00:00:09 | | Join fml [0] (~chatzilla@p5DD2D7F0.dip.t-dialin.net) |
00:00:22 | Bagder | there's no such project within Rockbox |
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00:01:03 | fml | AlexP: hello! The section about the UI Viewport still conains obsolete info about the font |
00:01:17 | petur | grrrr... If I set max filesize small to debug, recordings get split, if I set it to anything near 2GB, it doesn't... WTF |
00:01:23 | | Join r0b- [0] (~nnscript@adsl-76-235-162-105.dsl.klmzmi.sbcglobal.net) |
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00:01:29 | Meekrab | well, the zune project in general, you know what I mean, i think |
00:01:39 | Bagder | which zune project? |
00:01:40 | S_a_i_n_t | There isn't one. |
00:01:47 | Bagder | and no I don't know what you mean |
00:02:18 | Bagder | this is Rockbox, and there's no zune port going on that we know of |
00:03:04 | Meekrab | Well, I'm pleasured to say i will start this project. |
00:03:07 | | Join stripwax [0] (~Miranda@87-194-34-169.bethere.co.uk) |
00:03:11 | fml | AlexP: there are also some places where nice apostrophes are used inside code |
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00:03:27 | Bagder | Meekrab: welcome, we always enjoy more ports! |
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00:08:56 | Jerom | Will the AMSv2 port promoted to stable when USB will be working ? |
00:09:26 | Jerom | be* |
00:10:17 | | Join dfkt [0] (~dfkt@unaffiliated/dfkt) |
00:10:57 | bertrik | I don't think so, but this will probably be re-evaluated a few weeks before the next rockbox release |
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00:14:19 | Trou | hello, I just wanted to say "thank you, a lot" for the work you're doing on the Sansa Clip+ |
00:14:28 | Trou | it's really awesome. |
00:15:49 | bertrik | nice to hear it's appreciated :) |
00:15:59 | | Quit petur (Quit: Zzzzz) |
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00:16:44 | Trou | i've been using it since the first builds, the progress is impressive :) |
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00:19:54 | bertrik | Trou, if the radio on your Clip+ didn't work a week ago, it should work now |
00:20:31 | Trou | yeah i've seen the svn changes, I didn't try it though, I don't use it |
00:20:39 | Trou | but I can test if you want |
00:20:57 | bertrik | Some nice progress was made today on USB for AMSv2 (like the Clip+) |
00:21:26 | Trou | for usb storage support ? |
00:21:30 | | Join leavittx [0] (~leavittx@ |
00:21:53 | bertrik | Trou, yes, eventually |
00:22:00 | Trou | nice |
00:25:01 | | Join M3DLG [0] (~M3DLG@bb-87-81-252-83.ukonline.co.uk) |
00:27:11 | Trou | hmm I have no sound with FM |
00:27:36 | Trou | ah now it works |
00:27:37 | Trou | weird |
00:27:45 | | Quit Milardo2 (Quit: Leaving) |
00:29:10 | | Quit Jerom (Quit: Leaving.) |
00:29:17 | | Quit ender` (Quit: Washing your car to make it rain doesn't work.) |
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00:50:36 | funman | should lossless files be more sensitive to bitstream corruption ? |
00:52:04 | funman | (than lossy files) |
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02:07:12 | saratoga | funman: well the files are much larger, so errors are more likely |
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02:07:46 | saratoga | most lossy codecs are pretty robust against errors, since each block is so short and they are made to resync if packets are lost |
02:07:57 | | Quit detaos (Remote host closed the connection) |
02:08:08 | saratoga | not sure about lossless files, probably depends on the individual format and how much thought they'd given to error robustness |
02:11:03 | | Join detaos [0] (~quassel@ip72-218-104-242.hr.hr.cox.net) |
02:12:57 | | Quit dfkt_ (Quit: -= SysReset 2.53=- Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.) |
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02:54:43 | CIA-8 | New commit by mc2739 (r27036): FS #11427 by Marek Salaba: Update of Czech language |
02:56:36 | CIA-8 | r27036 build result: All green |
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03:17:48 | | Join Transformer [0] (~Transform@ool-4a59e397.dyn.optonline.net) |
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03:58:53 | hatoon | what rockbox does, he is a program that read mp3 and mp4, or editing music |
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04:02:33 | saratoga | hatoon: http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/WhyRockbox |
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05:11:48 | CIA-8 | New commit by jethead71 (r27037): e200v1: What's the wheel deal? Rework wheel code to make it a bit more straightforward and increase control a bit. Change button interrupt to clear ... |
05:13:34 | CIA-8 | r27037 build result: All green |
05:14:19 | S_a_i_n_t | Comical Commit messages FTW! |
05:14:42 | jhMikeS | :-) |
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06:00:37 | CIA-8 | New commit by jethead71 (r27038): lv24020lp tuner: On PP targets (c200/e200), use the atomic GPIO bitwise macros for the interface since it shares GPIOH with the clickwheel interrupt. |
06:02:28 | CIA-8 | r27038 build result: All green |
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07:00:03 | bieber | JdGordon, S_a_i_n_t: ping |
07:00:37 | AzureSky | what was the command to compile the cross compilers again? |
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07:46:56 | CIA-8 | New commit by ranma (r27039): usb_storage seems to be working now, enable USE_ROCKBOX_USB on C200v2, other AMSv1 untested. |
07:47:11 | funman | ranma: cool! |
07:47:19 | funman | i think we should enable it on all targets |
07:47:26 | funman | i'll test fuzev1/clipv1 shortly |
07:48:44 | CIA-8 | r27039 build result: All green |
07:50:22 | funman | ranma: UNCACHED_ADDR is not defined for AS3525, do we need to check for it in usb_storage.c ? (I'd prefer if we remove this from common usb code btw) |
07:51:06 | funman | btw *_dcache_range() don't work? |
07:53:24 | ranma | funman: Well it seems to be defined, that was the reason usb_storage was passing me uncached pointers to the buffer |
07:53:35 | ranma | I'll try dcache_ragen now |
07:54:02 | funman | i changed it to AS3525_UNCACHED_ADDR to workaround this |
07:54:43 | ranma | Ah, ok, didn't know that |
08:00 |
08:02:12 | funman | ranma: running lsusb -v still causes problem |
08:03:27 | ranma | But mounting works? |
08:03:37 | funman | yeah i'm trying to write some stuff |
08:03:54 | * | ranma is still recompiling |
08:04:05 | funman | device descriptor read/64, error -110 + reset |
08:06:11 | funman | copying rockbox.sansa is enough to lock fuzev1 |
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08:10:41 | | Quit kaylinsigswort (Quit: Leaving...) |
08:12:51 | | Join bmbl [0] (~Miranda@unaffiliated/bmbl) |
08:15:55 | ranma | funman: I see that usb-drv-as3525.c gets the setup packet (and passes it to the usb core), but the usb core doesn't seem to want to respond? |
08:16:10 | funman | i know nothing of usb |
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08:22:44 | ranma | Hmm, looks like the usb thread is stuck somehow. |
08:23:24 | ranma | Normally it should be "ctrl received 1883" and next "ctrl handled 1883" (from the thread) |
08:23:37 | ranma | But in the lsusb case I just see the former |
08:27:44 | | Join Zagor [0] (bjst@rockbox/developer/Zagor) |
08:38:56 | S_a_i_n_t | bieber_: You rang? |
08:39:31 | funman | i ran test_disk on fuzev2 while the ape decoder outputted noise : "Test passed." |
08:39:34 | bieber_ | Hey, how are images and text placed in viewports? |
08:39:59 | S_a_i_n_t | I think you'll need to define the question a little better. |
08:40:07 | S_a_i_n_t | you mean, which tags? |
08:40:08 | bieber_ | Does text wrap? And how are images aligned? Do you normally mix the two together in viewports? |
08:40:20 | bieber_ | I mean in terms of display |
08:40:49 | S_a_i_n_t | text doesn't wrap, it scrolls, but only if the %s tag is present, otherwise it just exceded the viewport limit. |
08:41:08 | S_a_i_n_t | images are placed by the top leftmost pixel. |
08:41:33 | bieber_ | Okay, and if you have, say, text after an image, does it just start immediately to the right of the image? |
08:41:40 | S_a_i_n_t | ie. to display an image in the top left of a viewport, you'd give it x,y coordinates of 0,0 |
08:41:59 | S_a_i_n_t | Nope, you need to do all the alignment manually. |
08:42:17 | S_a_i_n_t | otherwise text will try to draw on top of, or behind said image. |
08:42:22 | bieber_ | Okay |
08:42:31 | bieber_ | Do you have to use another viewport, or are there text alignment tags? |
08:42:41 | ranma | funman: Hmm, seems to be some problem with sending packets > 64 bytes on the control endpoint |
08:42:43 | JdGordon | bieber_: pong |
08:42:47 | S_a_i_n_t | there are text alignment tags. |
08:42:50 | bieber_ | Okay |
08:43:01 | bieber_ | Thanks, that should be plenty for now :) |
08:43:02 | JdGordon | did you get an answer to last nights q? |
08:43:02 | S_a_i_n_t | the lines for text are divided by the font height. |
08:43:19 | bieber_ | JdGordon: Yep |
08:43:22 | S_a_i_n_t | ie. a 100px high viewport displaying 10px font will have 10 "lines" |
08:43:44 | bieber_ | So text and images are just displayed completely independently? |
08:43:49 | saratoga | funman: the flac decoder detects the error, doing a logf build might be interesting |
08:43:55 | S_a_i_n_t | yes |
08:44:07 | bieber_ | Cool |
08:44:19 | bieber_ | brb, gonna see if I can get logged in as my normal nick |
08:44:19 | S_a_i_n_t | you know that a viewport gets its own set of coordinates right? |
08:44:25 | | Quit bieber_ (Remote host closed the connection) |
08:44:42 | | Join bieber [0] (~quassel@162-78.97-97.tampabay.res.rr.com) |
08:44:44 | S_a_i_n_t | I may need to clarify this...I mean, it doesn't share the x,y coordinates of the "default" viewport. |
08:45:03 | bieber | Right, they're offset by the Viewport's position |
08:45:21 | S_a_i_n_t | each viewport is like a mini "screen", so the top left of a viewport will always be 0,0 |
08:46:08 | S_a_i_n_t | (some people forget that, and try to use coordinates from the default viewport and wonder why thier images/text isn't aligned/doesn't display at all. |
08:46:16 | JdGordon | funman: what made you dig into gui_statusbar_draw?() |
08:46:18 | S_a_i_n_t | A rather common fail in my experience |
08:46:21 | funman | ranma: the driver should split packets? |
08:46:33 | funman | JdGordon: crash in text_viewer on sansa ams + -O1 + eabi |
08:46:40 | bieber | That's perfect, since Qt does the same thing with children of graphics items (each item has its own local coordinate system for its children) |
08:47:00 | S_a_i_n_t | aha, great. |
08:47:33 | S_a_i_n_t | I'm quite impressed with what you've been able to do so far with a (not ragging on you) somewhat limited knowledge of the syntax. |
08:47:38 | S_a_i_n_t | Good work man, really. |
08:47:50 | bieber | Hehe, thanks |
08:48:18 | bieber | One of these days I shoul probably try just playing around with WPS files on my iPod for a while instead of asking you guys about everything :P |
08:48:39 | S_a_i_n_t | I don't mind, really. |
08:48:46 | JdGordon | S_a_i_n_t: it is also possible that not having any knowledge about it makes it easier.. you dont get stuck in how you expect it to work |
08:48:58 | S_a_i_n_t | yes, agreed. |
08:49:33 | S_a_i_n_t | and, you're also in a position to make things work the way you expect them to if they don't already. Developer perks ;) |
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08:49:55 | Topic | "Rockbox 3.6 now released! | Please read before speaking: http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/IrcGuidelines | Please direct offtopic/social chat to #rockbox-community | This channel is logged at http://www.rockbox.org/irc" by pixelma (quassel@rockbox/staff/pixelma) |
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08:58:18 | CIA-8 | New commit by funman (r27040): test_codec: fix DEBUGF pointer format specifier |
08:59:54 | CIA-8 | r27040 build result: All green |
09:00 |
09:00:34 | JdGordon | funman: and you traced the crash to statusbar_draw? |
09:01:03 | funman | yes i must look again to see exactly what happened |
09:02:17 | | Join GeekShadow [0] (~Antoine@reactos/tester/GeekShadow) |
09:02:55 | funman | saratoga: simulator and target should give the same checksum in test_codec ? |
09:02:58 | ranma | funman: No, the hardware should handle that |
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09:05:55 | CIA-8 | New commit by funman (r27041): CREDITS: Capitalize FFmpeg properly |
09:07:28 | CIA-8 | r27041 build result: All green |
09:20:58 | funman | saratoga: an mp3 which decodes ok (to my ears) produce a .wav different from the sim |
09:21:09 | | Join bimbel [0] (~Miranda@unaffiliated/bmbl) |
09:25:01 | | Quit bmbl (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) |
09:27:04 | TheSeven | funmen: RE FS #11429: what's that whole multivolume/multidrive thing all about? what are volumes? what are drives? what's the difference? |
09:27:18 | funman | gevaerts knows |
09:27:24 | TheSeven | do we support mounting multiple partitions on a single drive? or what's going on here? |
09:27:41 | CIA-8 | New commit by jethead71 (r27042): Sanyo lv24020lp FM: Improve frequency measurement on PP thus improving initial frequency setting. Properly account for IF when tuning FM oscillator ... |
09:28:13 | funman | MULTIDRIVE is for sd/mmc slots |
09:28:50 | funman | reading config.h it seems MULTIVOLUME is for multiple partitions (up to 4 -> only primary partitions?) |
09:29:06 | CIA-8 | r27042 build result: All green |
09:29:07 | funman | so i guess my comment only applies to MULTIDRIVE |
09:29:38 | TheSeven | funman: it seems like i have mixed up MV/MD at several points, so it probably won't build for either one |
09:29:45 | | Join swilde [0] (~wilde@aktaia.intevation.org) |
09:31:38 | bieber | JdGordon: Skins load images from /.rockbox/wps/themename/, but how does the renderer determine the theme name? Just use the file name of the .cfg? |
09:32:04 | JdGordon | not quite |
09:32:06 | TheSeven | does MD depend on MV? probably yes... |
09:32:20 | | Join einhirn [0] (~Miranda@bsod.rz.tu-clausthal.de) |
09:32:30 | JdGordon | skin.wps will load images from wps/skin/ foo.fms will load images from wps/foo/ |
09:32:42 | funman | TheSeven: i think it's the reverse but check config.h |
09:32:45 | bieber | Oh, okay |
09:32:47 | JdGordon | each skin loads from its folder, usually all named the same |
09:32:54 | funman | hm no sorry you're right |
09:34:42 | | Join mt [0] (~mtee@rockbox/developer/mt) |
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09:37:42 | | Quit komputes (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
09:39:37 | funman | reverting the 2 sd AMS commits still give the same CRC32 - different from what the sim gives |
09:40:00 | funman | is it expected to not have the same exact result for mp3 ? |
09:40:14 | funman | (between e.g. ARM and x86 sim) |
09:40:57 | | Join Kitr88 [0] (~Kitar_st@BSN-182-55-182.dial-up.dsl.siol.net) |
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09:45:48 | | Quit Kitr88 (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
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09:46:34 | ranma | Hmm, something weird is going on, looks like the setup packet responses are skewed, the host sees them one packet too late? |
09:48:21 | JdGordon | bieber: are you going to fix up the project tree to show it more like a filetree with "directories" and stuff? and show all the required images and warn when one is missing? |
09:49:02 | bieber | Yes |
09:49:29 | JdGordon | coolies :) |
09:49:49 | | Quit FlynDice (Remote host closed the connection) |
09:51:13 | | Join Kitar|st [0] (Kitar_st@BSN-182-57-143.dial-up.dsl.siol.net) |
09:52:44 | funman | ranma: hm i can't get very far with the memdump because the registers aren't saved in the data abort handler |
09:53:58 | funman | i only know r8 because it's the one causing the abort |
09:55:16 | | Join Rob2223 [0] (~Miranda@p4FDC9CCC.dip.t-dialin.net) |
09:55:52 | CIA-8 | New commit by bieber (r27043): Theme Editor: Began in implementing tag rendering, %X tag now recognized |
09:57:32 | CIA-8 | r27043 build result: All green |
09:58:35 | | Quit Rob2222 (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) |
09:59:08 | | Quit bimbel (Quit: Bye!) |
09:59:22 | TheSeven | hm, why do changes to /trunk/utils trigger a build? |
09:59:38 | TheSeven | they aren't built by the build system anyway, are they? |
10:00 |
10:04:27 | pamaury | TheSeven: when looking at your patch, I think it would be better to imtroduce a fat_closedir function instead of manually unlocking the sector cache in various places |
10:05:43 | pamaury | And a fat_closefile |
10:06:02 | pamaury | (anyway, a fat_closedir would translate to a fat_closefile) |
10:06:20 | TheSeven | would it? i don't think so |
10:06:28 | TheSeven | fat files don't even have a sector buffer |
10:06:50 | TheSeven | for files the buffer is in the highlevel struct, while for dirs it's in the lowlevel struct |
10:07:46 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
10:08:06 | pamaury | That's for completeness. I don't the idea of having an open but not close. We could introduce it now. |
10:08:28 | pamaury | *like |
10:09:05 | | Join Jaykay [0] (~chatzilla@p5DC57AA3.dip.t-dialin.net) |
10:10:44 | TheSeven | i might do that (and also try to fix the multivolume problems) in the evening |
10:13:45 | | Nick fxb__ is now known as fxb (~felixbrun@h1252615.stratoserver.net) |
10:14:03 | pamaury | TheSeven: this part is *really* strange: |
10:14:05 | pamaury | - update_fat_entry(IF_MV2(fat_bpb,) newdir->file.firstcluster, FAT_EOF_MARK); |
10:14:06 | pamaury | + update_fat_entry(IF_MV2(dir->file.volume,) newdir->file.firstcluster, FAT_EOF_MARK); |
10:14:54 | TheSeven | indeed |
10:15:05 | TheSeven | wtf did I do there? |
10:15:19 | JdGordon | bieber: we shouldnt ever get more than 3 children levels in a tree right? |
10:15:39 | pamaury | I don't know but it doesn't sound good :) |
10:15:41 | TheSeven | but i'm pretty sure there's quite a bunch of other screwup |
10:15:59 | pamaury | For now that's the only one I spot but I didn't check all the details |
10:16:04 | TheSeven | that hunk is definitely bullshit though |
10:16:15 | bieber | JdGordon: There could be an infinite number with nested conditionals |
10:16:32 | TheSeven | there are probably IF_MD macros that actually contain volume ids |
10:16:52 | JdGordon | bieber: oh right... I hope we arnt short on stack space then :) |
10:17:17 | bieber | Haha, hopefully |
10:17:24 | bieber | I don't imagine they'll generally be nested very deep |
10:17:56 | pixelma | did I understand correctly that %t inside a conditional works now? |
10:18:05 | TheSeven | btw, can anybody explain to me why screendump needs a whopping 2K on the USB thread stack? |
10:18:32 | pamaury | TheSeven: I'm prettry sure all your IF_MD2(dir->file.volume,) are zrong |
10:18:34 | JdGordon | I've given up on fully reworking the current system and for now I'm doing a translation thing to go from the tree to the old system |
10:18:35 | TheSeven | (with all the sector buffers removed) |
10:18:49 | TheSeven | pamaury: yes, that's what I meant |
10:19:01 | JdGordon | pixelma: it parses... if it actually will work is another story |
10:19:10 | TheSeven | i actually need the drive the volume is on at those locations |
10:19:16 | TheSeven | how can i get that? |
10:19:20 | funman | JdGordon: if i make gui_statusbar_draw() return immediately the crashes are gone |
10:19:52 | pamaury | bpb->drive |
10:20:12 | pamaury | You can get the correct bpb using the volume index |
10:20:23 | gevaerts | TheSeven: as you probably know by now, MULTIVOLUME is relevant to volumes are (basically) partitions containing filesystems (not-mounted partitions don't count), and therefore relevant to filesystem code, while MULTIDRIVE means multiple *drives* are allowed, e.g. in systems with a card slot (or mad people experimenting with ramdisks). Multidrive forces multivolume, but not all multivolume systems are multidrive. |
10:20:28 | JdGordon | funman: easily reproducable? |
10:20:50 | gevaerts | There's also MULTIDRIVER, but that shouldn't ever escape outside of storage.[ch] |
10:20:58 | pamaury | TheSeven: you need a course on drive vs volume in rockbox :) |
10:21:07 | funman | JdGordon: on sansa yes: use text_viewer |
10:21:15 | JdGordon | funman: are you in the sim? breakpoing as soon as it enters that and make sure bar isnt NULL? |
10:21:31 | funman | sim doesn't crash |
10:21:40 | JdGordon | I dont tihnk any of my sansas are up to date :) |
10:22:00 | TheSeven | gevaerts: yes, but I need drives in the file.c code when I need to lock sector buffers |
10:22:22 | gevaerts | TheSeven: vol_drive[] in disk.c can help you then |
10:22:23 | JdGordon | funman: is it an immediate crash? |
10:22:47 | funman | JdGordon: FS #11399 |
10:23:04 | pamaury | TheSeven: either use what gevaerts suggested or keep in mind that fat_bpb->drive is a valid. And you can get the fat_bpb corresponding to each volume iirc |
10:24:06 | pamaury | TheSeven: example: IF_MD2(fat_bpbs[file->volume].drive) (untested) |
10:24:12 | gevaerts | ah yes, it's probably stored inside fat data somewhere as well |
10:25:13 | pamaury | You should use it this way, that's safer than using vol_drive[] |
10:25:30 | | Quit JdGordon (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
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10:25:41 | | Join hebz0rl [0] (~hebz0rl@dslb-088-067-210-041.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
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10:28:26 | funman | JdGordon|: crashes in drawing (after '/* only redraw if forced to, or info has changed */') |
10:28:57 | JdGordon | which is where? |
10:29:02 | | Quit JdGordon1 (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) |
10:29:18 | funman | dunno |
10:29:23 | | Quit mc2739 (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
10:29:49 | funman | but i have an idea |
10:30:06 | pamaury | TheSeven: okay, apart from this drive/volume confusion, I can't find anything suspicious. I'll a closer look tonight. |
10:30:11 | funman | where is set_viewport defined ?N |
10:30:35 | | Join mc2739 [0] (~mc2739@rockbox/developer/mc2739) |
10:30:52 | JdGordon | the lcd driver |
10:31:02 | JdGordon | I see alot of bad code not using the multiscreen api! |
10:31:17 | JdGordon | that shouldnt cause crashes though |
10:31:32 | funman | hm my fuzev2 is crashed and not powering off :/ |
10:33:29 | JdGordon | oh hang on.... I'm pretty sure the plugin shouldnt be drawing the bar at all.. unless it uses the list widget? |
10:33:34 | JdGordon | which includes menus |
10:33:49 | funman | there's a setting for showing the SB |
10:34:48 | JdGordon | where is that code? |
10:35:06 | funman | apps/plugins/text_viewer |
10:36:07 | JdGordon | tv_window.c comment out the code in tv_show_header() and see if that fixes it |
10:36:16 | | Quit TheSeven (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
10:36:30 | funman | doesn't |
10:36:59 | funman | http://pastie.org/1014835 fixes it |
10:37:52 | funman | the struct viewport must live the whole time the viewport will be used but here it can be removed/overwritten from the stack after the if (vp == NULL) { } |
10:38:25 | funman | and even this way i'm not sure gcc couldn't optimize it away as well |
10:39:26 | JdGordon | ah that makes sense |
10:39:32 | funman | since for gcc it seems viewport won't be used after set_viewport() |
10:40:14 | funman | pamaury: can you comment on this, since you are the compiler expert ;) |
10:40:55 | JdGordon | __attribute(dont_optimize_me_out_you_idiot_compiler)? |
10:41:30 | funman | in this case we could just make it static |
10:41:49 | JdGordon | no... |
10:42:00 | funman | why? |
10:42:02 | JdGordon | better to pass the viewport into gui_syncstatusbar_draw() |
10:42:12 | JdGordon | because it is almost never NULL |
10:42:16 | | Quit mc2739 (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
10:42:18 | JdGordon | so why waste the ram? |
10:42:38 | funman | grep tends to disagree |
10:43:38 | JdGordon | http://pastebin.com/6gyN70u5 |
10:43:49 | JdGordon | dinner.. back in 20 |
10:44:16 | | Join mc2739 [0] (~mc2739@rockbox/developer/mc2739) |
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10:51:17 | funman | JdGordon|: http://pastie.org/1014835 : your hunk doesn't compile, i let you fix it and commit? |
10:59:42 | | Quit AlexP (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
11:00 |
11:01:45 | | Join halmi [0] (~netbook@93-82-39-211.adsl.highway.telekom.at) |
11:03:53 | * | funman kicks CIA-8 |
11:08:16 | | Join pyro_maniac [0] (foobar@p57BB9754.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
11:08:52 | CIA-8 | ow |
11:09:34 | funman | ok, what's the next bug on sansa AMS? |
11:12:22 | funman | i have no idea on how to debug poweroff failing when enabling RTC wakeup, perhaps it's related to what pamaury & bertrik reported: sometimes the clip+ seems to shutdown but a few time after the battery is dry |
11:13:09 | | Quit CIA-8 (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
11:13:16 | Stummi | funman, you could add usb-support for the fuze v2 :) |
11:13:35 | funman | pamaury is already doing it |
11:13:52 | Stummi | oh, ok |
11:20:15 | | Join efyx [0] (~efyx@lap34-1-82-225-185-146.fbx.proxad.net) |
11:24:01 | Stummi | what is the minimal version of qt4 which I need for building the themeeditor? It failes with "build/ui/ui_editorwindow.h:132: error: ‘class QTabWidget’ has no member named ‘setTabsClosable’" and "...‘setMoveable’" on my debian, I am thinking it could be because of an older qt-version (4.4.3) |
11:24:36 | | Quit sbhsu (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) |
11:26:07 | JdGordon | funman: yeah, that looks OK... not too wild about the last hunk though |
11:26:59 | JdGordon | display->set_viewport inside statusbar_draw() can actually be #ifdefed out for CHARCELL |
11:27:50 | funman | just remove it then.. i let charcell maintainers fix the charcell bugs |
11:27:55 | pamaury | funman: you summon me for compiler things ? |
11:28:11 | funman | pamaury: yep we went another way but i'd like to know anwyay: |
11:28:29 | JdGordon | funman: actually I think it already is |
11:28:51 | JdGordon | s/charcell maintainers/amiconn/ |
11:28:55 | funman | can the compiler reuse a stack variable after it's not used in a local scope ? |
11:28:58 | | Join bmbl [0] (~Miranda@vpn224-17.fh-bielefeld.de) |
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11:29:23 | pamaury | You mean, reuse for another purpose ? |
11:29:36 | funman | eg: { type variable; do_smth(&variable); do_stuf(); } <- is variable memory guaranteed to still exist while do_stuff() is executing? |
11:29:45 | amiconn | funman: screendump allocates a buffer on stack where the data is being prepared. The actual size of this buffer depends on screen size and pixel format |
11:30:08 | amiconn | For colour targets and horizontally packed greyscale it's a single line |
11:30:15 | funman | amiconn: what are you talking about? |
11:30:45 | pamaury | funman: yes until the local scope is alive. After that, no. |
11:30:56 | pamaury | s/until/while |
11:30:56 | amiconn | Err, that should have been addressed at TheSeven |
11:31:01 | funman | ok ^^ |
11:31:25 | | Join DerPapst [0] (~Alexander@p5099d40e.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
11:31:28 | funman | pamaury: so it will never be optimized away even with -foptimize-madness -O999 ? |
11:31:36 | | Join M3DLG [0] (~M3DLG@bb-87-81-252-83.ukonline.co.uk) |
11:32:08 | funman | JdGordon: in that case my first patch is simpler, no? |
11:33:35 | pamaury | funman: if the compiler does some interprocedural optimization, some more complicated stuff can happen |
11:34:22 | JdGordon | funman: yeah, your one looks fine, except GET_RECT() is missing the statusbar_position(i) call in it |
11:34:43 | pamaury | But, the C++ standard says that as soon as the variable address is reauired, the variable should be stored somewhere in memory. I would not bet on gcc to enforce this however |
11:34:46 | funman | JdGordon: i just tried to hack it so it builds but there's some stuff missing (display) |
11:34:46 | JdGordon | without that it will put the bar in the wrong place |
11:35:12 | funman | i hope uchida doesn't get mad at me |
11:35:36 | pamaury | funman: And of course, inline could change some things |
11:35:55 | JdGordon | funman: use &screens[i] instead of display |
11:36:01 | JdGordon | or I can fix it all if you prefer? |
11:37:45 | JdGordon | in fact the viewport.c hunk isnt needed at all |
11:37:49 | funman | JdGordon: yes please |
11:37:56 | JdGordon | set_viewport(NULL) will work fine on charcell for this |
11:38:00 | JdGordon | 99% sure |
11:38:18 | funman | i just replaced a NULL by false (unless I missed another declaration for charcells? |
11:38:24 | funman | s/just/also/ |
11:39:14 | | Join CIA-6 [0] (~CIA@ |
11:44:56 | CIA-6 | New commit by jdgordon (r27045): fiddle with the code a bit so gcc doesnt optimise out a struct viewport causeing crashes in text_viewer |
11:46:31 | CIA-6 | r27045 build result: 6 errors, 0 warnings (jdgordon committed) |
11:47:40 | JdGordon | blarg! |
11:48:59 | pixelma | don't trust JdGordon's "99% sure" ;) |
11:49:00 | CIA-6 | New commit by jdgordon (r27046): fix charcell |
11:50:37 | CIA-6 | r27046 build result: All green |
11:50:45 | | Join Luca_S [0] (www-data@giant.haxx.se) |
11:51:19 | Luca_S | [<funman] ok, what's the next bug on sansa AMS? < |
11:51:41 | Luca_S | opss sorry, wrong ctrl+v :P |
11:53:22 | Luca_S | what's missing on FS #11364? |
11:56:10 | CIA-6 | New commit by jdgordon (r27047): remove a bunch of token markers which arnt necessary with the new parser |
11:56:35 | funman | Luca_S: saratoga just needs to commit it i think |
11:57:13 | funman | hm just pressing power button crashed my clipv2 :/ |
11:57:46 | CIA-6 | r27047 build result: All green |
12:00 |
12:00:18 | Luca_S | mmm there's no patch on flyspray for the PLL @ 384MHz - I was willing to build the ultimate fuzev2 build (11364 + cpu frequency scaling + pll @384) :D |
12:02:18 | | Join sbhsu [0] (~a6530466@Zion.dorm.au.edu.tw) |
12:05:36 | funman | if ultimate means doesn't boot then yeah it'd be nice i guess |
12:06:14 | | Join giovanni [0] (~giovanni@ |
12:07:08 | Luca_S | lol :D it wouldn't boot? I tested them separately in the past with no problems, sure I didn't try to combine them... |
12:07:47 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
12:08:20 | funman | plla at 384MHz boots only with cpufreq set to 120MHz |
12:08:32 | funman | hm 192 worked too iirc |
12:09:22 | Luca_S | and switching audio to PLL B @ 384? |
12:09:27 | Luca_S | *just |
12:11:06 | funman | works afaik |
12:16:13 | JdGordon | bieber: talk me out of this... I'm seriously considering using your parser to build the tree, then walk the tree and use the existing parse functions by rebuilding each tag! (passing one at a time) |
12:16:13 | * | JdGordon wonders if that would work |
12:16:14 | Luca_S | funman: to switch audio on pllb i have to change AS3525_MCLK_SEL? |
12:16:14 | funman | yea |
12:22:41 | funman | ranma: usb writing seems to work fine on clipv1 bootloader |
12:23:40 | funman | perhaps there's something specific to fuze ? will do more tests |
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12:26:24 | | Join M3DLG [0] (~M3DLG@bb-87-81-252-83.ukonline.co.uk) |
12:28:29 | funman | ranma: pamaury: i just found another place for USB configuration: config.h -> USB_HAS_BULK / USB_HAS_INTERRUPT |
12:28:35 | giovanni | I would like to start to build the manual for ONDA VX777/VX747 but I need some tips |
12:29:03 | pamaury | funman: I don't understand what you mean |
12:29:47 | funman | some usb stuff is configured in config.h, does it matter for AMS? |
12:31:02 | pamaury | yes, the USB_HAS_BULK / USB_HAS_INTERRUPT is important. I don't know of ranma setup them correctly for AMSv1. For v2 I haven't touched them yet |
12:31:12 | pamaury | s/of/if |
12:31:41 | funman | they're not set afaict |
12:32:14 | pamaury | that would be strange. Without them, the storage and hid are not compiled in normally |
12:33:06 | | Quit GeekShadow (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
12:33:07 | CIA-6 | New commit by ranma (r27048): "lsusb -vv" now works too, but the real bug is probably still in here somewhere. |
12:33:20 | funman | USB_HAS_BULK is never used |
12:33:30 | pamaury | yes that what I just saw |
12:33:45 | * | JdGordon pings pixelma for giovanni |
12:33:58 | ranma | funman: We have both bulk and interrupt capability |
12:34:05 | * | funman needs to find 6768 bytes |
12:34:30 | ranma | And of course iso and control too ;) |
12:34:39 | CIA-6 | r27048 build result: All green |
12:35:41 | pamaury | I would not say for control. Few controllers support control for EPi != EP0 :) |
12:36:15 | ranma | Well, I think you only ever need control for EP0 :) |
12:38:56 | pamaury | yes :) |
12:43:27 | giovanni | Where can I start to build a manual for a new target? |
12:43:30 | JdGordon | hehe this might be easier tan I thought! |
12:43:44 | JdGordon | giovanni: do you know LaTeX? |
12:43:47 | CIA-6 | New commit by funman (r27049): test_codec: remove 2 static string buffers and put them on the stack |
12:43:51 | giovanni | not really |
12:43:54 | CIA-6 | New commit by funman (r27050): test_codec: allocate wavbuffer/dspbuffer dynamically ... |
12:44:21 | giovanni | I'm reading the Latex guidelines |
12:44:50 | JdGordon | assuming you already have the svn checkout you need to (I presume) create a new platform file and fiddle with configure maybe... pixelma shuold be able to point you in the right direction |
12:45:21 | CIA-6 | r27049 build result: All green |
12:45:49 | Luca_S | hey, it works (it seems...) |
12:46:19 | giovanni | Thanks JD, I'll try to contact pixelma |
12:46:52 | CIA-6 | r27050 build result: All green |
12:47:36 | Luca_S | fuzev2 + volume boost (FS11364) + cpu frequency scaling (11297) + MCLK_SEL = PLLB |
12:48:10 | ranma | Hmm, OF is faster when reading internal flash over usb (4MB/s vs 3MB/s), but on write they are about the same. |
12:48:32 | ranma | Both about 3MB/s on write |
12:49:04 | funman | if fs#10805 works we should be faster |
12:55:33 | | Join robin0800 [0] (~quassel@cpc2-brig8-0-0-cust964.brig.cable.ntl.com) |
12:59:55 | pixelma | giovanni: I don't have much time currently (am at work). If you haven't done anything at all yet, you probably need to set up a build environment (how you would have to do that depends on the OS your computer is running and can be found in some "developers" part of the Rockbox wiki) and for building a manual I think the ManualHowto in our wiki is good too. Once you got that, I'd first try building an existing manual and then ask again :) |
13:00 |
13:00:16 | pixelma | nice to see someone interested in working on the manual :) |
13:00:31 | | Quit mt (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
13:01:42 | JdGordon | S_a_i_n_t: ping |
13:02:16 | * | JdGordon has a rather odd patch that needs testing |
13:03:01 | | Join mt [0] (~mtee@rockbox/developer/mt) |
13:03:12 | funman | hm i could crash usb again :/ |
13:03:35 | giovanni | pixelma: thank you |
13:06:52 | | Quit togetic (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
13:14:00 | ranma | funman: Does it just hang, or do you get a panic? |
13:14:00 | funman | hang, but USB in bootloader seems to work perfectly |
13:18:21 | funman | btw i still don't see the µSD |
13:19:52 | JdGordon | S_a_i_n_t: if you happen to be bored.. can you run FS #11431 on your ocmplex themes and let me know how it goes? |
13:20:05 | JdGordon | anyone else bored and want to help test the new parser? |
13:21:03 | | Join mt_ [0] (~mtee@ |
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13:21:47 | | Nick mt_ is now known as mt (~mtee@ |
13:23:46 | ranma | Indeed, I don't see the µSD either |
13:28:03 | funman | sg_luns /dev/sg6 |
13:28:03 | funman | Lun list length = 16 which imples 2 lun entries |
13:28:16 | | Quit bieber (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
13:28:28 | funman | gevaerts: any idea what we might miss? |
13:28:33 | | Join bieber [0] (~quassel@162-78.97-97.tampabay.res.rr.com) |
13:29:30 | gevaerts | funman: what's happening? |
13:29:44 | funman | µSD slot isn't present on USB mass storage |
13:30:57 | gevaerts | is it seen without usb storage? |
13:31:15 | funman | in rockbox? yes |
13:31:23 | gevaerts | Also, is the slot not present, or the card? |
13:31:29 | funman | slot |
13:33:17 | funman | only one scsi device is detected |
13:33:41 | * | gevaerts needs more details |
13:34:15 | gevaerts | I can't see how this might be caused in usb_storage.c without the rest of the system being wrong |
13:34:48 | gevaerts | Is this in a standard build? |
13:35:16 | funman | http://pastebin.org/350739 |
13:35:23 | funman | with USE_ROCKBOX_USB defined, yes |
13:35:54 | funman | could be in as3525 SD code too but i don't see anything obvious |
13:37:15 | gevaerts | Your kernel isn't configured with CONFIG_SCSI_MULTI_LUN=n? |
13:37:37 | funman | CONFIG_SCSI_MULTI_LUN=y |
13:39:24 | | Quit sbhsu (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) |
13:40:41 | * | gevaerts reads some backlog |
13:40:59 | gevaerts | Is this in the bootloader? |
13:41:06 | funman | no |
13:41:25 | funman | before you ask, the USB cable is plugged ;) |
13:41:33 | | Quit advcomp2019 (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
13:42:01 | | Join advcomp2019 [0] (~advcomp20@unaffiliated/advcomp2019) |
13:42:49 | funman | i'll try on windows, bbl |
13:42:51 | | Quit funman (Quit: free(random());) |
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14:03:32 | | Join sbhsu [0] (~a6530466@Zion.dorm.au.edu.tw) |
14:04:02 | | Join DerPapst1 [0] (~Alexander@dslb-088-069-146-010.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
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14:07:48 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
14:10:20 | | Join funman [0] (~fun@rockbox/developer/funman) |
14:10:36 | funman | windows vista shows the µSD slot |
14:14:34 | | Quit pyro_maniac (Remote host closed the connection) |
14:16:29 | ranma | In wireshark I get a malformed response to the "get max lun" request |
14:18:57 | funman | scsi_mod->scsi_logging_level = 7 turns nothing out |
14:21:52 | funman | afaics GET_MAX_LUN just sends 1 byte : number of luns - 1 |
14:21:57 | * | pamaury is always suspiscous about wireshark |
14:22:34 | * | ranma doesn't have a low-level usb signal analyzer available :) |
14:25:30 | ranma | Ok, I see it, rockbox sends a 0-length reply. |
14:25:54 | ranma | Incidentally that's just the packet I was seeing later with the packet skew in "lsusb -vv" I think |
14:26:09 | ranma | Probably because of dma threshold settings I'd imagine |
14:28:38 | * | funman can't use wireshark to capture usb |
14:29:49 | ranma | funman: You need /sys/kernel/debug mounted |
14:30:31 | funman | it's there; i have some traffic but not from the sansa it seems |
14:30:32 | ranma | Using /sys/kernel/debug/usb/usbmon/${N}u directly is a bit more extensive than wireshark even |
14:31:29 | ranma | Try 0u, that should capture all ports (but you can't select that one in wireshark AFAICS) |
14:31:58 | ranma | For me it's usbmon1 in wireshark an 1u in /sys.../usbmon/ |
14:32:10 | funman | i'll try something else: forget about trying to decode these awful numbers and let you handle that :P |
14:32:31 | | Join dfkt [0] (dfkt@unaffiliated/dfkt) |
14:33:42 | funman | (i can't decode raw usb data) |
14:34:24 | * | ranma not very well either, that's why I was looking at wireshark first and then using that to find the request in the raw log |
14:35:43 | funman | mc2739: did you test usb on e200v2? |
14:37:19 | mc2739 | funman: yes, just testing now |
14:38:21 | funman | i think we should enable it on all AMSv1 to get more testing - what do you think? |
14:43:33 | mc2739 | I would probably take the safer approach - let users build with usb support if they want to test, or provide a test build through the forum |
14:46:48 | | Quit slck (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
14:50:01 | mc2739 | funman: did you get the jtagged e200v1 at devcon? |
14:50:09 | | Quit M3DLG (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
14:50:36 | funman | nope |
14:50:51 | funman | it was mainly for finding why thumb didn't work but now that's solved |
14:51:16 | | Join panni_ [0] (hannes@ip-95-222-52-93.unitymediagroup.de) |
14:52:58 | mc2739 | ok, I was wondering if it could be used to find why e200v1 line out level varies with volume. I can't find why it does in Rockbox, but not in OF. |
14:54:29 | | Join slck [0] (Venci@Slackware.SlackPix.Com) |
14:55:06 | funman | you could ask Bagder to ship it to you |
14:59:25 | | Quit mischasworld (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
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15:03:37 | | Join antil33t1 [0] (~Mudkips@203-184-54-232.callplus.net.nz) |
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15:07:06 | ranma | Great! I found the bug! |
15:07:30 | ranma | The setup request _before_ the get luns is 'SET_CONFIGURATION', which is handled partly in hardware |
15:08:01 | ranma | In response to that rockbox sends a 0-length response, which the hardware also has already sent. |
15:08:19 | ranma | So the host receives that 0-length response as response for the 'get luns' command |
15:08:37 | ranma | And thus the 1 packet skew on EP0 was introduced... |
15:20:43 | ranma | What happens if I call wakeup_signal() _before_ wakeup_wait()? |
15:24:36 | ranma | Never mind, I can avoid that |
15:25:28 | | Join komputes [0] (~komputes@ubuntu/member/komputes) |
15:25:41 | funman | it's ok |
15:26:58 | funman | wakeup_signal just sets a variable and wakeups the thread if it was sleeping, else the thread will see that it doesn't need to sleep by reading the variable |
15:27:21 | funman | if wakeup_signal comes from interrupt context you can't know if it'll happen before wakeup_wait() anyway |
15:27:29 | | Join Szpila [0] (~sszpila@ |
15:28:01 | CIA-6 | New commit by ranma (r27051): Hardware too smart can complicate things... We have to intercept the usb_core reply to SET_CONFIGURATION. |
15:28:31 | funman | someone wants to run test_codec on a thumb PP build and compare with normal build? |
15:29:42 | CIA-6 | r27051 build result: All green |
15:35:46 | | Join evilnick_B [0] (0c140464@rockbox/staff/evilnick) |
15:37:08 | | Part Szpila |
15:37:40 | funman | ranma: PANIC ep1 CNAK needed 173 retries CTRL=420. (the . is a non printable character i think) |
15:38:17 | funman | writing some mp3 on fuzev1 internal, with µSD mounted |
15:40:49 | | Quit funman (Quit: free(random());) |
15:42:03 | CIA-6 | New commit by ranma (r27052): Threshold seems to affect the CNAK retries needed. ... |
15:42:26 | ranma | funman: Yeah, I noticed that |
15:43:41 | CIA-6 | r27052 build result: All green |
15:43:41 | | Quit t0rc (Quit: Leaving) |
15:44:11 | CIA-6 | New commit by ranma (r27053): Remove '\n' from panicf |
15:45:59 | CIA-6 | r27053 build result: All green |
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15:55:50 | | Join Zagor [0] (bjst@rockbox/developer/Zagor) |
15:58:36 | CIA-6 | New commit by ranma (r27054): Unconditionally boost cpu and remove CNAK retry panic |
15:58:53 | | Join DataGhost [0] (~dataghost@unaffiliated/dataghost) |
16:00 |
16:00:16 | ranma | Hmm, using OF, reading from internal SD and uSD is both 4.2MB/s, using RB I get 3.4MB/s internal and 1.8MB/s from the slot |
16:00:16 | | Join t0rc [0] (~t0rc@unaffiliated/t0rc/x-5233201) |
16:00:16 | CIA-6 | r27054 build result: All green |
16:03:48 | ranma | And 10.9MB/s using a good card reader :) |
16:06:52 | JdGordon | so a bit of room for improvement :) |
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16:20:28 | mc2739 | ranma: should I see microsd card now? works in windows not ubuntu (e260v2 r27054) |
16:21:29 | JdGordon | bieber: hehe, I'm getting good at crashing the editor :) |
16:22:33 | JdGordon | %?mh<;|;> will crash it :) (that should be legal in the new parser, but it is illegal in the old one) |
16:24:53 | ranma | mc2739: Does it work in OF? |
16:25:36 | ranma | In Linux one questions is always: Do you have multiple lun support enabled? |
16:28:59 | | Join MethoS- [0] (~clemens@ |
16:29:46 | mc2739 | multiple lun is enabled (e280v1 works) and yes it works in OF |
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16:42:59 | mc2739 | ranma: never mind - it can see microsd now - something flakey in my Ubuntu (8.04) |
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17:47:54 | | Part giovanni ("Sto andando via") |
17:47:55 | | Join BHSPitMonkey [0] (~stephen@unaffiliated/bhspitmonkey) |
17:49:24 | CIA-6 | New commit by ranma (r27055): Enable USE_ROCKBOX_USB on all AS3525v1, confirmed to work on C200v2 and E200v2, I'm confident it should work on the others too. |
17:51:13 | CIA-6 | r27055 build result: All green |
18:00 |
18:02:00 | | Quit GeekShadow (Quit: The cake is a lie !) |
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18:08:35 | kugel | \o/ |
18:10:23 | | Join bertrik [0] (~bertrik@rockbox/developer/bertrik) |
18:13:18 | CIA-6 | New commit by bertrik (r27056): Fix wrong comments in tuner-clipplus.c |
18:14:50 | CIA-6 | r27056 build result: All green |
18:15:50 | | Join dfkt_ [0] (dfkt@unaffiliated/dfkt) |
18:16:30 | Luigi12 | I have a Gen 5 iPod (Video) with Rockbox. I tried an Oker brand FM transmitter that plugs into the dock port and it doesn't work. I am wondering if the Accessory Power brand Flexpod X2 FM transmitter (also dock port) works. Neither are listed on the Wiki. |
18:16:58 | kugel | pamaury: how far is usb on amsv2? |
18:17:57 | gevaerts | Luigi12: if it's not on the wiki, people here probably won't know. Did you turn on accessory power? |
18:18:22 | Luigi12 | gevaerts: with the Oker one, yes I tried that |
18:18:40 | * | gevaerts doesn't know much about ipod accessories |
18:18:56 | Luigi12 | ok, thanks. You're probably right that if it's not on the wiki it's unknown. |
18:19:44 | | Quit dfkt (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
18:20:29 | bertrik | Even if it's not on the wiki and not working, it might still be worth to update the wiki with this information. |
18:21:04 | Luigi12 | true, but I only tested one of them. It's also possible I just got a defective one. Hard to be sure. |
18:21:30 | Luigi12 | it was only $10-$15, so it wouldn't surprise me |
18:39:47 | | Join pamaury_ [0] (~quassel@p5DDEF8D3.dip.t-dialin.net) |
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18:43:34 | | Quit pamaury (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) |
18:44:09 | pamaury_ | kugel: I wrote the interrupt handler, the send/recv routine. But it doesn't work yet. I have a problem witht controls transfers: rockbox only sends 8 bytes instead of [insert quantity>8 here]. But I only work one or two hours yesterday. I hope it will soon work :) |
18:44:18 | | Nick pamaury_ is now known as pamaury (~quassel@p5DDEF8D3.dip.t-dialin.net) |
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18:44:30 | | Join pamaury [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/pamaury) |
18:45:04 | kugel | pamaury: is it much different from amsv1? |
18:45:28 | pamaury | yes |
18:45:44 | kugel | :'( |
18:45:55 | pamaury | It's similar to the nano2g but with a more recent controller. Perhaps the two drivers will merge one day |
18:46:03 | | Join domonoky [0] (~Domonoky@rockbox/developer/domonoky) |
18:51:27 | CIA-6 | New commit by bluebrother (r27057): Rename SA9200 manual platform file to use the actual target name. |
18:51:31 | CIA-6 | New commit by bluebrother (r27058): Make skin_parser Makefile more silent. |
18:51:53 | | Join domonoky1 [0] (~Domonoky@agsb-4d048808.pool.mediaWays.net) |
18:53:04 | CIA-6 | r27057 build result: All green |
18:53:33 | | Quit domonoky (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
18:54:08 | saratoga | funman: the assembly code will probably have different rounding in mp3 vs. PC |
18:54:41 | CIA-6 | r27058 build result: All green |
18:57:25 | | Quit bmbl (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
18:57:56 | bertrik | pamaury, are you sure that it's not the OS just sending/requesting 8 bytes? |
18:58:35 | bertrik | IIRC, windows initially requests only part of the device descriptor, just enough to discover the packet size |
18:58:58 | pamaury | it would not do so 100 times :) |
18:59:33 | pamaury | with the analyzer, I see the host asking for more data but the device refusing to transmit so yeah, I'm sure it's a device problem |
18:59:53 | bertrik | I was referring to point 3 and 4 of http://www.beyondlogic.org/usbnutshell/usb7.htm |
18:59:58 | bertrik | ok |
19:00 |
19:01:15 | bertrik | I could have a look today in the OF to see why some fuze v2s refuse to upgrade to rockbox |
19:01:33 | pamaury | Actually, the strangest thing is that the device transmit only 8 byte but reports as having transfered 18... |
19:02:29 | bertrik | How do you know it transmits only 8, by means of the hardware USB protocol analyser? |
19:02:35 | | Join mitk [0] (www-data@giant.haxx.se) |
19:02:57 | pamaury | yes |
19:04:24 | mitk | ranma: Do I have to build new bootloader to test r27055? |
19:04:37 | mitk | on fuzev1 |
19:04:54 | | Join jgarvey [0] (~jgarvey@cpe-065-190-066-089.nc.res.rr.com) |
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19:09:21 | bertrik | domonoky1, how's the in-core TTS project going? |
19:09:31 | domonoky1 | not good. |
19:10:37 | domonoky1 | i dont hear much from this student, and sent him again a mail in which i threaden him to let him fail at midterm if he didnt improve.. |
19:10:51 | domonoky1 | still no answer :-/ |
19:10:58 | | Join stoffel [0] (~quassel@p57B4AA8D.dip.t-dialin.net) |
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19:11:21 | | Join domonoky [0] (~Domonoky@rockbox/developer/domonoky) |
19:13:06 | saratoga | mc2739: doesn't the e200v1 line out volume vary because we change the mixer gain ? |
19:13:36 | saratoga | AFAIK the line out amp should be locked, but when you change the volume in RB, you're changing the volume out of the mixer which feeds the line out amp, so it'll change anyway |
19:13:40 | | Quit DerPapst1 (Quit: Leaving.) |
19:13:55 | bertrik | As far as I understood from the last mails, is that the TTS project is basically stalling because of technical reasons: requiring malloc and not being real-time |
19:13:58 | ranma | mitk: No, just the rockbox binary |
19:14:49 | mitk | ranma: thanks |
19:15:04 | | Quit mitk (Quit: CGI:IRC) |
19:15:06 | domonoky | bertrik: yes, thats what i know too.. but he wont revolve that if he doesnt heavily improve his communication with the community.. |
19:15:34 | bertrik | If those are blockers, maybe the goals of the project just need to be moved |
19:16:53 | domonoky | yes.. but he has to talk to me for that.. till now i had to push him for every statusmail. :-/ |
19:17:05 | domonoky | and he never asked for help.. |
19:18:01 | domonoky | i dont have a problem with changing goals, if there are stoppers. But i have a problem with students who dont communicate. |
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19:22:57 | | Nick dfkt_ is now known as dfkt (dfkt@unaffiliated/dfkt) |
19:23:48 | ranma | Any reason that sd-as3525.c doesn't use 4bit mode? |
19:24:05 | kugel | ranma: bugs |
19:24:06 | ranma | Doing so increases the read read from 3MB/s to almost 10MB/s over USB :) |
19:24:24 | kugel | FlynDice had it enabled once but it caused problems |
19:24:36 | kugel | but the problems might have disappeared with the recent fixes in that area |
19:25:10 | pamaury | gggr, the usb analyzer software don't like virtualbox ! |
19:26:52 | | Join Horscht [0] (~Horscht2@xbmc/user/horscht) |
19:27:14 | * | ranma admittedly hasn't tried test_disk yet *enables test plugins in build and rebuilds* |
19:28:21 | dfkt | congratulations on usb for amsv1 :) my clip is so much more fun when it doesn't rebuild the database and doesn't burn out/in the screen pixels needlessly |
19:28:37 | * | ranma also wonders if it is a bug that sd-as3525v2.c is issuing SD_SET_CLR_CARD_DETECT after SD_SET_BUS_WIDTH and before setting the controller to 4bit |
19:28:54 | ranma | dfkt: Thanks, so clip works too? |
19:28:58 | bertrik | domonoky, ok, I hope he starts communicating again. |
19:29:01 | dfkt | clipv1, yes |
19:29:06 | bertrik | ranma, seems to work here! :P |
19:29:14 | dfkt | seems to charge, and transfers files just fine |
19:30:26 | domonoky | bertrik: yes, lets hope he gets better with that. If not, he will be out at the 12.July :-) |
19:32:16 | * | pamaury wonders why rockbox does not detect usb disconnect... Perhaps I have to do something myself in the driver |
19:32:35 | | Quit anewuser (Quit: http://xrl.us/detroitVI Sixth edition of 25 samples + 48 hours + detroit party (july 31) (maybe streamed online!)) |
19:32:49 | | Quit ssorgatem (Quit: Konversation terminated!) |
19:33:08 | | Join ssorgatem [0] (~ssorgatem@ |
19:33:36 | pamaury | I got my first set address request \o/ |
19:34:18 | simonrvn | \o/ |
19:34:47 | * | simonrvn is impressed with all the advances "congrats people" |
19:35:02 | bertrik | It would be a pity if he would fail just for not communicating, I can't blame him for getting stuck on a tough technical problem. Maybe we should make this clear to him and propose possible alternatives to give it a chance to succeed. |
19:36:37 | | Join binaryhermit [0] (~binaryher@adsl-99-141-184-240.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net) |
19:38:30 | | Join GeekShadow [0] (~Antoine@reactos/tester/GeekShadow) |
19:40:06 | * | ranma also wonders about some of the mci_delay() calls, with the previous command neglecting to set the controller flag for the card response even if the command does send a response |
19:41:02 | ranma | The comment "Response is requested due to timing issue" is misleading I think, most commands always send a response, you just have to tell the controller which one, you don't 'request' it |
19:42:50 | bertrik | If you can fix something there, please do :) |
19:42:55 | | Nick Zigtown is now known as Zigtown07 (~Zigtown@CPE00259ce0fdb2-CM0014f8cc807a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) |
19:43:06 | | Quit Luigi12 (Remote host closed the connection) |
19:44:22 | | Join Szpila [0] (~1@chello089077200224.chello.pl) |
19:44:28 | * | ranma just happens to have written an sd driver for his Zaurus pda (pxa255) to use SDHC cards on the stock firmware :) |
19:45:23 | | Nick Zigtown07 is now known as Zigtowb (~Zigtown@CPE00259ce0fdb2-CM0014f8cc807a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) |
19:45:26 | | Nick Zigtowb is now known as Zigtown (~Zigtown@CPE00259ce0fdb2-CM0014f8cc807a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) |
19:47:16 | bertrik | ranma, somehow I don't see the ##MUSIC# directory on the OF USB mode, but I do see it with the RB USB mode on my clip v1 |
19:48:43 | ranma | Is that some OF-related directory? Maybe OF hides it on purpose? |
19:48:58 | | Quit MethoS- (Remote host closed the connection) |
19:49:11 | bertrik | yes, it is, and I think it's supposed to be hidden from the OF point of view |
19:49:54 | | Join WalkGood [0] (~FU@unaffiliated/walkgood) |
19:50:11 | bertrik | USB MSC mode accesses the player as a block device, so I find it a bit surprising to see something different on the file/directory level |
19:53:10 | | Join bug2000 [0] (~bug@unaffiliated/bug2000) |
19:53:34 | | Join DerPapst [0] (~Alexander@p5797CDC6.dip.t-dialin.net) |
19:53:34 | ranma | bertrik: Yep, OF mangles the root directory: |
19:53:38 | ranma | -0x0001ea80: 23 23 4d 55 53 49 43 23 - 20 20 20 10 00 00 00 00 ##MUSIC# ..... |
19:53:39 | ranma | +0x0001ea80: 23 23 4d 55 53 49 43 23 - 20 20 20 18 00 00 00 00 ##MUSIC# ..... |
19:53:43 | ranma | -0x0001eb80: 23 23 50 4f 52 54 23 20 - 20 20 20 10 00 00 00 00 ##PORT# ..... |
19:53:43 | ranma | +0x0001eb80: 23 23 50 4f 52 54 23 20 - 20 20 20 18 00 00 00 00 ##PORT# ..... |
19:53:54 | | Join stripwax [0] (~Miranda@87-194-34-169.bethere.co.uk) |
19:54:27 | bertrik | wow :P |
19:54:46 | * | pamaury managed to get two panic on sd on the raw about multi read that failed |
19:55:02 | | Part AzureWurk |
19:55:41 | ranma | flags bit 0x08 is 'volume lbel' |
19:55:54 | TheSeven | hiding things, eh? |
19:56:39 | | Join AzureWurk [0] (opera@c-24-21-44-114.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) |
19:58:29 | topik | great work on the amsv1 usb guys. seems to work fine so far on my fuze v1 |
19:59:29 | pamaury | I must do something wrong on this controller. I only get a set address randomly |
19:59:33 | topik | only thing i don't understand is that screen with the usb plug image. why not let users just go through the menu menu and such? |
19:59:58 | pamaury | Because you can't if you device act as mass storage |
20:00 |
20:00:06 | pamaury | *your |
20:00:20 | bertrik | the PC has basically locked the file system |
20:00:44 | pamaury | The filesystem is not in a consistent state at every time so you can't access it reliably |
20:00:50 | saratoga | let users go through the menus, just disable selecting any menu items! |
20:01:03 | topik | ah ok. i'd kinda like to watch the debug menu to see charging and such |
20:01:11 | TheSeven | saratoga: glyph cache misses! |
20:01:38 | saratoga | disable custom fonts in rockbox! |
20:01:47 | * | TheSeven just committed that yesterday |
20:02:12 | pamaury | I keep wondering why the usb core keeps sending the ack before it received the data or treated the request ! That's not sensical, I should have changed that before. Does someone know why we do this ? gevaerts once told me that a particular deviced required it but that seems strange |
20:02:36 | kugel | gevaerts: any suggestion for the "use rockbox c library" configure option? |
20:03:34 | TheSeven | pamaury: *send* or *receive* an ack before handling the data? |
20:03:57 | TheSeven | we need to set up receiving the ack before we send the data associated with it to prevent a race condition |
20:04:07 | * | TheSeven spent several days debugging that crap |
20:04:10 | pamaury | yes, that's what the code basically does. At the usb level, thing happend in the right order of course |
20:04:26 | pamaury | Which race condition ? that's nonsense |
20:04:58 | TheSeven | if the ack will come in before we set up the endpoint for it, the controller will reply with STALL |
20:05:30 | pamaury | just set NAK until it is treated |
20:05:34 | | Join Luca_S [0] (www-data@giant.haxx.se) |
20:05:43 | TheSeven | it doesn't do that |
20:05:53 | TheSeven | NAK = no buffer space left or whatever |
20:06:02 | TheSeven | STALL = i don't know what to do with it |
20:06:19 | | Join anbu_yuki [0] (~yukichan@174-26-83-47.phnx.qwest.net) |
20:06:22 | TheSeven | the latter will hit if the endpoint doesn't await a packet |
20:06:27 | pamaury | NAK - Reports that the device temporary cannot send or received data. Also used during interrupt transactions to inform the host there is no data to send. |
20:06:53 | TheSeven | the controller doesn't know that this is temporary |
20:06:55 | pamaury | if you set NAK, the host will ask until you set stall or ack or timeout |
20:07:12 | TheSeven | the *chip* will set stall, if we don't set up the endpoint |
20:07:40 | TheSeven | that lovely synopsys core is doing that kind of things in hardware |
20:07:48 | pamaury | What do you mean by setup the endpoint ? |
20:07:59 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
20:08:15 | TheSeven | set the EP0 OUT transfer count reg accordingly (1 packet, 0 bytes) |
20:08:29 | TheSeven | and probably an ACTIVE flag somewhere |
20:09:30 | pamaury | You can always setup it in the driver just after you received the setup and ask it to nak until the core finally ack, that would be strange otherwise |
20:10:29 | pamaury | Anyway, it is probably not the reason of my current bug but I'll have a close look at this issue |
20:10:33 | TheSeven | you basically can't tell it to just NAK |
20:10:43 | TheSeven | what's wrong about setting up the OUT transfer before the IN one? |
20:10:43 | pamaury | there is a set/clear NAK flag |
20:11:47 | pamaury | you should only ack when you are done, that's just it. You should not ack before you are done with the request iirc |
20:12:12 | pamaury | And it ask a amusing effect: you see sequences like: |
20:12:16 | pamaury | *has |
20:12:33 | pamaury | usb_drv_recv(EP_CONTROL, NULL, 0); |
20:12:33 | pamaury | usb_drv_send(EP_CONTROL, response_data, 1); |
20:13:39 | anbu_yuki | hi guys , i just wanted to voice a start of a port for symbian s60 of rockbox as an application well s60v5 |
20:13:50 | topik | ranma: do you have any usb writing speed numbers ams v1 ? |
20:14:08 | pamaury | Which basically mean: wait for the data to be sent, whereas you wait for the host to ack your data. that's the other way around |
20:16:25 | anbu_yuki | currently investigating ways of directly accessing audio without the use of api decode ... |
20:16:54 | dfkt | topik - i got about 1.4MB/s on my clipv1, according to teracopy |
20:17:19 | topik | windows tells me ~1.8MB/s on my Fuze v1 to internal memory |
20:17:41 | | Quit stripwax (Quit: http://miranda-im.org) |
20:17:58 | topik | any speed is fine though as long all bytes arrive and in the same order and i never have to see 'refreshing your media' again |
20:18:13 | dfkt | indeed :) |
20:19:58 | TheSeven | pamaury: there are indeed very weird hunks in my patch |
20:20:03 | ranma | topik: 3MB/s was my result to internal memory (both OF and RB) |
20:20:10 | TheSeven | some of which definitely weren't changed by me |
20:20:13 | kisak | how much of the AMSv1 usb is shared with AMSv2? |
20:20:29 | TheSeven | looks like i accidentally reverted part of another commit that was mergable without conflicts |
20:20:34 | ranma | kisak: None I think, they are too different |
20:20:55 | kisak | ranma: ok |
20:20:55 | topik | ranma: that's a bit faster than i'm seeing so far |
20:21:06 | pamaury | TheSeven: I didn't try to apply the patch so I didn't told you there were bad hunks :) |
20:21:30 | TheSeven | i mean that one you pointed out yesterday that was apparent nonsense |
20:22:00 | TheSeven | and i just found another one where a whole function was moved inside the file |
20:22:45 | pamaury | yes I saw that |
20:23:07 | TheSeven | I definitely didn't do that. |
20:23:22 | * | TheSeven wonders how that could have slipped in |
20:23:35 | pamaury | really ? |
20:24:09 | TheSeven | apparently svn diffed that file to a wrong revision or something |
20:24:25 | ranma | On windows usb device may be mounted write-through, that might reduce write performance. How does OF perform on comparison? |
20:25:09 | topik | i don't want to see the OF ever again :(. but i'll try that now |
20:25:12 | | Quit stoffel (Remote host closed the connection) |
20:27:12 | | Quit Zigtown (Remote host closed the connection) |
20:29:10 | topik | ranma: OF does about 5.5MB/s |
20:32:18 | topik | that's writing. reading using the OF is almost the same, slightly faster at around 6.0MB/s |
20:34:05 | CIA-6 | New commit by kugel (r27059): Add an advanced build option to force compiling and linking our reduced C library (probably useful for the sim). |
20:34:52 | ranma | I may have tested before this revert, I'll have to retest. http://svn.rockbox.org/viewvc.cgi?view=rev;revision=27044 |
20:35:55 | CIA-6 | r27059 build result: All green |
20:36:19 | topik | perhaps the lack of that 4-bit goodness uSD access is the issue, nothing USB related |
20:37:04 | kugel | the amsv1 sd driver is *slow* |
20:37:25 | kugel | http://www.alice-dsl.net/simonemartitz/rockbox/fuze_sd_performance.pdf |
20:37:30 | ranma | Yeah, seems like it. With 4-bit and zero copy I had 10MB/s on read, with just 4-bit I now have 4.3MB/s (same as OF), have to recompile again for 1-bit mode |
20:38:33 | kugel | the small sector buffer also makes it slower |
20:38:42 | topik | if the sd drver barely makes 2MB/s, i can't complain usb gets 1.8 |
20:38:54 | topik | not that i would complain at any number |
20:39:00 | kugel | NUA in that pdf means num_unaligned_sectors (i.e. the size of the sector buffer) |
20:39:27 | ranma | Down to 2.4MB/s on read in 1bit-mode |
20:40:01 | ranma | Would be really nice to get the zero copy patch working properly |
20:41:46 | ranma | kugel: Should I try committing the 4bit enable? It has passed test_disk write+verify here... |
20:42:10 | kugel | it has passed that test before |
20:42:33 | kugel | maybe talk to FlynDice before |
20:43:14 | kugel | ranma: browsed the svn history? |
20:43:31 | | Quit Xerion (Quit: ) |
20:51:46 | CIA-6 | New commit by bieber (r27060): skin_parser: Fixed bug handling sublines with no content |
20:52:57 | kugel | "fixed bug handling" :) |
20:53:16 | CIA-6 | r27060 build result: All green |
20:54:07 | | Join giovanni [0] (~giovanni@ |
20:57:46 | | Part anbu_yuki ("Leaving") |
20:58:14 | * | TheSeven glares at test_disk WRITE&VERIFY |
20:59:10 | TheSeven | "Data size: 307200KB Wrt 12725KB, 56426KB left" |
20:59:18 | TheSeven | that thing can't count! |
21:00 |
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21:13:44 | | Join anbu_yuki [0] (~yukichan@174-26-83-47.phnx.qwest.net) |
21:19:50 | anbu_yuki | so far i am mapping out what can be done with the symbian s60v5 sound api without calling in the actual api level multimedia decoder , which seems is what most apps that playback sound do |
21:20:42 | | Part Szpila |
21:21:26 | kugel | anbu_yuki: how's that rockbox related? |
21:21:48 | kugel | anbu_yuki: nevermind, reading backlog helps |
21:21:53 | anbu_yuki | i am wanting to port rockbox as an application to symbian s60v5 |
21:22:32 | anbu_yuki | it seems the sdk does not want to allow much core level hardware control of the codec ... other then volume control |
21:23:39 | | Join T44 [0] (~Topy44@f049152133.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
21:23:55 | kugel | anbu_yuki: you basically only need to pass pcm data, that shouldn't need a multimedia decoder api |
21:24:00 | anbu_yuki | i guess the first thing to do is make something that can send maybe a simple pcm stream to the audio codec without using the api for media |
21:24:12 | | Quit Luca_S (Quit: CGI:IRC) |
21:24:25 | kugel | yes |
21:24:40 | | Quit Topy44 (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
21:24:41 | anbu_yuki | yes... that is the issue , it does not seem to be very well documented :P ... |
21:24:44 | kugel | that's it basically, the sdl port doesn't do much more |
21:25:03 | kugel | anbu_yuki: maybe our symbian insider Torne has an idea |
21:25:45 | anbu_yuki | that would be great :) , is this the first such project , i have searched for a while for an s60 port ? |
21:25:54 | anbu_yuki | i may look at how scummvm does sound |
21:26:07 | kugel | I'm doing rockbox as an application for gsoc currently |
21:27:14 | anbu_yuki | i see , so your efforts may aid in how the ui is handled on touch screen devices like s60v5 :) |
21:27:22 | anbu_yuki | that is also in my blueprint |
21:27:41 | anbu_yuki | is how to handle the touch screen , lack of physical buttons as it seems most low cost s60 devices offer |
21:28:23 | | Join Topy44 [0] (~topy@my.fastsh.it) |
21:31:34 | | Join Buschel [0] (~~andree@p54A3F05A.dip.t-dialin.net) |
21:31:43 | | Join Szpila [0] (~1@chello089077200224.chello.pl) |
21:31:51 | topik | your progress wiki page is hard to find, kugel |
21:33:12 | anbu_yuki | it seems i found mention to some accelerated sound library in s60v5 .... will start at that point then look at scumm |
21:33:43 | TheSeven | pamaury: some not too promising performance numbers: http://pastebin.com/pdvw9Mw2 |
21:33:51 | TheSeven | some of them are quite confusing |
21:34:21 | TheSeven | remember we're using a very conservative writeback policy right now |
21:34:38 | pamaury | indeed |
21:34:54 | pamaury | perhaps this policy is too strict. Notably for the FAT |
21:36:05 | TheSeven | however, this will only hurt write access, where it already has a positive impact |
21:36:17 | TheSeven | for some reason we're significantly slower on the reading side though |
21:36:44 | TheSeven | i can't believe that this is just the dirty page checking code |
21:38:05 | pamaury | Perhaps the cache does not behave in the same as the previous code and this has a negative impact. Thing do not stay in the cache for long but that's strange |
21:41:16 | Torne | anbu_yuki: i know nothing about app level stuff like sound, i'm afraid :0 |
21:41:56 | Torne | but symbian foundation forums and/or forum nokia should know :) |
21:42:54 | anbu_yuki | same thing goes for me , its going to be one hell of a learning experiment , thx for the reply... I was planning on joing both the symbian group and the nokia developers group to ask around |
21:43:25 | anbu_yuki | it just seems perfect port given how bad the normal audio player is |
21:44:19 | kugel | topik: RockboxAsAnApplication2010 |
21:45:27 | anbu_yuki | should i add any findings to the rock box as and application project or start a new project given its for a non discussed target ? |
21:46:25 | bluebrother | domonoky: ping |
21:46:34 | kugel | topik: I added a note to RockboxAsAnApplication |
21:46:34 | topik | kugel: yeah, i finally found it. one link on the gsoc2010 page. |
21:46:50 | domonoky | bluebrother: pong |
21:47:03 | bluebrother | domonoky: what do you think about Rockbox Utility 1.2.7? |
21:47:06 | bertrik | what does thumb-cc.py do? |
21:47:09 | amiconn | TheSeven: Did you see my explanation in the log? |
21:47:11 | domonoky | go for it.. :-) |
21:47:20 | TheSeven | amiconn: explanation for what? |
21:47:38 | bluebrother | also, how to handle FS #11420? I'd like to include that, but there hasn't been a response yet :/ |
21:47:41 | amiconn | Stack usage of screendump |
21:47:50 | TheSeven | no, didn't catch it |
21:48:36 | amiconn | TheSeven: Btw, test_disk counts perfectly ok. "Data Size" is the total size. "Wrt" is the block size transferred in the current transaction. "left" is the remaining size |
21:48:41 | domonoky | bluebrother: you can just code that from scratch :-) |
21:48:49 | TheSeven | amiconn: hmm, a single line are like 300 bytes, not 2K |
21:49:01 | amiconn | What target? |
21:49:07 | TheSeven | nano2g |
21:49:13 | bluebrother | domonoky: sure, the change is rather trivial :) |
21:49:16 | TheSeven | 176 x 132, 16bit |
21:49:30 | bluebrother | I guess I'll simply redo that then and reject the patch |
21:49:43 | | Part AzureWurk |
21:49:47 | | Join AzureWurk [0] (opera@c-24-21-44-114.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) |
21:50:35 | amiconn | So the buffer is 352 bytes (16bpp) |
21:50:49 | amiconn | There is also a MAX_PATH sized filename buffer |
21:51:02 | amiconn | Íi.e. another 260 bytes iirc |
21:51:27 | * | TheSeven will retry with aggressive caching |
21:52:12 | amiconn | So definitely not 2K. That must be from somewhere else |
21:52:38 | TheSeven | 1.5K stkov's, 2K does not. |
21:53:16 | amiconn | The usb stack probably has more things on stack |
21:53:22 | amiconn | *usb thread |
21:54:40 | * | bertrik noticed that the clock on his clip+ was nearly exactly 187 days off |
21:55:15 | * | amiconn noticed another annoying quirk on the clip+, apart from the muffled sound |
21:55:42 | amiconn | The voice ui is not very usable, due to shutup() not working (at least not properly) |
21:56:10 | amiconn | If you scroll through the menu quickly, you have to wait until all the inbetween items are spoken -> slow and cumbersome |
21:56:44 | bertrik | amiconn, I though dfkt measured output and found a basically flat frequency response |
21:56:59 | * | amiconn needs to test whether this is clip+ specific, or other (older) targets are affected as well |
21:57:47 | bertrik | there is a patch from markun floating around that increases the amplifier bias current, maybe that one helps |
21:58:13 | amiconn | Did he measure with or without load? |
21:58:18 | dfkt | with load |
21:58:26 | * | amiconn wonders whether his earphones might be the culprit |
21:58:46 | dfkt | however, some phones don't seem to work well with the clip - like the 65 ohm koss ksc75 - they indeed sound muffled or under-powered from the clip |
21:59:00 | dfkt | while some 300 ohm sennheiser sound nice, just a bit quiet |
21:59:04 | | Quit kugel (Remote host closed the connection) |
21:59:07 | * | amiconn has Sony IEMs (16 ohms) |
21:59:14 | bertrik | What impedance is considered "normal"? |
21:59:23 | dfkt | hmmm, i had no issues ever with low impedance phones |
21:59:24 | anbu_yuki | yes the hd650 actually work well with the clip , sans the volume levels |
21:59:30 | dfkt | bertrik, the standard is usually 16 ohm |
21:59:31 | amiconn | Well, earphones/ IEMs are usually 16 ohms today |
22:00 |
22:00:05 | amiconn | Light headphones are often 32 ohms, some are 64 ohms (I have 64 ohm earphones as well) |
22:00:14 | dfkt | i remember reading in the AMS specs that the chip does some "impedance matching" - maybe it's not working well with some phones? |
22:00:19 | bertrik | Weird how high-impedance phones are more affected, I would have expected the exact opposite |
22:00:42 | bertrik | High-impedance -> less load on the amplifier |
22:01:06 | amiconn | Iiuc it seems like low impedance is more affected |
22:01:13 | anbu_yuki | the hd25 i-ii are 70 and seem to work great with clip+ via both stock and rockbox |
22:01:45 | dfkt | here's a few comparisons, with different loads: http://rmaa.elektrokrishna.com/index.php?dir=Temp/ |
22:02:12 | bertrik | Or maybe it means you have to increase the volume on the player quite a bit to get comparable volume in the earphones |
22:02:22 | topik | nice exchange on the official sansa clip+ forum about this topic involving mr saratoga :) |
22:02:27 | dfkt | maybe that weird crosstalk behavior of rockbox has something to do with some phones being perceived as muffled? |
22:02:35 | ranma | Regarding http://svn.rockbox.org/viewvc.cgi?view=rev&revision=27044 |
22:02:54 | ranma | It seems just defining 'STORAGE_WANTS_ALIGN' in system-target.h gives me playback glitches |
22:03:08 | ranma | Even without the changes in sd-*.c |
22:08:02 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
22:10:44 | | Quit Strife89 (Quit: Reboot to Linux.) |
22:12:22 | | Join funman [0] (~fun@rockbox/developer/funman) |
22:13:04 | funman | ranma: check FS #11429 |
22:13:41 | CIA-6 | New commit by bluebrother (r27061): Don't close libusb device handle if opening failed. ... |
22:14:32 | funman | i also try the sd*.c changes alone without defining STORAGE_WANTS_ALIGN and got playback trouble too |
22:15:11 | | Join Strife89 [0] (~Strife89@adsl-67-57-76.mcn.bellsouth.net) |
22:15:14 | CIA-6 | r27061 build result: All green |
22:16:20 | | Join Dekkard [0] (~michael@c-67-167-177-8.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) |
22:17:04 | bluebrother | domonoky: what do you think about merging rbutil/ and utils/? Now that we have the theme editor this separation looks a bit weird. |
22:19:33 | funman | ranma: also r24054 (revert 4 bit mode on AMSv1) |
22:20:02 | funman | these days it might just work |
22:21:51 | dfkt | bertrik, is there a task on the tracker about your clock/samplerate fix? i couldn't find anything |
22:22:01 | CIA-6 | New commit by bluebrother (r27062): Bump Rockbox Utility version to 1.2.7. |
22:23:08 | bertrik | dfkt, FS #10906, it should work now on both amsv1 and amsv2 (although may also break soon when PLL B is used for USB) |
22:23:37 | | Quit Jaykay (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
22:23:39 | CIA-6 | r27062 build result: All green |
22:23:44 | dfkt | thank you... will keep in mind to revert it from my builds :) |
22:24:05 | TheSeven | funman: does STORAGE_WANTS_ALIGN actually do anything besides aligning some static buffers in memory? |
22:24:11 | CIA-6 | New commit by bluebrother (r27063): Tag Rockbox Utility 1.2.7 release. |
22:24:35 | funman | TheSeven: i think that's all it does |
22:24:40 | | Join kugel [0] (~kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel) |
22:24:50 | TheSeven | so I doubt it can cause trouble |
22:25:02 | kugel | bluebrother: you are in doubt that Judas Iscariote is his real name? |
22:25:14 | funman | it's ranma who has trouble not me :-) |
22:25:37 | bertrik | dfkt, we're now back to 240 MHz PLL now for amsv2 so 1.1% error, amsv1 is at 0.15% error |
22:25:58 | funman | i tried to use 384MHz on amsv1 but it didn't work on fuzev1 |
22:26:36 | dfkt | bertrik, i see... i noticed the task is about amsv1, and rather old |
22:26:38 | bluebrother | kugel: well, I simply don't know it. And as he put the nick in the real name field in FS I simply don't consider it a real name. |
22:26:43 | kugel | bertrik: what happened to the 248 pll idea? |
22:27:01 | funman | reverted in r26979 |
22:27:06 | bluebrother | but that change was trivial anyway, so it's not much of a difference. |
22:27:08 | bertrik | kugel, it causes problems recognising microSD on some fuze v2 |
22:27:34 | | Quit mt (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
22:27:39 | kugel | bluebrother: it sounded like you accuse him of not stating his real name |
22:27:51 | kugel | bertrik: I thought that was the 384 one? |
22:28:08 | Dekkard | i tried to load a theme and got this..as it locked up: data abort at 0005C3D) (0) |
22:28:16 | Dekkard | any ideas? |
22:28:35 | bertrik | Judas Iscariote sounds like a false name indeed |
22:28:45 | bluebrother | kugel: well, that wasn't my intent. I just wanted to state that we do require real names (and I'm not convinced that the name he put is actually his real name). I'm happy to add him to CREDITS if he shows up to clarify this issue. |
22:28:46 | dfkt | jesus would agree :p |
22:28:51 | kugel | bertrik: what about the 244 pll idea? |
22:30:07 | bertrik | kugel, that's only marginally different from 248, so will probably trigger the same problems |
22:30:24 | bluebrother | btw, google shows that Judas Iscariot is the name of a band. |
22:31:25 | dfkt | it's also the bad guy in the bible, new testament :p |
22:31:26 | kugel | bertrik: it's as marginally different from 240 :P |
22:31:33 | kugel | worth a try IMO |
22:31:52 | | Quit anbu_yuki (Quit: Leaving) |
22:31:56 | bluebrother | It's also the name of a biblical figure. While I could imagine that someone has exactly the same name I appears somewhat unlikely to me |
22:31:56 | gevaerts | kugel: I see I managed to avoid answering your question by waiting long enough :) |
22:32:26 | dfkt | bluebrother, especially since it's an evil figure in the bible |
22:32:40 | bluebrother | dfkt: the biblical figure was even the first thing I was thinking about, but google turned up with the band first :o |
22:32:41 | bertrik | I'm suspecting a problem in SD driver somewhere rather than a too high clock frequency for the CPU |
22:33:12 | TheSeven | funman: did you see my updated patch? |
22:33:15 | kugel | bertrik: maybe the udelay was too off with the new frequency? |
22:33:34 | kugel | IIRC it's now based on a (somewhat) calibrated busy loop |
22:33:37 | funman | TheSeven: yes but didn't test it yet |
22:33:47 | | Join Nisaea [0] (~nisaea@tal33-4-82-244-83-157.fbx.proxad.net) |
22:33:48 | funman | kugel: it just assumes cpu freq is set correctly |
22:33:51 | CIA-6 | New commit by alle (r27064): Do not produce an extra space for non-albumart manuals |
22:34:03 | Nisaea | hello everyone |
22:34:12 | amiconn | Is there an ams datasheet somewhere? |
22:34:14 | kugel | most of the sd detection problems could be fixed by introducing/enlarging delays somewhere in the past |
22:34:29 | funman | here the card is detected correctly but not mounted |
22:35:04 | domonoky | bluebrother: moving rbutil and the patchers to utils someday sounds fine. |
22:35:30 | CIA-6 | r27064 build result: All green |
22:35:41 | | Join M3DLG [0] (~M3DLG@bb-87-81-252-83.ukonline.co.uk) |
22:36:43 | Nisaea | I'm currently having troubles creating my database on my iPod 5G, si I checked the forums to see if there was a similar problem reported, but well... not quite |
22:36:49 | | Part WalkGood |
22:37:00 | Nisaea | so I was wondering perhaps one of you might have an idea :) |
22:37:00 | | Quit Buschel (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
22:38:28 | Nisaea | I put a database.ignore file in the root of the iPod to see if the contents of the ipod control folder would be ignored but it doesn't seem to be the case, did I do anything wrong? |
22:38:35 | kugel | gevaerts: good job :P |
22:39:13 | | Join mt [0] (~mtee@rockbox/developer/mt) |
22:39:21 | Nisaea | moreover the scanning ends up crashing at some point |
22:41:13 | bluebrother | hmm, should try to build against a static libpng copy on linux. Let's see ... |
22:41:24 | | Quit pamaury (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
22:41:25 | TheSeven | pamaury: I'm not too convinced of the cache idea any more... |
22:41:33 | TheSeven | searching the cache seems to take quite a lot of time |
22:41:58 | TheSeven | so maybe some kind of sector buffer malloc pool could be the better approach? |
22:42:13 | funman | amiconn: there's no "as3525v2" datasheet, we use the as3525"v1" one; but AMS sent me the as3543 datasheet which is the codec/PMU chip used in as3525v2 |
22:42:40 | amiconn | ah ok |
22:43:04 | amiconn | Do we konw the exact arm core in as3525v2? All I know is that it's arm9 v5 |
22:43:13 | funman | arm926ej-s |
22:43:24 | gevaerts | Nisaea: if scanning crashes, anything else is going to be unpredictable. Which revision are you running? |
22:43:25 | funman | there is a cp15 register which gives the exact model |
22:43:31 | funman | although frequency is just guessed |
22:44:02 | amiconn | as3525v1 says max. 250MHz. My guess is that as3525v2 is the same |
22:44:47 | funman | yeah, the newer AMS SoC (as353x) which use an arm926ej-s are also maxed at 250MHz |
22:45:10 | Nisaea | gevaerts, where can I find this information? is it r27064 ? |
22:45:34 | gevaerts | Nisaea: System->Rockbox Info |
22:46:17 | Nisaea | gevaerts, please wait a moment :) |
22:46:33 | TheSeven | Nisaea: yes, r27064 is a revision number. |
22:46:52 | Nisaea | thanks TheSeven :) |
22:47:40 | Nisaea | gevaerts, it says version 3.6 |
22:48:08 | gevaerts | ok, then it's not the database issue some people have been seeing since a few days... |
22:48:54 | Nisaea | the strange thing is that although there is a database.ignore file it stills finds files to add |
22:49:41 | gevaerts | database.ignore only causes the system to not actually scan files for metadata, it still goes through the directory tree |
22:49:42 | Nisaea | I also put a database.unignore in an empty folder I plan to use to store the music I wish for the database but still |
22:49:54 | Nisaea | ah ok |
22:50:25 | gevaerts | That's actually needed for database.unignore to work. Otherwise that file also wouldn't be seen :) |
22:50:30 | Nisaea | so it's normal to see it count the files it finds while scanning |
22:50:39 | gevaerts | yes |
22:50:50 | gevaerts | What's not normal is of course for the scanning to crash |
22:50:55 | Nisaea | ok I understand |
22:51:17 | Nisaea | yes, beats me, the first time I scanned the whole thing it worked fine |
22:51:23 | gevaerts | hm, do you have at least one file it's allowed to scan? |
22:51:48 | Nisaea | nah, none since the folder where the unignore file is is empty |
22:52:04 | gevaerts | that might actually be the problem |
22:52:15 | Nisaea | should I put a random file in there and test? |
22:52:18 | funman | http://pastebin.org/352056 < remove OF boot on USB for AMSv1 |
22:52:30 | gevaerts | We did have a bug that caused problems in that case. I'm not sure if that ever got fixed |
22:52:39 | gevaerts | Yes, just put any random audio file there |
22:53:02 | Nisaea | ok I'm testing right now |
22:53:09 | Nisaea | thanks a lot |
22:53:11 | | Quit jgarvey (Quit: Leaving) |
22:53:33 | gevaerts | I hope it works. We prefer known issues with easy workarounds over new bugs :) |
22:54:13 | Nisaea | haha sorry if I stepped on a mine :) |
22:54:28 | Dhraakellian | USB on AMSv1? keeeewl |
22:54:32 | * | Dhraakellian updates his fuze |
22:54:48 | | Join stripwax [0] (~Miranda@87-194-34-169.bethere.co.uk) |
22:55:11 | Dhraakellian | hmm... it changes the fonts while plugged in |
22:55:12 | bertrik | dfkt, do you still have markun's patch around somewhere? |
22:56:17 | * | Dhraakellian rm -r \##*/ |
22:57:06 | bertrik | dfkt, never mind, I found the bits already in the data sheet |
22:58:02 | bertrik | amiconn, there's two bits in the codec that affect quality. The datasheet also mentions some power requirement, the differences are not that big. |
22:58:06 | Nisaea | gevaerts, it didn't crash where it used to, so it might take a while now (smells like good news anyway) |
22:58:10 | | Quit kugel (Remote host closed the connection) |
22:59:35 | bertrik | I'm inclined to enable them for high quality and not care too much about the < 1 mA or so that it saves when disabling them. |
23:00 |
23:00:01 | Dhraakellian | not quite so beers-worthy as getting USB enabled on the e200v1 (given its OF's lack of >2GB microSD support), but you guys still rock incredibly nonetheless! |
23:00:19 | gevaerts | Nisaea: I'll be happy when it actually gets to the end :) |
23:02:37 | Nisaea | rebooting :) |
23:02:45 | funman | ranma: did you test HID ? (USB_HAS_INTERRUPT in config.h) |
23:03:21 | Nisaea | gevaerts, IT WORKED! thank you very much for your help! |
23:03:25 | gevaerts | Great! |
23:03:30 | | Quit funman (Quit: free(random());) |
23:03:36 | * | Nisaea is happy :) |
23:03:46 | bertrik | amiconn, yes, the bits are SUM_HP_HIQ in AUDIOSET2 and HP_BIAS in AUDIOSET3 |
23:04:11 | Dhraakellian | actually, this might be beers-worthy, since it removes the need for very annoying select-pressing when I turn the car on |
23:04:13 | dfkt | bertrik, just in case, it's here - http://pastebin.com/uSrch0v3 |
23:06:17 | | Quit komputes (Remote host closed the connection) |
23:07:03 | amiconn | bertrik: Is there a patch? |
23:07:18 | Nisaea | I'm so in love with rockbox, thank you all for all the work you've done, I'll recommend it to everyone I know! |
23:07:30 | bertrik | amiconn, what dfkt just posted |
23:07:42 | Nisaea | bye bye :) |
23:07:58 | | Quit Nisaea (Quit: Ex-Chat) |
23:08:08 | | Join funman [0] (~fun@rockbox/developer/funman) |
23:09:52 | | Join kugel [0] (~kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel) |
23:10:23 | | Quit stripwax (Quit: http://miranda-im.org) |
23:11:23 | | Join bmbl [0] (~Miranda@unaffiliated/bmbl) |
23:12:48 | | Quit dfkt (Quit: -= SysReset 2.53=- Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.) |
23:13:29 | | Quit evilnick_B (Quit: Page closed) |
23:13:53 | bertrik | dfkt, I'm a bit puzzled by your results: the graphs at http://rmaa.elektrokrishna.com/Temp/hq-comparisons.htm look nearly identical, basically no improvement with the hi quality bits set, while earlier graphs do seem to show an improvement. |
23:15:22 | ranma | funman: I'm definitively seeing problems just from enabling STORAGE_WANTS_ALIGN, given that buffering.c looks kind of complex I can imagine that maybe it's rounding a pointer into the wrong direction somewhere? |
23:15:32 | ranma | I haven't tried hid, basically only usb_storage |
23:15:46 | | Join grawity [0] (~grawity@Because/DNS/abuse/is/fun.nullroute.eu.org) |
23:16:17 | grawity | ...I just noticed that weekdays in calendar.rock are off by one. |
23:16:29 | funman | ranma: buffering_reset() -> buffer_len use a pointer aligning macro |
23:16:48 | gevaerts | grawity: what target? |
23:17:04 | grawity | gevaerts: ipodnano2g, r26925 |
23:17:21 | grawity | The Appleware calendar is okay. |
23:18:10 | grawity | For example, according to calendar.rock, today is June 23, Tuesday. |
23:18:29 | * | grawity will file a bug when he's less sleepy. |
23:19:12 | funman | ranma: http://pastebin.org/352171 ? |
23:19:57 | grawity | meh. rockboxsim seems okay :| I guess I just need to upgrade. |
23:20:01 | grawity | Good night. |
23:20:08 | funman | also the storage alignement shouldn't assume it must align to a cache line |
23:20:11 | gevaerts | It might be target specific |
23:20:34 | | Join stripwax [0] (~Miranda@87-194-34-169.bethere.co.uk) |
23:20:43 | gevaerts | It's fine on my gigabeat f. That's an older build, but I doubt anything changed in calendar.rock |
23:20:45 | funman | now all targets that uses it require the same alignement than cache lines but it's just a random coincidence |
23:21:08 | grawity | Also, weird, it shows: "Battery: 88% 0h -1m" |
23:21:34 | * | grawity is quite sure that worked before. |
23:21:37 | | Quit grawity (Quit: Good night.) |
23:21:40 | funman | someone needs to make a battery bench i think |
23:22:59 | ranma | playback.c does a fixed align on a 'line size' of 16 |
23:23:13 | | Quit bmbl (Quit: Bye!) |
23:25:52 | * | bluebrother spots that he needs to do some cleanups on the 64bit linux rbutil build vm |
23:27:42 | funman | ranma: nice spot |
23:28:09 | ranma | funman: I'm more suspicious of for example reset_handle() |
23:28:09 | kugel | the calendar bug has been reported already IIRC |
23:28:39 | ranma | STORAGE_OVERLAP() seems on first glance to be an 'align down' |
23:28:47 | | Quit stripwax (Quit: http://miranda-im.org) |
23:28:49 | funman | ranma: btw about 4bits mode i think it should just go in if you tested it, we have fixed other bugs since this was reverted. If you have a patch i can test tomorrow on clip/fuze |
23:29:30 | bertrik | the calendar bug could actually be a bug in the RTC driver too I think |
23:30:39 | kugel | funman: is that bug about randomly skipping to the next song? |
23:31:17 | funman | nope there are some skips/glitches but lossless files output white noise |
23:31:46 | ranma | Well, lossless are probably not recoverable if you get a bit error |
23:31:56 | ranma | Where mp3 will 'blip' or just skip ahead |
23:32:27 | kugel | funman: so yes or no? you mentioned skips |
23:32:36 | funman | no |
23:32:42 | funman | nope = no |
23:33:01 | kugel | I knew that, thanks |
23:34:39 | | Part Szpila |
23:35:13 | bertrik | What RTC does the nano2g use? |
23:35:43 | bertrik | According to ipodnano2g.h, it's a RTC_NANO2G but I can't find the driver for it |
23:36:20 | | Join fml [0] (~chatzilla@p5DD2D807.dip.t-dialin.net) |
23:36:56 | | Quit fml (Client Quit) |
23:37:19 | | Join Luca_S [0] (www-data@giant.haxx.se) |
23:37:26 | amiconn | bertrik: Seems it bit better with the patch. Hard to tell |
23:39:35 | | Quit BHSPitMonkey (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
23:40:05 | funman | bertrik: the driver is in target tree i think |
23:40:11 | bluebrother | wtf? Switching themes causes a data abort on my mini? |
23:40:26 | bertrik | funman, yes, I just saw that :) |
23:41:17 | Dekkard | does it on my nano 1g too |
23:41:44 | Dekkard | i tried to load a theme and got this..as it locked up: data abort at 0005C3D) (0) |
23:43:25 | bluebrother | Bagder: can you move rbutil 1.2.7 files to the download server? http://www.alice-dsl.net/dominik.riebeling/rockbox/rbutil-releases/1.2.7/ |
23:43:26 | | Quit efyx (Remote host closed the connection) |
23:43:57 | * | Bagder gets to work |
23:44:20 | simonrvn | anyone else getting invalid ELF header with the simdisk/_temp_codec0.dll file? |
23:44:36 | simonrvn | current svn build, sansafuzev2 |
23:44:44 | CIA-6 | New commit by ranma (r27065): Give 4-bit mode another chance on AMSv1 since other bugs were fixed. |
23:45:33 | bluebrother | wow, now I get the data abort immediately after startup :( |
23:45:40 | bertrik | ranma, does this also apply to internal storage? |
23:45:49 | bluebrother | do we have map files around for current builds? |
23:46:10 | funman | ranma: btw, we could enable it in bootloader too |
23:46:22 | CIA-6 | r27065 build result: All green |
23:47:33 | Bagder | bluebrother: done! |
23:48:16 | bluebrother | Bagder: thanks! |
23:48:33 | bluebrother | gnah. Haven't seen Rockbox that unstable since years :( |
23:49:27 | * | amiconn did :\\ |
23:49:35 | CIA-6 | New commit by ranma (r27066): The mci_delay()s should be unnecessary if we properly tell the controller to wait for the response these commands send back to the host. |
23:50:05 | ranma | funman: Yeah, I thought so too |
23:50:25 | simonrvn | sorry, in the simdisk ^^^ |
23:50:27 | bluebrother | doesn't make the current situation better though :( |
23:51:04 | kugel | bluebrother: you know where to put bug reports ;) |
23:51:08 | ranma | bertrik: Yes. Increases read throughput over usb to 10MB/s for internal (vs. 4MB/s for OF) on my C200v2, works fine for me |
23:51:19 | CIA-6 | r27066 build result: 25 errors, 79 warnings (ranma committed) |
23:51:30 | AzureWurk | could somebody link me to the page that shows all the builds with notes about what was changed, i forgot to email it to myself so i could keep an eye on it at work :) |
23:51:36 | ranma | (Well 10MB/s with the zero copy patch, but without STORAGE_WANTS_ALIGN) |
23:52:11 | | Quit kugel (Remote host closed the connection) |
23:52:12 | bertrik | ranma, it always makes me feel a bit uncomfortable when things work due to mystery delays, nice to see them fixed! :) |
23:52:33 | | Join kugel [0] (~kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel) |
23:52:33 | bluebrother | hmm, seems deleting nvram.bin fixed it. At least it boots up now again |
23:52:40 | funman | bertrik: we could name the functions do_something_magic() if it makes you feel better ;) |
23:52:50 | ranma | Flaky build host again? |
23:52:51 | kugel | other targets use STORAGE_WANTS_ALIGN happily? |
23:53:03 | bluebrother | ha. Loading my (now incompatible) theme crashes again. |
23:53:19 | funman | kugel: ipod with hard disk & ata dma and ipod nano2g |
23:53:44 | kugel | I can't imagine buffering.c is on fault then |
23:53:52 | | Quit joeyg (Quit: lions and tigers and bears, oh my!) |
23:54:11 | ranma | Maybe I should check if STORAGE_WANTS_ALIGN works properly with only -O and without thumb... |
23:54:30 | | Join blaaa [0] (www-data@giant.haxx.se) |
23:54:39 | blaaa | hi @ all =) |
23:55:52 | blaaa | don't wanna annoy anyone but could it be, that the "amarok_plus2" theme is broken with the current build + themetag changes? |
23:56:08 | bluebrother | that's possible. |
23:56:16 | blaaa | gives me a "code abort blabla" |
23:56:17 | blaaa | ^^ |
23:56:30 | blaaa | same when I try to change language |
23:56:33 | bluebrother | which player? |
23:56:37 | blaaa | ipod video |
23:56:41 | bluebrother | that is not related to the theme. |
23:57:00 | blaaa | but its in the list |
23:57:03 | bluebrother | I'm getting crashes all time when trying to change themes since I updated a couple of minutes ago |
23:57:15 | bluebrother | it's related to _changing_ the theme, not the _theme_ itself. |
23:57:16 | blaaa | jep |
23:57:36 | bluebrother | so it's not the theme that's broken but some loading code in Rockbox. |
23:57:43 | blaaa | ok |
23:57:47 | blaaa | kinda sux :D |
23:58:03 | * | ranma thinks rockbox could use a common sd core instead of each platform handling it completely by itself... |
23:58:16 | blaaa | guess i'll have to keep using 3.6... But usb charging would be nice |
23:58:36 | bluebrother | Bagder: do we keep map files for current builds? What happened to the idea to put map files into the zips? |