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#rockbox log for 2011-05-13

00:00:34kugelmenu items are played off the voice file buffer, no?
00:01:07saratogawhat else is left to get the android port officially supported?
00:01:11saratogait seems quite useable
00:02:57kugeljhMikeS: thanks. that seems nasty in its entirety :)
00:02:58jhMikeSkugel: yeah, I think that's right, just for loadable ones
00:03:55 Join Buschel_ [0] (
00:04:17kugelso, there's tdspeed_init() after talk_init(). tdspeed_init() does buffer_alloc(). that is broken, isn't it?
00:04:26kugelscrobbler_init() too
00:04:54jhMikeSonly if it doesn't steal the mp3 buffer first
00:05:27jhMikeS*talk buffer
00:05:40kugeloh I see. talk_init() is called in main only for HWCODEC, for SWCODEC it's called in playback.c
00:05:44 Quit Buschel (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
00:05:51 Nick Buschel_ is now known as Buschel (
00:06:23jhMikeSHWCODEC can't mix voice and playback, so things are a bit different
00:07:02kugelbut seems broken on HWCODEC due to scrobbler_init()
00:07:37kugelthe thumbnail buffer and scrobbler buffer should overlap if I get this right
00:09:22kugel(talk_init()->reset_state()->steal audiobuf; then scrobbler_init()->buffer_alloc)
00:09:22 Quit Jerom1 (Quit: Leaving.)
00:09:43pixelmahwcodec also has a different playback engine and doesn't have MoB, maybe stating the obvious though
00:10:07kugelbut it has scrobbling
00:10:25jhMikeSthat looks wrong to me too
00:10:59pixelmavoice and playback worked without problems but I don't use scrobbling so can't tell
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00:14:11kugelI suspect this manual audibuf fiddling is just so that a new voice can be loaded at runtime of the lang changes, and due to this the voice buffer needs to be allocated after all buffer_allocs
00:14:18jhMikeSTo me, TALK_PARTIAL_LOAD is new. Makes sense for a sansa clip or something though.
00:14:43kugelthe clip was the point IIRC
00:14:51kugelfunman implemented it for it
00:15:11jhMikeSI suspected as much.
00:15:16pixelma(except this bug on auto-change directory). I admit that I have no idea if that relates to anything said before, just that I thought that if something in the buffer gets overwritten all weird things vam happen
00:15:32pixelmaerr... *can
00:16:07jhMikeSI guess it depends on what gets clobbered
00:16:37jhMikeSkugel: right, further buffer_alloc's need talk_buffer_steal to accompany them
00:17:12kugelsomething else seems broken. struct voicefile:table is (besides being redunant) never set
00:17:35kugeloh wait, it's probably set by voice generation
00:17:59jhMikeSthat just looks like header template
00:21:16kugelpixelma: the scrobbler.log could be spoken accidentally :D
00:21:38kugelnot that you'd be able to recognize it
00:23:52kugeljhMikeS: hopefully this kind of nasty stuff won't be needed after my gsoc project
00:24:11CIA-16New commit by Buschel (r29864): Trapped into ifdef-hell. Configure libfaad's IRAM/DRAM usage like it is meant to be.
00:26:17pamaury\o/ usb working on clip+ with PIO mode, let's hope it will be more stable than the dma one
00:26:49kugeljhMikeS: I just see that scrobbling possibly relied on the TRACK_CHANGE event coming early
00:27:47jhMikeSwhat do you mean?
00:28:41CIA-16r29864 build result: 0 errors, 33 warnings (Buschel committed)
00:28:58jhMikeSit really should process track finish, not track change
00:29:31kugelit seems to use the event to scrobble the outplaying track
00:30:09 Quit Buschel (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 3.6.17/20110420140830])
00:30:33jhMikeSright, I don't see how it wouldn't worked correctly anyway, without sending track change for the old track, then track finish, then track change for the new track or something to that effect
00:30:58kugeloh no, it does strange things :)
00:31:22jhMikeSbetter to change scrobbling to use track finish, then audio_prev_elapsed would be unneeded
00:31:30kugelit saves the id3 into a private struct, and checks it again when the next track begins
00:31:37jhMikeSit would get the outgoing track automatically
00:31:44kugelsounds good
00:32:17linuxstbsaratoga: I've had a few thoughts about the audio library project. Mainly, that if we're serious about encouraging other projects to use it, it needs to be released as a tarball, and not just live hidden inside Rockbox SVN. It also needs good API documentation and example/tutorial programs.
00:33:07jhMikeSstrange even timing was strubbed out of playback.c, I don't know about mpeg.c and if it tries sending events in a hacky way
00:33:25jhMikeSs/even/event/, s/strubbed/scrubbed/
00:36:43kugeljhMikeS: does TRACK_FINISH also come if playback was stopped or so, i.e. not only on automatic track change?
00:37:04pixelmaI remember scrobbking on hwcodec being implemented a bit later and I believe he was trying to do similar stuff as the database runtime stats. I was testing it back then and it once worked but it was ages ago and I am not sure now if it was with voice or not (though usually I have voice enabled on the Ondio especially back then it was probably without backlight)
00:38:11kugelyou could try if it still works. I have no hwcodec
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00:38:11pixelmaor scrobbling
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00:39:20jhMikeSkugel: always when a track is exited. actually, two hacky things are done because of 1) playlists still need preadvancing when switching them automatically, so track finish comes a bit early 2) skipping to the beginning needs track finish so autoresume works when skipping backwards
00:39:20pixelmayeah I'll try to, but now sleep first
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00:39:33kugelgevaerts: talk.c and tagtree.c are left in my buffer_alloc() analysis, after that I'll look at how audiobuf is used directly
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00:40:02kugelbut I'm a little surprised the use of each buffer differs so much
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00:41:53kugelthe project will probably be more tricky than I initially thought, but it should be doable
00:42:38pixelmaspeaking of testing though - jhMikeS: I have the *impression* that the with the new engine, the progressbar (the then new and empty) gets drawn a little late after the track change but I haven't compared to before which is why I didn't say something before). It's just that I now think "that takes a while" and I can't remember thinking so before - but it
00:42:55kugelI think I'm going to post a suggested API on the ML before starting the dirty work
00:42:58pixelmacould also be my imagination... just saying in case you want to test
00:43:48kugeljhMikeS: thanks for your input
00:43:53jhMikeSthere should be less delay now, before it could be up to 1/2s but now it checks transitions at 1/10 s
00:44:14jhMikeSkugel: np
00:44:31pixelmayeah, need to test
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00:47:05jhMikeSit tells the WPS to switch when PCM says so, just like before
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00:48:40pixelmawasn't there some workaround in place which sometimes lead to the WPS being updated to the new track even before the audible track change? I somehow seem to remember something like this
00:50:13jhMikeSthat sort of thing shouldn't happen now, neither should the playlist normally advance before the audible change
00:52:49 Quit froggyman (Read error: Operation timed out)
00:52:56pixelmayeah, I just thought that if it already started to draw the next progressbar earlier too, it might look snappier
00:53:44pixelmaeven though not "correct"
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05:56:09*[Saint] wonders why he gets haptic feedback input at two points after closing RaaA
05:56:19[Saint]2/closing/shutting down/
05:58:08*JdGordon is annoyed that opening rockbox from the widget crashes the first time if the service isnt running
05:58:50[Saint]I shut down, and as soon as I get to the homescreen there's a tiny singular haptic feedback "buzz", then approximately 5 seconds after that there's another haptic feedback event. The second one is a dual short-long combination "buz-buzzzzzzz"
05:59:03[Saint]JdGordon: It doesn't here.
06:03:05JdGordonlet rockbox idle-poweroff, then try opening it from the widget
06:03:37[Saint]I don't need to let it idle power-off...I have shutdown in the main menu.
06:03:41[Saint]And still, WFM
06:04:05[Saint]Llorean mentioned it the other day that it didn't work for him either, then he tried it again, and it did.
06:04:55[Saint]brb, booting to windows
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07:25:29pixelmais there an official opinion/procedure on how to deal with a forum member like this marrylee who puts an unrelated link at the bottom of otherwise helpful posts? (see the last 3 recent posts)
07:26:21pixelmamaybe asking in a PM to stop that and remove the links from already posted things
07:29:08JdGordonthat doesnt look like actual repplies
07:29:08JdGordoni say ban
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07:31:16pixelmawell, akismet seems to agree (as it is only in recent posts not when you go to the actual thread). I just thought the Gigabeat S reply looked sensible
07:31:59JdGordonthey were all trapped by akismet, i tihnk they are spam
07:33:06pixelmayeah, looks like it. It's just not that obvious
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13:26:20CIA-16New commit by kugel (r29865): Rework MediaButtonReceiver a bit: ...
13:30:17CIA-16r29865 build result: 0 errors, 34 warnings (kugel committed)
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13:38:05CIA-16New commit by kugel (r29866): Skin engine: Swap meaning of & and * for touch regions. ...
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13:41:50CIA-16r29866 build result: 0 errors, 34 warnings (kugel committed)
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13:48:04pamaurysideral: change your device! :)
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13:52:30sideralpamaury: you mean my clip+ is broken, not your code? :)
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13:54:03pamauryI really don't know what to say, something is wrong but I don't know what, that can't just be related to the usb driver
13:54:48pamauryOr there are usb variants...
13:56:44sideralpamaury: Hmm... My build isn't all that patches these days, but trying with a vanilla SVN checkout might be worthwhile
13:59:29sideralMy offer to ship you the device still stands :)
14:00:50pamauryThat might be an option although I might well be unable to do anything!
14:03:37pamauryPlease try against vanilla svn if you didn't and then we'll see
14:04:12kugelbluebrother: ping
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14:13:03CIA-16New commit by pamaury (r29867): sbtools: be more verbose on debug and fix a bug (uninitialized structure)
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14:16:26CIA-16r29867 build result: 0 errors, 33 warnings (pamaury committed)
14:16:54pamaurymore gcc 4.6 warning ?
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14:20:51CIA-16New commit by pamaury (r29868): sbtools: fix a few memcpy with overlapping src/dst, fix a parsing bug (would access one byte paste the end of the buffer)
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14:24:23CIA-16r29868 build result: 0 errors, 33 warnings (pamaury committed)
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18:40:24CIA-16New commit by pamaury (r29869): fuze+: implement a full-blown debug screen for touchpad with graphical feedback
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18:43:43CIA-16r29869 build result: 0 errors, 33 warnings (pamaury committed)
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20:35:21CIA-16New commit by saratoga (r29870): Make the AMS bootloader prompt slightly more specific.
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20:38:59CIA-16r29870 build result: 0 errors, 34 warnings (saratoga committed)
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20:44:26saratogaBuschel: how did you measure memory use in libfaad?
20:44:35saratogado we have a tool for that?
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20:47:32Buschelsaratoga: I used tools/
20:47:39saratogaah thanks
20:47:43CIA-16New commit by Buschel (r29871): Fix several 'variable set but not used' warnings reported by GCC 6.4.1.
20:50:55Buschelsaratoga: it is interestin to see the IRAM usage of the different codecs. several codecs do not really make use of the available IRAM yet
20:50:58CIA-16r29871 build result: 0 errors, 18 warnings (Buschel committed)
20:53:31saratogaoh wow just noticed your chart
20:53:32saratogaSPC needs more IRAM!
20:54:22Buschelyes, and several codecs would fully fit into IRAM
20:54:30saratogahalf of them would on the Video
20:55:14saratogaweird that preglow added support for using the coprocessor on PP to SPC, but did not see fit to use IRAM
20:55:20Buschelyes, for all PP5022/PP5024/S5L870x. not sure about the AS-CPU's
20:55:32saratogathe AS CPUs always use IRAM for everything
20:55:39Buschelah, ok
20:55:42saratogaBSS is in IRAM
20:55:52saratogabut its not really any faster then normal RAM
20:55:59saratogaor only a little faster
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21:06:05CIA-16New commit by Buschel (r29872): Fix further 'set but not used' warnings.
21:06:39BuschelI am not sure about the residual warnings...
21:09:31CIA-16r29872 build result: 0 errors, 63 warnings (Buschel committed)
21:10:28*Buschel slaps his forehead
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21:23:28CIA-16New commit by Buschel (r29873): Fix even more 'set but not used' warnings and a regression.
21:23:39*Buschel hopes for only 3 warnings left
21:27:05CIA-16r29873 build result: All green
21:28:32Buschelhmm, storebror-daniel did not build... there should be still 3 warnings left on this machine
21:34:12CIA-16New commit by Buschel (r29874): Fix another 'set but not used' warning.
21:35:02jhMikeShuh? preglow did not add CP support to SPC! but if you want to blame him for it then that's ok.
21:37:32CIA-16r29874 build result: All green
21:40:19CIA-16New commit by Buschel (r29875): Fix last known 'set but not used' warning by GCC 4.6.1.
21:41:22*pamaury waits to be sure Buschel fixed all warnings
21:42:04jhMikeSsaratoga: as I recall there wasn't enough IRAM on all targets to build it with much more
21:42:09*Buschel crosses fingers he did not introduce a new warning ;)
21:43:37CIA-16r29875 build result: All green
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23:02:56Buschelsaratoga: can you give a try? this should move the main data of spc to IRAM.
23:02:56Buscheland: do you have a sample at hand?
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23:14:05kugelwith buflib we could possibly allocate from iram dynamically, I wonder if that's wanted
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23:15:39Buschelkugel: if I remember correctly vorbis does something similar as well
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23:21:29jhMikeSBuschel: Hmmm...that won't benefit PP targets or Coldfire since they don't do gaussian, unless it's meant for AMS ones.
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23:24:11Buschelreally? it moves Spc_Emu to IRAM
23:24:46Buschelbtw, why is BRR_CACHE_SIZE that large?
23:25:20jhMikeSthere is room? I think I tried that and PP5002 and MFC5249 didn't have's been awhile though
23:25:42jhMikeSAsk n1s about that
23:25:57Buschelsee the table at the bottom of this page ->
23:26:18Buschelspc uses nearly *no* IRAM on iPod Video
23:26:36jhMikeSI mean hcs
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23:54:05kugelBuschel: perhaps ot would have been better to add -Wno-unused-but-set-variable to the CFLAGS for pdbox
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