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#rockbox log for 2012-07-12

00:00:08 Quit benedikt93 (Quit: Bye ;))
00:00:45pamaurythat's really interesting
00:00:57 Join stripwax [0] (
00:01:33pamauryit seems that there are in fact three major versions of the chip: 0x3700 (stmp3750/60 at least), 0x3780 (imx233) and 0x37b0 (stmp3770)
00:01:35 Quit stripwax (Client Quit)
00:02:13pamauryand to complicate things, the stmp3770 comes with a different package type than the others (the same as the stmp3710 actually), so it probably has a different pinout :-/
00:03:25pamaurythanks anyway
00:10:46TheLemonMancouldnt resolve the adc problem sadly :\
00:10:53TheLemonMani guess i have to order another player
00:15:11 Quit zokko (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
00:15:39 Join Scromple [0] (~Simon@
00:49:57 Quit ender` (Quit: If it wasn't for C, we'd be writing programs in BASI, PASAL, and OBOL. -- A Programmer (@1Pr0grammer))
00:55:06 Quit dfkt (Quit: -= SysReset 2.55=- Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc.)
00:55:31 Quit bertrik (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
01:03:19 Quit ps-auxw (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
01:05:13 Quit pamaury (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
01:12:35 Quit mgottschlag (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
01:22:11 Quit TheLemonMan (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
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01:41:28 Join TheSeven [0] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven)
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02:33:52Guest44731Any Aussies ?
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08:48:26 Join ender` [0] (
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10:56:22mgottschlaghey, anybody can add me (MathiasGottschlag) to the WikiUsersGroup so that I can edit pages?
10:56:38mgottschlag<- interested in stmp37xx development
10:57:49gevaertsmgottschlag: should be donw
10:58:41 Join Totalled_ [0] (~Totalled@
11:01:29TheLemonManmgottschlag: what device ?
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11:06:32pamaurymgottschlag: ping
11:09:45mgottschlagpamaury: pong
11:09:58mgottschlagSTMP3710 = Chip ID 0x3700
11:10:08mgottschlagand packaging type 0x2 if you are interested
11:10:18pamauryperfect :) I have another question: is it a bga or a lqfp package ?
11:10:24mgottschlagTheLemonMan: Philips GoGear SA3225
11:11:28TheLemonMando you already have any driver for it ?
11:13:00mgottschlagI am just learning the basics about ARM, so no :p
11:13:41mgottschlag(and I damaged the display connection, so no image -.-)
11:14:15TheLemonManlol, those damn flat cables
11:19:03TheLemonMani'm gonna clean up my bootloader and start doing some work on nand
11:19:44TheLemonManclock gpmi, turn on the pins and start dma hell!
11:26:19 Quit perrikwp (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
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11:31:16pamaurymgottschlag: have you started any reverse engineering yet or not ?
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11:34:10mgottschlagpamaury: not really :(
11:34:29mgottschlagdidn't have much time, and atm I am trying to figure out why my interrupt handlers don't work as they should
11:34:41 Join mortalis [0] (~mortalis@
11:34:51mgottschlagI don't fell like I can start working on anything else without actually knowing the CPU arch :p
11:36:04mgottschlag(oh, sound of course works the same way as on imx23, I copied the code as a debugging helper)
12:03:54 Join lorenzo92 [0] (
12:04:28lorenzo92kugel: ping
12:04:51kugellorenzo92: pong
12:05:02lorenzo92hey ;)
12:05:17lorenzo92so did you read about the possibility of recording the radio?
12:07:44lorenzo92initialization + setting the ascodec works perfectly, alsa wrapper needs to be implemented :)
12:08:02lorenzo92so do you think is possible in a pretty same way as for playback?
12:13:18 Quit Szatan (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
12:14:43lorenzo92of course we use alsa...
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12:37:39JdGordonkugel: you're working on getting the db folder chooser ui commited?
12:40:14 Quit factor (Quit: Leaving)
12:46:07 Quit mgottschlag (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
12:48:32kugelI'm struggling to get "/" shown at the top
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12:48:36kugelJdGordon: ^^
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13:39:15 Join dongs [0] (
13:39:41dongshi guyse,, does rockbox have some bitmapped fonts in .h files
13:39:47dongsor do you load some stuff from disk all the time
13:40:25gevaertsThe system font is built-in
13:40:37dongsbut theres only one right
13:40:38dongslike 8x8?
13:41:12gevaertsMost themes (including the default) use other fonts
13:41:30dongsyeah. any idea where i can make/find/generate some .h for fonts?
13:41:50dongsis there some tool in rockbox source to do it? from like a ttf or bitmapped font or whatever
13:42:31gevaertstools/convbdf can do that
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13:42:47dongsah, i think thats what i need then
13:43:02dongs here right?
13:43:06dongsok, thanks. looks good to go
13:43:22 Join Guinness` [0] (
13:45:15 Quit mgottschlag (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
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14:12:09lorenzo92kugel: for recording I've seen how does it work, it should be actually the same as for recording but the other way round :) tomorrow or so I will try to code it...
14:14:49lorenzo92*wops, as for playing ^^
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14:21:54JdGordonkugel: why does it need to show / ?
14:23:26JdGordonif (in the not clever case) the user really wants every folder scanned they can select the whole top level (which shouldnt be many)
14:23:37JdGordonnot having / isnt really a problem worth dealing with imo
14:29:05Tornedongs: we don't load stuff from disk all the time even when using a non-compiled-in font; if possible the entire font is loaded into a buffer in one go and kept there. if it's too big to fit we load bits of it on demand, but we cache the glyphs using hta tbuffer, so it still needn't touch the disk all the time
14:42:14dongsTorne: right. i was more thinking something like a compiled-in thing vs loaded externally.
14:42:19dongsits cool though, i got it solved.
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16:09:41 Nick kugel is now known as kugelp (~kugel@rockbox/developer/kugel)
16:10:33kugelpJdGordon: / is zur default on non-app. how would you display it?
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23:44:43bertrikwodz, any luck yet with the rk27xx codec?
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