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00:12:03 | flan_suse | Is it normal for Rockbox to have data aborts on AAC files? |
00:12:34 | flan_suse | I noticed the only times I ever get "data aborts" or "codec failures" are when playing AAC files, or trying to play an AAC file. Even if I encoded it with ffmpeg. |
00:12:37 | | Join S_a_i_n_t [0] (S_a_i_n_t@ |
00:12:46 | flan_suse | Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, and MP3 never yielded this error. |
00:13:30 | flan_suse | If I have an mp3 that I encode to AAC and OGG, using ffmpeg, the AAC one will "data abort at XXXX" but the Ogg will play fine. |
00:13:38 | gevaerts | AAC is somewhat less used than those I think |
00:13:59 | gevaerts | So it's less tested, and therefore likely to be less stable |
00:14:02 | flan_suse | gevaerts: Mainly due to its patented nature? |
00:14:13 | gevaerts | I don't know |
00:14:20 | gevaerts | Doesn't really matter |
00:14:27 | flan_suse | gevaerts: I see. For me, personally, not as big of a deal, since I will use Ogg instead of AAC anyways. |
00:14:41 | flan_suse | It's something that I noticed while playing around with Rockbox. |
00:14:58 | gevaerts | If you have a repeatable crash with a file you can upload publicly, we'd definitely like to have it |
00:15:10 | flan_suse | gevaerts: Sure. |
00:15:33 | flan_suse | gevaerts: Even the audio extracted (not re-encoded) from a YouTube video will do the same. |
00:15:46 | flan_suse | gevaerts: Where would I upload a file too? |
00:15:59 | gevaerts | flan_suse: our bug tracker is easiest for us |
00:16:05 | flan_suse | gevaerts: Okay. |
00:16:07 | gevaerts | If the file is smaller than 2MB anyway |
00:16:26 | flan_suse | gevaerts: Does it matter if this is on a daily build? |
00:16:30 | gevaerts | Oh, and please mention which rockbox revision and which player you use |
00:17:03 | gevaerts | Latest current build is best, but if it's repeatable and we have a sample, we can work with that |
00:17:31 | flan_suse | gevaerts: Got it. |
00:18:00 | flan_suse | gevaerts: I can just install the most recent current build before trying the file anyways. |
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00:53:10 | soap | Is there a reason to keep the various graveyard theme pages on the wiki? Is there a reason to delete them? |
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01:05:50 | S_a_i_n_t | I think it is not a big deal to keep them, and, if kept, there's always a chance that the original author will pick the theme back up again and run with it. |
01:05:58 | S_a_i_n_t | Or, someone else in fact. |
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01:06:28 | S_a_i_n_t | I can't imagine they take up an excessive ammount of space. |
01:06:57 | S_a_i_n_t | It's also kinda cool as a nostalgic thing, kind of like a museum. |
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01:13:38 | | Join saratoga [0] (9803c6dd@gateway/web/freenode/ip. |
01:13:42 | saratoga | it would be neat to see an aac file that crashes rockbox |
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01:15:52 | S_a_i_n_t | I believe it's happened before. |
01:16:14 | S_a_i_n_t | I seem to remember seeing that in the forums, but the user was edgy about posting the file as he'd stripped the DRM |
01:17:05 | S_a_i_n_t | probably woried about the RIAA |
01:17:57 | JdGordon| | linuxstb: there really isnt a good reason to bother with version numbers for skins. either it loads or it doesnt. Having a version number wont really help the user |
01:18:24 | JdGordon| | the best the build could do is say "curent version is X, your skin is Y and isnt compatiable anymore" |
01:18:44 | JdGordon| | but then the error messages in general could be better which would solve the same problem |
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01:27:35 | saratoga | he could probably just truncate the file, like post the first half or something |
01:27:40 | saratoga | as long as it still crashes |
01:27:48 | saratoga | i doubt anyone would complain about a short piece of a song |
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01:37:59 | pixelma | soap: not saying if it should be done or not - IIRC only site admins can delete files from the wiki (if that hasn't changed with some wiki updates) |
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01:44:14 | JdGordon| | also, I don't remember any talk of spelling in the code, and If we did actually decide US for code and UK for manual, well thats just stupid |
01:44:52 | JdGordon| | UK everywhere makes alot more sense, 1) it is completly consistant across the whole project, 2) there are more non-US devs |
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01:49:06 | soap | Extra "u"s just waste code-size! |
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01:50:33 | JdGordon| | there is also nothing in CONTRIBUTING and I cant see any emails on the subject |
01:55:57 | Llorean | JdGordon|: Believe it or not, there was actually a really big discussion on it quite a long time ago |
01:56:02 | Llorean | Wasn't it relating to the word "color/colour"? |
01:56:58 | Llorean | Like... the code was already US spelling, the manual had been written by someone in the UK so its spelling was UK, what to do? |
01:59:40 | literal | can the alarmclock application in Rockbox wake the device up? |
01:59:51 | literal | the device being a Clip+ |
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02:03:11 | JdGordon| | he only discussion I've found in my email is about title case in the manual. |
02:03:28 | Llorean | As far as I remember, it was entirely in IRC. |
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02:11:33 | * | DerPapst remembers this discussion... |
02:12:11 | DerPapst | and i thought the decission was to use UK spelling... |
02:12:32 | Llorean | In the manual, yes. |
02:12:51 | DerPapst | but not the source? |
02:12:58 | DerPapst | +code |
02:13:01 | Llorean | But I seem to recall it ended up being US in the source since it would be difficult to correct it all or something |
02:13:09 | Llorean | Basically "leave it as it already is" |
02:14:43 | DerPapst | ah well.. there are worse projects in regards of consistency ;) |
02:17:57 | Llorean | I agree it's weird |
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02:37:10 | linuxstb | JdGordon|: Regarding color/colour, you don't recall this? http://www.rockbox.org/irc/log-20060223#08:43:40 |
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02:38:25 | JdGordon| | from 4.5 years ago? |
02:40:30 | linuxstb | Yes. |
02:41:04 | S_a_i_n_t | [12:44] <JdGordon|> UK everywhere makes alot more sense, 1) it is completly consistant across the whole project, 2) there are more non-US devs |
02:41:07 | JdGordon| | I dont, and reading it now (wow, people that havnt been active in ages :D ) i also dont see any actual discussions |
02:41:10 | * | S_a_i_n_t agrees wholeheartedly. |
02:41:31 | S_a_i_n_t | It should definitely go one way or the other, a mix of both is even sillier than using US english |
02:42:03 | linuxstb | JdGordon|: That's because no-one disagreed. |
02:42:52 | S_a_i_n_t | literal: The best way to answer that question would be to test it on your device no? |
02:43:19 | S_a_i_n_t | I can't really say either "yes" or "no" as I believe it depends on the hardware, and I'm not familiar with your DAP |
02:43:37 | JdGordon| | linuxstb: I see a comment from amiconn saying he prefers uk, linusN saying he doesnt care.. no definitive descision.. and it isnt in CONTRIBUTING |
02:44:19 | linuxstb | JdGordon|: But I was referring to the fact that you've been asked before to change "colour" to "color", which you did. |
02:45:57 | JdGordon| | yes, ok, nearly 5 years ago... |
02:51:23 | literal | S_a_i_n_t: it seems that the alarm clock only stays active while the app is open |
02:51:54 | S_a_i_n_t | Yeah, I guess your target isn;t capable of waking the device via the RTC then. |
02:52:13 | S_a_i_n_t | Or, it isn;t implemented yet, or isn;t possible |
02:52:15 | S_a_i_n_t | *isn't |
02:52:19 | literal | no, I mean, even if I close the app and reopen it, the alarm clock is just reset |
02:52:39 | literal | so it looks like the alarmclock application isn't running anymore once you close it |
02:52:41 | S_a_i_n_t | That seems like a bug, but, I am unsure. |
02:52:44 | literal | which makes it pretty useless |
02:53:14 | literal | I figured it was just a sort of "hello world"-type application to show how timers work or something |
02:53:34 | Llorean | Does the manual not explain how it works, then? |
02:53:37 | S_a_i_n_t | File a bug report perhaps, I'm pretty sure the desired operation for the alarm clock would be to (if possible) allow one to be able to close the plugin and have it reopen when the timer countdown is up. |
02:54:06 | Llorean | I mean there's no sense filing a bug report against expected behavior, so seeing what it's supposed to do in the manual description first... |
02:54:38 | S_a_i_n_t | You're right though, it does seem pretty useless if you need to leave the DAP running, and not *just* the DAp but that plugin, and are unable to exit it. |
02:54:39 | Llorean | I'm pretty sure the only TSR plugin is battery bench, right? |
02:54:54 | S_a_i_n_t | TSR? |
02:55:00 | Llorean | Terminate and Stay Resident |
02:55:04 | literal | the manual suggests that it's just a dumb alarm clock, it doesn't say much about the app |
02:55:07 | Llorean | As in, "runs after you quit it" |
02:55:09 | S_a_i_n_t | Aha. |
02:55:10 | literal | http://download.rockbox.org/daily/manual/rockbox-vibe500/rockbox-buildch11.html#x14-26600011.4.1 |
02:55:23 | Llorean | So I wouldn't suggest filing a bug report since it sounds like that's all it's supposed to do |
02:55:39 | Llorean | Rockbox does have wakeup alarm functionality on some devices, though I don't recall that being accessed through a plugin... |
02:56:08 | Llorean | Isn't it just through the usual Time & Date menu? |
02:56:32 | S_a_i_n_t | I believe that just displays when an alarm is set. |
02:56:59 | S_a_i_n_t | Or a countdown timer, there is such a thing...no? |
02:57:22 | literal | hm, there is indeed a wakeup alarm in the Tiem & Date menu... |
02:57:24 | * | literal tries it |
02:58:12 | literal | hehe, but you can only set it at 5-minute intervals |
03:00 |
03:00:24 | literal | and a minimum of 2 minutes into the future |
03:00:34 | * | literal waits |
03:01:29 | literal | yup, works |
03:01:35 | Llorean | There you go. |
03:01:47 | Llorean | If that's not in the manual, a bug report should be filed against the manual though. |
03:02:02 | literal | it's probably there |
03:02:02 | Llorean | If it is in the manual, I'd like to politely remind you to check it beforehand. :) |
03:02:05 | literal | yeah |
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03:06:17 | S_a_i_n_t | No, not at all...but conversations with yourself are quite painful sometimes. |
03:06:36 | S_a_i_n_t | *disregard. |
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06:30:01 | Jeshikah | hi there. great firmware you have developed. i love it. one small problem i'm having w/ it on my sansa fuze v1 though. it's not TOO major a problem, but it would be nice if you could tell me what, if anything, i can do to make it go away. the problem is charging my battery while running the rockbox firmware. anytime i put a usb cable in, wether it's to charge from the wall or to transfer data from a comp, rockbox just starts restarting like mad. now i CA |
06:30:46 | JdGordon| | you got cut off... use shorter sentances |
06:30:58 | JdGordon| | and read the manual, it says (or should say) how to do that |
06:31:12 | Jeshikah | at which point did i get cut off? |
06:31:21 | JdGordon| | now i CA |
06:32:44 | Jeshikah | CAN charge it and transfer data by switching to the OF, but rockbox being vastly superior to the OF, i'd rather not, if there's any way to work around that issue |
06:34:33 | JdGordon| | like i said, check the manual, there is a button you need to hold while inserting usb.. i cant remember which it is for the fuze though |
06:34:59 | JdGordon| | whichever button brings up the.. oh bloody hell... you've just broken my plans for the quickscreen |
06:37:56 | Llorean | JdGordon|: Perhaps now would be a good time to push "holding any button prevents UMS"? |
06:38:32 | JdGordon| | that or a connection menu |
06:38:39 | Jeshikah | ...well it charges now, but it ONLY charges. pity, i liked falling asleep to music, while my player is charging... |
06:39:20 | Llorean | You should be able to play music while it charges in Rockbox. |
06:39:28 | Llorean | As long as it's still in Rockbox, that is. |
06:39:53 | S_a_i_n_t | Indeed. |
06:40:20 | S_a_i_n_t | I seem to remember the restarting repeatedly issue being something to do with incompatible bootloader/build |
06:40:50 | S_a_i_n_t | Installing the very latest SVN bootloader *should* fix it if I understand correctly |
06:41:04 | Llorean | New bootloader that expects the firmware to handle USB, firmware that expects the bootloader to load the OF on usb, so endless reboot? |
06:41:16 | S_a_i_n_t | I believe so, yes. |
06:41:37 | Jeshikah | idk. i have 3.6 from the utility software |
06:41:48 | Jeshikah | and bootloader 2.0, i think |
06:41:59 | S_a_i_n_t | 3.6 is *very* old now. |
06:42:21 | S_a_i_n_t | 1000s of revisions out of date compared to current code |
06:43:14 | Jeshikah | ...i see. ai ai ai, and i didn't like the idea of meddling around w/ manual installs when i know so little about the workings of firmwares, lol |
06:44:00 | Jeshikah | guess it's time to read a good guide for manually installing firmwares for my sansa, lol |
06:44:28 | S_a_i_n_t | the manual. |
06:46:31 | Jeshikah | or something, yeah. thanx for this bit of help. hopefully i don't mess it up too much through ignorance, lol |
06:49:57 | Jeshikah | one last thing, does the folder HAVE to be named .rockbox, or can it be named something slightly different? |
06:50:40 | Jeshikah | i'm pretty sure that that would go under "advanced topics" but the last time i read that page it didn't mention that lil bit |
06:51:11 | Llorean | It must be named .rockbx |
06:51:14 | Llorean | er .rockbox |
06:51:18 | Llorean | Unless you change the code. |
06:52:09 | S_a_i_n_t | and it's actually not that trivial...pretty much *everything* expects to find its path starting with .rockbox |
06:52:23 | S_a_i_n_t | well, not "pretty much"...*actually* everything |
06:52:23 | Jeshikah | and all that comes w/ the download of a new firmware is basically the same as the old, except for the .sansa file? |
06:52:29 | JdGordon| | .rockbox is only in the code once though so its easy to change |
06:52:37 | S_a_i_n_t | please don't do the "w/" thing. |
06:52:51 | S_a_i_n_t | this channel is logged, and some people use screen readers. |
06:53:05 | Llorean | Jeshikah: Any of the stuff in the .zip could be newer versions, don't count on just the .sansa file being updated. |
06:53:16 | Llorean | JdGordon|: The root path of Rockbox is just a define somewhere, right? |
06:53:32 | JdGordon| | yes |
06:53:34 | JdGordon| | settings.h |
06:53:45 | JdGordon| | oh, and the bootloader will need to be changed |
06:53:57 | JdGordon| | unless it is one of the older ones which checks / for the bootfile also |
06:54:27 | Jeshikah | there's a newer one than what i have? i got a full install from the 1.2.8 rbutil |
06:54:41 | S_a_i_n_t | Hmm...I seem to remember it not being that easy, I found that define when I was trying to run two different rockboxes in two different folders...but I was finding there were still things that expected ".rockbox" instead of the "rockbox" I'd created. |
06:55:07 | S_a_i_n_t | Jeshikah: Yes, choose the current build instead of the release build. |
06:55:36 | S_a_i_n_t | as I said, 3.6 is 100s of revisions out of date compared to current SVN head. |
06:55:44 | S_a_i_n_t | errr...1000s rather |
06:55:47 | Llorean | S_a_i_n_t: It might be good to document those then, as possibly they warrant fixing. |
06:56:49 | Jeshikah | all right, lemme see if i can simplify this using rbutil, and see what that does for me ^^. what version should it say, if i have the absolute latest build? |
06:57:14 | S_a_i_n_t | I can't remember just off the top of my head what I was having problems with, but, I know there were a few things that didn;t play nice with the move. |
06:57:29 | S_a_i_n_t | I'll have a play around when my dev environment is back up. |
06:58:25 | S_a_i_n_t | Jeshikah: r28244 |
06:58:54 | Jeshikah | kk, thanks |
06:59:08 | S_a_i_n_t | that is the *absolute* most current build, as of yesterday at 1pm-ish |
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07:25:18 | JdGordon| | the .rockbox string should only be in settings.h and the bootloaders.. everything else should be using the defines or RaaA would work |
07:25:34 | JdGordon| | although it isnt being built with plugins, but they should be using the #define also |
07:31:45 | Jeshikah | yay, now this is working pretty well, and so far i don't see that it isn't stable in any way, though i haven't tried going through every option just yet. even before this bit of "discussion" i hadn't tried a 10th of it's many features, lol. |
07:32:16 | Jeshikah | well, igtg. tyvm for all the help |
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10:18:53 | AlexP | JdGordon: So we were discussing point releases |
10:19:25 | AlexP | i.e. keeping two branches going - the dev branch and the current release branch |
10:19:32 | AlexP | With bug fixes going in both |
10:20:05 | AlexP | I'd be happy to do releasy stuff, but for it to work it'd need everyone to commit to committing bug fixes to both |
10:20:52 | AlexP | I think we have a bit of a problem with releases at the moment - a) we just get them out and b) as soon as someone asks about a problem with one we just say try svn |
10:21:16 | AlexP | If we did point releases it'd also take a little bit of pressure of new releases |
10:21:43 | AlexP | Damn you all, I'm talking to myself now! |
10:22:17 | gevaerts | Technically we have the branch |
10:22:31 | gevaerts | And yes, it needs more bugfixes going into it |
10:23:04 | AlexP | yeah, we have it, but we need to use it :) |
10:23:13 | AlexP | At the moment we branch, release, then forget about it |
10:23:23 | gevaerts | If that's seen as too much of a burden to people (backporting and testing again does take time), maybe "Possibly for 3.6" in commit messages, so other people can pick it up? |
10:23:42 | gevaerts | Similar to our manual update system basically |
10:25:03 | AlexP | yeah |
10:25:15 | AlexP | At the moment the release isn't really a release, just a snapshot |
10:25:59 | gevaerts | Then again, if needed, a non-coder release manager could decide that a specific bug needs backporting and prod people |
10:26:01 | JdGordon | I'm not completly against (or for) the idea, but it would need a reasonable effort to make it work, including lots of people using each branch (not necessarily everyone using both though) |
10:26:47 | gevaerts | Actually, do we just want people to commit to both branches, or do we want extra thinking before committing to the release branch? Every fix has a risk of new bugs... |
10:26:51 | AlexP | gevaerts: As I say I'm happy to be release manager, but I'd need other people to do the actual fixing/back porting |
10:27:09 | AlexP | gevaerts: I think it depends on the fix |
10:27:21 | gevaerts | AlexP: yes. What I mean is that if a commit says "may be useful for the release", you can easily spot that :) |
10:27:41 | gevaerts | And if nobody does the work, and you think it's a useful fix, you can go and threaten people |
10:27:44 | AlexP | gevaerts: Maybe have a delay? - commit to head, wait a couple of days then commit to branch? |
10:28:00 | AlexP | gevaerts: That sounds like a job I can handle :) |
10:28:01 | gevaerts | Maybe all of the current discussion on the ML for this :) |
10:28:23 | gevaerts | For stable updates, I don't think a bit of red tape is too horrible |
10:29:03 | AlexP | gevaerts: People could even just do me a patch and then I apply it after a wait so they don't have to remember |
10:30:08 | AlexP | Not sure if that'd be better or worse though |
10:30:49 | gevaerts | Actually, for the stable branch I don't expect reverting to have the same negative connotations as for trunk |
10:31:02 | AlexP | no, not at all |
10:31:12 | gevaerts | "Not suitable for 3.X" is not the same as "Not suitable for rockbox" |
10:31:18 | AlexP | It is reverting features that is the bugger, niot bug fixes |
10:31:31 | AlexP | Features shouldn't be going in the release branch anyway |
10:31:35 | gevaerts | So the things can be committed right away |
10:34:11 | AlexP | yah |
10:34:22 | AlexP | So now we just need people to do this :) |
10:34:49 | gevaerts | Feel free to ask me for backporting duties :) |
10:35:06 | AlexP | ta :) |
10:35:18 | AlexP | I'll write something up for the ml though I think |
10:35:29 | AlexP | To get more people's attention |
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10:35:59 | JdGordon | im not entirely convinced this will lead to more stable stables |
10:36:07 | JdGordon | or really do anything except add more work |
10:37:06 | JdGordon | also, lang updates could be rather annoying |
10:37:35 | AlexP | If it is just bug fixes I don't see too many lang updates as being necessary |
10:37:55 | AlexP | And anyway, lang backports is one thing I (or anyone else can do) |
10:37:57 | gevaerts | If it only leads to more awareness that we do have a stable release that we want to care about, it'w worth it I think |
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10:40:30 | JdGordon | it also requires that support calls are never answered with (try svn) if they are using a point release (unless it is actually possible the fix hasnt been backported yet) |
10:41:08 | JdGordon | it would be a bit of a nightmare to manage... it would need svn built every change (to that branch), svn-point-rel every change and a static last point rel |
10:41:15 | AlexP | I don't imagine a point release for every bug fix |
10:41:20 | AlexP | Just regularly |
10:41:38 | AlexP | And then the response would be it'll be fixed in the next point release, due in x days or so |
10:41:41 | gevaerts | Yes, every month, or every time a major bugfix goes in... |
10:41:56 | JdGordon | yeah, no, I mean... |
10:42:12 | JdGordon | umm |
10:42:19 | AlexP | For that we/I can build manually |
10:42:36 | gevaerts | JdGordon: actually, I still believe that most users *never* come here for support, so even if we keep asking people here to try svn, the point releases are still useful |
10:43:24 | JdGordon | well, not really if one of the things we want to solve is our assumption that svn is always better than the last release |
10:43:28 | JdGordon | I think... |
10:43:45 | gevaerts | Well, a bit of both |
10:44:55 | gevaerts | We won't backport major things like e.g. USB support, and if we have big changes like the recent skin overhaul that probably means no more skin fixes for stable, so there will be differences, and for some issues, "try svn" will remain appropriate |
10:45:11 | JdGordon | sure |
10:45:43 | JdGordon | deciding when to restart would be fun... the 3/4 month cycle doesnt even make much sense with a fortnighly stable |
10:46:02 | gevaerts | But what I think we *have* to get rid of is this tendency to say "try svn" before even understanding what the problem actually is |
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11:02:03 | JdGordon | who commited the resistor calc plugin? |
11:04:34 | * | gevaerts raises his hand |
11:05:00 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
11:05:03 | JdGordon | 11667 :) |
11:05:37 | JdGordon | more controversial thoughts... we should consider rejecting plugins except for .lua scripts! :D |
11:05:58 | JdGordon | for things that dont obviously need to be c |
11:06:31 | pixelma | lua plugins are sooo slow |
11:06:45 | pixelma | at least "boomshine" is |
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11:37:04 | CIA-7 | New commit by jdgordon (r28245): Viewports dont necessarily have children lines, so make sure there is one or it will crash |
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11:39:28 | CIA-7 | r28245 build result: All green |
11:44:37 | amiconn | JdGordon: Iirc a connection menu won't be possible on some targets |
11:45:13 | CIA-7 | New commit by jdgordon (r28246): FS #11669 - extra > in the skin |
11:45:30 | amiconn | This is because some hw bridges can't be disabled completely, so the time from usb plug-in to fully connected is rather limited (otherwise the host os will time out) |
11:46:06 | amiconn | Note that I'm not 100% sure |
11:46:17 | JdGordon | arg... I wonder if we can check if usb is connected before doing the hotkey action then |
11:47:32 | CIA-7 | r28246 build result: All green |
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11:49:43 | JdGordon | pixelma: are you still seeing screen corruption? /me trying to clear all the theme bug reportts |
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12:26:30 | JdGordon | anyone see anything wrong with relaxing the bar tag requirements so the bar image doesnt need to be there? right now %pb(0,0,10,10,-) is rather common, %pb(0,0,10,10) is nicer |
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12:39:15 | * | JdGordon suspects it is really easy to crash the player with bad %pb lines right now |
12:39:24 | JdGordon | %pb(0,0,10,10) should do it |
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12:46:56 | JdGordon | teru: I tihnk that last commit should fix your issue from last night |
12:47:07 | JdGordon | if I'm remembering your pastebin correctly |
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12:49:46 | JdGordon | whats a good option name to specify the bar filename? |
12:49:54 | JdGordon | "image" ? |
12:50:42 | teru | JdGordon: do you mean this? http://pastie.org/1212817. this is related to out of bounds viewport thing. |
12:51:00 | JdGordon | ah ok, never mind then |
12:52:56 | JdGordon | teru: we want the slider to definitly offet a bit? |
12:55:52 | teru | JdGordon: to me, it is natural that the center of the image indicates current position. so, i want the offset. |
12:56:20 | JdGordon | I tend to agree |
12:56:30 | JdGordon | do you know where the problem is that makes it go past the end? |
12:58:07 | teru | JdGordon: http://www.rockbox.org/irc/log-20101009#11:29:53 |
12:58:43 | | Part pyro_maniac1 |
12:59:27 | JdGordon | that looks correct.. |
13:00 |
13:00:00 | JdGordon | Ideally the scrollbar code should provide a better helper, but that approximation should be good enough |
13:00:21 | teru | maybe i misunderstand the problem? |
13:02:58 | JdGordon | according to the thread when player volume > 0dB the scroll part ends up past the end of the bar area |
13:03:12 | JdGordon | I dont think this is actually true anymore though (just tested in the sim) |
13:03:26 | teru | this patch is what i requested for the bar tag. http://pastie.org/1215125 |
13:05:03 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
13:06:12 | JdGordon | that looks good, except I think screen_clear_area is wrong |
13:07:12 | teru | this is the screen shot from the forum. http://www.fileden.com/files/2008/2/11/1754365//vol4.jpg |
13:07:32 | JdGordon | yes, that is wrong |
13:07:45 | JdGordon | the circle should be at most half way over the rectangle |
13:07:57 | teru | from what i understand, what is problem is slider is drawn out side of the white frame. |
13:09:10 | JdGordon | well, the bar definition says to only use 50 pixels width, so it really should stay in that |
13:09:11 | JdGordon | which means it also shouldnt overlap on the ends |
13:10:04 | teru | the width of the white frame is pb->width, and the image is put at pb->x + pb->width according to the formula, pb->x + pb->width * end / length where end is equal to length. |
13:10:36 | | Quit hebz0rl (Quit: Leaving) |
13:11:00 | JdGordon | ah yes |
13:11:45 | JdGordon | so yeah, it needs to check to make sure it is always in the bounding box |
13:11:56 | JdGordon | if you add that check please commit that paste |
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13:12:37 | JdGordon | display->fillrect() would be better than screen_clear_area() though |
13:13:04 | JdGordon | actually, no, ignore that |
13:13:33 | teru | thus, the screen_clear_area correctly crears area where slider might be drawn. |
13:13:44 | eWill | I'm trying to build the RB sim (for Windows) in Ubuntu. On page: http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/UiSimulator it says "put the path to the mingw32 sdl-config in your path (eg. by putting PATH=$PATH:$HOME/mingw32-sdl/bin/ into $HOME/.bashrc)" −−−− but I have no such file. |
13:15:43 | JdGordon | teru: no, the slider must never draw outside the bar area, so check to make sure xoff >=0 && xoff <= pb->x+pb->width |
13:15:47 | linuxstb | eWill: How are you looking for that file? Files beginning with a dot are normally hidden from view. |
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13:17:35 | teru | JdGordon: if someone does that, the slider will be inconsistent to the a-b markers/cue sheets marker at the beggining and ending of the track. |
13:17:49 | eWill | scratch that. I using the Ubuntu "Search for Files..." from the main menu, but i had to REMOVE the "." from my search term (must be some wildcard thing). |
13:18:01 | JdGordon | teru: not by any meanigful amount |
13:18:10 | JdGordon | it is naughty to draw outside that area |
13:18:40 | | Nick Guest23218 is now known as Zagor (~bjst@rockbox/developer/Zagor) |
13:18:40 | JdGordon | teru: we can shrink the bar if a slider is being used... |
13:21:51 | teru | shrinking the bar is ok? then, i'll try it. |
13:22:43 | JdGordon | except you wont know how much to narrow it untill display time, not really a problem though |
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13:31:53 | eWill | Ok I've built the sim (for Windows), but upon launch it says I need SDL.dll. What did I miss? |
13:32:03 | gevaerts | SDL.dll? |
13:32:19 | eWill | I installed SDL before building, like the wiki said. |
13:33:07 | gevaerts | You need SDL.dll in the same directory as rockboxui.exe |
13:33:17 | gevaerts | Or in your windows DLL search path |
13:34:08 | S_a_i_n_t | it's easier to just have the SDL.dll in the same dir as you launch the sim from...for most people. |
13:34:52 | eWill | So when I build RB sim for Windows, SDL.dll is not built simultaneously? How do I build it? |
13:35:16 | S_a_i_n_t | if you installed SDL, you'll have SDL.dll |
13:35:29 | S_a_i_n_t | just search for it, and copy it to the sim dir |
13:35:37 | eWill | searching... |
13:37:05 | eWill | It's not there. I installed SDL in Ubuntu BTW - not Windows. Can't I build SDL from Ubuntu? |
13:37:55 | S_a_i_n_t | well...expecting it to be in a different OS when you installed it in another is a little bit flawed ;) |
13:38:06 | linuxstb | eWill: That wiki page you linked to tells you how to compile SDL for windows in Ubuntu. |
13:38:21 | gevaerts | It's not in the same place as the sdl-config you used? |
13:38:44 | linuxstb | Maybe $HOME/mingw32-sdl/lib/ ? |
13:38:48 | gevaerts | i.e. $HOME/mingw32-sdl/bin/ if you followed those instructions literally |
13:39:34 | linuxstb | Or somewhere in the SDL-1.2.14 directory (where you typed "make && make install") |
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13:41:05 | | Quit liar_ (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) |
13:41:32 | eWill | ok −− it was where gevaerts said ($HOME/mingw32-sdl/bin/). I seached before I asked you, but didn't find it. Sorry guys. Thanks for all the help. |
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13:59:21 | teru | JdGordon: http://pastie.org/1215199 |
14:00 |
14:00:19 | JdGordon | is that clear_screen_area stilll needed? |
14:00:25 | JdGordon | otherwise looks good |
14:01:27 | JdGordon | assuming it works correctly |
14:03:06 | | Quit antil33t (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
14:03:11 | CIA-7 | New commit by jdgordon (r28247): Skin bar tags fix+cleanup: ... |
14:03:16 | | Join antil33t [0] (~Mudkips@124-197-51-80.callplus.net.nz) |
14:03:19 | * | JdGordon beats teru to the commit :D hopefully it doesnt conflict |
14:05:04 | JdGordon | with ^ %pv(0,0,0,0,-) is still perfectly legal also (forgot to mention that) |
14:05:11 | JdGordon | only for the first option of course though |
14:05:15 | CIA-7 | r28247 build result: All green |
14:07:12 | teru | it shrinks the bar, so it still needs to clear the out side of the bar. |
14:07:18 | | Join edboyer93 [0] (eboyer93@pool-71-185-65-59.phlapa.fios.verizon.net) |
14:08:45 | JdGordon | ok |
14:14:57 | | Join TheSeven [0] (~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) |
14:16:37 | JdGordon | removing a member from a struct and having things crash means something really bad is happening somewhere right? |
14:16:53 | JdGordon | no comile errors... something eventually crashes |
14:17:43 | CIA-7 | New commit by teru (r28248): improvement for bar tag with slider. ... |
14:19:42 | CIA-7 | r28248 build result: All green |
14:20:27 | | Join n1s [0] (~n1s@rockbox/developer/n1s) |
14:23:36 | | Join Openwound [0] (~g@ |
14:23:38 | Openwound | hi |
14:25:37 | pixelma | :\ |
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14:28:35 | JdGordon | do I bother with an option to disable the cuesheet markers? |
14:28:48 | JdGordon | and add an image for those marks |
14:34:25 | teru | could anyone add me to wikiusers? my account is TeruakiKawashima |
14:34:46 | | Quit xnyhps (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
14:35:49 | | Join xnyhps [0] (~xnyhps@xnyhps.nl) |
14:36:33 | JdGordon | done |
14:37:20 | teru | thanks. |
14:37:49 | | Join robin0800 [0] (~robin0800@cpc2-brig8-0-0-cust964.3-3.cable.virginmedia.com) |
14:43:24 | | Part Openwound |
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14:45:59 | timonator | the rockbox manual for the sansa clip+ claims the battery usage would be lower when using "load to ram" for the database, because the drive wouldn't need to spin up as often if you browse a lot, but the sansa doesn't have a drive it could spin up - will the manual get alternative texts for flash-based players for such cases? |
14:46:50 | n1s | timonator: it should have different text for flash players, which section is that? |
14:47:02 | CIA-7 | New commit by jdgordon (r28249): skin bar tag: Load an image from a label or filename. i.e %xl(bar_image, pb.bmp,0,0) %pb(0,0,10,10,bar_image) or %pb(0,0,10,10, pb.bmp) both are ... |
14:47:33 | timonator | 4.2.3 - load to ram - the note paragraph |
14:48:00 | timonator | also in 5.1 - second paragraph |
14:48:26 | n1s | i'll look into it, does the clip+ have the option to load to ram? |
14:48:27 | timonator | those seem to be the only two mentions of "spin" in the manual - at least for the sansa clip+ |
14:48:42 | timonator | yes, i'm pretty certain i've seen it |
14:49:01 | JdGordon | teru: are you fixing the CustomWPS page for your change? |
14:49:05 | CIA-7 | r28249 build result: All green |
14:49:13 | teru | JdGordon: yes. |
14:49:21 | timonator | right now i'm copying loads and loads of music onto it - overwrote the internal memory with a grml boot cd by accident yesterday |
14:49:33 | timonator | as soon as that's done, i can look, if you want me to |
14:49:37 | JdGordon | can you add my two changes also please? "image <filename or label>" |
14:50:24 | teru | sure. |
14:50:30 | JdGordon | thanks |
14:51:01 | JdGordon | I think the last thing the bar needs is an image for the cuesheet markers... but that can wait |
14:52:46 | | Quit antil33t (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
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14:54:17 | timonator | another inconsistency i just discovered is, that the section 4.3.2 (peak meter) says "can be displayed on the while playing screen", but then the clip indicator speaks of clipping while recording, without mentioning anything about recording earlier, except for the reference to the screen shot in the recording screen section |
14:54:52 | JdGordon | pixelma: your test wps in 11593 works for me on the e200 sim (with colour values obviously)... you sure it isnt working on grey still? |
14:55:02 | | Join xnyhps [0] (~xnyhps@xnyhps.nl) |
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14:56:03 | n1s | timonator: feel free to add such manual issues to the tracker |
14:56:54 | n1s | hmm, the manual doesn't even exclude the "Load to ram" section for players that don't have it |
14:57:21 | timonator | do i have to register with the tracker first? |
14:59:15 | AlexP | yes |
14:59:27 | AlexP | But it's really the only way stuff'll get fixed |
14:59:57 | AlexP | We welcome the reports, but I (personally) don't have time to fix it now and I'll forget if it is just here |
15:00 |
15:00:04 | AlexP | Of course others can do it also :) |
15:01:10 | timonator | oh my. i'll just go ahead and do it |
15:01:43 | AlexP | I think for 4.3.2 it should just have a pic of the peak meter on a WPS screen, or miss out that sentence altogether |
15:01:59 | AlexP | rather than point at the recording section |
15:02:40 | AlexP | And the sentence about clipping while recording should be moved to the recording section |
15:04:25 | | Join evilnick_B [0] (0c140464@rockbox/staff/evilnick) |
15:04:33 | n1s | AlexP: do we have a macro for referring to storage that expands to "disk" for disk based players and "flash" to flash based players or something, or should i just refer to "storage" ? |
15:05:06 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
15:05:08 | n1s | also i think the manual is lying about dircache being needed for auto update to remove dleted files |
15:05:55 | AlexP | n1s: \disk{} |
15:06:00 | n1s | thanks! |
15:06:11 | AlexP | I think it is "disk" or "flash storage" |
15:06:26 | | Join sasquatch [0] (~username@p4FF2CC7C.dip.t-dialin.net) |
15:06:51 | AlexP | ah, "hard disk" or "flash storage" |
15:07:02 | n1s | aha, that should work nicely |
15:07:31 | timonator | "saving battery power by not needing the flash storage to spin up"? :) |
15:07:42 | gevaerts | Sure! |
15:07:52 | gevaerts | Spinning flash storage is terribly wasteful |
15:08:21 | AlexP | n1s: I'm not sure about the auto removething - it used to be necessary, but I don't know if it has been fixed |
15:09:17 | n1s | AlexP: i think that was changed long ago to always remove deleted files even if that's slow as it was confusing, although i will confirm before i change the manual of course, or just leave it alone |
15:10:24 | AlexP | n1s: there is also HAVE_DISK_STORAGE you can use in \opt or \nopt if you need |
15:10:36 | n1s | yep, just found that |
15:11:08 | AlexP | n1s: I think this conversation has been had before, with people thinking it has been fixed but nobody checking, so if you get a few minutes it'd be nice to know :) |
15:12:06 | n1s | AlexP: funny thing, i think i remember that too ;) |
15:14:29 | CIA-7 | New commit by nls (r28250): Don't include manual section for the 'Load to ram' option if the option isn't there and use 'disk' macro that expands to the proper storage type. |
15:15:17 | | Quit JdGordon (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) |
15:16:07 | CIA-7 | r28250 build result: All green |
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15:21:44 | timonator | these are my manual bugs: http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/11670 "manual claims sansa clip+ has a drive to spin up", http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/11671 - "duplication of key bindings in manual for pitch screen (sansa clip+)" and http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/11672 - "manual, sansa clip+: No keys for actions". feel free to discuss them with me right now |
15:22:04 | | Quit Kitr88 (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
15:22:28 | AlexP | n1s has already fixed the first one |
15:22:50 | AlexP | maybe just the first half of it actually |
15:23:28 | n1s | yeah, only the database section, i can do the other too |
15:23:51 | | Join Kitar|st [0] (Kitarist@ |
15:24:01 | AlexP | The second one I can look at when I get home |
15:24:19 | n1s | i was right about the database auto update not needing dircache to remove deleted files btw, so i'll fix that one too |
15:24:32 | AlexP | The third I would guess is just as it is quite new and hasn't been filled in - easy but a pita to fix |
15:24:46 | AlexP | timonator: Thanks for reporting, I'll try to have a look soon |
15:25:09 | timonator | you're welcome |
15:25:33 | | Quit DSStrife89 (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
15:25:45 | AlexP | n1s: cool :) |
15:26:48 | | Join anewuser [0] (kvirc@unaffiliated/anewuser) |
15:27:05 | n1s | although auto update isn't actually very nice as it seems it needs a reboot to commit new files to the database so they will not show up until next reboot... |
15:27:45 | AlexP | hmmm, not nice indeed |
15:27:48 | timonator | is there a feature that would turn off my rockbox automatically if it has been playing for N hours, but no keys were pressed? |
15:28:05 | AlexP | timonator: There is a sleep timer, but that doesn't reset on key press |
15:28:22 | AlexP | And there is an idel shutdown timer, but that doesn't work with playback |
15:28:27 | AlexP | So sort of but no :) |
15:28:32 | timonator | AlexP: yeah, and it gets reset to "off" when the player is turned back on, too |
15:28:41 | AlexP | yes, it isn't persistant |
15:29:30 | CIA-7 | New commit by nls (r28251): Database auto update doesn't need dircache to remove deleted files from the database anymore. |
15:29:43 | AlexP | I think there were some ideas for the sleep timer to be extended so it'd pause when the time was up, then idle shutdown could take over |
15:29:54 | AlexP | In the feature ideas forum IIRC |
15:30:17 | AlexP | there might even be something on flyspray, I can't remember |
15:31:04 | timonator | ooooooooooh, that's very clever |
15:31:12 | CIA-7 | r28251 build result: All green |
15:36:19 | saratoga | is there any reason we couldn't use the c preprocessor on the manual? |
15:36:33 | saratoga | it'd be nice to have the manual use the stuff in the config headers to include sections |
15:38:26 | n1s | saratoga: don't know about that but we can use the "features" thingy we have for lang files so we use the various HAVE_* defines in a roundabout way |
15:39:13 | n1s | i think there's some problem with whitespace when using the c preprocessor since c is pretty much whitespace agnostic |
15:39:41 | n1s | or i'm remembering something else that someone tried to do with the c preprocessor |
15:40:31 | n1s | it would be nicer than the LaTeX optional inclusion stuff though as that can not do any logic on the tokens |
15:41:41 | | Part Zagor |
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15:43:41 | CIA-7 | New commit by nls (r28252): Fix the last part of FS #11670 by using the 'disk' macro that expands to the appropriate storage type for each player, also change a reference to 'MP3 ... |
15:45:02 | n1s | saratoga: the problem with the database load to ram section was that it used the wrong condition for inclusion, "swcodec", instead of "tc_ramcache" |
15:45:23 | CIA-7 | r28252 build result: All green |
15:45:32 | n1s | the big problem is though that people don't update the manual when they change the behaviour of rockbox |
15:47:33 | AlexP | saratoga: bluebrother looked into this quite in depth |
15:47:44 | AlexP | saratoga: I can't remember the outcome, but there were some issues |
15:49:45 | S_a_i_n_t | looking at the code for rockboxdev.sh I fond that e (eabi) is till an option, and that a (arm-elf) is apparently depricated...but when I run rockboxdev.sh the only options I am given are "s, m, and a" why is this? Is it a mistake? Misleading comments? Does "a" build eabi now? |
15:49:59 | S_a_i_n_t | s/fond/found/ |
15:50:18 | AlexP | no, e is correct |
15:50:25 | AlexP | Do you have a very old version? |
15:50:36 | S_a_i_n_t | then, there's something wrong with rockboxdev.sh for CygWin |
15:50:45 | S_a_i_n_t | and no, it's a recent checkout |
15:51:48 | S_a_i_n_t | could someone else try running rockboxdev.sh and see if it is limited to CygWin or not please? |
15:51:49 | AlexP | I see Select target arch: s - sh (Archos models), m - m68k (iriver h1x0/h3x0, iaudio m3/m5/x5 and mpio hd200), e - arm-eabi (ipods, iriver H10, Sansa, D2, Gigabeat, etc), a - arm (older ARM toolchain, deprecated), i - mips (Jz4740 and ATJ-based players) |
15:51:49 | AlexP | separate multiple targets with spaces (Example: "s m a" will build sh, m86k and arm) |
15:51:56 | AlexP | Except on seperate lines |
15:52:42 | S_a_i_n_t | I remember actually being given the option to build eabi, when I run it...only "s, m and a" are mentioned. |
15:52:42 | AlexP | and I can't think of any reason at all why cygwin wouldn't give the options |
15:52:53 | AlexP | can you pastebin the output? |
15:53:04 | S_a_i_n_t | yeah, sure..hangon. |
15:53:40 | n1s | "(Example: "s m a" will build sh, m86k and arm)" is the last line of output |
15:53:49 | AlexP | yep, and is just an example |
15:54:04 | AlexP | you can enter any combination |
15:54:17 | AlexP | although the example should probably be changed to s m e |
15:54:31 | S_a_i_n_t | yeah, but it doesn;t list eabi at all...one sec, I'll pastebin it. |
15:54:54 | | Quit liar (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) |
15:55:31 | timonator | n1s: rockbox on my sansa clip+ does, however, offer me to "load [the database] to ram". is that correct? |
15:56:00 | AlexP | timonator: Yeah, the manual should say that |
15:56:16 | AlexP | well, when it is rebuilt at 06:00 tomorrow morning |
15:56:19 | AlexP | (GMT) |
15:56:24 | n1s | timonator: yes, it depends on the size of the ram, the regular clip for example, doesn't have that option so i made sure it's only included in the manual when the option is really there |
15:56:33 | timonator | ah, good |
15:56:37 | timonator | just wanted to make sure |
15:56:51 | timonator | i didn't think the ram of the clip+ would be big enough to make it worth it |
15:56:56 | CIA-7 | New commit by teru (r28253): fix FS #11659. wait for user input before exiting the plugin. |
15:57:00 | AlexP | 8 MB IIRC? |
15:57:02 | S_a_i_n_t | http://pastebin.org/152778 |
15:57:08 | AlexP | Might be talking crap thopugh :) |
15:57:11 | timonator | i thought it was 4, let me quickly chekc |
15:57:16 | S_a_i_n_t | its weird, the only one it doesn;t mention is eabi |
15:57:22 | S_a_i_n_t | and I can't see why from the code. |
15:57:42 | AlexP | S_a_i_n_t: It is there now, and each line is just an echo |
15:58:14 | saratoga | 8MB on everything except the clipv1,m200v4 and c200v2 |
15:58:19 | saratoga | of the ams targets anyway |
15:58:29 | n1s | S_a_i_n_t: what happens if you enter echo "e - arm-eabi (ipods, iriver H10, Sansa, D2, Gigabeat, etc)" in a terminal? |
15:58:35 | S_a_i_n_t | it only lists s, m, a and i on my console...weird. |
15:58:36 | CIA-7 | r28253 build result: All green |
15:58:38 | AlexP | saratoga: ta |
15:58:48 | S_a_i_n_t | I'll try just selecting e and see what it does. |
15:59:04 | S_a_i_n_t | Hmmm...it accepts it. |
15:59:04 | | Join perrikwp [0] (~980d3288@giant.haxx.se) |
15:59:11 | timonator | AlexP: can't seem to find it anywhere right now |
15:59:15 | S_a_i_n_t | ...weird, ghosts. |
15:59:29 | AlexP | timonator: hmmm? |
15:59:48 | | Quit robin0800 (Remote host closed the connection) |
16:00 |
16:00:35 | | Join liar [0] (~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at) |
16:01:34 | S_a_i_n_t | is it safe to remove the "rm -rf $builddir" on line 198 of rockboxdev.sh and do it manually afterward? |
16:01:46 | S_a_i_n_t | my system seems to be choking on that for some reason. |
16:02:05 | timonator | AlexP: the amount of ram in the clpi+ |
16:02:09 | S_a_i_n_t | s/safe/will it fuck anything up/ |
16:02:11 | timonator | well, nevermind :) |
16:02:18 | S_a_i_n_t | I know the world won;t end if I remove it. |
16:02:24 | n1s | S_a_i_n_t: should be safe i think |
16:02:27 | AlexP | timonator: Ah right :) Well saratoga confirmed 8 MB :) |
16:02:33 | S_a_i_n_t | n1s: Thanks. |
16:02:40 | S_a_i_n_t | we'll see anyway ;) |
16:02:58 | timonator | wow, that's way more than i thought it'd be. thanks for the info! |
16:04:28 | S_a_i_n_t | "#" is considered a comment in an .sh script, correct? |
16:04:49 | S_a_i_n_t | I do I need to use /**/ style or // style? |
16:05:05 | n1s | yrs |
16:05:12 | n1s | yes, even |
16:05:21 | S_a_i_n_t | EMULTIOPTIONYES |
16:05:28 | S_a_i_n_t | yes, to which one? ;) |
16:05:58 | n1s | everything following a hash, #, is a comment, unless i't sescaped or quoted or w.e. |
16:06:12 | S_a_i_n_t | Danke |
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16:33:58 | nexys | i have set the tmi skin and it always shows the wrong date and time in the "playing" screen. what could this be? |
16:35:16 | n1s | nexys: is the clock on your player set correctly? |
16:35:23 | nexys | its on the ipod video 30g and i have the latest build installed |
16:35:37 | nexys | yes in the other menus everyting is correct |
16:35:47 | nexys | *everything |
16:36:08 | n1s | ok, so how is it incorrect in the wps? |
16:36:51 | nexys | it shows the time in 12 hour clock format and the date is Tue, Oct 2 today |
16:37:30 | nexys | i but i set the time in 24 hour clock format |
16:38:39 | n1s | that setting doesn't affect the wps unless the wps authour made it take the setting into account which they probably didn't |
16:39:47 | n1s | no idea why it would show the wrong date though |
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16:47:01 | nexys | i can't find the tmi theme on the rockbox site |
16:47:30 | nexys | is it discontinued? |
16:47:43 | | Quit alexbobP (Quit: reboot for kernel) |
16:50:46 | nexys | %ca, %cb %cw %cl:%cM %cp |
16:51:04 | nexys | thats the line in the .wps file which shows the date and time |
16:51:14 | nexys | what's wrong with it? |
16:53:52 | n1s | what's wrong with it is that whoever wrote it probably misunderstood the cw tag |
16:54:28 | n1s | unless used in a conditional that prints the weekday number starting with 0 for sunday, so a tuesday is 2 |
16:55:02 | nexys | so %cd should be right d = day ? |
16:55:22 | nexys | i can't find these variables in the doc |
16:55:22 | n1s | yes |
16:55:38 | n1s | http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/CustomWPS is probably the best reference |
16:56:10 | nexys | ah thanks |
16:56:57 | nexys | now it works |
16:58:21 | nexys | so %ck is for the 24 hours clock |
17:00 |
17:03:30 | | Quit linuxstb (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
17:03:56 | AlexP | It is in the manual too |
17:04:38 | AlexP | There is a conditional to find out if the player is in 24 or 12 hour time format; theme authors should use that to chose the right hour tag to use |
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17:24:22 | saratoga | Torne: how portable are the various GCC asm() arguments to other arm compilers? |
17:24:35 | Torne | barely or not at all |
17:24:40 | saratoga | i'm curious how much of our codec optimizations would actually work elsewhere |
17:24:46 | Torne | RVCT hates gcc asm syntax |
17:24:49 | Torne | iirc. |
17:24:58 | saratoga | so if you want to do ASM whats the best way, .S files? |
17:25:20 | | Quit simonrvn (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
17:25:20 | | Nick simonrvn- is now known as simonrvn (simon@211.115-ppp.3menatwork.com) |
17:25:24 | Torne | RVCT's assembler can't really be depended on for that either tbh :) |
17:25:50 | | Nick simonrvn is now known as Guest45343 (simon@211.115-ppp.3menatwork.com) |
17:25:59 | saratoga | is RVCT the main ARM compiler? i've seen quite a few commercially available ones but i have no idea if they're used |
17:26:05 | Torne | RVCT is ARM's compiler |
17:26:10 | saratoga | yeah |
17:26:18 | Torne | I've never seena nyone use anything except gcc or RVCT |
17:26:20 | | Quit simonrvn_ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
17:26:22 | | Join _s1gma [0] (~d.d.derp@ |
17:26:23 | Torne | at least, not for real computers |
17:26:24 | saratoga | ok good to know |
17:26:29 | Torne | maybe for tiny uCs |
17:26:54 | saratoga | so for Tremor backporting we probably need to find someone with RVCT and test |
17:27:04 | Torne | i have it ;) |
17:27:07 | Torne | well, i have it here at work |
17:27:17 | Torne | what i don't seemt o have any more is the rvct manual |
17:28:00 | saratoga | any interest in testing tremor patches? |
17:28:18 | Torne | er, if there's some easy way to actually build it |
17:28:31 | saratoga | makefile+linux |
17:28:54 | Torne | i don't have linux |
17:29:05 | saratoga | i'll look at the other options when i get a chance |
17:29:15 | saratoga | hmm theres also some visual studio stuff |
17:29:17 | Torne | my armcc is for windows |
17:29:21 | saratoga | does MS have an ARM compiler? |
17:29:22 | Torne | I have VC6 but not a newer one |
17:29:35 | Torne | yes, sufficiently clever versoins of cl.exe can build for ARM |
17:29:39 | Torne | for WinCE |
17:29:46 | Torne | but i don't think anyone does that for non-CE |
17:29:50 | | Join jhMikeS [0] (~jethead71@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) |
17:30:13 | Torne | i on;y have VC6 and i don't think it knows how to build for CE |
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18:19:29 | literal | I don't have my Clip+ on my so I can't test it, but doesn't rbutil install a daily build of Rockbox (as opposed to 3.6) ? |
18:20:27 | Llorean | It installs what you choose, when a release and a current build are both available. |
18:20:50 | Llorean | Is "daily" even still a third option? |
18:22:02 | literal | ah, I can actually "start" the install wizard |
18:22:25 | literal | the version selection has "Archived build", "Current build" and a greyed-out "Rockbox stable" |
18:25:38 | Llorean | So 3.6 isn't available (Rockbox Stable), Current Build is the current build, and "archived" are daily archives. |
18:25:48 | Llorean | I just wasn't sure we were still providing the daily archives. |
18:28:37 | | Quit Llorean (Quit: Leaving.) |
18:37:32 | | Quit DerPapst (Quit: Leaving.) |
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19:00:25 | CIA-7 | New commit by bertrik (r28254): Slovak language update - FS #11668 by Peter Lecký. ... |
19:02:21 | CIA-7 | r28254 build result: All green |
19:03:45 | CIA-7 | New commit by bertrik (r28255): Remove duplicate entry from docs/CREDITS (as announced in svn r28254) |
19:05:12 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
19:05:53 | CIA-7 | r28255 build result: All green |
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19:43:39 | CIA-7 | New commit by alex (r28256): Manual: Correct clip/clip+ pitchscreen button table. Closes FS #11671. |
19:45:21 | CIA-7 | r28256 build result: All green |
19:45:41 | AlexP | I'm always relieved when a manual commit doesn't result in red :) |
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19:45:53 | gevaerts | :) |
19:46:26 | | Join drizztbsd [0] (~quassel@unaffiliated/drizztbsd) |
19:46:32 | n1s | we should remember to keep an eye out for broken manuals tomorrow now that we have had a series of commits, not that i expect any |
19:48:03 | pixelma | ah, got a mini commit for the manual too |
19:49:58 | AlexP | More coming too |
19:53:59 | | Join TheSeven [0] (~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) |
19:58:33 | | Join manzanita [0] (~manzanita@ip68-104-236-55.ph.ph.cox.net) |
19:59:26 | manzanita | I recently installed rockbox on my sansa e260, and it won't go to the next track when it's done (IE only plays one track at a time). Any ideas? |
19:59:52 | | Quit liar (Remote host closed the connection) |
20:00 |
20:00:04 | AlexP | The bloody clip+ sim doesn't have the keypad controls written on it |
20:00:07 | saratoga | you probably accidentally set one of those weird settings |
20:00:21 | saratoga | manzanita: ^ |
20:00:54 | manzanita | It was this way as soon as I installed the software. So unless it was automagically set... |
20:01:04 | evilnick_B | manzanita: Probably "Repeat One" |
20:01:18 | evilnick_B | manzanita: Or you've made a playlist of only one track |
20:01:20 | AlexP | manzanita: How are you starting the song? |
20:01:37 | manzanita | Navigating via database to the album. |
20:01:43 | AlexP | And then pressing? |
20:02:21 | manzanita | "OK" on the album, "OK" on the first track |
20:02:27 | manzanita | or, click button, whatever it's called |
20:02:27 | AlexP | OK being? |
20:02:33 | AlexP | The select button? |
20:02:37 | manzanita | center click button on the sansa |
20:02:42 | AlexP | right, select |
20:02:48 | AlexP | That should work anyway |
20:03:01 | AlexP | If you were inserting you'd be getting a one track playlist |
20:03:36 | saratoga | probably changed one of those audio settings like repeat one or whatever |
20:03:45 | saratoga | we have so many i can't keep them straight |
20:07:06 | | Join wodz [0] (~wodz@chello087206240131.chello.pl) |
20:07:13 | wodz | pixelma: ping :-) |
20:07:19 | manzanita | Okay, this is novel: When I go back to the database and select a different album/track, it goes back to whatever I was on previously, but doesn't play it. |
20:08:40 | manzanita | I better just try reinstalling this thing. |
20:09:51 | AlexP | That won't affect anything |
20:09:57 | * | TheSeven spots a nasty bug |
20:10:12 | AlexP | manzanita: Delete config.cfg from the .rockbox directory when connected to USB |
20:10:24 | AlexP | manzanita: That'll reset your settings |
20:10:58 | AlexP | There is also a button you can hold on startup to do this, but I can't remember what it is for e200, in the manual somewhere |
20:13:06 | TheSeven | S_a_i_n_t: around? |
20:13:07 | gevaerts | Record I think |
20:20:11 | AlexP | pixelma: Using a list of opts inside a code block ends up in a blank line for each opt that isn't true - I can't use % at the end as it gets printed, can you think of any other way to get rid of the blank lines other than opening and closing the {code} inside each opt? |
20:20:29 | | Quit scorche (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) |
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20:20:46 | pixelma | hmm, why is it getting printed? |
20:21:03 | AlexP | pixelma: As \begin{code} is verbatim |
20:21:10 | AlexP | or stuff inside it rather |
20:21:56 | pixelma | are opts and nopts respected in verbatim environment at all? |
20:22:14 | AlexP | yes, but they resolve to a blank line so that gets printed |
20:22:30 | AlexP | It must be a modified verbatim |
20:22:45 | AlexP | See the manual install sections of any ams sansa for an example |
20:23:32 | AlexP | well, optv is meant to work |
20:23:35 | pixelma | the only idea I have currently is to handle in/exclusion outside the code block, but you already said that yourself - so, no other idea |
20:23:53 | AlexP | according to preamble opt isn't supposed to work, optv is |
20:24:10 | AlexP | I'll try that and if not, stick the code section inside |
20:24:50 | | Join toffe82 [0] (~chatzilla@maf.wirelesstcp.net) |
20:24:56 | AlexP | no, no luck |
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20:26:41 | pixelma | hmpf, not such a good idea to try a full manual rebuild now on this machine in cygwin. It seems it's the first time I tried that here after the font encoding switch in summer and now it has to "build" the unusal characters which takes quite some time :/ |
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20:42:52 | AlexP | pixelma: This is really nasty - the only way I can do it is to have seperate code blocks inside every opt (nasty) or no line breaks so all opts on one line (very long line) (nasty) |
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20:51:43 | pixelma | AlexP: what are you trying to do? Maybe it is possible that the \nopt would be shorter or to sort of "filter" everything with a more general opt in front... |
20:53:34 | | Quit manzanita (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
20:53:44 | AlexP | pixelma: See http://download.rockbox.org/daily/manual/rockbox-sansaclipplus/rockbox-buildch2.html#x4-140002.2.3 and the code that produces it starting line 44 http://svn.rockbox.org/viewvc.cgi/trunk/manual/getting_started/sansaAMS_install.tex?annotate=28256 |
20:54:37 | pixelma | ah, tex being nice... |
20:55:00 | | Quit evilnick_B (Quit: Page closed) |
20:55:07 | AlexP | If you have an \opt inside \begin{code} it resolves to a blank line, which is then printed verbatim |
20:55:19 | AlexP | If you add a % at the end you get a line with a % on it |
20:57:41 | | Quit sasquatch (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
20:58:40 | pixelma | Maybe it would make sense to use the \fname macro just for the filenames in case that works better than putting everything inside a code block. It will look differently but... |
20:58:50 | | Join scorche [0] (~scorche@rockbox/administrator/scorche) |
21:00 |
21:01:55 | pixelma | AlexP: could you also look into teru's explanation in today's commits? |
21:03:09 | AlexP | pixelma: Yeah. I wish he'd just bloody ask |
21:03:32 | pixelma | I still prefer that over nothing |
21:03:58 | AlexP | sure, but if he asked someone to look first I wouldn't have to go chasing around :) |
21:05:13 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
21:07:47 | AlexP | pixelma: Do you know what he means by "don't draw the bar entirely including frame (for usewith the ``slider'' option). |
21:08:06 | TheSeven | any nano2g owner around? |
21:08:28 | TheSeven | if yes, do you experience excessive battery drain? |
21:08:41 | pixelma | AlexP: I believe it's an option to disable the bar around the plain drawn progressbar |
21:08:50 | TheSeven | i just noticed that mine eats its battery about three times as fast as with the apple firmware |
21:09:19 | AlexP | pixelma: The outline? |
21:09:25 | AlexP | or frame |
21:09:35 | pixelma | yeah, I think so |
21:10:03 | AlexP | So "don't draw the frame around the bar (for use with the ``slider'' option)." ? |
21:10:43 | pixelma | oopsy... my commit would affect the same file (the "other tags" below). Shall I wait? |
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21:10:51 | pixelma | although I'd be ready |
21:11:13 | pixelma | AlexP: guess that does |
21:11:29 | AlexP | I don't mind, I just have to test build :) |
21:11:59 | pixelma | ok, I'll check it in quickly and it builds for me |
21:12:41 | | Quit S_a_i_n_t (Disconnected by services) |
21:12:43 | | Join [Saint] [0] (S_a_i_n_t@ |
21:13:06 | AlexP | nobar seems a strange name if it is just the frame |
21:13:26 | AlexP | I guess it actually means don't draw either the progress bar or the frame, just the slider |
21:13:26 | CIA-7 | New commit by pixelma (r28257): Manual: add the missing % for %# in the 'Other tags' theme tag section. |
21:14:19 | pixelma | huh, that would mean that it would draw the bar and the slider otherwise which doesn't make sense for the "slider" name in my eyes |
21:14:48 | AlexP | Looking at it, it seems that nofill draws the progress bar frame |
21:14:48 | | Quit designate72 (Remote host closed the connection) |
21:14:57 | AlexP | and nobar doesn't draw the bar or the frame |
21:15:31 | CIA-7 | r28257 build result: All green |
21:15:48 | AlexP | That's my guess from the current description, but it isn't very clear |
21:16:03 | pixelma | indeed :( |
21:16:26 | pixelma | guess trying it out would be a way |
21:17:46 | AlexP | pixelma: Seems to be that from http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/CustomWPS#Bar_Tags |
21:19:32 | | Join Buschel [0] (~chatzilla@p54A39F86.dip.t-dialin.net) |
21:22:50 | Buschel | TheSeven: my nano 2G (using a modified r28200) does not drain the battery too fast |
21:24:14 | TheSeven | i have a reproducible excessive battery drain on mine |
21:24:34 | TheSeven | plugging it into usb and unplugging it again stops the spill |
21:24:48 | TheSeven | so apparently something isn't initializing the usb controller properly, making it stay active all the time |
21:26:18 | Buschel | hmm, I do not plug mine to USB before usage. |
21:26:35 | linuxstb | TheSeven: Which bootloader are you using? Could that make a difference? |
21:26:38 | pixelma | AlexP: it's still a bit confusing to me - so "slider" only would draw the slider and a filling bar? |
21:26:54 | AlexP | pixelma: yes, I just tried it |
21:27:08 | AlexP | just slider draws the frame, plus filling bar along with slider |
21:27:17 | AlexP | nofill just shows the frame and slider, it doesn't fill |
21:27:23 | AlexP | nobar only shows the slider |
21:28:48 | pixelma | does "nobar" also work with the usual filling bar? |
21:29:12 | | Join webguest11 [0] (~50865c3a@giant.haxx.se) |
21:29:17 | AlexP | without slider you mean? |
21:29:23 | pixelma | yes |
21:29:34 | AlexP | don't know, it says for use with slider |
21:29:35 | | Quit webguest11 (Client Quit) |
21:29:36 | AlexP | one mo |
21:29:38 | AlexP | I'll check |
21:31:15 | | Join webguest00 [0] (~50865c3a@giant.haxx.se) |
21:31:30 | pixelma | otherwise I wonder if it wouldn't make sense to have slider-nofill or somesuch, not seperate options |
21:31:36 | AlexP | yes it does |
21:31:42 | AlexP | Of course it doesn't make any sense |
21:31:49 | AlexP | nofill you just see a frame |
21:31:54 | AlexP | nobar you don't see anything |
21:32:14 | | Join evilnick_B [0] (0c140464@rockbox/staff/evilnick) |
21:32:19 | pixelma | I'd expect to see a filling bar without the frame and that would make sense to me |
21:32:33 | AlexP | There isn't an option for that though |
21:32:54 | AlexP | nofill = frame no bar and nobar = no frame no bar |
21:33:00 | AlexP | you want a noframe option |
21:33:01 | pixelma | I though "nobar" would do that |
21:33:08 | pixelma | without "slider" |
21:33:39 | AlexP | nobar always shows no frame no bar independent on whether you have a slider |
21:34:06 | | Quit robin0800 (Remote host closed the connection) |
21:34:28 | AlexP | I'll just commit this anyway, as I think it is correct for the current implementation |
21:34:40 | CIA-7 | New commit by alex (r28258): Manual: Add button mappings for the equalizer for the clip/clip+. Fixes part of FS #11672 |
21:34:44 | CIA-7 | New commit by alex (r28259): Manual: get rid of some extra spaces in the sansa ams install instructions. |
21:34:50 | CIA-7 | New commit by alex (r28260): Manual: fix some English in the bar tag options. |
21:35:41 | AlexP | oh right, I forgot about those :) |
21:35:58 | pixelma | hmm, yeah I see now. Still weird, so many seperate options |
21:36:18 | | Quit webguest00 (Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)) |
21:36:37 | CIA-7 | r28258 build result: All green |
21:38:22 | CIA-7 | r28260 build result: All green |
21:44:39 | leavittx_ | hi everyone! i asked this before (and in rockbox community)... i can't manipulate with d2 simulator with arrow keys for some reason... how can i debug it/know what the problem is? tested on several machines. thanks. |
21:46:51 | AlexP | leavittx_: Because the arrow keys aren't mapped. See http://svn.rockbox.org/viewvc.cgi/trunk/uisimulator/buttonmap/cowon-d2.c?view=markup |
21:47:16 | AlexP | hmmm, how does the sim do touchscreen? |
21:47:22 | AlexP | That is just the hardware buttons |
21:47:41 | pixelma | I thought there was some generic things for touchscreen but I don't know and couldn't find it now... either |
21:47:48 | alexbobP | rockbox supports touchscreen players? |
21:47:55 | alexbobP | I didn't even know there were any on the compatibility list! |
21:48:32 | saratoga | android, d2, onda players use touchscreen |
21:48:40 | saratoga | although support for it is fairly limited right now |
21:48:44 | pixelma | M:Robe500 |
21:50:57 | leavittx_ | AlexP: why don't devs want to map they? cause control some things with mouse is really annoying! |
21:51:18 | AlexP | I have no idea how or why the touchscreen controls were done |
21:56:12 | leavittx_ | some time ago the arrow keys worked just fine |
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22:00 |
22:00:59 | | Join JesusMcCloud [0] (~JesusMcCl@ |
22:02:14 | pixelma | there was a uisimulator/buttonmap/touchscreen.c that was deleted in r 27310 |
22:02:26 | JesusMcCloud | hi! i want to compile rockbox wit a changed playlist path to Musci/Playlists i found out that just changing it in the rbpaths header file (or whatever it's called) is not gonna do the job since rockbox will complain that the directory doesnt exist. how do i get it to work? |
22:03:06 | pixelma | http://svn.rockbox.org/viewvc.cgi?view=rev&revision=27310 - does this look like an accidental delete of the touchscreen.c file? |
22:03:44 | linuxstb | JesusMcCloud: You mean Rockbox complains that the directory doesn't exist, even though it does? |
22:03:57 | JesusMcCloud | linuxstb, yup |
22:04:10 | JesusMcCloud | i also tried Music\\Playlists |
22:04:14 | JesusMcCloud | still no luck |
22:04:29 | | Quit [Saint] (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
22:04:55 | linuxstb | It should be "/Music/Playlists" |
22:05:30 | JesusMcCloud | does not work... |
22:05:33 | * | pixelma summons kugel |
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22:07:26 | JesusMcCloud | linuxstb, wait a sec.. including the leading shalsh? |
22:07:32 | JesusMcCloud | *slash |
22:07:59 | linuxstb | JesusMcCloud: Yes. |
22:08:02 | JesusMcCloud | stupid me! thanks will compile now |
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23:43:36 | linuxstb | pixelma: IIUC, that commit moved touchscreen.c to firmware/target/hosted/sdl/key_to_touch-sdl.c |
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