00:15:38 | | Join ReimuHakurei [0] (~kudo@wireless.sit-co.net) |
00:17:26 | bluebroth3r | [Saint]: ok, buflib _is_ the culprit. |
00:19:24 | bluebroth3r | [Saint], kugel: the AA in notification works fine on r30379, but stops working on r30380. Starting with r30381 I get the vorbis files extremely soft issue −− you can barely hear something even at full volume. |
00:24:55 | bluebroth3r | [Saint]: is it possible to make the popups (like the volume) pop down when you click the area / icon again? I.e. have a way to manually dismiss them instead of waiting for a timeout |
00:25:02 | | Part toffe82 |
00:25:38 | tjb0607 | I just finished my minecraft theme |
00:25:42 | tjb0607 | for sansa e200 |
00:26:18 | bluebroth3r | [Saint]: but in general I like it. Will get some sleep now, more comments (in the FS task) later |
00:27:56 | tjb0607 | http://imgur.com/a/oyz4G |
00:34:28 | tjb0607 | now what should I do for a compatible license? |
00:36:30 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
00:43:13 | tjb0607 | Mojang has their own licensing http://www.minecraft.net/copyright.jsp |
00:46:30 | tjb0607 | "You're free to do whatever you want with screenshots and videos of the game, but don't just rip at resources and pass them around, that's no fun." |
00:54:03 | | Quit balintx (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
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00:58:15 | | Part Zagor |
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01:07:09 | | Quit Jerom1 (Quit: Leaving.) |
01:07:45 | tjb0607 | http://themes.rockbox.org/index.php?themeid=1408&target=sansae200 |
01:27:04 | | Quit ender` (Quit: The word 'politics' is derived from the word 'poly', meaning 'many', and the word 'ticks', meaning 'blood sucking parasites'. -- Larry Hardiman) |
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05:17:43 | | Join Casainho [0] (~chatzilla@ |
05:30:33 | [Saint] | JdGordon|: Ping? |
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05:39:01 | | Join Rob2222 [0] (~Miranda@p5DE4BC5C.dip.t-dialin.net) |
05:40:08 | * | [Saint] is left wondering how to do "if "current volume" == NIL" with an %if statement... |
05:40:26 | | Join Keripo [0] (~Keripo@eng409.wireless-resnet.upenn.edu) |
05:40:57 | [Saint] | %?if(%pv,=,0)<> _should_ be line level...not what I want :-S |
05:42:29 | | Quit Rob2223 (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
05:53:37 | Llorean | Do you want the mute state? |
05:53:49 | [Saint] | Correct. |
05:54:40 | Llorean | I thought the volume conditional was (mute), (levels), (line), (danger)? |
05:54:43 | | Join webguest91 [0] (~b752922f@giant.haxx.se) |
05:55:09 | Llorean | Could you use the volume conditional to wrap something, rather than doing it in an if? |
05:55:41 | [Saint] | If you're using a conditional against the %pv tag, sure...doesn't work that way if you want a nice "progressbar" style display. |
05:56:10 | Llorean | Why's that? |
05:57:07 | [Saint] | Because it draws from min possible, to max possible volume. |
05:57:21 | [Saint] | Its just the way bar tags work. |
05:57:22 | webguest91 | rockbox 3.9 doesn't boot after installing on ipod video (60gb). please help. |
05:57:50 | Llorean | [Saint]: So then "min possible" is "not quite mute" or something? |
05:58:41 | Llorean | [Saint]: I'm confused as to why you can't use it still. I mean, it seems like it might lead to more code duplication, but you should be able to use the volume conditional to get "if muted, do X, otherwise do Y" and then use your normal stuff in the Y part. |
05:59:06 | Llorean | webguest91: That's very vague. What happens, exactly? Which install process did you follow? Were there any error messages along the way? |
05:59:53 | webguest91 | Llorean: I installed it through rockbox utility. replaced 3.8. |
06:00 |
06:00:32 | webguest91 | Llorean: it worked fine after installing. at some point when it stalled playing a file, i force restarted it. |
06:01:15 | webguest91 | Llorean: i have only rockbox firmware. rockbox seems getting loaded. the rockbox screen comes up. and stops there. |
06:01:23 | Llorean | So the problem isn't really "doesn't boot after installing" but "I restarted it and it won't boot?" |
06:01:39 | Llorean | Have you tried clearing the settings? Why did you restart it, and by that do you mean "held menu and select until it rebooted"? |
06:01:40 | webguest91 | Llorean: restarting several times didn't help. |
06:01:57 | webguest91 | Llorean: yes. that is probably the correct way of saying it. |
06:02:10 | Llorean | What about clearing the settings? |
06:02:36 | webguest91 | Llorean: it just stays with that screen with out any hard disk activity i could observe. |
06:03:08 | webguest91 | how to do that? the drive doesn't show up when connected to computer anymore. |
06:03:23 | Llorean | If that happens in emergency disk mode, it sounds more like hardware failure. |
06:03:43 | Llorean | Did it suffer some problem that made you choose to menu+select? |
06:04:17 | [Saint] | probably a case of manual read fail ;) |
06:04:31 | webguest91 | yes. i was trying to play a flac file which i suspect has some problem. it just stalled. i used to see this problem with this file before. |
06:04:54 | Llorean | webguest91: If the disk isn't showing up in emergency disk mode, and it froze mid-file, it certainly sounds like the disk has a problem. |
06:05:25 | Llorean | If you can't mount it on USB there's not much you can do. There's a way to clear settings without having to hook it up to the computer, holding a button during boot. I'm not sure what it is for the iPods. |
06:05:28 | webguest91 | since it boots up to some point, it is not a complete hardware failure i believe. is there anything i could do? |
06:05:32 | Llorean | But even then, that's not likely to fix your USB issue. |
06:05:45 | [Saint] | webguest91: In future, if you device has a future...only use menu+select if you *absolutely* have to. The "correct" method to reboot these players is to simply hold play until it powers down. |
06:05:45 | Llorean | An incomplete hardware failure is just a step on the way to complete failure... |
06:06:00 | Llorean | [Saint]: It froze. I'd say "menu+select" was a 'have to' at that point. |
06:06:33 | [Saint] | I've had a frozen UI that responded to button calls before now, it doesn't hurt to *try* this at least. |
06:06:44 | [Saint] | menu+select is pretty brutal on spinning disks. |
06:07:07 | webguest91 | i didn't know about long press of the play button. should have tried that one... :−−( |
06:07:18 | [Saint] | Pretty much the same as pulling the power cord out the back of your PC while its running ;) |
06:07:38 | Llorean | [Saint]: I don't know that we know it's bad on the disk like that. |
06:07:44 | Llorean | It's still controlled by the lower level firmware. |
06:07:57 | Llorean | The main problem is that you know your settings won't be saved, because it happens outside of Rockbox. |
06:08:38 | [Saint] | Llorean: I've certainly had it cause FS corruption (if it happens to be writing at the time, I guess), I've not had it cause FS corruption that prevented boot, though. |
06:08:42 | webguest91 | if i left it, it gets shutsdown after some time.. |
06:09:22 | webguest91 | rebooting stops at the rockbox screen again after some harddisk activity |
06:09:48 | [Saint] | Does your PC mount the disk? |
06:09:49 | Llorean | [Saint]: Well, FS corruption is one thing. That's not damaging to the *disk* though. |
06:10:03 | webguest91 | doesn't mount |
06:10:05 | Llorean | [Saint]: Unplugging your PC can cause it to fail to park heads well and stuff. |
06:10:10 | [Saint] | Llorean: Yeah, bad choice of wording on my part, sorry. |
06:10:21 | Llorean | FS damage is almost certain if you menu+select while writing. :) |
06:10:51 | Llorean | webguest91: There's really nothing you can do to fix an issue of "I can't access the disk in emergency disk mode" |
06:10:53 | webguest91 | if i enable hold button, screen goes off as expected. all these things work fine. just the menu screen doesn't come up. |
06:11:32 | webguest91 | is there a key combination that would bring the menu screen? |
06:12:03 | [Saint] | webguest91: Have you ever entered disk mode before? I mean, do you know for certain that it is failing to enter disk mode, or could it be a failure of yours in not pressing the key combination quickly enough? |
06:12:21 | [Saint] | [16:10] <webguest91> is there a key combination that would bring the menu screen? <−− No. |
06:13:00 | webguest91 | i used disk mode before. thats how i installed 3.9 last night. |
06:13:12 | webguest91 | Saint: thx |
06:13:44 | [Saint] | Right, well...this certainly does sound like your disk has failed. If you can't get it to mount, there's really nothing we can suggest. |
06:14:41 | webguest91 | it looks more like filesystem corruption than a disk failure from what i observe |
06:15:08 | Llorean | webguest91: Emergency disk mode (not Rockbox's, but the emergency disk mode) isn't stored on disk. |
06:15:13 | Llorean | If you can't access the disk through *that* it's hardware failure. |
06:15:29 | [Saint] | Hmmm...actualy. None of the diskmode stuff is even *on* the disk... |
06:15:34 | [Saint] | Its HW failure for sure. |
06:15:46 | webguest91 | never heard of emergency disk mode |
06:16:18 | Llorean | I even asked you about it earlier... |
06:16:54 | webguest91 | is it same as usb disk mode? |
06:17:24 | [Saint] | diskmode == the screen you see when you mount your iPod in the original firmware, it's a coloured screen. Emergency diskmode is what you're attempting to enter now, it is a black and white screen. |
06:18:20 | [Saint] | Out of interest, what happens if you reset the ipod and then *immediately* flip the hold switch? |
06:18:23 | [Saint] | Does the OF boot? |
06:18:51 | [Saint] | you can also use menu+select to reboot, and then keep holding menu while its rebooting. |
06:19:06 | webguest91 | if i enable hold switch, the screen slowly gets blackened. |
06:19:28 | webguest91 | if i unhold, the display comes back |
06:19:37 | [Saint] | you really do need to flip the hold switch *immediately* to get the of to boot. |
06:19:57 | [Saint] | probably easier for you to attempt the "hold menu while its booting" method. |
06:21:04 | [Saint] | ....interesting that the screen fades while the hold switch is applied. this means RB does have control of the LCD at this point. |
06:21:14 | webguest91 | hey, something happened. i was holding menu while booting as you mentioned. |
06:21:23 | webguest91 | it gets mounted :−−) |
06:21:38 | [Saint] | Right, do a diskcheck. |
06:21:57 | webguest91 | i am complete novice. how to do it? i am on ubuntu. |
06:22:20 | [Saint] | "fsck /devices/mount/point/" |
06:22:40 | [Saint] | I can't tell you the mount point, obviously, as I'm not on your machine ;) |
06:22:47 | webguest91 | let me try that.. |
06:23:04 | [Saint] | don't literally type "devices/mount/p[oint/ ;) |
06:23:11 | webguest91 | got it :−−) |
06:23:57 | webguest91 | looks like fsck doesn't work on FAT32 |
06:24:41 | [Saint] | you'll want to do "fsck.vfat -a -A /devices/mount/point/" to automatically fix any errors. |
06:25:41 | [Saint] | whoops, not -A, though that will do no harm. |
06:26:09 | [Saint] | just "fsck.vfat -a /devices/mount/point/" |
06:26:11 | webguest91 | looks like i should un mount it prior to doing this |
06:27:34 | [Saint] | you can also do a "dry run" (ie. don't fix anything, just show whats wrong) first by doing "fsck.vfat -N /mount/point/" |
06:27:58 | webguest91 | it just says it is a directory |
06:28:09 | webguest91 | doesn't seem to be doing anything |
06:29:50 | [Saint] | what are you passing it for /mount/point/? |
06:30:40 | webguest91 | looking for it.. |
06:34:44 | webguest91 | just doing dry run as u suggested. its thinking... |
06:35:17 | [Saint] | Llorean: the problem with bar tags and the %pv conditional is long winded, but I'll try explain it. if I did "%?pv<display my mute image|display the bar for "everything else"> I would miss the cases of line level, and danger. If I did %?pv<display mute image|display bar|display bar|display bar> then the bars displayed in the latter sections (line level and danger) will be *only* those cases...for example "danger" would occupy the entire bar image for.. |
06:36:18 | webguest91 | dry run result |
06:36:22 | [Saint] | The real explaination is long wided, requires screenshots, and more code snippets..but its easier to say "it just don't work" ;) |
06:36:24 | webguest91 | dosfsck 3.0.9, 31 Jan 2010, FAT32, LFN /Traditional/Guitar Masterpieces Start does point to root directory. Deleting dir. Reclaimed 6190 unused clusters (25354240 bytes). Free cluster summary wrong (1423622 vs. really 1429812) Auto-correcting. Leaving file system unchanged. /dev/sdd2: 5706 files, 13164817/14594629 clusters |
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06:38:01 | | Quit robin0800 (Quit: Leaving) |
06:38:19 | Llorean | [Saint]: I don't understand why the bars displayed in the latter sections will be only those cases? Can't you use a simple filler image to fill in where the bar *would* be for those cases if it won't render the whole range? |
06:38:44 | [Saint] | webguest91: Right, so there is definitely FS errors there. Now you can do "fsck.vfat /mount/point/you/gave/it/earlier/" for an interactive run, where it will prompt you to fix. Or do "fsck.vfat -a /mount/point/...blah/blah/" for an automatic run. |
06:39:24 | [Saint] | Llorean: Yeah, filler images are the only option, the downside being a "lag"? when the conditions switch and the bars are redrawn which looks rather...not nice. |
06:40:56 | Llorean | [Saint]: If there's a lag/flicker, that sounds like a redraw bug. |
06:41:28 | Llorean | If on one frame it's supposed to have a bar, and on another it's supposed to have an image that looks exactly like the bar, if there's a frame between where it's not there, that should be considered a bug. |
06:41:49 | [Saint] | Its ever so brief, but enough to notice. |
06:41:56 | Llorean | Still a bug. |
06:42:01 | webguest91 | doing fsck -a |
06:43:37 | [Saint] | Hmmm.....RaaA doesn't *have* a "danger" case. (which may change? ..duno). |
06:43:43 | [Saint] | That makes it slightly easier. |
06:44:00 | [Saint] | it considers "full volume" to be 0dB |
06:45:59 | Llorean | Well, that makes sense. |
06:46:07 | [Saint] | In that case: "%?pv<draw mute image|draw nice fancy bar tag|draw the full bar image for "0db"|draw nothing, as we don't care about this case>" might "just work". |
06:46:17 | Llorean | Since we don't really have direct hardware access, so we just provide full volume to the OS. |
06:47:00 | tmzt_ | fuze 4gbs are 30 dollars on tiger direct if anybody cares please forward to community |
06:47:30 | [Saint] | tmzt_: Take it to *-community |
06:56:47 | webguest91 | bit struggling with fsck. but i think i can make it from here. |
06:57:09 | webguest91 | thanks a lot for your help Saint and Llorean |
06:57:18 | [Saint] | Happy to. |
06:57:22 | | Join hskf [0] (~textual@h67.125.56.24.cable.frmv.jetbroadband.com) |
06:57:28 | webguest91 | u saved me from a definite heart attack.. :−−) |
06:59:16 | | Quit hskf (Client Quit) |
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07:00 |
07:38:50 | * | [Saint] wonders why there's no GTalk or Google+ feilds in the forum profile info. |
07:39:12 | [Saint] | ewwww, ...er. fields even. |
07:47:40 | Llorean | Because the version of the software it's running predates G+ by ages? |
07:49:39 | [Saint] | Right, but, surely adding more fields is trivial? I'm on a forum now with an even older version of the forum software that has these fields. |
07:50:24 | Llorean | Oh, I'm sure it isn't too hard. |
07:50:46 | Llorean | But I don't think anyone really cares. Nobody really seems to be doing much with the forums these days |
07:50:57 | [Saint] | there's *probably* some form of "bolt on" for it. |
07:51:01 | | Quit Casainho (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 6.0.1/20110830092941]) |
07:51:33 | Llorean | Oh yea, they're right there on the smf mods site |
07:52:25 | [Saint] | I'm forced to use the forums a lot, as, even despite my repeated efforts to discourage people from doing so I get a *lot* of support requests for <theme X> via PM :-S |
07:53:03 | Llorean | at times I was tempted to just disable PMs in the forums for normal members. |
07:53:30 | Llorean | I was tempted to see about making it only possible for people to reply to PMs. So mods/admins could PM problem users and explain what was going on, and hold a conversation. |
07:56:24 | Llorean | But, at least they ended up in (what I think is) a better state when I left than when I started. |
08:00 |
08:07:07 | [Saint] | heh, we can follow the growing trend and add G+ "+1" buttons to...errr, everything! |
08:09:52 | [Saint] | http://custom.simplemachines.org/mods/index.php?mod=1603 <−− GTalk profile field. I couldn't find a G+ profile field, though. |
08:10:00 | | Quit powell14ski_ (Quit: powell14ski_) |
08:17:28 | Llorean | We should put +1s on SVN revisions. :) |
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10:19:11 | JdGordon| | [Saint]: you really should know by now im always afk friday eveninng -> saturday night |
10:19:14 | JdGordon| | (aka pong) |
10:20:33 | [Saint] | Yeah, I clicked afterward as to what day it was. |
10:21:00 | JdGordon| | sup? |
10:21:39 | | Join ender` [0] (~ender@foo.eternallybored.org) |
10:22:02 | [Saint] | ...how do I represent "mute" with "%?if(%pv,=,<what_goes_here>)"? |
10:22:20 | [Saint] | it would be *so* much easier for me to use %?if here. |
10:22:40 | [Saint] | as opposed to a %?pv conditional |
10:23:50 | JdGordon| | jhMikeS: output volume is independant of global_settings.volume now right? could a proper "mute" voluem state be added? |
10:24:44 | [Saint] | I was trying "%pv,=,0" initially, then I clicked that 0 == line level. |
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10:25:43 | JdGordon| | yeah, there is no easy way to do this |
10:25:55 | JdGordon| | adding a "is muted" tag would make the most sense |
10:26:07 | JdGordon| | but then that shold invovle a proper mute state for the whole playback engine |
10:26:51 | n1s | yeah, iirc some targets aren't muted at the lowest level |
10:26:56 | [Saint] | Nup...I've been pissing arounbd with it for a while today. The "right" way to do this (as of now) is a convoluted system of bar tags and filler images. |
10:27:18 | [Saint] | even then, its not "right" |
10:27:31 | n1s | but othoh, what is the use case for mute? instead of just pausing |
10:28:03 | [Saint] | n1s: its a touchscreen only thing. |
10:28:24 | [Saint] | it's a "its nice to have" thing. |
10:29:23 | [Saint] | It can't really be implemented sensibly on non-touch targets. Maybe with Hotkey? ...dunno. |
10:30:09 | n1s | but still, when do you use it? |
10:30:21 | jhMikeS | JdGordon|: why mute in the software? it would only mute per channel |
10:31:02 | [Saint] | I use it when someone's talking to me, and I want to hear them but don't really care about the music I'm listening to enough to stop/pause playback. |
10:32:33 | [Saint] | It would be useful for FM too, I guess. As (iiuc) you get kicked out of the FM screen if you stop FM playback, no? |
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10:33:36 | jhMikeS | you can pause fm, mixer volume won't affect it |
10:33:46 | JdGordon| | jhMikeS: i ask because its a pit of a pain to store the old volume and then set min as "poor mans mute" which then breaks if the vol+/- buttons are used also |
10:34:08 | JdGordon| | a simple way to actually mute the hardware independant of the supposed volume would be useful |
10:35:18 | jhMikeS | really, that would be better done in the drivers' global volume |
10:36:13 | jhMikeS | most have audiohw_mute |
10:36:41 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
10:37:44 | jhMikeS | unfortunately, a few took the easy route and just muted the DAC, not the outputs |
10:39:23 | jhMikeS | For RaaA, it must be possible to silence audio at the main pcm ? |
10:44:44 | | Quit TheLemonMan (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.5) |
10:46:10 | jhMikeS | so, using mixer volume wouldn't help things that use PCM directly or analogue audio paths anyway |
10:47:36 | | Join TheLemonMan [0] (~LemonBoy@ppp-125-43.26-151.libero.it) |
10:48:41 | * | Llorean wonders at about why you would mute exactly. |
10:49:07 | Llorean | I mean, if you just don't care enough about the music, why is mute better than pause still? Is pause harder to do than mute, or is there some reason to explicitly want the music to keep going while you don't listen? |
11:00 |
11:00:16 | bluebroth3r | Is there some test program for buflib? |
11:04:19 | [Saint] | Yeah. |
11:04:30 | [Saint] | I think its called "Rockbox" :D |
11:06:10 | | Join mudd1 [0] (~cmertes@ip-78-94-202-227.unitymediagroup.de) |
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11:10:11 | bluebroth3r | [Saint]: ah, that one. I was rather thinking some something more ... "compact" :) |
11:10:42 | [Saint] | Well, Rockbox does seem to be the test program for bufflib presently ;) |
11:11:15 | JdGordon| | bluebroth3r: he said he has on in development..... how it wasnt finished before integrating into rockbox is beyond me |
11:11:45 | bluebroth3r | hmm, we should have more tests for Rockbox me thinks |
11:12:26 | JdGordon| | whats the story with wtachi's gsoc project? |
11:12:26 | n1s | yeah, automated testing would be awesome |
11:13:55 | * | JdGordon| wants a pony |
11:13:59 | [Saint] | JdGordon|: I was wondering that myself, actually. I wasn't sure if it was poor form to ask or not. |
11:14:03 | | Nick JdGordon| is now known as JdGordon (~jonno@rockbox/developer/JdGordon) |
11:14:54 | JdGordon | not poor form to ask, poor engineering |
11:15:01 | | Quit user829385 (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) |
11:16:09 | JdGordon | saratoga: scorche|sh: ? whats the story with watachi's gsoc? |
11:24:36 | | Join ReimuHakurei [0] (~kudo@wireless.sit-co.net) |
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12:25:41 | CIA-14 | New commit by buschel (r30414): Fix warning, 'read_next:' is only used when EOVERFLOW is defined. |
12:28:05 | CIA-14 | r30414 build result: All green |
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12:40:57 | CIA-14 | New commit by buschel (r30415): pacbox: Declare several local functions and variables static. |
12:41:42 | AlexP | So regarding the big menu reorganisation, what is the status? |
12:41:51 | AlexP | I haven't read all the emails |
12:41:58 | AlexP | I'm thinking r.e. the next release |
12:42:00 | | Quit TheSeven (Remote host closed the connection) |
12:42:00 | Llorean | AlexP: There's basically two menu rearranging questions. "What to do with merging System and Settings" which is... I don't want to say contentious... but complicated. |
12:42:22 | AlexP | Which is due in October - if we are going to rearrange it'd be nice to get it in that and call it 4.0 |
12:42:35 | Llorean | AlexP: The second one is the attempt to rearrange the entire structure of everything within "settings." That one simply hasn't gotten off the ground. We really need enough people to commit to it that we can get an organized something underway, with a timeline |
12:42:51 | JdGordon | AlexP: re the system/settings merging, does doing it one way make it easier for the needed manual changes? |
12:42:53 | AlexP | I don't mind delaying the release to get it in if it is moving along, but don't want to wait indefinateley |
12:43:18 | AlexP | JdGordon: As in moving one into the other? |
12:43:24 | JdGordon | yeah |
12:43:26 | CIA-14 | r30415 build result: 1 errors, 1 warnings (buschel committed) |
12:44:00 | | Join TheSeven [0] (~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) |
12:44:29 | AlexP | JdGordon: I guess system into settings will require fewer changes as most things are in settings now |
12:44:34 | JdGordon | hmm, looking at the online manual, both are on the same page so probably not? |
12:44:45 | AlexP | It is more references in the text |
12:44:55 | AlexP | But I don't think that should be an issue |
12:45:01 | AlexP | We can deal with it either way |
12:45:03 | JdGordon | why is th quickscreen in the main menu chapter? |
12:45:27 | * | Llorean guesses it's because it's the first chapter that describes a screen from which it may be invoked. |
12:45:28 | Buschel | Can anybody explain me why apps/plugins/mikmod/sloeader.c throws the following warning in my build environment? -> http://pastie.org/2475455 |
12:45:45 | AlexP | Llorean: Probably, or whoever added it couldn't think of a better place |
12:46:21 | Llorean | Given that it's (nearly) universal, and doesn't change like the context menu, I'd just describe it in the first place you can use it from, then mention "it may also be invoked here" in later chapters, with a link back to it. |
12:46:37 | * | Llorean hasn't read the manual in a very, very long time. |
12:46:37 | | Join XavierGr [0] (~xavier@rockbox/staff/XavierGr) |
12:47:26 | AlexP | Llorean: r.e. the big rework, I'm in the "I think it'll be better when done, will reserve judgement and vote when presented, but unfortunately can't commit to helping" |
12:47:44 | [Saint] | AlexP; Dammit! You're supposed to say 'Oh...yeah, um...certainly, Settings - System is the *only* way this could possibly work wrt the Manual" ;) |
12:47:53 | [Saint] | ANy chance to go back and do that now? :P |
12:47:58 | JdGordon | haha |
12:48:13 | JdGordon | AlexP: looks like the whole playlist catalogue change isnt in the manual yet |
12:48:58 | AlexP | JdGordon: Yeah, it isn't unfortunately |
12:49:11 | CIA-14 | New commit by buschel (r30416): Remove 'set but not used' warning by GCC 4.6.1. |
12:49:11 | * | JdGordon thinks a straght commiters only vote is the only way to get resolution on the settings/system thing |
12:49:23 | AlexP | JdGordon: Probably |
12:49:39 | Llorean | AlexP: Yeah. I really don't think it'll take long at each stage for any one person to do "their" work the way I've proposed it. The first stage is the longest, and even that can probably be done in about 10-20 minutes considering most settings will be sorta simple to make a decision on. |
12:49:44 | Llorean | And all later phases should be much, much shorter. |
12:49:51 | AlexP | Oh, OK |
12:50:08 | AlexP | Well I can do that - it'll just have to be by email :) |
12:50:23 | JdGordon | i've already done 90% of the work needed to get that going |
12:50:27 | Llorean | The main reason I proposed it the way I did was to make it take as little individual time, and require as little collaboration as possible. |
12:51:33 | CIA-14 | r30416 build result: 83 errors, 0 warnings (buschel committed) |
12:51:39 | Buschel | ? |
12:51:44 | AlexP | JdGordon, Llorean: I'm afraid I'm a bit out of the loop, it kind of need someone to send my an email saying "do this" :) |
12:51:51 | AlexP | Once it is decided what that is |
12:52:12 | JdGordon | edit https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqzlOGMuRZ7OdGNvcFE4QUdOSENnX1JPVXFvMUFTaFE&hl=en_US#gid=0 |
12:52:18 | Llorean | AlexP: Well, what I've proposed is basically each of us (everyone who wants to pitch in) goes through the entire list of settings, on their own, without outside input, and categorizes each one. |
12:52:35 | Buschel | *face palm* |
12:53:00 | Llorean | AlexP: Then by a certain deadline we pick when we get started, we turn those in, and some subgroup with an odd number we choose beforehand uses those ideas to form a final list. That's our top level categories within settings. |
12:53:13 | Llorean | AlexP: Then we basically just iteratively repeat that on each level until we decide "This doesn't need to be broken down into more categories" |
12:54:01 | Llorean | So it's effectively voting on categorizations, with a group arbitrating collisions instead of just going straight up majority selection. |
12:54:05 | AlexP | So catagorise each setting at what level - highest or lowest? |
12:54:17 | Llorean | Highest first. |
12:54:24 | Llorean | So "Sound", "Playback", "System", etc first. |
12:54:36 | Llorean | Except no restriction on using the old names if something better comes to mind. |
12:54:52 | AlexP | OK |
12:56:00 | Llorean | I'd really like to get people in on it, and deadlines as we go, but it seems like there's just not that many people who're really interested in it. |
12:56:19 | AlexP | I imagine there are many people who are interested, but not many who can be bothered |
12:56:42 | JdGordon | indeed |
12:56:53 | JdGordon | thy will be the ones to argue when its done though |
12:56:57 | JdGordon | they* |
12:57:17 | AlexP | well I'll try and have a go |
12:57:31 | AlexP | JdGordon: Is that spreadsheet a complete list of all settings? |
12:57:40 | JdGordon | unlikely, but most |
12:57:44 | AlexP | OK |
12:58:02 | JdGordon | there is no easy way to find out without someone comparing it against settings_list.c |
12:58:45 | gevaerts | Should everyone add a column? |
12:59:01 | Llorean | It seems to be view only |
12:59:09 | JdGordon | its not editable? |
12:59:12 | Llorean | I'm copying it and doing my own. I was going to say everyone adding a column should be fine. |
12:59:28 | Llorean | What's the "cliplight" setting? |
13:00 |
13:00:12 | JdGordon | recording clipping |
13:00:14 | JdGordon | i tihnk |
13:00:59 | Llorean | Ah, okay |
13:01:42 | Llorean | For the purpose of this first sorting, *every* setting must have a category. Since there are no "top level" settings within the main "Settings" menu (or shouldn't be) |
13:02:50 | JdGordon | shold be editable now |
13:03:14 | Llorean | Is there a way to copy a column from one doc to another? |
13:03:36 | Llorean | Also, what's the "folder navigation" setting for? |
13:04:21 | JdGordon | auto folder advance |
13:04:30 | JdGordon | open up apps/settings_list.c and search |
13:04:42 | CIA-14 | New commit by buschel (r30417): Roll back r30416. A proper fix of this warning will end in an #ifdef-hell. |
13:05:21 | gevaerts | Buschel: ah, you had a go as well? :) |
13:06:07 | Buschel | hell. the code would become too ugly with all these (LCD_DEPTH > 1 || (defined(HAVE_REMOTE_LCD) && LCD_REMOTE_DEPTH > 1)) |
13:06:20 | gevaerts | I know :) |
13:06:24 | Buschel | :) |
13:06:34 | * | gevaerts caused some reds trying to fix that as well a while ago |
13:06:51 | JdGordon | can't that variable get put in a macro itself/ |
13:06:52 | | Join ReimuHakurei_ [0] (~kudo@wireless.sit-co.net) |
13:07:04 | Buschel | hehe, now I won't forget this as well ;) |
13:07:31 | CIA-14 | r30417 build result: All green |
13:07:41 | gevaerts | JdGordon: if you fix this properly I'll buy you a beer |
13:07:54 | JdGordon | and a plane ticket? |
13:08:05 | gevaerts | hm |
13:08:24 | * | gevaerts is tempted to say "yes" before JdGordon specifies what sort of plane ticket he wants |
13:09:14 | JdGordon | na, pass :) |
13:09:27 | JdGordon | back to working on a patch which has SFA chance of being comited :) |
13:09:46 | | Quit ReimuHakurei (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
13:10:41 | JdGordon | handle based alloc systems are really shit to work with sometimes :) |
13:11:41 | JdGordon | I know of at least 2 strdup() implementations in apps... could we have a single one which works from a bufalloced handle which grows as needed? obviously not allowing free() and special care to access the final string? |
13:11:53 | JdGordon | filetypes.c is the worst case |
13:12:19 | * | JdGordon isnt exactly sure how this would work thouhg |
13:12:56 | | Join user890104_ [0] (~Venci@6bez10.info) |
13:14:14 | JdGordon | ah, thats been converted to buflib already |
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14:03:40 | | Join JdGord [0] (~AndChat@ |
14:06:29 | AlexP | gevaerts: Can you do me a favour? |
14:06:49 | * | gevaerts wakes up! |
14:06:55 | AlexP | heh :) |
14:06:59 | | Join Stummi [0] (~Stummi@rockbox/developer/Stummi) |
14:07:28 | AlexP | I've uploaded the builds and the voices, and manuals are on the way. I haven't uploaded maps and elfs, but have them if anyone wants them later |
14:07:54 | AlexP | Could you do me the source tarball, and then nudge B4gder when you see him to finish off the release stuff? |
14:08:24 | AlexP | I'll tag it now, but it them just needs to last few bits to point it out and the emails |
14:09:26 | gevaerts | As in pack and upload the tarball? |
14:10:32 | AlexP | yeah, tools/release/tarball.sh |
14:10:52 | AlexP | It doesn't like git, and my net cap here is really low |
14:11:21 | * | gevaerts nods |
14:12:00 | gevaerts | I can't upload directly, but as soon as I see either B4gder or Zagor we can figure something out |
14:13:17 | AlexP | thanks very much |
14:13:29 | Buschel | does anybody have an idea what to do to get rid of those warnings -> http://pastie.org/2475729 |
14:13:47 | Buschel | I have them since ages when building the simulator |
14:14:11 | n1s | -g and -ffunction-sections together produces then IIUC |
14:14:30 | CIA-14 | New commit by alex (r30418): Tag 3.9.1 |
14:14:39 | n1s | i don't have them though |
14:14:48 | n1s | Buschel: are you using something exotic? |
14:15:28 | Buschel | n1s: I do not think so |
14:15:49 | Buschel | n1s: Ubuntu 11.04 |
14:16:06 | amiconn | The -ffunction-sections warning is normal when crosscompiling sims using mingw32 |
14:16:21 | amiconn | Unfortunately there is no option to just disable this one warning |
14:16:43 | Buschel | amiconn: ah, ok. |
14:16:52 | n1s | do we need -ffunction-sections for sims? |
14:17:02 | n1s | ah, it's for mingw |
14:18:00 | amiconn | The warning is just 'may affect'. It actually doesn't for mingw32 |
14:18:22 | Buschel | it works fine, it's just annyoing |
14:19:19 | AlexP | gevaerts: I have to disappear, manuals are uploading now - so I think it is just edit tools/builds.pm once B4gder has moved them, news item on the website, and send email/forum post. |
14:19:26 | AlexP | gevaerts: Sorry for dumping this on you |
14:19:39 | gevaerts | No problem |
14:19:40 | Buschel | amiconn: what about the other "note" in the build log? |
14:20:16 | Buschel | (right at the end) |
14:20:27 | AlexP | gevaerts: Thanks. I'll be in and out, and have maps and elfs in anyone needs them. I'll upload them later on when I get a chance. |
14:20:33 | gevaerts | ok |
14:21:21 | AlexP | Oh, and I have done release notes on the wiki, it just needs the not released yet line removing |
14:21:33 | AlexP | and the date updating :) |
14:21:42 | AlexP | Right, see you in a bit |
14:22:08 | | Quit AlexP (Remote host closed the connection) |
14:28:07 | n1s | Buschel: there isn't any other warning before the notes ? |
14:28:11 | n1s | it looks weird |
14:28:31 | n1s | that sort of message is usually printed after a warning as extra info |
14:28:47 | Buschel | yep, that's strange. there is nothing before this note. |
14:30:15 | | Quit XavierGr (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) |
14:30:27 | n1s | i don't get those eitehr btw so perhaps more mingw weridness |
14:30:46 | Buschel | when I declare both variables as "volatile" this note disappears. same when do not declare the SL_LoadInternal 'static' |
14:32:18 | n1s | the ITPACK struct typedef looks weird, try removing the first occurence of ITPACK there |
14:36:16 | Buschel | wait a sec |
14:36:48 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
14:37:53 | n1s | uh, why is mikmod built with -O0 for cf? |
14:38:24 | | Quit merbanan (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
14:39:29 | Buschel | no change |
14:42:28 | n1s | the fs task mentions a compiler bug with the old cf toolchain so that can probably be changed back, but i'd need to test it... |
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15:04:33 | n1s | any idea where i can find some testfiles for mikmod? |
15:06:56 | | Join v4hn [0] (~v4hn@brln-4db81553.pool.mediaWays.net) |
15:13:27 | v4hn | hey everyone, as flyspray told me, I'm here discussing my patch FS #12257. This is more or less cosmetic but important for me. |
15:13:28 | fs-bluebot | http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/12257 Goban mixes up stone colors on inverse displays (patches, unconfirmed) |
15:13:45 | v4hn | Any comments/approvals? |
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15:24:58 | CIA-14 | New commit by jdgordon (r30419): Add the list colour callback and a proper title icon to the simplelist api |
15:28:19 | CIA-14 | r30419 build result: All green |
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18:39:21 | bertrik | yay, yet another false malware alert for rbutil |
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19:40:31 | amiconn | Buschel: I don't know what this note means |
19:40:59 | amiconn | Buschel: Btw, there are several warnings in the new libgme when building raaa for N900 |
19:41:08 | amiconn | Some macro collision with system stuff |
19:41:23 | Buschel | amiconn: do you have log of those? |
19:41:33 | amiconn | No, but I can regenerate them |
19:41:52 | Buschel | amiconn: seems I will live with those "notes" then... |
19:42:03 | Buschel | amiconn: good, I will see what I can do |
19:42:19 | amiconn | Unfortunately the scratchbox build process is so different from our ordinary method that I have no idea how it could be integrated into our build system |
19:42:48 | amiconn | You basically build a .deb using the debian mechanism (dpkg-buildpackage) |
19:44:15 | Buschel | amiconn: btw, could you review FS #12256 and FS #1258 ? I am not the makefile guru. I am sure those patches won't be the final version... |
19:44:16 | fs-bluebot | http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/12256 Use -fgnu89-inline for building doom and mpegplayer (patches, new) |
19:44:16 | fs-bluebot | http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/1258 FIX: Inverted cursor in recording screen (bug: 725348) (patches, closed) |
19:44:17 | amiconn | At least there's some progress in that scratchbox is available for amd64 as well. |
19:44:50 | amiconn | 1258? I guess 12258 |
19:45:10 | Buschel | yes, sorry |
19:45:40 | | Join mystica555_ [0] (~mike@71-211-199-110.hlrn.qwest.net) |
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19:46:28 | amiconn | I'd rather keep -ffunction-sections and live with the warnings for mingw32 |
19:49:06 | | Quit bluebroth3r (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
19:49:11 | | Quit fs-bluebot (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) |
19:49:55 | Buschel | you think it creates too much unneeded build variants? |
19:50:07 | amiconn | As for 12256, it looks ok to me, although I'd call the flags MPEGCFLAGS |
19:50:27 | Buschel | that could be easily changes |
19:50:28 | amiconn | Also the doom *.o don't depend on doom.make for some reason (not your fault) |
19:50:29 | Buschel | changed |
19:50:46 | amiconn | Sorry %.o |
19:51:39 | amiconn | I think leaving out -ffunction-sections creates unnecessary differences between target and sim builds |
19:52:37 | amiconn | *If* we value warning free builds higher than that, it should probably be removed for mingw32/cygwin only |
19:53:17 | amiconn | Note that sims will probably become larger when doing this |
19:53:48 | Buschel | I don't think that would be a real issue |
19:53:58 | amiconn | It might be necessary if we decide to include a mingw32 sim build into the automated build system (which might be a good idea actually) |
19:54:04 | | Join fs-bluebot [0] (~fs-bluebo@g231122036.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
19:55:01 | Buschel | I would also like to see a mingw32 sim build, we see issues with those builds regularly |
19:55:25 | Buschel | (even though they are fixed quite fast) |
19:57:08 | | Join stripwax [0] (~Miranda@87-194-34-169.bethere.co.uk) |
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20:27:16 | CIA-14 | New commit by buschel (r30420): FS #12256: Use '-fgnu89-inline' for mpegplayer and doom. Resolves compiler warnings when using mingw32. |
20:27:32 | | Quit antil33t (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
20:27:55 | | Join antil33t [0] (~antil33t@203-100-223-143.callplus.net.nz) |
20:29:54 | CIA-14 | r30420 build result: 8 errors, 0 warnings (buschel committed) |
20:30:46 | Buschel | *sigh* |
20:36:57 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
20:43:26 | | Quit mystica555_ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
20:45:40 | | Join stripwax [0] (~Miranda@87-194-34-169.bethere.co.uk) |
20:46:45 | CIA-14 | New commit by buschel (r30421): Do not set '-fgnu89-inline' for MIPS targets. |
20:49:48 | CIA-14 | r30421 build result: All green |
21:00 |
21:10:53 | * | Buschel found the cause for the strange 'note' warnings in mikmod |
21:12:34 | CIA-14 | New commit by buschel (r30422): Fix compiler warnings in mikmod. Initialize 'status' and 'incnt'. |
21:14:46 | | Join Zagor [242] (~bjst@rockbox/developer/Zagor) |
21:14:47 | CIA-14 | r30422 build result: All green |
21:15:06 | Buschel | mikmod uses '-w" and lots of warnings are suppressed. when compiling with mingw a few of them still were reported as 'note' w/o the warning itself |
21:16:01 | amiconn | That's a bug in mingw-gcc imo |
21:16:22 | Buschel | seems so |
21:16:56 | amiconn | If warnings are suppressed, I'd expect the related notice(s) to be suppressed as well |
21:17:19 | | Quit saratoga (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
21:26:37 | gevaerts | Zagor, B4gder: I uploaded the 3.9.1 source to http://rockbox.hostname.be/rockbox- AlexP should have uploaded the rest to the server. Can one of you do the server-side stuff? |
21:27:44 | Zagor | sure |
21:30:53 | | Quit stripwax (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
21:40:48 | Zagor | gevaerts: files are in position, front page is updated. will you update builds.pm? |
21:41:22 | gevaerts | Zagor: that's the one in trunk, right? |
21:41:33 | Zagor | yes. tools/builds.pm |
21:42:09 | CIA-14 | New commit by gevaerts (r30423): Update stable build to 3.9.1 |
21:43:04 | gevaerts | OK, so now just forums and mailing lists? |
21:43:59 | Zagor | http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/ReleaseChecklist :-) |
21:44:18 | amiconn | The build distribution algorithm is doing some strange things |
21:45:02 | amiconn | Last round my fast machine got lots of bootloaders, but several slow machines ended up doing nothing |
21:45:29 | Zagor | amiconn: the end result is far from the scheduled result |
21:45:58 | Zagor | all machines get builds. not all are able to complete them before someone else does. |
21:47:38 | amiconn | Do we really have that many redistributed builds? |
21:47:44 | Zagor | yes |
21:48:04 | gevaerts | ok, release notes updated, mails sent, and forum post posted |
21:48:39 | CIA-14 | r30423 build result: All green |
21:48:45 | gevaerts | Zagor: did you download my sources 7z to http://download.rockbox.org/release/3.9.1/ yet? |
21:48:57 | Zagor | yes |
21:49:29 | gevaerts | I don't seem to see it |
21:50:19 | Zagor | http://download.rockbox.org/release/3.9.1/rockbox-3.9.7z ? |
21:50:43 | Zagor | oh, that's not right |
21:51:27 | Zagor | now |
21:51:33 | Zagor | http://download.rockbox.org/release/3.9.1/rockbox- |
21:52:15 | gevaerts | OK, we're done then I think :) |
21:52:19 | Zagor | yay |
21:52:31 | * | Zagor sips some whisky for celebration |
21:53:13 | gevaerts | Party time! \☺/ |
22:00 |
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23:07:35 | | Join TheSeven [0] (~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) |
23:15:41 | | Quit Stummi (Quit: Bye!) |
23:20:29 | n1s | urg, mikmod is really supressing *all* warnings |
23:21:25 | n1s | and there's a *lot* of them |
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23:24:52 | akaWolf | how to write program for rockbox? |
23:29:56 | | Part Zagor |
23:34:51 | bertrik | a plugin you mean? have a look at apps/plugins/helloworld.c |
23:38:24 | akaWolf | the list of known functions? |
23:40:47 | | Quit powell14ski (Quit: powell14ski) |
23:42:08 | pamaury | hum, I'm getting some weird random data abort in the fuze+ bootloader when enabling usb; the only invariant is that it never works :( |
23:44:36 | bertrik | pamaury, maybe some interrupt firing that was still pending? |
23:44:43 | Buschel | n1s: seen FS #12259 ? |
23:44:44 | fs-bluebot | http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/12259 Removed bug and compiler warnings from mikmod (patches, new) |
23:45:51 | bertrik | akaWolf, basically the only functions a plugin can call are in apps/plugin.h through the plugin_api struct |
23:46:04 | akaWolf | ok |
23:46:17 | | Join saratoga [0] (9803ec71@gateway/web/freenode/ip. |
23:46:26 | pamaury | bertrik: no, I don't think it's hardware related, perhaps a problem with the linker script (I know the usb.c file uses some funny attributes) |
23:47:36 | akaWolf | under mingw i can compile rockbox? |
23:49:34 | saratoga | you can cross compile the sim under it IIRC |
23:51:34 | saratoga | i don't know how easy that is though, i've never tried it |
23:54:24 | n1s | Buschel: ah, nice, i hope you submit it upstream |
23:54:58 | | Join pamaury_ [0] (~quassel@vit94-1-82-67-248-70.fbx.proxad.net) |
23:55:39 | akaWolf | big project.. |
23:56:21 | saratoga | why do you want to use mingw? |
23:56:22 | | Quit pamaury (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) |
23:56:43 | akaWolf | becouse i have mingw |
23:56:48 | akaWolf | and MSVS 2010 |
23:57:14 | saratoga | well i wouldn't use those unless you had some other reason to |
23:57:22 | saratoga | going to be easier to just use our tools |
23:58:07 | akaWolf | ) |
23:58:19 | | Quit ReimuHakurei (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) |