00:00:26 | B4gder | yes I believe so |
00:00:57 | AlexP | OK, I'll update that once stuff is in place :) |
00:01:20 | B4gder | everything should be in place now |
00:01:28 | AlexP | great :) |
00:01:43 | CIA-27 | New commit by alex (r30086): We have a 3.9 release, update builds.pm |
00:02:44 | AlexP | B4gder: Does anything need to be updated for http://www.rockbox.org/download/byhand.cgi ? |
00:03:04 | B4gder | no, they seem to show 3.9 now |
00:03:39 | | Join Torne [0] (~torne@rockbox/developer/Torne) |
00:03:45 | AlexP | cool |
00:04:02 | AlexP | Would you mind sticking a note on the front page? |
00:04:24 | B4gder | I'm on it |
00:04:30 | AlexP | Ta |
00:04:34 | AlexP | I'll send some emails |
00:04:51 | CIA-27 | r30086 build result: All green |
00:05:15 | CIA-27 | New commit by bagder (r30087): front page: 3.9 is released |
00:06:54 | skfunnyboy | yay finally |
00:08:17 | skfunnyboy | the release note still say NOT RELEAHED YET |
00:08:23 | Topic | "3.9 released! | Rockbox accepted for GSoC 2011 | Please read before speaking: http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/IrcGuidelines | Please direct offtopic/social chat to #rockbox-community | This channel is logged at http://www.rockbox.org/irc | An upgrade caused issues with the wiki. We are on the case" by ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) |
00:08:29 | AlexP | skfunnyboy: Give me a chance... |
00:08:40 | skfunnyboy | Sorry ... :S |
00:08:47 | skfunnyboy | If you need help .. i can :P |
00:09:26 | AlexP | No, it's OK thanks - done now :) |
00:09:30 | B4gder | we don't use any mirrors right now though so the remark about them isn't accurate... |
00:09:31 | skfunnyboy | ok |
00:09:39 | B4gder | not that it matters a lot |
00:09:42 | AlexP | B4gder: Ah, didn't realise |
00:09:50 | AlexP | People will just think it is quicker :) |
00:10:02 | AlexP | Do we still need that note about the wiki in the topic? |
00:10:40 | AlexP | We've been on the case for months now apparently :) |
00:11:49 | kugel | no mirrors anymore? |
00:12:57 | B4gder | not since a while before 3.8 |
00:13:38 | kugel | oh |
00:13:55 | kugel | the sponsor list is off then isn't it? |
00:13:56 | AlexP | I've been feeding misinformation for a while :) |
00:13:58 | | Join krazykit [0] (~krazykit@ |
00:14:12 | skfunnyboy | I dont want to rush anyone, just saying ... the rockbox installer still say 3.8.1 |
00:14:22 | skfunnyboy | And if rockbox need a mirror, i can host |
00:14:30 | AlexP | It should sort itself out shortly |
00:14:33 | AlexP | I think |
00:14:42 | B4gder | kugel: yes, but we haven't really officially stopped using them forever so we've just left them there until we decide |
00:14:46 | AlexP | unless I've forgotten something :) |
00:14:51 | skfunnyboy | :P |
00:19:24 | AlexP | I think rbutil gets its info from http://download.rockbox.org/daily/build-info , but I don't know how often/when that gets regenerated |
00:19:46 | AlexP | B4gder: Any idea? |
00:19:51 | | Quit factor (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
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00:20:31 | AlexP | Looks like at 03:00 (CEST) when the builds get done? |
00:21:27 | | Join L-Strife1989 [0] (~Strife89@ |
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00:21:44 | B4gder | it might be the case, yes |
00:22:26 | AlexP | I don't know if Zagor prodded it before, or if we just left it to get done by itself |
00:22:37 | | Quit bzed (Remote host closed the connection) |
00:22:44 | AlexP | Maybe a good job I left in the mirror spreading bit :) |
00:22:52 | B4gder | haha |
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00:29:29 | kugel | \o/ for 3.9, btw |
00:29:34 | AlexP | Right, time to go git! :) |
00:29:49 | kugel | Damn yea! |
00:40:30 | rasher | \o/ |
00:41:28 | rasher | Oh man, did someone touch the lang files after the freeze? |
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00:51:22 | rasher | ah, it was in the branch as well |
00:51:26 | rasher | guess that's alright then :) |
00:53:27 | * | rasher is unhappy about r30007 |
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01:16:19 | CIA-27 | New commit by rasher (r30088): Add American English and some revisions to ignore |
01:20:09 | JdGordon | rasher: I pinged you specifically about that change more than a few days before commiting.... |
01:21:06 | rasher | I don't see how it's a good idea to add a translation blindly |
01:21:17 | rasher | translators *won't* see it |
01:21:17 | | Quit pamaury (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
01:21:34 | rasher | at least you could've removed the colon :S |
01:22:21 | saratoga | whats different in american english? |
01:22:52 | JdGordon | spelling only i guess? |
01:24:24 | saratoga | ah color is spelled differently |
01:24:28 | saratoga | lcd_color: "Invalid colour" |
01:24:29 | saratoga | haha |
01:24:49 | saratoga | so the us translations reverts the spelling to the spelling the code uses anyway |
01:25:08 | | Join CaptainKewl [0] (captainkew@207-38-215-126.c3-0.nyr-ubr1.nyr.ny.cable.rcn.com) |
01:26:33 | JdGordon | but.... but..... |
01:26:47 | JdGordon | stupid americans :) |
01:27:01 | | Join [Saint] [0] (~st.lasciv@ |
01:27:11 | mystica555_ | according to a friend of mine, i live in "colourado" :P |
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02:39:12 | cole | Hi |
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03:12:44 | | Join S_a_i_n_t [0] (~st.lasciv@ |
03:29:10 | | Join Roasted [0] (~jason@unaffiliated/roasted) |
03:29:17 | Roasted | Is there a way I can remove rockbox from my sansa? |
03:29:36 | krazykit | yes. the manual details the uninstall process |
03:29:57 | Roasted | when I put rockbox on my sansa, I believe it actually altered my default user interface. what are the chances of it being restored? |
03:30:36 | krazykit | do you have a sansa e200r? |
03:30:43 | Roasted | uh |
03:30:49 | Roasted | I dont believe... |
03:30:51 | Roasted | its a Fuze |
03:30:52 | Roasted | 8gb |
03:30:58 | krazykit | then rockbox won't affect the OF |
03:30:59 | JdGordon | rockbox didnt touch anything in the sansa firmware |
03:31:14 | Roasted | well, once I put rockbox on, my default interface changed |
03:31:16 | Roasted | and become unuseable |
03:31:20 | JdGordon | it *may* have removed your ability to play DRM audio though |
03:31:24 | krazykit | it changed because it was booting into rockbox |
03:31:30 | Roasted | no, like |
03:31:36 | Roasted | if I hold down the key and boot it up, it goes to the sansa firmware |
03:31:39 | Roasted | its clearly not rockbox |
03:31:41 | Roasted | however, its altered |
03:31:44 | Roasted | it wont read my music, etc. |
03:31:58 | krazykit | is your music in a format that the OF understands? |
03:31:59 | Roasted | it sees 2 or 3 songs out of thousands. and they come up with random characters as the name. |
03:32:04 | Roasted | it's all mp3 |
03:32:21 | Roasted | it worked fine when I got it. worked fine with this very music, mp3, etc. |
03:32:33 | Roasted | I put rockbox on, eh okay fine, try out sansa firmware again and oh what the... I couldnt even use it. |
03:32:58 | Roasted | I'm just a little bummed because rockbox, from what I can tell, sees my microsd card and my onboard media as 2 devices |
03:33:12 | Roasted | which, no offense, is a real big pain. the original firmware didn't do this. it lumped everything into 1 pool nicely. |
03:33:15 | Roasted | hence why I wanted to gob ack... |
03:33:43 | JdGordon | you can get different themes for rockbox if that is the only issue you have with it |
03:33:52 | Roasted | is that theme based? |
03:33:56 | JdGordon | rockbox doesnt touch the *sansa firmwares user interface* |
03:33:56 | Roasted | the microsd vs onboard media? |
03:34:14 | Roasted | JdGordon, okay, that may be true. But I'm saying, as a fact, once I installed rockbox, my sansa interface changed. |
03:34:16 | JdGordon | rockbox is a complete firmware and doesnt use the sansa ui |
03:34:20 | Roasted | There's just no getting around that. |
03:34:25 | JdGordon | i dont beleive you |
03:34:29 | Roasted | It either touched it or I had very inconvenient timing. |
03:34:29 | JdGordon | take a photo |
03:35:02 | JdGordon | http://themes.rockbox.org/index.php?target=sansafuze |
03:35:19 | Roasted | under music in sansa firmware |
03:35:22 | Roasted | under "artists" |
03:35:29 | Roasted | Unknown, Unknown, and a single square |
03:35:34 | Roasted | that's all I have, of thousands |
03:35:40 | Roasted | this wasn't like this prior to installing rockbox |
03:35:47 | Roasted | either it changed it, or it's very inconvenient timing |
03:35:48 | Roasted | period |
03:35:49 | Roasted | anyway |
03:35:59 | JdGordon | you need to get sansa to rebuild its database |
03:36:01 | Roasted | is rockbox's ability to detect microsd vs onboard memory theme based? |
03:36:06 | JdGordon | no |
03:36:19 | Roasted | so any theme I go to, I'll always have microsd listed separately? |
03:36:26 | JdGordon | yes |
03:36:29 | Roasted | sigh |
03:36:37 | Roasted | time to rebuild the DB then |
03:36:51 | * | JdGordon is very lost and confused |
03:36:56 | Roasted | over what |
03:37:03 | JdGordon | your issue |
03:37:13 | Roasted | my issue is once I installed rockbox, the default sansa interface borked |
03:37:29 | Roasted | I just want my music in 1 location |
03:37:29 | JdGordon | that a good way to get me more confused.... take a picture of the brokenness |
03:37:33 | Roasted | rockbox doesn't seem to do that |
03:37:39 | Roasted | I don't know what the picture will do. |
03:37:45 | Roasted | Under artists, I see Unknown, Unknown, and a square |
03:37:50 | Roasted | when there should be hundreds of artists. |
03:38:43 | JdGordon | ok. so please try to get your terminology correct. Rockbox didnt touch the ui at all, sansas music database got deleted (and not by rockbox)... |
03:38:54 | JdGordon | removing items in the track listing is not a ui thing... |
03:39:16 | Roasted | is there a way to make rockbox see all of the music as one? |
03:39:24 | Roasted | so I dont have to browse to 2 different locations for different music? |
03:40:20 | JdGordon | if you want to browse your music like a filesystem then no. if you want to browse by track metadata then yes |
03:40:30 | Roasted | metadata as in id tags? |
03:40:43 | JdGordon | yes |
03:41:38 | Roasted | thanks for your help. that may be all I need then. |
03:41:45 | Roasted | sansa's interface didn't work off of id tags like taht |
03:41:59 | JdGordon | im pretty sure it does |
03:42:02 | Roasted | it just kinda listed it the way I put the music on the device. |
03:42:10 | mystica555_ | go thru the database and not the file browser |
03:42:12 | Roasted | under the Music folder were bands. Under band folders were their music. |
03:42:12 | JdGordon | I havnt used my fuze in months so so may be forgetting |
03:42:26 | Roasted | So if I would go Music > Pearl Jam > Black, etc. |
03:42:42 | Roasted | another question... |
03:42:55 | JdGordon | http://download.rockbox.org/daily/manual/rockbox-sansafuze/rockbox-buildch4.html |
03:43:08 | Roasted | does rockbox give the ability of linux to support more devices? AKA would an ipod with rockbox be better supported than an ipod with its regular OS on it? |
03:43:26 | mystica555_ | yes |
03:43:41 | Roasted | nice, nice... |
03:43:44 | Roasted | thanks for your time guys |
03:43:51 | mystica555_ | turns the player into simply a mass storage device, auto updating its own database itself, rather than working via software syncing the databases on the host pc |
03:44:04 | Roasted | can I still sync with something like banshee, etc? |
03:44:16 | mystica555_ | yep |
03:44:22 | Roasted | wait a second... |
03:44:30 | Roasted | my girlfriend gave me a zune, and I'm finding this zune doesnt work worth a damn in linux |
03:44:37 | Roasted | if I rockbox it................................... |
03:44:45 | mystica555_ | but, you don't need any ipod specific stuff to do it. banshee will see it as a filesystem and go from there. |
03:45:04 | Roasted | I suppose I need to figure out how to mount it first, as its erroring out when I mount it |
03:45:15 | Roasted | but if I rockbox the zune it should work fine then, eh? |
03:46:12 | mystica555_ | if one could rockbox a zune.. |
03:46:17 | Roasted | uh oh |
03:46:20 | Roasted | I just assumed it was possible |
03:46:21 | Roasted | is it not? |
03:46:22 | JdGordon | sure, once you write the code to be able it |
03:46:31 | JdGordon | s/it/to/ |
03:46:36 | Roasted | I figured if an ipod was possible... a zune should be possible |
03:46:41 | Roasted | since ipod = apple, and apple is, well... |
03:46:51 | JdGordon | interesting logic |
03:47:07 | Roasted | well, it's based on years of enterprise experience with both MS and Apple. |
03:47:10 | Roasted | So far, it's been dead on. |
03:47:25 | Roasted | I guess that's not the case here :P |
03:47:45 | mystica555_ | depends on how many fun blocks put in place to prevent it. |
03:48:02 | saratoga | if the database in the Sansa firmware got corrupted i'd check to see if the file system is corrupted as well |
03:48:12 | Roasted | saratoga, that's waht someone else had told me. |
03:48:19 | saratoga | ah must have missed it |
03:48:23 | Roasted | but I put it in my ubuntu pc and ran a gparted check on it, and it seemed fine. |
03:48:26 | Roasted | saratoga, no like, not in here |
03:48:29 | saratoga | but yes, random file corrupt usually involves the file system dying |
03:48:31 | Roasted | another user weeks ago said that |
03:48:41 | Roasted | mind you, this has been like this for uh |
03:48:43 | Roasted | 10 months? |
03:49:01 | Roasted | I use it every day for hours. mountain biking, cycling, in the car, at work during the summer, etc. |
03:50:05 | mystica555_ | do you ever pop it into a chkdsk? |
03:50:19 | mystica555_ | and, did you ever try forcing the sansa db to rescan? |
03:50:38 | Roasted | no, I didn't. I didn't see an option that grabbed me when in the UI and just went back to rockbox. |
03:50:48 | Roasted | The only reason I even considered using the sansa UI was because it saw my music as "one" |
03:50:51 | Roasted | through microsd and onboard. |
03:50:59 | Roasted | I didn't realize I had to use the db on rockbox to make it work the same way |
03:51:15 | Roasted | I just did the same thing on rockbox as I do on the sansa UI = Music, Pearl Jam, Black, etc. |
03:51:16 | mystica555_ | hm; its been ages since ive even *seen* my sansa c260, but i think it rebuilt the database upon reboot.. |
03:51:24 | mystica555_ | now its lost in a box somewhere i bet |
03:51:41 | Roasted | *shrug* it doesn't matter to me, to be honest. if rockbox just needs some ID tags, I'd much rather use that than the default UI. |
03:51:56 | saratoga | i think some of the sandisk players don't rebuild the database if they detect file system problems |
03:51:57 | Roasted | Its just a PITA to bounce between the music folder of 2 devices. I had no idea a better option existed. :P |
03:52:01 | mystica555_ | the dir itself may be Music; thus rockbox would show that under filesystem. |
03:52:08 | Roasted | right |
03:52:09 | Roasted | it is Music |
03:52:13 | mystica555_ | so yeah just use the db :) |
03:52:26 | Roasted | yeah, its just my ID tags are a little out of wack |
03:52:32 | Roasted | I like my stuff to be a certain way, so |
03:52:44 | Roasted | Guess I'll take the laptop out back and have a beer while I pound out a few hundred tags :P |
03:52:48 | saratoga | i always wanted to implement an option to merge the internal and external memory like XBMC does for hard disks, but never got around to it |
03:53:23 | mystica555_ | filesystem layer needs symlinks ;) |
03:56:19 | saratoga | well thats one way to do it |
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09:27:18 | sideral | AlexP: thanks and congrats for 3.9! |
09:28:00 | AlexP | Shoulder's of giants and all that :) |
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09:41:12 | GodEater_ | so now that 3.9 is out the door, we can move on to the next project. Have enough people passed judgement on gerrit yet to decide if it's what we want to use? |
09:44:40 | | Nick scorche` is now known as scorche (~scorche@rockbox/administrator/scorche) |
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09:53:30 | AlexP | GodEater_: My opinion is that if we can also just push then there is no reason not to. We need something to host git which this does as well as any, and it also brings many advantages if people chose to use it. |
09:53:59 | AlexP | If we also open the mailing list up to patches, then we should cover all bases |
09:54:03 | AlexP | or most :) |
09:55:00 | kugel | I wonder if gerrit can be themed? It looks a bit hostile |
09:55:11 | AlexP | Yeah, it is a bit garish |
09:55:48 | kugel | I bet it's not hard, it's just a website after all :) |
09:56:02 | AlexP | That sounds like we have a volunteer! :) |
09:56:23 | kugel | yea....no :) |
09:58:53 | | Join tchan1 [0] (~tchan@c-69-243-144-187.hsd1.il.comcast.net) |
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10:01:20 | GodEater_ | torne already said it could be themed |
10:01:23 | GodEater_ | he just hadn't bothered |
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10:02:56 | GodEater_ | I guess we need to work out how the set up is supposed to be done now. |
10:03:27 | GodEater_ | I presume our swedish overlords would still prefer to keep access to the servers to themselves, and therefore they'll be looking for some sort of setup guide / script that they can just run? |
10:09:11 | | Join TheLemonMan [0] (~lem0n@ppp-66-31.26-151.libero.it) |
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10:40:24 | kugel | can I close FS #12170? "Stop using mp3gain! It's madness"? |
10:40:25 | fs-bluebot | http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/12170 APEv2 tags disrupt continuous play (bugs, unconfirmed) |
10:43:25 | gevaerts | kugel: do so! Use a proper message like "APE tags corrupt mp3 files, and we don't guarantee correct playback of corrupted files" though :) |
10:43:55 | gevaerts | And mp3gain *can* add id3 tags |
10:44:46 | kugel | it couldn't when I used it last |
10:45:25 | gevaerts | Well, the version I have here says it can anyway |
10:46:29 | kugel | interesting that he complains that gapless isn't working due to this :) |
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11:19:38 | Torne | GodEater_: A good question |
11:21:14 | wodz | I kinda solved playback problem on rk27xx. Adding ~3s delay after codec initialization AND driving some gpio high I got stereo output. |
11:22:35 | Torne | GodEater_: So far I haven't heard any objections to gerrit as a tool; there is debate about whether we should allow merges or not but that's policy |
11:23:13 | Torne | I suspect the solution to that one is "write a guide that explains why you may want to take reasonable steps to keep history linear where that's sensible, and then let people give themselves permission to merge once they believe they understand it" |
11:23:34 | Torne | largely for the benefit of people not super familiar with git |
11:23:40 | wodz | I briefly looked at the demo and it looks ok for me |
11:24:09 | AlexP | Torne: Yes, I'd appreciate it stopping me doing stupid things that break it by mistake, at least until I get to know it a bit better |
11:25:03 | Torne | Right. There's no problem configuring it like that: the owner of a group needn't be in the group, so I can make a group for "people who can do complicated stuff" and make "committers" the owner |
11:25:12 | Torne | so you are not in the group automatically but you can change who is |
11:25:40 | AlexP | yep, makes sense |
11:26:19 | gevaerts | Torne: can you do things like only allowing merge commits when the commit message has a specific string in it like "I know merge commit are to be avoided, but this is a special case so I'll agree to send all committers beverages of their choice if the consensus is that I got it wrong"? |
11:26:37 | Torne | gevaerts: technically yes :) |
11:26:42 | Torne | precommit hook or something |
11:28:07 | Torne | right. so there are two blocking issues right now: I need to discuss how/where exactly we are going to host the real gerrit with the swedes, and we need to decide what to do about the remainder of the email addresses for svn users |
11:28:23 | Torne | We did get quite a lot of those filled in after I spammed people's last known addresses |
11:28:40 | Torne | but nobody new has added their address for a week |
11:28:45 | Torne | so that's probably all we are going to get |
11:29:17 | wodz | let's create mrsomeone@rockbox.org and assign all unknows to that |
11:30:15 | gevaerts | hm, some of those aren't *that* inactive |
11:30:30 | Torne | yes, some of the people who haven't done it have actually committed in the last ~year |
11:30:33 | Torne | e.g. uchida ;) |
11:30:51 | gevaerts | And lenzone |
11:31:17 | wodz | Torne: BTW. have you got a chance to look at "weird charger bahaviour and mini"? |
11:31:31 | Torne | wodz: not yet |
11:31:41 | Torne | i should get my housemate to do it :) |
11:31:49 | Torne | he has electronics powers |
11:32:22 | Torne | didn't we come tot he consensus that the right hting is probably to stop doing driver detection and only do usbcore detection, though? |
11:32:33 | gevaerts | I thought so |
11:32:40 | Torne | We have 88 of 132 user's addresses. 44 missing |
11:32:46 | gevaerts | We need to clean up usb a bit |
11:33:00 | Torne | so exactly two thirds :) |
11:35:19 | Torne | lenzone10, moos, teru and uchida have committed in the last year but not given their address |
11:46:37 | | Nick S_a_i_n_t is now known as [Saint] (~st.lasciv@ |
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12:05:28 | sideral | maybe you can glean their addresses from their Flyspray account? |
12:07:59 | sideral | e.g., http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/user/4796 |
12:10:06 | Torne | right, but the point of this excercise was to get people to volunteer what they wanted published, not find out how to contact them |
12:10:06 | | Quit ReimuHakurei (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) |
12:11:53 | sideral | OK |
12:12:02 | | Quit kramer3d (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
12:12:47 | * | kugel votes for the <svn username>@rockbox.org solution |
12:13:06 | * | GodEater_ seconds this vote |
12:13:29 | sideral | Torne: One way to get out of the dilemma is to separate the history from the future by starting a fresh history, starting at the 3.9 spawn point, and attach the old history by using a git graft. That way we can change the history retrospectively |
12:14:11 | sideral | but I like the @rockbox.org as well |
12:14:18 | Torne | grafting is not really necessary :) |
12:15:35 | sideral | Yeah, you can also use "git replace" :) but that's probably not what you meant? |
12:16:53 | Torne | no, i mean it's not that important that we need to revise history to deal with it |
12:17:00 | Torne | by any mechanism for revising history. ;) |
12:17:11 | | Quit Keripo1 (Quit: Leaving.) |
12:17:37 | JdGordon | the emails in git can change so why do we *really* care so much about long gone commiters getting the right email? |
12:17:47 | JdGordon | I agree with <svn>@rockbox.org |
12:18:09 | gevaerts | Looks like we have a consensus :) |
12:18:15 | Torne | ok, doing it now :) |
12:18:16 | sideral | yay! |
12:18:27 | JdGordon | or maybe even commiters@rockbox.org and have them forwarded to the commiter ml |
12:18:28 | JdGordon | or dv ml |
12:18:37 | Torne | meh, username is fine |
12:18:43 | Torne | and tbh it's probably fine if they just bounce |
12:18:51 | Torne | until/unless those people return |
12:19:14 | JdGordon | and the go on gerrit? |
12:19:31 | Torne | we shall go to gerrit, yes :) |
12:19:36 | Torne | i need to talk to the swedes about how we host it for real |
12:19:57 | JdGordon | sweet |
12:20:03 | sideral | yeah, go for gerrit! We can change hosting easily enough if it turns out to be crap |
12:20:10 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
12:20:26 | JdGordon | I just assumed it owuld go on the existing server? |
12:20:30 | gevaerts | JdGordon: the thing with gerrit is that you can (if you want to) allow certain people (such as committers) to pretend it's not there, so it's easy :) |
12:20:37 | * | GodEater_ wonders if he should be honest to the nice man at positive and tell him he can have porpoise back or not |
12:21:19 | JdGordon | gevaerts: I know im going to be the first to admit it is annoying, but that may not be such a great idea really |
12:21:21 | Torne | JdGordon: yes, but i don't have root on the existing server :0 |
12:21:34 | sideral | Torne: have you already setup a github account for mirroring? sadly, "rockbox" seems to be taken already |
12:21:40 | Torne | also there are boring technical things about reverse proxying on 80 and so on |
12:21:41 | Torne | sideral: no |
12:21:45 | Torne | i haven't done anything about that |
12:21:47 | Torne | we can set that up any time |
12:21:57 | Torne | if you want to take ownership there feel free :) |
12:22:14 | gevaerts | JdGordon: oh, we most likely *will* have rules and enforced stuff, it's just that we *can* disable it for us while still having the review system for other patches |
12:22:34 | Torne | JdGordon: we can always change the rules as we go along |
12:22:54 | Torne | gerrit supports a pretty wide range of workflows since the permissions are quite fine grained and are also per-ref, not per-project |
12:23:17 | Torne | so you can have different permissions for master vs release branches vs personal experimental branches etc |
12:24:17 | Torne | anyway. i've taken edit permissions off the spreadsheet and added a note, so i will start the conversion on my machine now :) |
12:24:42 | GodEater_ | \o/ |
12:25:31 | | Join dfkt [0] (dfkt@unaffiliated/dfkt) |
12:26:30 | Torne | Oh, er, I guess nobody knows who andy actually is |
12:26:37 | Torne | and so his name is just going to be recorded as andy? :) |
12:27:31 | GodEater_ | guess so |
12:27:43 | GodEater_ | or perhaps "MrH" ? :) |
12:27:47 | * | Torne forgets how to use sed. |
12:30:25 | [Saint] | "sed −−help" ;) |
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12:36:17 | | Quit [Saint] (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) |
12:36:57 | Torne | OK, converting! |
12:37:02 | Torne | well, converting the tarball i have, anyway |
12:37:11 | Torne | will need to do it some more later to pick up recent svn changes |
12:39:11 | Torne | this is going to take a while. |
12:40:48 | JdGordon | how long does it take? |
12:41:05 | Torne | eh, hour or three, not sure. |
12:41:31 | Torne | I have a local copy of the svn history up to a couple of weeks ago so it's just how long it takes my server to churn through all the IO and hash calculations |
12:41:44 | JdGordon | wouldnt it make more sense then to just close svn - when everyone is ready - and do it once on the final server? |
12:41:47 | JdGordon | or still trial run? |
12:41:54 | Torne | This is incremental |
12:42:17 | | Join [Saint] [0] (~st.lasciv@ |
12:42:19 | Torne | Once I have all the history from the tarball i'll switch the source url and pull recent history |
12:42:28 | Torne | I can do that repeatedly until we are ready to close svn |
12:43:14 | Torne | i'm just using my machine here because the box the gerrit demo is on doesn't have a lot of CPU :) |
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12:43:38 | GodEater_ | it is in fact run on clockwork |
12:44:13 | | Join GeekShadow [0] (~Antoine@reactos/tester/GeekShadow) |
12:44:37 | Torne | JdGordon: I need to do a bunch of doctoring on the repo to turn the svn tag branches into real tags and so on, so it's useful to convert history now so i can mess with it |
12:46:12 | JdGordon | fair enough |
12:46:20 | Torne | it's up to r3500 :) |
12:46:24 | Torne | rockbox 1.4! |
12:46:36 | GodEater_ | that's pretty quick so far then |
12:47:17 | Torne | we might want to prune some of these branches before we publish it, also |
12:47:47 | Torne | old release branches/tags are probably interesting enough to keep, but i'm not so sure about this "zagor" stuff ;) |
12:48:35 | Torne | we also probably want repos for www and themes but i'll do those seperately as their history is unrelated |
12:48:44 | Torne | and they may want different permissions |
12:50:33 | GodEater_ | is git.rockbox.org still up? |
12:50:40 | Torne | yes |
12:51:22 | Torne | ooh, actually www used to be in trunk |
12:51:22 | GodEater_ | we should get Zagor to blow it away in preparation for hosting this then |
12:51:34 | Torne | GodEater_: Possibly ;) |
12:51:52 | GodEater_ | well I don't see what purpose keeping it would server |
12:51:56 | GodEater_ | -r |
12:52:01 | Torne | Well, there are still people using it right now, no? |
12:52:09 | Torne | anyone with a git clone with ongoing development work in it |
12:52:09 | GodEater_ | are there? |
12:52:13 | GodEater_ | I've not idea honestly |
12:52:34 | Torne | anyway i'll talk to zagor later |
12:52:52 | GodEater_ | is he still around, or has he gone on 6 week vacation like B4gder? |
12:52:58 | Torne | oh? heh |
12:53:01 | Torne | that could be awkward :) |
12:53:09 | GodEater_ | yes, we haven't timed this well! |
12:53:24 | Torne | eh, it's fine |
12:54:00 | Torne | we'll work soemthing out |
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13:02:31 | | Quit Viperfang (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
13:03:28 | Torne | bah, some people have managed to commit with uppercase in their usernames |
13:03:53 | kugel | is that a problem? |
13:03:56 | Torne | no |
13:04:02 | Torne | it just means i need to add more entries to the mapping file |
13:12:46 | Torne | going again :) |
13:37:25 | | Quit [Saint] (Quit: Imagination is for turbo-nerds who can't handle how kick-butt reality is. I'm a kick-butt reality master! I would rather die, than be imaginative. I mean that.) |
13:39:08 | | Join [Saint] [0] (~Saint]@ |
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13:51:48 | sideral | Torne: using someone's up-to-date "git svn" mirror and running filter-branch a couple of times to convert stuff is going to be faster then freshly cloning the svn repo a few times |
14:00 |
14:04:23 | Torne | sideral: huh? |
14:04:31 | Torne | sideral: i'm not freshly cloning it |
14:05:43 | sideral | alright, just ignore me then. although I don't quite understand in this case what is taking 3 hours |
14:05:59 | Torne | it's not really faster to rewrite all of history than to just git svn fetch again |
14:06:04 | Torne | I have the repo locally |
14:06:39 | Torne | and filtering it to rewrite committers would require i actually work out how to write a script to do that ;) |
14:07:28 | sideral | It's kinda easy, but I'll just let you do your stuff and keep silent now :) |
14:07:31 | Torne | the current git-svn mirrors are missing loads of data and every commit needs rewriting |
14:08:16 | sideral | I know that the current git-svn mirror is incomplete, but there are at people (at least 2 I know of) that have the complete SVN history in their git repo |
14:09:01 | Torne | yah, well, i have half of it and counting ;) |
14:09:02 | Torne | so hey. |
14:11:39 | | Join Xerion [0] (~xerion@5419A766.cm-5-2c.dynamic.ziggo.nl) |
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14:57:24 | [Saint] | the git svn mirror is incomplete? |
14:57:33 | [Saint] | incomplete in what way? |
14:58:11 | * | [Saint] perks up as he actually uses the svn mirror...so wonders what exeactly is missing from it. |
14:58:52 | * | [Saint] pokes a sideral or a Torne for explanation. |
14:59:00 | sideral | eek |
14:59:22 | [Saint] | HaHa! You have to do thinking stuff now ;) |
14:59:34 | sideral | the official git mirror only hosts the main trunk, and none of the SVN branches |
14:59:49 | [Saint] | Oh, right. That's fine (for me) |
15:00 |
15:00:00 | Torne | it also doesn't contain the websites or other stuff |
15:00:25 | [Saint] | I expected some critical chunk to be missing that would actually have an effect on my builds (that I haven't managed to notice yet) or something. |
15:00:43 | Torne | no. history is incomplete, not the current version |
15:01:00 | [Saint] | Aha, thanks for the explanation. |
15:01:46 | [Saint] | Any guesstimation on when the *super*-official git repo will be up&running? |
15:02:01 | Torne | not for a while |
15:02:07 | Torne | we need to make a bunch of infrastructure changes |
15:02:13 | [Saint] | I assume that's what this talk is related to. |
15:02:42 | Torne | i'll bring up gerrit in its permanent home at some point, but it will be read only for a while while we work out how to get the buildserver and other stuff to talk to git instead of svn |
15:02:54 | Torne | probably |
15:03:02 | [Saint] | I take it it's quite some effort to export the entirety of the SVN history/branches etc to git? |
15:03:06 | Torne | not really |
15:03:11 | Torne | it's getting there |
15:03:14 | [Saint] | Just a time thing? |
15:03:20 | Torne | it's up to r21500 or so |
15:03:28 | [Saint] | Since? |
15:03:57 | [Saint] | (I mean, how long has it taken to get there?) |
15:04:09 | Torne | eh, couple hours |
15:04:19 | Torne | with some interruptions where it's stalled because the author list wasn't complete |
15:04:29 | Torne | it'll be done soon |
15:04:30 | [Saint] | Hmmm, not as bad as I'd thought. I pictured it chunking away for a full day. |
15:04:43 | Torne | it would take a lot longer if i was doing it over the network |
15:04:52 | * | [Saint] nods. |
15:04:55 | Torne | but fortunately i got a tarball of the svn repo a while ago ;) |
15:05:03 | [Saint] | Ah :D |
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15:08:15 | | Quit dfkt (Quit: -= SysReset 2.55=- Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc.) |
15:10:54 | mc2739 | forum admins: spammer sbobet365s needs a ban |
15:11:15 | gevaerts | Not any more :) |
15:11:47 | gevaerts | scorche: apparently the forums don't like to ban an email address with a + in it |
15:26:38 | mystica555 | gevaerts: apparently gmail has the username+tag feature so blocking a + would make me very angry |
15:27:04 | gevaerts | mystica555: the forums don't block +. They block *blocking* + |
15:29:44 | mystica555 | so the forums are buggy and don't know how to properly work with the +. |
15:29:47 | mystica555 | :\ |
15:30:01 | * | gevaerts nods |
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15:44:35 | | Join ack [0] (~ack@mingbai.org) |
15:48:45 | Torne | Hm, okay, so there are some.. interesting things happening in this repo |
15:48:55 | Torne | a number of our branches/tags are created from subdirectories of trunk |
15:48:59 | | Join webguest813 [0] (~d4b87174@giant.haxx.se) |
15:49:03 | Torne | git has no sensible mapping for this so it results in, er |
15:49:06 | Torne | Some Weirdness |
15:49:12 | * | Torne will fiddle later. |
15:49:22 | webguest813 | Hello |
15:49:33 | Torne | up to r26000 now ;) |
15:50:16 | webguest813 | first of all: thanks for rockbox! :) |
15:50:48 | webguest813 | I use it with my Ipod nano 1gen |
15:52:42 | webguest813 | sometimes the old Apple-Firmware comes back again, is this normal? |
15:52:44 | | Quit esperegu (Remote host closed the connection) |
15:53:15 | AlexP | If you boot it with hold turned on or menu pressed then yes |
15:54:22 | AlexP | As that is how you boot the OF |
15:54:22 | AlexP | Rockbox supports dual boot |
15:54:22 | AlexP | Check the manual to double check the keys, but I think what I said is right (not 100%) |
15:54:22 | webguest813 | AH! |
15:54:22 | webguest813 | thanks :) |
15:54:29 | webguest813 | can I switch to rockbox again without the utility? |
15:54:40 | AlexP | Yes, hold menu + select to reboot the ipod |
15:55:35 | AlexP | When it boots it'll go into Rockbox |
15:55:35 | | Quit Roasted (Remote host closed the connection) |
15:55:38 | webguest813 | thank you very much! :) another one: |
15:57:55 | AlexP | At the risk of saying RTFM, this is in the manual: http://download.rockbox.org/daily/manual/rockbox-ipodnano1g/rockbox-buildch3.html#x5-290003.1.3 :) |
15:57:55 | webguest813 | do you implement flv? |
15:57:55 | AlexP | no |
15:58:01 | webguest813 | flash video) |
15:58:52 | | Quit krazykit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
15:59:19 | webguest813 | ok...I'm sorry and I promise, I'll read it! |
15:59:47 | | Join krazykit [0] (~krazykit@ |
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16:00:32 | AlexP | heh, no worries :) |
16:01:15 | webguest813 | thanks again! and good bye :) |
16:01:20 | AlexP | cheerio :) |
16:01:33 | | Quit webguest813 (Quit: CGI:IRC) |
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16:05:34 | | Join hobby16 [0] (~ubuntu@ |
16:12:12 | hobby16 | hi all. I'd like to retrieve **real time** data from a playing 44khz WAV file. I use rb->pcm_get_peak_buffer(&count) and logically, adding "count" on 1 s duration should yield 44,000 samples. But I have about 200,000 samples instead ! Am I using the right function ? |
16:16:53 | | Quit benedikt93 (Quit: Bye ;)) |
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16:33:59 | | Join ReimuHakurei [0] (~reimu@ |
16:41:12 | kugel | hobby16: realtime and 1s is a bit contracting isn't it? |
16:41:47 | | Quit ReimuHakurei (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
16:42:02 | kugel | also, the number of samples is *returned* in count, it's completely irrelevant what's in count before |
16:42:38 | kugel | the function is correct, but you cannot get 1s with it |
16:42:49 | kugel | you can whatever is queued for dma at the point of calling |
16:51:45 | hobby16 | kugel, yes, I use count as a returned value. The wav file is playing in realtime, so after 1s, I should get 44,000 samples. Accounting for buffering, pcm_get_peak_buffer would return more for the first 1 s but I made the counting over 10s and still get about 4x more samples than expected ! BTW, what do you mean by "you can whatever is queued for dma at the point of calling" ? |
16:55:06 | hobby16 | In fact, the 1s counting is not in the final implementation, it's just to verify that the real time data flow is consistent in values and sampling rate. And apparently, it's not and I don't know where the problem is ;( |
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18:10:02 | | Nick kugel is now known as kugelp (~kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel) |
18:10:41 | kugelp | hobby16: the function returns the buffer dns pulls from |
18:12:18 | kugelp | dma* |
18:18:02 | kugelp | so when is git switch time? |
18:19:00 | kugelp | still a while since the Swedes are on vacations? |
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18:24:59 | | Nick kugelp is now known as kugel (~kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel) |
18:28:39 | Torne | kugel: depends on things like getting the build system to use git, also |
18:30:27 | Torne | for now i am having great fun with git-svn |
18:30:43 | Torne | the branches/tags we have which are not complete copies of trunk are entertaining to deal with |
18:32:32 | | Join wodz [0] (~wodz@87-206-240-131.dynamic.chello.pl) |
18:34:28 | wodz | What are transfer sizes in dma transaction of PCM subsystem? Some drivers seem to handle splited transfers some do not bother. |
18:34:30 | | Join Judas_PhD [0] (~kevin@misterfluffy.dsl.xmission.com) |
18:37:05 | hobby16 | kugel, seems the problem comes from Simulator. In the target itself (Sansa Clip V1), things seem much more coherent. Still investigating and any suggestion is welcome ! |
18:39:03 | [Saint] | hobby16: The simulator isn't the best thing for this I would say. Its only supposed to *appear* as though it behaves the same way as it does on the target itself. |
18:39:24 | [Saint] | playback/buffering/<pther> are handled quite differently in the sim iiuc |
18:39:31 | [Saint] | *<other> |
18:44:09 | [Saint] | The simulator isn't an exact replica of the inner workings of the firmware as it is on the device itself...only a reasonably accurate representation of it. |
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18:51:33 | TheLemonMan | is the MIPS target even used by any build ? |
18:51:44 | wodz | onda |
18:51:51 | [Saint] | Onda |
18:51:56 | [Saint] | Aw...damn ;) |
18:53:02 | | Join benedikt93 [0] (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) |
18:53:05 | TheLemonMan | i heard you were intrested in assembly optimizations |
18:54:08 | wodz | always :-) |
18:54:14 | * | [Saint] hopes that surely wasn't directed at himself... :) |
18:54:24 | [Saint] | AH, foiled by late typing again. |
18:54:53 | | Quit [Saint] (Quit: Imagination is for turbo-nerds who can't handle how kick-butt reality is. I'm a kick-butt reality master! I would rather die, than be imaginative. I mean that.) |
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19:19:46 | CIA-27 | New commit by thomasjfox (r30089): Prepare 3.9 release for maemo |
19:20:49 | AlexP | Are we releasing for stuff like that? |
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19:20:57 | AlexP | I didn't know maemo was stable |
19:21:27 | AlexP | It isn't noted on the front page |
19:21:35 | [Saint] | 'tisn't |
19:21:38 | AlexP | Mind you, maemo isn't noted anywhere |
19:21:42 | [Saint] | stable I mean. |
19:22:26 | AlexP | If it isn't stable we shouldn't be releasing for it I thought |
19:23:03 | [Saint] | I think the word "release" there is a little (or a lot) erronious(sp?) |
19:23:10 | CIA-27 | r30089 build result: All green |
19:23:13 | AlexP | So is 3.9 then |
19:23:20 | * | [Saint] nods. |
19:23:20 | AlexP | So I don't think so |
19:24:00 | [Saint] | Well...no, it is in error. As there's no builds/releases for it available (from Rockbox at least) |
19:24:40 | [Saint] | thomasjfox may well have some "release" for it elsewhere...I'm not sure. |
19:24:49 | AlexP | I don't know :) |
19:25:05 | AlexP | I imagine for something like that it would be in a repo or something |
19:25:06 | thomasjfox | ok, next time I call it "prepare 3.9 build" ;) |
19:25:13 | [Saint] | The commit ID certainly is missleading in that sense, though. |
19:25:21 | AlexP | thomasjfox: I'm just confused, not complaining :) |
19:25:44 | [Saint] | thomasjfox: why 3.9 at all? |
19:25:57 | [Saint] | if there's no release...why the evrsioning? |
19:26:03 | [Saint] | *versioning too |
19:26:13 | thomasjfox | [Saint]: Right now it's based on 3.8 + SVN something |
19:26:33 | thomasjfox | I've synced my "maemo-port" tree to the 3.9 SVN tag and build from there |
19:26:45 | [Saint] | Ok...sure, but in that case why not just leave it with the revision number it has? |
19:27:00 | [Saint] | It just confuses people that see the commit ID IMO |
19:27:03 | | Join Judas_PhD [0] (~kevin@misterfluffy.dsl.xmission.com) |
19:27:33 | thomasjfox | Ah ok. The actual build still contains just a date as version number |
19:27:34 | [Saint] | the X.Y numbers (to me, anyway) imply there's a stable release. |
19:28:05 | AlexP | thomasjfox: Yeah, when I do the release builds I hack up version.sh to just do e.g. VERSION="3.9" at the end |
19:28:12 | AlexP | I should commit that actually |
19:28:17 | AlexP | (each time) |
19:29:40 | thomasjfox | I'd like to sync the maemo build to upstream releases if possible. This makes tracking down bugs easier than some random SVN revision |
19:29:46 | thomasjfox | Same for the pandora build |
19:30:03 | AlexP | yeah, I don't really see the problem here. |
19:30:10 | AlexP | I'd be more concerned if it were android |
19:30:18 | thomasjfox | :) |
19:30:43 | AlexP | As a release suggests some sort of stamp of we consider this good enough for release, which I don't think is quite there for android |
19:31:09 | [Saint] | Yeah, I don't particularly care either way...I just think it looks a little weird/potentially confusing when you're browsing through the commit messages. |
19:31:10 | AlexP | But maemo users are I would guess a) not very many and b) more technical minded :) |
19:32:29 | [Saint] | I had a play with the maemo port the other day...and IMO if it's not quite there for Android, it's a long way off for maemo ;) |
19:32:46 | [Saint] | No offence thomasjfox... |
19:32:58 | AlexP | The main issue with android for me is the interface |
19:33:05 | CIA-27 | New commit by thomasjfox (r30090): Prepare new, unofficial pandora build |
19:33:06 | AlexP | We really need native widgets I think |
19:33:19 | AlexP | thomasjfox: hehe, I didn't mean it! :) |
19:33:23 | [Saint] | "native widgets"? |
19:33:28 | AlexP | native UI |
19:33:32 | [Saint] | Ah. |
19:34:04 | | Join dovshap [0] (~quassel@ool-18bd0ee4.dyn.optonline.net) |
19:34:16 | [Saint] | I got a reasonable amount of my theme done in hospital...hahaha...it was *so* sad, I was coding on PAPER! |
19:34:37 | thomasjfox | [Saint]: Yeah, I know. That might be due to a) I'm the only one "actively" working on it and b) it already does the job perfectly for me |
19:34:46 | * | sideral pings Slasheri |
19:34:49 | [Saint] | no electronic/wireless communication devices allowed :-S |
19:36:17 | CIA-27 | r30090 build result: All green |
19:36:47 | [Saint] | But yeah, I removed the points of contention noted in the ML/theme's forum thread. I just have some small tweaks to do with the images (that I'll do this morning), then I'll "release" builds with the theme inclusive/standalone themes on the forum thread for public scrutiny. |
19:37:41 | [Saint] | No more "weird" (subjective) additional "bits" in the theme...it looks just as any other cabbiev2 does, just with *full* touch capability. |
19:37:54 | AlexP | [Saint]: Yeah, it isn't a criticism of your/anyone else theme, rather of the whole (and I hat myself for this next word) paradigm |
19:38:02 | | Join patheticbliss [0] (~calvin@75-134-134-13.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com) |
19:38:02 | Slasheri | sideral: hello |
19:38:06 | AlexP | *hate too |
19:38:08 | [Saint] | I'm quite proud of it and its certainly enough to tide people over 'til Mr. Someone does the full native UI |
19:38:24 | AlexP | [Saint]: yeah, exactly |
19:38:40 | | Join kevku [0] (x@altair.raylworks.co.cc) |
19:38:44 | AlexP | which may be a while :) |
19:38:52 | * | [Saint] nods |
19:39:08 | [Saint] | The main reason why I've kept working on it as opposed to dropping it like a hot rock. |
19:39:20 | patheticbliss | hey guys quick question: is there a place yet to download new anti-aliased fonts for 3.9? |
19:39:54 | [Saint] | I was happy with my version of it ages ago...but I want other people to have an enjoyable (as much as possible anyway) user experience for Android RaaA as well. |
19:40:00 | AlexP | patheticbliss: I'm not sure if we ship any actually |
19:40:12 | [Saint] | patheticbliss: Nope, there's not. |
19:40:26 | [Saint] | It's *really* trivial to convert your own, though. |
19:40:31 | patheticbliss | Ok. I guess I'll look foreward to that. |
19:40:37 | AlexP | We ought to ship some |
19:40:42 | AlexP | Yet another ought :) |
19:40:48 | [Saint] | patheticbliss: One second. |
19:41:11 | patheticbliss | haha. Well I did try to compile convttf, but it didn't work. |
19:41:29 | [Saint] | patheticbliss: I'm uploading a pack for you now, one sec. |
19:41:35 | patheticbliss | awesome! |
19:41:59 | wodz | do we have any codec with non linear dB gain steps? |
19:42:18 | sideral | Hi Slasheri. Looks like your playlist fix does not solve my DB-browser-shows-trash problem |
19:42:44 | [Saint] | patheticbliss: http://www.datafilehost.com/download-78ca5524.html <−− Here 'ya go. |
19:42:45 | | Quit n17ikh (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) |
19:43:15 | [Saint] | there's sizes 12~50pt in normal and bold from the DroidSans font family. |
19:43:20 | Slasheri | sideral: ok, great that you figured it out. Then something else has to be wrong (and i have to double check the playlist fix too) |
19:44:14 | | Quit kevku (Remote host closed the connection) |
19:44:24 | Slasheri | sideral: with trash, do you mean it actually displays corrupted information or just wrong entries from db? |
19:44:41 | sideral | it shows wrong entries from the DB |
19:45:09 | Slasheri | ok, then it isn't that bad, and could still have something to do with the playlist |
19:45:33 | sideral | yes, it could. |
19:46:05 | wodz | internal codec of rk27xx has ackward output stage gain setup - first 8 steps are 0.5dB, than 12 steps 1.0 dB and 12 steps 2.0dB |
19:46:17 | | Join n17ikh [0] (~n17ikh@c-174-56-150-44.hsd1.sc.comcast.net) |
19:47:44 | Slasheri | kugel: the dircache problem was that dircache_build(0); does not correctly re-use/re-allocate the dircache buffer with the same size it was previously allocated |
19:47:46 | | Quit liar (Quit: hallowed are the ori!) |
19:48:28 | Slasheri | kugel: and dircache_disable() is called before calling dircache_build(0); |
19:49:19 | patheticbliss | [Saint]: Thanks for the fonts! |
19:50:04 | [Saint] | patheticbliss: No worries, hope it keeps you somewhat occupied in antialiased goodness for a while ;) |
19:50:38 | | Join liar [0] (~liar@clnet-p09-185.ikbnet.co.at) |
19:50:55 | [Saint] | I'm *supposed* to be making another, better (as in cleaner) fontset for the AA fonts...well, it's on my ToDo list, but I'm not exactly sure when that will be. |
19:52:29 | patheticbliss | the 12-bold one looks nice on my e200. But I have to say the interface (scrolling) feels a little 'laggier' compared to the normal one. Not that bad, but noticable. |
19:54:03 | [Saint] | Hmmmm....I'm not familiar with the HW of the E200, but its certainly possible if its not a particularly powerful target. |
19:54:35 | AlexP | portal player |
19:55:23 | [Saint] | That's, odd...then. Is it a lowmem target/ |
19:55:31 | [Saint] | -/+? |
19:56:30 | gevaerts | no |
19:56:39 | | Quit GodEater (Quit: leaving) |
19:56:58 | [Saint] | I can't say I've noticed a difference in UI lag on any of my targets with/without AA fonts, and I have a reasonably wide (not as wide as some, though) selection of DAPs to test on. |
19:57:05 | | Join Buschel [0] (~chatzilla@p54B672B4.dip.t-dialin.net) |
19:57:07 | [Saint] | I just don't have any lowmem targets. |
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20:01:30 | CIA-27 | New commit by thomasjfox (r30091): Forgot to update the short log for (unofficial) maemo build |
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20:04:31 | CIA-27 | r30091 build result: All green |
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22:37:20 | thomasjfox | grrr, the n8xx build fails in apps/fracmul.h:78: error: impossible constraint in `asm' |
22:40:24 | bertrik | the zipitz2 fails at that point too |
22:40:37 | bertrik | oh, in line 79 actually |
22:40:47 | | Join jordan` [0] (gromit@2a01:e34:eebf:c890:21a:4dff:fe63:6966) |
22:41:30 | | Quit jordan` (Client Quit) |
22:41:34 | thomasjfox | the first "\" on line 78 looks like a copy'n'paste error |
22:41:37 | | Join jordan` [0] (gromit@2a01:e34:eebf:c890:21a:4dff:fe63:6966) |
22:42:14 | | Quit benedikt93 (Quit: Bye ;)) |
22:46:16 | bertrik | hm, yes, like it was incorrectly modified from a macro to a function |
22:48:30 | thomasjfox | strangely FRACTMUL() compiles, FRACTMUL_SHL() doesn't |
22:49:10 | | Quit Jerom (Quit: Leaving.) |
22:56:14 | bertrik | I think we should apply some of the recent language patches to the 3.9 branch too, right? |
22:57:38 | gevaerts | yes |
22:59:46 | Torne | One of them already only got applied to the 3.9 branch it seems, btw |
22:59:52 | Torne | er |
22:59:54 | Torne | no, wiat |
23:00 |
23:00:00 | Torne | i mean one of them got applied after we tagged 3.9 |
23:04:23 | | Join Stephen___ [0] (~S@ |
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23:07:33 | CIA-27 | New commit by bertrik (r30092): FS #12171 - Polish translation update by Wojciech Lesniak |
23:10:36 | Stephen___ | Just wanted to let people know moreso for the logs than anything else, the following http://anythingbutipod.com/2009/09/sansa-clip-40gb-possible-with-adapter/ works with a 64gb SDXC card, had to format to FAT32 of course but works none the less once you have the adapter. is a bit fiddly, need to find a way to fix it to the clip/fuze/e280 i have. |
23:11:00 | CIA-27 | New commit by bertrik (r30093): FS #12171 - Polish translation update by Wojciech Lesniak |
23:13:13 | bertrik | Stephen___, cool, does it work in rockbox too? |
23:13:14 | gevaerts | Stephen___: lots of hot glue? :) |
23:13:25 | Stephen___ | also, pixelma, that player wps has been uploaded now. i think that's all the themes bar cabbie |
23:13:33 | Stephen___ | yep haven't tried the OF |
23:13:41 | | Join Llorean [0] (~DarkkOne@rockbox/user/Llorean) |
23:13:47 | Stephen___ | used the clip usb to transfer 30gb odd to it ;) |
23:13:52 | CIA-27 | r30093 build result: All green |
23:16:40 | CIA-27 | New commit by thomasjfox (r30094): Remove leftover backslash from macro conversion in FRACTMUL_SHL |
23:16:46 | | Quit robin0800 (Quit: Leaving) |
23:17:13 | | Join robin0800 [0] (~robin0800@genld-224-236.t-mobile.co.uk) |
23:19:13 | CIA-27 | New commit by bertrik (r30095): FS #12172 - Update for serbian translation by Ivan Pesic |
23:19:20 | CIA-27 | r30094 build result: All green |
23:21:56 | CIA-27 | New commit by bertrik (r30096): FS #12172 - Update for serbian translation by Ivan Pesic |
23:22:43 | | Quit robin0800 (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) |
23:23:03 | Stephen___ | gevaerts, glue won't work if i want to transfer the adapter to any of my othe rplayers ;) |
23:24:34 | CIA-27 | r30096 build result: All green |
23:25:44 | Stephen___ | seems to fit the fuze the best, naturally |
23:27:00 | amiconn | Stephen___: 32GB microSDHCs are available nowadays. No adapter needed |
23:27:48 | Stephen___ | I know, I have one but I wanted to test the 64gb sdxc |
23:29:02 | | Join evilnick [0] (~evilnick@rockbox/staff/evilnick) |
23:31:42 | * | amiconn should get one |
23:32:25 | Stephen___ | a 32 microsd or 64gb sdxc ? |
23:32:54 | | Quit thomasjfox (Remote host closed the connection) |
23:34:43 | | Quit [fred] (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
23:36:48 | amiconn | Stephen___: The bootloaders aren't released yet though, which is on purpose |
23:37:03 | Stephen___ | Yeah the auto-on problem again it seems ? |
23:37:08 | Stephen___ | for the clock ? |
23:37:17 | amiconn | I want to get rtc alarm into svn, including bootloader support |
23:37:29 | amiconn | Didn't want to do that before the release |
23:37:32 | Stephen___ | waited years for that! |
23:37:54 | Stephen___ | I can test it if you want, just ping me as I read the logs and don't be on irc a lot. |
23:38:03 | amiconn | Yeah, it's low priority stuff for myself, because I don't use rtc alarm on any target, but that patch is rotting... |
23:38:33 | Stephen___ | I could use it, atm for recording I wait up to near the time, this would be handier. I can go to bed earlier. |
23:38:42 | | Join [fred] [0] (fred@ircop.efnet.at) |
23:38:51 | Stephen___ | Whats the roadblock ? |
23:38:55 | kugel | amiconn: get your stuff done before we're going git! :) |
23:40:41 | amiconn | meh |
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23:56:53 | Pikel | I got referred here by someone when I asked if they knew how to unbrick an iPod 5th gen (I think it's got a bad drive anyway) |
23:58:32 | AlexP | Try #rockbox-community - here is for support and development of Rockbox :) |