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00:10:48 | shuffle2 | Gatz85 what is your target platform? |
00:11:44 | | Quit Jerom (Quit: Leaving.) |
00:15:48 | Buschel | to our other codec guys: I am currently cleaning up libfaad and am wondering about a part of code which was submitted with the very first version. |
00:16:44 | Buschel | the following patch disables a special shift-handling for fixed point −− the same algorithm is used for float point, without any shifts/divisions -> http://pastie.org/1156901 |
00:18:00 | Buschel | I am wondering whether this shifting for fixed point is really needed. disabling this shift changes output. any idea why this was implemented? |
00:18:30 | Gatz85 | shuffle2, my target right now is a sansa clipv1 but hope to be able to expaned after that |
00:19:46 | shuffle2 | http://booya.dyndns.ws:666/open/rb_psgroove.patch this is my current patch. you're welcome to hack on it |
00:20:00 | shuffle2 | it doesn't quite work correctly atm, though :) |
00:20:22 | Gatz85 | thanks i see what i can do with it |
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00:20:49 | Buschel | good night, see you tomorrow |
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00:20:55 | Gatz85 | sure to give credit where it is due |
00:21:31 | shuffle2 | eh, it's all rockbox/psgroove code anyways. and it doesn't work to boot |
00:22:21 | Gatz85 | well it give me more insite how i would go about the process |
00:24:15 | Gatz85 | what didnt work if i may ask |
00:24:28 | shuffle2 | we'll see soon :> |
00:24:46 | shuffle2 | someone is making a capture of the usb traffic from psfreedom (on n900) |
00:25:03 | shuffle2 | so i'll compare mine with that and hopefully magic will happen |
00:26:46 | alexbobP | ooh, is this for using a rockbox'd mp3 player to crack a ps3? |
00:26:58 | Gatz85 | if you beat me to it all for it man just thought i would give it a shot and being new to usb i wasn;t sure exactly how to go about do it |
00:27:05 | Gatz85 | doesnt work my friend |
00:27:29 | gevaerts | Gatz85: that patch has ARC specific code in it as far as I can see. It won't work as-is on a clip |
00:28:53 | shuffle2 | i also said it doesn't work a few times ;p |
00:29:23 | gevaerts | Sure, but on another controller I expect it to not even get far enough to not work :) |
00:30:38 | Gatz85 | well if it doesnt then this was a week learning usb inside and out lol |
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04:50:34 | | Join DavyBoy [0] (~601613e4@giant.haxx.se) |
04:50:43 | DavyBoy | Hello everyone |
04:51:14 | DavyBoy | Just wondering... can anyone explain what the dev/builds page means? The green rows with zeros, and all of a sudden there is a line with red stuff |
04:51:15 | DavyBoy | ? |
04:54:23 | Chronon | Red means errors in the build. Yellow indicates warnings but no errors. Green is no errors or warnings. |
04:55:52 | Chronon | Oh. Sorry. I was thinking of something else |
04:57:55 | DavyBoy | Hmmm |
04:57:58 | DavyBoy | Okay |
04:58:00 | Chronon | There are two charts on that page. |
04:58:10 | Chronon | One of them gives file size changes for the main binary. |
04:58:13 | DavyBoy | But there is no way to see if the build really "brings anything new" to my Fuze V1? |
04:58:22 | DavyBoy | I see |
04:58:34 | Chronon | CHeck www.rockbox.org |
04:58:43 | Chronon | It has recent Subversion activity |
04:59:42 | DavyBoy | I can't seem to find that anywhere... |
04:59:52 | Chronon | http://www.rockbox.org |
04:59:59 | DavyBoy | yes yes, i'm right ther |
05:00 |
05:00:02 | DavyBoy | +e |
05:00:07 | DavyBoy | on the devel/builds page |
05:00:17 | DavyBoy | http://build.rockbox.org/dev.cgi |
05:00:28 | Chronon | http://www.rockbox.org/recent.shtml#svn |
05:00:49 | DavyBoy | Oh, nice |
05:01:19 | Chronon | It's one of the main bits of content on the front page. |
05:01:35 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
05:02:15 | Chronon | There are links at the bottom of that page if you want all changes in the last 4 weeks or since the last release. |
05:02:18 | DavyBoy | Ahhhh, silly me... I thought you thought I wasn't even looking around on the Rockbox site |
05:02:35 | DavyBoy | but all the recent changes are on the home page |
05:02:35 | Chronon | :) |
05:02:36 | DavyBoy | *sigh* |
05:02:50 | DavyBoy | I was looking for secret links on the devel/builds page |
05:02:52 | DavyBoy | Or something |
05:05:25 | DavyBoy | nice, just saw that the 28000 build has stuff for the Fuze V1 |
05:05:29 | DavyBoy | Save a bit of power, adjust Clipv1/e200v2/Fuzev1 current usage accordingly Note: the power saving (in mA) is a bit less on e200v2/Fuzev1 than on Clipv1 |
05:05:54 | DavyBoy | Rockbox does seem to use more battery than the original firmware on the Fuze V1, I assume it's the same thing for most players |
05:05:55 | DavyBoy | ? |
05:06:21 | krazykit` | your assumption would be completely wrong |
05:07:19 | krazykit` | rockbox has better battery life than the OF on quite a few targets |
05:07:19 | scorche | actually, on most devices, rockbox beats the original firmware's battery life - sometimes quite handily |
05:07:19 | scorche | it is primarily on the immature targets and the targets where our understanding of the hardware is limited where we get worse battery life |
05:07:19 | DavyBoy | Um, okay them |
05:07:19 | DavyBoy | *then |
05:07:27 | DavyBoy | However it appears to be true for the FuzeV1 |
05:09:35 | DavyBoy | nice to know... thank you |
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05:24:33 | sinthetek | all of a sudden my player won't boot anymore |
05:26:55 | sinthetek | it doesn't get past the bootsplash anymore for some reason. when i hold play when starting to access the original firmware it looks like it's going to work and then seems to stop at the rockbox splashscreen again |
05:27:38 | sinthetek | plugging it into the computer will turn on the player but it still freezes at the same spot again |
05:28:30 | sinthetek | it doesn'tlook like it showing up as a mass storage device anymore, either. any ideas how to proceed? |
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06:03:16 | saratoga | Buschel: (for the logs) I doubt anyone knows why libfaad did that in the initial commit |
06:03:31 | saratoga | IMO if something changes the output from teh floating point version, its probably wrong and should be fixed |
06:04:10 | saratoga | I usually decode something in float precision, then plot the difference between rockbox and the floating point version when I'm changing how codecs work |
06:04:19 | saratoga | makes it really easy to tell if you're doing better or worse :) |
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08:03:43 | CIA-81 | New commit by Buschel (r28071): Further libfaad cleanup. Make libfaad compilable for floating point. Floating point cannot be used as reference though, as errorous noise is the ... |
08:04:08 | | Join Buschel [0] (~chatzilla@p54B66441.dip.t-dialin.net) |
08:05:38 | CIA-81 | r28071 build result: All green |
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08:08:34 | Buschel | saratoga: thank you for your response. I just compared the spectrum of a decoded flac file with the decoded aac-he (same original uncompressed source file of course) -> disabling the strange "<<exp"-stuff leads to some kind of narrow-band noise bursts which are not part of the original file |
08:09:02 | Buschel | saratoga: maybe internal overflow in the mul/add... need to check this in detail |
08:10:27 | alexbobP | great, rockbox drive is corrupted again |
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08:13:13 | | Join Judas_PhD [0] (~kevin@misterfluffy.dsl.xmission.com) |
08:18:00 | Buschel | saratoga: when pre-shifting by >>exp and post-shifting the result "ac.det" by <<exp the noise spectrum looks fine again. really seems to be an overflow prevention. I will seek for a simplier solution. |
08:18:03 | Buschel | bye |
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08:34:04 | CIA-81 | New commit by funman (r28072): pitch_detector: don't use a struct with only one member ... |
08:35:39 | CIA-81 | r28072 build result: All green |
08:40:31 | | Quit Judas_PhD (Quit: This is a quitting message) |
08:48:36 | funman | a build with HZ = 1000 is hardly usable, it's really difficult to not cause a button repeat for example |
08:52:27 | Stummi | http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/PluginIndex I see here some plugins listet without the DONE-Mark on fuze, but which are available on my fuze v2 with rockbox. What does that mean? Are they not ready or so, or does the author just forgot this mark in the table? |
08:53:07 | funman | It means you should ask for wiki permissions if you don't have already and fix the table ^_^ |
08:53:56 | Stummi | ok |
08:54:26 | | Join stoffel [0] (~quassel@p57B4C85B.dip.t-dialin.net) |
08:55:58 | Stummi | can somebody give wiki permissions to me please? :) |
08:56:12 | Stummi | I am already registered as MichaelStummvoll |
08:58:46 | JdGordon| | by the way, I tihnk those marks come from the plugin pages so dont just add them to the table |
08:58:48 | | Join evilnick [0] (~Evilnick@cpe-24-193-43-185.nyc.res.rr.com) |
08:58:52 | JdGordon| | if there even is a table |
08:58:57 | funman | Stummi: done |
08:59:20 | Stummi | JdGordon|, sure. I will look first, where this marks come from |
09:00 |
09:00:48 | Stummi | funman, thanks |
09:01:41 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
09:02:54 | funman | i'm tempted to redefine REPEAT timings in button.c to be in centiseconds and not ticks (x -> (x*HZ/100) |
09:03:35 | JdGordon| | go for it |
09:03:45 | JdGordon| | why do you want bump HZ? |
09:05:21 | funman | why not? (i'm just trying some stuff to see what affects the noise on clipv2) |
09:05:39 | sinthetek | any ideas how to get my sansa e250 running again? i didn't modify it at all but for some reason it now won't load past the rockbox startup screen |
09:06:33 | funman | surely if you see the rockbox startup screen it's running. also should we look in a crystal ball to guess the details? |
09:07:37 | sinthetek | i wasn't quite done, funman. though the only other details i could think to add is that it won't show up as mass storage device when i plug it in, either |
09:08:44 | sinthetek | it was working. the only thing i've modified since i was using it this afternoon is when i copied .scrobbler.log, rm'd it and safely removed it from my aunt's xp system |
09:08:57 | funman | what's on the screen? |
09:09:30 | | Join Rob2222 [0] (~Miranda@p4FDCA687.dip.t-dialin.net) |
09:09:31 | sinthetek | the rockbox startup screen. the one that says 'ROCKbox' at the top |
09:09:52 | sinthetek | and 'Ver. 3.6' at the bottom |
09:10:18 | funman | OF boots? (press right key at startup) |
09:10:46 | sinthetek | doh! i was thinking it was the play button |
09:10:48 | sinthetek | lemme check |
09:11:33 | funman | hum i don't have a e200v1 but iirc it's the right key, verify in the manual |
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09:20:44 | sinthetek | ahh, it's the LEFT key, haha |
09:20:47 | sinthetek | and it works! |
09:21:09 | funman | ah sorry, yes it's left key on all sansas (except the c200v2 which needs a bit of work) |
09:21:33 | | Join LinusN [0] (~linus@rockbox/developer/LinusN) |
09:21:41 | funman | sinthetek: if the OF works you could try to check the disk for errors or reinstall rockbox |
09:22:19 | sinthetek | yeah, i think i'll try to do both |
09:23:14 | sinthetek | what is the feasibility of putting rockbox onto the microsd in case internal storage is actually starting to fail? |
09:23:16 | | Join Jaykay [0] (~chatzilla@p5DC5768A.dip.t-dialin.net) |
09:24:17 | funman | some small changes in the source |
09:27:57 | | Join wodz [0] (~5f303f8a@giant.haxx.se) |
09:31:15 | wodz | On the build.rockbox.org there is no icon for MPIO HD200. On the FS #11177 there is nice, ready to use icon provided. Can someone with www knowledge fix this? |
09:34:19 | funman | wodz: you have a svn checkout of the website? |
09:35:33 | wodz | not here |
09:39:36 | | Quit JdGordon| (Quit: leaving) |
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09:45:34 | Stummi | hm, is there a way to see the "parsed" SOURCES file for the current configuration? |
09:46:12 | funman | run make V=1 and copy gcc command line with all the -I |
09:46:26 | funman | and change it to gcc -E <-I.....> /path/to/SOURCES |
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09:59:36 | Stummi | funman. does not work here: http://codepad.org/ydyzFPwH |
10:00 |
10:02:41 | funman | replace "gcc -E" by "cpp" |
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10:03:56 | Stummi | ok, works now. Thanks |
10:08:50 | funman | does rockbox resample to 44.1 only when DSP is used? |
10:10:26 | funman | hm rockbox doesn't like flac@96KHz |
10:11:15 | | Join ender` [0] (krneki@foo.eternallybored.org) |
10:15:46 | gevaerts | funman: I think I consider it a bug if there are things in the code that depend on what HZ is exactly but don't use HZ |
10:16:35 | funman | if you want to look at it HZ = 1000 should make it obvious, i have committed button repeat changes locally but i also noticed scrolling was way too fast |
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10:27:11 | | Join kugel [0] (~AndChat@ |
10:29:33 | wodz | funman: HZ=1000 is not possible on MPIO HD200 from the fundamental reason that 1ms is way to short to read adc values. I think there are more targets with such constraints. Moreover I would expect decrease on battery life because of context switch overhead (but this is my wild guess). |
10:31:11 | funman | wodz: i'm not wanting to use this value for normal builds ;) i just use it for debugging/experiment |
10:31:54 | gevaerts | Sure, not any HZ value is usable, but code still shouldn't assume 100 |
10:32:11 | wodz | that's clear |
10:32:49 | | Join JdGordon [0] (~jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) |
10:33:16 | funman | the clipv2 noise seems to change with playback frequency |
10:35:33 | wodz | funman: did you try to disable lcd updates at all? I had problem on MPIO that noise was picked up in analog domain if lcd transfers were to fast |
10:36:12 | funman | yes they are disabled when 'backlight' (oled power) is off. the LCD indeed causes a bit of noise, but it's not the major source |
10:37:06 | | Join Judas_PhD [0] (~kevin@misterfluffy.dsl.xmission.com) |
10:37:11 | wodz | are there other 'bus traffic'? i2c for example? |
10:37:46 | funman | yes the adc is read over i2c |
10:45:03 | wodz | have you tried to see if the noise is periodic? |
10:45:58 | funman | it seems to be 4Hz when playing 44.1kHz |
10:46:25 | funman | with other frequencies i can't really hear and i can't see it on the spectrum display (audacity) |
10:47:53 | wodz | I use baudline (http://www.baudline.com/) to analyze signal |
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11:10:04 | | Quit kugel (Quit: Bye) |
11:12:52 | | Join swilde [0] (~wilde@aktaia.intevation.org) |
11:14:35 | Stummi | Btw, i do have just a sansa fuze v2, is this nearly the same as v1? Would it make sense to make one collumn in the pluginlist for v1 and one for v2 or does the "fuze" already means both? |
11:15:07 | funman | Stummi: no it wouldn't make sense, they behave identically wrt plugins |
11:15:18 | Stummi | ok |
11:19:55 | | Quit TheSeven (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
11:21:04 | * | funman sees writes to undefined i2c registers in the OF |
11:33:46 | pixelma | funman: unless you disable doom on 8MB RAM targets, no? |
11:34:05 | funman | pixelma: fuzev2 has 8MB just like the fuzev1 |
11:34:19 | pixelma | ah, didn't know that |
11:34:58 | funman | it just has a bit more IRAM though (1MB vs 320kB for the v1) |
11:37:00 | funman | there's something weird with 0x21 i2c register |
11:37:30 | funman | it changed between as3514/17 and as3543 but we use the AMSv1 setting on v2 too |
11:38:13 | funman | my attempts to change the settings result with auto-poweroff (as expected from the as3543 description) or (unexpected) prefetch aborts |
11:38:19 | rasher | Can you get a lits of a user's edits on the wiki? |
11:38:30 | funman | the 'Default' value for bit7 uses 4bits also |
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12:30:42 | JdGordon | does anyone remember the backdrop load order for the wps if you use -? |
12:30:53 | JdGordon | does it use the sbs backdrop before the setting? |
12:37:40 | | Join bmbl [0] (~Miranda@unaffiliated/bmbl) |
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13:01:49 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
13:02:35 | funman | using PIO instead of DMA gives no change for clipv2 noise |
13:03:21 | funman | i wonder how i can instruct gcc to use ldmia/stmia |
13:04:54 | | Join webguest231 [0] (~4ad7d152@giant.haxx.se) |
13:05:10 | JdGordon | with a hammer! |
13:05:31 | | Quit webguest231 (Client Quit) |
13:06:12 | funman | i wish! |
13:07:13 | wodz | funman: maybe you clock some bus faster than OF? |
13:08:10 | wodz | Is the noise present only during playback? |
13:08:49 | funman | yeah, not for radio or when playback is paused |
13:09:51 | wodz | so this is not output stage at least |
13:10:09 | wodz | is the noise present during test_codec run? |
13:13:23 | funman | i tested it long ago but i don't remember |
13:13:36 | funman | iirc it also depends on CPU freq |
13:14:31 | | Quit Jaykay (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
13:23:32 | * | JdGordon has a patch to fix the ultra crazy backdrop SNAFU if you try loading a theme which one of the skins fails to load |
13:23:47 | JdGordon | specifically if the sbs fails to load |
13:24:11 | JdGordon | anyway able to test? |
13:24:13 | JdGordon | pixelma: |
13:31:15 | funman | wodz: hm i hear some noise when using test_codec but it's much less noticeable |
13:31:37 | funman | i think strictly speaking it's not noise but a frequent beat |
13:32:33 | wodz | at what fequency? |
13:32:55 | funman | 4Hz or so |
13:33:55 | wodz | now the question is what runs at 4Hz frequency\ |
13:34:25 | JdGordon | 4 wall clocks... |
13:35:54 | wodz | funman: If you change HZ value (but not so drasticly say 200 or 50) does this frequency changes? |
13:36:03 | funman | nope |
13:36:18 | wodz | thats weird |
13:37:20 | funman | i tried again to change CPU clock, no change either (but now i'm using PIO in both cases and not DMA) |
13:37:54 | funman | there's some noise when using storage but it's not related because storage reads doesn't happen 4 times per second but more once every 5 minutes or so |
13:38:51 | funman | DMA transfers isn't 4Hz either but more 20Hz, and it's still there with PIO |
13:40:44 | | Nick petur2 is now known as petur (~petur@rockbox/developer/petur) |
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13:42:26 | funman | not RTC either |
13:44:11 | funman | not reading the hold button |
13:45:03 | Stummi | hm, a volume control within gnuboy would be a good thing |
13:45:14 | funman | not the other buttons either since they are skipped if hold is switched on |
13:45:30 | funman | Stummi: there's no playback menu? |
13:46:02 | Stummi | no |
13:47:24 | | Join krazykit [0] (~kkit@24-148-89-52.frg-bsr1.chi-frg.il.cable.rcn.com) |
13:49:52 | funman | the audio interrupt rate in under 4Hz too (i think it's 1Hz, it could be the adc_read() rate) |
13:53:41 | funman | 2Eh (ADC10 4 bits source select) has a different description in the detailed description and in the register overview :/ |
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13:56:09 | funman | wodz: thx for the advices, better luck next time i guess ;) |
13:56:14 | | Quit funman (Quit: leaving) |
13:56:54 | CIA-81 | New commit by jdgordon (r28073): Another major skin backend update/hopefully bugfix: ... |
13:57:52 | | Join Zagor [0] (~bjst@rockbox/developer/Zagor) |
13:58:39 | JdGordon | anyone experiencing skin related crashes needs to check again with that commit and close any fixed bugs... not sure which will get fixed but I'm hoping at least some will |
13:58:39 | CIA-81 | r28073 build result: 301 errors, 101 warnings (jdgordon committed) |
13:58:45 | JdGordon | bah :p |
13:59:37 | | Join dfkt [0] (dfkt@unaffiliated/dfkt) |
13:59:54 | CIA-81 | New commit by jdgordon (r28074): new file got lost |
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14:01:43 | | Join MethoS- [0] (~clemens@ |
14:02:09 | CIA-81 | r28074 build result: 112 errors, 103 warnings (jdgordon committed) |
14:08:22 | | Join giovanni_ [0] (~giovanni@ |
14:15:38 | giovanni_ | Hello |
14:16:01 | giovanni_ | Is it possible to change the backdrop with an if in the sbs? |
14:19:06 | JdGordon | no |
14:22:03 | CIA-81 | New commit by jdgordon (r28075): fix errors, warnings, tabs |
14:23:43 | giovanni_ | great |
14:23:48 | CIA-81 | r28075 build result: 15 errors, 94370 warnings (jdgordon committed) |
14:23:56 | JdGordon | grrr..... |
14:23:59 | giovanni_ | Is it a featured for the future? |
14:24:05 | giovanni_ | :D |
14:24:20 | JdGordon | Not. A. Chance |
14:24:24 | giovanni_ | ok.. |
14:24:39 | JdGordon | massive waste of buffer space to support that |
14:25:51 | giovanni_ | I see |
14:26:05 | gevaerts | JdGordon: on a clip it wouldn't be too bad :) |
14:26:18 | giovanni_ | and to print text over imges? |
14:26:55 | JdGordon | well the clip is rather hard to use backdrop images at all so.... |
14:27:03 | JdGordon | actually, I dont tihnk the clip has backdrop support |
14:27:10 | gevaerts | A (very?) wild idea: does the skin engine on charcell have to be the same one as on bitmap? |
14:27:40 | JdGordon | no |
14:28:03 | JdGordon | but I have no intention of splitting the code, so if someone wants that they will need to get their hands dirty |
14:28:28 | gevaerts | oh, sure. Just thinking aloud for now |
14:30:47 | JdGordon | hopefully this is it... |
14:30:48 | CIA-81 | New commit by jdgordon (r28076): woops |
14:31:22 | giovanni_ | Can the background of an %V area (%Vb(0000)) be printed over the background.bmp? |
14:32:04 | JdGordon | no |
14:32:10 | giovanni_ | :D |
14:32:22 | JdGordon | annoyingly backdrop takes precendence there |
14:32:40 | CIA-81 | r28076 build result: 16 errors, 90186 warnings (jdgordon committed) |
14:32:45 | giovanni_ | and....for the future? Will this be implemented? |
14:33:01 | JdGordon | if someone does it |
14:33:08 | JdGordon | oh for crying out loud! |
14:33:15 | giovanni_ | :D |
14:33:40 | giovanni_ | I'm used to it, but I don't want this time |
14:34:17 | JdGordon | oh wtf? why is plugin.h using statusbar-skinned.h? |
14:35:39 | solexx_ | JdGordon: did you just commit FS #11614? |
14:36:27 | JdGordon | not tthat exact patch, but yes |
14:36:41 | CIA-81 | New commit by jdgordon (r28077): why did plugin.h need statusbar-skinned.h? |
14:37:47 | pixelma | JdGordon: I'll try later. Just wanted to let you know that I also got crashes on my M5 when just switching the WPS (and the more complex its code is the more likely). If it fixes some of the bugs I reported, I'll close them |
14:38:34 | CIA-81 | r28077 build result: 15 errors, 0 warnings (jdgordon committed) |
14:38:54 | | Quit togetic (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
14:39:29 | wodz | what's the planned timeframe for 3.7? |
14:40:44 | CIA-81 | New commit by jdgordon (r28078): grumble |
14:40:47 | JdGordon | nothing is planned |
14:40:53 | JdGordon | noone has stepped up to do it |
14:41:16 | amiconn | The skin engine on charcell already *is* unnecessarily different from bitmap :( |
14:42:20 | * | gevaerts wouldn't mind a new release, but he seems to have a vague feeling that several areas have issues |
14:42:35 | CIA-81 | r28078 build result: All green |
14:43:01 | JdGordon | \o/ bout bloody time! |
14:44:47 | wodz | My question come from that I got offer of Archos Player to test my MAS_cleanup patch. |
14:46:45 | | Join mcuelenaere [0] (~mcuelenae@rockbox/developer/mcuelenaere) |
14:47:16 | mcuelenaere | JdGordon: you know of FS #11626? |
14:47:24 | JdGordon | yes |
14:47:27 | | Quit stoffel (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) |
14:47:39 | JdGordon | those commits probably wont fix that issue |
14:47:43 | mcuelenaere | k |
14:47:55 | mcuelenaere | you know what the issue is? |
14:48:01 | mcuelenaere | I mean, the cause |
14:48:19 | JdGordon | I suspect that is from the subline timeout bugfix I did 2 weeks ago (or so) |
14:49:33 | JdGordon | oh bugger... /me forgot a quick explanation in the commit message |
14:50:17 | JdGordon | I tihnk I've mentioned this enough already but from now, if a theme doesnt have enough room but parses correctly it should still load except the backdrop will not be displayed. IMO nicer than falling back to the hardcoded one |
14:51:44 | | Join neoxan [0] (neoxan@free.blinkenshell.org) |
14:52:17 | neoxan | whats the difference between fuzev1 and fuzev2? is fuzev2 any better? |
14:52:25 | neoxan | hi btw . :) |
14:52:47 | wodz | different |
14:53:01 | neoxan | not better? |
14:53:13 | neoxan | why did they make a fuzev2? |
14:53:28 | | Quit JdGordon (Quit: Leaving.) |
14:53:47 | wodz | maybe it is cheaper to manufacture? |
14:54:37 | | Join anewuser [0] (anewuser@unaffiliated/anewuser) |
14:56:00 | giovanni_ | mcuelenaere: about FS #11626, the latest build doesn't fix the problem |
14:56:15 | mcuelenaere | yep, read that |
14:56:20 | giovanni_ | :) |
14:56:35 | mcuelenaere | JdGordon is the person to talk to about skin-related stuff though |
14:56:42 | mcuelenaere | (hence me getting on IRC and asking him about it) |
14:56:53 | giovanni_ | bout the onda's, are you still working on hte port for that hardware? |
14:56:56 | giovanni_ | I know |
14:57:06 | giovanni_ | already spoken with him |
14:57:20 | mcuelenaere | I don't really have much time lately for Rockbox |
14:57:50 | mcuelenaere | also, the Onda port is "pretty" stable; ie it runs Rockbox and plays music |
14:57:54 | giovanni_ | I think you are the only one who where working on onda's, right? |
14:58:00 | mcuelenaere | AFAIK, yes |
14:58:08 | giovanni_ | but it has some bugs |
14:58:12 | * | mcuelenaere knows |
14:58:23 | giovanni_ | volume in FM |
14:58:39 | mcuelenaere | patches are welcome ;) |
14:59:02 | giovanni_ | I'm not able... |
14:59:10 | giovanni_ | but I have build a good theme |
14:59:28 | giovanni_ | what do you think about the FullTouch? |
14:59:33 | mcuelenaere | I'm not sure about volume in FM, but all audio has to pass the DSP for the Onda's as the hardware doesn't have hardware volume mixer |
15:00 |
15:00:02 | mcuelenaere | that's getting a bit off-topic |
15:00:06 | giovanni_ | ok |
15:00:15 | mcuelenaere | (#rockbox-community is for off-topic talk) |
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15:04:03 | giovanni_ | mcuelenaere: Speaking about VX7x7, Do you think that will be possible for rockbox to read the internal storage in future? |
15:04:43 | | Quit robin0800 (Remote host closed the connection) |
15:04:56 | mcuelenaere | The change that someone reverse engineers the NAND FTL (Flash Translation Layer) the OF uses is very small |
15:06:11 | mcuelenaere | However, perhaps Rockbox will have a FTL of its own in the future; in that case there's a change we could use that but that would mean losing OF compatibility |
15:06:52 | mcuelenaere | another possibility would be porting Linux to the Onda (Jz4740 support is in mainline) and running Rockbox as RaaA |
15:09:46 | giovanni_ | losing OF compatibility will not be that bad... |
15:10:13 | | Join JdGordon [0] (6fdcc706@gateway/web/freenode/ip. |
15:10:46 | mcuelenaere | if you're talking about native Rockbox, that would mean losing hardware accelerated video playback (until someone ports that over) |
15:10:58 | | Quit wodz (Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)) |
15:12:47 | | Join evinick_B [0] (0c140464@rockbox/staff/evilnick) |
15:12:50 | giovanni_ | btw, as now, the onda port is quite good, I need also that FM Volume bug solved, and it wil be perfect for everyday use |
15:12:53 | | Join CaptainKwel [0] (~jason@207-38-215-126.c3-0.nyr-ubr1.nyr.ny.cable.rcn.com) |
15:13:13 | mcuelenaere | giovanni_: what exactly do you mean with "the FM volume bug"? |
15:13:40 | giovanni_ | you can't change the volume while listening to FM |
15:14:17 | giovanni_ | nor from the contextual menu inside the FM screen, nor from the Audio sub.menu in settings |
15:15:17 | giovanni_ | there's also something not working good with dynamic playlist, sometimes adding songs will result in a crash, but I don't know if it is onda's related or it is commons for all the ports |
15:16:12 | mcuelenaere | giovanni_: do you mean you can change it but it doesn't have any effect or do you mean you really can't? |
15:16:33 | giovanni_ | I can chenge it without effect |
15:17:03 | giovanni_ | *change |
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15:19:04 | | Join antil33t [0] (antil33t@124-197-51-80.callplus.net.nz) |
15:19:30 | mcuelenaere | I'm guessing that is because the FM audio goes straight through the headphones/speaker without passing Rockbox'es DSP (which modifies the volume), but I'd need to check |
15:19:55 | * | mcuelenaere also has some code for recording in his tree, but never got it working without crashing |
15:20:27 | giovanni_ | and also changing the volume value, takes a lot to take effect |
15:20:56 | giovanni_ | Do I need to open new bugs for those things? |
15:23:02 | mcuelenaere | no, the port isn't still official |
15:23:04 | giovanni_ | FS #11463 I forgot that I already did... |
15:23:22 | | Join jgarvey [0] (~jgarvey@cpe-065-190-066-089.nc.res.rr.com) |
15:24:07 | mcuelenaere | the volume taking some time is related to the DSP buffer size, so that's general Rockbox code (however that code wasn't meant for replacing hardware volume mixer in the first place) |
15:24:43 | giovanni_ | so there's nothing we can do? |
15:25:42 | mcuelenaere | yes there is, I don't know how (un)trivial it is though and how it would affect other ports |
15:26:20 | giovanni_ | can we handle it differently only for the ondas |
15:27:44 | mcuelenaere | I guess we could, but there's already a lot of #ifdef's all over Rockbox.. |
15:27:57 | * | mcuelenaere should check how Linux handles this actually.. |
15:32:09 | giovanni_ | sometimes ago I gave my contributions for the ondas manual, added some screenshots , but my English is too faulty for writing the manual... |
15:32:42 | mcuelenaere | did that got into SVN? |
15:33:20 | giovanni_ | the screenshots yes, for shure |
15:33:29 | giovanni_ | maybe there's a patch... |
15:34:13 | giovanni_ | no patch there, it is in the SVN |
15:34:47 | mcuelenaere | ok, good :) |
15:34:51 | giovanni_ | r27279 |
15:35:10 | giovanni_ | r27277 |
15:35:28 | giovanni_ | pixelma help me :) |
15:36:05 | pixelma | yes, the Onda v777 manual is in SVN |
15:36:31 | | Quit efyx (Quit: Quitte) |
15:36:39 | giovanni_ | it lacks of a lot of thinks i think |
15:36:56 | mcuelenaere | doesn't that qualify as unstable then? or do we still need Rockbox Utility support? |
15:37:05 | | Quit JdGordon (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
15:37:10 | * | mcuelenaere remembers adding that some time ago |
15:39:59 | pixelma | I don't think it lacks much as the manuals reuse as much as possible - things already written for other ports and you just enable and disable stuff. The Ondas have the advantage that they are touch screen targets and so some button tables etc. are already filled out (and core "actions" are done with the platform files which was done) |
15:40:02 | | Join stoffel [0] (~quassel@p57B4C85B.dip.t-dialin.net) |
15:40:22 | pixelma | I don't have an Onda though and haven't looked at its manual for some time |
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16:09:47 | amiconn | mcuelenaere: Rockbox dsp has a low-latency mode that is temporarily invoked when changing settings. Maybe the onda just doesn't trigger this mode when changing volume? (as all other targets so far have hardware volume) |
16:10:12 | * | mcuelenaere didn't know about that |
16:15:14 | | Quit bmbl (Quit: Bye!) |
16:17:24 | mcuelenaere | amiconn: call chain: sound_set_volume() -> ... -> dsp_callback(DSP_CALLBACK_SET_SW_VOLUME, 0) -> set_gain(..) -> adjusts volume gain according to value obtained from global_settings.volume |
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16:19:34 | mcuelenaere | amiconn: can you tell me what function induces low-latency mode? |
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17:22:04 | Acorn | Hey, I just wanted to check, can rockbox for the Sansa Clip+ write to the memory? |
17:22:16 | Acorn | allowing you to save settings etc |
17:22:34 | pamaury | http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/SansaAMS |
17:23:02 | pamaury | in short: yes but the port is unstable so use as your own risks :) |
17:23:37 | Acorn | Ah okay, I was wondering why it said 80% |
17:24:15 | pamaury | the 80% is for usb, which is not entirely reliable, that is the device is not detected sometimes and can experience random failures |
17:24:38 | pamaury | but anyway, usb is not enabled by default in the build |
17:25:14 | Acorn | right, you need to boot into OF to transfer data |
17:25:35 | pamaury | yes, that's safer |
17:25:47 | pamaury | and it's the only way if you don't compile yourself |
17:26:37 | | Part Zagor |
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18:06:20 | | Join ded` [0] (~user@ |
18:09:41 | ded` | I'm getting very slow USB transfer speeds (using "cp" to a 5.5th gen 80Gb ipod; have removed original firmware; last week's current build.) Is there anything I can do to speed it up? |
18:10:53 | | Join komputes [0] (~komputes@ubuntu/member/komputes) |
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18:13:28 | ded` | It's running at approximately 60 Kb / sec (according to Nautilus in Ubuntu 10.10.) |
18:18:53 | pamaury | might be a hardwaee problem ? |
18:19:52 | * | pamaury has another try at solving asmv2 usb problem |
18:20:04 | | Join bertrik [0] (~bertrik@rockbox/developer/bertrik) |
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18:21:26 | ded` | pamaury: I believe that USB transfer speeds got much lower when I removed the Apple firmware. Does that fit with what is known about the software? |
18:22:17 | pamaury | I don't know much about the ipod to be honest, but as far as I know, there is no need for the Apple firmware so it's strange |
18:28:12 | | Join soap [0] (~soap@rockbox/staff/soap) |
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18:39:24 | | Nick feisar is now known as Guest67984 (jljhook@irkki.fi) |
18:41:06 | | Quit [sko] (Quit: Leaving.) |
18:42:48 | pamaury | that's strage, with my modified usb code, when the code breaks too badly, the font size goes bigger ! |
18:58:50 | | Join redictablw [0] (5f75d276@gateway/web/freenode/ip. |
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19:01:58 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
19:02:20 | redictablw | Hi i'm trying to get my ipod nano 1st-Gen into HID mode but i cant find the settingsentry. On my nano there are only 9 entries under Settings->General->System and none of them is USB-HID. Maybe someone can help me? |
19:03:19 | saratoga | what version are you running? |
19:03:24 | | Quit mroth- (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) |
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19:04:38 | redictablw | im running r28072-100914 |
19:05:10 | | Join CGL [0] (~CGL@ |
19:11:37 | redictablw | I tried even to download the newest simulator to double check if im missing something. But in the newest simulator which is on the same build is this option also missing |
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19:15:23 | | Join Kitr88 [0] (~Kitarist@BSN-182-62-86.dial-up.dsl.siol.net) |
19:15:55 | pamaury | is ipod nano1gen supposed to have HID mode ? Perhaps it does have usb support for interrupt transfers, any specialist ? |
19:16:17 | gevaerts | pamaury: 1st gen nano is ARC |
19:16:37 | | Quit jfc (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
19:17:00 | redictablw | well in the manual for ipod nano 1g is this feature listed so somebody should have tested it with success? |
19:17:20 | | Quit Kitar|st (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
19:18:17 | pamaury | then the menu must have the USB-HID entry |
19:18:18 | | Join jfc [0] (~john@dpc6682208002.direcpc.com) |
19:19:06 | Llorean | I've used my original Nano to control my volume on the laptop many times |
19:19:17 | Llorean | Not with a recent build though, so I don't know if it may have been broken, but it worked quite some time ago |
19:19:23 | redictablw | well but it's just not there...maybe you can try to download the simulator for yourself and check it =/ |
19:19:40 | gevaerts | ded`: that sort of speed definitely isn't normal. Have you tried a different port, and maybe a different cable? |
19:19:46 | pixelma | the simulator could be different |
19:20:01 | | Quit Kitr88 (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
19:20:04 | pamaury | for settings ? Not sure |
19:20:23 | redictablw | well its exactly how it is on my nano 1st G nexxt to me |
19:20:27 | Llorean | I just know that it worked at some point in the past. I can't comment on recently. Is the setting definitely supposed to be in that location (maybe the manual is wrong instead?) |
19:21:02 | redictablw | i tried to find it elsewhere but haven't found it |
19:21:19 | | Quit sinthetek (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
19:21:22 | * | pamaury tries a simulator build for nano1gebn |
19:21:33 | saratoga | the option is there on the e200v1 which uses the same USB controller |
19:21:40 | redictablw | thanks fot that |
19:22:15 | pixelma | redictablw: you sure have a 1st gen Nano, not a 2nd gen? Just making sure, please don't take offence |
19:22:44 | redictablw | not a problem im sure having a 1g nano |
19:23:02 | pamaury | it's not in the sim |
19:23:11 | pamaury | looking at the code... |
19:23:13 | redictablw | not a problem im sure having a 1g nano |
19:23:29 | redictablw | sry fot that |
19:23:47 | gevaerts | The sim won't have that setting |
19:24:01 | gevaerts | USB_ENABLE_HID is defined for CONFIG_PLATFORM & PLATFORM_NATIVE only |
19:24:17 | redictablw | well but my nano doesent have it too |
19:24:50 | | Join Kitar|st [0] (Kitarist@BSN-182-112-165.dial-up.dsl.siol.net) |
19:25:07 | pamaury | indeed, the setting is conditional for it, let's try a real build to see |
19:26:35 | | Join Horscht [0] (~Horscht@xbmc/user/horscht) |
19:26:53 | pamaury | that's impossible, I just compiled SVN head for nano1gen and the usb hid settings are compiled in, I checked with #error |
19:27:22 | | Join TheSeven [0] (~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) |
19:27:53 | saratoga | you sure you're running that build number you mentioned above? |
19:28:04 | redictablw | sure i am |
19:28:23 | redictablw | maybe i have the possibility to checkout the svn head too? |
19:28:53 | pixelma | what colour is your Nano? |
19:28:59 | redictablw | white |
19:29:13 | pamaury | r28072 is just 6 rev ago, nothing changes since then |
19:29:27 | | Join anewuser [0] (anewuser@unaffiliated/anewuser) |
19:30:59 | redictablw | so i guess i try to delete the whole rockbox thing and begin from start again maybe im missing something dont know |
19:31:17 | | Quit ded` (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
19:31:20 | gevaerts | redictablw: can you have a look at the debug menu? |
19:31:43 | gevaerts | Go to System->Debug (keep out), and see if "Dump ATA identify info" is there |
19:32:19 | redictablw | well....no |
19:32:44 | redictablw | i got 5 entries |
19:34:08 | gevaerts | Do you have "View HW Info"? |
19:35:31 | redictablw | i have to say no again ... |
19:36:02 | gevaerts | Then you're looking in the wrong place. That item is *definitely* there |
19:36:15 | gevaerts | You are in the debug menu? |
19:36:22 | redictablw | yes i am |
19:36:26 | pamaury | what are the entries ? |
19:37:09 | redictablw | the are the options view os stack, screendump, view dirchache info, view database info and view buffering thread |
19:37:33 | pixelma | redictablw: how old is your installation (originally)? |
19:38:11 | redictablw | uff i would say first install is at least a year ago |
19:38:33 | saratoga | what makes you think you're not running some build from years ago exactly? |
19:39:44 | redictablw | system -> rockbox info |
19:40:11 | gevaerts | redictablw: you're not checking this in the simulator, right? |
19:40:24 | redictablw | no i dont |
19:43:08 | gevaerts | Then I can't explain how the things you see *exactly* match simulator behaviour, and *don't* match real hardware behaviour at all |
19:43:46 | redictablw | i didn't even know there was an difference between these two well... |
19:44:04 | redictablw | i try to make a clean fresh install.. |
19:44:34 | redictablw | hopefully it helps but thank you anyway for your great help |
19:44:53 | redictablw | i will report back if i get it running....and if not too |
19:45:38 | gevaerts | The difference between them is pretty clear. The simulator runs on a PC, the actual target build runs on a DAP |
19:48:44 | pixelma | it's also called simulator and not emulator for a reason ;) |
19:49:26 | | Join markun [0] (~markun@rockbox/developer/markun) |
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19:51:26 | pixelma | as far as I can see (looking at config.cfg), HID is still enabled by default. So once your new build is correctly running, you shouldn't need to touch the setting. It's just an indicator if the function is there |
19:52:42 | pixelma | or if the default change... (which I think would be wise as HID enabled can cause trouble with usual data transfers on some OSs) |
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20:27:23 | | Join Zagor [0] (~bjst@rockbox/developer/Zagor) |
20:28:08 | Stummi | hm, what is the easiest way to add a volume-control-entry to an menu? I want add something like this in the menu for rockboy. |
20:35:35 | evinick_B | Check out how the other plugins do it, and that'd be at least a start. |
20:36:01 | | Join gibbon_ [0] (gibbon_@not.a.servant4you.org) |
20:36:06 | evinick_B | Er... "check out" as in "look at". To do so, you'll need to "check out" the source! |
20:37:07 | gibbon_ | hiho |
20:37:34 | gibbon_ | i am using rockbox on a clip+ for a while now (working fine until now) |
20:38:12 | saratoga | mpegplayer is a pretty obvious plugin for volume changes i think |
20:38:16 | gibbon_ | is there something known about lockups on playback start (as in error and reboot)? |
20:38:24 | | Quit redictablw (Quit: Page closed) |
20:38:44 | saratoga | not that i've heard of |
20:39:02 | gibbon_ | on "current" svn... my last try was the svn version current today about 1500 UTC |
20:39:45 | gibbon_ | Data Abort on every song I choose... (tried ogg, mp3 and flac, didn't have anything else on the player) |
20:40:15 | saratoga | check the disk for errors, make sure you completed the install, etc |
20:40:31 | gibbon_ | install is complete... fsck went fine |
20:41:12 | gibbon_ | i can only fix it by shutting down and powering up the device again (the automated reboot after hang does not fix it) |
20:41:37 | | Join psycho_maniac [0] (~4561e6b7@giant.haxx.se) |
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20:42:34 | psycho_maniac | what are some of the new patches that may be included in rockbox? |
20:43:58 | pixelma | saratoga: mpegplayer doesn't set volume through a menu though, I think. If Stummi is interested in the menu method then maybe looking at e.g. sudoku could be more interesting. (And rockboy probably has trouble with a mapping for directly controlling the volume, on quite a few targets) |
20:44:17 | evinick_B | psycho_maniac: Do you mean; "Which patches are likely to be included in the main build?" or "Where is the list of patches?"? |
20:44:43 | psycho_maniac | the 1st answer. maybe i could run them in a test build for myself as i am very bored and have a lot of free time now. |
20:44:56 | psycho_maniac | all the pateches i tested before are now included in the latest build. |
20:45:05 | Stummi | pixelma: on the most devices, there are not enough keys to map volume controlling direct in the emulator ;) |
20:45:23 | Stummi | so, i wanted add an menu for that in the options-menu |
20:46:01 | gibbon_ | saratoga: i will wait and see... if it keeps showing up, i will wipe both the disks and do a plain reinstall |
20:46:08 | pixelma | yes, that's what I said and which is why I said something to saratoga |
20:46:10 | | Join redictavlw [0] (5f75d276@gateway/web/freenode/ip. |
20:47:14 | redictavlw | hi i did a clean install from latest build and everthing works fine now thanks again for the help |
20:47:21 | | Quit simonrvn (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
20:47:47 | gibbon_ | another question about the clip+ ... is it normal that audio is unavailable during charging? even in OF? ... i just hear a repeating "click" while the firmware looks like it is playing the audio normally? |
20:47:57 | psycho_maniac | Which patches are likely to be included in the main build? I would like to help test |
20:48:08 | | Join wilberfan [0] (~wilberfan@66-214-135-251.dhcp.gldl.ca.charter.com) |
20:48:41 | gibbon_ | (i think the power source just applies 5V without USB negotiation) |
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20:48:42 | | Join simonrvn [0] (simon@211.134-ppp.3menatwork.com) |
20:48:46 | wilberfan | none of the nested files on my Sansa e270 will display inside RB.... |
20:48:55 | wilberfan | they show up when I plug it into the computer... |
20:49:16 | wilberfan | i've reinstalled RB, recopied the files... |
20:49:37 | wilberfan | it started with some kind of memory error (?) while trying to start a game... |
20:50:36 | saratoga | gibbon_: you can charge and play music at the same time, see the manual |
20:51:19 | gibbon_ | saratoga: i don't mean automated reboot to OF... |
20:51:30 | gibbon_ | just to make sure you know what i am talking about |
20:51:39 | saratoga | i think you mean charge and play music at the same time |
20:52:15 | AlexP | psycho_maniac: There isn't a list |
20:52:23 | saratoga | psycho_maniac: check the mailing list and see if anyone asked for testing |
20:52:32 | | Join kugel [0] (~kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel) |
20:52:38 | gibbon_ | yes... as well in OF and Rockbox i see the device playing (as in time counting upwards and stuff) but i hear static noise |
20:52:47 | gibbon_ | did not read about that in the manual |
20:52:53 | kugel | do we really need all those Plugin* pages on the wiki? |
20:53:49 | saratoga | gibbon_: what are you charging with? |
20:53:56 | saratoga | you shouldn't hear noise |
20:53:58 | kugel | they seem pretty useless to me, as the manual is usually more complete and up-to-date in that regard |
20:54:02 | psycho_maniac | gibbon: you noticed that too? |
20:54:46 | gibbon_ | saratoga: i am using a car charger - i don't know for sure but i don't think it acts as US host but just applies 5V to Vcc and GND of the USB port |
20:54:47 | psycho_maniac | one guy updated all the plugin pages on the wiki |
20:54:59 | saratoga | gibbon_: i assume this is with the car on? |
20:55:40 | gibbon_ | saratoga: does not matter ... the noise does not come from the car itself... i know that noise, too though ;) |
20:56:06 | saratoga | if you get noise charging, its probably from the charger |
20:56:32 | gibbon_ | saratoga: the audio that should be plaing is not there though ... not even faint |
20:57:27 | saratoga | but it works when you disconnect the charger? |
20:57:41 | gibbon_ | saratoga: i will try using a normal usb cable and a computer, trying if its "visible" then |
20:58:15 | gibbon_ | saratoga: immediately after unplugging the charger, audio returns |
20:58:21 | | Quit psycho_maniac (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)) |
20:59:10 | gibbon_ | i suspected a strange GND problem since the player usually connects to my car stereo... but its the same with headphones |
20:59:20 | gevaerts | kugel: in my opinion, no. Most of them should go |
20:59:43 | gibbon_ | saratoga: i will also keep a watch on that ... and report back i suppose |
21:00 |
21:00:11 | saratoga | probably a busted charger |
21:00:44 | gibbon_ | its doing its job at least... |
21:00:48 | | Join [sko] [0] (~sko]@p57A98D19.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
21:01:05 | gibbon_ | but as I said... i will try some other power sources |
21:02:00 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
21:02:40 | gibbon_ | i don't think its a software issue, definately some hardware issue... but i wanted to check if someone else noticed, too |
21:03:08 | | Join Buschel [0] (~chatzilla@p54A3A4A0.dip.t-dialin.net) |
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21:05:12 | CIA-81 | New commit by Buschel (r28079): Correct autocorrelation function in libfaad. It used the wrong fract part for the multiplication macros. Introduce appropriate solution to avoid ... |
21:06:32 | Buschel | saratoga: I've found the root cause for the strange code section in libfaad (as you can see from the commit :) |
21:07:00 | saratoga | nice |
21:07:09 | CIA-81 | r28079 build result: All green |
21:07:42 | | Quit saratoga (Quit: Page closed) |
21:10:35 | kugel | Buschel: the comments say shift by 2*exp, the code does 4*exp ? |
21:11:42 | Buschel | kugel: comment is false :( |
21:11:52 | Buschel | will change this with a future commit |
21:12:00 | Buschel | thanks for the note |
21:16:49 | gibbon_ | thanks... i will report back after i tested something |
21:17:07 | gibbon_ | would be nice if it was just me or my charger ;) |
21:17:20 | | Part gibbon_ ("see you all") |
21:18:12 | CIA-81 | New commit by Buschel (r28080): Correct comment. |
21:19:15 | CIA-81 | r28080 build result: All green |
21:20:35 | pixelma | some manuals are currently wrong wrt included plugins though :\ |
21:21:18 | | Join Adubbb [0] (~Aldubuc@ |
21:21:27 | | Part Adubbb |
21:22:51 | wilberfan | what would cause rockbox folders to appear empty in RB, but show files when the device is plugged in to my computer? |
21:23:11 | wilberfan | I can't play any of my files−−because all the folders appear empty! |
21:23:13 | pixelma | what's your "show files" setting? |
21:23:39 | pixelma | maybe you accidentally changed it to "Playlists" or so |
21:23:44 | wilberfan | uh oh. didn't even know there WAS one of those! (D'oh!) I'm copying files back...I'll check in a second... |
21:23:48 | wilberfan | [facepalm] |
21:24:28 | wilberfan | i got some kind of memory error while trying to start a game...when i restarted the device...all the folders appeared empty... |
21:24:50 | wilberfan | would a memory error change that 'show files' setting? (or COULD it?) |
21:25:59 | pixelma | I doubt it |
21:26:58 | AlexP | It is most likely because it is on the quick screen and easy to change accidently |
21:27:21 | AlexP | We still need to decide what setting to replace that with :) |
21:28:15 | wilberfan | cuz i was listening to a podcast, decided to play a game (waiting to get my hair cut)... when i tried to load the game, i got some kind of memory error... |
21:28:19 | wilberfan | turned off the device... |
21:28:27 | wilberfan | restarted...and all the folders appeared empty... |
21:28:37 | wilberfan | I thought they were gone−−not just not being displayed... |
21:29:30 | wilberfan | I didn't change any settings during that scenario... |
21:29:46 | | Join portlandlinux [0] (~portlandl@184-76-18-187.war.clearwire-wmx.net) |
21:31:03 | CIA-81 | New commit by Buschel (r28081): Fix scaling error that was introduced with r28069. With this fix the level of the hf-spectrum will be correct when decoding aac-he files. |
21:31:15 | wilberfan | but, thanks to pixelma ! I double-checked my 'show files' setting, and the files are back! :) |
21:32:56 | CIA-81 | r28081 build result: All green |
21:34:53 | pixelma | you got the same answer in the forum ;) |
21:38:28 | | Join robin0800 [0] (~robin0800@ |
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21:44:40 | CIA-81 | New commit by wodz (r28082): Add icon for MPIO HD200 in download section FS #11177 by Marko Pahkle |
21:45:47 | | Join wodz [0] (~wodz@chello087206240131.chello.pl) |
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21:47:13 | wodz | May I ask to update playerpics dir on www server? |
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21:53:17 | CIA-81 | New commit by Buschel (r28083): Also correct autocorrelation for yet undefined SBR_LOW_POWER. Unify FIXED_POINT and FLOAT implementation. |
21:55:02 | | Join t0rc [0] (~t0rc@unaffiliated/t0rc/x-5233201) |
21:55:03 | CIA-81 | r28083 build result: All green |
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22:00:07 | bertrik | do we have the data sheet of the wm codec that's in the ipod nano 1g? |
22:01:29 | bertrik | hm, I think several of the wolfson micro codecs have basically the same register layout |
22:02:06 | bertrik | I do have the datasheet for the wm8971 (ipod nano 1g uses the wm8975) |
22:03:00 | | Join markun [0] (~markun@rockbox/developer/markun) |
22:03:10 | wodz | as far as I remember there is no public datasheet for wm8975 |
22:03:13 | | Quit markun (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
22:03:45 | wodz | and yes wm codecs are very similar within single family. |
22:06:35 | | Join milz [0] (~kyle@S0106001ff341eb86.cg.shawcable.net) |
22:07:05 | wodz | bertrik: but ipod nano 1g is stable port isn't it? |
22:10:18 | bertrik | so, everything works perfectly ? :P |
22:11:41 | wodz | there is always room for improvement :-) |
22:12:24 | bertrik | wodz, I suspect that the fm remote might not work on the nano 1g because of a missing audiohw_set_monitor implementation for the codec in the nano 1g |
22:13:03 | wodz | that's possible |
22:14:27 | wodz | if you see analog mixer section in wm8971 it is probably present in 8975 too |
22:15:02 | bertrik | yes, that's what I'm looking into |
22:16:36 | wodz | the easiest route would be to hook i2c analyzer and catch OF commands to codec with fm remote |
22:17:25 | pamaury | funman (for logs): can you try http://pastebin.com/UVyk74pD for amsv2 usb ? It seems to works better with it. It simpliy restart on the driver when there are several resets for a single connection. Perhaps it might be a temporary solution if it works. On my computer, I've not been able to break it |
22:17:41 | pamaury | *-on |
22:17:47 | bertrik | No, I don't think so. The person with this problem probably doesn't know how to do that. |
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22:24:31 | wodz | wow - adaptive bass function the same as in wm8750/51 |
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22:26:06 | CIA-81 | New commit by Buschel (r28084): More unification of FIXED_POINT and FLOAT. Small refactoring. |
22:27:20 | * | Buschel loves macros :) |
22:27:20 | | Quit markun (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
22:27:39 | wodz | bertrik: you may look at wm8751.c - the way analog mixing is done in wm8971 (and 8975 probably) is almost the same |
22:27:54 | CIA-81 | r28084 build result: All green |
22:27:59 | * | bluebrother throws a macro hell at Buschel :) |
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22:41:14 | CIA-81 | New commit by Buschel (r28085): Minor macro redefinition in libfaad to avoid FIXED_POINT ifdef'ing. |
22:42:48 | CIA-81 | r28085 build result: All green |
22:42:52 | | Part portlandlinux |
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23:28:20 | Darminator | I have a possible bug to report but I don't want to register: Attempting to change the case of a file (eg fred.txt to Fred.txt) comes back with a 'rename failed' message. e200v2 r27817-100814, but this has been an issue for a while. |
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