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00:22:52 | soap | A question regarding the forums: Can normal users view threads in the trash if I feed them a link? |
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00:27:02 | scorche | soap: no |
00:27:19 | soap | ggrrr |
00:27:51 | | Quit Llorean (Quit: Leaving.) |
00:28:05 | soap | I ask because after two weeks I deleted that PSP GO thread from "new ports". Lord_Askula (or whatever his name is) has not viewed the thread since before I posted my intention to delete. |
00:28:49 | soap | I was going to PM him (?) a link to the deleted thread if he wanted further clarification as to my reasoning, but I guess I'll need to make it a wordy PM. |
00:36:46 | pamaury | hehe, I have working usb isochronous transfers on my e200 :) |
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01:08:40 | func | help me |
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01:11:53 | func | help me |
01:12:16 | krazykit | func, it's hard to help you if you don't say what the problem is |
01:12:19 | | Quit Tomis (Quit: Tomis) |
01:12:22 | func | How do I insert my husbands penis into my vagina? |
01:13:19 | Mode | "#rockbox +o Torne" by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) |
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03:25:40 | saratoga | is our GSOC app in? IIRC they're due tomorrow |
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04:20:06 | scorche | saratoga: no, not yet...i will put it in tomorrow before the deadline though |
04:20:13 | scorche | assuming Bagder doesn’t show up.. |
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04:58:47 | saratoga | are there any current rockbox targets that detect when a line out device is plugged in before enabling it? |
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05:09:13 | | Nick dys` is now known as dys (~andreas@krlh-5f734ec0.pool.mediaWays.net) |
05:11:42 | * | n1s wonders if Buschel's mpc changes will slow it down on cf... |
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07:50:04 | | Join Buschel [0] (~ab@p54A3F042.dip.t-dialin.net) |
07:53:11 | Buschel | nls: r25126 does not change anything at all. r25127 from coldfire side of view removed IRAM_ATTR from 5 data arrays that are used by 2 functions. those functions are called seldom in the decoding process and should not have a measurable effect on speed. |
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08:03:58 | amiconn | Buschel: On CF you should use IRAM mainly for data. Putting code into IRAM has much less effect, i.e. do it only if *all* data is in iram already and there's still some iram left |
08:04:25 | | Quit planetbeing (Quit: planetbeing) |
08:04:30 | amiconn | This is because (our) CFs have an instruction cache only |
08:04:48 | Buschel | amiconn: yes, that is why my last changes did not move code to IRAM on coldfire. |
08:05:09 | amiconn | But they move some data out of iram |
08:05:59 | Buschel | yes, but for data that is used very seldom. imho this is a good trade-off: faster for PP, un-measurebale slower for cf |
08:06:36 | * | Buschel wonders if somebody should simply re-measure on cf to stop this discussion ;) |
08:07:07 | * | amiconn would always re-measure affected targets *before* committing such changes |
08:08:40 | amiconn | I also think there's nothing that speaks against a split |
08:09:48 | amiconn | (keeping that data in iram on SoCs which profit from it) |
08:10:56 | Buschel | yes, that's of course possible |
08:12:51 | Buschel | maybe someone with a cf target can measure the codec performance of r25127 against r25126. afterwards we will know the real effect. can you, amiconn? |
08:17:35 | amiconn | Probably not today |
08:20:43 | | Join ender` [0] (krneki@foo.eternallybored.org) |
08:22:51 | Buschel | amiconn: this is the split you were talking about -> http://www.pastebin.org/110528 |
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08:34:26 | Buschel | I will commit the split this evening. see you |
08:34:27 | | Quit Buschel () |
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09:56:56 | pamaury | gevaerts: ping |
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10:26:47 | CIA-5 | New commit by zagor (r25128): Close socket before sleeping. |
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10:49:45 | CIA-5 | New commit by zagor (r25129): Exit instead of retrying. |
11:00 |
11:00:44 | Zagor | Important: I need all build client admins to kill (restart) rbclient.pl. |
11:05:46 | rasher | Can't you kill them remotely? (and hope they return) |
11:08:12 | Zagor | no. they've gotten stuck on a bug that makes them not read from the socket anymore. or rather, not read _new data_ from the socket. |
11:12:25 | gevaerts | pamaury: pong |
11:16:56 | | Join Casainho [0] (~chatzilla@87-196-152-172.net.novis.pt) |
11:18:29 | * | rasher wishes to thank b0hoon for the care in updating all the langs when adding the Packard Bell Vibe 500 to the langfiles |
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11:34:49 | pamaury | gevaerts: Yesterday I managed to make isochronous transfers works on my e200 (the usb arc drivers). Do you prefer that I commit the code now even it's not completely tested (but does not interfere with non-iso transfers) or do you prefer to review it/wait to more tests ? |
11:36:40 | gevaerts | pamaury: is it guarded by #ifdefs, or if not is that easy to do? |
11:37:01 | gevaerts | In general I'd say commit though |
11:37:30 | pamaury | it's not gaurded by #ifdef but I changed really really few places and it's doesn't change anything for non-iso code |
11:38:16 | gevaerts | If you trust it to not break anything, go ahead! |
11:38:22 | pamaury | Perhaps I should add a USB_HAS_ISOCHRONOUS_TRANSFERS also, no ? (just like interrupt) |
11:39:22 | pamaury | I don't to which devices the usb-arc extend so where should I put such a define, if it were to define ? |
11:39:57 | gevaerts | CONFIG_USBOTG == USBOTG_ARC |
11:40:13 | gevaerts | see firmware/export/config.h |
11:40:15 | pamaury | ok |
11:40:31 | pamaury | I'll commit this in a few minute if everything is ok |
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11:43:09 | pamaury | There are still some things to tweak. I'm not a usb isochronous expert so I don't fully understand this nb_iso_packets/frames thing. |
11:43:50 | gevaerts | You'll have to become one then :) |
11:44:04 | gevaerts | At least I've never really touched isochronous either |
11:45:18 | pamaury | Hum, is 512-bytes the maximum bulk transfers packet size for high-speed or is this rockbox specific ? |
11:45:30 | pamaury | Because for iso I think it's 1024 (or 1023 for full speed) |
11:45:53 | gevaerts | it's the maximum, yes. Isochronous goes higher than bulk |
11:45:54 | pamaury | Hum, spec says so |
11:46:58 | pamaury | This makes the max_packet_size parameter of get_config_descriptor a bit problematic |
11:48:10 | pamaury | Perhaps there should functions for this ? like usb_core_get_max_transfer_size(int xfer_type) |
11:48:14 | pamaury | *should be |
11:49:37 | pamaury | What should I do ? If I set the packet size of the iso endpoint to 1024 but the drivers use 512, there'll be a mismatch between arc controller and endpoint desc. That's not cool :( |
11:49:50 | pamaury | Not sure it's problematic though |
11:50:14 | gevaerts | Can we use 512 everywhere for now until we piuck the right approach? |
11:51:12 | gevaerts | That's *plenty* for a single 44.1kHz stereo audio channel |
11:51:27 | pamaury | yes, I'll use 512 and put a fixme |
11:51:31 | pamaury | Will fix the rest later |
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11:59:36 | CIA-5 | New commit by pamaury (r25130): Add experimental support for isochronous transfers in the usb ARC driver. There are several details to tweaks however. |
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12:03:43 | pamaury | gevaerts: I also implemented an api for usb strings, are you interested or do you prefer to wait for some code that uses it ? |
12:04:24 | wodz | what is needed to add new target in sim? |
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12:06:03 | gevaerts | pamaury: not sure. I guess it's easier to review this sort of thing if there are actual users |
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12:07:04 | pamaury | I know one user but he's kind of very similar to me :) |
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12:08:09 | * | gevaerts wonders if "Use your own best judgement" is good enough as an answer :) |
12:08:21 | gevaerts | wodz: add in what way? |
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12:11:11 | wodz | geavaerts: I added new port (target) in my tree. I am able to build some experimental bootloader. Now I poke around to build successfuly normal build (with some empty stub functions for now) and I am wondering what is needed for sim |
12:11:47 | | Quit n17ikh (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
12:12:14 | gevaerts | wodz: I don't know the details, but I would expect that to mostly work out of the box |
12:12:36 | wodz | hmm I will try... |
12:14:09 | wodz | can someone help me with this error? http://pastebin.com/HLvybZrk |
12:14:24 | wodz | I have mpiohd200.h not hd200.h |
12:14:36 | wodz | I used app.lds from iriver port |
12:15:37 | Zagor | yay, 15 minute build round... |
12:15:49 | gevaerts | wodz: I'd suspect a wrong include in config.h |
12:15:53 | | Join m3dlg [0] (~m3dlg@ |
12:16:41 | gevaerts | Zagor: on the positive side, I don't think we've hit 85% efficiency very often yet :) |
12:16:48 | Zagor | hehe |
12:16:55 | | Join n17ikh [0] (~n17ikh@host-69-59-126-212.nctv.com) |
12:16:59 | wodz | I have #include "config/mpiohd200.h" in config.h |
12:17:48 | gevaerts | is this a fully clean build directory? Maybe an old make.dep file? |
12:17:58 | | Join shaggy-h [0] (~kiwi@78-86-164-31.zone2.bethere.co.uk) |
12:18:17 | wodz | I did rm -rf * in build directory |
12:19:12 | * | gevaerts doesn't know then. Maybe something in the build system? |
12:21:25 | wodz | I greped make.dep for hd200.h and I always have mpiohd200.h |
12:22:10 | Zagor | wodz: is there not a single occurence of hd200.h in make.dep? |
12:25:31 | wodz | nop |
12:25:52 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
12:26:08 | Zagor | amiconn, saratoga, ender`: please kill/restart your rbclient.pl processes |
12:26:59 | Zagor | wodz: well, something thinks you have it. I assume you've tried "make clean" already? |
12:27:23 | wodz | yeh |
12:27:59 | Zagor | "find . -name hd200.h" |
12:28:44 | wodz | find . -name hd200.h gives no hit |
12:28:48 | | Quit TheSeven|Mobile (Remote host closed the connection) |
12:29:08 | Zagor | grep -Rl hd200.h * |
12:30:45 | | Join TopyMobile [0] (~topy@f049069123.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
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12:32:00 | ender` | Zagor: done. what happened? |
12:33:46 | Zagor | I'm not sure. Somehow the sockets aren't reset properly, so clients see the same "_HELLO error duplicate name!" all the time. |
12:34:11 | | Quit Barahir_ (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
12:34:12 | CIA-5 | New commit by uchida (r25131): libpcm: output depth corrects for the sign 1bit. linear pcm corrects bits shift. |
12:34:41 | wodz | Zagor: http://pastebin.com/P2w7zT9L |
12:35:13 | wodz | but this also returns files with mpiohd200.h |
12:35:24 | | Join Barahir [0] (~jonathan@gssn-5f75788e.pool.mediaWays.net) |
12:35:52 | Zagor | wodz: try "grep -Rlw hd200 *" |
12:36:09 | Zagor | -w is for "whole word only", i.e. not mpiohd200 |
12:40:52 | | Join S_a_i_n_t [0] (S_a_i_n_t@ |
12:41:47 | wodz | Zagor: I verified all hits from -Rlw and there are no hd200.h anywhere |
12:44:10 | Zagor | that's just nuts. can you make clean and tar up the tree for me to look at? |
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12:49:03 | | Join TheSeven|Mobile [0] (~theseven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) |
12:49:35 | wodz | ha! I found it! in tools/configure modelname = "hd200" has to be changed to modelname = "mpiohd200" |
12:50:22 | wodz | but this makes me wondering how for example vibe500 compiles |
12:52:01 | | Quit TheSeven|Mobile (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
12:52:47 | | Quit Farthen (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
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13:02:56 | | Join notlistening [0] (~tom@94-195-105-95.zone9.bethere.co.uk) |
13:03:41 | notlistening | Hello, has there been any work done on making rockbox an app yet? |
13:05:48 | | Join Farthen [0] (~chatzilla@e179239152.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
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13:11:57 | amiconn | Zagor: done |
13:12:11 | | Quit TheSeven|Mobile (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
13:12:36 | Zagor | excellent |
13:18:52 | Zagor | notlistening: the uisimulator is basically the app |
13:19:25 | Zagor | you "just" need to adapt and optimize for specific targets |
13:19:33 | | Join watto [0] (~watto@ |
13:23:33 | linuxstb | Zagor: Isn't the main task of rockbox-as-an-app to create target builds in their own right that use the host OS/UI framework instead of Rockbox's? i.e. _not_ a simulator, but a new variety of "normal" target. |
13:24:19 | Zagor | I'd say it's a sliding scale. Adapting the code to a preemtive threading model, for example, would be a pretty big and tedious task. |
13:25:25 | Zagor | but yes, I wouldn't want the native apps to simply use sdl |
13:27:25 | Zagor | but the other end of the scale isn't terribly attractive either. such as for example an iphone UI written from scratch with just the rockbox "backend" playlist and codec |
13:27:32 | dionoea | even that wouldn't be possible in some cases ... like on android where you'd need to expose the rockbox core as a jni api and the write the ui in java |
13:27:36 | wodz | is there a way to not compile plugins? |
13:27:42 | dionoea | s/api/lib |
13:28:00 | Zagor | such a project wouldn't bring the Rockbox project forward much |
13:28:57 | linuxstb | wodz: "make bin" (see "make help" for the various options available) |
13:29:12 | wodz | thx |
13:30:09 | Zagor | dionoea: you don't actually have to write the UI in java. you only need to access the java api via java |
13:30:53 | wodz | so what is the line plugins="yes" in conifgure for? |
13:30:56 | linuxstb | Doesn't android already have its own media-playing framework? |
13:31:20 | linuxstb | wodz: To disable plugins for that target. It's normally used in the early stages of a port. |
13:31:24 | Zagor | linuxstb: yes. but it only supports a fraction of the formats we do. |
13:31:47 | Zagor | and I haven't found any player app with anywhere near decent playlist management |
13:32:01 | linuxstb | Can a "user" extend those codecs? i.e. by installing more? |
13:32:09 | Zagor | I don't know |
13:32:11 | | Quit perfectdrug_ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
13:32:11 | dionoea | Zagor: yeah, that would be possible. |
13:32:14 | dionoea | linuxstb: no, you can't |
13:32:27 | wodz | linuxstb: so something is broken. I have plugins="no" and files are compiled anyway |
13:32:43 | dionoea | and you can't really access the dsp to just get the decoded buffer and process it on your own afterwards |
13:32:46 | linuxstb | wodz: Maybe try just plugins="" |
13:33:01 | * | dionoea 's porting vlc to android and would love to have more low level apis available |
13:33:13 | dionoea | you can't even output audio in native c |
13:33:15 | Zagor | wodz: you need to run "make reconf" after changing configure |
13:33:21 | dionoea | (at least not with the public apis) |
13:33:55 | wodz | Zagor: I am aware of this |
13:35:04 | linuxstb | dionoea: You mean if you use the built-in codecs, you can't post-process the decoded audio? |
13:35:55 | notlistening | So there is not a active movement towards appifying rockbox then ;( |
13:36:02 | dionoea | well i haven't investigated the audio side much yet, but at least on the video side it doesn't look straightforward (it might be possible by faking a display class) |
13:36:34 | dionoea | basically they lack a "raw data" = decode( "encoded data" ) functionality |
13:36:50 | linuxstb | notlistening: Maybe a SoC 2010 student will attempt it (for the 2nd time, and assuming Google accept us)... |
13:37:06 | Zagor | notlistening: there's never an active movement towards anything until someone steps up and starts working on it |
13:37:47 | dionoea | what you can do with the java api is pass your data to a media player object. But you can't access the decoded data easily/at all. |
13:38:27 | dionoea | and they don't provide any C api to access the dsp. (they only provide libc, a subset of libc++, libz, libm and opengl es 2.0 on the native C side) |
13:38:38 | Zagor | dionoea: so I guess you (vlc) do all decoding yourself? |
13:39:05 | dionoea | yeah, at least for a start. The CPU is often powerfull enough to do the decoding. |
13:39:29 | dionoea | ffmpeg has quite a few NEON optimisations these days (and we have some in critical vlc chroma conversion modules too) |
13:40:47 | dionoea | once I have something decent runing on the CPU i'll see if we can somehow use the DSP ... but I'm not too confident. |
13:41:00 | Zagor | dionoea: are you using opengl es for the video output? |
13:41:42 | | Quit Casainho (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
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14:29:46 | dionoea | Zagor: yeah, that's the plan. I haven't gotten to the point of writting the video output yet. (The first output will just use java) |
14:30:06 | dionoea | I started the port a week ago and should have a working poc this weekend |
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15:13:18 | Farthen | i would like to request wiki editing permissions as i want to update the LinuxSimpleGuideToCompiling for arm-eabi |
15:14:02 | Zagor | Farthen: sure, what's your wiki username? |
15:14:16 | Farthen | FinnWilke |
15:15:00 | Zagor | done |
15:16:19 | Farthen | Zagor: thanks |
15:17:58 | | Join b0hoon [0] (~quassel@ |
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16:16:38 | perfectdrug | Farthen: still around? I also thought about updating LinuxSimpleGuideToCompiling but you did a better job than i have could done, but it still says "There's about 50 MB to download" last time i checked the rockbox directory was 147MB in size, is it compressed while downloading or does it pull 147MB? |
16:17:34 | linuxstb | perfectdrug: Is that the size of an svn checkout? If so, then that stores two copies of everything (but I would hope svn didn't download everything twice). |
16:17:59 | Farthen | perfectdrug: i did quite nothing. but i'm not done yet. i'm still getting build errors and continue adding packages (I'm making a new toolchain on a fresh install) |
16:18:23 | perfectdrug | that was the size after setting up svn and downloading the sources IIRC |
16:19:31 | | Join Adnyxo [0] (~aaron@adsl-065-013-002-216.sip.asm.bellsouth.net) |
16:19:39 | Farthen | whoo. i'm getting 350M after checkout and starting to build the toolchain |
16:21:07 | perfectdrug | i guess this was after building the toolchain |
16:21:42 | perfectdrug | so maybe wrong alarm |
16:21:47 | Farthen | the toolchain gets built in /tmp |
16:22:59 | Farthen | a new checkout is 345 mb big |
16:24:55 | perfectdrug | not that big for me though, I am not really comfortable with this things but 50MB seemed odd maybe we can leave this info out as the source grows bigger all the time |
16:25:41 | Farthen | yep. until someone builds a plugin that automatically updates this information :-P |
16:25:57 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
16:26:40 | Torne | perfectdrug: svn data is compressed, yes |
16:29:20 | linuxstb | It's possibly worth saying something like "you should expect to use about 500MB-1GB of disk space when working with the Rockbox source code." |
16:29:33 | linuxstb | (leaving space for some builds and maybe some sim builds...) |
16:29:49 | Farthen | well, the toolchain also takes pretty much space |
16:30:15 | linuxstb | I'll leave you to figure out the numbers... |
16:30:58 | linuxstb | I have 4 toolchains (arm, arm-eabi, sh and coldfire) on this machine, and they take up about 145MB |
16:31:54 | * | linuxstb wonders why the eabi toolchain is less than half the size of the old ARM toolchain - do we not need all those multilibs any more? |
16:32:38 | Torne | linuxstb: not really |
16:32:50 | Torne | eabi means there's only one FP calling convention, only one Thumb calling convention, etc |
16:32:53 | linuxstb | s/do we/does it/ |
16:33:04 | Torne | the linker fixes up for interworking where required, etc |
16:35:15 | | Quit evinick_B (Quit: Page closed) |
16:35:45 | | Join kugel [0] (~kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel) |
16:36:28 | kugel | Torne: I always thought multilib was for generating code for the several arm versions |
16:36:39 | Torne | yes, it is also for that |
16:36:47 | kugel | my eabi toolchain is bigger than old arm one |
16:36:54 | Torne | there are several axes that multilib can be based on |
16:36:59 | Torne | what target it's compiled for is just one |
16:37:09 | Torne | eabi mostly eliminates the need to care about all the *othre* factors |
16:38:00 | perfectdrug | a fresh svn checkout took 43,5 MB bandwidth so 50MB as stated is fine |
16:39:23 | Farthen | who pays for bandwidth anyway? |
16:39:59 | kugel | are the -dev packages of gmp / mpfr really needed? |
16:40:39 | TheSeven | i think so, i also got that error while building the toolchains on a fresh install |
16:40:44 | Farthen | i tried to build arm-eabi and it failed for me |
16:40:57 | kugel | gcc states this tools are only used for the build process of gcc, and not for compilation with gcc later |
16:41:10 | TheSeven | and that thing is really confusing as the ubuntu package version doesn't have anything to do with the version from the error message |
16:41:15 | kugel | I'm thinking only the non-dev ones are needed |
16:41:31 | Farthen | there are no "non-dev" packages |
16:41:44 | Farthen | those are pure dev packages |
16:41:50 | | Join evilnick_B [0] (~0c140464@rockbox/staff/evilnick) |
16:42:31 | Farthen | so i better state them there so that the people don't have the same problems when installing their toolchain |
16:42:54 | kugel | I see non-dev packages for libgmp3 and libmpfr1 |
16:43:40 | rasher | kugel: typically the -dev package will depend on the non-dev |
16:43:59 | kugel | yea, but not on this ubuntu apparently |
16:44:56 | | Join m3dlg [0] (~m3dlg@ |
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16:46:03 | Torne | Farthen: Er, gcc does indeed need libgmp and libmpfr at runtime.. |
16:46:12 | Torne | do an ldd on cc1plus |
16:46:15 | Torne | it links to them ;) |
16:46:30 | Torne | if you are doing ldd on "gcc" then you are looking in the wrong place, that's just the frontend driver |
16:47:02 | Torne | you need the -dev packages during building and the non-dev packages at runtime |
16:47:07 | Torne | so both of you are wrong ;) |
16:47:25 | Farthen | Torne: thanks for clearing this up ;-) |
16:47:55 | Farthen | i just tell them to install the -dev packages they can't harm anyway |
16:48:16 | kugel | Torne: I just told what the gcc docs told me |
16:48:18 | Torne | well they do need the -dev packages to run rockboxdev.sh |
16:48:28 | Torne | kugel: really? that's odd |
16:48:36 | * | Torne votes for ldd being more authoritative than the docs, tho |
16:48:47 | * | Farthen doesn't RTFM |
16:49:19 | kugel | maybe I got it wrong |
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17:01:48 | Mode | "#rockbox -o Torne" by Torne (torne@rockbox/developer/Torne) |
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17:08:51 | | Join hebz0rl [0] (~hebz0rl@dslb-088-067-206-018.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
17:10:48 | Torne | Can we change the USB HID mode text please? :) I mentioned this before :) |
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17:14:03 | rasher | Seriously |
17:16:10 | pixelma | to? |
17:16:20 | rasher | Anything else! |
17:16:27 | linuxstb | What does it say now? |
17:16:51 | rasher | It just says "Multimedia mode" |
17:16:59 | linuxstb | That's mad ;) |
17:17:01 | rasher | (iiuc) |
17:17:07 | Torne | It needs to say "Input device mode: Multimedia" |
17:17:08 | Torne | or something |
17:17:09 | rasher | Which means users think the DAP is in Multimedia mode |
17:17:17 | Torne | To make it clear that it's *nothing to do with* mass storage |
17:17:18 | rasher | Whatever that might mean |
17:17:26 | linuxstb | It's not "USB keyboard mode" ? |
17:17:28 | Torne | rasher: Well they probably think it means MTP, if they have any clue at all |
17:17:37 | | Quit leavittx (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
17:17:37 | rasher | Torne: Even worse |
17:17:40 | Torne | the user i just replied to on the forum probably does |
17:17:49 | Torne | they were assuming they could not drag and drop files while it was in multimedia mode |
17:17:56 | Torne | which matches up with user expectations from MTP |
17:18:13 | Torne | Anyway, I dunno what it should say |
17:18:20 | Torne | But it needs to say something else :) |
17:18:32 | | Join leavittx [0] (~leavittx@ |
17:18:34 | * | linuxstb repeats his "USB keyboard mode" suggestion |
17:18:50 | Torne | linuxstb: not all the modes are keyboard emulation |
17:18:55 | Torne | USB HID does mouse emulation too |
17:19:51 | * | linuxstb should probably update his devices to a non-stoneage version of Rockbox... |
17:20:20 | pixelma | you can cycle through different HID modes |
17:20:40 | linuxstb | Why do we need so many HID modes? Just because we can? |
17:20:51 | Torne | Well, they're vaguely useful |
17:21:02 | Torne | multimedia gives you the handy buttons to contrl desktop music player |
17:21:16 | Torne | which is likely to be interesting if you are also using the dap to store the music your pc is playing. |
17:21:25 | Torne | the presentation mode gives you a free presentation remote :0 |
17:21:25 | Torne | etc |
17:21:35 | pixelma | linuxstb: there are a lot less buttons on your DAP than there are on your keyboard, especially if it is a multimedia keyboard |
17:21:49 | pixelma | + mouse movement can be done too |
17:22:27 | Torne | USB keyboard mode isn't terrible, i guess |
17:22:30 | Farthen | how about "usb interface"? |
17:22:43 | Torne | it might be slightly confusing to the tiny number of people who use HID |
17:22:44 | linuxstb | "interface" is quite vague |
17:22:53 | Torne | interface is way too vague |
17:23:14 | Farthen | "usb remote control"? |
17:23:28 | Torne | "remote control mode" i quite like |
17:23:36 | Torne | hm |
17:23:50 | Torne | I dunno if *any* of these really make it any more clear that it is doing mass storage *as well* though |
17:23:56 | Torne | most people are not aware of HID at all |
17:24:16 | Torne | and if they are they only discovered it by accident because they touched the wheel while music was playing and deafened themselves :) |
17:24:49 | rasher | Clearly what we need is a "Tip of the day" when booting Rockbox |
17:25:01 | Torne | hehe |
17:25:07 | Torne | well, i don't care if people fail to discover HID :) |
17:25:12 | Torne | it's in the manual, as we often say |
17:25:14 | linuxstb | So we have a setting "USB keypad mode", with values "Multimedia mode", "Presentation mode", "Browser mode" and "Mouse mode" ? And the settings value is displayed on-screen whilst in that USB mode? |
17:25:21 | Farthen | i think remote control is the right name for it because it does exactly that: remote control the computer |
17:25:40 | rasher | linuxstb: I believe so |
17:25:50 | pixelma | Torne: just an addition to your forum post - if the device is in HID mode it also doesn't mount on *some* OSs (e.g. MacOS 10.4) which is why the option to turn it off was added |
17:25:50 | Torne | linuxstb: I don't think it's an actual setting |
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17:26:04 | Torne | linuxstb: well not a visible one |
17:26:08 | linuxstb | Could we just remove "mode" from the setting value strings, and then display "USB keypad mode: Presentation" ? |
17:26:12 | Torne | Yes |
17:26:15 | linuxstb | Torne: It's in settings_list.c |
17:26:21 | Torne | Yah, ok |
17:26:33 | Torne | it's just not in the menu |
17:26:38 | Torne | you have to set it by cycling through while connected |
17:26:53 | Torne | which is a bit weird actually because it means you have to use a button to mean "cycle mode"... |
17:26:56 | Torne | but that's a different issue ;) |
17:27:04 | Torne | (and one i don't *really* care about..) |
17:27:10 | linuxstb | Is it then saved in the config.cfg? |
17:27:25 | Torne | i assume so |
17:27:29 | Torne | i've not really used it |
17:27:42 | Torne | i fiddled for like five minutes when it was implemented and went "oh cool" |
17:27:47 | Torne | and then haven't had a use for it since :) |
17:27:51 | | Quit Schmogel (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
17:27:59 | * | linuxstb hasn't even done that... |
17:28:54 | Torne | Hm |
17:29:02 | Torne | What about just "Keypad: Multimedia mode" ? |
17:29:09 | Torne | forget "USB" altogether |
17:29:21 | Torne | ..this is one of those nightmare user interface things |
17:29:22 | kugel | or "keybad mode: multimedia"? |
17:29:27 | pixelma | I sometimes use my c200 to control the music player on my laptop because the latter has no multimedia buttons and it's nice if the program can stay in the background |
17:29:38 | Torne | none of us have any particular reason to care what it says, because we know what it *means* :) |
17:29:56 | pixelma | Torne: and how would you understand the USB HID option in the menu then? |
17:29:59 | Torne | kugel: well, whichever, but if the settings strings include the "mode" part it's easier :) |
17:30:17 | Torne | pixelma: how do people understand it now? |
17:30:22 | Torne | (hint: they don't) :) |
17:30:30 | kugel | Torne: why |
17:30:39 | kugel | ? |
17:30:49 | Torne | kugel: well i guess it doesn't matter |
17:31:20 | | Quit FlynDice (Remote host closed the connection) |
17:31:24 | pixelma | I wonder if it really needs a seperate setting or if it could just be one more of the modes (states) you can cycle through |
17:31:43 | pixelma | (HID off I mean) |
17:31:58 | Torne | pixelma: you can't start/stop doing HID while connected |
17:32:01 | Torne | at least i don't think so |
17:32:10 | Torne | you can't change what USB interfaces you have without interrupting the connection |
17:32:21 | Torne | the HID interface is just a HID interface |
17:32:26 | Torne | we just change what symbols we emit |
17:32:43 | pixelma | ok, a pity |
17:32:47 | Torne | i guess there is a different option.. |
17:32:53 | kugel | but we could sure be in hid mode but emit nothing? |
17:32:53 | Torne | we could default HID to off :) |
17:33:12 | Torne | kugel: Yah, but that won't work around the problems that cause you to need to disable HID to get mass storage to work |
17:33:16 | Torne | on some players/OSes |
17:33:33 | kugel | right |
17:34:13 | pixelma | I even think it's important to default to HID off |
17:34:37 | Torne | yeah, I was gonna say. |
17:34:47 | Torne | If we defaulted to it being disabled, then both those problems would probably go away :) |
17:34:48 | pixelma | USB data connection is something everyone expects to work, HID is a plus |
17:35:00 | Torne | users wouldn't see the mode text unless they'd enabled it.. |
17:35:11 | Torne | and it would mount for everybody ;) |
17:35:20 | Torne | we might still want to change the text, though |
17:35:34 | pixelma | agreed |
17:36:29 | * | Torne goes to look for the actual code in question so he can just change the damn thing :) |
17:38:11 | kugel | didn't we default to hid on to get rid of the dummy driver needed for windows? |
17:38:22 | | Quit hebz0rl (Quit: Ex-Chat) |
17:38:25 | Torne | it still does that if you disbale hid |
17:38:28 | Torne | doesn't it? |
17:38:42 | Torne | i thought it only has the dummy device if you compile HID out entirely |
17:38:45 | Torne | i could be wrong. |
17:38:46 | kugel | I don't know |
17:39:17 | | Quit leavittx (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
17:39:32 | pixelma | would means "does it" here? |
17:39:44 | pixelma | s/would/what |
17:42:26 | pixelma | I mean I could answer the question because I have a Windows PC around if I knew what I should look for... |
17:43:11 | Torne | ok, the lang strings include the "mode" part |
17:43:33 | Torne | so it's easier to change it to something like "keypad: multimedia mode" |
17:43:45 | Torne | so what do we want? keypad? remote control? usb input? |
17:45:41 | | Quit einhirn (Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org) |
17:48:51 | Torne | also bugger, this means it'll have to be sprintf'ed |
17:50:26 | | Join bmbl [0] (~Miranda@unaffiliated/bmbl) |
17:50:47 | Farthen | Torne: just name it remote control if nobody cares anymore :-) |
17:51:03 | linuxstb | Torne: keyboard_mode_get_name() can just return the right-hand side of the ":" (as it does now). And then snprintf in usb_screens_draw() |
17:51:39 | Torne | linuxstb: yeah, that's what i'm doing |
17:51:48 | Torne | but then you have to pick how big the buffer should be :) |
17:52:44 | pixelma | thinking about how I would translate it, I'd think "keypad mode: multimedia" is slightly easier but it doesn't matter much |
17:53:10 | Torne | pixelma: the point is that "multimedia mode" is already translated |
17:53:17 | Torne | because that's what hte lang strings are at the moment |
17:53:25 | Torne | so this way adds just one more lang string |
17:53:28 | pixelma | why is that a problem? |
17:53:34 | Torne | well it's not a *problem* |
17:54:34 | linuxstb | Why do you need to add a lang string? |
17:54:52 | Torne | for the bit before the colon? |
17:55:03 | linuxstb | We already have "USB keypad mode" |
17:55:14 | Torne | ..we do? |
17:55:18 | linuxstb | (that's why I suggested using it...) |
17:55:21 | Torne | Ah |
17:55:36 | linuxstb | It's used in settings_list.c |
17:55:37 | | Quit Strife89 (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
17:55:54 | pixelma | I prefer better understandability over ease of updating the lang strings - besides that this combining possibly doesn't work in every language or leads to worse expressions |
17:56:18 | Torne | Well, do we just want to change the English text for the existing lang strings, then? |
17:56:21 | Torne | and leave the code alone entirely? |
17:56:30 | linuxstb | pixelma: You don't like "USB keypad mode: Multimedia" ? |
17:56:32 | pixelma | and then? |
17:57:06 | | Join Strife89 [0] (~michael@adsl-220-102-170.mcn.bellsouth.net) |
17:57:22 | Torne | Hm, that would look stupid if anyone subsequently used that in a settings menu thouhg |
17:57:32 | pixelma | linuxstb: I was referring to Torne's "keypad: multimedia mode" |
17:57:58 | linuxstb | Torne: What would? |
17:58:14 | Torne | linuxstb: changing the lang strings that exist to say "USB keypad mode: Multimedia" or similar |
17:58:19 | Torne | i.e. not touching the code |
17:58:21 | * | pixelma still wonders what Windows "does" |
17:59:15 | linuxstb | Torne: My suggestion is to remove "mode" from the values of the setting, and change the code to display "Setting name: Setting value" - i.e. "USB keypad mode: Multimedia" |
17:59:22 | Torne | Right |
17:59:30 | Torne | I'm gonna do that then, since it makes sense :) |
17:59:39 | linuxstb | Which I think would also be fine as a real setting menu. |
17:59:42 | Torne | yes |
18:00 |
18:00:03 | Torne | is it just str(LANG_USB_KEYPAD_MODE) to get the string? |
18:00:30 | | Join Casainho [0] (~chatzilla@87-196-152-172.net.novis.pt) |
18:01:37 | | Quit Strife89 (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
18:01:42 | pixelma | that would also work nicely for German I think. The only small drawback I see is that the string gets a bit longer (although moderately) and might need to scroll on small displays or with big fonts (thinking of the c200 or Clip) |
18:01:47 | linuxstb | grep tells me that some places use ID2P(LANG_) and others use str(LANG_) so I don't understand... |
18:01:56 | Torne | pixelma: it's a scrolling line anyway |
18:02:10 | Torne | linuxstb: yeah me either |
18:02:36 | Torne | Ah right, ID2P is a special thing for settings |
18:02:44 | linuxstb | Splitting it on two lines would save the sprintf... |
18:03:15 | pixelma | yeah, but it probably doesn't need to currently in most cases. Scrolling text is harder to read and it at least takes a little longer |
18:03:17 | | Join leavittx [0] (~leavittx@ |
18:03:25 | Torne | the viewport is only 1 line high though ;) |
18:03:39 | linuxstb | How helpful ;) |
18:03:41 | | Join komputes [0] (~komputes@ubuntu/member/komputes) |
18:04:05 | Torne | snprintf will do, i just have to guess a buffer size :) |
18:04:33 | * | linuxstb wonders why "[USB mode]" is a hard-coded string in usb_screen.c |
18:04:43 | pixelma | well, not sure how a 2 line high viewport will look (or the rest of the display shows the USB bitmap |
18:05:13 | | Join Horscht [0] (~Horscht2@xbmc/user/horscht) |
18:06:07 | Torne | i don't understand the viewport setup stuff particularly ;) |
18:06:38 | Torne | changing the viewport height seems harder than snprintf :) |
18:06:51 | linuxstb | You mean all those comments in the code don't help you? ;) |
18:07:50 | | Join toffe82 [0] (~chatzilla@ |
18:08:37 | Torne | heh |
18:12:36 | | Join stoffel [0] (~quassel@p57B4A054.dip.t-dialin.net) |
18:14:08 | | Join dantje [0] (~dvg@HSI-KBW-095-208-155-207.hsi5.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.de) |
18:14:16 | Torne | http://whitefang.wolfpuppy.org.uk/temp/usb_hid_mode_text.diff <- anyone want to comment? |
18:14:20 | Torne | or yaknow actually test it on a player |
18:14:23 | Torne | (it compiles) |
18:17:28 | | Join Highlander [0] (~Highlande@mek33-4-82-236-45-205.fbx.proxad.net) |
18:18:09 | linuxstb | What gets displayed in UMS-only mode? Or is there no such thing? |
18:18:09 | Torne | i'll try it myself when i get home if not :) |
18:18:15 | Torne | it doesn't show anything |
18:18:50 | linuxstb | The patch looks fine to me. I'm assuming it's OK to just change lang strings like that, and then the translators will get flagged. |
18:19:14 | Torne | yeah should be |
18:19:36 | Torne | that's why the lang files have <source> in them |
18:19:47 | Torne | so you can tell when they were bsaed on an older version of english.lang |
18:20:06 | Torne | i'm arbitrarily assuming that 64 bytes is enough |
18:20:12 | Torne | which is double what it takes in english |
18:20:21 | linuxstb | In the worst case, the string will just get truncated... |
18:20:40 | | Join Strife89 [0] (~michael@adsl-220-102-170.mcn.bellsouth.net) |
18:21:23 | Torne | indeed |
18:21:31 | Torne | i guess i could check, sort of. |
18:21:38 | * | Torne picks a language that uses high unicode :) |
18:21:51 | TheSeven | waaaaah |
18:22:12 | * | pamaury reach 7MiB/s data rate with isochronous transfers on a e200 |
18:22:17 | TheSeven | did you know that not all nand chips even *support* parallel programming on different banks? |
18:24:29 | | Quit pamaury (Quit: Quitte) |
18:25:52 | kugel | Torne: well, other languages easily double the size of english strings |
18:26:01 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
18:26:03 | Torne | kugel: yeah, i dunno |
18:26:17 | kugel | particularly those involving unicode |
18:26:43 | kugel | isn't it on the stack anyway? why not pick a reasonably huge buffer? |
18:26:49 | Torne | yeah, ok |
18:27:17 | kugel | if course you could strlen the strings to get the appropriate buffer, then dynamically alloc |
18:27:46 | | Join darkham [0] (~darkham@ |
18:27:53 | Torne | no :) |
18:30:06 | kugel | what is isochronous transfers btw? |
18:30:32 | * | linuxstb wonders if a lcd_puts_scroll_f() type function (incorporating sprintf) would be useful - lcd_puts_scroll() copies the text to a local buffer anyway... |
18:31:09 | | Quit krabador (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
18:31:56 | | Join Buschel [0] (~ab@p54A3D8A6.dip.t-dialin.net) |
18:32:26 | CIA-5 | New commit by torne (r25132): Change USB HID mode string from just "Multimedia Mode" (or similar) to say "USB keypad mode: Multimedia" (or similar). ... |
18:32:45 | linuxstb | Torne: That's the spirit - write, commit, then test... ;) |
18:33:02 | Torne | It compiles |
18:33:08 | Torne | and I can't imagine how it could be *wrong* :) |
18:33:16 | | Quit darkham (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
18:33:28 | linuxstb | You compiled before committing? Amateur! |
18:38:01 | kugel | linuxstb: probably, lcd_putsf() has proven to be useful too |
18:39:11 | Torne | aaaand I got a red :) |
18:39:16 | Torne | but it looks like the build client is broken |
18:39:20 | Torne | /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmingw32 |
18:43:34 | | Quit Casainho (Remote host closed the connection) |
18:53:09 | | Quit stoffel (Remote host closed the connection) |
18:53:19 | | Quit gibbon_ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
18:55:24 | | Quit DataGhost (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) |
19:00 |
19:01:07 | pixelma | hmm.. bluebrother: I could see an effect on filesize when speeding the TTS setting in rbutil now and I could also hear it when hitting "Test TTS" but the voice file doesn't work on my Ondio, although I got it small enough now (it's currently even smaller than the working older voice file I kept around) |
19:01:45 | pixelma | that's one of the boxes where talk file creation works |
19:02:13 | pixelma | (for Archos - it's on a 10.4 PPC) |
19:02:17 | | Join pamaury [0] (~c2c7a50a@rockbox/developer/pamaury) |
19:04:08 | pixelma | mind you, there's also a similar difference for the speex files - a voice file doesn't work at all, while talk files "work" but aren't recognisable |
19:09:19 | pixelma | bluebrother: about the intermediate files - I have a list of qt_temp.* files without extension (two look like they could be a complete voice wav, judged by file size and some qt_temp.*.wav which are all zero byte |
19:12:00 | pixelma | there are 3 of the big ones, these are possibly from my different tries to get the voice file smaller, the timestamps suggest |
19:12:59 | | Join m3dlg [0] (~m3dlg@ |
19:20:46 | | Join GodEater [0] (~bibble@cl-711.lon-02.gb.sixxs.net) |
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19:20:46 | | Join GodEater [0] (~bibble@rockbox/staff/GodEater) |
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19:32:55 | | Quit Topy44 (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) |
19:35:06 | | Join Topy44 [0] (~topy@my.fastsh.it) |
19:36:03 | CIA-5 | New commit by Buschel (r25133): Restore musepack's IRAM configuration to pre r25127 for non PP5022/24. |
19:38:00 | | Join GeekShadow [0] (~Antoine@reactos/tester/GeekShadow) |
19:38:04 | | Quit m3dlg (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
19:39:05 | | Join bertrik [0] (~bertrik@ip117-49-211-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) |
19:41:26 | | Quit DerPapst (Quit: Leaving.) |
19:43:36 | Buschel | got the same build erros as Torne: "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmingw32" |
19:44:20 | | Quit chaos (Remote host closed the connection) |
19:44:51 | kugel | Buschel: it appears amiconn's build client is messed up |
19:45:53 | | Join stoffel [0] (~quassel@p57B4A054.dip.t-dialin.net) |
19:47:15 | CIA-5 | New commit by Buschel (r25134): Make atrac3 streams in wav containers work again (error was introduced with r24782). Add additional info to atrac3 debug information. |
19:50:49 | | Quit dmb (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.) |
19:51:10 | | Join dmb [0] (~dmb@unaffiliated/dmb) |
19:52:57 | | Join chaos [0] (~chaos@gentoo/user/ch4os) |
20:00 |
20:00:01 | Buschel | amiconn's build client seems to work again |
20:01:21 | | Join Schmogel [0] (~Miranda@p3EE21E2B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
20:01:45 | | Join dmb_ [0] (~Dmb@unaffiliated/dmb) |
20:05:19 | | Join anti[v4] [0] (~Skim@skim.static.corbina.ru) |
20:06:00 | anti[v4] | hi there |
20:06:20 | anti[v4] | rbutill from svn fails to build |
20:06:41 | anti[v4] | it want to create already existing dir, and then fail. |
20:07:49 | kugel | Buschel: maybe my ping caused him to fix it :) |
20:09:06 | saratoga | are there any current rockbox targets that detect a dock connection before enabling line out? |
20:10:36 | pixelma | bluebrother: an Archos voice file created on an Intel 10.6 Mac works |
20:10:59 | pixelma | what could I test or check? |
20:11:33 | anti[v4] | hey! does any rbutil devs sitting here? |
20:13:53 | linuxstb | anti[v4]: I guess that will depend on what you want ;) |
20:14:19 | anti[v4] | i want to build it from svn ;) |
20:14:23 | linuxstb | Have you successfully compiled it before? |
20:14:26 | anti[v4] | but it fails |
20:14:29 | anti[v4] | no |
20:14:42 | anti[v4] | i try to compile it 1st time |
20:15:08 | linuxstb | Can you post the output of "make" to http://pastebin.com ? |
20:15:59 | anti[v4] | antixpuct ~skim # wgetpaste /var/log/portage/app-misc:rbutil-9999:20100312-185419.log :) |
20:15:59 | anti[v4] | Your paste can be seen here: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/188908/ |
20:16:01 | anti[v4] | ^_^ |
20:17:00 | linuxstb | Did you just checkout the rbutil directory? You need other parts of the Rockbox source as well nowadays. |
20:17:45 | anti[v4] | i don't checkout dir ;) i'm using gentoo ebuild from wiki... |
20:18:06 | | Join DerPapst [0] (~DerPapst@p4FE8F6EA.dip.t-dialin.net) |
20:18:13 | linuxstb | The ebuild was contributed by someone else and isn't maintained. Looks like that's broken. |
20:18:35 | linuxstb | You could try and fix it, or just follow the manual compilation instructions - http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/RockboxUtilityDevelopment |
20:19:04 | linuxstb | I don't think any regular rockbox dev uses gentoo. |
20:19:25 | anti[v4] | :( |
20:22:30 | | Quit AlexP (Remote host closed the connection) |
20:22:51 | | Join AlexP [0] (~ap@rockbox/staff/AlexP) |
20:23:59 | anti[v4] | linuxstb, i don't think, that it is ebuild trouble. it just did "./configure&&make&&make install" at all; |
20:24:31 | anti[v4] | is current svn sources compiles on your pc? :) |
20:25:01 | linuxstb | Do you have the full Rockbox source code? You should see a set of directories including "rbutil", "docs", "apps", "tools" all at the same level. |
20:25:17 | pamaury | What is the best way to play audio ? I want to feed the audio pipeline with data coming from usb but I'm lost. I see there is a combinaison of audio.h&pcm.h in doom for example but the wiki talks about pcmbuf... |
20:25:19 | kugel | anti[v4]: that combo doesn't work for rbutil, IIUC |
20:25:41 | AlexP | anti[v4]: For rbutil it is qmake then make |
20:26:02 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
20:26:03 | anti[v4] | linuxstb, |
20:26:04 | anti[v4] | antixpuct rbutil-9999 # ls /var/tmp/portage/app-misc/rbutil-9999/work/rbutil-9999 :( |
20:26:04 | AlexP | you don't configure/make/make install - that is the sims/Rockbox |
20:26:04 | anti[v4] | apps/ rbutil/ tools/ |
20:26:31 | anti[v4] | AlexP, i know. see ebuild source, it did qmake too ;) |
20:26:55 | kugel | we don't know ebuild |
20:26:57 | AlexP | You just said "it just did "./configure&&make&&make install"" |
20:27:09 | anti[v4] | kugel, it just bash script ;) |
20:27:12 | AlexP | which is wrong for rbutil |
20:27:20 | linuxstb | anti[v4]: The first error in your log was "Cannot find file ../../docs/CREDITS" - so you are at least missing the "docs" directory. |
20:27:49 | | Quit dmb (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.) |
20:28:32 | | Join dmb [0] (~dmb@unaffiliated/dmb) |
20:29:55 | AlexP | I'd just try doing it manually - check out the source do qmake && make - done. That way we can check if the problem is rbutil or a user generated e-build that we don't support :) |
20:30:54 | | Join perfectdrug [0] (~marko@p5B0EDBB1.dip.t-dialin.net) |
20:32:27 | linuxstb | anti[v4]: can you just try adding the line "subversion_fetch ${ESVN_REPO_URI}/docs docs" to the src_unpack() function? |
20:32:31 | anti[v4] | it's very strange |
20:32:37 | anti[v4] | linuxstb, i can |
20:33:02 | * | anti[v4] trying to build rbutils by hands |
20:33:11 | | Part watto |
20:35:57 | bluebrother | anti[v4]: there is no ./configure for Rockbox Utility |
20:36:19 | anti[v4] | bluebrother, i know |
20:36:19 | bluebrother | plus, you need various folders from svn. You can find a list in rbutil/rbutilqt/deploy-release.py |
20:36:33 | anti[v4] | bluebrother, http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/bin/viewfile/Main/RockboxUtility?filename=rbutil-9999.ebuild;rev=4 |
20:36:42 | anti[v4] | see in src_compile function |
20:37:11 | | Quit kaniini (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
20:37:31 | anti[v4] | it performs "qmake" and "make". When i says "./configure&&make&&make install" i mean, that it just amulates usual user actions |
20:37:38 | bluebrother | I have no idea what "eqmake4" exactly does. |
20:37:40 | anti[v4] | *emulates |
20:37:50 | anti[v4] | it did "qmake" ;) |
20:38:00 | bluebrother | you might want to simply build using deploy-release.py ... |
20:38:13 | AlexP | Or type qmake && make |
20:38:22 | bluebrother | it creates a tarball with the resulting binary, but well ... |
20:39:07 | anti[v4] | Project MESSAGE: release |
20:39:08 | anti[v4] | RCC: Error in 'rbutilqt-lang.qrc': Cannot find file 'lang/rbutil_cs.qm' |
20:39:08 | anti[v4] | RCC: Error in 'rbutilqt-lang.qrc': Cannot find file 'lang/rbutil_de.qm' |
20:39:08 | DBUG | Enqueued KICK anti[v4] |
20:39:08 | anti[v4] | RCC: Error in 'rbutilqt-lang.qrc': Cannot find file 'lang/rbutil_fi.qm' |
20:39:09 | anti[v4] | O_o |
20:39:27 | AlexP | anti[v4]: Ignore that |
20:39:30 | bluebrother | that's harmless. |
20:39:55 | bluebrother | interesting. The pastebin shows Qt 4.6.3, but the download page at Nokia only has 4.6.2 o.O |
20:40:08 | AlexP | bluebrother: Pretty sure I have 4.6.3 |
20:40:14 | anti[v4] | me too |
20:40:21 | bluebrother | AlexP: on arch? |
20:40:26 | AlexP | yep |
20:40:44 | AlexP | oh no |
20:40:49 | AlexP | My mistake 4.6.2 |
20:40:53 | Ctcp | Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood |
20:40:53 | * | anti[v4] sometime joking, that arch is userfriendly gentoo ;) |
20:41:06 | AlexP | I could have sworn I saw 4.6.3, but nevermind :) |
20:41:25 | | Quit dmb (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.) |
20:41:28 | AlexP | anti[v4]: It is for people who have better things to do than spend half their lives watching things compile :) |
20:41:45 | anti[v4] | >_< |
20:41:51 | anti[v4] | no |
20:42:04 | AlexP | Anyway, off topic - #rockbox-community for chat |
20:42:05 | anti[v4] | gentoo supporting binary packages as well, as compiling |
20:42:17 | | Join dmb [0] (~dmb@unaffiliated/dmb) |
20:42:27 | bluebrother | grrr. Why doesn't gitorious show tags? |
20:42:31 | anti[v4] | it is no need to compile for half life ;) |
20:42:42 | anti[v4] | btw, strange: |
20:42:46 | * | bluebrother is not interested in distro flamewars. |
20:42:50 | anti[v4] | it compiles fine with docs ;) |
20:42:54 | bluebrother | at least not in this channel. |
20:43:06 | linuxstb | anti[v4]: OK, I'll add that to SVN. |
20:43:13 | bluebrother | docs/CREDITS is a required file. |
20:43:35 | linuxstb | Ah no, it's not in SVN, it's in the wiki... |
20:43:37 | anti[v4] | why? ;) |
20:43:49 | bluebrother | because it's not maintained and user contributed. |
20:43:50 | linuxstb | anti[v4]: Who was that question to? |
20:43:52 | AlexP | linuxstb: Do we want things like that in SVN? |
20:44:10 | linuxstb | AlexP: It seems to work... I would say either put it in SVN, or delete it. |
20:44:17 | bluebrother | AlexP: I'd say if some dev is willing to keep it up to date. |
20:44:20 | AlexP | I'd get rid of it then |
20:44:23 | AlexP | bluebrother: well quite |
20:44:33 | rasher | I don't see the problem if it goes out of date |
20:44:42 | AlexP | I think nobody would, and it'd just be another forgotten half working thing |
20:44:44 | rasher | People can submit patches |
20:44:46 | linuxstb | Well, it seems straightfoward to maintain, unless building rbutil changes drastically. |
20:44:51 | AlexP | But maybe I'm being pessimistic :) |
20:45:04 | AlexP | I'm not objecting if people want to |
20:45:08 | bluebrother | if it goes out of date what's the point in having it in svn at all? |
20:45:21 | linuxstb | bluebrother: So people can submit patches... |
20:45:42 | AlexP | They can just update the wiki no? |
20:45:59 | * | bluebrother goes back considering to create a rpm spec :) |
20:46:18 | linuxstb | But as I said, I don't think it's a problem to maintain. |
20:46:29 | * | linuxstb will leave it to bluebrother, as an rbutil dev, to decide though... |
20:46:58 | bluebrother | I don't think it's ap problem either, but I fail to see the usefulness in it. |
20:47:09 | linuxstb | It's also an executable script, and I've always thought we've had a policy to avoid having those in the wiki. |
20:48:43 | | Join kaniini [0] (~quassel@dyn75-70.yok.fi) |
20:50:06 | bluebrother | hmm, wasn't the ebuild removed from that download link table and only mentioned in the text? |
20:50:19 | linuxstb | No idea... |
20:51:10 | pixelma | bluebrother: ideas before I leave? |
20:52:05 | * | linuxstb wishes there was a "wiki annotate" feature... |
20:52:46 | bluebrother | indeed it was, but the guy that updated the ebuild added it again. |
20:53:17 | pixelma | btw. (also for domonoky) - I just tested rbspeexenc+dec on the 10.4 PPC with a .wav file I recorded before (not generated by RbUtil) and get the same noise |
20:54:15 | anti[v4] | lol... |
20:54:46 | | Quit kaniini (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
20:55:00 | | Join kaniini [0] (~quassel@dyn75-70.yok.fi) |
20:55:04 | bluebrother | pixelma: I could imagine that wavtrim and the other tools that are creating the voice file fail on ppc |
20:55:35 | bluebrother | did you have success with 10.5 intel? |
20:56:06 | pixelma | yes... well, 10.6 today |
20:56:07 | anti[v4] | i've add only "cd ${S}/rbutil" before qmake (except of "cd rbutil") ($S = workdir) and it compiling fine ;) |
20:57:04 | anti[v4] | ^_^ |
20:57:04 | pixelma | bluebrother: shall I try a 10.4 Intel? |
20:58:03 | bluebrother | pixelma: would be nice. |
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21:00:45 | | Quit kugel (Remote host closed the connection) |
21:01:36 | bluebrother | pixelma: ok, did I understood you correctly that 10.4 ppc produces broken voice files for archos but talk files work? |
21:03:26 | pixelma | yes |
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21:07:31 | CIA-5 | New commit by Buschel (r25135): Fix playback of atrac3 joint stereo encoded files. Define the interpolation macro in the right way. |
21:07:52 | TheSeven | does anybody have a possible explanation for FS #11091 and FS #11093? |
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21:09:33 | | Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (quassel@rockbox/developer/amiconn) |
21:09:58 | CIA-5 | New commit by Buschel (r25136): Fix comment on interpolation macro. |
21:10:21 | | Join pixelma_ [0] (quassel@rockbox/staff/pixelma) |
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21:11:44 | | Quit Strife89 (Quit: Heavy thunderstorm. Disconnecting equipment to stay on the safe(er) side.) |
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21:15:01 | pixelma | bluebrother: also the hanging RbUtil with wron TTS seems to happen as follows > first have a valid TTS configuration > change TTS engine to e.g. Swift > configuration still shows ok (it contains the path to the valid, previous TTS) |
21:15:11 | pixelma | wrong too |
21:15:29 | | Quit dantje (Quit: Ex-Chat) |
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21:32:18 | pixelma | und bei 10.4 Intel gibt's bzgl. Sprachclips das gleiche Ergebnis wie bei 10.4 PPC |
21:32:18 | pixelma | bluebrother: a voice file created with a 10.4 Intel doesn't work either |
21:32:31 | * | pixelma goes home now though |
21:32:43 | | Join notByan [0] (~notByan@lackey.csl.mtu.edu) |
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21:42:34 | anti[v4] | can anybody replace "gentoo" string in download section in wiki with 'use "rion" overlay'? |
21:42:50 | anti[v4] | and remove string with ebuild from there ;) |
21:43:51 | Llorean | Yes, anybody can. |
21:44:05 | CIA-5 | New commit by theseven (r25137): Hopefully fix the latest Nano2G NAND issues. (FS #11092) Transfers for some of the chips apple is using will be slow until someone implements cached ... |
21:44:34 | | Join Strife89 [0] (~michael@adsl-220-102-158.mcn.bellsouth.net) |
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22:10:31 | scorche | Does anyone have any other changes to http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/GSoCOrgApp2010 before I submit it? |
22:11:05 | | Join anewuser [0] (anewuser@unaffiliated/anewuser) |
22:13:21 | scorche | i will probably submit it in about 30 minutes, so... |
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22:14:21 | | Join Highlander [0] (~Highlande@mek33-4-82-236-45-205.fbx.proxad.net) |
22:15:03 | soap | do you want grammar check as well or only meaty changes? |
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22:17:26 | scorche | that works too |
22:18:18 | soap | "In 2008, we were assigned 5 slots, however we accepted 4 projects (giving one back to the pool) after duplicate resolutions." |
22:18:36 | soap | having trouble parsing the end of that. |
22:19:51 | soap | two sentences later: should it not be "speakers of languages other than English" as opposed to "speakers of other languages than English"? |
22:20:23 | scorche | duplicate resolutions is a period where students accepted to more than one org are worked out |
22:20:42 | soap | so plural is correct? |
22:21:04 | scorche | it is acceptable, i would say |
22:21:06 | bluebroth3r | scorche: the main development ml is rockbox? Not rockbox-dev? |
22:21:21 | scorche | and i agree with the “two sentences later part” |
22:21:44 | scorche | bluebroth3r: errr...right |
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22:23:08 | linuxstb | "a student pulling out and after having another contribute to another organization for the summer." - isn't that simply "two students pulling out" ? |
22:24:16 | scorche | just make any change you feel is needed and if it shouldnt have been made, i will change it back |
22:25:58 | linuxstb | Do we have any idea how many students/organisations will be part of SoC this year? i.e. are we fighting for few organisation spots, or should we be confident of at least getting some students? |
22:26:03 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
22:30:03 | | Join S_a_i_n_t [0] (S_a_i_n_t@ |
22:31:21 | scorche | about the same number of orgs and projects as last year |
22:31:33 | soap | done, linuxstb, you can make that change now. |
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22:39:10 | TheSeven | The goal would be to produce a decoders using either the best known ... |
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22:44:42 | TheSeven | Timex Clock Radio for Sannsa |
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22:52:27 | CIA-5 | New commit by bluebrother (r25138): Respect the exit code of external encoder called. ... |
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23:00:22 | amiconn | Eh? "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmingw32" wtf?? |
23:00:46 | * | amiconn will restart that vm in a minute |
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23:19:27 | scorche | alright...then if there are no objections, i will submit the application |
23:22:52 | | Quit Curtman (Quit: Leaving) |
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23:27:13 | saratoga | looks fine to me |
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23:30:35 | pamaury | arg, usbaudio is nearlyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy working, but that's even more frustating ! |
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23:39:11 | TheSeven | Damn. What should I do about FS #11092? |
23:39:35 | TheSeven | Just revert it? I don't really like to do that, but I don't see what could be the problem either |
23:42:48 | scorche | > Organization Application submitted. |
23:44:28 | saratoga | great |
23:47:12 | liar | TheSeven: i am having similar problems since today |
23:48:13 | TheSeven | last good/first bad revision? |
23:48:48 | TheSeven | is it also caused by those commits around 22100? |
23:49:33 | liar | its currently happening with r25114 |
23:50:54 | liar | i'll try the latest revision |
23:51:19 | TheSeven | you also had that toshiba flash, right? |
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23:52:20 | liar | TheSeven: don't know, its a 2555D3EC |
23:53:34 | TheSeven | erm, that's the Samsung chip I'm also having! |
23:53:59 | TheSeven | no, wait, i have the D5EC variant |
23:54:11 | TheSeven | anyways, it's supposed to support interleaved writes |
23:54:18 | TheSeven | how many banks do you have? |
23:54:23 | liar | (havent tried it on the A585D598 yet) |
23:54:32 | liar | 4 banks |
23:56:09 | | Quit bmbl (Quit: Bye!) |