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00:26:07 | n1s | saratoga: ii wouldn't mind if you deleted the "simple guide to compiling" especially since it's longer and more involved than any of the regular guides (and as you say it doesn't even work) |
00:26:16 | n1s | s/ii/i/ |
00:27:36 | n1s | imo, since noone seems interested in keeping the directions for cygwin up to date we should drop them as they just confuse people more than they help |
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01:43:37 | rasher | JdGordon|: so you think the metadata log patch is fine to go in? |
01:45:39 | JdGordon| | well you ignored the one code comment i had |
01:48:33 | rasher | Mostly out of laziness, admittedly |
01:48:55 | | Quit GeekShadow (Quit: The cake is a lie !) |
01:49:04 | | Quit Llorean (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
01:49:30 | JdGordon| | not reaslly the best or arguments.... |
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01:50:08 | rasher | Well is there actually any good reason to bother with the snprintf? |
01:50:19 | rasher | Other than "that's how we usually do it" |
01:50:55 | JdGordon| | 1 write is better than 2 |
01:51:10 | rasher | But is 1 write and a snprintf better than 2 writes? |
01:51:20 | rasher | And in what way is it better? |
01:51:53 | JdGordon| | if you asked someone else they might give you athe answer you want to hear |
01:52:08 | rasher | I am actually asking what the argument is |
01:53:39 | | Join Llorean [0] (~DarkkOne@rockbox/user/Llorean) |
01:53:45 | JdGordon| | it is cleaner the other way, clean is subjective |
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01:54:25 | rasher | I see |
01:54:41 | JdGordon| | the point is you asked my opinion and i gave it |
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01:57:11 | rasher | Sure, just curious to know what you were basing it on |
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02:54:56 | coquito222 | Hello |
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03:12:59 | the_Kyle | I have the real Clip+ now and have installed Rockbox. The problem is that the context menu in the file browser is not speaking correctly. In the simulator, if I held select, I heard "playlist" and in that menu there several functions including "insert," "insert shuffled," etc. On the real Clip+ instead of "playlist" I hear "insert next." Then if I go into the menu, I get "insert last" and "queue next." |
03:16:05 | the_Kyle | I installed the prebuilt release on the real Clip+ instead of building from source, if that helps. |
03:17:17 | | Join JesusFreak316 [0] (~JesusFrea@pool-173-65-30-16.tampfl.fios.verizon.net) |
03:17:30 | * | the_Kyle wonders if he should have built the Clip+ firmware from source if using a built voice file. The source I have is from the 3.7 release. |
03:21:17 | rasher | the_Kyle: are you using the same voice file? |
03:22:00 | rasher | That won't always work. Using a voice file of the "wrong" version will get shifts like that, I believe |
03:23:11 | the_Kyle | I've tried two different files now, both a file I built using eSpeak and the voice file I built from my patched version that uses Pico. I believe both versions are from the 3.7 source I downloaded. I can try the original voice file with the 3.7.1 release I installed, but I don't like the Festival speech. |
03:23:32 | * | the_Kyle tries the 3.7.1 voice file. |
03:25:21 | | Quit mortalscan (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) |
03:27:40 | the_Kyle | That worked. So what sources do I need to rebuild my Pico and eSpeak voice files for 3.7.1? |
03:31:09 | | Quit MethoS- (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
03:31:15 | rasher | The 3.7.1 sources, of course :) |
03:31:21 | rasher | svn co svn://svn.rockbox.org/rockbox/tags/v3_7_1 should get them for you |
03:31:56 | the_Kyle | Sorry, I meant to ask for the link rather than the version, which I already knew. |
03:32:03 | * | the_Kyle runs away and hides. |
03:32:30 | rasher | Nono, it's fine |
03:32:34 | | Join [Saint] [0] (cbb802e9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. |
03:34:14 | the_Kyle | Has anything changed in the voice tool and the configure tool from 3.7 to 3.7.1? I mean can I copy my patched versions of the tools from 3.7 so I can use Pico, or should I patch them in the 3.7.1 source? |
03:35:57 | rasher | I can say with high confidence that nothing has changed there |
03:42:10 | | Join T44 [0] (~Topy44@f049072225.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
03:42:34 | mordocai | Is there anyone who is currently actively working on the sandisk sansa familty of players? |
03:43:14 | rasher | could you be more specific? That's a pretty broad question |
03:44:11 | mordocai | Well, mainly this bug is annoying me and I was wondering who to ask about it: http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/11655. |
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03:48:05 | eWill | (building from Cygwin) Does it matter what dir you run 'rockboxdev.sh' from? I'm asking because rockboxdev.sh is downloading 'binutils-2.20.1.tar.bz2', but I already installed a later version through Cygwin setup....? |
03:48:33 | [Saint] | that's to be expected. |
03:48:46 | | Quit Keripo (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
03:48:47 | [Saint] | it requires a very specific set of tools to build the toolchain. |
03:49:29 | [Saint] | eWill: ^ |
03:49:50 | eWill | thanks. −−−− checking for correct version of CLooG... no |
03:50:13 | eWill | checking for gnatbind... no checking for gnatmake... no |
03:50:49 | [Saint] | that's fine...it's good to have those things...but it won't fail if it doesn't. |
03:51:00 | | Join Keripo [0] (~Keripo@eng417.wireless-resnet.upenn.edu) |
03:51:09 | [Saint] | cloog must have missed a dependancy during the install. |
03:51:53 | krabador | i have a theme issue with fuzev1: when i load a theme, i load a second, and i come back to the first, the first isn't properly loaded, it have some setting of the last theme |
03:52:31 | [Saint] | that's a problem with the theme not setting all elements correctly. |
03:53:00 | [Saint] | you could try figure out what isn't getting set, and add it to the theme.cfg, or attempt to contact the theme author. |
03:53:05 | [Saint] | krabador: ^ |
03:55:27 | eWill | [Saint]: will the results of building the eabi toolchain be the same with or without cloog? |
03:55:40 | [Saint] | yes. |
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03:58:44 | | Join krabador [0] (~krabador@host102-20-dynamic.251-95-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) |
03:59:51 | krabador | the bad thing is that the various theme will never load their settings correctly |
04:00 |
04:00:49 | krabador | a RB reinstallation would needed to use the theme |
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04:01:10 | [Saint] | krabador: a lot of themes don't bother to unset things that may have been set by other themes. |
04:01:32 | [Saint] | you could maybe get around it by reverting to the fallback theme inbetween. |
04:02:03 | * | [Saint] needs to wander off for an hour or so... |
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04:02:32 | krabador | [Saint], good time :) |
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04:11:49 | the_Kyle | Is it safe to remove clppa.bin from my player now? What about all those extra sys files and the like? |
04:12:19 | | Join Barahir [0] (~jonathan@frnk-590f7024.pool.mediaWays.net) |
04:13:35 | the_Kyle | I can backup those files if they are important for the original firmware, but at this point, I have no plans of running the original firmware. |
04:13:48 | the_Kyle | Unless it's needed for USB. |
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04:16:44 | mordocai | the_Kyle: Yeah, the original firmware is currently still used for USB. |
04:18:07 | the_Kyle | So do I need all the extra sys files and the sdk something file, or can those be removed? I wouldn't think those would be needed for USB, since USB is needed before those files can be accessed. |
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04:18:57 | mordocai | the_Kyle: Truthfully, I don't know (hopefully someone else does?). I personally just stayed on the safe side and left them all. (I have a clip+ as well) |
04:19:42 | the_Kyle | And is clppa.bin still needed, or can I remove that, since it was just used to patch the OF with the bootloader? |
04:20:48 | | Join fdinel [0] (~Miranda@modemcable235.127-131-66.mc.videotron.ca) |
04:21:47 | Llorean | the_Kyle: I didn't even have a clppa.bin on my Clip+ after installation. |
04:22:07 | * | the_Kyle looks. Maybe it gets deleted automatically. |
04:22:50 | the_Kyle | Seems it does. It's not on mine now either. |
04:23:27 | Llorean | I can't speak for the Clip+ but many of the Sandisk players (e200/c200 for example) didn't require any files for the OF to work, everything the OF required was in a different partition that wasn't accessible in a file browser. |
04:24:36 | * | Llorean just got his Clip+ earlier today and didn't even look at the other files on it. |
04:25:15 | the_Kyle | I have something called DID.BIN, MTABLE.SYSRES_INFO.SYS, SYS_CONF.SYS and VERSION.SDK. |
04:25:44 | | Join T44 [0] (~Topy44@e179107170.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
04:27:10 | the_Kyle | Most of these files are very small, but MTABLE.SYS is almost 2 MB. |
04:27:16 | Llorean | My *guess* is that they're all unnecessary, but I wouldn't bother deleting them anyway. They're probably the database and such of the original firmware, and I'd bet that if they were unnecessary they'd still get re-created each time the OF is booted. |
04:27:35 | Llorean | I believe mtables.sys is specifically the original firmware's database of tracks on the device. |
04:28:11 | the_Kyle | In that case, it's huge, especially since there were no tracks on the device before I installed Rockbox. |
04:28:21 | Llorean | If you're using a build with Rockbox's USB mode enabled, you might be able to remove them (or rather, you almost certainly can) but until then, there's not much point. |
04:28:35 | | Quit Topy (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
04:28:57 | the_Kyle | When was USB enabled for this device? I'd like to be able to get rid of this stuff. |
04:29:29 | Llorean | I don't believe it has been yet, but you could enable it in a custom build. There's a patch on flyspray you'd want to install first, as USB isn't reliable |
04:29:43 | Llorean | WIth the patch it's more reliable (possibly 100%) but has some problems under Windows still (slow speeds) |
04:30:35 | the_Kyle | If it's good on Linux, I may try it. |
04:30:37 | | Quit krabador (Quit: Sto andando via) |
04:30:47 | the_Kyle | I won't be putting this on Windows. |
04:31:21 | Llorean | I don't know what the flyspray task is but it's mentioned on the SansaAMS page on the wiki I believe |
04:32:16 | the_Kyle | Sounds good. Do you know if it patches against 3.7.1, or if I need latest svn? |
04:34:48 | mordocai | Llorean: the_Kyle: By the way,(not really related to the usb things) I would appreciate it if both of you would check if you have this issue http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/11655. I had it with both 3.7.1 as well as the lastest build. |
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04:35:51 | Llorean | the_Kyle: Probably the latest SVN. It's rare for patches to be posted against a release build |
04:36:39 | the_Kyle | Living on the edge. But probably a good thing, since I really want to test and contribute what I can, input if nothing else. |
04:36:45 | | Quit fdinel (Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org) |
04:36:55 | Llorean | the_Kyle: 99% of the time SVN is better to use than the latest release anyway. :) |
04:37:23 | Llorean | mordocai: I can't really test that right now, I only have a single audio file on my Clip+ (an audiobook), as I don't intend for it to be my primary player, but rather something for when I'm exercising or whatnot. I'll try to remember to test it later. |
04:37:23 | the_Kyle | Sounds good if I can be assured that no unrecoverable breakage will occur. |
04:39:14 | the_Kyle | Unlike Llorean, my clip+ is now my primary player. |
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04:39:52 | the_Kyle | If I can be sure that I can fix something if it breaks, I'll certainly update to latest svn. |
04:42:06 | mordocai | the_Kyle: I got my clip+ recently, but it is my only player. I've used svn for weeks and never had a problem... I'd say even if something breaks, you could always roll back to the release version or an earlier commit. |
04:42:44 | the_Kyle | mordocai: Sounds good. Well, consider me a Rockbox tester on clip+. |
04:43:04 | | Join TheSeven [0] (~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) |
04:46:41 | the_Kyle | Pardon my slight ignorance of how svn workd, but if I have a release, do I need to checkout the latest source, or can I update directly from my release source? |
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04:53:48 | eWill | the_Kyle: I had a folder on my Fuze v2 called "##PORT#" that was ~200MB. I deleted it, then filled the device so that there is less than 177MB free space (the size of the biggest file in that dir). Now no more "Refreshing Your Database". Though I can't boot the OF (says I must free up space for the database), I can still charge and transfer files in the OF. |
04:55:16 | the_Kyle | Sounds safe to me. |
04:55:43 | eWill | the_Kyle: Oh yeah −− you can't see that dir unless you are in Rockbox, or have a build that allows RB to handle USB, and connect through RB. |
04:56:28 | the_Kyle | I don't plan on using the OF for anymore than is absolutely necessary anyway. I need the voice, and my clip+ is essentially a brick if it doesn't talk. |
05:00 |
05:00:46 | the_Kyle | If I apply a patch to svn, can I roll back to before tht patch if necessary? I know it patches usually survive commits. |
05:08:34 | the_Kyle | mordocai: Does the bug you link to have any effect on what you hear? Unfortunately, I'm unable to see the error message, but in the simulator I noticed that if I insert two albums the music stops. I am able to resume playback, but that's all I can confirm at this point. I haven't tried it on the player yet. |
05:09:19 | mordocai | the_Kyle: Well, the playback will certainly stop. But I have to turn off the player and turn it back on to get playback to resume. |
05:10:23 | the_Kyle | mordocai: I was able to resume playback by hitting what seems to be the simulated power button a couple of times. I can't confirm on the player yet though. Will try as soon as I get it updated to trunk. |
05:16:00 | mordocai | eWill: Thanks for the ##PORT# tip. Let me get a few more songs on the main player instead of the SD card. |
05:16:23 | eWill | yw |
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05:42:35 | the_Kyle | What is the compiler I need to build Rockbox for Clip+? It says I need arm-elf-eabi-gcc, but I have no package by that name. gcc-arm-linux-eabi-gnu doesn't work. |
05:43:38 | kadoban | the_Kyle: use the rockboxdev.sh script to generate it for you (on linux, right?) it's in tools/ |
05:47:12 | the_Kyle | Got it. Thanks. |
06:00 |
06:03:00 | the_Kyle | Is fs11664 the patch I need to make USB mode work on Sansa? |
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06:28:26 | the_Kyle | I'm getting a "no PREFIX given" error when trying to build my install. The sim didn't do this. Should I go ahead and set it to .rockbox? |
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06:45:13 | eWill | fuuuuu. I just spent 3 hours with rockboxdev.sh running, i get an error, and it quit. Anyone willing to take a look at the last few lines? http://pastebin.ca/2014492 |
06:45:55 | | Join mortalscan [0] (~mortalsca@ |
06:47:41 | eWill | running in Cygwin, btw. |
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06:54:52 | the_Kyle | I'm not getting a .rockbox directory anywhere. I even set my prefix to the directory where the Makefile is, but .rockbox isn't being built. |
06:56:18 | [Saint] | the_Kyle: what are the steps you are taking in trying to build? |
06:57:55 | [Saint] | eWill: I can't really say what xgcc was unavailable at the time, but the only real option is to start again. You *must* delete tmp/rbdev-build/ to run the rockboxdev.sh script again. |
06:58:11 | [Saint] | s/say what/say why/ |
06:58:48 | eWill | could high cpu usage cause that maybe? |
06:58:57 | eWill | i was playing a game |
06:58:59 | the_Kyle | My source is in ~/src/rockbox. I'm trying to build in ~/cliprock. cd ~/cliprock, ~/src/rockbox/tools/configure, selected target 62 normal build, make, make fullinstall. |
06:59:31 | the_Kyle | Maybe I need to build in my source directory? |
06:59:47 | the_Kyle | But the sim builds fine in an alternate directory. |
07:00 |
07:01:46 | eWill | [Saint]: But I couldn't have gotten that far if xgcc was installed-incorrectly/not-installed −− right? |
07:03:10 | the_Kyle | I also should mention that I'm trying to build trunk with the USB patches applied. |
07:09:07 | [Saint] | the_Kyle: yes, you need to build inside the source tree |
07:09:35 | [Saint] | make "~/src/rockbox/build/" or similar, and build in there. |
07:11:25 | [Saint] | eWill: it's possible that high CPU usage was a factor...It's really too hard to say why the particular resource was unavailable at that point in time. |
07:11:35 | * | the_Kyle tries to build in ~/src/rockbox/build. Standing by for build. |
07:11:51 | [Saint] | And yes, it is possible that the script got that far before encountering an error. |
07:17:34 | the_Kyle | I'm still getting a "No PREFIX given" error. |
07:17:57 | the_Kyle | I do, however, have a .rockbox directory this time. |
07:22:33 | the_Kyle | Looks like I'm missing nvram.bin in my build, unless that's created on the player. The nvram.bin file is on my player but not in my new build. It seems to be the only file that's missing in the top-level .rockbox directory. |
07:24:17 | the_Kyle | Strang thin though is that the .rockbox directory on my player is 8.6 MB, but my build is 21 MB. |
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07:33:17 | eWill | is it ok to install libiconv AND libiconv2? |
07:34:33 | the_Kyle | Well, apparently I don't have a problem. My build seems to work on the player. WOE! Does this wakeup stuff really work? |
07:49:44 | the_Kyle | Looks like the USB stuff is working as well. I have the ##PORT# directory and the ##MUSIC# directory, which I assume can be removed safely now that I got it working. Starts much faster too. |
07:52:40 | | Quit simonrvn (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
07:54:22 | eWill | does 'rockboxdev.sh' have a 'clean' or similar argument? |
07:55:37 | eWill | I asking because I deleted everything an the Cygwin dir except the 'home' dir, reinstalled Cygwin, and now rockboxdev.sh fails with: /tmp/rbdev-dl/binutils-2.20.1.tar.bz2: No such file or directory |
07:56:31 | [Saint] | eWill: No, all you need to do is delete <CygWin>/tmp/redev-build/ |
07:56:42 | [Saint] | *rbdev-build |
07:57:30 | eWill | [Saint]: ROCKBOXDEV: Downloading http://mirrors.kernel.org/gnu/binutils/binutils-2.20.1.tar.bz2 using wget |
07:57:49 | eWill | ..../tmp/rbdev-dl/binutils-2.20.1.tar.bz2: No such file or directory |
08:00 |
08:00:04 | | Join simonrvn [0] (simon@ |
08:00:10 | [Saint] | did you delete rbdev-dl instead? |
08:01:08 | eWill | deleted both |
08:01:25 | [Saint] | It definitely shouldn't complain about rbdev-dl existing...I always place mine manually, as opposed to letting the script download it each time, I just backed it up. |
08:01:26 | eWill | EVERYTHING outside of /home |
08:01:32 | eWill | deleted |
08:01:50 | eWill | I didn't mean to delete the dl dir |
08:02:05 | [Saint] | well, with rbdev-dl and rbdev-build deleted, there shouldn't be any remnants of the failed toolchain build left. |
08:02:43 | eWill | i'm gonna download the file manually |
08:04:22 | [Saint] | well, yeah...like I said it doesn't care *how* the files get there, as long as they're there. It just attempts to download them using wget (or curl if it can't fing wget) if it doesn't find the files it needs in the rbdev-dl dir |
08:05:47 | eWill | ROCKBOXDEV: Downloading http://www.rockbox.org/gcc/binutils-2.20.1-ld-thumb-interwork-long-call.diff using wget |
08:05:49 | eWill | /tmp/rbdev-dl/binutils-2.20.1-ld-thumb-interwork-long-call.diff: No such file or directory |
08:06:38 | eWill | manually downloading now. wtf? |
08:07:43 | [Saint] | are you making sure the files are in that dir *before* running the script? |
08:08:33 | eWill | yeah, after I manually dl them and put them there, it is working, but −−−− checking for version 0.10 of PPL... no checking for correct version of CLooG... no −−−− how do I install v0.1 of ppl? and what is correct version of Cloog? |
08:09:14 | [Saint] | you may not have installed the devel versions of cloog and ppl |
08:09:42 | [Saint] | just use the search feature of the cygwin setup and search for cloog and ppl and select all those packages. |
08:09:46 | [Saint] | they aren't large. |
08:09:52 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
08:09:55 | eWill | the_Kyle: it's in 'rockbox.zip' |
08:10:04 | [Saint] | However, not having them isn't going to make the build fail. |
08:12:16 | eWill | do you mean to install 'ppl-devel'? |
08:12:38 | [Saint] | the_Kyle: you should be doing "cd <build_dir> && ./../tools/configure/ && make && make fullzip" |
08:12:46 | [Saint] | not "make fullinstall" |
08:13:21 | the_Kyle | [Saint]: That would explain things. Thanks. |
08:14:42 | [Saint] | you'll only need to do "make fullzip" once unless you change the fonts...after doing "make fullzip" if you build again in the same build dir after that you'll only need to do "make zip" from then on. |
08:14:58 | the_Kyle | Nice. |
08:15:24 | the_Kyle | It worked. So now I can just unzip into my player, just like the release? |
08:17:56 | eWill | [Saint]: do I need to install the '*-devel' versions of any of these: gmp, mpfr, curl, wget, cloog-ppl, flex, expect, bison, ppl, ccache, libiconv? |
08:18:21 | | Quit CaptainKewl (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
08:18:42 | | Join MagusG [0] (magusg@c-71-59-57-46.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) |
08:21:49 | [Saint] | eWill: well....it won't wurt to. |
08:21:54 | the_Kyle | I still don't see an nvram.bin, but the zip built without errors, and not having this file at install time doesn't seem to be a problem. |
08:23:33 | [Saint] | nvram.bin isn't built at this time. |
08:23:56 | [Saint] | it is a file that Rockbox uses, it isn't built at compile time. |
08:24:10 | eWill | well rockboxdev is running again. I'll see you in 3 hours (maybe). |
08:24:18 | the_Kyle | So it builds on the player? |
08:26:14 | eWill | [Saint]: Can you check your current version of ppl and cloog? |
08:26:14 | | Quit markun (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
08:30:18 | * | scorche adds another field to the forum registration page in a further effort to combat spam (might be successful, but who knows) - I can always change it to something else if it causes problems too... |
08:33:07 | | Join Zagor [0] (~bjst@rockbox/developer/Zagor) |
08:33:38 | scorche | if we are still having spam problems, i can see about trying this mod: http://custom.simplemachines.org/mods/index.php?mod=1547 |
08:37:00 | the_Kyle | Is there any way to use tools/voice.pl to create a _dirname.talk in the top-level without having to recurse through every directory on my player yet again |
08:37:17 | the_Kyle | I just want to add one more folder that isn't .talked yet. |
08:38:27 | | Join wodz [0] (~wodz@87-206-240-131.dynamic.chello.pl) |
08:38:29 | the_Kyle | I know I can create the .talk file inside that directory that I added, but it doesn't do _dirname.talk that way except for subdirectories. |
08:38:33 | wodz | [Saint]: ping |
08:39:14 | | Quit amiconn (Remote host closed the connection) |
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08:40:50 | [Saint] | wodz: pong |
08:41:22 | | Join JdGordon [0] (~jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) |
08:46:48 | | Quit JdGord (Quit: Bye) |
08:47:24 | wodz | [Saint]: you seem to be art guy, would you mind looking at svg included in tarball on FS #11796 and give it more realistic look? As a reference http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/InsideMPIOHD300. |
08:47:45 | | Quit mortalscan (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
08:48:11 | Zagor | scorche: is akismet an option? it's free for smallish sites. |
08:48:28 | scorche | Zagor: yes, it is |
08:48:46 | scorche | http://custom.simplemachines.org/mods/index.php?mod=544 |
08:49:13 | Bagder | akismet is quite good for wordpress at least |
08:49:18 | Zagor | yes I saw that mod. I meant rather "is there a reason I'm unaware of not to use it" |
08:49:31 | scorche | i just havent looked into it |
08:49:35 | Zagor | ok |
08:49:49 | | Quit Keripo (Quit: Leaving.) |
08:51:32 | wodz | how one get preprocessed source file? in functions.make there is a rule but I can't find how to use it |
08:52:29 | | Join pixelma [0] (quassel@rockbox/staff/pixelma) |
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08:52:46 | Bagder | use make V=1, then copy the compile command line and add -E |
08:53:05 | wodz | ok |
08:58:49 | | Join ender` [0] (krneki@foo.eternallybored.org) |
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09:00:14 | | Part the_Kyle |
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09:04:21 | [Saint] | wodz: I may not have time to look at it tonight, but, yes...I can look into it for you. |
09:05:49 | wodz | [Saint]: thx |
09:08:24 | | Quit eWill (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.12/20101026210630]) |
09:10:20 | | Quit Rob2222 (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
09:13:08 | | Quit BHSPitMonkey (Remote host closed the connection) |
09:20:53 | pixelma | <[Saint]> the_Kyle: yes, you need to build inside the source tree <−− that's wrong, I build outside the source tree all the time. This is of course has an influence on the path to configure (more typing) but I like it better because my source tree stays "clean" and "make reconf" helps reducing the typing in most cases... |
09:24:52 | pixelma | the_Kyle: about your voice file being a bit off at the beginning - in most cases you can't use voice files made for the sim on the player as the sim may have different features (e.g. in the Clip+ case there is no microSD simulation and this comes at least with one extra language string). Just saying as I can't tell from the logs if you got that, if you did please ignore me :) |
09:27:53 | | Join markun [0] (~markun@rockbox/developer/markun) |
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09:33:43 | the_Kyle | pixelma: Thanks for the info. I did end up building inside the source tree, but I can easily move my build out, since I created it as a subdirectory. As for the voice files, they seem to work both on the sim and on the real player. The problem seems to have been that I was trying to use a 3.7 voice file on 3.7.1, which I have since corrected, a positive sideaffect of updating to trunk to apply the USB patches. |
09:36:19 | pixelma | yes, the voice files will work as in "sound correctly" but the spoken string doesn't match the actual highlighted menu item (that's what I meant with being "off") |
09:36:36 | pixelma | so you can't really use it |
09:37:27 | the_Kyle | Right. But I don't think it was the sim so much as different Rockbox versions. |
09:37:57 | the_Kyle | I have it matched up now, and it works better than ever so far. |
09:38:35 | pixelma | I wpould have thought that voice files for 3.7 should work with 3.7.1 as the latter is just 3.7 with backported bug fixes. I don't know for sure though if one or two new language strings slipped in |
09:38:42 | pixelma | *would |
09:39:00 | | Join pamaury [0] (~quassel@dhcp-129-228.residence.ens-lyon.fr) |
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09:42:32 | the_Kyle | I'm not sure either. The sim seems to like the 3.7.1 foice file and the 3.7 file I built, but only 3.7.1 was able to run correctly on the player. |
09:43:40 | the_Kyle | I built the 3.7 voice file using the 3.7 source tree configured for sansaclipplus. No reason why that shouldn't have worked. |
09:44:24 | the_Kyle | Unless, of course, there was a string or two that snuck in somewhere. |
09:44:56 | the_Kyle | I know that current svn has several strings that aren't in 3.7.1. |
09:50:07 | the_Kyle | Regarding the data abort mentioned earlier by mordocai, I'm not getting it here. I just added three albums to the playlist without any errors. So that's either good news, because the error has been corrected in the latest build, or bad news, because it can't be reproduced easily. |
09:51:14 | the_Kyle | Running svn trunk at the moment, and it's virtually error free over the last 20 minutes or so. No noticeable bugs yet. |
09:52:03 | wodz | 20 minutes is not a good measure |
09:52:45 | the_Kyle | True that. |
09:59:07 | wodz | http://www.pastie.org/1361373 <- maybe some one will see what is the major difference in this sequences which render USB bridge malfunctioning in rockbox? |
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10:09:53 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
10:10:00 | wodz | commenting out disk_unmount_all() doesn't solve the problem |
10:15:38 | | Quit markun (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
10:15:57 | pamaury | perhaps some power management, the ide_power_enable is only is the working sequence |
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10:17:34 | | Join eWill [0] (~chatzilla@adsl-76-235-39-4.dsl.dytnoh.sbcglobal.net) |
10:18:56 | eWill | [Saint]: I just failed rockboxdev.sh again, but on a different file. I HOPE I figured it out −− I have a defragger running on auto. I'll shut it down and try again. |
10:19:53 | | Quit Judas_PhD (Quit: This is a quitting message) |
10:21:55 | [Saint] | ah, yes...it's quite possible it attempted to defrag something cygwin was using. |
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10:58:20 | pixelma | AlexP: cr0fghfd |
10:59:05 | pixelma | or any other forum admin |
10:59:55 | AlexP | done |
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11:49:32 | pixelma | AlexP: another spammer 9skalux50 :\ |
11:56:43 | Zagor | scorche: if feasible, automatically adding rel="nofollow" to links in posts would make spamming less attractive |
11:58:14 | | Join teru [0] (~teru@KD059133111160.ppp.dion.ne.jp) |
11:58:17 | pixelma | Zagor: wouldn't it make linking to the manual etc. harder too? |
11:59:50 | pixelma | and while you are around, maybe you could take care of the above mentioned spammer? ;) |
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12:06:23 | amee2k | is it bad if the make script throws a message "version.sh: line 22: svnversion: command not found" ? |
12:06:53 | | Join TheSeven [0] (~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) |
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12:09:55 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
12:11:34 | wodz | I am out of ideas why USB bridge works in bootloader and not in rb |
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12:31:11 | CIA-7 | New commit by wodz (r28780): MPIO HD200, HD300: Make USB bridge handling more correct (this doesn't solve problems with USB inside rockbox on HD300 unfortunately). |
12:33:25 | CIA-7 | r28780 build result: All green |
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12:43:06 | | Join eWill [0] (~chatzilla@adsl-76-235-39-4.dsl.dytnoh.sbcglobal.net) |
12:44:02 | Zagor | pixelma: nofollow just tells search engines to not follow or count the link. in the case of google, it means the spammer doesn't get pagerank credit for it. |
12:44:13 | Zagor | it's still a normal link for web browsers |
12:44:48 | eWill | rockboxdev.sh > eabi toolchain > Cygwin > 3600MHz dual-core AMD Athon II >>>> 2 hours 22 minutes. [Saint] |
12:48:40 | | Quit GeekShadow (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
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12:59:11 | eWill | building with Cygwin −− ccache is installed. When I run make, does the 'CC' preceding each line mean ccache is running automatically? (I didn't precede make with 'ccache') |
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13:50:19 | kugel | eWill: yes |
13:53:24 | | Quit fyrestorm (Quit: Ur skills' fireproof like a wooden panel -- U got feds talking leet on your IRC channel!) |
13:55:23 | amee2k | hm. this is odd. |
13:55:50 | amee2k | i just installed debian on the laptop i want to mod into a jukebox, compiled the rockbox application port and ran it |
13:56:28 | amee2k | the interface is rather slugish and the CPU idles at ~60..70% load |
13:56:46 | amee2k | but htop for some reason doesn't show any process using it >_< |
13:56:59 | Zagor | amee2k: that's winter mode. designed to keep you warm :-) |
13:57:09 | amee2k | lol |
13:57:29 | Torne | what're you looking at in top, the CPU % of each process |
13:57:30 | Torne | ? |
13:57:34 | Torne | look at time instead |
13:57:51 | Torne | if something is using 40% of the cpu then somebody's scheduled time must be going up by four seconds in every ten |
13:58:26 | Torne | it's possible to entirely miss a process that's sleeping in short frequent bursts, if the sample rate lines up unfortunately ;) |
13:59:13 | amee2k | nope |
13:59:28 | amee2k | all the rockbox processes are listed as zero time |
13:59:43 | amee2k | i just started playing something and CPU load is constantly at 100% now |
14:00 |
14:00:10 | * | Torne wonders, out of curiosity, how loaded the machine is when you 8exit* rockbox :) |
14:01:38 | | Join DerPapst [0] (~Alexander@p4FE8F513.dip.t-dialin.net) |
14:02:12 | amee2k | 3..5% |
14:03:11 | Torne | this is a veyr slow machine, then :) |
14:04:07 | Zagor | still, clearly the rockbox application should not spend time when idle |
14:04:08 | Torne | anyway, i don't really know a lot about the app port, but I think it's safe to assume that it's not *intended* to consume significant cpu time when doing nothing |
14:04:12 | Torne | assuming it really is |
14:04:33 | Torne | we use SDL threading at the moment, right? |
14:04:39 | Torne | is this a pre-pentiumpro machine? |
14:05:41 | amee2k | P2 266 |
14:05:57 | amee2k | compaq armada 1700 |
14:06:15 | amee2k | but despite the internet insisting on 32M RAM it seems to have 64 |
14:06:48 | Torne | Pentium II? that's new enough that everything under the hood should be working, at least |
14:07:02 | Torne | 486/586 have some peculiarities that i'd rather not get into ;) |
14:07:03 | amee2k | that what i thought too |
14:07:11 | kugel | Torne: yes, sdl threading, but I have a patch to replace it with *context() (as far as the rockbox threads go, we need at least 2 sdl threads still) |
14:07:22 | Torne | well i don't mean in terms of performance, i mean in terms of SDL threading being reliable and sensible, and locking not being crazy broken |
14:07:49 | amee2k | kugel: does that improve performance? |
14:08:18 | kugel | it does reduce cpu usage on my machine |
14:08:29 | amee2k | can i download it somewhere to try? |
14:08:52 | amee2k | i mean, worst case i still have the same problem |
14:08:59 | kugel | http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/11793 |
14:09:21 | Torne | worth a try |
14:09:35 | Torne | but it sounds like maybe we have some real issue there as well |
14:09:47 | Torne | which is maybe just not particularly visible on a faster machine |
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14:10:40 | amee2k | hehe |
14:11:03 | Torne | the speed of the machine shouldn't make much difference when it's *idle* :) |
14:11:23 | amee2k | from the channel activity here at least i take it other than kugel and possibly me very little people are having a developing interrest in the app port |
14:12:12 | Torne | probably not, no |
14:12:18 | Torne | well, not the SDL app port |
14:12:25 | Torne | Various people are interested in the Android app port |
14:12:37 | Torne | which does share code, but not everything |
14:12:58 | Torne | actually, at some point I will be interested in it |
14:13:01 | amee2k | to get a second data point i'm installing moc and mp3blaster to test playback performance |
14:13:11 | Torne | when my pandora finally arrives i'll probably want rockbox on it |
14:13:18 | Torne | and I'm pondering trying to port it both ways and compare |
14:13:24 | Torne | (have been meaning to do an OMAP port for a while) |
14:13:41 | amee2k | but that has worked on a 166MHz Pentium (1) without significant impact |
14:14:24 | amee2k | well, the vague idea i have in my head is an x86 port that uses an embedded linux system as bootloader and HAL |
14:14:49 | Torne | yes, that's what we discussed before |
14:15:02 | Torne | the Pandora is an ARM-based handheld mostly intended for games; it runs linux |
14:15:04 | amee2k | which will probably double the specs, but if its for stationary use anyway then power is not an issue |
14:15:18 | Torne | I was going to port Rockbox to its hardware directly, but also get it running as a linux app with the SDL port |
14:15:22 | Torne | and see how it compares. |
14:15:25 | Torne | especially for battery life |
14:15:36 | Torne | so, if i do that I will be interested in the SDL app port too. |
14:15:40 | Torne | but right now I don't have the hardware yet |
14:16:43 | kugel | I'd be happy if someone would make a linux port not involving sdl, but I doubt it's worth it |
14:17:05 | | Join robin0800 [0] (~robin0800@cpc2-brig8-0-0-cust964.3-3.cable.virginmedia.com) |
14:17:12 | Torne | you mean drawing direct to the framebuffer and playing direct to /dev/dsp or similar? |
14:17:36 | Torne | drawing and playback are probably not too bad for that; non-keyboard input is slightly trickier |
14:18:02 | Torne | the benefit might indeed not be worth it, tho |
14:19:48 | Torne | i want to compare native vs linux on the pandora because someone once worked out from the hardware specs that it should be able to manage 100+ hours of battery life playing music (with screen off) |
14:19:52 | kugel | the threading sdl implements is quite heavy (I think) because the semaphore locking leads to a huge number of syscalls (two per context switch) |
14:20:03 | Torne | but currently it doesn't have anything like that using a regular linux mp3 player |
14:20:16 | Torne | the battery on that thing is huge |
14:21:25 | Torne | 4200mAh for a system whose SoC draws max 2W with every single peripheral active :) |
14:28:25 | | Join mortalscan [0] (~mortalsca@ |
14:30:16 | | Quit teru (Quit: Quit) |
14:31:23 | amee2k | hm... i seem to have some permissions issues left to work out, but this is a test system anyway |
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14:32:05 | | Join antil33t [0] (~Mudkips@124-197-51-80.callplus.net.nz) |
14:32:06 | amee2k | decoding 320kbps, 44kHz 2ch MP3 results in a steady state CPU load of ~25% +/- 2 |
14:32:18 | amee2k | so the proc should definitely be up to it |
14:34:05 | amee2k | okay, so to apply the patch i go to the top source directory ("rockbox") and run "patch </path/to/patch", right? |
14:35:33 | kugel | with -p1 |
14:37:06 | amee2k | oh, which reminds me of an earlier question. do the docs have a vaguely complete list of build prerequisites somewhere? |
14:37:29 | kugel | for the sdl app you only need a compiler, libc and libsdl |
14:37:41 | kugel | (plus the development headers of the libs) |
14:38:23 | amee2k | i'm not sure if subversion is a requirement too. when running make it repeatedly complained about not finding "svnversion" in tools/version.sh |
14:39:30 | kugel | the version is not critical so you should be fine, assuming it doesn't cancel compilation |
14:40:31 | amee2k | no, it conginued running anyway |
14:43:52 | amee2k | okay, rebuilding it now |
14:48:04 | | Join MethoS- [0] (~clemens@ |
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14:55:06 | kugel | amee2k: still building? :) |
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15:01:37 | amee2k | yep |
15:01:46 | amee2k | but its already in apps/codecs |
15:02:09 | amee2k | i took the time to refine my serial terminal configuration |
15:05:45 | | Join CaptainKewl [0] (~captainke@207-38-215-126.c3-0.nyr-ubr1.nyr.ny.cable.rcn.com) |
15:14:40 | amee2k | kugel: that didn't really help much |
15:15:08 | amee2k | now theres only 4 rockbox processes instead of 7 or 8 |
15:15:22 | amee2k | but idle load is still like 65% |
15:15:58 | amee2k | its also quite annoying that i can't find out whats sinking all this CPU time |
15:16:07 | | Join komputes [0] (~komputes@ubuntu/member/komputes) |
15:16:07 | kugel | strange, it went from ~10% to 4-5% on my laptop |
15:16:26 | kugel | what does top say? powertop output could also be interesting |
15:17:22 | kugel | amee2k: htop isn't showing processes but also user-space threads, which makes it hard to get a picture of the whole |
15:17:37 | kugel | rockbox is of course a single process |
15:17:41 | amee2k | okay |
15:17:45 | amee2k | installing powertop now |
15:18:11 | kugel | (you can also configure htop to not show threads seperately) |
15:18:14 | | Join panni_ [0] (hannes@ip-178-203-85-85.unitymediagroup.de) |
15:18:16 | amee2k | using plain old top has always been a bit weee for me. hence why i prefer htop. it looks like norton commander >_> |
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15:18:41 | | Join hebz0rl [0] (~hebz0rl@dslb-088-067-195-229.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
15:18:41 | amee2k | i enabled the tree mode so it shows thread processes indented under processes |
15:19:39 | amee2k | there also seem to be some odd issues with the mouse. when i move the cursor around, it sometimes "drops" a cursor symbol |
15:19:49 | amee2k | like its not properly ereasing the old one while redrawing |
15:20:03 | amee2k | but the artifacts disappear after a second or two on their own |
15:22:11 | amee2k | kugel: http://paste.debian.net/101973/ << this is the powertop result |
15:25:23 | | Join komputes [0] (~komputes@ubuntu/member/komputes) |
15:25:27 | [Saint] | eWill: Good news, and yes...if ccache is found it will be used automatically. |
15:26:53 | amee2k | i tried its suggestion, increasing the writeback timer, but not much difference if any |
15:26:57 | amee2k | 85.1% (1061.9) rockbox : do_nanosleep (hrtimer_wakeup) |
15:27:40 | eWill | [Saint]: Is there some folder I can backup now, so I don't have to rebuild the tool chain if I re-install? |
15:28:40 | [Saint] | you can just backup the entire C://CygWin folder |
15:28:49 | kugel | amee2k: that's 1061 wakeups per second, quite a lot. is that with my patch? |
15:28:55 | [Saint] | only info about setup.exe is stored in the registry. |
15:28:58 | kugel | I would be interested in the number without the patch |
15:29:11 | amee2k | kugel: yeah |
15:29:14 | Torne | [Saint]: the mount points are also stored in the registry |
15:29:47 | amee2k | let me try |
15:29:49 | Torne | the toolchain is all installed to /usr/local so you can probably just back up that |
15:29:54 | [Saint] | I'm not sure that stil;l holds true. |
15:30:07 | amee2k | is there a quick way to revert the patch? |
15:30:20 | kugel | patch -p1 -R < /path/to/patch |
15:30:28 | amee2k | oh, cool :) |
15:30:37 | Torne | [Saint]: which? |
15:30:45 | Torne | rockboxdev.sh installs with −−prefix=/usr/local |
15:30:45 | kugel | although the 146% of the time in C2 state is very much questionable |
15:30:48 | | Quit CaptainKewl (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
15:30:53 | Torne | so everything installed by the toolchain setup is under there. |
15:31:01 | Torne | You can't *just* back up /usr/local/arm-eabi or similar |
15:31:03 | [Saint] | that mountpoints are stored in the registry. |
15:31:10 | Torne | [Saint]: i assure you they are |
15:31:22 | amee2k | kugel: in what way? what exactly does that number show? |
15:31:28 | Torne | [Saint]: i can see them right now :0 |
15:31:31 | Torne | and they aren't stored anywhere else, that I know of |
15:31:33 | amee2k | (note: gtg in 5, bb in ~30) |
15:31:54 | Torne | HKLM\Software\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\* |
15:32:18 | kugel | amee2k: it shows how much % of the time the CPU was in which "sleep level" |
15:32:25 | [Saint] | Hmmm...I don't have that string. |
15:32:31 | kugel | C2 is "do nothing" |
15:32:56 | amee2k | um... how can it be doing nothing more than 100% of the time? its a single core system |
15:33:07 | | Quit cjcopi (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) |
15:33:21 | Torne | [Saint]: Ther'es one under HKCU as well |
15:34:06 | [Saint] | Ah...right, there we go. |
15:34:21 | | Join CaptainKewl [0] (~captainke@ |
15:34:32 | kugel | amee2k: exactly :) |
15:34:39 | Torne | it *also* looks in /etc/fstab, it seems, but it doesn't store the default ones there. |
15:34:49 | amee2k | okay, compiling. i gtg pick something up now while make is running. bb in 30 |
15:35:13 | [Saint] | Hmmm...live & learn. Surely it's stored somewhere else, I've been moving the same CygWin install around for ages now. |
15:35:25 | Torne | It infers where the root directory is using magic |
15:35:41 | Torne | so it doesn't actually need a mount for / to work |
15:35:46 | Torne | but the others are not magic |
15:35:54 | Torne | so the binds for /usr/bin and /usr/lib break if you move it |
15:36:27 | [Saint] | yeah..that's why I'm thinking it must be stored somewhere else. |
15:36:41 | Torne | No, it probably just regenerates them if you don't have a mount table in your registry |
15:36:46 | Torne | using the same method it uses to decide what they were on install |
15:36:53 | [Saint] | Ah. |
15:36:57 | Torne | so i fyo uhaven't actually *changed any mounts* it might work |
15:37:02 | Torne | but if you did the ni twon't remember |
15:38:00 | [Saint] | that's probably how I've been getting away with it for so long then. |
15:38:20 | [Saint] | my setup rarely changes, even if it moves to different machiens. |
15:38:29 | [Saint] | *machines |
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15:46:29 | eWill | so.... can I just backup /usr/local? |
15:47:02 | [Saint] | yeah. |
15:47:17 | [Saint] | well...in theory. |
15:47:21 | eWill | lol |
15:47:52 | | Quit CaptainKewl (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) |
15:48:04 | eWill | I'm gonna just do the whole thing. Thanks for all the help lately. |
15:54:48 | | Quit Keripo (Quit: Leaving.) |
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17:42:30 | maltin | hi guys |
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17:48:56 | amee2k | mmmh, damn |
17:49:01 | amee2k | the kugel is gone :( |
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17:55:53 | saratoga | AlexP: uggboots9 |
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18:42:46 | kugel | amee2k: pong |
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18:43:46 | amee2k | hey kugel :) |
18:44:08 | amee2k | got a bunch of pastes for you |
18:44:41 | amee2k | http://paste.debian.net/101984/ << with your patch, while idling in the main menu. i re-ran it another time to be sure that the 280% shit isn't a false positive |
18:44:46 | kugel | ok |
18:45:18 | amee2k | http://paste.debian.net/101986/ << without your patch (un-patched with the command you recommended and built in a new build directory), idling in the main menu |
18:45:33 | amee2k | http://paste.debian.net/101988/ << same unpatched build, trying to play something back |
18:46:32 | gevaerts | amee2k: I'd try a newer powertop. Those numbers don't make sense... |
18:46:57 | amee2k | as a side note, after a while powertop suggested that i enable the HPET in my bios and load appropriate kernel extensions |
18:47:18 | amee2k | which is entirely academic since the system is certainly too old to have a HPET |
18:47:30 | amee2k | gevaerts: how much newer? |
18:48:01 | gevaerts | well, "latest" seems appropriate |
18:48:39 | amee2k | what i'm using as dev system is debian stable, 2.6.26 and fully updated |
18:49:24 | gevaerts | Well, that's 1.10. 1.13 is available |
18:49:31 | amee2k | yeah |
18:49:46 | amee2k | its debian stable. that means whatever it is, its 2 years old ;) |
18:50:02 | | Join domonoky1 [0] (~Domonoky@agsb-4d055d33.pool.mediaWays.net) |
18:50:08 | gevaerts | And any tool that claims 42610 wakeups per second, 99% of which are the 1824 wakeups caused by rockbox, is *broken* |
18:50:18 | | Quit domonoky (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
18:51:03 | gevaerts | If you want to actually use those numbers, feel free, but I'd really try powertop 1.13 first |
18:51:26 | amee2k | compiling it right now |
18:53:00 | | Quit krabador (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) |
18:53:09 | kugel | I was about to believe that unpatched causes 4x more wakeups, but not anymore when the same built causes 10x less with music playing |
18:54:01 | amee2k | i think the 10x less is only because the processor is overloaded |
18:54:17 | kugel | upgrading to squeeze might be worth it. they in freeze so it should be about as stable as lenny |
18:54:18 | amee2k | its ramping straight into 100% and stays there when i hit play |
18:55:34 | kugel | hmm, you have a point there. I guess it does less wakeups because the CPU can't sleep (?) |
18:56:32 | amee2k | or its simply stalling. i can't hear anything and the playback is maybe 20..30% realtime at best |
18:56:47 | kugel | uh |
18:56:59 | amee2k | mocp plays fine so alsa is working correctly |
18:57:40 | kugel | perhaps the GUI is too demanding |
18:57:41 | amee2k | also, not sure if the lack of a HPET forces some awkwardly inefficient workaround to be employed |
18:57:55 | amee2k | hmmm maybe |
18:58:15 | amee2k | but that shouldn't explain the excess idle load, unless it is forcing needless redraws |
18:58:35 | kugel | only 1 per second |
18:58:59 | amee2k | hm |
18:59:14 | n1s | does the sdl app have core_sleep ? |
18:59:15 | amee2k | is there a way to gauge the load with subsecond precision? |
18:59:54 | amee2k | top and other tools are integrating over at least a second or so to to assess cpu load |
19:00 |
19:00:11 | amee2k | that may be throwing it off, but it would also mean that the redraw is REALLY inefficient |
19:01:01 | kugel | something is definitely wrong with 60%+ idle load |
19:01:41 | amee2k | yeah |
19:01:51 | | Join JesusFreak316 [0] (~JesusFrea@pool-173-65-30-16.tampfl.fios.verizon.net) |
19:01:52 | amee2k | i'm wondering what though |
19:02:04 | amee2k | if its just a scheduler bug, or the graphics |
19:02:26 | kugel | you can try commenting the redraw code out (lcd_update() and _rect()) but It's |
19:02:39 | kugel | probably not the problem |
19:02:58 | amee2k | hm... i'll try the newer powertop first. maybe that clears some things up |
19:06:08 | kugel | amee2k: is the load caused by a single thread? (htop shows this) |
19:06:58 | amee2k | htop oddly reports 0% CPU and zero TIME+ for all rockbox processes |
19:07:23 | kugel | :/ |
19:07:31 | amee2k | even though a good 50% of the load are user processes, and around another 15% are system load |
19:07:44 | kugel | make sure you sort by CPU usage |
19:07:47 | kugel | :-) |
19:08:04 | amee2k | i've sorted by command name so all the rockbox processes end up together |
19:08:35 | amee2k | but resorting by cpu% doesn't show any perpetrators either |
19:08:57 | kugel | so what pegs the CPU according to htop? |
19:09:04 | amee2k | nothing :P |
19:09:13 | kugel | wtf |
19:09:14 | amee2k | http://paste.debian.net/101994/ << current powertop, still the same unpatched build, idling in main menu |
19:09:30 | amee2k | kugel: at first i thought htop bug, but regular top shows the same picture |
19:10:10 | amee2k | 40..50%us, ~15%sy, but no processes creating the load |
19:11:43 | amee2k | the suggestions in the new powertop are entirely useless. only tells me to enable various kernel options to allow power-managing devices i don't have anyway >_< |
19:12:47 | amee2k | want me to recompile with your patch on again? |
19:13:07 | n1s | for me the rockbox app causes 50-60% of the wakeups when idling (in do_nanosleep) |
19:13:47 | amee2k | well, the percentage won't be as important. this box isn't running anything else |
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19:14:17 | amee2k | no desktop environment and fancy devices to create lots of wakeups |
19:15:19 | n1s | of course, i just wanted to point out that it causes a lot of wakeups here too and that powertop identifies the "do_nanosleep" function as the cause (which i assume is an sdl thing) |
19:15:42 | amee2k | ah, okay. i misunderstood then :) |
19:16:31 | amee2k | what kind of system are you running it on, if i may ask? |
19:16:47 | amee2k | especially, is your system using a HPET? |
19:16:50 | n1s | desktop core i5 |
19:17:05 | n1s | should be |
19:17:31 | n1s | yes, i have a number of hpet lines in powertop |
19:17:48 | amee2k | the 1.10 powertop has recommended i enable it in the bios/kernel but i can't test it due to lack of the actual hardware |
19:18:11 | | Quit Horscht (Client Quit) |
19:18:16 | kugel | amee2k: gtg sorry. that needs investigation, but I tend to assume that sdl is the problem. |
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19:18:26 | amee2k | okay |
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19:21:31 | * | gevaerts no blames amee2k's kernel |
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19:22:52 | amee2k | now* ? |
19:23:03 | saratoga | AlexP: forums getting owned |
19:23:09 | amee2k | too old or too new? |
19:23:37 | gevaerts | yes, now :) |
19:24:06 | | Join Judas_PhD [0] (~kevin@misterfluffy.dsl.xmission.com) |
19:24:18 | amee2k | # uname -a |
19:24:19 | amee2k | Linux rocklap 2.6.26-2-686 #1 SMP Thu Nov 25 01:53:57 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux |
19:24:57 | gevaerts | No idea, but if most of the numbers you get are meaningless, regardless of the tool used, there must be a reason |
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19:25:16 | amee2k | yeah, there metter be one >_> |
19:26:29 | gevaerts | Possibly some linux-related channel can provide more help though |
19:26:41 | AlexP | jesus |
19:26:46 | n1s | our sdl thread code uses SDL_SemWaitTimeout about which the sdl docs say "This function is to be avoided if possible since on some platforms it is implemented by polling the semaphore every millisecond in a busy loop." |
19:26:57 | n1s | so this sounds like a likely candidate to me |
19:27:10 | amee2k | oooh |
19:27:11 | amee2k | yeah |
19:27:29 | amee2k | 1k wakeups per second = ~1ms interval |
19:27:45 | gevaerts | But didn't you see the same with that patch? |
19:28:03 | amee2k | yeah, i did |
19:28:12 | n1s | oh, i missed the patch |
19:28:45 | amee2k | let me reapply the patch and try again with the new htop version |
19:29:09 | | Quit einhirn (Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org) |
19:29:14 | amee2k | err... powertop |
19:29:21 | n1s | where is this patch? |
19:29:50 | n1s | fs#11793? |
19:29:59 | amee2k | http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/11793 |
19:30:38 | amee2k | applied with cd rockbox; patch -p1 </path/to/patch |
19:31:21 | alexbobP | somebody should make a rockbox plugin that lets you charge the player by leaving it in the sun |
19:31:35 | amee2k | 0.0 |
19:31:43 | amee2k | USB solar charger |
19:31:59 | alexbobP | but buying new hardware costs money! |
19:32:17 | amee2k | hm... that would be a cool hardware mod for my ipod... solar cells on the back |
19:32:30 | amee2k | but not much room left in the case to fit a boost converter :/ |
19:34:23 | amee2k | doing make fullinstall will overwrite the entire previous installation, right? |
19:35:46 | n1s | i get much fewer wakeups with that patch |
19:36:31 | n1s | about 100 now, which seems right |
19:36:54 | n1s | cpu usage dropped from 3% to 2% too |
19:36:58 | n1s | (idling) |
19:37:38 | | Quit stoffel (Remote host closed the connection) |
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20:02:03 | | Nick YPSY is now known as Ypsy (~ypsy@geekpadawan.de) |
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20:17:25 | pixelma | h |
20:17:46 | pixelma | oops, sorry |
20:29:12 | | Quit Judas_PhD (Quit: This is a quitting message) |
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20:51:58 | * | scorche installed akismet for the forums |
20:55:22 | | Quit n1s (Quit: Lämnar) |
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20:59:45 | amee2k | omg |
21:00 |
21:00:04 | amee2k | this day somehow is going out of its way to not let me get anything done >_< |
21:09:38 | amee2k | http://paste.debian.net/102005/ << freshly patched and rebuilt, updated powertop version, idling in main menu |
21:10:00 | amee2k | the 200+% idle time thing is back, apparently |
21:10:06 | amee2k | this time, even more gross than before |
21:20:26 | the_Kyle | Do the recording gain settings not work on clip+? All settings sound the same. It's really quiet. |
21:22:20 | | Join ej0rge [0] (~alhaz@alhaz.fttp.xmission.com) |
21:22:51 | ej0rge | hey. I have a weird issue with my beast. |
21:23:20 | ej0rge | S60 upgraded to 120gb, 111gb of music on it, if i attempt to build the database it gets to 1103 and then hangs. |
21:23:40 | ej0rge | I presume there is a corrupt file or something, but i'm at a loss with regard to how to identify it |
21:24:21 | ej0rge | Ran checkdisk in winxp, it cranked for 3 hours, got to 100%, told me it was unable to complete |
21:24:26 | ej0rge | no difference in behavior |
21:25:02 | ej0rge | is there a way i can find out the last file added to the database before it got stuck? |
21:26:27 | ej0rge | the harddrive sounds like it's performing the same seek and reset over and over, so it may even be a bad sector. At this point i think that short of identifying the file and adding it to the ignore list, i may have to find a way to hook the drive up directly to a PC and run better diagnostics on it than i can do at the other end of a USB cable |
21:27:12 | saratoga | ej0rge: check this out: http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/11776?project=1&type=4&order=id&sort=desc |
21:27:40 | saratoga | that should tell you which file it dies on |
21:27:55 | ej0rge | yeah, that looks like it should help a lot. Thanks |
21:28:05 | ej0rge | fwiw you may know me as ericj, but someone else is using that as a nick these days |
21:28:35 | ej0rge | job/life kept asserting too many non-maskable interrupts so i stopped playing with DAPs so much. |
21:30:33 | pixelma | if you think it's a bad sector, I guess running a file system check first would be good |
21:31:29 | ej0rge | pixelma: yeah, but windows scandisk utterly failed to do it. I suppose i could boot up my laptop and see if dosfsck can do any good over usb. (at work, win-centric job) |
21:32:13 | saratoga | then its probably either a bad file or a broken disk |
21:32:55 | ej0rge | bad file wouldn't surprise me in the least. I need to go through my music archives with mediamonkey or something. Round tuit not yet acquired. |
21:33:18 | saratoga | if you can find a file that crashes our database please file a bug report with a link to it so that we can fix the bug |
21:33:59 | ej0rge | will do |
21:35:09 | | Join wodz [0] (~wodz@87-206-240-131.dynamic.chello.pl) |
21:35:20 | CIA-7 | New commit by wodz (r28781): fix rbutil.ini entries for MPIOs as pointed out by Michael Leslie |
21:37:06 | CIA-7 | r28781 build result: All green |
21:37:55 | amee2k | i'm so tempted to wipe this dev box and install testing |
21:38:52 | | Quit pamaury (Remote host closed the connection) |
21:42:21 | wodz | I am rather surprised how small feedback gives my mails to ML about i2c unifiaction and doxygen. |
21:51:22 | | Quit Battousai (Read error: Operation timed out) |
21:51:49 | the_Kyle | I figured out the recording gain. Looks like is just more fine-grained than I expected. Works really nicely now. |
21:53:21 | | Join Battousai [0] (~bryan@gentoo/developer/battousai) |
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22:09:05 | bertrik | the_Kyle, I vaguely remember that we used to have a problem with recording gain, there there was always some kind of auto-gain control active. Not sure if that was ever fixed. |
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22:10:27 | TheLemonMan | freesale kindly rejected my request about bootloader usb protocol infos |
22:10:33 | | Join fml [0] (~chatzilla@manz-5f7493da.pool.mediaWays.net) |
22:11:48 | the_Kyle | bertrik: Seems that still happens. I'm still testing things. That could get annoying though. I noticed there's no configuration setting for the auto gain control. |
22:12:11 | | Quit Keripo (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
22:12:15 | fml | wodz: I think no reply means no opinion, or, positively formulated, "I don't care". For example, a very well written mail from sideral about a feature that would be assumably used by some got no replies. Nobody cares. |
22:12:23 | | Quit factor (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
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22:19:48 | bertrik | wodz, looks like a nice prototype, but there are some weird i2c devices out there (that want a repeated start for example) and I don't know for sure that rockbox only used "normal" i2c devices. |
22:20:52 | bertrik | hm, or maybe I should only worry about that when we actually encounter something weird and think of a solution then |
22:22:53 | bertrik | the_Kyle, it's a hardware thing AFAIK |
22:23:30 | | Quit bertrik (Quit: :tiuQ) |
22:23:56 | the_Kyle | Well, not much can be done about that I guess but to work around it when recording. |
22:24:12 | | Quit wodz (Quit: Leaving) |
22:24:45 | fml | I remember some i2c related errors were ironed out by try-and-error |
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22:39:36 | | Nick Ypsy is now known as YPSY (~ypsy@geekpadawan.de) |
22:50:20 | ej0rge | an hour later, dosfsck is all the way to /Da* |
22:50:28 | ej0rge | this is looking like something i should leave running overnight |
22:50:46 | ej0rge | it has found some issues though |
22:57:20 | | Quit TheLemonMan (Quit: free(me)) |
22:57:21 | | Join MethoS- [0] (~clemens@ |
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23:13:44 | | Join JdGord [0] (~jd@ |
23:15:03 | JdGord | A DB auto-update should cause playback to get sstarved right? |
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23:28:21 | saratoga | shouldn't i think |
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23:33:08 | JdGord | Maybe my disk is crap then. I disabalsd autoupdate and its all good after rebooting |
23:33:19 | JdGord | Before buffering was conpletly starved |
23:36:56 | | Join kugel [0] (~kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel) |
23:37:18 | kugel | amee2k: it's sad that none of these tools give helpful numbers |
23:38:17 | kugel | powertop is useless if it reports 50k wakeups (with rockbox causing 99.5% of them with 1k wakeups) and being 430% of the time in C2 mode |
23:38:53 | kugel | (h)top is useless if they can't tell what's causing the cpu load but still do report high load |
23:40:17 | kugel | you could do 2 things: a) upgrade to squeeze or even unstable and hope that the bugs are fixed, or b) downgrade a lot until yuo reach the point where P2 was reasonably supported |
23:41:15 | kugel | at least n1s confirms what I expected to see from my patch |
23:43:46 | | Quit slooopy (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) |
23:50:14 | amee2k | mhhhww |
23:50:36 | amee2k | ive already downloaded the squeeze netinst |
23:51:01 | amee2k | while you were afk i've tried your patch + the new powertop version again |
23:51:18 | amee2k | errr |
23:51:20 | amee2k | wait |
23:51:42 | amee2k | kugel: how the fsck did you get that message after you left?! |
23:52:03 | kugel | we have irc logs |
23:52:14 | amee2k | (in entorely unrelated news, my flatmate has a damn fine selection fo whiskys in his stask) |
23:52:20 | amee2k | oh |
23:52:34 | kugel | http://www.rockbox.org/irc/ :) |
23:52:38 | amee2k | hehe |
23:52:59 | kugel | the topic also mentions it |
23:53:49 | amee2k | right. i susually read the topic on join, and if it conetains no relevant info to my cause i forget about it >_> |
23:54:01 | kugel | amee2k: I think I need to meed your flatmate, but that's stuff for #rockbox-community |
23:54:16 | amee2k | wow, i'm drunk i almost threw my terminal off the desk >_> |
23:54:26 | amee2k | lol okay |
23:54:40 | | Join JdGordon| [0] (~jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) |
23:54:54 | kugel | meet* |
23:54:58 | amee2k | just don't be as tight assed as abrotman about it please |
23:55:15 | amee2k | i don't want to put you on ignore ;) |
23:55:48 | | Join slooopy [0] (~sloo@p5493CF5C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) |
23:55:48 | amee2k | oh, thats a dude from #debian in case you don't know him |
23:56:52 | kugel | no worries, but I suggest you to put #rockbox-community onto your favorites, then you can talk about whatever you want while being drunk (or not). this channel is for development (hence it's logged). -community is for chit chat of all sorts |
23:57:14 | amee2k | hehe, okay |
23:58:47 | amee2k | anyway, i've downloaded the testing netinst. since i'm onyly geting bullshit from stable and gevaerts (i think? cbf to check the log...) suggested its a kernel issue |