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| Joins:
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Click in the nick column to highlight everything a person has said.
00:00:56 | Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@ | |
00:06:00 | Quit funman ("leaving") | |
00:08:02 | Nick Ypsy is now known as YpsyZNC ( | |
00:10:16 | Join Xqtftqx [0] ( | |
00:10:37 | Xqtftqx | |
00:11:32 | Quit toffe82___ (Connection timed out) | |
00:11:36 | AlexP | |
00:11:54 | Quit bertrik ("De groeten") | |
00:12:24 | AlexP | |
00:14:40 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
00:16:20 | robin0800 | |
00:17:15 | crashd_ | |
00:17:17 | AlexP | |
00:17:19 | crashd_ | |
00:17:25 | AlexP | |
00:17:29 | crashd_ | |
00:17:34 | crashd_ | |
00:19:10 | stripwax | |
00:23:41 | Quit ender` (" Doesn't it strike you as mildly ironic that most of the people who are against abortion are people you wouldn't want to fuc") | |
00:25:57 | Quit petur ("Zzzz") | |
00:27:41 | Quit jgarvey ("Leaving") | |
00:35:15 | Join BHSPitMonkey [0] (n=stephen@unaffiliated/bhspitmonkey) | |
00:36:04 | Join MG_Man [0] ( | |
00:36:05 | Quit JdGordon| (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
00:36:37 | Quit domonoky1 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
00:38:21 | robin0800 | |
00:41:19 | Join JdGordon| [0] (n=Miranda@nat/microsoft/x-zezxyhoyurkcemoo) | |
00:44:40 | Quit robin0800 (Remote closed the connection) | |
00:58:30 | Quit Tuplanolla (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) | |
01:00 | ||
01:04:11 | Join fdinel [0] ( | |
01:10:06 | Join toffe82_ [0] (n=chatzill@ | |
01:11:49 | Part toffe82_ | |
01:17:17 | Quit toffe82 (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) | |
01:19:43 | MG_Man | |
01:23:29 | Quit JdGordon| ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier.") | |
01:26:24 | Quit Thundercloud_ (Remote closed the connection) | |
01:37:19 | Join FOAD_ [0] ( | |
01:38:59 | Join JdGordon_ [0] (i=ae9199f8@gateway/web/freenode/x-ldcufvhllekjzlph) | |
01:41:25 | Quit stripwax ("") | |
01:43:10 | Quit GeekShadow ("The cake is a lie !") | |
01:44:53 | Topic | "Rockbox 3.3 has been released | Please read before speaking: | Please direct off/msg topic/social chat to #rockbox-community" by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) |
01:48:21 | Quit martian67 (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) | |
01:51:49 | Join martian67 [0] (n=martian6@about/linux/regular/martian67) | |
01:52:52 | Quit martian67 (SendQ exceeded) | |
01:53:24 | Quit Xqtftqx ("Leaving.") | |
01:54:37 | Quit FOAD (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
01:54:37 | Nick FOAD_ is now known as FOAD ( | |
02:00 | ||
02:05:46 | Quit JdGordon_ (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) | |
02:14:44 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
02:18:47 | Join Marcus [0] (n=8fa6ff3d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ | |
02:20:57 | Quit Marcus (Client Quit) | |
02:23:14 | Join martian67 [0] (n=martian6@about/linux/regular/martian67) | |
02:25:16 | Join langzeitstudent_ [0] ( | |
02:33:59 | Join notlistening [0] ( | |
02:34:26 | Quit notlistening ("Leaving") | |
02:42:44 | Quit jboy_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
02:48:22 | Quit mcuelenaere (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
03:00 | ||
03:09:02 | Join martian67_ [0] (n=martian6@about/linux/regular/martian67) | |
03:18:00 | MG_Man | |
03:18:27 | Quit martian67 (Success) | |
03:25:38 | Unhelpful | |
03:41:25 | Join Strife89 [0] ( | |
03:45:36 | Join scorche [50] (n=scorche@rockbox/administrator/scorche) | |
03:46:01 | MG_Man | |
03:46:20 | MG_Man | |
03:46:23 | MG_Man | |
03:46:25 | MG_Man | |
03:46:37 | MG_Man | |
03:46:39 | Quit rphillips (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
03:49:46 | Quit Rob2222 () | |
03:59:03 | Quit tvelocity ("Αποχώρησε") | |
03:59:41 | Join CaptainKwel [0] ( | |
04:00 | ||
04:00:52 | Join ehntoo [0] (n=ehntoo@ | |
04:02:42 | Quit MG_Man ("/quit /quit /quit /quit /quit /quit /quit /quit /quit /quit /quit /quit /quit /quit /quit /quit /quit /quit /quit /quit /quit) | |
04:03:37 | Quit Strife89 ("Bed.") | |
04:04:19 | Join rphillips [0] ( | |
04:06:22 | Quit TheSeven (Nick collision from services.) | |
04:06:38 | Join The_Seven [0] ( | |
04:06:46 | Nick The_Seven is now known as TheSeven ( | |
04:07:00 | Quit rphillips (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
04:14:46 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
04:26:11 | Quit Klowner (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) | |
04:29:18 | Join Klowner [0] ( | |
04:31:59 | Quit alexbobp (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
04:34:13 | Join Rob2222 [0] ( | |
04:34:59 | Quit Sajber^ (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
04:36:30 | Join rphillips [0] ( | |
04:44:00 | Quit antil33t (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) | |
04:44:32 | Quit Lss (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
04:45:21 | Join antil33t [0] (n=Mudkips@ | |
04:46:02 | Quit Rondom (Nick collision from services.) | |
04:46:12 | Join Rondom [0] ( | |
04:56:58 | Quit froggyman ("ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.5.2/20090729225027]") | |
05:00 | ||
05:00:24 | Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@ | |
05:08:59 | Quit Rob2222 (Remote closed the connection) | |
05:09:26 | Join Rob2222 [0] ( | |
05:12:32 | Join moos [0] (i=mostafa@rockbox/staff/moos) | |
05:13:07 | moos | |
05:14:06 | Quit fdinel ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier.") | |
05:16:38 | Join ShKoDrAnI [0] (n=Me@ | |
05:18:37 | Join ShKoDraNi1 [0] (n=Me@ | |
05:18:37 | Quit Rob2222 (Remote closed the connection) | |
05:18:59 | Join Rob2222 [0] ( | |
05:19:13 | Quit Rob2222 (Remote closed the connection) | |
05:19:40 | Join Rob2222 [0] ( | |
05:35:27 | Quit ShKoDrAnI (Connection timed out) | |
05:36:39 | Quit toffe82 (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) | |
05:42:21 | Quit gevaerts (Nick collision from services.) | |
05:42:33 | Join gevaerts [0] (n=fg@rockbox/developer/gevaerts) | |
05:44:24 | Quit Horscht ("Verlassend") | |
05:59:48 | Quit xavieran (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) | |
06:00 | ||
06:00:28 | Quit moos (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
06:00:44 | Join moos [0] (i=mostafa@rockbox/staff/moos) | |
06:14:51 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
06:15:07 | Join xavieran [0] ( | |
06:30:16 | Part safetydan ("Leaving.") | |
06:43:44 | Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@ | |
06:51:59 | Join alexbobp [0] ( | |
07:00 | ||
07:17:45 | * | |
07:18:38 | Join einhirn [0] ( | |
07:25:01 | Join Tuplanolla [0] (n=jani@unaffiliated/tuplanolla) | |
07:25:18 | Quit CaptainKwel (Remote closed the connection) | |
07:30:23 | Join safetydan [0] (n=deverton@rockbox/developer/safetydan) | |
07:45:17 | Quit at0m (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) | |
07:49:37 | Join stoffel [0] ( | |
07:50:05 | Join m67_l3 [0] ( | |
07:51:08 | Quit m67_l3 (SendQ exceeded) | |
07:52:33 | Quit safetydan ("Leaving.") | |
07:52:46 | Join m67_l3 [0] ( | |
07:58:38 | Quit martian67_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
08:00 | ||
08:00:30 | Quit m67_l3 (SendQ exceeded) | |
08:05:03 | Join Buschel [0] ( | |
08:06:03 | Join m67_l3 [0] (n=martian6@about/linux/regular/martian67) | |
08:07:19 | Join mitk [0] (n=mitk@ | |
08:10:36 | Quit Buschel () | |
08:10:39 | Quit ShKoDraNi1 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
08:14:55 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
08:25:31 | Join ender` [0] ( | |
08:30:21 | Join martian67_ [0] (n=martian6@about/linux/regular/martian67) | |
08:34:03 | Quit martian67_ (SendQ exceeded) | |
08:34:33 | Quit stoffel (Remote closed the connection) | |
08:39:35 | Quit m67_l3 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
08:39:54 | Quit BHSPitMonkey (Remote closed the connection) | |
08:40:37 | Join martian67_ [0] (n=martian6@about/linux/regular/martian67) | |
08:41:57 | Part toffe82 | |
08:42:37 | Join Rob2223 [0] ( | |
08:43:31 | Join stoffel [0] ( | |
08:47:07 | Quit stoffel (Remote closed the connection) | |
08:47:41 | Join flydutch [0] ( | |
08:52:36 | Quit martian67_ (Remote closed the connection) | |
08:52:52 | Join martian67_ [0] (n=martian6@about/linux/regular/martian67) | |
08:57:30 | Join HBK- [0] ( | |
08:59:51 | Quit Rob2222 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
09:00 | ||
09:00:13 | Quit mitk ("Leaving") | |
09:01:03 | Join petur [50] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) | |
09:09:53 | Join LinusN [0] (n=linus@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ | |
09:09:59 | Part LinusN | |
09:10:05 | Join LinusN [0] (n=linus@rockbox/developer/LinusN) | |
09:12:07 | Quit martian67_ (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) | |
09:15:10 | Join martian67_ [0] (n=martian6@about/linux/regular/martian67) | |
09:16:42 | Join at0m [0] ( | |
09:19:13 | Quit KBH (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
09:19:46 | Join fyrestorm [0] ( | |
09:21:38 | Join decayedcell [0] ( | |
09:24:47 | Join mitk [0] (n=mitk@ | |
09:24:59 | Join Thundercloud [0] ( | |
09:26:29 | Join razym [0] ( | |
09:26:37 | razym | |
09:26:47 | razym | |
09:26:52 | Quit martian67_ (Remote closed the connection) | |
09:27:03 | razym | |
09:27:06 | razym | |
09:28:12 | Join martian67 [0] (n=martian6@about/linux/regular/martian67) | |
09:29:09 | Quit martian67 (SendQ exceeded) | |
09:29:21 | linuxstb | |
09:30:13 | razym | |
09:30:24 | razym | |
09:30:31 | razym | |
09:31:00 | razym | |
09:31:16 | razym | |
09:31:17 | linuxstb | |
09:31:59 | Join martian67 [0] (n=martian6@about/linux/regular/martian67) | |
09:32:19 | Quit martian67 (Client Quit) | |
09:32:20 | razym | |
09:32:27 | razym | |
09:33:34 | razym | |
09:33:46 | razym | |
09:34:11 | Part razym | |
09:34:15 | linuxstb | |
09:37:27 | Join martian67 [0] (n=martian6@about/linux/regular/martian67) | |
09:40:43 | Quit martian67 (SendQ exceeded) | |
09:43:38 | Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) | |
09:48:27 | Join martian67 [0] (n=martian6@about/linux/regular/martian67) | |
09:49:54 | Join Zagor [242] ( | |
10:00 | ||
10:06:51 | Quit Llorean (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
10:12:59 | Join webguest95 [0] (n=ad436cde@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ | |
10:13:04 | Quit webguest95 (Client Quit) | |
10:14:56 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
10:43:08 | Join fml [0] (n=4fd3c4ec@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ | |
10:44:55 | fml | |
10:45:38 | AlexP | |
10:46:41 | AlexP | |
10:47:22 | fml | |
10:47:36 | AlexP | |
10:47:49 | fml | |
10:47:55 | AlexP | |
10:52:07 | Quit at0m (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
10:53:23 | Join GeekShadow [0] (n=Antoine@reactos/tester/GeekShadow) | |
10:55:16 | Part decayedcell | |
11:00 | ||
11:00:54 | Join mt [0] (n=MTee@rockbox/developer/mt) | |
11:04:50 | Quit fml ("CGI:IRC 0.5.9 (2006/06/06)") | |
11:30:39 | Quit martian67 (Remote closed the connection) | |
11:30:57 | Join martian67 [0] (n=martian6@about/linux/regular/martian67) | |
11:46:00 | Join at0m [0] ( | |
11:46:47 | Quit mt (Remote closed the connection) | |
11:48:33 | Join Grahack [0] ( | |
11:52:56 | Join mt [0] (n=MTee@rockbox/developer/mt) | |
11:55:12 | Zagor | |
12:00 | ||
12:04:54 | Quit at0m (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
12:09:55 | Quit Grahack ("Leaving.") | |
12:15:01 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
12:20:18 | Join FOAD_ [0] ( | |
12:24:11 | Quit martian67 (Remote closed the connection) | |
12:24:52 | Join martian67 [0] (n=martian6@about/linux/regular/martian67) | |
12:27:27 | Quit martian67 (SendQ exceeded) | |
12:28:06 | Join martian67 [0] (n=martian6@about/linux/regular/martian67) | |
12:36:25 | Quit FOAD (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
12:36:26 | Nick FOAD_ is now known as FOAD ( | |
12:40:20 | Join zestrix [0] ( | |
12:44:49 | zestrix | |
12:48:11 | zestrix | |
12:50:55 | gevaerts | |
12:50:57 | Join FOAD_ [0] ( | |
12:51:16 | gevaerts | |
12:52:21 | zestrix | |
12:52:25 | Join Utchybann [0] ( | |
12:52:44 | gevaerts | |
12:53:41 | zestrix | |
12:54:04 | gevaerts | |
12:55:14 | zestrix | |
12:56:20 | zestrix | |
12:58:33 | zestrix | |
13:00 | ||
13:00:23 | krazykit | |
13:03:05 | zestrix | |
13:03:35 | zestrix | |
13:06:56 | Quit FOAD (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
13:06:57 | Nick FOAD_ is now known as FOAD ( | |
13:12:08 | Quit martian67 (Remote closed the connection) | |
13:12:33 | Join martian67 [0] (n=martian6@about/linux/regular/martian67) | |
13:26:07 | Join Sajber^ [0] ( | |
13:41:31 | Join bmbl [0] (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/bmbl) | |
13:41:32 | Join cfp [0] (n=cfp@ | |
13:47:20 | Join mcuelenaere [0] ( | |
13:47:23 | Quit xavieran (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) | |
13:49:07 | Join panni_ [0] ( | |
13:49:57 | Join xavieran [0] (n=xavieran@ | |
13:50:05 | Quit cfp (Connection timed out) | |
14:00 | ||
14:15:05 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
14:16:11 | Join webguest01 [0] (n=47e21ec9@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ | |
14:16:39 | Quit webguest01 (Client Quit) | |
14:16:40 | Join webguest37 [0] (n=47e21ec9@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ | |
14:16:51 | Quit webguest37 (Client Quit) | |
14:18:29 | Quit Zagor ("Clint excited") | |
14:23:13 | Utchybann | |
14:24:22 | Join antil33t1 [0] (n=Mudkips@ | |
14:24:30 | Quit antil33t (Nick collision from services.) | |
14:26:17 | Quit AndyI () | |
14:26:29 | Torne | |
14:28:17 | Quit panni_ ("( :: NoNameScript 3.81 :: )") | |
14:29:02 | Utchybann | |
14:30:04 | Torne | |
14:30:25 | Utchybann | |
14:31:27 | gevaerts | |
14:35:53 | Utchybann | |
14:36:34 | gevaerts | |
14:37:23 | Utchybann | |
14:40:52 | Join panni_ [0] ( | |
14:50:50 | Join fragilematter [0] (n=barbu_do@ | |
14:52:30 | Join teru [0] ( | |
15:00 | ||
15:04:32 | Join LambdaCalculus37 [0] (i=44a0430d@rockbox/staff/LambdaCalculus37) | |
15:08:09 | Utchybann | |
15:08:36 | Quit zestrix ("Yummy, like ircing on a cake! [ - Open Source IRC ]") | |
15:22:00 | Quit bubsy ("I'll be back somewhere in time...") | |
15:30:34 | CIA-61 | |
15:35:25 | Join bluebrother [0] (n=dom@rockbox/developer/bluebrother) | |
15:36:45 | Quit bluebroth3r (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) | |
15:41:18 | Part mitk ("Leaving") | |
15:41:55 | Part LinusN | |
15:49:23 | Quit Utchybann (Remote closed the connection) | |
16:00 | ||
16:00:09 | Join evilnick [0] (i=0c140464@gateway/web/freenode/x-vqihbizcepcypbas) | |
16:11:30 | Quit xavieran (Read error: 148 (No route to host)) | |
16:14:11 | bob_f | |
16:14:46 | AlexP | |
16:15:08 | bob_f | |
16:15:10 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
16:15:25 | AlexP | |
16:15:34 | bob_f | |
16:15:39 | Nick YpsyZNC is now known as Ypsy ( | |
16:15:40 | AlexP | |
16:25:01 | CIA-61 | |
16:29:16 | Join roolku [0] ( | |
16:30:22 | roolku | |
16:41:23 | CIA-61 | |
16:42:40 | Quit mt (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) | |
16:42:46 | Join mt_ [0] (n=MTee@ | |
16:42:54 | Nick mt_ is now known as mt (n=MTee@ | |
16:48:15 | teru | |
16:49:57 | roolku | |
16:50:09 | roolku | |
16:52:06 | Quit Sajber^ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
16:59:46 | Part fragilematter | |
17:00 | ||
17:01:56 | Quit roolku () | |
17:02:32 | Quit mcuelenaere () | |
17:06:21 | Quit teru ("Quit") | |
17:09:21 | Join cfp [0] ( | |
17:13:06 | Join froggyman [0] ( | |
17:13:19 | Join BBBradley [0] (n=c73d19fe@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ | |
17:15:53 | cfp | |
17:16:12 | cfp | |
17:16:40 | cfp | |
17:21:26 | Join Llorean [0] ( | |
17:35:59 | Quit einhirn ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier.") | |
17:36:52 | BBBradley | |
17:37:48 | gevaerts | |
17:37:52 | Torne | |
17:38:49 | gevaerts | |
17:46:00 | Join BryanJacobs [0] ( | |
17:50:50 | BBBradley | |
17:52:00 | Join at0m [0] ( | |
17:52:41 | froggyman | |
17:57:51 | GodEater | |
17:58:05 | froggyman | |
17:59:08 | Quit petur ("work->shopping->home") | |
17:59:34 | GodEater | |
17:59:41 | GodEater | |
18:00 | ||
18:00:22 | froggyman | |
18:02:20 | Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@ | |
18:02:32 | ej0rge | |
18:11:15 | Join Hillshum [0] ( | |
18:15:11 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
18:26:15 | Quit BryanJacobs ("Java user signed off") | |
18:26:24 | Join mcuelenaere [0] ( | |
18:42:56 | Join stoffel [0] ( | |
18:44:07 | Join bertrik [0] ( | |
18:51:04 | Join Buschel [0] ( | |
18:54:25 | Join xakh_ [0] (n=xakh@ | |
18:55:34 | xakh_ | |
18:55:37 | xakh_ | |
18:55:39 | Join Omlet [0] ( | |
18:56:18 | Hillshum | |
18:56:37 | xakh_ | |
18:56:46 | xakh_ | |
18:59:14 | bertrik | |
18:59:20 | xakh_ | |
18:59:48 | gevaerts | |
19:00 | ||
19:00:08 | gevaerts | |
19:02:14 | xakh_ | |
19:02:21 | xakh_ | |
19:03:26 | Llorean | |
19:03:27 | gevaerts | |
19:04:19 | xakh_ | |
19:04:33 | xakh_ | |
19:04:43 | Quit xakh_ ("Leaving") | |
19:04:50 | Join BdN3504 [0] (n=5ce22561@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ | |
19:05:38 | BdN3504 | |
19:05:44 | Quit cfp ("Quitte") | |
19:06:00 | BdN3504 | |
19:08:06 | Join Sajber^ [0] ( | |
19:10:18 | BdN3504 | |
19:12:45 | Join JdGordon| [0] (n=Miranda@nat/microsoft/x-rrhmluxcmrwzgeqv) | |
19:12:52 | pixelma | |
19:13:12 | pixelma | |
19:13:34 | BdN3504 | |
19:14:04 | BdN3504 | |
19:14:24 | pixelma | |
19:14:43 | BdN3504 | |
19:14:55 | BdN3504 | |
19:18:38 | JdGordon| | |
19:19:25 | amiconn | |
19:19:29 | pixelma | |
19:19:46 | Bagder | |
19:20:05 | amiconn | |
19:20:13 | Bagder | |
19:22:16 | AlexP | |
19:22:42 | AlexP | |
19:24:20 | pixelma | |
19:24:38 | AlexP | |
19:26:21 | Join Horscht [0] (n=Horscht2@xbmc/user/horscht) | |
19:29:37 | Join jgarvey [0] ( | |
19:32:31 | Quit flydutch ("/* empty */") | |
19:33:03 | Join notlistening [0] ( | |
19:34:19 | Join merbanan [0] ( | |
19:37:02 | notlistening | |
19:37:15 | JdGordon| | |
19:37:34 | Join GeekShado_ [0] ( | |
19:37:54 | Join domonoky [0] (n=Domonoky@rockbox/developer/domonoky) | |
19:38:09 | notlistening | |
19:38:17 | BdN3504 | |
19:38:31 | JdGordon| | |
19:39:02 | gevaerts | |
19:39:11 | BdN3504 | |
19:39:12 | pixelma | |
19:39:23 | BdN3504 | |
19:39:28 | AlexP | |
19:39:35 | AlexP | |
19:39:43 | gevaerts | |
19:39:47 | notlistening | |
19:39:50 | pixelma | |
19:39:55 | Hillshum | |
19:40:05 | pixelma | |
19:40:19 | * | |
19:40:20 | AlexP | |
19:41:10 | pixelma | |
19:44:52 | domonoky | |
19:46:34 | Join courtc [0] (n=court@unaffiliated/courtc) | |
19:46:43 | BdN3504 | |
19:46:54 | Join kugel [0] (n=kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel) | |
19:47:46 | BdN3504 | |
19:49:26 | pixelma | |
19:49:41 | * | |
19:49:48 | kugel | |
19:49:59 | JdGordon| | |
19:50:10 | gevaerts | |
19:50:44 | kugel | |
19:51:05 | * | |
19:51:21 | * | |
19:51:25 | * | |
19:51:51 | kugel | |
19:54:53 | Quit GeekShadow (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
19:55:05 | Quit amiconn (Remote closed the connection) | |
19:55:06 | Quit pixelma (Remote closed the connection) | |
19:55:08 | CIA-61 | |
20:00 | ||
20:02:12 | Join pixelma [0] (i=quassel@rockbox/staff/pixelma) | |
20:02:14 | Join amiconn [0] (i=quassel@rockbox/developer/amiconn) | |
20:06:52 | Quit Buschel (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
20:07:28 | Join Thundercloud [0] ( | |
20:08:08 | Join TheSphinX^ [0] ( | |
20:10:51 | Join funman [0] (n=fun@rockbox/developer/funman) | |
20:15:12 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
20:16:01 | Join Strife89 [0] ( | |
20:17:11 | Nick Ypsy is now known as YpsyZNC ( | |
20:17:23 | Join Buschel [0] ( | |
20:18:09 | kugel | |
20:18:30 | funman | |
20:18:55 | kugel | |
20:19:39 | kugel | |
20:20:16 | kugel | |
20:20:41 | funman | |
20:20:51 | funman | |
20:20:58 | funman | |
20:21:43 | Quit ender` (" Replication with a nonconfigured partner is not allowed. -- net helpmsg 4006") | |
20:22:56 | Nick funman is now known as gevearts (n=fun@rockbox/developer/funman) | |
20:23:34 | Join robin0800 [0] ( | |
20:24:40 | Nick gevaerts is now known as funman (n=fg@rockbox/developer/gevaerts) | |
20:24:57 | Nick funman is now known as funman_ (n=fg@rockbox/developer/gevaerts) | |
20:25:14 | Quit funman_ (Nick collision from services.) | |
20:25:21 | Nick gevearts is now known as funman (n=fun@rockbox/developer/funman) | |
20:25:23 | funman | |
20:25:25 | Join gevaerts [0] (n=fg@rockbox/developer/gevaerts) | |
20:25:28 | Nick Hillshum is now known as gevearts ( | |
20:25:29 | funman | |
20:28:25 | Nick froggyman is now known as gev ( | |
20:28:29 | Nick gevearts is now known as you ( | |
20:28:59 | Nick you is now known as Guest32003 ( | |
20:29:07 | Nick gev is now known as JDGordin ( | |
20:29:20 | Nick Guest32003 is now known as foggyman ( | |
20:29:45 | Nick JDGordin is now known as NickSeru ( | |
20:30:21 | Nick NickSeru is now known as Superman ( | |
20:30:55 | Part Superman | |
20:31:35 | Join Superman [0] ( | |
20:31:59 | Nick Superman is now known as froggyman ( | |
20:33:20 | Nick froggyman is now known as fogyman ( | |
20:33:42 | Nick foggyman is now known as froggyman ( | |
20:34:07 | BdN3504 | |
20:36:50 | Quit froggyman (Nick collision from services.) | |
20:36:57 | Nick fogyman is now known as froggyman ( | |
20:37:19 | Join Hillshum_ [0] ( | |
20:37:25 | Nick Hillshum_ is now known as Hillshum ( | |
20:38:03 | kugel | |
20:39:31 | bertrik | |
20:39:40 | n1s | |
20:40:19 | Nick froggyman is now known as evilnikc ( | |
20:41:06 | Nick evilnikc is now known as LinusTorvalds ( | |
20:41:10 | kugel | |
20:41:36 | Nick LambdaCalculus37 is now known as RichardStallman (i=44a0430d@rockbox/staff/LambdaCalculus37) | |
20:41:40 | Nick LinusTorvalds is now known as BillGates ( | |
20:41:49 | Mode | "#rockbox +o RichardStallman " by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) |
20:41:54 | Nick BillGates is now known as Bill_Gates ( | |
20:41:56 | Nick Hillshum is now known as SteveJobbs ( | |
20:41:57 | funman | |
20:42:01 | funman | |
20:42:07 | Nick RichardStallman is now known as LambdaCalculus37 (i=44a0430d@rockbox/staff/LambdaCalculus37) | |
20:42:15 | Nick Bill_Gates is now known as BiLL_Gattes ( | |
20:42:17 | Nick kugel is now known as UlrichDrepper (n=kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel) | |
20:42:17 | Part funman | |
20:42:30 | Nick BiLL_Gattes is now known as William_Shatner ( | |
20:42:41 | saratoga | |
20:42:48 | saratoga | |
20:43:01 | Nick UlrichDrepper is now known as kugel (n=kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel) | |
20:43:15 | saratoga | |
20:44:08 | Part bertrik ("Ik ben weg") | |
20:44:16 | Part William_Shatner | |
20:45:25 | Nick kugel is now known as CaptainKirk (n=kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel) | |
20:45:56 | Buschel | |
20:45:57 | Nick CaptainKirk is now known as kugel (n=kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel) | |
20:47:01 | Buschel | |
20:48:11 | Nick SteveJobbs is now known as gevearts ( | |
20:48:36 | Quit gevearts (Nick collision from services.) | |
20:49:02 | Join gevearts [0] ( | |
20:49:03 | Quit gevearts (Nick collision from services.) | |
20:49:20 | kugel | |
20:49:24 | kugel | |
20:49:29 | Join Guest38531 [0] ( | |
20:49:38 | Join froggyman [0] ( | |
20:49:53 | Nick Guest38531 is now known as KermitTheFrog ( | |
20:50:05 | Join webguest666 [0] (n=4845c4d1@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ | |
20:52:14 | Nick KermitTheFrog is now known as funmen ( | |
20:54:30 | Quit froggyman ("ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.5.2/20090729225027]") | |
20:54:47 | Join faemir [0] (n=faemir@ | |
20:54:48 | Join froggyman [0] ( | |
20:56:43 | Join Lear [0] (i=chatzill@rockbox/developer/lear) | |
20:56:44 | Quit BdN3504 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") | |
20:58:01 | Quit froggyman (Client Quit) | |
20:58:10 | Join froggyman [0] (n=4845c4d1@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ | |
20:59:05 | Quit froggyman (Client Quit) | |
20:59:10 | Join froggyman [0] ( | |
21:00 | ||
21:00:51 | Quit webguest666 ("CGI:IRC") | |
21:01:00 | Quit funmen (Remote closed the connection) | |
21:01:00 | Quit froggyman (Client Quit) | |
21:01:10 | Join froggyman [0] (n=4845c4d1@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ | |
21:01:49 | Quit froggyman (Client Quit) | |
21:02:13 | Join Hillshum [0] ( | |
21:10:36 | Join Topy [0] ( | |
21:10:36 | Quit notlistening (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
21:10:58 | Join notlistening [0] ( | |
21:15:26 | kugel | |
21:20:52 | Quit merbanan ("Leaving") | |
21:24:54 | Join bertrik [0] ( | |
21:28:45 | Quit T44 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
21:36:22 | Unhelpful | |
21:36:47 | kugel | |
21:39:06 | Unhelpful | |
21:45:57 | Join Llorean1 [0] ( | |
21:48:52 | kugel | |
21:49:07 | Join sbhsu_ [0] ( | |
21:49:07 | kugel | |
21:49:20 | Quit Llorean ( | |
21:49:20 | NSplit | |
21:49:20 | Quit bluebrother ( | |
21:49:20 | Quit Tuplanolla ( | |
21:49:20 | Quit Zambezi ( | |
21:49:20 | Quit bah_ ( | |
21:49:20 | Quit sbhsu ( | |
21:49:20 | Quit Necos ( | |
21:49:20 | Quit gtkspert ( | |
21:49:20 | Quit crwl ( | |
21:49:22 | NHeal | |
21:49:22 | NJoin | gtkspert [0] ( |
21:49:30 | Unhelpful | |
21:49:38 | Lear | |
21:50:08 | NJoin | Zambezi [0] (i=Zulu@ |
21:50:17 | NJoin | Necos [0] ( |
21:50:59 | Join Llorean [0] (n=DarkkOne@rockbox/user/Llorean) | |
21:50:59 | NJoin | bluebrother [0] (n=dom@rockbox/developer/bluebrother) |
21:50:59 | NJoin | Tuplanolla [0] (n=jani@unaffiliated/tuplanolla) |
21:50:59 | NJoin | bah_ [0] ( |
21:50:59 | NJoin | sbhsu [0] ( |
21:50:59 | NJoin | crwl [0] ( |
21:51:01 | Unhelpful | |
21:51:03 | Quit sbhsu (Connection reset by peer) | |
21:51:03 | Quit crwl (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
21:51:20 | Join crwl [0] ( | |
21:51:22 | Quit Tuplanolla (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) | |
21:51:34 | Join Tuplanolla [0] (n=jani@unaffiliated/tuplanolla) | |
21:52:02 | Quit Llorean (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) | |
21:54:10 | Join cfp [0] ( | |
21:55:45 | Quit jhulst (Remote closed the connection) | |
21:59:09 | Quit LambdaCalculus37 () | |
21:59:15 | Quit n1s (Remote closed the connection) | |
22:00 | ||
22:00:25 | kugel | |
22:01:05 | Unhelpful | |
22:01:49 | amiconn | |
22:04:31 | Quit pixelma (Nick collision from services.) | |
22:04:33 | Join pixelma_ [0] (i=quassel@rockbox/staff/pixelma) | |
22:04:51 | Nick pixelma_ is now known as pixelma (i=quassel@rockbox/staff/pixelma) | |
22:05:09 | Quit Strife89 ("Switching OSes.") | |
22:05:18 | Quit amiconn (Nick collision from services.) | |
22:05:20 | Join amiconn_ [0] (i=quassel@rockbox/developer/amiconn) | |
22:05:40 | Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (i=quassel@rockbox/developer/amiconn) | |
22:06:26 | Nick Llorean1 is now known as Llorean ( | |
22:10:35 | Join Zagor [242] ( | |
22:14:23 | Join lumis [0] ( | |
22:14:55 | gevaerts | |
22:15:01 | Join matsl [0] ( | |
22:15:15 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
22:15:21 | Zagor | |
22:16:17 | Join AndyI [0] (i=AndyI@ | |
22:18:57 | Quit Lear ("ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.5.2/20090729225027]") | |
22:19:11 | Zagor | |
22:19:19 | gevaerts | |
22:20:33 | saratoga | |
22:21:04 | Buschel | |
22:21:26 | gevaerts | |
22:21:27 | saratoga | |
22:21:58 | Zagor | |
22:22:10 | Zagor | |
22:22:21 | saratoga | |
22:22:37 | saratoga | |
22:22:39 | gevaerts | |
22:22:40 | Zagor | |
22:22:48 | saratoga | |
22:23:46 | gevaerts | |
22:23:48 | Nick YpsyZNC is now known as Ypsy ( | |
22:23:55 | Join Strife89 [0] ( | |
22:23:59 | Buschel | |
22:24:51 | saratoga | |
22:24:59 | saratoga | |
22:25:04 | saratoga | |
22:25:12 | saratoga | |
22:25:43 | saratoga | |
22:25:48 | saratoga | |
22:26:38 | Join bubsy [0] (n=Bubsy@ | |
22:34:59 | Join fml [0] (n=4fd3c4ec@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ | |
22:35:43 | fml | |
22:36:06 | JdGordon| | |
22:36:33 | amiconn | |
22:36:45 | fml | |
22:36:47 | amiconn | |
22:38:10 | fml | |
22:38:23 | gevaerts | |
22:38:38 | Llorean | |
22:38:41 | kugel | |
22:38:47 | Llorean | |
22:38:54 | gevaerts | |
22:39:10 | * | |
22:39:19 | JdGordon| | |
22:39:25 | * | |
22:39:35 | * | |
22:39:41 | pixelma | |
22:39:42 | * | |
22:39:43 | Join Newa [0] ( | |
22:40:01 | pixelma | |
22:40:20 | pixelma | |
22:40:37 | fml | |
22:41:00 | Hillshum | |
22:41:11 | fml | |
22:41:15 | gevaerts | |
22:41:26 | * | |
22:41:36 | pixelma | |
22:41:42 | fml | |
22:42:01 | pixelma | |
22:42:05 | gevaerts | |
22:42:06 | pixelma | |
22:42:32 | kugel | |
22:42:40 | fml | |
22:43:19 | fml | |
22:43:37 | JdGordon| | |
22:44:01 | fml | |
22:44:21 | * | |
22:44:34 | fml | |
22:44:47 | bluebrother | |
22:46:15 | Nick Ypsy is now known as YpsyZNC ( | |
22:46:21 | Quit TheSphinX^ ("XChat@Linux") | |
22:46:32 | pixelma | |
22:46:47 | fml | |
22:47:40 | fml | |
22:47:49 | gevaerts | |
22:51:36 | Zagor | |
22:52:02 | * | |
22:52:19 | * | |
22:52:41 | gevaerts | |
22:52:49 | pixelma | |
22:53:08 | pixelma | |
22:53:16 | pixelma | |
22:54:53 | JdGordon| | |
22:55:22 | bluebrother | |
22:55:39 | JdGordon| | |
22:55:59 | kugel | |
22:56:09 | bluebrother | |
22:56:30 | JdGordon| | |
22:57:19 | Quit fml ("CGI:IRC") | |
22:58:24 | kugel | |
23:00 | ||
23:01:44 | JdGordon| | |
23:05:31 | kugel | |
23:06:03 | Llorean | |
23:06:19 | Llorean | |
23:06:50 | Llorean | |
23:06:54 | Quit cfp ("Quitte") | |
23:07:18 | JdGordon| | |
23:08:09 | kugel | |
23:08:18 | kugel | |
23:08:26 | Llorean | |
23:08:30 | Llorean | |
23:08:57 | JdGordon| | |
23:10:01 | gevaerts | |
23:10:55 | gevaerts | |
23:13:27 | saratoga | |
23:14:20 | JdGordon| | |
23:14:27 | gevaerts | |
23:14:57 | Hillshum | |
23:15:02 | Zagor | |
23:15:11 | Quit evilnick ("Page closed") | |
23:15:17 | gevaerts | |
23:16:31 | Zagor | |
23:16:51 | gevaerts | |
23:17:46 | gevaerts | |
23:18:54 | Quit lumis ("Leaving.") | |
23:19:35 | Zagor | |
23:19:51 | Quit matsl (Remote closed the connection) | |
23:19:56 | Zagor | |
23:20:48 | gevaerts | |
23:21:10 | Zagor | |
23:22:49 | gevaerts | |
23:24:02 | gevaerts | |
23:24:07 | Zagor | |
23:24:16 | Join dmb [0] (n=Dmb@unaffiliated/dmb) | |
23:26:57 | Quit stoffel (Remote closed the connection) | |
23:31:43 | Join jerl92 [0] ( | |
23:32:44 | Quit domonoky (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
23:32:59 | gevaerts | |
23:33:10 | Part jerl92 | |
23:33:22 | Zagor | |
23:33:51 | Quit Omlet () | |
23:36:59 | Quit moos ("Rockbox rules the DAP world") | |
23:38:06 | Join safetydan [0] (n=deverton@rockbox/developer/safetydan) | |
23:43:43 | Join MG_Man [0] (n=MGMan@ | |
23:44:18 | MG_Man | |
23:44:59 | MG_Man | |
23:45:11 | MG_Man | |
23:45:40 | gevaerts | |
23:46:43 | gevaerts | |
23:48:47 | Quit Strife89 (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) | |
23:49:30 | Join Strife89 [0] ( | |
23:50:58 | Zagor | |
23:51:21 | gevaerts | |
23:52:41 | Zagor | |
23:53:30 | Join ender` [0] ( | |
23:53:42 | Quit bertrik ("sleeo") | |
23:55:14 | Quit TheSeven ("ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.5.2/20090729225027]") | |
23:56:27 | Quit Hillshum (Remote closed the connection) | |
23:57:37 | Join Hillshum [0] ( |