00:00:38 | shotofadds | gevaerts: i'm not sure that explains it. the call to card_detect() is only wrapped in HAVE_HOTSWAP, and card_detect() is always #defined to card_detect_target() |
00:00:52 | shotofadds | I don't see where multi-driver comes into it |
00:01:05 | gevaerts | hm, you're right, it shouldn't matter |
00:01:46 | shotofadds | also when building a sim gcc warns about the apostrophies in the mv.h #error lines |
00:02:14 | shotofadds | but that one's easier to solve ;) |
00:02:25 | * | linuxstb thinks if the Elio gets supported by Rockbox, it will stand head and shoulders above all others in terms of ugliness |
00:02:43 | | Quit CaptainKwel ("Page closed") |
00:02:52 | gevaerts | shotofadds: indeed. My local copy doesn't have #error lines in mv.h anymore :) |
00:02:56 | scorche | linuxstb: is it a good brick though? |
00:03:16 | linuxstb | scorche: Yes, I think so. So it's has a use. |
00:03:21 | | Quit tarbo (Connection timed out) |
00:04:08 | | Quit Zarggg_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
00:04:21 | | Join Zarggg [0] (n=zarggg@65-78-69-194.c3-0.eas-ubr6.atw-eas.pa.cable.rcn.com) |
00:04:24 | | Quit kugel (Remote closed the connection) |
00:04:27 | * | pixelma finds more than one model of Tatung Elios through google and wonders which one it is |
00:04:53 | amiconn | TPJ1022 |
00:05:02 | | Quit Torne (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
00:05:05 | | Join Torne [0] (i=torne@lowell.wolfpuppy.org.uk) |
00:05:23 | LambdaCalculus37 | amiconn: Still a strange device for boasting a hard drive and an SD slot. |
00:05:52 | amiconn | It looks rather similar to an H300 apart from the buttons |
00:06:23 | pixelma | button pad looks interesting too... 9 buttoms |
00:06:27 | pixelma | buttons too |
00:06:37 | amiconn | It also seems to have USB host. That's make triple storage... |
00:07:10 | CIA-69 | New commit by roolku (r21932): make ELIO_TPJ1022 bootloader compile again |
00:07:29 | pixelma | or is the center one not a button? |
00:08:10 | * | gevaerts starts to collect clues |
00:08:40 | LambdaCalculus37 | We need more devices like the TPJ1022 to give us a challenge. :) |
00:09:27 | | Quit LambdaCalculus37 ("Fwump") |
00:09:29 | shotofadds | gevaerts: that hack in root_menu.c is blatantly wrong anyway with multi-driver, but that's not the point... |
00:09:36 | pixelma | LambdaCalculus37: or the DellDJ?... |
00:09:43 | pixelma | gah he left |
00:10:09 | roolku | pixelma: the centre is just a button light (multi-colour though) |
00:10:48 | pixelma | hmm, misleading. But it seems to have side buttons? |
00:11:31 | amiconn | Hmm, looks like the Elio uses an 1.8" drive with side connector (2.5" hdd type)? |
00:11:36 | roolku | pixelma: vol+/- on the right, record/ab-repeat hold on the left |
00:12:00 | JdGordon| | shotofadds: i cant tlook at the code right now... what is root_menu.c doing there? |
00:12:10 | roolku | amiconn: yes unfortunately. a 2.5" hd that i tried drew to much current |
00:12:31 | amiconn | Hmm, but that should allow for pretty easy CF modding |
00:12:33 | pixelma | roolku: sounds like an "interesting" keypad... at least there are already 8 buttons on the front |
00:12:47 | shotofadds | JdGordon|: "quick hack to stop crashing if you try entering the browser from the menu when you were in the card and it was removed" |
00:12:58 | amiconn | 10 buttons, and a multi-colour light |
00:13:12 | * | amiconn really needs to get that multicolour indicator on the M3 going |
00:13:16 | JdGordon| | shotofadds: ah ok.. so a legit bandaid :) |
00:13:23 | JdGordon| | that very uch sounds like my text :) |
00:14:01 | roolku | pixelma: I think the unit is quite interesting as a device, but very ugly and awkward :) |
00:14:10 | shotofadds | JdGordon|: yeah, it's sane atm. but it checks for pathnames beginning '<' and assume they're all removable |
00:14:35 | linuxstb | roolku: Have you investigated hard drive replacements for it? i.e. how big do they go? |
00:15:14 | amiconn | I think CF is the better way here. There won't be that many drives in that form factor. |
00:15:38 | roolku | linuxstb: when I got the unit I tried to get a replacement drive, but they were incredibly expensive on ebay - I believe laptops use them |
00:15:41 | amiconn | What's interesting though is that the 20GB model is already 7mm thick (the 40GB model is .95mm) |
00:15:45 | pixelma | 10 buttons, I thought it was 12 (well 12 functions, maybe 10 physical buttons, just like Volume Up/Down looks like one on the c200 too) |
00:15:49 | amiconn | Err, 9.5mm |
00:18:17 | roolku | http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Hitachi-1-8-40GB-HTC424040F9AT00-Hard-Drive-IBM-X40_W0QQitemZ260434194267QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Computing_HardDrives_RL?hash=item3ca3166f5b&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=65%3A12|66%3A2|39%3A1|72%3A2136|293%3A1|294%3A50 |
00:21:11 | gevaerts | \☺/ |
00:21:13 | B4gder | Zagor: the score added per round should probably somehow be adjusted by the number of clients participating |
00:21:22 | * | gevaerts now has a three-drive sansa :) |
00:21:27 | B4gder | like perhaps "percentage of total score this client worked on" |
00:21:41 | Zagor | percent is good |
00:22:08 | B4gder | hm, but on second thoughts that too will vary by the amount of participators |
00:22:31 | shotofadds | gevaerts: does it build in the sim? ;) |
00:22:33 | * | JdGordon| one ups gevaerts and sets up 2 ramdisks on his e200... |
00:22:35 | Zagor | heh, right. you want me to think too? |
00:22:41 | gevaerts | nothing like spending hours to see why this drive doesn't work and then finding that it's just because it was formatted as FAT12 |
00:22:46 | Zagor | I'm just here to agree :) |
00:22:47 | JdGordon| | and partitions the microSD to have 4 |
00:22:55 | shotofadds | ha! I had that problem with the first SD card I tried |
00:23:48 | | Quit aaron424 ("ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.0.11/2009060308]") |
00:24:15 | gevaerts | shotofadds: so what now? Should I live dangerously and commit, or wait a bit? :) |
00:24:17 | linuxstb | Anyone know if any existing targets use i2c for backlight control? (the Nano 2G does...) |
00:26:14 | Zagor | B4gder: I think the rolling average will fix the score issue good enough |
00:26:24 | B4gder | yes, I think you're right |
00:26:25 | shotofadds | gevaerts: you know I'd rather see this committed sooner rather than later. once thing to maybe do first is make the existing hotswap drivers take note of the first_drive parameter (although this won't make a difference in practise) |
00:26:48 | gevaerts | shotofadds: indeed it won't. Let's fix that later |
00:27:12 | shotofadds | linuxstb: D2 uses I2C for backlight brightness and power (it's controlled by a PCF50606 PWM output) |
00:27:35 | shotofadds | gevaerts: go for it then! |
00:28:20 | shotofadds | linuxstb: although it does also have a GPIO toggle for quick on/off |
00:28:45 | linuxstb | shotofadds: Ah, OK. I was just curious... |
00:28:52 | | Part toffe82 |
00:28:52 | CIA-69 | New commit by gevaerts (r21933): Commit FS #9545, storage cleanup and multi-driver support |
00:29:36 | * | gevaerts gets ready to count reds |
00:31:57 | gevaerts | it takes reasonably long, so it can't be horrible |
00:32:31 | B4gder | we need to get more toplists running, for users and clients etc |
00:32:59 | * | amiconn would appreaciate a progress indicator/ auto-reloader |
00:33:42 | B4gder | 4 3 ... 2... |
00:33:56 | B4gder | Build round completed after 294 seconds. |
00:34:46 | gevaerts | 100. *very* reasonable! |
00:36:23 | JdGordon| | you should be building before commit! |
00:36:26 | JdGordon| | naughty naughty! |
00:37:04 | * | gevaerts is sure that JdGordon| has only ever had green builds :) |
00:37:41 | JdGordon| | any chance that the build server can be hoocked up to logbot so we can get a message in here with the score when its finished? |
00:38:09 | Zagor | JdGordon|: actually the cia bot is easier to talk to. and yes, that is planned. |
00:38:19 | JdGordon| | :) |
00:38:24 | shotofadds | gevaerts: and a negative delta too, well done :) |
00:39:06 | gevaerts | shotofadds: that could be by accident :) |
00:39:44 | CIA-69 | New commit by gevaerts (r21934): don't try to call nand_soft_reset() or nand_disk_is_active(), they don't exist |
00:40:20 | gevaerts | OK. Now the tree is ready for those storage stub cleanups :) |
00:40:27 | shotofadds | gevaerts: cunning fix :/ |
00:40:40 | CIA-69 | New commit by dave (r21935): Basic backlight driver for Nano 2G |
00:40:51 | shotofadds | more to the point, the tree is ready for the D2 SD driver |
00:41:11 | CIA-69 | New commit by gevaerts (r21936): svn properties, late as usual |
00:41:23 | | Quit dmb (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
00:42:00 | | Quit fdinel ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
00:44:16 | | Join dmb [0] (n=Dmb@unaffiliated/dmb) |
00:44:17 | JdGordon| | Zagor: I dont know if its valuable or not.. but could you add the heigh and low scores for each client also? |
00:44:36 | Zagor | high and low? |
00:44:46 | JdGordon| | round score |
00:44:53 | JdGordon| | although its probably meaningless... |
00:45:10 | Zagor | you mean the highest and lowest build they did this round? |
00:45:26 | gevaerts | Zagor: does it skip updating the web page if build rounds are close to each other? |
00:45:37 | JdGordon| | no, the clients best and wrost scores in the average window.. |
00:45:47 | Zagor | gevaerts: no, it's new a bug I just fixed... |
00:45:58 | gevaerts | ah, a *new* one! :) |
00:46:08 | Zagor | the best kind |
00:46:18 | B4gder | new bugs are much better than old ones |
00:46:28 | * | gevaerts fully agrees! |
00:46:46 | Zagor | JdGordon|: ah. well with a simple -old/6 + new/6 scheme we don't save the individual scorse |
00:47:04 | JdGordon| | ok |
00:47:28 | Zagor | the rolling average is not yet implemented though |
00:48:25 | Zagor | it's currently a total average of all builds |
00:48:27 | gevaerts | Why is the delta table ordering so "interesting"? |
00:48:46 | B4gder | iy |
00:48:52 | B4gder | it is completely separate |
00:49:11 | | Quit jordan` (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
00:49:13 | B4gder | and builds who are not listed in the script will end up leftmost |
00:49:21 | gevaerts | ah |
00:49:26 | Zagor | gevaerts: c3 beat monster with 3 points! :) |
00:49:59 | gevaerts | Zagor: I told you it would be faster! |
00:50:31 | Zagor | B4gder: was there a reason for this special sorting? |
00:50:42 | | Join jordan` [0] (i=gromit@ |
00:50:56 | B4gder | well, just as the script is separate it has no real idea of the "other" sorting |
00:51:07 | B4gder | so I just made it possible to custom the order |
00:51:35 | B4gder | the original sorting is based on the name, which the second script doesn't know |
00:51:39 | * | shotofadds will wait til sunday to commit the D2 stuff. there's too much accompanying stuff to write (installation changes, wiki notes etc) plus I won't be here tomorrow to cope with the fallout when it all goes titsup... |
00:52:15 | | Join dfkt [0] (i=dfkt@unaffiliated/dfkt) |
00:52:18 | | Join Galois [0] (i=djao@efnet.math.uwaterloo.ca) |
00:52:24 | Zagor | B4gder: the green table is sorted by build name nowadays. I'll sort the size table the same way. |
00:52:41 | | Quit scorche (" rawr...that is all...rawr") |
00:53:06 | B4gder | ah right, that should work |
00:53:39 | amiconn | Zagor: Still disconnects... |
00:53:52 | amiconn | (at end of round) |
00:53:52 | Zagor | amiconn: that was me restarting the server manually |
00:53:54 | saratoga | do we use make -j or do builds in parallel now? |
00:53:57 | amiconn | ah |
00:54:03 | Zagor | saratoga: make -j |
00:55:06 | | Quit w1ll14m ("CGI:IRC") |
00:55:08 | Zagor | I thought about doing the bootloaders single-core but that would just mean giving the slow clients even less to work with (since fast newcomers would gobble up bootloaders even quicker) |
00:56:00 | Zagor | i.e. the system supports both methods. it's just that we currently specify all builds as multicore builds. |
00:56:09 | gevaerts | It seems the file that rasher's binsize scripts picked up is gone as well |
00:56:47 | gevaerts | which is why hex-gevaerts was slow these last few rounds |
00:57:22 | | Quit B4gder ("It is time to say moo") |
00:57:58 | Zagor | gevaerts: aha, didn't know about that. sizes can be fetched from /data/$rev.sizes for now, and from the database |
00:58:49 | gevaerts | rasher: ping ^^ |
00:59:24 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
00:59:44 | | Join wincent [0] (n=wincent@host-091-097-067-213.ewe-ip-backbone.de) |
00:59:46 | shotofadds | gevaerts: any idea how to get around this multi-driver sim problem? should card_detect() even be available in the sim? or should it be stubbed somewhere? |
01:00 |
01:00:31 | * | gevaerts looks |
01:01:11 | shotofadds | gevaerts: I think you only got a low score because there are no Onda Sim builds in the table... |
01:01:41 | gevaerts | that's not my fault! ;) |
01:02:18 | | Join w1ll14m [0] (n=w1ll14m@84-104-82-21.cable.quicknet.nl) |
01:02:24 | wincent | Evil memory allocator bug got hunted away! |
01:03:03 | JdGordon| | shotofadds: it would be nice if card_detect() and removable storage in geneeral could be made to work in the sim.. |
01:03:11 | JdGordon| | stub it is probably the easiest |
01:03:57 | w1ll14m | would it be possible to edit config file for gigebeats, so ab repeat is enabled ? |
01:04:40 | gevaerts | shotofadds: at least e200.h defines HAVE_HOTSWAP in #ifndef SIMULATOR |
01:05:02 | shotofadds | well that's one solution... |
01:05:48 | | Join CaptainKwel [0] (n=jason@207-237-172-77.c3-0.nyr-ubr4.nyr.ny.cable.rcn.com) |
01:06:00 | linuxstb | roolku: Have you tried USB on the elio? |
01:06:13 | | Quit robin0800 ("Leaving") |
01:06:58 | roolku | linuxstb: I can't remember to be honest - I got the unit a while ago and just dug it out again |
01:08:38 | | Quit shotofadds ("Leaving") |
01:09:47 | linuxstb | gevaerts: The Nano2G doesn't build any more... |
01:09:56 | linuxstb | (and I'm guessing the Meizu might not either) |
01:10:11 | linuxstb | firmware/target/arm/s5l8700/ata-nand-s5l8700.c:32: error: ‘nand_spinup_time’ redeclared as different kind of symbol |
01:12:01 | CIA-69 | New commit by gevaerts (r21937): remove obsolete nand_spinup_time() declaration |
01:12:33 | linuxstb | gevaerts: Thanks! |
01:12:57 | gevaerts | this is a bit that does need cleanup. At least now it's possible to get started :) |
01:15:39 | | Quit PaulJam (Nick collision from services.) |
01:15:46 | | Join PaulJam_ [0] (i=Paule@vpn-3007.gwdg.de) |
01:17:39 | | Join mt [0] (n=mt@ |
01:17:56 | gevaerts | gah |
01:19:26 | CIA-69 | New commit by gevaerts (r21938): fix ata-nand-s5l8700 compilation properly this time |
01:21:26 | | Quit petur ("Zzzz") |
01:23:19 | linuxstb | gevaerts: Can you make it work next? ;) |
01:23:36 | gevaerts | linuxstb: I thought that was your job! |
01:24:02 | | Quit JdGordon| ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
01:24:17 | | Quit PaulJam_ (".") |
01:25:35 | | Join stripwax [0] (n=Miranda@87-194-34-169.bethere.co.uk) |
01:25:52 | | Quit Ubuntuxer ("Leaving.") |
01:26:16 | | Join Strath [0] (n=Strath__@173-23-45-236.client.mchsi.com) |
01:26:49 | | Quit DarkDefender ("Leaving") |
01:28:50 | gevaerts | rasher: did you see Zagor's line about /data/$rev.sizes? |
01:34:54 | | Quit Zagor ("Leaving") |
01:36:02 | | Join JdGordon| [0] (i=ad752425@gateway/web/freenode/x-8b17dc484c09461f) |
01:36:22 | JdGordon| | anyone know anything about bufgetdata()? |
01:36:28 | JdGordon| | specifically.. how safe it is to use? |
01:37:51 | | Quit m67_l3 (Client Quit) |
01:37:52 | GreatBeaver | how come h120 sounds so good? |
01:38:03 | GreatBeaver | it sounds almost as good as my $200 sound card |
01:38:08 | | Quit stripwax ("http://miranda-im.org") |
01:38:09 | GreatBeaver | maybe 75% |
01:38:26 | GreatBeaver | wrong forum |
01:39:29 | | Join martian67 [0] (n=martian6@about/linux/regular/martian67) |
01:40:11 | | Quit martian67 (SendQ exceeded) |
01:41:26 | | Join martian67 [0] (n=martian6@about/linux/regular/martian67) |
01:42:16 | | Quit martian67 (SendQ exceeded) |
01:43:26 | | Join martian67 [0] (n=martian6@about/linux/regular/martian67) |
01:43:50 | JdGordon| | ... I know its possible for the handle to move in the buffer... but does tht actually happen? or was it changed so they dont move? |
01:43:57 | | Join stripwax [0] (n=Miranda@87-194-34-169.bethere.co.uk) |
01:44:13 | JdGordon| | I want to grab the handle pointer and keep it for the songs duration |
01:44:20 | | Quit martian67 (SendQ exceeded) |
01:44:36 | amiconn | gevaerts: That is a huge delta for the Ondas.... |
01:45:22 | | Quit stripwax (Client Quit) |
01:45:26 | gevaerts | amiconn: it is, yes. It may be because some functions were just never linked in up to now |
01:46:11 | gevaerts | the commit actually activated the NAND driver (even though it's not functional yet) |
01:46:16 | Unhelpful | what does bloat-o-meter say? |
01:47:44 | | Join martian67 [0] (n=martian6@ip-216-194-109-30.wildroseinternet.ca) |
01:48:08 | | Quit tchan ("WeeChat 0.3.0-rc1") |
01:48:21 | | Quit martian67 (SendQ exceeded) |
01:48:38 | JdGordon| | hmm...maybe there is no point trying to do what I want.... if the hwcodecs cant grab a buffer like swcodec can then the option will have to stay anyway |
01:50:23 | | Join martian67 [0] (n=martian6@about/linux/regular/martian67) |
01:51:00 | | Quit roolku () |
01:51:07 | saratoga | lets move around the mdct library a bit and see what happens |
01:51:35 | amiconn | gevaerts: Oh btw, USB mode on the beast works on my hub when the charger is connected. That supports the overcurrent theory, right? |
01:52:59 | ej0rge | overcurrent theory? |
01:53:29 | | Quit linuxguy3 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
01:53:40 | | Join linuxguy3 [0] (n=timj@adsl-68-253-177-159.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net) |
01:53:46 | CIA-69 | New commit by saratoga (r21939): Rearrange the MDCT library lookup tables so that codecs can access them. Access them in cook. Remove old cook trig tables. Replace old 32x16 bit ... |
01:56:47 | gevaerts | amiconn: it does, yes |
01:57:11 | amiconn | Hmm, I wonder whether it is a good idea that new clients have an initial score of zero. New fast clients will grab all the easy builds and leave nothing for the actually slow clients |
01:57:42 | * | amiconn observes this in his other vm, which is now building for the first time |
01:58:12 | gevaerts | that would only be a problem if we have new fast clients all the time. I don't really expect that |
02:00 |
02:00:17 | saratoga | is that red my fault ? |
02:00:32 | amiconn | Hmm, also my new client scored 28000 in this round. If the limit for fast client is 30000, that might cause this client to never enter the 'fast' category if there aren't enough builds |
02:01:15 | saratoga | hmm warnings in files I didn't touch so probably not |
02:01:16 | amiconn | It *should* be as fast as the other VM was before (same host, same number of cores; old VM is shut down and retired from the build system) |
02:01:19 | gevaerts | amiconn: it's a little over 26000 |
02:01:56 | amiconn | Also, does the server reconsider categries every round, or only if the client reconnects? |
02:02:58 | gevaerts | every round |
02:03:29 | gevaerts | the cutoff score is actually the score of the heaviest build |
02:05:35 | | Quit DarkSpectrum (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
02:10:00 | Unhelpful | amiconn: i was looking at the data reordering you did for mpeg idct... i was thinking that a similar thing might me a good idea for jpeg, but that supports multiple transform sizes, and the optimal ordering would vary for each... |
02:10:47 | | Quit martian67 (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
02:11:55 | Unhelpful | doing it for *one* pass could be fairly simple, and could be done much as the transposed vs non-transposed cases are handled now |
02:15:42 | | Join martian67 [0] (n=martian6@about/linux/regular/martian67) |
02:16:18 | saratoga | Unhelpful: ping |
02:17:30 | saratoga | is the code here for the negative power of 2 case optimal? http://pastebin.com/m292618f9 |
02:21:00 | Unhelpful | saratoga: is the purpose of the extra shift and add to round the result? |
02:21:38 | | Join mobyone [0] (n=50d4240b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-e2179addd13f1fc3) |
02:22:22 | saratoga | Unhelpful: I'm not sure, it seemed odd to me |
02:22:32 | amiconn | humm |
02:22:50 | mobyone | hello |
02:22:58 | amiconn | mingw32-sdl cause sred & yellow |
02:23:07 | saratoga | i suppose the negative case is really too rare to make much difference anyway |
02:24:00 | | Quit JdGordon| (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) |
02:24:20 | * | amiconn installs plain sdl |
02:24:33 | Unhelpful | it seems pretty odd to me, too... if it's supposed to be returning x*(2**i) then i'm not really sure what the -i case is doing. |
02:24:54 | mobyone | anyone of you know about rockbox dissapering from the ipod, and the ipod just turning back to normal? |
02:24:57 | CIA-69 | New commit by saratoga (r21940): Optimize overlap_math by only doing shifting if theres gain, and moving the check for sign outside of the for loop. 3% speedup on PP5024. |
02:26:01 | Unhelpful | if the purpose is to round the result because some of the bits have been shifted out, i'd think this would be more correct: http://pastebin.com/m35f93771 |
02:26:38 | Unhelpful | ...actually, i think that might be the same :) |
02:26:51 | | Join mc2739 [0] (n=mc2739@cpe-67-10-234-29.satx.res.rr.com) |
02:26:54 | martian67 | any oldschool c64 fans here? |
02:26:57 | martian67 | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6mXLxUZvzg&feature=related |
02:27:10 | martian67 | filters and clean samples have been figured out |
02:27:15 | martian67 | thats a real SID :) |
02:27:42 | mobyone | i remember jumpman junior lol |
02:29:22 | CIA-69 | New commit by mt (r21941): Generic codec-extradata parsing, in preparation for addition of AAC/RM. |
02:33:46 | | Quit mobyone ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
02:34:47 | | Quit bertrik (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
02:37:44 | amiconn | Sorry for being too slow so that another round was slightly broken - the VM is fixed now |
02:39:08 | * | amiconn thinks that crosscompiled sims should be a build option, not just selected by the first available sdl-config |
02:45:49 | | Join martian67_ [0] (n=martian6@about/linux/regular/martian67) |
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02:56:29 | saratoga | is it possible to optimize the standard sequential mono channel buffer to interleaved stereo conversion any beyond just doing out[2*i] = in[i] in a for loop? |
02:58:12 | Unhelpful | saratoga: surely an unrolled loop using ldmia/stmia would be an optimization on ARM? |
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02:59:26 | saratoga | Unhelpful: I assumed gcc would do that for me if I'm sequentially loading, but maybe not . .. |
02:59:44 | Unhelpful | saratoga: where does the code in question reside? |
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03:00:18 | Unhelpful | hrm, actually, unrolling and ldmia can work on the input side.. the output side is trickier, eh? |
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03:00:33 | saratoga | Unhelpful: libcook/cook_fixedpoint.h |
03:00:46 | saratoga | output_math, but I'm about to change it |
03:00:49 | saratoga | let me pastebin the new version |
03:01:07 | saratoga | http://pastebin.com/m34cc74da |
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03:02:27 | saratoga | huh prefetch abort on ARM but the sim works fine and I didn't touch any ASM |
03:03:11 | JdGordon | mislaigned data |
03:03:55 | saratoga | JdGordon: int32_t outbuf[2048] __attribute__((aligned(32))); |
03:04:09 | saratoga | all I did was change that to 32 from 16 bit |
03:04:37 | * | JdGordon is out of ideas then :p |
03:04:49 | saratoga | i'll try it without explicit alignment |
03:07:35 | | Quit w1ll14m (" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Po-ta-to, boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew.") |
03:07:38 | Unhelpful | saratoga: for the 1->2 case i suspect you could do some very clever tricks on armv6... on lower arm versions i'm less sure? |
03:08:12 | saratoga | still no luck |
03:08:39 | | Quit martian67_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
03:09:54 | | Nick YpsyZNC is now known as Ypsy (n=ypsy@geekpadawan.de) |
03:10:04 | saratoga | Unhelpful: ok if its hard I don't want to deal with it just yet, we have much easier optimizations available right now |
03:10:44 | Unhelpful | ie, you could use ldmia to load in, say, 8 16-bit values in 4 registers, use the halfword-packing instructions to expand that to 8 registers that each contain the same value in top and bottom half, and then store those with stmia |
03:11:18 | saratoga | they're actually all 32 bit values |
03:11:45 | saratoga | huh prefetch abort at 0x7c327c32 |
03:11:50 | saratoga | i wonder how the hell it got there |
03:12:11 | Unhelpful | i thought our PCM data was 16-bit, except for while passing through DSP? |
03:12:38 | | Quit dmb (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
03:13:50 | saratoga | Unhelpful: codecs operate at 32 bit precison mostly internally, and then tell the DSP engine what precision they're giving it |
03:14:10 | saratoga | i'm trying to switch it to output 32 bit rather then 16 bit now, but its giving me aborts on ARM for whatever reason |
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03:15:32 | Unhelpful | saratoga: ah. hrm, well, if it's already 32-bit, i'm not really sure that you can do anything special with stores while going from mono to stereo, but you could still load four or more values with ldmia, and then store them with str |
03:15:49 | saratoga | haha what the hell, putting it in IRAM instead of DRAM fixes the abort |
03:16:05 | Unhelpful | saratoga: i suspect you have an alignment issue ;) |
03:16:16 | | Join scorche [50] (n=scorche@rockbox/administrator/scorche) |
03:16:34 | saratoga | yes probably some other struct is being moved around |
03:17:25 | saratoga | how do I best go about trouble shooting this? |
03:19:43 | saratoga | Unhelpful: so this likely occurs because a word is being accessed thats not word aligned right? |
03:20:07 | saratoga | so I should be looking at structs containing char or int16_t? or something else? |
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03:27:25 | Unhelpful | saratoga: i don't really know... any global or local variable should already have the proper alignment. the only time i've managed to mess up alignment is when doing dynamic allocations. |
03:27:44 | FlynDice | notlistening: Sorry to take so long but not much time for irc for me lately... Yes please test the patch mc2739 posted in the forum with as many sd cards as you can. I can't remember if you were one of the ones with troublesome cards before. That patch basically reactivates voltage scaling at 1.10 v for the unboosted state but it boosts on disk accesses. My card worked just fine without the boost at 1.10 but I could make it |
03:27:46 | FlynDice | fail at 1.05 v. With the boost during disk accesses my sd works just fine at the 1.05v setting. We would be planning to use a 1.10v setting for the final product though. |
03:28:26 | | Quit scorche (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
03:29:26 | saratoga | ok i'll leave this as an excercise for MT |
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03:38:20 | CIA-69 | New commit by saratoga (r21942): Commit FS #10413 by Michael Chicoine. Fixes upside down menu in mpegplayer when watching videos with the screen inverted. |
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03:42:30 | CIA-69 | New commit by kkurbjun (r21943): Brickmania: Make the defines dependent on screen size generic calculations |
03:45:37 | | Join martian67 [0] (n=martian6@about/linux/regular/martian67) |
03:49:09 | saratoga | are there any stats for commits/day for rockbox over time? |
03:49:45 | JdGordon | on ohloh and cia.vc |
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03:55:32 | saratoga | I don't see historical data on either though |
03:57:09 | CIA-69 | New commit by kkurbjun (r21944): Brickmania: Correct a bug in the ball/brick collision (large screens (640x480) did not collide with the bottom row of bricks) |
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05:42:34 | gartral | hey all.. i cant build today... i keep getting make: *** No rule to make target `/home/gareth/rockbox/sansa/apps/bitmaps/native/rockboxlogo.176x220x16.o', needed by `/home/gareth/rockbox/sansa/bitmaps/rockboxlogo.h'. |
05:44:36 | Unhelpful | did you try again after a make clean? |
05:45:22 | gartral | i have a script too build, it runs make veryclean each time |
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05:46:28 | gartral | although, looking through, it seems my SOURCES file in that dir got currupted somehow, so at least i know what too fix.. sorry |
05:47:05 | CIA-69 | New commit by kkurbjun (r21945): Bubbles: Make new screen support a bit more generic and add support for 640x480 and 480x640 screen sizes |
05:49:43 | gartral | ok, no.. half my sources are awol |
05:50:14 | Unhelpful | gartral: then it sounds like you need a fresh checkout. |
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05:56:46 | gartral | yep, pebkac error |
05:57:32 | | Quit gartral ("Why must we be chicken or sheep when we have the blood of the Fox, Wolf?") |
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06:16:52 | CIA-69 | New commit by kkurbjun (r21946): Brickmania, Chessbox, Blackjack, and Solitaire: Add support for 640x480 and 480x640 screens |
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06:38:36 | CIA-69 | New commit by kkurbjun (r21947): Clix: Add support for screen widths larger than 480 |
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07:58:04 | funman | I think I can safely stop expecting an answer from the product marketing manager at austriamicrosystems |
07:59:27 | Unhelpful | when did you write them? :) |
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08:04:47 | funman | wednesday |
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09:14:43 | * | Unhelpful has managed to move a good bit of the lcd bitmap driver code into an lcd-bitmap-common.c... also consolidated some similar-ish functions. |
09:15:16 | n1s | nice! |
09:15:23 | Unhelpful | it knocks out rather a *lot* of code duplication... and it's a binsize win on *most* targets, though i not that coldfire b/w is a bit up :/ |
09:15:45 | Unhelpful | there's a FS for a similar attempt already, iirc... i'll put a patch up there soon, i think :) |
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09:38:04 | markun | amiconn: wasn't there a reason why you thought the LCD code shouldn't be shared? |
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09:39:36 | pixelma | kkurbjun: maybe it's because I'm still not fully woken up and am not used to this sort of abbreviations but I had to read a few times over b/w to understand that it meant "between" (my first thought was "black and white"), and I already saw yesterday that you used w/ for with. All that in comments where I don't see the reason to not spell it out... |
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09:44:46 | Unhelpful | markun: for the most part the shared code did not differ at all between targets or LCD types, or differed only for color vs b/w |
09:46:04 | Unhelpful | all of the puts_* variants that call puts_style_offset, for the purpose of allowing you to omit a few arguments, for example |
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10:21:32 | * | pixelma wonders if MMCs would work with the D2's SD slot (in Rockbox) |
10:25:39 | markun | Unhelpful: I know, I was never against it |
10:27:18 | funman | pixelma: http://www.cowonamerica.com/products/cowon/d2/tech_specs.html says MMC work in the OF so there is no technical limitation |
10:28:30 | Unhelpful | i started thinking it should be done when i was working on pictureflow text scrolling... if you want to make a change to scrolled text drawing you have to touch so many files :/ |
10:30:16 | pixelma | funman: well, I thought it should work in the OF since I've been told that the MMC and the SD protocol are very similar and most other devices that support SDs support MMC as well. But I'm not sure if it works in Rockbox already (though there is an MMC driver for the Ondios I don't know if the SD one is now totally seperate and what it can do) |
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10:31:35 | funman | pixelma: since the protocols are similar the current SD driver could be modified to support MMC if it doesn't already (the original ingenic code did that, but MMC was removed since the onda have a µSD slot not compatible with MMC) |
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10:32:10 | pixelma | which is why I asked about the D2 |
10:32:14 | funman | if another MMC driver is written, perhaps the ondio-specific ata_mmc.c could be splitted into 2 parts, one of them would be reused by the new driver |
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10:34:51 | funman | is a SD (and MMC) driver for cowond2 in the works? I can't see one in SOURCES |
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10:37:51 | pixelma | this is what I read from the mails in the dev-ml - the plan is to switch storing settings etc. on the SD card since the inbuilt memory is still read only. I think a working SD driver must be existent for this first |
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10:44:48 | bertrik | linuxstb, on most sansas, the backlight is controlled over i2c (the analog parts, including the codec, is connected through i2c) |
10:49:16 | funman | all but c200v2 and m200v4 |
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11:05:44 | FlynDice | funman: RE: SD & pl180 I think we're assuming PCLK and MCLK are the same inata_sd_as3525 and I don't think that is correct. See p2-2 &p2-7 of pl180 docs |
11:06:09 | FlynDice | er incorrect of course... |
11:08:08 | FlynDice | It says PCLK >= 3/8 MCLK and both are less than 100 MHz |
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11:13:18 | graey | hello all, I'm finishing the guide for setting up a rockbox development debian/ubuntu VM (vbox) today, should I merge it with the existing page in the wiki or create a new one for it? |
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11:16:33 | funman | FlynDice: hum why isn't there an equality there .. |
11:17:01 | funman | i believe this makes timeouts calculation and frequency for identification mode incorrects, do you see something else? |
11:18:56 | FlynDice | funman: Still trying to make sense of it, I can't find out how to determine MCLK yet but we base everything off of PCLK right now assuming PCLK=MCLK |
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11:23:23 | FlynDice | funman: No I don't see anything else but I haven't looked very hard yet at that, still trying to determine how MCLK is figured out |
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11:23:49 | funman | so far we only know mclk <= 165.3MHz and mclk <= 100MHz |
11:24:12 | funman | I remember looking at this information some months ago but don't remember the output .. |
11:27:46 | FlynDice | There are other MCLK's for the as3525 with separate dividers(issi, i2so) but there's no connection to the pl180 MCLK that I can determine |
11:28:03 | FlynDice | er i2si |
11:29:22 | funman | i think they are not related |
11:30:27 | | Join martian67_ [0] (n=martian6@about/linux/regular/martian67) |
11:30:41 | funman | the diagram on page 101 of the pdf doesn't show SD module |
11:31:03 | funman | btw .. the ide clock is needed for SD to operate properly |
11:31:42 | funman | (and more than that the ide peripheral can't be reset for SD controller to work at all) |
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11:39:55 | FlynDice | funman: Im googling for info now with fingers crossed ;) |
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11:56:29 | linuxstb | bertrik: Does the timer interrupt (and hence things like sleep() and current_tick) work on the Meizu? |
11:59:03 | | Nick dys` is now known as dys (n=andreas@krlh-5f735d1a.pool.einsundeins.de) |
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12:00:22 | | Join martian67_ [0] (n=martian6@about/linux/regular/martian67) |
12:03:41 | bertrik | linuxstb, yes the timer interrupt works, I think sleep works (at least it doesn't block) and I haven't tried current_tick |
12:04:27 | linuxstb | Interrupts in general are working (the i2c interrupt does for example), but for some reason the timer doesn't. |
12:04:44 | linuxstb | Although it could just be related to the clock settings - I haven't touched those... |
12:05:29 | bertrik | the s5l8700 datasheet is a bit weird, at some points it claims to have 4 timers and at other it claims to have 2, the timer output pins are partially incorrect too |
12:05:41 | linuxstb | In SVN, most of crt0.S is commented out for the Nano, as it caused a freeze. I've been slowly re-enabling bits, and it's just the setting of CLKCON which makes things freeze. |
12:05:47 | bertrik | the meizu does indeed have 4 timers, but maybe the s5l8701 has only 2 |
12:06:15 | linuxstb | Although you're using timerb? |
12:07:09 | bertrik | currently, TIMER A is unused (thinking of making it a usec timer), TIMER B is the kernel timer, TIMER C is used for backlight PWM and timer D is used as the general timer |
12:07:15 | linuxstb | I tried displaying the value of that timer (in a while(1) loop) and it was incremenenting up to about 0x3000 and then looping back to 0 without running the rockbox timer init, and then it changed to incrementing up to about 0x100 before looping back to 0. |
12:08:07 | * | linuxstb wishes the crt0.S had some comments... |
12:08:22 | | Quit martian67 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
12:09:25 | bertrik | CLKCON controls basically all clocks (FCLK, PCLK, HCLK, MCLK) |
12:10:13 | bertrik | displaying the default PLLPMS would give a lot of info how the clocks are configured by default |
12:10:36 | | Join AndyI [0] (i=AndyI@ |
12:13:07 | linuxstb | PLL0PMS = 0x00021200, PLL1PMS=0x00010103 |
12:13:14 | bertrik | linuxstb, weird to see the timer running up to different values |
12:13:51 | | Join Exiled [0] (n=4b8e8c7a@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-52f5f81967e5871d) |
12:15:21 | bertrik | linuxstb, I also found that PCLK actually seems to use twice as fast as expected (i.e. running at HCLK frequency instead of HCLK/2), but I could be mistaken this early in the port |
12:15:27 | | Join martian67 [0] (n=martian6@about/linux/regular/martian67) |
12:16:16 | bertrik | the datasheet seems to suggest to use PLL0 for the system clocks and PLL1 for the audio clocks (to set the sample rate) |
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12:28:12 | linuxstb | bertrik: Is there anything else from the Meizu port I can test on the Nano? I guess your audio driver... ;) |
12:28:46 | Unhelpful | ok, the merge of scrolling and styled text drawing for all bitmap targets is at FS #4817. yay for tasks that won't die. :) |
12:29:21 | bertrik | linuxstb, the ADC would be nice, you can probably recognise a battery voltage on one of the channels |
12:29:29 | stripwax | Hm, is the twiki user "AsdFgh", real name "Zxc Vbn", supposed to be there? |
12:30:05 | bertrik | or PCM+DMA maybe, you can dump the DMA current address and DMA count registers to see if it is actually running |
12:30:32 | linuxstb | bertrik: Yes, I was thinking about adc... |
12:31:16 | linuxstb | I guess the next big thing is the clickwheel driver - hopefully the hardware is the same as the 1st gen nano, and I just need to change the low-level code (i2c and gpio IIRC) |
12:31:24 | bertrik | those PLL settings are quite low, the meizu bases everything off a 32768 Hz crystal, maybe the nano uses a much faster crystal |
12:31:57 | | Quit PaulJam_ (".") |
12:33:09 | linuxstb | bertrik: Yes, it does. TheSeven has just told me that the Meizu code would result in my nano running at 11GHz... ;) |
12:35:01 | bertrik | linuxstb, I think we need to know the default setting of CLKCON |
12:35:26 | | Join martian67_ [0] (n=martian6@about/linux/regular/martian67) |
12:35:57 | bertrik | BTW, I'm not completely sure how the ADC interrupt is supposed to work, there is no way to clear it in the peripheral itself as far as I can tell from the datasheet |
12:36:02 | pixelma | stripwax: probably not, but only the Swedes are able to delete pages |
12:36:45 | bertrik | in another datasheet of a samsung device, the register map was the same, except it did have an additional explicit interrupt clear register |
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12:45:58 | linuxstb | stripwax: I think the Swedes go through the wiki occasionallly and clean up invalid registrations. No idea how frequently they manage to do it though... |
12:48:11 | TheSeven | bertrik: battery ADC seems to be on the power management asic, accessible via i2c |
12:52:39 | | Join mirak [0] (n=mirak@85-169-192-191.rev.numericable.fr) |
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13:31:25 | CIA-69 | New commit by dave (r21948): Various Nano2g changes - enable the rest of crt0.S (including clock setup) and make the nano2g bootloader do something useful (displaying gpio ports). ... |
13:32:29 | bertrik | linuxstb, I'll have a try right away to see if meizu m3 bootloader still works |
13:32:40 | linuxstb | bertrik: Thanks. This shouldn't affect you at all. |
13:33:08 | stripwax | The clix keymap on ipod either doesn't make much sense or doesn't work properly, I think. What is the physical activity associated with BUTTON_SCROLL_BACK / BUTTON_SCROLL_FWD on ipod? Is that the same action as increasing volume from wps? |
13:33:12 | linuxstb | bertrik: I would be curious to know the values of TBCNT if you can print them in a loop in the bootloader. |
13:33:25 | linuxstb | On the nano it appears to loop from about 0x00 to 0x50 |
13:34:26 | bertrik | the meizu m3 bootloader still works as before |
13:36:39 | CIA-69 | New commit by dave (r21949): Nano2g button driver - currently only implementing the hold switch. Should have been part of previous commit. |
13:37:54 | bertrik | linuxstb, I would expect it to run up to 99 (0x63) |
13:38:05 | bertrik | kernel-s5l8700 assumes a PCLK of 100 MHz |
13:38:24 | linuxstb | OK, let me keep track of the max value of it... |
13:39:01 | | Quit martian67 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
13:39:06 | bertrik | It would probably be a good idea to make #defines or functions somewhere to get various clock speeds (PCLK etc) |
13:39:43 | bertrik | if the meizu clock setting is different from the nano2g |
13:40:26 | stripwax | ah, clix doesn't check BUTTON_REPEAT. I guess ipod only ever really sends BUTTON_SCROLL_FWD|BUTTON_REPEAT and not BUTTON_SCROLL_FWD on its own |
13:40:40 | | Quit robin0800 (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
13:41:57 | linuxstb | bertrik: It seems to up to 98 |
13:42:10 | linuxstb | (unless I'm just missing 99...) |
13:43:14 | bertrik | ah, there seems to be an off-by-one error in the driver |
13:43:54 | bertrik | the timer prescaler register should be filled with (value-1) but the timer count register can be filled directly with the interval value (without subtracting 1) |
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13:44:30 | linuxstb | bertrik: But for some reason the timer interrupt is not firing for me... |
13:44:47 | bertrik | so if TxDATA0 = 100, I expect it to run up to 99 with a 100-cycle interval |
13:45:45 | bertrik | maybe the interrupt bit mapping is different |
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13:46:32 | bertrik | you could enable more interrupts in INTMSK and see which one triggers when the count is reached |
13:48:47 | linuxstb | Yes, that seems likely... I think TheSeven mentioned some interrupts were different (I2C was the same though) |
13:49:07 | | Quit r0b- (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
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13:51:31 | bertrik | system-s5l8700 has default handlers for all interrupts that are "weakly linked" (IIRC) so you can override them in other code. Anyway uncaught interrupts are indicated by a panic this way. |
13:53:47 | | Quit martian67_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
13:54:04 | CIA-69 | New commit by bertrik (r21950): S5L8700: fix off-by-one error in kernel timer and fix incorrect interrupt mask in pcm driver. |
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14:21:03 | gevaerts | Bagder, Zagor: did you switch to this last-6 average? It looks like you did, but without clearing the averages first, so e.g. kkurbjun-monk-kkurbjun has a totally wrong average now |
14:23:50 | | Quit martian67_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
14:25:00 | mcuelenaere | Bagder: could you add at least one sim for the Onda's? Currently the VX747 sim is broken and it would be usefull to see that in the build table |
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14:33:15 | CIA-69 | New commit by stripwax (r21951): Make clix playable on ipod by fixing keymap (so up doesn't quit), button repeat logic (so holding down select doesn't repeatedly fire select events), ... |
14:38:06 | | Quit stripwax ("http://miranda-im.org") |
14:38:20 | CIA-69 | New commit by mcuelenaere (r21952): Fix PDbox compilation |
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14:52:43 | Ctcp | Ping from gevaerts!n=fg@rockbox/developer/gevaerts |
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14:54:54 | mcuelenaere | gevaerts: is the VX747 the only target using MULTIDRIVE currently in SVN? |
14:55:05 | gevaerts | mcuelenaere: also VX777 IIRC |
14:55:16 | gevaerts | shotofadds plans to add one tomorrow though |
14:55:44 | mcuelenaere | the VX747 sim seems to be broken |
14:56:11 | mcuelenaere | apps/bookmark.c uses strip_volume(), which is defined in firmware/common/dir_uncached.c; but this isn't compiled in sim-builds |
14:58:32 | CIA-69 | New commit by gevaerts (r21953): Flyspray: FS #10326 ... |
14:59:35 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
14:59:40 | mcuelenaere | moving the function to dircache.c fixes this, but I'm not sure if this is the right thing to do |
14:59:45 | * | gevaerts has a look at this onda sim |
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15:05:34 | gevaerts | mcuelenaere: this seems to be a general incompatibility between sim builds and multivolume. Other multidrive builds (sansa,ondio) declare the NUM_DRIVES bit in an #ifndef SIMULATOR block |
15:05:43 | pixelma | mcuelenaere: wouldn't that break the function on targets without dircache? |
15:06:29 | mcuelenaere | pixelma: I don't know; like I said I wasn't sure if that's the right thing to do |
15:06:46 | mcuelenaere | gevaerts: so the Onda's need to #define the multidrive part only #ifndef SIMULATOR? |
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15:07:07 | gevaerts | mcuelenaere: that would at least make the problem go away. |
15:07:39 | gevaerts | The proper solution would of course be to fix the simulator to handle multidrive/multivolume, but that will be a lot more work |
15:08:01 | gevaerts | Another solution would be to handle this in config.h |
15:08:26 | | Join z35 [0] (n=z35@ |
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15:09:23 | gevaerts | I don't think #undef-ing things in config.h depending on another define (SIMULATOR) is very clean though |
15:09:41 | | Quit mirak ("Ex-Chat") |
15:10:28 | mcuelenaere | gevaerts: I saw that MULTIDRIVE gets defined in config.h depending on CONFIG_STORAGE, shouldn't the MULTIDRIVE defines in config-*.h get removed then? |
15:10:43 | mcuelenaere | or do you want them to be explicitly in there? |
15:10:56 | | Quit spacetraveler (Client Quit) |
15:11:38 | gevaerts | mcuelenaere: yes and no. It gets defined on CONFIG_STORAGE_MULTI, but not for e.g. the sansas that have two drives but only a single driver |
15:12:14 | gevaerts | so yes, you could remove it for the ondas |
15:12:35 | mcuelenaere | but don't those define MULTIVOLUME? |
15:13:06 | | Join Stephen_ [0] (n=S@ |
15:13:10 | mcuelenaere | ah no they don't |
15:13:12 | gevaerts | not anymore |
15:13:29 | gevaerts | also, it doesn't mean the same thing anymore |
15:13:41 | | Quit DarkDefender (Remote closed the connection) |
15:14:05 | gevaerts | well, they do get MULTIVOLUME from config.h, but it's a slightly different sort of multivolume :) |
15:14:26 | Mikachu | i have two partitions on my nano, so i've had multivolume enabled, do i need to change anything? |
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15:15:38 | gevaerts | Mikachu: if you just added #define HAVE_MULTIVOLUME, that should still work the same |
15:15:51 | Mikachu | okay, we'll see :) |
15:15:59 | | Quit z35 (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
15:16:11 | Mikachu | i'm also going to check if hid has started working for me yet |
15:17:13 | gevaerts | internally things changed. There now is HAVE_MULTIDRIVE, HAVE_MULTIVOLUME and NUM_VOLUMES_PER_DRIVE. If you set HAVE_MULTIVOLUME yourself, you'll get NUM_VOLUMES_PER_DRIVE==4. If you get it because of HAVE_MULTIDRIVE, you'll get NUM_VOLUMES_PER_DRIVE==1 |
15:18:36 | CIA-69 | New commit by mcuelenaere (r21954): Fix Onda VX747(+)/VX777 simulator build |
15:18:50 | CIA-69 | New commit by gevaerts (r21955): adapt c200v2 and view defines to the new drive/volume handling scheme |
15:18:55 | Mikachu | okay |
15:21:16 | mcuelenaere | gevaerts: was there a reason for moving the USB_ENABLE_* defines from usb_core.h to config.h? |
15:23:13 | gevaerts | mcuelenaere: I think they are really configuration things, and therefore belong in config.h. I've been unconfortable with them being in usb_core.h since about the time I put them there... |
15:23:18 | CIA-69 | New commit by mcuelenaere (r21956): Fix warning when compiling with logf() enabled |
15:23:35 | | Quit martian67 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
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15:27:44 | CIA-69 | New commit by gevaerts (r21957): re-add the usb_core.h include. r21953 was a bit too aggressive |
15:30:06 | Mikachu | gevaerts: well, i tried hid again, and it's worse now, it hangs rockbox when i press a button, when i unplug the cable it wakes up |
15:30:22 | gevaerts | did you update your bootloader since last time? |
15:30:26 | Mikachu | no |
15:30:29 | | Join martian67 [0] (n=martian6@about/linux/regular/martian67) |
15:30:35 | Mikachu | i'll try that |
15:33:15 | CIA-69 | New commit by mcuelenaere (r21958): Make the CPU boost log scroll if lines are too big. |
15:35:26 | | Quit daurnimator (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
15:35:52 | * | gevaerts thinks that we're committing too fast. The build system is lagging! |
15:36:54 | Mikachu | gevaerts: didn't help |
15:38:44 | gevaerts | Mikachu: what exactly do you mean by "it hangs rockbox when i press a button"? |
15:39:13 | Mikachu | i mean what i say, it stops responding to input when i'm in remote_control, and stops sending data to the computer when in disk mode |
15:39:58 | * | gevaerts hasn't seen anything like this at all :\ |
15:40:19 | Mikachu | well, as long as it works for everyone else, don't worry about it, but if you want me to test something let me know |
15:40:22 | gevaerts | Is this an official build? |
15:40:30 | Mikachu | no, but i tried that too |
15:40:42 | Mikachu | i haven't tried an official build with the new bootloader yet, i guess it's worth a try |
15:41:34 | Mikachu | heh, it's a bit tricky to download a current build when the build system is compiling.. it removes the old ones before the new ones are finished |
15:41:52 | | Join CaptainKwel [0] (n=jason@207-237-172-77.c3-0.nyr-ubr4.nyr.ny.cable.rcn.com) |
15:41:53 | * | bertrik sees that the battery charger in the Meizu turned itself off after a few hours |
15:42:44 | bertrik | (that's a good thing, it's supposed to do that) |
15:43:34 | Mikachu | gevaerts: no luck |
15:44:35 | | Join dmb [0] (n=Dmb@unaffiliated/dmb) |
15:45:17 | Mikachu | multivolume works fine though |
15:51:10 | CIA-69 | New commit by teru (r21959): set YOFS to 0 for portrait LCDs. ... |
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16:47:25 | teru | Dose anyone know how to make background of bubbles? |
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16:55:35 | Tomers | gevaerts: Implementing dynamic USB class drivers as a plugin would not allow multiple drivers (HID + Mass) |
16:56:11 | kkurbjun | pixelma: sorry for the confusion, I'll try to be conscious of that in the future. |
16:56:29 | kkurbjun | teru: are you trying to make a new bubbles background? |
16:57:05 | gevaerts | Tomers: why not? |
16:57:25 | Tomers | gevaerts: Is it possible to load more than one plugin at once? |
16:58:26 | gevaerts | with the current infrastructure, no. There are several possibilities though |
16:59:39 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
16:59:55 | teru | kkurbjun: no. background of bubbles for gigabeat dosen't match other parts. |
17:00 |
17:00:37 | Tomers | Also, USB drivers are not organized properly, but scattered around... |
17:01:10 | gevaerts | The reasons why this doesn't work that I can see are : (a) only one plugin can have the UI. That's only a problem for UI plugins of course. (b) Plugins are linked at fixed addresses. This is the serious one, but we could link (some) plugins as position independent code |
17:01:20 | kkurbjun | teru, yeah, I think that is because bubbles was designed around a 4/3 screen while the gigabeat is a 3/4. |
17:01:28 | pixelma | bubbles should make better use of portrait screens, for that you will need to place the preview better |
17:02:05 | kkurbjun | I do think that empty space at the bottom of the screen looks bad though, it might be better to place all that information atht ebottom of the screen |
17:02:20 | gevaerts | Tomers: also, we could conceivably have a single plugin that has all class drivers in it |
17:02:37 | pixelma | and similar stuff. I once made a mockup of how I'd imagine that but couldn't get it to work properly (gave up quite early I admit though) |
17:02:53 | Tomers | gevaerts: Some sort of usb class manager |
17:03:00 | gevaerts | yes |
17:03:00 | * | pixelma wonders if that mockup is still available |
17:03:46 | Tomers | gevaerts: OK. I'll start reading... and implementing... |
17:04:51 | gevaerts | Tomers: one more point that I think is important : I think we should keep storage in core, although it could have the UI bit (i.e. the USB screen, with possibly speed and activity indicators) in a plugin. |
17:05:00 | | Quit dash32 ("Verlassend") |
17:05:51 | gevaerts | Anyway, I think you should start by exploring a bit. There are a lot of possibilities, each with their own advantages and disadvantages |
17:06:21 | gevaerts | don't worry if you don't have much committable code for a while :) |
17:06:54 | | Join mitk [0] (n=mitk@chello089077247055.chello.pl) |
17:10:42 | mcuelenaere | gevaerts, Tomers: I'm wondering whether this shouldn't be part of a plugin rework? Adding another 'plugin' space doesn't seem right to me (we already have codec & plugin) |
17:11:28 | gevaerts | mcuelenaere: exactly. I strongly prefer to see this in the normal plugin buffer |
17:11:31 | Tomers | gevaerts: Why should we keep the storage in core? What are the tradeoffs? |
17:12:09 | pixelma | Mikachu: re. the HID build problems on your nano - what OS are you using exactly? I guess it's some linux distro but how you describe it reminds me of that OSX problem (Rockbox USB hung in the USB screen for me, sometimes turning back to normal after disconnecting, sometimes needing a hard power off on my c250) |
17:12:37 | mcuelenaere | gevaerts: that would mean we couldn't load plugins when USB is plugged in though |
17:12:57 | Mikachu | pixelma: the thing is it works perfectly fine with my friend's ipod video |
17:12:58 | gevaerts | Tomers: it's a bit more resilient. It's not too hard to mess up an installation enough to make plugins not work. Of course, if we have bootloader USB on all involved targets it's not too important anymore |
17:13:08 | Mikachu | pixelma: and same thing with the two ipods on his computer |
17:13:21 | gevaerts | mcuelenaere: maybe. That depends on how exactly it |
17:13:24 | gevaerts | 's done |
17:14:24 | gevaerts | Also, even if this happens, I'm not sure if it's a real problem. |
17:15:26 | pixelma | Mikachu: some USB ports, or cables? |
17:15:29 | mcuelenaere | it depends, if the USB 'plugin' has a GUI or not |
17:15:37 | pixelma | err... same |
17:15:37 | | Join martian67 [0] (n=martian6@about/linux/regular/martian67) |
17:16:06 | Mikachu | pixelma: different cables too, yeah |
17:16:06 | | Quit mirak ("Ex-Chat") |
17:16:27 | CIA-69 | New commit by Ubuntuxer (r21960): Commit FS #10350, prevents to save an unchanged highscore and move the function show_highscore to the lib |
17:16:33 | Mikachu | pixelma: i mean different cable on his computer and mine, but i tried the his and my ipod with the same cable/port on my computer |
17:16:44 | Mikachu | s/the// |
17:16:49 | gevaerts | mcuelenaere: there's a reason I recommended to start by exploring a bit :) |
17:17:24 | * | mcuelenaere remembers an IRC talk about making plugins use the buffer space |
17:18:38 | gevaerts | mcuelenaere: that would require this long talked about possibility to grab a bit of the buffer without stopping playback. I don't think it would be fair to ask Tomers to start digging in the buffering code now :) |
17:18:57 | mcuelenaere | gevaerts: yes that's true :) |
17:19:03 | gevaerts | unless of course he wants to :) |
17:19:19 | mcuelenaere | wasn't there another SoC student working on the buffering code? |
17:19:53 | gevaerts | yes. BryanJacobs has to work in there because of the nonstandard requirements of his codec |
17:19:57 | Tomers | gevaerts: That would be for GSoC 2010, but I already graduated :-) |
17:20:09 | | Join mirak [0] (n=mirak@85-169-192-191.rev.numericable.fr) |
17:20:31 | teru | this is screen dump of bubbles from gigabeatf sim. it doesn't looks good and I hope this to be fixed. http://kamekun.web.fc2.com/rockbox/dump_090718_230441.png |
17:21:30 | mcuelenaere | teru: does it have some kind of garbage at the bottom on-target? |
17:21:35 | mcuelenaere | my Onda VX747 has that.. |
17:21:37 | gevaerts | Tomers: ah, that's a bit unfortunate ;) |
17:22:47 | Tomers | but the whole point of GSoC is to get you in the community, and I'll of course continue working on Rockbox (hopefully) after the project ends |
17:23:16 | | Quit m67_l3 (Connection timed out) |
17:25:29 | gevaerts | Tomers: so you'll do that bit next year anyway? ;) |
17:25:39 | gevaerts | teru: it looks exactly the same on target |
17:26:47 | | Quit martian67 (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
17:29:01 | Tomers | gevaerts: I'll try to convince Software Engineering students to apply for Rockbox in 2010 :-) |
17:29:38 | gevaerts | good :) |
17:30:28 | | Join martian67 [0] (n=martian6@about/linux/regular/martian67) |
17:32:04 | | Join dash32 [0] (n=dash32@ |
17:37:02 | | Quit Ubuntuxer ("Leaving.") |
17:37:42 | pixelma | at least the text looks a bit off in that bubbles screenshot |
17:39:45 | | Quit MrDuck (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
17:40:06 | pixelma | I wonder whether the changes since yesterday aren't oversimplifying things |
17:44:16 | | Quit robin0800 (Connection timed out) |
17:44:39 | pixelma | teru: why did you change the NUM_SCORES to 5 on all targets? It was LCD_HEIGHT/10 before and none of the targets have an LCD_HEIGHT of 50 |
17:45:07 | | Join robin0800 [0] (n=robin080@general-ld-216.t-mobile.co.uk) |
17:45:25 | pixelma | I haven't looked what it is used for but I guess for placement of the score number on the screen |
17:51:54 | teru | I thought 32 is too many and LCD_HEIGHT is defined to 5 for some targets. also, LCD_HEIGHT/10 is not likely to fit current score displaying. |
17:53:30 | | Quit martian67 (Connection timed out) |
17:55:39 | pixelma | kkurbjun: with all your changes, are you sure that the plugins look the same (or at least reasonable) on all target)? Quite a lot of changes (thanks for the abbreviation reply by the way :) ) |
17:58:34 | | Quit Stephen_ ("Leaving") |
18:00 |
18:02:38 | kkurbjun | pixelma: I checked it on the archos devices, the nano, the H10, the gigabeat F, the ipod vieo, and the mrobe 500 to get a sampling of screen sizes |
18:03:15 | kkurbjun | I don't think it it 100% exact, but it looked fine from the testing I did and it makes the plugin easier to maintain |
18:05:56 | pixelma | small H10 or big H10? |
18:06:00 | kkurbjun | small |
18:06:36 | kkurbjun | I think that one has the same height/width so I wanted to check that it looked ok on that too |
18:08:16 | pixelma | yes it has, the big one would be a good test case as well as it has the common 160x128 screen size. I would have tested all different sizes but then I know I'm always very carefull with these things, maybe a bit too much... |
18:09:09 | kkurbjun | yeah, larger screen sizes are less trouble as they have more slack for placement |
18:10:40 | | Join flydutch [0] (n=flydutch@host87-202-dynamic.15-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) |
18:11:02 | mitk | Hi. There is problem between r21932 and r21933. uSDHC card has disappeared in Fuze at all with r21933. With 21932 Fuze still can see it. |
18:11:26 | mcuelenaere | gevaerts: when I define CONFIG_STORAGE as (STORAGE_NAND|STORAGE_SD), Rockbox doesn't seem to know that the SD card is removed when I hotswap it (with only STORAGE_SD it shows an empty root). Any ideas? |
18:11:42 | gevaerts | mcuelenaere: ah yes... |
18:15:03 | gevaerts | mcuelenaere: it really worked before? other drivers seem to call disk_unmount() when detecting a remove |
18:15:26 | | Quit robin0800 (Success) |
18:15:47 | gevaerts | That bit still needs to be corrected for most drivers. They now call disk_unmount(card_number), while it should be disk_unmount(card_number+first_drive) |
18:15:53 | mcuelenaere | gevaerts: there's no real 'before'; I'm just now trying to get hotswap to work |
18:16:03 | gevaerts | ah, ok :) |
18:16:07 | | Join robin0800 [0] (n=robin080@general-ld-216.t-mobile.co.uk) |
18:16:17 | mcuelenaere | but yes, it worked before :) |
18:16:42 | mcuelenaere | the driver currently does disk_unmount(0) & disk_mount(0) |
18:17:21 | mcuelenaere | gevaerts: where does card_number come from? |
18:17:21 | | Join webguest67 [0] (n=5a0d85e1@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-ecfd0b57477063cb) |
18:17:25 | | Join shotofadds [0] (n=rob@rockbox/developer/shotofadds) |
18:18:00 | gevaerts | mcuelenaere: in your case that's the 0. You need to correct that with int first_drive that you get from sd_num_drives() |
18:18:16 | shotofadds | gevaerts, mcuelenaere : hotswapping seems to work on the D2 so you can follow that example (fs#10415) |
18:18:35 | | Quit webguest67 (Client Quit) |
18:18:45 | mcuelenaere | shotofadds: thanks :) |
18:18:56 | shotofadds | the only problem is that the file broswer won't show any files at all if drive 0 isn't present... |
18:19:06 | shotofadds | I assume there's a dodgy assumption somewhere |
18:20:07 | shotofadds | also every extra drive is named "<microSDx" but I guess that's easy enough to correct eventually |
18:20:20 | gevaerts | I wouldn't be surprised. Code that uses HAVE_HOTSWAP assumes that this is only for 1 and higher |
18:20:22 | mcuelenaere | shotofadds: why do you check for HAVE_INTERNAL_SD? The D2 doesn't have any internal SD's, does it? |
18:20:30 | mcuelenaere | SD cards* |
18:20:34 | | Quit _zic (Remote closed the connection) |
18:20:50 | shotofadds | the driver is intended to work with other targets that do have internal SD, eg DAX, M200 v1 |
18:21:04 | mcuelenaere | ah ok |
18:21:04 | shotofadds | (ignoring the fact it's currently TCC78x specific and those are TCC77x targets) |
18:21:27 | linuxstb | bertrik: Have you looked at NAND or USB on the meizu? |
18:21:31 | | Quit Tomers (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
18:22:01 | mcuelenaere | shotofadds: drive 0 is present in the Onda's, but it doesn't contain any useful data (no FTL yet); does this cause problems? |
18:22:01 | shotofadds | I got that wrong, the DAX doesn't have internal SD. just m200/c100 v1 |
18:22:07 | bertrik | linuxstb, no, not seriously |
18:22:17 | shotofadds | mcuelenaere: drive 0 is the SD card |
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18:22:43 | mcuelenaere | ah, ideally that should be NAND (when the FTL is figured out) |
18:23:00 | shotofadds | right now it's ideal as-is |
18:23:03 | pixelma | teru: here was my idea for bubbles on portrait screens http://home.infocity.de/m.arnold/temp/Bubbles-Gigabeat_Preview.png (just faked, though I have the background picture done already) |
18:23:25 | gevaerts | Maybe we need a way to make this order target dependent |
18:23:48 | shotofadds | sounds like a good idea |
18:24:15 | kkurbjun | pixelma: that looks really good, I like the setup |
18:25:07 | gevaerts | unfortunately I can't really think of a nice way to do it. Maybe something like #define STORAGE_PRIMARY STORAGE_NAND? |
18:26:20 | shotofadds | I'm not sure how we'd handle that in storage.c. Maybe MrSomeone can sort it out for us? |
18:26:34 | pixelma | kkurbjun: if you like, I could send you the background picture. I had it working halfway with the vertical offset but somehow couldn't find out how to do that with the shot start position - it was either in the old place or basically offscreen. At that point I gave up |
18:26:45 | gevaerts | basically only storage_init() needs to change |
18:27:54 | teru | pixelma: looks great. |
18:28:53 | gevaerts | hm, it seems that 640x480 needs a lot of new bitmaps |
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18:32:20 | pixelma | I try to remember if I also used bigger bubbles for that. I remember sending the graphics to one of the Gigabeat guys who were there in the beginning until the extra gigabeat channel was turned down and a short time after that |
18:32:38 | | Join martian67 [0] (n=martian6@about/linux/regular/martian67) |
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18:43:46 | CIA-69 | New commit by Toni (r21961): correct bottom viewport height calculation in the recording screen |
18:47:50 | | Quit shotofadds ("Leaving") |
18:48:25 | | Quit teru ("Quit") |
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18:51:52 | Toni1 | strange, my commit did not trigger the build system |
18:52:49 | bertrik | oh yes it did |
18:53:04 | Toni1 | yes, I saw it right now :) |
18:56:02 | | Quit Toni1 (Client Quit) |
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18:59:41 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
19:00 |
19:00:33 | | Join Blue_Dude [0] (n=chatzill@ |
19:03:41 | Blue_Dude | A proof-of-concept patch for dynamic range compression is at FS #10449. It reduces gain on the fly to prevent clipping of pre-amplified signals. |
19:04:07 | | Join m67_l3 [0] (n=martian6@about/linux/regular/martian67) |
19:12:57 | | Quit bmbl ("Bye!") |
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19:24:28 | | Quit merbanan (Remote closed the connection) |
19:26:50 | mcuelenaere | gevaerts: I do this, but still the filesystem doesn't want to unmount: http://pastie.org/550537 |
19:27:49 | | Quit Trista689 (Remote closed the connection) |
19:28:56 | * | mcuelenaere thinks the SD thread should be unified |
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19:31:26 | | Join Tristan [0] (i=tristan@i.dont.want.to.die.virgin.net.in) |
19:35:57 | mcuelenaere | huh? somehow the SD drive has drive number 1? |
19:41:57 | Unhelpful | lImbusMacBookPro-lImbus seems to have some problems |
19:43:09 | | Join dmb [0] (n=Dmb@unaffiliated/dmb) |
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19:52:51 | aaron424 | How do you boot to the original firmware of the m200 v4s? |
19:54:11 | bertrik | boot by inserting the USB cable, or hold left while booting IIRC |
19:54:15 | | Join BryanJacobs [0] (n=bryanjac@cpe-74-67-191-154.rochester.res.rr.com) |
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19:55:14 | aaron424 | that does not work. rockbox boots when I plug in the usb cable |
19:56:53 | bertrik | and the left button? |
19:57:41 | aaron424 | nope. rokcbox boots pretty fast, but ive held down the left button and it does not even show text. (eg, it doesn't say it cant find the OF |
19:58:43 | bertrik | then I don't know,maybe Domonoky or funman knows |
19:59:39 | aaron424 | funman? |
20:00 |
20:00:18 | aaron424 | he's not here.. I'll see later |
20:07:32 | aaron424 | do you hold down the left button before you turn it on or just after you hit power? |
20:07:50 | | Join yziquel [0] (i=55da623a@gateway/web/freenode/x-c6ecad043a796d4f) |
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20:08:47 | | Join dys` [0] (n=andreas@krlh-5f73793b.pool.einsundeins.de) |
20:09:48 | yziquel | hi. as i have a weird corrupted vfat filesystem, I wish to format the usb drive. how should i do this so that it remains clean / compatible with rockbox? |
20:10:08 | linuxstb | On what device? |
20:10:28 | bertrik | aaron424, I don't have a m200v4 so I don't know. It could also be that setting the hold button (if it has one) works |
20:11:23 | yziquel | linuxstb: Olympus M:ROBE |
20:11:54 | yziquel | linuxstb: /dev/sdb |
20:11:57 | linuxstb | yziquel: Then I have no idea |
20:12:10 | yziquel | linuxstb: where can i find out? |
20:12:28 | yziquel | linuxstb: whether documentation or source code... |
20:12:34 | linuxstb | If you wait, maybe someone here can help. |
20:12:48 | yziquel | linuxstb: i'll wait. thanks. |
20:13:34 | linuxstb | Rockbox itself just needs a FAT32 filesystem. However, I don't know what the original firmware on m:robe requires, and you should keep that happy as well. |
20:13:39 | | Quit TheSeven (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
20:14:29 | Unhelpful | see if the OF has a recovery/format option, perhaps? |
20:14:40 | | Quit dys (Connection timed out) |
20:15:01 | yziquel | linuxstb: I think i do not care that much about the original firmware anymore. But isn't VFAT better? |
20:15:07 | | Join TheSeven [0] (n=theseven@dslb-084-056-151-131.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
20:15:25 | yziquel | Unhelpful: cannot start the OF anymore, anyway... |
20:16:03 | yziquel | linuxstb: or is it possible to use some ext filesystem? |
20:16:50 | linuxstb | yziquel: "vfat" just refers to the long filenames support. And no, Rockbox only supports FAT |
20:16:56 | yziquel | ok. |
20:17:29 | Mikachu | you can have vfat on any of fat12/16/32 afaik |
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20:21:24 | yziquel | so i just make one unique vfat partition? |
20:22:07 | | Join saratoga [0] (n=9803c6dd@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-e1aad9ac24dc1240) |
20:22:48 | saratoga | Ubuntu seems to have some trouble with HID support on my Sansa, if I scroll the wheel the volume maxes out and then continues to flash on teh screen for a good 20-30 seconds before it stops getting the "vol+" signal |
20:24:47 | yziquel | hmmm. just checked the partitions on /dev/sdb: there's 4 partitions and they overlap (ugh!). |
20:25:22 | saratoga | huh and my e200v1 never mounts in MSC mode but my e200v2 does |
20:25:26 | saratoga | i wonder whats going on |
20:25:35 | linuxstb | It's called Ubuntu... |
20:25:50 | | Join roolku [0] (n=roolku@77-99-113-75.cable.ubr16.sgyl.blueyonder.co.uk) |
20:26:12 | linuxstb | The e200v1 not mounting sounds like the libgphoto issue - we have a wiki page about that. |
20:26:26 | roolku | yziquel: if you are talking about the mrobe:100 - it is formatted as a superfloppy - no partitions |
20:26:40 | saratoga | I patched that bug a while ago and have not had issues since, but I will check to see if one of the newer ubuntu updates broke it again |
20:27:39 | yziquel | roolku: yes i am talking about mrobe:100. Dunno what a superfloppy is, and i therefore do wonder why i have overlapping partitions. |
20:28:12 | yziquel | roolku: so how should i format the beast? |
20:28:14 | roolku | yziquel: your partition tool might misinterpret random data as a partition table |
20:28:39 | yziquel | roolku: my partition tool is fdisk /dev/sdb. ok. |
20:29:21 | linuxstb | roolku: Does the OF require anything on the disk to boot? |
20:29:30 | roolku | yziquel: putting a fat16 partition on /dev/sdb should work |
20:30:05 | yziquel | roolku: mkfs -t vfat /dev/sdb ? |
20:30:17 | saratoga | I stand corrected, Ubuntu seems to have unpatched my libgphoto2 |
20:30:20 | roolku | linuxstb: IIRC only the directory structure |
20:30:49 | linuxstb | saratoga: How very helpful ;) |
20:31:08 | roolku | s/partition/filesystem/ |
20:31:13 | roolku | yziquel: yes |
20:31:24 | yziquel | roolku: thanks. doing it. |
20:33:24 | yziquel | roolku: mkfs.vfat: Device partition expected, not making filesystem on entire device '/dev/sdb' (use -I to override) |
20:33:39 | yziquel | roolku: so i'll override this. |
20:33:44 | roolku | yes |
20:34:31 | yziquel | roolku: done. |
20:35:16 | roolku | yziquel: then you need to create a hidden "System" Directory with the rockbox bootloader on it |
20:35:24 | | Quit m67_l3 ("out") |
20:35:29 | yziquel | roolku: hidden? |
20:35:36 | | Join m67_l3 [0] (n=martian6@about/linux/regular/martian67) |
20:35:55 | roolku | yziquel: attribute hidden - it may work without |
20:35:58 | yziquel | roolku: are things documented from this point on? |
20:37:06 | roolku | yziquel: I don't know it rbutil does any checks, but I think it would at least expect a System directory containing a pp5020.mi4 |
20:37:46 | roolku | s/it/if |
20:37:59 | | Quit aaron424 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
20:38:53 | yziquel | roolku: i do not understand what a hidden attribute is. it doesn't seem to be chmod dialect. |
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20:39:03 | saratoga | i'd forgotten how fast the e200v1 boots if you replace the OF bootloader |
20:39:27 | saratoga | i have to hold the power button longer to shut it off then the entire boot process takes |
20:39:48 | roolku | yziquel: no, it is a DOS/FAT attribute - there is a good chance you won't need it |
20:40:32 | roolku | yziquel: have you tried running rbutil? |
20:41:43 | linuxstb | yziquel: I think the only way to set it on linux is via mtools (the mattrib command) |
20:42:02 | linuxstb | It doesn't map to Unix permissions/modes |
20:42:09 | | Nick Ypsy is now known as YpsyZNC (n=ypsy@geekpadawan.de) |
20:42:24 | yziquel | roolku: no. do not know what rbutil is. |
20:42:33 | yziquel | linuxstb: i'll have a look. |
20:43:05 | roolku | yziquel: rockbox utility: http://www.rockbox.org/download/ |
20:45:01 | yziquel | roolku: i like command line installation procedures... |
20:45:30 | yziquel | roolku: but i'll have a look at packaging it for debian. |
20:45:50 | AlexP | yziquel: It is built as a static binary |
20:46:16 | AlexP | yziquel: If you want to know why people think it is pointless to package it, have a look at the dev mailing list archive this month |
20:46:25 | yziquel | ok. |
20:46:27 | roolku | yziquel: you can look at the manual install chapter in the manual |
20:47:30 | roolku | yziquel: copy the bootloader to the System directory and rockbox.zip to the root |
20:47:50 | roolku | ... and extract rockbox.zip to the root |
20:48:12 | yziquel | roolku: yes, i've already done this 4 months ago. i know the music. |
20:48:39 | roolku | yziquel: and? Is it working? :) |
20:48:57 | | Quit stripwax (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
20:49:23 | | Join _zic [0] (n=user@91-165-239-107.rev.libertysurf.net) |
20:50:01 | yziquel | roolku: my girlfrind is forcing me to leave my computer and to start eating. i'll be back. |
20:51:10 | gevaerts | mcuelenaere: that does look OK to me... |
20:51:35 | Unhelpful | linuxstb: there's a mount option that appears to be for mapping between windows and unix hidden-file conventions? it's hard to say what it does, man page just has "dots, nodots, dotsOK=[yes|no]: Various misguided attempts to force Unix or DOS conventions onto a FAT file system." |
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21:19:51 | * | bertrik tries to think of a keymap for the meizu M3 |
21:20:05 | | Join at0m [0] (n=at0m@94-225-90-23.access.telenet.be) |
21:21:03 | bertrik | how are touchpads currently handled? just by position of touch? or is there also some concept of sliding? |
21:23:50 | pixelma | I don't think there is the concept of sliding... although I seem to remember that markun started some work on this for the Gigabeat F touchpad (the cross)... |
21:27:33 | bertrik | I don't even know exactly how scrollwheels are handles, I can imagine that a sliding touchpad can be made to look like a scroll wheel. |
21:29:38 | mc2739 | there seems to be a problem with the sd card on the sansa e200v1 and e200v2 - with the card inserted on boot, it is not visible under files. If the card is removed and inserted, it will show up. |
21:30:42 | AlexP | bertrik: no sliding as of yet AFAIK |
21:31:22 | AlexP | bertrik: I guess we should start with a list of the essential buttons :) |
21:31:56 | pixelma | mc2739: which revision are you running? |
21:32:48 | mc2739 | pixelma: r21961 from the current builds page |
21:32:57 | mc2739 | (on the e200v1) |
21:32:58 | saratoga | mc2739: I just confirmed on my e200v1 |
21:33:04 | bertrik | I'm quite close to compiling a regular rockbox image without unresolved linker symbols, I'd love to just browse through the rockbox menus, but that needs some sort of working keymap :) |
21:33:20 | linuxstb | Just up, down, left and right... |
21:33:36 | linuxstb | There's nothing similar you can copy? |
21:33:51 | AlexP | bertrik: I think for the menus, up and down could be touch up and down, select is middle touch, and back is <> |
21:34:02 | bertrik | linuxstb, left and right is a luxury that is not present on the meizu m3 :P |
21:34:04 | AlexP | linuxstb: Have you seen a Mieze M3? :) |
21:34:26 | linuxstb | Ah yes, I remember - the first target without left/right... |
21:34:31 | AlexP | bertrik, then we have click M and click play left to play with |
21:34:39 | linuxstb | But no, I haven't seen one... |
21:34:42 | saratoga | gevaerts: did sd work on boot up with r21933 for you? |
21:34:58 | mc2739 | also, 18.11.02 # <mitk> Hi. There is problem between r21932 and r21933. uSDHC card has disappeared in Fuze |
21:35:08 | saratoga | or FS #9545 as you may remember it |
21:35:11 | * | linuxstb finds http://en.meizu.com/product/pro_img/musiccard.jpg and looks for the buttons... |
21:35:20 | AlexP | linuxstb: It has a button marked <> that is both click and touch sensitive, and a vertical pad that is position sensitive and has a click at the top and bottom as well |
21:35:27 | | Join martian67_ [0] (n=martian6@about/linux/regular/martian67) |
21:36:07 | AlexP | linuxstb: That is it... |
21:36:07 | AlexP | plus a hold switch |
21:36:10 | linuxstb | Then I guess the pad needs to be up/down - i.e. slide your find up for up, slide it down for down - similar to a wheel, but without the ability to carry on forever... |
21:36:17 | linuxstb | s/find/finger/ |
21:36:24 | * | linuxstb wonders how that typo happened |
21:36:35 | AlexP | yes |
21:36:52 | AlexP | And I'd have touch in the middle of the pad as select, and <> as back |
21:36:53 | linuxstb | So you have "touch", "short press" and "long press" for that <> button... |
21:36:59 | AlexP | linuxstb: yep |
21:37:21 | linuxstb | That's not going to be fun... |
21:37:26 | AlexP | and then long press and short press for the top and bottom of the pas |
21:37:28 | AlexP | *pad |
21:37:33 | * | linuxstb also realises why there's no sim yet... |
21:37:41 | bertrik | the OF uses M (upper button) as "back" and the play button as "OK" |
21:37:44 | AlexP | linuxstb: And then whatever touch gestures you want to do on the pad |
21:37:49 | pixelma | AlexP: and the center of the pad? |
21:38:09 | AlexP | pixelma: no click, just that you have touched the centre and not moved your finger |
21:38:14 | pixelma | although if you do gestures that will be hard to stop at the center |
21:38:21 | AlexP | bertrik: I think M would be better as menu |
21:38:34 | bertrik | AlexP, yes |
21:39:18 | linuxstb | What information does the driver give you regarding touching the vertical pad? The ipod wheel driver gives a position in the range 0-95 |
21:39:41 | bertrik | we get a position 0 (bottom) to 255 (top) |
21:39:46 | linuxstb | Which is then translated into "SCROLL_FWD" and "SCROLL_BACK" events. |
21:41:30 | linuxstb | This is going to make games requiring 4 dimensions of real-time movement (e.g. pacbox) impossible... |
21:42:01 | | Quit stoffel (Remote closed the connection) |
21:42:24 | AlexP | So we have in total: touch, short click and long click on <>, short click and long click on M, short click and long click on >||, and then whatever scroll or buttons we want to make on the pad |
21:42:34 | AlexP | linuxstb: yes, some plugins are just a no can do |
21:42:45 | pixelma | would it be possible to distinguish between the gesture and a touch of a certain region, so you could have slides and then top, center, bottom "button"? |
21:42:47 | Mikachu | you could map four positions to directions on the pad, like hjkl in vi :) |
21:43:08 | AlexP | pixelma: I think so, yes |
21:43:18 | AlexP | (IIUC) :) |
21:43:27 | pixelma | plus the <> |
21:43:51 | | Quit m67_l3 (Connection timed out) |
21:43:51 | AlexP | yeah, and then the three actual physical click regions |
21:44:45 | pixelma | hmm, doesn't sound too bad by the number, "just" positions then |
21:45:12 | AlexP | yeah, the lack of left and right are the major issue |
21:46:41 | mc2739 | I confirmed e200v1 sd card missing on boot started with r21933 - works fine on r21932 |
21:47:24 | | Join SirFunk [0] (n=Sir@cpe-74-74-126-134.stny.res.rr.com) |
21:48:57 | gevaerts | saratoga: hm, no it doesn't |
21:50:16 | * | gevaerts tries to claim that r21933 could not possibly have caused that |
21:50:30 | | Join martian67 [0] (n=martian6@about/linux/regular/martian67) |
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22:00 |
22:00:32 | gevaerts | hm, the big difference is that disk.c now uses storage_present() and not card_detect() anymore |
22:00:53 | | Join Horscht [0] (n=Horscht2@xbmc/user/horscht) |
22:02:48 | Torne | Horscht: I've been experimenting with the ATA patch for ipodvideo and believe i have made it stable :) |
22:04:29 | | Join aaron424 [0] (n=chatzill@adsl-065-013-002-216.sip.asm.bellsouth.net) |
22:07:09 | Torne | er, DMA patch |
22:08:21 | mc2739 | aaron424: the m200v4 booting to rockbox on usb insert is correct - the usb detect signal has not been found yet. The left key is the proper button to boot to the OF. Try pressing it before you press the power button. |
22:09:58 | mc2739 | aaron424: if you hold the left button while inserting the usb cable, it should boot the OF and connect the usb |
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22:41:06 | | Join Strife89 [0] (i=4892d0bb@gateway/web/freenode/x-c5aa9d4891cd3935) |
22:41:48 | Strife89 | Oy, vey .... |
22:42:48 | Strife89 | So the iPod Color finally arrived. I turned it on and browsed the files before connecting it to a PC with Ubuntu 8.04.2. |
22:43:14 | Strife89 | I started doing several file operations, having as many as three at once. |
22:43:55 | Strife89 | Smack in the middle of the transfers (after about 20 minutes), the iPod simply stopped all disk actvity and seemed to disconnect from the computer. |
22:44:21 | Strife89 | I waited, then physically unplugged it, then plugged it back in. |
22:44:48 | Strife89 | I was able to browse the files, so I assumed all was well. I unmounted the iPod.... |
22:45:03 | Strife89 | ... and was greeted with a PANIC: mount(0). |
22:45:45 | Strife89 | I can no longer do anything with the iPod. No matter how I turn it on, I get the dead iPod screen and an Apple URL. |
22:46:13 | Strife89 | I don't have a lot of time, but ... |
22:46:19 | Strife89 | Any ideas? |
22:46:48 | Mikachu | what about emergency disk mode? |
22:47:13 | Mikachu | (select+play _just_ after the display powers up on my ipod) |
22:47:46 | Strife89 | It doesn't seem to have any effect. |
22:47:53 | Strife89 | It's an iPod Color. |
22:48:02 | TheSeven | hold reset (menu+select) until it reboots, and then immediately switch to select+play |
22:48:15 | | Part Strife89 |
22:48:19 | * | AlexP thinks that whoever's plan it was to trick BryanJacobs into doing buffering, it is working :) |
22:48:24 | | Join Strife89 [0] (i=4892d0bb@gateway/web/freenode/x-c5aa9d4891cd3935) |
22:48:38 | Strife89 | Crap, please repeat that... |
22:48:51 | TheSeven | [22:46]<TheSeven>hold reset (menu+select) until it reboots, and then immediately switch to select+play |
22:49:58 | Strife89 | Doesn't appear to work. |
22:50:13 | TheSeven | does the reset work? |
22:50:31 | Strife89 | The reset works just enough. |
22:50:36 | | Join martian67 [0] (n=martian6@about/linux/regular/martian67) |
22:50:48 | Strife89 | That is, I see the Apple logo, then the error message. |
22:50:52 | Strife89 | That's it. |
22:51:08 | TheSeven | try pressing and holding the other combo as soon as the screen turns off before the apple logo comes on |
22:51:43 | Strife89 | Ugh, still no dice. |
22:52:29 | TheSeven | that just must work, it always does |
22:52:46 | TheSeven | try holding menu + left instead, that should go to diagmode |
22:52:54 | TheSeven | ah i mean left + center |
22:54:10 | Strife89 | THAT isn't working either. >.< |
22:54:18 | Strife89 | Perhaps the HDD died?..... |
22:54:37 | Strife89 | Wait, never mind. |
22:54:46 | Strife89 | It works if it's the first thing I do. |
22:55:26 | TheSeven | well the file transfers crashing could be an indication for a slowly dying HDD |
22:55:34 | Strife89 | .... But selecting "DiskMode" simply brings up the error message after a moment. |
22:56:04 | TheSeven | that looks like real HDD trouble then |
22:56:47 | Strife89 | It also locks up trying to get HDD info in the Diag menus. |
22:57:13 | gevaerts | maybe just a bad connection? |
22:57:17 | Strife89 | Before displaying empty information, at least. |
22:57:25 | | Quit mc2739 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
22:57:39 | Strife89 | gevaerts: Got a page for opening the thing? |
22:57:56 | gevaerts | I'm sure there's one on ifixit.com |
22:58:16 | TheSeven | ok, that's either the connection, or an entirely dead HDD |
22:58:28 | | Quit martian67_ (Connection timed out) |
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23:02:13 | Strife89 | Google is not my friend today. |
23:03:58 | TheSeven | http://www.ifixit.com/Guide/Browse/iPod_Original |
23:06:31 | Strife89 | TheSeven: Thanks. :) |
23:08:44 | CIA-69 | New commit by stripwax (r21962): Simplify my previous change, don't need separate defines for ipod |
23:08:49 | | Join faemir [0] (n=faemir@ |
23:13:54 | Strife89 | Thanks for the help, hopefully I'll get this thing fixed. ... |
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23:41:07 | yziquel | roolku: everything works fine. g'night. |
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23:52:37 | aidy | hi |
23:57:59 | AlexP | what ho |
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