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00:15:05 | nosa-j | is the sensa fuse better than the clip? |
00:15:52 | funman | it's not sensa but sansa, it's not fuse but fuze, and it's not better it's different |
00:16:57 | nosa-j | :D |
00:17:39 | nosa-j | i apologize |
00:18:22 | funman | they have the same features except the fuze has a scrollwheel adn a color display |
00:18:37 | funman | clipv1 also has less RAM (2MB vs 8) |
00:19:16 | dfkt | fuze has no dedicated volume buttons :/ |
00:19:27 | nosa-j | ah there both pretty much the same age? |
00:20:00 | nosa-j | pertaining to newer models i mean |
00:20:41 | nosa-j | the screen size and full color on the fuze would make it a nicer option... hmm |
00:21:32 | nosa-j | dfkt: so the scroll wheel is used for navagating menus and volume? |
00:23:32 | nosa-j | most of the other players are close to $100 which i can't afford atm |
00:24:08 | nosa-j | though i haven't been researching alot of them |
00:31:34 | nosa-j | thats a weird connecter for usb on the fuze |
00:32:09 | | Quit bertrik (Quit: Leaving) |
00:39:45 | CIA-88 | New commit by funman (r31449): file properties: display correctly file/folder sizes > 2GB ... |
00:41:50 | CIA-88 | r31449 build result: All green |
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00:42:09 | nosa-j | hmm the clip is the same price as the fuze but is on sale |
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00:51:31 | timporter | Anybody here that can advise on installing RB onto a Sansa Clip Zip? |
00:53:09 | funman | timporter: check anythingbutipod forums |
00:53:14 | funman | timporter: hm no |
00:53:37 | funman | timporter: http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/SansaAMS#Installation |
00:53:53 | funman | but get mkamsboot from http://people.videolan.org/~funman/mkamsboot-1.5/ (important!!) |
00:54:22 | timporter | funman: aah. wrong mkamsboot. That makes sense |
01:00 |
01:01:20 | funman | saratoga: mkamsboot 1.5 binaries sent to badger |
01:12:37 | CIA-88 | New commit by funman (r31450): ucl: make it possible to specify additional CFLAGS ... |
01:13:29 | timporter | tried mkamsboot 1.5 from that link, and the boot loader from page 8 on http://www.anythingbutipod.com/forum/showthread.php?t=66292 |
01:14:15 | funman | timporter: use the instructions on the wiki that i gave you |
01:14:26 | funman | if you use anythingbutipod instructions you don't need mkamsboot |
01:14:38 | timporter | funman: I did, but I got a bad CPU error. running through terminal on a mac |
01:14:39 | CIA-88 | r31450 build result: All green |
01:14:46 | funman | powerpc ? |
01:14:57 | funman | i couldn't make a powerpc binary, only intel |
01:15:03 | timporter | yeah. I can switch to an Intel comp |
01:15:05 | timporter | I'll try that |
01:18:51 | funman | apple doesn't support PPC anymore |
01:19:00 | funman | and they removed PPC compilers from their last developer tools |
01:19:44 | timporter | yeah |
01:26:45 | | Quit dfkt (Quit: -= SysReset 2.55=- Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc.) |
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01:49:13 | nosa-j | can't decided on eather the clip zip or the fuze. best buy olny sells fuze+'s and there not suported right? or do i just need a manual install? ive noticed it olny needs installer support to be fixed |
01:49:33 | | Quit Strife89 (Quit: Vamoose) |
01:50:17 | timporter | funman: up and running using the forum directions. Many thanks! |
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02:05:29 | funman | nosa-j: fuze+ is in progress |
02:06:04 | nosa-j | i was looking to buy it |
02:06:21 | nosa-j | thanks for all the info |
02:07:00 | nosa-j | its just the rockbox installer though so its pretty decent? |
02:07:13 | nosa-j | ii should just go get the original fuze |
02:07:32 | nosa-j | i can find it online but its olny 2 colors which still isn't bad |
02:08:11 | funman | nosa-j: fuze+ support in the installer was committed today so i guess it works |
02:08:46 | nosa-j | ha |
02:09:36 | nosa-j | thats cool |
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07:05:39 | webguest93 | anyone know if release 3.10 fixed usb mode in sansa fuze v2 |
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09:13:02 | [Saint] | Gah! Spam in the "Recent Posts" makes it impossible to use. |
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12:03:09 | JdGordon | kugel: why is checking dir a is a subdir of any already checked complicated? |
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12:16:07 | [Saint] | JdGordon: he did make a comment about leaving the patch up there to hopefully get you thinking about your database manager ui thing :) |
12:16:16 | [Saint] | Did it work? :) |
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12:31:03 | fml | JdGordon_: Hello. Can you comment on this? http://www.rockbox.org/irc/log-20111226#15:21:37 |
12:31:39 | Lalufu | I'm confused. accorting to firmware/export/config/ipodmini2g.h, HAVE_TAGCACHE is defined. But when including apps/tagcache.h it seems to be gone, and I do not see where it has gotten to. |
12:33:14 | n1s | Lalufu: what are you trying to do? |
12:33:17 | nick_p | fml: I can, setting the value to 0 in the config file wouldn't make much sense, it would just disable the sleep timer |
12:33:35 | Lalufu | n1s: trying to access the tagcache |
12:34:05 | n1s | Lalufu: from where? it is enabled on ipod mini |
12:34:17 | nick_p | fml: btw, sorry I was a bit distracted yesterday, was trying to have two conversations at once :) |
12:35:10 | Lalufu | n1s: I'm working on IAP, and I need the tagcache (specifically tagcache_search()) for some features. |
12:35:26 | Lalufu | I have not found docs on how to use it, so I might be doing it wrong. |
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12:35:49 | n1s | Lalufu: there probably are no docs |
12:35:50 | fml | nick_p: In the screen where the setting is set, 0 is allowed (and is formatted as "off") |
12:35:59 | nick_p | fml: 0/Off is in the menu option because it always was/ in case you started a timer & want to cancel it - bit messy |
12:36:23 | nick_p | it has a dual purpose in the menu, setting the default & starting the timer |
12:36:39 | fml | nick_p: But why is 0 not in the setting declaration? |
12:36:43 | n1s | Lalufu: if the #define is missing you might need to include config.h before tagcache.h |
12:36:45 | fml | It's a mismatch IMO |
12:36:52 | Lalufu | n1s: ah. |
12:36:59 | Lalufu | I think that might be it. |
12:37:02 | nick_p | fml: because it makes no sense in the setting context |
12:37:34 | nick_p | fml: I wanted to split setting the default & starting the timer but there were objections |
12:37:51 | Lalufu | n1s: thanks, works. |
12:39:07 | nick_p | fml: were you also suggesting the setting value should be in seconds yesterday, or did I misunderstand? |
12:40:06 | fml | Yes, I was. I'm not sure it's a very good idea anymore since app and firmare layers must not necessarily use the same unit. |
12:40:43 | | Join nosa-j [0] (~m00k@adsl-74-235-42-181.clt.bellsouth.net) |
12:41:11 | fml | Hrm... There are two sleep timer formatters: one in settings_list and another in the menu |
12:41:45 | fml | Why do we need a formatter in the settings? Why not just write out an integer value? |
12:41:58 | nick_p | fml: give me 5 mins, I'm on a laptop I need to switch rooms and turn on another computer... |
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12:45:54 | nick_p | fml: ok, the formatter is just to turn mins into h:mm to present to the user |
12:46:29 | fml | nick_p: Which of the two do you mean? Menu? |
12:47:07 | nick_p | fml: Yes, where's the other one? |
12:48:37 | nick_p | fml: sorry, i see it now, my irc logs are disjointed, hang on... |
12:51:15 | nick_p | fml: OK, I remeber now, the one in settings_menu.c is something kugel added, he wanted the menu item to change to cancel (h:mm) when the sleep timer was active |
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12:52:08 | fml | nick_p: That I understand. But then why do we need the one in settings? |
12:53:23 | nick_p | fml: I think that's the default callback for the values, rather than the item title |
12:54:21 | nick_p | fml: Here's the last version of my code, quite a bit simpler: http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/10849?getfile=23995 |
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12:55:40 | fml | nick_p: IMO we don't need a formatter in the settings because now the setting is set by an explicit call to set_int, and there a formatter is specified |
12:55:43 | JdGordon | fml: i know nothing about that setting |
12:56:37 | fml | JdGordon: Hey! It's the sleep timer duration setting which has two identical formatters: one in the setting_list and another in the menu for that setting. |
12:56:39 | nick_p | fml: have you tried taking it out? |
12:56:48 | fml | nick_p: Not yet. |
12:57:33 | fml | JdGordon: Do I understand it correctly that an int setting needs a formatter if the setting is set (in the GUI) in the standard and generic way? |
12:57:39 | nick_p | fml: quite a lot was added to my code before it was commited, I lost track a bit |
12:57:50 | fml | JdGordon: and otherwise not |
12:57:59 | JdGordon | fml: it needs a formatter if you dont want the raw value displayed |
13:00 |
13:00:26 | fml | JdGordon: but if the setting is set with a custom screen? I.e. if the menu entry for setting that that setting has a custom callback menu? |
13:00:58 | fml | JdGordon: then, I assume, that callback menu specifies a formatter, and the setting itself does not need to bear one |
13:02:07 | | Join robin0800 [0] (~robin0800@ |
13:02:20 | JdGordon | im pretty tired and not really following, but sonuds like a yes, it doesnt need |
13:02:34 | JdGordon | err, it should probably be a CUSTOM_SETTING() then |
13:05:03 | fml | JdGordon: the menu text for the setting is set dynamically, hence the menu is configured as MENUITEM_FUNCTION_DYNTEXT |
13:05:24 | JdGordon | the menu has nothing to do with the formatter for the setting |
13:06:53 | fml | JdGordon: I don't quite get it either. In the custom function (specified in the menu entry), set_int is called, and there a formatter is specified. Hence I think it overwrites the formatter specified in the setting declaration. |
13:07:52 | JdGordon | sounds like the mnu dyntext callback is useing the setting callback |
13:07:55 | JdGordon | which is fine |
13:09:17 | nick_p | I think the original use of a MENUITEM_FUNCTION was to start the sleep timer when a value was selected |
13:09:42 | nick_p | This mechanism was just adapted to also store that value away as it was doing it |
13:10:28 | fml | JdGordon: it's not. There is a separate formatter. |
13:13:57 | * | JdGordon needs to pass out for a good 8+ hours |
13:13:58 | JdGordon | gnight |
13:14:13 | | Quit JdGordon (Quit: Page closed) |
13:15:26 | nick_p | fml: so, are you wondering whether the formatter formats the value written to the config file, or what? |
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13:16:35 | fml | nick_p: yes, that too. But I assume it does not. I think it's used for showing setting values if it's set via the standard call. Be we do not use the standard call for the setting. |
13:17:04 | fml | nick_p: That's why I think we don't need the formatter in the setting, but only the one in the menu. |
13:17:11 | nick_p | fml: the setting that gets written isn't formatted |
13:17:34 | fml | nick_p: yes, I think so |
13:18:05 | nick_p | fml: I'm not sure why kugel added the set_int( part - you'd have to ask him about that |
13:18:49 | nick_p | fml: to be honest, I think having the dynamically changing menu item title turned out to be harder than he though |
13:18:57 | nick_p | s/though/thought/ |
13:19:56 | fml | nick_p: I think he added it so that he can set the setting _and_ start/stop the timer |
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14:16:17 | fml | kugel: nick_p: see FS #12488 |
14:16:18 | fs-bluebot | http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/12488 Eliminate the duplicated formatter for the "sleep timer" setting (patches, new) |
14:19:26 | nick_p | fml: even if the min value is a comment, 0 would never be written so isn't it misleading? |
14:19:59 | fml | nick_p: yes, maybe |
14:20:44 | nick_p | fml: sorry, I should have added that as a comment |
14:22:39 | fml | nick_p: I think we should have another macro for declaring setting with custom callback. In such settings, we don't need to declare min/max/step. |
14:27:42 | nick_p | fml: sounds good. To be honest the currrent selector isn't ideal, it continually starts the sleep timer as you scroll up and down the values on each one |
14:28:44 | nick_p | fml: I just made the minimum number of changes to get the patch accepted (and the I was capable off), but it does need reworking |
14:28:51 | fml | nick_p: maybe. I talk to kugel about that. But the formatter isn't needed for sure. I think :-) |
14:29:37 | fml | nick_p: does it really change the setting every time you move the cursor? I.e. before you press "select"? |
14:30:44 | nick_p | fml: yes, if you install a theme that shows the sleep timer you can see it happening (pony for clip+, sleeper for e200 are two of mine) |
14:31:33 | fml | nick_p: ok. But I don't think it hurts much since the setting is changed rarely and is not very crucial. |
14:33:22 | nick_p | fml: agreed, it's a back water and it currently works, even if it is a bit rough :) |
14:33:23 | | Quit WalkGood () |
14:34:07 | fml | nick_p: could you review the patch and, if you find it appropriate, commit it? I don't have the dev env at hand now. |
14:34:50 | nick_p | fml: ok, but it won't be until tomorrow morning, I'm watching a film and typing on a laptop |
14:35:45 | fml | nick_p: Oh, you are very capable! I can only do one thing at a time :-) |
14:36:13 | nick_p | fml: I'm also drinking a beer! |
14:36:26 | | Quit benedikt93 (Quit: Bye ;)) |
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16:55:18 | | Join WilliamC [0] (~William@nc-184-4-50-27.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) |
16:55:46 | WilliamC | I just bought a Sansa Clip Zip to replace my aging Sansa e200 |
16:56:02 | WilliamC | I take it that Rockbox for it is not yet working, right? |
16:56:30 | [Saint_] | Its working rather well for a young port as far as I'm aware. |
16:56:37 | | Part LinusN |
16:56:49 | WilliamC | okay |
16:56:55 | [Saint_] | Its nowhere near release, but its definitely working. |
16:57:11 | WilliamC | any clue as to whats broken on it? |
16:59:15 | [Saint_] | I'm not aware of any specifics, no. My recollection may be broken, but I do seem to recall it being mostly functional. There's a thread dedicated to the port on the forum. |
16:59:26 | WilliamC | oh, okay |
16:59:32 | WilliamC | I was just reading the website |
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17:00:34 | | Join bertrik_netbook [0] (~545056ba@www.haxx.se) |
17:01:06 | bertrik_netbook | the clip zip port is working fine |
17:01:30 | bertrik_netbook | there is no rbutil support for it though in the current rbutil release |
17:01:43 | WilliamC | I rarely use rbutil |
17:03:06 | [Saint_] | bertrik_netbook: can't you enable the unstable builds in rbutil? |
17:05:14 | funman | WilliamC: some plugins are ugly, that's pretty much the problems of this port (and there's no manual) |
17:05:27 | WilliamC | Men don't use manuals.:P |
17:05:45 | gevaerts | They do if they want support! ;) |
17:06:21 | bertrik_netbook | I don't know all the details of rbutil support for latest clip zip firmwares |
17:07:19 | funman | bertrik_netbook: rbutil release doesn't support clip zip bootloader install |
17:10:25 | WilliamC | The bootloader patch program isn't working, says it does not recognize the firmware |
17:10:52 | funman | WilliamC: get it from http://people.videolan.org/~funman/mkamsboot-1.5/ |
17:11:39 | WilliamC | Thanks |
17:26:54 | WilliamC | Got it installed, I originally forgot to put it in the right USB mode |
17:28:06 | funman | WilliamC: that USB mode is mentioned in the manual :) |
17:28:39 | | Join y4n [0] (y4n@unaffiliated/y4ndexx) |
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17:28:58 | WilliamC | It was listed on the website, but I missed it |
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19:00:58 | lorenzo92 | kugel: R0 is still playing after 19 hours :D |
19:01:13 | lorenzo92 | kugel: is there the autoshutdown at 3,450 volts right? |
19:02:03 | bertrik | can someone give me an update of new ports that are currently in active development? |
19:02:38 | bertrik | we seem to have the samsung yp-r0, sansa fuze+ and sansa connect in active development, right? |
19:02:56 | lorenzo92 | bertik: for sure: Samsung YP-R0 ;) |
19:04:06 | bertrik | is there stuff that you are stuck with, that I could help with (without having the actual target ..)? |
19:05:21 | | Quit robin0800_ (Quit: Leaving) |
19:07:38 | bertrik | how does the yp-r0 run rockbox, as an app on linux, or as an OF replacement? |
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19:14:16 | | Join pamaury [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/pamaury) |
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19:27:42 | ukleinek | bertrik: wodz works on rk27xx |
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19:43:29 | adnap | i have a problem with rockbox on android. after locking the screen when i press the power button to unlock the phone turns on and then instantly locks again. this happens consistently, and killing rockbox resolves the problem. when stuck in this locking loop, i can sometimes hold the power button, which will keep the lockscreen visible long enough to unlock the phone, at which point my phone no longer locks automatically. |
19:44:44 | adnap | i can make a video of this if it helps |
19:46:24 | lorenzo92 | bertik: well atm I don't think so, but help is always appreciated and kugel could have some questions indeed ;) |
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20:08:43 | lorenzo92 | bertik: it is a special application, let's say. It's an app but must control lots of hardware params ;) |
20:09:01 | lorenzo92 | bertik: on linux, of course |
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20:38:48 | rhapsody | I'm experiencing a problem with my Emcore'd 6th gen iPod Classic 120gig where it won't play some of my mp3 files. Even more strangely, it won't play whole albums of them and not just isolated incidents. Any ideas on what could be wrong? I was thinking codecs or something perhaps |
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20:43:17 | blueish | rhapsody: perhaps some tag related issue? Large album art or broken characters in the tags? |
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20:44:35 | rhapsody | I'm thinking the same thing actually. I have EasyTag 2.1.6 installed and when browsing through albums there, some of the .mp3 files didn't show up there either. So I dragged and dropped them to my iPodClassic where they also don't work. |
20:44:45 | rhapsody | However if I can see it in EasyTag, it will play on Rockbox |
20:45:19 | blueish | try removing the id3 tags on the affected files. If they play afterwards there's something strange with the tags. |
20:45:38 | rhapsody | How would I remove the id3 tags? |
20:45:41 | blueish | in which case the people involved in the metadata parser might be interested in such a tag payload :) |
20:46:21 | blueish | on Linux? |
20:46:30 | rhapsody | Yes, Ubuntu 11.10 |
20:46:41 | blueish | try id3v2 |
20:47:09 | blueish | (that would be command line though) |
20:47:31 | blueish | http://id3v2.sourceforge.net/ |
20:48:54 | blueish | id3v2 -D path/to/files/*.mp3 |
20:50:01 | rhapsody | Okay, I'll give it a go and report back |
20:52:11 | | Join plush [0] (~quassel@ |
20:52:28 | plush | hi. i am trying to debug mass storage on an ipod 4g |
20:52:46 | plush | i enabled logf and i see that the driver initializes three control endpoints only |
20:52:50 | plush | no bulk endpoints at all |
20:53:14 | plush | it all goes downhill from there |
20:53:49 | plush | the mass storage driver fails to find bulk endpoints, produces invalid usb descriptors and the mass storage device cannot be used |
20:53:59 | plush | the root of the problem seems to be the lack of bulk endpoints |
20:54:03 | plush | has anyone else had this? |
20:54:16 | plush | am i the only one with non-working mass storage on an ipod 4g? |
20:55:33 | | Quit blueish (Quit: bbl) |
20:56:54 | funman | plush: there should be only one control endpoint |
20:58:11 | plush | funman: this is my logf.txt with logf enabled in usb-drv-arc.c and usb_storage.c: http://fabianowski.de/logf.txt |
20:58:21 | plush | as you can see, the initialization code produces three control pipes |
20:58:26 | funman | does OF work? |
20:58:29 | plush | i'd expect one control, two bulk |
20:58:30 | plush | yes |
20:58:50 | plush | i use the built-in disk mode to copy firmware on and logf.txt off |
20:58:52 | plush | works perfectly |
20:59:30 | rhapsody | blueish: this might be a while, I'm experiencing problems with compiling and installing that software |
21:00 |
21:00:01 | lorenzo92 | kugel: 21 hours, still 3,560 (I know I shouldn't turn on the display but I was curious :D) |
21:01:01 | plush | funman: actually, looking at that logf.txt, i only see endpoints being released, never added |
21:01:08 | funman | plush: i don't know ipod4g, you might wait for someone else who knows it |
21:01:18 | plush | sure |
21:01:24 | plush | i can't see any bugs in flyspray |
21:01:37 | funman | the status page says it should work also |
21:01:38 | plush | which surprises me if it is indeed broken for real |
21:01:41 | plush | yeah |
21:01:47 | plush | it used to work for me perfectly |
21:01:51 | plush | now it doesn't anymore |
21:03:31 | funman | can you find when it broke? what was last working build? |
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21:12:15 | plush | funman: trouble is, i updated my OS as well |
21:12:19 | plush | so i can never be sure |
21:12:33 | plush | though rockbox certainly produces an invalid usb descriptr |
21:12:36 | plush | *descriptor |
21:12:40 | plush | so it is fishy alright |
21:13:12 | funman | pamaury: i saw that your PIO usb driver supported HID just fine |
21:13:31 | funman | plush: try older release builds until it works |
21:13:55 | plush | funman: i always build from source. i will do some bisecting to find the exact commit that broke it |
21:14:16 | plush | i fear i won't have time for it today. but i will be back once i know when the error was introduced |
21:15:12 | funman | plush: ok |
21:15:28 | plush | thanks for your feedback so fart |
21:15:30 | plush | *far |
21:15:33 | plush | oops, evil typo :) |
21:16:47 | funman | :) |
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21:31:00 | [7] | plush, funman: actually it should be two control and two bulk endpoints total |
21:31:11 | [7] | with possibly another endpoint (interrupt) for HID |
21:32:15 | plush | [7]: so either way, the endpoints i get are off |
21:32:19 | [7] | (epX in and epX out are distinct endpoints in USB terminology that don't have anything to do with each other) |
21:32:22 | plush | i added some extra logf() statements in ata.c |
21:32:40 | [7] | plush: are you sure that it isn't just the logging that's off? |
21:32:44 | plush | the endpoints i get back from usb_core as bulk in and bulk out are both zero |
21:32:49 | [7] | where does that "CTRL" information come from? |
21:32:53 | plush | [7]: yes, absolutely |
21:33:12 | plush | i can see on my pc that the rockbox descriptor has two bulk endpoints with an address of zero |
21:33:14 | plush | which is invalid |
21:33:28 | plush | the CTRL info comes from an endpoint release |
21:33:31 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
21:33:35 | plush | i don't know what causes this to happen |
21:35:01 | | Quit Topy44 (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) |
21:35:22 | [7] | plush: can you track the calls (with arguments) and return values of usb_drv_request_endpoint? |
21:36:52 | plush | [7]: can do. unfortunately, not today. i wiped my rockbox build directory to rebuild cleanly... and noticed my perl is all b0rked |
21:36:56 | plush | fixing that will take a while |
21:37:01 | plush | lots of packages to reinstall :( |
21:37:12 | [7] | what's wrong with it? |
21:38:23 | plush | it was upgraded from 5.14.1 to 5.14.2 but several dozen packages didn't notice |
21:38:30 | plush | so they all linger in the old 5.14.1 directories |
21:38:41 | plush | i need to rebuild them to move them over |
21:38:47 | plush | not a big issue, just time-consuming |
21:39:04 | plush | this is normal. this happens whenever there is a perl version bump |
21:39:06 | [7] | ah right, thought you might have ran into this "perl^M: bad interpreter" thing, which is highly misleading :) |
21:39:42 | plush | no, i know the fault is entirely outside rockbox |
21:39:46 | plush | it's a freebsd issue |
21:39:59 | plush | but thanks for checking |
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22:21:30 | dfkt | there's no wps tag to display if a file is mono/stereo, right? |
22:22:18 | dfkt | i mean for audio playback - i know those tags exist for fm radio, and for recording |
22:22:40 | gevaerts | I don't see any, no |
22:22:51 | gevaerts | Seems like a weird omission |
22:23:11 | dfkt | i thought it might quietly exist, like that radio dbu tag that wasn't on the wiki page |
22:24:24 | gevaerts | I don't find anything obvious in the source |
22:24:47 | dfkt | thanks for looking :) |
22:24:55 | gevaerts | We do have bitrate and sample rate. Why not stereo? :) |
22:25:20 | dfkt | indeed... it could come in handy (especially for my audiobook collection) |
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22:26:08 | dfkt | or also for supported multichannel stuff |
22:27:40 | | Quit Topy44 (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
22:27:47 | gevaerts | I think we should go straight for "number of channels" |
22:28:34 | gevaerts | struct mp3entry has a field "channels", but I don't know if all codecs set it properly |
22:30:58 | dfkt | that could be nicely handled with a conditional, i think |
22:31:21 | | Quit Stummi (Quit: Bye!) |
22:31:26 | dfkt | the display, i mean - no idea about reading that info from files :) |
22:33:28 | | Join Topy44 [0] (~Topy44@tum-party-visitors.vipri.net) |
22:33:33 | gevaerts | http://paste.debian.net/150330/ |
22:33:41 | gevaerts | Might only work for atrac though :) |
22:33:59 | dfkt | do people use anything else? :p |
22:34:53 | gevaerts | There's a "Added for ATRAC3" comment above the channels field |
22:38:25 | * | gevaerts decides to try this patch :) |
22:39:05 | | Join jlbiasini [0] (~metaphys@d86-32-96-55.cust.tele2.at) |
22:42:25 | gevaerts | It works for cook and tta |
22:42:39 | gevaerts | (in the test files I have here) |
22:42:48 | gevaerts | So yes, all common ones are covered :) |
22:43:00 | dfkt | :) |
22:43:19 | gevaerts | I think we should add this, but it needs help from codec people |
22:44:32 | lorenzo92 | kugel: about 23 hours, still working :D |
22:46:16 | dfkt | gevaerts, great addition, thanks |
22:46:34 | dfkt | (in advance :) |
22:47:12 | gevaerts | dfkt: I'm re-downloading the test files. I seem not to have them all, so I might have missed some obscure codecs :) |
22:55:05 | gevaerts | dfkt: FS #12490 |
22:55:06 | fs-bluebot | http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/12490 WPS tag for number of channels (patches, new) |
22:57:14 | bug2000 | dfkt, Well the crash is only with your theme :\ |
22:59:31 | dfkt | gevaerts, hope MrSaratoga, err, MrSomeone, sees that :) |
22:59:43 | dfkt | bug2000, still not a single crash here... |
22:59:51 | bug2000 | dfkt, With the clip, right? |
23:00 |
23:00:09 | dfkt | none of my themes crashes any of my players |
23:01:32 | dfkt | maybe do a thorough cleaning - install the bootloader again, format the player, do a checkdisk/fsck, install a freshly downloaded rockbox, install a freshly downloaded theme |
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23:07:54 | saratoga | gevaerts: DSP_SET_STEREO_MODE isn't enough? |
23:08:41 | gevaerts | Oh, I somehow missed that |
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23:10:23 | CIA-88 | New commit by alle (r31451): Eliminate the duplicated formatter for the 'sleeptimer duration' setting. It's not needed in the setting declaration since the menu for setting it is ... |
23:10:52 | saratoga | gevaerts: it looks like most codecs do set DSP_SET_STEREO_MODE, so does that patch work for them or is there another problem? |
23:11:41 | gevaerts | saratoga: the patch uses the codec metadata as it is now. I'm seeing if I can make it use the dsp setup. That should work |
23:12:46 | CIA-88 | r31451 build result: All green |
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23:22:04 | gevaerts | dfkt, saratoga: FS #12490 updated to use the dsp configuration. That seems to work for everything |
23:22:05 | fs-bluebot | http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/12490 WPS tag for number of channels (patches, new) |
23:23:12 | * | gevaerts assumes that interleaved vs. non-interleaved stereo is an internal detail that's not very interesting for WPS designers |
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23:49:52 | nosa-j | trying to find the original sensa fuze on sale |
23:50:06 | nosa-j | newegg is out of stock :\ |
23:50:33 | nosa-j | sansa * :D |
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