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00:03:54 | Roronoa | In the Project 'New WMA audio codecs' on the Rockbox site, i did not exactly get what do is meant by floating point code.(Explain?) |
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00:04:44 | AlexP | Roronoa: Code that uses non-integer numbers |
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00:05:30 | gevaerts | Or rather, code that uses floating point numbers :) See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floating_point |
00:05:44 | Roronoa | it might be because i have not gone through the code of 2008 GSoC |
00:05:59 | AlexP | gevaerts: Yes, I was trying to avoid explaining it by saying the same thing again :) |
00:06:20 | gevaerts | AlexP: well yes, but fixed point numbers are also not necessarily integer numbers |
00:06:30 | AlexP | Roronoa: floating point/integer is a pretty basic thing common to pretty much everything |
00:06:36 | AlexP | gevaerts: true |
00:06:48 | Roronoa | I understand that much...I have experience in both C and Assembly |
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00:07:26 | Roronoa | but just i thought that it might be some thing in Audio Codec Theory |
00:07:45 | gevaerts | The point is that most rockbox targets have no hardware support for floating point operations (FPU), so fixed point is much more efficient |
00:08:05 | gevaerts | no, it's the same floating point as everywhere else |
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00:08:59 | Roronoa | so, one of the parts of the project is to remove the use of floating point numbers |
00:09:35 | gevaerts | as I understand it, yes. (I'm not a codec expert...) |
00:09:43 | AlexP | And yes, me saying integer was also bad (lazy :)) |
00:10:34 | | Join Tomis [0] (~Tomis@99-189-114-148.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net) |
00:10:42 | Roronoa | i need some link from where i can get information on 'Audio Codec Theory' as i know almost every thing else specified |
00:10:43 | soap | torne - I thought the "fear" over the remaining patch in FS #9708 was that unboosted buffering might cause system lag. I know Soap_Hotel misspoke when he ;) called it "DMA changes". |
00:10:55 | bieber | So on targets without an FPU, is the compiler doing floating point ops by generating normal arithmetic code to do it? |
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00:16:51 | gevaerts | b0hoon: if the code uses floating point, yes. It's slow though, and therefore to be avoided, especially in codecs. (Last answer of the day. It's bedtime) |
00:17:00 | gevaerts | hm, wrong person |
00:17:03 | gevaerts | bieber: ^^ |
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00:18:32 | * | linuxstb wonders about r25310 and FS #11134 - wasn't that just the usual issue of a checkout using something creating DOS line endings, and a cygwin setup in Unix line-ending mode? |
00:19:37 | | Quit naag (Quit: Leaving.) |
00:20:02 | linuxstb | (in which case, wouldnt' the commit break cygwin configured to use DOS line-endings?) |
00:20:23 | | Join naag [0] (~harish@ |
00:20:52 | Torne | cygwin configured to use dos line endings is broken in and of itself |
00:21:09 | Torne | a large number of the cygwin tools do not work properly like that :) |
00:21:18 | Torne | which is why it's been recommended against by cygwin for a very long time |
00:22:24 | linuxstb | Yes, I agree. But that commit just forced one file to have LF line-endings - I would expect that same user to have many other problems compiling Rockbox... |
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00:36:10 | stripwax | Has anyone else observed buffering problems recently (e.g. permanent CPU boost and buffer containing only the current playing track and no buffer refilling takes place until that current playing track ends)? |
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00:42:53 | | Part b0hoon ("GTG. Bye.") |
00:43:03 | I3uckwheat | i have a quick question |
00:43:12 | saratoga | stripwax: do you have any theory why the new mdct lib doesn't seem to perform much better in libtremor then the old code? |
00:43:25 | saratoga | even on arm9 the performance increase seems minimal |
00:43:33 | saratoga | but in rockbox it was huge |
00:43:35 | | Join TopyMobile_ [0] (~topy@f048152051.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
00:43:42 | I3uckwheat | does anybody know if the rockbox team is working on the sansa fuzev2 |
00:44:01 | saratoga | I3uckwheat: i think a few people have, check the wiki page for the fuzev2 |
00:44:12 | I3uckwheat | k will do |
00:45:01 | | Quit Adubb (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
00:45:11 | saratoga | Roronoa: fixed point math isn't really a codec issue, it was very common for all sorts of things in the days before common CPUs could afford FPUs |
00:45:21 | stripwax | saratoga - yes (I think I told you my theory when I was last on irc :-) ) |
00:45:24 | | Quit planetbeing (Quit: planetbeing) |
00:45:34 | saratoga | for instance, doom on the PC used fixed point math so it could run on PCs without an i387 unit |
00:45:44 | Unhelpful | bresenham's predates *common* FP hardware, doesn't it? also the related circle algo? |
00:45:47 | saratoga | stripwax: yeah but someone else on the tremor list benchmarked it and saw no real benefit |
00:45:52 | stripwax | i.e. that those processors perform better on gcc code, and that the optimisations are mostly loop unrolling / avoidance of branches / ldm / stm |
00:46:02 | I3uckwheat | wow they need to go quite a way before sansa fuze v2 comes out |
00:46:21 | stripwax | if they could benchmark on arm7tdmi they hopefully ought to see a bigger improvement |
00:46:31 | saratoga | stripwax: funman's ARM9 results weren't very impressive either |
00:46:46 | saratoga | the improvement was marginal, whereas in rockbox arm9 got significantly faster |
00:46:49 | stripwax | my other guess would be that the complexity of the indexing offsets the reduced number of multiplies especially on cores where multiplication requires fewer cycles than arm7tdmi |
00:46:51 | | Quit I3uckwheat (Client Quit) |
00:46:57 | stripwax | which targets are arm9? |
00:46:57 | saratoga | unless our ASM version of the old MDCT is actually slower on arm9 :) |
00:47:09 | stripwax | does the libtremor patch include icode/idata usage? |
00:47:15 | stripwax | it may well be |
00:47:19 | saratoga | stripwax: AMS, Nano2G, Gigabeat F |
00:47:42 | saratoga | stripwax: it doesn't, but afaik, no one has tested on hardware with IRAM anyway |
00:47:49 | stripwax | i thought improvement was minimal on nano2g. for vorbis anyway. big improvement for wma. i might be misremembering though. |
00:47:52 | saratoga | of our arm9 targets, only the nano2G has fast IRAM |
00:48:20 | saratoga | well we're comparing against the ASM optimized old mdct in rockbox, whereas libtremor uses a dumb c version |
00:48:29 | saratoga | at least on PP the speed up for ASM was fairly large |
00:48:36 | Unhelpful | saratoga: arm9tdmi is *mostly* arm7tdmi in terms of execution times. i think the major change is 1-cycle (with delayed result) loads, and that loads can retire out-of-order at all. arm7tdmi loads are 3 cycles. more if they block on RAM. |
00:48:52 | | Join moos [0] (moos@rockbox/staff/moos) |
00:49:07 | Unhelpful | ldm/stm timing changes a bit too... would have to check ASDG for details |
00:50:54 | saratoga | use the load/store improvement is much smaller on arm9 |
00:50:54 | saratoga | "yes" |
00:50:54 | stripwax | if the dumb c mdct is faster on arm9 than either the old asm mdct or the new asm mdct then we should use the dumb c, really. |
00:50:54 | | Join Adubb [0] (~aldubuc@ |
00:50:54 | saratoga | i guess i need to port the old mdct's asm to libtremor and see if its faster |
00:51:56 | stripwax | quite why the improvement was so big on nano2g for wma, I simply don't know. caching maybe. no idea. |
00:51:56 | Unhelpful | saratoga: well, on arm9tdmi you can actually benefit from trying to load constants early, though. arm7 loads don't retire early. pretty much nothing does, to my knowledge, on arm7. |
00:53:20 | stripwax | also, for all i know, my hand-coded arm asm is *terrible* for pipelining on anything other than arm7tdmi . |
00:54:30 | stripwax | the mag/ang stuff might perform worse on targets that have good branch prediction. |
00:54:44 | Unhelpful | saratoga: yeah, arm9tdmi ldm is 1c/reg, 1c extra delay for availability of last register loaded, 1c extra delay for using ldm on 1 register |
00:55:08 | stripwax | saratoga - let me know if you want any more ideas of why performance improvement might not have been as great as expected! :-) |
00:55:18 | Unhelpful | ldr is 1c, result not available for 2c more |
00:55:27 | Unhelpful | so difference is mainly codesize |
01:00 |
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01:15:45 | stripwax | on non-arm7tdmi, you could get better performance by interleaving loads and calculations, as opposed to doing a single ldm load followed by calculations that depend on the loaded registers. |
01:17:33 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
01:22:11 | JdGordon | wasthere a nodo feature talked about recently I missed? |
01:23:17 | | Join xiainx [0] (xiainx@wpa106013.Wireless.McGill.CA) |
01:23:31 | saratoga | JdGordon: configurable button and menu in the nano2g bootloader |
01:24:43 | stripwax | saratoga - wait, asm_mcf5249.h is commented out from fft-ffmpeg.c and mdct-ffmpeg.c in your patch? so you're losing out on the whole MULT31/MULT31/X(N)PROD31 asm code? |
01:25:07 | saratoga | stripwax: yeah i didn't commit anything specific to coldfire |
01:25:24 | | Join yawny_ [0] (user36@pr0.us) |
01:25:34 | saratoga | err submit |
01:26:01 | stripwax | er I mean asm_arm.h |
01:26:24 | stripwax | unless I'm missing how that is #included via something else perhaps? |
01:26:53 | stripwax | just from reading that patch; I haven't tried building or anything. (although it should be pretty clear from the disassembled output whether it uses the asm_arm code or not) |
01:27:07 | saratoga | i hope its this simple! |
01:27:15 | stripwax | asm_arm.h doesn't appear in a grep of that patch file ... |
01:27:59 | stripwax | oh wait, it appears in the makefile. does that work? doesn't the .c actually have to #include it? |
01:28:08 | saratoga | stripwax: misc.h includes it |
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01:28:59 | stripwax | oh - right, there was already an asm_arm.h ? yeah ok so in that case ignore me... |
01:29:16 | stripwax | yeah sorry.. |
01:29:29 | saratoga | it would have been nice if that was the problem! |
01:29:34 | stripwax | hehehe. yeah. |
01:29:47 | stripwax | and definitely compiling with _ARM_ASSEM_ defined too ... ? |
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01:30:04 | saratoga | well thats up to whatever make tool they use, but i hope so |
01:30:10 | saratoga | funman's definitely defined it |
01:30:16 | stripwax | ok. |
01:30:41 | | Join Strife1989 [0] (~michael@adsl-220-102-96.mcn.bellsouth.net) |
01:30:42 | saratoga | err gevarts I mean |
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01:30:54 | stripwax | would be worth asking funman to check a disassembled output. |
01:30:56 | stripwax | or gevaerts even |
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01:33:14 | saratoga | stripwax: i can probably get it from my qemu machine later |
01:34:36 | | Join bieber [0] (~bieber@ |
01:37:57 | stripwax | ok |
01:41:55 | Unhelpful | ldm on arm9e is basically the same as on arm9tdmi, arm11 (only the beast) makes ldm a *huge* improvement over ldr again as ldm becomes one cycle and ldr 1 or 2 depending on address mode |
01:45:08 | stripwax | saratoga - just looking at FasterMDCT - there must be more to building the tremor example than just 'make example' .. I'm not even seeing a makefile. |
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01:55:06 | stripwax | saratoga - hm, on a default compile (on an arm platform - here, nslu2) it doesn't seem to define _ARM_ASSEM_ . That might just be me though. But that's not a particularly exotic platform (i think, anyway) |
01:55:07 | | Join robin0800 [0] (~robin0800@cpc2-brig8-0-0-cust964.brig.cable.ntl.com) |
01:57:18 | stripwax | (also warning: fft.h no newline at end of file) |
02:00 |
02:00:54 | saratoga | stripwax: well that would explain the results for the nslu2 on the tremor mailing list |
02:01:03 | saratoga | can you force it and see how much difference it makes? |
02:01:55 | stripwax | saratoga - by the way, there was a previous problem with arm_assem not being defined in Tremor, but which I had assumed was fixed in Trunk.. ? a quick google for ARM_ASSEM and armv5teb should find it |
02:02:33 | stripwax | basically the configure file matches uname against arm-*-* which just doesn't work. |
02:03:03 | stripwax | but I see that same problem is still there in the trunk. sigh. Maybe the nslu2 guys fixed it in their libvorbisidec package, only, without upstreaming it. |
02:03:42 | saratoga | stripwax: if theres a fix we should send it to the list |
02:03:46 | stripwax | yes |
02:04:08 | saratoga | maybe if we bug monte enough we can get some rockbox people commit access for tremor :) |
02:04:21 | stripwax | heh |
02:04:35 | saratoga | then fix tremor enough that rockbox CAN run stock tremor |
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02:05:32 | stripwax | what are you using to time the difference in decode speed? i'm not going to get time to do that now (must sleep..) |
02:05:45 | | Join planetbeing_ [0] (~planetbei@c-71-236-164-204.hsd1.or.comcast.net) |
02:06:10 | saratoga | stripwax: just "time ./vorbis ... |
02:06:37 | saratoga | then running maybe 2-3 times and averaging just to make sure |
02:06:38 | stripwax | ok. might be able to get to that some time this week... no promises... |
02:06:43 | saratoga | ok cool |
02:06:50 | saratoga | no hurry, tremor has sat there for years already |
02:06:54 | stripwax | :) gnight |
02:06:55 | saratoga | but i do want to fix it up this spring |
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02:28:35 | xooch | Hi, I'm a student and have been looking at the rockbox gSoC projects for this year, and although a few of the projects look good, I'm quite interested in improving video playback |
02:29:28 | linuxstb | xooch: Great! No need to wait until the summer though, you can get involved with Rockbox now... |
02:30:41 | xooch | I'm more than happy to, I just need to talk to people about the project more in depth, or places to get started |
02:30:57 | JdGordon | well you've come tot he right place :) |
02:31:03 | saratoga_lab | sure, which part looked interesting? |
02:32:05 | xooch | it was mainly trying to getting more video codecs working and integrating them into core playback |
02:32:49 | linuxstb | Which codecs? |
02:33:55 | | Quit planetbeing_ (Quit: planetbeing_) |
02:35:06 | xooch | on the site it mentions integrating mpeg4 and aac into normal playback, but getting new codecs to run such as maybe xvid would be good (although I don't know how difficult this would be) |
02:35:33 | saratoga_lab | well xvid is mpeg4 :) |
02:35:46 | xooch | ah |
02:36:15 | saratoga_lab | well its an implementation of parts of the MPEG4 spec |
02:36:32 | saratoga_lab | but you should probably define what you want to decode, not what encoder you will use to encode it |
02:36:42 | saratoga_lab | xvid can actually produce all sorts of different types of mpeg4 video |
02:36:51 | saratoga_lab | many of which will not be practical to support |
02:37:03 | xooch | ok |
02:37:23 | | Quit komputes (Quit: I haven't slept for ten days, because that would be too long.) |
02:37:42 | saratoga_lab | our you familar with video codecs? |
02:38:17 | xooch | not into any real depth |
02:40:01 | xooch | but it's something I'd want to learn about and know better |
02:40:38 | | Part froggyman |
02:41:18 | saratoga_lab | have you done any DSP or image processing? |
02:41:32 | xooch | nope... |
02:41:35 | saratoga_lab | i don't think we have any video codec people here exactly, though many of us have a rough idea how they work |
02:41:49 | saratoga_lab | thats not required, just curious what your background was |
02:42:05 | saratoga_lab | some people are more interested in the math, other the implementation |
02:42:10 | saratoga_lab | both are quire useful . . . |
02:42:30 | saratoga_lab | quite useful |
02:44:15 | | Quit Casainho (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) |
02:44:19 | saratoga_lab | xooch: do you have a rockbox device? |
02:44:46 | xooch | i'm just trying to find a project i'd be suitable for, and finding something i could do well would be good since i'd like to be involved outside of gsoc because it's something i'm interested in |
02:44:50 | xooch | yes |
02:45:33 | xooch | i got frustrated with having to constantly covert my flac to mp3 to put on my ipod |
02:45:40 | saratoga_lab | if you're interested in mpegplayer, looking through it and discussing how it can be improved in your application will make us much more likely to believe you're the right man/woman for the job |
02:45:41 | xooch | *flac files |
02:47:08 | saratoga_lab | when i applied to port the wma decoder, I started by looking at the code and making a good argument in my application that the project should be feasible based on the work to be done |
02:47:37 | | Quit Strife89 (Quit: Night.) |
02:47:54 | xooch | ok, i'll start having a look through that now |
02:48:32 | saratoga_lab | discussing things before hand on IRC also probably helps you come up with good ideas |
02:54:36 | xooch | since i haven't done any coding involving video, would a different project be more suitable or do you think this would be ok? |
02:55:22 | saratoga_lab | you don't have to have done something like this before |
02:55:35 | saratoga_lab | but you do have to convince us that you're likely to finish the project :) |
02:55:46 | xooch | ok |
02:56:09 | saratoga_lab | are any other ones interesting to you? |
02:56:25 | saratoga_lab | keep in mind you can propose other projects not on the official list, though i suggest talking those over with us first |
02:58:51 | | Join Blue_Dude [0] (~chatzilla@adsl-235-206-131.mco.bellsouth.net) |
02:59:11 | Blue_Dude | gevaerts: Thanks for starting the NoDo discussion. |
02:59:50 | saratoga_lab | Blue_Dude: what about you, any interest in helping out with GSOC this year? |
03:00 |
03:00:19 | Blue_Dude | Um, maybe. My schedule is month to month. No way of knowing if/when I'll have time to commit to it. |
03:00:59 | Blue_Dude | I'm not really a pro developer. I just implement cool stuff I happen to want. :) |
03:01:23 | saratoga_lab | haha |
03:01:25 | saratoga_lab | same here |
03:02:17 | Blue_Dude | That makes it fun instead of work. |
03:02:57 | saratoga_lab | mentoring is mostly done over email or gtalk, so you may want to keep an eye on things and maybe be a backup mentor if someone does a project in your area |
03:04:00 | Blue_Dude | OK. I can probably assist with DSP stuff since I spent most of my time there. I'll keep an eye out. |
03:04:09 | Roronoa | saratoga: I would like to discuss with you the project New WMA audio codec which i left off yesterday before sleep |
03:04:31 | saratoga_lab | sure go ahead, i'm doing lab work but i can reply |
03:06:25 | | Quit robin0800 (Remote host closed the connection) |
03:06:29 | Roronoa | basically i would like to know where do i start reading for Audio Codec Theory |
03:06:52 | Roronoa | how much am i supposed to know before starting the project |
03:07:21 | saratoga_lab | well i knew next to nothing about it aside from some generic DSP stuff when I applied for the original wma project |
03:07:31 | saratoga_lab | i would hope you have a basic idea of what an FFT does |
03:07:39 | Roronoa | as far as the coding goes i know C and have worked on assembly in x86 and PIC's DSP |
03:08:12 | saratoga_lab | thats mostly what you'll need |
03:08:27 | saratoga_lab | porting a codec doesn't have to involve understanding how it works, although it may be easier if you do |
03:11:26 | Roronoa | is Assembly of ARM quite diff from what i have done earlier or is it nearly the same |
03:11:49 | saratoga_lab | i haven't done any x86 or PIC, but arm isn't too bad in general |
03:12:03 | saratoga_lab | its very compact RISC with 16 registers |
03:12:18 | Blue_Dude | Roronoa: the Rockbox codec API is pretty straightforward. You could start with a shell codec that has placeholder components and fill in the blanks as you develop the decoding engine. You probably won't have to do much if any assembly code. |
03:12:21 | saratoga_lab | vaguely like MIPS if you've done that, although somewhat less readable |
03:14:29 | saratoga_lab | Roronoa: are you familiar with the fourier family of transforms? |
03:14:39 | Roronoa | RISC with 16 registers seems similar i think i may be able to do it |
03:14:41 | Roronoa | no |
03:14:50 | saratoga_lab | not at all? |
03:15:11 | Roronoa | I mean i have done in Mathematics not implement it |
03:15:29 | saratoga_lab | ah ok |
03:15:33 | Roronoa | we had fourier transform of complex functions |
03:15:50 | saratoga_lab | let me put it this way, if I asked you the difference between a fourier transform and an FFT could you tell me ? |
03:16:09 | saratoga_lab | (without google) |
03:16:19 | Roronoa | no |
03:16:22 | | Join arbingordon [0] (~w@c-71-226-248-30.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) |
03:16:25 | saratoga_lab | ok thats fine |
03:16:44 | Roronoa | shall i look into that |
03:16:46 | saratoga_lab | if you've done them on paper you can pick up the rest in practice, but learning the calculus from scratch would have been hard |
03:17:28 | saratoga_lab | about codecs, the wikipedia page on JPEG compression actually lays out the general theory that all lossy codecs use, although the DCT in that codec will be replaced with the closely related MDCT in WMA Pro |
03:17:34 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
03:18:53 | Roronoa | ok i will look into that |
03:20:34 | saratoga_lab | but the basic idea is to transform to some domain where useless detail can be extracted, and then just compress the remainder using something like huffman coding or whatever lossless strategy you want |
03:21:12 | saratoga_lab | for video, a DCT is used, for audio, an MDCT is used |
03:22:54 | Roronoa | ok. i currently don't know much about that but i will look into it and tell you soon (may be by today) |
03:23:03 | saratoga_lab | i described wma decoding a little bit here, pro is very similar: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WMA_Pro#Windows_Media_Audio |
03:23:11 | saratoga_lab | ok sure |
03:23:19 | saratoga_lab | don't mean to pile on information mid semester |
03:24:16 | Roronoa | no it is not a problem |
03:26:35 | Roronoa | these days mostly i am involved in microcontroller coding on MSP430 but i think i can take out some time till the application date for GSoC the rest i will start when my vacations start by april end |
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03:40:42 | xooch | saratoga: to answer a previous question the other projects i am interested in are making multiple-volumes look like a single volume in the files menu or improving/adding online services |
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03:48:41 | CIA-5 | New commit by FlynDice (r25314): sd-as3525v2.c Adjust comments for MCI_INT bits to show if they are related to CMD, DATA, or a termination signal. ... |
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04:22:06 | amr | hi, I came with a fix to the diacritics problem in Arabic scripts mentioned here http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=24173.0 |
04:22:53 | amr | the patch is here http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/11095 |
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04:26:36 | amr | I need a confirmation it's ok with other languages and approved to be commited until making the suggested rework of eliminating the need to change drawmode completely |
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04:28:02 | saratoga_lab | amr: for what its worth, at this hour IRC has few developers and most are in the USA where fewer people are aware of diacritics :) |
04:28:16 | saratoga_lab | though people generally do read the logs so they'll probably see what you wrote when they wake up |
04:28:45 | amr | ok, thanks :) |
04:29:30 | | Part xooch ("sleep") |
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04:37:59 | tromik | hey, just got an e200v2 to replace my e200v1, I downloaded the latest rockbox utility, hit complete install, was warned I needed to download the OF which I got (03.01.16a), I pointed the installer to it and then the installer went through its process, finishes, I safely remove the device, and it boots into the sansa firmware...did I miss something? I've followed the manual and gone through the process a few times, not s |
04:41:08 | | Quit amr (Quit: http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.) |
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04:49:13 | Gartral | so what are build points? (i seem to generate 183~ish) |
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04:51:29 | bieber | If anyone's still around and/or interested, I'm working on a parser for WPS files (working towards a theme editor), and I've gotten as far as a parser that can properly parse comments, plaintext, newlines, and viewport definitions |
04:52:47 | bieber | The source is on github, "git clone git@github.com:bieber/libwps.git" will grab it (you'll need to use an IDE or roll your own makefile to compile, I just uploaded the source straight from an Eclipse project directory) |
04:55:05 | bieber | Comments and criticism on the code would be much appreciated (sorry if my C++ isn't the best, it's my newest language), email is bieber@knights.[nospam, please]ucf.edu |
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05:09:01 | S_a_i_n_t | TheSeven: *way* late (regarding the OF/RB seeking thing...) what I meant by "I've gotten used to it by now" (or whatever it was) was that I don't necessarily expect something I like in the OF to bo present in RB, so I live with it, however...if you *could* do it, it would be great. However, short select goes to the last screen accesed in the filebrowser/database, so I'm not sure *how* you could do it. |
05:09:50 | S_a_i_n_t | Though...losing that wouldn;t be *so* bad, as you can just press menu anyway...its kinda 50/50 as to what would be "preferred operation" |
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05:25:27 | S_a_i_n_t | Does anybody have any ideas regarding FS #10981? I've tried all sorts of combinations with viewers.config /"iconset".icons files with no/similar/worse effects...I'm really quite stumped as to where the problem actually is. RB seems to toss a coin to secide what gets an icon and what doesn't >:( |
05:25:53 | S_a_i_n_t | *decide |
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05:57:13 | beta_ | Is there any way to edit the menu in rockbox? |
05:57:56 | saratoga_lab | yeah i think its in menu.c |
05:58:02 | beta_ | I want to give my MIL a Gigabeat F with RB, but I'd like to remove some of the menu items she has no business playing in :) |
05:58:51 | beta_ | So the menu is hard coded then? |
05:59:43 | saratoga_lab | yes |
05:59:47 | S_a_i_n_t | root_menu.c |
06:00 |
06:00:01 | S_a_i_n_t | has *most* of the things you'd care to remove |
06:00:19 | saratoga_lab | oh yeah root_menu.c |
06:00:31 | saratoga_lab | which oddly enough is not in the menus folder |
06:00:53 | S_a_i_n_t | and also onplay.c (for the labrynthine contect menus...) |
06:01:07 | S_a_i_n_t | *context |
06:01:22 | * | S_a_i_n_t has carved his menus back to the bone... |
06:03:58 | S_a_i_n_t | All the changes I made (IIRC) were in root_menu.c, onplay.c and settings.c |
06:05:47 | S_a_i_n_t | *they're all in apps I think |
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06:24:57 | amr | please ignore my previous message, the last 'fix' caused problems with the moving text of mp3 meta info in the wps, but at least the first version of the patch (bidi.c change only) is woking well - i hope.., thanks |
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06:41:27 | CIA-5 | New commit by FlynDice (r25315): sd-as3525v2.c Don't reset controller on every pass through the transfer loop. ... |
06:41:35 | CIA-5 | New commit by FlynDice (r25316): sd-as3525v2.c Implement HS timings for those cards that are capable. ... |
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06:55:24 | ankur | hii |
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08:17:39 | Gartral | woops, build server went down, sorry |
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08:41:55 | wodz | funman: ping |
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09:18:05 | amiconn | TheSeven: Sure you get a speedup from dma lcd update. The thread calling lcd_update() will have to wait of course, but other threads can run in the meantime |
09:19:27 | | Join DerPapst [0] (~DerPapst@p5099d40e.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
09:19:53 | amiconn | We're actually doing dma lcd updates on the H300 |
09:22:00 | TheSeven | hmm, how much effort would it be to split the lcd stuff into kickoff and completion functions like i did for the ftl? |
09:22:41 | TheSeven | this would mean that even the same thread could continue to run, but needs to call the completion function before it writes to the lcd buffer the next time |
09:22:52 | scorche|sh | if you are planning on attending, please update the DevCon2010 wiki page with your available dates |
09:23:26 | TheSeven | scorche|sh: should that maybe go into the topic? |
09:23:59 | scorche|sh | perhaps, but i am on my phone at the moment |
09:26:23 | Mode | "#rockbox +o TheSeven" by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) |
09:26:44 | Topic | "Please read before speaking: http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/IrcGuidelines | Please direct offtopic/social chat to #rockbox-community | Rockbox has been accepted for GSoC 2010! Potential students see http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/SummerOfCode2010 | If you are planning on attending, please update the DevCon2010 wiki page with your available dates!" by TheSeven (~theseven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) |
09:26:51 | Mode | "#rockbox -o TheSeven" by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) |
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09:43:59 | * | JdGordon decides to ruffle some feathers... |
09:44:17 | JdGordon | considering the aomunt of requests and patches for some sort of customisable buttons and menus, they REALLY shuoldnt be nodo |
09:44:42 | JdGordon | also, flat out rejecting a menu-ed bootloader is just stupid also. There is no reason we couldnt offer more than one bootloader for each target |
09:47:20 | Torne | given the number of people who manage not to understand how the *one* bootloader works I'd be dubious about having two |
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09:56:02 | wodz | what does it mean menu-ed bootloader? |
09:57:38 | Zagor | displaying a boot menu? |
10:00 |
10:00:38 | wodz | doesn't h100 bootloader display menu? |
10:00:59 | | Join kunal [0] (~kunal@ |
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10:03:45 | wodz | bootloaders/iriver_h1x0.c void failsafe_menu(void) |
10:05:24 | linuxstb | I think that's some kind of recovery mode when Rockbox is flashed to NOR. |
10:05:35 | Zagor | wodz: it only does that if the hold switch is engaged |
10:06:00 | Zagor | and if it can't detect the original firmware |
10:07:20 | TheSeven | we have that on nano2g for the "FTL borked" case, too |
10:07:32 | Zagor | I would call those error screens rather than boot menus |
10:08:32 | wodz | Whats wrong with boot menus? Just add timeout and there is not problem at all |
10:09:14 | wodz | almost all 'linux' bootloaders I am aware of do this that way |
10:09:20 | TheSeven | probably as always: some added complexity, more possible problems and a bit more boot time |
10:09:26 | * | S_a_i_n_t agrees with this...but never wanted to be the one to open this can of worms in IRC |
10:09:35 | Zagor | S_a_i_n_t: :-) |
10:09:37 | JdGordon | the boot menus people are asking for are to let you choose which OS to boot into, i.e ipodlinux, OF, us |
10:09:55 | TheSeven | S_a_i_n_t: we've already opened that can several times, and so far, all the worms have always hopped back into the can in the end :-P |
10:10:18 | S_a_i_n_t | yes, I've seen worms fleeing this channel :P |
10:11:10 | JdGordon | the support "reason" against any sort of button fiddling is just nonesense |
10:11:42 | S_a_i_n_t | I can't remember who, but someone mentioned earlier there being a physical, and an unwitten no-do list... |
10:11:50 | * | S_a_i_n_t demands to see the unwritten one :P |
10:12:36 | TheSeven | well, judging from the recent mailing list traffic, those will need to be written, too, or they'll just be killed |
10:14:22 | TheSeven | and yes, fancy bootloaders would definitely cause some additional support traffic, but we could just make them unsupported (as they currently are), maybe besides some FAQ list |
10:14:34 | JdGordon | the problem is there really isnt such a listing, it entirely depends on who is around to complain (change is bad remember? ) |
10:15:18 | TheSeven | there's http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/NoDo |
10:15:24 | TheSeven | but yes, that's way incomplete |
10:15:29 | linuxstb | TheSeven: I can't see how they would cause *more* support traffic. Almost every day someone asks "how can I boot the original firmware?" |
10:16:09 | scorche|sh | Zagor: do you have any clue why the wiki doesnt show certain column separations in tables as seen on the DevCon2010 wiki page?...the WYSIWYG page and the preview both show the separations... |
10:16:30 | TheSeven | well, yes, if a fancy bootloader based on the current rockbox bootloader framework would probably not cause much support issues, but something like iloader will |
10:16:43 | Zagor | scorche|sh: which separations? |
10:17:13 | TheSeven | and in the end, one of the reasons for this is to get rid of those annoying FTL screwups, which will force us to use nor-based bootloaders, which are likely to cause additional trouble |
10:17:44 | scorche|sh | Zagor: at the moment i see no separation between any of the first 2 columns on http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/DevCon2010 |
10:17:54 | JdGordon | TheSeven: what I'd suggest is offering 2 bootloaders for those targets, it's not like it would add much extra work once the initial gui is done |
10:18:03 | Topic | "Please read before speaking: http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/IrcGuidelines | Please direct offtopic/social chat to #rockbox-community | Rockbox has been accepted for GSoC 2010! Potential students see http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/SummerOfCode2010 | If you are planning on attending, please update http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/DevCon2010 with your available dates!" by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) |
10:18:06 | Zagor | scorche|sh: really? such as between "name" and "location"? |
10:18:20 | scorche|sh | Zagor: errr...i take that back...firefox misses them, but chrome shows them |
10:18:44 | Zagor | my iceweasel 3.5.8 shows them fine |
10:18:46 | TheSeven | scorche|sh: my FF3.6 (windows) shows them |
10:18:47 | Zagor | strange |
10:19:33 | JdGordon | ff 3.5.8 here looks fine also |
10:19:47 | * | scorche|sh updates firefox from 3.5.7 (windows) |
10:20:44 | TheSeven | JdGordon: basically there are 4 combinations that we could have: |
10:20:45 | TheSeven | - NAND-based trivial bootloader (the current RB bootloader) |
10:20:47 | TheSeven | - NAND-based fancy bootloader (the old iLoader, deprecated) |
10:20:48 | TheSeven | - NOR-based trivial bootloader (not implemented yet, and not much point in it) |
10:20:50 | TheSeven | - NOR-based fancy bootloader (the current iLoader) |
10:21:30 | TheSeven | having them NOR-based allows to get rid of those FTL problems, why it doesn't neccessarily mean that the bootloader needs to be fancy |
10:21:37 | JdGordon | ok, but in general, there is no real reason why we couldnt have a fancy and boring bootloader for each target |
10:21:55 | TheSeven | on the other hand, NOR-based bootloaders are likely to cause installation trouble, depending on the exact way of installation and NOR backup creation |
10:22:18 | linuxstb | TheSeven: Why is there not much point in a NOR-based trivial bootloader? |
10:22:23 | | Join xsteadfastx [0] (~spectrum@ |
10:22:59 | TheSeven | one point why fancy bootloaders is opening a can of worms, is that people will ask for more and more questions, themeability etc. (roughly like what iLoader can do now) |
10:23:57 | TheSeven | linuxstb: because the existing fancy one is working just fine, and can simulate the trivial one's behavior with no noticable boot time overhead |
10:24:25 | TheSeven | but yes, we could try to port the rockbox bootloader to NOR |
10:24:33 | JdGordon | TheSeven: only stupid people want themeability in the bootloader! so let them do it on their own |
10:25:26 | S_a_i_n_t | <feels stupid>s wants his bootloader to look pretty too! <.feels stupid> |
10:25:32 | linuxstb | TheSeven: That's not a reason IMO - a NOR bootloader of some kind still needs to be implemented in Rockbox. |
10:25:34 | JdGordon | so you shold! |
10:25:42 | JdGordon | (feel stupid that is) |
10:25:46 | S_a_i_n_t | :P |
10:25:58 | TheSeven | people will always like if their bootloader look and feel matches their rockbox theme |
10:26:06 | TheSeven | and it isn't hard to implement either |
10:26:18 | S_a_i_n_t | *that* what I should have said... |
10:26:45 | linuxstb | TheSeven: But I'm not strongly against a boot menu either, but given the time that Rockbox boots, maybe implementing a new "boot screen" in Rockbox would be a better way to do it. That way, you get full theming, the existing UI widgets, even a voice UI... |
10:27:17 | TheSeven | you mean a boot menu plugin run through autorock? :-P |
10:27:38 | S_a_i_n_t | but it would take longer to boot....say those that desire no fancy boot options. |
10:27:39 | linuxstb | Maybe, yes. And users can set their "start screen" to that if they want. |
10:27:48 | S_a_i_n_t | Is *that* why its "no-do"? |
10:28:16 | TheSeven | S_a_i_n_t: rockbox would boot equally fast, because it would just need to terminate the boot menu if you choose it |
10:28:28 | JdGordon | linuxstb: can we rolo the OF on any targets? |
10:28:31 | TheSeven | however, all other firmware would boot like 3-5 seconds slowe |
10:28:46 | TheSeven | JdGordon: we can rolo about everything on nano2g |
10:28:49 | Zagor | S_a_i_n_t: it's not a nodo just because nobody wants to do it |
10:29:23 | TheSeven | what would really bug me with that rolo approach is that it will sit there for several seconds to do an FTL sync |
10:29:25 | linuxstb | JdGordon: If not, we would need to try to implement it... I've always thought a "start OF" option in the main Rockbox menu would be nice. |
10:30:21 | | Quit kunal (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
10:30:44 | TheSeven | hm, we can rolo things like ibugger, but neither the OF nor disk mode right now, because we trash the sysconfig during boot |
10:30:52 | TheSeven | so we would either need to keep or recreate it |
10:31:23 | TheSeven | that wouldn't be hard of course, but it would mean even more target-specific code in rolo |
10:31:45 | JdGordon | rolo SHOULD be target specific thoguh? |
10:32:08 | TheSeven | processor-specific, rather |
10:32:26 | | Join will__ [0] (~chatzilla@adsl-76-235-40-183.dsl.dytnoh.sbcglobal.net) |
10:33:09 | linuxstb | TheSeven: The sysconfig stuff should be saved for older ipods as well - so it's target specific, not processor. |
10:33:23 | TheSeven | do they even do it the same way on the older ones? |
10:35:00 | linuxstb | I don't know how the Nano2G works, but the NOR bootloaders on older ipods store a sysconfig struct at the end of IRAM. |
10:35:47 | will__ | I accidentally created an "Active Undelete" (it's a commerical program) recovery USB device out of my e250v1. I haven't shut it off yet, but I'm pretty sure the partition table and MBR got messed up. Since it is still booted, is there an easy way to fix this? |
10:35:53 | TheSeven | on nano2g, it's just a pointer at the end of IRAM and the sysconfig struct is somewhere in the IBSS of norboot, so it could be overwritten by our IRAM copying code |
10:36:52 | linuxstb | I can't remember the details on the older ipods, but I would be surprised if Apple changed it. But yes, it needs saving by (probably) the crt0.S code for the bootloader. |
10:36:58 | TheSeven | so i'd vote for re-creating it during rolo |
10:37:07 | linuxstb | Yes, or recreating... |
10:37:35 | TheSeven | the code for that is already in iloader, to be able to boot the OF, so that would be a matter of copy'n'paste |
10:37:55 | linuxstb | How much code is that? Wouldnt' it be simpler to just save/restore? |
10:38:01 | will__ | gevaerts |
10:38:15 | TheSeven | linuxstb: around 50 lines |
10:38:25 | TheSeven | so yes, save and restore might be easier |
10:39:23 | linuxstb | Although that would mean people would have to update their bootloaders.... So maybe recreating it in Rockbox would be a better way to do it. |
10:39:36 | linuxstb | Or do you save any parts of it? |
10:40:40 | TheSeven | the current rockbox bootloader will trash it, iloader will re-create it at the end of iram (immediately before the pointer to it) |
10:41:45 | linuxstb | Yes, what I meant was whether iloader requires any of the original values when recreating it? I've forgotten what it actually contains. |
10:42:08 | gevaerts | will__: I think the easiest way to fix it will be using either recovery or manufacturer mode, depending on how messed up it is exactly |
10:42:26 | JdGordon | has anyone tried the mr500 or d2 sims recently? |
10:42:28 | TheSeven | no, it doesn't, I currently take everything from the nor flash's SCfg list and it works just fine |
10:43:27 | linuxstb | TheSeven: OK. Then I think your current approach would be best for Rolo - so it's independent of the bootloader. |
10:44:09 | | Join kunal [0] (~kunal@ |
10:44:20 | JdGordon | someone broke the touchscreen sims :( |
10:48:10 | TheSeven | linuxstb: would you prefer a list-style or button-style menu? |
10:48:50 | linuxstb | Are you talking about a menu in the bootloader, or my suggestion of a "boot screen" in Rockbox itself? |
10:49:15 | TheSeven | both |
10:49:32 | TheSeven | they would probably serve similar purposes ;-) |
10:50:19 | S_a_i_n_t | list-style would fit in better with RB would it not? |
10:50:26 | * | S_a_i_n_t 's two sents |
10:50:30 | TheSeven | more points we need to take care of when using nor-based bootloaders are a) creating a backup of the old one, b) a way to easily update it and c) how to run disk mode etc. |
10:50:31 | linuxstb | The answer would be different for technical reasons. If it's the bootloader, then I don't really care. If it's in Rockbox itself, it should use the existing menu widget, and hence you don't have a choice. |
10:51:27 | linuxstb | At the moment at least, the bootloaders can't use any code from apps/, where all the Rockbox UI code is... |
10:51:40 | TheSeven | they can :-) |
10:51:45 | TheSeven | they just shouldn't... |
10:53:46 | | Quit will__ (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.2/20100316074819]) |
10:54:41 | linuxstb | TheSeven: My main question about the NOR bootloader, is whether we would want to make it compulsory - i.e. drop support for a NAND-based bootloader. |
10:55:34 | linuxstb | If it's optional, then it can simply be managed by a Rockbox plugin, the same way flashing things to NOR happens for other targets. |
10:56:31 | TheSeven | actually the only way to bootstrap a nor-based setup would be through a nand-based thing, whatever it is |
10:57:14 | TheSeven | so we could of course just boot rockbox directly from NAND (that doesn't even need a bootloader stage in between) and flash the NOR bootloader from there |
10:57:37 | TheSeven | i wouldn't really advise anyone to use NAND-bootloaders for everyday use though, because of that FTL issue |
10:59:34 | TheSeven | ("white screen of death" :-P ) |
11:00 |
11:00:24 | S_a_i_n_t | "Please Restore Using..." ...*fuck!* |
11:01:18 | TheSeven | S_a_i_n_t: I even had some almost-bricked situations caused by that dumb bootloader, linuxstb also had one once |
11:02:18 | TheSeven | if you manage to put the FTL into a state where every try to write to the firmware partition just results in an I/O error, you have a *big* problem |
11:03:17 | TheSeven | those were of course caused by rockbox bugs, but such things shouldn't *ever* be able to happen. |
11:03:48 | TheSeven | oh wait, nowadays we could just have used NOR DFU to recover from that :-) |
11:04:00 | TheSeven | but we hadn't investigated that back then |
11:06:25 | linuxstb | TheSeven: So you think we should go NOR-only for Nano2G? |
11:06:38 | S_a_i_n_t | My worst situation that I got into was "white screen of death" caused by simply inseting the USB cable that I couldn't get out of...the PC couldn;t see it and neither could ipodpatcher. But the battery diesd and after that itunes magically found it. |
11:06:42 | TheSeven | if we want to get rid of those WSODs, yes |
11:07:29 | TheSeven | however that means a more complex way than just "use itunes to restore" to go back to the factory state |
11:07:55 | linuxstb | "use itunes to restore" isn't our documented uninstallation method anyway. |
11:08:03 | S_a_i_n_t | *thats* one thing I think users could be dubious about... |
11:08:09 | TheSeven | but it's the only failsafe one right now |
11:08:49 | TheSeven | NOR based bootloader + serious FTL screwup is a bit evil, too |
11:09:43 | TheSeven | you would need to trigger a FTL reinit (in most cases this will happen when you just run disk mode twice), then manually reformat it the right way and extract rockbox again |
11:10:11 | TheSeven | it isn't really nice that you need to have a working rockbox installation to remove the bootloader |
11:11:59 | | Join liar [0] (~liar@212067233233.public.telering.at) |
11:12:19 | linuxstb | How much NOR do you need? Could a ucl-compressed version of the original contents of the NOR be re-written to the NOR? |
11:12:37 | linuxstb | So the NOR bootloader itself has everything it needs to restore, without reading anything from NAND. |
11:14:05 | TheSeven | it's all encrypted, so it won't be compressible |
11:14:42 | TheSeven | we might fit a rockbox bootloader into the free space on the nor though (and just relocate things a bit) |
11:14:42 | linuxstb | Can't we decrypt it? |
11:14:55 | linuxstb | (and then re-encrypt) ? |
11:15:19 | | Quit mrigesh (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) |
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11:19:08 | TheSeven | we could, and that's what iloader is doing |
11:19:15 | TheSeven | on-device ucl is dog slow though |
11:20:07 | | Join TheSeven|Mobile [0] (~theseven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) |
11:21:31 | linuxstb | You mean on-device ucl compression, or decompression? |
11:21:36 | TheSeven | compression |
11:21:46 | TheSeven | that's around 20K/sec or something |
11:21:51 | | Quit TopyMobile_ (Quit: TopyMobile_) |
11:22:17 | linuxstb | Ouch... Maybe that can be optimised... Did you experiment with different ucl compression options? |
11:22:42 | TheSeven | i do NRV2E-10-singleblk like the decompressor expects :-/ |
11:24:47 | TheSeven|Mobile | not to even mention the 8MB of malloc space it needs to compress a 200K file |
11:25:19 | TheSeven|Mobile | if you tell it to allocate buffers on the stack, the 32MB the nano has don't even seem to be sufficient |
11:25:54 | | Join will__ [0] (~chatzilla@adsl-76-235-40-183.dsl.dytnoh.sbcglobal.net) |
11:26:30 | will__ | gevaerts: does C200ERASE work on e200v1? |
11:26:51 | gevaerts | no, it's not needed |
11:27:23 | | Quit TheSeven (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) |
11:27:30 | gevaerts | c200erase only exists because the sansa.fmt thing doesn't work on c200 |
11:30:00 | | Quit antil33t (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
11:31:41 | | Join antil33t [0] (~Mudkips@203-184-54-232.callplus.net.nz) |
11:32:36 | TheSeven|Mobile | linuxstb: i'll probably have a look at recovering an ipod from an ipsw file |
11:32:36 | wodz | what partition types rolo suport? |
11:32:57 | TheSeven|Mobile | what does rolo have to do with partition types? |
11:33:17 | TheSeven|Mobile | it will support everything that rockbox supports |
11:33:39 | linuxstb | wodz: Do you mean rolo, or the Rockbox bootloader ? |
11:33:52 | wodz | Rockbox bootloader |
11:34:02 | wodz | I thought it is the same |
11:34:09 | will__ | does e200tool work on Ubuntu x64? If so, why do I get this when I try to run it: ./e200tool: No such file or directory |
11:34:12 | linuxstb | rolo is the feature in Rockbox itself that can load and run a firmware file. |
11:34:34 | linuxstb | will__: "chmod +x e200tool" ? |
11:34:41 | linuxstb | i.e. make it executable. |
11:34:57 | will__ | i did |
11:35:07 | linuxstb | What does "ls -l e200tool" show? |
11:35:31 | linuxstb | In fact, ignore me, that simply means you are not in the same directory as e200tool. |
11:35:43 | will__ | -rwxr-xr-x 1 will will 29073 2010-03-24 05:03 e200tool |
11:36:17 | linuxstb | OK, then that makes no sense to me... |
11:37:07 | will__ | do x86 binaries run in x64 Linux? |
11:37:25 | gevaerts | this one definitely does |
11:37:46 | gevaerts | well, if you have the compatibility stuff installed |
11:37:53 | gevaerts | What does "ldd e200tool" show? |
11:38:27 | will__ | not a dynamic executable |
11:38:53 | gevaerts | "md5sum e200tool"? |
11:39:14 | will__ | 795cc4e75d38284a1460b840fc14967a e200tool |
11:39:29 | gevaerts | ok, so the file itself is OK |
11:39:56 | will__ | Ubuntu 8.04 |
11:42:55 | will__ | If the player is not detected by the OS −−- could that cause "No such file or directory"? |
11:43:02 | | Quit wodz (Quit: Leaving) |
11:45:16 | will__ | I'm gonna boot into an x86 Ubuntu live CD |
11:45:21 | | Quit will__ (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.0.17/2010010604]) |
11:47:29 | | Join webguest40 [0] (~89840307@giant.haxx.se) |
11:50:21 | TheSeven|Mobile | would it be a reasonable way for recovery to have the user reformat the data partition.n |
11:50:57 | TheSeven|Mobile | copy some files to it, download an ipsw at phobos, rename and unzip it |
11:51:34 | TheSeven|Mobile | place the firmware file on the ipod and reboot it? |
11:52:22 | TheSeven|Mobile | or would it be better to just let them use itunes to restore, then copy some files to it and reboot? |
11:52:30 | TheSeven|Mobile | or maybe support both? |
11:52:59 | | Quit webguest40 (Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)) |
11:53:40 | S_a_i_n_t | both my be harder...but covers more bases. |
11:53:48 | S_a_i_n_t | ie. more people will be happy. |
11:53:57 | S_a_i_n_t | which in the end, is a good thing I guess. |
11:54:32 | | Join _silentAssassin [0] (~mrigesh@iws3.iiita.ac.in) |
11:55:04 | S_a_i_n_t | iTunes to restore, copy some files, reboot...would *probably* be the better option for those with little to no technical background. |
11:55:26 | | Nick krazykit` is now known as krazykit (~kkit@adsl-76-240-216-183.dsl.ipltin.sbcglobal.net) |
11:56:04 | TheSeven|Mobile | the linux users could just feed it the ipsw or restore it using a dd image |
11:57:18 | TheSeven|Mobile | i'll probably implement the itunes way first |
11:57:42 | TheSeven|Mobile | well, first i'll have to figure out how to grab norboot from an AUPD |
11:57:43 | S_a_i_n_t | It seems the "safe" option...support-wise. |
11:58:23 | | Join ubuntu [0] (~chatzilla@ |
11:59:20 | | Nick ubuntu is now known as will__ (~chatzilla@ |
11:59:39 | will__ | e200tool is working in Ubuntu 9.04 x86 |
12:00 |
12:04:17 | | Nick _silentAssassin is now known as mrigesh (~mrigesh@iws3.iiita.ac.in) |
12:10:40 | * | S_a_i_n_t has 7 unsecured wireless connections to choose from at his location ;D |
12:10:52 | S_a_i_n_t | shit...wrong channel. |
12:10:54 | S_a_i_n_t | :( |
12:16:41 | linuxstb | TheSeven|Mobile: What kinds of recovery are you talking about? I wouldn't confuse "uninstallation of rockbox" with "recovery of an unusable ipod". |
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13:36:53 | | Join notlistening [0] (~tom@94-195-105-95.zone9.bethere.co.uk) |
13:37:52 | notlistening | Hi guys have there every been some work on AMLogic chips for rockbox |
13:38:03 | notlistening | *ever |
13:38:11 | Torne | not that i know of; what player? |
13:38:56 | notlistening | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTxc4BUCONo |
13:39:20 | notlistening | intresting target |
13:39:45 | Torne | the comment there say they used to make rockchip players |
13:40:00 | Torne | if it's a similar kind of thing then it's not gonna work |
13:40:32 | notlistening | they have changed to another type of chip but I just wanted to ask about it |
13:40:58 | | Join jgarvey [0] (~jgarvey@cpe-065-190-066-089.nc.res.rr.com) |
13:41:59 | Torne | well, no |
13:42:37 | Torne | amlogic's page doesn't have anything interesting about what chips exist or what they do |
13:43:37 | notlistening | yeah so thats probably a no go then :( |
13:44:52 | | Join Luca_S [0] (~5d3fc54b@giant.haxx.se) |
13:47:23 | | Join wodz [0] (~wodz@chello087206240004.chello.pl) |
13:55:31 | notlistening | Torne, what is the important elements to getting Rockbox working on such a chip? Are they just dedicated media solutions? |
13:57:08 | Torne | "finding out what it is" is kinda the first step :) |
14:00 |
14:00:30 | | Join adnyxo [0] (~aaron@adsl-065-013-002-216.sip.asm.bellsouth.net) |
14:00:59 | notlistening | AMLOGIC 8626 H |
14:03:12 | Torne | unfortunatley that's not much help, since that doesn't turn up any information about what the chip contains ;) |
14:03:46 | pamaury | the screen is big but it's not a touch screen so it seems pretty akward to use with the buttons on the side |
14:05:47 | notlistening | perfect for rockbox :D |
14:09:39 | | Quit xavieran (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) |
14:09:43 | notlistening | There is less than anything on the internet out there on it |
14:10:43 | Torne | Indede |
14:10:49 | Torne | this is the case with a lot of these random chinese chips |
14:11:02 | Torne | Most of them turn out to be very weak processors with DSPs attached to do codecs |
14:11:08 | Torne | which are almost always useless for rockbox |
14:16:05 | notlistening | has there been any development on i386 targets? |
14:16:12 | Torne | no. |
14:16:34 | Torne | what hardware do you have with an x86? :) |
14:17:20 | | Quit Strife89 (Quit: Class.) |
14:17:35 | | Join Guest23487 [0] (~chatzilla@g224147225.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
14:19:21 | pamaury | an x86 is completely useless for a dap :) |
14:20:28 | Torne | (or anything else except "being able to run Windows", really) :) |
14:21:18 | | Join xavieran [0] (~xavieran@ppp118-209-228-213.lns20.mel6.internode.on.net) |
14:21:21 | * | pamaury imagines a sansa e400, featuring an intel code 16 octo, with 100 DSPs attached, being able to stream hundreds of files at the same time to hundreds of different speakers :) (by wireless so that it can feat in 1cm²) |
14:21:50 | pamaury | *s/code/core |
14:22:21 | gevaerts | Torne: I have a psion 3c somewhere. Does that count? :) |
14:22:37 | | Quit Guest23487 (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
14:22:46 | notlistening | its a running a but i can not find it online VIA C7-M 772 Esther |
14:22:53 | Torne | i think you are thinking of a different ancient crappy palmtop, the pre-ARM psions were NEC V30H |
14:23:46 | Torne | That doesn't count as i386 :) |
14:24:13 | gevaerts | I know, but you said x86, not i386! |
14:24:13 | | Join Farthen_ [0] (~chatzilla@g224147225.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
14:24:29 | Torne | x86 doesn't normall count older than 386 :) |
14:24:41 | Torne | no enhanced mode is a bit of a killer :) |
14:25:04 | Zagor | I have a nice HP 200LX too |
14:25:08 | Zagor | it can beep! |
14:26:11 | notlistening | http://www.alibaba.com/product-gs/286517143/Handwriting_small_size_7_OEM_UMPC.html |
14:26:16 | Torne | I think we'd have our work cut out trying to run on a <32-bit cpu |
14:26:19 | notlistening | there it is but i am struggling |
14:26:24 | linuxstb | notlistening: If you can't find docs on a chip, you could look for a firmware update - that can often contain clues. |
14:26:55 | Torne | notlistening: I am pretty sure nobody in their right minds would want to run rockbox as a firmware on a device with 1GB of ram which can boot win7. |
14:26:58 | Torne | :) |
14:27:34 | notlistening | :D |
14:27:58 | notlistening | more so a platford for something like android and rockbox app |
14:29:04 | Torne | yah. if we get rockbox as an app there may be vlaue in someone doing x86-specific codec tweaks |
14:29:11 | Torne | but other than that there's no x86 porting :) |
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15:06:03 | beta_ | Kudos to the developers |
15:06:14 | | Quit liar (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
15:07:18 | beta_ | I just picked up a Gigabeat F10 for $40 at the pawn shop, no system files on it, five minutes later it was up and running Rockbox :) |
15:07:48 | linuxstb | beta_: Congratulations! The gigabeat is a nice target. |
15:08:15 | beta_ | I love the Gigabeat, this is my fourth :) |
15:08:50 | beta_ | This will also be making the switch from F10 to 20 as soon as I can borrow my 1.8" drive enclosure back |
15:09:48 | beta_ | But in comparson to doing my first gigabeat a few years ago to this one (which wouldn't boot at all with no system on it) it was damn ass easy :) |
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17:47:59 | funman | FlynDice: i tested last revision bootloader and it works fine, i will make 1.0-RC bootloaders for clipv2 & clip+ so we can move them to unstable |
17:48:34 | | Join FOAD [0] (~dok@f94106.upc-f.chello.nl) |
17:48:36 | FlynDice | funman: sounds great |
17:49:02 | * | pamaury starts messing up with kernel.c, definitely not good... |
17:49:15 | funman | i can't test clipv2 though, anyone? |
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17:54:14 | _flow_ | Could it be that the Cowon D2 SD Card bootloader support is broken? FS #10900 - I have the same issue with a 2GB SD Card. And yes, the ".rockbox" folder exists in the root of the SD Card... ;) |
17:57:10 | Blue_Dude | Another hotkey patch is at FS #11081. The code is now completely transparent unless the HOTKEY define is explicitly stated in the target config file. And hotkey targets now have a lower binsize increase. The e200 is about 900 bytes. |
17:59:38 | | Join mt [0] (~mtee@rockbox/developer/mt) |
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18:00:50 | funman | FlynDice: in r25316, HS timings are applied unconditionally ? |
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18:01:22 | funman | i get ATA error -10 with FS #11140 |
18:01:40 | | Join Farthen [0] (~chatzilla@g224147225.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
18:04:32 | funman | even if i put the code around if(sd_v2) {} (no µSD plugged in) |
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18:09:05 | | Join Harmeet_ [0] (~Harmeet@ |
18:09:29 | FlynDice | funman: Yes I've been exploring that same problem w/ 11140 this morning. The non HS cards should just ignore that command though. Look at the transfer speeds on the disk debug page and you see 25MBits/sec and 50 if it does make the switch. I'm heading out the door right now back later |
18:09:54 | | Part Harmeet_ |
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18:11:11 | funman | FlynDice: right it's 25mbps for internal and 50 for µSD |
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18:23:26 | funman | Zagor: can i send binaries to you for putting them on the server ? (Bagder looks busy) |
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18:32:07 | | Join CGL [0] (~CGL@ |
18:34:12 | mt | I have written my first draft of a proposal for GSoC .. Anyone willing to checkout and discuss ? |
18:38:58 | gevaerts | mt: sure |
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18:41:54 | mt | gevaerts: http://pastebin.ca/PHyz2e89 - pass : 3mT33 |
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18:44:23 | domonoky | wow encrypted pastebin, with a publically posted password :-) |
18:45:19 | mt | domonoky: I just didn't want it publicly displayed on pastebin :) .. anyone from rockbox is more than welcomed to look. ;) |
18:48:55 | gevaerts | mt: looks good |
18:50:26 | mt | gevaerts: No but's then .. ? :) (Thanks for taking the time) |
18:50:53 | | Quit swilde (Quit: ERC Version 5.3 (IRC client for Emacs)) |
18:51:03 | gevaerts | mt: maybe some small language things, but I'm not awake enough for those right now |
18:51:26 | * | domonoky thinks this proposal is good. (a few typing errors, etc but those dont matter much). |
18:51:29 | ranma | funman: BTW looking at debug-as3525.c I noticed that I'm having a problem with button_get on my C200v2 |
18:52:06 | ranma | I never noticed that there's more that one screen in HW Info because it has trouble recognizing the button presses. |
18:52:13 | mt | gevaerts, domonoky : Thanks, I'll look into the typos, just wanted to know the general opinion on the plan. |
18:52:44 | mt | (and domonoky, if you're awake enough, I'd be grateful if you could point out some of the typos :) ) |
18:53:13 | gevaerts | mt: you know a lot more about codecs than me, so I'll believe you for the exact planning :) |
18:53:55 | mt | :) Alright then. |
18:54:20 | ranma | I think there is some problem with doing a button_get directly after lcd_update, but I'll have to look into that in more detail tomorrow or so. |
18:54:49 | | Quit Luca_S (Quit: CGI:IRC) |
18:55:38 | domonoky | mt: for example the WMA voice section misses "voice" in the text. dont know about other typos :-) |
18:55:44 | | Join Kitar|st [0] (Kitr88@BSN-142-105-33.dial-up.dsl.siol.net) |
18:56:52 | mt | domonoky: So you also have no problem with the time plan ? (I'm revising now for the spelling mistakes) |
18:58:25 | | Join MagusG [0] (magusg@c-76-97-148-35.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) |
18:58:28 | domonoky | mt; i also dont know much about our codecs, but if we go from your last years performance, they look realistic. |
18:58:54 | | Quit Kitr88 (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
18:59:38 | domonoky | maybe extracting the codec from ffmpeg might need more work, and the rockbox codec might need less time. But as you already have done similar work, you should know it best :-) |
19:00 |
19:00:45 | mt | domonoky: Great. Thanks. :) |
19:06:26 | CIA-5 | New commit by zagor (r25317): Added clip v2 & clip+ to unusable. |
19:09:56 | Zagor | http://twitter.com/rockboxcommits |
19:10:27 | | Nick YPSY is now known as Ypsy (~ypsy@geekpadawan.de) |
19:12:04 | mt | Zagor: not unstable ? ( Didn't follow much the few past days, but I thought it was agreed that they were considered unstable now ?) |
19:12:15 | | Part RoBzz |
19:12:38 | mt | Zagor: And the twitter page is nice. :) |
19:12:41 | | Join scorche [0] (~scorche@rockbox/administrator/scorche) |
19:14:29 | CIA-5 | New commit by zagor (r25318): Moved clip v2 & clip+ to unstable. :-) |
19:14:48 | * | Zagor speaks via commits |
19:14:58 | funman | Zagor: how are you ? |
19:15:17 | * | TheSeven boots up his build client to join with the second round :-D |
19:15:21 | * | funman looks for a "i'm fine" commit |
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19:16:40 | TheSeven | Zagor: it's dead! |
19:16:45 | TheSeven | the build system is dead! |
19:16:53 | TheSeven | since you added that tweeter :-P |
19:17:18 | Zagor | no, it doesn't rebuild for www commits |
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19:18:53 | | Join Horscht [0] (~Horscht2@xbmc/user/horscht) |
19:19:41 | * | scorche reminds those who havent edited the chart but plan on coming to DevCon to fill out: http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/DevCon2010 |
19:20:07 | | Quit CGL (Quit: Saliendo) |
19:21:33 | mt | Zagor: well said. :) (The commit I mean ..) |
19:22:45 | | Join stripwax [0] (~Miranda@87-194-34-169.bethere.co.uk) |
19:22:57 | funman | Zagor: just sent you clip+ bootloader |
19:23:25 | Zagor | funman: excellent. I will upload it soon. |
19:23:42 | funman | i'll update the instructions on the wiki |
19:23:52 | funman | with a list of not working features |
19:25:05 | topik | nice milestone to get moved up to unstable |
19:26:00 | | Join captainwekl [0] (~2669ecc2@gateway/web/freenode/x-mknznijnauyiaggf) |
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19:30:10 | bluebroth3r | Zagor: how about using the icons used by e.g. rbutil for the twitter account as avatar? Cropping the logo looks weird. |
19:33:12 | gevaerts | Zagor: the stable release download page still lists the e200r |
19:43:40 | | Quit m3dlg (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) |
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19:45:10 | CIA-5 | New commit by bluebrother (r25319): Remove unnecessary class declaration, this should come from the includes. |
19:47:38 | | Nick fxb is now known as fxb__ (~felixbrun@h1252615.stratoserver.net) |
19:48:18 | | Join Luca_S [0] (~5712526b@giant.haxx.se) |
19:48:22 | kugel | funman: I sent the fuzev2 yesterday morning, it should arrive by tomorrow or friday (they said) |
19:48:35 | funman | thanks, i'll tell you when it's there |
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20:14:10 | Stephen__ | for the clip+ was does the internal and external storage being read only mean ? |
20:14:49 | | Quit Barahir (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
20:15:37 | Schmogel | you cant save your settings or run any programm that needs to write something to the storage |
20:15:43 | funman | right |
20:15:59 | Stephen__ | ah thank you. now to just wait for the bootloader to hit the server |
20:16:16 | Stephen__ | will that include resuming playback ? |
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20:16:50 | funman | yes, file and position are saved to disk afaiu |
20:17:07 | Stephen__ | ah right ah not to worry small price to pay for having rockbox on this |
20:21:06 | funman | Stephen__: bootloader is on http://omploader.org/vM3hxZw/bootloader-clipplus.sansa (same bootloader to be put on the server) |
20:21:40 | Stephen__ | thanks funman and great work! |
20:25:20 | | Quit leavittx (Read error: Operation timed out) |
20:26:14 | funman | Torne: ping http://www.rockbox.org/irc/log-20100323#21:26:17 |
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20:57:06 | | Join notlistening [0] (~tom@94-195-105-95.zone9.bethere.co.uk) |
20:57:24 | notlistening | Any clip v2 and clip + owners here? |
20:57:48 | notlistening | are they good and which one is better if any? |
20:57:50 | | Join petur [0] (~peter@rockbox/developer/petur) |
20:57:51 | Stephen__ | i have aclip+ |
20:57:59 | ThomasAH | notlistening: only "or": clip+ |
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20:59:42 | | Join wodz [0] (~wodz@chello087206240004.chello.pl) |
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21:00:33 | topik | isn't it the same hardware, except the + has a microSD slot? |
21:01:12 | topik | so if you dislike microSD, the clip v2 is better |
21:03:15 | notlistening | Ah thanks topik umm they are limited without the SD i think so + it is |
21:03:44 | topik | there are some other hardware differences, but i don't think the matter as much as the microSD slot |
21:04:29 | notlistening | The SD is the deal breaker for me |
21:08:23 | | Join DerPapst [0] (~DerPapst@p5797C44E.dip.t-dialin.net) |
21:08:26 | Stephen__ | having just rockboxed my clip+ its so much better! now just to wait for write support :o) |
21:09:16 | Stephen__ | 8gb internal and 16gb sd card sweet! |
21:09:35 | ThomasAH | Stephen__: and no longer waiting for "Refreshing your media" :) |
21:10:08 | Stephen__ | will still need the of to do file transers :o( and my work only allow mtp so will need to use that. not as much tho |
21:10:27 | notlistening | has there been any progress on USB support on these devices? |
21:10:34 | Zagor | sandisk showed 32gb cards on a trade show recently |
21:10:53 | notlistening | yeah just looking at prices for them £60 |
21:11:07 | | Quit m3dlg (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) |
21:13:56 | Zagor | who can whip up an svg image of the clip+? |
21:14:28 | Stephen__ | isn't there a patch on flyspry of one ? |
21:14:51 | wodz | funman: ping |
21:14:53 | Zagor | is it? |
21:14:53 | | Join mt [0] (~mtee@rockbox/developer/mt) |
21:14:59 | Stephen__ | one sec |
21:15:08 | Zagor | indeed |
21:15:14 | Zagor | fs #11048 |
21:15:17 | Stephen__ | FS11048 |
21:15:33 | Stephen__ | Knew I'd seen one |
21:16:30 | notlistening | Stephen what battery performance you getting? |
21:16:36 | notlistening | or times |
21:16:42 | topik | 32GB uSD sets you back 199 USD. |
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21:17:03 | | Join amiconn_ [0] (quassel@rockbox/developer/amiconn) |
21:17:09 | Stephen__ | no idea yet just rockboxed a while ago should have better figures next week after some extensive use |
21:17:15 | | Nick pixelma_ is now known as pixelma (quassel@rockbox/staff/pixelma) |
21:17:25 | | Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (quassel@rockbox/developer/amiconn) |
21:17:40 | CIA-5 | New commit by zagor (r25320): Added link to twitter commit feed. |
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21:22:34 | | Join m3dlg [0] (~m3dlg@ |
21:22:58 | CIA-5 | New commit by zagor (r25321): Added Sansa Clip+ image by Marko Pahlke (FS #11048) |
21:27:38 | | Join _deV_nuLL_ [0] (~Miranda@ADijon-256-1-127-126.w90-6.abo.wanadoo.fr) |
21:28:12 | CIA-5 | New commit by zagor (r25322): Added Sansa Clip+ and moved Clip v2 to status 2 (unstable). |
21:30:55 | | Join funman [0] (~fun@rockbox/developer/funman) |
21:31:05 | funman | wodz: pong |
21:31:48 | wodz | funman: I am the author of the #11137 and You are the only reviewer |
21:31:59 | wodz | I would ask few questions than |
21:32:48 | funman | sure but i know nothing of coldfire so others might know just as much as i for your questions |
21:33:38 | wodz | using HAVE_WM8751 instead of HAVE_WM8750 is no particular problem but how should I extend definitions than? |
21:33:44 | funman | notlistening, topik: the clipv2 has an hold switch, unlike the clip+ |
21:34:23 | wodz | funman: add target specyfic ifdefs? |
21:34:54 | funman | wodz: hm i suggested reusing wm8750.* files but i have no idea how much they will differ when 8751 support is added |
21:35:36 | funman | err, revert 8750 and 8751 in my last sentence |
21:35:43 | | Quit m3dlg (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
21:36:19 | topik | fair enough funman :). i'll pick the uSD over the hold switch though |
21:37:09 | | Join m3dlg [0] (~m3dlg@ |
21:37:13 | wodz | 8751 do not have input ADC and so it does not support recording |
21:38:13 | funman | if the bits do not differ you could add #ifdef HAVE_WM8750 ... input adc ... recording ... #endif inside wm8751.c ? |
21:38:47 | wodz | funman: aaa that way |
21:39:13 | funman | we can't rename wm8751.c to wm875x.c though because there is also a wm8758.c |
21:39:28 | wodz | I have to check register addresses side by side |
21:39:56 | funman | wodz: do you think your patch should be committed now, or wait for playback to work? |
21:40:27 | wodz | funman: At least wait for finished bootloader |
21:42:16 | | Quit m3dlg (Quit: RAGE QUIT) |
21:42:20 | wodz | am I correct that there is no official datasheet for wm8758? |
21:43:15 | pixelma | funman, topik: with software hold, a missing hold switch shouldn't be a big thing, no? |
21:43:43 | | Quit mt (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) |
21:43:50 | topik | it's pressing the home button longer, isn't it? |
21:43:52 | funman | pixelma: software hold only works in the wps, so when playlist is finished buttons are unlocked |
21:44:02 | funman | topik: in rockbox it's home+center in wps |
21:44:28 | topik | two buttons are at the limit of my skill level! |
21:44:33 | FlynDice | notlistening: re clip+ battery performance, I listened to mine for ~ 7 hours on Sunday and still had some power left. I find that rather amazing as we still have some clocking issues to work out and understand! |
21:44:38 | funman | long home is already used to exit various screens, so i picked up one at random |
21:44:42 | topik | yeah |
21:44:58 | funman | btw clip+ doesn't seem to charge very fast |
21:45:03 | pixelma | I know, as the Archoses have software hold too and I have an Ondio. I like it that way btw. |
21:45:17 | topik | just not having it turn on accidentally would be enough |
21:46:29 | | Join RoronoaZoro [0] (~vijayss@ |
21:46:36 | pixelma | the on/off button is very unlikely to press on the Ondio, not a big problem there |
21:47:23 | topik | same with the 2-button combo funman picked |
21:47:33 | | Quit komputes (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
21:48:23 | | Join blairb [0] (~blair@121-73-216-35.broadband.telstraclear.net) |
21:48:40 | Stephen__ | funman, is charging via rockbox enabled yet. same way as the 200v2 via a button hold on usb insert ? |
21:48:57 | funman | Stephen__: nope just plug USB, rockbox doesn't reboot |
21:49:13 | Stephen__ | it'll charge then ? |
21:49:21 | funman | yes, although slowly it seems |
21:49:25 | Stephen__ | ok cool. |
21:50:31 | * | Stephen__ looks at the nice shiney new clip in the current build page |
21:51:23 | | Join m3dlg [0] (~m3dlg@ |
21:51:44 | pixelma | topik: I meant accidentally turning on (which would not be protected with software hold. The button combo to enable hold when it's turned on and in the WPS, is a two button combo on the Ondio as well |
21:52:06 | | Quit JohannesSM64 (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.2-dev) |
21:52:39 | topik | pixelma: it doesn't take a 2-key combo to unlock? |
21:53:26 | pixelma | it does (the same), so I should have said "to toggle hold" |
21:53:36 | notlistening | can you post the link to the picture plz? |
21:54:11 | topik | that makes a lot of sense |
21:54:46 | funman | notlistening: http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/11048?getfile=21477 (the pic is without the arrows and smaller) |
21:56:07 | | Join komputes [0] (~komputes@ubuntu/member/komputes) |
21:57:15 | topik | i'll pick me up a 4GB clip+ tomorrow. they're on sale this week it seems |
21:59:14 | topik | they use a picture with a hold button in the advert though, so i better make sure it's the + |
21:59:25 | | Quit Farthen (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.2/20100316074819]) |
21:59:27 | | Quit m3dlg (Max SendQ exceeded) |
21:59:58 | CIA-5 | New commit by gevaerts (r25323): Recalibrate build scores |
22:00 |
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22:08:08 | domonoky | does somebody know the usb-id of the clip+ ? |
22:08:39 | funman | domonoky: the one in config/sansaclipplus.h should be correct for msc |
22:10:58 | domonoky | oki, does somebody know the mtp usb-id ? (working on rbutil support) |
22:11:26 | funman | 0x74d0 |
22:11:38 | domonoky | is the clipv2 also unstable ? i dont see a bootloader for that on haxx.rockbox.org. |
22:12:33 | funman | yes but the bootloader hasn't been tested yet, and clip+ bootloader hasn't been uploaded to server yet : I have written the links on SansaAMS based on the links for other models |
22:13:07 | funman | the bootloader "i want to release as 1.0-RC" |
22:15:07 | domonoky | the clipplus bootloader is already on haxx, just not on all mirrors :-) |
22:15:30 | | Quit n17ikh (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
22:15:52 | | Join Ozzo [0] (~55e8c399@giant.haxx.se) |
22:16:43 | Ozzo | heyy ppl i m new here.. using the clipv2 and trying to update your bootloader however the clip is only deleting the firmware file |
22:17:12 | Ozzo | no feedback from it whatsoever |
22:17:40 | funman | Ozzo: did you build the clipv2 bootloader? |
22:17:59 | Ozzo | yep and renamed it to m30pa.bin |
22:18:08 | Ozzo | ..and put it in the root |
22:18:21 | funman | then you didn't read the instructions, you need to patch the original firmware with this bootloader |
22:18:35 | Ozzo | yes yes I used mkamsboot |
22:18:51 | Ozzo | I already did this once successfully |
22:19:00 | Ozzo | it just doesnt want to happen again |
22:19:32 | funman | did you follow the steps from http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/SansaAMS#Installation_for_Unusable_other ? |
22:19:34 | CIA-5 | New commit by Domonoky (r25324): add clipv2 and clip+ to rbutil. |
22:19:57 | Ozzo | first was r25316 that worked |
22:20:13 | Ozzo | now i tried updating the bootloader to the latest build |
22:20:23 | Ozzo | and the clip only deletes the file |
22:20:34 | funman | you don't need to update the bootloader once it works |
22:20:43 | Ozzo | oh lol |
22:20:54 | Ozzo | ic then hehe |
22:20:56 | funman | does it turn off / display the "update in progress" message ? |
22:21:05 | funman | and do you eject the clipv2 properly? |
22:21:09 | Ozzo | no thats what i was wondering |
22:21:18 | Ozzo | yes yes |
22:21:41 | | Quit S_a_i_n_t (Read error: No route to host) |
22:21:55 | funman | try updating with a non patched OF and if it doesn't work i'm clueless |
22:22:19 | Ozzo | i maybe thought it has sthing to do with the new sansa firmware |
22:22:29 | | Join S_a_i_n_t [0] (S_a_i_n_t@ |
22:22:37 | Ozzo | maybe the clip is able to notice same version or sthin |
22:23:14 | Ozzo | trying with original firmware give me sec |
22:23:28 | | Join n17ikh [0] (~n17ikh@host-69-59-126-212.nctv.com) |
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22:24:26 | Ozzo | nope same thing boots directly to rockbox |
22:25:00 | b0hoon | domonoky: could you look at it please? http://pastebin.com/wU3fvAHK |
22:25:18 | funman | Ozzo: download the OF again, i bet you downloaded the clipv1 OF |
22:25:24 | | Join panni_ [0] (hannes@ip-95-222-52-93.unitymediagroup.de) |
22:25:30 | domonoky | b0hoon: looks good |
22:25:48 | Ozzo | no i kept using the same original OF file all throughout |
22:26:08 | Ozzo | but i ll give it a try |
22:26:34 | b0hoon | domonoky: great, should i commit it? |
22:26:54 | domonoky | b0hoon: yes. |
22:27:15 | | Quit S_a_i_n_t (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) |
22:27:31 | Ozzo | funman: should I boot to the OF after transferring the firmware file ? |
22:27:54 | funman | Ozzo: doesn't matter |
22:28:04 | Ozzo | oki |
22:28:45 | Ozzo | O.o worked this time |
22:28:54 | Ozzo | let me try and patch this one |
22:30:03 | | Quit _deV_nuLL_ (Quit: YoP !) |
22:30:22 | funman | Ozzo: would you try a bootloader i give you ? i want to release a binary bootloader for clipv2 but have no device to test it |
22:30:27 | CIA-5 | New commit by b0hoon (r25325): add Packard Bell Vibe 500 to RBUtil. |
22:30:49 | Ozzo | from 1 to 10 what Å› the risk of briking it ? xD |
22:31:08 | | Quit planetbeing_ (Quit: planetbeing_) |
22:31:23 | Ozzo | if it s just like a new release or sthin i hv no trouble |
22:31:25 | | Join S_a_i_n_t [0] (S_a_i_n_t@ |
22:31:32 | funman | as usual |
22:31:39 | * | gevaerts tries to parse that |
22:31:43 | Ozzo | well ok |
22:32:03 | Ozzo | some release notes maybe ? ;P |
22:32:11 | funman | i would give one finger to cut on this, but not the whole hand |
22:32:26 | Ozzo | hehe |
22:32:38 | Ozzo | no i meant like ..what should be better ? |
22:33:02 | | Quit jd (Quit: Ω) |
22:33:08 | funman | nothing better, it just changes the version to "1.0-RC" |
22:33:12 | funman | http://omploader.org/vM3hvaQ/bootloader-clipv2.sansa |
22:33:18 | Ozzo | oh ok |
22:33:46 | Ozzo | workin.. |
22:34:18 | | Join Farthen_ [0] (~Farthen@static. |
22:34:36 | Zagor | funman: should I put that on download? |
22:34:42 | | Join planetbeing_ [0] (~planetbei@ |
22:35:03 | funman | Zagor: yes please |
22:35:17 | funman | Ozzo: thanks |
22:35:36 | ender` | clip v2 is becoming usable? |
22:35:37 | Zagor | done |
22:35:45 | * | domonoky added the new clips to the themepage.. :-) |
22:35:58 | funman | Zagor: where did you put it ? http://download.rockbox.org/bootloader/sandisk-sansa/clipv2/bootloader-clipv2.sansa is 404 |
22:36:00 | * | Stephen__ starts themeing |
22:36:14 | gevaerts | funman: mirrors aren't updated instantly |
22:36:31 | | Join Kuitsi- [0] (~Kuitsi@a88-113-118-171.elisa-laajakaista.fi) |
22:36:37 | Zagor | also, I put it in the wrong dir... fixing |
22:36:38 | domonoky | funman: http://haxx.rockbox.org/bootloader/sandisk-sansa/clip/ |
22:36:40 | funman | hm ok, i get 404 on both servers though |
22:36:52 | funman | ah clipplus is there as well |
22:37:02 | Zagor | yes, but also in the wrong dir |
22:37:11 | Ozzo | damn.. this thing is doing the same thing again |
22:37:19 | Ozzo | try 2 on the way |
22:37:25 | Zagor | moved now |
22:38:12 | Stephen__ | domonoky, clipline from the themes seems to be missing for the clipv2 and + |
22:38:20 | Stephen__ | but its there for the v1 ? |
22:38:27 | Stephen__ | just for consistency ;) |
22:38:49 | | Join jd [0] (~jd@modemcable207.134-202-24.mc.videotron.ca) |
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22:39:00 | Ozzo | funman tryin your bootloader |
22:39:09 | Ozzo | it works |
22:39:12 | CIA-5 | New commit by Domonoky (r25326): adjust the bootloader paths to the changed locations. |
22:40:25 | Ozzo | still can t understand my firmware file problems but i can put up with it |
22:40:48 | domonoky | Stephen__: its there for all of them. (probably checkwps was still running when you looked). |
22:40:58 | b0hoon | domonoky: i suppose that's no all, now i must equipt the download.rockbox.org/bootloader with the compiled bootloader and other files...? |
22:41:01 | | Quit planetbeing_ (Quit: Poof.) |
22:41:06 | Ozzo | so when do I really have to update the bootloader ? |
22:41:32 | Stephen__ | domonoky, ah yes. i'm a bit too quick off the mark it would seem ;) |
22:41:35 | | Part Kuitsi- |
22:41:35 | domonoky | b0hoon: yes, let Bagder, or Zagor move a bootloader file from you to the download server :-) |
22:41:38 | funman | Ozzo: never |
22:42:24 | Ozzo | ic.. so how are your improvements ,like this one you sent me, applied ? |
22:42:37 | | Join planetbeing_ [0] (~planetbei@ |
22:43:01 | gevaerts | Actually, the correct answer is 'almost never' |
22:43:03 | funman | update the build (.rockbox folder), bootloader rarely if ever needs updating |
22:43:22 | Ozzo | oh I get it |
22:43:24 | | Quit planetbeing_ (Client Quit) |
22:43:51 | Ozzo | cool hehe that just about solved all my questions regarding rockbox |
22:44:27 | Ozzo | ..i m lovin it even though it s only my 1st day |
22:46:03 | b0hoon | domonoky: ok, thanks :-) |
22:46:33 | Stephen__ | Ozzo, wait till it's even more complete you'll be hooked! |
22:46:48 | Ozzo | ye that s what i m thinkin |
22:47:00 | Ozzo | eh btw i forgot to ask bout this |
22:47:03 | Stephen__ | any mp3 player you'll be you'll want supported |
22:47:06 | Ozzo | database isn t working |
22:47:20 | Ozzo | is it cause of the read only problem ? |
22:47:20 | | Nick fidencio is now known as fidencio[AWAY] (~fidencio@li113-135.members.linode.com) |
22:47:23 | Stephen__ | that has to write files |
22:47:26 | Stephen__ | yes |
22:47:27 | | Join planetbeing_ [0] (~planetbei@ |
22:47:37 | Ozzo | oh k guessed so |
22:47:39 | b0hoon | Bagder:ping |
22:47:41 | ender` | heh, i've been waiting for this day :) |
22:48:05 | * | Bagder stands up straight |
22:48:08 | Zagor | b0hoon: since I've just uploaded for funman, I can take yours too |
22:48:08 | Ozzo | so Load to Ram in the settings does not apply to it s creation right ? |
22:48:11 | | Join CGL [0] (~CGL@ |
22:48:20 | * | Bagder hides again |
22:49:01 | Ozzo | lol Create to Ram would be cool at this point |
22:49:15 | AlexP | and pointless |
22:49:41 | Ozzo | yes but still it s a feasable workaround |
22:49:46 | Ozzo | kind of |
22:50:00 | Ozzo | ..don t really know what it involves |
22:50:12 | b0hoon | Zagor:ok, thanks. so must i give it to you or you have a compiled version already for example from automatic build? |
22:50:19 | AlexP | Ozzo: Isn;t going to happen |
22:50:30 | gevaerts | It's probably possible to build the database using the host-based tool and to enable it by hand in the config file |
22:50:32 | Ozzo | lol kk |
22:50:34 | domonoky | Ozzo: that work would be better spent on making write work :-) |
22:50:35 | Zagor | b0hoon: I'd like a tested binary from you |
22:51:04 | Ozzo | yes I understand |
22:51:04 | AlexP | gevaerts: Yeah, good thinking |
22:51:30 | Zagor | the build farm doesn't upload the bootloaders |
22:51:45 | Ozzo | host-based tool? |
22:51:46 | | Nick Farthen_ is now known as Farthen (~Farthen@static. |
22:51:52 | Ozzo | is that in the sources ? |
22:51:58 | AlexP | Assuming this for a release it needs the release version set too |
22:53:50 | b0hoon | Zagor: will it be ok to send it on your mail? |
22:54:00 | Zagor | b0hoon: sure |
22:54:42 | Ozzo | could somebody pleeaasse kindly explain (just an overview) how one can do this database creation (gevaerts) |
22:54:58 | gevaerts | I've never used the tool |
22:55:21 | Ozzo | hmm well time to experiment then |
22:55:28 | Stephen__ | hmmm the theme site is showing the wrong image for the sansa clip+ |
22:57:15 | | Quit pamaury (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) |
22:57:48 | b0hoon | Zagor: sent :-) |
22:58:50 | | Nick Farthen is now known as Farthen_ (~Farthen@static. |
22:59:06 | domonoky | Stephen__: it does not, look again :-) (thank you for noticing) |
22:59:34 | Stephen__ | good work domonoky ;o) |
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23:12:39 | | Join kugel [0] (~kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel) |
23:14:30 | Zagor | should the vibe500 bootloader be called jukebox.mi4 or something else? |
23:15:19 | b0hoon | Zagor: yes, jukebox.mi4 |
23:15:57 | domonoky | Zagor: rbutil expect it now as: /pbell/jukebox.mi4 |
23:16:08 | Zagor | pbell? the target name is vibe500 |
23:16:39 | domonoky | but we can change rbutil of course :-) |
23:16:43 | Zagor | :) |
23:16:52 | | Join planetbeing_ [0] (~planetbei@ |
23:17:53 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
23:17:57 | b0hoon | Zagor: the folder should be pbell on the server if i understand correctly how it works :S |
23:18:51 | kugel | isn't it pbellvibe500? |
23:18:58 | Zagor | kugel: no |
23:19:04 | Zagor | look in tools/configure |
23:19:18 | Zagor | or tools/builds.pm |
23:19:31 | kugel | right, nevermind |
23:20:07 | | Quit funman (Quit: free(random());) |
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23:53:31 | linuxstb | No-one tagged the released bootloaders for the clipv2 and clip+? And they were called 1.0-RC ? |
23:53:50 | | Join ozzo [0] (~55e8c399@giant.haxx.se) |
23:54:47 | ozzo | hmm using r25326 Clipv2 is playing nothing |
23:55:24 | | Quit adnyxo (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) |
23:56:09 | ozzo | seems to be due to thefact that I generated a database on my pc |
23:56:42 | ozzo | after using it everything gives out an Error Accessing Playlist Control File |
23:56:45 | linuxstb | Hmm, and there's no manual for the clip+/clipv2 either? |
23:57:12 | ozzo | however if I reboot and not use the Database everything is fine |
23:57:22 | Zagor | does clipv2 need its' own manual? |
23:57:38 | linuxstb | Yes, the installation instructions point to the wrong files. |
23:57:46 | Zagor | ah |
23:58:11 | ozzo | no man I just did the whole thing today and the instructions were perfect |
23:58:38 | Zagor | ozzo: did you read the wiki or the manual? |
23:58:46 | kugel | do we need different manuals? or could we put the installation so that it works for all? |
23:58:48 | ozzo | wiki |
23:58:57 | Zagor | ozzo: right. we're discussing the manual. |