00:00:22 | amiconn | Aha, the limit for extended paths is 32K-1 chars, not 64K |
00:01:11 | ender` | approximately |
00:01:55 | | Join RadicalR [0] (~radicalr@c-69-255-49-110.hsd1.va.comcast.net) |
00:04:12 | pamaury | depends on the value of 32K :) |
00:08:46 | sevard | rockbox vs apple firmware |
00:08:52 | sevard | i wish i could have the best of both worlds |
00:08:53 | sevard | heh |
00:08:59 | | Join TorneWuff [0] (torne@lowell.wolfpuppy.org.uk) |
00:09:35 | | Quit Buschel (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
00:11:12 | soap | there's something apple firmware does better? |
00:11:31 | Darkknight512 | yea, clicky sounmd |
00:11:31 | soap | (outside video on the 5G) |
00:11:49 | Darkknight512 | by the peizo |
00:12:46 | pamaury | Torne, amiconn: I have a new patch for FAT code, see FS |
00:12:50 | | Quit Torne (Disconnected by services) |
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01:43:03 | | Quit ender` (Quit: The difference between 'involvement' and 'commitment' is like an eggs-and-ham breakfast: the chicken was 'involved' - the pig was 'committed'.) |
01:49:07 | | Join Buschel [0] (~ab@p54A3D7F1.dip.t-dialin.net) |
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02:00 |
02:04:57 | | Quit Buschel (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
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02:28:28 | | Nick fidencio[AWAY] is now known as fidencio (~fidencio@li113-135.members.linode.com) |
02:30:35 | | Join sansaredclipper [0] (~d8121864@giant.haxx.se) |
02:30:56 | sansaredclipper | hello, everyone. trying to install rockbox for the very 1st time!!! |
02:31:41 | | Quit ender` (Quit: The other day Windows told me I might be a victim of software counterfeiting. Funny, I always thought I was a beneficiary.) |
02:31:44 | sansaredclipper | i'm following the instructions for my v1 sansa clip here: http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/SansaAMS#Installation_for_Stable_e200v2_F |
02:32:27 | sansaredclipper | But the original firmware I'm using 1.01.35 is not known to rockbox, maybe because this OF has just been released on march 15. what should i do? |
02:32:47 | Torne | Use a different one |
02:32:57 | sansaredclipper | should i use the most recent recognized Original Firmwar (1.01.32)? |
02:33:05 | Torne | it doesn't have to be the one currently on your player |
02:33:14 | sansaredclipper | torne, oh it doesn't? |
02:33:21 | Torne | no. |
02:33:32 | | Join hd [0] (~jd@modemcable207.134-202-24.mc.videotron.ca) |
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02:33:32 | | Join hd [0] (~jd@Wikipedia/HellDragon) |
02:33:41 | Torne | mkamsboot creates a firmware update, using our code and whatever version of the sansa code you give it |
02:34:10 | sansaredclipper | i'm curious about what "./mkamsboot m300a.bin bootloader-clip.sansa patched.bin" does. |
02:34:30 | sansaredclipper | torne, but if mkamsboot doesn't use the March15 release, is it not as good? |
02:34:41 | | Join n1s [0] (~n1s@rockbox/developer/n1s) |
02:34:48 | Torne | it makes no difference to rockbox which version you use |
02:34:53 | Torne | or what version you had installed before |
02:34:58 | sansaredclipper | torne, ok. |
02:35:04 | Torne | it only makes any difference if you boot the OF |
02:35:06 | sansaredclipper | i'll just get the 1.01.32. |
02:35:24 | sansaredclipper | torne, ok, i think i now understand |
02:35:41 | sansaredclipper | torne, do u work for RB? |
02:35:43 | sansaredclipper | rockbox? |
02:35:55 | Torne | nobody works for rockbox |
02:35:59 | Torne | but I am a developer, yes |
02:36:16 | sansaredclipper | ok. you're very helpful and knowledgeable with my "newbie" qusetions. thanks. |
02:36:27 | Torne | it's ok |
02:36:39 | sansaredclipper | do you know when RB will support 1.01.35 March 15 release of Sansa Clip OF? |
02:36:48 | sansaredclipper | (it's not important. |
02:36:50 | Torne | when someone tests it and adds the hash of it to mkamsboot |
02:36:57 | Torne | i don't have a clipv1 so I can't ;) |
02:37:02 | sansaredclipper | torne, i do. |
02:37:06 | | Quit jd (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
02:37:08 | sansaredclipper | torne, how do i test it? |
02:37:15 | sansaredclipper | just use it normally? |
02:37:16 | Torne | you risk bricking your player if it doesn't work. |
02:37:23 | Torne | so, you don't want to test it ;) |
02:38:00 | sansaredclipper | by "testing" do you mean not only playing with the 1.01.35 OF from Sansa, but doing a mkasmboot version of it? |
02:38:34 | Torne | Yes. Please don't, unless you don't mind your player being bricked ;) |
02:38:57 | Torne | without soemone testing it, we don't know for certain that the patched firmware mkamsboot creates will actually work |
02:39:01 | sansaredclipper | torne, i do NOT want my player to be bricked |
02:39:08 | Torne | and if it doesn't, then there's no way to reflash the firmware. |
02:39:12 | Torne | since it has to be bootbale to do that |
02:39:22 | Torne | this is why mkamsboot only lets you use tested versions that we know work ;) |
02:39:34 | sansaredclipper | torne, ok I see . |
02:39:45 | sansaredclipper | i'll therefore use the "tested versions." thanks. |
02:39:46 | Torne | it *probably* does, but we prefer not to give that risk to users ;) |
02:39:46 | sansaredclipper | 8-) |
02:40:02 | sansaredclipper | torne, thanks for shielding us from the risk. |
02:40:53 | sansaredclipper | [INFO] Patching succeeded! |
02:40:55 | sansaredclipper | yipee |
02:40:56 | sansaredclipper | ! |
02:40:58 | | Nick fidencio is now known as fidencio[AWAY] (~fidencio@li113-135.members.linode.com) |
02:42:43 | sansaredclipper | yes!!!1 i see RB on my Clip!!!! This is great!!! |
02:42:56 | sansaredclipper | is it true that RB uses more battery life than an audio player's OF? |
02:43:11 | Torne | On most players, the battery life is better with rockbox |
02:43:20 | Torne | the clipv1 is still a fairly new port, though |
02:43:20 | sansaredclipper | Wow!!!!!! |
02:43:25 | Torne | so it's worse, i believe |
02:43:28 | sansaredclipper | oh no. |
02:43:37 | sansaredclipper | well, um.... i have a iPod video 5.5 generation |
02:43:38 | Torne | it's an unstable port, it's not finished |
02:43:46 | Torne | ipod video we should be at worst about the same as the OF |
02:43:47 | sansaredclipper | how is battery life on iPod video 5.5 gen? |
02:43:51 | Torne | at best, maybe 4+ hours more |
02:43:53 | Torne | depends on your settings |
02:43:56 | sansaredclipper | great |
02:44:10 | Torne | My ipod gets over 5 hours longer in rockbox but my settings are quite aggressive at power saving |
02:44:26 | sansaredclipper | torne, my settings on ipod are "conserve-mode". backlight on for 2-5 seconds. |
02:44:32 | sansaredclipper | .... no equalizer at all |
02:44:44 | Torne | equaliser probably makes no difference if you use normal codecs like mp3 |
02:44:46 | sansaredclipper | no other special features turned on |
02:44:53 | Torne | there is plenty of cpu to spare with those codecs |
02:45:02 | Torne | the biggest thing after the backlight is whether you turnt he LCD off entirely |
02:45:07 | Torne | (which the OF doesn't) |
02:45:27 | sansaredclipper | torne, you're saying that "LCD-off" feature is only available on RB? |
02:45:32 | sansaredclipper | (on the iPod)? |
02:45:34 | Torne | Yup |
02:45:37 | sansaredclipper | gotcha |
02:45:38 | Torne | the OF never turns the LCD off entirely |
02:45:40 | Torne | onlt the backlight |
02:45:42 | sansaredclipper | right |
02:45:55 | sansaredclipper | well, how can you see the iPod if LCD is off entirely? |
02:45:56 | Torne | so, we get a fairly big saving there if users turn that setting on :) |
02:46:03 | sansaredclipper | doesn't that mean you have to operate it "blind"? |
02:46:06 | Torne | it comes back on when the backlight comes back on.. |
02:46:11 | sansaredclipper | oh i see. |
02:46:22 | sansaredclipper | 8-) |
02:46:23 | Torne | it's just another timer |
02:46:32 | Torne | so after he backlight has been off for X seconds it also turns off the lcd itself |
02:46:38 | sansaredclipper | I gotta get my iPod from my car and install RB on it. |
02:47:04 | sansaredclipper | is iPod video Rockbox now SAFE ? |
02:47:14 | sansaredclipper | (compared to Sansa Clip Rockbox, i mean) |
02:48:22 | Torne | yes, see the front page: ipodvideo is a stable target |
02:48:27 | Torne | it's well supported and works fine |
02:48:29 | saratoga | well its been around for about 4 years longer |
02:48:59 | sansaredclipper | rockbox system info on my clip says "6h 47 m" battery life at 97%. Nice!!!! |
02:50:06 | sansaredclipper | i don't see my playlists on my clip. hmmmm. |
02:50:15 | sansaredclipper | maybe i still need to know how to use the Rockbox.... |
02:50:25 | sansaredclipper | I'm currently listening to an mp3. no problem. |
02:52:04 | | Join adnyxo [0] (~aaron@adsl-065-013-002-216.sip.asm.bellsouth.net) |
02:52:52 | sansaredclipper | where's the Pitch screen? (i want to increase playback speed) |
02:53:09 | Ctcp | Ignored 1 channel CTCP requests in 0 seconds at the last flood |
02:53:09 | * | Torne suggests you read the manual |
02:53:55 | | Quit domonoky (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
02:54:02 | sansaredclipper | 8-) will do sir. |
02:54:04 | sansaredclipper | 8-) |
02:54:10 | sansaredclipper | funny.... i just found "upside down" mode. ha ha |
02:59:37 | RadicalR | Progress on the clip+? |
02:59:52 | sansaredclipper | radicalr. installation is a SUCCESS. now reading manual. |
03:00 |
03:00:02 | RadicalR | Impressive! |
03:00:15 | sansaredclipper | coz i'm trying to do FAST playback speed of all my spoken-word audio. (this is the sole reason why i installed Rockbox) |
03:00:37 | RadicalR | Impressive! |
03:00:40 | sansaredclipper | My audio players only have 1% music. 99% is spoken-word |
03:00:46 | RadicalR | Fuze v2 here. :( |
03:01:04 | sansaredclipper | oh no. not supported yet by RB, is it? |
03:01:26 | RadicalR | They are working on it. |
03:01:36 | RadicalR | But far as I know, still on the bootloader. |
03:02:20 | RadicalR | I'm not too unhappy, since I picked up a m:robe 100 to have my rockbox. |
03:02:22 | sansaredclipper | how much did you pay for your sansa fuze2? |
03:02:29 | RadicalR | 60 bucks. |
03:02:35 | sansaredclipper | mrobe... who made this? |
03:02:52 | RadicalR | Olympus |
03:03:05 | RadicalR | They only made two kinds |
03:03:08 | RadicalR | 100 and 500i |
03:03:15 | RadicalR | I have the 100 here. 500i at work. |
03:03:32 | sansaredclipper | intersting... from a camera company... |
03:03:47 | | Quit phanboy4 (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
03:04:04 | RadicalR | Yep. |
03:04:09 | RadicalR | They only released those two |
03:04:12 | RadicalR | and then halted the line. |
03:04:20 | sansaredclipper | how do i reboot? manual doesn't say |
03:04:39 | RadicalR | Hold the power button, I guess? |
03:04:42 | saratoga | power button |
03:04:45 | RadicalR | That's how I do it on the old one. |
03:04:51 | RadicalR | There we go :) |
03:05:00 | saratoga | http://download.rockbox.org/daily/manual/rockbox-sansaclip/rockbox-buildch3.html#x5-270003.1.2 |
03:05:19 | RadicalR | I like the m:robe 100 for the monochrome screen. |
03:05:33 | RadicalR | It's not often you see a red screen on a mp3 player ;) |
03:06:10 | saratoga | if you want to chat you should probably go into rockbox-community |
03:06:14 | bofh__ | oh! hey. saratoga, I was going to bug you about details on the google SoC tasks of either writing a fixed-point fast WMA9 codec for RB, or of optimizing existing algorithms, i.e. mp3/aac. |
03:06:20 | bofh__ | RadicalR: moo. |
03:06:29 | saratoga | bofh__: sure ask away |
03:06:38 | RadicalR | Whoa, bofh__ |
03:06:41 | RadicalR | Long time no see. |
03:07:30 | RadicalR | saratoga, sure. Sorry about that. |
03:07:38 | | Join _arbingordon [0] (~w@c-71-226-248-30.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) |
03:10:48 | bofh__ | saratoga: so basically what the first of those two tasks boils down to is implementing a fixed-point WMA Pro codec using the one in the ffmpeg tree which is floating-point? |
03:10:57 | saratoga | thats correct |
03:11:20 | saratoga | and i suppose making any changes to our asf parser to make that happen |
03:11:32 | | Part Llorean |
03:11:32 | | Quit arbingordon (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) |
03:12:10 | | Quit _arbingordon (Client Quit) |
03:12:35 | saratoga | what codec or dsp experience do you have |
03:13:43 | | Quit TopyMobile_ (Quit: TopyMobile_) |
03:13:47 | | Quit sansaredclipper (Quit: CGI:IRC) |
03:13:48 | | Join arbingordon [0] (~w@c-71-226-248-30.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) |
03:14:33 | | Join Llorean [0] (~DarkkOne@rockbox/user/Llorean) |
03:15:59 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
03:18:49 | saratoga | bofh__: ok anything else i'm about to get back to work for a while |
03:19:06 | bofh__ | saratoga: codec experience goes as far as writing a (not very good) mp3 encoder/decoder, I'm fairly comfortable with most common audio codecs (given that most boil down to some combination of MDCT + psychoacoustics). on the dsp end uh fourier analysis, wavelet analysis, have taken a course in this as well as read up on my own. I'd be able to answer more specific questions better :P |
03:19:19 | bofh__ | also sorry, you caught me at a bad time I'm in the middle of debugging something |
03:19:23 | saratoga | ah ok that should be fine |
03:19:42 | bofh__ | so perhaps if you have any further questions some other time would be better. |
03:19:45 | saratoga | porting a decoder usually just takes patience and a reasonable understanding of transforms |
03:19:46 | | Quit adnyxo (Remote host closed the connection) |
03:19:50 | saratoga | ok |
03:20:00 | bofh__ | oh |
03:20:06 | bofh__ | one thing, just out of sheer curiosity. |
03:20:13 | bofh__ | who the heck *uses* WMA? |
03:20:14 | saratoga | sure |
03:20:22 | saratoga | i don't know |
03:20:29 | saratoga | most people don't use most of our codecs |
03:20:47 | bofh__ | figured. lol. |
03:20:56 | saratoga | SMAF or ATRAC in OMA come to mind as being worse off then wma |
03:21:11 | bofh__ | yeah, ATRAC was the one that came to my mind at first. |
03:21:17 | saratoga | please consider applying for one of the projects, though the WMA Pro has already had one very qualified student consider applying |
03:21:33 | saratoga | so maybe think about a second project in case we get two students applying |
03:21:43 | bofh__ | okay, I actually think I might prefer the other project. |
03:21:53 | saratoga | mp3 or AAC? |
03:22:12 | bofh__ | I'm leaning AAC at the moment. |
03:22:33 | saratoga | that certainly has more room for improvement |
03:22:39 | saratoga | the current codec is an absolute mess |
03:22:51 | saratoga | and aac-he is unusable on most targets |
03:23:21 | bofh__ | yes, 120mhz for 64kbit aac is...yeah. |
03:23:48 | saratoga | ARM7TDMI has a lot of trouble with gcc generated DSP code in general |
03:23:57 | saratoga | the poor state of the code makes things a lot worse |
03:24:14 | | Join ipodvideo5point5 [0] (~d8121864@giant.haxx.se) |
03:24:17 | ipodvideo5point5 | hello, folks. |
03:24:27 | saratoga | replacing some of the filterbanks with better code which is probably already in some combination of the mdct lib, atrac, mpc or mp3 would probably cut that number by a lot |
03:24:34 | ipodvideo5point5 | i'm formerly sansaredclipper. |
03:24:42 | ipodvideo5point5 | hello |
03:24:53 | saratoga | this is a logged channel if you have a question just ask it |
03:25:20 | saratoga | i think the aac project probably isn't that hard but its aac and most people just don't care enough about it |
03:25:30 | bofh__ | so in general ARM7TDMI code winds up being very unoptimized, and it just happened to hit faad the hardest, or is faad sucking something beyond that? |
03:25:46 | ipodvideo5point5 | I am running Rockbox utility. it's asking what my audio player is. Mine is a iPod video 5.5 generation. But 5.5 is not in list in RB Utlitiy. Should I choose "5th gen"? |
03:26:01 | | Quit GeekShadow (Quit: The cake is a lie !) |
03:26:37 | saratoga | faad is already crap |
03:26:53 | bofh__ | mp3 has less of a speedup if we assume that the official ARM codec is the fastest we can go, but the popularity of mp3 is much greater so yeah. |
03:26:55 | Llorean | ipodvideo5point5: Is auto-detect failing? |
03:26:56 | saratoga | but most other codecs have already been extensively rewritten for arm and cf |
03:27:14 | ipodvideo5point5 | llorean, yes it is. do i have to something before pressing autodetect? |
03:27:28 | ipodvideo5point5 | llorean, do i have to browse for the device in filesystem first? |
03:27:28 | bofh__ | oh, side question, what devices use coldfire? |
03:27:35 | Llorean | Make sure the player is plugged in, and showing up as a drive letter, and rbutil is launched with admin privileges. |
03:27:46 | ipodvideo5point5 | llorean, i'm running linux |
03:27:49 | saratoga | yeah i'm not 100% sure how they came up with that 29MHz figure for arm7tmdi, but it would be nice to get mp3 faster |
03:27:54 | ipodvideo5point5 | llorean, i don't know how to do as you say |
03:28:07 | saratoga | CF is the irivier h100 h300 and iaudio x/m 3/5 |
03:28:08 | ipodvideo5point5 | my ipod is showing up on my desktop, as expected |
03:28:16 | Llorean | Is rbutil running with admin privileges? |
03:28:17 | saratoga | and a few other older players we dont' support |
03:28:33 | ipodvideo5point5 | in linux, does rbutilqt need to run with admin privileges? |
03:28:38 | Llorean | If autodetect won't find an ipod, it's also unlikely bootloader install will work. |
03:28:41 | Llorean | Yes, it does. |
03:28:55 | bofh__ | huh, iriver, interesting. |
03:28:59 | Llorean | Just for the bootloader install on certain devices, including ipods |
03:29:22 | ipodvideo5point5 | llorean, ok. i'll try to run it with sudo/admin privileges |
03:30:14 | bofh__ | but yes, leaning AAC on the latter, though mp3 might be more interesting. Probably will apply for this project if it's likely someone else will get the WMA Pro one. |
03:30:36 | saratoga | given your experience it might make more sense to apply for both AAC and MP3 |
03:30:56 | saratoga | since you will very likely be able to finish AAC quite quickly |
03:31:22 | ipodvideo5point5 | llorean, i ran it with admin privileges by doing "sudo ./rbutilqt". now autodetect works. |
03:31:35 | Llorean | Then just trust what it detects (which should be a 5G) |
03:31:45 | ipodvideo5point5 | ok. |
03:31:55 | saratoga | if you apply we'll do interviews and discuss in detail what we think is appropriate for your project |
03:31:59 | ipodvideo5point5 | should i leave the "cache" tab and the "TTS & Encoder" tab alone? |
03:32:12 | Llorean | Yes. |
03:32:35 | saratoga | hmm though i guess if you really wanted to completely port the ffmpeg aac decoder that would probably be more then enough for a project, though i'm not 100% convinced its worth the effort |
03:32:53 | saratoga | i suppose it depends what you're most interested in working on, lots of fixed point porting of good code, or cleaning up fixed point but ugly slow code |
03:33:09 | saratoga | choose your poison |
03:33:12 | ipodvideo5point5 | could u kindly check this out before i hit "oK"? http://imgur.com/6BD8y.png |
03:33:31 | ipodvideo5point5 | it says tts config is invalid |
03:34:49 | ipodvideo5point5 | do i want the "extra packages" (that come in "Complete Installation")? |
03:34:55 | bofh__ | saratoga: har. I'll think about it, apply, and further discussion/interview/etc'd be done then. |
03:35:07 | saratoga | ok sounds good |
03:35:14 | bofh__ | honestly though I'm not sure if porting ffmpeg's aac lib might not be easier than cleaning up faad. |
03:35:15 | saratoga | what time zone are you in anyway? |
03:35:17 | ipodvideo5point5 | for example, i don't want any games |
03:35:21 | bofh__ | EST |
03:35:25 | saratoga | ah ok same here |
03:35:30 | saratoga | which school are you at? |
03:35:34 | bofh__ | uwaterloo |
03:35:35 | ipodvideo5point5 | llorean, you there, sir? |
03:35:41 | | Quit arbingordon (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
03:35:55 | saratoga | ah ok |
03:35:58 | ipodvideo5point5 | hi folks. pls help with my install |
03:36:17 | saratoga | ipodvideo5point5: wait for someone to answer you |
03:36:34 | ipodvideo5point5 | i am. 8-) but am a bit excited 8-) |
03:36:53 | saratoga | regarding libfaad, i spent some time pulling out bits of it and replacing it with stuff from other decoders |
03:37:02 | ipodvideo5point5 | too late... i did "complete installation" |
03:37:03 | saratoga | it wasn't too bad actually, its logically enough laid out |
03:37:09 | ipodvideo5point5 | i hope i can remove games later on |
03:37:37 | saratoga | but ffmpeg is nice in that its lgpl so we could in theory back port things to ffmpeg or whatever down the road |
03:38:36 | ipodvideo5point5 | what's the cleanest/simplest theme? |
03:40:44 | krazykit | isn't that up to you? just look at the screenshots |
03:41:04 | ipodvideo5point5 | krazykit. ok <sniff sniff> |
03:47:02 | | Quit n1s (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
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03:58:47 | | Nick S_a_i_n_t_ is now known as S_a_i_n_t (S_a_i_n_t@ |
04:00 |
04:01:46 | | Join rocky_boxer [0] (~d8121864@giant.haxx.se) |
04:02:30 | rocky_boxer | what theme is this: http://download.rockbox.org/daily/manual/rockbox-ipodvideo/rockbox_interface/images/ss-context-menu-320x240x16.png ? |
04:03:14 | krazykit | that's the standard theme |
04:03:31 | rocky_boxer | where is it in my themes folder on the device? |
04:03:49 | rocky_boxer | i see "rockbox_default", but the 2 aren't the same. |
04:04:03 | krazykit | cabbiev2, i believe it's called |
04:04:27 | rocky_boxer | yes, that's right. looks great. love it. |
04:04:29 | rocky_boxer | thanks |
04:05:23 | | Join beta_ [0] (~beta@d24-36-66-52.home1.cgocable.net) |
04:06:51 | | Join AusShir [0] (~Owner@67-225-122-155.nbfr.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca) |
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04:13:44 | rocky_boxer | how do i exit free doom game? |
04:14:09 | S_a_i_n_t | On the iPods...its the hold ottun. |
04:14:15 | S_a_i_n_t | *button |
04:14:29 | rocky_boxer | thanks. i'll never play that game on my ipod again. |
04:14:29 | | Quit robin0800 (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.) |
04:14:31 | rocky_boxer | 8-) |
04:14:38 | S_a_i_n_t | But, pretty sure the manual will tell you. |
04:14:53 | rocky_boxer | can you delete games while using the iPod? |
04:14:53 | | Join robin0800 [0] (~quassel@general-ld-216.t-mobile.co.uk) |
04:14:58 | rocky_boxer | or do you need to connect to computer? |
04:14:59 | S_a_i_n_t | why not? I play doom on my Nanos all the time :P |
04:15:15 | S_a_i_n_t | what for? |
04:15:48 | S_a_i_n_t | you *do* need the freedoom/doom/doom2 wads installed however. |
04:16:00 | rocky_boxer | i need them even if i won't play them? |
04:16:15 | S_a_i_n_t | well, no. |
04:16:25 | S_a_i_n_t | If you *want* to play them ;) |
04:16:42 | rocky_boxer | i do not want to play any games on my ipod/rockbox. how do i delete them all. |
04:17:49 | S_a_i_n_t | Oh right, I missed that post for some reason. You can just remove the .rock files |
04:18:15 | S_a_i_n_t | I always remove *some* games, but never all...I'm pretty sure that method will work still though. |
04:18:24 | rocky_boxer | can i remove the files by using the iPod? or do i need to use a computer to remove? |
04:18:48 | Llorean | Please, read the manual |
04:18:52 | Llorean | It explains how to delete files |
04:19:04 | S_a_i_n_t | I don;t see any reason why you couldn't delete them from the file browser on the ipod, but the PC would be a lot faster. |
04:21:08 | | Part froggyman |
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04:21:59 | | Join Connor_ [0] (Connor@ip72-204-35-60.fv.ks.cox.net) |
04:22:38 | AusShir | I got the just got the clip+ to boot rockbox, i'm surprised how well most of it works already |
04:23:16 | AusShir | but I'm not sure if playback is functional yet |
04:23:33 | AusShir | anybody know? |
04:24:22 | Llorean | AusShir: The front page of Rockbox.org lists things expected to work. For anything else, you'll need to check to see if they have a status page on the rockbox wiki |
04:24:54 | AusShir | the sansa AMS page says playback works, and it was just added to SVN |
04:25:01 | | Quit Connor1 (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
04:25:04 | | Join Barahir_ [0] (~jonathan@gssn-5f7578ec.pool.mediaWays.net) |
04:25:15 | AusShir | but I'm not sure if it "works" or just doesn't crash |
04:27:31 | Llorean | "Works" should mean you should get audio with a version of Rockbox compiled with that change included. |
04:28:15 | AusShir | I can't hear the audio, but the player is decoding it |
04:28:42 | AusShir | I'm not sure if that's what the last commit was supposed to do or not |
04:28:44 | | Quit Barahir (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
04:29:14 | | Join Lss [0] (~Lss@cm48.omega219.maxonline.com.sg) |
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04:30:38 | | Quit bluebrother (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
04:30:39 | ball | Is it difficult to have the fourth or fifth line (I'm on an iPod mini) display comments instead of the next track? |
04:31:27 | AusShir | it would require editing a WPS |
04:32:06 | AusShir | if comment tags are supported.. |
04:32:12 | ball | AusShir: Is that a recompile? |
04:33:57 | | Quit FOAD (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) |
04:33:57 | | Nick FOAD_ is now known as FOAD (~dok@dinah.blub.net) |
04:34:03 | S_a_i_n_t | ball: No, it would simple mean editing the WPS with a text editor like Notepad, SciTE etc. |
04:34:21 | S_a_i_n_t | There's a wiki page that outlines custom WPS quite well. |
04:34:26 | ball | saratoga: Ah, that's doable then. |
04:34:26 | S_a_i_n_t | And the manual does also. |
04:34:40 | ball | I don't think I've ever been able to get to the manual |
04:34:44 | | Quit DV (Write error: Connection reset by peer) |
04:34:51 | ball | I want that because it would probably explain playlists too. |
04:35:30 | | Join DV [0] (~DV@ |
04:35:36 | AusShir | they are available from rockbox.org/manual.shtml |
04:36:11 | * | ball tries it |
04:36:38 | | Quit robin0800 (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
04:39:33 | ball | Got it, thanks. |
04:40:05 | AusShir | no problem :) |
04:40:14 | | Quit DV (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
04:40:41 | | Join DV [0] (~DV@ |
04:47:49 | ball | I'll see if I can't figure this out tomorrow. I need to sleep now. |
04:47:56 | | Quit ball (Quit: leaving) |
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04:54:29 | elinenbe | can anyone link me to a bootloader for the clip+? |
04:55:15 | AusShir | you'll have to build it yourself |
04:55:23 | | Quit Connor__ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
04:56:06 | AusShir | and just a tip, the current VmWare image does not work with the clip+ |
04:56:13 | | Join froggyman [0] (~sopgenort@pool-72-69-76-103.chi01.dsl-w.verizon.net) |
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04:57:51 | elinenbe | AusShir: Yeah, I've just found that out. I thought I'd take a shortcut, but now it looks like I'll be building the enviroment from scratch. |
04:58:47 | | Quit RadicalR (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) |
04:58:50 | CIA-5 | New commit by moos (r25263): Update the french translation. |
04:59:40 | AusShir | you might want to try using the new image made by scorche |
05:00 |
05:00:34 | AusShir | although i assume you'll have to build qt to compile mkamsboot |
05:00:57 | saratoga | i don't think you need qt to compile mkamsboot |
05:01:13 | saratoga | its a command line program |
05:01:44 | AusShir | it's part of the rbutil source, but I'm not really sure |
05:02:07 | saratoga | it can be compiled as a library rbutil uses, but its a stand alone program |
05:02:15 | AusShir | oh i see |
05:03:20 | AusShir | i used qmake to configure before I built |
05:03:28 | AusShir | it was probably a useless step then |
05:06:19 | elinenbe | AusShir: where the image from scorche? |
05:06:44 | AusShir | in the forums somewhere |
05:06:52 | elinenbe | thanks. |
05:06:59 | AusShir | starting development section i think |
05:09:58 | Llorean | It's probably on the wiki too, it really ought to be. |
05:10:20 | Llorean | The forums are for discussion, not storing more or less static information like that. |
05:10:52 | AusShir | scorche's image isn't done yet I think |
05:11:04 | AusShir | just putting it up for testing |
05:11:07 | Llorean | What's wrong with the existing vmware image? |
05:11:38 | saratoga | thread says some people had trouble building the sim, but i don't know if thats still a problem |
05:11:40 | saratoga | try it and see |
05:11:51 | AusShir | you can't compile the clip+ on the existing vmware image |
05:12:09 | Llorean | What's the existing image missing? |
05:12:12 | AusShir | the one on the forums worked for me |
05:12:55 | saratoga | whats the current image missing for the clip+? |
05:13:10 | saratoga | it shouldn't need anything that i can think of |
05:13:18 | Llorean | That's what I was thinking. |
05:13:42 | AusShir | not sure, but I would get errors about a library using FPA instructions and my target not |
05:13:54 | AusShir | that was when building the bootloader |
05:14:12 | AusShir | it would build for my e200v1 just fine |
05:14:14 | saratoga | the clip+ uses the same arm core as the D2, so I'd be surprised if it needed anything new |
05:15:33 | AusShir | it might be just gcc is configured differently |
05:16:02 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
05:16:12 | saratoga | i guess if its really old it might not build the D2 either |
05:16:34 | saratoga | either way should be easy enough to run rockboxdev.sh in the image to fix that |
05:17:51 | AusShir | I didn't think of that |
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05:19:13 | AusShir | the D2 bootloader build fails too |
05:20:34 | AusShir | same error about FPA instructions |
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06:42:22 | | Nick fidencio[AWAY] is now known as fidencio (~fidencio@li113-135.members.linode.com) |
06:43:57 | CIA-5 | New commit by FlynDice (r25264): SansaAMSv2 as3541.c Include key line from funman's patch to get sound on clip+ and have it only apply to as3525v2. |
06:46:16 | FlynDice | well, as3514.c really but we're all a bit dyslexic at times are we not.... |
06:51:07 | | Quit froggyman (Quit: i iz tired) |
06:57:27 | | Join fejfighter [0] (~fejfighte@C-59-101-6-29.hay.connect.net.au) |
07:00 |
07:07:20 | wind | I have upgraded my rockbox to r25262,but I found that I can not use any WPS skins.Why? |
07:10:46 | CIA-5 | New commit by FlynDice (r25265): sd-as3525v2.c: Only manipulate MCI_CLKENA for drive being used. |
07:12:32 | S_a_i_n_t | wind: Something must be going wrong....what WPSs are you trying to use? |
07:14:39 | wind | I can't use any,now. |
07:14:53 | | Quit Lss (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
07:15:22 | S_a_i_n_t | Not even cabbiev2? (the 'default' one) |
07:16:05 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
07:16:56 | wind | Sorry.It works. |
07:17:49 | wind | But I can't use other skins such as Black Glass |
07:18:26 | S_a_i_n_t | they probably use an incorrect (the old) syntax for a few things...a lot has changed re: WPS lately. |
07:18:33 | | Quit anewuser () |
07:19:05 | Llorean | wind: Where are you getting your skins from? |
07:19:27 | Llorean | The only ones that you should expect to work are the ones from the actual theme site at rockbox.org, that shows whether they're still working |
07:19:53 | wind | from http://themes.rockbox.org/index.php?target=ondavx747 |
07:20:12 | S_a_i_n_t | Some one on the theme site still dont work...last time I chesked. |
07:20:19 | S_a_i_n_t | *checked. |
07:21:00 | Llorean | wind: I don't see anything named black glass there |
07:21:22 | Llorean | S_a_i_n_t: If the theme site is reporting a theme as working with a specific build, and it doesn't work with that build, have you filed a bug report? |
07:21:57 | S_a_i_n_t | No, as emails went out to the authors to fix then IIRC...and I assume they haven;t yet. |
07:22:04 | S_a_i_n_t | *them |
07:22:28 | wind | lt had.But now it has been deleted. |
07:22:45 | Llorean | S_a_i_n_t: If the theme site says the theme works because checkwps confirmed it, and the theme doesn't work, that's a bug with the theme site, no? |
07:22:48 | Llorean | SHouldn't that be reported? |
07:22:58 | Llorean | wind: Maybe it was deleted because it stopped working... |
07:24:24 | S_a_i_n_t | llorean: the theme(s) probably did work when it was uploaded, and checkwps confirm it, but the fact that they don't now...well, that's not the theme sites fault, nor checkwps's |
07:24:46 | Llorean | Themes are reverified |
07:24:48 | wind | Llorean:It was deleted because of the copyright |
07:24:50 | Llorean | That's why there's a "current build" line |
07:25:25 | Llorean | wind: Either way, themes not on the theme site are not expected to work reliably, contact their authors directly. |
07:26:05 | wind | OK,I know. |
07:26:52 | Llorean | S_a_i_n_t: If checkwps is passing themes that don't work as valid for the current build, you should figure out which themes it is and file a report |
07:28:51 | | Quit wind (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)) |
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07:41:57 | | Quit shai (Quit: Leaving) |
07:49:44 | CIA-5 | New commit by FlynDice (r25266): sd-as3525v2.c: Correct SD_APP_OP_COND command to send full voltage range for v1 SD cards. |
07:55:32 | | Join stoffel [0] (~quassel@p57B4AF9D.dip.t-dialin.net) |
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08:39:56 | wodz | I would like to add some idea for GSoC. For new target port good disassembler is a must. There is no good free such tool. Of course we do have objdump -d but work with this is a pain. |
08:41:05 | wodz | Maby It would be not so complicated to use parts of objdump as a backend for graphical tool inspired by IDA |
08:44:46 | | Quit Buschel (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
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09:00 |
09:03:22 | amiconn | saratoga: Regarding mp3 codec speed, the official coldfire mp3 decoder (from freescale) is probably also faster than ours on CF, but if this is the one used by the iriver OF, it has audibly worse sound quality than libmad |
09:04:26 | amiconn | Also iirc someone is currently porting rockbox to another CF based device |
09:06:27 | | Join stoffel [0] (~quassel@p57B4AF9D.dip.t-dialin.net) |
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09:30:04 | | Join Tomis2 [0] (~Tomis@ |
09:32:14 | JdGordon | pixelma: ping? |
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09:32:21 | | Nick Tomis2 is now known as Tomis (~Tomis@ |
09:50:28 | JdGordon | which drawmode should the display be in for images? |
09:50:51 | JdGordon | or, why is the wps displayer setting it to DRMODE_SOLID *after* the images are all finished? |
09:59:00 | | Join PaulJam [0] (~Paule@p54BEF2CD.dip.t-dialin.net) |
10:00 |
10:12:37 | | Join Highlander [0] (~Highlande@mek33-4-82-236-45-205.fbx.proxad.net) |
10:12:58 | JdGordon | anyone want to try out a patch which makes the wps displayer more umm... not ambigious in the draw order? |
10:14:29 | | Join ender` [0] (krneki@foo.eternallybored.org) |
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10:16:04 | JdGordon | FS #11133 |
10:16:28 | | Join DV [0] (~DV@ |
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10:24:43 | * | JdGordon wonders how he can split the wps display stuff into text and non-text tags |
10:25:38 | pixelma | isn't text (drawing) the same as mono image drawing? |
10:30:34 | pixelma | hopefully you don't break the foreground/background colour behaviour of monochrome images... ;) |
10:31:39 | JdGordon | assume I have.... |
10:32:15 | JdGordon | pixelma: the last problems with fnm skin was the menu item name and no conditional %pm right? |
10:32:21 | JdGordon | do you have an idea for the menu name? |
10:32:39 | pixelma | "Radio skin"? |
10:32:58 | JdGordon | the wps option isnt "WPS skin" hough? |
10:33:25 | pixelma | "Radio screen" then? |
10:34:07 | JdGordon | thats better than FM Screen? |
10:34:31 | JdGordon | shouldn't the settings and screen have the same name? |
10:34:50 | amiconn | Imo the "screen" part is misleading. It's the skin for the screen, not the screen itself |
10:35:30 | pixelma | I just didn't like "FM Radio" which was the same as in the main menu to enter the radio |
10:35:34 | amiconn | Did you solve the hang? |
10:36:30 | amiconn | What about reinterpreting the ".wps" extension as "while playing skin", and then call ".fms" FM skin? |
10:36:31 | pixelma | JdGordon: and your hardcoded fms doesn't look like the one there is now - my main problem with this is that there are lines which are longer now than before (but not giving more info) |
10:36:36 | JdGordon | this is under settings > "theme" though |
10:37:27 | amiconn | hmm |
10:37:50 | pixelma | JdGordon: the WPS isn't called "Now Playing" too |
10:38:09 | pixelma | WPS menu item under theme settings, I mean |
10:39:41 | pixelma | amiconn: yes, the hang was solved, it had to do with wrong handling of two preset tags |
10:41:16 | pixelma | JdGordon: does the current radio screen just show preset name if the preset frequency matches? I ask because putting it inside a "tuner tuned" conditional I almost never get the preset name |
10:41:34 | pixelma | although it sounds like the frequency is tuned |
10:41:43 | pixelma | or the station |
10:46:40 | | Join liar [0] (~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at) |
10:46:51 | * | S_a_i_n_t *really* nees to but an FM buttplug for his iPods to actually see what all the fuss is about re: FMS |
10:47:09 | S_a_i_n_t | s/but/buy/ |
10:50:23 | amiconn | Zagor: ping |
10:51:28 | | Join TheSeven [0] (~theseven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) |
10:52:04 | JdGordon | it should show the preset neame if the freq's match |
10:54:54 | pixelma | ok, that would explain it a bit. I still wonder why "tuner tuned" would not be true as often I'd expect it (this is with the M5 with an X5 tuner board which uses a chip similar to the Philipps TEA used in other targets and which has quite good reception) |
10:55:48 | JdGordon | it looks like svn doesnt check if the tuner is tuned |
10:55:50 | JdGordon | so maybe thats it? |
10:57:16 | AlexP | JdGordon: Could you give me an example for %Lt ? |
10:57:25 | pixelma | JdGordon: that was my assumption now, making the "tuner tuned" a different question |
10:57:53 | JdGordon | AlexP: what in particular about it? its a simple text tag which is true when the title should be shown |
10:58:36 | AlexP | So you set up a viewport for it with the text/formatting etc that you want, then use only it in the viewport to show the title? |
10:58:45 | S_a_i_n_t | %?Lt<%Lt> |
10:58:57 | JdGordon | I'm thinking of writing a plugin to build a simple .sbs from the user settings. Would that be useful? |
10:59:06 | AlexP | S_a_i_n_t: I get that bit, just not how to use it in practice |
10:59:17 | JdGordon | I tried to do it in skin code but not powerful enough |
10:59:39 | JdGordon | yes |
10:59:57 | | Join Buschel [0] (~ab@p54A3ABCD.dip.t-dialin.net) |
11:00 |
11:00:05 | AlexP | JdGordon: So you would have one viewport that just showed it, and then another for drawing the list without it the title. How do you show the list without the title? |
11:00:12 | JdGordon | if %Lt is anywhere on the sbs, the %Vi viewport will ignore the title |
11:00:20 | AlexP | OK, thanks |
11:00:55 | JdGordon | I want to figure out how to make the %Vi viewports conditional... |
11:01:01 | | Join pamaury [0] (~pamaury@sal63-1-82-243-96-220.fbx.proxad.net) |
11:01:06 | JdGordon | that could mean some really funky shit! |
11:01:21 | S_a_i_n_t | now *that* would be cool. |
11:02:04 | S_a_i_n_t | I have my %vi set rather small...but then, I don't like the way it looks like long lists...aren't long, as I don;t use the scrollbar. |
11:02:17 | | Quit pamaury (Client Quit) |
11:02:45 | * | S_a_i_n_t still thinks bitmap scrollbar would be awesome :P |
11:02:49 | | Join pamaury [0] (~pamaury@rockbox/developer/pamaury) |
11:03:19 | JdGordon | i.e if music is playing then use only half the screen, instead of always using half if you ever want to display more info |
11:03:48 | S_a_i_n_t | Ahh...I get you now. |
11:03:55 | S_a_i_n_t | Yes, that would be cool. |
11:04:14 | S_a_i_n_t | My .sbs takes up half the screen, and is irrelevant if music isn;t playing. |
11:04:39 | Buschel | amiconn: regarding the faster but worse sounding mp3 decoding: you can easily drop precision by both using less precise coefficients in the windowing calculations and of course dropping several coefficients to save a lot of multiplications. This results in inaccurate synthesis filtering, but gains quite some cycles... |
11:04:57 | Buschel | amiconn: nevertheless this is not what rockbox intends to be... |
11:05:32 | amiconn | Sure |
11:05:51 | amiconn | I just mentioned it because saratoga mentioned the official arm mp3 decoder being faster than ours |
11:06:40 | JdGordon | S_a_i_n_t: there is/was a gsoc project for that (sort of) if you want it |
11:06:52 | amiconn | Buschel: Btw, I have a patch for you: amiconn.dyndns.org/~jens/ipod5_ata_gpio.diff">http://amiconn.dyndns.org/~jens/ipod5_ata_gpio.diff |
11:08:28 | S_a_i_n_t | there is/was...? I browsed over the prospects, but I didn;t recall seeing anything that fitted that bill. But that was a while ago now. |
11:08:52 | Buschel | amiconn: the atomic operation. feel free to submit :) |
11:09:11 | * | S_a_i_n_t doesn't have time to be paid for such things (which sounds odd I know), but in my free time, sure. |
11:09:19 | amiconn | I can't test it myself - it *should* work though |
11:10:52 | | Quit Adubb (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
11:12:09 | JdGordon | grr.. Do I need to make is smart enough so stupid people dont get into a position where no ui viewport is displayed? (i.e they have it conditionally enabled which is always false?) |
11:12:23 | Buschel | amiconn: the code looks fine. if you definately do not want to submit this without a final test on the target, i will be able to test this patch later today and respond |
11:13:04 | | Join punkt [0] (~punkt@dslb-092-077-140-194.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
11:13:13 | amiconn | Hmm, multigcc.pl needs work on osx as well, not only on opensolaris |
11:13:23 | * | S_a_i_n_t reminds JdGordon exactly how stupid stupid people can be... |
11:13:40 | amiconn | Neither system has /proc/cpuinfo - they have different ways to find out the number of cpus though |
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11:16:43 | | Join Adubb [0] (~aldubuc@ |
11:18:05 | JdGordon | S_a_i_n_t: or the other option of enabling more than one of those viewports :) |
11:18:12 | JdGordon | at least that one is simpler to work around |
11:19:17 | | Quit mt (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
11:19:52 | | Join mt [0] (~mtee@rockbox/developer/mt) |
11:20:12 | CIA-5 | New commit by alex (r25267): Add %pS and %pE tags to the manual. Closes FS #11121. |
11:20:17 | CIA-5 | New commit by alex (r25268): Add the %Sx tag to the manual. Closes FS #11116. |
11:20:21 | CIA-5 | New commit by alex (r25269): Add the %wi tag to the manual. Closes FS #11080. |
11:20:26 | CIA-5 | New commit by alex (r25270): Add the %Lt and %Li tags to the manual. Closes FS #11061. |
11:22:56 | | Quit blairb (Quit: Leaving) |
11:24:26 | AlexP | JdGordon: Thank you for adding the tasks, it makes it much easier :) |
11:25:28 | | Join kunal [0] (~kunal@ |
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11:26:22 | JdGordon| | AlexP: HTH :) |
11:26:23 | | Quit mt (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
11:29:01 | JdGordon| | for conditional ui viewport... would it be more understandable to add a label to %Vi (e.g %Vi|a|0|0|........|) or add a new tag like %wi which goes in the viewport? so the ui viewport would then need to be over 2 lines? |
11:29:11 | | Join Schmogel [0] (~Miranda@p3EE22527.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
11:29:19 | JdGordon| | I think the first would be easier to work with in the code, but not in the skin lang |
11:29:58 | S_a_i_n_t | Hmmmm, both have merits. |
11:30:00 | | Join kadoban [0] (~mud@cpe-67-247-80-129.rochester.res.rr.com) |
11:30:10 | JdGordon| | plus, if we go that route, does it make sense to allow the ui viewport to have the same viewport id's as others? |
11:30:17 | JdGordon| | (other regular viewports) |
11:30:28 | S_a_i_n_t | %Vi|a etc, seems to be more consistent with the rest of the code/conditionals. |
11:30:32 | | Quit liar (Remote host closed the connection) |
11:31:12 | S_a_i_n_t | I think ui viewport should have its own identifiers myself...to save confusion. |
11:31:21 | S_a_i_n_t | but thats just me. |
11:32:09 | * | JdGordon| isnt so sure about forcing that thoguh |
11:32:55 | | Join mt [0] (~mtee@rockbox/developer/mt) |
11:34:39 | PaulJam | JdGordon|: does your patch at FS #11133 remove or disable the %x|... tags that directly show am image? |
11:35:02 | JdGordon| | not by design |
11:35:05 | JdGordon| | did I break them? |
11:35:36 | * | JdGordon| sees the bug |
11:37:36 | JdGordon| | PaulJam: does adding "case WPS_TOKEN_IMAGE_DISPLAY:" in line 640 of skin_display.c fix it? |
11:38:17 | PaulJam | I#ll try. |
11:40:57 | | Quit Buschel (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
11:48:00 | PaulJam | JdGordon|: no, still doesn't work |
11:48:21 | | Join Luca_S [0] (~52390e45@giant.haxx.se) |
11:49:09 | JdGordon| | hmmm |
11:49:45 | JdGordon| | do any of the svn themes have that tag? |
11:49:57 | JdGordon| | or got a demo one? |
11:50:30 | | Join JohannesSM64 [0] (~johannes@cm- |
11:50:44 | | Join liar [0] (~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at) |
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11:54:52 | JdGordon| | PaulJam: ah, OK that was stupid.. i tihnk i have it now.. ill upload the diff to the track in a min |
11:55:05 | | Join arbingordon [0] (~w@c-71-226-248-30.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) |
11:55:11 | PaulJam | ok, thank you |
11:56:26 | | Quit kunal (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
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12:17:30 | PaulJam | JdGordon|: it still doesn't work (with the draw_order.3 patch) |
12:19:28 | | Join JdGordon|_ [0] (~7bf38c1f@gateway/web/freenode/x-bhgoggbqugztsbip) |
12:19:36 | JdGordon|_ | PaulJam: bugger :p |
12:19:59 | | Join kunal [0] (~kunal@ |
12:20:26 | | Quit JdGordon (Quit: Leaving.) |
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12:51:09 | JdGordon|_ | PaulJam: which theme are you using? |
12:51:46 | PaulJam | i'm using an own theme, i can send it to you if you want. |
12:52:15 | JdGordon|_ | please :) |
12:52:16 | | Join mischasworld [0] (~quassel@f052185100.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
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12:55:52 | JdGordon|_ | PaulJam: rockbox at jdgordon.info please |
12:58:11 | PaulJam | sent |
12:58:55 | JdGordon|_ | h300 right? |
13:00 |
13:00:13 | PaulJam | yes |
13:06:55 | PaulJam | the most obvious issue with this wps and your patch is, that the mask for the peakmeter is missing. it should look like this: http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/9475/pjice.png |
13:07:29 | | Join stripwax [0] (~Miranda@87-194-34-169.bethere.co.uk) |
13:07:39 | JdGordon|_ | peakmeter hasnt been touched (yet) so that could be why |
13:11:30 | | Quit stripwax (Client Quit) |
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13:14:01 | | Join pamaury [0] (~pamaury@rockbox/developer/pamaury) |
13:15:06 | PaulJam | there are other images missing too, but they are not that obvious. for example in the menus on the area where the artist-title is shown while playing there should be an imge (diagonal stripes) displayed while stopped. |
13:15:35 | JdGordon|_ | all the missing ones are %x ones? |
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13:20:58 | | Join Farthen [0] (~chatzilla@e179234130.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
13:22:28 | PaulJam | all the %x ones are missing. I noticed that also the batterydisplay in the menus (which uses %xl/%xd ) doesn't seem to work, but that seems to be a different issue since the same code still works in the wps. |
13:22:48 | JdGordon|_ | I saw that also... one thing at a time thoguh :) |
13:24:24 | JdGordon|_ | OH, I think I know whats happening |
13:26:04 | JdGordon|_ | hmm... nope |
13:29:02 | | Quit liar (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
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13:37:10 | S_a_i_n_t | Is it possible to place a menu entry in "plugins"? I'm *really* unhappy with the way FS #6697 (http://pastebin.com/Jn2eZpt2) puts "Dictionaries" in the main menu, and 'Plugins" seems the obvious place to put it. |
13:37:51 | S_a_i_n_t | Its not as easy as I believed it would be :( |
13:38:14 | | Join domonoky [0] (~Domonoky@rockbox/developer/domonoky) |
13:38:20 | JdGordon|_ | PaulJam: well i got my printfs working so the images should be displaying, but I dont see the peakmeter overlays... |
13:42:31 | | Join liar [0] (~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at) |
13:44:04 | JdGordon|_ | still no worky :( and the images are loading |
13:46:30 | JdGordon|_ | PaulJam: maybe its the sime peakmeter being wrong... try the .4 version |
13:46:31 | | Quit Strife89 (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
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13:50:23 | | Quit JohannesSM64 (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
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13:56:47 | PaulJam | i can't compile the .4 version (undefined reference to `printf'). |
13:57:54 | JdGordon|_ | try again...i reuploaded it |
14:00 |
14:00:42 | elinenbe | quick question: where's the source for mkamsboot? I'm tyring to build the bootloader for the clip+, but the version I have doesn't have the checksum for the clip+ fimrware I downloaded in it. |
14:01:25 | JdGordon|_ | rbutil/mkamsboot |
14:02:42 | elinenbe | JdGordon|_: Got it. Thanks! |
14:03:10 | | Join kugel [0] (~kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel) |
14:04:12 | gevaerts | Can people have a look at FS #11101? It needs some better (as in, correct and not totally misleading) wording |
14:05:27 | | Join JohannesSM64 [0] (~johannes@cm- |
14:05:39 | S_a_i_n_t | I'm not sure if there is a way it could be worded that fits *all* the targets. |
14:05:41 | kugel | charging only? |
14:05:58 | JdGordon|_ | speak of the devil |
14:06:00 | kugel | the ondio needs a different string of course |
14:06:38 | kugel | S_a_i_n_t: it doesn't need to |
14:07:26 | JdGordon|_ | kugel: what is hidden_vp doing in skin_display.c 1154? |
14:07:32 | JdGordon|_ | you added in with the sbs stuff |
14:07:36 | gevaerts | It's easy if you have a paragraph or so |
14:07:45 | JdGordon|_ | call get_line() if the viewport is hidden? |
14:09:07 | gevaerts | Having a choice of options would be easier than on/off (e.g. "Disk mode/Power only"), but I guess that's not really easy in the settings code |
14:09:11 | kugel | it's for the %Vi and the sbs' default ones, they are never drawn but e.g. conditionals in them should be evaluated |
14:09:39 | JdGordon|_ | that doesnt make much sense |
14:09:52 | JdGordon|_ | also, that var is an int, but you then set it to true... tisk tisk |
14:10:27 | kugel | many tags stop working when placed in the default vp when it's never drawn |
14:10:29 | | Quit tvelocity (Quit: ΑποχώĎηĎε) |
14:10:57 | JdGordon|_ | that line causes a few (unlogged) bugs |
14:11:12 | JdGordon|_ | %wi will work in a disabled viewport! |
14:11:31 | JdGordon|_ | so will %Vp |
14:11:32 | kugel | and that's a bug? |
14:11:41 | PaulJam | JdGordon|_: with the .4 version some of the %x images show up, but the mask for the peakmeters is still missing |
14:11:48 | JdGordon|_ | you think its not a bug? |
14:11:53 | kugel | they're drawn in the vp they're placed in, aren't they? |
14:12:39 | kugel | sure it's not a bug. %Vi and sbs' default vp *are not* drawn. and we have never supported putting any drawing into these |
14:13:01 | kugel | i.e. the sbs must have viewports |
14:13:01 | JdGordon|_ | alot of tags assume thaty if they are being calld it should draw |
14:14:51 | JdGordon|_ | at the very least, setting an int to true is just bad! |
14:15:43 | | Join anewuser [0] (anewuser@unaffiliated/anewuser) |
14:16:14 | JdGordon|_ | if the viewport is never visible then anything inside it shold be outright ignored |
14:16:19 | JdGordon|_ | otherwise its user error |
14:17:14 | JdGordon|_ | S_a_i_n_t: your question before which wasnt asked has a simple answer if you look at the code for the plugin menu |
14:17:19 | JdGordon|_ | root_menu.c i tinhk |
14:17:42 | kugel | well, that breaks for example %we or %xl, or any conditional viewport drawing before the first viewport is set |
14:17:46 | | Join mt [0] (~mtee@rockbox/developer/mt) |
14:18:46 | kugel | you couldn't have a cond vp only sbs then, for example |
14:18:51 | S_a_i_n_t | JdGordon|_: Thanks...I may still have to bug you if I get stuck, but I assure you I'll at least try first. :D |
14:18:56 | JdGordon|_ | the default viewport sholdnt be disabled then |
14:19:33 | JdGordon|_ | I assume the reason to disable it is so it doesnt do a fullscreen clear? |
14:19:39 | kugel | it needs to, otherwise it will clear the lists |
14:20:55 | | Quit punkt (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
14:23:02 | kugel | and yes back then it was really fullscreen, so it had cleared the entire screen |
14:23:13 | JdGordon|_ | want to test a fix? |
14:24:04 | kugel | well, can't you test yourself? |
14:24:17 | JdGordon|_ | http://pastebin.com/f04uQ4a6 |
14:25:15 | | Join Buschel [0] (~ab@p54A3E923.dip.t-dialin.net) |
14:25:46 | kugel | that patch doesn't change much |
14:26:28 | | Join punkt [0] (~punkt@dslb-092-077-140-194.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
14:27:57 | CIA-5 | New commit by jdgordon (r25271): there is a difference between viewports which shouldnt be cleared (the default viewport in the sbs) and viewports which should never be shown (%Vi ... |
14:28:25 | JdGordon|_ | annoyingly that wont fix my issues though :/ |
14:28:34 | | Quit Horscht (Quit: Verlassend) |
14:30:04 | S_a_i_n_t | Hmmmm...I know I should be looking at root_menu.c ~line 341-369, but the only thing my meager talents can gather from that is how to organise the plugin folders alphabetically...which pleases me, but is nowhere near what I'm going for. |
14:31:09 | JdGordon|_ | bah |
14:31:31 | JdGordon|_ | add an item to the MENUITEM_STRINGLIST() line, then a case in that switch and you're done |
14:33:14 | S_a_i_n_t | aha...thankyou. |
14:33:51 | JdGordon|_ | lots of green.. I'm going to bed |
14:33:52 | kugel | that's what you call "do it properly"? |
14:33:58 | | Quit JdGordon|_ (Quit: Page closed) |
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14:40:30 | PaulJam | JdGordon|_: i think the remaining missing images with the .4 version are because if the now changed drawing order. they are all in the .wps file one line above the text/peakmeter they should mask. (in svn the place in the .wps file didn't matter and the %x images were drawn above everything else in the wps) |
14:41:57 | gevaerts | pamaury: FS #11118 seems to work for me on gigabeat F |
14:43:15 | | Nick fidencio is now known as fidencio[AWAY] (~fidencio@li113-135.members.linode.com) |
14:44:36 | gevaerts | I'm not doing any stress testing though |
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14:48:20 | CIA-5 | New commit by Buschel (r25272): Add GPIOx_ENABLE to debug screen for PP502x. |
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14:50:40 | CIA-5 | New commit by Buschel (r25273): Use atomic operation for GPIOx_ENABLEs in ide_power_enable() for iPod Video. Thanks to Jens Arnold for this one. |
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14:56:17 | S_a_i_n_t | Does anyone know how I could go about changing the colours of the splash screens from black on grey to white on black? |
14:56:31 | S_a_i_n_t | it aa: goes with my theme better, and b: is easier for me to read. |
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15:03:42 | pamaury | gevaerts, thanks |
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15:04:40 | gevaerts | pamaury: I also had a quick look at the patch, but it's not in code I know much about |
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15:35:05 | CIA-5 | New commit by amiconn (r25274): Make multigcc.pl actually use more than one core on OS X and opensolaris. |
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15:43:08 | CIA-5 | New commit by Buschel (r25275): Only show PP502x GPIOx_ENABLE on displays with appropriate height. |
15:49:13 | | Quit DV (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
15:51:12 | Buschel_ | should have made a clean build... :/ |
15:51:52 | | Join DV [0] (~DV@ |
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16:10:51 | kugel | what is multigcc for? |
16:11:13 | gevaerts | to speed up dependency generation |
16:12:15 | kugel | ah thanks |
16:13:31 | CIA-5 | New commit by Buschel (r25276): Fix red. |
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16:51:42 | Buschel_ | Could anyone else test the "buffering unboost" patch that I have added FS #9708? It does not use boosting when buffering for targets that use ATA_DMA. This also may save some battery time, as in current svn boosts for e.g. mp3 or mpc will only occure while buffering. On the other hand buffering will not be any faster through boosting when DMA is used. |
16:53:36 | S_a_i_n_t | does "testing" just mean "see if it works" or will there be some form of notable difference to report? |
16:55:01 | Buschel_ | S_a_i_n_t: more like "see if it works" over a period of time. e.g. are there any additional effects like short drop-outs? |
16:56:11 | S_a_i_n_t | Hmmmm..ok, I'll run it for a day (am *just* about to compile, so I'll throw this patch in also), and get backto you tomorrow. |
16:56:50 | Buschel_ | S_a_i_n_t: thanks |
16:57:50 | | Quit kugel (Remote host closed the connection) |
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17:00 |
17:02:40 | soap | short drop-outs at buffering? |
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17:44:49 | | Join JB2002 [0] (~Moritz@dslb-084-058-241-052.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
17:46:06 | * | domonoky found the voicefile problem from the mailing list. genlang.cgi seems to not like 3.5.1 as a revision number. |
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17:49:03 | | Quit ender` (Quit: error compiling committee.c: too many arguments to function) |
17:49:19 | Buschel_ | soap: yes, for example. |
17:49:25 | JB2002 | hi there, i've got a question about pictureflow: is it possible to order the album art by the album artist and not by the album name? |
17:51:49 | | Quit CaptainKewl (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
17:54:55 | domonoky | can someone with perl knowledge look at www\genlang\index.cgi, to find out why it doesnt like 3.5.1 as revision parameter ? |
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18:00 |
18:01:37 | S_a_i_n_t | JB2002: not without messing about with the source code...and possibly not even then. |
18:01:49 | S_a_i_n_t | I'm not sure if it cares about tags or not. |
18:02:09 | S_a_i_n_t | "it" being pictureflow.rock |
18:03:31 | pixelma | don't you have to enable the database if you want pictureflow working? |
18:03:37 | AlexP | Yes |
18:03:41 | S_a_i_n_t | have a look at apps\plugins\pictureflow.c in the RB source |
18:03:45 | AlexP | Of course it cares about tags, it uses them |
18:03:55 | AlexP | That is where it gets its info from |
18:04:11 | S_a_i_n_t | I just figured on that myself...I worded that pretty badly. |
18:04:25 | AlexP | JB2002: Does the database use albumartist to sort? |
18:04:57 | JB2002 | not sure |
18:04:58 | pixelma | it only cares about the album tag though (and stuffs all tracks from the three albums called "Home" I have into one folder and takes the first picture it finds |
18:05:02 | pixelma | ) |
18:06:00 | S_a_i_n_t | *thats* what I *meant*...I'm not sure "what" tags it cares about... |
18:06:09 | mitk | Hi. Where I can find rbclient.log when runclient.sh is started by cron with @reboot option? |
18:06:09 | JB2002 | alexP: how can i check how it is sorted? |
18:06:14 | S_a_i_n_t | easy to say after the fact though :P |
18:06:19 | | Join CaptainKewl [0] (~jason@207-237-107-203.c3-0.nyr-ubr1.nyr.ny.cable.rcn.com) |
18:06:25 | AlexP | JB2002: By looking at the list? |
18:06:56 | soap | ok, Buschel_, finally finished rereading the entire FS #9708 thread. |
18:07:12 | JB2002 | you mean the pictureflow order? |
18:07:29 | CIA-5 | New commit by Domonoky (r25277): try to fix genlang.cgi for release 3.5.1: replace all . with _ in revision. |
18:07:33 | AlexP | JB2002: No, in the database |
18:07:35 | soap | Which patch / combo do you want tested pre-commit? |
18:08:16 | domonoky | Bagder, Zagor: can you please svnup genlang.cgi ? |
18:08:46 | JB2002 | in my database i can select how it should order my music - sorry that i don't understand the point ... |
18:09:05 | AlexP | JB2002: I'm just asking if the database uses the albumartist tag at all |
18:09:35 | S_a_i_n_t | yes, it does. |
18:09:48 | JB2002 | AlexP: yes, i can order by Album Artist |
18:09:49 | pixelma | AlexP: maybe not the default tagnavi file but I'm quite sure you can make it use albumartist |
18:10:02 | AlexP | Anyway, going on what pixelma said Pictureflow doesn't currently use artist or albumartist, so it needs extending to do that |
18:10:03 | | Quit mitk (Quit: CGI:IRC) |
18:10:26 | S_a_i_n_t | Album Artist is the second sort order in the list in Database. |
18:10:28 | | Join mitk [0] (~mitk@chello089078013146.chello.pl) |
18:10:32 | soap | and, Buschel_, do you see a testing advantage to loading a 32MB iPod build on my 64MB iPod to increase the drive access rate? Perhaps a 16MB buffer build?? |
18:10:41 | S_a_i_n_t | without changing tagnavi at all. |
18:11:18 | soap | and and, Buschel_, is there still concern regarding reads / writes over USB and this patch? Should I do some repeated back/forth transfers looking for file / filesystem corruption? |
18:11:39 | | Join panni_ [0] (hannes@ip-95-222-52-93.unitymediagroup.de) |
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18:27:28 | | Join Xerion_ [0] (~xerion@82-170-197-160.ip.telfort.nl) |
18:27:36 | Buschel_ | soap: just to make sure -> fs#9708 has already been submitted for a while. I am just asking about the last small patch that disables boosting while buffering. |
18:27:53 | Buschel_ | soap: yes, 32MB would lead to more intesive testing :) |
18:27:58 | Buschel_ | *intensive |
18:28:33 | | Quit Xerion (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
18:28:33 | | Nick Xerion_ is now known as Xerion (~xerion@82-170-197-160.ip.telfort.nl) |
18:28:59 | soap | cache alignment was the last bit commited, correct? |
18:29:20 | | Join ender` [0] (krneki@foo.eternallybored.org) |
18:29:40 | Buschel_ | yes |
18:30:12 | soap | and the unboost patch does??? |
18:30:58 | | Quit perfectdrug (Quit: perfectdrug) |
18:31:34 | Buschel_ | works for me here since a while |
18:32:11 | soap | Sorry for the vague question - the goal of the unboost patch is? |
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18:36:27 | | Join sustineo [0] (~42116ef5@giant.haxx.se) |
18:36:52 | sustineo | hi, does anyone know how to get pictureflow working? |
18:37:26 | sustineo | i have my music seperated in to directories according to album and then with a folder.jpg in each |
18:37:40 | soap | which directions have you followed? |
18:37:44 | S_a_i_n_t | sustineo: do you have the database enabled? |
18:38:07 | S_a_i_n_t | s/enabled/initialised/ |
18:39:51 | sustineo | yes |
18:40:13 | S_a_i_n_t | what happens when you thry to run pictureflow.rock? |
18:40:32 | AlexP | sustineo: Does album art work in the WPS? |
18:40:37 | sustineo | it shows all of them with the question mark |
18:40:39 | sustineo | yes |
18:40:47 | sustineo | (@alexp) |
18:40:58 | S_a_i_n_t | rebuild the picturefloe cache |
18:41:00 | AlexP | And the database |
18:41:03 | AlexP | woops |
18:41:08 | S_a_i_n_t | its in the options for pictureflow |
18:41:10 | AlexP | I meant ot press delete not enter there :) |
18:41:36 | sustineo | k ill try it |
18:42:18 | sustineo | wait how do you get to the pictureflow options |
18:42:19 | sustineo | ? |
18:42:33 | S_a_i_n_t | one sec |
18:42:56 | S_a_i_n_t | if your on an ipod, press menu. |
18:43:01 | S_a_i_n_t | if your not...pass. |
18:43:03 | S_a_i_n_t | :/ |
18:43:17 | AlexP | sustineo: You check the manual |
18:43:22 | sustineo | im on a sansa fuze |
18:43:27 | sustineo | k |
18:43:31 | S_a_i_n_t | yep, manual time. |
18:43:58 | sustineo | got it i think |
18:44:10 | sustineo | (settings) |
18:44:18 | AlexP | The manual should always be the first thing to check |
18:46:19 | sustineo | sweet, it worked. thanks |
18:46:23 | Buschel_ | soap: a vague question leads to a vague answer: aim is of course to avoid waste of battery. rockbox does only boost, if needed by the application. with DMA the transfer rate is independent of the cpu clock. therefor there is no need to boost the cpu for buffering. |
18:46:31 | | Quit sustineo (Quit: CGI:IRC) |
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18:54:23 | soap | last question - I promise |
18:55:06 | Buschel_ | go! |
18:55:09 | Buschel_ | :) |
18:55:26 | soap | When applying FS #8668 I get http://pastebin.com/qw1vyapr |
18:55:51 | soap | "svn status" shows I was clean prior. |
18:57:20 | Buschel_ | hmm, I should update fs#8668 |
18:57:53 | Torne | Buschel_: did we ever get a straight up bench of svn vs svn with the no-boost patch from 9708? |
18:58:07 | Torne | Buschel_: I still have more to do with 9708 re alignment |
18:58:43 | | Join DV [0] (~DV@ |
18:58:52 | Buschel_ | Torne: you will not see any difference. the gain is too small to be clearly visible in benches |
18:59:23 | Torne | then i think you are risking poor behaviour for little benefit.. |
18:59:27 | Buschel_ | Torne: Does your further work on alignment have an impact on stopping to boost while buffering? |
18:59:34 | Torne | see album art rescaling, etc |
18:59:40 | Torne | which currently will happen while boosted, no? |
18:59:52 | Torne | or do those sections explicitly boost anyway? |
18:59:54 | soap | I just had not seen that question from patch before. Seems to be "mistaken" as my checkout is clean. |
19:00 |
19:00:00 | | Join Kitar|st [0] (Kitr88@BSN-143-50-184.dial-up.dsl.siol.net) |
19:00:11 | Buschel_ | Torne: hmmm, don't know. In this case the scaling application should boost. |
19:00:12 | Torne | Buschel_: Might make it work better ;) |
19:00:26 | Torne | Buschel_: Album art loading is mostly unaligned atm |
19:00:43 | Torne | but mostly i'm interested in performance in other parts of rockbox, not buffering |
19:00:49 | Torne | i.e. normal FAT access |
19:04:47 | Strife89 | Buschel_: Do you intend to try and update it now, or when you feel like it? ;) |
19:05:07 | * | Strife89 is offering to test on his setup, if the answer is now. :) |
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19:07:48 | Buschel_ | Strife89: when you feel you like :o) I guess there might be some more non-technical discussions before submitting the patch |
19:08:03 | Buschel_ | Strife89: so, I am not in a hurry |
19:09:17 | Strife89 | Okay, I was mostly curious. :) |
19:09:36 | Strife89 | But I have a pair of iPods that I can test that with. |
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19:15:19 | CIA-5 | New commit by bluebrother (r25278): Split source files out of project file. ... |
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19:20:29 | | Quit petur (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
19:20:45 | TheSeven | rasher.dk/rockbox/buildgraphs/graph.php?r=25278&debug">http://rasher.dk/rockbox/buildgraphs/graph.php?r=25278&debug <−− big WTF |
19:21:45 | | Join krabador [0] (~darkham@host8-36-dynamic.31-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) |
19:22:05 | mc2739 | TheSeven: that will happen if the page is accessed before the round is complete |
19:23:21 | TheSeven | ah, that explains a lot of negative build times etc. :-P |
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19:32:22 | S_a_i_n_t | I assume #FS5111 was added before there was even a port for the Nano2g....if I just add #Define_Hardware_Keyclick to the config.h for the nano2g do you think the piezo would work? |
19:37:09 | Zagor | domonoky: done |
19:37:13 | | Quit krabador (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
19:37:56 | soap | so does anyone else have the time to explain the message I'm getting when patching FS #8668? I've never seen this message before. |
19:37:59 | soap | When applying FS #8668 I get http://pastebin.com/qw1vyapr |
19:38:22 | S_a_i_n_t | It happens if the patch has a value thats already in SVN |
19:38:40 | gevaerts | soap: very probably part of the patch is already in svn |
19:38:46 | S_a_i_n_t | so...it thinks it has already beenapplied. |
19:38:58 | soap | ahhh |
19:39:05 | soap | That makes sense. |
19:39:34 | S_a_i_n_t | sortof...I thought patch.exe was a little smarter than that. |
19:39:36 | domonoky | Zagor: good. voice generation for 3.5.1 works again :-) |
19:39:39 | soap | and is it asking me if I want to assume revert? |
19:39:43 | soap | "-R"? |
19:39:53 | S_a_i_n_t | I encountered the same thing with a patch I was working on tonight actually... |
19:40:10 | | Quit DV (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
19:40:20 | S_a_i_n_t | soap: yep |
19:40:25 | | Quit JB2002 (Quit: Leaving.) |
19:40:26 | soap | meaning that if I say "no" it will skip that hunk and if I say "y" it will revert said hunk even though I didn't call for a revert before? |
19:40:36 | S_a_i_n_t | yep |
19:41:26 | TheSeven | S_a_i_n_t: No, that won't work, as there is no driver for the piezo |
19:41:33 | TheSeven | making one would be trivial though |
19:42:13 | S_a_i_n_t | Hmmm...I resynced FS #5111 (havent put the patch back on the tracker yet), its something I *really* miss from the OF |
19:42:21 | S_a_i_n_t | perhaps the only thing actually. |
19:42:51 | S_a_i_n_t | no, no perhaps, it IS the only thing I miss from the OF |
19:48:19 | TheSeven | how do those SW keyclicks work? |
19:48:36 | TheSeven | could we just piggyback a HW keyclick driver on that? |
19:49:06 | mitk | Zagor: Where rbclient.log can be found when runclient.sh is started by cron with @reboot option? |
19:49:56 | Zagor | mitk: in the directory it is started from. probably the home dir if you didn't change it. |
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19:53:52 | mitk | Zagor: Can't find it. I'm starting it from crontab file which is "@reboot /home/rockbox/rbserver/runclient.sh". User is rockbox. |
19:55:06 | gevaerts | mitk: I'd also expect it in /home/rockbox then |
19:56:31 | | Quit punkt (Remote host closed the connection) |
19:58:58 | S_a_i_n_t | Would "/cygdrive/c/Cygwin/Rockbox_Source/patched/firmware/usb.c:60: warning: ‘usb_charging_by_default’ defined but not used" matter? |
19:59:05 | S_a_i_n_t | *In a bootloader build |
19:59:25 | mitk | gevaerts: Still can't find. When runcleint.sh is started from command line it is in the current dir indeed. But when started from cron even locate can't find it. |
19:59:38 | TheSeven | hm, I don't really get people are complaining about the apps/ changes in that patch |
19:59:46 | mitk | After updatedb of course |
20:00 |
20:00:03 | TheSeven | isn't that only fixing and extending the sw keyclick thing? |
20:00:17 | S_a_i_n_t | 5111? |
20:00:20 | TheSeven | yes |
20:00:44 | S_a_i_n_t | yes...I thought it was awesome |
20:00:55 | S_a_i_n_t | apparently the problem lies with the menu |
20:00:59 | S_a_i_n_t | *for some* |
20:01:49 | TheSeven | can you upload your resynced patch? i might just try to add a driver for the nn2g piezo |
20:01:55 | kugel | TheSeven: that patch rather introduces co-existence (when I looked last at it) |
20:01:55 | S_a_i_n_t | *note* GodEater's "sync" is missing two files. If you want it, I can chuck you the one I made a few hours ago. |
20:02:11 | CIA-5 | New commit by Buschel (r25279): Update battery discharge curve and current consumption for iRiver h10 5GB. Thanks to Danny Attar for measuring. |
20:02:13 | | Join gill0r [0] (~gill0r@f055165034.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
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20:02:24 | TheSeven | S_a_i_n_t: piezo.[ch] ? |
20:02:43 | S_a_i_n_t | yes. |
20:02:47 | TheSeven | those are target dependent anyway |
20:03:04 | TheSeven | does the 24194 sync still work? |
20:03:25 | kugel | piezo.[ch] also contains the thread etc, doesn't it? |
20:03:47 | TheSeven | kugel: I don't see any need for a thread for that |
20:04:37 | TheSeven | as the piezo is a timer on nn2g, we can just write a timer int handler that will kill the timer after some number of calls to it |
20:04:43 | kugel | yea, I didn't as well, but someone explained it for me |
20:04:45 | kugel | IIRC |
20:05:16 | TheSeven | this might be related to how the piezo on the PP ipods works |
20:05:59 | kugel | I haven't investigated it further, I just didn't like the patch in its current form, api-wise |
20:06:59 | | Part soap |
20:07:23 | S_a_i_n_t | I totally agree that the menu options need work, but I think it would be an awsome addition to the targets that can use it. |
20:08:36 | S_a_i_n_t | with FS #11101 I get "/firmware/usb.c:60: warning: ‘usb_charging_by_default’ defined but not used" does this matter? Or is it just bad coding? |
20:08:56 | S_a_i_n_t | *while building the bootloader for nano1g |
20:09:26 | kugel | it should be noted on the task at least |
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20:31:23 | soap | any reason, Buschel_, to expect FS #9708 to lead to data corruption on writes? |
20:32:08 | Buschel_ | no. it does not use DMA for writes as those were a bit slower than PIO. |
20:32:31 | | Join CGL [0] (~CGL@ |
20:38:16 | Torne | soap: also, writes are basically guaranteed to be safe |
20:38:22 | Torne | soap: the cache problems can only happen on read |
20:38:43 | Torne | dma writes are perfectly safe, i have tested extensively; it's only disabled because of performance |
20:39:00 | | Quit mitk (Quit: Leaving) |
20:39:00 | Torne | (and that might not be true on other devices, maybe; there's a define to turn them back on) |
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20:44:30 | soap | so then looking for stutters on buffer fill only? |
20:44:42 | soap | (I' |
20:45:09 | soap | (I'll stop filling / emptying a large FLAC directory and "flac -t"ing it then) |
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21:28:34 | S_a_i_n_t | TheSeven: Around? |
21:28:55 | TheSeven | yep |
21:29:06 | | Join merbzt1 [0] (~benlar@ |
21:29:09 | TheSeven | trying to compile a hw keyclick testing build right now ;-) |
21:29:41 | S_a_i_n_t | Well, I hope you fixed up my patch...as, although it compiles, she don't work |
21:29:54 | TheSeven | doesn't work in terms of what? |
21:30:04 | | Join fidencio [0] (~fidencio@li113-135.members.linode.com) |
21:30:12 | S_a_i_n_t | All the menus are there...but the piezo don't piezo :( |
21:30:19 | TheSeven | on which target? |
21:30:35 | S_a_i_n_t | Nano1g |
21:31:23 | S_a_i_n_t | shit knows what I did wrong... |
21:31:24 | | Quit merbzt (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
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21:32:38 | TheSeven | it clicks! |
21:32:46 | | Join froggyman [0] (~sopgenort@pool-72-69-76-103.chi01.dsl-w.verizon.net) |
21:32:49 | S_a_i_n_t | for 2g? |
21:32:54 | TheSeven | yep |
21:33:09 | S_a_i_n_t | Hmmmm...you see what I did wrong on nano1g? |
21:33:13 | TheSeven | still need to optimize the sound a bit, but it CLICKS! :-P |
21:33:34 | TheSeven | no, i only implemented the 2g driver, so i guess something's broken in the lowlevel stuff for PP |
21:34:26 | S_a_i_n_t | It compiled OK, but compile doesn't necessarily = works, as I've found many, many times. |
21:35:56 | fidencio | S_a_i_n_t: yeap |
21:37:47 | * | TheSeven wonders if the sound of it could be improved by a non-50% duty cycle |
21:38:07 | TheSeven | right now you can clearly hear the "base frequency" of the click |
21:38:44 | S_a_i_n_t | *apparently* the settings in FS #5111 are taken from the OF...but I some doubt the accuracy of the testing equiptment |
21:39:06 | S_a_i_n_t | s/settings/settings for the keyclick freq/ |
21:39:10 | TheSeven | the nano2g of probably uses different values |
21:39:27 | S_a_i_n_t | 1 and 2g nano keyclick sounds the same to me. |
21:39:43 | S_a_i_n_t | comparing both OFs side-by-side |
21:39:56 | | Quit Horscht (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) |
21:40:00 | TheSeven | erm, that keyclick patch breaks the "Shutting down..." splashf for some reason... |
21:40:49 | TheSeven | (or it's just some other GUI code that was changed recently) |
21:41:07 | S_a_i_n_t | not on my 1g it doesn't |
21:41:43 | S_a_i_n_t | haven't tried it on the 2g yet...as (until now) there was no point |
21:42:20 | S_a_i_n_t | 25270 |
21:43:14 | | Join anewuser [0] (anewuser@unaffiliated/anewuser) |
21:43:28 | * | TheSeven didn't expect getting that driver right on the first try ;-) |
21:43:34 | | Join Horscht [0] (~Horscht2@xbmc/user/horscht) |
21:44:02 | S_a_i_n_t | I'd like to see/use it when you've honed it a little. |
21:44:20 | S_a_i_n_t | does it just go off the keyclick settings? |
21:44:27 | S_a_i_n_t | Or use the 5111 menu? |
21:46:36 | * | TheSeven just uploaded a patch to the FS |
21:46:53 | S_a_i_n_t | :D |
21:47:10 | TheSeven | i increased the freq of the clicks a bit |
21:47:44 | TheSeven | 1.25 insteead of 1.00 kHz |
21:48:11 | S_a_i_n_t | I'll try using it with a clean tree and see if that makes a difference to the 1g, but I *may* have broken something :P |
21:48:42 | S_a_i_n_t | s/1g/nano1g/ |
21:49:28 | | Quit JohannesSM64 (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.2-dev) |
21:50:04 | rick_w | Hello, I've made some detailed pictures of the mainboard/IC/battery of the iPod Shuffle 2G. If you can use this info, can you add the link to the wiki page (http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/IpodPort)? |
21:53:22 | S_a_i_n_t | TheSeven: 25279? Are we there yet? :P |
21:53:57 | TheSeven | huh? |
21:54:33 | S_a_i_n_t | Your comment on FS #5111 |
21:54:39 | TheSeven | grr, some recent change seems to have introduced a major menu slowdown |
21:54:43 | TheSeven | what's wrong about it? |
21:55:35 | S_a_i_n_t | ISn't SVN 25270 atm? |
21:55:42 | TheSeven | nope |
21:55:53 | S_a_i_n_t | ah...my mistake. |
21:55:58 | CIA-5 | New commit by bluebrother (r25280): Rockbox Utility requires Qt 4.5 since a while; correct check in project file. |
21:56:10 | S_a_i_n_t | yep...bigtime :P |
21:58:10 | S_a_i_n_t | I've noticed the menu being a little sluggish myself actually, don;t know what caused it however. |
21:58:22 | S_a_i_n_t | The draw order was played with a bit recently. |
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22:01:59 | | Quit Highlander (Quit: Quitte) |
22:04:28 | TheSeven | yes, that broke both the shutdown message and added that menu latency |
22:04:28 | AlexP | rick_w: It is a wiki so anyone can edit (when signed up) and nobody can add the items without a link :) |
22:06:46 | rick_w | Sorry, forgot the link: http://www.westelaken.net/ipod-shuffle-2g/ . I tried to sign up for the Wiki, but my usernames keep getting rejected, and I don want to clutter up your user base as well. |
22:07:09 | | Quit Zagor (Quit: Clint excited) |
22:08:09 | AlexP | rick_w: You just need to sign up with your real name then ask in here for write access |
22:12:15 | rick_w | AlexP: The link is the only thing I have to add, is it easier if (f.e.) you added that link? Or is it necessary that I create an account? |
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22:32:00 | soap | the images, rick_w, really need stored on rockbox's server. |
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22:51:34 | fml | AlexP: Hello. There is a copy-paste typo in the description of the %pE wps tag. |
22:52:23 | fml | At least I think there is. Shouldn't the tag give true if we are in the last N seconds of the track? |
22:53:23 | kugel | S_a_i_n_t, TheSeven: which change? |
22:53:36 | TheSeven | something during the last week |
22:53:46 | TheSeven | don't know which one exactly yet |
22:54:22 | TheSeven | but it is redrawing a screen with only a backdrop on it every time you enter a menu, and the shutdown message will get killed by a backdrop blit some milliseconds after it is shown |
22:56:14 | * | kugel didn't update for a while |
22:58:02 | amiconn | Hmm, is there a reason why our inttypes.h tries to define everything for the sim as well, instead of just including stdint.h, like it does for the wpseditor? |
22:59:21 | amiconn | This will (a) cause problems if the assumptions taken are wrong for a sim platform (this would e.g. hit Win64, where 'long' is 32 bit, but pointers are 64 bit) |
22:59:23 | * | S_a_i_n_t hasn't seen the "shutting down..." splash failing on his Nano1g, but the menus do seem a little bit sluggish compared to usual. |
23:00 |
23:00:08 | S_a_i_n_t | Odd, I'm sure I'd notice it more an the nano1g than TheSeven would on the nano2g (2g is a LOT faster) but he seems to be getting more side effects than I am. |
23:00:09 | amiconn | It also does cause a problem in opensolaris, where limits.h already includes other files defining that stuff, so I get massive redefinition warnings |
23:00:14 | S_a_i_n_t | Or noticing more at least :P |
23:00:50 | amiconn | Is it ok to assume stdint.h does exist for sim builds? |
23:01:24 | kugel | I think so |
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23:08:48 | amiconn | Hmm, it's not that simple :\ |
23:09:49 | | Join kugel_ [0] (~kugel@e178091108.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
23:09:50 | amiconn | libmad throws a warning, and libwavpack break, when trying to crosscompile a win32 sim |
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23:55:15 | eggbloke | hi |
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