00:01:13 | amiconn | gah |
00:01:25 | amiconn | "Rockbox svn - more broken than ever" :( |
00:01:41 | Torne | what? |
00:01:46 | amiconn | Many things |
00:01:54 | * | amiconn is upgrading all his targets |
00:01:56 | | Quit archivator (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
00:02:08 | Torne | is it my fault? :) |
00:02:19 | amiconn | Don't know yet |
00:02:44 | amiconn | Player: USB is broken (hangs). File delete is broken (confirmation hangs). Charging screen causes ata panic |
00:02:58 | amiconn | Mini: USB screen layout is broken (squeezed vertically) |
00:05:50 | gevaerts | we definitely have a problem with insufficient testing on some targets |
00:05:51 | * | amiconn also thought that rtc is broken on mini, but that was due to me updating the thing exactly at 00:00 by coincidence |
00:06:04 | amiconn | s/me/him/ |
00:06:35 | Torne | hehe |
00:07:14 | | Join merbanan [0] (~banan@c-62-220-165-110.cust.bredband2.com) |
00:07:54 | * | Strife89 hasn't noticed any standout problems, aside from when updating an old checkout of svn. |
00:08:11 | Strife89 | Lots of conflicts that svn couldn't resolve without my input. |
00:08:35 | * | Torne recommends you use git/bzr and multiple branches, srsly :) |
00:08:37 | Strife89 | I don't remember how old the checkout was to begin with. I wager at least four weeks. |
00:09:22 | Strife89 | Torne: svn may be aggrivating at times, but I've gotten used to it for the most part. |
00:09:28 | Strife89 | :) |
00:09:37 | Torne | yes, but i mean.. git/bzr can resolve better. |
00:10:07 | Strife89 | As a side note, I currently use six patches. |
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00:11:16 | pixelma | scrolling lines still appearing on the USB screen (in the screen you entered it from) is what I noticed |
00:12:02 | pixelma | on all my targets... of course you are more likely to notice on small screen or with large font |
00:12:06 | | Quit merbanan (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
00:12:57 | pixelma | and that's a bug that seems to appear in different screens from time to time :\ |
00:13:37 | Torne | yeah, i've never noticed that but I rarely have any scrolling lines.. |
00:14:06 | Blue_Dude | pixelma: I've been noticing the USB scroll thing for months. It shows up as a new bug once in a while but it's the same old one. |
00:14:33 | Blue_Dude | It's annoying but I don't think it hurts anythig. |
00:14:37 | Blue_Dude | anything |
00:14:50 | amiconn | It hurts usability |
00:15:22 | Strife89 | One issue I've noticed on some themes with large SBSes... |
00:15:29 | Blue_Dude | Well it's ugly and unexpected but it doesn't cause actual harm does it? |
00:15:43 | pixelma | well, probably this one might date back to USB screen viewportification which is a while ago already. But I saw similar things in the radio screen before etc. |
00:16:00 | Strife89 | If an SBS crosses the middle portion of the screen, splashes will get "stuck" behind the viewport. |
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00:18:30 | Strife89 | Another notable problem occurs with the "loading" splash when loading/generating a playlist. |
00:18:40 | Strife89 | For example, try this: |
00:19:01 | Strife89 | Load a theme with a graphically notable SBS. |
00:19:23 | Strife89 | Then use the file browser to locate your main Music folder. |
00:20:08 | Strife89 | Long Select (or whatever is appropriate) the folder, then choose Playlist -> Insert (or Insert Shuffled). |
00:20:29 | Strife89 | As Rockbox generates and loads the playlist, you will see MASSIVE flickering. |
00:21:09 | Torne | yeah, i noticed this with db updating |
00:21:17 | Torne | the sbs gets toggled on and off by the splash |
00:21:27 | Torne | but the splash gets re-launched repeatedly, which makes it flash |
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00:42:13 | CIA-5 | New commit by pixelma (r25559): Add a bunch of plugin screenshots for use in the Iaudio M3 manual (and update the goban one as it used wrong colours). |
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00:49:53 | pixelma | got to repeat my question - shouldn't the mandelbrot screenshot images in the manual also be renamed to fractals? Just a thing behind the scenes but |
00:56:15 | | Quit ender` (Quit: How long a minute is depends on which side of the bathroom door you are on. -- Theory of relativity) |
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01:09:13 | | Quit DataGhost (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) |
01:09:23 | ruebyi | Just a very short question: I'm searching for the Bootloader File for Fuze v2, but I can't find any link. Did I miss something? |
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01:19:15 | CIA-5 | New commit by Blue_Dude (r25560): Corrects bug in r25558 that could have resumed the wrong file under a certain condition. |
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01:41:45 | ruebyi | I found my answer in an IRC protocoll 2 or 3 days ago. There is no official Bootloader for Fuze V2 too, yet. sorry for bothering! |
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02:09:44 | alex_1 | is there somewhere datasheet for pp5022? thanks. |
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07:27:38 | Ipsilon | Hi guys, any developments on sansa fuze v2? |
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08:55:25 | CIA-5 | New commit by tomers (r25561): FS #11193 - rbutil: HTTP 404 error when downloading zipped version of the manual |
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08:58:27 | tomers | sorry all for spamming you with FlySpray items :-) I would've just commit last fix, but I didn't intend to do so at first (lack of time) - so I opened a bug report... |
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09:56:46 | CIA-5 | New commit by bluebrother (r25562): Fix Ipod Mini manual. ... |
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10:58:39 | CIA-5 | New commit by uchida (r25563): The version of the setting files are raised. ... |
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11:24:08 | CIA-5 | New commit by jethead71 (r25564): Gigabeat S/i.MX31: Continue, and most likely complete, the platform/player-specific code/data shuffling begun in r25547. |
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13:26:32 | | Join yorick [0] (~yorick@s55924da0.adsl.wanadoo.nl) |
13:26:45 | yorick | is there a way to get all music of an ipod video(clean it) without reformatting? |
13:27:15 | | Quit xiainx (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
13:27:44 | B4gder | you mean erasing it all? |
13:27:58 | B4gder | just delete all files! |
13:28:29 | | Quit stripwax (Quit: http://miranda-im.org) |
13:28:43 | yorick | B4gder: I mean delete the files in the itunes library |
13:28:49 | yorick | without actually having itunes |
13:29:04 | GodEater | rm -rf /media/ipod_mount_point/ipod_control |
13:29:13 | yorick | would the OF like that? |
13:29:19 | B4gder | itunes library without itunes? |
13:29:40 | yorick | B4gder: music is stored on the ipod using itunes database files |
13:29:41 | GodEater | the OF would complain you'd lost your language settings next time you booted it, and make you set them again |
13:29:45 | GodEater | but that's about it |
13:30:08 | * | B4gder stops trying |
13:30:08 | yorick | because the rockbox database is finding files that aren't actually supposed to be on my ipod |
13:30:20 | GodEater | it's good at that |
13:30:21 | yorick | I blame rhythmbox |
13:30:33 | | Quit Barahir (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
13:31:37 | * | GodEater decides it's time to go visit his folks |
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13:36:06 | | Join Barahir [0] (~jonathan@gssn-5f7541b4.pool.mediaWays.net) |
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15:04:27 | | Join Rodrigo_Petrucci [0] (~Rodrigo_P@201-1-203-153.dsl.telesp.net.br) |
15:05:02 | Rodrigo_Petrucci | hi, my Sansa e260 won't show up as a drive on W7 so I can't install the firmware. what to do? |
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15:07:17 | yorick | Rodrigo_Petrucci: make it show up as a drive |
15:07:35 | Rodrigo_Petrucci | yorick could you tell me how to do it? thanks |
15:08:14 | yorick | Rodrigo_Petrucci: no idea, but you could look in the manual |
15:09:00 | Rodrigo_Petrucci | yorick i'm searching in the forums, hope i'll find what i need |
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15:15:47 | ender` | Rodrigo_Petrucci: switch it to MSC mode |
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15:20:11 | | Nick fxb is now known as fxb__ (~felixbrun@h1252615.stratoserver.net) |
15:20:32 | yorick | Rodrigo_Petrucci: you could try "Engage HOLD (orange showing), then press and hold << REWIND button while connecting to your USB port." |
15:20:41 | | Join xiainx [0] (~xiainx@modemcable195.238-202-24.mc.videotron.ca) |
15:23:01 | * | Strife89 has a small idea for the file browser. |
15:23:21 | S_a_i_n_t | Strife89: Come back when it's a large one ;) |
15:23:21 | Strife89 | Picture this: dual-line "details" view. |
15:23:31 | Strife89 | :p |
15:23:54 | | Quit m3dlg (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) |
15:23:57 | Strife89 | Basically, in this viewing mode, each file gets two lines on the screen. |
15:24:10 | Strife89 | The first line shows the file name, as normal. |
15:24:17 | S_a_i_n_t | Ahhh, like filesize, creation date etc.? |
15:24:26 | Strife89 | The second line shows |
15:24:32 | Strife89 | S_a_i_n_t: shows that. :) |
15:24:53 | S_a_i_n_t | sorry to take the wind out of your sails captain ;) |
15:25:08 | Strife89 | XD |
15:25:20 | Strife89 | Anyway, opinions? |
15:25:40 | S_a_i_n_t | Good idea for the larger screens, smaller screens not so much. As an option, it'd be great. |
15:25:46 | | Quit xiainx (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
15:26:05 | | Join xiainx [0] (~xiainx@modemcable195.238-202-24.mc.videotron.ca) |
15:26:16 | gevaerts | S_a_i_n_t: well, what you *actually* want is skinning support in the file browser :) |
15:26:28 | | Quit stripwax (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
15:26:41 | * | S_a_i_n_t wants skinning support for *evrything* ;D |
15:27:37 | * | yorick just wants support for *everything* |
15:28:04 | S_a_i_n_t | Buy a jockstrap... :P |
15:29:05 | yorick | D: |
15:30:40 | TheSeven | S_a_i_n_t: did you already ask JdGordon regarding the volume bar? |
15:30:55 | | Quit TheSeven (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.3/20100401080539]) |
15:31:06 | S_a_i_n_t | Nah..sorry, I slept all day. Didn't catch him. |
15:31:14 | S_a_i_n_t | I'm interested about it howeevr. |
15:31:22 | | Join TheSeven [0] (~theseven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) |
15:32:07 | Strife89 | TheSeven: <S_a_i_n_t> Nah..sorry, I slept all day. Didn't catch him. |
15:32:08 | Strife89 | <S_a_i_n_t> I'm interested about it howeevr. |
15:32:25 | yorick | Flyspray advanced search doesn't allow to search for feature requests? |
15:32:31 | TheSeven | JdGordon: around? |
15:32:33 | TheSeven | Strife89: thanks, but I already saw them in the logs |
15:32:46 | Strife89 | ^^: |
15:32:53 | TheSeven | yorick: It bugs me way more that it doesn't allow to search for all bugs of a specified target |
15:33:59 | bertrik | TheSeven, yeah that bugged me too |
15:37:51 | Rodrigo_Petrucci | ender` made it to work! thanks! |
15:38:59 | | Quit Rodrigo_Petrucci () |
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16:00 |
16:02:17 | pixelma | yorick: there is no feature request tracker (anymore) |
16:09:19 | | Quit lpereira (Quit: Leaving.) |
16:14:37 | CIA-5 | New commit by tomers (r25565): Rbutil: Some small Hebrew translation fixes |
16:15:30 | * | JdGordon magically returns |
16:15:50 | S_a_i_n_t | TheSeven: Now! Jump him! |
16:15:52 | JdGordon | S_a_i_n_t: whatcha winging about now? |
16:16:05 | S_a_i_n_t | TheSeven started it... ;) |
16:16:34 | S_a_i_n_t | Volome that works the same way as playbar...ie. no massive bitmap strips to fill up the skinn buffer |
16:16:40 | S_a_i_n_t | *volume |
16:16:56 | JdGordon | shuold be simple to do |
16:17:01 | S_a_i_n_t | woo! |
16:17:14 | JdGordon | not likely me doing it an time soon though |
16:17:46 | JdGordon | this is part of the "it would be nice if one tag could use anothers value" feature |
16:18:01 | S_a_i_n_t | Well, no..we do realise your not our wee feature goblin ;) |
16:20:32 | JdGordon | actually, it should be simple enbough to modify %pb to work woth volume bars also |
16:20:40 | JdGordon | %vb with the same syntax |
16:20:42 | JdGordon | or something |
16:21:01 | JdGordon | but, this goes back to how to represent volume as a percentage |
16:21:26 | S_a_i_n_t | I've no idea how it could be done, I just figured that if playbar could do it then there's no reason to not have "smooth volume" also. |
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16:22:05 | S_a_i_n_t | ahhh, yes, the "stop at odB, or is 100% the "max" value" thing? |
16:22:13 | S_a_i_n_t | *0dB |
16:23:40 | S_a_i_n_t | I myself thing that 0~100% should be the highest and lowest value the player can produce...but after having it drilled into me I do understand why 0dB is "100%" also. |
16:23:49 | S_a_i_n_t | s/thing/think/ |
16:23:55 | JdGordon | I tihnk the last time this came up we came up with a second tag "is volume above 0dB?" so the volume would to mute->0dB and you would use another tag if its >0 |
16:24:58 | S_a_i_n_t | the idea of "greater then 100%" just baffles me... |
16:25:28 | S_a_i_n_t | That's why I think it should be the players highest/lowest value for 0/100% respectively. |
16:25:55 | JdGordon | but clipping sucks, and most people wont know the difference, so mute-0 does make sense |
16:26:16 | JdGordon | (when i first joined rb we were showing it as % and not dB) |
16:26:28 | S_a_i_n_t | Most people (IMO) understand that the player WILL clip at 100% though |
16:26:37 | S_a_i_n_t | running it at full is just silly |
16:27:07 | JdGordon | so you want to know when you are above that level |
16:27:21 | * | JdGordon doesnt really want to have this discussion now :p |
16:27:38 | S_a_i_n_t | Neither do I, but...gah. |
16:27:42 | S_a_i_n_t | Its a hard one lol |
16:28:50 | yorick | hmm...2:17/1:58 something is broken |
16:29:39 | bluebroth3r | tomers: what's the state of FS #11163? Did you check the values I've asked for in the comments? |
16:31:19 | bluebroth3r | domonoky: I'd like to start a new rbutil release shortly. Any objections? |
16:36:28 | yorick | I think length detection is broken with MP3 VBR |
16:37:14 | JdGordon | bluebroth3r: have you got an osx box to build on? |
16:37:20 | JdGordon | mine is offline till prob mid week |
16:37:38 | domonoky | bluebroth3r: no objections, go forward. |
16:37:57 | bluebroth3r | JdGordon: yes |
16:39:15 | bluebroth3r | JdGordon: I've got an OS X box since half a year or so now. That's the reason why I can work on OS X specific fixes and improvements ;-) |
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16:46:12 | tomers | bluebroth3r, bluebrother : ping |
16:46:25 | bluebroth3r | tomers: pong |
16:46:32 | pixelma | yorick: could be your mp3 broken too. Did you check its ID3 tags or ran vbr fix? |
16:46:33 | tomers | sorry for my long delays :-) |
16:47:28 | tomers | I checked it at my workplace (I'm not there ATM), and I got into the following conclusion: If I set IE to PAC, and then Rbutil to manual proxy, then Rbutil fails |
16:47:49 | | Quit mischasworld (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
16:47:57 | tomers | But if I remove the PAC from IE, then with the same manual proxy settings, Rbutil connects as expected |
16:47:57 | bluebroth3r | interesting. I have a similar setup at work and that works fine. |
16:48:34 | bluebroth3r | so you have selected the manual proxy settings in rbutil, not just entered the values manually and left the selection to system, right? |
16:48:40 | tomers | I don't know what other stuff the IT team have put on my laptop @ work, so it might be some non conventional configuration... |
16:49:29 | tomers | by the way, there are some sentences in rbutil which ends with a dot, and some other don't |
16:49:47 | tomers | I once removed the dot from all of them, and you got annoyed by it :-) |
16:49:54 | bluebroth3r | yes :) |
16:50:01 | tomers | would you like me to add missing dots for some of them? |
16:50:27 | bluebroth3r | I know that several strings are inconsistent. Consistency is good, but we need to check which way to go |
16:50:56 | bluebroth3r | I was also especially annoyed by the commit message saying something about "fix" though it didn't fix anything. It just changed it. |
16:51:18 | tomers | oh, right... I'm not a native english speaker... |
16:51:49 | bluebroth3r | I'm neither. But fixing implies it was broken before :) |
16:52:10 | tomers | I'll try to remember that next time |
16:52:16 | bluebroth3r | and, according to my knowledge of typography, the original state was correct. |
16:52:47 | bluebroth3r | however, as I'm not a native speaker either it should be discussed how the strings should look like. |
16:52:50 | tomers | if I got time, i'll make it more consistent (with the dots included) |
16:53:17 | tomers | Is there a way to share translation between different context? |
16:53:30 | bluebroth3r | like: is there a space before an ellipsis, how should open sentences (that get finished in the next log message) handled etc. |
16:53:51 | bluebroth3r | share between different context? |
16:54:05 | | Join m3dlg [0] (~m3dlg@ |
16:54:13 | bluebroth3r | if you change such things please post it to FS first so we can discuss how we want to handle strings. |
16:54:32 | tomers | I mean with Qt Linguist, there's BootloaderInstallAms, BootloaderInstallTcc etc, some of them share similar strings |
16:54:42 | bluebroth3r | It doesn't make much sense you changing it if there hasn't been a consensus. Otherwise the next time something gets added / changed the strings can become inconsistent again. |
16:55:00 | tomers | ok, I'll post it on FS |
16:55:15 | bluebroth3r | linguist helps you by showing possible translations in a window (usually at the bottom) |
16:55:47 | bluebroth3r | as far as I've seen are identical strings merged for translations (hence multiple "source" values), but not between classes. |
16:56:24 | tomers | right, so I meant is there a way to share between clases |
16:56:32 | bluebroth3r | there's also some work with regards to strings in the chinachippatcher code. The current implementation is hacky at best, and current versions of Qt don't like that anymore. |
16:58:47 | bluebroth3r | I _remember_ having seen something that allows specifying a different scope for a translation string. Can't find it anymore, however. "Moving" strings to a different class doesn't seem like a good idea to me anyway, as it breaks with OO concepts. |
16:59:04 | tomers | I especially didn't like to translate the following string for each bootloader type: "Bootloader installation requires you to provide a firmware file of the original firmware (HXF file). You need to download this file yourself due to legal reasons. Please refer to the <a href='http://www.rockbox.org/manual.shtml'>manual</a> and the <a href='http://www.XXX'>YYY</a> wiki page on how to obtain... |
16:59:05 | tomers | ...this file.<br/>Press Ok to continue and browse your computer for the firmware file." |
16:59:50 | tomers | If it could somehow been shared across bootloader types it would be better |
16:59:52 | bluebroth3r | tomers: well, _that_ string is different for all bootloader installation classes. |
17:00 |
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17:00:36 | bluebroth3r | so especially that string (though it is somewhat longer and the content is always similar) doesn't make sense to get unified. |
17:00:49 | tomers | I know, but we could have used a placeholder for file extension, wiki page name, etc (although AMS has one more link than the others) |
17:01:53 | bluebroth3r | I don't think the added complexity justifies that. When translating with Linguist you can simply pick a translation of the string for a different bootloader class and adjust the needed parts. |
17:02:07 | bluebroth3r | besides, those strings shouldn't change much anyway :) |
17:02:51 | tomers | I also don't phrases like "You need to fix the above errors before you can continue." I prefer "The above errors need to be fixed" phrasing |
17:03:31 | bluebroth3r | well, that's definitely something that can get discussed. Goes with the dot issues :) |
17:03:53 | | Join anewuser [0] (anewuser@unaffiliated/anewuser) |
17:04:00 | tomers | bluebroth3r: nevermind, I'm just ranting here, I think I finally completed translation of rbutil to Hebrew, so... |
17:05:23 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
17:05:28 | tomers | bluebroth3r: So regarding FS #11163 is there anything else I can help? |
17:05:34 | CIA-5 | New commit by bluebrother (r25566): Add Rockbox Utility binaries for OS other than linux to svn:ignore too. |
17:06:29 | bluebroth3r | tomers: not sure. I'll try to check the pac thing you mentioned and see if that has any effect. |
17:06:37 | tomers | ok thanks |
17:10:42 | bluebroth3r | though that has to wait a couple of days |
17:10:42 | | Join mischasworld [0] (~quassel@e179050254.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
17:10:42 | tomers | bluebroth3r: When I open ui file in Qt Creator, and it saves it back, then Qt creator changes the XML file - makes it neater, and maybe some other minor changes. what do you think about normalizing all ui files according to Qt Createor's formatting? |
17:10:42 | | Join Blue_Dude [0] (~chatzilla@ |
17:10:42 | bluebroth3r | tomers: that's a bad idea. |
17:10:42 | tomers | do we need to have some 'formal' designer / debugger ? |
17:11:16 | bluebroth3r | basically, all ui files are created by Designer, which is embedded in Creator. So if someone uses an older version of Designer than you did it's likely the file gets changed back to the "less neater" variant. |
17:11:27 | bluebroth3r | formal designer? What do you mean by that? |
17:11:48 | | Join blithe [0] (~blithe@ |
17:11:50 | tomers | I mean 'recommended' way to design, |
17:12:16 | bluebroth3r | none that I'm aware of. Make sure you have some feeling for the "usual" HID guidelines. |
17:12:18 | tomers | and have some instructions in the RockboxUtilityDevelopment page |
17:12:32 | * | bluebroth3r plans on reading HID guidelines but hasn't found the time so far |
17:12:54 | bluebroth3r | well, even if we did it wouldn't have any effect on the xml code in the ui files |
17:13:33 | Blue_Dude | Any comments/suggestions/complaints from anyone regarding updating the bookmark format? It's reaching the point of diminishing returns and it's about time to commit. |
17:13:45 | bluebroth3r | basically, don't create widgets / forms that look unexpected or put buttons / strings in places where they aren't expected. |
17:14:16 | tomers | bluebroth3r: I couldn't debug using Qt Creator. I tried setting a breakpoint, but the icon of red circle had an X on it, and the debugger didn't stop on the breakpoint. i noticed that there's only the release configuration. there weren't any debug configuration. i guess that's related |
17:14:50 | | Quit Luca_ (Quit: CGI:IRC) |
17:14:55 | bluebroth3r | well, the configurations in Creator are your user configurations. You can edit them. |
17:15:13 | bluebroth3r | it's basically configuring how qmake is called. For debug builds we need -config dbg |
17:15:41 | | Join Luca_S [0] (~5711feea@giant.haxx.se) |
17:15:41 | bluebroth3r | Creator saves that in a file rbutilqt.pro.user, but that's specific for your setup |
17:15:45 | tomers | is there a gui way to set it? |
17:15:50 | bluebroth3r | yes. |
17:16:09 | | Join stripwax [0] (~Miranda@87-194-34-169.bethere.co.uk) |
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17:16:53 | bluebroth3r | on Windows I found that (a) MinGW doesn't come with gdb installed per default and (b) gdb can be a bit unreliable. Though I've never looked further in that, I usually debug on linux |
17:17:39 | tomers | I work with Linux. I'll try that |
17:17:47 | | Join panni_ [0] (hannes@ip-95-222-52-93.unitymediagroup.de) |
17:18:41 | bluebroth3r | interestingly Creator has some startup issues on Linux for me. Not on OS X or Windows though |
17:19:24 | bluebroth3r | go to Projects in the sidebar, then edit the run configuration(s) you need |
17:20:22 | bluebroth3r | on my OS X setup I only have a Debug configuration. Likely to be caused by the initial opening in a folder where I had configured with -config dbg before. |
17:20:56 | bluebroth3r | though I haven't checked for details :) |
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17:22:30 | tomers | i cleaned my rbutil directory, opened creator (qtcreator rbutil.pro) and then went to 'Projects'->Build Steps, I can see 'Qmake Build Configuration' combobox (release/debug) is that what you mean? |
17:23:16 | * | tomers forgot the wiki page mentioned to use 'qmake -config dbg'... |
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17:36:58 | bluebroth3r | tomers: sorry, had to fight with Creator to get the GUI non-localized. I was talking about this: http://www.alice-dsl.net/dominik.riebeling/rockbox/creator-project.png |
17:37:36 | | Quit m3dlg (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
17:39:41 | CIA-5 | New commit by bluebrother (r25567): Update Rockbox Utility version to 1.2.6 |
17:41:35 | CIA-5 | New commit by bluebrother (r25568): Tag rbutil 1.2.6 release. |
17:41:50 | | Join stripwax [0] (~Miranda@87-194-34-169.bethere.co.uk) |
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17:42:53 | tomers | bluebroth3r: thanks a lot! |
17:42:58 | * | tomers got to go |
17:44:14 | tomers | bluebroth3r: Congrats! You should update 'Project news' too :-) |
17:45:12 | bluebroth3r | tomers: we didn't announce Rockbox Utility in the Project News section in the past, but it might indeed be a good idea. |
17:45:43 | | Join xiainx [0] (~xiainx@modemcable195.238-202-24.mc.videotron.ca) |
17:46:50 | CFP | hello world :) |
17:47:32 | | Nick bluebroth3r is now known as world (~dom@rockbox/developer/bluebrother) |
17:47:43 | world | hello CFP :) |
17:47:55 | | Nick world is now known as bluebrother (~dom@rockbox/developer/bluebrother) |
17:48:02 | CFP | ha =) |
17:48:14 | CFP | I'm keeping that one ; ) |
17:49:27 | CFP | I've recently posted a patch about the alarmclock plugin |
17:49:38 | CFP | anybody had time to give it a look? |
17:50:10 | CFP | I figured that it had a weird bug, and I think I've eventually found a clean fix \o/ |
17:52:53 | | Quit antil33t (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
17:53:00 | | Join antil33t [0] (~Mudkips@203-184-54-232.callplus.net.nz) |
17:53:41 | | Join maraz_ [0] (maraz@kapsi.fi) |
17:53:56 | | Quit maraz_ (Client Quit) |
17:55:13 | | Join phanboy4 [0] (~benji@c-174-49-112-244.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) |
17:55:33 | CIA-5 | New commit by mc2739 (r25569): Fix scrolling line artifacts on USB screen - should fix FS #11154 |
18:00 |
18:07:07 | | Quit fejfighter (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) |
18:08:04 | pixelma | hmm... there is no font specified in the cabbiev2 file for the M3 (Iaudio). Maybe it has to do with the fact that this one is also the remote theme for the other supported Iaudios and the font is set for the main screens there |
18:10:17 | pixelma | in the theme file I mean |
18:18:10 | pixelma | does someone know what the pictures in manual/getting_started/images were used for and whether they are still needed? They look like a relic from the old manual or so, mabe they could be removed... |
18:18:19 | | Join mischa_ [0] (~quassel@g226146025.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
18:19:22 | | Join stripwax__ [0] (~Miranda@87-194-34-169.bethere.co.uk) |
18:19:43 | | Quit mischasworld (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) |
18:19:57 | | Join toffe82 [0] (~chatzilla@ |
18:20:02 | bluebrother | pixelma: iirc they were used in a device overview table that was remove years ago |
18:20:15 | | Quit killan_ (Quit: ( www.nnscript.com :: NoNameScript 4.22 :: www.esnation.com )) |
18:22:24 | pixelma | ah, I think those are the same as used on the DeviceChart wiki. The ones in the manual folder are Archos devices only though and the pictures now used in the download table etc. are made from the SVGs and in the www module |
18:22:52 | | Quit stripwax (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
18:23:41 | bluebrother | looks like. IMO those images can get removed; even if we would introduce such a table again we wouldn't use them anymore since we now have all those nice svg images |
18:25:59 | pixelma | do we need the "images" folder in "getting_started" at all then? |
18:26:11 | bluebrother | I don't think so |
18:27:10 | pixelma | let's see how simple (or not) deleting the folder in SVN is |
18:27:35 | | Nick soap_ is now known as soap (~soap@rockbox/staff/soap) |
18:27:50 | bluebrother | svn rm manual/getting_started/images && svn ci manual/getting_started :) |
18:30:05 | gevaerts | bluebrother: that would surprise me :) |
18:30:14 | gevaerts | or maybe not |
18:31:13 | pixelma | there are a few other unused screenshots, e.g. in the plugins section there are a few mpegplayer and a jpegviewer screenshot for a few targets which aren't used and there's a "recording-screen" one for the bitmap Archoses while the screenshot is actually called "while-recording-screen" and is there also |
18:31:49 | | Join killan [0] (~nnscript@c-38fd70d5.06-397-67626721.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) |
18:33:57 | pixelma | hmpf, viewer icons aren't specified for the M3 either (and no backdrop) |
18:34:15 | | Quit phanboy4 (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
18:34:46 | gevaerts | Can you install your own bootloader on ipod with rbutil? |
18:34:49 | * | pixelma *just* wanted to add missing screenshots and as usual discovers even more things to do |
18:35:24 | | Join m3dlg [0] (~m3dlg@ |
18:35:53 | yorick | hmm...not only does it overestimate the track length, it can also continue playing the 3:38 minute during track for the full 30 minutes |
18:35:58 | S_a_i_n_t | gevaerts: Errr...don;t think so. |
18:36:05 | S_a_i_n_t | Could be wrong though. |
18:36:47 | gevaerts | S_a_i_n_t: I don't think you can either, I just want some confirmation before I reply to http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=24439.msg164983#msg164983 :) |
18:36:49 | yorick | as if it were in fact 30 minutes |
18:37:02 | pixelma | yorick: I asked you whether you checked the ID3 tag of this track or ran vbr fix on your file |
18:37:06 | domonoky | gevaerts: no, rbutil only installs bootloaders from the download server. |
18:37:09 | pixelma | ages ago |
18:37:15 | S_a_i_n_t | gevaerts: yeah, pretty sure that's a job solely for ipodpatcher |
18:37:26 | yorick | pixelma: it appears not to be a VBR track |
18:37:27 | bluebrother | gevaerts: why would that surprise you? |
18:37:39 | gevaerts | bluebrother: because I misread |
18:37:51 | yorick | rockbox is claiming this track is 32 kb/s |
18:37:59 | bluebrother | B4gder: can you move the rbutil 1.2.6 binaries? http://www.alice-dsl.net/dominik.riebeling/rockbox/rbutil-releases/1.2.6/ |
18:38:03 | bluebrother | gevaerts: ah :) |
18:38:30 | | Join lpereira [0] (~lucien@142.12.92-79.rev.gaoland.net) |
18:38:41 | | Quit CFP (Quit: Quitte) |
18:39:15 | S_a_i_n_t | yorick: You haven't messed with timestretch have you? |
18:39:25 | yorick | S_a_i_n_t: I believe not |
18:39:31 | yorick | it plays other stuff fine |
18:40:13 | S_a_i_n_t | Hmmmm, well..if that's the case (it playing other stuff fine) then I'd suggest the file was broken...not RB |
18:40:25 | yorick | I think skip is broken a bit |
18:40:44 | yorick | S_a_i_n_t: the file plays fine on vlc, totem and other stuff |
18:40:47 | yorick | OF |
18:41:13 | yorick | hmm yes it appears that skip actually isn't skipping anything |
18:41:20 | yorick | just moving the progress bar |
18:41:35 | S_a_i_n_t | what type of file is this? |
18:41:42 | | Quit merbanan (Read error: Operation timed out) |
18:42:00 | pixelma | maybe you set skip length to something other than "track"? |
18:42:10 | yorick | mp3 file |
18:42:19 | yorick | stereo |
18:42:24 | yorick | bitrate 256 kb/s |
18:42:34 | yorick | sample speed 48000 Hz |
18:45:00 | S_a_i_n_t | Can you check "Settings -> Playback Settings -> Skip Length" please? |
18:45:07 | S_a_i_n_t | Just for a sanity check. |
18:46:38 | | Quit mischa_ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
18:47:02 | | Part cjcopi ("out of here") |
18:47:37 | yorick | Skip Track |
18:47:55 | pixelma | there's also another setting called "prevent track skip" or so. |
18:48:15 | yorick | but...update: when playing without skip, it continues to the next track on the time vlc says the length is |
18:48:33 | yorick | when skipping, it only updates the time counter |
18:48:46 | yorick | Prevent Track Skipping: No |
18:49:14 | S_a_i_n_t | Somethings fishy with the file...that's my guess. |
18:49:23 | S_a_i_n_t | What that is exactly...dunno. |
18:49:41 | Luca_S | can you try stripping all the ID3 tags? |
18:49:44 | pixelma | so the track length info is wrong in the WPS (stays at the one of the track you skipped "from")? |
18:50:28 | toffe82 | this look interesting (theora on ARM and modified Tremor decoder) :http://wss.co.uk/pinknoise/theorarm/ |
18:50:42 | yorick | track length info is wrong yes... |
18:51:03 | yorick | and skipping has no effect on the playback, exept for temporarily muting :P |
18:51:43 | yorick | there's something fishy with another file on the same album too |
18:52:03 | yorick | it has a digital click in front of it, and the track length info is a couple of seconds too short |
18:52:07 | pixelma | and you are not pressing the button for too long? Sorry for all my inquiry but I haven't noticed these sort of problems |
18:52:13 | yorick | Luca_S: how do I do that |
18:52:28 | S_a_i_n_t | mp3Tag, or similar |
18:52:29 | | Quit kugel (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
18:52:30 | yorick | pixelma: when I skip it for more than a minute, it hangs...too |
18:52:32 | Luca_S | on Windows, I usually use mp3tag |
18:52:49 | Luca_S | winamp can do that too IIRC |
18:53:05 | pixelma | "skip for more than a minute" - could your rephrase |
18:53:53 | yorick | pixelma: when I hold the button for lets say...10 seconds, it doesn't do anything until I release it |
18:54:25 | stripwax__ | toffe82 - Tremolo has been discussed quite a lot before; I believe we are currently significantly quicker |
18:55:11 | yorick | hmm my other fishy track has id3v2.4 |
18:55:12 | S_a_i_n_t | yorick: I dont understand "it doesn't do anything until I release it" |
18:55:22 | | Join CaptainKewl [0] (jds@207-237-106-60.c3-0.nyr-ubr1.nyr.ny.cable.rcn.com) |
18:55:27 | yorick | S_a_i_n_t: the skipping stops, but the playing doesn't continue |
18:55:30 | S_a_i_n_t | you mean, you can't "see" it seeking? |
18:55:34 | yorick | yes |
18:55:43 | yorick | the time isn't increasing anymore |
18:55:51 | yorick | this only happens "inside" the track length |
18:55:59 | yorick | not when I skip beyond the track length |
18:56:02 | | Join evilnick_ [0] (~evilnick@ool-457bccf5.dyn.optonline.net) |
18:56:45 | S_a_i_n_t | If you ripped the track yourself, try it again. If you "acquired" it somehow...not a lot you can do I guess. |
18:56:50 | yorick | ok...it also happens without id3 tags |
18:56:59 | toffe82 | stripwax__: what about theora on some target ? |
18:57:21 | yorick | except for skipping returns it to 0 |
18:57:27 | yorick | (the track, not the time) |
18:57:42 | S_a_i_n_t | It does seem to me to be a problem with the track itself. |
18:57:54 | yorick | but not in vlc or totem |
18:57:55 | yorick | or OF |
18:58:13 | S_a_i_n_t | *shrugs* |
18:58:33 | pixelma | yorick: could you post the track somewhere? Maybe it's difficult because of license though... |
18:58:45 | pixelma | which OS are you on? |
18:59:03 | stripwax__ | toffe82 - that would indeed be quite interesting, assuming it would have definite advantages over the mpeg video player. i actually don't know a lot aboute theora. |
18:59:06 | Luca_S | VLC can show if some frames are damaged, did you check that? |
18:59:26 | yorick | pixelma: ubuntu |
18:59:28 | yorick | Luca_S: how? |
18:59:55 | Luca_S | Ctrl+J while playing |
19:00 |
19:00:21 | Luca_S | (hope they don't localize keyboard shortcuts) |
19:00:33 | yorick | doesn't show anything strange |
19:00:37 | yorick | just codec information |
19:00:54 | toffe82 | stripwax__: it come become intersting with a lot of video available in this format in the future and the support of Google for the mobile device : http://www.osnews.com/story/23135/Google_Puts_Weight_Behind_Theora_on_Mobile |
19:01:13 | Luca_S | in the statistics |
19:01:13 | | Quit Luca_S (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)) |
19:01:18 | | Join Luca_S [0] (~5711feea@giant.haxx.se) |
19:01:25 | Luca_S | check the Statistics tab |
19:01:37 | Luca_S | there's a Damaged entry, or something like that |
19:01:55 | stripwax__ | and it definitely doesn't contain any unsupported tags or anything like that? |
19:01:56 | yorick | Read Media 249 kB |
19:02:08 | | Quit m3dlg (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
19:02:17 | yorick | Input Bitspeed 259 kb/s Demuxed 246 kB stream bitspeed 255 kb/s damaged 0 interruptions 0 |
19:02:32 | yorick | decoded blocks 318 |
19:02:35 | yorick | played buffers 318 |
19:02:58 | Luca_S | this is after playing the entire file? |
19:03:03 | yorick | no |
19:03:30 | yorick | I'll do that |
19:03:35 | stripwax__ | toffe82 - that news article is more interesting than the video codec :-) |
19:04:30 | linuxstb | yorick: "madplay" could help. Do "madplay -v -o null: file.mp3" |
19:05:22 | * | yorick goes installing madplay |
19:05:23 | | Quit stripwax__ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
19:05:24 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
19:05:37 | yorick | after I figured out how to get my screen back to positive |
19:05:58 | yorick | ah...meta-m |
19:07:05 | yorick | Luca_S: lost buffers: 3 |
19:07:13 | yorick | that's all that changed |
19:08:28 | Luca_S | that shouldn't be a problem - are you sure you stripped all tags from the file? |
19:08:44 | yorick | yes |
19:08:56 | yorick | Luca_S: unknown output format type null? |
19:09:29 | yorick | eh linuxstb |
19:09:32 | Luca_S | I've no other ideas left sorry :( that error is with madplay? I don't know anything abount it, sorry again |
19:11:51 | yorick | linuxstb: http://pastebin.com/maFxNxi4 |
19:13:31 | linuxstb | That would seem to show your file has a couple of ID3-like header frames, then a perfect file. Did you run it through vbrfix? |
19:14:10 | yorick | will do |
19:15:24 | linuxstb | pixelma suggested that a while ago... |
19:16:23 | yorick | it seems to be working now :P |
19:16:24 | yorick | :) |
19:16:25 | yorick | thanks :) |
19:16:39 | * | yorick gone |
19:19:56 | pixelma | comparing to vlc or totem is not completely fair. For PC players which don't run on such limited devices it is far more easy to add fallbacks etc. for slightly broken or out-of-specs files |
19:22:24 | S_a_i_n_t | listening to pixelma could've saved him an hors or so's grief... |
19:22:30 | S_a_i_n_t | *hour |
19:26:45 | | Join Boldfilter [0] (~Boldfilte@adsl-82-104-140.jax.bellsouth.net) |
19:28:04 | | Quit bmbl (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) |
19:42:11 | | Join FlynDice [0] (~FlynDice@ |
19:57:39 | | Part Boldfilter |
20:00 |
20:05:03 | yorick | pixelma: comparing to OF is fair |
20:05:03 | | Quit FlynDice (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
20:07:57 | | Join FlynDice [0] (~FlynDice@ |
20:08:36 | | Quit liar (Quit: Verlassend) |
20:11:44 | | Quit tomers (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
20:18:36 | | Quit Luca_S (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)) |
20:21:07 | | Quit linuxstb (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
20:21:15 | | Quit anewuser (Quit: http://xrl.us/Renoise Like renoise + like music? 3 days to submit your entry!) |
20:33:38 | | Join The-Compiler [0] (~compiler@unaffiliated/the-compiler) |
20:33:41 | The-Compiler | Hi |
20:33:55 | The-Compiler | how can I see if a Sansa Fuze is a v1 or a v2? |
20:36:09 | gevaerts | the only reliable way is to look at the firmware version |
20:38:18 | The-Compiler | V01.01.11F is v1 I guess? :D |
20:39:15 | gevaerts | it is, yes |
20:40:32 | The-Compiler | hmm, so I can get a (a bit scratched) v1 Sansa Fuze for around 30$ |
20:40:35 | The-Compiler | guess I won't say no. |
20:43:09 | | Join anewuser [0] (anewuser@unaffiliated/anewuser) |
20:44:46 | The-Compiler | anewuser: you aren't the same anewuser I know from Rizon, are you? |
20:45:35 | anewuser | botb maybe |
20:47:54 | The-Compiler | ah, yeah, botb, sorry |
20:48:11 | | Join funman [0] (~fun@rockbox/developer/funman) |
20:51:05 | funman | ranma: should the c200v2 be moved to unstable category? |
21:00 |
21:03:02 | | Join fml [0] (~chatzilla@pD9E3DEC8.dip.t-dialin.net) |
21:05:19 | fml | Hello. I just set up a cygwin development environment and get the following error when building the sim for h120: make: *** No rule to make target `/cygdrive/d/work/rb/src/rockbox/build_h120_sim/../src/m_fixed.h', needed by `/cygdrive/d/work/rb/src/rockbox/build_h120_sim/apps/plugins/pdbox/PDa/intern/biquad~.o'. Stop. What is the reason? A sim for e200 builds fine. |
21:05:27 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
21:06:14 | gevaerts | fml: e200 doesn't have pdbox, so that's probably related |
21:06:28 | gevaerts | at least, that's why the e200 sim builds |
21:07:49 | fml | gevaerts: aha! Then I think it has something to do with the older version of gcc. I also got some warnings about ... dont't remember ... something with debugging |
21:08:46 | funman | is the global_settings struct modified directly when changing a setting in the menu ? |
21:09:59 | gevaerts | fml: which gcc version is that? |
21:10:07 | funman | about Clipv2: I just saw 2 crashes in a row at the end of set_cpu_frequency() function, on the bx lr instruction exactly |
21:10:22 | funman | Crashes with Undefined instruction |
21:11:20 | fml | gevaerts: output from configure: Using gcc 3.4.4 (304) |
21:14:57 | funman | FlynDice: ping |
21:16:06 | pixelma | fml: I use gcc 3.4.4 here too, currently trying to build an M3 sim |
21:16:41 | pixelma | I don't know if that one has pdbox but I could try an H100 next. It'll take a while though |
21:16:59 | pixelma | it probably doesn't |
21:17:17 | gevaerts | only h100 and h300 have pdbox |
21:17:59 | gevaerts | the h100 sim with gcc 3.4.6 on linux builds fine |
21:19:17 | pixelma | fml: is this a new cygwin (v. 1.7 I believe)? |
21:21:46 | funman | is someone using the mrobe500? TargetStatus is all green for this model except for rbutil support, and looking at the wiki page all drivers but "remote button" are green, and >= 90% (not detailing what's left in the missing 10%) |
21:22:16 | anewuser | The-Compiler: no worries you n00b! XD |
21:22:53 | pixelma | funman: kkurbjun is the main developer and I think JdGordon had one too once |
21:23:20 | FlynDice | funman: pong |
21:23:43 | gevaerts | funman: the main issue with that one I think is that you need to install a modified OF first |
21:23:48 | funman | FlynDice: I notice a difference between arm922tdmi and arm926ejs about c7 cache operations register |
21:24:22 | funman | gevaerts: i'm just looking at ports which use an arm926ejs / and mmu-arm.S and the mrobe500 looked like the most stable (others are creative zvm, mini2440, and the cowond2) |
21:25:02 | funman | FlynDice: the MVA (virtual address) format is the same, but the indexed format used by invalidate_dcache / clean_dcache / cpucache_flush isn't |
21:27:28 | funman | FlynDice: did you look at this modified format already ? |
21:27:35 | FlynDice | funman: If we used the test-clean functions that would make that problem irrelevant I would think. What do you think? |
21:28:51 | FlynDice | funman: No I have not looked at that at all. I did find those test-clean functions in the OF disassembly though. |
21:30:23 | fml | pixelma: this is the newst cygwin, just downloaded. How can I tell the version? |
21:30:27 | funman | hm yes, use the test-clean loop mentioned in the datasheet and then invalidate the whole cache |
21:31:15 | funman | Torne might know which CPUs use this test&clean operations |
21:31:19 | ThomasAH | funman, FlynDice: does the text viewer crash for you on the clip+, too? |
21:31:47 | ThomasAH | (e.g. when viewing the rockbox info file) |
21:32:03 | funman | yes |
21:32:11 | | Join kramer3d [0] (~kramer@unaffiliated/kramer3d) |
21:33:03 | FlynDice | ThomasAH: I haven't really tried the text viewer, I know album art doesn't work now though. I've got debugg code in place looking at SD writes that prevents normal ops right now... |
21:33:08 | ThomasAH | funman: it did work some days ago |
21:34:02 | | Quit lpereira (Quit: Leaving.) |
21:34:06 | funman | ah no there is a test,clean and invalidate |
21:34:37 | ThomasAH | FlynDice: so "undefined instruction" is expected? |
21:34:56 | | Quit Highlander (Quit: Quitte) |
21:35:22 | The-Compiler | f |
21:35:22 | The-Compiler | . |
21:35:54 | FlynDice | funman: See FS #11106 for test& clean funcs |
21:35:55 | fml | pixelma: yes, cygwin 1.7.4 |
21:36:01 | The-Compiler | ~[6~[6~[6~[6~[6~[6~[6~/sb end |
21:36:14 | The-Compiler | whaaaaah |
21:36:14 | The-Compiler | damn lag, sorry |
21:36:22 | bluebrother | The-Compiler: you ok? |
21:36:39 | The-Compiler | using irc over a mobile connection + ssh, and I lagged, sorry |
21:36:51 | FlynDice | ThomasAH: I'm really not sure I haven't looked at it at all... |
21:38:01 | ThomasAH | FlynDice: ah, ok ... it's not that urgent for me anyway ... and some other crashes are gone, e.g. when listening to .spx files :) |
21:38:48 | | Join Adubb [0] (~Aldubuc@ |
21:38:59 | pixelma | fml: my cygwin install is way older so maybe testing doesn't tell much. I think amiconn experimented a bit with 1.7 but I believe he isn't at the keyboard currently |
21:39:01 | | Part Adubb |
21:39:17 | pixelma | I can try now regardless |
21:39:29 | funman | FlynDice: they should replace invalidate_dcache/invalidate_idcache/clean_dcache ? |
21:39:46 | | Join wodz [0] (~wodz@chello087206240004.chello.pl) |
21:40:07 | fml | pixelma: please do if it wouldn't kill your computer |
21:40:41 | wodz | pixelma: ping |
21:41:08 | pixelma | pong |
21:41:32 | wodz | I saw in log You had some problems with patched Ondio |
21:41:38 | funman | backlight_use_settings() still set the timeout to 0 |
21:42:22 | FlynDice | funman: Yes , I believe so. I added them to mmu-arm.S in that patch so you can use them instead of the others. |
21:43:00 | funman | testing on Clipv2 and + |
21:43:11 | pixelma | wodz: I'm not sure if it was because of the patch. Yesterday in the evening I formatted it again and installed a patched build again and I wasn't able to reproduce afterwards |
21:43:41 | pixelma | but I got some problems compiling an Iaudio M3 patch with this build |
21:43:48 | pixelma | err... patch |
21:43:49 | CIA-5 | New commit by alle (r25570): Use better names for hotkey related constants; add somecomments (FS #11191) |
21:44:28 | pixelma | wodz: ok... I'll try again: an Iaudio sim with this patch |
21:45:12 | wodz | pixelma: hmm let me see |
21:45:16 | FlynDice | funman: I replaced the clean-dcache in pcm-as3525.c to test and it worked fine for me with clip+ |
21:45:49 | funman | various parts of rockbox use cpucache_flush() though |
21:46:15 | FlynDice | funman: I think that's the only place we're using cache-coherency right now |
21:46:31 | funman | http://pastebin.org/144705 |
21:46:46 | bluebrother | has the download location of the irc logs changed? |
21:47:11 | FlynDice | funman: Oh yes, I need to expand my horizons, I am completely as3525v1/v2- centric ;-) |
21:47:14 | funman | plugins/codecs must flush the icache because we use self-modifying code (code loaded in the buffers) |
21:47:30 | * | funman slaps FlynDice with an as3525v3 |
21:48:00 | funman | bluebrother: no? http://www.rockbox.org/irc |
21:48:50 | bluebrother | funman: ah, figured it. I managed to retrieve the wrong url when I last improved my download script |
21:48:57 | * | bluebrother should completely rework that |
21:49:19 | | Quit TillW (Remote host closed the connection) |
21:49:21 | funman | oops another undefined instruction at the end of set_cpu_frequency(), there's definitely something wrong here |
21:52:23 | funman | Torne: you had pasted a link to a symbian header with various defines for capabilities of different ARM cpus, can you point me to it again please? |
21:52:58 | funman | FlynDice: that might explain the random crashes on plugin entry / codec buffering |
21:53:09 | wodz | pixelma: whats wrong with Iaudio M3 sim? |
21:54:40 | wodz | pixelma, I just builded it cleanly |
21:55:13 | wodz | aa wait not cleanly |
21:56:41 | FlynDice | funman: Now that you mention it, didn't saratoga solve a similar problem with the v1's in a similar way? |
21:56:55 | funman | i can't remember |
21:57:05 | FlynDice | I'll go back and look |
21:57:20 | funman | perhaps you think of codec buffering in buffering.c, on targets with 2MB of memory ? |
21:58:08 | FlynDice | no, it was before that we were getting random crashes, your self-modifying code comment is what made me think of it |
21:59:14 | pixelma | fml: I get the same error on my cygwin when building an h100 sim, I almost missed it though |
22:00 |
22:00:01 | pixelma | the warnings before are old though and don't hurt |
22:00:07 | fml | pixelma: weird! But it's good that it's reproducible |
22:00:17 | CIA-5 | New commit by funman (r25571): as3525v2: set_cpu_frequency() ... |
22:00:37 | pixelma | wodz: something about redifining things (and some MAS.xyz files which made me wonder too) |
22:00:47 | pixelma | redefining |
22:01:09 | funman | FlynDice: r21647 (e6d5e57fb052120e3092e6b01587eb94faa32c90 in my git tree) |
22:01:18 | wodz | pixelma: Yes now I see it. I must have overlook this :-/ |
22:05:23 | | Join Blue_Dude [0] (~chatzilla@adsl-235-206-131.mco.bellsouth.net) |
22:05:48 | funman | FlynDice: it's called "__armv5tej_mmu_cache_flush" in linux (arch/arm/boot/compressed/head.S) |
22:06:54 | funman | on wikipedia I only see armv5TE, only the J bit is optional |
22:07:45 | FlynDice | funman: does it help? |
22:08:11 | funman | well we could just use ARCH_ARM (4 or 5) to discriminate the 2 implementations, armv6 has its own file |
22:10:21 | wodz | pixelma: besides warning when compiling sim have You noticed any other problems with patch? |
22:11:40 | FlynDice | lunchtime, back in 30 |
22:11:41 | CIA-5 | New commit by alle (r25572): Use a special constant so that we don't have to care about the actual line numbers |
22:13:49 | funman | Torne: can you comment on FS #11106 ? (about armv5) |
22:16:25 | Blue_Dude | Hey alle, you on? |
22:17:58 | pixelma | called fml in IRC |
22:18:10 | Blue_Dude | k |
22:18:15 | Blue_Dude | fml: you on? |
22:18:29 | fml | Blue_Dude: yes |
22:18:32 | * | Blue_Dude is irritated at simplelist weirdness. |
22:18:41 | wodz | pixelma? |
22:18:52 | fml | Blue_Dude: what do you mean? |
22:18:57 | Blue_Dude | How did you get simplelist to work? I kept getting repeated lines. |
22:19:24 | Blue_Dude | That's where the hard line numbers came from. Finillay hit on something that worked. Until you also made it work the right way. |
22:19:47 | fml | Blue_Dude: have you seen my note about lang_id in the hotkey assignments? |
22:20:01 | Blue_Dude | Um... maybe? |
22:20:14 | pixelma | wodz: other than the mentioned problem with my Ondio which I'm not sure where it came from - no. I'd like to test a bit longer and maybe you can get someone who knows the code better to review the patch (I'd think amiconn would be interested) |
22:20:24 | Blue_Dude | fml: I did get rid of the extra variables. |
22:21:12 | wodz | pixelma: good to know I didn't broken something obvious |
22:21:22 | wodz | s/broken/broke/ |
22:21:42 | pixelma | break :) |
22:21:48 | wodz | yeh |
22:22:00 | fml | Blue_Dude: you have to set the number of lines to 0 and then start to add them. You set the number to 2. |
22:22:09 | wodz | gramma is not my strong point |
22:22:37 | Blue_Dude | fml: re simplelist, IIRC I added the number of lines last, which made it behave. And I never went back to do it "right". That was a frustrating afternoon. |
22:23:30 | Blue_Dude | fml: I like your version better. I think that's how it was supposed to work. |
22:23:38 | fml | Blue_Dude: I mean the lang_id field in the hotkey_assignment struct. It can be inferred from the menu |
22:24:35 | Blue_Dude | fml: No, didn't see that note. |
22:25:25 | | Join Adubb [0] (~Aldubuc@ |
22:25:25 | CIA-5 | New commit by alle (r25573): Reset the number of lines to 0 when initializing the simple list |
22:25:45 | funman | it would be nice to enable backlight in system-arm.c::UIE() but I don't know if all the targets can enable the backlight with interrupts disabled |
22:26:08 | fml | Blue_Dude: look in the irc log. Thursday, I think. |
22:26:53 | fml | Blue_Dude: I like r25573 even better. Just init the struct and then add the lines. No need to worry about the line numbers. |
22:27:39 | Blue_Dude | fml: Me too. |
22:28:27 | fml | Blue_Dude: what do you think about lang_id? Why not take it from the menu pointed to by menu_addr? |
22:30:03 | | Join emrecelikten [0] (~58f17796@gateway/web/freenode/x-jehqoyiyqdlqkgcs) |
22:30:08 | Blue_Dude | fml: That's what I did originally, and stored it in the global variable. But if you go back to retrieve it for display in the simplelist, the menu pointer isn't going to help you. |
22:31:00 | wodz | why the hell svn diff produces patches which do not cleanly remove files? |
22:31:03 | CIA-5 | New commit by alle (r25574): Fix typos in comments |
22:32:07 | fml | Blue_Dude: why not? Aren't those menu structs global? |
22:32:27 | fml | Blue_Dude: what did you store in a global variable? |
22:32:27 | | Quit Topy (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.) |
22:32:42 | | Join kifo [0] (~brendan@71-208-127-81.hlrn.qwest.net) |
22:32:42 | Blue_Dude | fml: They are, but they keyed from the actual selected menu item. Once you leave the menu, the selection changes. |
22:32:45 | kifo | hello |
22:33:10 | | Part Adubb |
22:33:21 | Blue_Dude | fml: Stored the associated lang_id. |
22:33:24 | kifo | I looked through the site/googled so sorry if this is somewhere, I don't have too much time to look much further; |
22:33:25 | pixelma | wodz: did you remove the files with svn or just deleted them in your tree? |
22:33:38 | wodz | I tried both |
22:34:02 | | Join Topy44 [0] (~topy@my.fastsh.it) |
22:34:16 | kifo | I have a sansa clp+, and rockbox currently does not have write priv's on this player, ive got the theme how i wanted it in a text editor, however im having trouble making it the default theme loaded on startup, even placing it as rockbox_default.cfg |
22:34:20 | kifo | anything im missing? |
22:34:22 | wodz | svn diff mangles $Id line which prevent from clean patching |
22:34:33 | Blue_Dude | fml: Consider this though: the extra info only costs 4 bytes per entry and lookup is fast and simple. Not necessarily so if you have to search on the function pointer for instance. |
22:34:37 | kifo | i can just change the theme each time i start up rockbox but thats a pain |
22:34:58 | Llorean | kifo: Rockbox_default isn't really the default theme |
22:35:04 | pixelma | kifo: edit the config.cfg on your player |
22:35:08 | kifo | i thought it was cabbiev2 |
22:35:18 | kifo | at least it seemed to be |
22:35:23 | Llorean | You didn't mention cabbiev2 |
22:35:37 | pixelma | hmm... if there is no write support that file possibly doesn't exist |
22:35:40 | kifo | well i have cabbiev2 in as cabbiev2 and as rockbox_default |
22:35:51 | kifo | pixelma: it doesnt but i can create it, i just now googled that |
22:35:59 | * | kifo missed the obvious |
22:36:03 | kifo | *d'oh* |
22:36:31 | kifo | which theme does rockbox usually pick as default if no config.cfg is specified |
22:36:50 | kifo | i was just going to delete all of the other themes but that seems a little blunt |
22:37:06 | pixelma | kifo: I'd probably use a simulator, set everything to my likes and then move the sim's config.cfg to my player - should work |
22:37:43 | | Quit Topy44 (Client Quit) |
22:37:44 | kifo | oh so i can just copy the themes cfg to .rockbox/config.cfg |
22:38:05 | wodz | sorry for stupid question but how to create patch with svn diff that removes file? |
22:38:13 | kifo | i shoulda noticed a few things on the config.cfg wiki page sorry |
22:38:26 | bluebrother | wodz: svn rm the file first, then svn diff |
22:39:24 | kifo | btw congrats on getting rockbox on the clip+ into unstable so quickly |
22:39:28 | kifo | just to the general community |
22:39:37 | kifo | if i recall correctly a few months ago it wasnt even booting |
22:40:16 | wodz | bluebrother: this do not change anything |
22:40:18 | kifo | wish i were more tech-saavy i coulda gotten some help in to get it done sooner |
22:40:46 | bluebrother | wodz: how are you creating the patch? |
22:41:05 | Blue_Dude | All: I'm still sitting on the bookmark patch. Any issues with committing it soon? |
22:41:26 | kifo | yeeha copying the cabbiev2.cfg to .rockbox/config.cfg worked great! |
22:41:49 | kifo | cant believe i missed that ha |
22:42:05 | wodz | bluebrother: 1) get fresh svn copy 2) svn rm file 3) svn diff >my.patch |
22:42:15 | bluebrother | wodz: it works for me if I "svn rm file; svn diff ." |
22:42:34 | | Join nileshtrivedi [0] (~nilesh@2.snat-111-91-115.hns.net.in) |
22:42:36 | fml | Blue_Dude: you shouldn't need to look up. Just use x->menu_addr->lang-id instead of x->lang_id |
22:42:37 | bluebrother | that's weird. |
22:43:10 | wodz | I must miss something obvious |
22:44:46 | Blue_Dude | fml: Working with the menu structs gave me a headache. If there's a way to grab the lang_id cleanly that would be helpful. |
22:45:35 | funman | wodz: check with 'svn st' to see if it's deleted (D) |
22:46:17 | Blue_Dude | fml: In other words, she's all yours. :) |
22:46:59 | wodz | funman: Yes it is |
22:48:32 | Blue_Dude | *Nobody* has any more opinions on bookmarks? I'm shocked! |
22:49:46 | | Join alex_1 [0] (~alex@pool-98-111-169-188.phlapa.east.verizon.net) |
22:50:04 | * | bluebrother already stated his opinion on the ml |
22:51:14 | * | Blue_Dude doesn't recall any concerns that weren't addressed. |
22:51:45 | Blue_Dude | I changed it back so that current bookmarks are completely unaffected. Only new ones change pitch and speed. |
22:52:48 | funman | FlynDice: clipv2 still running with fs#11106 (with cpufreq forced to max though), while it would crash in 15 minutes |
22:53:04 | funman | clip+ crashed 2 times already (cpufreq left free) |
22:53:19 | Blue_Dude | bluebrother: Wasn't that your main concern? |
22:55:03 | kifo | funman: hwat you think of the clip+ rockbox |
22:55:04 | bluebrother | Blue_Dude: yes |
22:55:05 | kifo | thusfar |
22:55:30 | kifo | i just noticed that it was semi functional last night |
22:55:36 | kifo | sorta forgot to check for a while |
22:55:46 | wodz | bluebrother: You said it works for You. Have You examined 'rockbox' header of the patch created by svn diff? It has empty $Id line |
22:55:53 | | Quit kifo (Quit: shoot late for class) |
22:55:59 | wodz | this prevent cleanly apply patch |
22:56:19 | bluebrother | empty $Id$ line? Empty in what sense? |
22:56:42 | bluebrother | svn diff shouldn't diff that line as you don't change it. |
22:57:20 | wodz | http://pastebin.com/CK5tNFCU |
22:57:52 | bluebrother | wodz: what's the problem with that? |
22:57:53 | wodz | this is what I get if I svn rm firmware/drivers/mas.c ; svn diff |
22:58:06 | fml | Blue_Dude: I don't use bookmarks. But I didn't like the name TIMESTR (wrote in in the FS task) |
22:58:10 | wodz | line 13 |
22:58:15 | | Join Topy44 [0] (~topy@my.fastsh.it) |
22:58:32 | bluebrother | wodz: check if the svn:keywords property is set on that file |
22:58:58 | Blue_Dude | fml: I left a comment there. I changed it to BM_SPEED, along with some other code readability changes. |
22:58:58 | alex_1 | hi all, is c250 sansa supposed to play Real Audio G2 (Cook) files with 3.5.1? I get codec failure... thanks. |
22:59:01 | bluebrother | also, svn doesn't store the expanded string |
22:59:32 | bluebrother | alex_1: codec failure means that you haven't installed Rockbox properly |
23:00 |
23:00:04 | fml | Blue_Dude: if noone spokeup then just commit it if you feel it's clean. |
23:01:05 | alex_1 | ok. it played other files without problems... |
23:01:55 | | Quit Topy44 (Client Quit) |
23:02:22 | wodz | bluebrother: so in general You say thats the way svn diff works? |
23:02:27 | | Join Topy44 [0] (~topy@my.fastsh.it) |
23:02:41 | bluebrother | wodz: yes |
23:02:54 | wodz | thats braindead |
23:03:32 | wodz | or is there svn patch or something which handles this? |
23:04:31 | bluebrother | none that I know of. |
23:05:02 | bluebrother | however, keywords is broken by itself anyway. There's a reason DVCS usually dislike (or don't support at all) them |
23:05:18 | wodz | so svn diff produces diff file which is guarantead to not apply cleanly... |
23:05:26 | | Quit alex_1 (Quit: Leaving) |
23:05:29 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
23:05:36 | | Join pamaury [0] (~pamaury@rockbox/developer/pamaury) |
23:05:42 | | Join Darkknight512 [0] (~Darkknigh@CPE00212968356c-CM00186845dd46.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) |
23:06:55 | Blue_Dude | fml: I think I will. Just wanted a last minute poll in case there were problems. |
23:08:37 | * | bluebrother wouldn't mind getting lost of keywords |
23:09:41 | fml | Blue_Dude: if the ML didn't bring any feedback then I think it's of no use to wait any longer. Be prepared however that people will speak after the commit. This works like this here: as long as it's not committed nobody notices it :-) |
23:10:15 | Blue_Dude | :) |
23:10:30 | | Join GeekShadow [0] (~Antoine@reactos/tester/GeekShadow) |
23:10:50 | bluebrother | in contrast to other occasions there _was_ a bit of discussion on the ml :) |
23:10:51 | * | pixelma frowns |
23:11:21 | CIA-5 | New commit by alle (r25575): Use the existing type instead of defining an ad hoc one |
23:12:29 | Blue_Dude | bluebrother: ...which resulted in a better patch. |
23:12:54 | | Join m3dlg [0] (~m3dlg@bb-87-81-252-83.ukonline.co.uk) |
23:14:00 | funman | hm not sure if we're there yet, a whole album played fine on the clipv2 but the clip+ crashes in 3 minutes (cpufreq forced to maximum) |
23:17:11 | CIA-5 | New commit by Blue_Dude (r25576): New bookmarks contain pitch and speed info. Old bookmarks still work, behavior unchanged. |
23:18:31 | | Part nileshtrivedi |
23:22:40 | fml | What does ID2P(LANG_xxx) do? Does it return the "expanded" value of LANG_xxx? |
23:27:09 | pixelma | pitch is swcodec only |
23:27:15 | Blue_Dude | fml: returns a virtual pointer to the lang_id. Whatever that is. Menus seem to like it. |
23:28:10 | pixelma | are bookmarks interchangeable between targets, assuming same file structure? |
23:28:24 | fml | Blue_Dude: i.e. ID (int) as a pointer? And how do I get the real string? With str(...)? |
23:28:34 | Blue_Dude | pixelma: True, but the pitch set should always work even if it's ignored... Dad blam it, no it doesnt. |
23:28:43 | Blue_Dude | OK, fixing it. |
23:29:09 | Blue_Dude | pixelma: no, not really. They are file tree or playlist dependent. |
23:29:52 | Blue_Dude | pixelma: I missed the last bit. Yes, they are interchangeable, but I'm not sure why you'd want to. |
23:33:06 | fml | Where is the macro (or function?) "str" defined? I can't find it. |
23:33:59 | | Quit kramer3d (Quit: Leaving) |
23:34:30 | | Quit yorick (Quit: Poef!) |
23:36:23 | Blue_Dude | fml: not in settings.h? |
23:37:02 | Blue_Dude | fml: The real string is at str(LANG_ID) |
23:37:11 | Blue_Dude | But I don't remember where the function is. |
23:37:24 | fml | Blue_Dude: it's used in settings.h:216, but where is it defined? |
23:37:31 | | Quit Strife89 (Quit: New VB version.) |
23:38:18 | | Quit CaptainKewl (Quit: ( www.nnscript.com :: NoNameScript 4.22 :: www.esnation.com )) |
23:41:03 | CIA-5 | New commit by Blue_Dude (r25577): Fix bookmarks for hwcodec targets |
23:44:28 | Blue_Dude | apps/bookmark.c:971: warning: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules |
23:44:32 | Blue_Dude | ??? |
23:44:42 | Blue_Dude | Doesn't like the cast I guess. |
23:44:56 | Blue_Dude | But it doesn't happen on all targets. |
23:47:37 | Blue_Dude | What's up with that? |
23:48:23 | | Join ibseo [0] (~hd@p5B160737.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
23:49:22 | funman | why casting int to long ? |
23:50:01 | funman | atoi() returns int anyway |
23:51:58 | | Join Strife89 [0] (~michael@adsl-154-2-63.mcn.bellsouth.net) |
23:52:00 | Blue_Dude | funman: passing a pointer to a long. Could pass a pointer to an int, but would still have to cast to use the same function. I'll probably have to duplicate the function to avoid the warn. |
23:53:27 | * | pixelma wonders why the track info screen vanishes with "backlight off" in an M3 sim |
23:53:29 | funman | where do you pass a pointer to a long ? |
23:53:42 | pixelma | and you're back in the WPS |
23:53:58 | CIA-5 | New commit by Blue_Dude (r25578): Fix yellow: pointer cast |
23:54:05 | | Quit petur (Remote host closed the connection) |
23:54:07 | funman | only resume_offset is long, not sure why it's not an int |
23:54:39 | funman | is sizeof(int) != sizeof(long) on SH ? |
23:55:05 | funman | ah i missed resume time |
23:55:20 | Blue_Dude | funman: resume_offset is in different places: in int, a long, an unsigned long, a uint32_t, a size_t, and that's those I can remember. |
23:55:36 | Blue_Dude | I tried to fix all that but it was a mess. |
23:55:42 | funman | oh ok :( |
23:55:44 | Blue_Dude | So I punted. |
23:56:05 | fml | Hrmmm... Can anybody tell me how str(...) is used and where it's defined? |
23:56:22 | Blue_Dude | Most of those are typedef'ed the same but that's probably not for all targets. |
23:57:28 | | Join Adubb [0] (~Aldubuc@ |
23:57:37 | funman | ./gdb/arm-stub.c:#define str(s) #s |
23:57:38 | funman | ./gdb/arm-stub.c:#define str(s) #s |
23:58:14 | Blue_Dude | Well, it's fixed but it's not pretty. |
23:58:53 | Blue_Dude | str is in \build\lang\lang.h |
23:58:58 | Blue_Dude | fml: \build\lang\lang.h |