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Click in the nick column to highlight everything a person has said.
00:04:42 | Quit panni_ (Quit: ( :: NoNameScript 3.81 :: )) | |
00:05:23 | Quit freddyb (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | |
00:07:08 | Join Topy44 [0] ( | |
00:09:53 | Quit JdGordon (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | |
00:14:47 | Join fyrestorm [0] ( | |
00:17:10 | Join STaCKeR56 [0] ( | |
00:18:45 | Join JdGordon| [0] ( | |
00:18:45 | Quit JdGordon| (Changing host) | |
00:18:45 | Join JdGordon| [0] (~jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) | |
00:18:55 | Quit Zambezi (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
00:19:10 | Join Zambezi [0] (Zulu@ | |
00:19:14 | Quit factor (Quit: Leaving) | |
00:19:17 | Quit Chronon (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.) | |
00:19:33 | Join Chronon [0] ( | |
00:19:34 | Join factor [0] ( | |
00:20:50 | Quit stacker55 (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
00:21:56 | Quit fyrestorm (Quit: lamers envy me like they envy bill g -- main boot xp, just the way it should be!) | |
00:24:37 | Join JesusFreak316 [0] (~JesusFrea@ | |
00:25:06 | Quit komputes (Remote host closed the connection) | |
00:31:40 | Join johnfrombluff [0] ( | |
00:33:59 | johnfrombluff | |
00:37:42 | Quit captainkewlll (Quit: Page closed) | |
00:38:45 | JdGordon| | |
00:38:52 | johnfrombluff | |
00:39:55 | johnfrombluff | |
00:40:07 | saratoga | |
00:40:39 | saratoga | |
00:41:36 | johnfrombluff | |
00:41:59 | saratoga | |
00:42:04 | saratoga | |
00:42:15 | johnfrombluff | |
00:43:18 | gevaerts | |
00:43:33 | Quit mirak_ (Remote host closed the connection) | |
00:43:39 | johnfrombluff | |
00:43:42 | gevaerts | |
00:43:51 | gevaerts | |
00:44:26 | johnfrombluff | |
00:46:02 | johnfrombluff | |
00:46:20 | johnfrombluff | |
00:46:23 | Part johnfrombluff | |
00:51:01 | Quit [Saint] (Disconnected by services) | |
00:51:03 | Join S_a_i_n_t [0] (S_a_i_n_t@ | |
00:51:15 | Nick S_a_i_n_t is now known as [Saint] (S_a_i_n_t@ | |
00:52:25 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
00:58:45 | Quit markun (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
01:00 | ||
01:08:54 | Join markun [0] ( | |
01:08:54 | Quit markun (Changing host) | |
01:08:54 | Join markun [0] (~markun@rockbox/developer/markun) | |
01:09:47 | Quit JesusFreak316 (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | |
01:25:07 | Part toffe82 | |
01:25:53 | Quit avacore^ (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | |
01:27:08 | Join avacore [0] ( | |
01:28:04 | Join CaptainKewl [0] ( | |
01:41:14 | Quit liar (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | |
02:00 | ||
02:03:07 | Join fyrestorm [0] ( | |
02:04:38 | Join eWill [0] ( | |
02:05:02 | eWill | |
02:06:38 | JdGordon| | |
02:07:03 | eWill | |
02:07:10 | Quit eWill (Client Quit) | |
02:23:21 | Quit DerPapst (Quit: Leaving.) | |
02:27:18 | Join BHSPitMonkey [0] (~stephen@unaffiliated/bhspitmonkey) | |
02:29:06 | Quit _jhMikeS_ (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | |
02:29:33 | Join jhMikeS [0] (~jethead71@ | |
02:29:34 | Quit jhMikeS (Changing host) | |
02:29:34 | Join jhMikeS [0] (~jethead71@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) | |
02:39:33 | Join eWill [0] ( | |
02:39:50 | eWill | |
02:44:50 | JdGordon| | |
02:44:56 | JdGordon| | |
02:47:06 | eWill | |
02:48:38 | JdGordon| | |
02:48:49 | JdGordon| | |
02:49:23 | eWill | |
02:52:26 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
02:52:50 | Join hkmix [0] ( | |
02:53:28 | Quit eWill (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.12/20101026210630]) | |
02:54:15 | hkmix | |
02:54:32 | JdGordon| | |
02:55:05 | hkmix | |
02:55:27 | hkmix | |
02:55:48 | hkmix | |
02:55:59 | JdGordon| | |
02:56:25 | JdGordon| | |
02:57:08 | hkmix | |
02:57:25 | JdGordon| | |
02:58:27 | JdGordon| | |
02:58:30 | JdGordon| | |
02:58:53 | JdGordon| | |
02:59:17 | hkmix | |
02:59:33 | JdGordon| | |
02:59:45 | hkmix | |
02:59:48 | hkmix | |
03:00 | ||
03:00:20 | hkmix | |
03:00:45 | JdGordon| | |
03:00:56 | JdGordon| | |
03:02:27 | hkmix | |
03:03:28 | JdGordon| | |
03:04:42 | hkmix | |
03:04:45 | hkmix | |
03:04:49 | hkmix | |
03:04:58 | hkmix | |
03:12:36 | hkmix | |
03:12:40 | hkmix | |
03:16:55 | Join fdinel [0] ( | |
03:22:16 | Join madalu [0] (~user@unaffiliated/madalu) | |
03:22:38 | hkmix | |
03:23:15 | JdGordon| | |
03:23:24 | JdGordon| | |
03:23:33 | Quit Horscht (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
03:24:10 | hkmix | |
03:24:39 | hkmix | |
03:26:41 | Join Horscht [0] (~Horschti@xbmc/user/horscht) | |
03:28:59 | Join hebz0rl_ [0] ( | |
03:30:15 | Join jfc^3 [0] ( | |
03:31:49 | Quit hebz0rl (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | |
03:33:21 | Join T44 [0] ( | |
03:33:35 | Quit jfc^2 (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | |
03:34:07 | Quit hkmix (Quit: CGI:IRC) | |
03:36:20 | Join IceGuest_75_ [0] ( | |
03:36:20 | Join IceGuest_75 [0] ( | |
03:36:47 | Quit Topy44 (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | |
03:44:38 | IceGuest_75 | |
03:44:47 | krazykit | |
03:44:50 | IceGuest_75 | |
03:45:01 | IceGuest_75 | |
03:45:13 | IceGuest_75 | |
03:45:21 | Part IceGuest_75_ | |
03:50:56 | Nick IceGuest_75 is now known as deleted ( | |
03:52:55 | Join lestatar [0] ( | |
03:53:02 | Nick deleted is now known as del-irc ( | |
03:53:09 | del-irc | |
03:56:36 | krazykit | |
03:56:44 | del-irc | |
04:00 | ||
04:00:39 | Quit dfkt (Quit: -= SysReset 2.53=- Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc.) | |
04:01:52 | Quit bluebrother (Disconnected by services) | |
04:01:54 | Join bluebroth3r [0] (~dom@rockbox/developer/bluebrother) | |
04:02:30 | Quit pixelma (Disconnected by services) | |
04:02:32 | Join pixelma_ [0] (quassel@rockbox/staff/pixelma) | |
04:02:34 | Nick pixelma_ is now known as pixelma (quassel@rockbox/staff/pixelma) | |
04:02:41 | Quit amiconn (Disconnected by services) | |
04:02:42 | Join amiconn_ [0] (quassel@rockbox/developer/amiconn) | |
04:02:46 | Quit InsDel (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
04:03:02 | Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (quassel@rockbox/developer/amiconn) | |
04:03:44 | del-irc | |
04:03:45 | del-irc | |
04:04:42 | Join LambdaCalculus37 [0] ( | |
04:04:42 | Quit LambdaCalculus37 (Changing host) | |
04:04:42 | Join LambdaCalculus37 [0] (~rmenes@rockbox/staff/LambdaCalculus37) | |
04:06:25 | Quit del-irc (Quit: There's nothing dirtier then a giant ball of oil) | |
04:08:33 | Join yelped [0] ( | |
04:10:43 | yelped | |
04:11:20 | yelped | |
04:17:55 | Join Barahir [0] ( | |
04:21:21 | Quit Barahir_ (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | |
04:22:29 | Quit Horscht (Quit: Verlassend) | |
04:24:21 | Join Horscht [0] (~Horschti@xbmc/user/horscht) | |
04:27:27 | Quit kadoban (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
04:28:15 | Join kadoban [0] ( | |
04:35:07 | Quit fdinel (Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. | |
04:46:25 | Join dys` [0] ( | |
04:48:46 | Quit dys (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | |
04:50:34 | Quit clone4crw (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | |
04:52:12 | Quit TheSeven (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | |
04:52:31 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
04:58:02 | Join TheSeven [0] (~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) | |
05:00 | ||
05:15:03 | Quit hebz0rl_ (Quit: Leaving) | |
05:15:04 | Quit S00row (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
05:15:06 | Join JesusFreak316 [0] ( | |
05:17:15 | Join S00row [0] ( | |
05:25:41 | Quit iq (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
05:27:23 | Join Topy [0] ( | |
05:30:43 | Quit T44 (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | |
05:31:03 | Quit LambdaCalculus37 (Quit: bed) | |
05:34:15 | Quit ps-auxw (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | |
05:45:42 | Join ps-auxw [0] ( | |
05:48:17 | Join xxcv [0] ( | |
05:58:00 | Quit madalu (Remote host closed the connection) | |
05:58:55 | Quit MethoS- (Remote host closed the connection) | |
06:00 | ||
06:02:16 | Quit yelped (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)) | |
06:11:00 | Join ReimuHakurei_ [0] (~reimu@ | |
06:11:11 | Quit S00row (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
06:12:12 | Join S00row [0] ( | |
06:24:27 | Quit BHSPitMonkey (Read error: No route to host) | |
06:25:31 | Quit JesusFreak316 (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | |
06:25:45 | Join BHSPitMonkey [0] (~stephen@unaffiliated/bhspitmonkey) | |
06:34:17 | Join freddyb [0] ( | |
06:35:13 | freddyb | |
06:37:05 | Quit freddyb (Client Quit) | |
06:40:31 | Llorean | |
06:41:02 | Llorean | |
06:42:04 | JdGordon| | |
06:43:09 | Llorean | |
06:43:19 | Llorean | |
06:43:57 | JdGordon| | |
06:44:13 | Llorean | |
06:44:23 | JdGordon| | |
06:44:59 | Llorean | |
06:45:22 | Llorean | |
06:46:48 | Llorean | |
06:47:10 | Llorean | |
06:47:21 | Llorean | |
06:47:41 | JdGordon| | |
06:47:53 | JdGordon| | |
06:49:33 | Llorean | |
06:52:34 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
07:00 | ||
07:02:07 | Quit JdGordon| (Quit: leaving) | |
07:05:39 | Quit anewuser () | |
07:07:10 | Join JdGord [0] (~jd@ | |
07:13:25 | Join Horschti [0] (~Horschti@xbmc/user/horscht) | |
07:15:35 | Quit Horscht (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | |
07:19:30 | Quit JdGord (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | |
07:20:04 | Join JdGord [0] (~jd@ | |
07:29:01 | * | |
07:29:10 | [Saint] | |
07:33:50 | * | |
07:35:32 | Nick dys` is now known as dys ( | |
07:56:22 | Join liar [0] ( | |
07:56:37 | Join Buschel [0] ( | |
07:59:09 | Join JdGordon [0] (~jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) | |
08:00 | ||
08:03:51 | Quit BHSPitMonkey (Quit: Ex-Chat) | |
08:05:58 | Join ender` [0] ( | |
08:32:23 | Quit CaptainKewl (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | |
08:32:24 | Quit S00row (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
08:33:59 | Join Zagor [0] (~bjst@rockbox/developer/Zagor) | |
08:34:05 | Join S00row [0] ( | |
08:42:10 | Join einhirn [0] ( | |
08:42:22 | Buschel | |
08:43:29 | Buschel | |
08:44:24 | Buschel | |
08:46:30 | Buschel | |
08:52:37 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
09:00 | ||
09:03:12 | Join LinusN [0] (~linus@rockbox/developer/LinusN) | |
09:05:00 | markun | |
09:05:47 | Join ReimuHakurei__ [0] (~reimu@ | |
09:06:00 | Quit ReimuHakurei (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
09:06:34 | Join ReimuHakurei [0] (~reimu@ | |
09:07:13 | Quit ReimuHakurei_ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | |
09:10:23 | Quit ReimuHakurei (Client Quit) | |
09:17:25 | Join n1s [0] (~n1s@rockbox/developer/n1s) | |
09:21:47 | Quit krazykit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | |
09:22:13 | * | |
09:22:56 | * | |
09:23:22 | Zagor | |
09:23:30 | Quit JdGord (Quit: Bye) | |
09:25:17 | pixelma | |
09:26:46 | Zagor | |
09:27:24 | Join krazykit [0] ( | |
09:29:18 | Join Rob2223 [0] ( | |
09:29:27 | Quit JdGordon (Quit: Leaving.) | |
09:30:57 | Topic | "Rockbox 3.7 released! | Please read before speaking: | Please direct offtopic/social chat to #rockbox-community | This channel is logged at | An upgrade caused issues with the wiki. We are on the case" by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) |
09:31:15 | AlexP | |
09:33:02 | Quit Rob2222 (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | |
09:36:10 | Join petur [0] (d408b802@rockbox/developer/petur) | |
09:51:46 | Join JdGordon [0] (~jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) | |
09:59:03 | Quit sasquatch (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.2) | |
09:59:29 | Join sasquatch [0] ( | |
10:00 | ||
10:06:45 | Quit tchan (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
10:07:34 | Join tchan [0] (~tchan@lunar-linux/developer/tchan) | |
10:14:07 | Join InsDel [0] ( | |
10:16:09 | JdGordon | |
10:16:36 | Stummi | |
10:17:05 | JdGordon | |
10:20:25 | Join b0hoon [0] (~quassel@ | |
10:22:34 | Quit FOAD (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | |
10:23:01 | Join FOAD [0] (~dok@ | |
10:25:58 | Join dfkt [0] (dfkt@unaffiliated/dfkt) | |
10:34:10 | Join DerPapst [0] ( | |
10:38:14 | Quit markun (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
10:43:42 | JdGordon | |
10:43:50 | Quit Chronon (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | |
10:44:39 | AlexP | |
10:44:50 | JdGordon | |
10:44:52 | JdGordon | |
10:45:07 | JdGordon | |
10:45:09 | AlexP | |
10:45:19 | AlexP | |
10:45:30 | JdGordon | |
10:45:30 | JdGordon | |
10:45:54 | AlexP | |
10:46:00 | AlexP | |
10:46:07 | AlexP | |
10:52:41 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
10:52:57 | Join markun [0] ( | |
10:52:57 | Quit markun (Changing host) | |
10:52:57 | Join markun [0] (~markun@rockbox/developer/markun) | |
10:57:40 | Quit markun (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
11:00 | ||
11:02:57 | Join markun [0] (~markun@rockbox/developer/markun) | |
11:07:06 | Quit TheSeven (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | |
11:33:56 | Quit Topy (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | |
11:41:52 | Join Topy44 [0] ( | |
11:46:15 | Join TheSeven [0] (~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) | |
12:00 | ||
12:31:53 | Quit Loto (Quit: Loto) | |
12:33:11 | Join Loto [0] (~ctrlproxy@xbmc/user/Loto) | |
12:38:04 | Quit Topy44 (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
12:42:29 | Join Topy44 [0] ( | |
12:47:45 | CIA-7 | |
12:48:03 | JdGordon | |
12:49:49 | CIA-7 | |
12:49:56 | Join JdGordon1 [0] (~jonno@ | |
12:50:15 | Part LinusN | |
12:52:18 | Quit JdGordon (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) | |
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12:52:47 | Join user890104 [0] ( | |
12:52:59 | Quit InsDel (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
12:57:56 | CIA-7 | |
12:59:50 | CIA-7 | |
13:00 | ||
13:15:56 | Quit JdGordon1 (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | |
13:25:49 | Join LinusN [0] (~linus@rockbox/developer/LinusN) | |
13:32:28 | Join advcomp2019__ [0] (~advcomp20@unaffiliated/advcomp2019) | |
13:36:03 | Quit advcomp2019_ (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | |
13:37:08 | Quit Buschel (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | |
13:45:57 | [Saint] | |
13:46:26 | [Saint] | |
13:47:57 | [Saint] | |
13:51:55 | TheSeven | |
13:52:38 | TheSeven | |
13:53:52 | Join panni_ [0] ( | |
13:57:33 | Join kugel [0] (~kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel) | |
13:58:31 | kugel | |
14:00 | ||
14:00:59 | Zagor | |
14:01:09 | kugel | |
14:01:17 | Zagor | |
14:01:50 | kugel | |
14:02:10 | kugel | |
14:02:28 | Quit antil33t (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
14:02:35 | Zagor | |
14:02:38 | Join antil33t [0] ( | |
14:03:12 | kugel | |
14:03:14 | Zagor | |
14:03:18 | [Saint] | |
14:03:39 | [Saint] | |
14:03:41 | Zagor | |
14:03:41 | kugel | |
14:04:19 | Zagor | |
14:04:45 | kugel | |
14:04:53 | kugel | |
14:05:02 | TheSeven | |
14:05:12 | Join DerPapst1 [0] ( | |
14:05:44 | Quit DerPapst (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | |
14:05:54 | TheSeven | |
14:06:08 | TheSeven | |
14:06:22 | kugel | |
14:06:24 | [Saint] | |
14:06:24 | Join Buschel [0] ( | |
14:06:56 | TheSeven | |
14:07:52 | TheSeven | |
14:08:22 | [Saint] | |
14:08:27 | Quit panni_ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
14:10:27 | TheSeven | |
14:10:52 | TheSeven | |
14:11:58 | [Saint] | |
14:12:16 | TheSeven | |
14:12:24 | TheSeven | |
14:12:50 | [Saint] | |
14:13:21 | [Saint] | |
14:14:10 | TheSeven | |
14:14:50 | TheSeven | |
14:15:30 | Join panni_ [0] ( | |
14:15:32 | [Saint] | |
14:15:54 | [Saint] | |
14:17:11 | Join anewuser [0] (anewuser@unaffiliated/anewuser) | |
14:23:03 | Quit Buschel (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | |
14:30:05 | Quit anewuser (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | |
14:36:53 | [Saint] | |
14:36:57 | Join MethoS- [0] (~clemens@ | |
14:38:03 | Join anewuser [0] (anewuser@unaffiliated/anewuser) | |
14:47:52 | amiconn | |
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14:49:15 | amiconn | |
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15:00 | ||
15:05:05 | Join komputes [0] (~komputes@ubuntu/member/komputes) | |
15:05:58 | Join evilnick_B [0] (0c140464@rockbox/staff/evilnick) | |
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15:26:14 | Quit kugel (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | |
15:31:00 | Quit maraz (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | |
15:36:43 | Quit MethoS- (Remote host closed the connection) | |
15:40:01 | Quit gammy (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) | |
15:40:47 | Quit CaptainKewl (Read error: Operation timed out) | |
15:41:58 | Join gammy [0] ( | |
15:42:26 | Join maraz [0] ( | |
15:44:11 | Part Zagor | |
15:44:19 | Part LinusN | |
15:44:37 | Join Zagor [0] (~bjst@rockbox/developer/Zagor) | |
15:47:57 | Quit dfkt (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
15:48:02 | Join dfkt_ [0] (dfkt@unaffiliated/dfkt) | |
15:52:04 | Join dfkt [0] (dfkt@unaffiliated/dfkt) | |
15:54:20 | Quit dfkt_ (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | |
15:54:41 | Join Buschel [0] ( | |
15:56:32 | Join LinusN [0] (~linus@rockbox/developer/LinusN) | |
15:58:49 | Quit petur (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | |
15:59:46 | Part b0hoon ("Back to work.") | |
15:59:48 | Quit chattr (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | |
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16:01:02 | Join chattr [0] ( | |
16:03:35 | Part LinusN | |
16:04:21 | Quit dfkt (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | |
16:05:51 | Join DerPapst [0] ( | |
16:07:24 | Quit DerPapst1 (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | |
16:08:18 | Quit antil33t (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | |
16:08:38 | pixelma | |
16:09:35 | Quit [Saint] (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | |
16:09:55 | Quit DerPapst (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | |
16:11:14 | Join dfkt_ [0] (dfkt@unaffiliated/dfkt) | |
16:14:15 | Quit TheSeven (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | |
16:15:06 | Join benedikt93 [0] (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) | |
16:16:03 | Zagor | |
16:17:48 | Join antil33t [0] ( | |
16:19:44 | Join TheSeven [0] (~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) | |
16:20:45 | Quit dfkt_ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
16:21:00 | Join Kernle32DLL [0] ( | |
16:21:13 | Kernle32DLL | |
16:21:32 | Join dfkt_ [0] (dfkt@unaffiliated/dfkt) | |
16:28:51 | Quit krazykit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
16:29:28 | Join DerPapst [0] ( | |
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16:54:57 | gevaerts | |
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16:56:19 | n1s | |
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17:02:04 | Join Buschel [0] ( | |
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17:13:00 | Buschel | |
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17:28:36 | n1s | |
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19:24:14 | Quit einhirn (Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. | |
19:25:32 | Quit DerPapst (Quit: Leaving.) | |
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19:29:47 | Part lixxus99 | |
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20:21:54 | Buschel | |
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21:29:35 | saratoga | |
21:29:40 | saratoga | |
21:29:41 | amiconn | |
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21:31:50 | amiconn | |
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21:32:38 | amiconn | |
21:33:02 | saratoga | |
21:33:22 | amiconn | |
21:33:48 | saratoga | |
21:34:24 | amiconn | |
21:34:27 | Buschel | |
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21:36:25 | saratoga | |
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21:37:56 | saratoga | |
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21:43:30 | amiconn | |
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21:44:52 | amiconn | |
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22:42:11 | S_a_i_n_t | |
22:42:26 | S_a_i_n_t | |
22:43:38 | Buschel | |
22:43:41 | Buschel | |
22:44:07 | amiconn | |
22:44:47 | Buschel | |
22:45:09 | S_a_i_n_t | |
22:45:13 | amiconn | |
22:45:48 | amiconn | |
22:45:50 | Buschel | |
22:46:13 | Buschel | |
22:46:46 | S_a_i_n_t | |
22:46:59 | S_a_i_n_t | |
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22:53:41 | Join Super_Dork [0] ( | |
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23:51:21 | pixelma | |
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23:53:15 | Sundiver | |
23:53:22 | gevaerts | |
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23:54:57 | gevaerts | |
23:55:01 | Tyathalae | |
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23:57:39 | TheSeven | |
23:57:43 | TheSeven | |
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23:57:57 | TheSeven | |
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23:58:44 | reves | |
23:58:50 | TheSeven | |
23:59:01 | TheSeven |