Previous day | Jump to hour: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 | Next day
| Joins:
| View raw
Click in the nick column to highlight everything a person has said.
00:00:33 | StefARM | |
00:02:07 | Join scromple [0] ( | |
00:03:35 | Quit bluebrother (Disconnected by services) | |
00:03:36 | Join bluebroth3r [0] (~dom@rockbox/developer/bluebrother) | |
00:04:23 | Quit scromple (Client Quit) | |
00:04:36 | Join scromple [0] ( | |
00:06:08 | gevaerts | |
00:07:16 | gevaerts | |
00:08:15 | gevaerts | |
00:08:31 | saratoga | |
00:09:03 | gevaerts | |
00:09:40 | saratoga | |
00:10:11 | saratoga | |
00:10:28 | gevaerts | |
00:10:48 | saratoga | |
00:11:07 | Quit n1s (Remote host closed the connection) | |
00:11:20 | saratoga | |
00:13:53 | Quit factor (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
00:14:08 | StefARM | |
00:14:55 | gevaerts | |
00:15:09 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
00:16:42 | Part domonoky | |
00:17:12 | Quit fyrestorm (Quit: lamers envy me like they envy bill g -- main boot xp, just the way it should be!) | |
00:17:55 | Join factor [0] (~factor@ | |
00:31:45 | Quit robin0800 (Quit: Leaving) | |
00:33:07 | Join timccc [0] (~timccc@ | |
00:35:31 | Quit bertrik (Quit: :tiuQ) | |
00:38:26 | Quit MethoS- (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
00:39:57 | Quit Keripo (Quit: Leaving.) | |
00:42:05 | Join soap__ [0] (~soap@ | |
00:45:01 | aclonedsheep | |
00:45:18 | aclonedsheep | |
00:45:20 | Quit soap_ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | |
00:45:23 | aclonedsheep | |
00:46:01 | gevaerts | |
00:46:42 | aclonedsheep | |
00:49:46 | Quit StefARM (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | |
00:50:32 | Join MethoS- [0] (~clemens@ | |
00:53:31 | Join robin0800 [0] ( | |
00:54:03 | Quit robin0800 (Client Quit) | |
01:00 | ||
01:05:04 | Quit silbo (Remote host closed the connection) | |
01:11:12 | * | |
01:11:58 | gevaerts | |
01:15:33 | Join Zarggg [0] ( | |
01:17:37 | JdGordon| | |
01:19:41 | Join Runstars [0] ( | |
01:21:07 | gevaerts | |
01:21:14 | saratoga | |
01:21:20 | gevaerts | |
01:21:38 | gevaerts | |
01:21:50 | saratoga | |
01:22:08 | saratoga | |
01:22:28 | gevaerts | |
01:22:39 | JdGordon| | |
01:22:44 | saratoga | |
01:22:49 | JdGordon| | |
01:23:11 | gevaerts | |
01:23:28 | Quit Runstars (Client Quit) | |
01:24:28 | gevaerts | |
01:24:37 | kugel | |
01:24:54 | JdGordon| | |
01:25:06 | Quit kevku (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | |
01:25:06 | gevaerts | |
01:25:16 | JdGordon| | |
01:25:19 | kugel | |
01:25:33 | saratoga | |
01:26:42 | gevaerts | |
01:26:43 | kugel | |
01:27:18 | JdGordon| | |
01:28:18 | kugel | |
01:28:29 | gevaerts | |
01:28:40 | kugel | |
01:28:46 | gevaerts | |
01:29:33 | kugel | |
01:30:00 | gevaerts | |
01:30:13 | JdGordon| | |
01:34:35 | saratoga | |
01:35:36 | kugel | |
01:37:31 | Quit dfkt (Quit: -= SysReset 2.53=- Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc.) | |
01:39:05 | Part saratoga | |
01:39:25 | Quit sideral (Quit: Leaving.) | |
02:00 | ||
02:07:44 | Quit mshathlonxp (Quit: let's rock) | |
02:15:13 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
02:26:06 | Quit liar (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | |
02:51:54 | Quit Strife89 (Remote host closed the connection) | |
03:00 | ||
03:10:24 | Join number6_ [0] ( | |
03:10:43 | Quit AC`97 (Remote host closed the connection) | |
03:19:13 | Quit froggyman (Quit: Ex-Chat) | |
03:19:37 | number6_ | |
03:20:05 | Quit milk (Quit: baaaiiii) | |
03:27:06 | Quit m1k3y (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | |
03:34:29 | Join froggyman [0] (~seth@unaffiliated/froggyman) | |
03:34:52 | Join Strife89 [0] (~Strife89@ | |
03:38:07 | Quit number6_ (Quit: leaving) | |
03:42:20 | Join m1k3y [0] (~m1k3y@unaffiliated/m1k3y) | |
03:51:24 | Join Judas_PhD [0] ( | |
03:53:41 | Join Keripo [0] ( | |
03:54:29 | Quit trtr3434 () | |
03:54:46 | Join trtr3434 [0] (~trtr3434@ | |
03:59:18 | Quit Leif (Quit: Leaving) | |
04:00 | ||
04:09:11 | Join Leif [0] ( | |
04:10:35 | Quit tchan (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.4) | |
04:12:16 | Join tchan [0] (~tchan@lunar-linux/developer/tchan) | |
04:13:21 | Join edboyer93 [0] ( | |
04:14:16 | edboyer93 | |
04:14:30 | edboyer93 | |
04:15:06 | JdGordon| | |
04:15:15 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
04:15:26 | JdGordon| | |
04:16:40 | Join Barahir_ [0] ( | |
04:17:41 | edboyer93 | |
04:18:41 | Join kugel_ [0] (~kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel) | |
04:20:10 | Quit Barahir (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | |
04:21:45 | Quit kugel (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | |
04:25:25 | Join fyrestorm [0] ( | |
04:25:26 | edboyer93 | |
04:36:49 | Quit amiconn (Disconnected by services) | |
04:36:51 | Join amiconn_ [0] (quassel@rockbox/developer/amiconn) | |
04:36:52 | Quit pixelma (Disconnected by services) | |
04:36:55 | Join pixelma_ [0] (quassel@rockbox/staff/pixelma) | |
04:36:57 | Nick pixelma_ is now known as pixelma (quassel@rockbox/staff/pixelma) | |
04:36:57 | Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (quassel@rockbox/developer/amiconn) | |
04:43:27 | Quit TheSeven (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | |
04:47:32 | Join TheSeven [0] (~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) | |
04:53:40 | Quit MethoS- (Remote host closed the connection) | |
04:57:22 | Quit sasquatch (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | |
05:00 | ||
05:42:14 | Quit Topy44 (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
05:42:37 | Join Topy44 [0] ( | |
05:50:31 | Join Rob2223 [0] ( | |
05:52:01 | Quit Leif (Quit: Leaving) | |
05:54:49 | Quit Rob2222 (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | |
05:56:25 | Join laddha [0] ( | |
05:57:37 | laddha | |
06:00 | ||
06:04:19 | laddha | |
06:05:10 | JdGordon| | |
06:07:30 | laddha | |
06:09:27 | JdGordon| | |
06:09:33 | JdGordon| | |
06:10:17 | JdGordon| | |
06:15:19 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
06:15:29 | laddha | |
06:20:35 | Join [Saint] [0] ( | |
06:29:17 | Quit panni_ (Quit: ( :: NoNameScript 3.81 :: )) | |
06:30:09 | Join mudd1 [0] ( | |
06:33:03 | Quit laddha (Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)) | |
06:36:30 | Quit mystica555_ (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | |
07:00 | ||
07:02:38 | Join sasquatch [0] (~username@ | |
07:10:55 | Quit fyrestorm (Quit: lamers envy me like they envy bill g -- main boot xp, just the way it should be!) | |
07:50:00 | Quit wtachi (Quit: co'o rodo) | |
08:00 | ||
08:10:06 | Quit m1k3y (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.) | |
08:11:49 | Join m1k3y [0] (~m1k3y@ | |
08:11:49 | Quit m1k3y (Changing host) | |
08:11:49 | Join m1k3y [0] (~m1k3y@unaffiliated/m1k3y) | |
08:15:23 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
08:19:30 | Quit scromple (Quit: Gots to go get me outta here) | |
08:20:05 | Quit Buganini (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
08:20:31 | Join StefARM [0] (51b4d122@gateway/web/freenode/ip. | |
08:21:27 | Join Buganini [0] ( | |
08:23:43 | JdGordon| | |
08:25:41 | Join robin0800 [0] ( | |
08:29:52 | Join ender` [0] ( | |
08:36:29 | Quit robin0800 (Quit: Leaving) | |
08:44:58 | Join 50UAAECH3 [0] (~quassel@ | |
08:45:36 | Quit Buganini (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | |
08:45:44 | Quit 50UAAECH3 (Client Quit) | |
08:45:57 | Join silbo [0] (~quassel@ | |
08:46:13 | Quit factor (Quit: Leaving) | |
08:46:26 | Join factor [0] (~factor@ | |
08:50:01 | Quit rasher (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) | |
08:57:19 | Join rasher [0] ( | |
08:57:20 | Quit rasher (Changing host) | |
08:57:20 | Join rasher [0] (~rasher@rockbox/developer/rasher) | |
08:59:55 | Join einhirn [0] ( | |
09:00 | ||
09:03:35 | Quit antil33t (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | |
09:08:13 | Join JdGord [0] (~AndChat@ | |
09:08:34 | Join B4gder [0] (~danielx@2a00:1a28:1200:9::2) | |
09:08:35 | Quit B4gder (Changing host) | |
09:08:35 | Join B4gder [0] (~danielx@rockbox/developer/bagder) | |
09:11:57 | Join antil33t [0] ( | |
09:14:13 | Quit mudd1 (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) | |
09:15:31 | Join Zagor [0] ( | |
09:15:32 | Quit Zagor (Changing host) | |
09:15:32 | Join Zagor [0] (~bjst@rockbox/developer/Zagor) | |
09:21:30 | Join jdgord_ [0] (~AndChat@ | |
09:24:01 | Quit Judas_PhD (Quit: This is a quitting message) | |
09:24:05 | Quit JdGord (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | |
09:27:04 | Join georgedabio [0] ( | |
09:28:13 | Quit edboyer93 (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
09:41:26 | Join pamaury [0] (81680b01@rockbox/developer/pamaury) | |
09:44:10 | Quit jdgord_ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
09:45:28 | Join n1s [0] ( | |
09:45:29 | Quit n1s (Changing host) | |
09:45:29 | Join n1s [0] (~n1s@rockbox/developer/n1s) | |
09:55:23 | Join mudd1 [0] (~cmertes@2001:638:504:20e0:221:70ff:fe83:655e) | |
10:00 | ||
10:04:47 | Join socketguru [0] (~bitspilan@ | |
10:06:13 | Join sevendeuce [0] ( | |
10:06:27 | Quit sevendeuce (Client Quit) | |
10:06:45 | Quit TheSeven (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | |
10:08:08 | Join sevendeuce [0] ( | |
10:08:21 | sevendeuce | |
10:08:41 | * | |
10:09:07 | socketguru | |
10:09:20 | sevendeuce | |
10:09:28 | sevendeuce | |
10:09:51 | Zagor | |
10:10:28 | Quit mudd1 (Quit: Ex-Chat) | |
10:10:52 | sevendeuce | |
10:11:12 | [Saint] | |
10:12:34 | [Saint] | |
10:13:37 | [Saint] | |
10:13:47 | sevendeuce | |
10:13:51 | sevendeuce | |
10:14:00 | Part socketguru | |
10:14:02 | sevendeuce | |
10:14:18 | sevendeuce | |
10:14:28 | [Saint] | |
10:14:50 | sevendeuce | |
10:15:10 | [Saint] | |
10:15:25 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
10:15:49 | sevendeuce | |
10:18:43 | sevendeuce | |
10:18:45 | sevendeuce | |
10:19:02 | Quit sevendeuce (Quit: Living is easy with eyes closed) | |
10:19:57 | Join Luca_S [0] ( | |
10:22:27 | Luca_S | |
10:22:48 | Nick kugel_ is now known as kugel (~kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel) | |
10:24:20 | Luca_S | |
10:24:27 | Luca_S | |
10:24:37 | Quit Luca_S (Client Quit) | |
10:37:21 | Nick kugel is now known as kugelp (~kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel) | |
10:44:24 | Join TheSeven [0] (~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) | |
10:47:37 | Join Judas_PhD [0] ( | |
11:00 | ||
11:04:21 | Join sideral [0] (~sideral@ | |
11:04:21 | Quit sideral (Changing host) | |
11:04:21 | Join sideral [0] (~sideral@rockbox/developer/sideral) | |
11:12:31 | Quit timccc (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) | |
11:23:43 | Join DarshS [0] (~darsh@ | |
11:29:19 | Join timccc [0] (~timccc@ | |
11:31:10 | Quit TheSeven (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | |
11:35:32 | Join JdGord [0] (~AndChat@ | |
11:35:38 | Quit silbo (Read error: Operation timed out) | |
11:39:14 | Join efyx [0] ( | |
11:39:33 | Quit simabeis_ (Remote host closed the connection) | |
11:43:28 | Join simabeis [0] ( | |
11:44:04 | Nick Elfish is now known as E (amba@2a01:4f8:100:90a1:abc:abc:abc:abc) | |
11:44:13 | Nick E is now known as Elfish (amba@2a01:4f8:100:90a1:abc:abc:abc:abc) | |
11:45:33 | Join TheSeven [0] (~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) | |
11:48:31 | Quit JdGord (Quit: Bye) | |
11:48:48 | Quit soap__ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
11:49:21 | Join soap__ [0] (~soap@ | |
11:51:33 | Join silbo [0] (~quassel@ | |
11:53:59 | Quit soap__ (Client Quit) | |
11:54:39 | Quit silbo (Remote host closed the connection) | |
12:00 | ||
12:00:39 | Join DerPapst [0] ( | |
12:00:41 | Quit DarshS (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) | |
12:04:32 | Join mshathlonxp [0] ( | |
12:11:27 | Quit StefARM (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | |
12:15:29 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
12:27:41 | Quit m1k3y (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.) | |
12:30:08 | Quit bieber (Remote host closed the connection) | |
12:31:28 | Join StefARM [0] (52890b65@gateway/web/freenode/ip. | |
12:35:32 | Join m1k3y [0] (~m1k3y@unaffiliated/m1k3y) | |
12:38:23 | Join StefARM_ [0] (52890b65@gateway/web/freenode/ip. | |
12:38:42 | Join DarshS [0] (~darsh@ | |
12:40:25 | Quit StefARM (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | |
12:41:27 | StefARM_ | |
12:49:34 | Quit DarshS (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) | |
13:00 | ||
13:03:59 | Quit [Saint] (Quit: I'm only going to Heaven if it feels like Hell, I'm only going to Heaven if it tastes like caramel...) | |
13:12:19 | Quit StefARM_ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | |
13:12:20 | Quit user890104 (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | |
13:13:20 | Join MethoS- [0] (~clemens@ | |
13:27:05 | Join user890104 [0] (~Venci@ | |
13:35:08 | Join [Saint] [0] ( | |
13:41:59 | Quit sideral (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | |
13:46:36 | Join slater57 [0] ( | |
13:47:15 | slater57 | |
13:48:58 | [Saint] | |
13:49:16 | [Saint] | |
13:49:20 | [Saint] | |
13:49:46 | [Saint] | |
13:54:14 | slater57 | |
13:54:53 | [Saint] | |
13:55:26 | slater57 | |
13:55:42 | slater57 | |
13:55:52 | slater57 | |
13:57:16 | n1s | |
13:57:21 | [Saint] | |
13:57:30 | slater57 | |
13:57:45 | n1s | |
13:57:48 | slater57 | |
13:58:06 | Quit DerPapst (Quit: Leaving.) | |
13:58:10 | n1s | |
13:58:22 | [Saint] | |
13:59:09 | slater57 | |
13:59:36 | JdGordon| | |
13:59:39 | slater57 | |
14:00 | ||
14:00:46 | slater57 | |
14:09:37 | slater57 | |
14:10:41 | Join benedikt93 [0] (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) | |
14:10:43 | mshathlonxp | |
14:15:30 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
14:15:47 | Llorean | |
14:15:54 | Join sideral [0] (~sideral@rockbox/developer/sideral) | |
14:17:44 | Quit MarkTraceur (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | |
14:17:53 | Join laddha [0] ( | |
14:18:05 | mshathlonxp | |
14:20:34 | Llorean | |
14:21:18 | slater57 | |
14:21:34 | mshathlonxp | |
14:23:06 | Quit antil33t (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
14:23:15 | Join antil33t [0] ( | |
14:25:25 | Llorean | |
14:32:22 | mshathlonxp | |
14:33:35 | mshathlonxp | |
14:39:53 | Quit Judas_PhD (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
14:43:26 | n1s | |
14:50:59 | slater57 | |
14:56:09 | Join dfkt [0] (dfkt@unaffiliated/dfkt) | |
15:00 | ||
15:01:36 | Quit Rob2223 (Remote host closed the connection) | |
15:01:51 | Join Rob2222 [0] ( | |
15:04:49 | linuxstb | |
15:06:44 | slater57 | |
15:07:00 | slater57 | |
15:11:24 | Quit slater57 (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)) | |
15:12:18 | Join wtachi [0] ( | |
15:18:29 | mshathlonxp | |
15:19:20 | mshathlonxp | |
15:23:13 | Quit georgedabio () | |
15:24:35 | Join evilnick_B [0] (0c140464@rockbox/staff/evilnick) | |
15:28:32 | Quit krazykit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | |
15:31:00 | Join krazykit [0] ( | |
15:31:07 | Join DerPapst [0] ( | |
15:31:44 | Quit Keripo (Quit: Leaving.) | |
15:31:50 | Join tga0 [0] (~tga@unaffiliated/tga) | |
15:31:52 | tga0 | |
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15:33:31 | tga0 | |
15:33:44 | gevaerts | |
15:34:11 | tga0 | |
15:34:32 | * | |
15:34:45 | tga0 | |
15:35:28 | tga0 | |
15:45:29 | Join Keripo [0] ( | |
15:45:59 | Join bieber [0] ( | |
15:46:36 | Quit mshathlonxp (Quit: let's rock) | |
15:50:50 | Join esperegu [0] (~quassel@ | |
15:51:53 | Join mshathlonxp [0] ( | |
15:54:31 | Quit trtr3434 () | |
15:54:50 | Join trtr3434 [0] (~trtr3434@ | |
15:54:56 | Quit Keripo (Quit: Leaving.) | |
15:57:24 | sideral | |
15:58:11 | tga0 | |
15:58:29 | tga0 | |
15:58:45 | tga0 | |
15:58:47 | sideral | |
15:59:01 | sideral | |
15:59:30 | tga0 | |
15:59:30 | Quit laddha (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)) | |
15:59:48 | wtachi | |
15:59:49 | sideral | |
16:00 | ||
16:00:22 | tga0 | |
16:00:31 | * | |
16:01:04 | sideral | |
16:01:25 | sideral | |
16:02:02 | Quit sideral (Quit: Leaving.) | |
16:03:14 | wtachi | |
16:03:35 | wtachi | |
16:03:56 | tga0 | |
16:04:03 | tga0 | |
16:08:03 | wtachi | |
16:09:19 | tga0 | |
16:13:55 | Quit pamaury (Quit: Page closed) | |
16:15:14 | wtachi | |
16:15:32 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
16:17:08 | tga0 | |
16:17:25 | tga0 | |
16:17:51 | tga0 | |
16:18:28 | tga0 | |
16:18:55 | tga0 | |
16:19:31 | Join kevku [0] (~kevku@2001:470:28:773:babe:feed:dead:beef) | |
16:22:32 | tga0 | |
16:22:36 | tga0 | |
16:22:52 | Quit mshathlonxp (Quit: Leaving) | |
16:28:44 | Join saratoga [0] (9803c6dd@rockbox/developer/saratoga) | |
16:29:55 | Quit factor (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
16:31:42 | Join factor [0] (~factor@ | |
16:32:00 | Join Hindu [0] (dce36163@gateway/web/freenode/ip. | |
16:32:35 | Quit factor (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
16:33:27 | Join Hindu_ [0] (dce36163@gateway/web/freenode/ip. | |
16:33:59 | Join factor [0] (~factor@ | |
16:36:16 | Join Hindu__ [0] (dce36163@gateway/web/freenode/ip. | |
16:36:28 | Hindu__ | |
16:36:41 | Join u42p [0] ( | |
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16:38:14 | Quit factor (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
16:41:08 | Join factor [0] (~factor@ | |
16:41:25 | Join MarkTraceur [0] ( | |
16:41:48 | Join swilde [0] ( | |
16:41:51 | Quit bieber (Remote host closed the connection) | |
16:48:28 | Join komputes [0] (~komputes@ubuntu/member/komputes) | |
16:48:38 | Join Hindu [0] (dce36163@gateway/web/freenode/ip. | |
16:49:44 | Quit Hindu__ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | |
16:50:45 | Quit B4gder (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | |
16:51:32 | Nick YPSY is now known as Ypsy ( | |
16:51:49 | Part Zagor | |
16:53:02 | Quit Hindu (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | |
16:57:12 | CIA-2 | |
16:59:00 | Join Hindu [0] (dce36163@gateway/web/freenode/ip. | |
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17:00:55 | CIA-2 | |
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18:32:04 | Quit ender` (Quit: Female software engineers become sexually irresistible at the age of consent, and remain that way until about thirty minutes after clinical death. Longer if it's a warm day. -- Scott Adams) | |
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18:55:54 | mshathlonxp | |
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21:02:01 | pixelma | |
21:02:52 | thomasjfox | |
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21:05:14 | pixelma | |
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21:10:05 | AlexP | |
21:10:27 | gevaerts | |
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21:18:55 | n1s | |
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21:29:00 | Join Lear [0] ( | |
21:29:23 | thomasjfox | |
21:29:53 | Lear | |
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21:31:10 | * | |
21:31:38 | thomasjfox | |
21:31:43 | bertrik | |
21:32:16 | bertrik | |
21:32:18 | slater87 | |
21:32:41 | Quit n1s (Remote host closed the connection) | |
21:32:48 | Lear | |
21:33:08 | Join n1s [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/n1s) | |
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21:33:40 | Nick Ypsy is now known as YPSY ( | |
21:34:48 | Join lostlogic [0] ( | |
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21:37:37 | dheyse | |
21:39:36 | slater87 | |
21:39:44 | Join Keripo [0] ( | |
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21:42:00 | slater87 | |
21:42:33 | Lear | |
21:42:41 | bertrik | |
21:43:12 | slater87 | |
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21:46:04 | dheyse | |
21:46:37 | dheyse | |
21:46:55 | Lear | |
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21:48:27 | Join stripwax [0] ( | |
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21:55:59 | Lear | |
21:56:31 | bertrik | |
21:57:45 | ThomasAH | |
21:57:46 | Lear | |
21:58:22 | AlexP | |
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21:59:06 | ThomasAH | |
21:59:08 | AlexP | |
21:59:20 | AlexP | |
21:59:29 | AlexP | |
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21:59:45 | ThomasAH | |
21:59:52 | AlexP | |
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22:00:04 | Join Buschel [0] ( | |
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22:01:18 | ThomasAH | |
22:01:48 | ThomasAH | |
22:01:53 | Quit Stummi (Quit: Bye!) | |
22:02:09 | ThomasAH | |
22:03:35 | Buschel | |
22:04:25 | wtachi | |
22:04:36 | wtachi | |
22:04:55 | AlexP | |
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22:05:46 | AlexP | |
22:06:23 | AlexP | |
22:06:30 | AlexP | |
22:06:57 | ThomasAH | |
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22:07:22 | AlexP | |
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22:07:45 | AlexP | |
22:07:58 | ThomasAH | |
22:08:05 | AlexP | |
22:09:44 | Join Koakuma [0] ( | |
22:10:05 | Lear | |
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22:10:34 | Buschel | |
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22:11:24 | AlexP | |
22:11:28 | bertrik | |
22:11:33 | AlexP | |
22:11:50 | wtachi | |
22:11:53 | AlexP | |
22:12:01 | AlexP | |
22:12:39 | ThomasAH | |
22:12:43 | Lear | |
22:12:49 | Part slater87 | |
22:13:10 | AlexP | |
22:13:27 | bertrik | |
22:17:34 | Quit jhMikeS (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | |
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22:19:12 | AlexP | |
22:19:49 | Lear | |
22:20:21 | bertrik | |
22:20:41 | ThomasAH | |
22:20:54 | AlexP | |
22:21:07 | Part dheyse | |
22:21:54 | Join StefARM [0] (4f70740d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. | |
22:22:07 | Buschel | |
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22:23:11 | Lear | |
22:24:00 | ThomasAH | |
22:24:15 | Lear | |
22:24:28 | AlexP | |
22:24:48 | AlexP | |
22:24:50 | bertrik | |
22:25:05 | wtachi | |
22:25:06 | Quit bmbl (Quit: Verlassend) | |
22:25:11 | gevaerts | |
22:25:14 | wtachi | |
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22:25:38 | ThomasAH | |
22:25:56 | AlexP | |
22:27:22 | bertrik | |
22:29:19 | bertrik | |
22:29:52 | ThomasAH | |
22:30:13 | Buschel | |
22:30:29 | AlexP | |
22:31:34 | wtachi | |
22:32:01 | Buschel | |
22:32:43 | Quit evilnick_B (Quit: Page closed) | |
22:32:43 | wtachi | |
22:32:55 | Quit TheLemonMan (Quit: Destructor called) | |
22:32:56 | Join Hindu [0] (dce36163@gateway/web/freenode/ip. | |
22:33:08 | Buschel | |
22:35:39 | Quit Dreamxtreme (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
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22:42:37 | saratoga | |
22:43:02 | saratoga | |
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22:43:14 | saratoga | |
22:44:00 | Buschel | |
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22:46:27 | Join milk_ [0] ( | |
22:57:16 | JdGordon| | |
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22:58:42 | JdGordon| | |
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23:03:09 | JdGordon| | |
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23:10:59 | Join Keripo [0] ( | |
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