00:02:47 | mt | saratoga: updated http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/11281 |
00:03:21 | bieber | If the font size is large enough to have 32 bit offsets, will noffset then list the number of 32 bit fields? |
00:03:57 | mt | I'm thinking of committing that last patch and continuing from there, I'm afraid if I wait the commits will become huge :) |
00:04:09 | bieber | And am I correct in assuming that firstchar is a unicode character, and the first glyph in the font corresponds to that code, and the rest of them continue one after the other after that? |
00:08:25 | fml | Torne: hrm... Then the words "Update on Stop" are a bit misleading IMO. It doesn't convey that it's update only and no creation. |
00:08:36 | | Join wincent_balin [0] (~Miranda@g229220208.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
00:09:14 | Torne | fml: update implies creation? since when |
00:09:15 | Torne | ? |
00:10:21 | | Quit wincent (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
00:10:27 | fml | Torne: hpw does it work if the option is set to NO and "create on stop" is set to YES? |
00:10:40 | Torne | it creates a bookmark on stop |
00:11:38 | Torne | feel free to change it to a better wording |
00:11:59 | Torne | i totally forgot about the manual; I'll update it tomorrow, unless you want to :) |
00:12:29 | saratoga | mt: i'm ok with committing when you're ready |
00:12:38 | saratoga | how close is it to all fixed point? |
00:13:27 | fml | Torne: and if the bookmark exists already? Will it be updated? |
00:13:50 | Torne | there isn't any such thing as updating a bookmark |
00:13:54 | Torne | :) |
00:14:07 | Torne | is perhaps the confusion here.. |
00:14:21 | Torne | bookmarks don't get replaced (except in the MRU list if you set it to unique only) |
00:14:55 | Torne | bookmark on stop says whether or not to create a bookmark, in the bookmark file for the current playlist, when you hit stop |
00:15:09 | mt | saratoga : The rest of the floating point stuff look much easier, (especially for mono/stereo .. multichannel needs more work, but it's still easier than what's been done so far), so I think it could probably be all fixed point by ~saturday. |
00:15:13 | | Quit robin0800 (Remote host closed the connection) |
00:15:20 | CIA-6 | New commit by bieber (r27301): Theme Editor: Began working on font loading. Font header info is now read and spewed out onto the debug console |
00:15:34 | Torne | update on stop says whether or not to create a bookmark, in the same file, but only if it already exists |
00:15:41 | saratoga | mt: nice |
00:15:51 | Torne | it's applied first, so it doesn't matter what the bookmark on stop setting is |
00:16:18 | mt | saratoga: I've done a lot of cleaning to be able to produce this patch, so I think I'll commit it as is, just checking to see if you have any particular remarks |
00:16:29 | fml | Torne: why do we need a special setting for it then? Why can't it be a new option for the setting "Bookmark on stop"? |
00:16:46 | saratoga | mt: i think this is fine, its easier for me to follow if you work out of SVN anyway |
00:16:49 | Torne | fml: because it's independant of tha |
00:16:57 | saratoga | just make sure its disabled in SVN |
00:17:02 | Torne | also, that would not be one new option, that would be five new options |
00:17:06 | CIA-6 | r27301 build result: All green |
00:17:10 | Torne | hm, okay, only four |
00:17:11 | mt | alright |
00:17:42 | Torne | you'd have to have ask/no/yes - recent only/ask - recent only, duplicated again, with some suffix indicating it will also do something different if the file exists |
00:17:43 | saratoga | regarding comments, I'm mostly just interested in how to solve this annoying mdct issue so we can merge the Pro and Std wma_window functions |
00:18:01 | Torne | (theres no need to duplicate "yes" of course) |
00:18:41 | Torne | fml: the point is to override whatever your normal bookmarking preference is, in the case where a bookmark already exists for the playlist |
00:18:58 | Torne | if it doesn't already exist, it will ask you, or make a recent bookmark only, or whatever else you selected as the normal preference |
00:19:37 | fml | Torne: I confess I'm not able to grok the bookmark creation logic and magic now. I give up! :-) But I'll probably reread your explanation tomorrow. Thank you! |
00:19:57 | Torne | ..seriously, this is a problem then |
00:20:03 | Torne | because it should be totally trivial |
00:20:15 | mt | saratoga: .. and maybe use our imdct too .. I'm just leaving tinkering in that for later, enough time on this for me now :) |
00:20:24 | Torne | if you turn the new option on, and the bookamrk file exists, then it will create a bookmark, no matter what other settings are set. that's it. |
00:20:27 | saratoga | i understand |
00:20:27 | Torne | it changes nothing else |
00:20:33 | saratoga | getting it to play audio at all will be nice |
00:21:52 | | Quit Jerom (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
00:21:52 | mt | yeah |
00:22:01 | fml | Torne: aha! Now I understand! So we have an option that masks another option, right? |
00:23:36 | Torne | no! |
00:23:48 | | Quit togetic (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
00:23:54 | Torne | if the file doesn't exist, it changes nothing |
00:24:13 | Torne | see 'and' above :) |
00:26:40 | fml | Torne: I meant the words "no matter what other settings are set" |
00:27:24 | Torne | well, there are only these two settings that are relevant :) |
00:27:27 | Torne | but yes |
00:27:35 | Torne | it makes it ignore the other one, if the file exists |
00:27:38 | Torne | that's the whole point |
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00:30:36 | fml | ok. Good night. |
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00:33:40 | CIA-6 | New commit by mt (r27302): Partial conversion of the wmapro decoder to fixed point arithmetic. Currently inverse quantization & rescaling, ... |
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00:35:13 | CIA-6 | r27302 build result: All green |
00:36:00 | mt | \o/ |
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02:11:32 | CIA-6 | New commit by saratoga (r27303): Commit FS #11458 by me. Fixes test_codec to work on files larger then the available audio buffer. Allows test_codec to work normally on the AMS ... |
02:13:23 | CIA-6 | r27303 build result: 2 errors, 0 warnings (saratoga committed) |
02:17:24 | saratoga | errors seem unrelated to my commit |
02:18:10 | | Quit GeekShadow (Quit: The cake is a lie !) |
02:25:00 | * | S_a_i_n_t wishes that the USB screen was able to be themed. |
02:25:17 | S_a_i_n_t | It's the one thing that my Apple_OF theme is missing. |
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03:29:53 | kisak | meh ... I tried to swap regular spaces for NBSP spaces in http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/SansaAMS so that the Fuze v1 and Fuze v2 lines in the table would not wrap, and it got filtered out |
03:30:18 | kisak | (hence the edit with no changes) |
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04:32:32 | S_a_i_n_t | Is there a way to increase the size of the simulator? |
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05:39:24 | * | S_a_i_n_t gets annoyed by the FMS not updating correctly. |
05:40:30 | JdGordon | so go ahead and fix it :) |
05:40:48 | JdGordon | te reuired change is actually pretty simple |
05:41:56 | S_a_i_n_t | I wouldn't know where to start looking to be honest, why is it exactly that the update rate is so low? IMO it should be the same as the WPS. |
05:42:24 | S_a_i_n_t | My main piss-off is sublines not working. |
05:42:25 | | Join binaryhermit [0] (~binaryher@adsl-99-141-196-197.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net) |
05:44:27 | S_a_i_n_t | hahahah, if you only have one preset saved in the fm presets, and have a simple "x of y presets" display (%al%Ti %Sx(of) %Tc) is shows as " of 1" |
05:44:43 | S_a_i_n_t | as in "<blank space> of 1" |
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05:46:46 | JdGordon | because the fm screen is mostly static |
05:46:53 | JdGordon | so it is only updated if it needs to be |
05:47:01 | JdGordon | i.e it hasnt been properly converted to skins yet |
05:47:36 | S_a_i_n_t | Ah, I would have thought that a subline would force it to update though. |
05:47:56 | S_a_i_n_t | But, that didn't work out either. |
05:47:59 | JdGordon | the skin redrawing thing is only called when it is absolutly needed |
05:48:10 | JdGordon | t doesnt care about what is in the skin |
05:48:19 | JdGordon | so it needs to be told to update more often |
05:48:49 | S_a_i_n_t | Right, I get you now. |
05:49:12 | JdGordon | so as usual, its an easy fix, just needs time |
05:50:04 | | Join t0rc [0] (~t0rc@unaffiliated/t0rc/x-5233201) |
05:50:09 | S_a_i_n_t | Would there be anything/anyone against upping the update rate of the FMS until that time? |
05:52:48 | JdGordon | it isnt actually so simple to jst do that |
05:53:00 | JdGordon | there isnt just a magic number to change |
05:54:31 | S_a_i_n_t | I see. Bah...wishfull thinking. |
05:54:48 | JdGordon | learn yee c |
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07:44:06 | wombatman | so pacbox has no sound? |
07:44:11 | wombatman | is that correct |
07:46:50 | * | JdGordon records "wakka wakka" on his e200 and sets it to repeat one before starting pacbox |
07:47:05 | wombatman | yea if that worked would be awesome |
07:47:17 | wombatman | im also not able to play files |
07:47:39 | wombatman | i'd prefer no sound other then my mp3s actually |
07:48:04 | wombatman | but no sound period makes it hard for me to get into it. Yes thats right i like the wakka wakka |
07:48:18 | wombatman | then again one of my main points of rockboxing my system |
07:48:24 | wombatman | was the ability to play nsfs |
07:48:53 | wombatman | im not complaining though. Just find it odd that it lacks sound there i guess |
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07:49:39 | | Join balintx [0] (~balintx@fibhost-67-58-201.fibernet.hu) |
07:49:44 | pixelma | there was a commit recently that enabled the game sound. Which player do you have and which build exactly? |
07:50:05 | wombatman | fuze and a recent build |
07:50:09 | wombatman | newer then stable |
07:50:16 | wombatman | but maybe a commit or two behind |
07:52:06 | wombatman | I may need to build something less standard though. Most everything I want is in the commit but I miss the nes emulator though it also lacks sound |
07:52:25 | pixelma | that's not exact at all |
07:52:42 | wombatman | I wish emulators and doom were able to keep music playing instead of their own sound though |
07:53:14 | wombatman | 100630? |
07:53:21 | wombatman | the numbers flash by so fast |
07:53:41 | wombatman | 27188 |
07:53:45 | wombatman | there we go |
07:53:53 | wombatman | 27188-100630 |
07:54:25 | pixelma | that looks lika the date but the important bit is the revision number. You can look it up under System > Rockbox info |
07:55:52 | pixelma | the commit that enabled sound in pacbox was 27202 and some fixes and improvements a few commits later... ;) |
07:58:53 | wombatman | heh |
07:58:58 | wombatman | ok |
07:59:19 | wombatman | i really just didn't think i could be that far behind i had just updated to add lrc support |
07:59:31 | wombatman | thanks though |
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08:00:06 | | Quit GeekShadow (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
08:01:00 | pixelma | you are almost exactly 100 revisions behind (not everything is code that runs on target though but still) :) |
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08:03:42 | wombatman | cool i have sound |
08:03:44 | wombatman | heh |
08:03:55 | wombatman | somehow i still suck at pacman though |
08:04:04 | wombatman | waa waa waaaaaa |
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08:21:41 | S_a_i_n_t | slightly offtopic, but I remember the sound on pacman being more "waka waka waka waka" |
08:21:45 | S_a_i_n_t | ;) |
08:22:08 | wombatman | sure but i died and then i complained |
08:22:13 | wombatman | so waa waa waaaa is safe |
08:22:29 | wombatman | sounds not perfect either really |
08:22:35 | wombatman | but at least theres some sound |
08:23:06 | S_a_i_n_t | Anyhow, I have limited space available on my FMS, would it make sense to display the RDS name in place of the preset name if RDS is available? |
08:24:20 | S_a_i_n_t | ie. "%?(isRDSavailable)<displayRDSinfo|displayPRESETinfo>" |
08:26:11 | JdGordon | probably |
08:27:34 | S_a_i_n_t | Thanks, I don't use RDS and never have but I assumed that RDS name basically takes the place of a preset name if it's available. |
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08:37:17 | simonrvn | what *is* RDS? i was guessing it was some ID broadcast by the station that a reciever can display, like station ID, some mini-ad/mini-slogan. |
08:37:26 | simonrvn | s,ID,data, |
08:37:43 | simonrvn | NM, i'll look it up |
08:38:55 | simonrvn | ah, i was right |
08:39:06 | S_a_i_n_t | IIUC it includes the station name, and metadata for the currently playing song. |
08:40:00 | JdGordon | and more |
08:40:14 | S_a_i_n_t | next track, playlength, etc. |
08:40:31 | S_a_i_n_t | Pretty awesome really, but no stations here support it. |
08:41:13 | simonrvn | a lot more data it seems :) |
08:41:24 | simonrvn | en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio_Data_System |
08:42:20 | | Join Xerion [0] (~xerion@82-170-197-160.ip.telfort.nl) |
08:43:02 | S_a_i_n_t | JdGordon: Can there be a "default" RadioArt image? Or does the image name *have* to match the preset name for RadioArt? |
08:43:33 | JdGordon | yes to both |
08:44:09 | JdGordon | the deault image is just %?C<%Cd|%xd(A)> |
08:44:17 | | Join Guest22571 [0] (bjst@giant.haxx.se) |
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08:44:17 | | Join Guest22571 [0] (bjst@rockbox/developer/Zagor) |
08:44:24 | JdGordon | search path for radio images only looks for the preset name |
08:45:06 | S_a_i_n_t | Right, thanks. |
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08:46:21 | | Nick Guest22571 is now known as Zagor (bjst@rockbox/developer/Zagor) |
08:48:16 | wombatman | is there any nautilus script or commandline program that anyone knows to download lrc files |
08:48:40 | wombatman | my current method is taking too long (using amarok) |
08:48:49 | wombatman | im really looking for some sort of script |
08:50:56 | | Quit JdGordon (Quit: Page closed) |
08:53:11 | S_a_i_n_t | Not really sure that's ontopic wombatman |
08:53:30 | S_a_i_n_t | I'm sure Google can help you. |
08:53:36 | wombatman | yea it isn't i guess though its definitely for rockbox |
08:53:43 | wombatman | i think i found a way to make it easier |
08:54:40 | S_a_i_n_t | I like to add my lyrics manually (even though it takes ages) as then I *know* that the lyrics are correct, and that the lyrics are synced properly. |
08:55:04 | S_a_i_n_t | I don't really trust anything that claims to automate this task to actually get it right. |
08:55:16 | wombatman | yea i like to have them synced properly but its too many songs to do for me |
08:55:28 | | Quit tmzt (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
08:55:44 | | Join tmzt [0] (~ircuser@99-157-224-139.lightspeed.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net) |
08:55:48 | S_a_i_n_t | Do a couple of albums a day, and you'll get there eventually. |
08:56:26 | wombatman | well the amarok script can apparently do quite a few things for me that will simplify this |
08:56:34 | wombatman | i just didn't find them til i said something |
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09:42:01 | | Join JdGordon [0] (~jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) |
09:43:50 | * | JdGordon has an idea how to allow the skins to say how often they should update |
09:44:02 | S_a_i_n_t | Oh? |
09:44:07 | S_a_i_n_t | Sounds awesome. |
09:45:51 | JdGordon | bassically just add a tag to say how many roughly how many milliseconds between partial updates |
09:46:43 | S_a_i_n_t | Aha. Sounds like a plan. I guess that way a themer can stop it from updating unnecessarily often if the theme doesn't need to. |
09:46:49 | S_a_i_n_t | And, faster if it does. |
09:47:22 | JdGordon | yeah |
09:47:42 | JdGordon | although from my batt benchs it doesnt look like updating more often is a big deal |
09:47:48 | | Quit Utchybann (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
09:47:57 | | Join swilde [0] (~wilde@aktaia.intevation.org) |
09:48:13 | S_a_i_n_t | Oh, yes...I remember that actually. That was kinda amusing. |
09:51:46 | JdGordon | hmm... wanna test a quick patch to fix the fms not updating? |
09:51:59 | S_a_i_n_t | Hmmm, I've found a slight bug with the preset position. Displaying "position X of Y". If you change from preset to scan mode and move of the frequency of the preset it displays "<blank> of Y" |
09:52:53 | S_a_i_n_t | If you can compile me a windows sim, then yeah I can test it. I don't actually have any FM hardware for my targets. |
09:52:59 | | Join Rob2223 [0] (~Miranda@p4FDCBA18.dip.t-dialin.net) |
09:54:50 | | Quit balintx (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.) |
09:55:04 | * | JdGordon will very slowly test on his shitty laptop then |
09:55:23 | | Join balintx [0] (~balintx@fibhost-67-58-201.fibernet.hu) |
09:55:55 | S_a_i_n_t | Hmmm, I guess it makes sense, but it seems kinda odd. If you're on scan mode, then change to preset mode (and you're not on a preset frequency) then my "X of Y presets" display displays "<blank> of Y presets". It makes total sense, as it isn't a preset frequency, but it would be nice if it jumped to the closest preset when changinf from scan to preset mode. |
09:56:35 | | Quit Rob2222 (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
09:59:29 | | Join whichUTF [0] (www-data@giant.haxx.se) |
09:59:53 | whichUTF | Hi. Does rockbox support UTF 8 ? |
10:00 |
10:00:07 | simonrvn | yes |
10:00:25 | whichUTF | nice, and UTF 16 ? |
10:00:50 | simonrvn | iirc it's recommended to do so. no, i don't think so. i haven't seen it mentioned. |
10:02:17 | whichUTF | it's recommended to use UTF 8, and you don't think rockbox suppoerts UTF 16, correct ? |
10:03:53 | S_a_i_n_t | It doesn't, well...it isn't lested in the default codepage selection. |
10:03:58 | S_a_i_n_t | *listed. |
10:04:22 | whichUTF | which one isn't listed ? :-) |
10:04:34 | S_a_i_n_t | There are many codepages to choose from, and UTF-8 is included, but not UTF-16 |
10:04:45 | whichUTF | thank you |
10:05:14 | S_a_i_n_t | The manual could tell you which codepages are listed exactly, I'm not typing them all out lol ;) |
10:05:24 | S_a_i_n_t | what target are you looking at? |
10:05:28 | S_a_i_n_t | (which player)? |
10:05:33 | whichUTF | H140 |
10:05:56 | S_a_i_n_t | http://download.rockbox.org/daily/manual/rockbox-iriverh100/rockbox-build.html |
10:06:44 | | Join Utchybann [0] (~Utchy@rps6752.ovh.net) |
10:06:45 | S_a_i_n_t | Look in Settings/General Settings/Display/Default Codepage |
10:07:02 | CIA-6 | New commit by jdgordon (r27304): make the fms update |
10:07:09 | whichUTF | Many thanks; I'm thinking of converting my tags to ID3v2.4, my tagger only converts to ID3v2.4 UTF 8, just wanted to be sure before launching myself. |
10:07:36 | JdGordon | ^ fixes FS #11442... /me learns how to do git svn dcommit |
10:08:01 | S_a_i_n_t | Woo! |
10:08:06 | S_a_i_n_t | (for both things) |
10:08:35 | CIA-6 | r27304 build result: All green |
10:08:58 | S_a_i_n_t | Would it be possibly for the Radio to jump to the closest Preset when changing from Scan to Preset mode? |
10:09:29 | S_a_i_n_t | It is the only way I can think of to stop it displaying "<blank> of X presets" |
10:09:54 | JdGordon | it probably could be done |
10:09:54 | | Quit whichUTF (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)) |
10:11:09 | simonrvn | does the wavpack codec build for anyone else on eabi/sansafuzev2 target? |
10:11:47 | | Join Mich [0] (~M_cH@pool-71-115-199-163.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net) |
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10:13:29 | simonrvn | mm, not exactly accurate, in the simdisk target for said dap |
10:13:59 | bieber | w00t, I've got font rendering sorta working |
10:14:27 | simonrvn | nice |
10:14:42 | S_a_i_n_t | bieber: Good work! |
10:14:50 | * | S_a_i_n_t pats bieber on the back. |
10:14:53 | | Join balintx [0] (~balintx@fibhost-67-58-201.fibernet.hu) |
10:15:06 | S_a_i_n_t | "Good show Sir. Jolly Good show." ;) |
10:15:07 | bieber | And by kind of, I mean the fonts are rendering perfectly to my debug image file, but they're not showing up anywhere on screen :P |
10:15:23 | | Join esperegu [0] (~quassel@ |
10:15:24 | S_a_i_n_t | ...close enough :P |
10:15:44 | simonrvn | hehe |
10:16:10 | | Join JdGordon1 [0] (~jonno@ |
10:16:50 | bieber | btw, font 0 is built-in, and font 1 is the theme default, right? Or is it the other way around? |
10:17:01 | S_a_i_n_t | correct |
10:17:06 | S_a_i_n_t | 0 == built in |
10:17:11 | S_a_i_n_t | 1 == Userfont |
10:17:24 | | Join JdGordon2 [0] (~jonno@ |
10:17:58 | S_a_i_n_t | bieber: I found a tag you may not be aware of (not in the manual, or the wiki) |
10:18:01 | S_a_i_n_t | %Sr |
10:18:01 | | Quit JdGordon (Disconnected by services) |
10:18:06 | bieber | What's it do? |
10:18:10 | | Nick JdGordon2 is now known as JdGordon (~jonno@ |
10:18:16 | S_a_i_n_t | It's a language direction tag. |
10:18:32 | bieber | Like a conditional for left-to-right? |
10:18:41 | S_a_i_n_t | %?Sr<Lang is RTL|Lang is LTR> |
10:18:46 | bieber | Oh, okay |
10:19:06 | JdGordon | bieber: for font numbering (this might not actually worry you at all) 0 is always the inbuilt, 1 is always the theme font (may be different if it is a remote skin) 2+ are font labels for that skin |
10:19:10 | | Join bertrik [0] (~bertrik@rockbox/developer/bertrik) |
10:19:40 | bieber | Got it |
10:19:44 | simonrvn | %Fl(ID,font-file-name) |
10:20:21 | bieber | I already had most of the infrastructure for the font system in place, it's just that the font class was ignoring the file name that got passed to it and using Qt's text rendering |
10:21:03 | bieber | Now I've got it reading the font file and putting together images from them, I just have to make it into an object that'll show in the scene |
10:21:21 | | Quit JdGordon1 (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
10:21:30 | JdGordon | are you using the .fnt or .bdf? |
10:21:53 | AlexP | S_a_i_n_t: Stick it on flyspray please (that it isn't in the manual) |
10:22:04 | AlexP | That way I'll fix it eventually |
10:22:18 | simonrvn | oh, should be .fnt in that %Fl |
10:22:33 | S_a_i_n_t | AlexP: Will do, I was supposed to do it last night, but I forgot until just now when bieber came in. |
10:22:46 | AlexP | Cheers :) |
10:22:51 | bieber | JdGordon: The .fnt |
10:23:04 | AlexP | S_a_i_n_t: Plus any others that may or may not be there :) |
10:23:13 | | Join JdGordon1 [0] (~jonno@ |
10:23:34 | bieber | I'm going to include the built-in font with the binary, but others will have to either in the project's font directory or in a central font directory for the theme editor |
10:23:53 | bieber | I was going to bundle all the built-in fonts, until I realized that there's 15MB of them |
10:24:19 | S_a_i_n_t | AlexP: My intention was to add a manual description for it, and a new description for %ax (the one in the manual is terrible). But it will be a text file sorry, I suck with TeTex. |
10:24:50 | AlexP | You can just copy the ones that are already there :) |
10:25:19 | | Quit balintx (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.) |
10:25:30 | | Join balintx [0] (~balintx@fibhost-67-58-201.fibernet.hu) |
10:25:40 | | Quit JdGordon (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
10:25:47 | S_a_i_n_t | Ah, good point. Well, ok, I may stick a complete patch on Flyspray then depending on how ambitious I'm feeling ;) |
10:33:31 | | Join DerPapst [0] (~Alexander@ |
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10:41:42 | | Nick fxb is now known as fxb__ (~felixbrun@h1252615.stratoserver.net) |
10:43:52 | S_a_i_n_t | Hmmmm...just got some message about SDL not being installed, or not properly configured or something../me thought it "just worked" :/ |
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10:55:57 | | Quit wombatman (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
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11:02:11 | pixelma | S_a_i_n_t: using a sim compiled by JdGordon? |
11:02:26 | pixelma | on Windows |
11:04:08 | | Join JdGordon2 [0] (~jonno@ |
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11:41:01 | S_a_i_n_t | pixelma: No, trying to compile a sim myself in my CygWin environment. |
11:41:15 | S_a_i_n_t | I've no idea what the heck is going on. |
11:41:40 | | Quit scorche (Disconnected by services) |
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11:41:55 | S_a_i_n_t | I'm updating CygWin at the moment to see if it magically fixes itself, if not, I'll repost the error and go from there. |
11:43:09 | | Nick JdGordon2 is now known as JdGordon (~jonno@ |
11:43:45 | pixelma | were you able to run sims before? |
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12:32:12 | JdGordon | has anyone had problems ever with the sim playing back maybe 1s of audio and then appearing to stop working except the ui thread works fine? |
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13:01:35 | JdGordon | why the heck do we have %?aa<yes|no> instead of no|yes? |
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13:09:39 | kugel | JdGordon: isn't that standard for binary conditionals? |
13:10:04 | JdGordon | ? |
13:10:38 | JdGordon | it confuses me everytime :) |
13:11:03 | | Join halmi [0] (~netbook@80-123-39-173.adsl.highway.telekom.at) |
13:11:19 | kugel | %?C works the same iiuc, and %ia |
13:11:51 | pixelma | yes|no lets you drop the last part more easily if you don't want anything for "no" and yes is more usual |
13:12:32 | JdGordon | I know... I'm jjust complainig because I'm fiddling with that code and it is confusing me |
13:12:33 | pixelma | otherwise you'l need "|yes" at least |
13:12:40 | JdGordon | not really |
13:13:35 | * | JdGordon is getting very screwy sdl audio playback |
13:13:36 | | Quit halmi_ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
13:13:49 | JdGordon | I dont know if its the patch or my laptop :( |
13:15:01 | | Quit bmbl (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
13:18:57 | | Quit kugel (Quit: Bye) |
13:21:54 | | Join merbanan [0] (~banan@c-89-160-72-125.cust.bredband2.com) |
13:25:56 | | Quit Mich () |
13:27:16 | wodz | I screwed up playback on MPIO and deleted branch where I had working code :-/ |
13:27:40 | JdGordon | :'( |
13:42:26 | mc2739 | S_a_i_n_t: to stop display of "<blank> of X presets" - %?Ti<%Ti of %Tc presets|> |
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14:38:40 | JdGordon | how do I check ram usage between builds like the delta table? |
14:38:55 | | Quit r0b- (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
14:39:09 | Torne | isn't that listed if you hover on the table? |
14:39:25 | JdGordon | yes, but I want to check locally :) |
14:40:25 | bertrik | JdGordon, I notice that apps/radio/presets.c and apps/radio/radio.c reference each other. Would you mind if I cleaned up the prototype names a bit (and maybe also declare them in a shared header file)? |
14:40:53 | JdGordon | not at all... go ahead :) |
14:41:01 | JdGordon | I just couldnt handle the massive file anymore |
14:41:47 | bertrik | ok, I think I'll prefix the globals in presets.c with presets_ for example |
14:42:09 | gevaerts | JdGordon: compare the numbers in rockbox-info.txt |
14:42:35 | JdGordon | ta |
14:42:46 | bertrik | the bloat-o-meter only measures code size I guess |
14:44:12 | JdGordon | yeah |
14:44:51 | JdGordon | FYI, my patch to get the new parser into the core is still about a +5K code size delta which sucks a bit :/ |
14:45:37 | JdGordon | a BIG chunk of that is a redundant tags table which should be removeable some time before commit so it wont be terrible |
14:45:38 | JdGordon | I hope |
14:46:23 | JdGordon | is there an easy way to see how big each function is? without looking at the .map? |
14:46:24 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
14:47:57 | Torne | objdump on the object file you're interested in |
14:47:59 | | Quit MethoS- (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
14:48:02 | Torne | if it's localised |
14:49:32 | JdGordon | with -t? |
14:49:43 | JdGordon | dump the symbols table |
14:49:46 | amiconn | S_a_i_n_t: SDL on Cygwin won't magically fix itself. There is no pre-built package - you need to build sdl if you want to use it |
14:55:41 | | Join MethoS- [0] (~clemens@ |
14:57:28 | pixelma | JdGordon: what are the advantages of the new parser? |
14:58:14 | * | JdGordon isnt sure how to actually answer that |
14:59:09 | JdGordon | 1) remove dupelicated code, 2) it is a much nicer system, 3) simpler code, 4) share code with the external tools, 5) adds some niceecites which cant be done in svn, 6) makes adding complex tags easier |
14:59:30 | wodz | I'am puzzled. Data are transfered to codec with DMA ok, but I have no sound. The codec config is almost the same as previous. The only difference is that now I use it in master mode not as a slave. But if codec do not provide proper IIS signals DMA would not fire so clocking IS ok. The most strange thing is that recording works. |
15:00 |
15:00:37 | * | JdGordon is pretty sure the new parser can be shrunk a bit also |
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15:29:42 | Dannyboy | Could someone create a modified iriver firmware for me to restore the original firmware |
15:30:02 | | Quit evilnick_B (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
15:30:38 | JdGordon | just download the origional iriver firmware file then |
15:31:21 | Dannyboy | yes but that wont work as i have flashed rockbox to the ram |
15:31:30 | Dannyboy | and i didnt create a backup of my firmware |
15:31:45 | | Join evilnick_B [0] (0c140464@rockbox/staff/evilnick) |
15:31:59 | pixelma | Dannyboy: are you also the Hellish one posting to the forums? |
15:32:05 | Dannyboy | yes |
15:32:42 | pixelma | ok, I was worried a bit it could be two people with the same problem |
15:33:12 | Dannyboy | can you use the iriver ih120 20gb hard drive in the ihp 140? |
15:33:30 | Dannyboy | i would be flashing the original firmware using the 20gb hard drive |
15:41:10 | * | bertrik tries to figure out the differences between the various radio preset save functions |
15:42:29 | | Join Kitr88 [0] (~Kitar_st@BSN-182-129-153.dial-up.dsl.siol.net) |
15:44:02 | | Quit merbanan (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
15:44:38 | pixelma | I would know auto-scan way and the "save as preset" or "edit preset" way (from a user's point of view) |
15:44:57 | | Join merbanan [0] (~banan@c-b21ff314-74736162.cust.telenor.se) |
15:45:55 | | Quit Kitar|st (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
15:46:34 | CIA-6 | New commit by teru (r27305): lrcplayer: ... |
15:46:39 | S_a_i_n_t | amiconn: I've never had to build it before, usually it "just worked". ie. install CygWin, download the RB source, build toolchain...make build/SIM/whatever. |
15:47:05 | | Quit Kitr88 (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
15:47:57 | S_a_i_n_t | Any suggestions as to why it wouldn't work now, or, why it did before with no intervention from myself? |
15:48:08 | S_a_i_n_t | re: SDL |
15:48:15 | CIA-6 | r27305 build result: All green |
15:49:44 | pixelma | S_a_i_n_t: I'm still not sure if the problem is building or running the sim |
15:52:47 | | Join Kitar|st [0] (Kitar_st@BSN-182-50-176.dial-up.dsl.siol.net) |
15:56:30 | amiconn | S_a_i_n_t: It cannot have worked without intervention. What you may have done in your old installation is to install the sdl and crosscompiler packages from rockbox.org |
15:56:52 | amiconn | But these are for Cygwin 1.5, which is no longer current, and no one made packages for Cygwin 1.7 yet |
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16:20:20 | wodz | It's unbelievable - sound output is broken by my recent changes in button-hd200.c and button-target.h. |
16:20:23 | | Join halmi_ [0] (~netbook@188-22-120-213.adsl.highway.telekom.at) |
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16:21:43 | bertrik | maybe you flipped the wrong GPIO somewhere |
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16:24:26 | | Join halmi [0] (~netbook@80-123-41-29.adsl.highway.telekom.at) |
16:25:49 | wodz | bertrik: You are right - I disabled audio serial data out pin :-/ |
16:27:03 | | Quit halmi_ (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) |
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16:28:36 | | Quit merbanan (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
16:29:38 | bertrik | I'll replace strcpy by strlcpy and strcat by strlcat where possible in radio.c and preset.c, OK? |
16:29:54 | | Quit halmi (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
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16:30:01 | wodz | it will be safer for sure :-) |
16:30:14 | | Join halmi [0] (~netbook@80-123-40-139.adsl.highway.telekom.at) |
16:32:08 | bertrik | oh, we still use strcpy a lot in order places too |
16:32:54 | | Quit halmi_ (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
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16:33:59 | | Join halmi_ [0] (~netbook@93-82-35-145.adsl.highway.telekom.at) |
16:34:13 | bertrik | a crude search gives me 99 hits on strlcpy and still 71 hits on strcpy (apps/plugins/ not included) |
16:34:20 | bertrik | (in apps) |
16:35:08 | wodz | I'll say go ahead and squash this. using strcpy() is asking for trouble |
16:36:17 | | Quit halmi (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
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16:44:01 | CIA-6 | New commit by wodz (r27306): HD200 - more work on remote handling |
16:44:18 | wodz | arrgh |
16:44:43 | CIA-6 | New commit by wodz (r27307): HD200 - Fix GPIO setup in button_init_device()- this change fixes sound output broken in r27258. Slightly adjust main buttons reading routine so key ... |
16:45:22 | | Quit halmi (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
16:45:39 | CIA-6 | r27306 build result: All green |
16:45:43 | | Join halmi [0] (~netbook@93-82-37-117.adsl.highway.telekom.at) |
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16:46:28 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
16:47:11 | CIA-6 | r27307 build result: All green |
16:48:57 | | Quit halmi_ (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
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16:58:21 | | Join stoffel [0] (~quassel@p57B4DA77.dip.t-dialin.net) |
16:59:08 | S_a_i_n_t | pixelma: The problem is building the sim |
16:59:24 | S_a_i_n_t | amiconn: I have never used packages from rockbox.org |
16:59:46 | S_a_i_n_t | I've always built the crosscompilers using rockboxdev.sh |
17:00 |
17:01:49 | S_a_i_n_t | I get this "configure didn't find sdl-config, which indicates that you don't have SDL (properly) installed. Please correct and re-run configure!" |
17:02:09 | S_a_i_n_t | Which I have never seen before, ever. |
17:06:07 | CIA-6 | New commit by kugel (r27308): Add −−prefix option to configure, and add it to make reconf. |
17:07:46 | CIA-6 | r27308 build result: All green |
17:07:47 | | Quit einhirn (Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org) |
17:10:12 | CIA-6 | New commit by bertrik (r27309): Clean up naming of radio preset functions and move global radio preset methods into apps/radio/presets.h |
17:10:25 | | Quit Dannyboy (Disconnected by services) |
17:11:48 | CIA-6 | r27309 build result: All green |
17:11:59 | CIA-6 | New commit by kugel (r27310): Rockbox as an application: Add an 320x240 SDL application target. ... |
17:13:53 | S_a_i_n_t | pixelma: amiconn: If one of you is able to tell me where I *should* find this "sdl-config", it would be a start at least. If either of you know what's going wrong here, even better. |
17:14:06 | | Part Zagor |
17:14:19 | CIA-6 | r27310 build result: All green |
17:15:24 | bertrik | S_a_i_n_t, for me (ubuntu 10.04) it's in libsdl1.2-dev |
17:15:48 | AlexP | bertrik: cygwin |
17:15:53 | AlexP | Which is why it doesn't work |
17:16:02 | S_a_i_n_t | yeah, I kinda need a cygwin specific answer :/ |
17:16:05 | AlexP | No sdl package for cygwin IIRC |
17:16:09 | wodz | S_a_i_n_t: I would strongly advice You to use virtual machine with some upstream linux distribution |
17:16:14 | saratoga | RAAA woot |
17:16:19 | AlexP | wodz: We all have many times :) |
17:16:45 | S_a_i_n_t | I want to know why it suddenly just decided to not work. |
17:16:58 | S_a_i_n_t | I've never done anything special to build a SIM before |
17:18:11 | | Quit leavittx_ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
17:18:21 | kugel | S_a_i_n_t: investigate it |
17:18:35 | | Quit leavittx (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
17:19:13 | kugel | the hardcoded lcd dimensions could probably be replaced by some questions(and according cmdline options) in configure |
17:19:15 | S_a_i_n_t | kugel: Gee...really? I didn;t think of that :P |
17:21:50 | | Quit teru (Quit: Quit) |
17:22:35 | S_a_i_n_t | My option seems to be "compile SDL from source", but, if noone else has to do this with CygWin, and I never have done before...why do I have to now? |
17:22:40 | S_a_i_n_t | Did something change? |
17:22:41 | kugel | gevaerts: I think I can find a way to make the directory split doable without hitting target builds too much |
17:23:21 | kugel | S_a_i_n_t: search for sdl-config.exe on your machine, then find out why configure doesn't see it |
17:23:35 | kugel | maybe without the .exe |
17:23:36 | S_a_i_n_t | kugel: It isn't there. |
17:23:44 | S_a_i_n_t | that's why it doesn;t see it. |
17:24:40 | kugel | S_a_i_n_t: you could also check if some recent changes to configure broke it |
17:24:51 | kugel | I think you need sdl-config on cygwin as well |
17:25:12 | S_a_i_n_t | Well, apparently. |
17:25:50 | S_a_i_n_t | I've never had to do anything special to build a sim using CygWIn before, but now...I get this error about sdl-config. |
17:26:31 | * | kugel thinks we should go for the "use a VM or find out the cygwin problems yourself" route |
17:26:58 | AlexP | cygwin is always the one causing random issues :) |
17:31:58 | | Quit pamaury (Remote host closed the connection) |
17:38:16 | | Quit t0rc (Quit: Leaving) |
17:38:25 | * | kugel has a semi-hack for using a runtime evaluated codec directory |
17:41:26 | amiconn | AlexP: This issue isn't random though |
17:41:42 | amiconn | For sdl on cygwin you need to build it. |
17:41:51 | AlexP | No, and none ever are in a strict sense |
17:42:12 | AlexP | I just meant in general it tends to break not infrequently |
17:42:12 | amiconn | This is straightforward - there is no package, hence diy |
17:42:25 | AlexP | Yes |
17:43:20 | AlexP | I agree :) |
17:43:26 | amiconn | It's not even difficult to build. The only thing to obey if you want to have double-clickable sims is to move cygwin1.dll somewhere into the path (or extend the path) |
17:44:32 | pixelma | AlexP: it only breaks because many people chose to ignore it ;) |
17:44:39 | wodz | amiconn: have looked at optimizing bliting asm routines for MPIO? |
17:44:49 | wodz | s/have/have You/g |
17:45:11 | AlexP | pixelma: I wouldn't say ignore - it is just that it does some things differently to linux and the number of developers using cygwin is very small :) |
17:45:38 | pixelma | same with MacOS ;) |
17:45:44 | AlexP | yeah :) |
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18:06:22 | | Quit halmi (Quit: halmi) |
18:07:55 | wodz | is there a way to reach pitchscreen other than ACTION_WPS_PITCHSCREEN key/combo when in WPS? |
18:11:08 | kugel | where would we like to have the rockbox' config dir? |
18:11:36 | kugel | $(HOME)/.rockbox or $(HOME)/.config/rockbox (or rockbox.org)? |
18:12:47 | wodz | I hate rockbox.org like dirs personally |
18:13:16 | kugel | IIRC rbutil uses rockbox.org |
18:14:07 | wodz | $(HOME)/.config/rockbox will follow spreading rule from freedesktop.org |
18:15:04 | kugel | I'd prefer that too |
18:15:11 | gevaerts | I'd make it compile-time settable. This is going to vary I suspect |
18:15:31 | kugel | gevaerts: $HOME won't be compile time settable though |
18:15:50 | gevaerts | I don't know... |
18:16:10 | kugel | unless you like single user apps? |
18:16:13 | gevaerts | I mean, I'm not sure if e.g. android settings directories map to this model very well |
18:17:45 | CIA-6 | New commit by alle (r27311): Fix a typo and clarify when bookmarks are autocreated |
18:19:43 | CIA-6 | r27311 build result: All green |
18:20:49 | CIA-6 | New commit by wodz (r27312): HD200 - add remote keymap |
18:21:18 | wodz | So basicaly we have MPIO remote working :-) |
18:22:42 | CIA-6 | r27312 build result: All green |
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18:25:20 | wodz | gevaerts: Is there final agreement to remove keywords property (and $id: line)? |
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18:26:03 | Luca_S | hello |
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18:31:34 | Drise | Just curious, does anyone know how far along the USB code for the Sansa Fuze v2 is? |
18:34:47 | bertrik | yes, initial experiments have been done and we see the USB controller responds, but there's been no real data communication over USB yet. |
18:35:05 | gevaerts | wodz: not sure |
18:36:15 | Drise | And i know this is a long shot, but any time frame of completion? I saw the Fuze v1's completion a few days back, which is great progress. |
18:37:06 | | Quit Luca_S (Quit: CGI:IRC) |
18:38:16 | bertrik | Sometime between two week and infinity |
18:38:28 | bertrik | There is no time frame |
18:39:05 | Drise | As I said, long shot, but I figured it wouldn't hurt. |
18:40:43 | wodz | gevaerts: Were there any objections? |
18:46:29 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
18:53:54 | CIA-6 | New commit by alle (r27313): Rename functions so that the code is easier to read |
18:55:50 | CIA-6 | r27313 build result: All green |
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19:03:48 | CIA-6 | New commit by alle (r27314): Slightly rearranged lines to execute only what's really needed. No functional changes. |
19:05:38 | CIA-6 | r27314 build result: All green |
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19:20:12 | gevaerts | wodz: I didn't see strong objections, but to be honest I didn't see strong reasons to remove them either |
19:22:03 | | Join fml [0] (~chatzilla@p5DD2D64E.dip.t-dialin.net) |
19:22:43 | | Quit DerPapst (Quit: Leaving.) |
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19:24:50 | w1ll14m | I have a problem, I installed the rb bootloader on gigabeat s. after power off it's showing a picture that i need to restore the firmware |
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19:25:23 | w1ll14m | and it keeps that way. I installed the bootloader once again, it booted rockbox just fine. But after a cold boot I get the restore firmware image again. Is this a known issue ? |
19:27:07 | gevaerts | I don't know if this particular sequence is known, but I think we know that some gigabeats seem to be a lot more tricky to work with than others |
19:28:48 | w1ll14m | gevaerts: do you have some tests or maybe a workaround. in the past there was a trick with the partitions |
19:29:28 | gevaerts | not really. I haven't looked at the S for a while. Other people might have hints though |
19:29:36 | w1ll14m | i haven't done that yet on this gigabeat. the previous one had it |
19:30:04 | w1ll14m | i see, i'll test that and after that i hope someone else has some ideas about this problem |
19:30:07 | CIA-6 | New commit by wodz (r27315): HD200 - turn off charging IC by default |
19:30:12 | CIA-6 | New commit by wodz (r27316): HD200 - add support for remote in bootloader |
19:30:25 | gevaerts | the partition table change was needed to make linux see the partitions, but these days the code masks those bits on the fly |
19:30:28 | | Join Horscht [0] (~Horscht2@xbmc/user/horscht) |
19:31:11 | w1ll14m | well that is the only change i can think of that is different between the 2 i have |
19:31:46 | CIA-6 | r27315 build result: All green |
19:33:30 | CIA-6 | r27316 build result: All green |
19:33:33 | wodz | good |
19:35:56 | | Quit Zarggg (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
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19:47:37 | bluebrother | w1ll14m: have you installed the single boot or dual boot bootloader? |
19:48:11 | bluebrother | it's a known issue that some players (with a newer firmware iirc) refuse to boot the single boot bootloader. |
19:49:53 | w1ll14m | single |
19:50:04 | w1ll14m | from what i can tell, i tried it again |
19:50:19 | bluebrother | try installing the dual boot bootloader. I also have a player that is affected. |
19:50:29 | w1ll14m | had bootloader working, mounted the 1st partition (aka nk.bin partition) and it wasn't there |
19:50:35 | bluebrother | took me a while to figure that it's working with dual boot but not single boot |
19:50:48 | w1ll14m | bluebrother: thanks, i'll try that now |
19:55:29 | | Join Lear [0] (chatzilla@rockbox/developer/lear) |
19:57:12 | Lear | Anyone else having problem with buildzip after updating today? |
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19:58:49 | bertrik | What kind of problem? make zip and make fullzip still seems to work fine here |
19:59:20 | Lear | I get this error: "0: No such file or directory at /cygdrive/d/Source/C/Rockbox/rockbox/tools/buildzip.pl line 477" |
20:00 |
20:01:01 | Lear | Hm, r27310 did change that file... |
20:01:17 | Lear | And added the failing line. |
20:01:45 | w1ll14m | bluebrother: great, it seems to be working! |
20:02:58 | | Quit jennifur (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
20:03:32 | simonrvn | make fullinstall isn't installing properly either. i do make fullinstall PREFIX=dist and doesn't put it in dist/.rockbox |
20:04:25 | Lear | Ah, $install is initialized to 0, but when running make zip, −−install isn't specified on the command line, so $install remains 0. |
20:05:11 | bluebrother | w1ll14m: http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/9778 is the tracker entry for the issue |
20:06:01 | Lear | Seems like $samedir should be true if $install is 0... |
20:07:19 | | Join Strife89 [0] (~Strife89@adsl-67-57-37.mcn.bellsouth.net) |
20:07:44 | w1ll14m | bluebrother: really strange problems there.... |
20:07:59 | w1ll14m | is there a way to detect firmware 1.2 ? |
20:08:13 | Lear | E.g., like this: http://pastie.org/1033050 |
20:08:58 | w1ll14m | bluebrother: my old one still boots, so i can do some tests as that one is for parts now.... ribbon cable is damaged so it does not get enough power to run the device |
20:09:14 | w1ll14m | but when i apply 5 volts to the battery connector it boots |
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20:15:14 | CIA-6 | New commit by learman (r27317): Add a check for '' not being set. make zip doesn't work for me without it. Perhaps only a problem on Cygwin? |
20:15:17 | | Quit Zarggg (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
20:16:52 | CIA-6 | r27317 build result: All green |
20:17:12 | bluebrother | w1ll14m: sorry, no idea what exactly to do about the issue. I'd like to get that fixed, but there is simply way to much on my todo list to even think about looking into that (and getting to know the code for that) |
20:19:29 | w1ll14m | bluebrother: ic |
20:19:30 | | Join Zarggg [0] (~zarggg@65-78-69-194.c3-0.eas-ubr6.atw-eas.pa.cable.rcn.com) |
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20:26:57 | wodz | something is screwed up. I defined HAVE_HEADPHONE_DETECTION in config file, defined headphones_inserted() function that just returns false, changed setting in Settings->Playback Settings and nothing happened |
20:28:24 | Torne | if it always returns false, then it won't pause, no |
20:28:30 | Torne | it pauses when the headphones are unplugged |
20:28:39 | Torne | the state has to *change* for it to do anything |
20:28:48 | wodz | ok |
20:28:49 | Torne | if it always returns false it will think they are unplugged from poweron |
20:31:44 | | Join petur [0] (~petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
20:33:21 | wodz | ok it works |
20:38:25 | | Join Buschel [0] (~~andree@p54A3D59C.dip.t-dialin.net) |
20:39:33 | | Quit n17ikh () |
20:46:19 | Buschel | saratoga/mt: is there an aac-file that I use to test raac? |
20:46:32 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
20:46:43 | Buschel | "can use to test", of course |
20:47:41 | mt | Buschel: Those are the only ones I know of : http://samples.mplayerhq.hu/real/AC-raac/ |
20:48:42 | Buschel | perfect, thanks |
20:48:58 | mt | you're welcome |
20:56:22 | bieber | Hmm |
20:56:55 | bieber | I've got the built-in font loading and working fine in the theme editor, but for some reason every other font I'm trying to load is getting horribly misread |
21:00 |
21:04:48 | | Part watto |
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21:19:13 | CIA-6 | New commit by bieber (r27318): Theme Editor: Rockbox FNT files now supported. Theme editor will currently load fonts from the current project directory, or use the built-in font if ... |
21:19:17 | | Quit esperegu (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
21:19:39 | bluebrother | bieber: got it working? Just wanted to ask about it ;-) |
21:19:46 | bieber | Yeah |
21:19:53 | bluebrother | nice |
21:20:13 | bieber | For some reason, I replaced readRawData() calls with for-loops that manually copied the data, and it worked flawlessly |
21:20:33 | | Join esperegu [0] (~quassel@ |
21:20:56 | CIA-6 | New commit by Buschel (r27319): Integrate FS #11445 to raac. In addition remove faad specific pcm conversion and use rockbox' optimized dsp routines. On a 192kbps file and PP5022 the ... |
21:21:14 | CIA-6 | r27318 build result: All green |
21:22:31 | pixelma | wodz: not sure if you already found your answer, but the pitchscreen is also accessible through the WPS context menu (at least on targets that don't have access through a button, not sure if the latter still have the item) |
21:22:56 | CIA-6 | r27319 build result: All green |
21:23:04 | bluebrother | bieber: where are the fonts searched? I've opened a theme (Pen&Paper for Gigabeat) and while it does render a font it seems to be the wrong one. My guess is that the font in the cfg isn't found −− /.rockbox/fonts is likely to be not present on my machine. At least on that location ;-) |
21:23:15 | CIA-6 | New commit by Buschel (r27320): Remove unneeded libfaad files from SOURCE. |
21:23:39 | bieber | At the moment it only gets fonts from the project's /fonts directory, otherwise it uses the built-in font |
21:24:21 | bieber | I'm going to add a setting for a directory you can add that it will automatically search for fonts before defaulting to the built-in |
21:24:45 | bluebrother | ok. |
21:24:50 | bieber | That'll be the next commit, this one was just getting it to render correctly |
21:24:50 | CIA-6 | r27320 build result: All green |
21:25:25 | bieber | I'm thinking I'll add a button to automatically download and extract the font pack, as well |
21:25:44 | bluebrother | might make sense, yes. |
21:26:28 | bieber | Since the themes don't ship with fonts they expect to be on the device already, having the font pack will pretty much be a necessity if you want things to render correctly |
21:27:30 | bieber | Ohh, and I forgot to have the screen load the theme default screen on initialization |
21:30:20 | wodz | pixelma: yes I figured this out already |
21:32:13 | CIA-6 | New commit by bieber (r27321): Theme Editor: Default theme font is now correctly loaded |
21:32:29 | | Part godzirra |
21:33:56 | CIA-6 | r27321 build result: All green |
21:36:15 | wodz | MPIO remote handling is plain stupid. |
21:37:46 | wodz | it changes reading of two ADC channels but in the way that there is no way to distiguish if remote is present |
21:39:29 | | Join bmbl [0] (~Miranda@unaffiliated/bmbl) |
21:43:46 | bluebrother | bieber: great work! I've updated the windows binaries for the theme editor svn builds. |
21:43:56 | bieber | Thanks |
21:44:53 | pixelma | bluebrother: I thought I read you were trying to compile the theme editor on MacOS |
21:45:16 | | Join dfkt_ [0] (dfkt@unaffiliated/dfkt) |
21:45:47 | bluebrother | pixelma: yes, I wanted to adjust the Makefile for that (building on OS X works fine by itself, but only for Intel binaries. Need to do the same adjustments as Rockbox Utility needs for the libs) |
21:47:02 | pixelma | if you get a universal binary going, I'll gladly test on MacOS 10.4 PPC :) |
21:47:14 | | Part Drise |
21:47:14 | | Join Drise [0] (~Drise@user-24-214-34-2.knology.net) |
21:47:48 | bluebrother | sure. I wanted to have that done already some days ago, but well, there's always this thing called time getting in the way :/ |
21:48:09 | bluebrother | will notify you when I've got a binary online |
21:48:43 | | Quit dfkt (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) |
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22:12:04 | | Nick petur_ is now known as p3tur (~peter@d54C6FA7C.access.telenet.be) |
22:12:09 | | Nick p3tur is now known as Guest97135 (~peter@d54C6FA7C.access.telenet.be) |
22:16:03 | bluebrother | bieber: is libskin_parser used from somewhere else than the theme editor right now? |
22:16:45 | bieber | I'm not sure. I know JdGordon has been working on integrating it into RB, but I don't know if he's linking to that code or just copying it elsewhere |
22:17:19 | bieber | Is it giving you problems on OSX? Last time I got someone to compile it on a Mac, I had to make a new source tree with all that stuff in the project directory to get it to compile right for them |
22:17:45 | | Quit Guest97135 (Quit: here today, gone tomorrow) |
22:17:50 | bluebrother | I've completely replaced the Makefile, and for simplicity I've started with the one from mkamsboot. However, that names some passed values slightly different (though I'd prefer to keep the new names to make it more consistent) |
22:18:21 | bluebrother | I've got it building on OS X right now (at least libskin_parser), let's see if it still works on Linux :) |
22:19:03 | bluebrother | (found even a nicer way to handle that lipo stuff, might be worth integrating in the other Makefiles later) |
22:19:19 | bieber | lipo? |
22:20:17 | bluebrother | an OS X tool to create fat libraries. |
22:20:31 | bieber | Ah |
22:20:37 | * | Torne groans |
22:20:52 | bluebrother | according to the man page it's even "create or operate on universal files" |
22:21:07 | bluebrother | yes, that universal binary thing is really annoying. At least when creating them :) |
22:23:29 | CIA-6 | New commit by bieber (r27322): Theme Editor: Added font directory option in preferences dialog, renderer will now search that directory for fonts if they're not found in the project ... |
22:23:48 | bieber | Heh, I can imagine |
22:24:58 | bluebrother | hmm. Now it builds but fails to link :/ |
22:25:52 | bluebrother | seems I missed a file in the ar file. Woops. |
22:26:43 | CIA-6 | r27322 build result: All green |
22:27:20 | bluebrother | yay! Works :) |
22:27:28 | bieber | Awesome :) |
22:27:37 | bluebrother | now for the test on Linux ... |
22:32:35 | bluebrother | nice, it worked out of the box :) |
22:36:32 | bluebrother | hmm, seems I now understand why JdGordon1 called it BUILDDIR instead of TARGET_DIR |
22:37:24 | bluebrother | looks like this needs some more refinements. |
22:37:26 | bieber | Oh? |
22:38:58 | bluebrother | BUILDDIR is used for Rockbox. However, mkamsboot and the other patchers use TARGET_DIR and construct their own build dir from that. |
22:39:05 | bluebrother | that's a bit nasty. |
22:39:23 | bieber | Ah |
22:40:09 | bluebrother | let's see if there is an easy way to improve that. |
22:40:42 | bluebrother | the problem with BUILDDIR is that we need to use two build directories on OS X because we need to compile two times |
22:41:29 | bieber | Wait, you can't compile a universal binary all at once? |
22:42:07 | bluebrother | not if you build a library. At least I haven't figured how −− the problem seems to be when creating the archive files |
22:42:35 | bluebrother | you basically build an .a for ppc, one for i386, and then use lipo to create a universal library from that. |
22:42:46 | bieber | Oh wow |
22:44:17 | * | bluebrother should figure if there's a simpler solution for that |
22:44:48 | bluebrother | when building the theme editor however you can use gcc -arch i386 -arch ppc <foo> and it "just works". |
22:46:36 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
22:51:18 | | Quit komputes (Remote host closed the connection) |
22:57:17 | | Quit bmbl (Quit: Bye!) |
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23:00 |
23:05:31 | bluebrother | hmm, my improved OSX library stuff has only one disadvantage: it will always build a universal library on OS X. Though I guess that should be fine, at least for now. |
23:08:19 | CIA-6 | New commit by bluebrother (r27323): Rework libskin_parser Makefile for OS X support. ... |
23:09:55 | CIA-6 | r27323 build result: All green |
23:10:32 | Buschel | stripwax: you there? |
23:10:45 | | Quit dfkt_ (Quit: -= SysReset 2.53=- Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.) |
23:13:39 | stripwax | Buschel - partially. what's up? |
23:15:36 | Buschel | I am struggling with trying to exchange libfaad's fft with your optimized one from codeclib |
23:17:17 | bluebrother | bieber: any plans on the icon for the Theme Editor? If not I'll add it as application icon for Windows and OS X (have to figure how to create icns files first, but hey ... ;-) |
23:21:02 | gevaerts | kugel: maybe RockboxAsAnApplication2010 could use some more detail in the "Port to a mobile device" section. I don't know if you already know enough about Android to flesh that out a bit, but maybe it would be useful if you could spend a few minutes on that during the next one or two weeks |
23:21:37 | kugel | gevaerts: no, I don't know enough about it right now :) |
23:21:43 | gevaerts | ok :) |
23:22:03 | gevaerts | "likely an Android-based one" can be changed though |
23:22:11 | * | gevaerts *will* find something for kugel to do! |
23:22:31 | gevaerts | Even if it's only changing two words! |
23:29:24 | | Quit Unhelpful (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.) |
23:29:39 | | Join Unhelpful [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/Unhelpful) |
23:30:15 | | Quit anewuser (Quit: http://xrl.us/detroitVI Sixth edition of 25 samples + 48 hours + detroit party (july 31) (maybe streamed online!)) |
23:30:20 | | Quit froggyman (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
23:33:59 | | Quit wodz (Quit: Leaving) |
23:46:42 | bluebrother | pixelma: I've put an OS X binary of the Theme Editor online if you want to try it. Should run on 10.4ppc :) |
23:46:56 | CIA-6 | New commit by bluebrother (r27324): Add Info.plist and application icon to Theme Editor on OS X. |
23:47:04 | | Quit Jerom (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
23:48:31 | bluebrother | hmm, why does viewvc try to display the icns file? My client says it's svn:mime-type is octet-stream :o |
23:48:32 | bieber | bluebrother: The one that's in there now is my best go at an icon ;) Unless someone more artistically inclined wants to make a new one, I'm not planning on changing it |
23:48:50 | CIA-6 | r27324 build result: All green |
23:49:15 | bluebrother | bieber: ok, I've already added it for OS X (application icons work a bit different there ... Windows is similar: it's different :) |
23:51:03 | bieber | I wonder how difficult it would be to add a make target to build .deb and .rpm packages |
23:51:29 | bluebrother | well, for rpm you won't use make. |
23:51:50 | bluebrother | for an rpm you have to write a spec file, then run rpmbuild on that. This will build the package. |
23:51:56 | bieber | Okay |
23:52:08 | bieber | debs are just tar.gz archives, iirc? |
23:52:19 | bieber | Along with a minfest file or something like that |
23:52:22 | bluebrother | I've considered working on a spec for Rockbox Utility in the past but never got around. Didn't consider it too important. |
23:52:44 | bluebrother | not sure which compression deb uses. But those package formats include various stuff these days. |
23:53:09 | bluebrother | (pre/post install/uninstall scripts comes into my mind) |
23:53:11 | | Part AzureWurk |
23:53:44 | | Quit esperegu (Remote host closed the connection) |
23:55:15 | | Quit petur (Quit: Leaving) |
23:58:59 | Torne | deb is an ar archive of metadata and the actual package data, the package data can be in a variety of compression formats |