00:00:54 | | Join mgpaulus [0] (i=a62294f2@gateway/web/freenode/x-ejopoastaxofcsgb) |
00:02:29 | mgpaulus | Hi all. Just installed Rockbox on my sansa e260R. Have it working fine with about 6GB of mp3. Just have one quick question that I didn't find an answer scanning for: What's the best way to "wake up" my player when the screen blanks, without messing with any settings, or going to some menu option that will mess with me? |
00:02:54 | | Quit GeekShadow ("The cake is a lie !") |
00:03:15 | JdGordon| | enable the "first button press turns on backlight" setting |
00:03:57 | mgpaulus | <JdGordon> Thanks. |
00:04:58 | * | bertrik will write his dbop-button dev-mail tomorrow |
00:05:44 | | Quit bmbl ("Bye!") |
00:05:58 | | Quit mgpaulus () |
00:07:26 | | Quit stripwax_ ("http://miranda-im.org") |
00:09:05 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (i=thunderc@persistence.flat.devzero.co.uk) |
00:09:34 | kugel | bertrik: I think you should wait until you have some hardware to test your proposals on |
00:10:10 | TechGuy | i thought about rockboxing my friends Sansa Fuze what are the risks of doing so? |
00:10:17 | TechGuy | the same as any mp3 player? |
00:10:20 | bertrik | I have some concerns that I can also voice without having the hardware I think |
00:10:24 | | Quit webmind (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
00:11:02 | kugel | I won't stop you :) |
00:12:04 | | Join webmind [0] (n=webmind@shell.puscii.nl) |
00:16:25 | kugel | amiconn: can you tell me if there's a register where I could store 16bit in in lcd-as-e200v2-fuze.S? |
00:17:03 | kugel | maybe some is known to be always only half full |
00:17:22 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
00:21:38 | | Quit Zagor ("Clint excited") |
00:24:15 | bertrik | if I do 'make reconf' in a zenvision-m30 build dir, it errors out |
00:24:37 | kugel | arg, I can't get it to work with yuh+dithering |
00:25:48 | | Quit jgarvey ("Leaving") |
00:28:50 | | Quit bertrik ("De groeten") |
00:35:57 | | Quit Newa (" boot") |
00:39:57 | | Quit moos ("Rockbox rules the DAP world") |
00:40:33 | | Join moos [0] (i=mostafa@rockbox/staff/moos) |
00:44:30 | | Quit captainkwel ("Page closed") |
00:45:25 | * | kugel doesn't understand this |
00:50:30 | | Quit dfkt ("-= SysReset 2.53=- Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.") |
00:52:53 | kugel | if anyone is able to see why lcd_write_yuv420_lines() works fine, but lcd_write_yuv420_lines_odither() not, please tell me :( http://pastie.org/601055 |
00:54:04 | | Join saratoga [0] (i=9803c6dd@gateway/web/freenode/x-gbqljmrjpdihioho) |
00:54:22 | saratoga | kugel: if hardware registers were read cached, it would be very hard to read from them |
00:54:26 | saratoga | you'd have to flush the cache on read |
00:55:04 | kugel | yea, that makes sense |
00:56:48 | | Quit domonoky (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
00:57:00 | kugel | saratoga: you have e200v2, haven't you? |
00:57:11 | saratoga | kugel: i do but am really busy today |
00:57:18 | kugel | ok |
00:57:20 | saratoga | what do you need |
00:57:44 | kugel | testing of a patch here: http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/10272 |
00:57:53 | kugel | the latest one is committed, so the one before |
00:59:25 | | Quit PaulJam (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
01:00 |
01:02:15 | saratoga | kugel: hunk failed? |
01:02:23 | kugel | which? |
01:02:30 | saratoga | theres only 1 hunk |
01:02:52 | saratoga | hmm no there isn't |
01:03:24 | | Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) |
01:03:31 | saratoga | i have unpatched numbers, which are useful? |
01:04:12 | kugel | huh? |
01:04:31 | kugel | you don't need the lcd-fuze.c hunk |
01:04:35 | kugel | the others are needed |
01:06:16 | kugel | saratoga: take this one http://pastie.org/601070 |
01:07:17 | saratoga | that doesn't apply either |
01:07:32 | kugel | svn up? |
01:07:37 | saratoga | already did |
01:07:39 | kugel | I just did that and made the diff of it |
01:08:27 | kugel | that gotta apply, I made it from a clean source |
01:08:48 | saratoga | kugel: http://pastebin.com/m265409d |
01:09:00 | saratoga | firmware/target/arm/as3525/sansa-e200v2/lcd-e200v2.c.rej |
01:10:47 | saratoga | kugel sorry i have to go |
01:10:47 | kugel | saratoga: http://pastie.org/601077 this one maybe? |
01:10:50 | | Quit saratoga ("Page closed") |
01:10:50 | kugel | ok |
01:10:57 | kugel | strange |
01:13:04 | | Join polobricolo [0] (n=paul@AGrenoble-257-1-122-185.w90-27.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
01:24:09 | | Quit mcuelenaere () |
01:35:04 | | Join Strife89 [0] (n=Strife89@adsl-154-3-186.mcn.bellsouth.net) |
01:37:56 | | Join mc2739 [0] (n=mc2739@cpe-67-10-237-133.satx.res.rr.com) |
01:38:58 | | Part Necos |
01:41:45 | | Join sean [0] (n=4083f4d3@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/session) |
01:41:45 | sean | hello |
01:41:45 | sean | is this the Rockbox IRC? |
01:41:45 | sean | anybody? |
01:41:52 | | Quit sean (Client Quit) |
01:41:53 | tmzt | looks like desktop linux stuff might be getting easier, http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/devkit-devel/2009-July/000311.html |
01:42:23 | tmzt | assuming rockbox exports something that could be used to identify that it's running |
01:42:59 | mc2739 | kugel: tested next to last patch from FS #10272 against r22574 (would not apply to r22577) - test_fps unboosted: was 1/1: 44.7 fps now 1/1: 64.5 fps - test_fps boosted: was 1/1: 73.6 fps now 1/1: 100.0 fps |
01:44:08 | JdGordon| | so i dont need to test the e200v2? |
01:44:18 | mc2739 | kugel: http://pastie.org/601077 also fails to apply to r22577 |
01:45:34 | mc2739 | JdGordon|: not unless you really want to |
01:46:49 | kugel | the very last patch? |
01:47:03 | kugel | How does it not apply for you?! I create against clean svn :S |
01:47:48 | kugel | mc2739: alright, so please for boosting in the debug menu and look out if you see blue bars (or maybe small blue pixel) |
01:47:56 | JdGordon| | kugel: btw... I have no idea what your takling about with the fuze supposedly slow disk.... |
01:47:57 | mc2739 | lcd-e200v2.c - Hunk #1 FAILED at 173. |
01:47:59 | JdGordon| | its fine for me |
01:48:06 | JdGordon| | no slower than any other flash target |
01:48:16 | kugel | I never said it's slow |
01:48:24 | JdGordon| | yes you did |
01:48:33 | kugel | no I didn't |
01:48:34 | JdGordon| | you said it was unusably slow so you had to add dircache |
01:48:54 | kugel | I said it's not slow, but dircache still improves it noticeably |
01:49:09 | JdGordon| | same diff |
01:49:19 | kugel | not the same |
01:50:01 | | Join Tech-Guy [0] (n=rob@adsl-76-235-185-223.dsl.klmzmi.sbcglobal.net) |
01:50:03 | | Quit Tech-Guy (Remote closed the connection) |
01:50:05 | kugel | but you also apparently fail to see that dircache also improves battery life |
01:50:11 | JdGordon| | is the lcd bezel cutting off the top few pixels? or am i damn crazy? |
01:50:21 | kugel | bezel? |
01:51:05 | kugel | the case doesn't fit correctly on some/many fuze's. some of the top lines are hidden by the case |
01:51:16 | JdGordon| | thats what i mean |
01:51:22 | * | JdGordon| wonders if he is making up words again |
01:51:46 | * | JdGordon| isnt :) |
01:52:50 | kugel | that was my whole point to finish costum ui vp finally :D |
01:52:58 | JdGordon| | hehe |
01:53:52 | * | kugel has a new tiny, but probably still debatable, feature ready |
01:54:10 | kugel | debatable due to the name of the setting of course |
01:55:15 | * | kugel waits for someone pretending to be interested |
01:55:32 | kugel | mc2739: do you notice anything weird? |
01:56:03 | mc2739 | kugel: nothing weird boosted or unboosted |
01:56:10 | kugel | you should be able to svn up after applying |
01:56:26 | kugel | apparently git is kidding me, I can't figure out why it doesn't apply for you |
01:56:37 | JdGordon| | kugel: uh oh! what? |
01:57:46 | kugel | JdGordon|: the new feature? |
01:58:18 | kkurbjun | amiconn: I'm running into another problem with the vertical packing.. the m:robe 500 lcd is effectively inverted from left to right (with vertical packing). I can store the images inverted and I could load them inverted, but if I were to use them inverted it would mean that I need to know that height stride and the actual width of the image if it is a _part call. |
01:58:20 | kkurbjun | If I store the images non-inverted then the backdrop is inverted. Since just the left to right is inverted, but not the top to bottom I think I need to do divide/multiply's to figure out the backdrop location to make it appear correct for some of the pixel functions. I could also invert the backdrop only after it is loded, but that seems sloppy, I was wondering what you think the best approach would be for handling the inverted display. |
01:59:20 | JdGordon| | kugel: yeah |
01:59:24 | kkurbjun | I looked for the signals that are supposed to invert the display, but I don't think they are connected to the processor unfortunately |
01:59:48 | kugel | I love listening to gapless albums, so I always hate destroying the gap when skipping a track |
01:59:53 | mc2739 | kugel: sorry, my mistake, I was still at r22574 - it applies fine to r22577 - building now |
02:00 |
02:00:14 | kugel | so just added a "jump to 5s before the track's end" option to skip length |
02:00:41 | JdGordon| | thats rather,... umm.... WTF? |
02:00:53 | kugel | why that? |
02:01:10 | kugel | WTF as in awesome? yea! |
02:01:13 | JdGordon| | thats just wierd :p |
02:01:32 | kugel | I can listen to the gaps that way |
02:01:43 | kugel | the gapless gaps, that is |
02:01:49 | JdGordon| | of course! |
02:01:52 | JdGordon| | bbl |
02:01:55 | | Quit JdGordon| ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
02:03:28 | kugel | kkurbjun: isn't inverting something you can get around with setting up the loops in lcd_update_rect with some magic? |
02:03:47 | kugel | and setting the window position |
02:04:35 | kkurbjun | kugel, not if I want to take advantage of the dma for lcd updates |
02:04:38 | | Quit FlynDice (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) |
02:04:58 | kugel | yea, understandable |
02:06:03 | kkurbjun | right now what I'm doing is writing a new lcd driver that has everything oriented as vertical stripes rather than horizontal stripes so that the rotation is taken care of at the lcd_ functions |
02:06:27 | kkurbjun | it really speeds things up, but the backdro pis a bit of a problem unfortunately |
02:06:34 | kkurbjun | 200 fps versus 20 :-D |
02:06:52 | kugel | worth it! |
02:07:20 | | Quit TechGuy (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
02:07:25 | kugel | i've been speeding up some lcds today too, but 200fps is far away |
02:07:27 | mc2739 | kugel: test_fps unboosted: 1/1: 100.0 fps - test_fps boosted: 1/1: 100.0 fps |
02:07:41 | kkurbjun | nice |
02:07:44 | kugel | 200fps is an awful lot of data on the mrobe, isn't it? |
02:07:56 | kugel | mr500 that is |
02:08:04 | kkurbjun | yeah, 640x480x2 bytes |
02:08:11 | kkurbjun | per frame |
02:08:57 | kugel | 123MB/s :p |
02:09:16 | kugel | the AMS sansas cannot do more than 8 :/ |
02:09:27 | kkurbjun | the hardware dma takes advantage of bursting to/from the sdram so that helps quite a bit |
02:09:37 | kugel | we're so much faster than the hardware |
02:10:10 | kugel | mc2739: nice, that's what I also get on my fuze. still no blue bars/pixel? |
02:11:25 | | Join FlynDice [0] (n=FlynDice@c-24-19-225-90.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) |
02:12:17 | | Join JdGordroid [0] (n=jdgordy@m170e36d0.tmodns.net) |
02:12:45 | kugel | mc2739: btw, is the scrollwheel any nicer with that patch? speeding up the lcd so much should vastly decrease the chance of getting blocked by it in our scrollwheel reading |
02:12:48 | mc2739 | kugel: no blue bars or pixels |
02:16:17 | mc2739 | kugel: scrollwheel seems much better |
02:17:01 | | Quit JdGordroid (Remote closed the connection) |
02:17:08 | kugel | compare it to pre-r22575 if you like |
02:17:23 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
02:18:16 | mc2739 | kugel: I compared to clean r22574 and it is much smoother |
02:18:30 | kugel | cool! :) |
02:19:04 | kugel | the fuze's wheel isn't so improved, since it works while lcd updates |
02:25:44 | | Part froggyman |
02:25:47 | | Quit andrewrb ("ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.5.2/20090729225027]") |
02:25:53 | | Join froggyman [0] (n=chatzill@pool-71-186-11-249.chi01.dsl-w.verizon.net) |
02:28:26 | | Join GreaterBeaver [0] (n=chatzill@c-71-59-18-236.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) |
02:28:27 | GreaterBeaver | hi |
02:28:36 | GreaterBeaver | is it possible to play hdcd files on rockbox? |
02:29:00 | GreaterBeaver | wait i can |
02:29:02 | GreaterBeaver | thanks |
02:29:04 | | Part GreaterBeaver |
02:30:36 | Mode | "#rockbox +o moos " by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) |
02:30:50 | Mode | "#rockbox -o moos " by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) |
02:31:02 | | Quit Torne (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
02:31:45 | kugel | mc2739: going to commit it, thanks for testing |
02:32:39 | mc2739 | kugel: you are welcome! I'm glad to help |
02:39:16 | | Join Torne [0] (i=torne@lowell.wolfpuppy.org.uk) |
02:42:27 | CIA-43 | New commit by kugel (r22578): Fuze/e200v2: Speed up the LCD further by letting the FIFO fill until it's full instead of keeping it almost empty. ... |
02:43:24 | moos | well done ! |
02:44:32 | kugel | thanks :) |
02:44:54 | kugel | Unhelpful: how much fps does the beast get in PF? |
02:45:23 | kugel | fuze has 55, and PF can't keep up with loading the covers :/ |
02:46:35 | Unhelpful | kugel: i said what i think the solution is. :) |
02:47:26 | Unhelpful | instead of threading loads, and letting the OS take care of scheduling them, do them them in the main thread, so we can control load-to-scroll ratio |
02:49:28 | * | Strife89 tries to strike up interest in FS #8806. |
02:50:47 | CIA-43 | New commit by kkurbjun (r22579): Initial vertical stride LCD driver. Backdrop is inverted with it currently. |
02:54:33 | kugel | kkurbjun: isn't stride always the height in the new driver? |
02:54:44 | kkurbjun | yes |
02:54:50 | kkurbjun | well |
02:54:54 | kkurbjun | not exactly |
02:55:00 | kkurbjun | not for _part call |
02:55:01 | kkurbjun | s |
02:55:05 | kugel | just wondering since the STRIDE macro is still in |
02:55:30 | kkurbjun | since there are alot of images that are vertical strips the height is not always the stride |
02:55:48 | kugel | seems we also need a lcd-16bit-common.c :) |
02:55:50 | kkurbjun | yeah, the stride macro is required |
02:56:06 | * | JdGordon suspects there is a issue with line handling and is amazed it never caused a problem untill now :p |
02:56:19 | kkurbjun | alot of those common functions may have to change depending on how the backdrop needs to be handled |
02:57:50 | CIA-43 | New commit by kkurbjun (r22580): Add in BMP loader for vertical stride and include lcd-16bit-vert.c in SOURCES |
02:58:30 | JdGordon | kkurbjun: all this is for fast lcd updating without really putting it into horiz mode? |
02:59:20 | Strife89 | What are vertical strides, exactly? |
02:59:38 | | Join FOAD_ [0] (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) |
03:00 |
03:00:21 | kkurbjun | JdGordon: yes, it makes it so that the lcd routines are oriented in the natural format of the lcd even though it is effectively rotated. |
03:00:31 | JdGordon | cool |
03:00:40 | | Quit FOAD (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
03:00:40 | | Nick FOAD_ is now known as FOAD (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) |
03:01:18 | kkurbjun | Strife89: I don't know if it's the right term, but instead of the pixels being oriented so that a sequential address increment moves horizontally, it moves vertically instead |
03:01:20 | * | kugel wonders if kkurbjun is planning on the ability to change orientation at runtime |
03:01:46 | kkurbjun | JdGordon: yeah, it makes the gui and the games much move responsive |
03:02:00 | kugel | of course, games are his motivation :p |
03:02:04 | Strife89 | kkurbjun: Ah. :) |
03:03:51 | JdGordon | arg |
03:03:51 | kkurbjun | kugel: unfortunately no, the images are oriented at compile time so it would take quite a bit to re-arrange them during runtime. I think there would be problems making LCD_WIDTH and LCD_HEIGHT variables too. |
03:03:57 | kkurbjun | :-D |
03:04:00 | * | JdGordon now has bloxes where \n should be |
03:04:41 | | Quit z35 (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) |
03:05:10 | | Join z35 [0] (n=z35@ool-45701ce5.dyn.optonline.net) |
03:05:14 | Unhelpful | kugel: did you get fonts going nicely? |
03:06:06 | JdGordon | anyone game to try out a skin patch? |
03:06:32 | Strife89 | JdGordon: What's it do, exactly? |
03:06:41 | JdGordon | hopefuly.... nothing noticable :) |
03:07:34 | Strife89 | JdGordon: Sure, what's the FS#? |
03:07:43 | kugel | kkurbjun: oh :( You seem like the right man for the job :) |
03:08:32 | JdGordon | http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/10576 |
03:08:58 | Strife89 | JdGordon: I've got an iPod Photo and a Sansa c250. |
03:09:04 | JdGordon | gogogo :) |
03:09:52 | | Join langzeitstudent_ [0] (n=langzeit@p5B17EA19.dip.t-dialin.net) |
03:10:07 | JdGordon | dont bother... |
03:10:10 | JdGordon | data abort on my ipod |
03:10:33 | Strife89 | JdGordon: Already? :/ |
03:10:58 | Strife89 | Sheesh, I haven't even applied the patch yet. |
03:11:58 | JdGordon | grrr... |
03:12:07 | JdGordon | i cant find the location in the map |
03:12:35 | * | Dhraakellian sees changes for the Fuze |
03:12:44 | * | Dhraakellian updates and starts building |
03:13:15 | * | Dhraakellian does somewhat miss being able to use precompiled binaries |
03:13:24 | JdGordon | and bloody hell.. it wont crash gdb |
03:13:26 | kugel | JdGordon: map is for looser, look into the disassembly directly |
03:13:38 | Dhraakellian | but, well, I really like having a usable scratchpad button in Sudoku |
03:13:41 | * | JdGordon isnt that much of a masochist |
03:14:10 | kugel | the map isn't very detailed. the disassembly shows you every address |
03:15:04 | kugel | and function and variable names |
03:15:28 | Unhelpful | indeed. if you build debug binaries, you can use map or the linked binary to find the address offset from the function, and then the .o to look at the fault address in src+asm view :D |
03:16:09 | kugel | the .o happens to be the whole rockbox.elf though, which makes a look into the map beforehand quite useless :) |
03:16:47 | kugel | well, there are many .o's, but looking at rockbox.elf is very convinient :) |
03:17:26 | Unhelpful | kugel: debug data seems to be stripped during our link stage :/ |
03:17:45 | Strife89 | JdGordon: Tell me if you get a new patch up. :) |
03:17:53 | kugel | no, stripping happens at the very end |
03:18:14 | kugel | .elf −− stripping −−> .bin −− scramble −−> .<target> |
03:18:36 | JdGordon | ok, so how do i disssemble it to get the actual funciton? |
03:18:41 | kugel | rockbox.elf contains as many debug stuff as the .o's here |
03:19:55 | | Quit Stephen_ ("Leaving") |
03:20:07 | kugel | JdGordon: do you know the function already? |
03:20:16 | JdGordon | no |
03:20:53 | kugel | arm-elf-objdump -D rockbox.elf > somefile.txt, then search the file for the address the data abort gave you. scroll then up for the function name |
03:22:39 | JdGordon | seems to be in clear_image_pos :< |
03:23:24 | | Join fdinel [0] (n=Miranda@modemcable204.232-203-24.mc.videotron.ca) |
03:23:47 | JdGordon | update_curr_subline definetly makes more sense... |
03:23:56 | JdGordon | now how do i get the c line its in? |
03:24:06 | kugel | that's the tricky part :) |
03:24:23 | kugel | although Unhelpful mentioned some src+arm view which I never heard off |
03:24:27 | kugel | of* |
03:24:36 | JdGordon | its in one of the case: 's though |
03:24:50 | * | JdGordon has enough understanding of asm to figure that out :p |
03:25:01 | Unhelpful | kugel: objdump -Sd <file> will mix asm and src. |
03:25:06 | JdGordon | streq ? |
03:25:13 | JdGordon | string equalt? |
03:26:00 | kugel | streq means store if the eq flag is set |
03:26:04 | | Quit jboy_ (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
03:26:07 | JdGordon | ok good |
03:26:14 | JdGordon | there is no string compares in that func :p |
03:26:15 | kugel | the address you want to store at is probably invalid |
03:26:48 | JdGordon | Unhelpful: file there being the .c or .o? |
03:28:10 | kugel | Unhelpful: that doesn't seem to work with arm-elf-objdump, it's not build with -g, is it? |
03:28:48 | kugel | JdGordon: is your curr_line pointer's maybe gone wild? |
03:28:50 | JdGordon | http://pastebin.com/m27dcde79 someone magic me :) the abort is at 00030bb0 |
03:28:59 | Unhelpful | kugel: it needs to be built with -g, and it needs to be the .o file, because the .elf has been through our linker script and had everything stripped |
03:29:04 | JdGordon | its almost certainly a null ref |
03:29:22 | JdGordon | its in the displayer though... not the parser |
03:29:24 | kugel | that doesn't crash on arm as I noticed some days ago |
03:29:45 | JdGordon | well.. a bad pointer of some sort |
03:30:17 | JdGordon | the problem is in the parser though... cabbie loaded at boot works fine... cabbie loaded after another theme is chaos |
03:30:23 | kugel | arg, you got me to apply your patch |
03:30:49 | Unhelpful | however, symbols are not assigned addresses yet in the .o, so you need to get the offset of the crash address from the symbol via the map or objdump on the .elf |
03:31:42 | JdGordon | ldr   r2, [r1, #12] needs translating.... |
03:31:50 | JdGordon | load register.... which? |
03:32:06 | * | JdGordon really should learn arm one day |
03:32:29 | | Quit robin0800 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
03:33:14 | * | JdGordon adds a panicf() and checks the obvious pointer |
03:33:40 | kugel | JdGordon: "line->curr_subline->next == NULL" is the line |
03:34:30 | JdGordon | curr_sibline is someone being NULL? which should be caught eariler? |
03:34:32 | Unhelpful | JdGordon: load address-in-r1, +12, into r2. i think. |
03:34:39 | kugel | (I think at least) |
03:35:04 | JdGordon | either way.. something is fucked :p |
03:35:11 | * | JdGordon gets going on dinner |
03:35:49 | kugel | JdGordon: it's definitely that lone |
03:35:51 | kugel | line* |
03:36:38 | Unhelpful | line could be NULL too... if you compile the source file in question with -fverbose-asm -save-temps you can get a .s file with comments saying which variables are in the registers. |
03:40:35 | JdGordon | its not... I just added a panicf() if !line and that got through |
03:40:40 | kugel | JdGordon: ah, sorry, it's " if (line->curr_subline->next)" |
03:41:23 | kugel | why did gcc put a beq to skip that str, instead of just strneq?? |
03:43:00 | * | Strife89 heads off to bed. |
03:43:02 | | Quit Strife89 ("If you hold a Unix shell to your ear, you can hear the C.") |
03:45:09 | JdGordon | oh goody... got gdb to segfault :) |
03:45:25 | JdGordon | p line |
03:45:25 | JdGordon | $1 = (struct wps_line *) 0x1 |
03:45:27 | JdGordon | WTF?! |
03:47:21 | | Quit froggyman ("ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.5.2/20090729225027]") |
03:47:51 | * | kugel wonders if gcc is smart enough to pad the chars in struct wps_line prorply |
03:49:42 | kugel | JdGordon: I know you want to save spaces, but the WPS_REFRESH_MASK should be an int IMO (or at least a short....) |
03:50:03 | kugel | I mean "unsigned char line_type;" |
03:50:05 | JdGordon | trying to keep changes minimal... |
03:50:11 | JdGordon | na, thats fine |
03:50:28 | * | JdGordon doesnt know if he fixed it or moved it :( |
03:50:49 | kugel | other parts are treating it as an int |
03:53:30 | JdGordon | there is apparently a global variable line somewhere... |
03:54:04 | JdGordon | nope still crashes :( |
03:58:20 | kugel | i told you the line |
03:58:24 | JdGordon | curr_line is somehow getting set to 1 |
03:58:30 | JdGordon | yes gdb agrees with you |
03:58:51 | * | JdGordon really doesnt want to start this from scratch |
03:59:04 | JdGordon | tucker time |
04:00 |
04:01:47 | | Join timc [0] (n=aoeu@ |
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04:06:36 | kkurbjun | hmm, I can't access svn.rockbox.org.. |
04:06:37 | | Join Xerion_ [0] (i=xerion@82-170-197-160.ip.telfort.nl) |
04:06:42 | CIA-43 | New commit by kugel (r22581): Move the FIFO emptying up, as having it after lcd_write_single_data16() causes problems with uneven transfers (I'm not sure why). |
04:06:46 | kugel | kkurbjun: I can :p |
04:06:55 | kkurbjun | :) |
04:07:12 | kkurbjun | ahh, there it goes |
04:07:20 | | Join TorneWuff [0] (n=torne@lowell.wolfpuppy.org.uk) |
04:07:37 | CIA-43 | New commit by kkurbjun (r22582): Brickmania: Make the game speed scale with the GAMESCREEN_HEIGHT. |
04:08:24 | kugel | so you're having fun with fixing shitloads plugins? |
04:08:31 | kugel | I might have a job for you then :) |
04:09:10 | kkurbjun | haha, no, I would rather be done with these - the plugins are a bit of a mess |
04:11:59 | kugel | this macro is weird! "*GAMESCREEN_HEIGHT/176" |
04:13:18 | | Join nirom [0] (n=lpmorin@bas1-montreal27-1176414002.dsl.bell.ca) |
04:13:25 | kkurbjun | yeah, it is a bit strange, but I was not sure when the compiler did the division so I wanted to make sure that the order of operations was carried out: mult then divide |
04:14:19 | kugel | huh? |
04:14:42 | kugel | 6 SPEED_SCALE or 6*SPEED_SCALE is totally the same, and doesn't have anything todo with the compiler |
04:14:48 | | Quit Torne (Read error: 111 (Connection refused)) |
04:15:36 | kkurbjun | if speed scale was just defined as GAMESCREENHEIGHT/176 is it possible for the compile to do that division before substituting it in for SPEED_SCALE? |
04:15:51 | kugel | no |
04:16:02 | kugel | the compiler doesnt see that at all |
04:16:08 | kugel | it's all preprocessor |
04:16:42 | kkurbjun | ahh, so the preprocessor does the substitutions and then the compiler calculates anything that is static? |
04:16:50 | kugel | yes |
04:17:07 | kkurbjun | gotcha, I'll change that define then |
04:17:24 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
04:17:26 | kugel | you can make sure of the order by using parenthesis |
04:18:38 | kkurbjun | yeah, order of operations should be fine if it's substituted before evaluated |
04:20:18 | kugel | bubbles is plenty fast with 100fps |
04:20:33 | kugel | looks a bit turbo to me :p |
04:24:05 | | Quit Xerion (Connection timed out) |
04:24:05 | | Nick Xerion_ is now known as Xerion (i=xerion@82-170-197-160.ip.telfort.nl) |
04:24:50 | | Nick nirom is now known as nirom_away (n=lpmorin@bas1-montreal27-1176414002.dsl.bell.ca) |
04:25:02 | | Quit Lss (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
04:28:37 | Unhelpful | the compiler should fold pretty much any subexpression that has only constant inputs into a single constant value |
04:30:04 | | Quit CaptainKwel (orwell.freenode.net irc.freenode.net) |
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04:36:02 | NJoin | CaptainKwel [0] (n=jason@207-237-172-77.c3-0.nyr-ubr4.nyr.ny.cable.rcn.com) |
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04:36:02 | NJoin | rwong [0] (n=ricky@www.roflwaffle.com) |
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04:36:02 | NJoin | cg_ [0] (n=cromos@cable-kmi-fe71de00-186.dhcp.inet.fi) |
04:38:42 | | Join dys` [0] (n=andreas@ |
04:40:20 | CIA-43 | New commit by kkurbjun (r22583): Brickmania: Fix define and add support for vertical strides. |
04:41:00 | | Nick nirom_away is now known as nirom (n=lpmorin@bas1-montreal27-1176414002.dsl.bell.ca) |
04:44:14 | CIA-43 | New commit by kkurbjun (r22584): Star: Add support for Vertical strides. |
04:46:45 | | Quit rvvs89 (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
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05:10:03 | | Quit JdGordon ("Leaving.") |
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05:23:10 | CIA-43 | New commit by kkurbjun (r22585): Invadrox: Add support for vertical strides |
05:40:26 | CIA-43 | New commit by kkurbjun (r22586): Matrix: Add support for vertical strides |
05:42:24 | | Quit Horscht ("Verlassend") |
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06:32:08 | | Quit panni_ ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 3.81 :: www.XLhost.de )") |
06:39:52 | CIA-43 | New commit by kkurbjun (r22587): Add support for vertical stride to resizer. |
06:40:57 | | Join LinusN [0] (n=linus@rockbox/developer/LinusN) |
06:42:38 | CIA-43 | New commit by lowlight (r22588): Enable sound on the Samsung YH-920 |
06:57:10 | | Join AndyIL [0] (n=pasha_in@ |
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07:52:28 | | Join l403 [0] (n=l@ |
07:53:14 | l403 | hello |
07:55:48 | | Part toffe82 |
07:57:09 | l403 | I have looked at this list http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/MrSomeonesTodoList and checked the first task, to organize the settings list, the list seems to be organized already so the task can be removed from the list |
08:00 |
08:02:16 | JdGordroid | not at all |
08:02:28 | JdGordroid | its still a huge mess |
08:03:03 | l403 | O_o |
08:05:10 | l403 | ok, checking again |
08:05:32 | JdGordroid | its mostly in generation groups unit its far from what wed call organised |
08:07:29 | | Join JdGordon [0] (n=jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) |
08:16:26 | l403 | I have found two closing parentheses that dont have their opening. they are highlighted in red in vim on line 600 and 1303 |
08:16:42 | l403 | ..in settings_list.c |
08:17:29 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
08:19:00 | JdGordon | your line numbers are wrong... |
08:19:06 | JdGordon | 600 is a #else |
08:20:36 | | Join pamaury [0] (n=apouly@slsu0-19.ens-lyon.fr) |
08:21:07 | pamaury | pcc1: hello, funman told me yesterday that you were interested in MTP for rockbox |
08:22:07 | | Join intrados_ [0] (n=intrados@cpe-71-67-138-190.woh.res.rr.com) |
08:22:15 | l403 | /* display */ > CHOICE_SETTING > #else > ID2P(LANG_INVERT_CURSOR_BAR)) |
08:22:46 | | Quit intrados (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
08:23:37 | JdGordon | the next character after CHOICE_SETTING is the ( |
08:24:09 | | Join Zagor [242] (n=bjorn@rockbox/developer/Zagor) |
08:25:10 | l403 | but that is closed after ID2P(LANG_INVERT_CURSOR_GRADIENT)) |
08:25:27 | JdGordon | yes? |
08:25:46 | | Quit JdGordroid (Remote closed the connection) |
08:27:21 | amiconn | kkurbjun: Maybe I don't understand the backwards problem fully, but I think you have two options: |
08:28:14 | amiconn | (1) Make the bitmap format even weirder, so that the images go right-to-left like the framebuffer |
08:29:01 | amiconn | (2) Flip everything to left-to-right, and change the lcd update to go column by column. You need that for partial updates anyway |
08:29:32 | l403 | I guess I just need to study more |
08:29:57 | amiconn | I also think that the lcd_framebuffer definition needs changing. The LCDADDR() macro looks horrible... |
08:29:58 | | Join flydutch [0] (n=flydutch@host214-146-dynamic.15-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) |
08:30:15 | amiconn | I mean it needs changing for this special pixel format |
08:31:50 | | Quit pamaury ("Parti") |
08:31:50 | amiconn | Another option would be to give up on this, go back to using plain lcd-16bit.c, and optimise the update function . It would mean to render quite some work useless though :\ |
08:33:47 | amiconn | I also wonder whether the lcd controller allows to set the update direction (I mean horizontal <-> vertical). Many lcd controllers have that feature |
08:35:46 | | Quit AndyI (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) |
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09:00 |
09:00:23 | | Quit AndyI (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
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09:18:51 | | Join l403 [0] (n=l@ |
09:18:57 | JdGordon | can someone please have a look at FS #10576 and see if you can spot bad code? somewhere curr_line (I tihnk) is getting corrupted, and I'm 99% sure its in skin_parser.c but for the life of me I cant see it... |
09:19:18 | JdGordon | it seems to only happen after loading some themes after other ones... |
09:19:25 | | Quit l403 (Client Quit) |
09:19:40 | JdGordon | e.g on the video cabbie works fine loaded from boot, but not after some other theme is loaded first |
09:20:43 | funman | JdGordon: where is the crash? |
09:21:24 | JdGordon | the actual crash happens in update_curr_subline() in skin_display.. but by the the line is completly corrupted |
09:22:25 | funman | did you try running the sim in valgrind? |
09:24:01 | JdGordon | nope, ill give that a quick go |
09:25:44 | JdGordon | nup, nothing in valgrinds output out of the ordinary... and I did get to my panicf() so it did happen |
09:26:46 | funman | no panicf in http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/10576?getfile=20437 |
09:27:06 | JdGordon | no, i added it locally... |
09:27:24 | JdGordon | its at the start of of update_curr_subline() if line==1 |
09:28:03 | funman | but line is a pointer? |
09:28:08 | JdGordon | yes |
09:28:15 | JdGordon | line is somehow getting set to 1! |
09:28:36 | funman | oh ok, can you see what did set it to 1 in the backtrace ? |
09:28:57 | JdGordon | nope |
09:29:26 | JdGordon | hmm/... going by some debug output it looks like its happening pretty late in the redraw... maybe the last line of the skin |
09:30:21 | funman | how can i trigger the bug ? |
09:30:27 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (i=thunderc@persistence.flat.devzero.co.uk) |
09:30:48 | JdGordon | ipod video sim, load the boxes theme, then load the cabbiev2 theme, then start music |
09:30:57 | JdGordon | or return to music |
09:32:39 | JdGordon | 0x790001 doesnt look like a correct pointer... does it? |
09:32:53 | JdGordon | they should all be 32bit aligned |
09:33:22 | funman | if you do 32bits access yes |
09:35:34 | funman | curr_vp->lines = 0x9bd in parse_progressbar |
09:36:17 | | Join Zagor [242] (n=bjorn@rockbox/developer/Zagor) |
09:39:18 | funman | skin_data_load() doesn't initialize lines ? |
09:40:01 | funman | ah with wps_start_new_line() .. |
09:40:59 | JdGordon | no, I tihnk thats it |
09:41:12 | JdGordon | curr_vp->lines needs to be set to NULL before going into that the first time |
09:41:37 | JdGordon | damn, nope |
09:42:53 | funman | In 2 crashs I see skin_viewport->lines (skin_display.c) and curr_vp->lines (skin_parser.c) are corrupted |
09:43:39 | JdGordon | almost certainly caused by the parser though |
09:43:49 | JdGordon | but yes, thats the same I'm seeing |
09:45:37 | JdGordon | SON OF A BITCH!~ |
09:45:44 | JdGordon | funman: you win the internet! |
09:45:57 | JdGordon | vp->lines isnt being initlaised in parse_viewport() |
09:46:49 | funman | hm but what does wps_start_new_line do ? |
09:47:11 | JdGordon | it adds a new line to the current viewports list of lines |
09:47:30 | funman | ah so it should be set to null before calling this |
09:47:34 | JdGordon | yeah |
09:48:11 | funman | cool, 1 internet ^^ |
09:48:55 | JdGordon | now to test on target and update the patch.. and hope it gets some testing overnight :) |
09:48:58 | JdGordon | thanks alot |
09:52:24 | JdGordon | grr.. now a different theme doesnt work |
09:52:35 | JdGordon | but now its bed time |
09:55:20 | pamaury | pcc1: tell me when you are there |
09:57:51 | | Quit Thundercloud (Remote closed the connection) |
09:58:02 | CIA-43 | New commit by mcuelenaere (r22589): Onda VX747/VX777 bootloader: power off after holding the poweroff button for 2 seconds (BUTTON_REPEAT doesn't seem to work in bootloader) |
10:00 |
10:00:15 | pcc1 | pamaury: I'm here |
10:00:56 | pamaury | pcc1: funman told me yesterday that you were interested in MTP for rockbox |
10:03:25 | pcc1 | pamaury: yes. I wanted to know if your work in progress was available anywhere so I could possibly help |
10:04:48 | pamaury | Currently it's only on my computer but that can changed :) Have you read the MTP spec / have you got some usb knownledge in rockbox ? |
10:06:59 | pcc1 | I scanned the spec but I have no other experience. I generally learn as I implement when doing this sort of development |
10:08:55 | pamaury | Ok. Have you got a svn repo or something to share the code ? |
10:11:44 | pcc1 | have you used git before? |
10:12:22 | pcc1 | the code can be shared on github or something |
10:12:23 | pamaury | No but I don't mind, it should be easy to learn to do simple things |
10:14:11 | CIA-43 | New commit by rasher (r22590): Add the Onda 777 to the simulators list. |
10:14:26 | pamaury | Ok, I'll have a look at github. Can we talk in private messages, that would avoid spamming the whole channel ? |
10:17:15 | GodEater | pamaury: please don't |
10:17:28 | GodEater | it's not spam when it's about Rockbox |
10:17:34 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
10:17:52 | GodEater | other developers would definitely be interested in reading the conversation |
10:18:01 | pamaury | That just for the git things |
10:18:15 | pamaury | Not sure developpers are interested in the setup of a git repo :) |
10:18:23 | GodEater | you might get some more help :) |
10:18:33 | GodEater | there are a reasonable number of git fans here |
10:19:24 | rasher | I'd say git talk belongs in #rockbox-community |
10:20:51 | pcc1 | in PM I asked pamaury to get the latest git repo following http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/GitVersionControl#The_public_Rockbox_git_repositor apply your patch, upload it and let me know the URL |
10:21:41 | pamaury | I'll setup something somewhere and come back when it's ready |
10:22:07 | pcc1 | has anyone actually tried uploading the repo to github? I saw a 100MB limit, but my .git directory is about 110MB |
10:23:10 | pamaury | I see a 300MB limit on github |
10:23:43 | pcc1 | hm, there were conflicts between the google search result and github's own page. I guess the latter overrules the former :) |
10:24:40 | GodEater | I think I actually set the rockbox repo up on github way back when |
10:24:51 | GodEater | repo.or.cz is another good choice, I don't think they have a size limit. |
10:24:55 | GodEater | at least, I've never hit one. |
10:26:02 | GodEater | hehe - indeed it is there. Needs an update though - I last pushed to it in 2008 ;) |
10:26:23 | pamaury | what is the url ? |
10:26:48 | rasher | repo.or.cz |
10:28:55 | GodEater | I think he meant my github copy |
10:29:12 | GodEater | http://github.com/godeater/rockbox/tree/master |
10:29:34 | GodEater | I need to work out how to add it as a remote to my local repo though |
10:29:38 | * | GodEater reads git docs |
10:30:07 | pamaury | Doesn't matter. If you have a git repo that you don't use and that we can use for our MTP tests |
10:32:28 | funman | GodEater: git-remote ? |
10:34:36 | GodEater | funman: done |
10:34:40 | GodEater | I'm just doing the git push now |
10:35:05 | pamaury | So this repo will be up-to-date ? |
10:35:42 | GodEater | yep |
10:36:01 | pamaury | And what can I do with it ? Should I fork it ? |
10:36:29 | GodEater | I can add you as a collaborator on it |
10:37:00 | pamaury | So I can modify it freely to work on MTP ? |
10:37:05 | GodEater | sure - just make a branch for MTP on it |
10:37:23 | pcc1 | pamaury: or you can clone it to create your own repo. git being a DVCS, each developer generally has their own repo |
10:37:26 | * | GodEater 's connection is noticeably slower whilst the push happens |
10:39:13 | pamaury | The best way for me would be to avoid to duplicate my modified svn local copy of RB on my computer but perhaps I'm asking too much |
10:41:01 | pcc1 | hm, having two VCSs coexist in the same repo seems like trouble. you should be able to create a patch with "svn diff" and apply to the git repo |
10:41:27 | GodEater | yeah, you could always use git-svn with the main rockbox repo too |
10:41:33 | GodEater | and just add the github one as a remote |
10:41:49 | GodEater | looks like the push is done |
10:42:40 | * | GodEater wonders how long it takes github's web interface to update |
10:43:08 | pamaury | My knowledge of git is poor, what does it changes to have github being a "remote" of my local repo as well as the main rockbox repo ? |
10:43:49 | GodEater | pamaury: it's not so much a git concept as a DVCS concept in general |
10:44:04 | GodEater | you can pull(or push/commit) code from multiple places |
10:45:04 | pamaury | Ok, so I will first use git-svn with the main repo like describe in the wiki and then add the gibhub |
10:45:14 | GodEater | that would be the ideal way ;) |
10:45:21 | GodEater | just make sure you take an svn-diff first |
10:45:38 | GodEater | so you can apply your current changes to your git repo once it's set up |
10:46:19 | pamaury | What command should I run ? I can just convert my svn repo to a git-svn ? |
10:47:11 | | Quit langzeitstudent_ (Remote closed the connection) |
10:48:51 | pcc1 | pamaury: there's no automated process. once you have a git repo you can create a patch against svn trunk with "svn diff" and apply it to the git using "patch" |
10:51:27 | GodEater | the github repo should now be up to date with svn |
10:51:51 | rasher | Isn't there a proper git mirror these days? |
10:52:02 | GodEater | yes, but not one non-commiters can push to |
10:52:44 | GodEater | he can add that as a remote too :) |
10:57:12 | rasher | What's the point of all these plugin that splash their name when you start them? |
10:58:49 | | Join jgarvey [0] (n=jgarvey@cpe-098-026-065-013.nc.res.rr.com) |
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11:00:02 | | Nick polobricolo_ is now known as polobricolo (n=paul@AGrenoble-257-1-122-185.w90-27.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
11:01:19 | pamaury | That's done. How do I add the gib-hub as a remote ? git remote add ??? |
11:04:35 | GodEater | I think you need a github id |
11:05:04 | pamaury | Which means ? |
11:05:11 | GodEater | have you signed up there ? |
11:05:19 | pamaury | yes |
11:05:24 | GodEater | right, so what's your id ? :) |
11:05:38 | | Join timc [0] (n=aoeu@ |
11:05:55 | pamaury | login ? pamaury |
11:06:07 | GodEater | ok |
11:06:13 | GodEater | I've added you as a collaborator |
11:06:18 | GodEater | you should see the Rockbox repo in your list now |
11:06:27 | GodEater | and it should give you "Your clone url" |
11:06:34 | pamaury | yes |
11:06:40 | GodEater | which you use as "git remote add github <your clone url>" |
11:08:07 | pamaury | Ok that's done. So I should now branch to work on MTP, no ? |
11:08:18 | | Join BdN3504 [0] (n=55b2236f@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-skwupselfnqwfmch) |
11:09:02 | pcc1 | pamaury: yes. man git-branch |
11:09:08 | BdN3504 | which targets do NOT support the repeat a-b mode? |
11:09:50 | BdN3504 | it's not listed in in the features.txt file, that's why i ask |
11:13:23 | pamaury | I'm not familiar with branching, once I have created a branch, should I specify which branch I'm working one ? |
11:13:39 | | Join robin0800 [0] (n=robin080@cpc3-brig8-0-0-cust436.brig.cable.ntl.com) |
11:14:11 | GodEater | you do "git branch <my-new-branch-name>" |
11:14:15 | pcc1 | once you have created the branch, use "git checkout <name-of-branch>" to switch to that branch |
11:14:21 | GodEater | and then "git checkout <my-new-branch-name>" |
11:14:31 | GodEater | and then all your commits will be on that branch |
11:15:40 | GodEater | pcc1: do you have a github ID I can add to this repo too ? |
11:16:39 | pamaury | Ok, I read that git was a decentralized repo, contrary to svn, but I guess there is a nothing of commit ? git push will commit changes on github ? |
11:17:04 | GodEater | provided you tell git which remote to push to, yes. |
11:17:11 | | Quit BdN3504 ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
11:17:35 | GodEater | so provided you called the github remote "github" as I indicated earlier in the command I gave you to add it, then "git push github" will commit to the repo there. |
11:17:50 | pamaury | ok |
11:17:59 | pcc1 | GodEater: no. I was planning on hosting my changes outside of github |
11:18:58 | GodEater | pcc1: cool |
11:19:44 | | Join PaulJam [0] (n=Paule@p54BECBFA.dip.t-dialin.net) |
11:20:28 | pamaury | pcc1: if you don't host on github, then where will you host them ? |
11:22:03 | pcc1 | I will host on a VPS which I rent. you will be able to add it as a remote to get my changes |
11:22:32 | | Quit xavieran (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
11:23:43 | pamaury | And will I be able to do changes on that repo ? It can be useful if you want to work with me on MTP :) |
11:24:24 | pcc1 | I can pull your changes from the github repo and add them to mine |
11:24:44 | pamaury | o |
11:24:45 | pamaury | k |
11:25:14 | | Join decayedcell [0] (n=decayed_@60-241-92-53.static.tpgi.com.au) |
11:25:54 | pamaury | I have to leave now. I'll come back later to discuss the detail MTP. |
11:26:03 | | Quit pamaury ("exit(*(int *)0 / 0);") |
11:35:38 | | Nick funman is now known as away (n=fun@rockbox/developer/funman) |
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11:36:56 | | Quit Sajber^ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
11:40:39 | CIA-43 | New commit by lenzone10 (r22591): Added a missing line for spoken QUICKSCREEN_TOP item in Quick Screen. |
11:46:28 | | Join kugel [0] (n=kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel) |
11:48:07 | | Quit funman ("free(random());") |
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12:44:14 | | Quit funman ("leaving") |
12:53:30 | | Join VoltageX [0] (n=irc@123-243-213-146.static.tpgi.com.au) |
12:53:56 | VoltageX | hi, can I use rockboy on the sandisk e260? |
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12:59:02 | krazykit | VoltageX, as detailed in the manual: http://download.rockbox.org/manual/rockbox-sansae200/rockbox-buildch11.html#x14-23900011.3.9 |
13:00 |
13:00:20 | VoltageX | oh! it's not a distinct plugin any more |
13:00:26 | VoltageX | file viewer now. |
13:01:19 | gevaerts | that's still a plugin |
13:06:40 | | Join AndyI [0] (n=pasha_in@ |
13:08:09 | | Join pamaury [0] (n=pamaury@ |
13:09:30 | VoltageX | gevaerts: ok. |
13:10:09 | | Join Creposucre [0] (n=86f69562@gateway/web/cgi-irc/labb.contactor.se/x-hivsqqmaqzwquorm) |
13:11:01 | Creposucre | Hi, is it possible to edit the title of a patch? How can I do that? |
13:16:16 | | Join FOAD_ [0] (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) |
13:17:41 | | Quit AndyIL (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
13:18:42 | PaulJam | Creposucre: do you mean on Flyspray? i think only the devs can edit the titles of FS tasks. |
13:20:54 | Creposucre | Yes, on flyspray. I would like to edit my task (10494) to make it more complete |
13:33:08 | | Quit FOAD (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
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13:34:41 | | Join Llorean [0] (n=DarkkOne@ |
13:36:47 | AlexP | Creposucre: A related question on your patch - how portable is the RDS part of it? Would it be fairly easy to use that for other targets that have RDS, e.g. the gigabeat S? |
13:37:37 | AlexP | Creposucre: Also, I can edit the task for you if you want - what would you like changed? |
13:42:09 | Zagor | where is __PCTOOL__ defined? |
13:42:39 | Zagor | ah, in the Makefiles |
13:55:35 | | Join panni_ [0] (i=hannes@ip-95-222-19-21.unitymediagroup.de) |
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14:04:26 | | Quit petur ("later") |
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14:11:24 | Creposucre | AlexP: I removed the RDS part for the moment, but it was basically displaying two lines with RDS info; thoses infos were "computed" by the driver part |
14:11:56 | Creposucre | AlexP: so it's not really an "RDS architecture" |
14:13:04 | Creposucre | AlexP: about the FS, i'd like to add in the title "+ improved accessory detection" to attract people interested in thoses |
14:17:37 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
14:18:06 | Creposucre | AlexP: back to the RDS stuff, if the last patch works, I'll try to re-add thoses RDS info lines with some ifdef |
14:39:30 | | Join LambdaCalculus37 [0] (i=44a0430d@rockbox/staff/LambdaCalculus37) |
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14:47:45 | | Join funman [0] (n=fun@rockbox/developer/funman) |
14:50:57 | dionoea | Creposucre: about the fm remote patch: I haven't had time to give it a try again. I'll do that tonight. (I'm Antoine on the tracker) |
14:51:25 | dionoea | I'll use a clean rockbox tree to make sure that I don't have any potentially conflicting changes |
14:52:09 | funman | (I'm Antoine on the illegal bittorrent tracker) |
14:52:22 | funman | hm sorry for that |
14:52:33 | dionoea | :) |
14:56:40 | | Quit chandoo (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
14:58:14 | | Nick fxb__ is now known as fxb (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) |
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15:02:59 | | Join l403 [0] (n=l@ |
15:07:14 | Creposucre | dionoea: ok, no problem ;) |
15:18:35 | | Quit mt (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
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16:05:33 | | Join saratoga [0] (i=9803c6dd@gateway/web/freenode/x-hepufmokpwyuwbxj) |
16:05:41 | | Part decayedcell |
16:05:47 | saratoga | kugel: are you going to post bootloaders for the YH players? |
16:06:10 | funman | my yh920 just went crazy |
16:06:29 | funman | corrupted audio output, screen was locked, fat corruption when i restarted |
16:06:36 | funman | i believe because battery was empty |
16:07:05 | saratoga | the 920 is the only one with voltage monitoring right? |
16:07:11 | | Join kugel [0] (n=kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel) |
16:07:38 | funman | no it's the 925 |
16:08:16 | saratoga | hmm so no low voltage shutdown |
16:08:28 | saratoga | are there scans of the 920 somewhere? |
16:08:32 | | Join Sajber^ [0] (n=Sajber@c-923571d5.012-155-73746f22.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) |
16:08:32 | saratoga | does it use the same chip as the others? |
16:08:49 | funman | it's the same PP i think (is it what you mean?) |
16:09:07 | funman | http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/SamsungYH920 |
16:09:28 | funman | low res scans from pyro_maniac |
16:09:46 | funman | i could scan them if needed, just have to unmount it |
16:10:42 | | Join TopyMobile [0] (n=topy@xdsl-78-34-70-136.netcologne.de) |
16:12:54 | | Part LinusN |
16:13:15 | saratoga | huh the charger on the YH920 doesn't monitor the voltage aside from checking for low battery |
16:13:33 | saratoga | so i guess voltage monitoring must be done directly via the PP chip |
16:13:52 | saratoga | i wonder if the code for one of the other PP chips could be reused |
16:17:41 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
16:19:13 | saratoga | funman: you could try calling adc_read as the H10 does |
16:19:25 | saratoga | they use nearly the same charge controller, and the same CPU |
16:19:44 | saratoga | i think the same driver should work on both, though its possible its on a different ADC channel |
16:21:37 | funman | saratoga: the h10 code is present in powermgmt-yh920.c but commented out |
16:24:16 | funman | i see a battery read out, let's see if it discharges |
16:24:21 | | Quit l403 (No route to host) |
16:25:41 | | Join kkurbjunW [0] (n=karlk@ |
16:27:13 | kkurbjunW | amiconn: the problem with inverting the image is that if someone makes a _part call with say a source x offset of 4 and a width of 5, but the image is actually 10 pixels wide, I cannot properly calculate the source starting point without with full width and height of the image |
16:28:21 | kkurbjunW | I could just invert the backdrop, but I was a little concerned about that since it would mean there are multiple formats stored in memory. It shouldn't be a problem, but I don't know how or if the backdrop handling will change in the future. |
16:29:36 | funman | saratoga: it works fine, now i'm not sure how to calibrate the battery levels |
16:30:05 | amiconn | kkurbjun: What about the other ideas? |
16:31:16 | | Quit TopyMobile (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
16:32:05 | saratoga | funman: enable voltage reading and then do a battery bench |
16:32:21 | saratoga | the lookup table values can be generated from the battery bench curve |
16:33:50 | saratoga | on their first day supported, the YH players are going to be the most stable port ever |
16:33:59 | saratoga | they'll have everything except maybe recording |
16:34:35 | funman | i'll let it charge for a bit |
16:34:59 | funman | yh920 has some lcd glitches in splash screens |
16:36:04 | | Join tvelocity[away] [0] (n=tony@ |
16:37:00 | CIA-43 | New commit by funman (r22592): YH920 : enable battery reading (uncalibrated yet) |
16:38:48 | funman | hm the YH92x wiki mentions radio for yh920, i don't remember if mine has a FM tuner |
16:39:34 | | Join tvelocity [0] (n=tony@adsl23-215.her.forthnet.gr) |
16:39:35 | funman | saratoga: they'll only miss the manual |
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16:47:49 | kkurbjunW | amiconn: well, I wouldn't want to go back on the work.. changing the updates to go column by column might be possible, I need to think about that more. Right now it is doing that, but it's in blocks of 32x32 pixels. I think I could change that to strips, but it would likely have an effect on performance. |
16:47:50 | kkurbjunW | the LCD does have an option to reverse the updates, but it is supposed to just be controlled by a high/low signal similar to the VGA/QVGA mode it has. I have not found a pin that controls the update direction unfortunately, so my suspicion is that the designers grounded/drove the pin high direct with a power rail (or a pullup/pulldown) |
16:49:12 | kkurbjunW | I think updating the screen in strips could be the most promising. I need to see how many extra bursts that would take if I was just doing it by columns. If the width of the copy is not a multiple of the burst the copy still takes the same amount of time that an extra burst would |
16:49:32 | kkurbjunW | so if you are one over a burst multiple it will take a full extra burst cycle |
16:49:57 | saratoga | does anyone have a YH820 that could test battery reading on it? |
16:50:12 | | Quit saratoga ("Page closed") |
16:51:01 | kkurbjunW | hmm, I think that the width of the lcd will work out so that it is exactly on the burst size - the processor will be interrupted to start the copies a bit more often, but I bet the performance impact wouldn't be too bad.. |
16:51:54 | | Quit tvelocity[a] (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
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16:53:44 | CIA-43 | New commit by zagor (r22593): Fixed checkwps build warnings. Updated checkwps makefile to be closer to main. |
16:54:03 | | Join gregzx [0] (n=chatzill@dsy80.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) |
16:54:09 | funman | I think only lowlight got a YH820 |
16:54:24 | | Quit Creposucre ("CGI:IRC") |
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17:00:18 | Zagor | aw bugger, forgot to mention Rosso Maltese in the commit. |
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17:20:19 | | Join cornwall [0] (n=cornwall@nateres205.tel.miami.edu) |
17:22:44 | cornwall | hello! If there's anyone available and would like to help, I have a question :) |
17:23:32 | TorneWuff | don't ask to ask, just ask |
17:23:35 | | Nick TorneWuff is now known as Torne (n=torne@lowell.wolfpuppy.org.uk) |
17:23:57 | cornwall | alright, then, how do I customize what metadata is displayed on the Now Playing Screen? |
17:24:12 | cornwall | I can't seem to find any relevant files in .rockbox |
17:25:21 | amiconn | kkurbjun: I would expect the diretcion flip to be a command, not a pin. And how does the dma do blocks? That means it needs to skip pixels somehow |
17:25:37 | GodEater | cornwall: you would be needing to modify whatever .wps file your current theme is using |
17:25:54 | | Quit gregzx (Connection timed out) |
17:26:13 | cornwall | aha, I see it |
17:26:15 | amiconn | And what does the width have to do with burst size? I would think it's the height, since you're going vertically |
17:26:16 | cornwall | thank you! :) |
17:26:22 | * | amiconn is slightly foncused |
17:26:48 | GodEater | cornwall: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/CustomWPS might prove useful |
17:27:18 | cornwall | GodEater, thank you very much. I appreciate it |
17:28:16 | GodEater | np |
17:35:07 | | Join NuNuRs [0] (n=nunurs@89.167-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be) |
17:36:15 | NuNuRs | hello :) |
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17:39:15 | | Nick dys` is now known as dys (n=andreas@ |
17:39:23 | cornwall | GodEater, I'm trying to take the default .wps theme and just add a <composer> tag. It seems like this should work, shouldn't it?: %s%al%ic |
17:41:58 | GodEater | ah, I'm no expert on editing them |
17:42:03 | GodEater | pixelma might be able to help |
17:42:22 | cornwall | GodEater, thanks anyway |
17:45:21 | | Quit kugel (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
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17:45:40 | pixelma | cornwall: (a) which default WPS - cabbiev2 or the text based one (b) if it's cabbiev2 - which player do you have, which file do you edit and where do you put the line? |
17:46:21 | pixelma | or answer the last questions anyways, might be some useful information in that |
17:46:26 | | Quit pamaury ("exit(*(int *)0 / 0);") |
17:46:28 | | Quit einhirn ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org") |
17:47:12 | cornwall | It is cabbiev2 on an ipod 5.5G. I edited the .rockbox/wps/cabbiev2.wps file |
17:47:15 | kkurbjunW | amiconn, the dma controller multi-dimensioned - it is designed for image transformations with some of the co-processor interfaces so it can take in a stride along with an x/y offset and a width/height and properly do the transfers from memory. |
17:47:17 | kkurbjunW | The LCD does not appear to have a controller that you speak to over an interface standard. The datasheet is here: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/pub/Main/OlympusMR500Info/LS037V7DW01.pdf. I miswrote when I said width, you are correc that the height has an effect on the burst, I was thinking width in the portrait sense. |
17:47:25 | cornwall | I placed %s%al%ic right above the year tag |
17:50:02 | amiconn | kkurbjun: Hmm, and it can't use negative stride? |
17:50:15 | | Quit Xerion (" ") |
17:50:26 | kkurbjunW | I would normally expect that the lcd inverstion would be with a command also, but the only thing that we have found are some commands that control the backlight. I've been able to change the resolution with a pin so some of what is defined in the datasheet is actually connected to the SOC. |
17:51:04 | pixelma | there is a catch - cabbiev2 uses conditional viewports with this tag info, one is shown if album art is present, the other is shown without album art. Did you put your line into both parts (otherwise thee line looks fine)? |
17:51:05 | kkurbjunW | I don't think so, I can double check that |
17:51:20 | pixelma | that was for cornwall |
17:51:46 | cornwall | both parts? I must have missed that. I'm not using album art |
17:51:49 | cornwall | let me check |
17:53:38 | cornwall | pixelma, great! it works well. Thank you very much |
17:54:51 | pixelma | you're welcome :) |
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17:57:25 | kkurbjunW | amiconn, no it does not support negative values for the stride |
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18:03:06 | kkurbjunW | amiconn, the bursts are in 16 word aligned (16 bit words) so the height of the LCD will work fine as a strip, if you are considering a fullscreen update, the processor will be updating the registers about 2x as often, but I think the majority of the time will still be spent waiting for the transfer to occur so it might not be a big performance hit. |
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18:17:23 | pixelma | hmm, if he keeps the name cabbiev2 it will probably be overwritten on his next Rockbox update... guess he'll figure it out |
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19:55:20 | funman | I wonder if the yh920 led can be controlled or if it's always on |
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20:15:43 | rasher | How long's a long buttonpress? |
20:17:46 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
20:18:06 | funman | 30 ticks (firmware/drivers/button.c: REPEAT_START) |
20:18:43 | | Quit PaulJam (".") |
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20:20:17 | rasher | Hm, I guess I don't have to worry about that as long as I'm inserting my own events |
20:21:01 | rasher | Man, I still can't make invadrox exit using this method |
20:24:31 | | Join GreatBeaver [0] (n=chatzill@c-71-59-18-236.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) |
20:24:42 | GreatBeaver | how come my mp3 player has a delay every time i try to pause the music now? |
20:25:02 | GreatBeaver | i think i remember that it sometimes would stop instantly when i click pause |
20:25:05 | JdGordon| | turn off fade on pause |
20:25:07 | GreatBeaver | but now it always has a 1 second delay |
20:25:15 | GreatBeaver | it isnt a fade, it stops completely |
20:25:20 | GreatBeaver | i'll try to disable that |
20:25:35 | | Join CaptainKwel [0] (i=2669ecc2@gateway/web/freenode/x-wxtpblcbwnnnzzjn) |
20:26:02 | GreatBeaver | i wonder if maybe my mp3 player's battery is expanding and is applying presure on my harddrive or the zif cord |
20:26:07 | GreatBeaver | and cutt off some of the wires |
20:26:28 | rasher | No. |
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21:06:34 | | Part GreatBeaver |
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21:13:16 | rasher | What does button_status() do compared to button_get() ? |
21:13:39 | funman | button_status gives the raw status while button_get is a higher level |
21:13:56 | funman | like you can use timeouts, repeats, etc |
21:14:00 | rasher | Goddamn |
21:14:26 | funman | so button_status()|BUTTON_REPEAT is not gud |
21:16:39 | rasher | This is not good for my button-faking adventures |
21:25:44 | rasher | Can I push something into the place where button_status() reads from? |
21:25:51 | JdGordon| | rasher: how about having the listener stick the incoming buttons into a queue and then setup a proper button_read_device() type thing? |
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21:26:11 | JdGordon| | or.... make the sim a real target... RaaA style |
21:26:15 | rasher | JdGordon|: the sim doesn't even do that |
21:26:34 | JdGordon| | make it do that :) |
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21:29:22 | rasher | don't wanna |
21:33:33 | JdGordon| | as sucky as it is.. thats the best way to have it work for real :) |
21:34:26 | rasher | JdGordon|: you are aware that the sim doesn't even use the real button.c? |
21:34:37 | JdGordon| | yes |
21:34:48 | JdGordon| | make the sim a real target so it does |
21:34:55 | rasher | Totally out of scope |
21:35:05 | rasher | I just need button_status() to return something sensible :) |
21:35:07 | JdGordon| | bring it into scope :) |
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21:44:11 | TechGuy | what all can be done iwth the Z80 emulator? |
21:44:13 | TechGuy | for Rockbox |
21:44:34 | gevaerts | emulate a Z80? |
21:44:38 | JdGordon| | bah |
21:44:42 | JdGordon| | beaten :p |
21:50:03 | | Quit Lear ("ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.5.2/20090729225027]") |
21:51:06 | amiconn | button_status() reads the current status from the hardware (or shadow variables), button_read() reads from the queue |
21:52:36 | amiconn | button_status() is available to plugins only for those emulator plugins (e.g. rockboy). Using it elsewhere is frowned upon |
21:54:40 | amiconn | rasher ^ |
21:56:19 | amiconn | Notice that if a plugin uses both long and short press using button_get(), i.e. without the action api, you need to make sure you send the release event after a press and an optional repeat, otherwise the plugin won't react properly to the events |
21:57:15 | amiconn | The release might be unnecessary for a long press if it's detected as the press-repeat sequence, i.e. without repeating the action |
21:57:45 | rasher | invadrox uses button_status. Naughty! |
21:58:08 | amiconn | euh |
21:58:20 | amiconn | It really shouldn't, being a non-emulator plugin |
21:58:42 | rasher | I managed to tell the sim which button was pressed, so it can respond properly to button_status() now |
21:59:17 | | Quit LambdaCalculus37 () |
21:59:27 | rasher | (just by setting the btn variable) |
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22:00:09 | CIA-43 | New commit by rob (r22594): D2: Move ACTION_WPS_STOP from the power button as it's too easy to hit by accident when disengaging the hold switch. Use a long press of the top-right ... |
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22:00:35 | rasher | Other offenders: Brickmania, chopper, pong and rockblox1d (!) |
22:00:43 | rasher | Also wav2wv |
22:01:27 | rasher | It seemed that at least invadrox was simply doing the equivalent of testing for |BUTTON_REPEAT |
22:01:44 | amiconn | hmm |
22:02:15 | * | amiconn wonders whether this might be necessary (or at least better) for some real-time cases |
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22:19:00 | rasher | I'm not even qualified to speculate |
22:19:21 | rasher | wouldn't consider rockblox1d real-time critical though |
22:19:59 | | Quit funman ("free(random());") |
22:20:16 | rasher | I think that's a misunderstanding. It's even comparing to "ONEDROCKBLOX_DOWN|BUTTON_REPEAT" and "SYS_USB_CONNECTED". I doubt button_status() woudl return those? |
22:20:58 | | Quit gregzx ("ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.5.2/20090729225027]") |
22:21:00 | rasher | And indeed, it does not react to usb-insertion |
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22:49:26 | AlexP | Um, what is the first one on this page? http://themes.rockbox.org/index.php?target=e200 |
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22:50:01 | gevaerts | someone trying to get round the rules? |
22:50:18 | AlexP | Yeah, we require names as well don't we? |
22:50:37 | gevaerts | that too |
22:51:45 | AlexP | I think it should go then |
22:52:05 | Llor_Phone | Copyright image, anon submitter. Seems clear. |
22:52:33 | Llor_Phone | As a note, the theme site seems to work well on my phone |
22:52:46 | froggyman | is that theme intended for use with the OF then? |
22:53:54 | Hillshum | Do you just take it down? |
22:54:09 | Llor_Phone | Whatever it is, it should be removed and possibly the verification tightened. |
22:54:33 | AlexP | It's gone |
22:54:42 | AlexP | Hillshum: Yes, I just deleted it |
22:54:54 | Llor_Phone | Did it have a wps? |
22:55:05 | Llor_Phone | Or, how did it get in? |
22:55:38 | AlexP | rasher: As a note, should/could the theme site have a works with 3.3 tag, as well/instead of 3.2? |
22:55:52 | Llor_Phone | instead of |
22:55:53 | rasher | AlexP: we don't hav e a checkwps for 3.3 |
22:55:58 | AlexP | ah |
22:56:12 | Llor_Phone | Can we make one? |
22:56:17 | rasher | So we're stuck waiting until someone backports the fix or 3.4 is released, whichever comes first |
22:56:21 | rasher | Llor_Phone: it didn't build at the time |
22:56:44 | Llor_Phone | 3.4 is so soon anyway |
22:56:56 | Llor_Phone | By tis point it's not wort it. |
22:59:06 | JdGordon| | are all themes rescanned when a new checkwps is done? |
22:59:10 | | Quit Llor_Phone (Remote closed the connection) |
22:59:29 | JdGordon| | or at least for each new release? |
22:59:51 | JdGordon| | I dont tinhk there is any point keeping old themes are if they dont work... (it would be good if they were avilable so people can fix them though) |
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23:03:01 | rasher | All themes are rescanned daily |
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23:04:31 | JdGordon| | seriously?! |
23:04:35 | rasher | Sure |
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23:04:47 | rasher | It takes a few minutes |
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23:06:38 | JdGordon| | what happens if they stop working in the current build? |
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23:15:46 | pixelma | JdGordon|: you'll find a notice in red saying that this theme doesn't work with the current build, you can see some on the c200 page and I guess others have it as well |
23:17:55 | JdGordon| | ok, cool |
23:18:22 | * | JdGordon| annoys someone about getting the themes skin usage stats on the webpage again :) |
23:19:35 | JdGordon| | unless of course thats not something that people tihnk users will find useful? |
23:21:16 | | Quit kkurbjunW (Remote closed the connection) |
23:21:41 | Hillshum | JdGordon|: the goal isn't to be useful to the users! |
23:21:42 | | Join kkurbjunW [0] (n=karlk@ |
23:21:52 | pixelma | which reminds me of that weird result with a half broken WPS - the SansaPod theme on the c200 page has 2 errors, one is an additional e infront of the %X tag and the other is an %xd without %xl. With both errors I got the complete default WPS, fixing the e%X gave me something that looked like a blanked out default WPS with only the progressbar left |
23:22:24 | rasher | JdGordon|: I don't see why users would find it useful |
23:23:52 | JdGordon| | pixelma: we could probaly put error checking in for the missing %xl... dunno why e%X failed though |
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23:24:08 | JdGordon| | rasher: at some point in the future its very possible users will need that info |
23:24:13 | rasher | JdGordon|: Why? |
23:24:37 | JdGordon| | pixelma: if you have a chnace, can you have a look at the sub/lines patch of mine in the tracker please? see if any themes break? |
23:24:45 | pixelma | I am fine with it failing, just wondered why showing the default WPS was broken then |
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23:35:48 | CIA-43 | New commit by rob (r22595): D2: Enable ARM cache coherency functions (eg. during codec load), which should eliminate data aborts/freezes on track changes. NOTE: The linker script ... |
23:36:42 | mcuelenaere | what exactly triggers the empty svn table on the front page upon new commits? |
23:37:27 | | Quit bmbl ("Bye!") |
23:38:23 | pixelma | I've seen it sometimes empty too but an immediate reload helped, didn't see a connection to commits yet but maybe there is |
23:39:12 | pixelma | I also saw the same with the Mail table a few times by the way |
23:39:40 | mcuelenaere | immediate reload on Chrome (Linux) didn't seem to help (after ~10 secs it went away) |
23:39:56 | rasher | It's probably just rebuilding the table |
23:40:08 | mcuelenaere | probably, but couldn't it flush its output after it's done? |
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23:57:47 | CIA-43 | New commit by rob (r22596): D2: Obey the SD card write-protect tab |