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01:04:17 | bertrik | funman, this describes how the ogg container is used for opus: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-terriberry-oggopus-01 |
01:04:44 | funman | bertrik: i just learn that opus got accepted by ietf |
01:05:19 | funman | a developer will send patches for VLC shortly, so perhaps we'll start seeing files in the wild |
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05:28:17 | mikeryan | hi, i'm having a problem with a sansa fuze v2 |
05:28:36 | mikeryan | when i plug it into a computer via USB it locks up |
05:28:39 | mikeryan | http://i.imgur.com/MIu4i.jpg |
05:28:45 | mikeryan | the graphics get corrupted similarly to this image |
05:29:35 | mikeryan | i'm running 3.11.2, flashed using the automatic installer |
05:29:55 | mikeryan | USB worked fine about a month ago, then i didn't touch the player at all |
05:30:02 | mikeryan | turned it on, still had about 75% battery |
05:30:21 | mikeryan | every time i plug it into usb i get the same problem |
05:30:33 | mikeryan | i've tried different USB ports on two different machines |
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05:37:41 | mikeryan | i've solved it! |
05:37:52 | mikeryan | if i switch the theme, it does not freeze |
05:37:55 | mikeryan | quite odd |
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07:27:48 | [Saint_] | kugel: I'm done playing with the database/autoresume directory selection ui, ...its awesome. |
07:30:07 | [Saint_] | On another note: How difficult would it be to use the awesome effect that pictureflow uses in its menus in the main menu on color targets? |
07:31:05 | [Saint_] | (the fade effect where entries further away from the current selection are dimmed slightly) |
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09:37:44 | kugelp | [Saint]: so it worked for you? |
09:38:07 | kugelp | what target did you test on? |
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12:09:40 | [Saint_] | kugel: is there something keeping you from committing the directory selection UI stuff? Iirc did it just need testing? |
12:10:15 | [Saint_] | I've been playing with the three remaining patches on gerrit, very impressed. |
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12:12:48 | [Saint_] | I'd personally rather a tap open a directory, and a long press select it, but...that's the only (even then its only slight) issue I have with it, even then I don't really care too much as its a "set and forget" thing mostly. |
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12:17:28 | [Saint_] | kugel: JdGordon: (?): whoops... |
12:17:40 | [Saint_] | Just noticed a bit of a blocker, heh. |
12:18:09 | | Join einhirn [0] (Miranda@bsod.vpn.tu-clausthal.de) |
12:18:27 | [Saint_] | Selecting some directories lock up the ui, with only one way out (hard reset). |
12:19:29 | [Saint_] | Examples being: /cache, /data, /root |
12:20:29 | [Saint_] | I didn't notice this as I had no reason to select these, knowing no audio lay therein. I tried just now and it locks the whole thing up. |
12:25:05 | [Saint_] | Accessible directories: /dev, /etc, /lib, /proc, /mnt, /sdcard, /sys, /system, |
12:25:25 | [Saint_] | Everything else locks up the app. |
12:25:46 | kugel | good catch |
12:25:54 | [Saint_] | ...I guess that kinda screws up devices where "sdcard" lives in /data |
12:26:11 | kugel | you didnt test on non-app yet did you? |
12:26:27 | kugel | sdcard in data? |
12:26:31 | [Saint_] | kugel: no, sorry. Just app targets. |
12:26:47 | [Saint_] | kugel: yeah, some devices do this. |
12:27:27 | kugel | never seen one |
12:27:52 | [Saint_] | Ones where "sdcard" is actually still internal storage and not a *real* sdcard. |
12:28:07 | [Saint_] | The real sdcard gets yet another hilarious path :) |
12:30:19 | [Saint_] | Sorry I didn't catch this earlier, btw. But as I said earlier I never selected these dirs as I knew there was no audio in them. Then I selected one accidentally and the ui locked up...initially I didn't know what I did but some poking proved it was reproducible. |
12:30:38 | [Saint_] | At least I caught it before commit :) |
12:31:12 | [Saint_] | Apart from this slight hiccup, very nice, very very nice. |
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12:34:13 | JdGordon | kugel: I see you're using it for the autoresume setting, does that handle more than one folder? |
12:34:30 | JdGordon | do you want to add a param to limit it to one folder? |
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12:36:09 | JdGordon | [Saint_]: that doesnt sound like a horrible problem |
12:36:24 | [Saint_] | ....errrr...what? |
12:36:37 | [Saint_] | Locking up the ui isn't a horrible problem? |
12:36:51 | JdGordon | :) |
12:37:15 | [Saint_] | Also, why would you want to limit autoresume to one dir? |
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12:39:26 | [Saint_] | (It can select multiple dirs, btw) |
12:44:00 | * | bertrik is struggling with codec makefiles |
13:00 |
13:00:39 | n1s | bertrik: what's the problem? they should be very simple |
13:00:52 | lebellium | Is it normal that with the official cabbie theme for H10 there is no space between the bottom of the album art and "next: track title", not even one pixel while there are several pixels rows between this text and the playing bar |
13:01:57 | kugel | JdGordon: it does |
13:02:15 | kugel | the default is even multiple folders |
13:03:10 | [Saint_] | lebellium: "normal"? |
13:03:40 | [Saint_] | Well...it didn't happen by accident, but I guess you're actually asking if its intentional. |
13:04:00 | [Saint_] | In which case I'll go with "no". |
13:04:12 | lebellium | http://img69.imageshack.us/img69/1636/dump120721130239.png |
13:04:29 | lebellium | is that intentional? |
13:04:38 | [Saint_] | Yeah, cool. I'll fix it up, thanks. |
13:04:47 | [Saint_] | See above. |
13:05:54 | lebellium | actually it's from the UI simulator, I'll get my H10 next week but I assume it looks the same in the simulator and on the device? |
13:06:06 | [Saint_] | Yes. |
13:06:10 | n1s | bertrik: should be pretty straight forward copying the makefile from one of the other codec libs (except mad and speex since thy're special) adding a SOURCES file for the lib, adding a line to codecs/SOURCES for the codec c file with the entrypoint and adding a few things in codecs.make |
13:06:45 | [Saint_] | Thanks for pointing it out. I nerd to do a bit of work all round on the non-app cabbies. |
13:06:46 | bertrik | n1s, yes I'm doing that now |
13:07:24 | lebellium | thank you for the coming fix :) |
13:07:37 | [Saint_] | Heh...s/nerd/need/ |
13:07:39 | bertrik | I'm having a couple of headerfiles in lib/rbcodec/codecs/libopus and I can't seem to #include them from lib/rbcodec/codecs/libopus/celt |
13:09:42 | bertrik | in the lib/rbcodec/codecs/libopus/SOURCES file I have celt/bands.c for example |
13:10:41 | n1s | does adding OTHER_INC += -I$(RBCODECLIB_DIR)/codecs/libopus/celt to your .make file help? |
13:11:02 | [Saint_] | ...opus? wow...where have I been? |
13:11:06 | lebellium | and is there any H3xx developer around or someone who could explain to me why the RB utility can't patch any firmware but only some of them and if someone could make the latest fw 1.31 by the RB utility patchable ? |
13:11:43 | n1s | lebellium: because it only patches versions that are known to work |
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13:13:01 | n1s | the stand alone patching tool should have a switch for ignoring this check or just need a trivial patch to do so but at your own risk of course |
13:13:10 | bertrik | n1s, I can try, but I'm not trying to include stuff from the celt directory |
13:14:20 | lebellium | nls: I tried the fwpatcher.exe tool too but it also says "unrecognised firmware" |
13:14:34 | n1s | bertrik: ah the other way around, drop the /celt at the end i guess |
13:15:22 | n1s | lebellium: yes, it has the same check but i thought it should have aswitch to ignore that, that said though this is probably risky and quite pointless :) |
13:15:54 | n1s | or do you actually use the OF?! |
13:16:07 | lebellium | actually I just wanted to try the new games introduced in the OF v1.31 without loosing the RB dualboot. |
13:16:33 | lebellium | just curiosity |
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13:17:26 | bertrik | n1s, the line from 13:10 does not help, I'll try drop the /celt |
13:18:30 | n1s | bertrik: i think the later one should help, i misunderstood what you wanted at first |
13:18:49 | bertrik | the later one does not help either |
13:19:05 | bertrik | /home/bertrik/rockbox.git/rockbox/lib/rbcodec/codecs/libopus/celt/arch.h:42:24: error: opus_types.h: No such file or directory |
13:19:35 | bertrik | it works if I add it to CFLAGS :| |
13:19:58 | bertrik | god, I hate Makefiles, especially reverse engineering them |
13:20:32 | bertrik | OTHER_INC seems to be involved in the "codec helper library" |
13:20:42 | n1s | it seems broken too :) |
13:21:11 | n1s | seems the var is just set but never usede |
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13:23:16 | n1s | bertrik: you can cheat and use paths in the includes but that's not very nice |
13:24:10 | bertrik | or pile all source files up in one directory, but I'd rather keep the original source file layout a bit |
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13:24:33 | bertrik | opus is basically built on two other codecs: silk (used in skype) and celt |
13:27:18 | n1s | does adding $(OTHER_INC) to the INCLUDES line at the top of root.make help? |
13:31:12 | bertrik | yes |
13:32:18 | bertrik | Where can I best add stuff like -DFIXED_POINT? or perhaps add a #define in a header file somewhere in the codec-specific directory? |
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13:41:09 | n1s | to do that in the makefile i think you need to do something like libmad does and use your own make rule and just set whatever flags you want |
13:41:28 | bertrik | ok, got the celt/ part to compile, but now I have a bogus dependency in make.dep from silk/CNG.o to a header file from celt/ |
13:43:11 | bertrik | I added $(OPUSLIB) : CODECFLAGS += -DFIXED_POINT to libopus.make and that seems to work |
13:44:57 | bertrik | ah, there is a config.h file in SILK |
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13:48:38 | n1s | bertrik: yeah, but i'm not sure if that will make -DFIXED_POINT be in CODECFLAGS for all codecs, looks like it will to me |
13:49:32 | n1s | you did make clean after trying the different include changes right? |
13:49:43 | bertrik | yes |
13:50:38 | bertrik | oh, there is a dependency from silk to celt after all |
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14:07:26 | lebellium | I have a "Ubuntu Font Pack" on my PC. Is it from you [Saint]? If so, can I use it for my H10 theme? |
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14:28:56 | bertrik | hm, now libfaad is interfering because both libfaad and silk has a structs.h include file |
14:30:41 | bertrik | the OTHER_INC thing seems like a bad idea, because it globally adds an include path |
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15:00 |
15:10:29 | bertrik | ok, I now have the bulk of opus compiling |
15:12:41 | bertrik | next up: 1) codec main that parses opus packets from the ogg container and feeds them through the opus decoder 2) metadata parser |
15:27:32 | bertrik | opus has its own specification of how it is wrapped in the ogg container, I wonder if we can re-use existing code or if we need to write somthing new |
15:27:53 | | Quit pretty_function (Remote host closed the connection) |
15:33:59 | [Saint_] | lebellium: yep, sounds like it's from me. |
15:34:30 | [Saint_] | And yes, the Ubuntu Font License 1.0 is compatible |
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15:36:37 | bertrik | vorbisfile.c implements seeking for vorbis in an ogg stream. This could be vorbis-independent (but isn't) and be re-used for other codecs that use an ogg container, like opus. |
15:51:06 | | Quit mikroflops (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) |
15:51:26 | n1s | bertrik: i think that only makes sense if we have a separate ogg library like we do for some container formats |
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15:56:13 | lebellium | [Saint_] ok thank you. Could you make one or several more font sizes between 10 and 14? |
15:57:29 | [Saint_] | Yeah, sure. It wont be tonight, but sure. |
16:00 |
16:02:27 | lebellium | cool :) http://img836.imageshack.us/img836/5/dump120721155929.png > I find the 14 Ubuntu [Bold].fnt pretty cool for the track title, artist and album but I'm looking for other fonts for the other information. Maybe an ubuntu font between 10 and 14 will fit it well :) |
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16:45:33 | bertrik | n1s, I guess vorbis is the only ogg container user so far, right? |
16:45:43 | bertrik | (which is supported in rockbox) |
16:47:03 | bertrik | opus compiles now (although with some warnings), stuff to fix: 1) find out what we really need (leave out the *en*coder stuff) 2) fix the lrint and lrintf warnings 3) fix malloc/free stuff used in some places |
16:50:11 | [Saint_] | Would the encoder stuff not be useful, for say, recording? |
16:51:44 | bertrik | yes, but I think that is of later concern |
16:52:03 | [Saint_] | Right. |
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18:38:40 | pamaury | funny how a completely documented chip can be so hard to find on google |
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18:48:08 | bertrik | oh, which one? |
18:53:18 | pamaury | bertrik: em1 = Emma Mobile1 |
18:54:03 | pamaury | it seems to be a chip uses in some packages like the em1-d512 (used in some sony nwz) or the (em1-)mp200/201 (used in some sony nwz too) |
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19:07:33 | quem | sigh. the battery or something of my less than seven months old sansa clip+ seems to have failed. |
19:08:03 | quem | phone's just too clumsy for my liking when it comes to listening to music and books. |
19:08:07 | * | quem sobs |
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21:28:22 | kugel | [Saint]: fixed |
21:28:31 | freqmod | Hello, is there any documentation on the rockbox build/makefile system? |
21:29:55 | freqmod | i am trying to convice it that $(call preprocess, $(RBCODECLIB_DIR)/codecs/libopus/SOURCES) exists in the source tree (codecs/libopus/ogg/ogg.h |
21:30:00 | freqmod | ehh |
21:31:10 | pixelma | hmm, someone else was also trying to port that codec, I believe I read... was it bertrik? |
21:31:29 | freqmod | the build system looks for <build_root>/ogg/ogg.h instead of codecs/libopus |
21:31:48 | freqmod | pixelma: currently i am only looking to see if i can make makefiles for it |
21:31:58 | freqmod | i didn't find any info on other ports on google |
21:32:30 | gevaerts | bertrik is working on that, yes. Check today's irc logs |
21:32:35 | freqmod | hmm, ok |
21:32:46 | gevaerts | I'm sure he won't mind help :) |
21:32:49 | freqmod | then i'll just wait and hope it gets finished :P |
21:33:09 | freqmod | it dind't look that diffecoult, I could not find that many mallocs |
21:33:20 | freqmod | and it has a fixed point configure option |
21:34:41 | freqmod | I am most likely off the internet next week, and then starting in a new job |
21:35:02 | freqmod | but if some code is made available i might help a bit if needed |
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21:39:42 | pixelma | heh, I meant it in a "could be fun joining efforts" way, not in "someone else is already on it, you don't have to" one :) |
21:41:35 | freqmod | :P |
21:42:19 | freqmod | i'll fight my way trough the perl scripts |
21:42:44 | freqmod | and then we'll see if i get anything compiling before i can see what bertrik has done |
21:44:04 | bertrik | well, the sources compile (with some warnings) and it sounds entirely doable, I think I can look at speex/vorbis to see how to unpack the ogg stream and feed the data to the opus codec |
21:44:50 | bertrik | the biggest thing I worry about is the mismatch in standard frequency of 48 kHz in opus and 44.1 kHz in rockbox |
21:45:17 | freqmod | i wrote the speex ogg interface, and that code is not very stable/pretty |
21:45:42 | freqmod | the tremor code is very integrated with the rest of the codec |
21:46:00 | freqmod | so ideally the ogg code should be rewritten from scratch |
21:46:37 | freqmod | doesn't rockbox resample other sample rates? |
21:46:50 | * | freqmod thought he used lower sample rates in the speex codec |
21:47:43 | | Join benedikt93 [0] (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) |
21:48:57 | freqmod | ehh, the problem with the speex ogg code is that it uses malloc |
21:55:15 | freqmod | and the seeking code is quite creative :S |
21:59:10 | | Quit n17ikh (Read error: Operation timed out) |
21:59:24 | gmaxwell | it's not terribly hard to make an ogg reader not use malloc... so long as you're willing to impose a maximum packet size. |
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22:00:19 | freqmod | probably not, |
22:00:52 | freqmod | and that is most likely the reason it works with a simple malloc that does not retrieve unused allocations |
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22:20:03 | bertrik | freqmod, would it help if I give you my stuff so far? |
22:20:19 | freqmod | yes |
22:20:44 | freqmod | if you do a git diff and put it somewhere i can look into it |
22:22:27 | freqmod | (given that all the files are added to the repo) |
22:26:23 | bertrik | freqmod, https://docs.google.com/open?id=0ByItZAj1MynObHV6MG9ZUFhEa3c |
22:29:33 | freqmod | thanks, the patch applied cleanly |
22:30:33 | bertrik | the metadata parser does not work, neither does the codec main file, and malloc/free is currently stubbed in os_support.h |
22:30:51 | freqmod | is it correct that the build system complains about headers not found? |
22:31:13 | bertrik | no, it shouldn't do that |
22:31:16 | freqmod | ok |
22:31:27 | freqmod | i deleted the directory and started to build again |
22:31:45 | freqmod | which worked |
22:32:02 | freqmod | ok |
22:32:15 | freqmod | i'll start trying to fix the parser based on the speex code |
22:33:16 | gmaxwell | bertrik: what you did with malloc and free is fine. |
22:36:36 | gmaxwell | +// HACK bertrik |
22:36:36 | gmaxwell | +// int *value = va_arg(ap, opus_int32*); |
22:36:42 | gmaxwell | erp. You're using some old opus code there. |
22:37:02 | gmaxwell | The stupid type there was fixed a long time ago. |
22:38:00 | * | freqmod hoped the code could be ported without much changes |
22:38:09 | freqmod | as the codec doesn't look like it is completly finished |
22:38:13 | bertrik | I just took the latest tar ball, not the latest git stuff |
22:38:20 | freqmod | ok |
22:39:31 | gmaxwell | There shouldn't be _any_ changes required to libopus itself, at least if you can either leave alone or define out the malloc/free calls. (it won't use them if you don't call the _create() API). |
22:40:01 | gmaxwell | bertrik: the tarfiles are old and just stuck waiting on the IETF to assign the RFC number. |
22:41:11 | gmaxwell | Would it help you if I add #ifdef OPUS_NOMALLOC to easily turn off the _create() / _destroy() calls that call malloc so there would be no malloc symbol reference in the source anywhere? |
22:42:04 | bertrik | yes, I think that would be nice. What do you think freqmod ? |
22:42:32 | bertrik | freqmod, I won't hold a grudge if you just start over .. :) |
22:43:07 | freqmod | I see no reason for not keeping your code as a base |
22:43:46 | freqmod | and if it has done significant changes to the upstream opus code they just have to be reverted/fixed |
22:44:24 | freqmod | for metadata and codec interface it doesn't matter much how the opus library code is internally as long as the api has not changed |
22:44:51 | freqmod | at least you seem to have figured out the build system issued i had |
22:44:52 | gmaxwell | Ah, you can just set -DOVERRIDE_OPUS_ALLOC -Dopus_alloc -Dopus_free and basically get that, except it doesn't remove the then-non-functioning create and free calls. |
22:44:52 | freqmod | :) |
22:45:18 | bertrik | so far, it seems we actually need very little interaction with the main opus code, just 3 or 4 calls to decode |
22:45:23 | freqmod | does the gerrit stuff in rockbox support separate "branches"? |
22:45:37 | * | freqmod are committing bertiks patch as a separate commit |
22:45:46 | gmaxwell | bertrik: Thats all you'll need, plus a call to set the playback gain from the header. |
22:46:38 | gmaxwell | (which is another reason why you shouldn't be using the outdated code, otherwise handling header gain field is somewhat more work) |
22:47:14 | freqmod | hmm, ok |
22:47:42 | bertrik | gmaxwell, at first I think we'll be happy with playback-only for opus, but I have no idea which source files are needed for decode-only |
22:48:37 | freqmod | bertrik: tell me if you want to update to the most recent opus code and i will keep out of those files |
22:48:50 | freqmod | otherwise i will probably do it after i get the metadata stuff working |
22:48:52 | bertrik | opus/src and opus/include have been copied to libopus/ . I copied opus/celt to libopus/celt and opus/silk to libopus/silk |
22:49:06 | freqmod | ok |
22:50:03 | gmaxwell | bertrik: Unfortunately for someone who only cares for decode, encode+decode share a lot of code in opus. opus/silk/float is droppable and a few other files here and there if you're not decoding. |
22:50:40 | bertrik | ok, I already left out silk/float and some of the obvious encoding-related files |
22:52:08 | freqmod | encoding could be useful on rockbox too |
22:52:22 | freqmod | but I would probably not port it myself |
22:53:04 | [Saint_] | Another possibility for recording wouldn't hurt. |
22:56:11 | gmaxwell | freqmod: shouldn't be ~any harder than decoding, at least from the codec perspective. |
22:56:30 | freqmod | but I have'nt implemented an encoding codec before :P |
22:56:36 | gmaxwell | Fwiw, CFLAGS="-DOVERRIDE_OPUS_ALLOC -DOVERRIDE_OPUS_FREE -D'opus_alloc(x)=NULL' -D'opus_free(x)=NULL' " make -f Makefile.draft works fine to get you a build that has no malloc/free symbols in it. |
22:57:10 | gmaxwell | (then you just have to not call _create or _destroy in opus) |
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23:19:08 | freqmod | https://github.com/freqmod/rockbox-opus |
23:19:19 | freqmod | hope i don't make anybody unhappy :/ |
23:19:30 | freqmod | if someone wants access tell me |
23:23:21 | | Quit benedikt93 (Quit: Bye ;)) |
23:23:58 | kugel | freqmod: fwiw, there's a rockbox git mirror on github you could have forked from |
23:24:08 | freqmod | hmm |
23:24:30 | freqmod | maybe it is possible to rebase it |
23:24:38 | freqmod | my checkout on top of that |
23:24:51 | kugel | (which is still not updated automatically, btw) |
23:25:33 | freqmod | i had it checked out automaticly, and plan to remove it once the codec is merged |
23:25:40 | freqmod | so i am not sure if i bother then |
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23:39:27 | freqmod | it looks like the celt codec uses some scratch memory |
23:39:43 | freqmod | with a stack based allocator on top of malloc |
23:39:57 | freqmod | (celt as part of opus) |
23:40:43 | gmaxwell | freqmod: No. It optionally does this, but its not generally encouraged. |
23:41:00 | freqmod | ok |
23:41:03 | gmaxwell | It's normally used for TMS320-c55 DSPs... and where it never frees. |
23:41:11 | freqmod | then i'll have to find out how to disable it :P |
23:41:31 | gmaxwell | and if you were not running outdated code you you would get helpful messages. |
23:41:44 | freqmod | i retrieved the most recent code |
23:42:05 | gmaxwell | then it shouldn't be enabled unless you've added a define for THREADNONSAFE_PSEUDOSTACK |
23:42:22 | bertrik | freqmod, there is apparently some arm optimised code in opus already, it's not enabled yet in the patch I gave you |
23:43:20 | freqmod | fgrep -R NONSAFE * in the most recent opus git checkout gives no results |
23:43:25 | freqmod | bertrik: ok |
23:43:35 | freqmod | i used your makefiles and replaced all the code from upstream opus |
23:43:43 | freqmod | (in the libopus directory) |
23:43:53 | gmaxwell | freqmod: sorry, lossy memory— NONTHREADSAFE_PSEUDOSTACK |
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23:44:15 | bertrik | freqmod, and it still compiles? :) |
23:44:27 | freqmod | no |
23:44:35 | freqmod | well, most of it compiles |
23:44:45 | freqmod | but linking does not work until i fix the mallocs |
23:45:17 | freqmod | i'll push it to github when it compiles |
23:45:25 | freqmod | and then go to sleep |
23:45:28 | bertrik | cool |
23:46:20 | gmaxwell | freqmod: so point me to the remaining malloc thats leaking through. :) |
23:46:39 | freqmod | it is only the celt stack stuff |
23:46:46 | freqmod | i try to use VAR_ARRAYS instead |
23:47:13 | gmaxwell | freqmod: How did you end up with NONTHREADSAFE_PSEUDOSTACK defined? Yes. For your toolchain you should use VAR_ARRAYS. |
23:47:29 | freqmod | i don't think it is called |
23:47:42 | freqmod | but i did not define the functions, therefore the compiler complains |
23:47:59 | freqmod | and i want to make sure where malloc is called before i adds an empty function |
23:48:06 | freqmod | or a funcion pointing to 0 |
23:48:33 | | Quit y4n (Quit: PANTS OFF!) |
23:52:42 | freqmod | gmaxwell: do you know how to replace MULT16_32_P16? |
23:52:48 | freqmod | it seems like it is undefined |
23:53:32 | freqmod | hmm, it seems like the fixed point define is missing |
23:53:42 | gmaxwell | I was about to say— :) |
23:54:38 | freqmod | or is it MULT16_32_Q16 |
23:54:41 | freqmod | i.e. a typo |
23:54:53 | gmaxwell | No. P and Q are _not_ the same. |
23:55:21 | gmaxwell | (and both are defined for both fixed and float) |
23:56:03 | gmaxwell | (see fixed_generic.h) |
23:56:48 | freqmod | hmm, it is defined in https://github.com/freqmod/rockbox-opus |
23:56:51 | freqmod | ehh |
23:56:55 | freqmod | http://git.xiph.org/?p=opus.git;a=commitdiff;h=28b41ae5ae1acf6eb222858567952564838d48f5 |
23:58:01 | gmaxwell | I'm not sure what you've done to the build enviroment, but you can't just build opus by ripping it all out and not replacing some of it. You'll at least want -DVAR_ARRAYS -DOPUS_BUILD -DFIXED_POINT |
23:58:50 | freqmod | maybe i have copyed the wrong directories :S |