00:04:12 | | Join polobricolo_ [0] (n=paul@ |
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00:31:45 | | Quit flydutch ("/* empty */") |
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00:34:38 | saratoga | the ac3 FFT does look virtually identical to the ffmpeg one |
00:36:28 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
00:38:27 | saratoga | as far as I can tell the differences are: |
00:38:41 | saratoga | 1) ifft8 is fully unrolled in the ffmpeg code |
00:39:04 | | Join BlackWidow79 [0] (n=ansarali@94-169-191-240.cable.ubr06.craw.blueyonder.co.uk) |
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00:39:45 | saratoga | 2) ifft8 exploits an additional symmetry in the AC3 case |
00:39:49 | | Quit shotofadds ("Leaving") |
00:39:55 | saratoga | 3) ffmpeg implements larger sizes |
00:40:01 | saratoga | otherwise they're identical |
00:40:10 | saratoga | even the function names are the same |
00:40:12 | * | Strife89 updates his graphics driver. |
00:40:22 | Strife89 | Whoops, wrong channel. |
00:42:35 | | Quit mcuelenaere () |
00:44:42 | DerPapst | marek_: |
00:45:01 | DerPapst | just compiled, not tested :P |
00:45:24 | | Quit KBH (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
00:48:26 | | Quit tegguN ("Leaving") |
00:48:50 | saratoga | so basically the AC3 FFT saves 4 muls every call to IFFT8 |
00:49:01 | Strife89 | Bah. Vista thinks my disk needs to be checked on boot, and when it reaches an "index entry from index $0 of file 25", it just spews that line endlessly. What's going on? |
00:49:29 | Strife89 | Argh, wrong channel again. |
00:51:02 | | Quit ender (" 'And you have to shout -' He tried to remember some far-off reading. '- er, bonsai. Yes. Bonsai!' -- Terry Pratchett: Reape") |
00:56:31 | | Quit matsl (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
01:00 |
01:00:43 | stripwax | saratoga - so how many muls is that, total, in IFFT8? the inner dct code in tremor / codeclib uses 4 muls in butterfly_16 (so equivalent to 8 complex pairs, I guess) |
01:02:39 | stripwax | but I the arrangement of data is different (we actually operate on two halves of a 16-point DCT at the same time, or something like that). So I guess the IFFT8 is equivalent to something like 'half' of butterfly_32 |
01:02:57 | | Join linuxstb [0] (n=linuxstb@rockbox/developer/linuxstb) |
01:03:30 | stripwax | Which would be half of (4+4+20) so 14 muls ? |
01:03:50 | stripwax | ^I the^I think the |
01:03:57 | | Quit linuxstb (Remote closed the connection) |
01:05:28 | | Quit DerPapst ("Leaving.") |
01:05:28 | stripwax | butterfly_32 calls butterfly_16 twice (hence 4+4), plus 4 MULT31s, plus 4 X[N]PRODs each of which is 4 muls. |
01:07:50 | saratoga | stripwax: 4 muls |
01:08:00 | stripwax | saratoga - are you sure? looking at liba52/imdct.c, it's only got 4 muls total in ifft8 (so equiv to 4 muls total in tremor/codeclib butterfly_16) |
01:08:07 | stripwax | ah, you type faster than I do. |
01:08:12 | stripwax | right 4 muls total. same same. |
01:09:32 | | Join MG_Man [0] (n=MGMan@ |
01:10:15 | MG_Man | I've got a question about tagnavi |
01:10:53 | MG_Man | Is there a way in tagnavi-custom.config to show the artist in the track name? |
01:11:03 | MG_Man | So instead of Song Name it would be Artist - Song Name? |
01:11:18 | MG_Man | Basically, is it possible to re-define fmt_track? |
01:11:32 | MG_Man | er, fmt_title |
01:12:16 | MG_Man | And is there a way to get it to display the file's filename instead of <<Untagged>>? |
01:15:59 | | Join FOAD_ [0] (n=dok@ |
01:16:45 | | Join casainho [0] (n=chatzill@bl15-147-90.dsl.telepac.pt) |
01:17:43 | casainho | JdGordon: hello |
01:25:44 | | Quit efyx_ (Remote closed the connection) |
01:27:02 | | Join chandoo [0] (n=chandoo@ool-4353b978.dyn.optonline.net) |
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01:27:55 | | Nick FOAD_ is now known as FOAD (n=dok@ |
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01:39:12 | | Quit Strife89 ("Installing the silverex build of XChat.") |
01:42:10 | ej0rge | That's twice now that my S60 has locked up in the fm radio screen. This time after i had walked away from it for a minute. |
01:43:35 | | Join Strife89 [0] (n=Strife89@adsl-220-115-192.mcn.bellsouth.net) |
01:44:39 | | Quit panni_ (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) |
01:45:10 | | Join panni_ [0] (i=hannes@ip-95-222-21-143.unitymediagroup.de) |
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01:56:27 | stripwax | saratoga ok so I think I understand one issue/different between tremor and a52: a52 has two block sizes to choose from, and tremor has a range of possible block sizes that the encoder could choose to use. So a52 has been coded to take advantage of two hardcodec (effectively) split-radix FFTs for the two blocksizes |
01:56:42 | | Join HBK [0] (n=hbk@rrcs-97-77-51-170.sw.biz.rr.com) |
01:57:04 | stripwax | whereas tremor has been coded with a regular (but perhaps not optimal?) generic butterfly loop. |
01:57:22 | stripwax | ^hardcodec^hardcoded (...wow) |
01:58:37 | stripwax | anyway, I'm sure you could take out 16 muls from mdct_butterfly_generic in codeclib by observing that exactly once in each of the loop the factors are zero (or one) |
01:58:41 | Dhraakellian | a little portmanteaued? |
01:58:59 | stripwax | a little .. |
01:59:13 | Dhraakellian | could I get a Fuze Sudoku keymap patch committed? |
01:59:44 | Dhraakellian | getting rid of a combo for accessing the scratchpad |
02:00 |
02:00:55 | Dhraakellian | (FS #10459) |
02:02:00 | | Quit fieldri1968_ ("Ex-Chat") |
02:02:39 | | Quit Strife89 ("If you hold a Unix shell to your ear, you can hear the C.") |
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02:04:14 | | Join howell [0] (n=howell@rrcs-97-77-48-15.sw.biz.rr.com) |
02:04:50 | casainho | hello |
02:05:44 | casainho | anyone interested on joining porting Rockbox for Mini2440? a $85 hardware (with schematic and all datahseets)? |
02:06:35 | MG_Man | A devboard? |
02:06:57 | casainho | this one: http://cgi.ebay.com/mini2440-S3C2440-ARM9-Board-3-5-TFT-LCD-Touch-Screen_W0QQitemZ120468760959QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item1c0c7f697f&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14 |
02:07:40 | casainho | 400MHz ARM9 Board with 3.5" TFT LCD Touch Screen |
02:07:47 | casainho | $85 |
02:08:14 | MG_Man | Seems like a strange target |
02:08:22 | MG_Man | But I guess if someone has enough interest |
02:08:26 | casainho | we have already the LCD working |
02:08:38 | casainho | kernel_init() |
02:09:20 | stripwax | casainho - if it's a dev board, do they provide drivers already, and datasheets, etc? assuming so, seems like the porting should be easy (compared to most other targets). that's "easy" not, like, actually easy, but still |
02:11:14 | casainho | they provide scheamtic, all datasheets and some code: http://www.friendlyarm.net/downloads |
02:11:36 | casainho | we think in making a kind of home/car player based on Rockbox :-) |
02:11:54 | Strife89 | Hardware looks nifty. |
02:12:50 | stripwax | it does look pretty. planning on using sdcard storage or something else? |
02:12:59 | casainho | we need just to put that hardware inside a case and provide +5Volts to it :-) |
02:13:39 | casainho | yes, SD Card. But later try HDD... I know that there are many people looking for targets that have HDD |
02:14:41 | casainho | does Rockbox suppport the touch screens |
02:14:48 | casainho | ? |
02:15:17 | | Quit HBK (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
02:15:19 | MG_Man | Yes, there are touchscreen targets |
02:15:31 | MG_Man | Such as the m:Robe 500 |
02:15:59 | casainho | but there is working code on Rockbox for it? |
02:17:36 | kkurbjun | yes there is |
02:17:43 | kkurbjun | the touchscreen works quite well |
02:17:55 | kkurbjun | it still needs work though |
02:18:03 | kkurbjun | not all screens support absolute touch |
02:18:14 | kkurbjun | and not all plugins fully use the touchscreen |
02:18:40 | casainho | absolute touch? −− like reading by ADCs? |
02:19:04 | casainho | for now we would like to just play some music and navigate on menus, no plugins |
02:19:17 | kkurbjun | playing music and navigating menus works |
02:19:23 | kkurbjun | you can see it working in the simulator |
02:19:30 | kkurbjun | and it works on target too for that matter |
02:19:40 | stripwax | casainho - take a look at shotofadds recent wiki page addition ... |
02:20:44 | casainho | stripwax: thanks |
02:23:19 | | Quit akur1 ("Leaving.") |
02:24:11 | kkurbjun | casainho: what happened to the lyre? |
02:24:36 | | Quit krabador (Client Quit) |
02:24:46 | casainho | kkurbjun: it's a Lyre project |
02:25:08 | casainho | that's a version where we are using that full system hardware |
02:25:33 | casainho | but I am still waintting for ARMopendous boards, that is made for a portable device |
02:28:39 | casainho | bye bye :-) |
02:28:41 | | Quit casainho ("ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.5.3/20090824085743]") |
02:30:56 | MG_Man | Is there a guide anywhere for making one's own tagnavi_custom.config? |
02:31:21 | MG_Man | I'd like to make the Track view show the artist AND title, so I guess I;ll need to use the custom config to do that |
02:32:41 | | Nick fxb is now known as fxb__ (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) |
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02:37:11 | MG_Man | at least a page that defines some of the syntax? |
02:37:26 | MG_Man | Like what the %xxx options and such do? |
02:37:31 | MG_Man | Anybody? |
02:39:54 | | Join Horscht86 [0] (n=Horscht2@p4FD4F77D.dip.t-dialin.net) |
02:40:08 | Strife89 | MG_Man: I think there's a Wiki page.... |
02:40:57 | MG_Man | I've looked in the search bar, the only things that came up are flyspray issues |
02:41:14 | MG_Man | Anything I should search for besides "tagnavi" and "custom tagnavi" and the like? |
02:41:28 | | Quit MG_Man ("...GOT AWAY SAFELY!") |
02:42:12 | | Join MG_Man [0] (n=MGMan@ |
02:42:17 | MG_Man | whoops |
02:43:11 | Strife89 | MG_Man: Nice quit message. :P\ |
02:43:28 | | Join marek_ [0] (n=marek@dynamic-78-8-2-167.ssp.dialog.net.pl) |
02:44:11 | Strife89 | MG_Man: In answer to your question, nothing that I know of. |
02:44:19 | Strife89 | MG_Man: Why not search the forums? |
02:44:56 | MG_Man | I'll try |
02:48:22 | MG_Man | Okay, finally turned up something in the Wiki |
02:48:36 | MG_Man | It was on the database page (odd, searching for Database didn't bring up a wiki page, oh well) |
02:49:23 | | Join timc [0] (n=aoeu@ |
02:50:58 | MG_Man | It is my understanding that by adding filename to a conditional, it wil lfall back on that instead of showing <Untagged> for the track, correct? |
02:51:25 | | Quit marek_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
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03:00 |
03:00:14 | saratoga | shouldn't const variables be ICONST_ATTR rather then IDATA_ATTR? |
03:02:23 | | Quit Rob2222 () |
03:03:58 | stripwax | as I understand it, yes (but I could be wrong also) |
03:08:10 | | Quit timc (Remote closed the connection) |
03:08:15 | | Quit stripwax ("http://miranda-im.org") |
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03:18:06 | | Join JackWinter3 [0] (n=jack3@vodsl-10103.vo.lu) |
03:19:42 | MG_Man | I wonder if there will ever be a custom-tagnavi esque thing for rockbox's menu itself |
03:19:57 | MG_Man | Let people set the menu how they want, so they c ould put pictureflow at the main menu if they really liked |
03:20:48 | saratoga | stripwax: you make any sense of the ifft128_c function in ac3? |
03:21:15 | saratoga | i'm not sure if its an optimization or some weird detail about how ac3 encodes its coefficients |
03:24:53 | | Quit timc (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) |
03:27:37 | | Join timc [0] (n=aoeu@ |
03:29:26 | Strife89 | MG_Man: There's been a lot of discussion about that, I believe. |
03:29:40 | Strife89 | MG_Man: I think there's a basic patch. |
03:30:20 | Strife89 | MG_Man: Long story short, customizable menus would likely open the floodgates. |
03:33:29 | | Join __lifeless [0] (n=lifeless@ |
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03:34:13 | CIA-43 | New commit by saratoga (r22849): Change IDATA to ICONST for lookup tables since they're actually constant. |
03:35:34 | | Quit _lifeless (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) |
03:42:28 | | Join CaptainKwel [0] (n=jason@207-237-172-77.c3-0.nyr-ubr4.nyr.ny.cable.rcn.com) |
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04:25:24 | | Part froggyman |
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04:43:10 | | Join Ebert_ [0] (n=EbErT@adsl-34-33-189.asm.bellsouth.net) |
04:44:14 | Ebert_ | hi, I am trying to patch firmware onto an Iriver iHP 120, it says on bootup I have version "1.63 U" |
04:44:22 | Ebert_ | does this mean US or EU ? |
04:48:45 | Ebert_ | is there another way of telling for sure if its EU or US firmware? |
04:50:27 | | Quit antil33t () |
05:00 |
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05:18:48 | | Join howell [0] (n=howell@rrcs-97-77-48-15.sw.biz.rr.com) |
05:19:02 | Beta2K | I would assume US |
05:19:12 | Beta2K | E normalu dictates EU |
05:23:08 | Ebert_ | yea I would too, i just dont wanna brick this brand-new looking player |
05:23:23 | Ebert_ | and I think ill use the automated program to install for once |
05:25:37 | Beta2K | Hehee |
05:25:52 | | Quit Strife89 ("Bed.") |
05:25:58 | Beta2K | Has it got JTAG? |
05:26:13 | Ebert_ | what is that |
05:28:06 | Ebert_ | I havent had an iRiver in 6 years, since a SlimX cd player. The remote is the same, but Im slightly shellshocked ^^ |
05:28:12 | Beta2K | A way of directly accessing a flash chip over which you can write a new image into it |
05:28:38 | Beta2K | Also used for debugging and stepping a CPU |
05:29:06 | Ebert_ | probably not, I have not seen anything on rockbox.org about recovering using that method |
05:29:44 | Ebert_ | ill just cross my fingers and let my brow sweat i guess |
05:30:16 | Beta2K | That's what's nice about my Toshiba :) |
05:30:27 | Llorean | If I recall correctly, you can pretty much flash any region firmware on it; it's really only going to affect the features it has if you choose to boot into the original firmware |
05:31:14 | Ebert_ | ok thank you, U seems to be US anyhow |
05:46:30 | | Quit HBK (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)) |
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05:54:19 | | Quit TSS_Killer ("Something tells me that I must've pressed the wrong button") |
06:00 |
06:00:33 | Ebert_ | uh the rockbox utility does not seem to be changing the ihp_120.hex bootload file |
06:01:48 | Ebert_ | I have reflashed the player twice after modifying the ihp_120.hex file with bootloader in rockbox utility |
06:05:28 | | Quit intrados4 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
06:24:53 | Ebert_ | wow, i dont understand this time. do i need to use a more recent firmware, because an identical version wont flash over? |
06:34:30 | Ebert_ | nope, I updated the firmware and hit it with the bootloader, now the player has version 1.66 with no rockbox added |
06:36:36 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
06:37:51 | Ebert_ | going to try it on windows |
06:38:16 | | Join zoyd [0] (n=vinay@unaffiliated/zoyd) |
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07:09:16 | | Nick polobricolo_ is now known as polobricolo (n=paul@ |
07:25:17 | | Join FOAD_ [0] (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) |
07:33:05 | n1s | Ebert_: could you compare md5 or even filesize between the vanilla .hex file and the one rbutil places on the player? |
07:33:22 | Ebert_ | they stay the same size |
07:33:50 | | Quit FOAD (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) |
07:33:50 | | Nick FOAD_ is now known as FOAD (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) |
07:34:14 | Ebert_ | let me try One more thing |
07:34:19 | n1s | patching fails for some reason then, does it give any errors at all? |
07:34:39 | Ebert_ | no, no errors |
07:34:43 | Ebert_ | it says it passed |
07:34:57 | Ebert_ | stays at 1.9mb |
07:35:36 | Ebert_ | is there an earlier version of rbutil I can try? |
07:37:39 | Ebert_ | I did not delete the vanilla .hex from the player when using rbutil, let me try that |
07:37:59 | | Part safetydan ("Leaving.") |
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07:41:38 | n1s | dowload server seems to keep older versions so you can get them here if you like to test http://download.rockbox.org/rbutil/ |
07:43:12 | Ebert_ | ahh that was it, I never deleted the original, so it didnt replace it with a patched one from 1.9mb to 2mb.. |
07:43:51 | Ebert_ | stupid me, thanks for saying 'vanilla' i think it kicked my brain into gear |
07:44:37 | n1s | well, it does sound like a bug to me, could you please report it in the tracker? |
07:45:31 | Ebert_ | maybe it is like that so patching the .hex stays 'legal' |
07:49:46 | Ebert_ | but it should have some sort of message. yes i will report it. |
07:55:17 | | Join Horschti [0] (n=Horscht2@xbmc/user/horscht) |
07:55:19 | amiconn | saratoga: Your ICONST_ATTR fix is incomplete, or rather, using IDATA_ATTR was technically correct in that case |
07:56:08 | amiconn | ICONST_ATTR is meant to be used for 'const' variables, but all these tables aren't qualified 'const', even if they're kept constant in the code |
07:56:54 | | Join JdGordon1 [0] (n=jonno@c-24-22-210-83.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) |
07:58:32 | amiconn | Actually there is no functional difference between ICONST_ATTR and IDATA_ATTR. They are only necessary because gcc refuses to put const and non-const into the same section. If only one of these types occurs in the code, you could use either (but of course shouldn't to avoid confusion) |
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08:08:41 | amiconn | saratoga: That can be fixed easily, but it needs a (single) change in imdct.c. Shall I commit? |
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09:03:28 | FlynDice | Funman: Ping |
09:04:42 | funman | FlynDice: pong |
09:04:48 | FlynDice | got some time for SD & DMA questions? |
09:05:06 | funman | sure |
09:05:07 | | Join LinusN [0] (n=linus@rockbox/developer/LinusN) |
09:06:51 | | Quit daurnimator (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
09:07:08 | FlynDice | I'm trying to work out how we know the dma transfer is completed. It seems we get the wakeup signal through the MCI isr when the DATA END shows up, is this correct? |
09:07:38 | funman | correct |
09:08:16 | funman | we don't check the exact bit of MCI_STATUS set however |
09:08:37 | funman | since we only mask DATA_END and error bits, and we check for errors in the isr |
09:09:04 | funman | it might be worth checking that DATA_END is set and not another bit |
09:09:34 | FlynDice | I'm thinking if we use this signal it may not give time for the fifo to empty into the uncached buffer before we then memcopy from uncached to buf, does this make sense? |
09:10:48 | FlynDice | for a read that is |
09:10:57 | FlynDice | ie the card may be done sending data to the fifo but the dma transfer is not done yet |
09:11:05 | funman | hmm right, this only tells us the data transfer has been done to/from the fifo |
09:11:37 | funman | i'm cecking the pl180 doc |
09:11:56 | funman | to see what "data counter is zero" means |
09:12:16 | | Quit JdGordon (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
09:12:47 | funman | there is a description of dma signals which tells about "data counter" at 2.3.2 DMA (page 35 of pdf) |
09:13:08 | FlynDice | yes was reading that an hour ago.... |
09:13:51 | funman | did you try reverting r19714 ? (290d6d38294aecfa5c400e08ce8ccb1fd21fd5c4 in git) |
09:14:29 | FlynDice | no, what changed there? |
09:14:42 | funman | i moved end of transfer signal from DMA module to SD module |
09:14:55 | funman | it made the code simpler, but perhaps also incorrect :/ |
09:15:34 | funman | i believe because PCM & SD didn't signal end of transfer in the same way |
09:16:13 | funman | if we use DMA module to notify end of transfer, we're sure all data has been moved |
09:16:32 | FlynDice | that's what I've been thinking |
09:17:16 | | Join Thundercloud [0] (i=thunderc@persistence.flat.devzero.co.uk) |
09:18:27 | FlynDice | pcm uses the TCI dma int and then calls dma_callback, right? |
09:18:56 | funman | right |
09:19:09 | funman | so it's just a matter of adding a callback to dma_enable_channel() |
09:19:55 | funman | by the way how did you manage to run your player without modifying CCU_SCON ? |
09:21:16 | | Join goffa_ [0] (n=goffa@ |
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09:22:30 | FlynDice | I tried adding and rearranging a few things in the dma driver and thought I'd see if it worked and it did... give me a minute and I'll pastebin my current diff with the stuff I've got going. |
09:26:48 | FlynDice | I end up rearranging thing a lot so they make sense to me and I can understand them better. Here's what I've been using all day. if(0) the widebus stuff in the sd init section. http://pastie.org/634558 |
09:27:17 | | Quit timc (Remote closed the connection) |
09:30:56 | funman | ok the important changes are in channel control register |
09:31:18 | | Quit BHSPitMonkey (Remote closed the connection) |
09:32:09 | FlynDice | I added the protection bits in there but I thought you said the OF only uses o's |
09:32:18 | FlynDice | or 0's even... |
09:33:05 | | Join timc [0] (n=aoeu@ |
09:33:36 | FlynDice | I also added clearing the interrupts as that was a step that the pl081 docs had |
09:38:26 | funman | arguments traverse a lot of functions/structures in dma code, so an error from me is very possible |
09:38:37 | funman | or perhaps they just use very different code :) |
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09:42:49 | FlynDice | I'm off to bed, been a long day :) |
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09:49:40 | funman | thanks! |
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14:18:05 | fanta2 | Anyone have any ideas as to why usb_drv_send_nonblocking on a sansa e200 would work fine for one packet and fail on the next? USBTrace shows a USBD_STATUS_XACT_ERROR and none of the sent data, if that's any help. |
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14:23:46 | gevaerts | do you wait for completion properly? |
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14:30:30 | fanta2 | I think so, after the first usb_drv_send_nonblocking call it returns until transfer_complete is called with USB_DIR_IN |
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14:44:00 | enthdegree | Can rockbox antialias fonts? |
14:48:11 | GodEater__ | enthdegree: not yet |
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14:52:25 | | Join Bob_C [0] (n=chatzill@host86-141-199-226.range86-141.btcentralplus.com) |
14:53:40 | Bob_C | Anyone working on Samsung NAND controller code? |
14:54:36 | fanta2 | Does data sent using usb_drv_send have to be split into 64-byte chunks (or whatever the wMaxPacketSize variable is set to), or is it done automatically? |
14:55:06 | gevaerts | that should be done by the driver. There may still be limits though (about 64k or so) |
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14:59:42 | markun | Bob_C: I think linuxstb is working on it. |
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15:00:15 | markun | and TheSeven and betrik |
15:00:35 | markun | Bob_C: are you as well? |
15:00:53 | Bob_C | Ok, I want to write a driver for the s3c2440 I wonder if the controller is any way compatible |
15:01:19 | TheSeven | is there a datasheet for that soc? |
15:01:25 | markun | yes, we have it |
15:01:54 | TheSeven | then compare it to the s5l8700 one. |
15:02:06 | markun | http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/pub/Main/DataSheets/um_s3c2440a_rev10.pdf |
15:02:13 | TheSeven | the s5l8700 preliminary DS isn't 100% accurate, but at least most things match |
15:04:52 | TheSeven | doesn't look too similar |
15:05:35 | TheSeven | the s3c2440 seems to have ECC linked pretty tight into the NAND controller, while s5l8700's ecc is almost separate |
15:06:09 | TheSeven | don't think you can re-use much code there |
15:06:41 | Bob_C | ok, I kinda expected that. IME Samsung never do the same thing twice |
15:08:02 | TheSeven | Bob_C: do you already know what kind of FTL is running on that target? (which target is it, btw?) |
15:08:36 | Bob_C | I am working on the Lyre project, we can use whatever FTL we want ;) |
15:09:01 | TheSeven | then don't use the crap I'm currently reversing on the ipods... |
15:15:16 | Bob_C | Any suggestions for an FTL? |
15:15:50 | Torne | There are several in Linux. |
15:16:09 | Torne | there is also work to develop one as a layer on top of UBI which is possibly nicer :) |
15:16:19 | | Quit fanta2 ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
15:16:20 | Torne | but generally they are a bit of a black art |
15:16:29 | Torne | most of them are very patented-y :) |
15:18:38 | Bob_C | What about yaffs? |
15:18:55 | Torne | Flash filesystems are not FTLs |
15:19:02 | Torne | totally different concept |
15:19:57 | Bob_C | ok, I'm not very familiar with these things |
15:20:07 | Torne | if you use a flash filesystem (jffs/yaffs/ubifs/etc) you will not be able to expose the disk as USB mass storage |
15:20:26 | Torne | and of course you would have to actually implement that filesystem for rockbox :) |
15:20:29 | Torne | instead of being able to use FAT |
15:20:41 | Torne | you'd also need to implement MTP or some other file transfer protocol that doesn't rely on MSC |
15:20:59 | Torne | an FTL turns a flash device into something that looks enough like a normal disk that you can format it as FAT |
15:21:16 | Bob_C | I'd like to ditch FAT anyway |
15:21:43 | Torne | Well, unless you are also going to implement MTP and a flash filesystem for rockbox in the course of porting to your hardware I would suggest you leave that for later :) |
15:22:01 | Zagor | well you can use MSC, but all usb hosts (computers) have to support whatever file system you choose... |
15:22:24 | Torne | Zagor: well, yes. This is unlikely to be useful to most normal humans :) |
15:22:30 | Zagor | indeed :) |
15:22:38 | Torne | most of the *good* flash filesystems are not even in the mainline linux kernel |
15:22:47 | Torne | so 99% of even linux machines won't be able to mount them |
15:22:55 | Torne | let alone other OSes :) |
15:23:17 | Torne | and you can't use MSC very easily even then, except to read. |
15:23:23 | Zagor | Bob_C: fat is near-perfect for big-file media players. don't fall into the old == bad trap. |
15:23:26 | Torne | MSC doesn't understand erase blocks |
15:23:43 | Torne | you can do a trivial readonly 'FTL' which lets it be read as a block device |
15:23:44 | Torne | but supporting writing over SCSI is hard |
15:24:03 | Bob_C | My concern with FAT is the licensing issue |
15:24:39 | Zagor | Torne: well if you have FTL you do block device emulation anyway, so supporting scsi on top shouldn't be difficult |
15:25:17 | Galois | FAT doesn't support weird characters in filenames. This annoys me quite a bit, even on media players. Although not enough to do anything about it. |
15:25:55 | Zagor | Galois: right, that is a definite downside |
15:25:57 | * | GodEater__ has plenty of weird characters in the filenames on his iPod. |
15:26:10 | Galois | by weird characters I mean things like : |
15:26:28 | GodEater__ | you literally mean ":" |
15:26:30 | GodEater__ | ? |
15:26:35 | Galois | yes, the drive colon |
15:26:37 | Zagor | Bob_C: the fat patent can be worked around. see http://lkml.org/lkml/2009/6/26/313 for example |
15:26:55 | GodEater__ | ah right |
15:27:07 | GodEater__ | I wouldn't have called a colon a weird character :) |
15:27:09 | Torne | The FAT patent is not the port's issue, anyway |
15:27:32 | Torne | any licensing issues with FAT that might exist, which is highly debateable, aren't specific to any one player |
15:27:53 | Bob_C | Well, I guess that's your opinion |
15:28:10 | Torne | whether there's an issue is opinion, but whether it's a port issue is fact :) |
15:28:17 | Torne | if it's an issue it's an issue for rockbox as a whole |
15:28:22 | GodEater__ | no it's fact. If the FAT patent becomes an issue, then it will apply to all of rockbox |
15:28:30 | Torne | it's not something to care about specific to one port. |
15:29:05 | Bob_C | The Lyre project is not just a port, it's actually an Open Hardware player. |
15:29:17 | Torne | the software on it is just a port |
15:30:00 | GodEater__ | in theory in could run other software than Rockbox |
15:30:02 | Torne | anyway. if you desperately wanted to avoid FAT the easiest way would be to still implement an FTL, but format the disk as ext2. |
15:30:21 | Torne | porting ext2 for rockbox would be much easier than porting a flash fs |
15:30:25 | GodEater__ | but that still means implementing a whole new file system in Rockbox |
15:30:28 | Torne | Yes |
15:30:37 | Torne | But it's *less* work than doing UBIFS+MTP or similar :) |
15:30:44 | GodEater__ | and you then limit your target audience to people who own OSes that can mount ext2 devices |
15:30:53 | Torne | The best option really is FAT, IMO. |
15:31:03 | GodEater__ | which is why we implemented it :) |
15:31:04 | Torne | but if you want to rule that out then flash filesystems are a long way from being second best |
15:31:16 | Bob_C | Is MTP not viable? |
15:31:20 | Torne | so i suspect you are going to want an FTL regardless |
15:31:59 | GodEater__ | it's certainly viable, but again, you limit your audience. There are those amongst us who like our Rockbox as block devices |
15:32:02 | Torne | MTP is perfectly possible in theory but it's a lot of work; it's a complete departure from the way we work at the moment. |
15:32:05 | Zagor | Bob_C: one of the reasons people like rockbox is that we are not limited to mtp |
15:32:08 | Torne | and not everyone will *want* MTP |
15:32:16 | GodEater__ | I won't want it for example |
15:33:21 | Torne | Bob_C: Finding an FTL you can port that will work and doesn't have licensing issues is already going to be difficult. Doing it for a flash FS, and hten *also* implementing MTP on top of that, will be waaaay harder |
15:33:42 | Zagor | Bob_C: fat licensing is not an issue. use fat and focus on the real work instead. |
15:34:10 | * | GodEater__ thinks Zagor should write a "WhyNo[InsertYourFavouriteFileSystemHereThatIsn'tFat]InRockbox" document to go with the "WhyNoMallocInRockbox" one |
15:34:17 | Bob_C | I would like to at least provide a choice, if MS hadn't sued TomTom I probably wouldn't be so concerned. |
15:34:28 | Torne | Bob_C: Using an FTL provides a choice |
15:34:38 | Zagor | there is more than enough work to do without inventing new huge tasks that aren't necessary |
15:34:38 | Torne | You can use any block device based filesystem which someone implements support for in rockbox |
15:34:53 | Torne | And using an FTL means you can *start off by testing it with FAT* which is already implemented |
15:35:05 | Torne | if you later really decide you don't want fat you can do some other FS later on top of the same FTL. |
15:35:11 | Zagor | Bob_C: you are only concerned because you are uninformed. read up and you'll see that it's not anything to worry about. |
15:37:15 | Bob_C | LOL, this is like being at work |
15:37:49 | GodEater__ | Bob_C: welcome in ;) |
15:38:07 | Zagor | haha, well you get do do what you like. I can only recommend not wasting effort on pointless things. |
15:38:08 | | Quit daurn (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
15:38:32 | GodEater__ | indeed, we offer only strong recommendations, not orders :) |
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15:39:27 | Zagor | Bob_C: btw why are you using nand chips instead of simple sd cards? |
15:40:14 | Zagor | I know "change the hardware" is not exactly what you want to hear... :-) I'm just curious. |
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15:41:12 | Bob_C | Well, maybe we can avoid some pain by not using NAND - the hardware is not well defined yet. |
15:41:48 | Torne | a NOR bootflash with the first stage loader, and then a uSD slot or soldered eMMC device, would be easier if you have support for that |
15:41:56 | Zagor | pluggable cards have many benefit. built-in ftl is one... |
15:42:20 | Torne | an di would hope your SoC has at least *one* SD/MMC controller.. |
15:43:51 | Bob_C | I like that idea. Any downsides - cost/size I guess? |
15:44:04 | Torne | The slot has a small cost associated :) |
15:44:10 | Torne | but that's what eMMC is for |
15:44:26 | Torne | embedded MMC is basically an MMC card, with the plastic packaging removed, soldered directly to the PCB |
15:44:30 | Torne | it's not pluggable |
15:44:52 | Torne | but it uses the standard MMC interface and thus it's easy to hook up and it takes care of flash trnaslation |
15:45:14 | Torne | they are very very small. comparable/smaller to NAND parts |
15:45:37 | aaron424 | Is the cowon D2+ the same hardware as the D2? |
15:45:44 | TheSeven | i'd personally go for pluggable though, so µSD |
15:45:49 | Zagor | I would suggest using pluggable if possible. it allows the user to select memory size and keeps a single base unit at a low price. |
15:46:08 | Torne | Well, the usual option there is to have one soldered and then also a slot. :) |
15:46:19 | Bob_C | Zagor: that's what appeals to me |
15:46:19 | Torne | it depends on your use cases |
15:46:34 | Zagor | Torne: yeah but I don't quite see the point of that other than marketing |
15:46:35 | Torne | most SoCs have at lesat two, often three, sd/mmc controllers |
15:46:43 | Torne | Zagor: It means you don't have your OS on a removeable card |
15:47:03 | Torne | which is a consumer friendly feature. that may not matter for us folks :) |
15:47:20 | Torne | and also it's handy for security/etc purposes, which again may not matter for us |
15:47:44 | | Join evilnick [0] (i=0c140464@gateway/web/freenode/x-dflfadumijnknzeg) |
15:47:46 | Torne | (you can't do paging from removable cards, for example ;) |
15:47:58 | Zagor | yeah that is a point. running one rockbox version and then plugging in a card with an older version is likely to... crash :) |
15:51:22 | | Join Utchybann [0] (n=lolo@ede67-1-81-56-102-26.fbx.proxad.net) |
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15:54:35 | | Join AndyI [0] (n=pasha_in@ |
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16:00 |
16:05:43 | | Quit AndyIL (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
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16:19:37 | | Nick awake is now known as awake_ (n=awake@c122-106-67-153.rivrw1.nsw.optusnet.com.au) |
16:20:49 | awake_ | hi, i tried to install rockbox onto the sansa fuze with rockbox utility but it couldnt download rockbox-sansa-fuze-.zip (404 error) |
16:21:15 | awake_ | now when i boot it up, it shows rockbox but says firmware not found. i can boot into the original firmware while holding left as i start it up |
16:21:52 | awake_ | what should i do now? i've downloaded rockbox-sansa-fuze.zip manually, can i extract that into the .rockbox folder? |
16:22:02 | funman | awake_: current rbutil version might be buggy, you can install a firmware manually though, get it from current build webpage and extract it into the root folder of the player |
16:22:19 | funman | the .rockbox folder is inside the zip, just unzip it in the root folder |
16:25:29 | | Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@ |
16:25:38 | awake_ | oh okay, trying it now, thanks |
16:28:49 | funman | "we have by default no support for atomic operations" |
16:28:54 | funman | oops sorry |
16:30:09 | | Part likemindead ("FOSS FTW!") |
16:36:49 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
16:43:49 | | Quit teru ("Quit") |
16:47:14 | | Join BdN3504 [0] (n=d4ca7c02@giant.haxx.se) |
16:48:26 | BdN3504 | Is there a tool for windows or linux, which helps me build the rockbox database? i am thinking of something like this: |
16:48:49 | BdN3504 | i give the program the drive letter on which rockbox is installed, |
16:49:39 | BdN3504 | the program indexes all music files, creates the the nine database tcd files + the idx tcd and writes them back to the device |
16:50:37 | BdN3504 | http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/pub/Main/TagcacheDBFormat/rblib.py.txt from http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/TagcacheDBFormat#Tools does not do this, right? |
16:50:45 | GodEater__ | BdN3504: yes, it's in the rockbox source tree |
16:50:51 | GodEater__ | tools/database.c |
16:51:05 | GodEater__ | worked fine last time I tried it - you need to build it yourself though |
16:51:19 | BdN3504 | for which architecture? |
16:51:25 | | Quit toffe82 (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
16:51:32 | GodEater__ | it's source code |
16:51:38 | GodEater__ | build it for what you run |
16:52:22 | BdN3504 | ok, so if i want to compile it from a linux environment, can i simply use gcc and a crosscompiler? |
16:52:33 | GodEater__ | why would you need a cross compiler ? |
16:52:37 | BdN3504 | for windows i mean |
16:52:44 | GodEater__ | huh ? |
16:52:58 | BdN3504 | i want to use linux to compile for windows |
16:53:01 | BdN3504 | :) |
16:53:06 | GodEater__ | if you're building from a linux env. why would you build a windows version ? |
16:53:08 | GodEater__ | why ? |
16:53:14 | GodEater__ | why not build it on windows ? |
16:53:29 | BdN3504 | convenience, linux is vm windows is my native os |
16:53:43 | BdN3504 | because i have no compiler on the windows machine |
16:53:51 | | Join daurn| [0] (n=daurnima@freenode/staff/daurnimator) |
16:53:54 | GodEater__ | well if you're determined to make it hard for yourself, you go right ahead |
16:54:04 | GodEater__ | I think you'll need to write your own Makefile though |
16:54:53 | BdN3504 | ok, thanks. i'll see what i can do. is this a commandline tool or does it have a gui? |
16:55:13 | GodEater__ | commandline |
16:55:15 | BdN3504 | is it documented somewhere? |
16:55:24 | GodEater__ | nope |
16:55:29 | GodEater__ | only in the code |
16:55:46 | BdN3504 | hmmm, so no man pages or something like that? |
16:55:51 | GodEater__ | nope |
16:56:00 | GodEater__ | that's what "No documentation" means :) |
16:56:04 | BdN3504 | :) |
16:56:25 | BdN3504 | why thank you. i will go on and try to compile |
16:56:28 | GodEater__ | you build it, put it in your path, change directory to the root of your player, run it. |
16:56:45 | GodEater__ | there are no command line arguments, no help, no nothing. |
16:56:59 | BdN3504 | ahh ok |
16:57:23 | GodEater__ | if you want to make it a bit more friendly, go right ahead :) |
16:58:47 | BdN3504 | did you use that tool on a windows machine? |
17:00 |
17:00:56 | GodEater__ | hell nop |
17:01:05 | GodEater__ | I won't let windows in the house |
17:02:22 | BdN3504 | k i guess "that's all folks", i'll be back once i'm done finished compiling and testing... Do you think it's a bad idea to put the binaries on the wiki database page? |
17:03:43 | | Join Strife89 [0] (n=michael@ |
17:04:40 | | Quit GodEater__ ("CGI:IRC") |
17:05:20 | funman | no it doesn't seem to be a bad idea if you tested it |
17:05:57 | | Quit Zagor ("Don't panic") |
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17:07:11 | | Quit DerPapst ("Leaving.") |
17:07:44 | | Join Grahack [0] (n=chri@ip-222.net-82-216-222.rev.numericable.fr) |
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17:36:29 | | Nick fxb__ is now known as fxb (n=felixbru@h1252615.stratoserver.net) |
17:36:39 | | Join MiD [0] (i=837690fd@gateway/web/freenode/session) |
17:37:02 | MiD | Hi. Is there anyone here who can provide support for the e280v2 in terms of installation (Not bricked) |
17:39:52 | Torne | if you've tried following the instructions and it's gone wrong/not working, say exactly what you did and what happened and someone might be able to help |
17:40:07 | Torne | if you've not tried following the instructions then no, it's unlikely that anyone is going to go through it with you :) |
17:40:15 | MiD | I attempted to do an installation using the recommended Rockbox Installation Utility |
17:40:31 | MiD | I did the Rockbox Bootloader installation first, providing the original firmware from SanDisk for the Sansa |
17:40:59 | | Join toffe82 [0] (n=chatzill@ |
17:40:59 | MiD | Then, I installed the unstable for Rockbox for the e200v2 |
17:41:03 | | Quit FlynDice (Remote closed the connection) |
17:41:11 | funman | MiD: current rockbox utility doesn't work for e200, get the zip file from the "current build" page and unzip it into the root folder of your player |
17:41:55 | MiD | funman: After the failure to launch, I tried just that. Used mkams to write the modified bootloader, and extracted the build to the root folder. |
17:42:23 | MiD | However, the bootloader failed to launch |
17:42:26 | funman | bootloader installation should work |
17:42:34 | MiD | and went straight into the Sansa firmware |
17:42:58 | MiD | In both cases |
17:43:10 | funman | is the file still present on your device ? e200pa.bin iirc |
17:43:18 | MiD | indeed it is |
17:43:28 | funman | what is its name ? |
17:43:45 | MiD | thats the correct name |
17:43:51 | funman | what? |
17:43:58 | MiD | e200pa.bin |
17:44:09 | funman | are you sure it's an e200v2 and not an e200v1 ? |
17:44:20 | | Join domonoky [0] (n=Domonoky@rockbox/developer/domonoky) |
17:44:26 | MiD | Positive |
17:44:33 | | Join FlynDice [0] (n=FlynDice@c-24-19-225-90.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) |
17:44:41 | funman | first try doing a normal firmware upgrade with the assistance of sandisk forums |
17:45:32 | MiD | Ok |
17:45:55 | MiD | Sansa v2's are identified by the 03.**.** prefix, correct? |
17:45:58 | | Quit gevaerts (Nick collision from services.) |
17:46:10 | | Join gevaerts [0] (n=fg@rockbox/developer/gevaerts) |
17:46:29 | funman | correct |
17:46:33 | MiD | Ok |
17:46:35 | funman | for e200v23 |
17:46:38 | funman | e200v2* |
17:46:50 | MiD | I'll head over there and try to get some assistance with firmware upgrades |
17:46:51 | MiD | Thanks |
17:47:37 | | Part MiD |
17:48:18 | | Quit AsaelReiter ("CGI:IRC") |
17:49:53 | | Join taketwo [0] (n=51ad82d4@giant.haxx.se) |
17:49:59 | taketwo | hi guys |
17:50:48 | | Join explore [0] (n=msparker@pool-173-57-72-22.dllstx.fios.verizon.net) |
17:51:09 | taketwo | could someone tell me whats the lightning symbol in the right upper corner of my ipod nano 1g? |
17:51:29 | taketwo | it occours when iam fast skipping my music |
17:51:46 | taketwo | didnt find anything about that in the faq |
17:52:10 | funman | it must be the "disk active" indicator |
17:52:42 | taketwo | hmk |
17:52:51 | taketwo | is there a way to avoid this? |
17:53:17 | funman | perhaps editing the theme |
17:53:29 | Torne | yah, you can remove it from the wps you are using |
17:53:40 | taketwo | ur kiddin hah? |
17:54:42 | Torne | what theme is it? |
17:54:58 | taketwo | mom |
17:55:27 | taketwo | rockboxed |
17:56:35 | taketwo | sry rockbox_default |
17:56:50 | | Join DerPapst [0] (n=DerPapst@p4FE8FDE4.dip.t-dialin.net) |
17:57:24 | Torne | then no, you cna't remove it from that |
17:57:29 | Torne | because that's the statusbar :) |
17:57:41 | Torne | use a different WPS |
17:59:20 | taketwo | the annoying thing about that is, the player freezes for some seconds i dont know why it should have something to do with the theme. i have a couple of 100mb mp3´s on it and with when it skips to them he just freezes |
17:59:51 | | Quit funman ("free(random());") |
18:00 |
18:00:14 | Torne | er, if you skip ahead past a 100mb file then yes, it has to buffer the new file |
18:00:23 | Torne | there's not enough memory to have buffered that in advance |
18:00:48 | Strife89 | taketwo: What build are you using? |
18:01:14 | taketwo | where can i look for that? i used the latest biuld on the site |
18:01:21 | Strife89 | taketwo: Ah. |
18:01:34 | Strife89 | taketwo: It's under System->Rockbox Info. |
18:01:57 | taketwo | 3.3 |
18:02:04 | Torne | taketwo: it's nothing to do with the theme, anyway |
18:02:11 | | Quit petur ("work->...") |
18:02:13 | Torne | the symbol that appears is just telling you it's reading from the disk |
18:02:20 | Torne | well not disk |
18:02:23 | Torne | "storage" :) |
18:02:48 | | Join stoffel [0] (n=quassel@p57B4FF23.dip.t-dialin.net) |
18:02:53 | domonoky | taketwo: just as a note: 3.3 isnt the latest build. |
18:03:25 | Strife89 | taketwo: Rockbox release 3.4 has been out for 6 days. ;) |
18:03:47 | taketwo | ok so i have to live with that.. i was just wondering if i adjust something wrong / oh hey great news i take a look =) thx |
18:04:10 | domonoky | and "latest build" normally means the latest development build (which is build on every source change) |
18:05:44 | taketwo | silly question, but can i just over install this build? |
18:05:48 | Torne | taketwo: i wouldn't normally epxect it to completely freeze for several seconds.. |
18:05:54 | Torne | especially since that's a flash player |
18:05:59 | Strife89 | taketwo: Yes. |
18:06:02 | domonoky | taketwo: yes, just install again. |
18:06:05 | taketwo | ok |
18:06:18 | Strife89 | Torne, taketwo: Is he/ are you using dircache? |
18:06:26 | Strife89 | That will help immensely. |
18:06:48 | taketwo | the freezes take some seconds with 100mb files |
18:06:56 | Torne | taketwo: the size of the file shouldn't matter |
18:06:59 | taketwo | i dont know where can i look it up? |
18:07:03 | Torne | it only needs to read the beginning |
18:07:29 | Strife89 | taketwo: Settings -> General Settings -> System -> directory cache. |
18:07:33 | Strife89 | taketwo: I think. |
18:08:23 | taketwo | its on |
18:09:18 | Strife89 | taketwo: What format is the file in, again? |
18:09:52 | taketwo | my music? |
18:10:05 | Strife89 | taketwo: Yes. |
18:10:17 | taketwo | there all mp3 |
18:10:37 | Strife89 | Bit rate? |
18:11:59 | taketwo | idk not all but the most 192 |
18:12:33 | taketwo | some are convertes youtube files.. so they have 96 or something i dont know |
18:12:37 | Strife89 | taketwo: How about that ~100MB file? |
18:12:44 | Torne | just to clarify: you mean you ar eplaying a playlist of just ordinary mp3s, and when you skip ahead tracks, sometimes it does nothing for several seconds before starting to play the track you skipped to? |
18:12:45 | taketwo | 320 |
18:13:04 | Strife89 | taketwo: That might be the issue, then. Top bitrate + big file = lag. |
18:13:18 | Torne | is it skipping *onto* the big track, or skipping *past* the big track which is the problem? |
18:13:24 | * | Strife89 leaves for a lunch break. |
18:13:33 | | Quit Strife89 ("Lunch.") |
18:13:50 | taketwo | ok thx strife89 |
18:14:22 | taketwo | iam browsing my database and selected a file and then skip trough |
18:14:48 | taketwo | i hope you know what i mean my english is not so good |
18:15:19 | Torne | What's playing when you hit skip? |
18:15:24 | Torne | a regular file, or one of hte large ones? |
18:16:41 | taketwo | there are realy much doubled files in the database and the most of them are reg. mp3´s of 130 tracks 15 are large i think |
18:18:27 | Torne | taketwo: your ipod only has 32MB of RAM, some of which is used for rockbox. when you're just listening to music normally, we buffer ~29 MB of data up in advance |
18:18:38 | Torne | so there are no delays loading up files |
18:18:56 | Torne | when you skip ahead, you can end up skipping past enough tracks that there is no data buffered at all for the file that's now the one it should be playing |
18:19:19 | Torne | at this point the music will stop briefly as it starts buffering again from the track you skipped up to. |
18:19:41 | Torne | I wouldn't normally expect this to take that long on a player with no hard drive though |
18:20:17 | Torne | but exactly how long depends on your settings a little.. |
18:20:23 | taketwo | do you mean i skip to fast? or did i get it wrong |
18:20:42 | Torne | no, it's fine to skip as fast as you want |
18:20:55 | Torne | rockbox just can't *immediately* start playing the next track if you skip ahead too many |
18:21:08 | Torne | because it can only keep a couple of tracks loaded up at a time |
18:21:33 | Torne | if the music pauses for a second when you do that then that's probably normal behaviour... |
18:21:54 | Torne | you might be able to reduce the time it pauses for by changing various settings but it will never go away entirely |
18:22:07 | taketwo | ok i got THAT. =) thx for the help anyway! |
18:22:15 | Torne | also you may find it's quicker on a newer version |
18:22:19 | Torne | try upgrading to 3.4 :) |
18:22:34 | taketwo | i updated a minute ago but it keeps on buffering |
18:23:10 | Torne | yes, buffering is not optional :) |
18:23:24 | Torne | files have to be loaded into memory before they can be played |
18:23:37 | Torne | rockbox tries to have the right files loaded up in advance whenever possible |
18:23:39 | taketwo | sure its not but i thought could be faster :P |
18:23:46 | Torne | which works fine if you listen to a playlist in order without skipping |
18:24:03 | Torne | well, mayb eit could be. |
18:24:08 | taketwo | well, playlists arent so my thing. i just browse all day long =) |
18:24:13 | Torne | i'm not saying there is definately nothing wrong |
18:24:25 | Torne | but *some* delay is expected |
18:24:45 | Torne | yah, but rockbox treats everything as a playlist. |
18:24:48 | taketwo | i can live with it so its no big problem i love rockbox anyway =D |
18:24:51 | Torne | it doesn't have to be an actual .m3u file |
18:25:09 | Torne | just picking a file from a directory or from the database creates a dynamic playlist with the files in that directory or database menu in. |
18:25:25 | taketwo | yea so the playlist i use are all of my mp3´s right |
18:25:26 | Torne | so we say playlist for everything :) |
18:25:39 | taketwo | hmk |
18:25:48 | Torne | if you use the database then the playlist will be whatever was visible in the database when you picked a file |
18:25:51 | Torne | so if you go artist -> album -> track |
18:25:59 | Torne | then the playlist will be that whole album, starting from the track you picked |
18:26:18 | Torne | but if you just go to the tracklisting at the top level with every artist/album mixed together then the playlist will be every file on your player, starting from the track you picked. |
18:26:26 | Torne | does that make sense? |
18:26:38 | taketwo | yea i know what you mean |
18:26:55 | Torne | it shouldn't make any difference to buffering though |
18:27:10 | Torne | buffering starts with the file you select and then if there is more room after that file, it loads up whever is next until it runs out of space |
18:27:15 | Torne | the total size of the playlist doesn't matter |
18:27:32 | Torne | but if you often change your mind about what you want to play then yes, it will hav eto rebuffer every time |
18:28:47 | | Join Omlet [0] (n=omlet05@72.146-242-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be) |
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18:29:18 | taketwo | ok thanks for your help =) i just wanted to know what that symbol is now i know its buffering =D |
18:32:26 | CIA-43 | New commit by FlynDice (r22850): AMS Sansa: Replace simple write delay with a smarter check on status of MCI FIFO. |
18:32:50 | taketwo | bye guys it was nice to meet you |
18:36:11 | | Join BdN3504 [0] (n=55b20595@giant.haxx.se) |
18:36:40 | BdN3504 | hey, i inquired earlier about the database tool. this is what i get when i try to compile on windows: http://pastie.org/635213 |
18:36:50 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
18:37:59 | gevaerts | you didn't see the makefile there? |
18:38:01 | | Quit taketwo ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
18:38:26 | BdN3504 | what about it? |
18:38:35 | BdN3504 | can i simply make? |
18:38:53 | gevaerts | that's much more likely to work than what you tried, yes |
18:39:07 | Bob_C | PMJI make should work under Cygwin I think |
18:39:25 | gevaerts | why bother? cygwin comes with make... |
18:39:53 | Bob_C | Why bother with what? |
18:40:11 | BdN3504 | i did not use cygwin, i used gcc which comes with mingw |
18:40:28 | | Quit explore (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
18:40:44 | BdN3504 | does cygwin produce windows executables? |
18:40:54 | gevaerts | BdN3504: stay with mingw |
18:41:15 | Bob_C | In that case you need MSys which has shell tools: make etc |
18:41:38 | dionoea | cygwin can produce windows executables. just compile with -mno-cygwin |
18:41:55 | | Join __lifeless [0] (n=lifeless@ |
18:42:18 | dionoea | (or whatever the exact gcc option name is) |
18:42:32 | Bob_C | But I can't build it on Unix either |
18:42:54 | BdN3504 | hm, i don't get anything that works, neither with mingw nor with cygwin: |
18:43:35 | | Join sdoolman [0] (n=54e4f433@ |
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18:44:56 | | Join explore [0] (n=msparker@pool-173-57-72-22.dllstx.fios.verizon.net) |
18:44:57 | BdN3504 | cc1: error: unrecognized command line option "-Wno-pointer-sign" make: *** [database.o] Error 1 |
18:45:29 | Bob_C | Yeah, I get that too |
18:45:33 | gevaerts | then edit the makefile |
18:45:49 | BdN3504 | what shall i edit there? i have no clue |
18:46:51 | | Join FOAD_ [0] (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) |
18:47:16 | BdN3504 | this is what i get with -mno-cygwin btw : http://www.pastie.org/635230 |
18:47:49 | | Join raphi [0] (n=raphi@pub082136118205.dh-hfc.datazug.ch) |
18:47:55 | gevaerts | so what's wrong with that? |
18:48:01 | | Quit FOAD (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) |
18:48:01 | | Nick FOAD_ is now known as FOAD (n=dok@dinah.blub.net) |
18:48:32 | BdN3504 | i don't know, is it supposed to look like that? |
18:48:34 | Bob_C | You won't be able to build it like that, tahts for sure |
18:48:45 | BdN3504 | i get no output files |
18:49:00 | Bob_C | You really need to use the makefile |
18:49:05 | gevaerts | yes you do. You may have to rename database to database.exe, but it is there |
18:49:55 | Bob_C | Ignore that, looking at wrong link :} |
18:51:02 | gevaerts | BdN3504: if you want to have that done automatically, edit the makefile and change "TARGET= database" to "TARGET= database.exe" |
18:51:26 | Bob_C | Looks like it built ok |
18:54:33 | BdN3504 | http://www.pastie.org/635230 |
18:54:47 | BdN3504 | make: *** No rule to make target `database.exe', needed by `all'. Stop. |
18:54:49 | BdN3504 | sorry |
18:55:19 | | Quit explore ("Lost terminal") |
18:55:41 | gevaerts | ah, yes. You also need to change the database: line a bit further down |
18:55:48 | BdN3504 | that's what i get when i change to database.exe |
18:55:50 | BdN3504 | ok |
18:55:53 | BdN3504 | i go eat |
18:55:55 | BdN3504 | brb |
18:56:53 | | Quit intrados4 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
18:57:11 | | Quit _lifeless (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
19:00 |
19:04:58 | | Join saratoga [0] (i=saratoga@dunes.bme.duke.edu) |
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19:09:18 | | Join Cortexelation [0] (n=425c47fa@ |
19:09:27 | Cortexelation | *transplode* |
19:10:39 | | Join intrados4 [0] (n=intrados@cpe-75-187-57-252.columbus.res.rr.com) |
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19:12:54 | | Join bertrik [0] (n=bertrik@ip117-49-211-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) |
19:13:36 | | Quit esperegu (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
19:14:04 | | Join esperegu [0] (n=quassel@ |
19:15:36 | Cortexelation | does rockbox support real time DSP from microphone? |
19:15:54 | Cortexelation | as if to use a music player as an effects processor |
19:16:12 | Cortexelation | for reactive music \m/ |
19:18:44 | gevaerts | it doesn't, no |
19:20:25 | | Quit merbzt (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
19:21:47 | Cortexelation | ah! is it possible then, were I to make something? |
19:24:33 | * | bertrik thinks it's possible, at least in theory |
19:25:29 | bertrik | I don't know if all targets in rockbox allow simultaneous record and playback |
19:26:56 | Cortexelation | hmmm |
19:30:06 | saratoga | if you pick a device that has hardware capable of playback and record at the same time, and then wrote code to do it, you could |
19:30:38 | saratoga | a lot share DMA channels between ADC and DAC though |
19:31:07 | | Join HellDragon [0] (i=jd@modemcable178.248-201-24.mc.videotron.ca) |
19:32:24 | | Join casainho [0] (n=chatzill@87-196-95-235.net.novis.pt) |
19:32:55 | casainho | JdGordon: ping |
19:33:01 | JdGordon | burp |
19:33:39 | casainho | JdGordon: hello :-) −− so, did you thought on buying that Mini2440 dev. board? |
19:33:54 | JdGordon | tempted still... |
19:34:41 | casainho | JdGordon: because Bob already got his board, and he is coding, and he already have kernel_init() and LCD running :-) |
19:34:45 | | Join iJab [0] (n=89be9d67@giant.haxx.se) |
19:35:03 | JdGordon | hmm... what was the link? |
19:35:27 | | Quit iJab (Client Quit) |
19:35:49 | casainho | JdGordon: http://cgi.ebay.com/mini2440-S3C2440-ARM9-Board-3-5-TFT-LCD-Touch-Screen_W0QQitemZ120468760959QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item1c0c7f697f&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14 |
19:36:44 | casainho | now we were talking and looks like it will be easy and quick to work just with the SD Card. Is there any port that have perfect working SD Card drivers? |
19:39:25 | JdGordon | ah screw it.. ok bought |
19:41:22 | * | domonoky also bought this board a few days ago :-) |
19:41:53 | casainho | oh, nice! so we are 4 developers now :-) |
19:42:36 | Bagder | maybe time to start a rockbox wiki page for this hw? |
19:43:50 | casainho | the actual code is here: http://lyre.hg.sourceforge.net/hgweb/lyre/lyre/ |
19:44:19 | casainho | and the project page here: http://lyre.sourceforge.net/ |
19:45:04 | Bagder | as usual, I'd be interested in a patch against rockbox, not in a full copy of a tree |
19:45:31 | | Join intrados4 [0] (n=intrados@cpe-75-187-57-252.columbus.res.rr.com) |
19:45:35 | casainho | yes, but that's why we are using hg, as developers had advice us here on this channel |
19:46:13 | Bagder | sorry, I don't see how hg has anything to do with it, but it doesn't really matter |
19:46:31 | casainho | we are trying to keep the hg repo in sync with Rockbox SVN, so when we want we will make that patch |
19:46:47 | | Quit hd (Connection timed out) |
19:47:39 | casainho | so, for now kernel_init() works but is not tested, I think Bob don't ahve as osciloscope to verify HZ tick |
19:48:00 | casainho | and he tolds me that the LCD is near the Gigabeat LCd |
19:49:16 | casainho | when should we make a patch? |
19:50:57 | Bagder | casainho: so is the previous lyre hw now abandoned? |
19:51:08 | | Join T44 [0] (i=Topy44@f048077004.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
19:51:59 | casainho | with the AT91SAM? yes |
19:52:36 | | Join funman [0] (n=fun@rockbox/developer/funman) |
19:52:40 | casainho | because no one can use it without making costum PCB −− it's a lot of trouble, that's why this actual board is almost perfect, it have all |
19:53:15 | Bagder | except ability to actually be a _portable_ player? |
19:53:18 | casainho | but this board is for a kind of home/car Rockbox player |
19:53:33 | casainho | yes :-) |
19:53:36 | funman | FlynDice: do you need uSD tests with your last commit ? |
19:53:49 | casainho | but we are still waiting for ARMopendous protable device |
19:55:40 | Bagder | there are so many hws ... |
19:55:49 | casainho | Bagder: when should we make a pacth? |
19:55:49 | Bagder | I meant that ARMopendous one |
19:56:13 | casainho | the ARMopendous is for being a complete Open Hardware |
19:56:21 | Bagder | what exactly is the lyre name supposed to be? |
19:56:26 | Bagder | the ARMopendous player? |
19:56:30 | Bagder | the mini2440 player? |
19:56:59 | | Quit JackWinter3 (Remote closed the connection) |
19:57:02 | casainho | we will decide in future, after having it working. For now is lyre_proto2 |
19:57:28 | Bagder | the mini one is proto2? isn't it the third hw platform? |
19:57:57 | casainho | no, it's the second hardware, ARMopendous is not ready yet |
19:58:26 | Bagder | well, I still don't quite understand what "lyre" is since its not about a specific hw... |
19:58:32 | casainho | the guy at ARMopendous had problems with his 1st board version, mainly SDRAM routing problems |
19:58:35 | | Quit stoffel (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) |
19:59:06 | casainho | I think is about the idea of a costum Open Hardware that runs Rockbox |
20:00 |
20:00:09 | JdGordon | ... this baord is not Open in the free speach form of the word |
20:00:31 | * | JdGordon checks CC... or beer either |
20:00:36 | | Quit Cortexelation ("CGI:IRC (EOF)") |
20:00:36 | | Join explore [0] (n=msparker@pool-173-57-72-22.dllstx.fios.verizon.net) |
20:00:42 | Bagder | casainho: I still think you shouldn't call everything lyre, it makes things very hard to keep apart when talking |
20:00:54 | Bagder | but that's me |
20:01:10 | Bagder | and as JdGordon says, that mini2440 isn't really that open, is it? |
20:01:13 | casainho | JdGordon: yes, this Mini2440 is not Open Hardware, but is something that is available on market on a cheap price, with public schematics and all datasheets |
20:02:16 | | Join pamaury [0] (n=apouly@slsu0-20.ens-lyon.fr) |
20:02:17 | casainho | I guess the only missing things to be Open Hardware are the source files for the schematics and board |
20:03:59 | casainho | Bob had the idea to buy this board and start working on it, and he calls to the board a Lyre proto, for me is ok, because the idea is the same |
20:04:10 | | Join mcuelenaere [0] (n=mcuelena@78-22-180-217.access.telenet.be) |
20:04:22 | | Quit pamaury (Client Quit) |
20:05:20 | casainho | the only thing missing is later we can make our costum hardware based on that board, and I think is more a question of having money to invest on it, to contract some company to make it for us |
20:05:52 | | Quit raphi ("leaving...") |
20:05:53 | casainho | so, starting working using this board and call it Lyre prototype 2 is ok |
20:06:15 | | Join JackWinter [0] (n=jack@ |
20:06:17 | casainho | maybe it will ever be a prototype... |
20:07:42 | | Quit JackWinter (Remote closed the connection) |
20:08:14 | | Join JackWinter [0] (n=jack@vodsl-10103.vo.lu) |
20:08:38 | JdGordon | or maybe we just call it mini2440 and leave the marketable name to the marketing department if/when it ever gets mass built |
20:09:42 | | Quit Topy (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
20:09:52 | BdN3504 | what do i have to change in makefile, to compile database.c properly? http://www.rockbox.org/irc/log-20090929#18:55:41 |
20:11:05 | casainho | JdGordon: yes. That board is called mini2440 over al internet |
20:11:24 | JdGordon | then calling it that would seem to make alot of sense |
20:12:54 | casainho | JdGordon: do you want write acess to hg on sourceforge? |
20:13:13 | JdGordon | no, I'm with Bagder... all code should be in the rockbox tree |
20:13:37 | JdGordon | and we now have 2 commiters so that shouldnt be difficult |
20:14:16 | casainho | JdGordon: ok, so things changes now. That 2 commiters have Rockbox SVN write acess, me and Bob, we can commit pacthes? |
20:14:31 | | Join petur [50] (n=petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
20:14:38 | JdGordon | thats not up to me |
20:14:49 | casainho | JdGordon: since Bob and me, we already made some work, would you like to use it? |
20:14:53 | | Quit bubsy ("PARTY TIME, EXCELLENT! Party on, Wayne! Party on, Garth!") |
20:15:00 | JdGordon | yes |
20:15:08 | | Join tomers [0] (n=chatzill@bzq-84-109-85-100.red.bezeqint.net) |
20:15:18 | JdGordon | anyway, I'm going on holiday for 2 weeks, so we can talk when i get back |
20:15:24 | casainho | ok |
20:15:41 | Bob_C | We should have it working by then ;) |
20:15:51 | casainho | because you can get our source without having wirte acess to it or I simple could give you write acess |
20:16:04 | casainho | ah, Bob, you are there :-) |
20:16:18 | * | Bob_C had to get beer |
20:16:26 | tomers | Does anyone knows how to have Hebrew fonts on Rockbox? I remember they were removed from SVN a long time ago. Can Hebrew codes be added to the default font? |
20:16:32 | | Join bubsy [0] (n=bubsy@ |
20:16:50 | JdGordon | tomers: get any ttf or bdf and convert them |
20:17:03 | JdGordon | ttf->bdf->fnt |
20:17:23 | casainho | Bob_C: did you read the domonoky also bought the board? |
20:17:37 | Bob_C | yes I did |
20:17:39 | tomers | JdGordon: I want to have it added to the SVN, what is the best way to do it? Can it be added to the font used in the default theme? |
20:17:46 | pixelma | I don't think there was anything removed from SVN |
20:18:03 | | Join Zagor [242] (n=bjst@ |
20:18:13 | casainho | domonoky: do you want write acess to hg repo on Sourceforge? |
20:18:20 | JdGordon | the fonts were renamed, I dont think any were actually deleted |
20:18:20 | pixelma | you just need a font that supports hebrew characters |
20:18:32 | JdGordon | IIRC rasher has a table of which fonts have which glyfs |
20:18:34 | tomers | pixelma: I'll look for it and show you |
20:19:04 | tomers | JdGordon: Is there any wiki page with all this info? |
20:19:12 | JdGordon | http://rasher.dk/rockbox/fontstats/ |
20:19:12 | | Quit BdN3504 ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
20:19:18 | tomers | Thanks! |
20:19:20 | rasher | tomers: the hebrew fonts were only removed because they were redundant, not out of any anti-hebrew sentiment :) |
20:19:23 | domonoky | casainho: when i get the board and start coding, maybe yes. but perhaps we should just put the code into rockbox svn when we have the first code running on mini2440 |
20:19:38 | rasher | tomers: they were basically a subset of other fonts |
20:19:49 | JdGordon | looks like unifont is the only one with full hebrew support :/ |
20:20:05 | casainho | domonoky: correct, but if while that you want to work on hg sourceforege, as a kind of sandbox |
20:20:45 | pixelma | nimbus has hebrew characters too, and one size of helvetica |
20:20:45 | casainho | domonoky: our idea was to working with hg to be able to make a patch for Rockbox |
20:20:48 | domonoky | casainho: i will ask you when i need it. thanks for the offer :-) |
20:20:56 | rasher | JdGordon: less than full is Good Enough for most things, iirc |
20:21:01 | tomers | JdGordon, rasher: So, do you think it needs fixing? What do you think I should do? |
20:21:02 | casainho | I would like to know when we should make the first patch |
20:21:12 | pixelma | rasher has a nice statistic somewhere on his site |
20:21:33 | JdGordon | rasher: well hebrew only has 20 odd characters so if 5 are missing it can be useless :p |
20:21:43 | Bob_C | It would be better for us to generate some patches earlier rather than later |
20:21:53 | JdGordon | yes it would |
20:22:04 | casainho | JdGordon: yes, but when? |
20:22:08 | domonoky | casainho: i think making patches only makes sense, when the first code really runs on mini2440 |
20:22:15 | rasher | JdGordon: But the unicode range has a lot more than those, which is why not having all of them isn't a problem, because it'll almost certainly have those |
20:22:16 | tomers | pixelma: JdGordon gave this link: http://rasher.dk/rockbox/fontstats/ |
20:22:27 | casainho | domonoky: ok, it runs, the show_logo() runs |
20:22:31 | | Quit flydutch ("/* empty */") |
20:22:36 | Bob_C | Runs and plays audio, or just GUI? |
20:22:57 | domonoky | casainho: that sounds good for a start.. how is the target named currently in hg ? |
20:22:59 | rasher | JdGordon: ah, it's lots and lots of combining characters - http://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U0590.pdf |
20:23:17 | JdGordon | AH |
20:23:26 | | Join Creposucre [0] (n=53c3197c@giant.haxx.se) |
20:23:29 | casainho | domonoky: lyre_proto2 |
20:23:41 | casainho | but so we can change to "mini2440", right Bob? |
20:23:49 | JdGordon | all those dots arnt actually needed so probably any with the grey on your site is enough |
20:24:10 | domonoky | casainho: i think, if we change the target name, we should do this before commiting a first patch to rockbox svn. |
20:24:16 | rasher | JdGordon: Yes indeed - that's what I was trying to say |
20:24:22 | Bob_C | I would prefer not to change names... |
20:24:35 | tomers | rasher: There are many redundant characters over there. |
20:24:40 | Bob_C | but if it has to be done... |
20:25:12 | casainho | Bob_C: but do you really think that is important to keep the word "lyre"? since this board is known as "mini2440" all over Internet? |
20:25:19 | tomers | rasher: Hebrew needs the following: אבגדהוזחטיכלמנסעפצקרשתךםףץן |
20:25:45 | Creposucre | Is anyone at ease with keymap? I try to link some remote button codes to scroll through the main menu, but I can't get it to work |
20:25:46 | JdGordon | show off :) |
20:25:52 | * | domonoky thinks mini2440 sounds much better as a target name. you will find the board under this name in the internet. so i would choose "mini2440" as target name and FriendlyARM as manufacturer :-) |
20:25:58 | tomers | rasher: About 27 characters minimum, but more can be added to add better Hebrew support ;-) |
20:26:00 | Creposucre | which is the context that I should use? |
20:26:02 | Bob_C | My view is that names are not really important, but that changing things wastes time |
20:26:36 | JdGordon | http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/BuildNames is why the name is important |
20:26:36 | rasher | tomers: most likely any font on my page that is grey will have all the proper characters |
20:26:53 | casainho | Bob_C: yeah... but I think will be the last name change. |
20:26:55 | | Quit panni_ (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
20:26:56 | rasher | And the Rockbox font renderer doesn't properly do combining characters anyway |
20:27:05 | rasher | So those aren't really interesting (for now, anyway) |
20:27:14 | casainho | domonoky: so, we will commit the patch to flyspray |
20:27:38 | Bob_C | The source tree does not follow the naming convention, and anyway the convention is inadequate |
20:29:03 | | Join BdN3504 [0] (n=55b20595@giant.haxx.se) |
20:29:15 | | Quit intrados4 (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
20:29:25 | * | JdGordon remembers that making the list view RTL was on his todo list |
20:29:46 | funman | FlynDice: thanks A LOT, it's very nice to see the sansa ams approaching stable status |
20:30:58 | amiconn | tomers: I'd like to add hebrew chars to rockfont-8. Do you think it's possible to make readable hebrew letters in 8x5 or 8x6 pixels (that already includes spacing)? |
20:31:06 | BdN3504 | need help compiling the database tool from tools/database. edited the makefile to produce database.exe. further modifications are needed to compile, though. |
20:31:23 | FlynDice | funman: just a drop in the bucket relatively speaking.... ;) |
20:31:24 | BdN3504 | want to compile for windows from cygwin |
20:31:44 | domonoky | Bob_C, casainho: whats the current status on the drivers for this mini2440 board ? |
20:31:49 | rasher | amiconn: 07-fixed has hebrew |
20:31:53 | funman | FlynDice: perhaps, but not a cheap drop ;) |
20:31:54 | tomers | amiconn: I'll check |
20:32:16 | casainho | domonoky: Bob can answer, I don't have my board yet. |
20:32:20 | BdN3504 | i get this error after having changed makefile: make: *** No rule to make target `database.exe', needed by `all'. Stop. |
20:32:20 | JdGordon | a few letters might be hard to read.. but probably doable |
20:32:25 | amiconn | rasher: Ah, good to know |
20:32:31 | * | amiconn wonders why he didn't check |
20:32:35 | rasher | As does 08-fixed, but it's probably similar |
20:33:18 | Bob_C | I think we have the LCD ok, but I haven't any real testing. We still need SD and audio at least, and touch screen or keypad |
20:33:26 | amiconn | Those -fixed thingies are different style though, and iirc wider |
20:33:55 | domonoky | BdN3504: did you also change the target ? ie the "database:" line |
20:34:25 | casainho | Bob_C: and you didn't test yet the kernel tick? measuring with an oscilloscope, right? |
20:34:34 | domonoky | Bob_C: nice. |
20:34:54 | BdN3504 | domonoky: i tried to change it to database.exe: but that gave me errors again |
20:35:00 | Bob_C | I measured it with the Mark I Eyeball... |
20:35:11 | domonoky | BdN3504: can you pastebin the modified makefile ? |
20:35:41 | BdN3504 | http://pastie.org/635436 |
20:35:59 | casainho | Bob_C: so, kernel tick is ok? (sorry, I don0t know what is that eyeball) |
20:36:29 | Bob_C | I can test with a scope if you want better resolution |
20:36:51 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
20:36:56 | amiconn | Atm the database tool doesn't compile on linux either |
20:37:15 | * | domonoky would think the tick should be no problem, rockbox already runs on this cpu. so probably no unknowns there. |
20:37:39 | domonoky | BdN3504: and whats the exact error with this Makefile ? |
20:38:25 | casainho | Bob_C, domonoky So later I can measure with my scope when I get the board. |
20:38:27 | amiconn | http://rockbox.pastebin.ca/1584694 |
20:39:00 | BdN3504 | i get no database.exe output file bu this: http://pastie.org/635442 |
20:39:00 | casainho | domonoky: but I think mini2440 have a different clock timing... 400MHz (?) |
20:39:00 | Bob_C | Is it true sleep relies on the tick? |
20:39:36 | | Quit Creposucre ("CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)") |
20:40:28 | domonoky | casainho: that the internal clock, so unless it has a differnt external oszillator, rockboxs kernel code should "just work", and clock it at what ever rockbox uses on that cpu. |
20:43:23 | domonoky | amiconn: can you test the current released voice file on your archos recorder ? (according to RockboxTesting you have one:-) ) |
20:43:23 | | Join panni_ [0] (i=hannes@ip-95-222-21-143.unitymediagroup.de) |
20:43:38 | tomers | rasher: Can you add Hebrew to 12-Adobe-Helvetica ? |
20:44:33 | rasher | tomers: I'd have to draw some |
20:44:47 | rasher | I'm quite sure the original font didn't have it |
20:45:19 | | Join bmbl [0] (n=Miranda@unaffiliated/bmbl) |
20:46:34 | Zagor | Bob_C: yes, sleep() is tick based |
20:49:46 | BdN3504 | domonoky: can yOu help me somehow? |
20:50:02 | domonoky | Bob_C: yes its true. sleep() depends on the sheduler which needs the tick to work correctly. |
20:50:44 | domonoky | BdN3504: i dont now how. your last pastebin contained no errors, so that should have produces the database.exe |
20:51:29 | BdN3504 | domonoky: how can i chek if i have sdl installed? it depends on that right? |
20:52:09 | domonoky | BdN3504: building would fail if it would need SDL and you dont have it. |
20:52:22 | BdN3504 | hm |
20:52:30 | BdN3504 | if i only type make, i get |
20:52:42 | bertrik | sdl-config should exist |
20:52:52 | BdN3504 | cc1: error: unrecognized command line option "-Wno-pointer-sign" |
20:53:43 | BdN3504 | so i use make -mno-cygwin but that gives me the output i posted above. shall i simply redirect that output to > database.exe? |
20:54:01 | domonoky | no |
20:54:44 | domonoky | add -mno-cygwin to CFLAGS in the makefile. |
20:55:26 | BdN3504 | shall i replace that wno-pointer-sign line? |
20:55:35 | domonoky | but i dont know if that helps. directing the compiler output info into a textfile is certanly not correct. |
20:55:53 | domonoky | just append the option. |
20:56:00 | BdN3504 | lol yeah... |
20:56:30 | | Quit esperegu (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) |
20:56:43 | | Join esperegu [0] (n=quassel@ |
20:59:19 | amiconn | domonoky: No need to test - the file is too big |
20:59:41 | amiconn | (the limit depends somewhat on the settings though) |
21:00 |
21:00:18 | BdN3504 | appending the option gives me "cc1: error: unrecognized command line option "-Wno-pointer-sign". if i replace the wno-pointer part i get this with make: http://pastie.org/635475 |
21:01:06 | domonoky | amiconn: so we should try to release new, smaller, voicefiles for the recoders :-) |
21:01:26 | amiconn | The 3 Recorders and Ondio FM seem to be to big |
21:01:39 | amiconn | *too too |
21:03:04 | amiconn | It might be possible to use them, if you set all those various limits to minimum, but that's not very useful |
21:03:09 | Zagor | we need to fix the build system to detect that |
21:03:43 | amiconn | Zagor: One problem is to select the limit, as it depends on settings |
21:03:51 | Zagor | yes |
21:04:44 | amiconn | My own voice files are ~1.1MB, the released ones are >1.3MB |
21:05:03 | amiconn | How were they generated? |
21:06:40 | Zagor | with tools/release/voices.pl |
21:06:51 | amiconn | Hmm, festival, default settings |
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21:53:17 | casainho | domonoky: http://lyre.sourceforge.net/?q=content/news-lyre-mini2440-prototype |
21:53:20 | | Quit tomers ("ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.0.14/2009090216]") |
21:53:36 | casainho | JdGordon: see the same link I sent to domonoky :-) |
21:53:52 | casainho | it's an image of Rockbox logo on the LCD :-) |
21:54:25 | | Join froggyman [0] (n=sopgenor@pool-72-69-88-109.chi01.dsl-w.verizon.net) |
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22:02:11 | domonoky | casainho: nice ! |
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22:08:40 | casainho | domonoky: I hope to receive my board this week. I must go now, bye bye |
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22:56:51 | Bagder | there's a big fpga on that board |
22:57:01 | Bagder | is that open too? |
22:59:01 | | Quit petur (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) |
22:59:07 | Zagor | it is strangely not mentioned on the product page |
22:59:32 | Bagder | I found it trying to figure out what codec/dac's on it |
23:00 |
23:00:02 | Bagder | but maybe the SoC has an internal? |
23:00:25 | Zagor | no I mean the xilinx is visible on the board, but not mentioned in the text |
23:00:30 | Bagder | yeah |
23:00:44 | Bagder | and open fpgas is not really common |
23:01:01 | Bagder | and certainly not the tools to work with them |
23:03:54 | tomers | Regarding Hebrew 8-pixel font, I found GPLv3 font over here: http://freshmeat.net/projects/liquid-fonts - It is the Theiling Liquid Mean font in the Liquid font family |
23:04:35 | tomers | The font and other sources available to download here: http://www.theiling.de/projects/liquid.html#download |
23:05:15 | | Join webguest09 [0] (n=568dc7e2@ |
23:05:54 | funman | tomers: rockbox is "gplv2 or later", so i don't know if gplv3 code is ok |
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23:08:42 | tomers | funman: I am not an expert, but I guess it should. Also, I guess 'GPLv3' is contained in 'GPLv2 or later' but I am not an expert for this matter. Also, IP in the form of a font might have no relevance for the differences between the two licenses... |
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23:12:03 | tomers | \me going to sleep |
23:12:39 | * | tomers Going to sleep |
23:12:51 | | Join flydutch [0] (n=flydutch@host77-167-dynamic.15-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) |
23:15:05 | Zagor | Bagder: the fpga is on the optional vga board |
23:15:12 | Bagder | aha |
23:17:42 | Bob_C | it uses UDA1341TS btw |
23:18:28 | funman | tomers: if you distribute binaries made of "gplv2 and later" and gplv3 code, you have to redistribute the resulting binary as gplv3 |
23:18:54 | Bagder | ah and the iriver h300 has a UDA1380TT |
23:20:00 | Zagor | Bob_C: regarding wear leveling, one shortcut would be to treat the nand as essentially read-only during normal use and write all temporary files to the SD card |
23:20:50 | Bagder | another would be to base it on something like yaffs |
23:21:06 | Zagor | yes but that makes usb-storage messy |
23:21:17 | Bagder | oh right |
23:21:23 | Bagder | and it's probably too linuxish anyway |
23:21:28 | mcuelenaere | weren't there some FTL's in Linux implemented? |
23:21:48 | Zagor | mcuelenaere: only heavily patented ones |
23:21:48 | mcuelenaere | ah |
23:21:53 | mcuelenaere | and we care about patents, do we? |
23:22:02 | Zagor | no comment :) |
23:23:14 | Bagder | in all the cases I've worked with fses directly on flash, we've used a fs that does it: jffs2 for nor, or yaffs for nand etc. |
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23:23:41 | Bagder | but in this case we want FAT with a wear leveling underneath |
23:24:28 | Bob_C | I looked into Yaffs but Unix support requires the user to rebuild kernel, which is pretty niche |
23:24:55 | Galois | wear leveling is only about half as efficient as raw management, because the hardware wear leveler can't tell the difference between data blocks vs. deleted blocks that still have unimportant data on them |
23:25:06 | | Join MethoS- [0] (n=clemens@ |
23:25:16 | Zagor | Galois: we have no hardware wear leveler. this is a raw nand flash. |
23:25:20 | Bagder | Bob_C: I doubt most people using yaffs consider rebuilding the kernel an issue |
23:25:52 | Galois | yay. raw is good. |
23:26:25 | domonoky | dont we already have some nand-wearleveling code in rockbox from other targets? |
23:26:26 | n1s | good *if* you want to do your own wear leveling |
23:26:29 | Zagor | Galois: yes, except the little fact that FAT writes very often to the same sectors (the fat) which wears our raw flashes very fast |
23:26:41 | mcuelenaere | domonoky: yes, the TCC ones |
23:26:45 | Bagder | domonoky: we do, yes. the D2 has some |
23:27:01 | bertrik | we have a NAND/FTL expert in this channel, I think it was Torne |
23:27:21 | | Quit n1s ("Lmnar") |
23:27:24 | * | Bagder also votes for Torne to write all the wear leveling code ;-) |
23:27:47 | domonoky | as there is no prexisting system on this target, we could just use the best one we already have in rockbox (if we have one which is complete) |
23:28:33 | Bagder | right, but we also have the option to use the best one we can think of or read up about etc |
23:28:51 | | Part pyro_maniac |
23:29:12 | domonoky | true, but that is probably more work.. |
23:29:27 | Bob_C | tbh, I decided NAND support was a can of worms inside another can of worms |
23:29:44 | domonoky | SD is much easier :-) |
23:30:05 | Zagor | yeah, skipping the nand altogether is definitely an easier first step |
23:30:23 | | Join HBK [0] (n=hbk@rrcs-97-77-51-170.sw.biz.rr.com) |
23:30:31 | Zagor | just boot from the nor onto the sd card |
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23:31:15 | FlynDice | Can someone try to explain to me what exactly a buffer underrun is? I'm copying between an internal SD and uSD on an e280V2. Is the controller running out of data to send to the card? |
23:32:21 | | Join stripwax [0] (n=Miranda@87-194-34-169.bethere.co.uk) |
23:32:30 | JdGordon | yeah, the buffer is emptying faster than it is getting filled |
23:32:48 | domonoky | FlynDice: that probably means the fifo to the sd controller is running out of data. rockbox isnt delivering data fast enough.. |
23:34:23 | FlynDice | Thanks, probably expected with the internal running 1 bit wide and the uSD running 4 bits wide... |
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23:38:15 | funman | FlynDice: yeah that's it, the buffer is empty (not filled fast enough) |
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