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#rockbox log for 2012-06-23

00:00:55 Quit p3tur (Quit: Leaving)
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00:24:18 Quit Keripo (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
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00:27:56 Quit petur (Quit: Leaving)
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00:49:53 Quit mgottschlag (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
00:53:07 Quit bertrik (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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00:56:32 Quit ender (Quit: If Java had true garbage collection, most programs would delete themselves upon execution. -- Robert Sewell)
01:01:26 Quit kevku (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
01:09:20 Quit Wardo (Quit: Blarglarg)
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01:13:51 Quit eckoit (Quit: eckoit)
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01:23:50 Join eckoit [0] (~ryan@
01:24:04 Join Keripo [0] (
01:43:12 Join Xerion [0] (
01:53:24Dr_saratogahmm, lower pclk on my clip+ causes a hard lock whenever power is connected (even if I try to enter charge mode)
01:53:31Dr_saratogaplayback works fine though
02:00:20 Quit krabador (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
02:04:07Dr_saratogahmm i don't see where charge mode even touches the USB clocks
02:04:28Dr_saratogadoes something else get powered on when charging besides USB? i guess bits of the AS power management chip?
02:07:00 Join TheSeven [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven)
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03:12:33 Quit GermanMushroom (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
03:15:59 Part amayer
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08:39:31funmanDr_saratoga: are you trying to improve battery life?
08:49:18 Join Ward [0] (
08:49:42 Nick Ward is now known as Guest39324 (
08:56:24 Join stoffel [0] (
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10:31:39 Join mgottschlag [0] (~quassel@reactos/tester/phoenix64)
10:36:46 Quit Keripo (Quit: Leaving.)
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12:04:00 Quit stoffel (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
12:11:58CIA-47Commit 83d2104 in rockbox by Dominik Riebeling: c200v2: add missing Europe FM / no FM firmware filenames.
12:11:59CIA-47Commit e359202 in rockbox by Dominik Riebeling: Fix bootloader zip extraction filename case sensitivity.
12:14:50CIA-47e359202 build result: All green
12:18:19 Join lebellium [0] (
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12:25:45 Quit ender` (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
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12:53:41 Quit mortalis (Quit: KVIrc 4.1.3 Equilibrium
12:53:54 Join dfkt [0] (dfkt@unaffiliated/dfkt)
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13:00:45 Quit Topy (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
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17:08:58 Join Saratoga [0] (
17:10:02Saratogafunman: yeah I'm doing more battery benches on amsv2
17:12:08bertrikI remember the power situation with the ams and amsv2 is not quite obvious, but I keep forgetting the details
17:13:00funmanamsv2 power use is very good
17:13:03funmanamsv1 sucks a lot
17:14:51*bertrik hasn't done any clip zip benches yet
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17:22:46SaratogaThe CPU clock has little impact on power
17:23:11SaratogaBut the pclk has a big impact
17:23:30SaratogaI guess since other stuff gets clocked higher
17:23:52SaratogaSo I'm testing a 16 MHz pclk
17:24:48SaratogaUI and playback are the same, test bench is slower, and USB and charging hard lock
17:25:09SaratogaHopefully battery life is also better
17:25:24SaratogaBench is running now
17:25:46funmanbertrik: clip zip got 20 hours or something
17:26:10SaratogaIf it is maybe clock scaling of the pclk on amsv2 would be a good idea
17:26:24bertrikCharging should just communicate with the analog-front-end, similar to communication with the codec e.g. to set volume. Odd that it causes a hard lock.
17:26:57SaratogaIs it possible some USB bit is turned on by mistake?
17:27:21SaratogaI looked for a while but that code is unfamiliar to me
17:28:15bertrikI don't know, sound unlikely, but anything is possible
17:28:27SaratogaAlternatively I wonder if having such a large difference in bus and CPU clock is bad
17:28:29bertrikfunman, oh nice!
17:28:56SaratogaI could try keeping the CPU multiplier constant
17:29:57SaratogaYes my quite old clip already does over 17 hours and there is still a lot of room for improvement
17:30:05 Join LambdaCalculus37 [0] (~LambdaCal@rockbox/staff/LambdaCalculus37)
17:30:16bertrikSaratoga, on the lpc2148 microcontroller, there is limit between the processor clock and the USB clock. The CPU had to run at least X MHz to communicate successfully with the USB part.
17:31:12bertrikSaratoga, clipv1 or clipv2? I thought 15 hours was the Sandisk claim for basically all clip models.
17:32:00SaratogaAnd yes we are already like 6 or 7 hours ahead of what the sandisk software gives me
17:33:39SaratogaYou can see pclk hurts a lot
17:33:55bertrik has some data on the OF runtime for the clip
17:34:08SaratogaSo probably why the fuze v2 battery life is worse
17:34:15bertrikflac or ogg reduce runtime by roughly 2 times compared to mp3 ...
17:34:29SaratogaBertrik: I tested the of too
17:35:59SaratogaI couldn't do so well as that post but maybe my players just have old batteries
17:37:03SaratogaStill if I could beat the sandisk software by 8 hours on an old battery that would be nice ;)
17:53:16 Join Neelark [0] (5af6eaa9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:54:27 Join b0hoon [0] (
17:56:46 Quit domonoky (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
18:06:54CIA-47Commit ba3b6ce in rockbox by Szymon Dziok: pp bootloader: speed up loading of the OF in the mi4 format
18:07:06 Part eckoit
18:09:24CIA-47ba3b6ce build result: All green
18:11:40 Quit mortalis (Quit: KVIrc 4.1.3 Equilibrium
18:18:03CIA-47Commit 7038c55 in rockbox by Szymon Dziok: Fix a bug introduced in 91b52a1, broken icons in the Archos Player simulator.
18:18:28 Quit user485763 (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
18:20:16CIA-477038c55 build result: All green
18:25:56CIA-47Commit afc0944 in rockbox by Szymon Dziok: Update Polish translation.
18:28:02CIA-47afc0944 build result: All green
18:29:45 Quit krabador (Remote host closed the connection)
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18:39:28 Quit Saratoga (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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19:00:05 Part b0hoon ("GTG. Bye.")
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19:41:11 Quit liar (Read error: Connection timed out)
19:43:42 Quit Galois (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
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21:52:20bertriknice, we have 8 complete translations even without explicitly requesting it :)
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22:55:35 Quit benedikt93 (Quit: Bye ;))
23:02:33 Quit megal0maniac (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
23:08:36CIA-47Commit 277533f in rockbox by Michael Chicoine: US English language update
23:10:50CIA-47277533f build result: All green
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23:58:11fmlHello. What players are affected by the recent commit "pp bootloader: speed up loading of the OF in the mi4 format"?

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