Previous day | Jump to hour: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 | Next day
| Joins:
| View raw
Click in the nick column to highlight everything a person has said.
00:03:52 | sideral | |
00:04:49 | pamaury | |
00:05:29 | sideral | |
00:06:01 | pamaury | |
00:09:16 | saratoga | |
00:10:03 | pamaury | |
00:10:04 | Quit Buschel (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | |
00:11:19 | sideral | |
00:11:49 | saratoga | |
00:12:04 | saratoga | |
00:12:09 | saratoga | |
00:12:40 | saratoga | |
00:12:57 | sideral | |
00:13:04 | pamaury | |
00:16:44 | sideral | |
00:18:00 | pamaury | |
00:19:11 | sideral | |
00:27:26 | Quit {phoenix} (Remote host closed the connection) | |
00:28:20 | Chronon | |
00:31:37 | Quit TheLemonMan (Quit: Ex-Chat) | |
00:32:49 | sideral | |
00:33:03 | sideral | |
00:34:37 | Quit liar (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) | |
00:35:31 | Quit sideral (Quit: Leaving.) | |
00:36:19 | Chronon | |
00:36:36 | Chronon | |
00:42:06 | Quit factor (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | |
00:44:13 | Quit dfkt (Quit: -= SysReset 2.55=- Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc.) | |
00:44:22 | Join factor [0] ( | |
00:45:15 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
00:47:57 | Quit pamaury (Remote host closed the connection) | |
00:48:33 | Join alexb_1 [0] ( | |
00:52:14 | Chronon | |
00:52:51 | Chronon | |
00:54:35 | alexbobp | |
00:54:42 | saratoga | |
00:54:48 | alexbobp | |
00:54:57 | Chronon | |
00:55:15 | Quit ender` (Quit: When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion. -- Robert Pirsig) | |
00:55:51 | saratoga | |
00:56:43 | Chronon | |
00:58:25 | Quit GeekShadow (Quit: The cake is a lie !) | |
01:00 | ||
01:00:06 | Quit DerPapst1 (Quit: Leaving.) | |
01:19:14 | alexb_1 | |
01:21:07 | Part alexb_1 ("Leaving") | |
01:25:33 | Quit bertrik (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | |
01:34:38 | Join Topy [0] ( | |
01:37:21 | Quit robin0800 (Quit: Leaving) | |
01:38:31 | Quit T44 (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | |
01:58:38 | Quit u42p (Quit: Leaving) | |
02:00 | ||
02:13:41 | Quit Jerom1 (Quit: Leaving.) | |
02:32:07 | Quit jordan` (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | |
02:32:32 | Quit stripwax (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
02:37:56 | Join jordan` [0] ( | |
02:39:35 | Quit jhMikeS (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) | |
02:40:04 | Join jhMikeS [0] (~jethead71@rockbox/developer/jhMikeS) | |
02:43:58 | Join alexb_1 [0] ( | |
02:45:19 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
02:47:38 | Quit alexb_1 (Client Quit) | |
02:49:47 | Join timccc [0] (~lisa@ | |
03:00 | ||
03:03:26 | Chronon | |
03:05:17 | Join GodEater [0] ( | |
03:05:17 | Quit GodEater (Changing host) | |
03:05:17 | Join GodEater [0] (~bibble@rockbox/staff/GodEater) | |
03:08:07 | Quit GodEater_ (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) | |
03:08:57 | Join JesusFreak316 [0] ( | |
03:14:49 | Quit simonlnu (Quit: bbl) | |
03:22:03 | Quit [Saint] (Disconnected by services) | |
03:22:05 | Join S_a_i_n_t [0] ( | |
03:40:43 | Join simonlnu [0] (simon@unaffiliated/simonrvn) | |
03:42:51 | Nick timccc is now known as fdfhhjvbn (~lisa@ | |
03:46:59 | Quit soap (Remote host closed the connection) | |
03:47:51 | Join soap [0] ( | |
03:47:51 | Quit soap (Changing host) | |
03:47:51 | Join soap [0] (~soap@rockbox/staff/soap) | |
03:54:00 | Quit fxb (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | |
03:59:25 | Join mmmfuze [0] ( | |
04:00 | ||
04:04:18 | mmmfuze | |
04:06:14 | saratoga | |
04:06:57 | saratoga | |
04:06:59 | mmmfuze | |
04:07:24 | mmmfuze | |
04:07:28 | Quit mmmfuze (Quit: CGI:IRC) | |
04:08:18 | Quit amiconn (Disconnected by services) | |
04:08:19 | Join amiconn_ [0] (quassel@rockbox/developer/amiconn) | |
04:08:20 | Quit pixelma (Disconnected by services) | |
04:08:22 | Join pixelma_ [0] (quassel@rockbox/staff/pixelma) | |
04:08:24 | Nick pixelma_ is now known as pixelma (quassel@rockbox/staff/pixelma) | |
04:08:37 | Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (quassel@rockbox/developer/amiconn) | |
04:25:07 | Join kugel [0] ( | |
04:25:07 | Quit kugel (Changing host) | |
04:25:07 | Join kugel [0] (~kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel) | |
04:28:33 | Quit kugelp (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | |
04:29:36 | Quit mshathlonxp () | |
04:45:21 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
04:58:31 | Quit TheSeven (Disconnected by services) | |
04:58:40 | Join [7] [0] (~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) | |
05:00 | ||
05:04:14 | Join gartral [0] (~CR-48@unaffiliated/gartral) | |
05:06:20 | gartral | |
05:11:15 | Join Rob2223 [0] ( | |
05:15:12 | Quit Rob2222 (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | |
05:27:32 | Join krazykit [0] ( | |
05:44:36 | Quit Chronon (Remote host closed the connection) | |
05:47:30 | Join Chronon [0] ( | |
05:53:53 | saratoga | |
05:54:15 | gartral | |
05:54:18 | saratoga | |
05:54:34 | saratoga | |
05:54:52 | saratoga | |
05:57:37 | gartral | |
05:58:10 | saratoga | |
05:58:26 | gartral | |
05:58:44 | saratoga | |
05:59:01 | gartral | |
05:59:29 | gartral | |
06:00 | ||
06:01:09 | saratoga | |
06:01:23 | saratoga | |
06:02:10 | Quit L-Strife89 (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | |
06:03:59 | saratoga | |
06:04:04 | saratoga | |
06:15:42 | Join Horschti [0] (~Horscht@xbmc/user/horscht) | |
06:18:06 | Join Strife89 [0] (~Strife89@ | |
06:19:10 | Quit Horscht (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) | |
06:29:42 | Quit JesusFreak316 (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
06:30:48 | Join JesusFreak316 [0] ( | |
06:36:46 | gartral | |
06:39:02 | gartral | |
06:39:35 | saratoga | |
06:39:48 | gartral | |
06:40:08 | gartral | |
06:45:22 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
07:00 | ||
07:40:43 | Join merbanan [0] ( | |
07:42:49 | Join Judas_PhD [0] ( | |
07:44:13 | Part Judas_PhD | |
08:00 | ||
08:08:27 | Quit gartral (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | |
08:30:58 | Join bmbl [0] (~bmbl@unaffiliated/bmbl) | |
08:45:26 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
08:49:24 | Join gartral [0] (~CR-48@unaffiliated/gartral) | |
09:00 | ||
09:04:04 | S_a_i_n_t | |
09:16:19 | Join stoffel [0] ( | |
09:19:24 | Quit gartral (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | |
09:26:08 | Join Buschel [0] ( | |
09:27:24 | Quit niekie (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
09:28:59 | Quit sasquatch (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.2) | |
09:29:12 | Join gartral [0] (~CR-48@unaffiliated/gartral) | |
09:29:20 | Join niekie [0] (~niek@CAcert/Assurer/niekie) | |
09:29:23 | Join sasquatch [0] ( | |
09:34:45 | Quit JesusFreak316 (Remote host closed the connection) | |
09:41:29 | Quit gartral (Remote host closed the connection) | |
09:43:55 | Quit Buschel (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 3.6.17/20110420140830]) | |
09:44:01 | Join n1s [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/n1s) | |
09:49:51 | Quit jhMikeS (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | |
09:52:01 | Join gartral [0] (~CR-48@unaffiliated/gartral) | |
10:00 | ||
10:03:02 | Join bertrik [0] ( | |
10:03:02 | Quit bertrik (Changing host) | |
10:03:02 | Join bertrik [0] (~bertrik@rockbox/developer/bertrik) | |
10:07:19 | n1s | |
10:08:52 | CIA-87 | |
10:10:33 | Join ender` [0] ( | |
10:12:34 | CIA-87 | |
10:12:45 | Nick S_a_i_n_t is now known as [Saint] ( | |
10:13:00 | Join Judas_PhD [0] ( | |
10:13:41 | [Saint] | |
10:14:04 | Join shai [0] ( | |
10:14:10 | * | |
10:14:44 | [Saint] | |
10:14:51 | bertrik | |
10:15:43 | n1s | |
10:17:35 | Join GeekShadow [0] (~Antoine@reactos/tester/GeekShadow) | |
10:25:48 | Join stripwax [0] ( | |
10:27:42 | bluebrother | |
10:27:44 | Quit mystica555 (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | |
10:31:26 | Llorean | |
10:33:05 | bluebrother | |
10:34:48 | Llorean | |
10:37:07 | bluebrother | |
10:37:10 | Join JoshuaChang [0] (~joshuacha@ | |
10:42:17 | Quit stoffel (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | |
10:43:45 | JoshuaChang | |
10:45:00 | n1s | |
10:45:29 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
10:46:31 | JoshuaChang | |
10:46:33 | JoshuaChang | |
10:49:01 | n1s | |
10:49:13 | n1s | |
10:49:31 | n1s | |
10:52:49 | JoshuaChang | |
10:54:00 | n1s | |
10:54:11 | n1s | |
10:54:33 | stripwax | |
10:55:33 | JoshuaChang | |
10:56:11 | stripwax | |
10:57:13 | JoshuaChang | |
10:59:00 | stripwax | |
10:59:51 | bertrik | |
11:00 | ||
11:00:17 | Join robin0800 [0] ( | |
11:00:32 | JoshuaChang | |
11:00:58 | n1s | |
11:01:08 | n1s | |
11:01:59 | Join DerPapst [0] ( | |
11:02:00 | JoshuaChang | |
11:02:06 | stripwax | |
11:02:14 | Join gartral_ [0] (~CR-48@unaffiliated/gartral) | |
11:02:26 | stripwax | |
11:03:15 | JoshuaChang | |
11:03:21 | Quit gartral (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | |
11:04:10 | JoshuaChang | |
11:04:24 | n1s | |
11:05:32 | n1s | |
11:07:48 | JoshuaChang | |
11:09:43 | Quit Galois (Read error: Operation timed out) | |
11:24:31 | Quit robin0800 (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
11:25:13 | Join mystica555 [0] ( | |
11:25:14 | Join robin0800 [0] ( | |
11:27:36 | Join benedikt93 [0] (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) | |
11:30:52 | Quit robin0800 (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | |
11:32:28 | stripwax | |
11:35:00 | ranmachan | |
11:35:08 | Join Buschel [0] ( | |
11:36:19 | bertrik | |
11:37:37 | ranmachan | |
11:38:09 | bertrik | |
11:38:15 | Quit gartral_ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | |
11:38:17 | Join gartral [0] (~CR-48@unaffiliated/gartral) | |
11:41:47 | Quit user890104 (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
11:41:55 | Join user890104 [0] ( | |
11:45:19 | Join pamaury [0] ( | |
11:45:19 | Quit pamaury (Changing host) | |
11:45:19 | Join pamaury [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/pamaury) | |
11:47:12 | Join robin0800 [0] ( | |
11:55:24 | Join TheLemonMan [0] (~lem0n@ | |
11:56:08 | Quit shai (Quit: Leaving) | |
11:57:17 | Join stripwax_ [0] ( | |
11:57:35 | Quit stripwax_ (Client Quit) | |
12:00 | ||
12:01:47 | Join fxb [0] ( | |
12:09:38 | Quit gartral (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
12:10:45 | Join shai [0] ( | |
12:11:12 | Join gartral [0] (~CR-48@unaffiliated/gartral) | |
12:37:37 | Quit gartral (Remote host closed the connection) | |
12:38:06 | Quit Buschel (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 3.6.17/20110420140830]) | |
12:45:32 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
12:50:00 | Quit bluebrother (Quit: leaving) | |
12:51:33 | Join stoffel [0] ( | |
12:52:59 | Join bluebrother [0] (~dom@rockbox/developer/bluebrother) | |
12:55:25 | Quit DerPapst (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | |
12:56:13 | Join DerPapst [0] ( | |
13:00 | ||
13:00:49 | Join Jerom1 [0] (~jerome@ | |
13:08:14 | Join Galois [0] ( | |
13:28:34 | Quit FoH (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | |
13:35:38 | Quit bertrik (Read error: Operation timed out) | |
13:36:34 | Join bertrik [0] (~bertrik@rockbox/developer/bertrik) | |
14:00 | ||
14:04:45 | Join gartral [0] (~CR-48@unaffiliated/gartral) | |
14:38:47 | Join liar [0] ( | |
14:45:34 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
14:48:22 | Join u42p [0] ( | |
14:52:07 | Join Buschel [0] ( | |
15:00 | ||
15:01:21 | Quit linuxguy3 (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
15:09:27 | Quit Buschel (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) | |
15:10:42 | Quit krazykit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | |
15:11:33 | Quit mystica555 (Read error: Operation timed out) | |
15:12:19 | Join krazykit [0] ( | |
15:12:36 | Join LambdaCalculus37 [0] (~rmenes@rockbox/staff/LambdaCalculus37) | |
15:15:51 | Quit bertrik (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | |
15:25:07 | Quit stoffel (Remote host closed the connection) | |
15:34:41 | Quit LambdaCalculus37 (Quit: Fwump) | |
15:35:22 | Quit stripwax (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
15:37:53 | Join dfkt [0] (~dfkt@unaffiliated/dfkt) | |
15:41:42 | Join mshathlonxp [0] ( | |
15:48:42 | Join Luca_S [0] ( | |
15:49:33 | kugel | |
15:49:34 | gartral | |
15:51:12 | bluebrother | |
15:51:52 | kugel | |
15:51:55 | gartral | |
15:52:10 | bluebrother | |
15:52:18 | kugel | |
15:52:38 | gartral | |
15:53:01 | gevaerts | |
15:53:08 | gartral | |
15:53:09 | Quit fxb () | |
15:53:19 | gartral | |
15:53:23 | kugel | |
15:53:49 | gevaerts | |
15:53:51 | kugel | |
15:54:03 | bluebrother | |
15:54:16 | gartral | |
15:54:31 | JoshuaChang | |
15:54:52 | JoshuaChang | |
15:55:02 | gartral | |
15:55:07 | gevaerts | |
15:55:12 | gevaerts | |
15:55:19 | * | |
15:55:24 | gevaerts | |
15:55:35 | kugel | |
15:55:35 | gartral | |
15:55:43 | JoshuaChang | |
15:55:51 | kugel | |
15:55:52 | JoshuaChang | |
15:55:59 | gevaerts | |
15:56:22 | gevaerts | |
15:56:28 | kugel | |
15:56:47 | gevaerts | |
15:56:57 | JoshuaChang | |
15:56:58 | bluebrother | |
15:58:39 | Luca_S | |
15:58:56 | Join Buschel [0] ( | |
15:59:06 | Luca_S | |
15:59:30 | kugel | |
16:00 | ||
16:00:54 | Quit Luca_S (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)) | |
16:04:00 | * | |
16:04:15 | [Saint] | |
16:04:30 | [Saint] | |
16:04:56 | [Saint] | |
16:06:00 | [Saint] | |
16:06:21 | [Saint] | |
16:09:53 | Join mystica555 [0] ( | |
16:15:27 | kugel | |
16:15:44 | [Saint] | |
16:16:07 | [Saint] | |
16:16:12 | [Saint] | |
16:16:43 | kugel | |
16:16:57 | [Saint] | |
16:17:10 | [Saint] | |
16:17:42 | kugel | |
16:17:56 | gevaerts | |
16:18:02 | [Saint] | |
16:18:34 | [Saint] | |
16:18:49 | [Saint] | |
16:18:57 | kugel | |
16:19:03 | [Saint] | |
16:19:14 | gevaerts | |
16:20:25 | bluebrother | |
16:20:26 | kugel | |
16:20:58 | * | |
16:21:26 | Quit gartral (Remote host closed the connection) | |
16:21:31 | Quit Horschti (Quit: Verlassend) | |
16:22:10 | [Saint] | |
16:22:22 | [Saint] | |
16:23:14 | bluebrother | |
16:24:41 | Quit bluebrother (Quit: leaving) | |
16:28:06 | Quit pamaury (Remote host closed the connection) | |
16:29:23 | Join pamaury [0] ( | |
16:29:23 | Quit pamaury (Changing host) | |
16:29:23 | Join pamaury [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/pamaury) | |
16:29:43 | kugel | |
16:29:59 | kugel | |
16:31:13 | Quit Jerom1 (Quit: Leaving.) | |
16:32:05 | gevaerts | |
16:32:51 | Join kugel_ [0] (~kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel) | |
16:32:51 | Join bluebrother [0] (~dom@rockbox/developer/bluebrother) | |
16:34:44 | Quit kugel_ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
16:36:27 | Join Horscht [0] ( | |
16:36:27 | Quit Horscht (Changing host) | |
16:36:27 | Join Horscht [0] (~Horscht@xbmc/user/horscht) | |
16:36:42 | Quit kugel (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | |
16:37:49 | Join kugel [0] (~kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel) | |
16:43:44 | kugel | |
16:45:36 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
16:46:05 | Join bertrik [0] (~bertrik@rockbox/developer/bertrik) | |
16:46:45 | kugel | |
16:48:15 | [Saint] | |
16:51:21 | Quit mshathlonxp () | |
16:51:33 | kugel | |
16:51:40 | kugel | |
16:52:20 | [Saint] | |
16:52:43 | kugel | |
16:54:02 | Llorean | |
16:54:22 | kugel | |
16:54:27 | Llorean | |
16:54:35 | Llorean | |
16:55:16 | kugel | |
16:55:26 | Llorean | |
16:55:34 | * | |
16:56:54 | kugel | |
16:57:15 | kugel | |
16:57:34 | JdGordon | |
16:57:34 | Llorean | |
16:57:58 | JdGordon | |
16:58:45 | Quit n1s (Remote host closed the connection) | |
16:58:56 | kugel | |
17:00 | ||
17:00:58 | JdGordon | |
17:01:16 | JdGordon | |
17:02:29 | bluebrother | |
17:03:22 | kugel | |
17:03:39 | * | |
17:05:10 | [Saint] | |
17:05:56 | [Saint] | |
17:06:20 | [Saint] | |
17:07:06 | JdGordon | |
17:07:21 | bluebrother | |
17:07:21 | JdGordon | |
17:07:38 | bluebrother | |
17:08:09 | bluebrother | |
17:08:27 | Join fml [0] ( | |
17:09:12 | fml | |
17:09:13 | Quit dfkt (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
17:09:18 | Join dfkt_ [0] ( | |
17:09:22 | Quit dfkt_ (Changing host) | |
17:09:22 | Join dfkt_ [0] (dfkt@unaffiliated/dfkt) | |
17:14:36 | bluebrother | |
17:15:25 | * | |
17:15:34 | JdGordon | |
17:15:49 | [Saint] | |
17:16:13 | JdGordon | |
17:16:23 | [Saint] | |
17:16:52 | [Saint] | |
17:17:43 | bluebrother | |
17:18:31 | bluebrother | |
17:19:01 | bluebrother | |
17:19:37 | bluebrother | |
17:20:59 | bluebrother | |
17:22:13 | Join dfkt [0] (dfkt@unaffiliated/dfkt) | |
17:22:24 | Join wodz [0] ( | |
17:22:52 | kugel | |
17:24:04 | JdGordon | |
17:24:42 | Quit bertrik (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | |
17:25:02 | wodz | |
17:25:24 | [Saint] | |
17:25:36 | Quit dfkt_ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | |
17:26:46 | wodz | |
17:29:20 | bluebrother | |
17:30:21 | pamaury | |
17:30:42 | kugel | |
17:32:25 | Join bertrik [0] ( | |
17:32:25 | Quit bertrik (Changing host) | |
17:32:25 | Join bertrik [0] (~bertrik@rockbox/developer/bertrik) | |
17:32:44 | pamaury | |
17:34:26 | wodz | |
17:37:04 | Quit bertrik (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | |
17:39:15 | CIA-87 | |
17:40:38 | Join efyx [0] ( | |
17:41:45 | kugel | |
17:42:31 | CIA-87 | |
17:42:32 | Quit Judas_PhD (Quit: This is a quitting message) | |
17:43:35 | bluebrother | |
17:44:20 | bluebrother | |
17:44:31 | Join Judas_PhD [0] ( | |
17:45:23 | kugel | |
17:48:25 | Quit cjcopi (Remote host closed the connection) | |
17:49:22 | Quit Judas_PhD (Client Quit) | |
17:49:39 | Join bertrik [0] ( | |
17:49:39 | Quit bertrik (Changing host) | |
17:49:39 | Join bertrik [0] (~bertrik@rockbox/developer/bertrik) | |
17:52:36 | kugel | |
17:52:40 | kugel | |
17:52:51 | kugel | |
17:52:51 | [Saint] | |
17:52:55 | bluebrother | |
17:53:50 | kugel | |
17:53:59 | kugel | |
17:55:22 | [Saint] | |
17:55:32 | [Saint] | |
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