00:01:50 | | Join dreamlayers [0] (~bgjenero@rockbox/developer/dreamlayers) |
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00:38:37 | * | [Saint] tells Nigel that RaaAoA needs audio focus ducking |
00:39:01 | [Saint] | "Make it so, Mr Sulu" |
00:39:12 | [Saint] | *Nigel? Lol |
00:39:34 | [Saint] | s/Nigel/kugel/ |
00:40:23 | | Quit [Saint_] (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) |
00:40:34 | gevaerts | ducking? |
00:41:29 | [Saint] | "Drop audio playback volume by a pre-configured amount on notifications" |
00:41:45 | dreamlayers | http://developer.android.com/training/managing-audio/audio-focus.html |
00:42:10 | [Saint] | Thanks, dreamlayers :) |
00:42:37 | gevaerts | Ah, right. Nothing to do with \_o< then :) |
00:43:01 | [Saint] | No, nor double-propellor-ducks. |
00:43:04 | [Saint] | ;) |
00:44:42 | [Saint] | Cm has a nice implementation, perhaps we can play stealsies |
00:45:09 | | Join cliptester [0] (~chatzilla@ool-45773afb.dyn.optonline.net) |
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00:55:29 | | Join Rower85 [0] (~husvagn@v-413-alfarv-90.bitnet.nu) |
00:55:30 | Rower85 | hey |
00:55:30 | | Quit cliptester (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.88 [Firefox 9.0.1/20111220165912]) |
00:55:45 | Rower85 | Anyone here awake? =) have a quick question :D |
00:57:18 | gevaerts | Rower85: just ask, and if anyone both knows the answer and is awake, they'll respond :) |
00:57:34 | Rower85 | Great :D |
00:58:47 | Rower85 | I have this Sandisk Sansa Clip+ unit with the original firmware. After ive charged it with the usb and i take it out of the usb the device is always on, and it also turns itself on WITH music, this have on alot of ocations ment that it drained the battery out of the device. |
00:59:12 | Rower85 | Is there a setting in this firmware that makes the device not turned on after losing the usb connection? |
01:00 |
01:04:36 | Rower85 | gevaerts: do you have Rockbox? =) |
01:04:56 | gevaerts | I run rockbox, yes |
01:05:19 | gevaerts | Which means I have no idea how original firmwares work :) |
01:05:44 | Rower85 | well.. how does your device behave when you plug it out of the usb? |
01:07:15 | gevaerts | It goes back to the main menu |
01:07:30 | gevaerts | Rockbox doesn't automatically restart playback on disconnect |
01:07:53 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
01:08:38 | dfkt | Rower85, if you update to a current rockbox bootloader and firmware, the clip+ will use rockbox usb for charging and file transfer - you won't see the sandisk usb screen any more |
01:08:51 | | Join SynrGy [0] (~synrg@blk-222-91-184.eastlink.ca) |
01:09:45 | | Quit SynrG (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) |
01:09:49 | Rower85 | gevaerts: thank you, that was the answer i was looking for! |
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01:10:12 | Rower85 | dfkt: and tahnk you! |
01:11:29 | | Join kugel_ [0] (~kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel) |
01:12:30 | Rower85 | Is there any way to put the original firmware back on the device if it breaks and i have to return it to the store? |
01:12:37 | | Quit curtism (Quit: Live Long and Prosper) |
01:12:57 | gevaerts | Well, that's a trick question, really |
01:13:11 | gevaerts | The "if it breaks" thing is in the way |
01:13:33 | Rower85 | okay |
01:13:56 | gevaerts | If it breaks in the right way, there's not much you can do any more |
01:13:59 | Rower85 | well, dont think the device was expensive though, so i guess it wont matter |
01:14:25 | Rower85 | yeah i know, but for example, if the 3,5mm plug breaks.. |
01:14:35 | | Join curtism [0] (~curtis@bas11-montreal02-1128531121.dsl.bell.ca) |
01:14:41 | Rower85 | like those faults, you might want to return the device ^^ |
01:15:14 | gevaerts | That sort of thing shouldn't prevent firmware updates, which is what matters here |
01:15:48 | Torne | also if the 3.5mm plug breaks then it's fairly unlikely the warranty replacement service will even notice it has rockbox on it |
01:15:49 | | Join ze0 [0] (ze@2406:a000:f004:9700::69) |
01:15:56 | Torne | :) |
01:16:08 | | Join ranmacha1 [0] (ranma@2a01:4f8:130:9321::2) |
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01:18:27 | Rower85 | okey |
01:18:52 | Rower85 | well, so you are saying i can put the old firmware back if i would want so ? |
01:18:58 | gevaerts | yes |
01:19:25 | gevaerts | You can also boot to the original firmware |
01:19:28 | dfkt | just use an original firmware and delete the .rockbox folders - nobody will ever know rockbox was on the player (except the FBI) |
01:19:34 | Rower85 | great! thank you, now im ready to update the firmware |
01:19:43 | Rower85 | lol |
01:19:59 | dfkt | s/folders/folder |
01:20:09 | Rower85 | Better install rockbox now before SOPA deletes rockbox website :p |
01:20:12 | gevaerts | Actually, if you go for the latest stable release (3.10), you'll have to reboot to the OF for USB. If you install a current build, that shouldn't be needed any more |
01:20:59 | Rower85 | OF? |
01:21:23 | gevaerts | original firmware |
01:21:58 | | Quit SynrGy (Changing host) |
01:21:58 | | Join SynrGy [0] (~synrg@debian/developer/synrg) |
01:22:00 | Rower85 | a ha |
01:22:04 | | Nick SynrGy is now known as SynrG (~synrg@debian/developer/synrg) |
01:22:05 | Rower85 | but the current build isnt stable? |
01:22:30 | gevaerts | I'd say the current build is in good shape right now |
01:22:38 | Rower85 | sounds good :D |
01:22:40 | [Saint] | There's a current svn bootloader available through ABI forums. |
01:23:01 | Rower85 | And what does that mean? |
01:23:04 | Rower85 | svn? abi? |
01:23:14 | Rower85 | btw, hold on, gonna reboot system! |
01:23:18 | Rower85 | only takes 1min |
01:23:38 | | Quit Rower85 (Quit: Hmmm...) |
01:23:57 | dfkt | actually, is the 4.0 bootloader still the latest? |
01:25:25 | | Join Rower85 [0] (~husvagn@v-413-alfarv-90.bitnet.nu) |
01:26:09 | Rower85 | back! |
01:26:17 | Rower85 | did anyone say something while i was gone? |
01:26:26 | | Quit Galois (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) |
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01:29:27 | | Quit Rower85 (Client Quit) |
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01:31:59 | | Quit dfkt (Quit: -= SysReset 2.55=- Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc.) |
01:32:04 | Rower85 | Ey, what build was the build i wanted to have? =) |
01:32:07 | Rower85 | gevaerts? |
01:46:51 | Rower85 | well well, thanx for the help =) |
01:51:22 | [Saint] | There's no need for sarcasm...as explained to you earlier, someone will help you *if they are able to do so/available*. |
01:54:26 | | Quit Thra11 (Quit: kthxbai) |
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02:13:14 | Rower85 | [Saint]: i wasnt! The help i got was really really good and i am really greatfull for that, i am sorry if i sounded sarcastic :/ |
02:13:30 | Rower85 | Anyway, installed Rockbox on my device now and its great! :D |
02:13:49 | Rower85 | Thanx everyone! |
02:14:09 | [Saint] | Good to hear, be sure to check out our fine manual. |
02:14:20 | Rower85 | i already did, its REALLY good! |
02:14:45 | Rower85 | The guys who made this software are really great :D |
02:14:56 | Rower85 | Everything is so well done! |
02:15:44 | [Saint] | It has its flaws, just as anything does ;) |
02:16:01 | [Saint] | But its many orders of magnitude greater than the OF. |
02:16:04 | Rower85 | well, the original firmware also had that, so i dont mind |
02:16:09 | | Quit beslayed (Remote host closed the connection) |
02:16:11 | Rower85 | yeah! |
02:16:12 | [Saint] | ;) |
02:18:19 | Rower85 | hmm |
02:18:37 | Rower85 | the device went into the original firmware when i plugged in the usb cable :( |
02:19:01 | [Saint] | That's correct. It is intended behaviour for a release build. |
02:19:30 | [Saint] | You need a current build, and a current bootloader to use Rockbox's USB. |
02:19:38 | Rower85 | Thats not good, then i still will have the problem with the device draining all the bat when the usb is off :S |
02:19:48 | Rower85 | i picked the current btw |
02:21:08 | Rower85 | well, guess i dont have to ask anymore questions now.. the device got stuck xD |
02:21:13 | [Saint] | The release bootloader still doesn't have this behaviour added. You'll need to a: compile it yourself, or b: get it from another source (which is entirely unsupported). |
02:21:31 | Rower85 | aah i see ^^¨ |
02:21:50 | Rower85 | well, i better install the standard version then i guess :D |
02:21:59 | Rower85 | if i can get it to work xD |
02:22:37 | [Saint] | USB will be completely supported by Rockbox on this device in the next release. |
02:22:51 | Rower85 | woho works :D |
02:22:57 | Rower85 | great |
02:22:59 | Rower85 | =) |
02:23:12 | Rower85 | [Saint]: do you have any idea when the realese will be? |
02:23:13 | [Saint] | Additionally, to recover from a lock-up hold the power button for 10~30 seconds. |
02:23:21 | Rower85 | :D |
02:24:01 | [Saint] | Ummmm....approximately 1.5 months or so, I believe. |
02:24:11 | Rower85 | btw, how to install an older version of rockbox? do i only have to install it again from the utility? |
02:24:12 | [Saint] | There's 3 or 4 releases per year. |
02:24:16 | Rower85 | nice! :D thats close! =) |
02:24:53 | Rower85 | wow!!! it didnt boot into the original firmware =) |
02:24:56 | Rower85 | <−− happy! |
02:24:57 | | Quit efyx (Remote host closed the connection) |
02:25:49 | | Quit dreamlayers (Quit: Leaving.) |
02:27:14 | [Saint] | If you don't actually need the player to mount (for example, if you're just charging the device) and want to plug it into USB to charge and continue listening to music/whatever...you can hold any button during USB insertion. |
02:27:36 | Rower85 | ah :D thats great! |
02:28:13 | Rower85 | my problem was though that the device went into the OF and then after i break the connection with usb it starts continue playing ^^ |
02:28:16 | Rower85 | and drains the bat |
02:29:12 | Rower85 | but it seems to work now anyway cause i wont be playing anything under OF |
02:55:18 | | Quit [Saint] (Quit: Quit) |
02:57:05 | | Join [Saint] [0] (~Saint]@unaffiliated/saint/x-8516940) |
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03:08:01 | | Join Administrador [0] (~chatzilla@host-65-173-59-66.acelerate.net) |
03:08:07 | Administrador | hello |
03:08:24 | Administrador | how can i install patches on rockbox? |
03:08:37 | Administrador | im using the 30 gb ipod 5.5g |
03:08:51 | Administrador | i want to unable line out |
03:23:05 | Administrador | anyone? |
03:23:35 | funman | Administrador: look in the wiki |
03:23:42 | funman | i think there's a page named WorkingWithPatches |
03:24:50 | Administrador | ok thanks |
03:24:56 | [Saint] | Administrador: Just to clear things up...its not simply dropping a file in the /.rockbox/ dir on your player. You'll need a development environment and the Rockbox sources. |
03:25:22 | [Saint] | (you may know this already, but, it surprises some people) |
03:31:59 | Administrador | didnt know that |
03:32:13 | Administrador | what development environment? |
03:34:52 | funman | the wiki has all the details |
03:35:46 | Administrador | okay |
03:35:52 | Administrador | thanks anyway |
03:35:55 | | Quit Administrador (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [SeaMonkey 2.2/20110706120824]) |
03:37:40 | [Saint] | It would be pretty cool if you could just drop a *.patch/diff file into /.rockbox/ and have it automagically work. |
03:38:12 | [Saint] | But there's all sorts of reasons why that would be impractical, or just outright impossible. |
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04:20:50 | funman | wow irc fights on #cyanogenmod-touchpad |
04:21:02 | funman | about "OC" |
04:21:08 | funman | "you stole my fix" |
04:21:33 | * | [Saint] joins and gets popcorn |
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05:30:33 | mc2739 | forum ban needed on user Hoammarmfaums |
05:37:14 | JdGordon | done |
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08:00:25 | Mir | hmmm |
08:00:48 | Mir | install rockbox on my newish e260 and get SDHC capability and FLAC |
08:01:03 | Mir | as well as an increase in battery life |
08:01:36 | Mir | or stick with OFW and be able to play more movie formats but not able to use ANY of my micro SD cards |
08:01:43 | Mir | hmm |
08:02:03 | funman | install rockbox, use both when you want |
08:02:04 | Mir | rockbox wins i belive |
08:02:20 | Mir | if i am going to play movies its on mai PSP |
08:02:53 | Mir | and hey funman |
08:03:17 | Mir | i am thinking of joining the site/wiki/forum/thingy |
08:07:05 | | Join bertrik [0] (~bertrik@rockbox/developer/bertrik) |
08:09:58 | factor | What is the latest version of rockbox |
08:10:05 | factor | have 3.7 on mine |
08:10:22 | factor | washed it thoughhave to wait for it to dry |
08:10:24 | factor | :) |
08:10:53 | GodEater_ | 3.10 is the latest release version |
08:14:39 | Mir | 3.10 |
08:14:55 | Mir | and its a worthwhile update |
08:15:02 | Mir | trust me |
08:15:10 | Mir | much more stable on some devices |
08:49:43 | | Join pamaury [0] (~quassel@vit94-1-82-67-248-70.fbx.proxad.net) |
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09:07:02 | | Join wodz [0] (~wodz@89-76-160-35.dynamic.chello.pl) |
09:07:59 | wodz | quick question to coldfire gurus: does busclk = cpuclk or is there some divider? |
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09:12:13 | amiconn | wodz: At least on mcf5249 and mcf5250, busclk = cpuclk/2 |
09:12:42 | wodz | amiconn: that's what I thought but I can't find this info in datasheet |
09:14:06 | wodz | amiconn: Do you know max sampling rate of builtin adc on 5249? Datasheet doesn't mention this. |
09:15:16 | | Join efyx [0] (~efyx@lap34-1-82-225-185-146.fbx.proxad.net) |
09:15:20 | wodz | amiconn: IIRC internal adc is used on some other target than mpio - do you recall at what freq this adc run there? |
09:17:39 | | Join [Saint_] [0] (~Saint]@unaffiliated/saint/x-8516940) |
09:17:56 | amiconn | Section 8.3.2 "BCLK is always half the frequency of the processor clock." |
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09:18:39 | wodz | right - thank you |
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09:20:56 | amiconn | Regarding the internal ADC, I don't know which targets use that. Iriver H300 and iaudio M5/X5 use the PCF5060x, H1x0 uses some other external ADC (don't remember the type). Iaudio M3 uses a PIC (with a buggy and slow sw i2c implementation) |
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09:22:46 | wodz | hmm my memmory is failing apparently |
09:24:11 | Zagor | "Dave, my mind is going. I can feel it." |
09:29:03 | wodz | Something weird is happening with battery reading on mpios. During startup there is HUGE voltage drop according to adc but measurements on battery with scope/logging meter show only mild drop. |
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10:58:12 | wodz | \o/ I think I found the bug in adc driver |
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12:01:32 | | Join Rower85 [0] (~husvagn@v-413-alfarv-90.bitnet.nu) |
12:06:11 | CIA-81 | Commit e94d1b0 in rockbox by Marcin Bukat: MPIO HD200/HD300: Decrease ADC scanrate. |
12:08:29 | CIA-81 | e94d1b0 build result: All green |
12:13:01 | wodz | Torne: I usually test my changes in local branch and than cherry-pick it to my master and than push. Does this workflow have any side effects from gerrit point of view (I mean this Change-Id thing)? |
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12:15:50 | Torne | no |
12:16:07 | Torne | the changeid, from your POV, is an arbitrary identifier created when a commit is first made (and then preserved when it's edited) |
12:16:10 | Torne | That's all it has to be |
12:16:18 | Torne | when you cherrypick it, it will still have the same changeid, and that's what you would want |
12:16:28 | wodz | cool |
12:16:47 | Torne | (what it actually is, is the SHA of what the commit would've been if it had the original message, with an 'I' on the front, but that's just to get them generated uniquely to begin with) |
12:17:57 | wodz | Thanks to being ill I squashed long standing bug :-) |
12:18:54 | wodz | freescale datasheet is piece of shit in adc section |
12:28:27 | CIA-81 | Commit dc85718 in rockbox by Marcin Bukat: MPIO HD300: Use MENU button to go back from debug screens. |
12:30:52 | CIA-81 | dc85718 build result: All green |
12:31:46 | | Join dfkt [0] (dfkt@unaffiliated/dfkt) |
12:48:19 | wodz | Torne: Are we officially enabled code review on gerrit? |
12:48:59 | Torne | yes |
12:49:04 | Torne | i sent a message to the list about it :) |
12:49:11 | Torne | ...didn't I? |
12:49:14 | * | Torne looks in his outbox. |
12:49:33 | Torne | oh. no i didn't. |
12:49:37 | Torne | wrong envelope sender |
12:49:45 | * | Torne fixes his list subscription so he doesn't have to do that shit. |
12:49:53 | Torne | I'll send a message to the list about it shortly :p |
12:50:14 | wodz | ok I'm going to fix FS #12536 then |
12:50:15 | fs-bluebot | http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/12536 Change Subversion to Git in CONTRIBUTING (bugs, unconfirmed) |
12:50:26 | Torne | great |
12:50:33 | Torne | the docs on UsingGit should be current |
12:50:36 | Torne | the rest of the wiki, not so much |
12:50:47 | Torne | so be wary of linking to anything else |
12:50:49 | Torne | and/or fix it |
12:51:12 | wodz | ok |
12:58:31 | wodz | What do you think about such change to 'Patches' section of CONTRIBUTING document http://www.pastie.org/3242970 ? |
13:00 |
13:02:31 | Torne | i'd prefer something like http://www.pastie.org/3242989 :) |
13:03:36 | wodz | no problem |
13:06:30 | CIA-81 | Commit fee6f80 in rockbox by Marcin Bukat: Update CONTRIBUTING to reflect our switch to git on gerrit. |
13:08:09 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
13:08:48 | CIA-81 | fee6f80 build result: All green |
13:10:19 | Torne | OK, I've actually sent the announcement about gerrit to the list now. |
13:10:20 | Torne | :) |
13:10:37 | Torne | Is there anything else in particular people are waiting for me to to about git/gerrit? I am still poking at a better way to generate versions.. |
13:14:31 | * | wodz is editing DevelopementGuide wiki |
13:14:53 | Torne | great |
13:14:55 | Torne | thanks :) |
13:16:15 | wodz | WorkingWitPatches should be marked deprecated I guess |
13:17:07 | Torne | Well, patches still exist |
13:17:28 | Torne | It should probably eb updated to explain how to apply patches "nicely" to a git tree (with git apply or git am, preserving metadata where possible) |
13:17:55 | Torne | Also, nothing in the docs currently explains how to pull a patch down from gerrit |
13:18:00 | Torne | now that I think of it |
13:18:05 | Torne | which would be nice to have somewhere |
13:18:42 | gevaerts | Rather, yes :) |
13:18:47 | | Quit anewuser (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
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13:24:39 | Torne | well, also the difference between the.. four? ways gerrit offers you of doing it |
13:24:42 | Torne | :) |
13:29:43 | | Quit T44 (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
13:34:34 | wodz | our vm image should be updated to contain git also |
13:35:49 | wodz | Torne: what is minimal git version needed for build client? |
14:00 |
14:02:50 | Torne | i don't know, i didn't do any of it |
14:02:55 | | Quit Xerion (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
14:02:56 | Torne | but i would suggest 1.7 at a minimum |
14:03:02 | | Quit Scr0mple (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
14:03:17 | Torne | it might work with lower, but 1.7 is recent enough taht most linux distros should have it |
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14:11:19 | desowin | alexbobp: I would rather suggest to turn unused peripherals off than to get external power supply |
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18:58:48 | preglow | i assume my committer access doesn't automatically carry over to git? |
18:59:07 | gevaerts | You have to tell Torne what your gerrit id is |
18:59:14 | preglow | ah |
18:59:16 | preglow | i'll make me one then |
18:59:28 | Torne | not your id, but your name |
18:59:40 | Torne | the usernames in gerrit are solely between you and gerrit; they are not used for anything other than SSH |
19:00 |
19:03:04 | preglow | hmm, seems the @rockbox.org aliases are broken again |
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19:05:39 | preglow | Torne: Thom Johansen |
19:06:28 | Torne | done |
19:06:29 | funman | i have received a bricked clipv2 |
19:06:51 | preglow | Torne: cheers |
19:07:12 | funman | from Daniel Jensen (don't remember his irc nick) |
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19:08:24 | funman | Prodicus i guess |
19:11:03 | | Quit Keripo (Quit: Leaving.) |
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19:20:44 | preglow | woah, what's happened with the inter line distance on android |
19:20:59 | | Join MethoS- [0] (~clemens@ |
19:21:53 | kadoban | i'm on linux, set up a dev environment with rockboxdev.sh. when i build and then run the simulator i get: "*** longjmp causes uninitialized stack frame ***: ./rockboxui terminated" any hints? |
19:23:26 | funman | kadoban: gcc version? and distro? |
19:23:59 | gevaerts | kadoban: see FS #12559 |
19:24:00 | fs-bluebot | http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/12559 -O breaks sigaltstack threads in Ubuntu due to _FORTIFY_SOURCE (bugs, new) |
19:24:44 | kadoban | oh, it's probably that...yeah i'm on ubuntu, gcc 4.6.1 |
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19:47:22 | kadoban | yeah, the workaround in that bug report works like a champ, thanks for the help |
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19:52:40 | AlexP | Can I get gerrit to send me an email for all new tasks? Or is there RSS or something |
19:53:00 | AlexP | I'd like to know when new things get submitted without having to keep going to the site and checking |
19:53:24 | | Join ender| [0] (~ender1@2a01:260:4094:1:42:42:42:42) |
19:55:33 | AlexP | ah, found it |
19:56:30 | gevaerts | Watched projects? |
19:56:38 | AlexP | yeah, got it now thanks |
19:56:55 | * | gevaerts just wanted to know for his own use :) |
19:57:06 | AlexP | ah right :) |
19:57:13 | AlexP | Then yes, that :) |
19:59:39 | gevaerts | Should we migrate patches from FS to gerrit? I'd imagine that doing this with someone else's patch might not be a good idea, but maybe our own? |
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20:01:15 | AlexP | I think with your own sure, with others they can stay |
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20:01:32 | AlexP | If people want to great, if not they can just rot there like normal :) |
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20:38:28 | preglow | gevaerts: wouldn't just closing fs for new submissions make that work out by itself? :> |
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20:55:29 | gevaerts | preglow: in the long run, yes |
20:56:24 | n1s | do we want bug reports in there too? |
20:56:36 | gevaerts | no |
20:56:48 | n1s | ok |
20:57:33 | Torne | that would not be a thing :) |
20:57:41 | gevaerts | It's not really usable as a bug tracker |
20:57:44 | Torne | you can only create changes by pushing a commit with git |
20:57:53 | Torne | there is no way to actually add stuff otherwise |
20:59:13 | n1s | we could have a dir of bug reports in git and people would push reports there :) |
20:59:36 | gevaerts | n1s: the thing is that we actually want people to report bugs :) |
21:00 |
21:00:14 | Torne | indeed |
21:00:28 | n1s | ah right :) |
21:00:29 | Torne | anyone who is going to write a patch *should* know how to, at minimum, check out the tree and edit files |
21:00:42 | Torne | and just needs a fairly simple set of instructoins to push changes to gerrit |
21:00:49 | Torne | whereas normal humans report bugs :p |
21:02:48 | funman | http://pastie.org/3245518 first clipv2 work |
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21:23:34 | funman | our patched firmware is not written correctly/completely to the first blocks of the device |
21:24:14 | CIA-81 | Commit b5b28ab in www by Björn Stenberg: (Author: Maurus Cuelenaere) Use #patchX anchors for linking to files |
21:24:22 | gevaerts | Can someone look at apps/debug_menu.c line 2247? |
21:24:27 | gevaerts | That looks fishy to me |
21:25:58 | gevaerts | hm, maybe not |
21:26:26 | funman | if i force write the patched firmware with dd, it doesn't work either O: |
21:27:53 | | Join Keripo [0] (~Keripo@ |
21:29:52 | bertrik | funman, you mean a possible bug in the patching procedure for clip v2? |
21:30:29 | Torne | funman: i wonder if they are trying to make it harder to brick? :) |
21:31:22 | funman | bertrik: a bug in our understanding of OF patching |
21:31:40 | funman | and booting, since overwriting the first sectors of the flash doesn't help either |
21:31:50 | funman | unless we have some different hardware |
21:32:18 | funman | i'll let it charge a bit and see if debug menu of the OF learns us something |
21:33:12 | funman | </SECURITY VERSION><CERTIFICATE private="1">QIg9.....</CERTIFICATE> => does it look interesting ? |
21:33:16 | | Nick kugel_ is now known as kugel (~kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel) |
21:33:32 | funman | i see that in the diff between what i wanted to be written and what is written |
21:33:57 | gevaerts | Torne: I guess one can push to gerrit from a local branch? |
21:34:12 | funman | dang, battery unsoldered |
21:35:48 | Torne | gevaerts: you can push anything you like |
21:35:58 | Torne | my instructions use HEAD, which is just whatever your current checked out thing is |
21:36:13 | gevaerts | ok |
21:36:28 | Torne | it will push all commits that are not already in master, as separate changes |
21:36:33 | Torne | not just the latest one. :) |
21:36:44 | gevaerts | I did rebase :) |
21:37:01 | gevaerts | hm, is gerrit reachable now? |
21:37:54 | gevaerts | Yay! |
21:37:55 | Torne | if you get a weird error about connection being reset you haven't set the push url |
21:38:05 | Torne | and it's trying to push to git:// which doesn't work |
21:38:50 | gevaerts | No, pushing was fine. It was the web bit being slow |
21:39:04 | Torne | ah :) |
21:39:35 | gevaerts | hm, now flyspray is slow |
21:40:05 | gevaerts | Zagor: is the server fine? |
21:40:22 | Zagor | I think we're hitting the apache connections limit |
21:40:26 | gevaerts | ah, ok |
21:41:29 | funman | reserved flash size is normal (0xf000 * 512) |
21:42:21 | funman | with the OF, if i read those first sectors, they differ from the OF file almost exactly like rockbox, though the header doesn't have a 0x41. the diff starts at 0x366c00 |
21:42:49 | bertrik | gevaerts, regarding the problem in http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/12563 I wonder, can't we just skip metadata? |
21:42:58 | gevaerts | bertrik: I have no idea |
21:43:11 | gevaerts | I only know it's a known issue |
21:43:35 | gevaerts | Possibly not tracked though, so I think the bug should possibly not be closed |
21:50:23 | Zagor | yuck, "diff unified" in gerrit opens one new tab per file :-( |
21:50:56 | Zagor | "Diff All Unified", that is |
21:50:57 | | Quit Keripo (Quit: Leaving.) |
21:51:52 | Zagor | I guess I can just look in gitweb for a single-page diff |
21:52:52 | gevaerts | Ah, yes |
21:52:53 | Torne | you can also just grab the commit with git and look at it any way you like :) |
21:56:54 | gevaerts | I wonder how possible/reasonable it would be to set a gerrit change as the push url for a branch |
21:58:52 | Torne | you can, yes |
21:59:16 | Torne | but it won't work right if the branch has more than one commit |
21:59:28 | n1s | gevaerts, bertrik: i actually tried to hack around that bug a while ago and got some improvement but the container parsing in Tremor is completely brain damaged |
21:59:36 | Torne | pushing directly to an existing change updates it without needing Change-Id :) |
22:00 |
22:01:24 | gevaerts | Right, so you risk replacing it with a different change? |
22:01:51 | Torne | yes. |
22:01:53 | Torne | i think. |
22:02:00 | Torne | it might refuse if there *is* a change-id and it's different |
22:02:07 | gevaerts | ok, let's not do that then :) |
22:02:32 | Torne | you can set refs/for/master as the pushspec safely |
22:02:39 | Torne | snce that parses the change-id to decide where to put it |
22:03:52 | gevaerts | ah, right. That's probably the correct way then |
22:04:09 | Torne | you can't pull from there, though, since it never actually exists |
22:04:18 | Torne | so you can't update a change easily that way |
22:04:23 | * | funman removed change-id hook from his repo config |
22:04:49 | Torne | funman: as long as this doesn't result in you uploading lots of copies of the same thing by mistake, that's fine :) |
22:05:00 | Torne | the instructions are for people who don't know what they are doing |
22:05:08 | Torne | feel free to read the gerrit manual and work out how to do things :) |
22:06:14 | funman | how can send the same patch several times? the 2nd time it wouldnt apply no? |
22:06:57 | Torne | for review, i mean |
22:07:36 | Torne | I would say it doesn't matter when pushing direclty, but that's technically not true; if you push something directly it will still parse the change-id if it exists, and mark any existing change for that id as merged. |
22:07:46 | Torne | it doesn't matter if you *only* push direcly :) |
22:08:51 | funman | i think mailing list is fine for review :) |
22:09:31 | Torne | i would hope that committers would at least try :) |
22:09:33 | gevaerts | Depends. If it's a reasonably small patch and it needs a quick check before committing, yes |
22:10:03 | gevaerts | If it's a huge patch, or if you know it will take a few weeks and several iterations, I'd say gerrit will work better |
22:10:12 | n1s | bertrik, gevaerts: that file doesn't even use 1MB on the sim and it's likely less on target (due to 64 bit pointers and whatnot) so i think it's more a case of ENOMEM on these targets |
22:11:00 | bertrik | this report is for the clip zip which has plenty of memory |
22:11:04 | n1s | it peaks at 973k |
22:11:18 | n1s | how big codec buffer though? |
22:11:35 | bertrik | there could be something configured incorrectly like that |
22:12:23 | bertrik | how do I find out the codec buffer size? |
22:13:08 | funman | config/ iirc |
22:13:09 | n1s | according to the config it's #define CODEC_SIZE (0x100000-0x8000) |
22:13:17 | n1s | which should be enough |
22:14:04 | n1s | ah, no wait, the sim doesn't count the actual codec in that usage |
22:14:14 | n1s | so yeah, it uses too much memory |
22:15:06 | funman | perhaps entry point on some clipv2 is different |
22:18:03 | n1s | is viewvc still up? |
22:18:40 | bertrik | n1s, we have 8 MB DRAM on the clip zip, is 1 MB codec buffer appropriate for that size? |
22:19:09 | n1s | bertrik: no target has more than 1MB codec buffer AFAIK so i'd guess so |
22:19:14 | bertrik | ok |
22:19:43 | funman | bertrik: that's because it's in iram, the 0x8000 is reserved for rockbox iram functions (memcpy, etc) |
22:19:43 | n1s | i think the only codecs who need a lot are tremor with aa infested files and aac with really long m4a's |
22:20:52 | n1s | bertrik: see http://git.rockbox.org/?p=rockbox.git;a=commitdiff;h=e1ea13ee75d545a4a945f5e24b652d8741a675cf and http://git.rockbox.org/?p=rockbox.git;a=commitdiff;h=2c85013434852540695bfbb74915a023d0e252ab if you're interested |
22:21:52 | n1s | it would be awesome if a better way was found that could just drop all that useless image data without blowing up the allocations |
22:22:29 | n1s | i dont' think i'll waist any more time on it |
22:22:38 | n1s | s/waist/waste/ |
22:23:40 | n1s | in fact i can't say that i fully understand how my hack works :/ |
22:23:54 | bertrik | I'm in no way familiar with the ogg/vorbis spec or code. I was hoping perhaps we could just skip over it, not even allocating at all. |
22:24:09 | bertrik | or, try the allocation and seek over it when it fails |
22:24:27 | n1s | that's what i was trying to do |
22:25:02 | n1s | with only moderate success, iirc it may still alloc up to a full page or packet or whatever |
22:25:20 | n1s | bertrik: it's not guaranteed that the alloc that fails is the aa |
22:26:20 | | Join wodz [0] (~wodz@89-76-160-35.dynamic.chello.pl) |
22:26:33 | n1s | it's written like OO in c so it's really hard to follow and seems *way* more compli cated than it has any right to be for what it is |
22:29:33 | wodz | I have two ways to fix scrollstrip problem on hd300: 1) the simple one adds HAVE_SCROLLWHEEL to the config file and adds aliases for BUTTON_SCROLL_BACK/BUTTON_SCROLL_FWD 2) adds timeout at scrollstrip driver level after which _REL event is posted to the button queue |
22:29:59 | wodz | I feel that 2) is more correct |
22:30:09 | wodz | what is your opinion? |
22:31:15 | wodz | The thing I don't like the most in 1) is that define name is not appropriate as it was designed for ipods |
22:33:09 | | Quit liar (Quit: hallowed are the ori!) |
22:42:39 | funman | we assume (from mkamsboot.c) that the device runs with IRAM or DRAM mapped at 0; but the clipv2 OF seems to use 0x81000000 (iram alias) |
22:43:07 | wodz | is it only me or www is dead slow? |
22:43:20 | jhMikeS | it's failing |
22:43:37 | jhMikeS | woo, now it's back |
22:46:57 | bertrik | funman, nice find, but I do wonder why some clipv2 work and others fail, perhaps even some kind of hardware difference? |
22:47:28 | funman | bertrik: some might have iram mapped at 0 |
22:48:36 | AlexP | Are we going to get loads of testing gerrit things now to send me annoying emails? :) |
22:49:18 | funman | bertrik: to verify this i must first resolder the battery firmly |
22:49:36 | Torne | i would hope that people testing it test on the sandbox ) |
22:49:48 | gevaerts | AlexP: did you get email from my patch? |
22:49:59 | AlexP | gevaerts: I did |
22:50:19 | gevaerts | Ah, good. I didn't, presumably because it assumed I knew about it already |
22:50:30 | funman | not sure if i can solder with a storm-proof lighter - not sure either if it's #rockbox topic |
22:50:38 | AlexP | Torne: ah silly me, I selected all, not just all except sandbox |
22:50:50 | Torne | AlexP: yeah, you probably don't care abut taht |
22:54:28 | wodz | Torne: Is it possible to upload updated version of the code to review but by other person? I mean someone comes with brilliant idea how to improve the patch |
22:56:07 | Torne | wodz: yes |
22:56:32 | wodz | Torne: how? |
22:57:20 | Torne | you just do it |
22:57:26 | Torne | it works the same as uploading anything else :) |
22:58:24 | wodz | ok but first I have to have original patch in my tree (and then mangle it/improve etc) |
22:59:23 | wodz | aa gerrit gives hint how to download it - stupid me |
22:59:40 | jhMikeS | everything has to go through gerrit now? |
23:00 |
23:00:11 | Zagor | jhMikeS: no |
23:00:53 | CIA-81 | Commit 76440aa in rockbox by Rafaël Carré: mkamsboot: ignore built files / folders |
23:02:46 | funman | bertrik: that doesn't hold. clipv2 of first instruction is a ldr pc, =0x138 |
23:02:48 | Torne | jhMikeS: well technically yes, but only in that gerrit is hosting *everything* |
23:02:57 | Torne | :) |
23:03:08 | Torne | you are a committer and can push directly to refs/heads/master |
23:03:23 | jhMikeS | ok |
23:05:11 | gevaerts | jhMikeS: you're right, you apparently can't view the playlist anymore after stopping. I'll close that task (the inconsistency with a reboot in between was really what bothered me) |
23:05:51 | jhMikeS | gevaerts: I think it's a UI thing only, it's still there and iff the database was used to create it, it asks about erasing it. it's not resumable though. |
23:06:04 | funman | there's no notifications of successful builds? |
23:06:22 | funman | or erroneous ones |
23:06:37 | gevaerts | jhMikeS: the erase thing is a different issue I'd say |
23:07:23 | wodz | funman: there are usual CIA notifications |
23:07:25 | jhMikeS | gevaerts: it's just telling me "it's still there" but not visible via UI |
23:07:39 | gevaerts | funman: there should be |
23:07:41 | Zagor | funman: it's supposed to say, and worked earlier today. not sure why it didn't now. |
23:07:44 | funman | wodz: CIA tells that i committed but not 'all green' |
23:08:13 | wodz | I have problems with reaching www so maybe this is related |
23:08:19 | jhMikeS | we switched CIA to run on fossil fuels instead of wind? |
23:08:22 | funman | Zagor: did it stop after you committed to www ? |
23:08:24 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
23:08:27 | funman | well it did |
23:08:46 | Zagor | no, www is not built so there is no result message after that. |
23:09:00 | funman | CIA-81 shows its support for SOPA by censoring build clients ? |
23:09:19 | * | funman rubs CIA-81's tummy |
23:09:20 | CIA-81 | *purr* |
23:10:35 | gevaerts | jhMikeS: maybe open a new bug report for that? FS #11644 was really about my attempt to make it persistent, so if we leave it open for this splash we need to retitle it and edit the description |
23:10:35 | fs-bluebot | http://www.rockbox.org/tracker/task/11644 Playlist isn't loaded after reboot if it had ended (patches, new) |
23:11:31 | jhMikeS | gevaerts: though there is one loophole, stay in the viewer from the WPS while the playlist ends |
23:12:20 | jhMikeS | ick, switching from an m4a to an ogg causes a big "pop" in the audio ?? |
23:13:12 | gevaerts | jhMikeS: I'd consider that to be a coincidence that's neither a feature nor a bug :) |
23:13:44 | jhMikeS | the former or latter statment I made just above? |
23:14:04 | gevaerts | the formet |
23:14:29 | gevaerts | *r |
23:14:41 | jhMikeS | featrug |
23:16:12 | * | jhMikeS sits Mr. Someone in the corner to ponder just what a "Dynamic Playlist" and a "Current Playlist" are |
23:20:05 | | Part Zagor |
23:27:53 | | Quit n1s (Read error: Operation timed out) |
23:35:19 | | Quit wodz (Quit: Leaving) |
23:41:37 | | Quit amithkk (Write error: Connection reset by peer) |
23:49:29 | | Join yosafbridge [0] (~yosafbrid@li125-242.members.linode.com) |
23:51:59 | | Join [Saint] [0] (~Saint]@unaffiliated/saint/x-8516940) |
23:58:07 | | Quit froggyman (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |