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07:02:49 | nosa-j | what do i look for to customize the usb tranfer screen? |
07:02:55 | nosa-j | just wondering |
07:03:20 | nosa-j | i can find the images for the rest of the theme but i can't locate that |
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11:02:25 | wodz | desowin: speaking about TCP/IP stack for rockbox - lwIP is probably the only option and should be fairly easy to port. Much more work would be to implement something useful with it. And moreover wifi part is quite complex I recall. |
11:02:54 | JdGordon | [Saint]: did you test the patch? |
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11:12:40 | funman | wodz: for which device ? |
11:13:22 | wodz | funman: sansa connect |
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11:14:15 | wodz | anyway it would be quite fun to have some web page served by http server running on rockboxed dap :P |
11:14:56 | bertrik | what's next, port java? |
11:16:06 | [Saint] | I was thinking of all sorts of fun things, like playlist recommendations, opening up your device so that "friends" can suggest tracks and control playback, streaming for |
11:16:27 | [Saint] | *streaming from "friends" connected devices... |
11:18:58 | [Saint] | "Fun Stuff™" |
11:20:22 | [Saint] | The device itself needn't have web capability. Just be plugged into something that does. #dreaming |
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11:43:43 | * | [Saint] is getting topic reply emails from threads he has *never posted on*. |
11:43:57 | [Saint] | W. T. F? |
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11:52:17 | Bretos | hi |
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12:15:38 | [Saint] | Bretos: Hi...no need to wait/ask for approval. If you have a (Rockbox related) question, just ask away...if someone can answer, they'll do so. |
12:19:04 | [Saint] | If you're looking for a social channel however, #rockbox-community may be more suited, though I can't promise any stimulating conversation :) |
12:22:03 | Bretos | Passion for knowledge isn't the reason I came here. Thanks for information about #rockbox-community channel, I though it is the only one rockbox channel.. idk why ;) thanks again, and bye |
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13:55:01 | gevaerts | nosa-j: the USB screen can't be themed. We'd like it to be but the fact thet there can be absolutely no disk access from the rockbox side makes it tricky |
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14:19:15 | pamaury | I would like other developpers opinion. I would like to handle the imx233 and the stmp3770 with the same codebase since there are pretty much the same except for a few things here and there. What would be the best option ? use imx233 and #define HAVE_STMP3770 ? |
14:22:19 | pamaury | or have a #define IMX233_VARIANT with two possible values: VARIANT_IMX233 and VARIANT_STMP3770 ? |
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14:24:36 | gevaerts | pamaury: that sounds similar to PP5020/PP5022 I think |
14:24:46 | pamaury | how is it handled ? |
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14:25:10 | gevaerts | Can I say I can't remember? ;) |
14:25:52 | gevaerts | Ah, yes |
14:26:06 | gevaerts | pamaury: see config.h around line 534 |
14:26:31 | gevaerts | Not sure if that really helps |
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14:27:11 | pamaury | hum, not quite because lots of things rely on CONFIG_CPU=IMX233 |
14:27:47 | pamaury | I could introduce this CPU_STMP3770 things perhaps |
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14:44:46 | pamaury | haha, I got the sd working on the creative zen style m300 |
14:49:28 | pamaury | gevaerts: what about a #define CONFIG_CPU_SUB or CONFIG_SUB_CPU or CONFIG_CPU_VARIANT ? |
14:52:40 | gevaerts | That could work. I'm not sure if it's a good idea to do that for one case without at least having plans for doing it elsewhere though. On the other hand, this is a bit of an area where I'm not too involved |
14:53:42 | pamaury | yeah, that's true. Then perhaps a HAVE_STMP3700 will do |
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14:59:13 | bertrik | pamaury, congrats on the sd |
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15:01:35 | bertrik | the start of a new port, getting things to work for the first time, is usually the most fun (at least for me) |
15:02:31 | pamaury | the biggest problem to me is that the creative zen style m300 does not seem to have external memory, only 512Kb of internal sram |
15:02:38 | bertrik | ouch |
15:03:20 | bertrik | do we have PCB scans of it somewhere? |
15:04:14 | pamaury | yes, I have photos of it, only of side of the PCB though, the other one is hardly reachable but from what I saw there is not chip. See the wiki: akismet |
15:04:19 | pamaury | http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/CreativeZENStyleM300 |
15:04:20 | pamaury | oops |
15:04:32 | pamaury | I made some nice boxes :) |
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15:06:07 | pamaury | i might be wrong of course but the OF doesn't initialize the emi from what I saw and it has a very weird architecture. I suspect some parts of the code work like codec, they are loaded on demand |
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15:08:05 | bertrik | hm, 512 kB isn't nearly enough to run rockbox on it, I guess. What part do you have working now, lcd and sd? |
15:10:11 | pamaury | only sd yet because I have a generic "recovery util" that I can load and poke at the ssp, I've not yet really started to look at the OF code but I'm really embarassed because the OF file has some "data section" that actually contain code and I'm not sure how it works |
15:10:46 | pamaury | there is still a slight chance that I missed the dram on the board and haven't found the emi init yet |
15:11:53 | bertrik | doesn't the clip v1 have 2 MB of memory inside the SoC package? |
15:23:18 | kugel | pamaury: stmp37xx is a soc similar to imx233? |
15:23:31 | pamaury | yes, it's an older version, more or less |
15:24:28 | TheLemonMan | pamaury: i have some bsp code adapted to the stmp37xx register layout, if you're interested in it just whistle :) |
15:24:34 | kugel | ah so it's comparable to PP indeed |
15:24:52 | pamaury | TheLemonMan: I produced a pdf file of the difference between imx233 and stmp37xx |
15:25:43 | TheLemonMan | yep, i could spare you some time adapting the code |
15:26:03 | TheLemonMan | dont have enough free time to actively develop the port :( at least till summer |
15:26:41 | gevaerts | scorche: if I make more forum changes, do you prefer those as patches on top of the previous one, or on top of pristine akismet/smf? |
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15:32:12 | pamaury | what I'm afraid of is that the OF could use paging and page fault handling to simulate a larger memory using the sd as a backend, that would make the OF analysis pretty hard |
15:34:02 | pamaury | TheLemonMan: http://amaury.pouly.free.fr/Images/stmp37xx.pdf for the pdf file about the differences |
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15:47:10 | kugel | funman: did you have a look? |
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15:52:53 | lorenzo92 | kugel: hey :) something new regarding R0? ...i'm sorry I cannot help atm cause I'm very busy hehe |
15:53:08 | kugel | I'm close to enabling asm |
15:53:45 | kugel | lorenzo92: I noticed something strange. sometimes it has 100% cpu usage, most of it spend in the kernel (sys time also 100% |
15:53:48 | kugel | ) |
15:54:17 | lorenzo92 | kugel: yep. This is due to bad filesystem... -> do a fsck.vfat and you will see that it is solved! |
15:54:25 | lorenzo92 | kugel: anyway, great as always :D |
15:59:10 | lorenzo92 | kugel: I was thinking, as a workaround we could write a script that, let's say after 10 reboots, executes a fsck.vfat directly on device |
15:59:37 | lorenzo92 | well I should check if that really works and doesn't block the device for too much time :) |
16:00 |
16:01:50 | [Saint] | That's a bit of a hack... |
16:02:29 | [Saint] | Better to find out why the fs is getting trashed, no? |
16:03:53 | lorenzo92 | indeed...The thing is that behind there's the RFS (for which I found its sources, tough lol) |
16:04:20 | gevaerts | hm, interesting bug |
16:07:33 | gevaerts | hrm |
16:08:42 | gevaerts | scorche: if I create a new topic, and then a spammer replies to that, and akismet intercepts that, and then a mod clears the akismet queue, that topic is no longer listed |
16:09:42 | gevaerts | It still exists, and it's still listed as the most recently modified topic in the board list (well, if it is the most recently modified topic), but it's not listed in the list of topics... |
16:09:58 | * | gevaerts is slightly worried by this |
16:10:51 | gevaerts | The most recent post page also still has it |
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16:33:13 | gevaerts | scorche: I think http://pastebin.com/zwwv9yN4 is worth applying. It's based on clean smf/akismet, and adds (a) hiding spam from recent posts (same as the previous patch), (b) links to user profiles from the akismet spam list (so we can look at sigs or ban easily), (c) deleting spam from individual users from the akismet spam list (which should make dealing with false positives a lot easier), and (d) it doesn't set the last message information on a |
16:33:25 | gevaerts | topic if the last message is spam (which should fix various issues with things looking weird) |
16:34:21 | gevaerts | I'd still like to add a way to report spam to akismet if it missed it, but I'm not sure where that should be shown |
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17:25:36 | gevaerts | scorche: I also have an sql line that should fix the missing topics that are caused by the bug I mentioned |
17:26:02 | gevaerts | It basically fixes the last message id for topics where the last message doesn't exist |
17:26:15 | gevaerts | UPDATE smf_topics set ID_LAST_MSG = (select ID_MSG from smf_messages where smf_messages.ID_TOPIC=smf_topics.ID_TOPIC order by posterTime desc limit 1) WHERE not exists(select * from smf_messages missing_m where smf_topics.ID_LAST_MSG = missing_m.ID_MSG); |
17:26:24 | gevaerts | (assuming smf_ is the prefix used) |
17:29:29 | * | gevaerts wonders how many topics are lost this way... |
17:30:20 | ToxAtec | hi, I'm wondering if it's possible to disable charging a sansa fuze v1 on USB connections, or if rockbox has no controll over charging the battery. I saw that there was an option like that on other players (some ipod). |
17:30:47 | Torne | if the option isn't there then it's not implemented; whether it's actually physically possible, I don't know |
17:30:55 | Torne | but if so, nobody has written the code for it |
17:31:28 | | Quit SynrG (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
17:32:19 | bertrik | We can control charging on the PP, AMS, AMSv2 sansas (enable/disable charger, configure charge voltage and current) |
17:32:20 | | Join TheLemonMan [0] (~LemonBoy@ppp-61-55.26-151.libero.it) |
17:33:06 | Torne | ToxAtec: also note that turning usb charging off doesn't reduce the power used to zero |
17:33:07 | bertrik | but I don't see why you would want to disable charging |
17:33:39 | Torne | bertrik: generally, to avoid draining the battery of a laptop that's only going to last a few hours in order to recharge an mp3 player that will last all day :) |
17:34:38 | ToxAtec | I thought it might be better for the battery health if you don't start charging it everytime you add a new song; also I found out about the USB HID fuction which would be a perfect scroll wheel for my laptop |
17:35:09 | Torne | the effect on the battery will be probbaly unmeasurable no matter what you do with it |
17:36:46 | bertrik | charge current for a sansa is probably only a fraction of what the laptop itself already uses |
17:37:38 | Torne | bertrik: the other reason is to work with broken usb hosts/hubs that can't deliver the power in the first place |
17:37:53 | ToxAtec | torne, did you mean the effect on the laptop or fuze battery? |
17:37:53 | bertrik | and lithium batteries don't mind if you recharge them often while not empty yet |
17:37:59 | Torne | ToxAtec: on the fuze battery |
17:38:23 | Torne | Well, also the laptop :) |
17:39:26 | Torne | but it depends how you are using the laptop; it'll suck up to 2.5W from the host, which is not a lot compared to a laptop's display, but is possibly measurable if the screen's off :) |
17:40:48 | Torne | bertrik: anyway, the option is there because it's easy to do if you already hve the underlying system for charging in a USB-spec-compliant way |
17:40:54 | gevaerts | Well, it will only do that if it actually needs to charge |
17:41:02 | Torne | if we have the required level of control over the hardware on AMS then we should hook it up |
17:41:28 | Torne | in theory the code should be target-neutral after i refactored the beast/ipod support for it |
17:41:40 | bertrik | I'm still confused about the need for this. Never heard of anyone having a real problem with the current situation. |
17:42:03 | bertrik | yes, it could be done in some generic charging state machine I guess |
17:42:10 | Torne | we already have the generic charging state machine |
17:42:19 | gevaerts | bertrik: spec compliance and having all targets behave the same way |
17:42:33 | Torne | You just need a #define to enable it, and implement the underlying control functions in target code |
17:42:40 | Torne | the PP ipods and the gigabeat S have this already |
17:42:44 | Torne | and the nano2g i think |
17:42:54 | Torne | i wrote this at the devcon in 2010 :) |
17:43:14 | Torne | and tested on every PP ipod model with a multimeter, whcih was fun :p |
17:43:59 | | Join lazy [0] (~chatzilla@69-165-152-53.dsl.teksavvy.com) |
17:44:04 | | Nick lazy is now known as lazyguy (~chatzilla@69-165-152-53.dsl.teksavvy.com) |
17:45:03 | lazyguy | question |
17:45:09 | Torne | answer |
17:45:48 | lazyguy | in the targetstatus, clip+'s usb functionality says yes, but under release 3.1 it's says it's still disabled |
17:46:17 | gevaerts | 3.1? The clip+ didn't even exist back then... |
17:46:35 | gevaerts | If you mean 3.10, USB was enabled after that |
17:46:49 | lazyguy | ya 3.10 |
17:47:06 | lazyguy | so do i need the current build |
17:47:12 | lazyguy | or 3.10 is fine |
17:47:48 | gevaerts | Well, if you really want USB in rockbox, you need a current build, yes. If you're happy with rebooting to the original firmware, 3.10 is fine |
17:48:02 | lazyguy | ok thanks |
17:48:21 | gevaerts | Note that USB in rockbox might still be a bit unstable. It works well for many people, but it's still relatively new code that hasn't seen very wide testing |
17:48:29 | bertrik | Torne, gevaerts, there is a simple state machine to control charging for the as3514/AMS sansas, but it looks like it's not hooked into the new USB/charger detection logic yet |
17:49:19 | lazyguy | guess i'll wait then |
17:49:27 | lazyguy | i;ve been waiting for years now anyways |
17:49:29 | lazyguy | lol |
17:50:02 | gevaerts | Well, there is of course also the fact that if everybody waits, we'll never know if it works well :) |
17:50:06 | Torne | bertrik: well, if you have a go i will take a look at your patch :) |
17:50:33 | bertrik | Torne, the stuff you wrote does the 100 mA / 500 mA / "unlimited" detection, based on USB attachment status, charger detection, etc, right? |
17:51:23 | Torne | it only ever actually selects 100 or 500, currently |
17:51:24 | lazyguy | ok, updating now |
17:51:36 | Torne | but if possible the underlying code should handle 0 and unlimited as well |
17:51:37 | lazyguy | guess i'll just tell you if it works or not |
17:51:39 | Torne | for future use |
17:51:59 | Torne | We don't currently have any charger detection code |
17:52:13 | Torne | i've not gotten around to doing it for ipodvideo yet, and i don't know how to do it on any other devices :/ |
17:52:21 | lazyguy | also, i have some superold bootloader, that didnt change or anything right? |
17:52:21 | kugel | me |
17:52:23 | kugel | meh |
17:52:29 | kugel | rockbox on webos seems like a no-go |
17:52:48 | kugel | sdl on it only supports sw surface and that's way to slow |
17:53:44 | bertrik | I could possibly help with a nano 1g, but IIRC last time I trie I came to the conclusion we can't measure the special resistor networks in the nano 1g |
17:54:09 | kugel | CaptainKewl: ping |
17:54:11 | amiconn | Detecting classic charger on ipods is simple |
17:54:27 | Torne | ..it is? |
17:54:31 | amiconn | The 12V chargers are essentially firewire power |
17:54:46 | Torne | Oh. That's irrelevant |
17:54:50 | Torne | this is for USB charging only |
17:54:53 | amiconn | ..which is supported by all PP ipods, even those which don't support firewire data |
17:54:56 | Torne | by "classic" there you mean "ancient" |
17:54:59 | Torne | i think :) |
17:55:05 | Torne | all ipod chargers i have or have seen are 5V |
17:55:29 | CaptainKewl | kugel hi |
17:55:52 | kugel | CaptainKewl: sdl on webos is too slow to be useful at all |
17:58:07 | gevaerts | kugel: is sdl the only option? |
17:58:51 | CaptainKewl | software, yeah. I got it to run faster by using opengles and rendering the surface to a texture and displaying that instead |
17:59:31 | kugel | show me! |
17:59:48 | kugel | I was always interested in us doing opengles :) |
17:59:58 | CaptainKewl | haven't checked the fps but it runs in hybrid without taking 2 seconds to render each frame |
18:00 |
18:00:15 | kugel | I can check the fps if you give me the code ;) |
18:00:30 | CaptainKewl | I'll see if I can post it up in a bit, will need to reboot |
18:00:54 | | Quit CaptainKewl (Quit: ( www.nnscript.com :: NoNameScript 4.22 :: www.esnation.com )) |
18:02:18 | kugel | gevaerts: sdl and opengles, I think. Perhaps fbdev but haven't tried |
18:02:37 | kugel | opengles would be interesting for android too methinks |
18:03:02 | gevaerts | Worth looking at, anyway |
18:03:12 | gevaerts | I suspect fbdev won't be an option on webos |
18:03:15 | kugel | the docs say with opengles you're limited to landscape, though, unless you roate in-app which we can't |
18:04:13 | kugel | well, we actually can as mpegplayer shows |
18:04:23 | amiconn | Torne: I thought the charging state machine would handle all potential power sources |
18:04:45 | gevaerts | kugel: you can rotate within opengl |
18:04:52 | Torne | amiconn: no; i'm not aware of a need for it to do so |
18:05:02 | lazyguy | are there special drivers for clip+ |
18:05:05 | Torne | it's specifically about telling the usb interface what to do |
18:05:18 | lazyguy | if you load from rockbox |
18:05:25 | kugel | gevaerts: the opengles implementation on the touchpad can'T :) |
18:05:30 | Torne | charging direct from a DC port, or from firewire, doesn't come with any special behaviour or rules that i know of :) |
18:05:31 | kugel | according to https://developer.palm.com/content/resources/develop/touchpad_pdk_considerations.html anyway |
18:06:50 | funman | kugel: not yet |
18:07:38 | gevaerts | kugel: that sounds like something different. The main viewport will probably always be 1024x768, but what you draw in there is up to you. You can render to a 768x1024 texture, and then rotate that texture before putting it on a surface |
18:07:47 | Torne | amiconn: this is not about the actual charging thread/etc, the state machien that runs software controlled charging. this is specifically inside the USB stack, to handle the power requirements in the USB spec |
18:07:51 | kugel | i will just commit then. it's mostly an infrastructure change |
18:08:03 | Torne | devices that have software-driven charging still have an independant system to actually run that |
18:08:26 | kugel | gevaerts: well sure, that's what I meant with "rotate in-app" |
18:08:59 | gevaerts | kugel: well, it's two lines of code :) |
18:09:10 | lazyguy | okay, i unplugged usb and now rockbox is stuck on the usb screen |
18:09:12 | lazyguy | : |
18:09:22 | gevaerts | Which are in the opengl/es specific bit |
18:10:02 | kugel | well yes, but you need to translate touch events also |
18:10:07 | Torne | amiconn: the bit that's interesting is the USB stack telling the power managemen system whether it's okay to draw power from the USB +5V pin. if you have some other source of power then that's not the USB stack's problem ;p |
18:10:42 | | Join factor [0] (~factor@ |
18:11:22 | gevaerts | right. That shouldn't be too hard though |
18:11:52 | gevaerts | lazyguy: well, at least now you know why that hasn't been enabled in a stable release yet... |
18:11:58 | | Quit linuxguy3 (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
18:12:03 | lazyguy | no, i got it working now |
18:13:38 | lazyguy | is there any way to disable usb functionality while plugged in, i like the option of charging and listening to music |
18:15:18 | gevaerts | yes, hold a button while plugging in. |
18:15:51 | gevaerts | Select is probably a good choice. That will bring up the context menu, but that's easy to get back out of, and doesn't do anyhing |
18:17:24 | dfkt | how do i update my local patched tree with git? git pull −−rebase refuses to update, it says "refusing to pull with rebase: your working tree is not up-to-date" |
18:17:41 | bertrik | where (in the source) is the code for determining if it's okay to draw power from USB? |
18:18:28 | bertrik | and is it a poll mechanism (asking USB), or does USB just tell someone else what is allowed? |
18:18:33 | Torne | Either |
18:18:54 | Torne | usb_charging_maxcurrent tells you how much you can have right now |
18:19:05 | Torne | usb_charging_maxcurrent_change gets called when it changes |
18:19:16 | Torne | it's in usb_core.c, under HAVE_USB_CHARGING_ENABLE |
18:20:32 | lazyguy | cool thanks it worked |
18:20:46 | scorche | gevaerts: email me if you could and i can get to it when i get back |
18:20:57 | gevaerts | scorche: ok |
18:21:27 | lazyguy | i got a touchpad you guys need help testing |
18:21:33 | lazyguy | if you're still talking about that |
18:21:36 | scorche | gevaerts: please roll all the changes into one - i am going to try to make a SMF package from it - which i think means i need the entire file of anything you have modified |
18:21:38 | Torne | bertrik: calling the usb stack to ask is cheap, so if the target already has a software charging thread polling for stuff to prod the charge controller, you can just add the call in the polling loop. |
18:21:59 | Torne | bertrik: if it's like the ipod where you just poke a hardware register to tell it what the limit is, you can just implement the on-change function |
18:22:10 | Torne | did it this way to accomodate both |
18:22:17 | scorche | gevaerts: though, might as well include a diff just so i can double-check =) |
18:22:26 | | Join t0rc [0] (~t0rc@cpe-184-58-21-82.woh.res.rr.com) |
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18:22:32 | | Join t0rc [0] (~t0rc@unaffiliated/t0rc/x-5233201) |
18:22:38 | gevaerts | scorche: a complete diff is easiest for me right now :) |
18:22:58 | scorche | gevaerts: with any file you have touched =) |
18:23:07 | gevaerts | yes, that's the one |
18:23:56 | scorche | well, i mean, i need an email with blah.diff, blah.php, blah1.php, blah2.php, etc |
18:24:08 | gevaerts | Ah, I see |
18:24:27 | gevaerts | ok, I'll do my best |
18:24:29 | scorche | thanks |
18:25:07 | | Join captainkwel [0] (~jason@207-237-110-248.c3-0.nyr-ubr2.nyr.ny.cable.rcn.com) |
18:29:13 | bertrik | Torne, and what if the sansa is connected to a charger, should I detect that myself, and ignore the max current advice from the USB stack? |
18:29:38 | Torne | handle it however you handle it now |
18:29:45 | Torne | except presumably now you assume USB means 500mA |
18:30:04 | * | bertrik isn't actually sure we can distinguish between USB power and charger power |
18:30:16 | Torne | if you can't, then assume it's USB |
18:30:21 | bertrik | we're charging with only 300 mA max anyway |
18:30:29 | Torne | yes, but 300 is more than 100 |
18:30:35 | Torne | which is all you are allowed to draw without negotiation |
18:30:42 | | Quit lazyguy (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.88 [Firefox 9.0.1/20111220165912]) |
18:31:35 | Torne | if the charger provides power on +5VUSB, like most do, and you have no known way of telling the difference, then you are in the same position as the ipods are. if the user picks "force" it will ignore the lack of positive charger detection and allow high current charging after a host doesn't show up within a reasonable time (the code does this for you) |
18:31:39 | bertrik | and USB draw = player consumption + charger current, so we better turn the charger off completely when in 100 mA mode |
18:32:02 | Torne | if you can power the device without charging it, then sure. |
18:32:20 | Torne | on the ipods, the regulation is global, so if you limit the usb power to 0mA and the ipod's battery is dead, it will just die :) |
18:32:40 | Torne | which is.. not ideal. which is why the logic doesn't do that yet |
18:32:51 | Torne | until someone decides what a senisble way to handle taht is :0 |
18:32:58 | kugel | captainkwel: :) |
18:33:31 | | Quit dv_ (Remote host closed the connection) |
18:34:03 | captainkwel | It's coming... I haven't looked at this stuff in a week or so. Needs a bit of cleaning. |
18:34:49 | kugel | captainkwel: great, but don't think you need to clean up just for me |
18:36:19 | amiconn | Torne: Do we handle usb suspend? |
18:36:36 | Torne | amiconn: no. |
18:36:49 | Torne | not yet, anyway |
18:36:51 | Torne | feel free to add it :) |
18:39:33 | | Join dv_ [0] (~quassel@chello080108009040.14.11.vie.surfer.at) |
18:49:50 | | Join leavittx [0] (~leavittx@ |
18:51:24 | | Join webguest61 [0] (~4118fa9e@www.haxx.se) |
18:51:40 | webguest61 | hello! |
18:51:58 | CIA-81 | Commit 3c17f28 in rockbox by Thomas Martitz: Move pcm_mixer helper routines to firmware/asm. |
18:52:00 | CIA-81 | Commit 991ae1e in rockbox by Thomas Martitz: Create fimrware/asm directory for assembly optimized stuff. |
18:52:04 | CIA-81 | Commit 9e7b417 in rockbox by Thomas Martitz: firmware/target/arm doesn't contain code for hosted anymore. |
18:52:04 | CIA-81 | Commit 91a3978 in rockbox by Thomas Martitz: ypr0: Enable asm optimizations. |
18:52:07 | | Quit t0rc (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.6) |
18:52:11 | CIA-81 | Commit a5f7f6e in rockbox by Thomas Martitz: Use ARCH instead of CPU for selecting optimization levels. |
18:52:16 | kugel | heh, the order isn't quite right |
18:52:44 | CIA-81 | Commit 094cbd5 in rockbox by Thomas Martitz: Implement a C version lcd-as-memframe.c and move it and the asm to firmware/asm. |
18:52:46 | webguest61 | May I ask a question related to ATA error 11 on trying to mod my IRiver H120 to SD card? |
18:52:46 | CIA-81 | Commit 8e8e978 in rockbox by Thomas Martitz: Add framework to let make automatically pick optimized asm implementations over generic C ones to firmware. |
18:53:28 | | Join stoffel [0] (~quassel@pD9E43969.dip.t-dialin.net) |
18:53:49 | kugel | hmm |
18:53:56 | kugel | what happened to git rename tracking!? |
18:54:25 | kugel | man, all the history lost |
18:54:36 | CIA-81 | Commit a035261 in rockbox by Thomas Martitz: Move optimized memcpy and friends and strlen to firmware/asm, |
18:54:48 | kugel | I did take care that git has the renames right when doing the local commits |
18:54:50 | gevaerts | webguest61: sure. Don't ask to ask, just ask. Keep in mind that people currently online may not know the answer though |
18:54:56 | CIA-81 | Commit 5e9b62c in rockbox by Thomas Martitz: ypr0: Use generic lcd memframe driver. |
18:55:01 | webguest61 | Thanks |
18:55:17 | CIA-81 | 91a3978 build result: 292 errors, 28461 warnings (Thomas Martitz committed) |
18:55:19 | CIA-81 | Commit c94cf3b in rockbox by Thomas Martitz: Move optimized ffs to firmware/asm, using the new automatic-asm-picking infrastructure. |
18:55:26 | gevaerts | kugel: I do see lots of renames when pulling |
18:55:38 | kugel | ah good |
18:55:47 | gevaerts | "firmware/{target/sh/memset-sh.S => asm/sh/memset.S}" and similar |
18:55:57 | kugel | the gitweb ui doesnt show it though |
18:56:51 | kugel | same for git log |
18:56:58 | | Quit Poodlemastah (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) |
18:57:06 | webguest61 | I have follwed the documents procedure for converting iriver h120 to CF/SD.....Everything works fine with the new bootloader bootloader_h120_7pre4 with the HDD in place. When I put in the CF to SD adapter and try to boot, RAM, ROM, Disk all produce "ATA Error 11" |
18:57:09 | bluebrother | try git log −−follow <file> :) |
18:57:13 | webguest61 | What am I missing or done wrong? |
18:57:22 | webguest61 | I've tried 2 different SD crds |
18:57:39 | kugel | bluebrother: ah thanks! why is that not default? |
18:57:49 | bluebrother | kugel: don't ask me, ask the git guys :) |
18:58:04 | bluebrother | perhaps because it only works for single files? |
18:58:34 | bluebrother | (svn stops on renames by default as well btw) |
18:59:43 | kugel | okay |
19:00 |
19:01:43 | ToxAtec | this USB charging discussion is interesting, although I guess I would not be able to implement anything or so :P but what I think I understood is that controlling USB loading on a sansa AMS is possible but "it's not hooked into the new USB/charger detection logic yet"? So you need some function to tell the.. state machine (?) what has been detected on USB, like 100mA or 500mA? |
19:01:57 | kugel | captainkwel: sorry, I'm impatient. can't you just show me the unclean code? ;) |
19:01:58 | webguest61 | I am using the IDE - CF adpater named in posts to work fine with the IRiver, and the same for the CF to SD adapter......Transcend 4GB 133x SD card & PNY 32 GB SD card both wee tested and produce the sme result |
19:03:03 | webguest61 | from what I've read, this should work, but yet it doesn't |
19:03:25 | | Join Poodlemastah [0] (~Poodlemas@h-241-205.a218.priv.bahnhof.se) |
19:06:18 | webguest61 | any thoughts? |
19:06:24 | | Quit stoffel (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) |
19:06:24 | captainkwel | kugel, http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/12496 |
19:06:35 | kugel | captainkwel: awesome |
19:06:47 | kugel | captainkwel: can you tell me more about the hybrid mode? |
19:07:14 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
19:07:53 | captainkwel | Uses the HTML-based views for the main application and renders the SDL inside of a window. |
19:07:55 | kugel | there's a sepearate resolution for it? |
19:09:20 | captainkwel | Yeah... at some point I'd like to figure out some way to maybe get it to stretch to fit get the input to match. |
19:09:59 | captainkwel | Also rescale on the fly when changing screen orientation. Having some trouble getting the video reinitialize to work though. |
19:11:56 | captainkwel | My understanding is if you do a straight SDL-only app, that pretty much just exists by itself and doesn't really interact with the rest of the OS in any meaningful way. |
19:14:37 | * | kugel doesnt understand the opengl code there :) |
19:16:01 | captainkwel | Don't ask me to explain it, it's mostly copied and pasted. :) |
19:16:38 | kugel | where did you get it from? |
19:20:00 | captainkwel | Internets. I think this was most helpful: http://metaviewsoft.de/wordpress/?p=459 |
19:23:07 | webguest61 | thanks anyway for tolerating my intrusion.....bye |
19:23:26 | | Quit webguest61 (Quit: CGI:IRC) |
19:24:09 | | Join benedikt93 [0] (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) |
19:26:45 | CIA-81 | Commit 3520d7f in rockbox by Thomas Martitz: Fix native arm builds. arm_support couldn't build properly. |
19:28:02 | | Join SynrG [0] (~synrg@blk-222-91-184.eastlink.ca) |
19:29:14 | CIA-81 | 3520d7f build result: 132 errors, 30492 warnings (Thomas Martitz committed) |
19:38:01 | gevaerts | captainkwel: as another opengl newbie, I can't help wondering why you use GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP and not GL_QUADS |
19:39:36 | CIA-81 | Commit ec36357 in rockbox by Thomas Martitz: Fix sdl build warnings |
19:41:52 | jhMikeS | ?? It still didn't build properly :) |
19:42:12 | CIA-81 | ec36357 build result: 127 errors, 0 warnings (Thomas Martitz committed) |
19:42:47 | captainkwel | gevaerts, looks like the only available primitive in ES is the triangle...? |
19:42:54 | gevaerts | Oh |
19:43:03 | gevaerts | hm, yes, that would explain it |
19:44:22 | nosa-j | gevaerts: about the usb screen i suppose it has to do with the flash memeory which is hard to 'patch' and can ware out that memory bit if flashed too much, thanks for your help :P |
19:44:57 | nosa-j | as to why it's not 'theamable' |
19:45:28 | gevaerts | nosa-j: no, it's because if you touch the disk during USB, you risk filesystem corruption. Either the host OS has control, or rockbox, but not both |
19:45:45 | nosa-j | hmm |
19:46:19 | gevaerts | The clean way around this would be MTP :) |
19:47:06 | CIA-81 | Commit 9f4ee79 in rockbox by Thomas Martitz: Fix checkwps. |
19:48:28 | gevaerts | It can be themed in theory, but we'd have to be *very* careful to make sure everything needed is in RAM before handing over control to the host OS. We've been bitten by this before, which is why the USB screen now uses the hardcoded system font and not the user/theme specified UI font |
19:49:24 | CIA-81 | 9f4ee79 build result: 20 errors, 0 warnings (Thomas Martitz committed) |
19:51:36 | kugel | err |
19:52:48 | kugel | gevaerts: it didn't fix the 5 errors. they just happened on a different build because they only happen on my client! |
19:53:00 | jhMikeS | gevaerts: that should be possible if it waits to ack, or is there something with hitting the disk for glyphs in certain cases? |
19:53:56 | gevaerts | jhMikeS: the glyph cache is definitely involved. You can change HID mode, which changes some text, or it could be something silly like the clock |
19:54:07 | kugel | why does gcc fail to inline that |
19:56:41 | kugel | how to fix that? |
19:56:43 | | Quit SynrG (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
19:56:44 | kugel | upgrade gcc? |
19:58:07 | gevaerts | Which gcc is that? |
19:58:13 | kugel | 4.3 |
19:59:09 | kugel | or don't inline for this gcc version? |
20:00 |
20:00:00 | | Quit maraz (Remote host closed the connection) |
20:00:53 | funman | sounds hackish |
20:01:01 | funman | we don't want to test all known versions of gcc |
20:01:20 | funman | which -O are you using ? |
20:01:38 | kugel | I think the sim uses none |
20:01:48 | kugel | I mean no -O in the command line, not -O0 |
20:02:02 | funman | try -O or -O2 ? |
20:03:34 | | Quit leavittx (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
20:03:51 | kugel | -O seems to work |
20:04:12 | kugel | but it creates some warnings (that also happen for some RaaA builds) |
20:04:49 | kugel | why do we filter -O out anyway? |
20:05:41 | jhMikeS | tradition? |
20:05:45 | | Join maraz [0] (maraz@kapsi.fi) |
20:07:33 | kugel | perhaps someone was musguided a bit and thought you couldnt debug optimized code |
20:08:08 | nosa-j | i supose thats the same with the boot screen too gevaerts? :D |
20:08:13 | | Quit PaulJam (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
20:08:52 | funman | kugel: perhaps to hide the warnings :) |
20:09:03 | gevaerts | nosa-j: well, yes and no. The boot screen doesn't have the exclusive access issue, but basically at the point the system is ready to handle themes, the bootscreen isn't needed any more |
20:09:31 | nosa-j | oh i see |
20:10:54 | nosa-j | and mpt would require drivers for the os to use it :( |
20:12:20 | nosa-j | thats not too big of a deal though |
20:13:02 | gevaerts | Well, other projects are moving to mtp too. Recent android e.g. only does MTP |
20:13:23 | Mir | wait wut? |
20:13:24 | gevaerts | The main reason we don't have mtp yet is the usual lack of people working on it :) |
20:13:35 | Mir | mtp sucks though |
20:13:39 | Mir | i hate mtp |
20:13:48 | nosa-j | heh |
20:13:50 | Mir | why is droid going mtp |
20:14:05 | gevaerts | That would be off-topic here |
20:14:08 | Mir | gevaerts: links to source |
20:14:17 | Mir | please |
20:17:36 | kugel | it's strange that I get strcmp redefined warnings in rockboy when plugin.h does #undef strcmp |
20:18:42 | kugel | perhaps plugin.h is already included before string.h, and then not again due to include guards |
20:18:58 | pamaury | what is the difference between lcd_write_yuv420_lines_odither and lcd_write_yuv420_lines ? I'm confused because of this: lcd_write_yuv420_lines_odither |
20:20:34 | kugel | _odither does dithering while transforming |
20:21:03 | pamaury | so the fallback C implementation doesn't do dithering ? |
20:22:09 | | Quit captainkwel (Quit: Ex-Chat) |
20:24:15 | | Join captainkwel [0] (~jason@207-237-110-248.c3-0.nyr-ubr2.nyr.ny.cable.rcn.com) |
20:24:32 | kugel | pamaury: that's right |
20:28:25 | dfkt | if git pull −−rebase refuses to update my local patched tree, should i just use git pull to update and keep my patches? |
20:28:45 | Torne | no |
20:29:12 | Torne | when you say "local patched", do you mean you have local commits, or uncommitted changes? |
20:29:46 | dfkt | i applied patches from flyspray to my local tree |
20:30:08 | pamaury | can lcd_update_rect be called with a rectangle that doesn't fit in the screen ? I see that the implementation in lcd-memframe.c does lots of checks |
20:30:10 | dfkt | and −−rebase complains about my local tree not being up to date |
20:30:27 | funman | i use git stash && git pull −−rebase && git stash pop |
20:30:35 | dfkt | holy hell |
20:30:47 | dfkt | talk about intuitive :p |
20:31:04 | funman | when rebasing you must remove your lcoal diffs |
20:31:10 | jhMikeS | funman : I've got that same thing set up automated if the basic pull fails :) |
20:31:25 | jhMikeS | or commit the changes first |
20:31:36 | gevaerts | dfkt: git basically refuses to do anything if you have untracked changes. You need either git stash to put modifications away for a while, or make a local commit |
20:31:50 | n1s | pamaury: i think it's juat to be safe, it *should* probably never be called with such rectangles |
20:31:53 | Torne | commit early and often :) |
20:31:54 | funman | you can pull (without rebase) |
20:32:06 | gevaerts | It *is* intuitive if you've studied it for long enough :) |
20:32:14 | dfkt | i sure wish git was a bit easier to comprehend, like svn... |
20:32:17 | Torne | funman: well, sort of. If you get into the habit of doing that once you actually have local commits you'll be creating merges, though |
20:32:27 | kugel | dfkt: most people do :) |
20:32:34 | Torne | and even with a merge it won't let you pull changes that touch the same files, even if they don't conflict |
20:32:45 | dfkt | so i should use funman's line as an equivalent to a good old "svn up"? ;) |
20:32:53 | Torne | yes, more or less |
20:33:12 | Torne | it basically commits your changes for you, but puts them aside, then pulls from upstream and applies the temporary commit on top again |
20:33:19 | * | jhMikeS has under [alias]: up = !git pull −−rebase origin master || (git stash -q && git pull −−rebase origin master && git stash pop -q) |
20:33:27 | Torne | which will introduce coflict markers if things conflict, which is what svn up does :) |
20:33:52 | Torne | you might want to consider just.. making actual commits more often, thoguh :) |
20:34:21 | * | pamaury hopes kugel will soon correct all errors and warnings :) |
20:34:22 | gevaerts | As soon as we have gerrit up and running this particular use case will slowly change |
20:34:41 | Torne | yeah, sorry about that |
20:34:46 | Torne | i need to write the stuff for that real soon :) |
20:34:50 | * | jhMikeS never know what a commit message will be until acutally finalizing the whole shebang |
20:34:58 | Torne | jhMikeS: you can rewrite it as often as you want |
20:35:14 | gevaerts | Torne: I'm not complaining, really just pointing out a benefit :) |
20:35:34 | jhMikeS | yeah, there's a −−revise (or whatever it was) |
20:36:04 | Torne | amend |
20:36:15 | jhMikeS | aha, that's it |
20:36:23 | Torne | you can also use interactive rebase to flatten multiple commits into one commit (and it'll merge their messags, or throw them away, as you choose) |
20:36:28 | CIA-81 | Commit 74c8746 in rockbox by Thomas Martitz: Don't filter out -O for sims. |
20:36:29 | Torne | so yeah. just make commits locally :) |
20:36:40 | Torne | once yo uare done you can squash them together and rewrite the message |
20:37:12 | dfkt | jhMikeS, where do i find this [alias] section? |
20:37:31 | kugel | dfkt: better use jhMikeS' line. if there's nothing to stash than stash pop will harm :) |
20:37:43 | dfkt | stash pop sounds illegal anyways :D |
20:38:15 | jhMikeS | dkft: in .git/config, if not there add it, and define any shortcuts there |
20:38:20 | dfkt | thanks |
20:38:47 | Torne | seriously though, committing is safer |
20:39:07 | Torne | once you have committed the changes you can trivially revert to the earlier state if you make a mistake when resolving conflicts/etc |
20:39:19 | CIA-81 | 74c8746 build result: 0 errors, 43 warnings (Thomas Martitz committed) |
20:39:21 | Torne | using the stash, this is more difficult |
20:40:27 | gevaerts | kugel: that's why it was filtered :) |
20:41:12 | Torne | also if you stash and pull, this will still not work if you have created a local file that now exists in upstream ;) |
20:41:17 | n1s | i'd guess it was fro debugability and build speed too |
20:41:20 | Torne | since stash doesn't touch untracked new files |
20:41:34 | Torne | so the pull will still fail, because it'll refuse to overwrite the existing file |
20:42:13 | CIA-81 | Commit e720ad0 in rockbox by Thomas Martitz: Fix one more warning. |
20:42:57 | kugel | n1s: you can debug code at all levels of -O |
20:43:36 | kugel | you might want to avoid "parameter optmized out" but then you want -O0 instead of nothing |
20:43:53 | n1s | -O0 is the default |
20:44:45 | CIA-81 | e720ad0 build result: 0 errors, 4 warnings (Thomas Martitz committed) |
20:46:22 | kugel | what the heck, I didn't know there are stubs for storage_*_sectors |
20:50:48 | CIA-81 | Commit 31a3f76 in rockbox by Thomas Martitz: Attempt to fix remaining warnings. |
20:53:09 | CIA-81 | 31a3f76 build result: 4 errors, 6 warnings (Thomas Martitz committed) |
20:59:44 | kugel | oh man! |
21:00 |
21:00:22 | CIA-81 | Commit 38050f4 in rockbox by Thomas Martitz: ypr0: Work around warning introduced by buggy alsa headers. |
21:00:58 | | Nick preglow_ is now known as preglow (thomj@tvilling2.pvv.ntnu.no) |
21:02:48 | CIA-81 | 38050f4 build result: 8 errors, 10 warnings (Thomas Martitz committed) |
21:02:50 | kugel | that attempt was unsuccessful |
21:03:25 | | Quit Xerion (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
21:04:59 | lebellium | kugel: are you trying to fix the warning issues you talked me about yesterday? |
21:05:07 | lebellium | the annoying warnings* |
21:05:21 | kugel | no |
21:05:25 | kugel | more annoying ones :) |
21:05:35 | kugel | but it builds wanring-free now |
21:05:38 | kugel | at least for me |
21:06:40 | lebellium | I don't really understand how it works. For instance he reads here 8 errors and 10 warnings for your latets build |
21:06:56 | kugel | oh ffs |
21:06:59 | kugel | that error is *wrong |
21:07:00 | kugel | * |
21:07:18 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
21:07:31 | | Join TBFOOL [0] (~tb@c-313071d5.09-42-73746f22.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) |
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21:08:59 | kugel | help me :( |
21:09:22 | | Join TBFOOL [0] (~tb@c-313071d5.09-42-73746f22.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) |
21:10:41 | | Quit TBCOOL (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) |
21:11:19 | * | Mir hands kugel a lifesaver in fruit flavors |
21:11:38 | | Quit y4n (Quit: Today is the perfect day for a perfect day.) |
21:12:24 | n1s | kugel: looks like the script that parses the logs for errors is buggy |
21:12:48 | n1s | it counts the info lines asociated with the pdbox warning as errors |
21:13:13 | kugel | the warning is wrong too |
21:13:22 | kugel | it the memcpy params are alright |
21:13:51 | kugel | my gcc doesnt show this error |
21:14:17 | | Quit perrikwp (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
21:15:04 | | Join domonoky [0] (~Domonoky@rockbox/developer/domonoky) |
21:16:05 | | Quit bluebrother (Disconnected by services) |
21:16:06 | | Join bluebrother^ [0] (~dom@rockbox/developer/bluebrother) |
21:16:22 | n1s | it looks to me like it's copying a 5 byte string into a 4 byte buffer |
21:18:03 | gevaerts | n1s: where? |
21:18:11 | n1s | or possibly that gcc screws up and things that is what's happening |
21:18:32 | | Quit fs-bluebot (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) |
21:18:41 | n1s | gevaerts: i was looking at apps/plugins/pdbox/PDa/src/d_soundfile.c:702:15 |
21:18:59 | kugel | thats a 4 element char array |
21:19:03 | n1s | the question is if char datachunk_ID[] = {'S', 'S', 'N', 'D'}; is null terminated or not |
21:19:04 | gevaerts | n1s: that doesn't look like 5 bytes to me |
21:19:09 | gevaerts | It's not |
21:19:16 | gevaerts | Well, it shouldn't be |
21:19:26 | n1s | well, then it looks like a gcc bug |
21:19:38 | | Join fs-bluebot [0] (~fs-bluebo@g226069008.adsl.alicedsl.de) |
21:19:44 | jhMikeS | say what? |
21:19:46 | n1s | perhaps sizeof is broken for this case |
21:19:56 | kugel | gevaerts: what is storage_*_sectors supposed to return? |
21:21:20 | gevaerts | kugel: IIRC 0 on success, a (negative, I guess) error code otherwise |
21:22:07 | gevaerts | hmmm |
21:22:24 | gevaerts | n1s: what's "t_datachunk *aiffdc = (t_datachunk *)headerbuf + sizeof(t_aiff);" supposed to do? |
21:23:48 | CIA-81 | Commit 7dd65f7 in rockbox by Thomas Martitz: Another attempt at fixing storage_*_warnings. Correct return values also. |
21:24:01 | * | n1s is no expert on this! |
21:24:42 | gevaerts | I'd say it tries to leave toom after headerbuf for one t_aiff object, but I'm not sure it does that. What's the precedence here again? |
21:24:51 | * | gevaerts asks Torne to have a look at this |
21:24:53 | n1s | i'd guess it creates a pointer at offset sizeof(t_aiff)*sizeof(t_datachunk) |
21:25:17 | gevaerts | Yes, but that sounds weird |
21:25:31 | Torne | no |
21:25:37 | Torne | er |
21:25:38 | Torne | yes |
21:26:05 | Torne | the cast binds tighter, so yeah. |
21:26:08 | CIA-81 | 7dd65f7 build result: 0 errors, 1 warnings (Thomas Martitz committed) |
21:26:38 | Torne | it's equivalent to headerbuf[sizeof(t_aiff)] if headerbuf was a t_datachunk[] :) |
21:27:03 | Torne | pretty sure. which as you say, sounds obviously wrong. |
21:27:08 | gevaerts | If that's the case, it might well be overflowing the headerbuf array, which is on the stack and therefore reasonably close to aiffdc, so this could actually be genuinely overlapping data |
21:27:39 | Torne | i think they mean it to be sizeof(t_aiff)+sizeof(t_datachunk) |
21:27:49 | Torne | but there's no particularly elegant way to write that using actual pointer arithmetic :) |
21:28:01 | gevaerts | Not sure |
21:28:18 | gevaerts | I'd say it should be (t_datachunk *)(headerbuf + sizeof(t_aiff)) |
21:28:23 | gevaerts | headerbuf is a char * |
21:28:33 | Torne | ah |
21:28:37 | Torne | yes, that's plausible also |
21:28:42 | gevaerts | Well, a char[] to be precise |
21:28:43 | Torne | if t_aiff is the first thing in memory |
21:28:54 | Torne | But in that case, yes, you need the parens |
21:29:00 | Torne | because the precedence is wrong |
21:29:17 | kugel | how about "t_datachunk data[];" it t_aiff? |
21:29:25 | gevaerts | It's trying to write an AIFF header. We should be able to find out what that's supposed to look like |
21:30:35 | CIA-81 | Commit 91b52a1 in rockbox by Thomas Martitz: Fix another uninitialized var warning. |
21:31:39 | jhMikeS | gevaerts: aiff_enc |
21:32:01 | jhMikeS | in apps/codecs |
21:32:39 | | Quit TheLemonMan (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.6) |
21:32:52 | CIA-81 | 91b52a1 build result: 4 errors, 2 warnings (Thomas Martitz committed) |
21:33:04 | gevaerts | That writes SSND immediately after the equivalent of the aiff_t bit in d_soundfile.c |
21:33:34 | gevaerts | So I'm pretty sure it's supposed to skip sizeof(t_aiff) bytes after headerbuf |
21:33:43 | gevaerts | which means (t_datachunk *)(headerbuf + sizeof(t_aiff)) |
21:34:06 | jhMikeS | the recording codec does in as basic a way as it gets |
21:34:16 | jhMikeS | probably the intent, yes |
21:34:25 | * | gevaerts fixes it |
21:34:30 | Torne | so yeah, that's just someone forgetting that casts are higher precedence than arithmetic |
21:34:40 | gevaerts | And then not testing :) |
21:34:49 | Torne | well yes ;) |
21:35:57 | kugel | that datachunk should be part of t_aiff, really |
21:37:05 | n1s | gevaerts: seems your guess was correct i think, judging from http://pure-data.git.sourceforge.net/git/gitweb.cgi?p=pure-data/pure-data;a=commitdiff;h=c2a3380c00e6aea9c7505651997937e08d922fdc;hp=de1b2d1defa5a1f7cd48b6adb5bcd3083e6b636a |
21:38:19 | n1s | doesn't seem to match the code imported into rockbox exactly but same thing |
21:39:17 | kugel | http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/12249 |
21:39:29 | jhMikeS | FS #12249 |
21:39:30 | fs-bluebot | http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/12249 pdbox - Buffer access out-of-bounds: aiffhdr.a_samprate (bugs, closed) |
21:39:33 | kugel | should have taken the upstream fix :P |
21:41:19 | n1s | headerbuf + ((aiffhdr->a_samprate + sizeof(dogdoo))-(unsigned char *)aiffhdr) is really ugly :) |
21:41:47 | CIA-81 | Commit 7efbd63 in rockbox by Frank Gevaerts: Fix wrong pointer arithmetic in the PDbox aiff header writing code |
21:42:26 | JdGordon | arg |
21:42:36 | gevaerts | jhMikeS: ah, nice find |
21:42:37 | | Join swiezak [0] (~swiezak@ |
21:42:39 | CIA-81 | Commit 8a3af26 in rockbox by Jonathan Gordon: skin touchregions: fix the 'none' region firing when it shouldnt. |
21:43:02 | kugel | gevaerts: hey! posted it early! |
21:43:05 | kugel | +I |
21:43:22 | gevaerts | kugel: ah, nice find :) |
21:43:30 | kugel | \o/ |
21:44:06 | * | gevaerts just assumes that this would be upstream code so he didn't bother to check its history |
21:44:25 | JdGordon | ciabot looks good... pity it wont ping us though with full names (unless the red/yellow is still on irc name? :) ) |
21:44:44 | CIA-81 | 7efbd63 build result: All green |
21:44:54 | * | jhMikeS just typed that to get the task description :P |
21:47:32 | CIA-81 | 8a3af26 build result: All green |
21:50:58 | bluebrother^ | JdGordon: just add a hilight for your real name :) |
21:51:07 | | Quit swiezak () |
22:00 |
22:01:29 | | Quit benedikt93 (Quit: Bye ;)) |
22:02:38 | | Join stripwax [0] (~Miranda@87-194-34-169.bethere.co.uk) |
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22:04:14 | kugel | captainkwel: FPS went down, actually |
22:04:53 | captainkwel | oops :( |
22:05:39 | captainkwel | running in fullscreen or hybrid? |
22:06:24 | captainkwel | I know that if you do software rendering in hybrid it's slow to the point of unusability... hardware it at least runs ok. |
22:06:41 | kugel | fullscreen |
22:07:16 | kugel | 7fps only |
22:09:40 | captainkwel | hmm. I'll play around with it a bit more and see what I can find. |
22:11:10 | kugel | alrighgt! |
22:11:52 | | Quit captainkwel (Quit: Ex-Chat) |
22:18:37 | | Join z180 [0] (~chatzilla@ip-109-42-132-86.web.vodafone.de) |
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22:23:53 | kugel | 60fps in RaaAoA on the toucpad |
22:26:22 | z180 | instead of the already mentioned lwIP, Rockbox could use the smaller uIP stack if the license is compatible |
22:27:29 | CIA-81 | Commit 250a733 in rockbox by Dominik Riebeling: Check running processes at startup. |
22:28:08 | | Join MethoS [0] (~clemens@ |
22:28:34 | | Nick MethoS is now known as Guest28733 (~clemens@ |
22:30:10 | CIA-81 | 250a733 build result: All green |
22:34:19 | | Quit stripwax (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) |
22:38:28 | CIA-81 | Commit 5ac41a2 in www by Thomas Martitz: ypr0: Add normal build to build system. |
22:40:20 | CIA-81 | Commit aeae94d in rockbox by Thomas Martitz: Fix typo in comment. |
22:40:59 | | Join Strife89 [0] (~Strife89@ |
22:43:00 | CIA-81 | aeae94d build result: All green |
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22:45:56 | CIA-81 | Commit de1bcfa in rockbox by Thomas Martitz: Fix incomplete comment. |
22:48:19 | CIA-81 | de1bcfa build result: All green |
22:50:01 | kugel | hmm that didn't work as Zagot promised |
22:53:00 | kugel | did I miss something? |
23:00 |
23:05:52 | kugel | Zagor too |
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