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#rockbox log for 2011-04-01

00:00:07 Join boghog [0] (~aphax@2001:980:34c7:0:1e6f:65ff:fe86:1e03)
00:00:28boghoghi all
00:01:02*stripwax waves hello
00:01:31peturlooks like the buildserver could use some prodding with a large stick
00:01:45*Buschel kicks CIA-48
00:02:18peturCIA-48 is innocent in this case
00:03:46Buschelwould submitting a dummy change cure it?
00:04:08peturprobably not, maybe worth a try?
00:04:11bertrikIt'll sort itself out I think
00:04:23gevaertsI think there's a timeout
00:04:28peturah, is there a timeout set?
00:05:14gevaertsI think it will stop after 30 minutes or so
00:05:59BuschelI'll just submit a minor cosmetic change and see if it helps
00:06:59CIA-48New commit by Buschel (r29666): Cosmetic change of a comment.
00:07:15gevaertsI very much doubt it
00:09:52amiconnstripwax: Android builds aren't multi resolution so far
00:10:50stripwaxamiconn - i'm referring to this: "svn r28520 + FS #11615 (dynamic screen size):"> <- This build should work on all screen sizes (The start logo isnt sized correctly yet but the themes should all work)"
00:11:12amiconnHmm, then I don't know
00:11:25stripwaxbut i figured jdgordon might ...
00:15:36amiconnThe buildmaster is borked. My clients got the start of the round, and after that they're constantly reporting the connection has stalled
00:15:51 Nick liar is now known as l (
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00:16:24 Nick Guest86665 is now known as liar (
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00:18:00 Join Buschel_ [0] (
00:20:51 Quit Buschel (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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00:22:12*bertrik doesn't really know what to think of,27629.0.html
00:23:42bertrikI feel sorry for that person, but not quite responsible
00:24:54pixelmamaybe it's one of the hard freezes that were reported where only letting the battery die helped?
00:25:16 Part domonoky
00:25:39bertrikyes, maybe, hope it's recoverable
00:26:30 Quit bertrik (Quit: :tiuQ)
00:29:50 Quit Keripo (Quit: Leaving.)
00:36:40 Quit Buschel (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 3.6.16/20110319135224])
00:36:53 Quit dfkt (Quit: -= SysReset 2.55=- Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc.)
00:39:48 Join scromple [0] (
00:47:20 Join Zambezi [0] (Zulu@
00:47:41 Join Keripo [0] (
00:48:17 Quit ChickeNES (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.)
00:53:13 Quit Ayla (Quit: dodo)
00:56:31JdGordon|stripwax: that build isnt reliable... i dump whatever build i last made there... i can make you a 480x800 one if you want though
00:57:18 Join Leif [0] (
00:58:49stripwaxjdgordon - no worries, i pulled one of the paulgeluid ones instead
01:02:19stripwaxI found RaaA takes a bit of getting used to - partly because it just doesn't behave like a native app
01:03:47 Quit petur (Quit: Leaving)
01:03:53stripwaxand partly because there's no ui documentation. (unless there is of course)
01:04:27stripwaxThere seems to be no way to actually exit the app, so when it says 'reboot to enable' it seems quite alien
01:07:09stripwaxto which bit? :-)
01:07:19JdGordon|well all of it really :p
01:09:08 Quit bluebrother (Disconnected by services)
01:09:09 Join bluebroth3r [0] (~dom@rockbox/developer/bluebrother)
01:09:54stripwaxis it ok to assume that's not by design? :-)
01:11:38JdGordon|not really
01:12:02stripwaxactually, what I really mean is: is it *completely* intentional that RaaA is supposed to behave mostly exactly like native Rockbox , and that any resemblence to a native application is possibly coincidence
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01:17:03 Join smoothifier [0] (smoothifie@gateway/shell/
01:17:13JdGordon|just needs more warm bodies
01:17:42*stripwax fancies a dabble
01:18:03JdGordon|you say that now... but wait till you see the java/c glue code :p
01:18:33stripwaxha - well, I've *seen* some of the code, but not delved in.
01:18:58stripwaxone niggle is that I can't seem to find a way to make it start up at the WPS. despite having Start Screen set to Resume Playback
01:19:10stripwaxbut that might be related to it actually never really exiting
01:20:52stripwaxand i also seem to have difficulty consistently making it go into the background (seems to only work with the 'right' combination of pressing Menu and Back, the order of which in turn seems to depend on whether playback is playing or paused)
01:21:51stripwaxand the big hardware select button doesn't ever take me to the File Browser screen ever; but that's probably just a keymap problem
01:22:47stripwaxanyway. warm bodies.
01:23:59 Quit [Saint] (Quit: Page closed)
01:25:09 Join bluefoxx [0] (
01:29:17stripwaxalso pictureflow seems to build a cache, but then never actually display the album art; they all shows as the empty pfraw guy. but wps is fine with album art ...
01:29:45stripwaxis there a discussion forum topic for these and other issues?
01:30:23 Join krazykit [0] (
01:30:23 Join Mouser_X [0] (
01:31:36stripwaxhrm and if i make my phone sleep (via power button) and then wake up after, rockbox seems very unwilling to make any sounds :-( with playback in a zombie state and play/pause doing nothing (but wps seemingly functional still, just not playback).
01:32:02 Quit smoothifier (Quit: Lost terminal)
01:32:40Mouser_XI assume it's just me, but the Rockbox website isn't loading.... I can ping the address, but when I try to load it with Opera, it tells me it can't connect.
01:33:32 Quit elinenbe_ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
01:33:40Mouser_X(I was just wondering if anyone had ideas/suggestions as to what might be wrong, or if there was anything (short of waiting) that I could to to make it work....)
01:33:54stripwaxMouser_X - I'm seeing that too. the front page loads about one time out of four, but I can't currently get onto the issue tracker or the forums
01:34:07stripwaxin my case, that's surely a sign that it's bed-time
01:34:17Mouser_XWell, the forums work.
01:34:21Mouser_XAt least, they did for me.
01:39:07 Quit stripwax (Quit:
01:44:05 Join Keripo1 [0] (
01:45:26 Quit Keripo (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
01:48:09 Join [Saint] [0] (
01:53:02 Quit robin0800 (Quit: Leaving)
01:55:01 Join ge [0] (
01:55:46 Quit Keripo1 (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
01:57:12geHi everyone! I just registered for the wiki, and it told me to come here and ask for write permissions (WikiUsersGroup). :)
01:58:01 Join Keripo [0] (
01:58:44geOh, my WikiName is "WolfEggers". Might be a good idea to mention that, too.
02:00:40 Quit bluefoxx (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
02:07:34 Quit mshathlonxp (Quit: nap & work)
02:07:54geuh, um, i just realized it's already 2am here. I'll check back later.
02:08:09 Quit ge (Quit: bye)
02:16:12 Quit Leif (Quit: Leaving)
02:34:01 Join ChickeNES [0] (~ChickeNES@
02:36:42ChickeNEShey guys, I talked to someone yesterday about gsoc, are there any mentors on?
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02:50:58 Join saratoga [0] (600afc5f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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03:05:23 Quit smoothifier (Quit: leaving)
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03:42:42 Quit Keripo (Quit: Leaving.)
03:56:44 Quit JesusFreak316 (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
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05:27:43 Quit ChickeNES (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.)
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06:02:17 Quit liar (Quit: hallowed are the ori!)
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06:24:09 Join ChickeNES [0] (~ChickeNES@
06:26:32ChickeNESsaratoga: I talked to you yesterday about gsoc, but forgot to ask if you are a mentor
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07:18:04saratogaChickeNES: i'll probably mentor one of the codec projects, or else the emulator project, but i'm fairly sick right now so i can't talk to you more about it
07:18:50axionnew rb user here. i have a gigabeat f60. thinking about getting a 320gb and adapter. if it fits it should work, right? does the OF have a max capacity?
07:25:59ChickeNESsaratoga: I understand. Maybe we can talk about it this weekend?
07:26:22saratogasure, that or when morning comes i'm sure they'll be other people online who can talk to you about it
07:43:15 Join Keripo [0] (
07:54:55 Quit wtachi (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.4)
08:03:50 Quit saratoga (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
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08:34:22amiconnZagor: There's a beast in the build system... hanging for >8 hours now
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08:41:40Zagoramiconn: restarted
08:44:34CIA-48r29666 build result: All green
08:48:19[Saint]ge: "WolfEggers" added to wikiusersgroup
08:48:38[Saint](also logs for anyone else if he comes back in asking again, it's already done)
08:49:33 Join efyx [0] (
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12:16:08pineappledoes anyone know of any poweron issues with ipod nano 1g and rockbox 3.8?
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14:08:33DanielHolthOn the Clip+ is there a key that always returns to the WPS?
14:09:55literalno, unfortunately not
14:10:31literalbut I remember the devs saying that they would welcome patches that will make the Clip+ UI more intuitive like that
14:11:20n1sisn't it kind of short on buttons?
14:11:39literalhe's referring to the way the original firmware works
14:11:57DanielHolthit's not a bad idea to be able to switch tracks without navigating through a very tiny menu
14:12:06literalwhere you can always get to the "now playing" screen by hitting the Home button twice, I believe
14:12:14literalno matter where you are in the UI
14:13:49DanielHolththe auto-resume all podcasts feature is my favorite
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14:16:55n1sthe play button ususally goes back to the wps if the player has one
14:17:24n1shome could work too unless it's needed for something else
14:18:00 Quit silbo (Remote host closed the connection)
14:24:16DanielHolthon the clip+ the play button is 'up' in the menu
14:24:39DanielHolthit should probably be home to mimic the stock firmware. home sometimes goes to the now playing screen, other times it just goes to the previous menu level.
14:25:54B4gderwe generally don't mimic the OF though
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14:26:17B4gderbut rather work like Rockbox does on other players
14:26:38DanielHolthsure whatever
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16:27:32*[Saint] has "auto-hide" working in his RaaA theme .sbs
16:31:02[Saint]A slight change to the way UI viewports are drawn/applied...and a fix to the %Tl tag to actually get it to respect it's timeout value, and it will be a very beautiful thing.
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16:37:51kugel[Saint]: auto-hide what?
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16:43:23[Saint]the playback "control panel"
16:43:31[Saint]keg: ^
16:43:49[Saint]keg? Hmmm...
16:43:53[Saint]kugel: ^
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16:48:46kugel[Saint]: sounds unecessray to me
16:49:11[Saint]good for you.
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16:52:26kugel[Saint]: can you please elaborate once more what's so wrong with the icons?
16:52:26kugelI'm apparently missing the flaw
16:52:45kugelyou also wanted your icons committed, but not anymore now?
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17:18:52[Saint]again, there's nothing wrong with the;s the entire underlying system.
17:19:56[Saint]And I think it's a bad move to commit an iconset that simply works around that issue.
17:20:28kugelwhat's "that issue". just that some icons are unused?
17:20:59kugelI see no reason to not commit them as it doesn't make things worse, does it?
17:21:15[Saint]Correct. Some aren't used, some aren't used consistently...and whatever's wrong with viewers...wel, they're just plain broken.
17:21:39[Saint]No, it doesn't make it "worse"...but it doesn't give any incentive to fix anything either.
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17:22:20kugelyou can't drop incentive below zero :)
17:22:57kugelI don't see it as a problem that some are unused at all
17:23:02[Saint]I mean, yes...I;d certainly like to see it committed. But I'd *really* like to see the "fat" trimmed from the iconset, icons applied ina uniform way, and viewers fixed up too.
17:23:16kugeland viewer icons are defined by a simple text file, arent they?
17:23:17[Saint]I don't mean to suggest though that this need to happen all at the same time.
17:23:30[Saint]Yes, but it's completely warped.
17:23:53[Saint]You can define some extensions all you like, but *never* get a viewer icon for them.
17:23:58[Saint]or get completely the wrong one.
17:26:05[Saint]I believe Torne looked into viewers brokenness (iirc), or I may have just discussed it with him...I can't quite remember. They're in a bad way, anyway.
17:26:35Torneer, i vaguely recall such a thing
17:26:42Tornenot sure of the details :)
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17:28:05[Saint]I guess my position came off incorrectly re: the iconset. I *would* like to see it commited, and I don't care if it's committed *now*. I just don't want that to be the end of it ;)
17:28:32[Saint]A big cleanup with plugin/list icons and viewers would be the preferable next step.
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17:34:12[Saint]JdGordon|: (logs) I need a way to be able to kick the skin engine in the guts and force a fullscreen redraw on UI viewport change. Otherwise expanding/contracting the UI viewport conditionally messes up the lists/menus pretty bad.
17:36:04[Saint]small/med screen players can gain/recover 1~3 lines of list/menu in the .sbs by hiding the playback control panel.
17:36:52[Saint](+while still keeping playback control in the .sbs (I didn't want to do that if it meant losing any menu space on a player))
17:37:10kugelafter you've taken away how many lines by having that panel in the first place?
17:37:50kugelhow do you open it it, how big is it when minimized?
17:38:16 Quit MethoS- (Remote host closed the connection)
17:39:13[Saint]it doesn't remove any lines from the menu on any current player size.
17:39:32[Saint]the .sbs control panel is the *exact* same as the .wps control panel.
17:39:55[Saint]but by offering a way to hide it, you can gain 1~3 lines in the lists
17:40:24[Saint](hand for scrolling? also hiding it is like a "soft lock")
17:41:24kugelhow do you open it?
17:41:46[Saint]it doesn't have to be hidden, or displayed, there's a tab down the bottom that toggles it.
17:41:55[Saint](like the Android Dialer)
17:42:26kugelbut that tab takes space?
17:42:42[Saint]None that was used beforehand anyway.
17:42:49 Quit ChickeNES (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.)
17:42:56kugelhave you tried 320x480?
17:43:38[Saint]that's the next size I'll be working on I believe. froggyman has a device of that res.
17:43:58kugelI too
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17:44:07pineapplewhich device?
17:44:13kugeljust saying, the lines pretty much fit the whole screen on it
17:44:22[Saint]I'm slowly working on a 1024x600 version also for the Archos101
17:44:40pineappleat these screen resolutions, doom probably becomes playable :-)
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17:44:57*kugel wonders how well multi-resolution themes, with bitmap scaling would work
17:44:57[Saint]doom won't be added.
17:45:07[Saint]well, I *sincerely* doubt it...anyway.
17:46:36[Saint]kugel: As an estimate for how much screen space you would "lose", the 480x800 version's show/hide tab is 20px high.
17:46:55kugel+ instead of specifying pixels, specify something relative instead (% or android's dp)
17:47:27kugel[Saint]: seems like it would be a line
17:47:54kugelthe free space under the last line is perhaps 10 pixel
17:48:09[Saint]nah...even on 240x320 under 28px font is barely usable.
17:48:22kugelbtw, it's not unused space, it shows text and you can select in that area during kinetic scrolling
17:48:24[Saint]oh, right...I get you now.
17:49:04[Saint]I think you'll be willing to give that up to have playback control in the .sbs ;)
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17:50:41[Saint]touchscreen themes don't necessarily *have* to have a .wps anymore...which is interesting.
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17:50:58[Saint]Could lead to some rather lightweight themes.
17:52:01[Saint]Also (though it would be a bit of a mission) the entire menu system could be re-implemented with an "icon style" "desktop" if we wanted to.
17:52:18[Saint]But I haven't started playing with that yet.
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17:54:29[Saint]It's potentially a bit of a support nightmare, when more advanced themes start popping up you'll need to *insist* that users default to the built in theme.
17:54:57[Saint]Themers now have a way to completely redo the menu system without touching the core, but I don't think anyone has figured that out yet.
17:58:16kugel[Saint]: I have absolutely no demand for playback controls in lists
17:58:38kugelI'm most of the time control playback via the widget or volume buttons (when screen is off)
17:58:43[Saint]I'm reasonably confident the masses do.
17:59:03[Saint]I'm reasonably confident some people would kill to control playback in the .sbs
18:07:53 Quit ChickeNES (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.)
18:08:48kugelI'm reasonably confident some people will find it annoying
18:09:21[Saint]the can get f****d ;)]
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19:35:03bertrikAnyone here with a sansa clipv2 suffering from background noises?
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19:49:15pixelmato people involved in the discussion with DanielHolth earlier - there is a shortcut to the WPS on the Clip(+)s but it's currently a button combo... hold+select I believe, the manual has it ;)
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22:36:19ChickeNESany gsoc mentors on?
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22:38:04gevaertsYes, but maybe not experts on what you want to talk about
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22:41:36ChickeNESI wanted to talk about the ARM emulator, I talked to saratoga about it some on Wednesday, but he was sick last night and suggested that I try to talk to one of the other mentors
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22:44:19gevaertsAh, yes
22:44:30*gevaerts doesn't know much about that
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22:45:27bertrikSome with a fuze v2 here, who can test a patch?
22:45:51ChickeNESgot it
22:46:04ChickeNESthats to gevaerts
22:47:25evilnick_Bbertrik: I can
22:47:38bertrikdo you have a variant 0 or 1?
22:47:51evilnick_BHow do I tell?
22:48:14bertrikIn the HW info debug menu IIRC
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22:49:00evilnick_BVariant 0
22:49:27evilnick_BEr... but I don't have a micro SD on me. Sorry if that changes things
22:49:57bertrikoh yes, we need a micro SD for a proper test
22:51:41gevaertsI also seem to have a variant 0, and I do have some microSD cards
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22:56:03bertrikgevaerts, can you try this patch?
22:56:28bertrikit attempts to remove in interdependency between sd card access and the button light on fuze v2 variant 0
22:56:51bertrikplease check if internal and external sd access still work, and if the button light still works
22:59:33bertrikgpio B5 is used for button light on the fuze v2 variant 0, and used for switching the sd card CMD line in fuze variant 1
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23:03:41bertrikoh, it looks like on fuzev2 variant 1, the button light can be PWM'ed
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23:15:19gevaertsbertrik: seems to work
23:15:28 Quit Stummi (Quit: Bye!)
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23:25:17bertrikthanks, I'll commit it then, this should not affect fuze v2 variant 1
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23:29:11CIA-48New commit by bertrik (r29667): AMSv2: fix dependency between button light and sd card control for fuze v2 variant 0
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23:33:03CIA-48r29667 build result: All green
23:33:21AlexPHow are we doing for the sd stuff for a 3.8.1 ?
23:35:03bertrikFine, I think, several suspicious things were fixed and I haven't seen any report of things breaking so far
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