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#rockbox log for 2011-02-21

00:00:46Luca_Sthe playlist viewer is fine (though it shows filenames, not tags, isn't it?)
00:03:56Luca_Sdata abort!
00:03:56 Quit Luca_S (Quit: CGI:IRC)
00:03:56 Join Luca_S [0] (
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00:05:12CIA-70r29365 build result: All green
00:05:45 Join Luca_S [0] (52390df8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:06:05gevaertsLuca_S: have you tried the usual file system checks?
00:06:10Luca_Ssorry, lost connection. I have a data abort reproducible when initializing the database
00:06:15Luca_Snot yet, will do soon.
00:06:31Luca_Sdata abort at 30800530 address 0x646c6f47
00:06:36gevaertsAnd did you only update your rockbox version, or did you also add new files?
00:07:05Luca_Scompletely overwrote the rockbox folder, will try again after fs check
00:07:21gevaertsI mean, is the audio exactly the same?
00:07:24Luca_S(strange, albumart shows fine)
00:07:41Luca_Sthe audio files are unchanged
00:10:24gevaerts"latest svn" is r29364? Is this an official build or your own?
00:10:29Luca_Swhile it checks fs, i am doing a manual build so I can check the map file. problem is I have never seen a map file :) what should I check?
00:11:22Luca_Smanual build r29362 + enabled RB USB
00:11:48gevaertsWhen you build again, keep the rockbox.elf and files arounf
00:12:08Luca_Sis make then make zip good for that?
00:12:22gevaertsThey're not included in there
00:12:38gevaertsThey're both in the build directory after buildin
00:13:37Luca_Sfile system check: no errors, metadata still broken
00:15:07TheSevenLuca_S, gevaerts: as a side note: 0x646c6f47 smells like ASCII
00:15:28gevaertsoh, indeed
00:15:40TheSeven"Gold", to be exact
00:15:52TheSeven=> buffer overflow overwriting a pointer?
00:16:38gevaertsWell, in my build (without USB, which may well change addresses), 30800530 is in strlen, so strings are not unexpected
00:16:44Luca_Si can try bisecting if it helps, though the two recent-ish commits about metadata would be the obvious candidates
00:17:27AlexPLuca_S: I'd appreciate you trying a 3.8RC in a minute of you would
00:17:32AlexPJust to double check
00:17:52gevaertsLuca_S: when you have a nice rockbox.elf/data abort pair, run "arm-elf-eabi-objdump −−disassemble rockbox.elf > disassembly.txt", and look for the address (the first number) in there. That should tell you in which function the crash is
00:17:52 Quit bertrik (Quit: :tiuQ)
00:18:14Luca_Ssure AlexP, where can I find the RC builds?
00:18:30AlexPLuca_S: I'll give you a link in about 1 minute :)
00:18:35AlexPJust uploading :)
00:18:46Luca_Sin the meanwhile i'll try my build
00:20:34AlexPfuzev2 yes?
00:21:29Luca_Sthanks. my build gives exactly the same data abort, same address and data
00:21:55gevaertsRight. Now if you can check which function that is :)
00:22:33gevaerts(or upload the elf file somewhere)
00:22:58Luca_Si'm slow, but let me try :)
00:23:01TheSevenso it's still 30800530?
00:23:07*TheSeven might have a look at the elf file as well
00:23:22Luca_SAlexP: RC works fine
00:24:01AlexPLuca_S: great, thanks
00:24:51Luca_Sthe function is strlen
00:25:29TheSevenwe can't obtain a memory dump on that target, can we?
00:25:29Luca_Scan I help by uploading the files somewhere?
00:25:51gevaertsI'd say r29349
00:26:18gevaertsEither that or r29348
00:26:22Luca_Si'll revert to r29348 and see
00:26:43jhMikeSI'm getting seek times on like 7 seconds even for buffered tracks on GigS. I would *not* have committed anything with those effects.
00:27:15jhMikeSnot seek time, skip times
00:27:24gevaertsThe branch was at r29345, so it has to be later (since 3.8RC works). The rest looks unrelated
00:27:38gevaertsjhMikeS: too many people only have flash devices these days...
00:27:57TheSevengevaerts: if the tracks are buffered, that shouldn't make a difference
00:28:02gevaertshm, true
00:28:27Luca_Sbuilding 29348. skip time seems fine
00:28:29jhMikeSIt doesn't take 7 seconds to skip buffered or not
00:29:47TheSevenjhMikeS: if spinup is involved there might be no way around that
00:30:30TheSevenwhich version is showing that behavior? any idea what the cause might be?
00:30:32jhMikeSit doesn't take nearly that long. now, the old track just keeps playing for awhile, then audio changes over.
00:30:53jhMikeS*going back
00:32:10Luca_S29348 works fine
00:32:34TheSevennow try 29349
00:33:01gevaertsI'd go straight to 29350. 29350 was a revert of parts of 29349
00:35:56 Quit robin0800 (Quit: Leaving)
00:36:02jhMikeSoh crap, I set crossfade so it would make a huge PCM buffer but not fade and forgot (big lulz @ me)
00:36:03Luca_S29350 shows the problem. metadata is some random buffer (i can see 'usicbrainz music ID')
00:37:49gevaertsLuca_S: time for a bug report I'd say :)
00:41:42TheSevenLuca_S: can you try changing /apps/metadata/id3tags.c line 1046 to "bufferpos -= (bytesread - strlen(tag) - 1);"?
00:42:18TheSevenlooking at the diff i'd suspect that an off-by-one might have slipped in at that point
00:43:11jhMikeSjust for the record: skip w/disk spinup on beast takes ~2 sec
00:43:21 Join Jerom [0] (~jerome@
00:43:31TheSeventhis might lead to dozens of strings being concatenated and triggering a buffer overflow somewhere else
00:43:39TheSevenjhMikeS: that's rather fast
00:44:47jhMikeSactually, 3sec...was off one, still not bad
00:45:52TheSeventhe ce-ata drive will sometimes (sounds like it's doing an extended self-test sometimes) take ~5 seconds after powerup before it is accessible
00:46:03Luca_STheSeven: trying now.
00:46:17 Quit pamaury (Remote host closed the connection)
00:46:40TheSeventhen there will most likely be directory and fat lookups, then buffering starts, and after buffering has got enough data, decoding starts, and finally playback, which might have a DMA latency as well
00:46:52jhMikeSyeah, 2-3 seconds (just looking at the clock)
00:46:58TheSeventaking all that into account, 7 seconds might well to be expected
00:47:57jhMikeS5 seconds just to power?
00:48:19TheSeven~2 for spinup and ~3 of the head apparently doing seek tests (like on every 10th power cycle)
00:48:51TheSevenyou know that typical self test sound of old scsi drives? :)
00:49:19Luca_Snope TheSeven, that didn't do the trick.
00:49:56Luca_Si'll post a bug, have to go to sleep now
00:50:07TheSevenhm, another possible explanation might be that the id3->whatever fields aren't initialized to zero, but I'd expect that to cause all hell of other trouble
00:51:06TheSevenoh, nice guids on my ipod classic as well :)
00:51:13jhMikeSshouldn't it be strlen(tag) + 1 to skip the NULL ??
00:51:41TheSevenjhMikeS: the strlen is being substracted, so the null byte needs to be substracted as well
00:51:42jhMikeSoh, right distribute the "-"
00:53:09TheSevenoh nice. hard lockup while initializing the database :/
01:01:28jhMikeSdoes the metadata expect some double-null termination for the final string?
01:03:37 Quit maxsin (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
01:05:13Luca_Sposted my problem at
01:05:32Luca_Soh I see that TheSeven experiences it too
01:05:50Luca_Sit's bed time, see you tomorrow
01:07:21 Quit ender` (Quit: Trying to establish voice contact ... please yell into keyboard.)
01:08:33TheSevenjhMikeS, Luca_S: it's definitely that line.
01:08:37TheSevencommenting it fixes it
01:08:46TheSevenbut i don't quite understand why yet
01:09:12Luca_Soh, one last thing as a sidenote
01:09:15jhMikeSwhat's with the bytesread reference just before album art?
01:09:47jhMikeS>> tag[bytesread] = 0; bufferpos += bytesread + 1;
01:09:54 Join saratoga [0] (
01:10:10Luca_Ssome of you may remember that I had problems with initializing the database, some songs seemed to send in an infinite loop the tag reading routines
01:10:22Luca_Ssomeone suggested tracking the problem with a logf build
01:10:33Luca_Swell... with a logf build the database built successfully
01:12:02saratogayou don't need logf
01:12:11saratogathe database can log what files its parsing
01:12:12Luca_Si am suspecting however an uSD problem, since if i eject the uSD the database build successfully even with a normal build. I know that AMS players are a bit picky regarding uSD cards. Maybe logf builds are slightly slower, so that's why it worked
01:12:16saratogaits under the debug menu
01:12:26*jhMikeS worked it out by hand and got a single char chopped at the start
01:12:37Luca_Syes saratoga, I tried that one, but it showed '−−-' as the song when locked
01:12:50saratogathat means its not in the metadata parsers then
01:13:04saratogaso its probably a crash somewhere in the database itself
01:17:27 Quit Luca_S (Quit: Bye)
01:20:39TheSevenjhMikeS: wouldn't the straightforward way be "bufferpos = tag + strlen(tag) + 1;"?
01:20:51TheSevenhowever that doesn't seem to work at all
01:21:03TheSevencould it be possible that there is not only string data being processed here?
01:21:33TheSevener, "bufferpos = tag + strlen(tag) + 1 - buffer;" of course
01:22:19TheSeventhe last one fixes it
01:22:20jhMikeSI wonder about the NULL it adds and then skips. it needs to subtract one less, then perhaps double terminate?
01:23:08TheSeveni'd rather suspect bufferpos being messed with in a ppFunc and then pointing into the middle of a string after clipping
01:23:19 Quit dfkt (Quit: -= SysReset 2.53=- Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc.)
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01:26:38jhMikeSthat's cheating though, just to reset it :)
01:26:59TheSevenyeah, but that's what it actually wants to achieve
01:27:16TheSevenand apparently one can not rely on the buffer position not being messed with
01:27:38*TheSeven wonders if he should assign that task to buschel for verification and commit
01:30:24jhMikeSyou mean tr->ppFunc returning something that leaves it unrelated to bytesread?
01:31:53TheSevenit probably changes bytesread, yes
01:32:19TheSevener, changes bufferpos but not bytesread
01:32:51 Quit kevku (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
01:33:59TheSevenjhMikeS: anyway, I assigned that task to Buschel for verification, and hope that he'll commit a fix tomorrow
01:34:03jhMikeSyes, some parse functions do recalculate it
01:36:10TheSevenjhMikeS: do they decrease bufferpos it? otherwise I don't quite get why it fails that terribly
01:36:34TheSevenit should just lead to space being wasted, but don't cause trouble
01:39:18jhMikeSiiuc it backs it off to get rid of the tag if it's a genre string
01:39:36jhMikeSI'm just reading this code for the first time anyway
01:40:13*TheSeven as well
01:48:15 Quit maxsin (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
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02:03:08 Quit liar (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
02:03:17jhMikeSSometimes the tag is entirely removed by repositioning, so one cannot assume it has a string length at all
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04:50:38raymondjtothok any one here can ask a question to making sure some oen here befor i ask it
04:52:10JdGordon|if your question is about rockbox then just ask it... asking to ask quesitons on IRC just annoys people
04:52:26froggymanraymondjtoth, You quite obviously can ask a question
04:52:41raymondjtothok dose rockbox work on archos 404?
04:52:46raymondjtothi have a rchos 404 player
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04:53:09raymondjtothi got archos 404
04:53:28JdGordon|is there anything on the rockbox site which leads you to tihnk it might be?
04:53:44raymondjtothnopt sure that why im asking
04:53:49raymondjtothim new here also
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04:55:49raymondjtothany one
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04:58:07krazykitraymondjtoth, if it's not on the site, it doesn't work on that device
04:58:12krazykitnot without someone porting to it
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09:32:18Topic"Release Candidates at | Now branched for 3.8 | Please read before speaking: | Please direct offtopic/social chat to #rockbox-community | This channel is logged at | An upgrade caused issues with the wiki. We are on the case" by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
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13:17:22dfktis it just me, or are ID3 tags broken in the current build?
13:17:54n1sdfkt: see fs#11955
13:18:31dfkti see, thanks
13:19:06gevaertsdfkt: this is a ploy to get people to test our RC builds :)
13:19:52dfktconspiracy! :)
13:20:49*gevaerts nods
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13:44:41dfktgevaerts, i will test the RC builds, but the one i was building just now is for android, and probably not relevant :)
13:46:46n1swe're not going to do a 3.7.2 release, are we?
13:48:07gevaertsn1s: should we/
13:48:23n1sgevaerts: no :)
13:48:37gevaertsOr rather, will bluebroth3r and domonoky kill us if we have *two* stable releases? :)
13:48:38n1si was just thinking about changelogs
13:49:05n1sah, it will probably make rbutil unhappy, indeed :)
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14:10:14wodz|workI was looking at tracker recently and found out this reports about amsv2 hardlocks (need to wait for battery drain out). Isn't it possible to setup watchdog to prevent this? I mean untill we find out the root of the problem
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15:54:15CIA-70New commit by jethead71 (r29366): FFT plugin: remove redundant NUM_CORES checks.
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15:58:50CIA-70r29366 build result: 1838 errors, 826 warnings (jethead71 committed)
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16:01:00gevaertsjhMikeS: client issue
16:01:15gevaertsI've seen that one have weird failures at least once before...
16:02:24CIA-70New commit by gevaerts (r29367): Add deepthought-ender to blacklist. It regularly has weird errors
16:03:03jhMikeSgevaerts: looks like it. just surprising to see that.
16:03:45gevaertsjhMikeS: I've seen it do that twice before. Last time I wasn't sure if it was really the second time though, which is why I hadn't blocked it yet
16:03:57gevaertsI have no idea what happens there
16:04:13jhMikeS3rd time's the charm
16:04:49jhMikeSIt's not just on any particular target type or something?
16:05:07gevaertsI think the previous one was archos
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16:09:46kugelI wonder the score scripts calculate 1838/826 for no actual compile output
16:10:31jhMikeSjust must not send it back
16:10:48gevaertsmagic :)
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16:11:37jhMikeSwait, the master does the calc?
16:14:20Zagorthat's... interesting
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17:26:58CapsAdminis there anyone who uses rockbox on a 5th gen ipod?
17:27:15CapsAdmini installed itunes to fix the firmware
17:27:18CapsAdminuninstalled it
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17:27:35CapsAdminand now everytime I connect my ipod to my pc it changes the bootloader back to the original ipod's firmware
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17:28:13CapsAdminI can easily fix it by reinstalling the bootloader, but it's annoying
17:28:58gevaertsDo you connect with the hold switch set?
17:29:10CapsAdmini'm not sure
17:29:48CapsAdminwhen I uninstalled itunes it still left a lot of crap behind
17:29:52 Quit froggyman (Quit: Ex-Chat)
17:29:53gevaertsPowering on with the hold switch set is one way to boot to the original firmware. It doesn't change the bootloader though, resetting the ipod will get it back to rockbox
17:29:56CapsAdminapple sync blah blah apple usb blah blah
17:30:03CapsAdminI removed those, but it sitll happens
17:30:31CapsAdminwell it happened after I installed itunes
17:30:49CapsAdminit started happening after itunes was installed*
17:30:58CapsAdminI can't find anything related to this at all on google
17:31:56TorneI think you are plugging the ipod in with the hold switch enabled, which boots the original firmware
17:32:06TorneYou don't need to reinstall the bootloader
17:32:18TorneJust hold menu+select to reset the ipod, and make sure the hold swtich is off, and it will start rockbox again
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17:36:16CapsAdminlet me try without the hold switch
17:36:26CapsAdminoh and, I've noticed it freezes up a lot
17:36:35CapsAdminso I have to force reboot
17:36:41 Quit kugel (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
17:36:41CapsAdminis this a known issue?
17:37:19gevaertsWhich version are you running?
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17:41:34CapsAdminah, you're right
17:41:45CapsAdminit's just the hold switch
17:44:50gevaertshm, that's three weeks old. I don't remember any instabilities back then, but I could be wrong
17:44:59gevaertsHave you checked the filesystem?
17:48:15CapsAdminchecked how?
17:48:53CapsAdminI formated the whole thing, reinstalled from itunes and then I installed rockbox
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17:49:54gevaertsThen it should be OK, unless you unplug it without "safely remove" every now and then
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17:50:43CapsAdminI do that
17:51:02 Quit Topy44 (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
17:51:10CapsAdminthat was an issue with floola when I used that
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17:51:26CapsAdminthe files would just dissapear from the ipod's file list
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17:52:22gevaertsYou do what? Remove it safely, or unplug it without safely removing?
17:52:33CapsAdminoh, without safely removing
17:52:39CapsAdmini've never used this feature in windowz
17:52:48CapsAdminI know what it does, but I never thought it really mattered
17:52:54gevaertsIt matters a lot
17:53:37CapsAdminit just tells windows to write what's left in the cache or whatever to the disk?
17:54:20CapsAdminI'll start using it though
17:54:24L-Strife89CapsAdmin: As gevaerts said, consider checking the filesystem
17:54:42CapsAdminfrom where?
17:54:44L-Strife89CapsAdmin: Open a command prompt and type chkdsk /f X:
17:54:58L-Strife89Where X is your DAP's drive letter
17:55:30L-Strife89You can open a command prompt by clicking Start, then Run, and typing cmd
17:56:42L-Strife89The disk check may take a while. Don't try to do anything with your iPod in the meantime.
18:02:18L-Strife89What did it report? (Don't paste it in here, use or something)
18:06:51 Quit pjm0616 (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
18:07:25CapsAdminops, defaulted to lua highlight
18:08:17gevaertsok. No problems there then
18:08:47gevaertsMaybe you just got a bad revision. Unless you have a serious reason not to, I'd recommend staying with the stable releases
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18:24:58gevaertsAh, nice
18:25:56gevaertsCapsAdmin: the server is back if you need it
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18:54:40CapsAdminthanks for the help
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19:35:06CIA-70New commit by alex (r29368): FS #11938 by Ismael Castiñeira Álvarez - Update of Galician language.
19:35:48CIA-70New commit by alex (r29369): FS #11938 by Ismael Castiñeira Álvarez - update for Galician language.
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19:39:24CIA-70r29368 build result: 0 errors, 62 warnings (alex committed)
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19:49:01CIA-70New commit by alex (r29370): Fix yellow
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19:53:38CIA-70r29371 build result: All green
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20:07:34shaiHi :) Does rockbox support ipod 4 (it is a new model) with a camera?
20:07:52gevaertsYou mean the nano 4G? No
20:07:59shaii'm not 100% sure ...
20:08:14shaia friend of mine is asking .. and I don't know exactly what model she is holding in her hand..
20:09:14shaiI'm trying to ask her what is written on its back .. but she only sees "ipod" and nothing else...
20:12:22shaigevaerts, She says its this one: Apple iPod touch 32 GB (4th Generation) NEWEST MODEL - as seen on:
20:12:46gevaertsRockbox doesn't run on the ipod touch
20:12:54shaiThanks :)
20:16:59Kuitsido you have any estimates when classic 2G port reaches stable version? how usable it is at the moment?
20:17:18gevaertsKuitsi: no. We don't have estimates for anything
20:17:55Kuitsithen i just wait and hope for the best ;)
20:18:43gevaertsI don't have a classic, so I have no idea how well it runs right now
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20:21:07Kuitsii know there is some instructions at freemyipod how to install it but i don't know should i try it or not. i don't want to take any risks
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20:47:21*Buschel is still fighting with the metadata change
20:48:28LearBuschel: You saw my comment on Flyspray?
20:48:29 Nick T44 is now known as Topy44 (~Topy44@
20:49:55Buschelyes, but it is more complex than that. the function which also implements replaygain-parsing is also used to parse for album artists. and those may use multiple artists as well.
20:50:25BuschelI am now trying to find a solution within the helper functions themselves
20:50:31LearI don't follow...
20:51:26Buschellet me try to explain:
20:53:51Buschelespecially in cases where pp->func!= NULL the trimming is useful. my patch added trimming after calling pp->func. if I do not trim when pp->func==NULL there is no real benefit.
20:55:04LearWhat cases are those? I.e., where ppFunc != NULL?
20:58:52Buschelyes, e.g. when parsegenre(), parseuser() or parserva2() is called
20:59:49 Quit Keripo (Quit: Leaving.)
21:01:26LearMaybe those methods should trim too. Seems like a few strlen calls would be enough...
21:02:05Buschelyes, that is what I am trying now. my "simple" approach was too easy to be true :/
21:02:10Learparserva2 should do the necessary trimming already.
21:02:43 Quit liar (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
21:03:08Buschelyes, seems like it does. but both paerseuser and parsegenre do not
21:03:58Learparseuser does, for replaygain stuff.
21:04:32Buschelbut not for the case of "ALBUM ARTIST"
21:07:02Buschelbtw, maybe I am too blind to see, but: why does parseyearnum() advance the buffer if it does atoi and saves an integer without further using the buffer?
21:08:20LearIt still saves the year as a string. Don't remember which is used in the WPS though.
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21:24:33amiconnHmm, 'make clean' in an android build folder doesn't remove rockbox.apk
21:24:36amiconnImo it should
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22:10:19Buschelcan someone who had issues with metadata parsing (FS #11955) check this patch? ->
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22:16:41Luca_SBuschel: trying now
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22:20:37Luca_SBuschel: seems to work
22:20:43Buschelgood :)
22:22:43Luca_Srebuilding database now
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22:25:44Luca_Sdatabase rebuilt successfully
22:25:49Luca_Sdata is valid
22:26:05Buschelthanks for the test! :)
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22:26:26Luca_Syou're welcome
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22:27:04Luca_Sunluckily rebuilding the database still fails on random files when I plug my uSD, but that's another problem I guess
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22:35:45CIA-70New commit by Buschel (r29372): Fix FS #11955. ID3 tag parser was broken since r29349. Trimming strings must be done in the helper functions, not outside.
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22:37:00*Buschel spotted another error in the parser
22:37:43Buschelthe last parameter of parse_replaygain() is the buffer size which is left, and not the length of the current read entry
22:37:44Luca_Senabling tagcache and metadata log the database finally completed scanning my uSD
22:38:56stripwaxhrm, enabling metadata log shouldn't change behaviour
22:39:28Luca_Sstripwax: something's fishy for sure, but in the meanwhile I have a workaround for everyday use
22:39:34CIA-70r29372 build result: All green
22:40:30stripwaxLuca_S - I (think I) observed something a few weeks ago, where I would get a data abort building database if my wps was trying to show metadata, but build database successfully if I navigate away from wps (e.g. leave it on one of the menu screens)
22:41:02stripwaxI wonder if you're experiencing something similar - was your database update abort reproducible if you leave metadata log turned off?
22:42:05Luca_Snot my case. I was on the Debug > Database screen when it enters the infinite loop. also, I noticed that if I tried to enter into the Files menu, it locked the entire player.
22:42:43stripwaxI mean specifically with the uSD failures, rather than the earlier issue
22:43:54stripwaxunless you mean - something fishy is up because turning on metadata log prevents an infinite loop on database build from uSD...
22:44:10stripwaxand if so I would agree
22:45:20Luca_Si am not convinced that it's the database fault, I don't think that would explain the lockup when entering the File menu while reiniting the DB
22:54:35 Quit Buschel (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.13/20101203075014])
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