounds on the requirements... |
21:04:27 | BryanJacobs | I'm sure it can be done, I'm just not yet sure how much must be pulled in |
21:05:00 | BryanJacobs | that wiki article isn't technical enough |
21:05:21 | BryanJacobs | "An adaptive algorithm continuously determines the most efficient of the three to send based on the changing balance of the channels" |
21:05:41 | BryanJacobs | it seems to imply that there's a one-frame lookbehind, but then there's that line |
21:06:04 | BryanJacobs | that could be unbounded state |
21:06:18 | saratoga | this will likely be of use for you: http://www.wavpack.com/WavPack.pdf |
21:06:19 | linuxstb | BryanJacobs: Just to say that I'm not around, but will check the logs later... |
21:06:29 | BryanJacobs | thanks for sharing |
21:08:58 | saratoga | prediction seems to be quite simple needing only a few bytes of stored samples |
21:10:44 | | Join {phoenix} [0] (n=dirk@p54B4722E.dip.t-dialin.net) |
21:10:54 | BryanJacobs | so then what we do is store the block header+metadata somewhere in the codec memory, and repeatedly buffer frames rathen than whole blocks? |
21:12:25 | saratoga | from the sound of it you could just interleave the lossy and correction blocks in arbitrarily small blocks (say 256 bytes) |
21:12:35 | | Join arohtar [0] (n=faemir@88-106-242-222.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) |
21:12:51 | BryanJacobs | so let's try that first, before tackling the thrash-seeking issue, eh? |
21:12:59 | saratoga | i think the trick will be figureing out how to sync them, if the block size is very large it might be difficult to figure out which byte in the correction file goes with which byte in the lossy file without decoding it first |
21:13:25 | BryanJacobs | it's OK as long as we know when we've run out of one or the other |
21:13:27 | saratoga | i think figuring out how to do this from a simple command line decoder program on your PC would be a great first step |
21:13:37 | BryanJacobs | that's what I'm doing right now, actually |
21:13:45 | BryanJacobs | I've got the wavpack parsing for both WV and WVC |
21:13:52 | saratoga | its more complicated thent hat because if you get too far ahead of one then it may not be buffered in time |
21:13:53 | gevaerts | hm, optimal write buffer size seems to vary between devices. Not entirely unexpected of course... |
21:14:01 | BryanJacobs | I was thinking next I'd try to get some sound |
21:14:26 | high-rez | So... My iPod shows up as a disk drive when I plug it into windows, but its not really accessible... |
21:14:44 | high-rez | E.g. if I try to open the disk itself I get an error. |
21:14:46 | BryanJacobs | gevaerts: what? optimal values for parameters vary between different embedded devices? never! |
21:14:51 | saratoga | while buffering you'll need to dynamically watch the position in both the correction and lossy files to keep blocks sorted in time (i.e. make sure you don't put a correction file block 10 minutes away from the lossy block it needs) |
21:15:02 | | Part Grahack |
21:15:12 | | Join bluebrother [0] (n=dom@rockbox/developer/bluebrother) |
21:15:14 | evilnick_7 | high-rez: Have you set it to Disk-Mode in iTunes? |
21:15:17 | gevaerts | BryanJacobs: exactly! Why should they be different? :) |
21:15:33 | high-rez | evilnick_7: that may be what I'm missing... :) |
21:15:55 | BryanJacobs | saratoga: so, how about we at first fill the buffer 25/75 lossy/lossless, since that seems to be the approximate ratio |
21:16:12 | BryanJacobs | and then as one depletes we refill it |
21:16:36 | BryanJacobs | our time lag can't ever be too great because we only fill up to some preset high-water mark of readahead |
21:16:52 | saratoga | thats a good first start but for large block sizes you'll eventually get more then 32KB apart and fail (though maybe large enough blocks for that to happen aren't used in practice) |
21:16:58 | | Quit faemir (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
21:17:09 | BryanJacobs | how would we get too far apart? |
21:17:17 | high-rez | evilnick_7: Just "enable disk use" right ? |
21:17:22 | Horscht | gevaerts, read: 13,3 MByte/s write: 8,85 MByte/s |
21:17:33 | BryanJacobs | imagine two distinct virtual buffers |
21:17:36 | saratoga | you don't know the bitrate of the correction blocks in advance, so if you assume a value eventually you'll be very far off |
21:17:57 | Horscht | so, as you projected, slight increase in write speed. |
21:18:04 | BryanJacobs | but we know how many frames were actually unpacked |
21:18:12 | BryanJacobs | because they're put into the PCM buffer |
21:18:16 | saratoga | imagine trying to buffer a 10MB block and you get the bitrate wrong by 1%, by the end the correction file will be 100KB off and decoding will fail |
21:18:28 | evilnick_7 | high-rez: It's been a *long* time since I did it but I think it's literally just a check-box when you first connect the iPod |
21:18:31 | BryanJacobs | why do we need this "bitrate"? |
21:18:39 | BryanJacobs | we can read whenever we need to |
21:18:48 | Horscht | read speed stays the same. Since I have FS 9708 i.e. UDMA enabled, wouldn't the ipod also use less power during filetransfers? |
21:19:13 | BryanJacobs | event: the codec has finished with what I read from disk (or at least one stream of it) action: read some more |
21:19:47 | BryanJacobs | see what I mean? |
21:20:14 | BryanJacobs | since we, as you pointed out, don't know how many bits we need per frame, don't even try to keep a constant flow from the disk |
21:20:50 | BryanJacobs | the WV stream can be traditionally buffered, and the WVC stream can be a run-dry system |
21:21:02 | saratoga | BryanJacobs: you can't read whenever you want, it all has to be buffered before decoding begins |
21:21:20 | BryanJacobs | understood. Let me explain more clearly: |
21:21:48 | BryanJacobs | sequence of events: 1) buffer is preliminarily filled 2) codec is invoked and decodes as much as possible |
21:22:08 | BryanJacobs | 3a) codec runs out of WV frames first 4a) disk reads more WV frames |
21:22:21 | BryanJacobs | 3b) codec runs out of WVC frames first 4b) disk reads more WVC frames |
21:22:36 | BryanJacobs | why do we need to know the bitrate for this procedure? |
21:23:13 | BryanJacobs | as long as our buffers don't clobber eachother... |
21:23:39 | saratoga | while that is one solution it will lead to reduced battery life |
21:23:57 | saratoga | i was under the impression that the solution we wanted was to interleave the two files into a common buffer during load time |
21:24:02 | | Quit Strife1989 ("Huzzah!") |
21:24:19 | BryanJacobs | define "interleave" |
21:24:30 | BryanJacobs | in order to get an AVI-style interleaving we need sync |
21:24:49 | BryanJacobs | what we really want is to keep the amount of WV and WVC frames available approximately constant to reduce spinups |
21:24:54 | gevaerts | Horscht: I don't know about power. I'd guess most of the power goes to keeping the disk spinning anyway |
21:24:57 | BryanJacobs | that could be done by an adaptive algorithm |
21:25:10 | * | gevaerts decides that he has done enough usb work for the day |
21:25:20 | BryanJacobs | "if we fall behind on WVC frames, next time buffer a greater WVC:WV ratio" |
21:25:23 | BryanJacobs | right? |
21:25:59 | Horscht | gevaerts, just for the record, I cleaned the table a bit: http://horscht.googlepages.com/rockboxbench |
21:27:02 | Horscht | i removed all old results, which were not representative at all since they were not using the speed profile of windows anyways, so they were not a fair comparison to the OF results |
21:28:52 | gevaerts | Horscht: maybe it would be interesting to have pure svn there, as well as udma1 (as that's probably most likely to get in) |
21:28:55 | | Join hd [0] (i=jd@modemcable022.187-203-24.mc.videotron.ca) |
21:29:15 | | Quit hd (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
21:30:16 | Horscht | ok, gonna do that |
21:32:25 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
21:35:25 | saratoga | BryanJacobs: I'm not sure, you should probably ask linuxstb since he knows the buffering code better |
21:35:50 | BryanJacobs | eh, I'm going to watch Doctor Who now, I'll finish this tomorrow |
21:35:55 | BryanJacobs | ttyl all |
21:36:09 | | Part BryanJacobs |
21:40:41 | | Join hd [0] (i=jd@modemcable022.187-203-24.mc.videotron.ca) |
21:41:11 | | Quit BXCracer (Remote closed the connection) |
21:41:17 | | Join moredhel [0] (n=faemir@88-106-242-222.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) |
21:41:30 | GodEater | oooh, a feist fan |
21:41:55 | | Join Grahack [0] (n=chri@ip-120.net-89-2-70.rev.numericable.fr) |
21:44:00 | | Quit Grahack (Client Quit) |
21:44:05 | | Quit arohtar (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
21:44:09 | | Join BXCracer [0] (n=bxcracer@78-56-8-132.static.zebra.lt) |
21:45:25 | | Quit HellDragon (Success) |
21:45:37 | Lear | gevaerts: No big change in Rockbox install time with the latest USB change on my e200... :) |
21:46:57 | gevaerts | Lear: unfortunately on e200 speed is mostly limited by the sd driver |
21:47:00 | | Join Grahack [0] (n=chri@ip-120.net-89-2-70.rev.numericable.fr) |
21:47:15 | | Quit Grahack (Client Quit) |
21:47:26 | | Join Grahack [0] (n=chri@ip-120.net-89-2-70.rev.numericable.fr) |
21:47:37 | | Join froggyman [0] (i=47ba0b80@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-5d380f720f443207) |
21:47:40 | | Part Seed |
21:47:45 | Lear | gevaerts: Well, the previous change did make a big difference at least. |
21:47:48 | gevaerts | Lear: actually, my latest commit may have made writes a bit slower on e200... |
21:48:47 | saratoga | do faster classes of SD card write faster in rockbox on the sansa or is it limited by the controller? |
21:49:15 | Lear | My quick one-off test was a little faster, but by less than 1 percent. The install seem more limited by number of files than amount of data though. |
21:49:19 | | Quit Grahack (Client Quit) |
21:50:03 | JdGordon| | gevaerts: ? |
21:50:12 | bertrik | saratoga, do the sansas use 1-bit or 4-bit mode? |
21:50:28 | Horscht | well, that's a FAT32 issue... afaik, specifialy FAT32 is a lot slower in writing several small files than few big ones... |
21:50:41 | gevaerts | JdGordon|: I wanted to talk to someone else with a j, but he left... |
21:50:56 | JdGordon| | ah ok :) |
21:51:02 | saratoga | i'm not sure |
21:55:42 | | Join Grahack [0] (n=chri@ip-120.net-89-2-70.rev.numericable.fr) |
21:56:25 | Lear | Horscht: OF is noticeably faster though; half the time compared to Rockbox. |
21:56:51 | Horscht | ok.. |
21:59:49 | | Join Zagor [242] (n=bjst@ |
22:00 |
22:00:50 | gevaerts | Lear: try reading. My measurements say that we're a lot faster there :) |
22:02:46 | high-rez | The install themes stuff is broken - at least when using a proxy... It requests "http://rbutilqt.php?" .... |
22:07:50 | domonoky | high-rez: seems to work fine for me, (at least without proxy) :-) |
22:08:01 | domonoky | on which OS is this ? |
22:08:18 | Lear | gevaerts: Well, I rarely do that... :) |
22:08:50 | high-rez | domonky: windows (which runs under virtual box on an os x host) |
22:09:49 | | Join webguest83 [0] (n=ad2180dd@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-cd2a224d96ec276d) |
22:10:39 | domonoky | high-rez: then please open a bug report, with as much details as you can.. |
22:10:49 | | Quit webguest83 (Client Quit) |
22:10:58 | domonoky | and why dont you use the mac version ? |
22:11:44 | high-rez | domonky: I needed to firmat the device with fat32 first... |
22:12:23 | domonoky | high-rez: thats true, but you dont need rbutil for that :-) |
22:12:54 | AlexP | high-rez: Once you have a winpod, you can use the Mac native tools |
22:15:59 | | Quit itcheg ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
22:16:13 | | Join SirFunk__ [0] (n=Sir@208-15-25-145.netsync.net) |
22:17:52 | high-rez | domonky: I'll validate with the mac client now... |
22:18:30 | bluebrother | indeed, there is something broken with theme installation using a proxy |
22:18:55 | bluebrother | (linux, current svn) |
22:19:11 | high-rez | Everything worked on windows, except the themes. |
22:19:49 | | Part Grahack |
22:21:04 | | Join MuscleNerd [0] (i=eric@adsl-75-31-138-204.dsl.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) |
22:24:34 | high-rez | Ditto on OS X - the themes part is broken when using a proxy: |
22:24:35 | high-rez | 1242764655.501 45 TCP_MISS/503 2150 GET http://rbutilqt.php? - DIRECT/rbutilqt.php?target=ipodvideo& text/html |
22:24:46 | high-rez | (that's from squid) |
22:27:30 | | Join Mathiasdm [0] (n=Mathias@vpnd032.ugent.be) |
22:30:15 | pixelma | bluebrother: about the manual - would you have an idea what's causing the insertion of blank lines that _sometimes_ happens after \opt or \nopt (something to check for at least)? |
22:30:42 | Unhelpful | gevaerts: if the plugins alone don't work, i've put up a full test build + the three plugin versions here: http://looking-glass.us/~chshrcat/rockbox/x5_scaler_benchmark_full.zip |
22:31:04 | | Quit SirFunk_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
22:34:09 | | Quit bubsy ("Mrrrrreow!") |
22:34:23 | bluebrother | pixelma: well, I could imagine them causing double linefeeds, thus creating a new section in LaTeX. Have you tried adding trailing comment marks to each opt? |
22:35:24 | Unhelpful | i assume putsxy clips correctly/safely? could the hang for the scaler benchmark on gevaerts' x5 be due to writing past the end of the LCD framebuffer? |
22:35:30 | | Quit perrikwp ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
22:35:52 | gevaerts | it doesn't get near wrapping |
22:36:31 | gevaerts | it freezes after printing the very first line, which fits. Anyway, I'm now trying your build |
22:37:20 | planetbeing | Does anyone have the iPod nano 2G SST flash dump here? |
22:38:43 | | Quit Lear ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.5b5pre/20090517065612]") |
22:39:03 | GodEater | um |
22:39:08 | GodEater | linuxstb might |
22:39:27 | pixelma | bluebrother: \opt and \nopt sometimes don't, sometimes do. I experienced this before (or additional spaces, especially with \nopt) and then the % trick helped but yesterday just reordering the list helped. What puzzles me the most is that the behaviour seems to be so unforseeable, at least I couldn't find a pattern... |
22:39:30 | gevaerts | Unhelpful: http://pastie.org/483270 |
22:39:30 | planetbeing | All right. |
22:39:55 | Unhelpful | gevaerts: thanks a ton! so, my build hates your build, or something? |
22:40:07 | gevaerts | probably :) |
22:40:23 | planetbeing | BTW, I just looked and the newer nano 5G firmware stuff have nearly the exact same format as the 8900 format, which we do have a vulnerability for. |
22:40:25 | Bagder | planetbeing: I do |
22:40:38 | Unhelpful | would you mind loading an oversized bitmap into sliding_puzzle? that should confirm that the coldfire asm in the core scaler for that build is correct :) |
22:40:38 | Bagder | I think, lemme check closer |
22:40:41 | planetbeing | Not sure if Apple fixed the implementation on the nano though. |
22:40:53 | | Join arohtar [0] (n=faemir@88-106-242-222.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) |
22:41:08 | planetbeing | Also, I'm 99% sure that those things aren't signature checked. |
22:41:31 | | Quit JdGordon| ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
22:41:35 | Bagder | http://daniel.haxx.se/rockbox/nano2g-bootloader.bin |
22:41:38 | planetbeing | Since where the offset for the RSA signature should be is a number that points exactly past the end of the firmware file. =P |
22:42:24 | * | pixelma wonders whether daily built manuals for today are available now |
22:42:37 | Bagder | pixelma: no, we didn't trigger any new ones |
22:42:48 | planetbeing | Huh, that thing has a Syscfg partition like on the iPhone. |
22:43:20 | pixelma | I see, will wait for tomorrow then. I guess it's not that important |
22:43:24 | | Quit moredhel (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
22:44:52 | gevaerts | Unhelpful: "Failed to load bitmap" |
22:44:59 | planetbeing | Bagder: thanks |
22:47:04 | Unhelpful | gevaerts: weird. thanks for testing, i think i'll give that coldfire emu a go and see if i can slap together a bit of a test framework for the thing :) |
22:47:31 | gevaerts | Unhelpful: I'll try to load the same images on another player |
22:48:17 | froggyman | are there any guides to syncing source files (.c)? |
22:49:07 | Unhelpful | i'd probably best build a complete install for lambacalculus as well, if he still wants to test that |
22:50:26 | Llorean | froggyman: There is no practical way to write a guide for it. |
22:50:42 | | Quit bmbl ("Woah!") |
22:50:43 | Llorean | You need to read the file, figure out what's wrong by understanding the source, and update it. |
22:50:48 | gevaerts | Unhelpful: they also fail on a new gigabeat f build |
22:51:03 | * | gevaerts guesses that he has a collection of "interesting" jpg files |
22:51:13 | Unhelpful | wait, did you say jpg? |
22:51:24 | gevaerts | oh wait... |
22:51:25 | AlexP | oh dear, it appears that alex wallis took kugel's (bad) advice |
22:51:26 | Unhelpful | sliding_puzzle isn't using load_image yet :) |
22:51:39 | froggyman | Llorean: i mean like adding a new plugin, that doesnt have a patch yet |
22:52:25 | GodEater | AlexP: huh ? |
22:52:42 | AlexP | GodEater: dev mailing list |
22:52:58 | gevaerts | Unhelpful: it's your fault for not having touched the scaler for weeks so I instinctively think about jpg whenever you say something |
22:53:45 | Unhelpful | yes, of course, that's it. ;) |
22:53:49 | GodEater | wow |
22:53:56 | AlexP | GodEater: yep |
22:54:06 | GodEater | whatever is in that email is causing firefox to crash when it displays it in gmail |
22:54:17 | Llorean | froggyman: It's still the same issue. You need to understand how it works, what has changed that prevents it from working, and fix it |
22:55:46 | high-rez | So will iPod accessories work with rockbox? E.g. my car has an ipod adapter - will it work? :) P.S. sweet software :D |
22:56:02 | AlexP | Some, yes |
22:56:13 | high-rez | That's just friggin neat. |
22:56:14 | evilnick_7 | high-rez: You'd have to try it to be sure, there is limited support |
22:56:17 | gevaerts | Unhelpful: it looks broken. Most of the screen keeps its background colour, and there's a white vertical line on the right of the image display area |
22:56:29 | AlexP | high-rez: It depends on what commands the accessort tries to use |
22:56:36 | AlexP | *accessory |
22:56:55 | high-rez | What is the "proper" place for me to put my music ? E.g. should I just create a new directory under the devices root called mp3 or is there a preferred location? |
22:57:20 | AlexP | high-rez: Anywhere you damn well want |
22:57:23 | evilnick_7 | high-rez: Anywhere you want, (but not in the .rockbox directory) |
22:57:24 | Unhelpful | gevaerts: that sounds broken. at least we know the rework of the C math isn't a loss on coldfire. :) |
22:57:34 | AlexP | high-rez: Although the .rockbox directory isn't a good plan |
22:57:40 | high-rez | It's all about freedom eh ? :D |
22:57:46 | AlexP | yup :) |
22:57:49 | evilnick_7 | Abso-bloody-lutely! |
22:58:10 | high-rez | You guys rock. Thanks for freeing my ipod from apples evil grip. :D |
22:58:36 | AlexP | no worries :) |
23:00 |
23:04:44 | | Join Mathiasdm2 [0] (n=Mathias@vpnh086.ugent.be) |
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23:06:38 | | Quit {phoenix} (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
23:07:26 | * | Zagor is having second thoughts about the new web design :-( |
23:08:29 | * | bluebrother wonders what those second thoughs are |
23:09:51 | Zagor | as we have discussed before, I'd like to make the index page more user (non-dev) oriented. that means moving a lot of the content to the dev page, so the front page is cleaner. but the new design was not made for that, so it means I'd have to re-design parts of it. which I suck at... |
23:10:24 | CIA-38 | New commit by bluebrother (r20989): Clean up and improve themes install window debug messages. |
23:11:06 | bluebrother | as in new design not made for a dev page? |
23:11:22 | | Join mcuelenaere [0] (n=mcuelena@rockbox/developer/mcuelenaere) |
23:11:58 | Zagor | the new design was made to make room for basically everything the current frontpage has, and then some. |
23:14:11 | bluebrother | so? Wouldn't it be sufficient to have a link to the dev page and use a different layout on the development pages? |
23:14:22 | bluebrother | (i.e. something more developer-friendly)? |
23:15:13 | Zagor | yes. but it means I have to design a new front page. or at least refactor it substantially. |
23:15:57 | Zagor | ...when the whole point of the prolonged process with macku was to avoid that |
23:16:12 | bluebrother | well, I've made up something a while back using some layout someone posted on the forums |
23:16:27 | bluebrother | something I'd consider both user- and dev-friendly :) |
23:16:32 | | Join _fml [0] (n=4fd3ccda@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-67d8ffeeb014022d) |
23:16:41 | bluebrother | in case you want to give it a look: http://www.alice-dsl.net/dominik.riebeling/rockbox/ultimate-3-column-holy-grail-ems.htm |
23:17:45 | Zagor | I like the polished feel of the new design. and we have sort of reached consensus about it. |
23:18:03 | * | froggyman likes the design |
23:18:15 | Zagor | that's why I'm having a "doh" feeling about having to change it before we even start using it |
23:18:58 | * | bluebrother doesn't like the new design. It distracts too much |
23:19:29 | Zagor | the front page is cluttered, yes. that's my point. |
23:20:09 | | Quit jfc (Remote closed the connection) |
23:20:49 | bluebrother | how can it be clean when it's cluttered? |
23:20:52 | | Join jfc [0] (n=john@dpc691978010.direcpc.com) |
23:21:39 | Zagor | I didn't say it is clean. I said I want to make it cleaner by moving dev stuff to a separate page. |
23:21:53 | | Quit evilnick_7 ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") |
23:21:59 | pixelma | I think this full 3 columns layout is one of the main reasons it looks cluttered |
23:22:04 | Zagor | I don't think it is possible to make a non-cluttered combined dev+user page |
23:22:35 | Zagor | pixelma: I think it is a combination of that and the lack of a central focus point |
23:22:57 | | Quit Mathiasdm (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
23:23:40 | pixelma | and my main grep currently is that the dropdown menu is not navigatable with tab (unless you turn off css) |
23:24:09 | pixelma | to be more precise - it isn't fully navigatable, you can reach the top level things |
23:24:51 | Zagor | yeah I imagine our blind users might be less than thrilled about that... |
23:25:14 | * | pixelma should have a look at it the cleaned up css, if it is available somewhere |
23:25:31 | Zagor | http://new.rockbox.org/media/css/rockbox.css |
23:26:19 | pixelma | thanks, will try to look at it tomorrow |
23:26:28 | Zagor | it's my cleanup plus gevaerts' size-dynamics changes |
23:26:47 | pixelma | not sure what will come out of it though... |
23:27:24 | gevaerts | I seem to remember the buttons to jump to two lines if you made it narrow enough with my changes |
23:27:51 | pixelma | the download buttons? |
23:28:24 | gevaerts | yes |
23:28:35 | Zagor | not anymore. I modified some % values. |
23:28:50 | * | bluebrother really hates websites that use that much of javascript |
23:29:05 | gevaerts | that was actually on purpose :) |
23:29:38 | Zagor | gevaerts: haha, ok. since nothing else wraps I felt it strange that they would. |
23:30:14 | gevaerts | It still looks good if they are aligned (which I did IIRC), and it gains you another 200 pixels or so in narrowness without breaking everything |
23:30:49 | Zagor | hmm no, I didn't change that. I changed values for the announcements/about/support columns. |
23:32:28 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
23:33:09 | gevaerts | gevaerts/rockbox-new/front.html">http://www.evonet.be/~gevaerts/rockbox-new/front.html |
23:33:36 | | Join perrikwp [0] (i=4aa794a0@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-7331a9638f2d1315) |
23:34:09 | Zagor | that looks good. I seem to have missed a few things in my merge. |
23:34:28 | | Quit BXCracer (Remote closed the connection) |
23:34:31 | gevaerts | The two main breakages on that when narrowing are the manufacturer menu and the announcement section |
23:35:36 | gevaerts | at least with firefox. I haven't tested anything else with it |
23:36:04 | Zagor | what breaks in the announcements? it looks fine to me? |
23:36:24 | pixelma | it vanishes behind the buttons |
23:36:53 | Zagor | ah |
23:36:56 | | Join spyder_ [0] (n=spyder@lirhost.net) |
23:37:09 | | Part spyder_ |
23:38:03 | gevaerts | the mechanism it uses for making only one appear at a time assumes a fixed height |
23:38:34 | | Join itcheg [0] (i=62db4c46@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-ab8f2c642ede5ba4) |
23:39:05 | pixelma | did those buttons work in his version? |
23:39:33 | Zagor | yes, they work on new.rockbox.org too. only I mucked up the css so it doesn't look right. |
23:39:59 | gevaerts | hm, I don't remember breaking them... |
23:41:38 | amiconn | Tab navigation doesn't seem to work at all with the new design, neither in firefox nor in IE8, Opera 9 or SRware Iron |
23:41:51 | pixelma | and why again is the font in the more blueish text part smaller than above (in the white)? |
23:41:55 | Zagor | gevaerts: I think you are missing a # on line 487? |
23:42:22 | pixelma | amiconn: it does - but the frame is surpressed and the links are just unnamed anchors # |
23:42:36 | pixelma | all of them, so you can't see where you at |
23:42:44 | Zagor | pixelma: because macku liked to set different sizes and spacing everywhere. that's one of the things I've been changing. |
23:43:09 | Zagor | the links will be normal. they are just # now because it's a mockup |
23:43:26 | pixelma | amiconn: except the dropdown menu |
23:43:40 | gevaerts | Zagor: fixed |
23:46:04 | | Quit renke ("leaving") |
23:52:21 | | Quit matsl (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
23:56:11 | CIA-38 | New commit by alle (r20990): Add emdash, endash and ellipsis to 12-Nimbus, 13-Nimbus, 14-Nimbus and 19-Nimbus (FS #10213 with additions by me) |
23:57:25 | pixelma | the new page will also look weird in browser that don't support transparent png. I know those become rare and you can't make it work in every browser... looks *nice* in Opera 6... |