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#rockbox log for 2010-04-24

00:06:40 Quit T44 (Quit: Leaving)
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00:46:03 Quit jgarvey (Quit: Leaving)
00:46:09 Quit ender` (Quit: I'm a complex person. I have a real and an imaginary part.)
00:56:50 Quit w1ll14m (Quit: HydraIRC -> <- IRC with a difference)
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01:18:05 Quit efyx (Remote host closed the connection)
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01:25:21 Part toffe82
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01:36:42 Join Unhelpful [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/Unhelpful)
01:44:18 Join will__ [0] (~chatzilla@
01:44:39will__is the RB game "Bubbles" a re-make of some old popular game? If so what was the original games name?
01:45:34krazykit`puzzle bobble, aka bust-a-move
01:45:58will__thanks a lot :)
02:01:05 Join tchan [0] (~tchan@lunar-linux/developer/tchan)
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02:27:56 Quit komputes (Quit: I haven't slept for ten days, because that would be too long.)
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03:58:20 Quit DerPapst (Quit: Leaving.)
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05:42:41 Join matt\ [0] (
05:46:18matt\Is Rockbox supposed to allow my 4G iPod to control my computer's volume using the click wheel?
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05:49:39matt\Do the buttons do anything? I noticed that the center button mutes, but the others don't seem to do anything.
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06:18:27n1sany forum admins around that could mive
06:20:13n1smove, even
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08:04:20 Quit anewuser (Quit: What do you know...THE WORLD'S first NTRQ (that's for NES/FAMICOM) tracking compo. Have powerpak? Try it out! Otherwise ROM IMAGE.)
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09:44:47mussuplease help i have an ipod 4g and I restored and this icon of a plug and outlet come up. i just want to install rockbox but I can't get the disk recovery mode to come up no matter what I do it's just the icon of a plug and wall outlet.
09:45:19tmzt_charge with hardware charger and then connect to iTunes
09:45:28tmzt_I don't have iPod so I can't really help
09:45:47tmzt_this is also not a rockbox specific question, you would probably do better to search the web
09:45:53S_a_i_n_thave you tried hard reset (menu+select), then menu+play?
09:45:57mussui've had this problem before and i searched the web for hours.
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09:46:09mussuyet i tried that thousands of times.. i've had this problem before..
09:46:32mussui got it to restore one time by plugging it into a usb to ps/2 adapter which is plugged into a ps/2 to usb adapter
09:46:40mussuand now i can't.. and my power adapter doesn't work
09:46:42S_a_i_n_tBut, tmzt_ is correct...this *is* a Rockbox channel...
09:46:59S_a_i_n_tit sounds however, like the "very low battery" icon.
09:47:12mussui can get that icon to come up sometimes
09:47:12S_a_i_n_tTry charging it a while.
09:47:34mussui tried hah.. it's like.. you HAVE to have the OFFICIAL power brick
09:47:42mussuwhich i do not have access to
09:47:45S_a_i_n_tNo, you don't.
09:48:05mussuyou don't?
09:48:14S_a_i_n_tWell, you probably don't have it...but you don;t *need* it either.
09:48:47mussui mean, i plugged it into every concievable usb slot combo .. and then i plugged it into an official power brick and it restored.. but i restored it in macpod mode
09:48:51S_a_i_n_tShowing that I guess is just a vague suggestion, "charge your iPod"
09:48:56mussuso i accidently formatted it in windows
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09:49:25S_a_i_n_tAaaaaaaaanyway, this isn't an iPod support channel.
09:49:27mussuwhich caused me to have to restore it.. so wanted to avoid this problem, i restored it manually by DD'ing an official ipod image to the empty partition
09:49:33S_a_i_n_tThis is a Rockbox support channel.
09:49:50mussuis there a better channel that talks about ipod firmware?
09:50:02*S_a_i_n_t suggests Google
09:50:08mussuor bootloader.. that's why i thought rockbox was appropriate.. i apologize
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09:54:28S_a_i_n_tmussu: It's more than likely the wrong time of day, but you could *try* #rockbox-community, the exact same people will be in there (or most of them) and it won't be off-topic to ask such a question in there...
09:54:46S_a_i_n_tNo promises though, there doesn't seem to be many people about at the moment.
09:55:31mussui'll try that, thank you
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11:04:11JdGordonjhMikeS: do you want the usb tracer?
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11:50:17Luca_Sfunman (for the logs): FuzeV2 - I did the battery bench without CPU frequency scaling. lame_128.mp3 played in loop for 13hrs 30minutes. The difference is about 4hrs.
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11:51:51n1sTheSeven: any progress on that nano 4g bootloader?
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11:53:02TheSevennot much
11:53:18TheSeveni haven't had much time during the last month, and this is just a huge mess
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14:22:10kugelinteresting patch at FS #11216
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14:40:29antawhi guys
14:40:46antawim near a heartattack, and hope you can help me
14:41:17antawgot rockbox on a ipod nano 2g, works perfect so far. but HOW THE FUCK am i able to delete music from the player? O.o
14:41:36ender`delete the file and it's gone
14:41:49antawi thought so. but it is still here and playable
14:41:54antawyes i updated the db
14:42:07antawand yes, i rebooted
14:42:35gevaertswhile it's playing, go to the context menu, and get properties. That should tell you where the file is I think
14:43:45antawholy shit, i've got it. i used it under a linux machine, so the .trash directory wasn't showed... shame on me, thank you very much
14:44:29gevaertsYou might want to have a look at the disktidy plugin :)
14:45:21antawsounds good :)
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16:10:31CIA-5New commit by learman (r25706): FS #11099 - Rewind before resume
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16:19:07CIA-5New commit by learman (r25707): Fix red
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17:31:12ncfi1013_will rockbox work on an ipod nano 4th gen 8gb?
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17:31:55antawwell, hi again. someone who can tell me why rockbox on ipod nano 2g displays all my files double / triple in the database interface?
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17:54:10pixelmancfi1013: is the 4th gen Nano in the list on the Rockbox front page?
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17:55:11pixelmaantaw: you mentioned earlier that you still had tracks in a .trashes folder, did you clean it up and updated the database?
17:58:32antawsure, it changed nothing. i used google and found out that some other guys have the same problem on other devices. they said it will help if you delete the rockbox-database-files. i deleted them, still same problem after database update
18:00:13pixelmaif you play them and look at the track info - does it show the same or different paths for the two or three tracks?
18:01:09antawit's exactly the same path. the track is saved only once, but showed twice
18:03:14pixelmawhich database files did you delete and/or did you try initialising the database (not updating it)? The latter should delete the old database files too or overwrite them completely
18:05:23antawi deleted every file, except the databse.ignore and i tried both, updating and initiaising. i deleted the complete music and filled it in again
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18:06:45pixelmaall the .tcd ones?
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18:09:35pixelmaand you really have no trashes or similar folder on your device anymore? I'm running out of ideas then, the only other thing I would try is looking for file system errors
18:10:26antawim absolutely sure the trash is empty, checked it three times :/. maybe i will try to reinstall rockbox
18:11:46pixelmayou have a Nano right? Did you put music on it through iTunes before?
18:12:42antawnot me, the owner of the device.
18:15:16soapregardless, what pixelma might have been getting at is "are you sure there is no music in the hidden Apple folders?"
18:16:08antawthere is. should i delete it?
18:16:46soapIs that where duplicate files are hiding with their obfuscated names?
18:17:42antawnope, the duplicated files are transfered via usb/rockbox
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18:53:21jhMikeSJdGordon: Thanks (about tracer). Not sure it's worth bothering over for this issue.
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19:52:24Lloreanantaw: If you create a playlist with some duplicate files (so that both copies of the file are in the playlist) then edit the playlist, does it show the same path to each file?
19:54:12antawyes it did. i fixed it now with a complete reinstall of rockbox. hope it doesnt happen again
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