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#rockbox log for 2011-09-13

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00:48:03JdGordongevaerts: have you tried drawing over the AA? it should just work as long as the viewport doesnt try clearing itself (so it needs to be alwas visible)
00:50:08gevaertsJdGordon: I haven't, no. Does that "should just work" also go for images?
00:50:59JdGordonoh ignore that
00:51:03 Quit bertrik (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
00:51:28JdGordonboth are drawn at the end of the viewport so with some tricks you shld be able to make it work
00:51:40JdGordonremember my complaining about draw orders a while ago?
00:51:56gevaertsYes :)
00:52:05JdGordonthis is that
00:58:38 Quit mamarley (Remote host closed the connection)
00:58:48 Quit Keripo (Quit: Leaving.)
01:00:04 Quit n1s (Remote host closed the connection)
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07:01:13JdGordonjust quickly, hoping the relevant people view logs:
07:01:45JdGordonmy plan for fonts is to remove the FONT_UI define and only have FONT_SYSFIXED as a special value
07:02:30JdGordonapps/ will just say load_font(path) and store than id somewhere then things that want to specify it will just call get_ui_font() or more simply just global_status.ui_font
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08:17:35Buschelsaratoga: funman wasn't here last night?
08:24:21BuschelI just updated the 'AAC' section in Now the memory consumption for the all AAC profiles (LC, SBR, SBR+PS) is visible.
08:24:53Buschelw/o m4a tables
08:26:22 Quit Buschel (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 6.0.2/20110902133214])
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11:26:27amiconnn1s: Re r30513 - if you swap all 'mac' with 'msac' and vice versa, you can remove the 4 'neg' instructions
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11:42:14amiconnYou could verify by disabling rounding
11:42:44n1sin fact we don't round in tremor so i guess the truncation does it
11:43:14JdGordonamiconn: you know the font code right?
11:47:47n1samiconn: i'll check it out, if you have any other tips i'd like to hear them
11:57:05JdGordonamiconn: do you mind having a look at fs#12273 and let me know if you see any obvious problems with that please? specifically putting the various buffers on a potentially moving handle?
11:57:06fs-bluebot use buflib for fonts (patches, new)
11:59:08n1shmm, a comment tells me that rounding would break that annoying MULT31_SHIFT15
12:02:16n1sanyway if this really is the cause i'd guess the difference in the lowest bit wouldn't be that significant
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12:48:11matze``hey, im new to rockbox. im looking for some plugins for the ipod classic 6g, nothing listed on :/
12:48:30matze``could i just use them from ipod video?
12:48:49God_Eatermatze``: plugins are not a seperately available thing
12:49:05God_Eaterthey are shipped as part of the download of rockbox .
12:51:55matze``ah ok
12:52:05matze``and such things like themes?
12:52:59matze``no themes for the classic
12:53:29God_Eatersame screen size as the video
12:53:31God_Eaterso you can use them
12:53:31matze``not a big thing tho resolves to an IPv6 address (also), but the git daemon does not seem to listen on IPv6. should I file a bug about that?
12:54:01matze``ah ok, thanks God_Eater
12:54:12God_EaterI wouldn't bother Lalufu - we're in the middle of changing our git infrastructure anyway
12:54:19matze``i thought about that already :)
12:54:54matze``do you know if there are comming any updates for the classic soon?
12:55:37LalufuGod_Eater: will that be done without trashing existing git-ids?
12:56:15God_EaterLalufu: almost certainly not
12:56:51God_EaterLalufu: why are the ids important to you?
12:57:12God_Eatermatze``: no idea - we don't work to any sort of schedule
12:57:54matze``ok, thanks
12:58:21LalufuI have some development branches split off the current git master. I think I could rebase that to a new master tree, though.
12:58:57 Quit nick-p (Quit: Leaving)
12:59:12God_EaterThe plan is to more or less entirely bin the current git implementation, since it's only a copy of svn anyway. We're then going to start a new one by converting from svn to git properly, and then host it all off a gerrit install
12:59:23 Quit amiconn (Disconnected by services)
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12:59:27God_Eaterand finally, to throw away svn
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12:59:46Lalufuthe last point I can agree with :)
13:00:06LalufuI have no idea how, but I'm sure rebasing branches can be done somehow.
13:00:09dionoeagit-svn has stable hashes
13:00:13dionoeaso you should be ok
13:00:26God_Eatergerrit will (hopefully) massively improve the way non-committers interact with the code tree
13:00:44gevaertsdionoea: it doesn't if you change to a new tree with different userid mapping
13:00:53God_Eaterdionoea: good to know dionoea - I just dislike promising things I'm not sure of ;)
13:01:23God_EaterTorne would probably know a lot better than I. He's our svn->git project manager :)
13:01:35dionoeagevaerts: ow. Last time I tried they were stable enough. But that didn't imply any specific userid mapping
13:02:03God_Eatergevaerts: ah yes, good point
13:02:56gevaertsdionoea: our current git mirror (which is pure git-svn without any special configuration) doesn't have nice author and committer email addresses. The new official git tree will have those, so the commit messages will be different, and those are included in the hash
13:03:27dionoeamakes sense
13:03:32gevaertsI believe Torne has some ideas that might allow converting one into the other though
13:03:37God_Eaterand to be honest our current git mirror was only provided as a convenience. Anyone relying on it is sadly SOL. :(
13:04:48dionoeaI guess that git format-patch
13:04:58dionoea+ git am will be a decent workaround
13:05:03dionoea(sorry for the line break)
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13:26:21JdGordonhmm... if FONT_UI is no longer special, how do I do the on disk glyphcache file?
13:26:51JdGordonusing the first allocated font is probably safe for that
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13:49:19JdGordonremoving FONT_UI is going to be a massive pita :(
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14:05:26kugelpJdGordon: why was returning 0 a problem again?
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14:07:39JdGordonbecause < 0 is a less confusing check for invalid values and I prefer to use -1 to epxlicitly clear handle ids
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14:21:05kugelpwhy is it less confusing? It's equivalent
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14:23:10kugelpinstead you waste code by making stuff -1 which is implicitly 0
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14:24:11JdGordonI'm not having this argument again, feel free to do as you please post commit
14:27:33*JdGordon has just about removed FONT_UI from apps/ :)
14:27:51JdGordonstupid plugins force me to do a hack, but everything else is nice and smart
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14:40:29JdGordonnoone thinks buflib/gsoc should go in MajorChanges? :)
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14:41:57pamauryisn't it a MinorChanges ? ;)
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15:08:37JdGordonbugger, buflib skin backdrops isnt working correctly
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15:10:02kugellooks nice :)
15:10:28*JdGordon apparently figured out how to test buflib moves :p
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15:14:39JdGordonah, my bug.. not setting current_backdrop_id when it is dispolayed
15:16:46JdGordonshit, cant reproduce to make 100% its fixed :(
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15:19:05kugelJdGordon: should create a test handle at the begin. you can free it in the debug menu, and any new alloc (like the test alloc in the debug menu) triggers movement of all allocs
15:20:21CIA-14New commit by jdgordon (r30515): Make sure to set the current lcd backdrop id so the buflib move callback can reset the correct backdrop
15:20:58JdGordonkugel: its actually ok now, the font is the first this alloced so changing fonts will usually trigger a move
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15:21:13JdGordonthat patch in master would be nice though
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15:22:00kugeldo we need to go through configuration for 140 or so bytes?
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15:23:08CIA-14r30515 build result: All green
15:24:09JdGordonI'd be happy to enable it anyway even
15:24:33JdGordonits midly annoying you get one shot per run though
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15:35:31pamaurydoes anyone know a *good*, *graphical* binary diff tool ?
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15:41:42JdGordonhas anyone tried changing the text viewer plugins font?
15:41:49JdGordonI didnt even know it lets you do that!
15:42:06JdGordonim wondering if it correctly sets the font back to the ui setting on exit?
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15:45:33n1skugel: it appears r30480 broke something for voice, enabling voice menus causes the backdrop to be corrupted... in a sim
15:46:43JdGordonn1s: try svn
15:46:53JdGordon30515 should have fixed that
15:47:25*JdGordon likes fixing bugs before the first user report :)
15:48:37JdGordonFS312273 has been updated again.. would really like people testing it early. It is useable in its current form except text viewerr plugin doesnt build
15:48:44JdGordonfs#12273 even
15:48:45fs-bluebot use buflib for fonts (patches, new)
15:51:31n1sJdGordon: didn't fix it
15:51:55n1sjhMikeS: said it's something to do with voice not regetting it's pointers or somesuch
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15:54:41JdGordonn1s: oh? if it causes the backdrop to corrupt I'd have thought it was that issue
15:56:02n1si've only tried the beast sim, the packdrop looks like random noise after moving anywhere in the menu with voice enabled
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16:07:18JdGordonsh: voicefont: Permission denied
16:07:19JdGordonsh: voicefont: Permission denied
16:07:29JdGordontrying to do make voice
16:09:23n1sweird, did you config a voice build?
16:10:33JdGordonit generates all the clips and dies at the end
16:24:46n1sJdGordon: works here
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16:26:08n1samiconn: it seems to be the truncation as i thought, the output using msac differs slightly from neg + mac but never more than +/- 1 and +/- 1 from pure c and it doesn't differ in more samples than the other asm so i'll check this in
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16:43:56pamaurymetaphys (for the logs): thanks for the image, I was able to recover my fuze+
16:44:31pamaurynow I need to understand why the fuze+ bootloader partition begins with 0x800 zero bytes after which comes the real bootloader
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18:01:08fmlgevaerts: in your last yesterday's patch, you changed the "%" to "/" as the divisibility char. Was that purposedly?
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18:01:41gevaertsfml: yes. % is annoying, you have to write it as %% to escape it
18:01:42pamauryhaha funny, if a UMS device report 0 size, kernel print "Very big device. Trying to use READ CAPACITY(16)", is that expected ?
18:02:25fmlgevaerts: ok, I thought that too. But the comment was not adjusted to that.
18:02:53fmlgevaerts: wouldn't "/?" better suit the op purpose?
18:03:10gevaertsThat patch was a proof of concept!
18:05:03fmlCommit it so that the concept is proven to everyone.
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18:53:14CIA-14New commit by nls (r30516): codeclib: tweak coldfire mdct asm a bit more, flip usage of mac/msac instead of explicit negation, changes output slightly but is as close to the c ...
18:55:19CIA-14r30516 build result: All green
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19:09:20gevaertshm, is there something wrong with the server?
19:10:43bertrikyes apparently
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19:19:30bertrikand up again
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19:43:00flapscurrent build: sansa clip+ terminates when saving settings (.cfg) and restarts the song when loading eq .cfg's
19:43:06flapswas this bug already addressed?
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20:26:27Lalufuis there a "public" interface to the database engine? and the playlist engine?
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20:29:39semitonesi'm looking at the archos key, and it looks really good. is there any chance it is also named Jukebox 5000, 6000, Studio, Recorder, FM Recorder, Recorder V2 or Ondio?
20:31:15gevaertssemitones: no
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20:31:55semitonesgevaerts: to your knowledge, is the sansa clip+ the best micro sd DAP?
20:32:41gevaertsI've never used a clip+
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20:36:09matze`hi, i just flashed the usbfix to my ipod classic 6g on windows. now, on linux i cant mount it as i can on windows, it takes 1-2 minutes. and when im unlucky it doesnt even mount. do you know anything what could help?
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20:48:24rtr54g2Can somebody help me locate a patch? There's supposed to be a patch to mkamsboot to boot the Clip+ into Rockbox when USB is inserted, but I can't find it.
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21:20:56CIA-14New commit by gevaerts (r30517): Add a missing string to the US English translation. Thanks to Richard Brittain (FS #12269)
21:23:04CIA-14r30517 build result: All green
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22:30:39CIA-14New commit by bluebrother (r30518): Manual: make features processing silent by default.
22:32:47CIA-14r30518 build result: All green
22:35:26CIA-14New commit by b0hoon (r30519): HDD6330: implement lcd_enable (display on/off).
22:37:44CIA-14r30519 build result: All green
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22:56:38pamauryI need some advise
22:57:00pamaurywhat is the cleanest solution to my problem: I have the bootloader which has its own stack
22:57:10pamaurythe problem is that the stack using a virtual address
22:57:41pamauryso when the main binary starts, it disables the MMU and uses the stack :(
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23:02:17saratogacan you disable the MMU and clear the stack at the end of the bootloader?
23:03:41pamauryif possible I would like to avoid it, since it would require to change the stack address before doing the call
23:04:35pamauryactually, the only call I need to do in the bootloader is to setup the mmu (the code is written in C), so I could rewrite it in assembly directly in the bootloader
23:05:23pamauryor I could setup a temporary stack at the beginning of the bootloader
23:05:30saratogamain binary is rockbox or the OF?
23:06:47pamaurythe OF is loaded in a completely different way
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23:09:27wodzpamaury: if the function isn't too complicated I would opt to rewrite it in asm
23:10:37wodzmmu setup is usually coded in crt0.S
23:10:58pamauryyeah, that's my feeling too, let's go !
23:11:35kugelpamaury: the main binary goes through crt0 no? that sets up a stack
23:12:03kugeland yes, it usually does mmu setup without stack
23:12:37pamaurykugel: I wrote the crt0 so it only sets up a stack after setting up the mmu
23:13:00kugelwe used C code before but switched to asm for some reason (might be your reason)
23:13:38pamauryit depends on the target
23:14:00kugelsorry, I'm talking about sansa ams
23:14:12CIA-14New commit by b0hoon (r30520): HDD6330: fix the behavior of the lcd during shutdown (fading out), disable poweroff while charging for now.
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23:15:34wodzpamaury: anyway you seem to call functions which are in asm already so this should be easy
23:15:54pamauryyes, true, I will basically copy and paste
23:16:35CIA-14r30520 build result: All green
23:16:38wodzor try to force inlining
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23:17:31wodzah, no scratch that - you directly do bl memory_init in crt0.S
23:18:25pamauryhum, that won't be optimal since I'm mapping big memory stubs, I don't really want to inline so many code
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23:24:17rtr54g6Hey. I'm been looking at the code for dualboot in mkamsboot. I'm trying to remove the USB check to enable USB booting into Rockbox. Could I achieve that by just removing lines 251-317?
23:24:26rtr54g6in dualboot.s
23:28:38wodzrtr54g6: at first glance - yes but If I were you I would try to catch funman to confirm
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23:30:02rtr54g6Do you know if the mkamsboot utility also needs a custom patched GCC to compile?
23:32:01wodzdon't think so
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23:48:45funmanBuschel: you're right mp4/sbr doesn't work on clipv1, i only had tested on the sim
23:48:52funmanmy commit should be reveretd
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