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#rockbox log for 2012-04-13

00:02:52 Quit [Saint_] (Remote host closed the connection)
00:20:04 Quit einhirn (Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier.
00:36:37 Quit pamaury (Remote host closed the connection)
00:47:17 Quit ender` (Quit: Asembler: You try to shoot yourself in the foot, only to discover you must first invent the gun, the bullet, the trigger, and your foot.)
00:55:41 Quit RansomTime (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
01:06:05 Join Keripo [0] (~Keripo@
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01:55:18 Quit rasher (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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09:16:43wodzgevaerts: FS #12645
09:16:44fs-bluebot Olympus M:robe Mr-100 with 3.11.2 (bugs, unconfirmed)
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11:13:03gevaertswodz: could be FS #9628
11:13:03fs-bluebot Sound sometimes doesn't work on mr100 if booted without headphones plugged in (bugs, new)
11:13:15gevaertsI'll test tonight
11:14:23wodzgevaerts 12645 sounds as you have no sound at all
11:14:42gevaertsYes, but how often did he try?
11:15:19wodzworth to ask on FS
11:15:29gevaerts9628 means you have no sound at all until you reboot if you hit the issue
11:17:17*gevaerts will add a note mentioning 9628
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14:28:54user890104is there any way to emulate an ipod dock on the PC side, in order to debug iAP via serial (or usb-to-serial)?
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14:29:55gevaertsuser890104: I think it's not going to be possible on a PC without extra hardware, but something like an arduino board should be able to do this I think
14:32:10user890104gevaerts: i have a uart-usb adapter (silabs cp210x inside), and i managed to establish connection to my ipod classic using emcore's uart driver and a modified dock connector
14:33:02gevaertsuser890104: it might work I guess. I think there's enough information about this on the web to find all you need. I haven't ever looked very deeply into it
14:33:04user890104so if there's some software app that responds like a dock does, i might be able to do some iAP-related stuff
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14:34:28user890104i saw that someone have already done some work, splitting the uart driver for PP ipods from the iap processing code, and implemented more of the protocol commands
14:34:55user890104unfortunately, i don't have any dock, so i can't test with a real device
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15:55:21Zagorooh, a new gerrit version
15:59:58Torneyeah. i had a look
16:00:02Tornethere's not a lot that's very exciting
16:00:05Torneit supports draft changes, though
16:00:19Tornewhich are not submittable until published
16:00:27Torneand i think only visible to people you invite to the review
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16:00:54Torneif you're going to upgrade it be really careful doing the schema update
16:01:11Torneif running that gets interrupted for any reason at all then it screws the db :)
16:01:17Torne(backups :)
16:01:24gevaertsNot submittable doesn't sound *that* much of a deal. You can -2 it after all
16:01:38Torneyeah, i think it's more for things where you actually want to not show people
16:01:41gevaertsAnd not visible doesn't sound very useful to us
16:01:48gevaertsDo we need that?"
16:02:04Torneprobably not. it won't let anyone do it anyway, i don't think :)
16:02:18Torneproabbly needs an ACL on refs/drafts/refs/heads/* to allow it :)
16:02:38Torneanyway, can upgrade at your leisure probably
16:08:43 Quit pamaury (Remote host closed the connection)
16:11:43Zagorsounds like we can just as well skip this upgrade
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17:01:32 Join saratoga [0] (98032941@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:02:51saratogais editing the text on our gerrit relatively easy? if so might be nice to add a description of what the review and submit buttons do to the "publish" page
17:03:08saratogai almost hit publish trying to post a comment the other day
17:03:28saratogaor rather "publish and submit"
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19:29:41*kugel now has a semi-workable multi-resolution solution
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21:07:01AlexPsaratoga: ping
21:07:37AlexPI've just tried the file attached to
21:07:55saratogai see your comment
21:07:58saratogai think that is fixed
21:08:13AlexPI forgot to mention this is with 3.11.2
21:08:14saratogaits the same problem i fixed the other day where the codec didn't fully reset its buffers on seek
21:08:20saratogaunless it happens with something other then wma
21:08:40AlexPAh, sorry - I didn't see that commit
21:08:48AlexPI'll double check the current build
21:09:06saratogapretty sure that guy just filed the same bug report twice
21:09:22AlexPIncluding the new ones instead of adding comments
21:11:17AlexPsaratoga: Indeed, fine now, sorry for the noise :)
21:11:38saratogano problem, i hadn't seen that task recently so i forgot about it
21:11:45AlexPI'll close it
21:12:23saratogaanyway can we just ban that guy from the tracker
21:12:27saratogahes more trouble then hes worth
21:12:34AlexPI'd like to (r) (c)
21:15:05saratogacan FS #7515 be closed?
21:15:05fs-bluebot Radio disappears from menu! (bugs, unconfirmed)
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21:16:00AlexPsaratoga: Maybe leave a message asking if it till an issue then close in a week?
21:17:50 Quit stoffel (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
21:18:20pixelmaI believe that was one of those 'happens rarely and hard to reproduce' bugs but a lot changed since probably
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22:06:14gevaertsMore stuff to bisect :)
22:06:22gevaertsAlexP: sound on mr100 is broken
22:07:32gevaertsThe good news is that it's broken in a way that's very unlikely to damage your ears
22:07:32AlexPat least virtually nobody has one :)
22:08:05gevaertsThe bad news is that I need codecs for this one, so bisecting will take a lot longer
22:08:31AlexPat least one of the few people that have one is you :)
22:10:24gevaertsI hope it broke before the lcd driver broke. I don't want to have to reapply a patch all the time
22:10:44AlexPyeah, that would be even less fun
22:11:24gevaertsI guess that's what git stash is for
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22:14:20dalkoripod nano 2g locked up on music select screen with backlight stuck on. Wait for the battery to run out?
22:15:11AlexPmenu and select is reset IIRC
22:15:11gevaertsdalkor: the regular hard reset doesn't work?
22:15:45dalkorthat's menu+select right?
22:15:54AlexPDouble check google
22:15:59AlexPI don't have an ipod
22:16:38gevaerts knows
22:17:06gevaertsToggle hold on and off (although the usefulness of that step is debated), then menu+select
22:18:11gevaertsPut it on a table if needed. This can be a bit tricky while holding it
22:18:16dalkorty haha forgot about the hold toggle, ty so much :)
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22:50:19gevaerts9e07ef2b / r30991 broke sound on the mr100
22:50:36gevaertsThis is clearly impossible, but also perfectly reproducible
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22:56:04AlexPgevaerts: At least it means you can blame JdGordon :)
22:56:21gevaertsThat's true :)
23:01:02gevaertsI really can't see how that commit could cause anything sound-related
23:01:04bertrikhm, so it's been broken since november and nobody noticed
23:01:15gevaertsStacks are fine, and buffering is fine
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23:02:11gevaertsbertrik: yes. The combination of most users sticking to stable releases and uncommon targets does that...
23:04:16*gevaerts dislikes this bug
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