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Click in the nick column to highlight everything a person has said.
00:03:18 | Quit lorenzo92 (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 7.0.1/20111008085652]) | |
00:05:40 | Quit bertrik (Quit: And That, My Liege, Is How We Know the Earth to Be Banana Shaped) | |
00:06:54 | gevaerts | |
00:07:44 | Quit toffe82 (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 7.0.1/20110928134238]) | |
00:07:52 | wodz | |
00:08:24 | wodz | |
00:13:57 | saratoga | |
00:14:46 | Quit lebellium (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 8.0/20111026191032]) | |
00:21:40 | gevaerts | |
00:22:28 | Quit hilbert (Quit: Textual IRC Client: | |
00:24:10 | wodz | |
00:33:07 | * | |
00:36:44 | JdGordon | |
00:38:05 | JdGordon | |
00:38:09 | gevaerts | |
00:38:09 | JdGordon | |
00:39:38 | gevaerts | |
00:41:18 | Quit markun (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | |
00:44:47 | Ctcp | Ping from gevaerts!~fg@rockbox/developer/gevaerts |
00:51:44 | saratoga | |
00:52:01 | wodz | |
00:52:55 | saratoga | |
00:53:51 | saratoga | |
00:53:51 | saratoga | |
00:53:51 | Join Thra11 [0] ( | |
00:54:28 | gevaerts | |
00:56:47 | Quit GeekShadow (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | |
00:57:14 | gevaerts | |
00:57:14 | wodz | |
00:57:14 | saratoga | |
00:57:14 | wodz | |
00:57:14 | saratoga | |
00:57:14 | Join GeekShadow [0] ( | |
00:57:14 | wodz | |
00:57:38 | wodz | |
00:58:06 | gevaerts | |
00:58:12 | saratoga | |
00:58:35 | gevaerts | |
00:59:34 | saratoga | |
00:59:35 | wodz | |
00:59:51 | wodz | |
01:00 | ||
01:02:00 | Quit wodz (Quit: Leaving) | |
01:07:48 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
01:13:22 | Quit stripwax (Quit: | |
01:22:26 | Quit domonoky1 (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
01:32:14 | Join Keripo [0] ( | |
01:33:40 | Quit ruskie (Quit: ...) | |
01:35:55 | Quit MethoS- (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
01:37:30 | Quit petur (Quit: Leaving) | |
01:40:36 | Join ruskie [0] (ruskie@sourcemage/mage/ruskie) | |
01:41:27 | Quit ruskie (Excess Flood) | |
01:43:01 | Quit Thra11 (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) | |
01:44:45 | Join [Saint] [0] (~Saint]@unaffiliated/saint/x-8516940) | |
01:53:40 | CIA-75 | |
01:55:06 | Join ruskie [0] (ruskie@sourcemage/mage/ruskie) | |
01:56:30 | CIA-75 | |
01:56:54 | Quit ender` (Quit: There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats. -- David Gemmel, The King Beyond the Gate) | |
01:58:19 | Join ChickeNES [0] (~ChickeNES@ | |
01:58:22 | CIA-75 | |
01:59:26 | Join ChickeNE_ [0] (~ChickeNES@ | |
01:59:27 | Quit ChickeNES (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
02:00 | ||
02:00:46 | Quit ChickeNE_ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
02:01:09 | Join ChickeNES [0] (~ChickeNES@ | |
02:01:32 | Join mystica555_ [0] ( | |
02:01:46 | [Saint] | |
02:01:54 | Quit ChickeNES (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
02:02:07 | Join ChickeNES [0] (~ChickeNES@ | |
02:02:32 | [Saint] | |
02:03:12 | [Saint] | |
02:03:44 | [Saint] | |
02:04:23 | [Saint] | |
02:06:20 | JdGordon | |
02:06:35 | JdGordon | |
02:08:07 | Quit fyrestorm (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
02:08:41 | Quit keyb_gr (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | |
02:09:35 | Quit mystica555_ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | |
02:15:58 | Join fyrestorm [0] ( | |
02:48:59 | Quit ChickeNES (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.) | |
02:49:55 | Quit Rob2222 (Quit: Rob2222) | |
02:58:37 | Quit TheSeven (Read error: Operation timed out) | |
02:59:51 | Join TheSeven [0] (~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) | |
03:00 | ||
03:07:52 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
03:23:38 | Quit TheSeven (Quit: No Ping reply in 90 seconds.) | |
03:23:56 | Join TheSeven [0] (~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) | |
03:56:14 | Quit Keripo (Quit: Leaving.) | |
04:00 | ||
04:22:47 | Join amiconn_ [0] (quassel@rockbox/developer/amiconn) | |
04:22:47 | Quit amiconn (Disconnected by services) | |
04:23:09 | Nick amiconn_ is now known as amiconn (quassel@rockbox/developer/amiconn) | |
04:23:50 | Quit pixelma (Disconnected by services) | |
04:23:52 | Join pixelma_ [0] (quassel@rockbox/staff/pixelma) | |
04:23:54 | Nick pixelma_ is now known as pixelma (quassel@rockbox/staff/pixelma) | |
04:27:26 | Quit TheSeven (Disconnected by services) | |
04:27:42 | Join [7] [0] (~TheSeven@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) | |
04:49:21 | Quit Teasp00n (Quit: Leaving.) | |
05:00 | ||
05:07:56 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
05:08:06 | Join advcomp2019__ [0] ( | |
05:08:06 | Quit advcomp2019__ (Changing host) | |
05:08:06 | Join advcomp2019__ [0] (~advcomp20@unaffiliated/advcomp2019) | |
05:08:15 | Quit zu (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) | |
05:09:12 | Join zu [0] ( | |
05:11:12 | Quit advcomp2019_ (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | |
05:39:11 | Quit GeekShadow (Remote host closed the connection) | |
05:40:52 | Quit Horschti (Quit: Verlassend) | |
06:00 | ||
06:32:05 | saratoga | |
06:32:07 | saratoga | |
06:32:45 | saratoga | |
06:32:45 | fs-bluebot | |
06:33:05 | saratoga | |
06:33:35 | saratoga | |
06:33:35 | fs-bluebot | |
06:33:48 | JdGordon | |
06:33:49 | saratoga | |
06:33:57 | saratoga | |
06:34:03 | JdGordon | |
06:34:08 | saratoga | |
06:34:16 | saratoga | |
06:37:40 | saratoga | |
06:37:41 | fs-bluebot | |
06:38:11 | saratoga | |
06:38:23 | JdGordon | |
06:38:53 | saratoga | |
06:39:22 | JdGordon | |
06:39:32 | saratoga | |
06:39:51 | saratoga | |
06:39:59 | JdGordon | |
06:40:06 | saratoga | |
06:40:27 | saratoga | |
06:41:39 | JdGordon | |
06:41:48 | JdGordon | |
06:42:06 | saratoga | |
06:42:36 | saratoga | |
06:42:55 | JdGordon | |
06:43:09 | saratoga | |
06:43:36 | saratoga | |
06:44:22 | JdGordon | |
06:44:38 | JdGordon | |
06:45:00 | JdGordon | |
06:45:11 | JdGordon | |
06:46:10 | JdGordon | |
07:00 | ||
07:02:21 | JdGordon | |
07:07:59 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
08:00 | ||
08:00:04 | desowin_ | |
08:11:23 | desowin_ | |
08:13:02 | desowin_ | |
08:15:54 | Quit Scromple (Quit: Leaving) | |
08:19:31 | desowin_ | |
08:30:03 | Join hilbert [0] ( | |
08:50:18 | JdGordon | |
08:57:12 | Join Zagor [0] ( | |
08:57:12 | Quit Zagor (Changing host) | |
08:57:12 | Join Zagor [242] (~bjst@rockbox/developer/Zagor) | |
08:57:15 | Part Zagor | |
08:57:18 | Join Zagor [242] (~bjst@rockbox/developer/Zagor) | |
09:00 | ||
09:00:10 | Quit hilbert (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.) | |
09:01:25 | Join hilbert [0] ( | |
09:05:13 | kugel | |
09:05:25 | kugel | |
09:07:35 | JdGordon | |
09:07:53 | kugel | |
09:08:01 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
09:08:04 | kugel | |
09:08:11 | JdGordon | |
09:08:25 | Quit maraz (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | |
09:08:26 | JdGordon | |
09:09:02 | kugel | |
09:09:53 | kugel | |
09:10:32 | JdGordon | |
09:10:57 | JdGordon | |
09:11:38 | kugel | |
09:12:34 | JdGordon | |
09:13:35 | kugel | |
09:14:08 | JdGordon | |
09:14:14 | JdGordon | |
09:14:32 | Join maraz [0] ( | |
09:14:37 | Join einhirn [0] ( | |
09:32:21 | kugel | |
09:42:33 | Quit T44 (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
09:42:33 | Join Topy [0] (~Topy44@ | |
09:58:43 | Join ender` [0] ( | |
10:00 | ||
10:44:53 | Quit emj (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.5) | |
10:54:00 | Quit fs-bluebot (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | |
10:54:28 | Join dv_ [0] ( | |
10:54:47 | Quit bluebrother^ (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | |
10:55:14 | Join fs-bluebot [0] ( | |
10:56:33 | Join bluebrother [0] ( | |
10:56:34 | Quit bluebrother (Changing host) | |
10:56:34 | Join bluebrother [0] (~dom@rockbox/developer/bluebrother) | |
11:00 | ||
11:07:03 | kugel | |
11:07:07 | fs-bluebot | |
11:08:03 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
11:11:43 | JdGordon | |
11:13:06 | Join Rob2222 [0] ( | |
11:14:24 | kugel | |
11:14:45 | Join Jerom [0] (~jerome@ | |
11:15:01 | kugel | |
11:15:16 | JdGordon | |
11:15:35 | JdGordon | |
11:15:44 | kugel | |
11:16:11 | JdGordon | |
11:16:18 | JdGordon | |
11:16:36 | kugel | |
11:16:38 | JdGordon | |
11:17:03 | JdGordon | |
11:18:21 | kugel | |
11:19:05 | JdGordon | |
11:19:25 | kugel | |
11:19:29 | Join lorenzo92 [0] ( | |
11:19:44 | JdGordon | |
11:20:00 | JdGordon | |
11:20:23 | kugel | |
11:20:58 | JdGordon | |
11:21:02 | * | |
11:21:57 | JdGordon | |
11:23:13 | JdGordon | |
11:25:17 | kugel | |
11:25:28 | kugel | |
11:26:09 | kugel | |
11:26:47 | JdGordon | |
11:31:42 | lorenzo92 | |
11:47:07 | Join Thra11 [0] (~thrall@ | |
11:47:47 | Nick [sanyi] is now known as [Sanyi] (~sanyi@unaffiliated/alexanderc) | |
11:50:19 | JdGordon | |
11:50:20 | fs-bluebot | |
11:50:29 | JdGordon | |
11:50:38 | JdGordon | |
11:52:41 | Zagor | |
11:53:35 | Zagor | |
11:54:30 | JdGordon | |
11:55:06 | Zagor | |
11:55:07 | fs-bluebot | |
11:55:07 | fs-bluebot | |
11:55:24 | Zagor | |
11:58:51 | Quit hilbert (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) | |
11:59:35 | JdGordon | |
11:59:43 | Torne | |
12:00 | ||
12:00:08 | JdGordon | |
12:04:09 | Join hilbert [0] ( | |
12:05:23 | * | |
12:05:25 | Join pamaury [0] ( | |
12:05:32 | Quit pamaury (Changing host) | |
12:05:32 | Join pamaury [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/pamaury) | |
12:12:31 | pamaury | |
12:12:44 | pamaury | |
12:20:45 | Quit lorenzo92 (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 7.0.1/20111008085652]) | |
12:23:25 | CIA-75 | |
12:23:44 | CIA-75 | |
12:24:40 | Quit KiwiCam (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | |
12:25:52 | CIA-75 | |
12:26:17 | CIA-75 | |
12:27:39 | CIA-75 | |
12:29:11 | Quit Jerom (Quit: Leaving.) | |
12:29:36 | CIA-75 | |
12:35:44 | Quit ReimuHak_ (Quit: Leaving...) | |
12:57:11 | kugel | |
12:59:22 | JdGordon | |
12:59:55 | JdGordon | |
13:00 | ||
13:03:01 | Join mystica555_ [0] ( | |
13:04:14 | Join GeekShadow [0] ( | |
13:06:19 | Join keyb_gr [0] ( | |
13:08:04 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
13:18:15 | Join domonoky [0] (~Domonoky@rockbox/developer/domonoky) | |
13:19:09 | Quit hilbert (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.) | |
13:25:27 | kugel | |
13:25:56 | kugel | |
13:28:47 | Join hilbert [0] ( | |
13:51:17 | JdGordon | |
14:00 | ||
14:01:46 | Quit hilbert (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.) | |
14:03:06 | Quit antil33t (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
14:03:08 | Join hilbert [0] ( | |
14:03:30 | Join antil33t [0] ( | |
14:11:08 | Quit antil33t (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
14:11:34 | Join antil33t [0] ( | |
14:11:35 | Quit ruskie (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | |
14:20:39 | Quit antil33t (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
14:21:05 | Join antil33t [0] ( | |
14:24:47 | Quit tjb0607 (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
14:34:50 | Join WalkGood [0] (~4@unaffiliated/walkgood) | |
14:35:27 | Quit hilbert (Quit: Textual IRC Client: | |
14:38:00 | Join nosa [0] ( | |
14:39:07 | Join hilbert [0] ( | |
14:39:55 | Quit nosa-j (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) | |
14:39:55 | Nick nosa is now known as nosa-j ( | |
14:40:40 | Join keyb_gr_ [0] ( | |
14:41:38 | Quit keyb_gr (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | |
14:41:55 | Nick keyb_gr_ is now known as keyb_gr ( | |
14:44:18 | Join ruskie [0] (ruskie@sourcemage/mage/ruskie) | |
15:00 | ||
15:08:08 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
15:13:53 | Join liar [0] ( | |
15:15:50 | Join y4n [0] (y4n@unaffiliated/y4ndexx) | |
15:43:30 | Nick desowin_ is now known as desowin ( | |
15:43:39 | Quit desowin (Changing host) | |
15:43:39 | Join desowin [0] (~desowin@atheme/member/desowin) | |
15:56:42 | Join AlexP_mob [0] (~AlexP@rockbox/staff/AlexP) | |
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16:01:19 | Join cpu98 [0] (de6c431e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. | |
16:01:53 | cpu98 | |
16:04:03 | cpu98 | |
16:04:44 | Quit mystica555_ (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | |
16:11:24 | Quit keyb_gr (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | |
16:11:49 | Join MethoS- [0] (~clemens@ | |
16:23:24 | Join keyb_gr [0] ( | |
16:30:25 | Join ChickeNE_ [0] (~ChickeNES@ | |
16:31:42 | Join wsa[ptx] [0] ( | |
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16:33:18 | Join [Saint_] [0] (~Saint]@unaffiliated/saint/x-8516940) | |
16:34:16 | Quit [Saint] (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) | |
16:35:41 | pamaury | |
16:38:15 | wsa[ptx] | |
16:39:23 | pamaury | |
16:39:48 | wsa[ptx] | |
16:40:31 | CIA-75 | |
16:40:36 | wsa[ptx] | |
16:40:48 | pamaury | |
16:41:41 | pamaury | |
16:42:19 | wsa[ptx] | |
16:42:26 | CIA-75 | |
16:45:29 | wsa[ptx] | |
16:46:36 | pamaury | |
16:47:28 | pamaury | |
16:47:28 | pamaury | |
16:47:32 | pamaury | |
16:47:37 | Join dfkt [0] (~dfkt@unaffiliated/dfkt) | |
16:47:38 | wsa[ptx] | |
16:47:47 | Quit antil33t (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | |
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16:47:59 | Quit keyb_gr (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | |
16:48:14 | Quit hilbert (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | |
16:48:20 | wsa[ptx] | |
16:48:37 | pamaury | |
16:49:11 | pamaury | |
16:49:25 | Join mortalis [0] (~mortalis@ | |
16:49:28 | pamaury | |
16:49:47 | Join keyb_gr [0] ( | |
16:50:34 | wsa[ptx] | |
16:50:56 | Join antil33t [0] ( | |
16:51:14 | wsa[ptx] | |
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16:52:30 | pamaury | |
16:53:45 | pamaury | |
16:54:16 | Quit WalkGood (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | |
16:55:26 | wsa[ptx] | |
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16:56:52 | pamaury | |
16:57:45 | Join hilbert [0] ( | |
16:58:25 | Join [Saint] [0] (~Saint]@ | |
16:58:25 | Quit [Saint] (Changing host) | |
16:58:25 | Join [Saint] [0] (~Saint]@unaffiliated/saint/x-8516940) | |
16:59:03 | wsa[ptx] | |
16:59:16 | wsa[ptx] | |
17:00 | ||
17:00:23 | Quit [Saint_] (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | |
17:01:40 | Part Zagor | |
17:02:03 | pamaury | |
17:02:10 | pamaury | |
17:04:15 | * | |
17:08:10 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
17:12:12 | Quit Galois (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | |
17:12:12 | Join lorenzo92 [0] ( | |
17:13:34 | lorenzo92 | |
17:13:46 | lorenzo92 | |
17:14:01 | Quit cpu98 (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | |
17:14:03 | lorenzo92 | |
17:14:49 | Quit wsa[ptx] (Quit: ...) | |
17:14:52 | lorenzo92 | |
17:15:11 | lorenzo92 | |
17:15:19 | lorenzo92 | |
17:15:56 | Quit mgue (Quit: leaving) | |
17:18:16 | Join n1s [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/n1s) | |
17:19:10 | Quit AlexP_mob (Quit: Bye) | |
17:19:49 | lorenzo92 | |
17:20:20 | pamaury | |
17:20:37 | Join WalkGood [0] ( | |
17:20:37 | Quit WalkGood (Changing host) | |
17:20:37 | Join WalkGood [0] (~4@unaffiliated/walkgood) | |
17:20:43 | lorenzo92 | |
17:20:54 | pamaury | |
17:21:00 | lorenzo92 | |
17:21:44 | lorenzo92 | |
17:21:59 | pamaury | |
17:22:22 | pamaury | |
17:22:55 | lorenzo92 | |
17:23:11 | lorenzo92 | |
17:23:51 | lorenzo92 | |
17:23:57 | lorenzo92 | |
17:24:19 | pamaury | |
17:24:26 | lorenzo92 | |
17:24:54 | pamaury | |
17:25:06 | lorenzo92 | |
17:25:26 | lorenzo92 | |
17:25:50 | Quit n1s (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) | |
17:36:12 | Quit [Saint] (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | |
17:39:30 | Quit nosa-j (Quit: lol) | |
17:41:01 | Join nosa-j [0] ( | |
17:41:30 | Join n1s [0] ( | |
17:41:30 | Quit n1s (Changing host) | |
17:41:30 | Join n1s [0] (~n1s@rockbox/developer/n1s) | |
17:47:18 | Quit keyb_gr (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) | |
17:50:50 | Quit ChickeNE_ (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.) | |
17:53:02 | Join keyb_gr [0] ( | |
17:58:21 | Quit Thra11 (Remote host closed the connection) | |
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18:10:50 | lorenzo92 | |
18:10:51 | lorenzo92 | |
18:12:57 | Join rjg_ [0] ( | |
18:13:35 | Join Thra11 [0] (~thrall@ | |
18:14:57 | Quit rjg (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | |
18:15:43 | Nick [Sanyi] is now known as [sanyi] (~sanyi@unaffiliated/alexanderc) | |
18:17:01 | Join AlexP_mob [0] (~AlexP@rockbox/staff/AlexP) | |
18:18:18 | lorenzo92 | |
18:18:19 | lorenzo92 | |
18:19:36 | lorenzo92 | |
18:20:59 | lorenzo92 | |
18:28:58 | Quit hilbert (Quit: Textual IRC Client: | |
18:29:21 | Join hilbert [0] ( | |
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18:40:05 | Quit einhirn (Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. | |
18:42:47 | Quit [Saint] (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | |
18:45:18 | Join tmzt [0] ( | |
18:45:37 | Join T44 [0] ( | |
18:47:11 | Quit tmzt (Client Quit) | |
18:48:21 | lorenzo92 | |
18:48:57 | lorenzo92 | |
18:49:25 | lorenzo92 | |
18:49:35 | Quit Topy (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) | |
18:50:35 | Quit domonoky (Quit: Leaving.) | |
18:56:29 | Join domonoky [0] (~Domonoky@rockbox/developer/domonoky) | |
18:57:04 | Join [Saint] [0] (~Saint]@unaffiliated/saint/x-8516940) | |
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19:02:17 | Quit hilbert (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.) | |
19:03:03 | Join Elitarform [0] ( | |
19:03:15 | Join hilbert [0] ( | |
19:05:03 | Quit Elitarform (Client Quit) | |
19:06:32 | saratoga | |
19:06:56 | saratoga | |
19:07:12 | saratoga | |
19:08:13 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
19:09:15 | saratoga | |
19:09:35 | Join Galois [0] ( | |
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19:53:34 | Nick [Saint__] is now known as [Saint] (~Saint]@unaffiliated/saint/x-8516940) | |
19:57:44 | Quit lorenzo92 (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 7.0.1/20111008085652]) | |
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20:06:25 | Nick ChickeN__ is now known as ChickeNES-laptop (~ChickeNES@ | |
20:07:38 | Join KiwiCam [0] ( | |
20:10:32 | bertrik | |
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21:14:44 | bertrik | |
21:16:19 | jhMikeS | |
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21:21:53 | lebellium | |
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21:58:41 | Quit semitones (Quit: In the beginning there was Jack, and Jack had a groove. And from this groove came the groove of all grooves. And one day while visiously throwing down from his box, Jack said, "Let There Be House!" And House Music was born.) | |
21:59:01 | Quit Stummi (Quit: Bye!) | |
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22:06:11 | bertrik | |
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22:12:42 | amiconn | |
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