00:01:01 | the_Kyle | But I can use mkamsboot to keep my player from booting to the OF when I plug in the cable when the player is powered off? |
00:01:31 | the_Kyle | It will create a bootloader that will function in that way? |
00:01:42 | saratoga | assuming you are good at ARM asm, yes |
00:02:50 | the_Kyle | So it doesn't work automatically since I patched my Rockbox for USB support? |
00:02:54 | pixelma | saratoga: so the ASMv2 USB patch doesn't apply to the bootloaders? |
00:03:31 | saratoga | its not even the bootloaders, its the code compiled into rbutil and mkamsboot |
00:03:35 | saratoga | and no thats not changed by it |
00:04:19 | pamaury | the amsv2 usb patch applies to the usb drive; as far as I know, no bootloader has a complete usb stack |
00:05:02 | the_Kyle | So the bootloader can't pass control to Rockbox if the player is powered off? |
00:07:05 | pamaury | what do you mean ? the bootloader passes control to rockbox in any case except on targets where rockbox doesn't have a usb stack, in which case is usually loads the OF when usb is connected at power on |
00:07:17 | pamaury | That's the case of amsv2 based targets |
00:07:33 | amee2k | mmmh, kugel's threading patch doesn't use target/hosted/sdl/thread-sdl.c anymore, right? |
00:07:57 | | Quit casainho (Remote host closed the connection) |
00:08:07 | saratoga | see http://svn.rockbox.org/viewvc.cgi?view=rev&revision=27618 |
00:08:16 | pamaury | The amsv2 usb patch is an attempt at having stable usb in rockbox and thus at having (finally) a working usb stack in rockbox |
00:08:42 | amee2k | i was almost glad i started to get that one in my head, when i noticed its not being compiled anyway |
00:08:54 | amee2k | so now i'm scratching my balls over where the threading went 0.0 |
00:08:56 | | Join casainho [0] (~chatzilla@ |
00:10:37 | Buschel | TheSeven: Cool, I just enabled 16 bit register writes |
00:10:44 | TheSeven | how? |
00:11:04 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
00:11:04 | Buschel | LCD_CON |= 0x100 plus some minor tweaks |
00:11:16 | the_Kyle | pamaury: I have enabled the USB patches, but when my player is powered off and I plug in a cable, it loads the OF instead of passing to Rockbox. If it's powered on before I plug in the cable, it works as expected, although it is a bit slow sometimes, but every mp3 player I have purchased in the past, because they are cheap for the most part, were slow also, so I don't really notice the difference. |
00:11:20 | | Quit kevku (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) |
00:12:34 | the_Kyle | pamaury: Is it not passing to Rockbox because I haven'tused mkamsboot since I enabled USB? |
00:13:14 | TheSeven | Buschel: tweaks in config regs or just software things? |
00:13:17 | pamaury | I guess so, I think the bootloader only loads rockbox if it's compiled with ROCKBOX_HAS_USB in config.h and friends (like in my patch) |
00:13:42 | Buschel | TheSeven: just in the register write functions in the lcd driver −− nothing else |
00:14:21 | * | TheSeven needs to figure out how to do that for DMA then |
00:14:34 | TheSeven | it can't handle 32bit, right? |
00:14:48 | Buschel | it could, didn't try yet |
00:15:00 | saratoga | the_Kyle: maybe i was unclear, it doesn't boot rockbox because no one has written code to do so |
00:15:44 | saratoga | you can fix this by implementing the equivilent of the patch I linked above for AMSv2 using your knowledge or ARM asm, or else wait until USB support is stable enough that its enabled by default and we release a new rbutil with support |
00:16:56 | TheSeven | Buschel: let me know if it does :) |
00:17:51 | TheSeven | what's the better option? duplicating the ATA driver for the ipod classic, fixing it for all the other targets, or producing another #ifdef hell? |
00:17:51 | the_Kyle | saratoga: So there's no code at all at this point to pass to Rockbox when a cable is plugged in while powered off? I can just be sure it's powered on before I plug in the cable, I was just hoping there was a way to avoid loading the OF in the event I forget to turn the power on e.g. before charging. |
00:18:15 | saratoga | correct |
00:18:19 | TheSeven | i won't be able to map that to the ipod classic's hardware as-is |
00:18:53 | saratoga | whats wrong with the current ATA driver? |
00:19:16 | TheSeven | it assumes that the task file is directly mapped on the system bus |
00:20:09 | TheSeven | (which is only partially true on the classic) |
00:21:00 | the_Kyle | Not even if ROCKBOX_HAS_USB is enabled, which according to pamaury should work? |
00:21:59 | saratoga | you're welcome to look at that patch and see for yourself if it changes mkamsboot |
00:22:45 | pamaury | the_Kyle: my assumption is the bootloader has the code for it; if like saratoga says, there is no code for it, it won't work |
00:23:37 | | Quit froggyman (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
00:24:49 | the_Kyle | Thanks for the help. I'll take a look at things, but I'll probably have to wait until USB is more stable, since I don't have enough knowledge of the code, especially the low-level stuff like the bootloader, to be able to patch it. |
00:25:02 | Buschel | TheSeven: 32bit does not seem to work |
00:25:05 | * | TheSeven wonders if he should introduce macros to read/write ATA task file regs |
00:26:11 | wodz | hmm, lcd controller can't handle the speed of DMA transfers at 124 MHz on HD300 :-( |
00:26:39 | TheSeven | wodz: shouldn't DMA usually have some kind of flow control? |
00:26:51 | | Join AlexP_ [0] (~alex@rockbox/staff/AlexP) |
00:27:05 | wodz | TheSeven: you mean wait states? |
00:27:08 | the_Kyle | For now, I'll just be sure the player is powered on before charging it or manipulating files. I just don't like the stuff that the OF puts on the player. It rewrites its idea of what it thinks the directory structure should be and everything. |
00:27:22 | | Join Horschti [0] (~Horschti@xbmc/user/horscht) |
00:27:39 | TheSeven | wodz: usually there is a DMAREQ line from the peripheral to the DMA controller that tells it that it's ready to send/receive more data |
00:27:57 | wodz | not the case here |
00:28:19 | wodz | lcd is connected to lower half of the bus and that's all |
00:28:20 | TheSeven | so you're basically doing memory2memory on a peripheral? |
00:28:26 | wodz | yes |
00:28:53 | | Join designate72 [0] (~aaron@adsl-065-013-002-216.sip.asm.bellsouth.net) |
00:29:32 | | Quit AlexP (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) |
00:29:58 | | Nick AlexP_ is now known as AlexP (~alex@rockbox/staff/AlexP) |
00:30:06 | wodz | How do I know at which freq cpu is running? Maybe I could use DMA transfer when not boosting? |
00:30:35 | gevaerts | the_Kyle: from what I understand, boot-to-rockbox-with-usb is reasonably easy to change (although I'm not exactly sure where), it's just not exactly safe. The change is basically in the only part of the code that can cause your clip to be bricked (or very nearly so, requiring opening it and shorting pins) if you get it wrong |
00:31:09 | | Quit Horscht (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
00:31:31 | TheSeven | wodz: there's a global cpu_frequency variable |
00:31:59 | TheSeven | but you would need to make sure to interrupt the DMA transfer if a boosting request comes in while it's already running |
00:32:06 | the_Kyle | Ouch. I don't think I want to do that. I'll just wait, or at least wait for a patch that has been tested and found to be at least somewhat safe. |
00:32:42 | the_Kyle | This is my primary player, and a sim isn't going to tell me if it's safe or not. |
00:33:22 | TheSeven | well, basically it should be safe if you know what you're doing, are careful, and double- and triple-check things before flashing :) |
00:33:41 | TheSeven | (and possibly ask other people to review) |
00:34:00 | TheSeven | but if you've never dealt with ARM assembly code before, this isn't really the place where you should start :) |
00:34:54 | the_Kyle | I can get help. You all have been nothing but helpful so far. I just don't know that I know enough about the code to mess with it in that way. |
00:43:40 | wodz | ha, this seems to work. 45 MHz speedup is from 438 -> 728 fps, boosted fps is unchanged 1098 |
00:43:43 | | Quit {phoenix} (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
00:44:22 | Buschel | seems to be a good day for LCD speed ups :) |
00:44:39 | | Quit Horschti (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
00:45:54 | wodz | am I correct that boost/unboost changes on tick? |
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00:46:52 | wodz | I mean the shortest possible interval between freq change is 10ms? |
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00:49:40 | | Quit ender` (Quit: The problem with political jokes is they get elected. -- Henry Cate, VII) |
00:50:02 | Buschel | TheSeven: now it seems like I have a reached a maximum speed on my LCD -> 64.5 fps unboosted and 129.5 fps boosted |
00:50:12 | Buschel | (for RGB full screen) |
00:50:35 | the_Kyle | Is recording sampling done on a hardware level, or is it done in Rockbox? I get a lot of aliasing if I set the recording frequency below 44KHz. |
00:50:35 | | Quit leavittx (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) |
00:51:02 | the_Kyle | 32 seems OK, actually, but below that it starts getting bad. |
00:51:09 | wodz | hardware |
00:51:28 | | Quit Horscht (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
00:55:16 | CIA-7 | New commit by wodz (r28799): HD300 - further speedup of lcd_update() by utilizing DMA transfer when unboosted. The gain is 438 -> 728 fps @ 45MHz. |
00:57:19 | CIA-7 | r28799 build result: All green |
00:57:43 | | Join saratoga_ [0] (9803c22e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. |
00:58:05 | saratoga_ | ok i think all the libmad algorithmic stuff is working, now the asm part |
01:00 |
01:00:31 | | Quit wodz (Quit: Leaving) |
01:02:10 | * | TheSeven desperately tries to make the ipod classic port even compile :/ |
01:05:28 | | Join webguest79 [0] (~4a46f324@giant.haxx.se) |
01:05:32 | webguest79 | hi |
01:06:14 | TheSeven | do we have any define that allows to determine if we're being included from an asm file? |
01:06:39 | pamaury | _ASM ? Or something like that |
01:06:54 | pamaury | That's pretty common to have one, rockbox should be no exception |
01:07:45 | | Quit webguest79 (Client Quit) |
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01:09:45 | TheSeven | apparently a handful of files uses "#define ASM", but most don't define anything |
01:09:53 | | Quit casainho (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
01:10:13 | pamaury | perhaps it's on the as command line ? |
01:10:39 | TheSeven | why would some files have one then? |
01:11:03 | * | TheSeven discovers that the ATA mess is much deeper than he thought |
01:11:55 | pamaury | don't know; perhaps there is none and we should have one |
01:12:03 | | Quit dantje_ (Quit: Ex-Chat) |
01:12:27 | | Quit [Saint] (Quit: I'm only going to Heaven if it feels like Hell, I'm only going to Heaven if it tastes like caramel...) |
01:25:43 | | Quit JesusFreak316 (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
01:26:13 | TheSeven | wow |
01:26:33 | TheSeven | now i'm *just* getting errors about undefined references during linking |
01:34:07 | | Quit dfkt (Quit: -= SysReset 2.53=- Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc.) |
01:39:51 | Buschel | is there any chance that an owner of an iPod nano 2G with an ILI type LCD can verify FS #11807 ? |
01:44:10 | TheSeven | the ilitek one seems to be quite common actually |
01:44:22 | TheSeven | type 3 is the one that barely anybody has |
01:45:33 | Buschel | I would really like to see a test before I commit. I hate to be forced to fix afterwards... |
01:48:32 | saratoga | what do people think of that automatic resume patch on the tracker? |
01:51:53 | | Quit shai_ (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
01:52:07 | CIA-7 | New commit by theseven (r28800): usb-s3c6400x.[ch], button-clickwheel.c: Move s5l8701-specific parts to where they belong, prepare for s5l8702 |
01:53:15 | | Quit bertrik (Quit: :tiuQ) |
01:53:54 | CIA-7 | r28800 build result: 0 errors, 71 warnings (theseven committed) |
01:55:44 | | Quit ReimuHakurei (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
01:59:35 | | Quit Buschel (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
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02:00:01 | CIA-7 | New commit by theseven (r28801): Fix yellow, already assign values for various S5L8702 defines |
02:00:14 | | Join Horscht [0] (~Horschti@xbmc/user/horscht) |
02:01:44 | * | TheSeven wonders if that meier crossfeed thing will be committed one day |
02:01:51 | CIA-7 | r28801 build result: 0 errors, 66 warnings (theseven committed) |
02:01:56 | TheSeven | arrrrrrrrrrrr |
02:02:00 | | Join ReimuHakurei [0] (~reimu@ |
02:02:33 | | Quit Horschti (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) |
02:03:16 | CIA-7 | New commit by theseven (r28802): Really fix yellow this time, SVN only committed half of what I wanted... |
02:03:52 | | Quit factor (Ping timeout: 241 seconds) |
02:05:24 | CIA-7 | r28802 build result: All green |
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03:04:59 | saratoga_ | does eterm in the rockbox dev image not allow copy and paste? |
03:05:52 | CIA-7 | New commit by moos (r28803): Update the list of targets used on english.lang file. |
03:07:46 | CIA-7 | New commit by moos (r28804): Merge the translation of too strings for a generic use. |
03:08:07 | CIA-7 | r28803 build result: All green |
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03:10:33 | CIA-7 | r28804 build result: All green |
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03:21:27 | | Join Horscht [0] (~Horschti@xbmc/user/horscht) |
03:21:39 | saratoga_ | wow our VMware image is really terrible |
03:21:51 | saratoga_ | i'm just trying it now, i see why people try and use cygwin |
03:22:20 | saratoga_ | just downloading an ubuntu or debian image from sourceforge and running in current virtualbox for Windows is 100x less annoying |
03:24:53 | | Quit Horschti (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
03:25:13 | | Join mortalscan [0] (~mortalsca@ |
03:26:22 | saratoga_ | anyone know how to uninstall the old arm compiler? |
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03:31:51 | CIA-7 | New commit by moos (r28805): Punctuation consistency, revert part of r27363. |
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03:33:58 | CIA-7 | r28805 build result: All green |
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04:00 |
04:01:00 | saratoga_ | omg does the version of vmware player we tell people to use really not support 2 processors |
04:01:39 | saratoga_ | make 7zip |
04:02:24 | saratoga_ | ^^^ hmm well it definitely doesn't support 'taking control of the windows keyboard when brought to focus' |
04:03:44 | scorche | meh - use vmware server |
04:03:58 | saratoga_ | the wiki explicitly states to use this version |
04:04:14 | saratoga_ | i'll update, test and then change the wiki |
04:04:29 | saratoga_ | is there any reason we use vmware instead of virtualbox? |
04:04:53 | saratoga_ | last i checked virtualbox is nice because its open source and will let you use an unlimited number of cores without paying |
04:05:04 | saratoga_ | although maybe vmware has that now too |
04:06:07 | | Quit saratoga (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
04:08:28 | saratoga_ | heh apt-get fails on our image as well due to missing download servers |
04:10:02 | | Quit BHSPitMonkey (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) |
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04:11:49 | scorche | yeah - it is way out of date - i made an updated one a while back, but didnt have time to properly test it - and people on the forum faled to properly test it enough to put on the wiki as well |
04:11:55 | scorche | i will eventually make another |
04:12:01 | | Join DerPapst1 [0] (~Alexander@p5DE5A096.dip.t-dialin.net) |
04:12:28 | saratoga_ | i'm just going to upload the same one with the new compiler |
04:13:43 | saratoga_ | how the hell do i turn this thing off |
04:13:47 | saratoga_ | no matter what i do it just reboots |
04:14:24 | | Quit DerPapst (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
04:14:34 | scorche | there is a power off option |
04:15:27 | saratoga_ | even shutdown -h just reboots |
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04:18:43 | | Join Keripo [0] (~Keripo@eng428.wireless-resnet.upenn.edu) |
04:20:07 | saratoga_ | haha vmware wants me to register to update |
04:20:09 | saratoga_ | i'll get right on that |
04:21:52 | | Join JesusFreak316 [0] (~JesusFrea@pool-173-65-30-16.tampfl.fios.verizon.net) |
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04:41:47 | | Join Barahir [0] (~jonathan@frnk-590ff236.pool.mediaWays.net) |
04:41:54 | saratoga_ | does rockboxdev.sh leave temp files around? |
04:41:59 | saratoga_ | my image got a lot bigger when i ran it |
04:42:17 | | Quit Barahir_ (Read error: Operation timed out) |
04:47:37 | soap | due to dead space no longer being zeroed out? |
04:47:43 | | Quit froggyman (Quit: Bye) |
04:47:47 | saratoga_ | soap: probably that, how do i zero it? |
04:48:11 | soap | cat /dev/zero > zero.txt |
04:48:18 | soap | that should completely fill up the drive |
04:48:23 | soap | then rm zero.txt |
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05:02:04 | S_a_i_n_t | saratoga_: I believe (depending on what you actually did, however) it leaves some temp files in the form of tmp/rbdev-build and tmp/rbdev-dl which easily adds up to a few hundred MBs. |
05:06:19 | saratoga_ | wow got it 20MB smaller the original :) |
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08:58:52 | S_a_i_n_t | Anyone here use the ZXBox plugin? |
08:59:30 | * | S_a_i_n_t is trying to figure out if it is broken, or if the images he is trying to load are broken. |
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09:00:55 | pixelma | sometimes, haven't tried in a while though |
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10:02:25 | | Join stoffel [0] (~quassel@p57B4AD99.dip.t-dialin.net) |
10:03:59 | Buschel | S_a_i_n_t: yesterday you mentioned that you "mostly have LDS176 LCDs" in your nano 2Gs. does this mean you also have a target with an ILI type? |
10:07:51 | | Join bertrik [0] (~bertrik@ip117-49-211-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) |
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10:17:12 | S_a_i_n_t | Buschel: IIUC, there's 3 LCD types that the Nano2G uses...one of which seems to be quite rare. IIRC, I have 5 type 1, (7) LCD Nano2Gs and 1 type 2, (5) (I *think* that's it...anyway, I think its in the car) LCD Nano2G |
10:18:04 | S_a_i_n_t | I'll need to double check which type exactly the other one is, but...I do know I have 2 different LCD types. |
10:18:41 | Buschel | well, it would be great to have the LCD driver patch on other LCD types as well |
10:18:41 | | Join BHSPitMonkey [0] (~stephen@unaffiliated/bhspitmonkey) |
10:20:04 | S_a_i_n_t | TheSeven has the "rare" type (is it the LEADIS LCD? my menory is broken today) also if my memory serves. |
10:20:09 | S_a_i_n_t | Buschel: ^ |
10:20:27 | S_a_i_n_t | I *think* he does...rather. |
10:20:40 | Buschel | the LDS type seems to be the common case −− that is what TheSeven and I own |
10:23:51 | S_a_i_n_t | with the LDS176 screened Nano2Gs I have, there seems to be a "bright" and a "dark" version...I have several, and I have RB'd several for friends also. |
10:24:05 | | Quit Judas_PhD (Quit: This is a quitting message) |
10:24:47 | S_a_i_n_t | According to debug, the screens are the same...but some are definitely a lot clearer/brighter than others and it doesn't seem to have anything to do with how old/new the Nano in question is. |
10:25:28 | Buschel | is this also visible in Apple OS? or just when those targets were rb'ed |
10:28:54 | S_a_i_n_t | It is visible in the Apple OS also. |
10:30:22 | S_a_i_n_t | Hmmm...I'm sure (almost positive) that the Nano2G has three possible LCDs but the driver only seems to handle 2. My mistake. |
10:31:19 | Buschel | you wre right. TheSeven also stated there are three types of which 1 is very seldom |
10:34:47 | S_a_i_n_t | Ah, right...I thought so, but the code only suggests we know how to deal with 2 of them. |
10:36:21 | S_a_i_n_t | perhaps the third type is the bright or dim LDS176 type screens I have seen/own. |
10:36:53 | Buschel | could you test the patch on those units? |
10:37:19 | Buschel | for now it was only verified on my "golden device" ;) |
10:37:30 | S_a_i_n_t | yep. I can do so in the next hour or so. just need to run out for a bit presently. |
10:37:45 | S_a_i_n_t | "golden device"? |
10:37:51 | * | S_a_i_n_t lols. |
10:38:33 | Buschel | S_a_i_n_t: that would be perfect :) |
10:39:11 | amee2k | okay |
10:39:27 | amee2k | does the SDL target have a fucking quit key |
10:39:47 | amee2k | i can't get the profiling info when i kill it with ^C ffs |
10:41:14 | amee2k | any hints? |
10:42:31 | S_a_i_n_t | I don't believe it has a quit key, fucking or otherwise. |
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11:18:38 | Utchybann | Buschel: FS #11807 *PANIC* my nano 2G. |
11:19:14 | Buschel | Utchybann: good! |
11:19:15 | Buschel | :) |
11:19:24 | Buschel | what type of LCD do you have? |
11:19:38 | Utchybann | LCD is LDS176 |
11:19:50 | Buschel | hmm, same than mine... |
11:20:02 | Buschel | what is the exact error dislayed? |
11:20:14 | Utchybann | full panic message is : Unhandled IRQ 1A: INT_SPI |
11:20:43 | Utchybann | I get the same error on my 2 nano 2g (both have same LCD type). |
11:20:49 | Buschel | is this with version v05? |
11:21:11 | Utchybann | my fault. I download the patch last night. |
11:21:14 | Utchybann | v03 |
11:21:38 | Buschel | hmm, v03 is changing much less than v05... |
11:24:01 | Utchybann | is it supposed to work with r28805 ? |
11:24:57 | Buschel | I did not update since this night, my patch works against r28799 |
11:25:11 | Buschel | that's what I use here |
11:26:09 | Utchybann | let me check with v05 and r28799 |
11:26:53 | | Join stooo [0] (~sto@f051077202.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
11:27:25 | Buschel | does it crash instantly or after a while? |
11:28:26 | Utchybann | instantly |
11:29:14 | Utchybann | I don't even see the rockbox logo. |
11:30:12 | Buschel | do you also update the bootloader or just rockbox.ipod |
11:30:35 | bertrik | Can someone with a fuze v2 test the patch in http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/11798 for me? |
11:30:48 | Utchybann | make zip; unzip rockbox.zip -d /media/ipod |
11:31:04 | Utchybann | so no bootloader update |
11:31:47 | Buschel | ok |
11:33:43 | Utchybann | r28799+lcd_v05 seems to work. no panic |
11:34:25 | Buschel | maybe the panic is connected to anything that was done after r28799... |
11:34:44 | Buschel | what is the speed you reach with test_fps? |
11:36:20 | Utchybann | I guess, I have to compile test_fps ... |
11:36:37 | Buschel | yes |
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11:53:55 | Utchybann | Main 1/1: 64.5 fps, 1/4: 258.0; YUV 1/1 34.5, 1/4 137.5 (CPU 48 Mhz) |
11:54:39 | | Join dantje [0] (~dvg@HSI-KBW-091-089-103-221.hsi2.kabelbw.de) |
11:55:04 | Buschel | exactly my numbers. |
11:55:39 | Utchybann | 129, 516; 109.5 434.5 (CPU 192Ć) |
11:56:15 | Buschel | nearly the same for me (only really minor diffs though) |
11:56:45 | | Join GeekShadow [0] (~Antoine@reactos/tester/GeekShadow) |
11:57:35 | Utchybann | nice. I will try r28805 + lcd_v05. |
11:58:22 | Buschel | btw, everything working fine when using lcd sleep? |
11:59:18 | Utchybann | lcd sleep ? you mean the total lcd power off after a few seconds ? |
11:59:37 | Buschel | yes. does it sleep well and wakes up as it is supposed to do? |
11:59:52 | Utchybann | yes. |
11:59:56 | Buschel | good |
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12:01:45 | JdGordon | anyone notice the stock android is more happy to kill the rockbox service than the custom roms? (specifically CM) |
12:03:11 | | Join casainho [0] (~chatzilla@bl20-126-39.dsl.telepac.pt) |
12:05:14 | Utchybann | r28805 + lcd_v05 => panic. |
12:05:56 | Buschel | can you track this down to the change which introduces this? |
12:07:08 | Utchybann | I'm trying |
12:08:44 | Utchybann | hmm, r28805 => panic. |
12:09:10 | Buschel | try r28800 and r28801 |
12:11:21 | | Join ender` [0] (krneki@foo.eternallybored.org) |
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12:12:02 | Utchybann | for me r2880[012] should be seen as a single commit. |
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12:16:24 | | Join liar [0] (~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at) |
12:19:54 | Utchybann | r28800 => panic. |
12:20:21 | Buschel | there we go |
12:20:58 | Utchybann | TheSeven: something is wrong in r28800 (PANIC Unhandled IRQ 1A: INT_SPI). |
12:21:06 | | Join Kupop [0] (~Kupo@cpc2-bsfd7-2-0-cust220.5-3.cable.virginmedia.com) |
12:22:23 | | Join casainho [0] (~chatzilla@bl20-126-39.dsl.telepac.pt) |
12:22:37 | casainho | hello |
12:22:49 | casainho | does anyone knows why Rockbox bootloader takes so much memory? Binary size: 51360 |
12:22:50 | casainho | Actual size: 51360 |
12:22:52 | casainho | RAM usage: 354448 |
12:23:16 | casainho | would be possible to make it less than 32kBytes? |
12:23:18 | Utchybann | I will revert to r28799+lcd_v05 and report issue if any. |
12:23:43 | bertrik | casainho, maybe the LCD frame buffer? |
12:23:44 | | Join TheLemonMan [0] (~lem0n@ppp-250-151.98-62.inwind.it) |
12:23:53 | Buschel | Utchybann: could you try to only keep the clickwheel driver at pre-r28800? |
12:24:07 | casainho | bertrik: like having a bootloader that doesn't write/use LCD? |
12:24:42 | bertrik | yes, something like that. But can't you confirm first by looking into the map file? |
12:25:18 | casainho | bertrik: hmmm, I will try to look and see if I understand.. |
12:25:43 | | Quit S_a_i_n_t (Quit: I'm only going to Heaven if it feels like Hell, I'm only going to Heaven if it tastes like caramel...) |
12:26:27 | bertrik | Anyone with a sansa fuze v2 online here now? |
12:27:22 | casainho | bertrik: can you please look? http://pastebin.com/vn6JgDuV |
12:30:34 | | Join Rob2222 [0] (~Miranda@p4FFF1422.dip.t-dialin.net) |
12:32:03 | bertrik | casainho, see line 1740/1741, using about 150k for the LCD framebuffer (I guess 320*240 16 bit?) |
12:32:23 | bertrik | I also saw some kind of codepage table taking 64kB |
12:33:31 | bertrik | It will probably be hard to reduce it to less than 32 kB |
12:33:33 | Buschel | Utchybann: looks like clickwheel driver is the problem. the ISR for the wheel driver was renamed without a match in system-s5l8700.c |
12:33:48 | Buschel | Utchybann: recompiling now |
12:34:55 | casainho | bertrik: ok. However my LCD now is 1bit, 64X48... |
12:35:21 | casainho | bertrik: ok, I may need to think on a 1st and 2nd bootloader... Thanks! |
12:35:33 | Utchybann | Buschel: sorry. I have to go now. |
12:35:40 | Buschel | see you |
12:36:04 | bertrik | Buschel, for some reason the interrupt handlers of many rockbox targets are not declared and it's up to the linker to connect them, defaulting to some unhandler using "weak linking" IIRC |
12:39:06 | Buschel | yes, I will fix this issue in a few minute (hopefully) |
12:41:55 | CIA-7 | New commit by Buschel (r28806): Fix bug introduced with r28800 (missing interrupt handler). |
12:42:00 | Buschel | got it |
12:44:41 | CIA-7 | r28806 build result: All green |
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13:40:38 | CIA-7 | New commit by theseven (r28807): iPod Nano 2G: Correct clickwheel interrupt handler name, this time consistently. |
13:41:07 | | Join dfkt [0] (dfkt@unaffiliated/dfkt) |
13:41:10 | moos | bertrik: hi, still no found someone with a Fuzev2? |
13:41:32 | * | JdGordon has a fuzev2 i tinhk |
13:41:38 | JdGordon | do we need one? |
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13:42:12 | moos | Hello, JdGordon: it seems bertrik need testing for http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/11798 |
13:42:43 | CIA-7 | r28807 build result: All green |
13:46:12 | JdGordon | ok, I'm charging both fuzzes (one is v1 one is v2, dunno which is which)... I'll try to remember to test tomorow |
13:46:19 | JdGordon | which probably means nagging me :D |
13:46:43 | JdGordon | do the fuze OF's trickle charge if the batt is completly flat? |
13:47:25 | JdGordon | ah no, hub was overloaded... |
13:48:14 | moos | it have to charge yes |
13:48:30 | JdGordon | can you do a build for me with the patch please? |
13:49:07 | moos | of course just few instants |
13:50:06 | | Join efyx [0] (~efyx@lap34-1-82-225-185-146.fbx.proxad.net) |
13:50:08 | JdGordon | isnt that for the clip+? |
13:50:13 | JdGordon | or fuzev2 also? |
13:52:04 | moos | readinf the logs, bertrik seems to need testing for fuve v2 too |
13:52:13 | moos | maybe an AMSv2 thing |
13:53:58 | bertrik | JdGordon, I think the hardware indeed charges with a low current when the battery voltage is very low |
13:54:22 | JdGordon | changed usb ports and its going now, I tihnk the huyb was just overloaded |
13:54:44 | JdGordon | 2xfuzes, ipod, phone, sd reader, external hard disk, keyboard dongle |
13:55:29 | bertrik | I could just commit and see who complains :) |
13:55:44 | moos | building... :) |
13:56:17 | JdGordon | bertrik: I wont be able to test till tomorow morning, but yeah if oyu commit and it breaks I'm sure we'll know about it pretty quicjky |
13:57:33 | moos | if you have few minutes, I could search mine and test, if nedded |
13:58:07 | bertrik | moos, very much appreciated if you could do that |
13:58:34 | moos | no problem, I will. |
13:58:56 | bertrik | have you seen any problem accessing the uSD card on your fuze v2, suddenly several people seem to have problems with it |
13:59:27 | moos | bertrik: nope, never encountered any... |
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14:27:24 | moos | bertrik: all seems to working weel |
14:27:32 | bertrik | thanks for testing |
14:27:40 | moos | tried with 2 micro sdhc cards class2 |
14:28:01 | | Join Kitr88 [0] (~Kitarist@BSN-182-96-58.dial-up.dsl.siol.net) |
14:28:06 | moos | did some copy/past, playing some sonds without problems |
14:28:09 | bertrik | I'm trying to make the sd driver for AMSv2 more similar to the AMSv1 sd driver (porting some bugfixes) |
14:28:27 | moos | nice! good luck on this |
14:28:47 | moos | don't hesitate to ask again for tests :) |
14:30:32 | bertrik | the fuze v2 seemed more "sensitive" to small changes, for example when we changed the main clock from 240 MHz to 248 MHz, fuze v2 sd card communication failed for some people |
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14:33:15 | moos | ohoh, strange thing. (btw I enabled adjustable frequencies here, and no problems for me neither so far) |
14:33:33 | moos | there are maybe few hardware differences somwhere |
14:35:55 | bertrik | yeah, there is a newer hardware variant where the sd connections actually seem to make sense, e.g. not sharing the button light with some sd card control line :P |
14:37:43 | | Join Kitar|st [0] (Kitarist@ |
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14:43:31 | * | Buschel could adapt iPod video's asm yuv blit to nano 2g |
14:44:59 | moos | bertrik: silly them, like always :) |
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14:53:42 | | Quit teru (Quit: Quit) |
14:57:19 | Buschel | YUV is now nearly twice as fast as in svn :) |
14:57:57 | moos | woot! :) |
14:58:00 | moos | good job |
14:58:28 | Buschel | still some room for tweaking left |
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15:04:10 | CIA-7 | New commit by bertrik (r28808): AMSv2: only switch sd cards to high speed mode for for v2 sd cards, just like is done for AMSv1 |
15:06:22 | CIA-7 | r28808 build result: All green |
15:15:38 | bertrik | hm, the RCA sent as part of the APP_CMD in the AMSv1 driver is always 0, while it is equal to the RCA of the selected card in the AMSv2 driver |
15:16:42 | bertrik | oh, I think I confused myself |
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15:30:28 | | Nick Stummi_ is now known as Stummi (Stummi@rockbox/developer/Stummi) |
15:31:50 | TheSeven | does anybody have some information about the audio codec used in the ipod classic? |
15:32:03 | TheSeven | apparently it's a cirrus one, but i don't know anything more than that |
15:32:11 | TheSeven | does rockbox support any cirrus codec? |
15:32:31 | TheSeven | are there publicly-available cirrus codec datasheets? |
15:32:38 | TheSeven | do they maybe have an identification register? |
15:33:06 | n1s | no, don't think we have any other targets with cirrus codecs |
15:33:59 | bertrik | do we have pictures of the cirrus chip? |
15:45:20 | pamaury | omg, the lcd code of the fuze+ bootloader is crazy |
15:45:41 | | Join hebz0rl [0] (~hebz0rl@dslb-088-067-216-208.pools.arcor-ip.net) |
15:45:56 | pamaury | either is supports a large number of lcd types, either it is horribly bloated |
15:47:49 | | Join DerPapst [0] (~Alexander@p4FE8FCF4.dip.t-dialin.net) |
15:49:01 | TheSeven | bertrik: not of the die |
15:49:06 | TheSeven | and the package is apple-branded |
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15:53:44 | | Join antil33t [0] (antil33t@124-197-51-80.callplus.net.nz) |
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16:01:38 | CIA-7 | New commit by Buschel (r28809): FS #11708 - Major speedup of iPod nano 2G. Part 1: Loop unrolling and reduction of FIFO register polling. +50% for RGB, +34% for YUV. |
16:03:32 | CIA-7 | New commit by gevaerts (r28810): Add MikMod plugin, ported by Jason Yu, with some minor work by Craig Mann and William Peters (FS #8806) |
16:03:46 | CIA-7 | r28809 build result: All green |
16:04:59 | | Join shai [0] (~Shai@l192-117-110-233.cable.actcom.net.il) |
16:05:58 | CIA-7 | r28810 build result: All green |
16:08:47 | | Join designate72 [0] (~aaron@adsl-065-013-002-216.sip.asm.bellsouth.net) |
16:10:48 | CIA-7 | New commit by Buschel (r28811): FS #11807 - Major speedup of iPod nano 2G. Part 2: Use 16 bit data width and simplify write commands. Gives another +27% for YUV. |
16:11:28 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
16:12:42 | CIA-7 | r28811 build result: All green |
16:16:13 | bertrik | nice fix, got faster *and* smaller :) |
16:16:21 | gevaerts | Must be a bug :) |
16:16:56 | CIA-7 | New commit by Buschel (r28812): FS #11807 - Major speedup of iPod nano 2G. Part 3: Unify different write commands. No change in speed. |
16:18:33 | | Join stooo1 [0] (~sto@f051077202.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
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16:18:52 | CIA-7 | r28812 build result: All green |
16:22:12 | | Nick YPSY is now known as Ypsy (~ypsy@geekpadawan.de) |
16:23:22 | CIA-7 | New commit by Buschel (r28813): FS #11807 - Major speedup of iPod nano 2G. Part 4: Introduce asm for yuv blitting. Overall speedup of part1-4 is +50% for RGB and +93% for YUV. |
16:25:18 | CIA-7 | r28813 build result: All green |
16:31:00 | CIA-7 | New commit by bertrik (r28814): AMSv2: handle sd card ACMDs similar to how it's done for AMSv1 |
16:32:40 | | Quit DerPapst (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
16:32:51 | CIA-7 | r28814 build result: All green |
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16:41:24 | | Join jpt9 [0] (~jpt9@unaffiliated/jpt9) |
16:41:33 | jpt9 | Help! How do I get out of Doom on my Sansa Clip v2? |
16:42:03 | jpt9 | Never mind. |
16:42:47 | | Join ReimuHakurei [0] (reimu@68-179-162-48.bsr-c5-d1.evv.dhcp.sigecom.net) |
16:46:30 | CIA-7 | New commit by Buschel (r28815): iPod nano 2G does use less current since the latest optimizations. |
16:48:26 | | Quit ReimuHakurei (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
16:48:28 | CIA-7 | r28815 build result: All green |
16:49:22 | jpt9 | My god... it does temporally dithered PictureFlow... |
16:49:26 | jpt9 | This is insane. |
16:59:21 | | Join Kupop [0] (~Kupo@cpc2-bsfd7-2-0-cust220.5-3.cable.virginmedia.com) |
17:00 |
17:02:52 | | Quit T44 (Quit: Leaving) |
17:12:34 | TheSeven | Buschel: someone should probably do some real current measurements |
17:12:48 | TheSeven | i know for sure that the adc readings are way off, i'd suspect by ~7mA |
17:13:23 | Buschel | TheSeven: the numbers do pretty well match the achievable runtime 400 mAh / 17 mA => 23.5h |
17:13:35 | Buschel | TheSeven: I had it running for 24+ h |
17:13:46 | TheSeven | yeah, but your ipod probably doesn't have anything near 400mAh any more |
17:14:08 | | Join kugel [0] (~kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel) |
17:15:09 | Buschel | well, we either correc the default capacity or use "real" mA's for the current. right now both match perfectly −− maybe because both have the same amount of deviation from reality :) |
17:16:25 | Buschel | btw, we really should check if we introduce the measured/averaged current consumption for the runtime estimation. this should work quite well for non-HDD targets |
17:16:51 | Buschel | FS #10890 |
17:16:56 | | Quit JdGordon (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
17:17:33 | | Join JdGordon [0] (~jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) |
17:17:34 | Buschel | for now it is only available for nano 2G and Video 5G... |
17:20:02 | kugel | GodEater: does it still not find the compiler for you? |
17:24:45 | kugel | gevaerts: could/should we use mikmod's .mod detection for the metadata parser? |
17:25:36 | gevaerts | kugel: I don't know. I think we want the metadata parser to agree with the codec |
17:26:22 | | Quit Llorean (Quit: Leaving.) |
17:27:31 | | Join ReimuHakurei [0] (reimu@68-179-162-48.bsr-c5-d1.evv.dhcp.sigecom.net) |
17:29:34 | kugel | gevaerts: i.e.? |
17:30:33 | amee2k | hey kugel :) |
17:31:23 | CIA-7 | New commit by nls (r28816): FS #11802 by Li Jie fixing a typo in the doom buttonmap for SA9200. |
17:31:34 | gevaerts | kugel: hm, I'm not sure *at all* now :) |
17:31:59 | amee2k | i've been pondering today... if it saps cpu time on end, it'll have to spend the time somewhere. so i swept what little i know about profiling out form under the carpet.... and failed miserably >_< |
17:32:39 | | Quit efyx (Remote host closed the connection) |
17:33:04 | TheSeven | nls: backporting candidate? |
17:33:14 | CIA-7 | r28816 build result: All green |
17:33:24 | amee2k | i've added -pg to the GCCOPTS variable and recompiled (freshly configured in a new build dir). but i can't coerce it to produce the file with the profiling data |
17:33:41 | TheSeven | Buschel: assuming a constant inner resistance of the battery and constant current reading offset, the offset would be 7mA |
17:33:49 | n1s | TheSeven: no, that player is classed as "unusable" so it's not part of the release |
17:34:10 | gevaerts | kugel: I haven't actually looked at the code. What I'm mainly concerned about (maybe "concerned" is a bit strong) is that we don't need (or want) the metadata parser to have code to support mod variants the codec doesn't support |
17:34:11 | TheSeven | (i'm currently using a compensated-by-7mA current reading to compensate for the inner resistance) |
17:34:19 | TheSeven | n1s: oh, right |
17:34:34 | amee2k | since i couldn't find out what keybinding is Quit (and noone else here seems to know) i tried attaching gdb and called exit() from inside the program |
17:34:43 | amee2k | but not even that got it to dump the profiling data |
17:34:44 | kugel | gevaerts: what does the codec support? |
17:35:04 | * | kugel thinks the codec should perhaps be dropped |
17:35:39 | amee2k | codec? |
17:35:41 | gevaerts | kugel: I don't know exactly |
17:35:41 | kugel | amee2k: IIRC currently the only exit way is the X button on the window :) |
17:36:03 | amee2k | hehe. which doesn't exist when i run it full screen >_> |
17:36:09 | Buschel | TheSeven: hmm, this would mean my (internally measured) 18mA - 7mA = 11mA real current. 11mA * 24h (real runtime) => 264 mAh battery capacity. sounds reasonable, I always thought that nano's had 300mAh and not 400mAh batteries... |
17:36:25 | gevaerts | Dropping the codec would imply not supporting mod files in regular playlists any more for people who only have "simple" mod files |
17:36:28 | kugel | amee2k: should be easy enough to add an exit combo, though |
17:37:12 | kugel | gevaerts: we could make the playlist code call the plugin :) |
17:37:19 | kugel | didn't we want something like that anyway? |
17:37:29 | kugel | (for movies?) |
17:37:36 | gevaerts | Sure we could, but that's going to be nontrivial |
17:37:36 | amee2k | mmmh, i think i found where the key presses are evaluated. no idea how to properly trigger the rockbox shutdown though |
17:38:08 | amee2k | i tried tracing how the ipod center button + play/pause shutdown works, but couldn't find it yet |
17:38:15 | gevaerts | amee2k, kugel: you could add a shutdown menu item on android and call exit from there? |
17:38:38 | gevaerts | amee2k: center button + play/pause isn't shutdown on ipod |
17:38:45 | gevaerts | It's emergency hardware reset |
17:38:46 | n1s | kugel: assuming that its is aplugin only because it needs more memory than a regular codec wouldn't it be easier to let codecs steal the buffer than hacking up the playlist code? |
17:38:55 | n1s | s/its/it/ |
17:39:24 | TheSeven | isn't the problem that the buffer is in use while a codec is running? |
17:39:31 | gevaerts | n1s: hack up the playlist code, or hack up the buffering code? Yes, nice choice there :) |
17:39:38 | TheSeven | (does stealing the audio buffer from a plugin neccessarily stop playback?) |
17:39:48 | n1s | TheSeven: yes |
17:39:50 | TheSeven | (stealing only parts of it, not the entire buffer of course) |
17:39:58 | | Quit ze_ (Quit: Ex-Chat) |
17:40:01 | n1s | it's an all or nothing thing |
17:40:03 | gevaerts | You can't steal parts of it with the current code |
17:41:02 | * | TheSeven proposes some kind of steal-from-audiobuffer-malloc thing and grabs his pitchfork just in case... ;) |
17:41:17 | gevaerts | kugel: why doesn't sys_poweroff() just call exit() in the app? |
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17:41:30 | n1s | i think it would be nicer (not nice, but nicer) to let some codecs steal the buffer which would trigger a full rebuffer when they exit than playing some files in plugins |
17:41:54 | TheSeven | n1s: and where does the codec get its data input from then? |
17:42:08 | kugel | gevaerts: which app? |
17:42:23 | gevaerts | kugel: well, any, really |
17:42:36 | gevaerts | Or the sim too actually |
17:42:55 | kugel | sys_poweroff is never called IIRC |
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17:43:21 | n1s | TheSeven: right, it needs to be a little cleverer than just taking the buffer |
17:44:44 | TheSeven | isn't the root problem that it needs to read the file non-linearly? |
17:45:38 | TheSeven | could some interface to peek ahead in the audio buffer data without consuming it solve it? |
17:45:57 | gevaerts | It also may need to keep more data in RAM |
17:46:42 | TheSeven | how much? could that be handled by stealing the plugin buffer? |
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17:47:53 | gevaerts | I don't think that's enough in general. Also, that's not at all a clean thing to do right now |
17:48:12 | TheSeven | i don't think there is a clean option right now |
17:48:30 | TheSeven | so we either need to do major restructuring or go for a dirty solution |
17:49:15 | amee2k | kugel: it doesn't seem to be effective either. at least not when i attach gdb to call it |
17:49:29 | TheSeven | the cleanest way to do such things would probably relocateable codecs/plugins allocated from the audio buffer |
17:49:34 | kugel | amee2k: what did yo do? |
17:50:05 | TheSeven | at least for high-mem targets |
17:50:10 | amee2k | attach gdb to the process, then "call sys_poweroff()" |
17:50:24 | kugel | that does nothing |
17:50:55 | kugel | button-sdl.c is where you'd add a exit combo |
17:51:00 | gevaerts | TheSeven: how does that solve the problem? |
17:51:21 | amee2k | mmm just wanted to see if it works at all |
17:51:44 | amee2k | also, lots of stuff in apps/ seems to have calls to it |
17:51:53 | TheSeven | plugins/codecs could allocate as many space as they need and we wouldn't waste memory for things that aren't loaded at that time |
17:52:14 | TheSeven | multiple plugins at the same time (pebbles?) would also be possible |
17:52:50 | | Join fyrestorm [0] (~nnscript@cpe-69-203-144-35.si.res.rr.com) |
17:52:54 | gevaerts | Oh, sure it would allow lots of things, but I don't see how it handles the need for codecs to use more memory on its own |
17:53:24 | TheSeven | what i'm thinking of is roughly the following: |
17:53:27 | kugel | amee2k: http://pastie.org/1370432 should map F6 to exit |
17:54:21 | n1s | we would need a way to alloc chunks of buffer without stopping playback |
17:54:22 | TheSeven | we have core .text/.bss at static addresses, maybe some buffers for e.g. dircache, and the rest is used as general-purpose memory |
17:55:07 | TheSeven | in that general-purpose memory codecs and plugins (probably with their .text/.bss sections separated) could be loaded, and audio buffer data would float around them |
17:55:39 | TheSeven | as long as it's only four non-audio chunks in that buffer, i don't think fragmentation will be a concern on >=8MB targets |
17:56:26 | TheSeven | and the mod codec could calculate how much memory it needs and size its .bss chunk accordingly |
17:56:59 | TheSeven | yeah, I know, no MMU, WhyNoMalloc etc., but I can't think of a better way right now. |
17:57:07 | gevaerts | TheSeven: yes, but you'd still need dynamic resizing of the audio buffer, which on its own (without relocation) would solve the problem too |
17:57:45 | gevaerts | kugel: sys_poweroff() is called by the sim if you hold the shutdown button |
17:58:10 | gevaerts | So I don't really know why that one doesn't just exit() |
17:59:00 | gevaerts | What RaaA would do with that is its own problem of course, but possibly a Player-like Shutdown item in the root menu might be a good idea |
17:59:32 | TheSeven | gevaerts: hmm, that might be true, but it won't allow e.g. the whole codec, plugin and audio buffer space to be used by a huge codec |
18:00 |
18:00:11 | gevaerts | TheSeven: I'd argue that that's not desirable anyway :) |
18:00:40 | amee2k | kugel: system-sdl.c, likes 68..70 ... wtf is that stub?! |
18:00:44 | kugel | gevaerts: the sdl exit code does a lot of cleanup before the exit() call |
18:00:49 | amee2k | s/likes/lines/ |
18:00:59 | n1s | yes all the different schemes come down to being able to resize the audio buffer on the fly |
18:01:13 | kugel | amee2k: yes it is :) |
18:01:33 | amee2k | was that what i called from gdb? |
18:02:19 | gevaerts | Taking away the *entire* audio buffer will probably introduce lots of fun issues, codecs habe the entire codec buffer today, and the plugin buffer is used by some non-plugin things already (the playlist viewer?) |
18:02:51 | | Quit stooo1 (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
18:05:00 | jpt9 | Hey. I'm on Vista Ultimate, running the latest version of Rockbox Utility. I have a Sansa Clip v2, and I'm trying to generate a voice file for it... |
18:05:17 | jpt9 | Rockbox Utility keeps crashing around 72% or so through the encoding process. |
18:05:32 | jpt9 | Any ideas? |
18:06:16 | jpt9 | Talkfiles seem to work fine, though. |
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18:18:22 | CIA-7 | New commit by Buschel (r28817): Tab police. |
18:20:50 | CIA-7 | r28817 build result: All green |
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18:22:35 | n1s | Buschel: please don't do that, it makes merging upstream changes a lot more annoying |
18:23:36 | | Join stoffel [0] (~quassel@p57B4AD99.dip.t-dialin.net) |
18:23:42 | Buschel | hmm, thought this would be no with the right tools... will keep my fingers off this in future |
18:24:50 | Buschel | wanted to type "no problem", of course |
18:24:57 | n1s | also the indentation is messed up in some places see codebook.c:91-93 |
18:25:40 | n1s | svn merge cant ignore whitespace differences afaiu so it creates conflicts all over the place |
18:29:05 | Buschel | just revert, if you are expecting issues with the next upstream merge |
18:34:01 | n1s | i'll do it in a bit then |
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18:45:25 | | Join designate72 [0] (~aaron@adsl-065-013-002-216.sip.asm.bellsouth.net) |
18:50:07 | TheSeven | what instruction is best for getting the two least significant bits of a register into some condition bits? |
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18:59:09 | CIA-7 | New commit by nls (r28818): Revert tab police as it makes merging upstream changes more annoying and messed up indentation in some places. |
18:59:59 | | Part jpt9 |
19:00 |
19:01:09 | CIA-7 | r28818 build result: All green |
19:01:29 | kugel | TheSeven: tst? |
19:02:39 | TheSeven | it looks like MOV Ry, Rx,LSL#31 might be the best option |
19:02:46 | | Join saratoga [0] (600afc5f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. |
19:03:14 | TheSeven | er, MOVS of course |
19:04:47 | saratoga | does anyone know why the AMSv1 players briefly get confused and try to enter USB mode when plugging in an AC charger? |
19:05:17 | saratoga | it seems they detect any power on the dock connector as USB, try to connect, realize there is no USB device, and then disconnect |
19:05:25 | | Join ReimuHakurei [0] (~reimu@ |
19:05:30 | saratoga | the e200v1 however doesn't do this |
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19:06:04 | n1s | saratoga: my fuze does that when i connect a regular usb connection while rb is running |
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19:06:23 | n1s | i can only connect successfully if i insert the cable while the fuze is off |
19:06:24 | saratoga | instead of going into USB mode? |
19:06:26 | n1s | yes |
19:07:04 | saratoga | on the fuzev1? |
19:07:12 | n1s | yes |
19:07:22 | | Quit ReimuHakurei (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
19:07:25 | saratoga | might be worth fileing a bug report on that if you haven't |
19:08:03 | saratoga | so we know theres a dev with usb problems on the fuze and not just the occasional user |
19:08:21 | n1s | eh, now it seems to work but it used to do that... |
19:08:56 | n1s | i should probably try to bisect it to see if any recent change fixed it |
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19:16:33 | n1s | i won't do that today though |
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19:28:09 | amee2k | how can i run make in a way so it shows the full commands that it runs? |
19:28:20 | amee2k | and not just "CC <file>" |
19:29:29 | kugel | amee2k: make V=1 |
19:31:25 | amee2k | hm. |
19:32:27 | amee2k | thanks for your quit patch, it works (except for a typo on line 35 ;) but i'm still not getting any profiling info >_< |
19:32:48 | kugel | i didn't even test compile it :p |
19:33:09 | amee2k | i kinda figured that from the typo :) |
19:33:34 | amee2k | but now i'm beginning to doubt that i'm compiling with the proper profiling options here |
19:34:08 | amee2k | also, if it works then who cares if it was tested >_> |
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19:46:19 | mc2739 | saratoga: regarding amsv1 USB, thats how ranma set it up. It tries to make a data connection and then times out to charge mode. I find it rather annoying, but do not know enough to fix it. |
19:47:09 | saratoga | is there a GPIO or ADC pin we can read to check for a charger? |
19:47:16 | saratoga | IIRC thats how PP does it |
19:48:36 | gevaerts | In what way does it "try to connect"? |
19:49:12 | gevaerts | We don't do explicit charger detection on any target |
19:50:23 | saratoga | gevaerts: playback stops, you get the USB screen, then it disconnects and you get the WPS again |
19:51:25 | gevaerts | That's weird |
19:51:44 | * | gevaerts looks at code |
19:52:06 | saratoga | where would this be in the code? |
19:52:28 | mc2739 | http://svn.rockbox.org/viewvc.cgi/trunk/firmware/target/arm/as3525/usb-drv-as3525.c?view=annotate line 675 |
19:52:42 | gevaerts | usb.c is where everything comes together |
19:52:47 | * | gevaerts looks there now |
19:53:00 | gevaerts | It's been a while since I looked at this though |
19:55:45 | mc2739 | saratoga: I think on amsv1 dbop_din bit 9 can be used for dock/charger |
19:56:21 | | Quit Strife89 (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
19:56:22 | saratoga | mc2739: doesn't that depend on the charging device to short some pin on the dock though? |
19:57:06 | | Join funkyjive [0] (~43027688@giant.haxx.se) |
19:57:41 | gevaerts | OK, the PP code sends USB_POWERED or USB_UNPOWERED on connect (or disconnect), and USB_INSERTED when it detects some activity on the bus |
19:57:42 | | Join Strife89 [0] (~Strife89@adsl-67-57-58.mcn.bellsouth.net) |
19:57:45 | saratoga | PP seems to have some code for determining if theres a USB controller, but i don't understand it |
19:57:46 | mc2739 | saratoga: that might be correct, I have confirmed that with dock connections, but I do not have a charge only device |
19:57:59 | gevaerts | AMS sends USB_INSERTED directly |
19:58:10 | saratoga | how easy is that to fix? |
19:58:29 | funkyjive | I think I'd like to report a bug, but I'd like to run it by you guys to make sure it is not "works as designed" |
19:58:44 | saratoga | mc2739: as I understand it, theres no analog 'usb connected' wire to sense, you have to actually ask the wire to do something and see if a controller responds |
19:59:01 | funkyjive | when you have an album with a large number of tracks, you can see that rockbox sorts the track numbers alphabetically and not numerically as it should ... |
19:59:20 | | Join shai [0] (~Shai@l192-117-110-233.cable.actcom.net.il) |
19:59:52 | gevaerts | funkyjive: you mean in the file browser? |
20:00 |
20:00:43 | funkyjive | When I go Database->Album->Album Name |
20:01:05 | funkyjive | gevaerts: thanks for your tip the other day, btw. you are totally the man. |
20:01:27 | funkyjive | I think the problem occurs when you have over 99 tracks .... |
20:01:49 | gevaerts | right. I don't know about the database really |
20:02:45 | | Join Llorean [0] (~DarkkOne@rockbox/user/Llorean) |
20:03:11 | funkyjive | when I look at this particular album, it goes 01,02 ... 08, 09,10,100,101 .... 109,11,110,111,112 .. 119, 12 |
20:03:46 | n1s | that is very weird naiming |
20:03:47 | funkyjive | I think I am going to try to side-step it by seeing if I can tag the track numbers to make sure they are 0 padded .... |
20:05:22 | | Join edboyer93 [0] (eboyer93@pool-71-185-65-59.phlapa.fios.verizon.net) |
20:05:29 | | Quit BHSPitMonkey (Remote host closed the connection) |
20:07:51 | funkyjive | I do know that it orders the tracks correctly on my wifes Sansa View. So to me it feels like a bug .... |
20:08:06 | | Quit Llorean (Quit: Leaving.) |
20:09:39 | gevaerts | saratoga: it may be reasonably easy to change, but I'm not sure |
20:11:19 | gevaerts | One difference is that PP uses a different model. While most drivers still use the usb.c tick task to poll for status changes, the ARC driver sends events on status change |
20:11:27 | funkyjive | it looks like a bug for this has been opened: 11695 |
20:11:30 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
20:12:06 | | Join ReimuHakurei [0] (~reimu@ |
20:13:01 | gevaerts | saratoga: if you want to have a go, firmware/target/arm/as3525/usb-drv-as3525.c around line 758 is probably where you want to start. If you get the USB_DEV_INTR_USB_RESET interrupt, usb_detect() in usb-as3525.c should start returning USB_INSERTED instead of USB_POWERED (it currently always says INSERTED) |
20:13:25 | gevaerts | This should of course be cleared when you disconnect |
20:18:19 | * | gevaerts test-compiles a quick patch |
20:20:44 | gevaerts | saratoga, n1s, mc2739: http://pastebin.com/xEV4Saiy |
20:20:55 | gevaerts | It compiles, but it's totally untested |
20:21:22 | n1s | gevaerts: i'll test later |
20:22:07 | gevaerts | My guess is that all USB drivers apart from ARC have this problem |
20:22:50 | gevaerts | And I think it could be handled in a way that the driver doesn't actually have to know about this |
20:34:53 | mc2739 | gevaerts: e200v2 will not enter USB mode with your patch - charging mode only |
20:36:20 | gevaerts | hm, that's not what I wanted to achieve... |
20:38:43 | gevaerts | mc2739: in usb.c, move the #ifdef USB_DETECT_BY_DRV on line 247 down one case, so the USB_POWERED case is handled |
20:40:22 | gevaerts | That would give you http://pastebin.com/vdJRKEVg |
20:40:58 | gevaerts | It also wouldn't be a fully ready-for-commit fix any more unfortunately. I'm not sure if that case can be enabled for all targets |
20:41:07 | | Quit Mataniko (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
20:41:30 | gevaerts | Anyone with a nano2g around? Doesit suffer from the same problem? |
20:41:45 | n1s | fuze is the same (only charges with patch |
20:41:46 | n1s | ) |
20:43:24 | mc2739 | gevaerts: with that change I not enter USB mode - testing dock connection next |
20:43:54 | gevaerts | not? |
20:44:35 | mc2739 | sorry - remove not |
20:44:47 | gevaerts | ok :) |
20:44:57 | n1s | with the change usb works fine here |
20:45:13 | mc2739 | dock connection = charging only |
20:45:43 | gevaerts | without any interruption? |
20:45:55 | gevaerts | Playback continues as expected? |
20:46:00 | mc2739 | correct |
20:46:16 | gevaerts | great |
20:46:23 | gevaerts | So all we need is a clean way to do this |
20:46:38 | gevaerts | Preferably one that also gets the other targets |
20:46:52 | | Quit Buschel (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
20:46:55 | | Join wodz [0] (~wodz@87-206-240-131.dynamic.chello.pl) |
20:47:37 | gevaerts | usb.c is a mess :\ |
20:48:24 | saratoga | thanks for looking into this |
20:48:27 | | Quit saratoga (Quit: Page closed) |
20:50:15 | gevaerts | ah, right... |
20:51:10 | wodz | I am totally puzzled why usb works in bootloader and not in rb itself on HD300. I compared gpios and there is no relevant difference between bootloader and rb. Bridge enumerates correctly but can't access disk??? as I get 'Device offlined - not ready after error recovery' |
20:51:31 | wodz | anyone have any clue? |
20:51:39 | gevaerts | wodz: ata driver issues? |
20:52:03 | wodz | gevaerts: at what level? |
20:52:41 | gevaerts | No idea really... It sounds as if the hard drive somehow isn't in the proper state |
20:52:49 | TheSeven | Buschel (for the logs): With some improvements, I'm getting 206fps quarter and 51fps full RGB in emBIOS with DMA |
20:55:13 | TheSeven | without DMA, it's a whopping 0.01% slower |
20:55:29 | gevaerts | n1s, mc2739: http://pastebin.com/BHPDwpFz |
20:55:36 | gevaerts | That one should be commit-ready |
20:57:26 | n1s | ok, testing, i get one hunk failing in usb-as3525.c for some reason |
20:57:52 | gevaerts | did you revert my previous patch? |
20:58:03 | n1s | yes, it happened with that too |
20:58:15 | gevaerts | weird |
20:58:50 | wodz | what does freeze_lock() do? |
20:58:54 | n1s | patch says "patch unexpectedly ends in middle of line" and the last hunk fails but i applied it manually |
20:59:08 | gevaerts | Right. That's a pastebin issue |
20:59:19 | n1s | oh |
20:59:27 | gevaerts | I've seen that too |
21:00 |
21:00:30 | pamaury | wodz: it locks the player and freezes the user, in punishment for misuse of rockbox ;) |
21:01:15 | wodz | pamaury: that is expaining everything :-) |
21:01:28 | wodz | *explaining |
21:02:44 | n1s | gevaerts: works fine here |
21:03:45 | CIA-7 | New commit by gevaerts (r28819): Move AMSv1 USB to the USB_DETECT_BY_DRV model, so connecting to a dumb charger works without interrupting playback |
21:03:48 | | Nick balintx is now known as _balintx (~balintx@fibhost-67-58-201.fibernet.hu) |
21:04:00 | gevaerts | A similar thing should probably be done for other drivers |
21:04:24 | mc2739 | gevaerts: USB and dock connection work fine here, too |
21:04:41 | TheSeven | what exactly does one need to do for this? |
21:05:41 | CIA-7 | r28819 build result: 5 errors, 0 warnings (gevaerts committed) |
21:06:09 | gevaerts | TheSeven: usb_detect() should return USB_POWERED, USB_INSERTED, USB_EXTRACTED or (optionally, less important) USB_UNPOWERED, instead of just USB_INSERTED or USB_EXTRACTED. |
21:06:16 | | Quit user890104 () |
21:06:38 | TheSeven | unpowered being bus activity but no power? |
21:06:40 | gevaerts | The best way to distinguish between those is to use the bus reset interrupt (which you should already handle) |
21:06:51 | | Join Llorean [0] (~DarkkOne@rockbox/user/Llorean) |
21:07:14 | | Quit _balintx (Remote host closed the connection) |
21:07:42 | * | gevaerts dislikes that red |
21:08:02 | | Join balintx [0] (~quassel@szerver1.gulyasp-koll.sulinet.hu) |
21:12:02 | gevaerts | I'm puzzled. Why does this red happen *only* for m200v4? |
21:14:40 | mc2739 | gevaerts: could it be that m200v4 does not have HAVE_USB_POWER defined |
21:14:53 | gevaerts | ah, right |
21:15:55 | gevaerts | I actually think we should remove those #ifdefs from the enum |
21:16:12 | gevaerts | They won't be used, but an unused enum value also doesn't really hurt |
21:16:44 | | Quit bmbl (Quit: Verlassend) |
21:17:38 | | Join domonoky [0] (~Domonoky@rockbox/developer/domonoky) |
21:20:17 | CIA-7 | New commit by gevaerts (r28820): Only return USB_POWERED if USB_DETECT_BY_DRV is actually defined, which might not be the case for e.g. bootloaders (also fix red) |
21:20:47 | | Quit GeekShadow (Quit: The cake is a lie !) |
21:22:32 | CIA-7 | r28820 build result: All green |
21:22:42 | TheSeven | Buschel: exact same FPS values in rockbox with SVN head |
21:24:23 | | Quit fdinel (Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org) |
21:24:53 | | Quit n1s (Quit: Lämnar) |
21:33:25 | * | TheSeven wonders how to fix those dozens of compilation errors that are still remaining for the ipod classic |
21:33:57 | TheSeven | btw, at which stage should I first commit it? |
21:34:01 | | Quit Kupop (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) |
21:34:43 | gevaerts | When it compiles I'd say |
21:35:42 | | Join Buschel [0] (~chatzilla@p54A3BA20.dip.t-dialin.net) |
21:35:53 | | Join saratoga [0] (9803c57f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. |
21:36:30 | * | TheSeven wonders if this is a good idea: http://pastie.org/1370996 |
21:36:56 | | Quit funkyjive (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)) |
21:37:06 | | Join Kupop [0] (~Kupo@cpc2-bsfd7-2-0-cust220.5-3.cable.virginmedia.com) |
21:37:18 | TheSeven | right now those values are duplicated across a dozen files |
21:37:45 | TheSeven | and I need to wrap the task file accesses into a macro, as one can't access them that easily on the classic |
21:40:29 | Buschel | TheSeven: good to see rockbox headrev reaches the ultimate DMA emBIOS transfer rates as well |
21:40:56 | Buschel | TheSeven: seems like the datarate from S5L to LCD is the limiting factor |
21:42:27 | TheSeven | Buschel: do you get the same numbers? |
21:42:33 | Buschel | TheSeven: I tried to raise the clock of the IF between S5L and LCD (lowest 3 bits in LCD_CON), but HCLK/4 is the maximum working one −− even when unboosted |
21:43:04 | Buschel | TheSeven: no, mine are much higher -> full RGB 129.5, quarter RGB 516.0 |
21:43:11 | Buschel | (for boosted) |
21:43:36 | TheSeven | hm, so what could be affecting it? |
21:44:33 | Buschel | either some different setting in S5L's LCD IF or some setting of the LCD |
21:44:36 | TheSeven | Buschel: do you know the bus width of the LCD interface? |
21:44:49 | Buschel | should be 8 bit |
21:44:59 | TheSeven | if it's 8 bits, the maximum at 24Mhz should be like ~500fps, if it's serial it should be ~60fps |
21:45:10 | TheSeven | (for full RGB) |
21:46:30 | Buschel | how do get those numbers? |
21:47:44 | saratoga | weird ubuntu requires texinfo to run rockboxdev.sh |
21:48:12 | kugel | doesn't building gcc require it? |
21:51:52 | | Quit factor (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
21:55:14 | Buschel | TheSeven: from the preliminary S5L spec the IF should be serial, 3 pin-SPI MPU |
21:55:26 | | Join factor [0] (~factor@r74-195-220-23.msk1cmtc02.mskgok.ok.dh.suddenlink.net) |
21:55:53 | TheSeven | Buschel: doesn't that mean that your fps numbers can't be right? |
21:56:52 | Buschel | Utchybann, measured my numbers on his nano as well |
21:57:02 | Buschel | there seem to be differences somewhere... |
21:57:38 | Buschel | oops, didn't want to add that "," in my former post |
21:57:57 | wodz | TheSeven: look at firmware/target/coldfire/ata-target.h and compare with your pastie |
21:58:47 | TheSeven | wodz: that's why i have that #ifndef hell |
21:59:05 | TheSeven | IIRC all other targets had identical values, which are needlessly duplicated |
21:59:16 | | Join BHSPitMonkey [0] (~stephen@68-191-210-67.dhcp.dntn.tx.charter.com) |
21:59:17 | TheSeven | (and I would have to duplicate them once again) |
21:59:23 | | Quit BHSPitMonkey (Changing host) |
21:59:23 | | Join BHSPitMonkey [0] (~stephen@unaffiliated/bhspitmonkey) |
22:00 |
22:00:11 | | Quit Llorean (Quit: Leaving.) |
22:01:28 | | Join Keripo1 [0] (~Keripo@eng428.wireless-resnet.upenn.edu) |
22:02:17 | wodz | well, I don't like this massive ifdefs but I have no cleaner proposition |
22:04:02 | | Quit Keripo (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
22:04:51 | TheSeven | one would need an "if this is not defined, define it as xyz" preprocessor command :) |
22:05:06 | TheSeven | can preprocessor macros expand to preprocessor directives? :) |
22:05:43 | pamaury | I don't think so |
22:06:07 | | Quit factor (Read error: Operation timed out) |
22:06:14 | | Quit stoffel (Remote host closed the connection) |
22:07:01 | pamaury | what do you want to do ? |
22:07:07 | | Join factor [0] (~factor@r74-195-220-23.msk1cmtc02.mskgok.ok.dh.suddenlink.net) |
22:07:29 | wodz | TheSeven: maybe just add comment on top of this stating that if you need something else for your target define this in ata-target.h in target tree and point to colfire dir for reference |
22:08:30 | | Quit froggyman (Remote host closed the connection) |
22:08:33 | TheSeven | maybe one huge #ifndef TARGET_DEFINES_ATA_CONSTANTS around it, instead of individual ifndefs? |
22:11:07 | gevaerts | That may look nicer, but I think it's more error prone |
22:11:10 | wodz | looks hacky for me |
22:11:31 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
22:12:18 | Buschel | TheSeven: it might be that the S5L spec has an error in the LCD_CON description as well. maybe the LCD IF is not set to HCLK/4, but to HCLK/2. this would perfectly match the measurements 48MHz serial IF = ~6 MB/s = ~130 fps |
22:12:26 | * | gevaerts doesn't think that a long list of #ifndef XX #define XX is that bad |
22:12:57 | | Join yahya69 [0] (~yahya69@p5DCE36E5.dip.t-dialin.net) |
22:13:04 | Buschel | TheSeven: still does not explain why your LCD is slower... |
22:13:33 | kugel | I'd protect the #defines by a single ifdef using one of them (i.e. not an extra TARGET_DEFINES_ATA_CONSTANTS) |
22:13:58 | gevaerts | kugel: but what if a target only needs to override one or two? |
22:14:50 | kugel | how likely is that? you'd need to duplicate all then |
22:16:33 | | Quit Kupop (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
22:18:17 | | Quit mc2739 (Quit: leaving) |
22:18:47 | | Join mc2739 [0] (~mc2739@rockbox/developer/mc2739) |
22:19:12 | | Part yahya69 |
22:24:12 | | Quit soap (Quit: soap) |
22:24:30 | | Quit Keripo1 (Quit: Leaving.) |
22:25:07 | | Nick Ypsy is now known as YPSY (~ypsy@geekpadawan.de) |
22:26:46 | | Quit liar (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
22:28:07 | | Join Keripo [0] (~Keripo@dhcp0101.kin.resnet.group.upenn.edu) |
22:29:52 | | Join liar [0] (~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at) |
22:37:22 | Buschel | TheSeven: what is your LCD_PHTIME set to? |
22:38:17 | | Join yahya69 [0] (~yahya69@p5DCE36E5.dip.t-dialin.net) |
22:40:35 | * | TheSeven needs to look up the address |
22:41:22 | | Join soap [0] (~soap@rockbox/staff/soap) |
22:41:32 | saratoga | if I want to computer the numerical value of a pointer, whats the right cast? |
22:41:35 | saratoga | (int) gives me a warning |
22:41:49 | wodz | (u)intptr_t |
22:42:08 | TheSeven | Buschel: 0xa1f9602 |
22:42:18 | | Join InsDel [0] (~haqr.net@unaffiliated/insdel) |
22:42:32 | TheSeven | (if i'm assuming correctly that it's at 0x3c600020) |
22:43:12 | Buschel | 0x38600020 |
22:43:28 | TheSeven | ah, right, ahb, damn... |
22:43:38 | TheSeven | that would be 0x88 |
22:44:10 | | Join MethoS- [0] (~clemens@ |
22:44:28 | | Join mystica555_ [0] (~mike@c-75-70-179-25.hsd1.co.comcast.net) |
22:44:44 | Buschel | hmm, what happens if you set it to 0x44 or 0x22? |
22:44:59 | | Quit InsDel (Client Quit) |
22:46:00 | TheSeven | 128 (full) / 512 (quarter) fps at 0x22 \o/ |
22:46:35 | Buschel | :o) |
22:46:46 | Buschel | there we go |
22:46:58 | Buschel | does 0x11 work? |
22:47:07 | TheSeven | that isn't even allowed according to the datasheet |
22:47:16 | Buschel | I know :) |
22:47:26 | TheSeven | but seems to work |
22:47:39 | TheSeven | 171/682 fps with DMA |
22:47:50 | Buschel | wow |
22:47:51 | | Join InsDel [0] (~haqr.net@unaffiliated/insdel) |
22:47:56 | TheSeven | let's try without |
22:48:07 | TheSeven | (we might be hitting DMA bandwidth limits :) ) |
22:48:11 | | Quit dantje (Quit: Ex-Chat) |
22:49:23 | TheSeven | hm, no, the other way round |
22:49:34 | TheSeven | 350/87 fps |
22:49:56 | wodz | hehe, this recalls me comment in some engineering software - "here we define mass for all elements - let's try without" |
22:49:57 | Buschel | ? 350 fps full, 87 quarter ? |
22:50:31 | kugel | we have too much lcd_puts_* functions |
22:50:38 | kugel | I feel bad in adding even more |
22:51:09 | TheSeven | Buschel: no, i reversed the order for some reason |
22:51:39 | Buschel | ahh, ok. maybe this is caused by transmission errors / repeats? |
22:51:44 | TheSeven | whether the framebuffer is in DRAM or IRAM doesn't seem to make a difference |
22:52:14 | Buschel | yes, the limiting factor is still the LCD IF |
22:52:50 | TheSeven | Buschel: it's probably caused by us needing to check the fifo all the time (i'm writing using a stmcsfd r12, {r0-r3} instruction) |
22:53:08 | TheSeven | when using DMA, there are hardware signals for this :) |
22:53:25 | TheSeven | btw, this is with burst size 4, data size 16 bits |
22:54:05 | TheSeven | i wonder why there is no factor 2 speedup for the 0x22 vs. 0x11 thing |
22:54:08 | * | TheSeven goes for 0x00 :) |
22:54:24 | gevaerts | Infinite speedup? :) |
22:54:45 | TheSeven | 195fps full screen, 774fps quarter :) |
22:54:59 | TheSeven | now that's insane :) |
22:55:00 | JdGordon | bertrik: do you still need testing on the fuze? |
22:55:34 | wodz | what about graphic glitches? |
22:55:43 | | Join Rob2222 [0] (~Miranda@p4FFF119B.dip.t-dialin.net) |
22:55:49 | Buschel | TheSeven: that's fast :) |
22:55:54 | TheSeven | 1291µs for a quarter update, 5107µs for full screen |
22:56:02 | TheSeven | (averaged across 1000 iterations) |
22:56:25 | * | TheSeven tries 10000 |
22:56:49 | Buschel | using DMA? what when using rockbox svn and just changing LCD_PHTIME? |
22:58:40 | * | TheSeven would need to recompile rockbox to test that :) |
22:59:03 | Buschel | didn't you have a fast machine? ;) |
22:59:19 | | Quit Zarggg (Quit: Zarggg) |
22:59:24 | TheSeven | i'm compiling rockbox on a 2.0GHz singlecore P4 with DDR1 RAM |
22:59:33 | TheSeven | takes several minutes for a complete rebuild of one target |
22:59:54 | TheSeven | Buschel: you said the LCD IF would be the bottleneck? :) |
23:00 |
23:00:26 | TheSeven | 257 fps full screen, 1014 fps quarter from IRAM |
23:00:42 | Buschel | I still think so. 195 fps is ~9 MB/s. RAM is much faster. |
23:00:58 | TheSeven | Buschel: SDRAM latencies... |
23:00:58 | Buschel | oops ;) |
23:01:56 | * | TheSeven thinks those frame rates are pretty much ridiculous, considering the LCD's internal panel scanning will probably much slower |
23:02:29 | Buschel | high rates reduce the CPU load for WPS'es |
23:03:01 | TheSeven | apparently scheduling overhead starts to get a significant impact :) |
23:07:45 | saratoga | crap just realized i'd have to unroll this code another 2x to make it optimal on ARM11 because of the 64 bit aligned loads thing |
23:08:00 | TheSeven | woah |
23:08:16 | saratoga | somehow i didn't realize that if I made each variable half as big i'd have 2x the possible alignments :) |
23:08:19 | TheSeven | 16% cpu load even though I use DMA |
23:09:24 | TheSeven | accessing the debugger to read the CPU load made it drop a whole FPS :) |
23:10:37 | TheSeven | oh, wait |
23:10:57 | TheSeven | 16% CPU load by the thread issuing the LCD updates, 84% by the scheduler! |
23:11:08 | TheSeven | (waiting for DMA seems to yield instead of sleep) |
23:13:00 | | Quit TheLemonMan (Quit: free(me)) |
23:15:05 | wodz | gevaerts: you where right - this must be rockbox ata driver which screw up usb bridge on HD300. If I cut off power to the drive and enable it again before enabling USB bridge - it works but panics after cable unplug |
23:16:54 | | Join JdGord [0] (~jonno@ |
23:16:54 | TheSeven | Buschel: making it sleep properly clips the FPS rates to 99fps for DMA because of the scheduler's 100Hz tick (no adaptive wakeups yet), but reduces CPU load to <1% :) |
23:17:55 | Buschel | shouldn't this also reduce current consumption? |
23:19:02 | | Quit {phoenix} (Remote host closed the connection) |
23:19:22 | TheSeven | Buschel: probably |
23:19:30 | TheSeven | but it won't be terribly much |
23:20:24 | TheSeven | now we'll need to figure out what the minimum allowed values for that register are for the individual LCD types |
23:21:17 | TheSeven | what does apple set it to? |
23:22:31 | Buschel | should be 0x22 on my nano |
23:26:52 | wodz | identify_info.bin is in little endian or big endian? |
23:34:10 | TheSeven | someone with an ilitek lcd around? |
23:34:19 | TheSeven | they seem to be set to 0x88 indeed |
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23:41:31 | saratoga | if the arm manual lists a 3 cycle result latency, does that mean using it on the next op incurs 2 stall cycles or 3 stall cycles? |
23:41:41 | saratoga | e.g. if something is fully pipelined is the latency 0 or 1 |
23:42:03 | | Join liar_ [0] (~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at) |
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23:43:27 | * | Buschel is puzzled by the logic of LCD_PHTIME and LCD_CON registers |
23:43:28 | saratoga | ah its 2 cycles of stall |
23:43:51 | Buschel | TheSeven: the spec again contradicts what is measured... |
23:46:16 | Buschel | will get some sleep now, see you |
23:46:20 | | Quit Buschel (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.13/20101203075014]) |
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23:46:25 | | Join guymann [0] (~charles@ |
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23:52:55 | | Quit JdGord (Quit: Bye) |
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