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00:25:47 | kevsthebomb12312 | sup |
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00:27:48 | kevsthebomb12312 | hello |
00:28:00 | kevsthebomb12312 | hello??? |
00:28:18 | AlexP | Do you have a question? |
00:29:13 | bertrik | Could it be that the USB backdrop+image on the beast is 2 pixels less wide than the screen resolution? |
00:29:15 | kevsthebomb12312 | dose my ipod nano 2g get any outher stuff or just rockbox |
00:29:30 | AlexP | If you mean are there any other alternative firmwares, then no |
00:29:50 | kevsthebomb12312 | wow :) |
00:29:50 | | Quit [Saint] (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
00:30:19 | kevsthebomb12312 | there must be some big encryption code |
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00:30:47 | AlexP | That has been broken, if any other projects wanted to run their own code they could |
00:30:53 | AlexP | But it is a huge amount of work |
00:31:18 | bluebrother | there are no real other project doing this kind of software, that's it. |
00:31:21 | capitalthree | there's not ipodlinux for it? |
00:31:31 | AlexP | That has been dead for a long long time |
00:32:03 | bluebrother | there's freemyipod these days |
00:32:11 | kevsthebomb12312 | now adays everyone jailbreaks i pods it can be well ... that every ones into new tech |
00:32:18 | AlexP | bluebrother: Not as a full firmware though |
00:32:34 | AlexP | kevsthebomb12312: I'm having trouble understanding you |
00:32:48 | kevsthebomb12312 | ohh ok sorry |
00:32:52 | bluebrother | AlexP: no. Just as a project that does something with the newer Ipods :) |
00:32:59 | AlexP | Are you using machine translation? |
00:33:05 | AlexP | bluebrother: yep :) |
00:33:19 | bluebrother | jailbreaking doesn't have much in common with writing a new firmware |
00:33:54 | kevsthebomb12312 | so jailbreaking is just like a store for homebrewed apps |
00:33:58 | AlexP | No |
00:34:20 | AlexP | It lets you install apps on your iphone (or whatever) from places other than the Apple store |
00:34:48 | [Saint] | People jailbreak ipods now? |
00:35:02 | CIA-47 | Commit 7292254 in rockbox by Bertrik Sikken: Remove #ifdef USB_FULL_INIT from sim_tasks.c to make usb_wait_for_disconnect work |
00:35:12 | [Saint] | Oh...iTouch, right. Yes...those. |
00:35:19 | bluebrother | [Saint]: sure, since those new ipods (like ipod touch) aren't too different to iphones :) |
00:35:49 | bluebrother | kevsthebomb12312: there are two pretty distinct things: |
00:36:15 | bluebrother | 1. writing a firmware. That means replacing *all* software that is running on the device. Like replacing Windows with Mac OS or Linux on your PC. |
00:36:44 | CIA-47 | 7292254 build result: All green |
00:36:52 | kevsthebomb12312 | well i know appels ios is junk so why not make a rockbox for that |
00:37:03 | bluebrother | 2. Jailbreaking. That means breaking out of some artificially limited environment in the software running. Like rooting Android phones, or jailbreaking iOS |
00:37:04 | kevsthebomb12312 | or something |
00:37:22 | bluebrother | plus, iOS isn't "junk" per se. It's a fullblown OS |
00:37:32 | bluebrother | something like a stripped down OS X |
00:37:39 | AlexP | Replacing an full operating system for a phone with something that plays music doesn't make much sense |
00:37:56 | capitalthree | yeah |
00:38:00 | capitalthree | if you're going to replace the OS on an itouch, replace it with android |
00:38:06 | capitalthree | then you have a winner |
00:38:07 | bluebrother | newer devices (like iTouch things) have a full blown OS. That is, they run real applications, like you do on your PC |
00:38:11 | kevsthebomb12312 | well some one put windows on a ipod and i cant figer out how they did it |
00:38:15 | capitalthree | (and a project to do that is underway) |
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00:38:40 | bluebrother | older devices (like the old Ipods) have a firmware. That means it cannot load applications the same way an OS can do |
00:39:04 | bluebrother | (Rockbox supports plugins, but those are not "applications" in the usual sense) |
00:39:28 | bluebrother | (since they have some very specific limitations and requirements for creating them) |
00:39:55 | kevsthebomb12312 | well i do think rockbox need some more plugins |
00:40:00 | [Saint] | Isn't the win3.11 install on iOS just done exactly how Android does it? Just cheroot and a loopback fs? |
00:40:04 | bluebrother | why that? What for? |
00:40:12 | [Saint] | Afaik its not *replacing* the OS. |
00:40:25 | [Saint] | running along side it, rather. |
00:40:28 | capitalthree | bluebrother: it can be said that iOS doesn't load "applications" in the same way an OS can do ;) |
00:40:28 | AlexP | kevsthebomb12312: Feel free to write some |
00:40:37 | bluebrother | I don't see how it should even be possible to run Windows Mobile on an Ipod |
00:40:39 | capitalthree | not without being jailbroken anyways |
00:40:45 | | Join Scromple [0] (~Simon@ |
00:41:00 | capitalthree | bluebrother: windows mobile is for a very similar hardware architecture, so it's just a matter of drivers |
00:41:12 | capitalthree | and hardware-specific UI tweaks |
00:41:14 | pandrew | stupid question: if I use logf("something\n"), then something should appear in the debug menu under Show Log File, right? |
00:41:23 | kevsthebomb12312 | like a leach huh. basicly a os leaching |
00:41:34 | bluebrother | capitalthree: well, no. It has some limitations, but it uses some dynamic loader. Which is completely different to what Rockbox plugins do |
00:41:53 | pandrew | are there limitations on where i can use logf() from? |
00:42:02 | bluebrother | also, Windows Mobile "just being a matter of drivers". Well. Where and how do you expect those drivers to come from? |
00:42:12 | bluebrother | and since Windows is closed source ... |
00:42:34 | capitalthree | bluebrother: uh... "possible" and "practical for a community effort" are different concepts |
00:42:39 | capitalthree | I'm definitely not saying anyone should bother to try |
00:42:44 | capitalthree | but it IS possible. |
00:42:45 | bluebrother | plus, for these kind of devices a "similar" architecture might mean pretty much nothing |
00:43:09 | bluebrother | well, if you pay Microsoft enough money, sure. |
00:43:09 | capitalthree | it's the exact same cpu arch, that's most of the difficulty |
00:43:27 | capitalthree | when people are out there hacking closed-source android honeycomb roms onto windows mobile phones |
00:43:30 | capitalthree | anythinig is possible :P |
00:43:47 | bluebrother | Android isn't closed source |
00:44:25 | capitalthree | honeycomb was. |
00:44:31 | [Saint] | Beat me to it. |
00:44:45 | capitalthree | and it still got hacked onto devices that were never meant to support it |
00:44:55 | kevsthebomb12312 | why dont they update the old rockboy and put GBA. more roms bios on there |
00:44:59 | capitalthree | if winmo isn't getting hacked onto as many devices, it's because hackers don't like winmo |
00:45:02 | capitalthree | (as well we shouldn't) |
00:45:21 | [Saint] | kevsthebomb12312: the question is...why don't *you* do it? |
00:45:40 | kevsthebomb12312 | dont know how |
00:45:54 | [Saint] | If you want it, add it. Learn how. |
00:46:03 | [Saint] | That's how everything else got there. |
00:46:07 | kevsthebomb12312 | ill try |
00:46:30 | kevsthebomb12312 | is anyone trying to do this yet? |
00:47:01 | [Saint] | Nope. Fwiw, I don't think many targets would ever run GBA |
00:47:18 | [Saint] | Fast targets often struggle with GBC |
00:48:09 | [Saint] | s/ever run/ever run in real or remotely playable time/ |
00:48:31 | kevsthebomb12312 | so anyway any new updates i should get for my ipod nano 2g |
00:49:01 | [Saint] | No. |
00:49:23 | [Saint] | You should explicieavoid updating the nano2g presently. |
00:49:33 | [Saint] | *explicitly avoid |
00:49:51 | kevsthebomb12312 | i heard that androids can play GBA.s |
00:50:06 | [Saint] | That's nice. |
00:50:17 | kevsthebomb12312 | is it true? |
00:50:29 | AlexP | kevsthebomb12312: I think you are overestimating the processor speed in a dap |
00:50:35 | FOAD | It's probably true that you heard that. |
00:50:54 | [Saint] | FOAD: damn you! Beat me to it! :p |
00:51:06 | FOAD | ;) |
00:51:24 | kevsthebomb12312 | so were do i fine the bios or fermware for this |
00:51:41 | [Saint] | kevsthebomb12312: its true, yes, but its very very offtopic. |
00:52:19 | [Saint] | This channel is for discussing Rockbox. Not Android GBA emulation. |
00:54:05 | kevsthebomb12312 | so will new rockbox fermware be out soon and are they doing work on it yet |
00:54:26 | AlexP | New versions are usually released multiple times per day |
00:54:31 | AlexP | and it is "firmware" |
00:54:32 | [Saint] | Several new Rockbox firmwares come out daily. |
00:54:56 | kevsthebomb12312 | my spelling sucks i know :P |
00:55:40 | [Saint] | But as I stated earlier, if your target is Nano2g...you should avoid updating. |
00:55:53 | [Saint] | ...if you like working USB that is. |
00:56:02 | | Part amayer |
00:56:11 | kevsthebomb12312 | i saw that |
00:56:25 | kevsthebomb12312 | spellings off |
00:56:29 | [Saint] | There's always disk mode of course, but its best to stick with the release for now. |
00:57:09 | kevsthebomb12312 | well i g2g thanks for the help |
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02:05:35 | saratoga | pandrew: did you get logf working? |
02:06:06 | pandrew | saratoga: yes, i had to add #define LOGF_ENABLE |
02:06:12 | saratoga | ah yeah |
02:06:26 | saratoga | funny you're asking now as we're talking about how to replace logf after all these years |
02:08:09 | saratoga | what were you trouble shooting anyway |
02:08:24 | pandrew | i can access logf() messages trought the debug menu, but i couldn't get it working over usb serial: http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/PortalPlayerUsb#logf_40_41_over_USB_Serial |
02:10:09 | pandrew | saratoga: there is a problem when scrolling playlists really fast with the clickwheel on ipod video. It results data aborts. I have almost fixed it. |
02:10:50 | pandrew | saratoga: anyway, about usb-serial-logf, i compiled the source as it suggests, and ran modprobe, but ttyUSB doesn't show up |
02:11:27 | saratoga | i don't know about logf over USB, i think that was paramury's work |
02:11:40 | saratoga | what causes the abort? |
02:12:59 | pandrew | saratoga: the tracks are not loaded, when the list callback function requests a name. |
02:13:20 | saratoga | in a playlist? |
02:13:23 | pandrew | yeah |
02:14:09 | pandrew | i'll have a patch soon... |
02:25:33 | pandrew | I got logf-over-usb working. The problem may have been that usbserial module was already loaded. |
03:00 |
03:00:00 | pandrew | are there any rockbox targets that can have more then 65 lines of playlist displaying at any one time? |
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03:07:43 | [Saint_] | pandrew: that seems very likely. |
03:08:09 | pandrew | [Saint_]: what do you think should be a sane maximum? |
03:08:26 | pandrew | btw. when i say lines, i men text lines |
03:08:55 | [Saint_] | sysfont==6x8px per char, 65x8==520, and there's targets with 800px high displays (and higher) |
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03:10:13 | [Saint_] | You want to at the very least fill the screen with sysfont I'd say. |
03:10:52 | [Saint_] | So, there's no sane default that wouldn't be wasteful on one target or too little on another really. |
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03:12:47 | [Saint_] | At a bare minimum I assume you'd want to be able to display a full screen list (-1 line for the title bar) of the cabbiev2 default font for <target> (which varies) |
03:15:22 | [Saint_] | Another fun thing to consider is that on touchscreen targets the maximum number of lines of text isn't dependent on the font alone. |
03:16:40 | [Saint_] | It can be less than font height / screen height, as there's an option (defaults on) to add list padding between lines, and this padding can be set to a custom value. |
03:17:18 | [Saint_] | Fun edge cases! Yay! |
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04:05:32 | webguest47 | I have a Sansa Fuze+. When I try to play doom, it runs extremely fast. Is there any way to stop that from happening? |
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04:56:18 | Jverm | hey can someone help me out with my ipod 2g? |
04:56:28 | Jverm | i cant get it to the apple software |
04:56:36 | Jverm | and when i connect it to the computer |
04:56:40 | Jverm | nothing shows up in itunes |
04:56:45 | Jverm | and it freezes my comp |
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05:17:10 | pandrew | how is the stack size limited in rockbox? |
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09:06:00 | webmind_ | moin |
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09:08:07 | wodz | trying to compile sim with −−sdl-threads I get this http://www.pastie.org/4107012 with git HEAD |
09:08:12 | wodz | any clue? |
09:18:06 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
09:18:22 | wodz | It is linking order problem |
09:18:47 | wodz | libfirmware.a needs to be specified after librbcodec.a in final link |
09:19:42 | [Saint] | Hum...I saw this same error the other day but forgot about it. |
09:39:40 | wodz | JdGordon: ping |
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09:58:55 | [Saint] | wodz: pretty sure he's still on his honeymoon. |
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10:01:33 | pandrew | is it possible to do non-blocking IO in rockbox? |
10:03:07 | wodz | pandrew: can you elaborate a bit? |
10:03:11 | pandrew | or is it at least possible to have one thread waiting for the HDD, while the other thread is handling user events? |
10:03:36 | wodz | pandrew: thats how it works actually |
10:04:06 | wodz | [Saint]: honeymoon without rb? thats insane :-) |
10:05:03 | [Saint] | wodz: he pops in occasionally, but, I'm pretty sure he won't be back full-time for another week or so. |
10:06:14 | pandrew | wodz: when scrolling large playlists, after scrolling over the entries in memory, the scrolling stops while new entries are loaded from the HDD. |
10:06:30 | pandrew | wodz: i optimized it a little bit, to use as much of available memory as possible |
10:07:07 | pandrew | wodz: but when i use a lot of memory the scrolling is smooth, for playlists of up to 2000-3000 songs |
10:07:10 | [Saint] | pandrew: perhaps a saner option is to reduce the scrolling speed slightly as well. |
10:07:32 | [Saint] | If we're scrollibng faster than we can read/display entries...well, that's not terribly nice. |
10:08:05 | pandrew | well the user can choose the speed that they want when using the click wheel |
10:08:46 | [Saint] | yes, this is true...but the default speed can get *very* fast *very* quickly...even without changing the list acceleration. |
10:10:51 | [Saint] | Hmmm...no. Thats not really a sane option at all. Some targets scroll very slowly with identical list acceleration settings. |
10:10:53 | [Saint] | Hmmm. |
10:11:37 | [Saint] | pandrew: do you have a patch prepared? I'd quite like to see how you're handling this. |
10:13:01 | pandrew | [Saint]: in a few minutes... |
10:21:14 | webmind | who runs the wiki |
10:21:15 | webmind | ? |
10:21:23 | Zagor | webmind: I do |
10:21:30 | webmind | Zagor, can I get edit rights? |
10:21:44 | Zagor | sure, what account name? |
10:22:18 | webmind | SebastianStellingwerff |
10:22:55 | [Saint] | webmind: didn't AlexP grant you access rights yesterday? |
10:23:37 | [Saint] | I seem to recall you asking, and him saying he would do so, and my logs agree with me. |
10:24:09 | webmind | [Saint], but I didn't get them |
10:24:23 | Zagor | the wiki log says no. probably because there is no user page for SebastianStellingwerff |
10:24:40 | webmind | well I couldn't edit my page |
10:24:43 | webmind | without rights |
10:24:58 | [Saint] | You're not in the list. |
10:25:14 | Zagor | webmind: yeah it's a bug in the wiki. you're supposed to get a page when registering. :-( |
10:25:21 | [Saint] | So...apparently, AlexP didn't actually add you. |
10:25:30 | webmind | gotta give class, bbl |
10:25:40 | webmind | Zagor, can you fix it for me? |
10:25:48 | Zagor | yup |
10:25:51 | webmind | thnx |
10:26:09 | [Saint] | Zagor: what's with the difference between the two access lists? |
10:26:40 | [Saint] | While you're there, could you merge both lists and run sort on it? |
10:27:05 | [Saint] | I've wanted to do so for ages, but due to the potential of <stuff_breakage> I haven't. |
10:28:46 | [Saint] | Zagor: also, when logged in, the wikiusersgroup page has a very lovely bug whereby none of the links at the bottom of the page work, and there's a mile and a half of blank space appended to it. |
10:28:58 | [Saint] | The wiki, she is sick...very sick. |
10:29:04 | Zagor | [Saint]: yeah the wiki is quite ill |
10:30:09 | [Saint] | The main problem seems to be that no user page gets created (I've been manually creating user pages and adding a blank form to them by hand when asked for edit rights), and when adding a user, it only gets added to one list. |
10:30:25 | wodz | ha I finally understood why fms is not piced up by default :-) |
10:30:38 | [Saint] | The wiki history tells me there's always been two lists...but, I *really* don't recall it being this way. |
10:31:03 | [Saint] | Another oddity to note is that the bottom list doesn't have any "?"s next to the users that never created pages. |
10:31:19 | pandrew | Zagor: can I get wiki access too? |
10:31:40 | Zagor | pandrew: name? |
10:31:57 | [Saint] | *real name |
10:33:47 | pandrew | Zagor: PurdeaAndrei |
10:34:06 | pandrew | Zagor: Access check on Main.PurdeaAndrei failed. Action "CHANGE": access not allowed on web. |
10:34:54 | [Saint] | pandrew: that's because you haven't been added yet. |
10:35:13 | [Saint] | you only gave him 13 seconds to do so :) |
10:35:20 | pandrew | :) |
10:35:47 | [Saint] | its also quite probably that you may not get write access even after being added. The wiki is very ill. |
10:35:53 | [Saint] | *probable |
10:35:54 | Zagor | [Saint]: the top list is a normal wiki group list " * Set GROUP = xxx, xxy". the bottom list is a %META:PREFERENCE{name="GROUP" title="GROUP" type="Set" value="xxx, xxy"}% |
10:36:23 | Zagor | I don't know it has both types |
10:36:30 | [Saint] | Zagor: why does the "Add Member" thingy only add it to the top list? |
10:36:50 | Zagor | I wish I knew |
10:36:57 | [Saint] | :-S |
10:37:32 | [Saint] | I wish I knew more about this wiki magic too...I have the time and patience to take it on, but not the knowledge of whats actually broken. |
10:37:38 | Zagor | I'm afraid I've let the wiki rot a bit. |
10:38:00 | [Saint] | The crowning example is the search page being broken for 11 years I think :) |
10:39:14 | [Saint] | http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/WebSearch?rev=6 is fine, though. I've also been tempted to roll this page back to this good revision, but I've been so terribly afraid of breaking it even more. |
10:40:52 | [Saint] | oddly, there's no record of who made the breaking change in r7 (or a record of who made any changes since) |
10:41:08 | * | Torne suspects "wiki engine upgrade" |
10:41:12 | Torne | rather than a person |
10:41:21 | [Saint] | Ahhhh...good point. |
10:42:04 | wodz | Torne: have you seen my question about relocation (or lack of rather) in plugin header? |
10:42:10 | [Saint] | Apparently stuff-all people but me use the search page in the wiki. |
10:42:30 | kugel | wodz: what was the problem? |
10:42:44 | wodz | kugel: with fms? or relocations? |
10:43:20 | Torne | wodz: yes, but not with enough information to undersatnd what you're talking about :) |
10:44:43 | wodz | Torne: ok, I'll try to be more precise. We put __header struct in .header section to be sure it is at the very begining of the plugin 'executable' |
10:45:08 | wodz | the fields of this struct points to rb and plugin__start() |
10:45:33 | wodz | so basically this to pointers should be properly fixed after loading |
10:46:31 | wodz | if I melt .header on top of .text (I mean adding *(.header) in .text section descritpion in ld script) no relocations are emmited for this two |
10:47:00 | Torne | ..then i suspect you are doing it wrong |
10:47:16 | Torne | what does your linker script look like? |
10:47:19 | Torne | and what does the output look like? |
10:48:36 | kugel | wodz: fms |
10:49:24 | wodz | Torne: http://www.pastie.org/4107327 |
10:50:24 | wodz | kugel: by default we don't parse theme cfg file at all. We hardcode default values. see apps/settings_list.c |
10:50:49 | | Join kevku [0] (x@heaaqi4aafadxht333ikq6h53ua.dyn.reverse.name) |
10:51:57 | wodz | Torne: bflt produced has proper header with ptrs pointing to .data section in flat mem but there are no relocations for this two fields emmited |
10:52:07 | Torne | not the bflt, the elf binary |
10:52:20 | Torne | there should be no difference at all in the elf between anything in .text |
10:53:06 | wodz | Torne: you mean what is in .text of intermediate elf? |
10:53:13 | Torne | yes |
10:53:43 | [Saint] | Zagor: have I permission to roll back the search page to the last good revision? I know that sounds weird, but just wondering if I should do so or if you're wanting to look into it yourself later. |
10:54:18 | Zagor | feel free to try to make it work |
10:55:03 | [Saint] | Tada! |
10:55:43 | wodz | Torne: look for what? readelf -a or objdump -D ? |
10:55:53 | Torne | read the relocations and see if they are right |
10:55:59 | Torne | and if the section structure is right |
10:57:57 | wodz | Torne: http://www.pastie.org/4107362 |
10:58:33 | wodz | Torne: the header is at the very beginning and the first relocation is at 0xa80 |
10:58:46 | Torne | no it isn't |
10:58:50 | Torne | the relocations are just not sorted. |
10:59:03 | pandrew | i can't authenticate to gerrit |
10:59:11 | pandrew | can someone walk me trough it? |
10:59:22 | Torne | pandrew: only by repeating the steps that are already on the wiki.. |
10:59:32 | Torne | :) |
11:00 |
11:00:03 | Torne | wodz: also, compare to the relocs in the input file |
11:00:13 | Torne | and check waht the actual addresses of the targets should be also |
11:00:26 | Torne | pandrew: what specifically doesn't work? |
11:00:44 | kugel | plugin__start has wrong reloc type doesnt it? |
11:01:26 | wodz | Torne: hmm in did this are not sorted |
11:02:32 | wodz | kugel: why |
11:02:46 | pandrew | is it a problem if my gerrit account has the First and Last name switched? |
11:03:06 | Torne | pandrew: it needs to match the name you use to make your commits, otherwise you won't be able to push any commits |
11:03:13 | Torne | kugel: looks fine to me |
11:03:39 | kugel | ah, sorry |
11:03:46 | Torne | 0x10 is plugin_header.entry_point, and it patches in R_ARM_ABS32 address of plugin__start |
11:04:10 | Torne | it's just a pointer, so it's gonna be an ABS32 |
11:04:12 | pandrew | it doesn't allow me to change it anymore |
11:04:22 | kugel | right |
11:04:31 | pandrew | wait, never mind |
11:04:40 | wodz | yeah it looks correct I was fooled by sort thing |
11:04:58 | Torne | wodz: do you mean here, or in the bflt? |
11:05:10 | Torne | or both :) |
11:05:14 | wodz | both |
11:05:19 | Torne | right. |
11:05:27 | Torne | ok then :) |
11:05:39 | Torne | it's odd, though, i would expect them to be sorted |
11:05:53 | wodz | anyway if there is entry in text.reloc of type ABS32 it will be present in bflt reloc list as well |
11:06:39 | kugel | can't you place .header in .data? |
11:06:46 | Torne | no, it's a header |
11:06:49 | Torne | it needs to be at a fixed address |
11:06:54 | Torne | so that the loader can find it |
11:07:02 | Torne | the start of the file is a good fixed address :) |
11:07:04 | kugel | isnt the blft header the real header? |
11:07:08 | Torne | no |
11:07:12 | Torne | not that loader |
11:07:13 | Torne | the plugin loader. |
11:08:02 | kugel | i thought the idea was that the plugin loader would essentially become a blft loader |
11:08:20 | Torne | we still have to use plugin_header to manually patch rb in there |
11:08:36 | Torne | we could probably kill the entry_point field and use the ELF entry point instead |
11:08:42 | Torne | but it doesnt' really matter |
11:09:00 | wodz | or revert to passing rb as arg to plugin_start or whatever |
11:09:01 | kugel | but that can be anywhere if the actual header is the blft one for the loader |
11:09:01 | Torne | kugel: it seems sensible to get it working with minimal changes before changing the way that plugins work |
11:09:08 | Torne | kugel: no it can't |
11:09:14 | Torne | it's always at the beginning of the *loaded binary* |
11:09:20 | Torne | because that's where the linker script puts it |
11:09:29 | Torne | it's not at the beginning of the *file* but that doesn't matter, we already loaded it before we look |
11:09:55 | Torne | wodz: well, the cunning thing to do in the long term would be to eliminate the rb structure and just link directly to functions in the main binary by ordinal through relocations :) |
11:09:57 | kugel | it needn't be at the start of the loaded binary anymore |
11:10:04 | Torne | kugel: yes it does |
11:10:09 | Torne | how else can you find it? |
11:10:23 | kugel | the first thing in .data |
11:10:30 | kugel | where .data is is defined in the blft header |
11:10:37 | Torne | why should it be in .data? |
11:10:41 | Torne | that makes no sense |
11:10:44 | wodz | we could but whats the difference after all? |
11:11:00 | kugel | it _is_ data |
11:11:04 | Torne | no it isn't |
11:11:08 | kugel | the header is data |
11:11:11 | kugel | it's not code |
11:11:12 | Torne | no it isn't. |
11:11:16 | Torne | not all the text is code |
11:11:16 | wodz | header at the very begining is more natural |
11:11:20 | Torne | there is data in the text section too |
11:11:24 | Torne | :) |
11:11:29 | Torne | that's not what "text" means |
11:11:58 | Torne | (see: every platform that merges .rodata into .text) |
11:12:25 | kugel | just saying, if we go for blft we can remove the plugin_header altogether and just put the rb pointer to the start of data |
11:12:33 | Torne | kugel: no, that's a dumb way to do it |
11:12:44 | Torne | we would remove the header altogether and just relocate the symbol directly |
11:12:55 | kugel | even better |
11:12:57 | Torne | but that's extra complexity and stuff to go wrong |
11:13:03 | Torne | let's get it working as is first |
11:13:39 | wodz | ok have to go now |
11:13:45 | | Quit wodz (Quit: Leaving) |
11:13:47 | Torne | wodz: -z combreloc |
11:13:49 | Torne | oh |
11:14:21 | Torne | wodz: link with -z combreloc (well, -Wl,-z -Wl,combreloc or similar) to make it flatten and sort all the relocation sectiosn :) |
11:18:08 | Torne | kugel: better than that is to eliminate struct rb and just relocate the functions, but that's even harder still :) |
11:18:09 | *** | Saving seen data "./dancer.seen" |
11:18:24 | Torne | (convincing ELF toolchains to link by ordinal, whee) |
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11:54:13 | | Join evilnick [0] (d92c81be@rockbox/staff/evilnick) |
11:54:27 | pandrew | guy, could you check this out? http://gerrit.rockbox.org/281 ; http://gerrit.rockbox.org/282 |
11:54:27 | | Quit Riviera (Excess Flood) |
11:54:39 | pandrew | [Saint]: ^ |
11:55:53 | webmind | Zagor, in need for a new wiki? |
11:56:21 | Zagor | nah, I just need to take the time to fix what's broken. |
11:56:46 | Zagor | I've been neclecting it for quite a while |
11:57:20 | | Join Riviera [0] (~Riviera@ |
11:58:21 | pandrew | s/guy/guys |
11:58:41 | webmind | k |
11:58:57 | webmind | Zagor, can you tell me when I can edit? |
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18:51:18 | lebellium | hello there |
18:51:55 | lebellium | is it normal that when I type my theme's name in the theme search bar it only displays one of the 3? |
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19:00:42 | evilnick | lebellium: Which page are you searching from? |
19:01:08 | lebellium | http://themes.rockbox.org/ |
19:01:11 | lebellium | at the bottom |
19:01:45 | lebellium | if you type "lebellium samsung-like" it only finds one theme while there are 3 for 3 different targets |
19:05:36 | evilnick | Hmmm, what are the different targets? |
19:06:04 | lebellium | Clip Zip, Fuze and Fuze+/R0 |
19:06:30 | WalkGood | lebellium even if you do author, i only see 1 |
19:06:43 | evilnick | Yeah, I can only find one on the site itself |
19:06:54 | evilnick | Are they the same resolution? |
19:07:13 | lebellium | no, all these targets have different resolutions. The only thing in common is the same name |
19:07:58 | evilnick | Try uploading the ones that aren't 220x176 again. It doesn't look like there are 3 there :/ |
19:08:47 | lebellium | actually it only display the theme I updated the latest so sometimes it's the one for Fuze, sometimes for Zip etc |
19:09:34 | WalkGood | the others are there, just not displayed on search |
19:09:39 | lebellium | indeed |
19:09:54 | lebellium | it seems the website doesn't like that I gave the same name to all my themes :p |
19:09:56 | WalkGood | sorry for butting in, just wanted to say what i see |
19:10:16 | WalkGood | lebellium have you tried renaming |
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19:11:00 | lebellium | nope I haven't tried yet but I'm sure it should work that way. |
19:11:15 | lebellium | the issue is that you have to give the same name to update a theme |
19:11:20 | lebellium | that's why I won't rename them |
19:11:30 | gevaerts | lebellium: patches welcome :) |
19:11:48 | * | evilnick can only see one theme, even at: http://themes.rockbox.org/index.php?allthemes |
19:12:32 | lebellium | gevaerts: you know that I can only design themes and report bugs, I can't compile builds, I can't make patchs, I can't code :) |
19:13:02 | WalkGood | lebellium it's definately the fact that you named them all the same, try search Martin Sägmüller by author and you'll see all of his |
19:13:19 | * | gevaerts has a look |
19:14:39 | lebellium | Walkgood: exactly. If I knew that would cause this issue I would have named them a different way like adding the target resolution in the name but as I said, now it's too late, if I rename them it's not an update, it's like a new theme |
19:14:42 | evilnick | It's possible that the theme site expects each theme name to be unique, so every time you upload the three updated themes, it only keeps the final one |
19:15:06 | * | evilnick guesses (wildly) |
19:15:15 | lebellium | That's what I guess too |
19:17:08 | gevaerts | No. It's just the listing code that doesn't allow this |
19:17:14 | gevaerts | Should be easy to fix |
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19:18:51 | evilnick | That's good to hear/read :) |
19:20:17 | mgottschlag | hey, I am playing with an old Sigmatel SMTP3710 based MP3 player (plilips SA3225) and trying to execute some code on it (and maybe trying to start a rockbox port on it as well just for the fun of it) |
19:21:42 | CIA-47 | Commit e128b7e in themesite by Frank Gevaerts: Make listthemes() and searchthemes() differentiate on lcd size |
19:21:49 | mgottschlag | is there any way to decrypt the firmware or to dump an unencrypted firmware? |
19:21:59 | mgottschlag | seeing that other STMP3xxx players already work with rockbox, I thought that some of you might be able to help me :) |
19:22:25 | gevaerts | lebellium: better? |
19:22:31 | mgottschlag | *STMP37xx |
19:22:57 | | Quit n1s (Read error: Connection timed out) |
19:22:58 | gevaerts | mgottschlag: I guess you want to talk to pamaury |
19:23:19 | evilnick | gevaerts: Works For Me (tm) |
19:25:03 | pamaury | mgottschlag: there are a few differences between the stmp3710 and the stmp3780/imx233. Mostly different registers and no doc but I think I have a pretty good understanding of it anyway and I have a stmp3770 device myself. The imxtools in the repo should work to decrypt the firmware (if you know the key of course) |
19:25:18 | pamaury | most players use the zero key (or no key) |
19:25:51 | mgottschlag | does a "don't match" line in sbtoelf mean that I am out of luck here? |
19:26:10 | pamaury | so if you haven't done it, I advise you to clone our repository, compile the tools in utils/imxtools/sbtools and run sbtoelf on the firmware file |
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19:26:42 | pamaury | probably means the firmware image is not correct. There are two cases: either that's no the firmware image or it's using a custom format |
19:26:43 | lebellium_ | gevaerts: thank you, that was fast! |
19:27:05 | pamaury | is the file available on the net ? |
19:27:45 | mgottschlag | I am using the one from the "philips firmware manager" for that device, it's a windows install which contains it |
19:28:00 | mgottschlag | I could send via e-mail |
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19:28:48 | pamaury | mgottschlag: do you have the link to the updater, that will be faster. What is the name of file by the way ? |
19:28:56 | mgottschlag | http://www.p4c.philips.com/cgi-bin/dcbint/cpindex.pl?ctn=SA3225/37B&slg=en&scy=US&mid=Link_Software |
19:29:03 | mgottschlag | sec |
19:29:47 | | Quit evilnick (Quit: Page closed) |
19:29:49 | mgottschlag | http://paste.kde.org/502796 |
19:30:47 | * | mgottschlag takes a look at the sbtoelf sources now :) |
19:30:58 | pamaury | firmware.sb should be the good one |
19:31:17 | pamaury | updater.sb too but it's probably a little stub running to install the read one |
19:31:18 | mgottschlag | http://paste.kde.org/502802 |
19:31:40 | pamaury | ah, the key is not zero |
19:31:45 | pamaury | did you try on updater.sb ? |
19:31:51 | mgottschlag | same thing |
19:32:07 | mgottschlag | http://paste.kde.org/502808 |
19:32:09 | pamaury | hmm, wait a minute |
19:32:18 | | Join domonoky [0] (~Domonoky@rockbox/developer/domonoky) |
19:33:33 | pamaury | not a good thing, some philips players had a flaw in the updater.sb file encrypted with two keys but not this one. Bruteforcing the key seems unlikely, perhaps there is a way to abuse the updater itself |
19:36:59 | pamaury | hmm, the updater crashes on my windows box :( |
19:37:05 | mgottschlag | and the player will not accept any other code either, right? |
19:37:10 | mgottschlag | unsigned code+ |
19:38:07 | mgottschlag | btw, won't the updater just pass the encrypted data to the device? |
19:38:42 | pamaury | mgottschlag: if the recovery is enabled you can always try but it probably disabled. I can give you a file to try with if you want |
19:39:02 | pamaury | can you send me the files by email ? The updater won't work here |
19:46:13 | mgottschlag | "mgottschlag: if the recovery is enabled you can always try but it probably disabled. I can give you a file to try with if you want" - if the recovery is enabled? the mode where it shows up as a sigmatel device after pressing a button while plugging in? |
19:47:21 | pamaury | yes |
19:48:49 | mgottschlag | "Bus 002 Device 031: ID 066f:3700 SigmaTel, Inc." |
19:49:00 | pamaury | are you running windows ? or linux ? |
19:49:04 | mgottschlag | linux right now |
19:49:35 | mgottschlag | I need to reboot to execute the flashing program, I don't have any VM with USB passthrough at hand |
19:50:08 | pamaury | we only have linux tools anyway |
19:50:31 | mgottschlag | I saw that sbloader tool, but is there any documentation/tools for dumps? |
19:50:32 | pamaury | if I give you a sb file can you try ot send it using the sbtool program ? |
19:50:38 | mgottschlag | sbtool? |
19:50:46 | pamaury | sbloader sorry |
19:50:54 | mgottschlag | go ahead :) |
19:57:42 | pamaury | you can send it this way: "sbloader 0 recovery.sb" |
19:58:54 | | Quit MethoS- (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) |
19:59:10 | | Join Neelark [0] (5af62ff9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. |
20:00 |
20:11:45 | | Join evilnick [0] (~evilnick@rockbox/staff/evilnick) |
20:18:15 | Neelark | Wonder if anyone can help- my 6 month old Rockboxed Sansa Clip+ has died. I've tried all sorts of 'reset' key combinations to no avail! |
20:20:10 | pamaury | mgottschlag: the updater and the firmware are using the zero key. The firmware using a rather unusual set of sections just host and play (plus hvmi and pvmi which related to virtual memory). I guess host contains the init bits |
20:20:37 | bertrik | pamaury, have you ever seen a firmware not using the zero key? |
20:20:45 | pamaury | you can use sbtoelf -z -o dir/ firmware.sb to extract the files (you must created the directory before). |
20:20:47 | pamaury | bertrik: yes |
20:21:07 | pamaury | but it had another flow |
20:21:08 | mgottschlag | I see, I'll have a look |
20:21:36 | | Quit WalkGood (Quit: ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪) |
20:21:38 | pamaury | mgottschlag: are you familiar with programming and reverse engineering ? |
20:21:56 | mgottschlag | programming? yes. low level programming? yes. reverse engineering? not a bit. |
20:22:52 | pamaury | hmm, then reverse engineering the firmware might prove difficult. |
20:25:34 | pamaury | I don't want to frighten you of course, a new port is always cool and a good way to learn lots of things |
20:26:08 | mgottschlag | well, I will at least have a look at it |
20:26:16 | mgottschlag | many thanks btw for the help |
20:26:25 | | Quit domonoky (Read error: Connection reset by peer) |
20:27:43 | pamaury | mgottschlag: don't hesitate to ask if you need some help, I've reverse engineer several firmware of the stmp, all based on the same sdk |
20:28:56 | | Join domonoky [0] (~Domonoky@rockbox/developer/domonoky) |
20:31:53 | bertrik | mgottschlag, a good first thing to figure out is if you can find the display initialisation code in the disassembled firmware |
20:33:29 | pamaury | actually the display is one of the most tricky part of the sdk :-/ |
20:33:48 | evilnick | Neelark: What key combination have you tried? And where did you read that? |
20:38:31 | Neelark | evilnick: holding 'power' for well over minute, holding 'power' and 'home', 'power' and 'select', 'home' then 'power'... |
20:40:19 | bertrik | Holding power for a long time (20 s or so) is a good thing to try. Also holding 'left'/'previous' while powering it back up could help to return to the original firmware |
20:44:50 | Neelark | Tried that one too. Can't access internal flash when connected to PC, just shows up as 'M200Plus' in device manager |
20:45:46 | bertrik | oh, that's semi-bricked indeed |
20:46:06 | bertrik | do you run linux? |
20:47:19 | Neelark | Yes, I have Slitaz on a laptop. |
20:48:24 | bertrik | Can you boot that, connect the player through USB and observe dmesg/syslog and check the size of the drive? |
20:48:57 | bertrik | oh, and keep a copy of the .bin original firmware file at hand |
20:51:38 | Neelark | I could, I'll switch IRC over to that so I may disappear for a short while. |
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21:00 |
21:00:03 | Neelark | back, so what do I do? |
21:02:07 | bertrik | tail -f /var/log/syslog (or tail -f /var/log/messages ?) and plug the clip+ in through USB |
21:03:42 | Neelark | user.info kernel: usb 1-2: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 9 |
21:04:09 | Neelark | then... |
21:04:11 | Neelark | user.err kernel: usb 1-2: device descriptor read/64, error -110 |
21:04:54 | bertrik | can you get it back into 'M200Plus' mode? |
21:05:35 | Neelark | That was on the Win7 computer |
21:06:57 | bertrik | I should be possible to get the M200Plus thing in Linux too. What I'm wondering if the drive exposed in this mode is 4 MB or 30 MB |
21:07:51 | bertrik | If it shows a drive of approximately 30 MB, there's a good chance you'll be able to recover. I'm not sure if we ever got a device showing a 4 MB drive recovered |
21:08:51 | | Quit eckoit (Quit: eckoit) |
21:09:31 | Neelark | I just plugged it straight in on Win7, same on Linux |
21:12:00 | | Join GermanMushroom [0] (~c@s5146db6a.adsl.wanadoo.nl) |
21:12:35 | bertrik | do you get any information about some sdX drive becoming available after plugging? |
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21:19:13 | | Join Neelark [0] (5af6c59f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. |
21:19:43 | Neelark | sorry, no sdX drive appearing |
21:21:59 | Neelark | never appeared as a drive in windows either |
21:22:49 | | Join eckoit [0] (~ryan@ |
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21:48:16 | Neelark | well, thanks for now, I'll investigate some and get back to you... |
21:48:23 | | Quit Neelark (Quit: Page closed) |
21:48:43 | bertrik | don't consider unsoldering the battery yet |
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22:08:24 | | Join Scromple [0] (~Simon@ |
22:08:52 | bertrik | pamaury, I haven't put much more time into getting FM audio to work on the zen xfi-3 |
22:09:29 | bertrik | it's almost as if dma is not working right, stuttering in the same pattern as CPU activity |
22:10:10 | bertrik | maybe I should just clean up and commit the work-in-progress so far |
22:18:03 | | Quit mgottschlag (Disconnected by services) |
22:18:19 | pamaury | this is bad news |
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22:30:33 | CIA-47 | Commit beb61a9 in rockbox by Bertrik Sikken: Not quite a fix for FS #12693 yet, but at least invalidate the playlist file descriptors after closing and removing |
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22:32:43 | CIA-47 | beb61a9 build result: All green |
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23:14:15 | kugel | ku |
23:14:20 | FOAD | gel |
23:14:43 | bertrik | yay, adapted brickmania for the clip zip 96x96 screen, just one plugin left |
23:14:49 | kugel | sorry |
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23:18:53 | CIA-47 | Commit 4f4e1d1 in rockbox by Dominik Riebeling: Move constructing manual URL to ServerInfo class. |
23:18:53 | CIA-47 | Commit dd79fac in rockbox by Dominik Riebeling: Extend ServerInfo unit test for manual URL. |
23:20:43 | CIA-47 | dd79fac build result: All green |
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23:24:18 | CIA-47 | Commit e9487d3 in rockbox by Dominik Riebeling: Simplify manual installer setup a bit. |
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23:39:45 | webguest76 | looking for email address for tomaszmon please |
23:39:57 | CIA-47 | Commit e5d6e42 in rockbox by Dominik Riebeling: Set size policy for build details group. |
23:41:06 | bluebrother^ | webguest76: do your homework please |
23:41:53 | CIA-47 | e5d6e42 build result: All green |
23:42:40 | bluebrother^ | google told me in a few seconds ... |
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