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#rockbox log for 2011-03-16

00:12:26 Quit n1s (Quit: Ex-Chat)
00:19:43 Quit domonoky (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
00:23:31 Quit mudd1 (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
00:28:12 Quit kevku (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.2 Insomnia
00:28:38 Join robin0800 [0] (
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00:32:31 Quit toffe82 (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
00:34:02 Part Zagor
00:43:48 Quit robin0800 (Quit: Leaving)
00:54:01 Quit efyx (Remote host closed the connection)
01:04:14 Quit DerPapst (Quit: Leaving.)
01:06:23 Quit GeekShadow (Quit: The cake is a lie !)
01:09:47 Quit ender` (Quit: Top reason why compilers are like women: Miss a period and they go crazy)
01:10:44 Join casainho [0] (
01:12:17scromplebluebrother: ping
01:12:52 Quit simonrvn (Read error: Operation timed out)
01:19:51 Join simonrvn [0] (simon@2001:470:8c85:11fe::c0a8:195)
01:20:02 Join GeekShadow [0] (~Antoine@reactos/tester/GeekShadow)
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01:31:23 Quit TheSeven (Remote host closed the connection)
01:34:47 Join Zarggg [0] (
01:38:36 Quit Mir_ppc (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
01:48:56 Quit casainho (Read error: Operation timed out)
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02:04:07 Join z35 [0] (
02:05:43 Quit komputes (Remote host closed the connection)
02:10:23 Quit dfkt (Quit: -= SysReset 2.53=- Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc.)
02:13:42 Quit bluefoxx (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
02:17:23 Quit casainho (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.12/20101027124101])
02:18:23 Join bluefoxx [0] (
02:25:18 Quit GeekShadow (Quit: The cake is a lie !)
02:27:17 Join CaptainKwel [0] (
02:35:29 Join TheSeven [0] (~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven)
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02:44:21 Quit Horscht (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
02:45:31 Quit simonrvn (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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02:57:57 Quit simonrvn (Read error: Operation timed out)
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03:24:33 Quit scromple ()
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03:33:47 Join delt [0] (
03:34:27deltI got me a broken sandisk e260 "for parts" on ebay, which i fixed =)
03:35:01deltexcept it has a crack along the screen, and more wear&tear than my "normal" one, seems to work fine
03:37:11deltquestion: the other day, some USB connectors were badly connected to my motherboard - possibly sending +5Vcc to the +/- data pins or ground. Could this have damaged either the battery or the player itself?
03:45:53 Quit jae (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
03:51:13saratogamore likely it'd just damage your PC's USB port
03:52:20deltnope. works fine, even tested the player plugged on another USB port (which uses the soldered-on motherboard connectors)
03:52:46deltanyway, still waiting for the batteries to recharge. More updates to come =)
03:53:00deltthanks for the help saratoga btw
03:53:03 Part delt
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04:04:04 Quit mc2739 (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
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05:06:10 Quit alexbobp (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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05:43:49 Quit Horscht (Quit: Verlassend)
05:47:18 Quit CaptainKwel (Quit: Ex-Chat)
05:52:52scrompleIs there a way to get the Info section on Rockbox Utility to refresh. Just manually changed some files around and it now displays incorrect information.
05:55:35 Join [Saint] [0] (S_a_i_n_t@
05:55:57scrompleRockbox Utility version 1.2.8
05:56:38 Join Rob2223 [0] (
06:00:37 Quit Rob2222 (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
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06:25:26 Quit t0rc (Quit: Give someone code, help them with one project. Teach someone to code, help them rule the world.)
06:25:36*[Saint] boggles at,27356.msg179024.html#msg179024
06:26:50[Saint]Torne: You have an iPod 5.5G no? I take it you've not seen such sillyness on your player?
06:30:15 Join simonrvn [0] (simon@2001:470:8c85:11fe::c0a8:195)
06:38:40CIA-2New commit by jethead71 (r29595): Purge buffer and codec APIs existing exclusively in support of mpa.codec and fix that to not require them: buf_get_offset and ci.advance_buffer_loc. ...
06:42:35 Quit panni_ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
06:44:17CIA-2r29595 build result: All green
06:49:38 Part toffe82
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06:59:33 Quit T44 (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
06:59:49CIA-2New commit by jethead71 (r29596): Sync test_codec to r29595.
07:04:15CIA-2r29596 build result: All green
07:20:54 Quit simonrvn (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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08:08:51 Quit parafin (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish)
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08:38:27CIA-2New commit by wodz (r29597): MPIO HD300: add KBD context keymap
08:38:48wodzBagder: ping
08:39:31 Quit simonrvn (Read error: Operation timed out)
08:41:25wodzmaybe this is silly question but is there some funding for devcon attenders?
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08:42:54CIA-2r29597 build result: All green
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08:44:41B4gderwodz: yes
08:45:06wodzwhat can be sponsored?
08:45:08B4gderwe've previously paid 100 euros/person that attend
08:45:15wodzI see
08:45:32B4gderbut it is not a fixed rule, we can adapt to the situation
08:45:58wodzI'd love to attend but I can't cope with prospected costs on my own
08:46:06B4gderI'll gladly hand over my share to someone else
08:46:12B4gder(as I've always have)
08:47:25B4gderwe might not need to take this discussion this public, but I'm certainly willing to discuss how we can help you come
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08:48:57wodzB4gder: I'll have to talk with my wife but funding greatly increase chance I'll attend
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08:50:20B4gdermeeting face to face is a great way to get to know each other even better in a truly good way
08:51:10wodzAnd this gives the ability to include MPIOs in the tower :-)
08:51:31B4gdera very important part of it, yes!
08:51:54B4gderand if we do right, android phones might qualify by the time! B)
08:52:07 Quit fkhodkov (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
08:52:37wodzHmm, where the hell recording trigger setting is located? I can't set it to anything else than OFF in MPIO
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08:55:40amiconnHmm, the properties plugin could be extended to work for folders as well (calculating total size)
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08:57:54jhMikeSamiconn: it seems to enumerate folders already
08:58:18jhMikeS*the contents of them
08:59:45*amiconn somehow overlooked the context menu item
09:05:28jhMikeSit's in a different spot. maybe it should always be last.
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09:21:35DEBUGEOF from server (Connection reset by peer) (snapshot: netstuff.c line 545)
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09:28:26*sideral pings scorche
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09:57:19JdGordon|did anyone want to have last minute input in the dynamic screen size patch? I dont see anyone having issues apart from the splash image (which isnt massivly critical) so im going to go aead and polish and commit...
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10:13:18jhMikeSwho's splashes does it mess up?
10:13:47JdGordon|it doesnt compile in the "correct" bmp
10:21:06 Part LinusN
10:26:45JdGordon|anyone got a target with colour lcd that has battery and can test a build?
10:28:03ZagorJdGordon|: if android is good enough, I can test
10:28:13ZagorI have no other targets with me
10:28:33JdGordon|I'm not sure it is, and I can test android (though i hate building the damn thing :) )
10:28:42JdGordon|I have like 15 DAPs, none have any batt life
10:29:30*JdGordon| is looking at credits.rock
10:29:34JdGordon|why does it not use the multi screen api?
10:29:59Zagorhas anyone touched it the last five years?
10:30:21JdGordon|yeah, i remember someone made it controllable instead of auto scrolling :)
10:34:29sideralZagor: I found out which switch to toggle in the forum software to make the RSS feed include full forum posts rather than just excepts. Feel adventurous enough to change it?
10:35:36Zagorsideral: I don't administer the forum. scorche does.
10:36:02sideralOK, sorry. Thought I saw your name in the list of forum admins
10:36:25Zagorright, I am a forum admin but I don't run the forum site.
10:43:10 Join LinusN [0] (~linus@rockbox/developer/LinusN)
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11:13:45jhMikeSJdGordon|: Does mpegplayer built for those hires screens? I'd think it should need some larger status icons if so.
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11:19:10JdGordon|no idea
11:19:12JdGordon|I dont tinhk so
11:19:24JdGordon|it hardly makes sense on RaaA anyway
11:20:36CIA-2New commit by kugel (r29598): Fix FS #12012 - Radio Art broken since r29259 - Embedded album art support ...
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11:25:26CIA-2New commit by kugel (r29599): Fix FS #12012 - Radio Art broken since r29259 - Embedded album art support ...
11:25:50CIA-2r29598 build result: All green
11:26:00Torne[Saint]: works fine for me
11:27:04[Saint]Torne: do you update reasonably regularly?
11:27:51Torneall the time
11:28:08TorneI used 3.8 for a bit and then went back to trunk
11:28:49[Saint]Hmmm, yeah. Perhaps that's why you're not seeing it. The people that seem to get hit by this updating craziness are going from one release to the next it seems.
11:29:20*kugel_ wonders if r29591 should be considered for backporting
11:29:23 Nick kugel_ is now known as kugel (~kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel)
11:29:24Tornemy settings are intentionally minimal and i don't currently use the db at all
11:29:36Torneso, i am probbaly not a good example :)
11:29:43[Saint]I want to try get hold of another person that experiences this, before they blitz their .cfg
11:33:00kugel[Saint]: you had the albumart problem on the widget too? does this help: ?
11:34:00kugel3.7.1 didn't have the unified build did it?
11:34:40[Saint]kugel: unfortunately I have no way to build yet, I've been saving setting up another build environment for when I get decent internet back on (18th) as the amount of traffic it'd take would be ~2 days with my current one.
11:35:02[Saint]lines - earthquake - etc :/
11:35:38 Quit parafin (Quit: So long and thanks for all the fish)
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11:39:46kugel[Saint]: I made a build for you
11:40:05[Saint]oh, awesome...linky?
11:40:12kugelthe same as always :)
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11:50:13kugel[Saint]: still need the link?
11:50:14 Part LinusN
11:50:32[Saint]nup, found it eventually ;)
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11:58:45wodz|workjdGordon: ping
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12:21:06kugel[Saint]: does ti work?
12:21:27[Saint]just about to test it now.
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12:27:12[Saint]there's no AA if playback is launched with the app, seems it *has* to be launched by the widget.
12:28:03[Saint]rockbox taking over from the android volume on HW buttons was interesting too...
12:28:48[Saint]I had my volume set to 0db, yet the first press of HW volume down muted it completely.
12:30:50kugelbetter than the other way around :)
12:31:24[Saint]I guess so ;)
12:31:48[Saint]I must admit, it was quite nice in a I didn't have the headphones in, and forgot the volume was so loud ;p
12:32:40[Saint]the widget looks nice, and behaves well now...just some initial weirdness with the AA because I launched playback with the app, dropped to the desktop, then created the widget.
12:32:48kugelbut no, it needn't be started with the widget
12:33:04[Saint]after I stopped playback with the app, and started it again with the widget AA works as expected.
12:33:10kugelbut it's possible that the widget needs to be there beforehand
12:33:23[Saint]I think that may be what I ran into.
12:33:50[Saint]Nice, to make that line height thing configurable ;)
12:34:09[Saint](looks *crap* on 240x320 IMO ;))
12:34:12kugelthe track info is fetched upon widget creation but it's not easily doable for album art
12:35:24kugelthen I shall commit it
12:36:00[Saint]kugel: I don't suppose the line-height thing can be configured by a menu option? or does it need to be a runtime thing?
12:36:32[Saint]I can see it being useful for large screens, smaller screens not so much.
12:38:18kugelwhat's wrong with the line height?
12:38:52CIA-2New commit by kugel (r29600): Android: Fix widget albumart display on pre-2.2 devices.
12:39:16kugelon the widget or in rockbox?
12:39:34[Saint]It might be a personal thing, but I like to control the height of my lines with my fonts if I need to...most theme authors do.
12:39:37[Saint]in Rockbox.
12:40:21kugelyou can if you pick a font larger than the line height :)
12:40:37kugelcan you make a screen shot?
12:40:44[Saint]no, sorry.
12:41:02[Saint]but, even with a 12pt font, the lines are bigger then I have them with a 24px font ;)
12:41:41dionoea[Saint]: yeah, the widget only updates completely after the first track change following its creation
12:41:42kugel(you can make screen shots easily with the ddms tool in the sdk)
12:42:08[Saint]kugel: remember why you had to make me a build? ;)
12:42:09dionoea(I commited code to force it to get the artist/album/track info on creation but other things like playback status or album art aren't handled yet)
12:42:26kugel[Saint]: I thought you have the sdk but not updated to the newest revision
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12:42:53[Saint]the dev machine I had got messed up real bad in that quake.
12:43:13CIA-2r29600 build result: All green
12:43:14kugelthat's unfortunate
12:43:38scromplegreets everyone... Was just looking at putting together a theme for the tuner on an iriver H340. Checked over the docs and could not find the entry to specify the .fmx file in the config file for the theme. Anyone know what it is??
12:43:55rasherscromple: try saving your settings to a file and looking through that to see (also, I don't know)
12:43:56[Saint]I have another machine to use, just been stuck with a very, very slow connection.
12:47:37scromplerasher: Ahh... Well shoot... Was manually editing the files on Textpad. I will grab a copy of the Theme Editor and knock up some files quick to take a look at.
12:48:01rasherscromple: no I mean on your player, save your entire config to a file and look through that
12:48:36 Quit eGen_ (Quit: ... gettin' screew my wife ....)
12:49:05scromplerasher: Oh wow... okedoke... Not done that before. Will check the docs on how and git 'er done.
12:49:34[Saint]"fms: /.rockbox/wps/<name_of_fms>.fms"
12:49:40scromplerasher: Thanks for the tip
12:49:54[Saint]that's the entry you want.
12:50:05rasherAh, there we go
12:50:15scromple[Saint]: Thanks as well for the pointer. Will make a note in my own docs.
12:50:24[Saint]no worries.
12:50:31rasherMy solution is more of a "here's how to figure out the name for various settings" recipe
12:51:04[Saint]rasher: we have a page for the config settings, but it doesn't cover theme extensions.
12:51:18[Saint]perhaps it should.
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12:51:24scromplerasher: Now worries... Have no doubt I will need that at some point. So the effort is not wasted.
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12:51:36rasher[Saint]: I don't see why not
12:52:10scromple[Saint]: Would that page be a reasonable place to drop tid bits like this??
12:52:56[Saint]certainly, it's probably just oversight that the info isn't there (if it's indeed not, as I believe...I may be blind).
12:53:12[Saint]It may even predate the .fms file extension.
12:54:03scrompleIf it is there, it wouldn't be the first time I suffered from selective blindness.
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12:55:37scrompleThis is going off topic now... Is it possible to add to the wiki by just getting an account or does it require an admin auth??
12:55:47 Join elcan [0] (
12:56:05[Saint]it's not offtopic if it's about contributing to the wiki.
12:56:18[Saint]you set up an account, then ask here for edit rights.
12:58:23scromple[Saint]: okedoke... I got a heap of work to do testing out what works and on my own docs first so I can get my head around everything. But after those hard yards it should not be any hassle to add info to the wiki.
12:59:54scrompleThanks for the info rasher and [Saint]
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13:42:32*kugel is happy to see LinusN again on the attenders list o/
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13:51:38Zagorkugel: it's company policy!
13:51:53AlexPOpen source outreach? :)
13:52:23kugelGreat company! :)
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13:54:19preglownice, 3.8 just hung my h120 when i tried to access a dir while playback switched to another dir
13:54:30preglowstuck on "Loading..."
13:57:22preglowknown problem?
13:58:12ZagorI haven't heard about it, at least
13:58:54preglowweird, backlight responds to key presses, but no matter how long i keep stop pressed, it doesn't reboot
13:59:21kugelthat's not unusual
13:59:37kugelit means some thread deadlocked, the backlight thread almost never deadlocks
13:59:42[Saint]you can get some awesome playback glitches most times by trying to skip tracks just as the last track of a playlist is ending.
13:59:48[Saint]perhaps this was the case?
14:00:16preglowsome bug like that's been around for ages
14:00:17[Saint]then yes, I have seen this.
14:01:10[Saint]was it in the .wps, or filebrowser/database when it locked?
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14:05:31LambdaCalculus37Can someone refresh my memory... which WM codec is in the Gigabeat F/X?
14:06:20preglow[Saint]: wps
14:06:26preglow[Saint]: sry, file browser
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14:12:34wodz|workLambdaCalculus37: wm8751
14:14:37LambdaCalculus37wodz|work: Ahh. I like the work you've done there. :)
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15:25:40simon___TheSeven: Did I tell you yesterday that I built emcore without setting the vcore?
15:25:48simon___Anyways, it didn't work.
15:26:02TheSevenyes, you did
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15:34:14CIA-2New commit by kugel (r29601): Android: Partly revert r29569 and only call the new getJavaEnvironment() when needed. ...
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15:37:53CIA-2r29601 build result: 2 errors, 0 warnings (kugel committed)
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16:05:47Guest64218Hello All, I want to work upon codec optimisation for rockbox , can anybody suggest me some relevant tutorials.....Digital Signal Processing / Others ...... to understand its basic
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16:17:33CIA-2New commit by kugel (r29602): Android: Implement app shutdown and thus, sleep timer.
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16:21:19CIA-2r29602 build result: All green
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16:32:22kugeldionoea: did you try the pcm rewrite yet?
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16:40:13B4gderI'm thinking we need to change the first line of text on the site
16:40:28B4gder"Rockbox is an open source firmware for mp3 players"
16:40:48saratogaGuest64218: ping
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16:42:24Gurohi everyone. Will I find there a help with bricked CLIp+?
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16:44:47Guroconnecting recovery pins doesn't work - It's still recognized as a m200plus 4mb ...
16:44:52Gurosry for my eng ;)
16:46:11saratogakeep trying i guess
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16:48:25gevaertsGuro: is connecting those pins on its own supposed to do more?
16:48:45gevaertsYou'll still have to copy some firmware image to it
16:49:00GuroI know
16:49:16saratogait should give you access to a larger NAND parition
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16:49:57Guroyes, it should
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16:55:17Gurostill doesnt work
16:55:17Guromaye new player?:/
16:59:18Gurook thanks for all
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17:15:10linuxstbBagder: So what is Rockbox now?
17:19:02dionoeakugel: nope :/
17:20:59kugelheh, idle power off also works now. nice
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17:58:20LambdaCalculus37kugel: Ping; what's your opinion about what needs to be done with FS #11906?
17:59:48kugeldon't implement a second playlist engine inside of a codec (or at all)
18:00:35LambdaCalculus37kugel: Just use the existing one, correct?
18:01:40kugelit doesn't seem that easy
18:01:52kugelbecause that playlists contain actual metadata
18:02:15LambdaCalculus37kugel: In the case of many of the chiptune formats, yes.
18:03:51kugelthat patch implements the codec as codec+playlist reader+metadata parser. it should be just a codec
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18:09:15LambdaCalculus37kugel: There was a question posted in the comments that asked the following (and I quote): "Is there currently any codec in Rockbox, that uses external files to store additional data about the file to be played? If so, which codecs do it?"
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19:45:08CIA-2New commit by Buschel (r29603): More robust implementation of MPEG frame header search. The parser will not only search for the very first byte sequence that looks like a valid MPEG ...
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19:50:03CIA-2r29603 build result: 20 errors, 0 warnings (Buschel committed)
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20:41:42pixelmaBuschel: (since it's quite a while already and you haven't said anything) - are you planning on fixing the red, even if it's "just" sims?
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20:46:59bluebroth3rscromple (in case you're reading the logs): switch to a different tab, then back.
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21:28:55CIA-2r29604 build result: 20 errors, 0 warnings (wodz committed)
21:35:46wodzok, not my errors
21:36:12gevaertsThey belong to all of us! :)
21:36:51wodzI was just surprised that changing keymap caused errors
21:39:11bertrikAny plans to fix them?
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21:42:58bertrikhm, the archos recorder fm sim that failed to compile seems to build fine here
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21:56:09Buschelsorry, back again. had a real life interrupt... will now fix the reds
21:57:23wodzreal life interrupt = non maskable interrupt :-)
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22:14:20scorche|shsideral: i believe you have been trying to get a hold of me?
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22:24:12CIA-2New commit by Buschel (r29605): Fix red. read_uint32be() was not implemented in sim builds for HWCODEC targets.
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22:29:00CIA-2r29605 build result: 4 errors, 0 warnings (Buschel committed)
22:31:15pixelmano, database tool
22:31:34Buschelyeah, and the binsize increase is a bit too much...
22:33:00sideralscorche: Right. I wanted to ask you to remove the character limit for the RSS feeds in the forum
22:33:18pixelmaBuschel: huh, why are targets affected at all?
22:33:48scorche|shsideral: and you mentioned you knwo where this setting is?
22:33:52 Quit {phoenix} (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
22:34:04Buschelbecause I moved metadata_common to not only being build for SWCODEC
22:34:13sideralscorche: You'd have to set "maximum post length" to 0. It's in Admin -> News and Newsletters -> Settings
22:34:50scorche|shah - i didnt think of checking there
22:34:54BuschelI wanted to get the read_-functions from it. otherwise I need to implement an own version in mp3data.c ...
22:35:11scorche|shhoweve,r i am not going to set it to 0 - that is even marked in the forum software as a bad idea if that wasnt apparent ;)
22:35:20sideralscorche: I also found out that the author name is already exported in the Atom feed, and that the number of items to return per feed can be set in the request URL
22:35:26pixelmaBuschel: is this really needed? Hwcodec supports a lot less fornats, although I don't understand exactly what your change did
22:35:36pixelmaformats too
22:35:36scorche|shit is currently at 255 - how much would you like it to be?
22:35:50BuschelI guess it is not worth it...
22:36:11*Buschel grumbles... all of this because he wanted have easy readable code :/
22:36:21 Quit mshathlonxp (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
22:36:25sideralscorche: Not sure what would cover most articles. I suggest to make it at least 8 KB
22:36:48scorche|shsideral: i assume that this is working in terms of characters...
22:37:01sideralscorche: Yes, it is
22:37:26sideralwith this change
22:37:43 Join mshathlonxp [0] ( should be possible to read the forum comfortably with a news reader
22:38:33sideralI've also subscribed some feeds to already, although I'd like to change the URLs I've signed up there once more to use Atom feeds and larger limits
22:38:55sideralWith that, I can read the forum in my news (NNTP) reader, and I'll be happy :)
22:41:12scorche|shsideral: so apparently 8KB is about 8192 characters - i would wager that most of the posts are far, far below about we go to 2000 and see how well it works for you?
22:41:42sideralscorche: I'd rather opt for some comfortable headroom
22:42:00sideralRecall that this is HTML
22:42:48sideralThe current 255 characters often do not fill the 4 or 5 screen lines the limit suggests
22:47:52*scorche|sh brings the feed up himself and plays around a bit with numbers
22:51:14JdGordon|wodz: pong
22:53:06wodzJdGordon|: nevermind I worked out the problem with rectrigger keymap already
22:53:38JdGordon|k, cool
22:55:12 Quit mshathlonxp (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
22:55:25wodzthe way rectrigger menu is implemented it leaves philosophical question - should the keymap be more like in list or more like in settings :-)
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22:57:20CIA-2New commit by Buschel (r29606): Hopefully fix red now and reduce binsize for HWCODEC targets. This change implements a local read_uint32be() function within the mp3data parser.
22:57:29wodzpersonally I think this menu should be redesigned to be consistent with our other settings
22:59:06JdGordon|by all means go for it :)
23:01:39CIA-2r29606 build result: All green
23:01:52wodzI touch stuff in apps/ only when I *HAVE TO*
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23:05:15JdGordon|anecdotal evidence suggests noone actually uses that menu so having it broken really isnt that big of a deal
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23:05:49CIA-2New commit by Buschel (r29607): Avoid magic numbers. Use the available defines to set up the bit mask to compare MPEG frame headers.
23:07:59wodzJdGordon|: not true - I was asked by an MPIO rb user why he can't set rectrigger
23:08:50JdGordon|how dare you! :p
23:09:32CIA-2r29607 build result: All green
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